Slovenski Dom Newsletter Volume 12, March 2014 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE On behalf of your Board of Directors, I am happy to report on the 2013 activities of Slovenski Dom in its 55th year. Kakor prejšnja leta smo imeli tudi v tem letu pester program in pa tudi nekaj žalostnih trenutkov. Odšla sta v večnost naša dolgoletna člana, Karl Pinterič in Frank Kramar. Naj počivata v miru. With the help of community volunteers and in conjunction with partner organizations, Slovenski Dom continued its ongoing work of advancing its mandate. In 2013, we organized a Seminar and a 6th Potica Challenge at Dom Lipa, participated with a cultural display at "Slovenski Dan" festivities held at the Slovensko Letovišče near Bolton, and hosted an immensely successful Christmas banquet on Brown's Line. We support, with our presence and/or involvement whenever possible, local cultural events as they occurred. We have been working on updating our website ( and maintaining a Facebook page. We have also begun to update our database of Contacts and Membership information, so don't be surprised if you receive a phone call asking for confirmation of your information. Some new initiatives this year were: a) Slovenski Dom was an integral part of the team that organized the first Slovenian Flag-Raising Day on June 25, 2013 at Toronto City hall. Along with Krek Credit Union, the Canadian Business Association and one of our board members, we made a significant contribution toward the cost of the buses that transported some of us from Brown's Line to Nathan Phillips Square. We also donated a generous amount toward the cost of food & refreshments for the reception at City Hall (complete with speeches and a performance by Mladi Glas dancers) after the Slovenian flag stood tall and proud overlooking the square. b) A referendum was conducted regarding the sale of the original building on Pape Avenue and purchase of a new building. The outcome (in favour) was reported in the Fall 2013 mailing to our members. Oscar Koren and a team continue their work on a strategic plan in support of the membership's wishes for a new building. c) Finally and perhaps most significantly, the film SLOVENIAN-CANADIAN ROOTS, premiered on Wednesday Nov. 27, 2013 at the Council Chambers, Toronto City Hall. This came about largely due to the Councillor Joe Mihevc Slovenian Flag-Raising Day, Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto efforts of Oscar Koren and Janko Virant, our filmmaker, who, with the support of Joe Mihevc, city councillor, and some longstanding Slovenski Dom members, were able to arrange the premiere. We are especially grateful for the creative work of Janko Virant, the director, producer and cinematographer, who worked tirelessly to show the people, activities and enthusiasm of our community. It was thrilling to have been able to finally realize the film we had been talking about since the BRIDGING THE INTERGENERATIONAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SENIORS AND YOUTH project started back in 2007-2008. While Slovenski Dom provided seed money and material for the film, we must acknowledge the generous support of the Government of Slovenia and our local sponsors: Condus Electric, Bateman Mackay, Brado Precision, Just Aluminum and Glass, J.M. Die Ltd. and Steelgate Security Products. The 'premiere' was well-attended and well-received. We were thrilled to see so many people of various ages and backgrounds (about 60 attended). All our sponsors and guests were happy to be a part of the premiere event, a first for Slovenians in Canada. A friend wrote, "The film was very informative and professional. I remember Slovenski Dom as being a banquet hall as my mother often cooked there, but was not aware of the services provided.... and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening.....Kudos on your presentation." It was an evening to remember! doing, with insight and respect, towards our common goals of preserving and promoting Slovenian culture and heritage. Thank you to the team with whom it is my honour to serve the members of Slovenski Dom: Oscar Koren (vice-president), Peter Gormek (secretary), Borut Lapajne (treasurer), Randy Dresar, Mark Dresar, Boris Grmek, Carol Seljak, Jak Slavec, Carlye Campbell-Smrekar and Margaret Zalar-Sparling (legal advisor). Majda Resnik, President The film pulls together the various projects and events Slovenski Dom has been involved in over the past 5 years and which often benefited from its support. Slovenski Dom's mandate is to preserve and promote Slovenian culture and heritage - that's what the film aims to do, regardless of who is doing the promoting. We are proud of the film's portrayal of the many possibilities in a community outside its mother country working together to promote and preserve its cultural heritage. We are proud of all the individuals and organizations who work to share with the public some of our Slovenian culture and traditions. Our plan is to continue to work cooperatively with all our fellow Slovenian organizations in promoting and preserving our Slovenian cultural heritage. Finally, in appreciation for the support our members have extended to us in our endeavours, plans are under way to arrange a Members' BBQ sometime in the summer or early fall. We are also looking at possibly reintroducing day trips for event outings, as per survey responses received last year. We'll keep you posted on our plans and activities. Check us out on our website and our Facebook page. On a personal note: Over the past 10 years that I have been actively involved with Slovenski Dom, I have seen it grow significantly in its cultural endeavours. Although our association struggles with acquiring new members and your directors debate how to best use our resources, we manage to do things 'that make a difference' in our community. We do this because we care about preserving our Slovenian cultural heritage, we take the time to think of ways to exercise our mandate and we put in the effort to do something about our ideas. Board of Directors - 2013-14 Peter Gormek, Carlye Smrekar, Boris Grmek, Carol Seljak, Oscar Koren, Borut Lapajne, Majda Resnik, Jak Slavec, (not present - Mark Dresar, Randy Dresar) The Board of Directors is committed to continuing to work together with our partners and friends, as we have been CHRISTMAS BANQUET "BOŽIČNICA" December 7, 2013 This year's banquet, held on Brown's Line in Etobicoke on Saturday December 7, 2013 was an awesome success!! Surpassing all expectations, we had over 340 guests. A heartfelt thank you to our Slovenski Dom members and friends who have always supported us. Thank you to our chef, Ana Sikic of Family Catering. Thank you to our sponsors: BRADO PRECISION, JANCOX STAMPINGS, ANTHONY KLEMENCIC, KREK SLOVENIAN CREDIT UNION, RANCON LTD., SIGNATURE CATERING INC., SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION. Once again we granted SUPPORT AWARDS to both DOM LIPA and SLOVENSKA ŠOLA at Marija Brezmadežna, in appreciation of their efforts in promoting and preserving Slovenian culture and heritage. The Scholarship for Post-Secondary Students was awarded to Katherine Anna Marie Gormek. She is currently enrolled at York University, working on a Specialist Honours Degree in Visual Arts. She has been a loyal volunteer for Slovenski Dom events since 2002, including 3 years as photographer for the Potica Challenge at Dom Lipa. A capacity crowd at Brown's Line Janko Virant, the creative director and producer of our film, "Slovenian-Canadian Roots," received a well-deserved round of applause when he was introduced. Slovenski Dom had been receiving a good buzz about the film. Finally, the EXCEPTIONAL VOLUNTEER AWARD for a Member of Slovenski Dom was granted to Tony Muc, our newsletter's editor and web advisor. We are immensely grateful for his wisdom and his patience . What made this 2013 Banquet so successful? It was the fact that the team that worked on this event brought to the table all their varied strengths and interests. The location and ample parking may have helped, but, as is usually the case, it was the people. So many friendly and NEW faces, guests for whom this was their first Slovenski Dom banquet. The ambience was merrily bright and festive. The musical entertainment was joyous, as it always is with Walter Ostanek and The Niagara Button Boxers. Our young Elvis impersonator, Mason Cigan, under the tutelage of his father, John Cigan, has acquired a good stage presence and is developing an even better voice. Be on the lookout for this young performer who has a bright future ahead. Thank you to our RAFFLE prize donors: FRANK ANDREJAS, EMILIAN JEWELLRY, FAMILY CATERING, FAMILY MEAT & DELICATESSEN, BORIS GRMEK & GWEN FAWTHROP, HILDA FRATNIK, OSCAR KOREN & NORA BURNETT, KREK SLOVENIAN CREDIT UNION, MARIA KUK DAVIS (STEEPED TEA), MONICA LAPAJNE, DON & MARY STEFANYK (MIMICO PHARMACY), RANCON LTD., BANK OF MONTREAL, SCOTIABANK, SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION, TD BANK, ZLATOROG LAŠKO PIVO. I can imagine the founding fathers of Slovenski Dom standing 'round a table, some with a glass of wine in hand, singing in 3-part harmony an old Slovenian folk song, while the band takes a break before its last set for the night..... until next year's Božičnica. Majda Resnik Dokumentarni film: Slovenian-Canadian Roots Že od leta 2008 pa vse do leta 2013 je Slovenski Dom skupaj z V-Art Productions pripravljal dokumentarni film "Slovenian-Canadian Roots." Janko Virant, ki je režiser in producent filma, je s precej truda in vztrajnostjo prepričeval društvo Slovenski Dom in nekaj uglednih slovenskih podjetnikov, da bi se Slovenci v Kanadi morali zavedati, da imamo svojo kulturo, svoj jezik, svojo nasledstvo in svojo identiteto in prikazati vse to na filmu. Uspelo mu je in zajel je res obdobje, ki ga bomo vedno obujali na številnih kulturnih in zabavnih prireditvah, tečajih slovenskega jezika za odrasle, razstavah slovenske kulture, tekmovanjih za najboljšo potico in mnogih drugih slovenskih srečanjih. To je bilo obdobje, ko je Janko prihajal na številne slovenske prireditve in posnel vse tisto na kar smo lahko Slovenci upravičeno ponosni. V teh petih letih se je zbralo veliko ur filmskega materiala, iz katerega je leta 2013 nastal prvi dokumentarni film o Društvu Slovenski Dom, narejen v Kanadi. Slovenski Dom je prvo slovensko društvo Dna hfiTSS 1ПС Slovenian-Canadian Roots DVD Cover v Ontariju in Kanadi, ki ima dokumentarni film o svojih dejavnostih. Janko Virant je pred kamero povabil nekaj preprostih ljudi, ki so izrazili svoja mišljenja. Film se začne s predstavitvijo slovenskih industrij v Kanadi. To so podjetja, ki prikazujejo praktično znanje s strani slovenskih podjetnikov v Kanadi in obenem podpirajo slovensko skupnost. Zatem popelje Janko gledalca na razne kulturne prireditve, ki jih je organiziralo Društvo Slovenski Dom s pomočjo slovenskih organizacij v zadnjih petih letih. Gledalci se seznanijo z motivacijo učencev slovenskega jezika. Večina učencev slovenskega jezika je motivirana, ker jim je slovenski jezik privlačen in zanimiv. To je notranji interes. Je pa še vedno nekaj učencev katerih zunanja motivacija je obisk sorodnikov v Sloveniji. Nato film prikaže uspehe mladih slovenskih Kanadčanov, ki so ponosni na svoje slovenske korenine. Nato je prikazano kako se speče pristna slovenska potica. Pri takem delu učijo starejši mlajše in obenem utrjujejo medsebojne odnose. Film se tudi dotakne zgodovine slovenskih priseljencev v Kanado, njihovih uspehov v novi deželi, kakor tudi njihovih prizadevanj, da si ohranijo del slovenstva. Film je doživel premiero 27. novembra 2013 v City Hall, Council Chamber v Torontu. Za osnutek filma vas vabimo da obiščete spletno stran: . V kolikor želite naročiti DVD celega filma "Slovenian-Canadian Roots" pošljite email na: . Oscar Koren MEDICINAL PLANTS OF SLOVENIA Slovenski Dom hosted a seminar presented by Richard Vukšinič, Naturopathic Doctor, who spoke about Slovenian medicinal plants at Dom Lipa on Sunday, March 10th 2013 to a large and attentive audience eager to learn more about this important and timely topic. Richard's seminar was a continuation of a seminar he presented last year about medicinal plants. This year, Richard focussed his discussion on the following four plant items found in nature: black walnuts (orehi), elderflower (bezeg), honey (med), bee pollen, propolis and rosemary (rožmarin). He accompanied his discussion with a PowerPoint presentation and various printed materials. The interested audience asked many astute questions. The following is a sampling of what they learned. Black walnuts are a high nutrient density food and can be found anywhere, including your back yard. They are rich in vitamins B6, E, K, and folic acid and are valued for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. They help in promoting heart health and reducing the chances of heart attacks and strokes. They also help in lowering high cholesterol levels, in getting rid of intestinal parasites, treating skin conditions like acne, cold sores and curing different intestinal disorders like constipation. Slovenians typically use walnuts when making "potica", a nut loaf usually baked for the Christmas and Easter holidays. Attentive audience at Dom Lipa Elderflower is vey effective for treating influenza and colds. It can be used topically to treat rheumatism. Caution should be exercised when handling uncooked berries, which can be poisonous if too many are eaten raw. Slovenians make elderberry syrup, which is diluted with water and used as a drink. Bee Pollen is often called a "super food" containing all important life-sustaining nutrients, such as protein and b vitamins. It has been reported that several generations of mice have survived on bee pollen and water alone. Bee pollen can be a powerful immune system booster and is shown to improve libido and sperm quality in men. It is used to treat a variety of ailments. Propolis is a resinous mixture that bees collect from flowers and tree buds and use as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Propolis prevents diseases from entering the hive, and inhibits bacterial growth in the hive. It can be used for the relief of various conditions, including inflammations, viral diseases (herpes), and burns. It is very effective in treating gastric ulcers associated with H. pylori infection. Slovenians make "medica" a liqueur containing honey and spirits. Rosemary can grow by the sea without watering as the moist sea air provides sufficient moisture for its survival. The plant is said to improve memory, digestion and circulation. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can stimulate hair regrowth and can be used as a mouth rinse or gargle. Slovenians will soak rosemary in wine to make a delicious and healthy drink. This is a much abbreviated synopsis of Richard's excellent presentation, which the audience received with great enthusiasm - they gave up their break. Thank you, Richard, for letting us spend a wonderful Sunday afternoon learning and having fun!!!!! Margaret Zalar-Sparling Potica Challenge - 2013 It was a bright, sunny afternoon when we held our Sixth Challenge event, once again a POTICA CHALLENGE, on Sunday May 6, 2013, at Dom Lipa. It's a good working relationship we have with Dom Lipa Administration. Boguslawa Zelezinska, Dom Lipa Activities Coordinator, who enthusiastically supported and promoted this event. Three of her staff, Aurea, Monette and Sonia, were very helpful that afternoon, helping with both set-up in the auditorium and management of the potica samples. Also volunteering for us that day were Nora, Gwen, Nellie, Mira and Tyler. Peter Gormek's daughter, Katherine, was our photographer and Jeanette Zemlja, who had worked with us on the Flag-Raising event in June 2013 and on the Intergenerational Communication project 5 years ago, helped with the MC duties that day. Eleven bakers entered the challenge. The auditorium was filled with friends and family who had come out to support the contestants and to judge for themselves which was the best potica. Joining the judges' panel with Fran Anderson and Boris Grmek was Ivanka Jelen, a Dom Lipa resident who appeared to rather enjoy her role. This year's winner was Ana Jankovič. Ana won the Strudelj Challenge last year, was 3rd the year before and an audience favourite in one of the earlier challenges. Not only is she a winning baker, she is an outstanding participant as she has been involved in every single challenge we have had to date! Slovenski Dom's Tilka Benko placed second and Marija and Darinka Babič (mother and daughter) tied for third. settlements there. Crossing into the US at Sarnia, we travelled up the eastern shores of Lake Michigan, ferrying between Mackinac Island (where the mode of transportation was horse and buggy or bicycles) and St. Ignace, Michigan where three of the Great Lakes (Huron, Michigan and Superior) meet. Then we drove along the south shores of Lake Superior through Wisconsin and Minnesota. Friday evening mass was in our motel's breakfast room. Jeanette Zemlja, Darinka Babič, Anica Resnik, Ana Jankovič daughter & granddaughter, Ana Jankovič, Marija Babič, Majda Resnik, Marija Nagode, Wanda Zakrajšek (missing: Tilka Benko & Marija Grguras) Once again, the Sixth Baking Challenge was a success. There were a fair number of new faces in the audience and there were contestants for whom this was a first entry. However, we believe we may have exhausted the supply of Potica Bakers willing to submit entries for the challenge and are reluctant to focus on Potica again. Nevertheless, because we know the people in our community have come to enjoy and look forward to a Slovenski Dom Challenge Event each year, we intend to organize another but have not yet decided on what its focus will be. We do know, though, that there are quite a number of exceptional bakers out there so we'll keep you posted as to the next culinary challenge experience. Majda Resnik Baraga Days Pilgrimage October 4 - 7, 2013 Early Friday morning, October 4th 2013 at 5:00 am, a group of about 58 Slovenians boarded a bus in the parking lot of Marija Brezmadežna parish for the annual 4-day Baraga Days Pilgrimage to the southern shores of Lake Superior where Bishop Friderik Baraga ministered to the Indian Mary Sirk, Anica Resnik - Waiting for the Mackinac Ferry Early Saturday morning October 5th we headed toward Duluth through Wisconsin to meet up with the Bishop Baraga Days Luncheon in Fond du Lac, Minnesota where we enjoyed a Pow-Wow Lunch and Indian drumming performance in honour of the Snowshoe Priest (as the Ojibway people used to call him). After the Luncheon, we registered in a hotel in nearby Carlton MN. The time change gave us an extra hour to unwind from the long bus trip and change into more "dress-up" attire. That evening we attended the Slovenian celebratory Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary in Duluth MN. After mass we drove out to the Duluth Harbourside Convention Centre for a banquet dinner and entertainment by the Singing Slovenians, a multi-generational / highly talented / very lively American-Slovenian band of about 1215 members. It was spitting rain, cold and windy but, once inside the church or the convention, centre it was warm and bright. On Sunday morning October 6th we returned to Duluth for the English mass in the cathedral after an early morning tour of the city and a visit to the Baraga museum. Following this was a second Baraga Days Luncheon at the convention centre with entertainment once again by the Singing Slovenians. After lunch we started our return trip home, stopping overnight in Marquette, Michigan, our final pilgrimage stop the next morning. After the English Mass - Duluth Staying at a local motel that night, many of us headed out to the 24-hour grocery store across the parking lot to pick up some snacks for the road. Some of us decided it was time to make our own party and joined one of the couples in their room for a late night snack of "malo salamke in kruhka z sirkom in vinkom." There were about 20 of us in the room and there was more than just a little "salami and bread AND cheese AND WINE." Oh, did we laugh! Early Monday morning October 7th, we visited the church in Marquette Michigan where Venerable Bishop Friderik Baraga is buried and celebrated Mass in his crypt. After checking out the local museum with its artifacts and detailed depiction of Baraga'shistory, it was time to head back home to Toronto. Father Burja greeted us at the parish hall upon our return at 10:30 pm. I had expected the weekend to be a bit of a bore, joking that I'd read my book while my mother and the others went to Mass. Little did I expect how much I would enjoy myself and how much I would learn. Throughout the trip, day and night, we not only prayed the rosary, led by our priest and others, but we also sang, listened to life stories and laughed a lot. On the bus ride, people shared snacks and refreshments. The conversations were jovial. Some of us shared personal 'notes' with each other, like girlfriends do, our generational differences not a factor. I re-discovered the good-naturedness of Slovenian hospitality, where one's age and social background is ignored, a person is measured by character. I made new, friendly acquaintances. The camaderie, warmth and respect among all of us (average age was 73.4 years) was awesome. This trip became for me a chance to reflect privately, to relax and to simply enjoy the friendship and good cheer that the Slovenian spirit does so well. I am in awe of what I learned about Bishop Baraga's accomplishments and his dedication to his work trying to improve the lives of the people in his ministry. The Baraga Days pilgrimage I joined to accompany my mother was so much more than I could ever have imagined! Majda Resnik ČETRTI TEČAJ SLOVENSKEGA JEZIKA ZA ODRASLE Četrti začetni tečaj slovenskega jezika za odrasle, ki ga organizira Slovenski Dom, se je začel 24. septembra 2013 z devetimi udeleženci. Učni program, ki ga je pripravila Mimi Radovan, je bil precej obširen in je zahteval od udeležencev precej truda in domačih nalog. Mimi, kot glavna učiteljica, je bila uspešna pri motivaciji udeležencev in so kmalu po nekaj urah pouka znali povedati nekaj o sebi. Program je vseboval osnovno slovnico, izgovorjavo besed kakor tudi različne stavčne oblike, ki se uporabljajo pri vsakodnevnem govoru. Po končanem začetnem programu so udeleženci opravili preizkus znanja iz slovenskega jezika na ravni, ki je potrebna za osnovno sporazumevanje. Štirje udeleženci začetnega tečaja so se udeležili nadaljevalnega tečaja, pet udeležencev pa je izstopilo zaradi osebnih razlogov. V nadaljevalnem tečaju so si udeleženci pridobili znanje o tem kako pripovedovati, opisati in razlagati o sebi. Tečaj slovenskega jezika za odrasle. Učenci in učiteljica. September 2013 Stoje od leve: Marla Zupan, Rose Marie Zupan, Jessica Pavlakovič, Victor Hanc, Alexandra Cirjak, Amanda Harasym, Tony Kranjc Sede od leve: Jade Chaput, Mimi Radovan, Laurie Pavlakovič Poleg učenja slovenskega jezika so udeleženci bili obveščeni in povabljeni na kulturne prireditve, ki jih organizira Slovenski Dom ali druga slovenska društva v Torontu. Zanimivo je, da je bila starost udeležencev različna in se pri samem učenju in znanju ni pokazala nobena razlika. Vsi so pokazali izredno voljo in zanimanje do spoznavanja jezika njihovih staršev ali partnerjev in bi se radi udeležili tečaja naslednje leto, da si tako osvežijo in utrdijo do sedaj predelano snov. Za več informacij o naslednjem začetnem tečaju slovenskega jezika se obrnite na Oscarja Korena po eletronski pošti: Oscar Koren in Mimi Radovan A Slovenian Nonagenerian's Special Breakfast Joe Mihevc (Sr.) has been a long time member of the Slovenian community in Toronto and a distinguished member of Slovenski Dom. The authors want to express their gratitude to Joe for inviting them to his home to enjoy a custom made breakfast. Joe's breakfast is based on research which he conducted over many years and was perfected 20 years ago. He attributes the continuing good health and energy which he has enjoyed and also his longevity to his breakfast. At 91 he has the energy which would be the envy of many. Joe lives an active life, doing extensive work around the house and helping with the expansion and rebuilding of the family cottage. We also had an opportunity to catch a glimpse of his large vegetable and herb garden, yet another one of his talents. His philosophy is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should contain multiple ingredients which the body requires for proper functioning. The 40 minutes that it takes to prepare the breakfast each morning are well worth it. After all, good health and longevity are commodities that everyone should strive for in life. The benefits of using Joe Mihevc's breakfast recipe are many. You will not only enjoy a long and healthy life, but your energy level is sure to improve so that others will be able to benefit from your talents when they are in need. Mr. Mihevc's Healthy Breakfast Cooked Ingredients Other Ingredients 1/4 cup large flake oats 1 tsp ground millet 3 tsp oat bran 1 tsp hemp 1 tsp rye 1 tsp corn meal 1 tsp sesame seeds 1 tsp ground buckwheat 3 tsp flax seeds 3 garlic cloves ЛА onion 1 tsp brewer's yeast ginger powder (to taste) cayenne powder (optional) 3 walnuts (ground) 9 almonds (ground) 7 hazelnuts (ground) a few sunflower seeds a few pumpkin seeds a few peanuts 1 tsp grape seed oil 1 T horseradish 1 T maple syrup 1 T fresh parsley Cooking instructions: Bring 300 ml of water to a boil. Add Cooked ingredients and boil stirring constantly until the mixture thickens and the onion and garlic are no longer visible. Continue cooking and stirring for about another 4 to 5 min and remove from heat. Mix in Other ingredients starting with Brewer's Yeast ginger and cayenne followed by the ground nuts and seeds. Then mix in the remaining Other ingredients and enjoy while still warm with some milk if you wish and garnished with the berries and extra parsley. Finish with a serving of acidopholus culture yogurt. For added benefits eat a Red Delicious Apple while preparing the meal and take a daily multi- vitamin and Vitamin D (1000 mg), if over 50. Sonya Urbanc and Oscar Koren EDITOR'S COMMENTS Here we are six years into my tenure as editor of the Slovenski Dom Newsletter. With Majda Resnik at the helm the Board has continued to organize and deliver much appreciated events, programs and services to the Slovenian community in the GTA and beyond. The crowning achievement of 2013 has to be the highly successful "Božičnica" held in the Church Hall on Brown's Line last December. The Board, all the volunteers, musicians, cooks, servers and staff are to be congratulated on and thanked for a stellar performance. Garnishes 2 T blueberries (fresh or frozen) 10 cranberries (fresh or frozen) Tony Muc, Oscar Koren Personally, considering the rather limited time and effort expended by me since joining Slovenski Dom, I can only say I was greatly surprised at receiving recognition as an "Exceptional Volunteer" at the event. Nonetheless, I am indeed most grateful for the recognition and would encourage anyone with the slightest inclination toward or affinity for Slovenia and things Slovenian to step forward and get involved with Slovenski Dom, first as a member and then, perhaps, as a volunteer. Another very interesting development this year was the result of the referendum which came out in favour of selling the building on Pape Avenue and acquiring a new building. Perhaps the time has come for Slovenski Dom to change from the go-it-alone approach of earlier times to a more cooperative one. Perhaps the time has come for Slovenski Dom to step forward and continue its well established leadership role in the Slovenian community by offering its assets as a core contribution toward a new Slovenian-Canadian Community Centre with room and facilities to accommodate the needs of the broader community rather than just a select few. About the time Slovenski Dom was founded, Toronto looked like this: t "т- i Toronto 1958 Now it is more like this (many more condos since 2000)! Toronto 2000 One can discern the Royal York in both skylines but the overall picture has changed dramatically! Will 2014 be the year Slovenski Dom takes next steps toward changing itself just as significantly? Tony Muc, Editor Exceptional Volunteer Award Slovenski Dom 2000 Janez Kastelic 2001 Peter Pavlin 2006 Mary Sirk, Nora Burnett 2007 Frank Gormek, Oscar Koren 2008 Majda Resnik 2009 Nada Music 2010 Nellie Bavdek, Tony Bavdek 2011 Randy Dresar 2013 Tony Muc The Slovenski Dom Exceptional Volunteer Award was established in 2000 to recognise the enormous voluntary contributions that a number of Slovenski Dom members have made to the organization. A nominating committee headed by the previous year's recipient(s) nominates the following year recipient(s), if anyone is selected. Since its establishment in 2000, twelve members have received this Award. PROGRAM FOR 2014 Movie Nights, Theatre, Concerts, Pub nights, etc. TBD Jan. - Dec., 2014 Bowling, Cross-Country Skiing, Darts, etc. TBD Jan. - Apr., 2014 Seminar by Agnes Pust (date & topic TBD) Spring, 2014 Slovenian Kitchen (Baking & Cooking activities) TBD Jan. - Dec., 2014 Annual General Meeting Sun., Apr. 27, 2014 Environmental Day with STZ Sat., May 12, 2014 Cultural Exhibit at Slovenski Dan Sun., Jun. 29, 2014 Slovenski Dom Members' Barbeque Late July, 2014 Slovenian Language Course (Beginners) Sep. 23 - Oct. 28, 2014 Slovenian Language Course (Advanced) Nov. 4 - Dec. 9, 2014 Slovenian Chit-Chat get together Bi-weekly Jan. - Jun. 2014 Christmas Banquet Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 Slovenian Authors in Canada Project ongoing "Slovenian-Canadian roots" viewing TBD Slovenski Dom is a non-profit association. We are always on the lookout for new members. We wish to continue to support local Slovenian organizations such as Slovenska Šola and Dom Lipa and work together with other clubs and organizations throughout the GTA, in Ontario and beyond. Would you be willing to share your ideas and energy with us? Do you want to help preserve and promote Slovenian cultural heritage? Do you have an affinity for things Slovenian? Then JOIN US!!! You will find us to be very friendly! We strive to engage anyone but especially our youth to pass on to them even a little about Slovenian language and culture.