ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 1 77 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77–84 REPORT OF 4th INTERNATIONAL SPE BALKAN SKI CONFERENCE Pamporovo ski resort, Bulgaria, 13–17 March 2022 After two successful conferences – one in Kopaonik, Serbia, and the other in Ja- horina, Bosnia and Herzegovina – the third international SPE Balkan Ski Conference in Rogla, Slovenia, was cancelled because of the pandemic. The fourth international conference was organised in Bulgaria, at the Pamporovo ski resort. The conference was hosted by the Association of Bulgarian Ski Instructors – the Bulgarian Ski School, in cooperation with the Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper), Slovenia, the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Niš, Serbia, and the Ski Instructors Association (SITAS) of Slovenia. The high level of the scientific conference was set by renowned experts in the field of alpine skiing and snowboarding, which was then reinforced by the members of the demo groups on the snow. In the afternoon, we heard renowned speakers such as Dieter Bubeck, PhD (Germany), Prof. Erich Muller (Austria), Prof. Lana Ružić (Croatia), Prof. Matej Supej (Slovenia), Ron Kipp, PhD (USA), Asa Tugetam, PhD (Sweden) and many others. In more than thirty scientific papers, the participants presented the main idea of the conference, “Science, Practice and Education”, and the main theme “Fun and safety in contemporary skiing − the new role of ski instructors/trainers in winter sports and society”. The abstracts published on this occasion present the latest perspec- tives on the sensitive areas of safety and injuries, preparation, and the development of ski technique, as well as modern possibilities and approaches in the methodology and didactics of teaching skiing. The morning workshops on the snow enriched the theory and were led by members of the demo teams from the participating Balkan countries (from Bosnia and Herzego- vina, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia). The morning workshops gave the par- ticipants the opportunity to deepen their theoretical knowledge through practical work. Another important event in the conference was the “Demo Team Show”, where the au- dience could admire the perfected skiing techniques of the demo teams of the national ski schools. The honorary members such as the Slovenian ski legend Bojan Križaj and Bulgarian Olympic gold medallist Ekaterina Dafovska added to the value of the event. Despite the spring-like days in March, the sunny conditions did not affect the con- ditions on the slopes. The beautiful weather and perfectly groomed slopes further con- tributed to the excellent conference. The next big event will take place in the upcoming winter season of 2023, with the INTERSKI Congress in the Levi Ski Resort, Finland, where the 5th SPE Balkan Ski Conference, which will be held at the Predeal Ski Resort in Romania, will also be announced and promoted to the biggest snow sports society in the world. Kaja Teraž and Rado Pišot 78 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77–84 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 1 POROČILO S 4. MEDNARODNE KONFERENCE SPE BALKAN SKI Smučarski center Pamporovo, Bolgarija, 13.–17. marec 2022 Po dveh uspešnih konferencah na Kopaoniku v Srbiji ter Jahorini v Bosni in Her- cegovini je bila tretja mednarodna balkanska smučarska konferenca SPE na Rogli v Sloveniji zaradi pandemije odpovedana. Četrta mednarodna konferenca je bila organi- zirana v Bolgariji, v smučarskem središču Pamporovo. Konferenco je gostilo Združe- nje bolgarskih učiteljev smučanja – Bolgarska šola smučanja – v soorganizaciji z Znan- stveno-raziskovalnim središčem Koper (ZRS Koper), Slovenija, Fakulteto za šport in telesno vzgojo Univerze v Nišu, Srbija, in Združenjem učiteljev smučanja (ZUTS) Slovenije. Visoko raven znanstvene konference so postavili priznani strokovnjaki s področja alpskega smučanja in deskanja na snegu, ki so jo nato podkrepili člani demo skupin na snegu. V popoldanskih urah smo prisluhnili priznanim predavateljem, kot so dr. Dieter Bubeck (Nemčija), prof. dr. Erich Muller (Avstrija), prof. dr. Lana Ružić (Hrva- ška), prof. Matej Supej (Slovenija), dr. Ron Kipp (ZDA), dr. Asa Tugetam (Švedska) in številni drugi. V več kot tridesetih znanstvenih prispevkih so udeleženci predstavili glavno idejo konference Znanost, praksa in izobraževanje in glavno temo konference Zabava in varnost v sodobnem smučanju – nova vloga smučarskih učiteljev/trenerjev v zimskih športih in družbi. Ob tej priložnosti objavljeni povzetki predstavljajo najno- vejše poglede na občutljiva področja varnosti in poškodb, priprave in razvoja smučar- ske tehnike ter sodobne možnosti in pristope v metodologiji in didaktiki poučevanja smučanja. Dopoldanske delavnice na snegu so obogatile predstavljeno teorijo, vodili pa so jih člani demo ekip iz sodelujočih balkanskih držav (demo ekipe iz Bosne in Hercegovi- ne, Bolgarije, Romunije, Srbije in Slovenije). Dopoldanske delavnice so udeležencem omogočile, da so teoretično znanje poglobili s praktičnim delom na snegu. Pomemben dogodek konference je bil tudi „Demo Team Show“, na katerem je občinstvo lahko občudovalo dovršeno tehniko smučanja demo ekip nacionalnih smučarskih šol. Častna člana, kot sta slovenska smučarska legenda Bojan Križaj in bolgarska olimpijska prva- kinja Ekaterina Dafovska, sta še povečala pomembnost dogodka. Kljub spomladanskim marčevskim dnevom sončno vreme ni vplivalo na razmere na smučiščih. Lepo vreme in odlično urejene proge so še dodatno prispevali k odlični konferenci. Naslednji veliki dogodek bo potekal v prihajajoči zimski sezoni 2023, in sicer kon- gres INTERSKI v smučarskem središču Levi na Finskem, kjer bo najavljena tudi 5. balkanska smučarska konferenca SPE, ki bo potekala v smučarskem središču Predeal v Romuniji, in promovirana v največjem društvu za snežne športe na svetu. Kaja Teraž in Rado Pišot