Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 4 (2011) 351–361 Enumeration of genus–four maps by number of edges Alexander Mednykh ∗ Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia Alain Giorgetti LIFC, University of Franche-Comté 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon CEDEX, France Received 10 December 2009, accepted 4 August 2011, published online 5 October 2011 Abstract An explicit form of the ordinary generating function for the number of rooted maps on a closed orientable surface of genus four with a given number of edges is given. An analytical formula for the number of unrooted maps of genus four with a given number of edges is obtained through the number of rooted ones. Both results are new. Keywords: Enumeration, surface, orbifold, rooted map, unrooted map, Fuchsian group. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C30, 57R18, 20H10 1 Introduction By a map we mean a 2-cell decomposition of a compact orientable surface. A map is rooted if one of its darts (edge–vertex incidence pairs) is distinguished as a root and unrooted oth- erwise. Enumeration of maps up to orientation–preserving homeomorphism has attracted a lot of attention in the last decades. Enumeration of rooted maps on the plane by number of edges was done in the pioneering paper by W. T. Tutte [18]. Later, an analogous result for the torus was given by D. Arquès [2]. A structure for the generating function of the number of rooted maps on the surface of given genus g was suggested by E. A. Bender and E. R. Canfield [5]. By making use of their approach they obtained numerical tables of num- bers of rooted maps for genera 2 and 3. The enumeration of rooted maps of given genus by ∗Supported by the RFBR (grant 06-01-00153), APVV SK-RU-0007-07, FCPK (grant 02.740.11.0457). E-mail addresses: (Alexander Mednykh), (Alain Giorgetti) Copyright c© 2011 DMFA Slovenije 352 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 351–361 number of vertices and faces was done in [3]. Also, a general algorithm to compute the gen- erating function for such numbers was suggested. The results of this algorithm confirm the available data [22] obtained earlier by T. Walsh and A. Lehman for small numbers of edges. Enumeration of unrooted maps is a more complicated problem. For unrooted maps on the oriented sphere a closed analytical counting formula (of the type studied in the present pa- per) was given by V. A. Liskovets [12]. Counting algorithms suitable for maps either on the oriented sphere or on the general one were independently provided by N. C. Wormald [23, 24]. A general formula for counting unrooted maps through the number of rooted ones was obtained in [14]. In particular, the problem was completely solved for the torus and the orientable surfaces of genera 2 and 3. Different approaches to counting unrooted maps with prescribed properties were given in the papers [13, 8, 20]. The present paper provides two new results for maps on a closed orientable surface of genus 4. The first result is an explicit form of the ordinary generating function for the number of rooted maps of genus 4 with a given number of edges. The second result is an explicit analytical formula relating the number of unrooted maps of genus 4 with n edges with numbers of rooted maps of genus g ≤ 4 and with e ≤ n edges. 2 Orientable combinatorial maps By a (combinatorial) map we mean a triple (D;R,L) composed of a finite set D and two permutations R and L, with L satisfying L2 = 1, generating a transitive subgroup of the symmetric group SD. The elements of D are called darts and the orbits of R, L and RL are respectively called vertices, edges and faces. Edges of size one are called semiedges. The genus g of a map M = (D;R,L) is given by 2 − 2g = V + E + F − |D|, where V is the number of vertices, E is the number of edges and F is the number of faces. If M has no semiedges (i.e. if L is fixed–point free), then |D| = 2E and 2− 2g = V − E + F . Combinatorial maps describe topological maps on orientable surfaces with a chosen global orientation; the permutation R represents the cyclic order of the edge-ends incident with each vertex encountered by a rotation around that vertex in the direction correspond- ing to that orientation. Hence they are determined up to orientation–preserving homeo- morphisms of the surface leaving the set of vertices, of edges and of faces invariant. This gives rise to the following definition: two maps (D1;R1, L1) and (D2;R2, L2) are isomor- phic, written (D1;R1, L1) ∼= (D2;R2, L2), if there is a bijection ψ : D1 → D2 such that ψR1 = R2ψ and ψL1 = L2ψ. The isomorphism class of the map (D;R,L) is the set of maps (D;Rψ, Lψ) such that ψ ∈ SD is a permutation of D. A rooted map is a 4-tuple (D, r;R,L), where r ∈ D and (D;R,L) is a map. The dart r is called the root. Two rooted maps (D, r;R,L) and (D′, r′;R′, L′) are isomorphic is there is an isomorphism (D,R,L) onto (D′, R′, L′) taking root r to root r′. To each map M = (D;R,L) there is an associated closed orientable surface (that is, a compact orientable surface without boundary) which can be constructed by associating a 2-cell to each orbit of the permutation RL. Hence M can be regarded as a topological map. In turn, any topological map on a closed orientable surface can be realized as a combinatorial map and two topological maps are related by an orientation-preserving homeomorphism if and only if the corresponding combinatorial maps are related by an isomorphism [10]. By enumerating unrooted maps we mean enumerating isomorphism classes of com- binatorial maps, which is equivalent to enumerating topological maps up to orientation- preserving homeomorphism. Topological maps correspond to cellular embeddings of A. Mednykh and A. Giorgetti: Enumeration of genus–four maps by number of edges 353 graphs. Since graphs were generally assumed to be without semiedges, we will interpret “maps on a closed orientable surface of genus g”, or just “genus g orientable maps” as maps without semiedges. The theory of maps presented in [10] gives a close relationship between maps and subgroups of a certain universal group. Denote by ∆ = ∆(∞,∞, 2) the group 〈α, β|β2 = 1〉 ∼= Z ∗ Z2. Given a map (D;R,L), the assignment α 7→ R and β 7→ L extends to an epimorphism Φ : ∆ → 〈R,L〉. It follows that ∆ acts on D by z · x = Φ(z)x for z ∈ ∆ and x ∈ D. The stabilizer K ≤ ∆ of a dart x ∈ D has index [∆ : K] = |D|. Conversely, each subgroup K ≤ ∆ of finite index determines a rooted map M = (D, r;R,L), where D is the set of left cosets xK, x ∈ ∆, r = K is the trivial coset and the action of R and L is defined by left multiplication: R(xK) = αxK, L(xK) = βxK. Moreover, M has no semiedges if and only if K is torsion–free. 2.1 Maps on orbifolds In this paper we consider maps on orbifolds. This is a new and fruitful idea already used in previous papers [14, 15]. By an oriented orbifold O we mean an oriented sur- face S with a discrete subset of points B = {p1, p2, . . .} such that to each point pi an integer mi ≥ 2 is assigned. The elements of B will be called branch points and the respective numbers m1,m2, . . . ,mi, . . . will be called branch indices. If S is a com- pact connected orientable surface of genus g, then B is of finite cardinality |B| = r. In this case, the orbifold O is uniquely determined (up to orientation–preserving homeomor- phism) by its signature [g;m1,m2, . . . ,mr], 1 < m1 ≤ m2 ≤ . . . ≤ mr. Hence we write O = O[g;m1,m2, . . . ,mr]. The fundamental group π1(O) of O is an F -group (see [10]) defined by π1(O) = F [g;m1,m2, . . . ,mr] = 〈a1, b1, a2, b2, . . . , ag, bg, e1, . . . , er| g∏ i=1 [ai, bi] r∏ j=1 ej = 1, e m1 1 = · · · = emrr = 1〉. (2.1) A map on an orbifold O is a map on the underlying surface Sg of genus g satisfying the following three properties: (P1) if x ∈ B, then x is either an internal point of a face, or a vertex, or an end-point of a semiedge (free end) which is not a vertex, (P2) each face contains at most one branch point, (P3) each free end of a semiedge is a branch point and the branch index of this point is 2. Maps on orbifolds arise naturally when we take a quotient of an ordinary map on a closed surface by a finite group G of automorphisms. Then the numbers m1, . . . ,mr are the orders of the stabilizers of the faces, vertices and edges under the action ofG. Note that these stabilizers are always cyclic. Further information on maps on orbifolds can be found in [14] and [15]. An epimorphism π1(O) → Z` onto a cyclic group of order ` is called order pre- serving if it preserves the orders of the generators ej , j = 1, . . . , r. Equivalently, an order–preserving epimorphism π1(O) → Z` has a torsion–free kernel. We denote by Epi0(π1(O), Z`) the number of order–preserving epimorphisms π1(O)→ Z`. 354 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 351–361 For a technical reason it is convenient to modify the signature in the following way. Let [g;m1,m2, . . . ,mr] = [g; 2, . . . , 2︸ ︷︷ ︸ b2 times , 3, . . . , 3︸ ︷︷ ︸ b3 times , . . . , `, . . . , `︸ ︷︷ ︸ b` times ]. Then we write [g; 2b2 , 3b3 , . . . , `b` ] rather than [g;m1,m2, . . . ,mr] listing only those jbj with bj > 0. Denote by Orb(Sg/Z`) the set of `-tuples [g; 2b2 , 3b3 , . . . , `b` ] which are the signatures of cyclic orbifolds of type Sg/Z` for some Sg and Z`. By definition, the fundamental group π1(O) is uniquely determined by the signature of the orbifold O. Hence, for any O ∈ Orb(Sg/Z`), O = [g; 2b2 , 3b3 , . . . , `b` ], the group π1(O) is well defined. 3 Rooted map enumeration Let Qg(z) = ∑ n≥0Ng(n)z n be the ordinary generating function counting the number Ng(n) of rooted maps on the orientable surface of genus g by number of edges (the ex- ponent of z). This generating function satisfies an equation system presented by E. A. Bender and E. R. Canfield in [4]. Given a genus g, a closed expression for Qg(z) can in principle be computed from this equation system by induction. However the computational complexity is so high that up to 1998 exact solutions where only known for the first four genera, from 0 to 3. A common pattern for all the Qg(z), where g ranges over the positive integers, was proposed in [5]. EachQg(z) is a rational function of a quadratic parameter of z, but this pattern leaves a polynomial of this parameter unknown. An upper bound for the polynomial degree is conjectured but not proved. The first proof of a more precise pattern, with a maximal degree for each unknown polynomial, is due to D. Arquès and the second author [3, 9], for the more general case of counting by number of vertices and faces. This section presents new results derived from this former work by focusing on counting by number of edges. 3.1 Generating functions counting rooted maps The following result proves the conjecture in [5] and is an easy consequence of Theorem 1 of [3]. Theorem 3.1. For any positive integer g, the ordinary generating function Qg(z) counting rooted maps on a closed orientable surface of genus g by number of edges (exponent of z) can be written Qg(z) = z 2g(1− 3m)−2(1− 2m)4−5g(1− 6m)3−5gPg(m), where m = 1− √ 1− 12z 6 and Pg(m) is a polynomial of m of degree less than or equal to 6g − 6. The explicit formulae for polynomials Pg(m), g = 0, 1, 2, 3 can be derived from the papers [19], [2], [5] and [9], respectively. The first step to counting unrooted genus–four maps by number of edges is given by the following proposition. Proposition 3.2. The polynomial Pg in Theorem 3.1 for g = 4 is given by the formula A. Mednykh and A. Giorgetti: Enumeration of genus–four maps by number of edges 355 P4(m) = 9(1− 2m)6 (41956066368m12 − 107657028288m11 + 128766120048m10 −95026128096m9 + 48202134300m8 − 17709582732m7 +4855070265m6 − 1025233956m5 + 178608786m4 −28633200m3 + 4245462m2 − 465894m+ 25025). (3.1) Proof. Theorem 5.1, Relation (6.1) and Propositions 6.1 and 6.2 from [9] make it possible to compute Pg from polynomials of lower degree. This result has been computed by a software developed by the second author in his Ph.D. thesis. The software does not directly compute the polynomials but rather the generating functions enumerating rooted maps by genus, along the principles presented in [5] and detailed in [9]. It has not been designed for efficiency but it successfully computes the generating functions for rooted maps up to genus 4. The genus–four formula was computed in less than one minute on an Intel Pentium at 1.4 GHz with 1.25 Gb of memory. In accordance with Theorem 3.1, the polynomial computed for P4 is indeed of degree 6g − 6 = 18. 3.2 Counting rooted genus–four maps by number of edges Theorem 3.3. The ordinary generating function Q4(z) counting rooted maps on a closed orientable surface of genus four by number of edges (the exponent of z) is Q4(z) = 9z 8(1− 3m)−2(1− 2m)−10(1− 6m)−17 (41956066368m12 − 107657028288m11 + 128766120048m10 −95026128096m9 + 48202134300m8 − 17709582732m7 +4855070265m6 − 1025233956m5 + 178608786m4 −28633200m3 + 4245462m2 − 465894m+ 25025), (3.2) where m = 1− √ 1− 12z 6 . Proof. Formula (3.2) follows from Theorem 3.1 and Proposition 3.2. Table 1 presents the coefficients of Qg(z) = ∑ n≥0Ng(n)z n. The first seven coef- ficients correspond to the ones found by Timothy Walsh in his Ph.D. thesis [21]. The remaining coefficients are new. 4 Unrooted map enumeration 4.1 Counting unrooted maps through rooted maps on orbifolds The following theorem is the main result of [14]. Theorem 4.1. The number Ug(e) of unrooted maps with e edges on a closed orientable surface of genus g is given by the formula Ug(e) = 1 2e ∑ `m=2e ∑ O∈Orb(Sg/Z`) Epi0(π1(O), Z`)νO(m), where νO(m) is the number of rooted maps with m darts on the orbifold O. 356 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 351–361 n The number N4(n) of rooted maps of genus 4 with n edges 8 225225 9 24635754 10 1495900107 11 66519597474 12 2416610807964 13 75981252764664 14 2141204115631518 15 55352670009315660 16 1334226671709010578 17 30347730709395639732 18 657304672067357799042 19 13652607304062788395788 20 273469313030628783700080 21 5306599156694095573465824 22 100128328831437989131706976 23 1842794650155970906232185656 24 33167202398202989127880734894 25 585079650671639944950451625580 26 10134917623511547808118654370114 27 172678013694177771071548169002188 28 2897912714075648947715005321906392 29 47963145773909943419634526762950192 30 783757995914247522485178250636927380 31 12657015244648210693716700196736399336 32 202177082281879102698899470748726765316 33 3196834110175421253323791465873251739560 34 50072299181065185108291501010224952255668 35 777384663760023780739632793721755383049272 36 11969638731261482998116895312223651253180480 37 182875502596501323216343759769794526714561664 38 2773716775724835345230901154059649970954877396 39 41781661724286164921640221635213792280118832368 40 625310196714095279935937237998816771771464314790 41 9301365625304817339752604766781541863133507845340 42 137556789724353166312824029682866215741796911453698 43 2023172807939725017933640132814869413798020476575564 44 29601998835280343256197223863418277211551813053748872 45 430981509422356688373368386557125320381885703792230800 Table 1: Enumeration of rooted maps of genus 4 by number of edges. The number of rooted maps on the orbifold O = O[g; 2b2 , . . . , `b` ] can be expressed through the number Ng(n) of rooted maps on genus g surface by the following proposition given in [14]. Proposition 4.2. Let O = O[g; 2b2 , . . . , `b` ] be an orbifold, bi ≥ 0 for i = 2, . . . , `. Let A. Mednykh and A. Giorgetti: Enumeration of genus–four maps by number of edges 357 Ng(n) be the number of rooted maps of genus g with n edges. Then the number of rooted maps νO(m) with m darts on the orbifold O is νO(m) = b2∑ s=0 ( m s )( m−s 2 +2−2g b2−s, b3, . . . , b` ) Ng((m−s)/2), where Ng(n) = 0 if n is not an integer. Denote by µ(n), φ(n) and Φ(x, n) the Möbius, Euler and von Sterneck functions [1, 16]. The relationship between them is given by the formula Φ(x, n) = φ(n) φ( n(x,n) ) µ ( n (x, n) ) , where (x, n) is the greatest common divisor of x and n. It was shown by O. Hölder that Φ(x, n) coincides with the Ramanujan sum ∑ 1≤k≤n (k, n)=1 exp( 2 ikxn ). For the proof, see [1, p.164] and [16]. Recall that the Jordan multiplicative function φk(n) of order k can be defined (for more information see [7, p.199], [11, 17]) as φk(n) = ∑ d|n µ (n d ) dk. From [14] we have the following proposition. Proposition 4.3. Let O = O[g;m1, . . . ,mr] be an orbifold of signature (g;m1, . . . ,mr). Denote by m = lcm(m1, . . . ,mr) the least common multiple of m1, . . . ,mr and let ` be a multiple of m. Then the number of order-preserving epimorphisms of the orbifold fundamental group π1(O) onto a cyclic group Z` is given by the formula Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = m 2gφ2g(`/m)E(m1,m2, . . . ,mr), where E(m1,m2, . . . ,mr) = 1 m m∑ k=1 Φ(k, m1) · Φ(k, m2) · . . . · Φ(k, mr), φ2g(`) is the Jordan multiplicative function of order 2g, and Φ(k, m) is the von Sterneck function. 358 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 351–361 4.2 Counting unrooted genus–four maps by number of edges Theorem 4.4. The number U4(e) of unrooted maps on a closed orientable surface of genus four counted by the number of edges e is given by the formula 1 2e ( N4(e) + 16ν[2;22](e) + 4ν[1;26](e) + ν[0,210](e) +80N2(e/3) + 18ν[1;33](2e/3) + 22ν[0;36](2e/3) +32ν[1;42](e/2) + 8ν[0;2,44](e/2) + 2ν[0;24,42](e/2) +52ν[0;54](2e/5) + 32ν[1;22](e/3) + 2ν[0;2,63](e/3) +2ν[0;22,33](e/3) + 6ν[0;32,62](e/3) + 2ν[0;23,3,6](e/3) +4ν[0;22,82](e/4) + 18ν[0;93](2e/9) + 12ν[0;5,102](e/5) +4ν[0;22,52](e/5) + 4ν[0;3,122](e/6) + 4ν[0;4,6,12](e/6) +8ν[0;3,5,15](2e/15) + 8ν[0;2,162](e/8) + 6ν[0;2,9,18](e/9) ) , where νO(m) is defined in Proposition 4.2 and Ng(e) is the number of rooted maps of genus g with e edges. Proof. O.V. Bogopol’skii [6] described all possible signatures of orbifolds of the type S4/G, where S4 is a surface of genus four and G is a finite group of homeomorphisms act- ing on S4. In particular, G = Z` is cyclic of order ` only for ` = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16 and 18. From this observation and Proposition 4.3 we get the following lemma. Lemma 4.5. Let O ∈ Orb(S4/Z`). Then one of the following cases occurs: (1) ` = 1 : O = O[4; ∅] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 1; (2) ` = 2 : O = O[2; 22], O[1; 26], O[0; 210] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 16, 4, 1; (3) ` = 3 : O = O[2; ∅], O[1; 33], O[0; 36] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 80, 18, 22; (4) ` = 4 : O = O[1; 42], O[0; 2, 44], O[0; 24, 42] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 32, 8, 2; (5) ` = 5 : O = O[0; 54] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 52; (6) ` = 6 : O = O[1; 22], O[0; 2, 63], O[0; 22, 33], O[0; 32, 62], O[0; 23, 3, 6] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 32, 2, 2, 6, 2; (7) ` = 8, 9 : O = O[0; 22, 82], O[0; 93] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 4, 18; (8) ` = 10 : O = O[0; 5, 102], O[0; 22, 52] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 12, 4; (9) ` = 12 : O = O[0; 3, 122], O[0; 4, 6, 12] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 4, 4; (10) ` = 15, 16, 18 : O = O[0; 3, 5, 15], O[0; 2, 162], O[0; 2, 9, 18] with Epi0(π1(O), Z`) = 8, 8, 6. Now, the theorem follows from Lemma 4.5 and Theorem 4.1. We present the numbers thus obtained in Table 2. A. Mednykh and A. Giorgetti: Enumeration of genus–four maps by number of edges 359 n The number U4(n) of unrooted maps of genus 4 with n edges 8 14118 9 1369446 10 74803564 11 3023693380 12 100692692173 13 2922359760376 14 76471600288836 15 1845089145736960 16 41694584320696782 17 892580319444417876 18 18258463136626650660 19 359279139700128276168 20 6836732826365623258492 21 126347598971804884131800 22 2275643837092089686415858 23 40060753264325317709454720 24 690983383296198882647616692 25 11701593013434174490416914028 26 194902261990612930685627941344 27 3197740994336653065511697474864 28 51748441322779568341478022803550 29 826950789205344386488852660387184 30 13062633265237461036677963280146184 31 204145407171745343738289312062076704 32 3159016910654361022421358641441865404 33 48436880457203352503593806713722630064 34 736357340898017428826654622692598290184 35 11105495196571768299465860194739273233104 36 166244982378631708320492461115910055656280 37 2471290575628396259735279442756616067154240 38 36496273364800465069054923670966215780880134 39 535662329798540575919393860220780811735355616 40 7816377458926190999203023224069385048268971894 41 113431288113473382192120378978151871847586693068 42 1637580830051823408486063085325625200796356325376 43 23525265208601453696903044755726884736237505268568 44 336386350400912991547696743715303742977503309390766 45 4788683438026185426370763920603749547029983530699104 Table 2: Enumeration of unrooted maps of genus 4 by number of edges. 5 Acknowledgments The idea of writing this paper was born as a result of a discussion between Valery Liskovets, Roman Nedela, Timothy Walsh and the first author during the conference GEMS’09 held in Tále, Slovakia, 28 June – 03 July, 2009. 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