ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER (i JUNE, 1975 VOLUME 47 LOVELY LEADING SINGER Marty Theresa Kurliitfjjer Member of Br. 3, is winning accolades for her performances in musical productions of Colorado theatre groups. ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 6 JUNE, 1975 VOL. XLVII Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno giasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Puolished Monthly except one combined issue, July-August •— izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice .40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 ON THE COVER . .. tcVelii faad'mf £ihger Mary Theresa Karlinger of Pueblo, Colo. Br. 3, enchants audiences with her lovely voice and personality. She just completed a run at the Denver Colorado Music Hall playing the lead in "Showboat” and in a production of "West Side Story” She has had leads in other productions at the Southern Colorado State College and Bonfils Theatre in Denver and was a finalist in the Miss Colorado Springs Teenage Pagaent when she was in high school. She has appeared in TV and Radio. Mary Theresa and her mother, Mary are members of Br. 3. With such talent and ambition, we know Mary Theresa will have a mos! rewarding career. Thanks to Mrs. Anna Pachak of Br. 3 for submitting Mary Theresa’s story and the Pueblo Star Journal newspaper for their cooperation. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JUNE National Officers: June 21-Honorary President and Founder, Marie Prisland, Sheboygan, Wis. Secretaries: June 1—Anne Pavelich, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. June 3—Christine Zivoder, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio June 15—Wilma Zagar, Br. 72, Pullman, III. June 17—Christine Meyer, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. June 22—Johanna Bole, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. June 27—Pauline Stolec, Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! FATHER JOSEPH’S: TO DAD There’s something in his presence That makes you glad he’s there While he sits and reads the paper In his favorite easy chair. He is quiet — like Mary's Joseph, Sometimes stem—like Mary’s Son. But it’s just when he’s around the place That a house becomes a home. He’s a good man — always will be Best pal mother ever had. Works hard, loves his family, Means a lot to me — my Dad. HAPPY DAY JUNE 15th! DATES TO REMEMBER ... June 22 — HOLY MASS, A.M., Br. 50, at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road, Euclid, Ohio Sept. 7 — MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Sept. 26 — ANNUAL CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 12 — FALL CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. ZVE/A’S HOLY YEAR PILGRIMAGE, JULY 19 - 2(1,1975 Slovenian Women’s Union members are heartily invited to attend the annual pilgrimage and outing held at the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers Shrine in Lemont, III. July 19-20, 1975. This will be our official HOLY YEAR PILGRIMAGE, authorized by the S.W.U. Board of Directors for all members. # # # Each year we enjoy a special day of inspiration c.nd renewal of spirits at the beautiful Shrine and grounds of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers in Lemont, Illinois. Br. 2, Chicago, III. will again host this event on Sat. and Sun. July 19-20, 1975. All members and families are most cordially invited to attend. For overnight accommodations, please write directly to Fr. Daniel, c/o St. Mary’s Retreat House, 1400 Main St., Lemont, III. The Committee has outlined a tentative schedule of prayer services and other activities for the weekend. On Saturday evening at dusk, a traditional Candlelight procession will be held to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes concluding with the singing of the Litany of the Blessed Mother. Sunday, Mass at the Grotto will be offered at 11:00 a.m. in the Slovenian vernacular. Afternoon vespers at 2:30 will end the religious portion of the weekend. Sunday afternoon there will be various games and entertainments for the adults and children and full supply of home-made refreshments. Members from Cleveland, Milwaukee and others by charter buses and in individual cars are expected from many parts of the U.S. We hope all our friends will make plans now to attend this beautiful function either for both days, or at least for Sunday. See you in Lemont, for ZVEZA DAY, July 19 20th! Minutes of The Annual Meeting «!' The Board of Directors Home Office, Chicago, Illinois April 21-22, 1975 The annual meeting of the Board of Directors cf the Slovenian Women's Union of America convened Monday and Tuesday, April 21 and 22, 1975 at the S.W.U. Home Office in Chicago, Illinois. The President led th>j prayer. The Executive and Auditing Committees met at 9:00 a.m. on Monday to ibegin the audit of the ledgers in tho Home Office, namely, the National Secretary’s and National Treasurer’s books and the financia, reports o,' the Scholarship Fund and Publisher’s Fund. At 1:00 p.m. the Auditing Committee and Executive Board visited the Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. where the Union’s Safety Deposit Box is kept for a comp’ete audit and verification of the investment documents kept there. A through check was made by actual co.nt of these investments. After the bank audit, the Board returned to the Heme Office to continue the official ledger audit until its completion. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. and was followed by a dinner-meeting with all officers present until 9 30 p.m. Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. the President called the meeting to order and led the invocation prayer. Present were all officers as follows: President, Mary Bostian, Vice-President, Marie A. Floryan, Secretary, Fanika Humar, Treasurer, Olga Ancel, President of Auditing Committee, Anne Kompare, Second Auditor, Barbara Rosandich, Third Auditor, Marion Marolt and Editor, Corinne Leskovar. A short time later, the Board welcomed Founder, Marie Prisiland who attended the second day session. Upon presentation of the Report of the State of Illinois Insurance Department Examination, the Board conducted a page by page study. The Examination which took place in February, 1975, covered the pericd from January 1, 1970 until December 31, 1974. The review included an explanation of ail points by the National Secretary. Directors were gratified at the positive and favorable tone of the report. It was noted that the percentage of expense ratio to assessments is somewhat over the allowable rate and that we must find ways of equalizing this amount. The Board also noted that the aforementioned percentage has not changed radically in the past number of years. A comprehensive review of the Union's present financial standing was also held. Among points discussed was the method of listing the Financial Report in the monthly Zarja. Secretary has been listing income and expenses only and will have the complete yearly financial report with balance once a year. The Balance will be printed semi-annually. The special project of 1974 for the Publishing Fund was a complete success. The Secretary's report on the outcome was sent to each branch in December. The printer of Zarja received a sum from this fund in 1974 and the Board approved another sum to be given the printer in advance for publication costs of Zarja this year of 1975. Other added benefits to the expense fund in 1974 was the income from traveler's assessment and higher interest rates on the investments made recently at better percentages. The expenses follow the same pattern as last year. Employees' taxes are paid as required by law. Reports of the Directors will be published next month. All reports were accepted as read. The President called for the reading of written reports sent by mail. Two Honorary State Presidents, Anna Pachak of Pueblo, Colorado and Mary Tomsic of Strabane, Pennsylvania sent their greetings which were read. Each State President’s Report was read and accepted. On discussion of the points covered in these reports the Directors took note of By-law 111 and By lew 79 dealing with the duties of the Publishing Committee. The Board adjourned for lunch at 1:00 p.m., at wh ch time informal discussion was held on various topics of the morning’s meeting. The afternoon session of the meeting was called to order at 2 p.m. The President called for discussicn on the next National Convention which is to take place in May of 1976 at Pittsiburg, Penna according to the decision of the last National Convention in 1973. Tire dates scheduled by hostess branch, No. 26, were accepted, May 23 thru 25th, 1976. The Convention site is to be the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel located at the apex of that city'G Golden Triangle. The Secretary read the schedule, accommodation rates, preliminary outline of events, etc. submitted by State President of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Anna Trontel. The Board was very pleased with all the arrang-ments so far made and made the following additional recomendations to be considered by the hostess branch and the convention committee: If possible, the business meeting will be held on two days, Monday and Tuesday, according the wishes of the State Convention of Wisconsin. If necessary, a meeting could be scheduled for Monday evening, eliminating any social events for those two days. The officers will be asked to prepare all the material for the convention in order to effect efficiency at the convention meetings. The opening ceremonies on Sunday, including Holy Mass at St. Mary’s church in Pittsburgh, are to be scheduled as late in the morning as possible to give sufficient time for travelers from nearby towns and any air travelers time to arrive. Hotel room costs were given and seemed reasonable, on the average of $12 to $15 per night per person, double occupancy. The convention committee wiill be asked to begin working immediately to confirm the dates, etc. at the hotel and other places involved in the convention schedule. The Board also directed the Editor to request from Mrs. Irene Planinšek Odorizzi of Washington, D. C. Landmark Tours, an optional sight-seeing trip to be co-ordinated to the Convention week plans for visitors and delegates from May 26 thru May 29, 1976 taking in such places of historic significance that tie into the United States Bi centennial observance, such as the cities of Philadelphia, Williamsburg, Washington and New York. Reports from the Convention planning committees will be printed in Zarja. The Board is hopeful that many members and their families will wish to attend the Convention and its complementary tour to the east coast. According to the decision of the 1973 Convention, the Union will again sponsor a special project by which the branches can accumulate sufficient funds for their delegates’ per diem expenses. 1976 being the year of the Golden Anniversary of Slovenian Women's Union, the Pittsburg Convention will go down in history as the Golden Anniversary Convention. In this connection, the Board outlined a new membership campaign to begin immediately until March 31, 1976. In honor of the 50th anniversary, it will be named the GOLDEN EMBLEM CAMPAIGN. Prizes will be remembrances of this organization’s beautiful emblem. The First Prize will be in gold, the second in silver and the third in sterling silver. To qualify as a Golden winner, the worker must acquire 50 points, for the Silver prize, 25 points and for the Sterling, 10 points. The point system will be as follows: a new member in Class B: 1 full point; a new member in Class A: £ point and a new member in Junior Class: % point. National President, Mary Bostian will bs chairman of the Golden Emblem Campaign. The new membership count will be retro-active to the last campaign. The Board noted that the Secretary’s membership statistics show our organization as having 254 members between the ages of 85 and 98 years. We have 77 members 85 years of age and 269 at age 60. This points up the fact that many in our membership are quite elderly and the need for new members is imperative. Respect for the pioneer members must been kept strong and prominent by our branches. The Board complimented Mrs. Prisland who at this meeting announced that she will be celebrating her 85th birthday J'line 21st. She is a pcrfect example of the vitality and energy of many of our officers who are still the leaders of S.W.U. all around the United States. Working with the senior citizens must be one of the prime duties of the younger officers who can benefit from their experiences. After some discussion on the length of memberships of some of our elderly members, the Board computed the amount of contribution a paying member makes during her time of membership. She must belong 60 yeras to pay into the treasury the $100 funeral benefit her beneficiaries are entitled to receive at death. Part of each member’s contribution goes into the funeral fund and the remainder into the general expense fund from wich all expenses of operating the organization office, expenses, Zarja, salaries, etc. are paid. The Honorary President read a report submitted by member of Br. 50, Mrs. Frances Sietz who was in charge of several S.W.U. projects in Cleveland in the past year. The Board complimented the Cleveland branches on their hard work and for making the S.W.U. Cotillion Ball such a great benefit for the Home for the Aged. The Board also added their appreciation to Mrs. Sietz for her work and enthusiasm especially since she is not a National Officer at this time. The Scholarship Fund contributions that Mrs. Sietz has personally advanced are also very much appreciated. A report was given by the Secretary on the Scholarship Fund for students in Koroško, Austria. This account was also checked by the Auditing Committee and found in order. The Koroško Fund was begun to help those young students of high school age who could not afford to attend the Slovenian high school at Celovec. The Board is very happy that the S.W.U. has been able to help 9 students for the past year through the contributions of our members and friends of Zveza. It is hoped that at least as many can be supported next year. The mcney has been sent directly to the Director of the school who is the sole judge of its distribution. The school is supported mainly by donations and private contributions. The students are maimly from families who live far from the city and cannot affort to send their children to Slovenian school. The S.W.U. regular Scholarship Fund is operating very well and the Board complimented the officers in charge. The yearly grant per student will be $300 for four scholarship this year. The Secretary Mrs. Dicke, submitted a list of requirements for the Scholarship grants which form is also available from her to all members interested and or branch officers. The Board reviewed the cookbook standing. “Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen” is selling now at $4.50, a slight increase in price due to increase in printing cost for the last shipment. Mrs. Humar’s financial report on the cookbooks disclosed that good sales are being make all over. The report given covered from Feb. 1974 thru April, 1975. All future proceeds on the cookbook wilil be put into the separate Promotional Fund of Zveza., The book “From Slovenia to America” written by Mrs. Prisland and the SWU Songbook are both sold out. A report was read on the Bowling Tournament and payment of the S.W.U. contribution for trophies and prizes was approved on the basis that all bowlers in the tournament are members in good standing. A juvenil bowling tournament is being planned by Br. I, Sheboygan, Wis. this spring. The branch will organize the tourney from among their juvenile members. Three trophies wilil be contributed by the S.W.U. as prizes providing at least four teams bowl. One big event for the S.W.U. this year is to bs planned, either in connection with the Zveza Day celebration in Lemont, III. in July, or some time previous to the National Convention. The Board asked the Secretary and Editor to plan a suitable event to bring the members together. Every Board member was requested to organize a bus load of members to Lemont July 20th, from her area. Mrs. Bostian has already announced a charter bus from Cleveland area. She will also ask the Dawn Singers to attend. Br. 2, the hostess branch, will do their utmost to organize a pleasant weekend pilgrimage in cooperation with the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers. The S.W.U. will give moral support to the Baraga Day observance in Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 28th. Members are urged to attend and pray for the canonization of saintly Bishop Frederic Baraga. Members are also urged to join the Baraga Association and contribute to their fund. The Board assigned Mrs. Bostian to attend the Pennsylvania State Convention April 27th and Minnesota State Convention Sept. 8th. It was noted by the Board that the By-laws call for each state jurisdiction to hold a State Convention each year. On a motion by the Editor, the Board approved the recommendation that each Club, Singing group, or Sports grcup, organized within the jurisdiction of S.W.U. make a yearly report for publication in Zarja stating the number of participants and the subject of their activity. This will give the membership a better picture of the wide scope of activities we have in our organization. Altho the May issue of Zarja is dedicated to Mothers, it was noted by the Board that it is not necessary that a member be a mother to qualify her for honors in the May issue of Zarja. Branches who wish to honor a member or officer in this way are most heartly encouraged to do so. The 1976 Board of Directors’ meeting date was set for Feb. 16-17, 1976, Monday and Tuesday at the Chicago Home Office. The Board remembered with prayer the passing of two former officers in the past year whose loyalty to Zveza was unsurpassed, namely Mary Lenich of Eveleth, Minn, and Mary C. Terlep of Joliet, III. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The Directors bid adieu to Mrs. Prisland and thanked her for her presence. The remaining officers were also wished a safe journey home by the president who concluded the meeting with prayer. MARY BOSTIAN, President. CORINNE LESKOVAR, Recording Secretary. Financial report for year 1974 AllditN Committee s Report LEDGER BALANCE DEC. 31, 1973 INCOME: Assessment class A $20,844.27 class B 26,400.50 Juniors 2,601.00 Socials 2,324.00 Miscell. 267.00 $573,519.43 Interest on bonds Interest from sav. & loans ass. Interest from bank deposits Rental income Gain from sale of books Profit on sale of bonds MisceManous income Total income from Jan. 1, to $52,436.77 34,001.07 4,022.54 793.75 2,520.00 1,755.76 1,447.50 86.50 Dec. 31, 1974: DISBURSEMENTS: Death claims paid: $97,063.89 Class A 199 19,875.00 Class B 18 3,750.00 Junior 1 100.00 $23,725.00 Salaries 14,700.00 Administration 7,153.50 Department of Insurance 29.00 Etectr. Fuel, Water 581.63 Zarja — The Dawn 17,500.90 Taxes —Real Est. & Corp 3,215.75 Building insurance 293.00 Office rent 900.00 Stationary & advert. 791.01 Postage & telephone 898.19 Legal expenses 255.60 Maintenance 25.00 Donations — church & children’s parties 769.45 Miscellanous expense 504.85 Bowling & Secretarial awards 1,433.45 Accrued interest 3,367.04 Tax due 09. LEDGER BALANCE DEC. 31, 1974 $76,143.46 $76,143.86 $594,439.86 National Pres. Mrs. Bostian, and members of the National Board of Director cf the Slovenian Women's Union: Greetings and our best w,slits to ail cf you piesent here at the annual board meeting and audit, called to order by the president on April klst and 22nd, 1975, at the home office in Chicago, l.inois. As chairman of your auditing committee, I am happy to report that, after a comprehensive examination of the Union’s transactions, the Scholarship Fund, and the Edito, s account, all have been found in proper order for the year 1974. Income from branch assessments, interests, and other sources were checked, disbursements were reviewed as to issuance of vouchers, and outstanding checks were accounted for as to records. Bank deposits and records of our National Secretary, Mrs. Fanika Flumar and National Treasurer, Mrs. Oiga Ancel, were also checked and verified. A general review was made of all other items cn record. On Monday, April 21, 1975, a visit to the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., was made by the entire board, and a complete accounting was made of all bonds, notes and other securities heJd in the bank safety deposit box. At this point I wish to report, ihat on Feb. 17, 1975, the State of Illinois Department of Insurance examiners, made a through examination of our Union’s records, covering the period from January 1st, 1970 thru December 31st, 1974. The Examiners issued a very favorable and commendable report, a copy of which was sent to each board director, along with an affidavit to be signed by each director. At this board meeting, several points in the report were discussed with our National Secretary and we thank her for her diligence and cooperation with the State Examiners. The committee wishes to express its sincere appreciation for the assistance and cooperation given us by our National Secretary, Mrs. Flumar, and compliment her for maintaining the records in excellent order as was substantiated by the State Illinois Examiners. The undersinged members of the Auditing Committee hereby certify that, based on our review, the Slovenian Women’s Union records for the year 1974, are correct and true. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S AUDITING COMMITTEE: Chairman: Anne M. Kompare Auditor: Barbara A. Rosandich Auditor: Marion M. Maroit. President’s Message Congratulations to all our Branches who are celebrating their 45th Anniversary this month, and they are: Branch No. 43 — Milwaukee, Wise. Branch No. 45 — Portland,Oregon Branch No. 46 — St. Louis, Mo. Forty-five years of maintaining a branch sounds wonderful, and is great, but checking over the National Secretary’s Financial Report which is published each month along with the number of members in each Branch, you sort of get a choked-up feeling when the memberships of some branches are decreasing. What is wrong? Our organization gives so much for a small amount that is paid each month which includes this marvelous magazine. Do you officers follow up on what all the branches are doing or do you just read about your own branch? Reading reports that are sent in to our magazine editor, certainly should give members and officers inspiration and ideas on what they could do, too. We should try to get young women to join to help keep our S.WJJ. growing strong. But “Where, oh, Where” are our ladies from 30 to 50 years of age? They are the ones we must approach too, because they now have more time to help our organization to grow. Remember any Nationality besides Slovenes can join. It needs a lot of publicity from ali our branches to keep our S.W.U. in the lime'light. Pub.icize all activities all the time. If you have an inteiest to grow stronger, try to have interesting and worthwhile meetings... Find out what the members would like to do, and then do it. Always have a telephone committee ready to notify members to come and bring along guests. Be sure to have on hand literature about the S.W.U. and pass it along to all the guests. Do this quite often because publicity is the answer. Announce your coming up meetings in all your (Please turn to Page 5) JOHN & MARIE PRISLAND AND THEIR GREAT GRANDCHILDREN, THEODORE AND MARIE FISCHER. This month on June 21st, our esteemed Founder and Honorary President of Zveza, Marie Prisland, will observe her 85th birthday! We wish her continued good health and energy with years of happiness in the fulfillment of motherhood, grandmotherhood and great-grandmotherhood as we see in the above photo. Needless to say,, we wish her great satisfaction in the knowledge that our S.W.U. is one of the strongest organizations in the U.S. and doing a responsible job of service and benefit to our families, communities and nation. Again, Happy Birthday, Mrs. Prisland! _________________________________________ ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. It was gratifying to see a gocd attendance at the April meeting. Dorothy Behnke, chairman of the bske sale grve her report on the successful project. She thanked Mary Turk the co-chairman and all the members for their work, bakery goods and cash donations. A discussion was held for the approaching br.'nch junior bowling wh c'l will be in charge of Anne Modez. A’so more p'ans were made for the Mothers Day Program. After the meeting Mr. acrJ Mrs. Edward Tesovnik showed their films on Austria and Jugoslavia taken on their tour, which were enjoyed very much by all. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Tesovnik for sharing the experiences of your travels with us. Coffee and luscious bakery baked by Olga Saye and Dorothy Brezonik were served. And thank you both for remembering us. Happy Birthday to all June celebrants including my mother, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Our congratulations to Pat Slapnik for being honored at the Beta Sigma Pri Sorority Founder’s Day event, for outstanding service to the Chapter, for the sixth consecutive year. Our deep sympathy is extended to Amelia Zunter, upon loss of her dear sister, Anna Podbraeger who was a long time standing member. There will no meetings in June or July. Next meeting date August 17th. Have a wonderful summer. MARGARET FISCHER, Secy. No. 3 PUEBLO, COLORADO Our meeting was held May 1st at which we honored our Mother of the Year, sister Helen Micklich. So belated greetings to all the Mothers of the Year. After our meeting was called to order with a prayer by our sister President Mary Guzzal, our minutes and secretary's report was read, and old business was discussed. We had two members, Anna Tomic and Pauline Jamick who are ill, and maybe some others that we don't knew; we wish them all a speedy recovery. We have two junior members that were transferred to adult members. Also two new junior members, Renee Hoover and Heather Martin Dale. Mrs. Pachak brought a new junior member, Lorie Ka-rlinger. Then our new business was brought up. It was announced that we are to have the State Convention here in Pueblo, Colorado in September. For our delegate we appointed our sister President Mary Guzzal. Congratula- tions sister President Mary Guzzal. Since there was no other business, the meeting ended with a prayer. The officers served some lovely refreshments and we want to thank them for all they did. We also want to thank all th’3 ladies that donated prizes for the evening and a special thanks to Mrs. Henigsman for the wonderful donation . We still have plenty of Cook Books, Woman’s glory — The Kitchen. Just call Frances Simonich and she will deliver them. We had such a good crowd and we’re hoping that you will keep it up. Since this is our last meeting until September, have a nice vacation! MARGARET KOCHEVAR, Reporter. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. April meeting was very well attended but we missed the twins. Our president, Jo Wilhelm, was absent for personal reasons and her sister, Anne Meier is on the sick list, as were the Mmes. Breckan Richwalski (Carol) and Prebezich along with Mrs. Pipan. We also missed our Mother of the Year, Christine Boyance. Hope that all have a good recovery and can join us at next meeting. Various committee reports were given and all accepted. The final date for the Fall Card Party was set. It will be held at Re-bernisek’s Club 36 on Loomis Road on Sunday, Oct. 12th. 1975. Plan now to attend alcng with your friends. A tour in June was discussed and the bus fare for be paid out of the treasury for members only. Luncheon and any other expense will be on your own. Guests and friends who wish to come along will pay for their own share of the bus fare and other expenses. Contact the officers for any more information. The meeting closed with a special prayer for Mrs. Kmetz who passed away while I was in the hospital. Thanks for the greeting cards, by the way. They made my hospital stay more pleasant. And, I’m pleased to know that the officers took over at the funeral for me. It’s good to know one can rely cn suoh loyalty! Remember to visit whenever you can the various oldsters who are in Nursing Homes in Milwaukee and if any one has time, you can write to Theresa Olech who now resides at 4179 N. Lake Shore Rd., Athel Springs, N,Y. 14010. She has been a member for a long time and would appreciate hearing from her friends as she too, is in a nursing home. Luncheon was again a welcome treat after the meeting! Fannie Seston brought in wine; she had J'ane Perko President continued: (From Page 3) daily papers; other organizations do it, why not you? Ideas like this should work well. It's not necessary for every member to be active, but thank goodness we do have active leaders. For your State Conventions tell your members to bring guests to listen on what is happening, and again, pass notes on what it means to belong to our organization. In the meantime, I will have copies ready to mail to you on request, "Why you should belong to THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION”. It will help. Try it. April 21 to 23, the S.W.U. Board of Directors had their Annual Meeting in Chicago, III., All the Executive Board Members were very busy and worked for the betterment of our organization. You can read all about this in the Minutes that will be published in our Magazine. Our young members need help when starting college, so to those who are qualified, our S.W.U. gives four scholarships a year. Each scholarship is $300.00; this comes to $1,200 a year. So here is a plea for all our branches to remember to donate at least once a year for this fund. It wi.'il be a good deed that each branch can carry on. Remember, our new cook book "Women’s Glory” makes an attractive gift for brides and homemakers. You can order all you desire from the Home Office. A chartered bus with 41 Cleveland members have signed up to attend a Pilgrimage to Lemont, III. on Zveza Day in July. Will you be there? It was good to see our members from Illinois and West Allis, Wise., who came to Cleveland for a Bowling Tournament. State President, Sophie Magayna, and I had a nice visit with them., All the news in the "Zarja” from brench reporters are always good. Special features are great too. Quite a few lucky members are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries. Best wishes to all. Another note of compliments to our wonderful ladies of the Dawn Choral Club. Their concert last fall brought out a capacity audience who all enjoyed the performance. The voices of our ladies are well trained and enjoyable to hear, thanks to the work and effort of their director, Mr. Frank Gorensek. This year, they will again perform in concert on Nov. 23rd, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Mark your calendars now. I never miss a Dawn Choral concert. I am sure you will enjoy them as well. It’s grep+ to have a strictly ladies’ chorus who given their full time to learn and memorize their songs so they appear on stage without any music in front of them. Please reserve Nov. 23rd and you’ll be glad you did! The pictures of the Cleveland December 28, Cotillion Ball of Debutantes and stage settings, and committees were lovely and interesting. My best wishes to all our members celebrating birthdays this month, and a speedy recovery to all who are on the sick list. Good luck and good wishes to all our members, and we know you will continue in the best S.W.U. tradition. MARY BOSTIAN. bake a strudel for her birthday treat. We also had the leanest smoke butt and cakes baked by Stavia. Happy Birthday was sung for generous Fannie and once the table was cleared (and Sukys did the dishes as usual), we sat down to our favorite game. You’re really missing a jolly time, members, if you stay away! MARY DEZMAN. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. A most pleasurable day was shared at our Mother of the Year Breakfast. The weather cooperated beautifully. A bright sunny spring day; a glorious season of the year. Our honored Mother of the Year Mrs. Virginia Sus-tarich, looked radiant. Our special day began at the Church of the Nativity with our dear Pastor, Father John announcing mass being said for Branch No. 13 Slovenian Women’s Lodge. The Choir sang angelically; we are so fortunate to have Jane Dabovich, Tony Fabian, Dorothy Hastings, Ann Judnich, Dr. Alex Ravnik, Dr. Anthony Ravnik, Miriam Ravnik, Stephanie Ravnik, Ales Simenc and Elizabeth Wheeler. Such a gifted, professional Choir. They make every occasion special with their beautiful voices. Mass ended with the Choir singing "Češeena si Marija”. A heavenly note on which to continue our day. The Sheraton Palace Hotel, a famous San Francisco landmark, was the setting for our Brunch. The presence of our Slovenian ladies attired in their lively spring colors, Virginia looking glamorous in a soft shade of glowing blue, graced the splendor of surroundings. Seated on Virginia’s right was our State President, Mrs. Rose Scoff, looking lovely in a delicious peach outfit; seated on Virginia’s left was our president, Mrs. Josephine Aiuto, who gave a speech "Thanking” all for participating and adding to the festivities. Mrs. Virginia Sustarich "Thanked” all the ladies of Branch No. 13 for bestowing on her the honor of Mother of the Year. A fee'-ing of inner happiness prevailed.. Wishing all our members a bouquet of Lilacs, Daisies, Carnations and Roses for a lighthearted spring and summer. Happy Birthday to our dear sister member, Rose Bianca and all members who shared birthdays in May. JACQUELINE LOWE, Reporter. m ■ -------- No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our May meeting was very nicely attended by a great number of our members. The meeting was a short one because of our Mother of the Year celebration and Three Month Birthday party. We were visited by our Supreme President, Mary Bostian and our Ohio-Michigan President, Sophie Magajna. Our Ohio President said a few words about the up-com- ing State Convention on May 25, 1975 and also told us about the Combined Branches’ Bazaar which will be held cn September 21, 1975 and asked us to have a booth representing our Branch 14. Thank you to both of the ladies for their visit. On the sick list are Mrs. Diane Minnich (daughter of -fennie Fitz-thum), Mary Yenc and our Secretary, Vera Bajec. May you all be in good health soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Frieda Miller’s husband had heart surgery recently and we wish him a speedy recovery. The party for the Mother of the Year and Three Month Birthdays was a very nice cne with plenty of gcod food and refreshments. Thank you to all who brought the delicious food and also a big thank you to our great kitchen committee who served it. Thank you to our members who donated monies to our Sunshine Fund, Goodtime Fund and our Treasury. I personally wish to thank our branch No. 14 ladies for the lovely corsage and the kind words on my being this year’s Mother of the Year. Thank you to all those who gave me special gifts. I am very grateful to all of you. Hope you all had a Happy Mother's Day and God Bless you. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter. 38th Slovenian Women’s Union Midwest Bowling Tournament, Joliet, Illinois March 15 & 16, 1975 TEAM EVENT 1 FRED C. DAMES Joliet $80.00 & Trophy 2 S.W.U. No. 17 West Allis $70.00 3 BR 2 TEAM 1 Chicago $64.00 4 OGLESBY GIRLS Oglesby $58.00 5 ERMENC FUNERAL HOME West Allis $55.00 DOUBLES EVENT 1 Vickie Kastelic West Allis 553 Marion Marolt West Allis 600 1153 $30.00 & Trophy 2 Betty Lakotich Joliet 553 Marj Wajchert Joliet 586 1139 $25.00 3 Agnes Lovati Joliet 532 Gen Klainsek Joliet 574 1106 $18.00 4 Fran Schneider Milwaukee 525 Arcella Radovich Milwaukee 581 1105 $18.00 5 Betty Hamilton Oglesby 497 Caroline Dawson Oglesby 615 1102 $14.00 6 F. Marvic Joliet 542 Mary Zadra Joliet 555 1097 $12.80 SINGLES EVENT 1 Gen Klainsek J’oliet 603 $16.00 & Trophy 2 Alice Salvino Chicago 579 $14.00 3 Arcella Radovich Milwaukee 577 $13.00 4 Barb Jakuboski Chicago 576 $12.00 5 Marge Wajchert Joliet 570 $11.00 6 Helen Komater Oglesby 567 $10.00 7 Mary Zadra Joliet 566 $ 8.50 8 Jo Argubright Oglesby 566 $ 8.50 9 Pat Kitt West Allis 562 $ 7.50 10 Ann Gasperic West Allis 650 $ 6.30 11 Rose Schubert West Allis 558 $ 5.50 12 Helen Drobac Chicago ALL EVENTS 558 $ 5.50 1 Marj Wajchert Joliet 1686 $10.00 & Trophy 2 Arcie Radovich Milwaukee 1685 $ 7.50 3 Marion Marolt West Allis 1660 $ 6.00 4 Gen Klainsek Joliet 1657 $ 5.80 5 Alice Salvino Chicago 1652 $ 5.00 6 Ann Gasperic West Allis 1646 $ 4.00 7 Pat Robinson Chicago 1640 $ 4.00 8 Mary Stuck Chicago 1639 $ 4.00 9 Caroline Dawson Oglesby 1633 $ 3.00 10 Helen Komater Oglesby 1626 $ 3.00 11 Mary Zadra Joliet 1622 $ 3.00 12 Marge Gawlik Grandmother Trophy West Allis 1620 $ 3.00 Mary ' Zadra Joliet 205- —18—223 Mother & Daughter Trophy Vicky Kastllic West Allis Janet Oman West Allis Sisters Trophy Gen Klainsek Joliet Agnes Lovati Joliet 166—38—204 171—40—211 405 225—10—235 166—33—199 434 Congratulations to the winners and I hope everybody had a good time at the tourney. Tnophys for the winners will be given out at our Board meeting in June. Also the winners of the i & \ project will be named at that time. LIL PUTZELL, Secretary. No. 16, CHICAGO, ILL. At our April meeting we discussed tentative plans for our lllinois-lndiana State Convention It will be held on Sunday, October 5th. The day will start with Holy Mass at 11:30 at St. George’s Church., Lunch wiM be served at the Crow Bar Inn. Tickets are $5.00. Meeting will take place after lunch. Winners of the Sunshine Club were Dorothy Perko, Mary Fugina and Millie Skul. "Happy Birthday” was sung to Violet Somin, Alvina Sreboth, Eaine Strubel and Frances Wine. The ladies also signed birthday cards which were sent to Mary Borota and Jennie Sasek. Get well wishes were sent to Tina Ziebart in Milwaukee. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Congratulations! Our bowler, Marge Wajchert was elected Village Clerk of New Lenox. Mary Anne Plut, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Plut was married on April 19th to Daniel J. Campbell of Pekin. Mother of the Year party for our own Mrs. Jennie Krall, was celebrated at the May meeting. We had arrangements planned to celebrate it with fun and entertainment. All members were invited. Will report on this later. Our sympathies to Mrs. Catherine Peraud who lost her brother, John Stefanich of Florida. Also to Mary Rezek who lost her husband, John. They would have been married 46 years in May. In the hospital reported ill is Tillie Artac, Frances Popek, Mary Cohil and home from the hospital is our president, Emma Planinšek. We wish you all a speedy recovery. Member Helen Zak’s letter to our branch was read at the meeting. She is thanking the cadets for the offering of a mass for her deceased husband, Richard. The members decided on a contribution to Zarja for the publisher’s fund since we know all costs are increasing. Secretary Olga AnceJ announced that the Polka Mass is coming back to St. Joseph’s on Laibor Day weekend. Members, please remember this event for a really different experience. Since our national convention will convene next year, several suggestions were discussed to make the convention successful. All members are asked by the president to help us enroll more new members by bringing in your children and fami- No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. BOWLING NEWS JO SUMIC HONORED BY SISTER-BOWLERS At the end of the bowling season, Dr. GriiM’s team tcok first place. This is the third year in a row that they took first place. Congratulations. In the Sweepstakes which we have on the last night of bowling, our oldest bowler, Mitzie Krapenc, took first place by bowling 90 pins over her average. Railrodd pickups: J. Muelleman 4-5; H. Fitzgerald 310, 2-5-7; S. Melissa 3-10, 5-10, 5-7; H. Drobac 2-10, 5-7; S. Gorka 3-10, 4-5-7, 5-6, 2-7; M. Zefran 3-10, 3-7-10, 5-7, 5-10; L. Put-zell 4-5, 2-7-8, 2-4-7-10, 2-7, 5-10; P. M'adic 5-10; G. Niedzielko 6-7-10, 2-5-10, 5 8-10; A. Vucko 8-10, 3-10; E. Statkus 2-5-7, 9-10, 5-6; B. Zalik 5-7, 4-5-10, 5-6-10; J. Ovnik 4-5-7, 4-5, 3-10; M. Marrazzo 2-7-10, G. Dellegrazie 2-7. Our bowling banquet was to be held at the Forum to have dinner and see a stage play. This was held on Wednesday May 14, 1975. If there is anybody who would like to bowl with us next season, please call me at 484-5573 or write to me at 3731 Home Avenue, Berwyn, 60402. We bowl on Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. LIL PUTZELL. lies. We have a happy group and would like you to join us. An annual custom takes pace at the American Slovenian Home to celebrate Mother’s Day on the Saturday before Mother’s Day. The Children bring their mothers and the husbands their wives. This year again, the packed hall was the scene of this event and to our surprise, we witnessed our own newly-elected Mayor, Norm Keck, waiting on tables, end spending all day in the kitchen p,o-paring food for the numerous hungry people. Our Mayor being very courteous, helped all celebrate this day, working very hard as only housewives know how, and after the dinner, went right along with the other men doing the dishes, wiping and hustiing. It was an unforgetatole evening for all. After the supper, president, Francis Suski introduced various officers and read names of the mothers who had this honor in the previous years from 1952. The first Mother of the Year for this American Slovenian Home was introduced, Mrs. Mary Kunstek who is still among us. She performed a lot of work for the progress of this Home. Many other Mothers were remembered, many of whom have passed on. After the reading of these names, all present stood up in silent remem-(Please turn to Page 8) It was a very gratifying experience for all attending the annual Midwest Bowling Tournament in March held in Joliet, 111. as Br. 20, hostesses of the event planned a brief but inspiring tribute to their hard-working officer and bowling director, Jo Sumic, on the 38th anniversary of her work with the league bowlers. The Rivals Alleys were bedecked in a large sign “WELCOME S.W.U. TURNA-MENT HONORING JO SUMIC” and all present were attentive to the presentation ot a small gilt to Jo during a break in the tournament schedule. On the photos we see Jo with members of her family and officers of S.W.U., from left: Ann Papesh presenting gilt to Jo Sumic, (seated) and standing: Olga Ancel, Nat’l Treas, Rose Rraemer, State Pres, of Wisconsin and Bowling Assn. Director’ Marie Floryan,^ Nat’l Vice-Pres. Joe Savol, brother-in-law, Frank Ramuta, and Ji»d Uamuta brothers, Ann Savol, sister and Corinne Leskovar, Editor of ZARJA. Middle photo shows the group while Jo responded, giving her thanks. On right are Marion Marolt, Nat’l Auditor and Lil Putzell, Mat 1 Sports Director, both also on Midwest Bowling Assn Board Lower photo is of Mary Mihelich and Ann Papesh, officers ot Joliet Bowling League with Jo and Olga. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Playing God There are times when we wish to live in Paradise. We might think about it when we are sick, tired, disgusted with ourselves or especially when we have to do something we do not want to do because it is too hard. How wonderful it would be to live a life of contentment all the time. That was the life of Adam and Eve. They did not have to go to school because they already had the gift of wisdom and knowledge. They never had to work bccause God provided them with everything for their needs. They never had to suffer disease or sickness. They could not do any wrong. They never had to die. They had no problems of any kind, no worry for the future. They never had to worry about getting to heaven because God created them with the gift of sanctifying grace. They were created as children of God and had heaven assured them. Sometimes we are tempted to think if we would have the opportunity as they did we would not mess it up as they did. They had so much going for them, it is hard to imagine their falling for the temptation of the devil. We would not do that, or would we? We all know what happened to our first parents. God had given them a special commandment. They were not to eat the fruit from one tree in the middle of Paradise. They broke God's commandment to them and God punished them. He took away the gifts he had given them. Among the others they lost sanctifying grace. They no longer would live forever. From now on they could suffer from disease and sickness. And to top it all they must work for the things they needed in order to live. At our baptism we received the gift of sanctifying grace in our soul. This is the same grace God gave to Adam and Eve in Paradise. The same grace makes us the children of God, and as long we obey and keep God's laws, we are assured of heaven. This sounds so good. You would think man would have learned a lesson from Adam and Eve. No way. Every day, men try to show God they are as good as He is by beaking His laws. It takes courage to tell the devil to get lost. It tells us also we have to be on the watch all the time and work hard to stay a child of God. ov/i11cLi11ico wc aic iciiipicu uj uimrv u wc wuuiu nave ure ume chiu wui r\ iiaiu diay a umiiu tJi uvju. NO. 20: everyone is invited and most ladies many surprise packages. brence for a few minutes. May they rest in peace. Later, the young and old danced to the Jurcic orchestra and this too, was enjoyed by all. Our sheriff, Joseph Trizna and his wife were also present as they are every year. Sr. Rita Green a member of our branch and art teacher at the College of St. Francis was a special guest at our May meeting speaking on her impressions of art at Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. Last year she attended a special seminar on youthful art there. We are most grateful for her interest and cooperation. Best wishes to all. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. ---------- ■ ii»» i <— — No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Vvednesday May 6th at 6:30 46 members and guests gathered to pay their congratulation to our guest of honor, Mary Sanker over a delicious lunch served by the hostesses. The annual celebration honoring a deserving woman of the year is gaining the reputation as a favored social in May. Many friends outside tha branch are included and welcomed especially, since we are all meshed as one working community. The needs of our West Park Slovene Home start in the kitchen and from that stems the Ladies Auxiliary. Of these the ladies are also members in common of the Progressive Women’s Organization. Together with the KSKJ-SNPJ-AMLA-MACCABEES, etc. we have excellent representation in our varied social events. So that, when this event is planned everyone is invited and most ladies wouldn’t dare miss it. Our guest honoree Mary “Maine” Sanker was radiant and flushed as the pink carnations she wore so ee-grntly. Her reflecting necklace gave a decided sparkle to her blue eyes. Rose Kosko our president and mistress of ceremonies gave a short biography of Mary and presented her with a delicate chain necklace. What many guests do not know is that "Marne” was always popular as a young lady greatly in demand for dates. She was a beautiful blonde of those ‘‘20’s”. The gang of those gay days never failed to include her for picnics, weddings, or parties. She was their smiling envied beauty. Mary is now retired from the years of daily toil and enjoys the relaxation of keeping house with Mol.y and their brother. The girls have enjoyed a few years of travel and leisure as they well deserve. We congratulate you once again Mary and wish you many years of continued good health so that you may enjoy untold ‘May’ days. Sometimes one cannot help reflect on the many devoted members we once took for granted until we realize the void they have left. HOW LOYAL THEY WERE, SO BEAUTIFUL IN SPIRIT, SO EVER CHEERFUL, STALWART AND LOVING. We missed those who could not attend, send cheer to those mothers who are alcne and ill. Isn’t it a blessing to have Mary Hosta well and about her usual duties again? We thank her and all Hostas for their combined quilt as a gift and all the generous donors of the many surprise packages. We thank Laverne Hosta for her diligent kitchen tailents and a beautiful bountiful buffet of varied tasty dishes and pastries. Our gratitude to the officers who hosted and planned and looked so festive for the occasion. Wishing you all a happy enjoyable summer of fun and fulfillmant with fewer cares and much love for one another. HELEN L. KONKOY. Respectfully yours, NO. 24, LASALLE, ILL. The meeting of May 4th was well-attended. Report on the Rummage Sale was interesting and the Sale very successful. After a short meeting, all adjourned to the Paramount Supper Club where we sat down to a sumptious meal and a good time was enjoyed by ali ANNA MEGLAN No. 24, LASALLE, ILL. On Sunday, J’une 15th, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kobilsek of 613 Garfield Ave., LaSalle will celebrate their 50th wedding Anniversary. Fannie Klopica and Frank Ko'bilsek were marred June 7th, 1925 at St. Roch’s church in LaSalle by the Rev. Francis Salovan. Attendants were Mrs. Louis Spelich and Anton Gardin, both of LaSalle. Also, Mrs. Anton Gardin, Mrs. Mary Newcomer and John Klopics who are now deceased. They are the parents of a daughter, Mrs. Mel (Frances) Larson and a son, Daniel, both of Mcndota, III. They have nine grandchildren. A Lovely Day For Lovely Ladies The feast of the Ascension of Our Lord was celebrated at our Branch doubly as it was also the Thursday we celebrated Mother’s Day with Evening Mass and Slovenian Singing Litany. The St. Stephen’s church was quite crowded with our members resplendent in their spring finery. Mother-of-the-Year, Mrs. Agnes Gaber looked radiant as she was escorted to a front pew by our guest, Mrs. Ann Kompare, National Auditor of So. Chicago, along with “Nezka’s” mother in law, Mrs. Anna Gaber and her children, Kati and Franci. During the Mass which was offered by Rev. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M. Nezka lit three candles at the Blessed Mother’s altar, one each for the three members we lost since last Mother’s Day. Over 120 ladies enjoyed a party after mass which was the first time we’ve attempted such a buffet style arrangement. Ladies brought many goodies, in fact, the list of donors is the longest we’ve ever had. They’ll be put into the branch-book fox reference. All the goodies were enjoyed by our members and guests, among them some of our beloved menfolk, too. The presentation of our Mother-of-the-Year took on a sweet and delicate note with the introduction of 10 little children, ages 4 thru 7, who sang and danced in their Slovenian costumes directed by Krista Arko and Alice Martinčič. They also performed appropriate poems dedicated to mothers. Kati and Franci Gaber rendered a delightful refrain for their mom “Jaz pa grem na zeleno trav’cc”. In order to acquaint our many guests with Nezka’s accomplishments, a short synopsis of her life was read by Corinne Leskovar. This was a translation of the story by Antonia Rozman in the May ZARJA. Dr. Rozman wrote so beautifully about Nezka, it seemed the perfect contribution to the evening. Mother-of-the-Year was also presented a book with her story and a gift of jewelry. We all think Nezka is quite a special person and it was evident that we have the right Mr. Kobilsek is now retired but for many years operated Frank’s Shoe Repair shop in downtown LaSalle. At 3 p.m. on June 15th, a Mass of Thanksgiving will be offered at St. Roch’s church by the Rev. Michael Pakula, their nephew. An open house will follow at St. Roch’s Gym Hall, 6th and Crosat St. from 4 to 7 p.m. Hosted by their children. A cordial invitation is extended to all relatives friends and acquaintances of the family to the Mass at 3 p.m. and the open house following. No invitations will be sent. Fannie is our member for many years — at least 35 — and then some. She is well loved by all. Congratulations and many blessings arc wished to them. Joys to be remembered. assessment of her character when we heard her iespond to these tributes by giving a tribute herself, to her own mother and husband’ mother. Needless to say, the party was most enjoyable and even became rewarding to some who were the recipients of numerous prizes given out that evening. Among our honored guests were also our oldest and youngest mothers and the grandma with the most grandchildren and mother with largest brood. As a crowning touch to the already overwhelmingly maternal tone of the evening, we had with us a soon-to-be-mommy, Breda Remec, uho that evening was awaiting her first child. Since then, Breda and her husband, Matt, have become the parents of a darling baby girl. The evening just couldn’t have been nicer. The atmosphere of the hall, decorated in blue and white, was the direct result of hours of work of our great decorations committee. The kitchen was running smoothly and this, too, to the credit of outstanding workers. We can only say thanks to one and all. God bless you, Mothers, Members, Dads, Kiddies and all who helped to make the evening so wonderful, C.L. Br. 2, INVITES ALL MEMBERS! Spend Sunday in a Swiss Village Our members are interested in the fine homemsking arts of the Swiss and it seems a natural that we would enjoy seeing a Swiss lace factory in operation, watch the making of embroideries), cheeses, and see a replica of a pioneer Swiss village such as the one at New Glarus, Wisconsin, 160 miles from Chicago. So, members, their families and friends are invited to join a one day Sunday excursion on June 29th to New Glarus for their "Heidi Festival”. Cost of the trip and dinner at the New Glarus Hotel is $13 complete for adults and $8 for children under 12. Call or stop at the SWU Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Telephone B17-2014 for your reservations by June 16th. MARY PILETIČ. No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our April meeting had a nice group of members attending and it was short due to the fact that we were celebrating the birthdays of the past 4 months with cake and coffee. On the sick list was John Tushar, husband of our Mother of the Year, Mary. He was in Lake Side Hospital. Also hospitalized were Henry Kersman and Josephine Novak. We wish them all speedy recoveries. Sorry that Josephine Novak was sick all these winter months and we didn't know it sooner. Our prayers are with her, especially. Our president mentioned briefly that for the sake of the secretary, once again she reminded all members to pay their dues according to the new rates which are 10 We’re looking for stories and anecdotes of our individual pioneer > Slovenians, things that you and your families might remember from , way back when, in our effort to celebrate the U.S. Bi-Centennial Year. Send in any contribution to Mrs. Irene Odorizzi, 2362 Paddock 1 Lane, Reston, Va. ,22070 or to the Editor. The Bi-Centennial emphasis < is, after all, on the years since the first centennial in 1876. We should , ' relate many incidents of the courage and industry of our pioneers. , Marie Pricland: C I r- USA CAPITAL BRANCH Years ago I often wished that we would have a Branch in the Capital of the United States, but how was that possible? I did not know anyone to contact. Them, at the 1964 national convention held in Chica- go, the late Albina Novak, jokingly recommended Washington, D.,C. as the place for the next convention. The first reaction was: “Who will organize the convention's program since we do not have a Branch there.” — Nevertheless the idea caught interest and the delegation voted Washington for our next convention. Some months after the Chicago convention I received the good news that a young lady was indeed trying to form a Zveza Branch among Slovenian ladies 'living in the Washington Metropolitan area including states of Virginia and Maryland. Since at that time Slovenians were widely-scattered, their presence was almost ur.known in that area and had little awareness of each other. To organize a Branch would seem fruitless. With abounding success this talented young lady, Irene Planinšek, a University graduate and a teacher in one of the Washington high schools accomplished the challenge. Irene is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Planinšek, active president of Branch No. 20 in Joliet, 111. The new Branch opened the door to a varied group of women, professional and non-professional which gives exposure to social, political and community concern. ‘‘Our Branch’s biggest acomplishment is survival dtspite our many diversifications in the city of our National Capital,” writes Miss Freda Michelitch, the president. The love for Slovenian heritage and tradition unified these Slovenian womei: into an active and dedicated Branch. It made possible the formation of other Slovenian organizations: — The KSKJ Bishop Baraga Society, the Slovenian Chapel Committee and the Slovenian Heritage Committee. They are grateful to Irene and the eleven charter members of Branch 103 for promoting Slovenian — American culture and giving strength to a relatively small Slovenian population. The Branch’s members are most cooperative and willing workers. Special efforts are put forth by: Tillie Terselic, program chairman and her wonderful co-workers: Freda Michelitch, Molly Thomas, Mary Mejac, the secretary, Tillie Ausich, Mary Lou Terselic, Iča Žebot, Nika Kovačič, and Mathilda Podborsek. Three members — Mara Chokel, Molly Thomas, Jana Bevec — sing in the Washington Slovenian Choral Group organized in 1967 which performed at the national Zveza Convention in 1967. The Branch participated with the Slovenian Heritage Committee at its annual program, “Know your Slovenian Heritage”. They took part in “Celebration", an ethnic, religious and cultural festival held at Hecht’s Department store during the Easter Holiday featuring an exhibition and sale of traditional Slovenian foods. Mother's Day program includes the annual Memorial Mass offered by Father Franc Blatnik, their spiritual director and celebrated in the Slovenian Chapel in the Washington Basilica. The Branch hosted the famous “Gallus” Concert Group from Koroško (Carinthia, Austria) with a barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zorc. $ Their annual Dinner Dance last Fall featured “Eddie and his Slovenians”, imported from Creekside, Pennsylvania. sj In Decem'bei the proceeds from their creative Christmas projects are donated for charitable causes. They also generously contribute to x Zveza’s scholarship fund. On October 25th this fall, Branch 103 will |> $ celebrate its 10th anniversary with a Dinner Dance. 4 £ (Continue on next Page) No. 40 as she explained Mary Bostian, National President who was invited couldn't be with us as she was in Chicago for the Board meeting. Sophie was very gracious and a fine spsaker. Could not have pleased us more. Aco in our midst, from Cleveland, were Alma Eppich of Br. 32 and Frances Sietz of Br. 50. They brought an Infant of Prague statue that we gave to a person selected a random for the Scholarship Fund. We did real well with our large gathering. Br. 40 has had 3 recipients of this fund. They are, Ann Bresak in 1960, Arlene Voytko in 1962 and John Strukley in 1968. So, we are naturally interested and grateful. There are just two charter members with us. They are Antonia Udo-vich and Bertha Anzalec. The oldest member is Mary Rlecnik and she's all of 94 years of age. Agnes Jancar has been president for 40 years and Angeline Kozjan secretary for 35. We have a total of 104 membars and meet on the second Wednesday of the month., We serve a dessert lunch after the meetings and then play cards or games. All I can say is it’s a lot of fun. So, come on, let’s have more of you attend. We’d like more than the 20-25 who come regularly. I speak only for myself but I enjoy every meeting and I ktrow you will, too. Our Founder of S.W.U., Marie Pris-land, sent us a leter of congratulations; thank you for your many kind words. And, we will continue to work for a bigger and better Br. 40. To get back to our ceebration, other organizations were present. I cannot mention them all. Thanks also to the people who wished us well and another 45 years, or at least they said — "make it to the Golden Anniversary”. Thank you one and all. It is not necessary to mention the names of our officers since they have appeared numerous times, but I would like to mention again our Mother of the Year Mary Evanish. God bless her on the loveliest title in the world. We closed our celebration with everyone singing Angelsko češčenje and Lepa si, roža Marija. And, we sure are blessed with a lot of beautiful voices., As you can guess, it was all a great success. Don't you think so? I will soon be on my way to Europe and will be gone for three weeks. In that time Agnes Bucher will take my place. I am afraid that I will tum into a terrible "bore” once I return and no one will be able to turn me off — CAPSULES Continued: An invitation was extended them this year to participate in the Biennial Northern Virginia Folk Festival where the setting is as an International Village Square. The USA Bi-centenial Year will, no doubt, present many opportunities for new activities. (Branch 103 embraces 45 members, among them two octogenerians and 17 juniors who happily perform at many occasions. True, the Branch is small but their deeds are enormous! We will always remember how graciously we were received and how royally hosted at the time of our national convention held in Washington in 1967 when over 400 Zveza members and friends came with us to the USA Capital. And when at the Zveza national convention a resolution by Branch 103 was presented and adopted that a Slovenian Chapel be built in the Washington Basilica, the Branch helped to carry this idea to reality with words and deeds. At the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel August 15, 1971, mem-'bers of Washington Branch again performed a great task in helping to receive and acommodate over 1500 people arriving for the dedication from all over America and many from Slovenia. One of the most ardent workers and planners for both events was Irene Planinšek, now Mrs. Kenneth Odonizzi. We salute Branch 103! May it continue to grow and prosper! We also compliment the Washington Metropolitan Slovenian Community on its successful effort to indicate their Slovenian heritage and to acquaint the American Public with the Slovenian nationality, its culture and traditions. with my cnly topic of conversation “my trip!” But, I shall be happy to come back to my beloved family and nearly as dear, my “job" with the ZARJA. So, God bless you all. MARY PLOSZAJ. No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Ladies, During July and August we will not meet. Mrs. Prelogar attends mass everyday plus a funeral mass if there is one. She makes bsautiful afghans, booties, hats, all crocheted items. Did you know that Mary Cebul has a son who is a doctor and another son who is an engineer? We lost two over 75 year old members in Holy Week. Two funerals in one week. Rosaries were said by Jane Kaplan for both; burial service, plus mass attendance by the following ladies both days: Mrs. Ann Skok, Mary Debevec, Mary Prelogar, Theresa Mihevc, Rose Sabec, Rose Puj-dar, Jane Kaplan. The following ladies donated to our treasury: Frances Jamnik, Mary Dacar, Rose Piskur, Ann Hoffer, Mary Franz, Anna Skok, Mary Radell. Thank you ladies, you are so nice. Anyone who paid there dues in Dec. or Jan. and have not received their cancelled check by now should reissue me a new check. Thank You. Did you know that your secretary is learning a new hobby making afghans? It is a gratifying experience making something from yarn into a colorful bundle. Another hobby your secretary was teaching ladies is how to make ro- saries. She co-ordinated 30,000 here in Cleveland for the Blue Army who in turn sent them on to the Vietnam soldiers. Also she is attending evening classes for public speaking. I had to cancel the following ladies from membership, Cecelia Korošec and Agnes Kaplan, 475-2644. If I get a confirmation from you — membership will be reinstated to you. Please ladies help me find these people. To the ladies from out of the state please, bring your dues up to date. Hope your Easter was a happy one, Mothers Day a beautiful one, and your summer vacation a joyful one for the coming July and August months. Did you know that Louise Radell has a grandson who is a priest. He is Father Brodnik, assistant pastor at St. Wenceslas Church in Maple Heights. This is the secretary’s parish. Again, Happy Birthday to all the ladies. We would like to change the meeting date to a later day in the month so we can get the Zarja before our meeting day. JANE KAPLAN. ■ ■ I liifc r igl'-jfc.-------- No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO First to apologize to my birthday ladies of April and May. Sorry I mixed up the months. Happy Birthday, birthday ladies! Our June ladies are Agnes Vercek, Olga Ponikvar, Dolores Lipnos, Jennie Intihar and Mary Ann Fi ips. Best wishes. Get well wishes to all our sick members. We think of you often: Angela Perko, Antonia Legan, Frances Stavec, Jennie Intihar; Dorothy Ponikvar we hear was in the hospital and Betty Kosak was also in for surgery. There is good news, too. Our Lillian Horvat's daughter, Kathleen was married May 3rd. to Edward Horvat (same name). Wishes to them for h a p p iness. Also Dolores Lipnos’ daughter just got engaged and plans to be married next year. Best wishes, Pat. Forgot to mention in our April issue that Lillian Horvat is also our member who belongs to Planina. Hope you all enjoyed our Concert. On July 19-20 we are planning to go to Lernont, III. Anyone interested, please let me know. We also are planning a Ž. Z. Bfzaar here on Sept. 2nd. We will have our own stand. We’ll talk about it at the next meeting, June 17th. Please attend ladies. We are planning a basket picnic in July, too, with Planina group at Kas-telic’s Place in Twinsburg. Plan to come with the family. We want to thank Frances Sietz for donated the beautiful statue of the Infant of Prague. All the selling went to our branch and Scholarship Fund. Ladies, keep me posted during the summer months for news. See you June 17th. Don’t forget your dues. MARY LOU PRHNE. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The May meeting was held on Thursday, May 1st and our branch honored Mother of the Year, Mitzi Mohorko, our vice-president. A motion was made and seconded that all business be disposed of and tabled until the June meeting on the 5th which will be very important. All members are urged to attend, at Rebernisek’s at 7 p.m. It was a social evening then, with several new faces which we enjoyed seeing and 84 members and 3 nonmembers, a total cf 87 people attending., Mitzi was really surprised when her family of nine walked into the hall including her two grandchildren, Sheryl and Richard, Jr., 3 sons, Albert, Joe and Richard, daughter- inlaw, Mary Jane, (all members) and her husband, John and 2 other daughters-in-law, Audrey and Kathy. Tears were rolling down Mitzi's cheeks, she had absolutely no knowledge of the family’s presence. Her granddaughter, Sheryl, presented her with a corsage, altho Mitz already came with a corsage. The day before was her 36th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations, Mitzi and John Mohorko and many, many more anniversaries! Her grandson, Richard, Jr. presented her with a tote-bag and she also received a plaque of the Blessed Virgin.. A short poem was read by yours truly and Mitz is deserving of every word. If ever there was a Mother Who was dear in every way, It’s you, Mitzi, and that’s the reason, Why you're loved each day. And if ever there was a Mother Who deserved the very best, It's you Mitzi, so you are wished Whatever makes you happiest. Dinner was served at 6:45 p.m. and believe me it was the must lucious dinner prepared by our member, Mrs. Sophie Rifelj. She is an excellent cook and she prepared a delicious Mother's Day dinner. Each member brought a $1 gift and we played B after the dinner. A beautiful afghan, donated by Dorothy Pike was given to Theresa Kotar lucky lady. She was so happy and told us it was the first time she won such a beautiful prize. You are deserving of it, Mrs. Kotar. A very special member, Ann Re-bernisek is again hospitaled at St. Luke's Hospital. We miss her very much and wish her a speedy recovery. Ann sent a telegram to our branch, congratulating and sending best wishes to the Mother of the Year, her thoughts and prayers will be with you all. Mary Hoffarth had quite a bit of surgery but is now recuperating at home.. Mary Kresse was a'lso on the sick list. To all our sick and shut-in members a speedy recovery. Mary and Albert Tratnik, Sr. celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on May 4th. Congratulations to you and we hope you’ll have many more. Edward and Shirley Schulta were also among the anniversary celebrants. They were married 19 years. Congratulations. Two of our well known members, Elsie Gallun and her sister, Sandy Krzysiak took their dad to Florida for a vacation to visit his sister and will also visit Elsie’s daughter, Margie. Girls and Grandpa, have a nice trip. Congratulations to Fran Schneider and Arcie Radovich. They took 4th place in Doubles and Arcie took second place in All Events and 3rd in Singles in the Jo Sumic Midwest Bowlnig Tourney. Ceil Groth and Vickie Sporis spent a few days in Nashville, Tenn. and got to see the Grand Ole Opry show. Their trip was weM planned with good food and tours. They enjoyed every minute while they were there. A bus is chartered for Sunday, July 20th for Lemont. Anyone interested please call yours truly for reserva- tions as soon as possible. My phone number is 481-7357. Congratulations to all June graduates and also First Holy Communicants, those having anniversaries and birthdays, too. Our branch will be celebrating Wisconsin State Convention and 45th Anniversary and the First Wisconsin Slovenian Debutante Ball on Sunday, Sept. 21st 1975. We have 4 charter members to honor. Tickets will soon be available from your secretaries. More details later on this event. To our men folks, a Happy Father's Day! ROSE KRAEMER, Secretary. No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Winter is gone, Spring has past, Summer is finally here at last. Installation of New members were held at this meeting. Honor Guards performed a drill routine under the direction of Capt. Frances Seitz. They also escorted new members., We had a nice group of ladies in attendance, which included our guest, Sophie Magayna, Ohio-Mich. State Pres. Our Vanity Fair was a success, thanks to all the lovely ladies we had in attendence. Mary Petnc donated a beautiful hand crocheted white shawl, which was given away, along with 29 other gifts. All proceeds from this affair went to the Scholarship Fund. A good time was had by all. Our Deepest Sympathy to the following people: Frances Hribar, on the death of her sister, Mary Potochar and Bro. In-Law, Andy Yerman. Rose Želodec, Zora Kramer, and Julie Horvat on the death of their sister, Anne Kumse. Anne was a member of Br. 50 and a Marie Prisland Cadet for many, many years. Josephine Debevec on the death of her sister, Frances, who also was our member. Mrs. Carleton Kidd and family on the death of their mother, Jennie Kosten. Mrs. Kosten was a recent transfer from Br. 49. May The Souls of All the Faithful Departed Rest In Peace. "Get Well Wishes" to the following members: Fran Marold, Eleanore Kar-linger, Frances Stariha, Maria Hočevar, Frances Tomse, Sophie Posch, Mary Pucel, Angie Shine and Frances Neman ich. Thank you cards received from Mary Petrie and Frances Marold., A gift of $5 was donated to the Scholarship Fund, from Jean Paik, in behalf of her brother, Milan A. Jaksic. Happy Birthday’s and Anniversaries to all our members. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Anna Pavlovič who recently turned 75 years old. She resides in Florida. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. John Seifert on their 50th Weeding Anniversary. Congratulations to Elsie Jagodnik (Dgtr.-ln-Law of Irene Jagodnik), who recently opened a beauty shop in Jacksonville, Fla. Congratulations to Ronald Klemenčič (grandson of Marie Dolinar), who recently was promoted to supervisor at Clevelsnd Trust Bank. Ben Voyage to our Pres. Ann Hočevar who will be leaving soon for Europe. While visiting in Rome, Italy she will be attending the Ordination of her cousin. Hope you have a very safe, and memorable trip. Final Bowling Results will appear in the July-August Issue. Thanks to all the ladies who brought baked goods at this meeting. Thanks to the “kitchen crew” for their artistic talents in setting up a beautiful dessert table. Until next month, Best Regards! ANN WINTER. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. God gave us many beautiful stars to shine in the sky; God gave us many beautiful flowers to bloom — beautiful birds to sing and fly, and so many friends to cheirsh — but, God gave us only one MOTHER! We each have our own — some are at peace in Heaven, others are with us. Regardless, we carry their sweet memory and-or our love and respect for them within our hearts. At our May meeting, held at Assumption Hall, we honored our chosen mother-of-the-year, Mrs. Mary (Frank) Puhek, affectionately known to us as “Mimi”. In the name of S.W.U. respectful consideration was shown to her by a capacity attendance at the meeting. Everyone, in turn, graciously offered congratulations and the good wishes she so richly deserves. A beautiful corsage, and a lovely gift, for remembrance, was presented to our chosen Mother-of-the-Year by our branch membership. Appropriate songs were sung in English and Slovenian. Janie, a very lovely granddaughter, read a beautiful “tribute to Grandmother” — an original composition written out on a parchment skroll. This beautiful gift is definitely worthy of a prominent place in Grandmother’s home! J'anie, and her Mom flew in from California for a surprise visit, and to attend this memorable occasion. Other guests in attendance were members of the Puhek family from Minneapolis, California, Hibbing, Chisholm and Buhl. The hostess committee did a tremendous job with a buffet of deli- 50th ^nniverdary. cious culinary artistry. At the tea table, beautifully appointed with a white china Madonna, surrounded by red roses, baby-breath, and fem greenery and "her” beauty enhanced by white lighted candles in milk-china candelabra and white-china Flamingos — over a beautiful white crochet table cloth — Mrs. Molly Galli, ("Mimi’s” sister) pouted. A social of card games and visiting followed. The hostesses in charge of the evening’s social consisted of the following: Mary Putzel, Angeline Passino, Mary Meadows, Teresa Hat-tarh, Rose Vukich, Mary Massich, Ann Yeshe, and Ann Satovich, chairperson. The business meeting, on this date, was very short. Reports were read; Secretary Meadows reported that 64 cook books have been sold with calls coming in for more. Mrs. Anna Pintar was introduced and happily accepted as a new member. Pres. Maras announced there will be no meeting in June and July, but a very important meeting will be held in August. Every member should make a special effort to attend. Plans wilil be finalized for our Minnesota Day festivities at this meeting. Since no invitations were being sent, all members of our S.W.U. were personally invited to attend the golden wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hattam held on May 18th at the Immaculate Conception Church Club Rooms, in Hibb-ing. Their nuptial vows were exchanged 50 years ago on May 10, 1925 with the late Fr. Dominic Stro-bietto officiating at the ceremony, held at the Immaculate Conception Church. Their attendants were (now Approximately 275 friends and relatives honored MR. AND MRS. STEVE MOHORKO on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. They were married April 21, 1925, in New York City, N.Y. They renewed their wedding vows at a concelebrated mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Fontana, Cal. After the mass, a reception and buffet was held at the American Slovenian Catholic Union Hall. The Mohorkos’ have three children, Mrs. Frank Pranausk and Mrs. Ray Weiler, both of Fontana, and Peter Mohorko of Mcraga, Cal.; 13 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. They came to Fontana 27 years ago and are still active in a printing business they have operated for the past 25 years. Thei'- many friends and the members of Br. 100 extend to them fondest wishes on this happy observance! ■---- -.........V.W/.W.W.W.W.V.V.V.V.V.W.V.VW.'.W.', deceased) Mrs. Z. Morelli, and Mr. M. Zackovich. Hosting the Golden Jubilarian reception were their daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Dee H. Cross and family of Los Gatos, California. Their granddaughter and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Guerrero and family of San Diego, California — and their son Charles and Mrs. Hattam, Jr.. with their family. The younger generation of the Hattam family consists of 6 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Mrs. Teresa Marie (Negri) Hattam was born and raised in Hibbing, and has lived at Brooklyn Addition for 65£ years. In her youth she was considered the best ice skater in the community; roller-skating and swimming were also her favorite activities. Today she is an avid sports fan football, hockey, basket-ball- you name it, she loves it, and never misses a game. Charles, Sr., also enjoys sports, golf and bowling being the favorite which he enjoys regularly since his retirement from the Fire Dept, several years ago. Mrs. Charles Hattam, Sr. is a member of the V.F.W. Auxiliary, the American Legion Auxiliary, Degree of Honor Lodge, Women of the Moose Lodge, Pocahontas Lodge, Navy Marine and Coast Guard Mothers’ Club of America. An active member of the East Side Civic and Improvement Club, the Sacred Heart League, and has been an active and loyal member of S.W. U. since 1950. Mrs.. Teresa Marie Hattam was chosen "Personality of the West and Midwest” — honoring American's leaders in recognition of Past achievements, outstanding ability, and m. and WL CkurL service to her Community and State in the 1972 Edition — K.B. Newton, Editor. We of branch No. 56 S.W.U. extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to Teresa Marie and Charles on this happy and memorable oc-cassion. Knowing of their love to travel — having already traveled nearly every route in the U.S.A. we pray that God will bless them with much peace, happiness, and good health so that they may continue to enjoy the things they love to do "together” for many more years to come. Much peace to all our friends in Zveza. A. SELVO, Pub. Hermine Prisland Dicke: Madison. Wis. 53711 and. »AS«1 * * * . Mrs. Mary Maček, president of Branch No. 55; Girard, Ohio, began cake decorating as a hob-by-it is now a time-consuming business decorating birthday, graduation. First Holy Communion and wedding cakes (this, in addition to doing her own sewing). With each cake Mary learns a new trick or perfects an old one. During this bridal month of June she will be spending many hours with her “hobby”. WEDDING CAKE Duncan Hines White Cake Mix is the basis for the cake. “Other cake mixes bake up crumbly”: says Mary. To one box of Duncan Hines White Cake Mix add: 1 extra egg white V2 teaspoon vanilla Beat all the ingredients vigor- Mr. & Mrs. John Macek at their Golden Wedding Party. ously-this is important as the cake tastes like a sponge-type. Generously grease and then flour baking pans. Follow the directions on the box for baking and for cooling cakes. ICING: (from Mary’s cake decorating class). 3 one pound boxes powdered sugar 2 cups Crisco (use Crisco) 1 cup water (if dry, add a little more) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon white vanilla Beat all together until fluffy. This amount will cover a large two layer cake. Add coloring as desired. Any left over icing can be stored in an airtight container without refrigeration. 12 boxes of cake mix and 12 pounds of powdered sugar will make a cake to serve 300 people. Stainless steel tubes are used to separate the cakes in a tiered fashion. Note: There are classes and text books available to learn cake decorating. One book is Wilton’s Yearbook of Cake Decorating from Wilton Enterprises, Inc., 833 West 115th St., Chicago, Illinois; 60643 at $1.50 H.H. There have been several requests to repeat the REFRIGERATOR DOUGH POTICA which appeared in the May; 1966 issue. REFRIGERATOR DOUGH POTICA Night before prepare dough and raisins. YEAST MIXTURE: 2 ounce cake of compressed yeast. % cup lukewarm milk 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons flour In a small bowl crumble the yeast into the lukewarm milk, add sugar and flour; mix and let stand to rise (about 10 minutes) DOUGH: 6-7 cups sifted flour 1 tablespoon salt % sup to % cup sugar, as desired one- Rind of one lemon % cup butter (one and half sticks) 1 cup luke warm milk 6 egg yolks, beaten In large bowl combine 6 cups of the flour, salt, sugar, lemon rind. Work in softened butter with fingers until all butter is absorbed. Make a well in center of flour-butter mixture, add milk, yolks and raised yeast. Mix and knead for a few minutes until smooth adding more flour if necessary until dough may be handled without sticking. Oil top of dough, cover well and refrigerate for at least six hours or overnight. Prepare raisins for filling: Soak 1 cup golden raisins in hot water for at least 10 minutes; drain on paper towel. Put in small bowl, add 1 ounce rum to raisins and let stand covered over night for raisins to absorb rum. DAY OF BAKING: Let dough warm in room temperature at least an hour, meanwhile filling can be prepared Vi cup milk or cream % cup butter (1 stick) % cup honey 1 pound walnuts, finely ground 1 teaspoon cinnamon 6 egg whites 1 and % cups sugar (used in two parts) Over low heat, heat milk, butter and honey stirring until butter melts. Pour the hot mixture over the walnuts and stir. Mix in cinnamon. Beat egg whites until stiff then gradually add the one cup of sugar beating until all sugar is added. Fold into walnut filling. Rolling Dough: On an uncovered floured table roll out dough from center outward, turning it over occasionally at first, reflouring the table (sparingly) if necessary. Roll I gently pull the dough towards me. It doesn’t make any difference if the other half stands a little longer; just keep it covered. Any left over yeast can be frorzen for future use. Thaw early in morning. Before placing dough in the oven, I prick it with a cake tester or a toothpick about Vi inch deep in a number of areas to release any air bubbles”. Marie Prisland: “I like to make REFRIGERATOR DOUGH PO TICA because it can be made in two stages. I also like the smaller slices. I buy yeast in an 8 oz. bulk size then divide in into four pieces; wrap as one and freeze for future use”. Margaret Fischer: “I enjoy making REFRIGERATOR DOUGH POTICA. I actually use a ruler to measure the exact size of the dough as given. My only change in the recipe is that I use 4 packages of dry yeast to 1 cup warm water for the YEAST MIXTURE. My Tup-perware large bowl with a cover is perfect for sLoring the dough overnight in the refrigerator. Add to instructions for FRUIT DUMPLING recipe in April issue be certain to add the 2 eggs to the cooled cream of Wheat mixture before adding the sifted flour and salt. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY, WEDDING DAY. GRADUATION DAY AND BIRTHDAY, Love. Hermine A JOLLY BUS EXCURSION WELL REMEMBERED the dough into an oblong shape 26 x 40 inches. Spread filling smoothly over entire dough. Sprinkle the remaining Vz cup sugar and the raisins over the filling. On one long side, start rolling up the dough to the middle stretching back slightly to tighten roll. Repeat with other half bringing both sides to center. You will now have a double roll facing each other. With the edge of a saucer cut the double roll into four sections to fit four well-greased bread pans (5’/a by 10 Vs). Cover again with cloth and let rise in a warm place for about 2 hours or until double in bulk. Baking: Before baking brush tops with beaten egg for a shiny crust. Bake for 1 hour in a 350 degree preheated oven. Cool in pans before removing. For serving, potica is cut lengthwise between rolls then crosswise for slices. It freezes beautifully after throughly cooled. During my recent visit to She boygan my mother and sister, Pauline Rupar (Walnut Poiica, April issue) and I talked about POTICA: Pauline: “I always divide the dough of my Walnut Potica in half then roll each half separately to 24 inches wide and about 24 to 30 inches deep. Beginning with a 12 inch circle with fingers underneath the dough and palms upward No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. On April 6th, 40 ladies from Br. 67 went to Pittsburgh for a tour. First, we went to the Conservatory where the flower show was taking place. What beautiful flowers! All kinds and arrangements! Went to the Point State Park, through the Fort Pitt Block House and it was cold and windy there. Some of the ladies stayed in the bus till the braver ones got back. We had to walk from the Hilton Hotel to get to the Point. Ft. Pitt Museum is there and some went in to see all the Indians and Sett.ers in life size replicas of a full stocked trader's cabin and soldiers’ barracks also an early Pittsburgh parlor. Sixty exhibits in the Museum also, beautiful mosaic floors and large murals. A model of Ft. Pitt, twenty feet in diameter with a recorded narration can be heard through individual earphones. The most beautiful part of the trip was that tour to St. Anthony’s chapel on Troy Hill. There are over 5,000 relics beneath the altar and a reliquary containing the bones of martyr St. Demetrius, also another with the 700 relics of various saints. Father Mollinger built the chapcI in 1800 as a private project financed by his personal fortune. He was the son of a wealthy Belgian family. He died in 1892. Fr. Mollinger was also a physician. His best known remedies were the Dr. Mollinger's Stomach Pills. He left no will so his heirs took what they could and sold the remaining contents to the people of the Most Holy Namer Church. In the chapel is the Latin phrase, “Here lie the Saints in Peace”. The people are restoring the chapel under the direction of the current pastor, Rev. George Benton. You must go there to see the beautiful life sized carved wooden Stations of the Cross and colorful stain glass winders. So much to see that you can’t see everything the first time. Had our dinner at the Hilton and cn the way home later, we stopped at McDonalds for refreshments. MEETING NOTES We he.'d our April meeting on the 13th. 25 ladies were present. Pres. Mary Snezic brought a sheet cake and we had coffee and. Plans were made to attend the State Conventon later in April which we did. Love the recipe of Br. 26 in February Zarja. Try it, you’ll like it! Here would like to express best wishes to Frank & Helen Sankovich, grandparents to twins, boy and girl, born to their daughter Debbie Gregg and son-in-law, Bob. Also, to Mrs. Frances Samsa who is their great grandmother. Frank and Helen are also celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary as of May 27th. Congratulations. Also wish to express best wishes to Larry and Helen Snezic, their daughter, Mary Jane had a daughter April 24th. And, Helen and Larry celebrated their anniversary April 30th. Congratulations. Our president, Mary Snezic is a grandmother again. How many will that make, Mary? Mary Jane’s husband is Mike Pusnik, son of Mr. & Mrs. Mirko Pusnik and great grandmother is 'Mrs. Mary Marotich. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery and happy birthday to the following who observed in May: Pres. Mary Snezic, Mary Zorinich, Mae Gub-ing, Vida Mohorčič and whoever I may have missed. Please come to our meetings and write your birthdays down so you can be remembered in my book. Wish to see our belated good wishes to all Mothers for Mother's Day. You never know how much you can miss you mom till she is called away. So, please go see her, take her to dinner or just drop in and say Hello to Mom! If she is in a rest home, visit her often. President Mary Snezic opened the May meeting with the Lord’s Prayer. She then told of the trip to the State Convention at Meadowlands, Pa. They had a good time and plenty to eat. Five ladies were lucky and won gifts. Sorry I could not attend. Mrs., Frances Samsa and Mrs. Louis Serjak celebrated their birthdays in May. We, the ladies of Bessemer, Br. 67, wish a Happy Birthday to our Founder and Honorary President, Marie Prisland on June 21st. May she have many more. Happy Birthday wishes in June to Helen Rapp, Helen Sankovich and in July to Helen Peloza and yours truly. In August, to Mary Bryan, Emily Lom-bari, Ann Luskestich. If I have missed your birthday, let me know. I should have your month and year for my records. No meeting in July, August. See you in Sept. Have a nice vacation. Get well wishes to all our shut-in members. Best of health to everyone. Secretary and Reporter. MARY PERCIC, No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS., OHIO Our 39th Anniversary Mass was held April 6, 1975 at St. Jude's Church, with Father Anthony Glauber, O.F.M. officiating. All our members want to thank Father Anthony for the choice and kind words used in publicly acknowledging our branch, as well as taking the time to shake hands with each member. At this time I would like to list the ladies and also the Junior Members who attended, and they are as follows: Betty Bayus; Frances Cazin; Irene Chase; Virginia Che-rosky; Jenny DeRoia; Jeannette Epley; Louise Epley; Helen Kainec; Louise Majercik; Barbara Mason; Ann Modic; J"ean Novotny; Mary Pelc; Pauline Svette; Josephine Turk; Agnes Walters; Antonia Varisek; and Ann Yoger. The Junior Members were: Kim Jones; William Jones; and Roobert Vorisek. We are sorry to report that Eble’s beloved brother passed away. May le rest in peace! We all want to welcome Olga Sray and daughter Mary Ann to our branch. They are transferees from Branch No. 15. We are all delighted that these two ladies have joined our group. Sorry to hear that Dorothy Hrovat and Virginia Cherosky were hospitalized recently, as well as yours truly. Hope the above mentioned ladies as well as myself feel much better very soon. Congratulations to Patricia (Maurer) Schaab who recently had a baby girl; and also congratulations to our President Kay Yuratovac for having been made a Grandmother for the first time with the arrival of a baby girl to son Robert and wife. We all hope that the new Mothers and their babies are doing well. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary. H/tctker cff The 1/eat JrattceJ @ctk A very pleasant mother and grandmother is Mrs. Frances Roth. She has been a member of Br. 84 for 7 years. Her mother, Mrs. John Medved, was a member of Br. 7, Forest City, Penna. and both her parents were good friends of the New York ladies including Mrs. Angela Voje, president. Frances is the mother of three sons, Jack Jr., Donald and William and grandma of 4. She likes dancing and enjoys being with grandchildren. She and her husband of 38 years live at 2489 Sycamore Ave. in Wantagh, N. Y. When time allows, she spends time reading, in her kitchen, cooking and baking and outdoors, gardening. A happy belated Mother’s Day to Mrs. Roth! No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. On April 23rd our meeting was held at the parish hall with Mrs. Mary Brletich presiding. Plans were made for the annual Mother’s Day Breakfast that took place May 11th. At that time we honored Mrs. Mary Marolt who was our chosen Mother of the Year. A committee was appointed to make plans for the breakfast. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Mike Churack. Mrs. Joe Bolf, Mrs. Steve Jackovich and Mrs. Anton Logar. One of our charter members, Mrs. Tony Kukich and her husband celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniver- sary on April 20th. Their party was in the church hall. Many friends and relatives attended the happy occasion. MARY MICHELICH. No. 95, So. CHICAGO, ILL. Good old mother nature interfered with our April meeting with the wildest tantrums of weather you have ever seen and dumped a ton of snow on our fair city. A.I transportation was crippled. Mrs. Beth Williams who was supposed to be on our program to present the latest in “Food Gardening" was cancelled and will be back at a later date. I have one thing to report and thct is Mrs. Matilda Turica has moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. We wish her a long and happy life in her new environment. It's a sense of loss and deep regret that we won’t be seeing her so much from time to time. I know that she will try to keep in touch with us. I would also like to wish our J'une Birthday ce.ebrants a Happy Birthday and they are: Mary Rezek, Anna Starcevich, Viki Tomich, Mary Kos-tecka, Katica Jakovich, Helen Hoff, Mary Malcich, Eva Mesin, Alyce Kro-pel, Rose Mary Latoza, and Irene tvans. June 4th. is our last meeting for the summer; so have a healthy and a happy safe summer, see you all in the fall when we will resume our meetings with a whole new schedu.e of events. In conclusion, we must not forget our fathers, living or deceased, on rathers Day, we owe so much to them and again it is my privilege to exuend our warmest greetings to al. fathers on their Day. Happy Fathers uay! ANNA JURKAS Again, with sudden unexpected sudutnness, oeath nas struck our branch. Mrs. Anna Jurkas 9b31 Ex-cnange Ave. wno was an exemplary ana zealous member in the formative years of our branch, died peaceru.iy in her home with her loving daughter Kose at her side. Friends and members will remember Ann as a cheerful lady wno attended church regularly and who has made many frienas in her community. In her later years she was unable to attend our meetings, but her daughter always took care of all her needs. We will miss her daughter’s presence at our meetings; even at the time of death she kept in touch with us. Our most sincere and prayerful sympathy to her loving daughters, Rose, Elsie, Virginia, sons Pete and William and may God bless you and keep you in this your hour of sorrow. Her passing leaves a void in our hearts and in our branch, may she enjoy her eternal rest and the rewards she has earned. MILDRED JAMES, i 1 1 . jšk1 'k. / -IZ)« ut n Cl o ra ( C ji roup Although our annual concert is the Sunday after Thanksgiving Day, the chorus is really busy preparing many new arrangements for this special day. Attendance is very good at rehearsails. Being part of the Dawn Choral Group requires a great deal of effort and cooperation. At the end of March, we held a Vanity Fair Supper. This supper is put on by two former TV personalities, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols. All entrees included in the supper are made for the purpose of acquainting men and women with the products. It was a delightful evening. Many thanks must go to all the branches for their help. As usual, the Zveza members came from many different branches to help us make this benefit a success. This year we have a new treasurer. Ann Kristoff is busy managing our financial duties and doing a very good job. We can’t forget to say how much we appreciated our former treasurer, Fran Nemanich and alii the work she has done for the organization. Her many extra contributions were an inspiration and challenge to the others. Although officially Fran is no longer an officer, she still is working very hard for the chorus. Paulin Krall, who is also our very busy Librarian, is Vice President. Keeping us all on our toes is President Olga Klancher. We hope everyone has a delightful summer. Of course, the chorus will remain on the job during most of the summer, but if you attended one of our practices you’ know how much we enjoy it. MITZI GLOBOKAR, Secretary. No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Dear members. We had a lovely group at the last meeting and social. Hope that it would be always like this. Thanks to those who brought the beautiful prizes that helps to increase our treasury. Let’s keep up the good work. The meeting June 20th will begin at 7 p.m. Bring your prizes again for covering of numbers games. We’ll have a good time like last month. Sorry to report that Anna Podobnik fell and broke her leg in two places. She is home now and we hope she will come to see us soon. She's looking forward to her 86th birthday on St. Ann’s feastday. We had a nice time at the Penna State Convention. Br. 71 and Meadow-lands prepared everything for us. We first paid homage to the flag by singing the national anthemn and Hej Slovenci. After the meeting Frank Lokar continued with the nicest Slovenian songs. Thanks, Frank; it’s so nice to hear the Slovenian songs again. Thanks also to the two ac-cordianists who played, the Velencic brothers., It was such a nice group and especially as we came from so many places. We congratulate Mrs. Smith as the State President Candidate from Penn-sylvaniajNew York and Washington, D.C. Mrs. Anna Trontel declined as it’s too much work for her. God bless her. Best wishes to one and all. See you June 20th at the Slovenian Home in Center. PAULA KOKAL, President. No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. We all had a terrific time at the dinner honoring Josie Susel, our Mother of the Year; even our Mayor Horzen and Mrs. Horzen were present to pay her homage. The food? Really there is no need to ask; it was delicious; As usual, our ladies did themselves proud. A speedy recovery is wished to all our sick members. God bless and keep you all in his care. Birthday celebrants for May were Ann Pegan, Josephine Squok and Jennie Stone. Happy returns, lots of them. Congratulations to our member and her husband, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mohorko on their recent Golden Wedding Aniversary. Many, many more! See you next month, God willing. EDITH DRAWENEK. No. 101, BEDFORD HEIGHTS, OHIO April Meeting was held at Bedford Heights City Hall in the Council Chambers instead of our regular meeting room. It was an interesting meeting; there were lengthy discussions about the organization of our By-Laws. For the benefit of the members not in attendance, the by-laws are being typed up and will be distributed at the June meeting, so if you would like a copy try to attend the meeting. Let’s forget our personal reasons for not attending and come and join us and bring a friend. We could use your suggestions. Dorothy Stark and Florence Mirtel were the hostesses for the month. Dorothy tried a new recipe from the newspaper on us; it was delicious. She had some difficulties serving because of the limited space, but she did it, and we all enjoyed the refreshments. Our Mother’s Day Mass was at Holy Trinity on April 27th, before Mass, Mary Mertle, Mother of the Year 1974, presented the Blessed Virgin with a bouquet of flowers, this is one of our customs. Father didn’t mention our Lodge in his homily, but we knew the Mass was in our behalf and for our Special Intentions. Our corsages of white carnations and red ribbons were made by the committee Agnes Pederi and Helen Jurek and Helen’s daughter Teddy Ann; they were lovely. Several of the members went to breakfast at Sambos a local restaurant. On May 1st we had Smorgasbord dinner at the Das Gust Haus (the Guest House). The German cusine included Schnitzle, Bratwurst, Knoc-kwurst. German Potato Salad, Strudel and German chocolate cake to name a few of the entrees, all very pleasing to the palate. After dinner, the Mother of the Year was presented by Mary Mertle, the 74’ Mother. Mary told the members it was a great honor to be selected the Mother and she hoped that the new Mother would be as surprised and as thrilled as she was when she was selected. Rosalie Brown was our selection this year; she was over-come by emotion, when she could speak she said”, I thank you all and I thank My Mother (Mary Laskowski)”. She could say no more, we all knew how she felt. Rose has always put forth her efforts for the good of our lodge, she has taken an active part in all the projects the club has been involved in. A well-deserved honor, Congratulations Rose, from all the members!!! Since this issue is in the traditional bride month we’d like to congratulate our brides of many years. Happy Anniversary to the following and their loving husbands. Betty and Victor Matjašič on April 25th, 22nd. Carol and Eugene Laskowski on April 30th, 15th. Rita and Edward Tilisky on May 1st, 10th. Dorothy and John Stark May 24th, 28th. Elizabeth and Frank Mertel May 31st, 28th. Mildred and Frank Hetzel J’une 7th. 35th. Stella and Jim Hajek June 20th, 33rd. Eleanor and Bill Hawkins June 22nd, 22nd. Florence and Joe Mirtel June 30th, 30th.. May all the happiness and joy that filled your anniversary day, keep growing year by year. Lucille Picone had a visit from her grand-daughter Diane and husband, Lee Post. They flew in from Anchorage, Alaska for a week in Feb ruary. They have been living in Alaska since last June, they will be there for two or three more years. Lee is working on the Alaskan Pipe line. They also visited with her aunt, Eleanor Hawkins. Diane is the daughter of Lucille's son, Anthony of North-field, Ohio. Stella Hajek had visitors from the Northwest also. In for three weeks in March were her son Jim, wife Karen and grandaughter Crystal, 82 months at the time. Stella was so happy to say that Crystail took her first steps while visitng with Grandma. Stella’s son, J’im is permanently residing in Tacoma, Washington, after being stationed there in the Air Force at McCord Air Force Base. He was released from the service there and decided to make it his some; he is in the ship building trade. They love it there in Washington; I can’t blame them that is one of the most beautiful parts of our country that I have personally visited. Stella mentioned she may go there for her vacation this year. Get well wishes go out to Marsha Inman, daughter of Mildred Hetzel and Grand-daughter of Marie Kotmel. Marsha has been recuperating from a very serious female operation. She spent two and a half weeks in the hospital and is presently home resting reports her mother. Happy Birthday to Mildred Hetzel, Secretary, on June 2nd. May you have a delightful day and many many more to come. Mary Ann Stopar has just returned to work after a long stay at home recuperating from a serious back operation which she had in October. Since I have recently become the reporter for our branch I would appreciate any help any of the members can give me with the news items. Please give me a call if you have a news item, you could share with us your experiences, 475-2916 call after 6:00, I’m a working gal . . . Here’s a meaningful poem I thought I’d share with you. "Woman was created from the rib of man. She was not made from a part of his head to top him, nor was she made from his feet to be trampled on. She was created out of his side to equal him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved.” Have a nice day . . .Every day . . . RITAMARIE MERTLE, Your Roving Reporter. DOPISI ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLORADO Dolga zima je končno izginila in sedaj nam zlati sonček, katerega zelo cenimo, zopet greje naše stare kosti. Delo nas kliče na vrt in v prosto naravo med cvetlice. Dne 21. junija bo važni dan za našo ustanoviteljico in častno preds., Marie Prisland, ko bo obhajali svoj rojstni dan. Vse v duhu zapojmo "Happy birthday” in božji blagoslov. Dne 10. maja je bil tudi rojstni dan naše odlične sosestre, Mary Tomsic, ki se kar noče podati starosti ter je še vedno živahna na polju narodnega dela raznih društev, želimo, da bo še mnogo let med nami ter še mnogo korajže! V aprilu se je za vedno poslovil od nas, Frank Dremel, ki je bil bolehen več let, toda kljub trpljenju in bolezni, se je vse prezgodaj poslovil od nas. Družini in vsem preostalim naše sožalje. Pokojnemu pa mirni počitek. Vsem bo'nim želimo ljubo zdravje. Na tisto tiho domovanje, kjer že mnoge spe, kmalu dom bo moj; tja se je preselila moja dolgoletna prijateljica in odlična Zvezina delavka, Mary Terlep iz Jolieta. Bile smo poznane od leta 1949, ko je bila Zvezina konvenčna kraljica v Pueblo. To so zlati spomini vseh mojih nepozabnih Zvezinih sosester, ki so nas zapustile samo začasno. Sorodnikom moje globoko sožalje. Vse članice smo Bogu hvaležne, da se je vrnilo zdravje naši gl. preds. Mary Bostian, ker njeni članki v Zarji so vedno zanimivi in vzpodbudni. Mary je prestala nevarno pljučnico. Upamo, da bo sedaj sopet pogumno vodila našo Zvezo. V mesecu juniju bo za našo faro Marije Pomagaj izredna slavnost 80 letnice obstoja. Vse tiste, ki so orali ledino, jih že davno krije ameriška gruda. Ohranimo jim najlepši spomin. Pozdravlja Vaša, ANNA PACHAK. ŠT. 13, SAN FRANCISCO CALIF. V nedeljo dne 27. aprila smo po maši v cerkvi Gospodovega rojstva, imele zajutrek v hotelu Sheratcci. Virginia šuštaršich je bila letos izvoljena za mater leta. V plavi ob’eki z belo gardinijo je izgledala res lepa. Navzočih nas je bilo okrog 25 članic SŽZ in med njimi je bila tudi bodoča nevesta Norean Sustarich, ki se bo poročila v junija in naša nova in najmlajša članica, Sonja Gregorin. Bilo je prav lepo. Ker smo ravno zaključili lep mesec maj, prilagam to ljubko pesem, katero sem pela kot mlada pastirica: Starčka Le enkrat daj še majnik zlati, da gledam zorni tvoj obraz; ne branim se potem zaspati, noč pridi mi in večni mraz. « * * Rad čul bi ptice kukavice, med bujovjem zelenim glas, enkrat še petje prepelice, med žitom, ki hiti že v klas. * * * Rad gledal čredo, ki po gorah, pastirja, ki med njo sedi; rad gledal gnezda bi ob vejah, sinico tud’ ki v njej vali. * * » Ko bode klilo vse in raslo, rodil se bo iz roda rod; ko bo lepote se napaslo, oko mi, pojdem rad odtod. Vsem članicam Slovenske ženske Zveze, pošiljam lepe pozdrave iz San Francisca. ELIZABETH (BETIKA) WHEELER. ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Zopet smo za eno leto starejše, ko smo dočakale maj, ki je najlepši mesec vsega leta. Letos nismo imeli hude zime, zato so naše zgodnje rože že vse zunaj in ko pišem te vrstice tako cvetijo, da jih je veselje gledati. Na seji smo mnogo ugibale kaj bomo še vse to leto storile v prid društva. Seja je bila prav lepo oobiskana, vse sto'e so napolnile. Imele smo več stvari na programu in obenem smo tudi počastile Materinski dan in posebej še našo zaslužno mater, Antonijo Zabukovec in nato še naše godova Ike, ki so v treh mesecih imele svoje rojstne dneve. Zadonela je pesem ‘‘Happy birthday” in še eno smo zapele na čast majniški Kraljici, čas je kar prehitro potekel. Dve naše čla., ki sta bile bolane; Mihela Jemc in Mrs. R. Nirnich, so se primerno zahvalile za obisk. Sedaj imamo res dobre obiskovalke bolnih sester, to se dve štražišerjeve: Mary S. in Mary S. Kevani in Arowhead. V tem letu bo več prireditev in tako je prišla povabljena tega večera naša drž. preds. Zofi Magajna. Povedala nam je več stvari in kakoi veste je letos sveto leto. Pri Sv. Vidu bo opravilo molitve v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete bo sv. maša ob 10:30 in sprevod članic v cerkev. Vabljena je tudi naše članstvo, če mogoče, da bi prišle v narodnih nošah, da bolj počastimo našo nebeško Mater za naše dušne in telesne potrebe, pred vsem pa za svetovni mir. Vse to bo 28. sept., ko bo Baragov dan. Nadaljevanje na Str. 22) I MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET Vzgoja kuharske knjige Moja mlada prijateljica —Amerikanka— je pravila zgodbico iz svojega življenja: “Ko sem bila otrok in hodila v šolo je moja preveč skrbna mamica vedno rekla: “Nobenih skrbi ne imej radi gospodijnstva, samo uči se lepo, da boš enkrat z odliko graduirala in boš dobila dobro službo.” Po graduaciji sem res dobila dobro službo. Zbolela pa je mamica in jaz nisem znala ne kuhati ne gospodinjiti. Očka je moral ve- liko potrpeti. Ko sem se omožila s fantom, ki me je imel silno rad, sem poskušala kuhati pa končno opustila, ker se mi je vse ponesrečilo in prismodilo. Le kavo sem znala skuhati in sendviče napraviti, kar pa ni bilo dovolj. Z možem sva se večkrat radi kuhe skregala. Končno je presodil on: če hočeva pošteno jesti, morava iti v restavracijo. — In šla sva. “Vedno obedovati v restavraciji pod vsiljivimi pogledi sosednih miz me končno res ni več mikalo., Spomnila sem se prijateljice, ki tudi ni znala kuhati, postala pa je dobra kuharica s pomočje neke kuharske knjige. Po telefonu sem prijateljico poklicala ter jo vprašala, kake vrste kuharsko knjigo ona rabi, kako se imenuje in kje se dobi. ‘Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen se knjiga imenuje’, je rekla: ‘dobi se pa pri odbornicah Slovenske Ženske Zveze’. Knjigo sem pred enim letom kupila in zdaj že kar dobro kuham, le žganci mi nagajajo, ki jih moj mož (Slovenec) tako rad ima., Ne morem in ne morem jih tako drobno napraviti kot jih je njegova mamica, trdi John. Druge jedi pa že kar odlično kuham in pečem, pravi on. “Ljub in svet mi je spomin na mojo pokojno mamico, a jaz bom svoje otroke vseeno drugače učila.” ČLOVEŠKO TELO Zelo zanimiva je sestava človeškega telesa. Zdravniki in higijeniki, ki se bavijo s študijami o človeškem telesu, so pronašli, da imamo 203 kosti in približno 500 mišic; koliko imamo živcev pa še niso mogli prešteti, ker je v človeškem telesu kakšnih desei. milijonov nitk, ki jim pravimo živci. Srce, trdijo izvedenci je najpopolnejši stroj, na katerega se lahko zanesemo. Pri zdravem človeku srce udari od 72 do 80-krat na minuto in to redno čez dan, ponoči, poleti in pozimi, v sončni pripeki, viharju, dežju in snegu. Kje je stroj na svetu, ki bi se lahko ponašal s tako dejavnostjo? Krvi imamo v telesu kakih pet kvartov, od tega je 40 odstotkov rdečih telesc. Srce normalnega človeka vsrka in žilam odda pet tisoč galonov krvi na dan. S krvjo, ki je hrana telesu in življenska moč srce zalaga žile in žilice ter ob enem dovaja kisik kot hrano vsaki Staniči posebej. Kri obkroži vsake tri minute celo naše telo. Ledvice so izmed vseh telesnih delov najčudovitejši sestav. Imajo 280 milj malih cevk skozi katere se čisti kri kot skozi rešeto. V enem dnevu ledvice opredelijo 185 kvartov vode in krvi, jo očistijo ter dovedejo žilam. Nesnago in strupe — približno tri pajnte dnevno — odvedejo skozi mehur iz telesa. Ko se pri človeku ustavi delovanje ledvic, se telo zastrupi in umre. Pljuča imajo prostora za pet kvartov zraka. Pljučni krili sta tako zgrajeni, da pridejo tudi najmanjši prostori v dotik z zrakom. V eni uri vdihnemo približno 1200-krat. S tem vsrkamo 3725 kvartov zraka. Iz tega je razvidno, kako silno nam je potreben čisti zrak. Možganskih živcev skoro ni mogoče zmeriti; znašajo pa po mnenju higijenikov, okrog tristotisoč kilometrov. Ako pregledamo snovi, iz katerih je sestavljeno človeško telo, vidimo, da ni veliko vredno v denarju. Morda le par dolarjev. Iz maščobe v telesu 50 let starega človeka bi napravili kakih šest kosov mila. Fosfor iz možganske mase bi zadostoval za približno 2000 vžigalic. Železa je v človeku komaj za štiri žeblje. Iz množine kalcija v našem telesu bi dobili apna za pobeljenje ene male stene. Kljub temu je človeški organizem tako smotern, da presega vse, kar je najmodrejši človek naredil. Najbolj zapleten stroj je v primeri s človeškim telesom prava ničevnost. človeško telo je največji čudež! ŽENITVENI IZGLED Filmski igralec je zaupal prijatelju: "Kmalu bom star 65 let. Imam pol milijona dolarjev premoženja in zaljubljen sem v dvajsetletno deklico. Misliš, da bi me poročila, če bi ji rekel, da sem šele 50 let star?” Prijatelj je odkrito povedal: —“če že misliš lagati, potem boš imel več uspeha, če ji rečeš, da si 80 let star in imaš milijon dolarjev na ban'ki.” ŽIVALSKA V velikem živalskem parku, ki ga ima mesto Milkau-kee, je medvedja družina ogledovala obiskovalce. Pripeljal se je pred medvedovo kletko eleganten avto. Ko se ustavi, je iz njega izlezla cela družina. Stari medved to videč reče svojim medvedkom: “Poglejte, otroci. Kakšno mučenje ljudi! Toliko mladih zaprejo v tako majhno kletko, vi pa imate ogromno prostora na razpolago!” PODATKI Z DOMOVINE Jugoslavija ima le 8 odstotkov Slovencev, ki pa na več načinov prednjačijo drugim narodnostim v deželi. N« primer: lansko leto je bilo na tisoč prebivalcev v Sloveniji zaposljenih 341 ljudi. V Srbijji 189, v celi Jugoslavijji pa povprečno le 203. Gospodarska rast Slovenije je bila 5 odstotkov, cele Jugoslavije pa le 4 odstotke. Slovenija ima na tisoč prebivalcev 71 odstotkov telefonov, vsa Jugoslavija le 48. V Sloveniji redno delajo od šeste ure zjutraj do dveh popoldne. Nato imajo kosilo prosti pa še vedno niso. Vsak opravlja še kako posebno delo, ki prinaša ponoven zaslužek. Pletejo torbice, rokavice, jopice, izdelujejo razne stvari iz plastike, nabirajo zdravilna zelišča, itd. Iščejo dodatne zaslužke, da si nabavijo stvari, ki jih mikajo. Ravnozdaj so posebno zaželjene zmrzovalne skrinje (freezers). Skrinje so drage in mnogi jih želijoo imeti, zato se trudijo za posebni zaslužek ali posojilo. Statistika pove, da se je lansko leto vsak Slovenec zadolžil v banki za 90,000 starih dinarjev. STVARNIK Ko vstaja zarja in zlati vrhove hribov in streh, ko travniki in polja ter tratica pred hišo v jutrajni rosi zablesti kot biserna preproga, nam prebujajoče se jutro govori o Stvarniku. Ko se nam vsipa na pot življenja cvetje in duša vriska v neskaljeni sreči, čutimo, da je delivec dobri Bog. Kadar pije naše srce iz keliha bridkosti, se zatečemo za tolažbo k Očetu Večnemu. Ko mi je mati naredila križ na čelo, mi je govorila o Bogu. Vse, kar nam nudi življenje je priča Njegove ljubezni. In ko padajo večerne sence in se drobni tički po-razgube v temnih gajih, ko na nebu zableste zvezde in zemljo objame tihi mir, čutimo globoko v duši, da smo otroci Stvarnika nebes in zemlje . . . p. Klavdij Okorn, ofm: 0 bistvu greha iLjudje danes zelo neradi slišijo o grehu. Zdi se jim kakor ostanek iz preteklosti. Radi bi videli da ga sploh ni. Toda učiteljstvo cerkve nas na to opozarja z zelo resnimi opomini, še lanskega leta je sv. oče Pavel VI. govoril o bistvu greha. Takole pravi: Gre za spopad naše volje kot svobodnih in odgovornih ljudi s suvereno, dobrotno, očetovsko božjo voljo. Je to zgrešeno dejanje, če gledamo nanj iz verskega stališča, je hotena žalitev odnosa, ki obstaja med našim življenjem in božjim zakonom. Strahotna teža greha je v tem, da žali Boga in pomeni uničenje tistega, ki ga stori. To uničenje ni popolno dokler živimo na svetu, človek ostane človek, ostane razumno bitje, je še vedno naklonjen k dobremu, toda tega ne more več iskati z nedotaknjenimi naravnimi močmi, ker so z grehom oslabljene. Ob smrti pa ga greh izloči iz skupine zveličanih in pahne v pogubljenje. To poznanje greha in njegovih posledic, je po mnenju vzgojiteljev zelo koristno za oblikovanje človeške vesti. Greh je kakor bolezen, ki jo moremo prihraniti človeku, če to moremo storiti. Človek je bolnik zaradi posledic izvirnega greha, mi pa pustimo, da se njegova bolezen poslabša s tem, da sam napravi nove grehe. Sv. Oče je na to spregovoril o moralni vesti. Ločil jo je od psihološke zavesti, na katero se moderni človek tako rad sklicuje, da bi se odtegnil bistvenim zahtevam pokorščine božjemu zakonu. Povdaril je, da psihološka zavest, ločena od moralne vesti, ni dobra svetovalka. Ugotavlja notranje in zunanje izkustvo človeških dejanj in se zadovoljuje s pojasnjevanjem duševnih pojavov, ki so danes v modi, a brez etičnih obveznosti, brez moralne vesti. Tako postane razlikovalno merilo med dobrim in zlom, zgelj uživaželjni, keristnostni, estetski in higijenski. Taka zavest uživa nad nekim zlaganim in nevarnim optimizmom, tak človek je podoben tistemu, ki nikoli ne vpraša več, kaj naj stori iz svoje lastne vesti, ampak živi brez vsakih pomislekov, srečen, da si lahko privošči vse, kar želi in more doseči. Tako sveti oče. Koliko ljudi živi pod takim neresničnim ozračjem in goljufivim upanjem. Nočejo pogledati resnici v oči. Raje sami sebe varajo in seveda postavljajo svojo končno rešitev in življenje z Bogom v največjo nevarnost. ŠT. 14: Ta večer so pridne sestre mnogo darovale: Pančur, Lenarčič, Boran, Kožel, Humphrey, Paskovič, Vidovič, Calins, Fakult, Bades, Tomažin, Globokar, Gregorich, Lakada, Stražišar-Kevane, Kovač, Špehar, Plut, Žužek, Krnel, Mršnik, čekada, Sustar, Fitz-hun, Zadce, Zabukovec, Felzon. Vsem se lepo zahvalim v imenu društva. Bog naj vam stotero poplača za vsa vaša dobra dela in tudi za trud in čas. Hvala vam, da ste toliko naredile. Prosim pa, da pridete še na prihodnje seje v tako lepem številu. Ob koncu vas vse lepo pozdravljam, ANTONIJA SUSTAR. ^ -------------------------------- ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISCONSIN V tej mrzli pomladi in po dvakratnem flu, sem zopet malo oživela, da nekoliko opišem kako sem imamo v našem mestu. Upam, da ste vsepovsod drugod imele lepšo in bolj zdravo pomlad. Seja v aprilu je bila živahna in zanimiva. Razpravljale smo razno o preteklosti in prihodnjosti v korist Zveze. Kartna zabava je bila zelo dobro obiskana in seveda uspešna. Srčna hvala vsem, ki ste se udeležile in tistim, ki ste zopet velikodušno darovale dobitke in tudi v denarju. Bog Vam plačaj! Prihodnji card party bo v oktobru in bomo o tem še poročale. Na seji 18. maja smo sklepale glede naše skupne udeležbe Zvezinega dneva in romanja v Lemont. Bilo bi lepo, če bi nas bilo dovolj za bus, ker je potovanje bolj prijetno v skupnosti. članice št. 17 iskreno čestitamo naši članici ge. Mary Petrič za njeno 50 letno delovanje pri KSKJ ter ji kličemo: Bog Te živi, Mary še mnogo let! Njej v čast je bila posvečena nedelja 27. aprila. Slavnost se je pričela s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Pomoč Kristjanov ter se nadaljevala v dvorani z banketom in govori. Mary je neutrudljiva v delu za KSKJ vseh 50 let ter je mnogo dobrega storila za Katoliško Slovensko Jednoto. Tudi me smo ponosne na njo, saj vedno rada pomaga tudi Zvezi. Želim zdravja vsem, ki Vas muči bolezen. Bog Vam daj milost potrpljenja. Zdravim sestram pa želim lepe počitnice kjerkoli že, doma ali zdoma. Oh domek je dober, če ga je za bobek. Vendar pa mene srce zopet vleče nazaj v domovino, zato bom s svojo hčerko poletela 19. maja v rodno gnezdo, da ji pokažem vasico, kjer sem preživela mladost ter da zopet obujam spomine, ki so mi tako dragi. Jjui ezen Vse radostno brsti v ljubezni prekipeva, ko sonce toplo zemljo ter dušo in telo ogreva; Kdor še malo giblje, hoče zdaj živeti, zima je za nami, mi nočemo umreti. V ljubezni mati stisne dete k sebi, le pomlad za večno srečno bi že.ela Tebi. Zima nikdar v srčece tvoje naj ne najde pota, bodi vedno srečna — ogiblje nas se tebe zmota. Še babica se nagajivo deduku nasmeje, "Se še spomniš maja in mladosti, ki ni imela meje?” A dedek z uvelo roko ljubeznivo jo poboža, res mama nekdaj si tudi Ti cvetela, kakor majska roža. MARY MURN. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naše prisrčne čestitke kegljačici, Marge Waychert, ki je bila izvoljena za “Village Clerk’' za New Lenox. Želimo ji mnogo uspehov. Najlepše želje v zakonu pošiljamo Mary Ann Pluth, hčerki Mr. in Mrs. Alvni Pluth, ki je poročila Daniela J. Campbell iz Pekin. Naše sožalje Mrs. Catherine Pe-raud, ki je izgubila brata Johna Ste-fanich, ki je mnogo let živel v Floridi. Hitro okrevanje želimo Tiliie Artač, Frances Popek in Mary Cohill. Naša preds. Emma Planinšek se je vrnila iz bolnišnice. Na seji je bilo prečitano pismo Helen Sak, ki se zahvaljuje kadet-kam za darilo ob smrti soproga Richarda. Ker je tiskanje Zarje vedno dražje, je biilo na seji sklenjeno, da se nekaj prispeva za stroške našega mesečnika. Taj. Olga Ancel tudi soporoča, da bomo konec avgusta, ali na Labor Day imeli zopet Polko Mašo v naši cerkvi, ker je zelo zaželjena in priljubljena v naši naselbini. Tudi se je razpravljalo o naši prihodnji konvenciji, ki bo drugo leto v Pittsburghu. Nekaj načrtov je bilo odobren ih. Vse članice pa ste vabljene, da pridete na sejo in poveste svoje mnenje in predloge. Tudi Vaši sorodniki in prijatelji so vabljeni, da jih vpišete in da pridejo na seje. Veselo jih bomo sprejele. Na majski seji smo proslavili našo častno mater, Mrs, Mrs. Jennie Krall, ki je mnogo storila pri podr. Ameriški Slovenski Dom je tudi imel lepo Materinsko proslavo, kakor vsako leto. Navzoč je bil tudi naš novi župan Norman KECK, ki je stregel in 'Jlatcpcrcčehca fttarij ahcf /cuiJ Palete Slavljenka je obdana s članicami, ki se z njima veselijo lepega jubileja: Frances Križman, Mary Palcic, Mary Majetic, Helen Hodnick, Josephine Shustar, Agnes Klarich in Anna Kerkovich. Naše Iskrene čestitke! nam na vse načine pomagal pri kuhanju, postrežbi ir po kosilu je z drugimi pomival posodo, kar gospodinje delajo vsaki dan. Bil je zelo prijazen in ljubeznjiv do vseh. Veseli smo, da imamo župana, ki se zna tako urno Obračati. Zahvala njemu in vsem pomočnikom. Po kosilu je preds. Doma Francis Suski predstavil odbornike in bral imena umrlih mater Doma. Mnoge delavne mater že krije črna zemlja. Prva mati Doma, Mary Kunstek je še med nami in ima mnogo zaslug za Amer. Slov. Dom. Kosila se je udeležil tudi naš šerif Joseph Trizna s soprogo. Igralci Juričič-evega orkestra so nato igrali vesele in poskočne melodije za ples. Prva polka je znana pesem še iz stare domovine "Žena naj bo doma ...” — V spomin pokojnim materam je bila izkazana čast z eno minutnim molkom. Naj v miru počivajo. Želim vsem članicam in njihovim družinam dobrega zdravja in lep pozdrav, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO V lepem mesecu maju smo obhajale Materinski praznik pri vseh podružnicah, tako tudi pri nas. Zaslužna članica leta je bila MARY SANKER. Bilo je res lepo, ko smo priš'e članice skupaj 7. maja. Več naših članic potuje v poletnih mesecih v razne kraje, to da je bolje, da ne omenih nobenih imen, ker se bojim, da bi katero izpustila, pa bi bila zamera. Stara mati je drugič postala, Cerry Miklaucic; Frances Cimperman pa že 17-tikrat in to je Craig Joseph v Baltimore, Maryland. Umrl je Joseph Zorn, brat članice Emme Zupan. Naše sožalje. Vsem želim vesele in zdrave počitnice. ANNA JESENKO. ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILLINOIS Dne 4. maja smo imele našo sejo ob kar lepi udeležbi. Preds. Mary Gramc je pričela sejo z molitvijo za srečno dobrobit in napredek društva. Ses. (Rosie) Theresa Savnik je prebrala finančno poročita, ki je bilo v celoti sprejeto. Ses. Emma Shimkus nam je prebrala kar je bilo novo in se zahvali za dobrote v korist rummage sale. Zahvala tajnici za vso pomoč. Šveda velja zahvala Mrs. Shimkus za domačo pekarijo in štrudel. V letnih mesecih zaradi počitnic ne bo sej in naša prihodnja seja bo v septembru, na prvo nedeljo v mesecu. Pridite vse, da nam boste povedale kako ste preživele poletne mesece in pripeljite s seboj kaj novih članic. Tretjo nedeljo v juliju bomo šle v Lemont na letni Zvezin dan, to bo dne 20. julija. čestitke naši čla. Fanie Kobilšek, ki slavi 50 letnico zakona. Nas vse vabi k sv. maši in nato v šolsko dvorano. Slavje zlate poroke se bo vršilo dne 15. junija. Mrs. Kobilšek se je pisala Klopčič in s Frankom sta se poročila v slovenski cerkvi sv. Roka 7. junija 1925. Poročil ju je takratni župnik č.g. Francis Šaloven. Za priče sta bila Mrs. Louis Spelich in Anton Gardina, oba iz LaSalle. Dva otroka, hči Frances Larson in sin Daniel Kobilšek živita v Mendota, III. Imata tudi 9 vnukov. Zlato-poročno mašo bo imel njihov nečak, v nedeljo pop. ob tretji uri. Frank Kobilšek je sedaj vpokojen, toda je bil znan kot dober čevljar (shoe shop) v našem mestu. Bog naj blagoslovi zlato-poročenca še mnoga leta. Vem, da veste, da je Fannie zvesta članica naše Zveze več kot 35 let., čestitamo in na svidenje! Vidimo se tudi v Lemontu 20. Julija. Prijavite se, da napolnimo automobile. Pozdravlja, MARY PILETIČ. ŠT. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Lepa je zelena pomlad, ko ptički pojo, da smo dočakale 45 letnico odkar je bila ustanovljena naša podružnica dne 20. aprila. Želim nekoliko opisati kako smo praznovale to lepo obletnico. Ob 11 uri dopoldne smo prisostvovale sv. maši. V cerkvi je bilo krasno petje, za kar velja pevcem naša iskrena hvala. Nato smo se podale na kosilo v Slovenski Narodni Dom. Po okusnem kosilu se je pričel program in ga. Prisland nam je poslala čestitke. S prisrčno zahvalo ji želimo, da bi jij Bog dal še mnogo let v zdravju in sreči, da bi nam še mnogo lepega napisala v Zarji, saj tako rade beremo njene dopise. Imele smo obisk od klevelandskih podružnic št. 10, 32, 50. Lepe govore so podale drž. prds. Mrs. Sophie Magajna ter Frances Sietz in Alma Epik. Hvala vam! Ses. F. Sietz nam je prinesla lep kip Marije. Darilo smo dale na listke in dobiček šel pol v šolninski sklad in polovico je ostalo v naši blagajni. Prisrčna zahvala vsem, ki ste prišle na našo proslavo in posebno tudi vsem, ki ste pridno pomagale. Vsem želim, da bi biilo mnogo zdravja in napredka v letu 1975. AGNES JANČAR, preds. EUROPE AND SLOVENIA IN 1975 > Trying to keep the cost down and fight inflation Kollander World , Travel, Inc. will offer again in 1975 a large number of charter . flights to Ljubljana, as well as other cities in Yugoslavia. Dspartures from June to October from 2 to 19 weeks , Round trip from PITTSBURGH, CLEVELAND, DETROIT to LJUBLJANA, $398.00 Round trip from CHICAGO, $409.00 — From NEW YORK, $386.00 , Enjoy your vacation more — travel with Hollander, an expert in the travel field for over 50 years! Call or write for your departure schedule today! KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. Main Office: 589 EAST 185th STREET - CLEVELAND, ' OHIO 44119 * Telephone: (216) 692-2225 - Telex 98-0294 , CHICAGO, Illinois 37 South Wabash (60603) Telephone: (312) 332-4721 2032 West Cermak Rd. (60608) Telephone: (312) 847-6679 31-06 42nd St., Astoria, N.Y. 11103 Telephone: (212) 721-1132 DETROIT, Michigan 19741 Van Dyke Ave. (48234) Telephone: (313 ) 366 4300 NEW YORK, New York ŠT. 93, RIDGEWOOD, NEW YORK V januarju je umrla naša najstarejša članica Anna Shafer v visoki starosti 95 let. Zadnijih 6 mesecev je bila v nursing home. Zelo jo bomo pogrešali, ker je bila dobra čla. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj in naj počiva v miru. V mesecu marcu je bil rojstni dan naše prve predsednice in ustanoviteljice društva št. 93 in smo jo šle obiskati in nas je bila vesela številnega obiska. Izrazila je zahvalo za obisk. Josephine Jazbec je v Nursing home Rockway Beach. Ko bo bolj toplo jo bomo obiskale. Jelena Zadnik se je preselila v New Fairfield, Con. Želimo ji mnogo sreče v novem domu. Najlepše čestitke naši preds. Agnes Klarich, ki je zopet postala greatgrandmother. Dne 22. febr. je naša zapisnikarica, Mary in njen mož Louis Palcic obhajala 50 letnico zakona, ali zlato poroko v krogu družine, sorodnikov in prijateljev od blizu in daleč. Večerjo so jima priredile hčerke Mary Edith in sin Robert in imajo tudi 2 vnuka. Vso čla. št. 93. Iskreno jima čestitamo in želimo, da bi dočakale še biserno poroko. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam št. 93 in gl. odboru. HELEN HODNIK, blagajničarka. ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PENN. Drage članice; najprej vas vse lepo sestrsko pozdravljam. Na zadnji seji smo imele lepo udeležbo in zabavo. Upam in želim, da bo vedno tako. Hvala lepa za vsa lepa darila, katere ste prinesle za naše igre po seji. S tem raste naša blagajna in imamo lepo razvedrilo. Naša prihodnja seja bo v petek 20. junija ob 7 uri zvečer in prinesite malo darilo za pokrivanje številk. Prav žal nam je, da je Mrs. Anna Podobnik padla na ledu in si zlomila nogo v dveh krajih. Sedaj se zdravi na domu. Upamo, da kma u pride zopet na seje, čeprav bo 86 let mlada na dan Svete Ane. Sedaj želim nekoliko poročati o poteku Penna.—N.Y. drž. konvencije pri št. 71 v Meadowlands, Pa. Na banketu je bilo vsega lepo pripravljeno. Najprej smo počastili ameriško zastavo in nato zapeli slovensko himno: Hel Slovenci ... in pričela se je seja. Po seji je pa Mr. Frank Lokar nadaljeval krasne Slovenske pesmi. Hvala Frank, saj je tako lepo slišati slovenske pesmice in hvala obema harmonikašema, ki sta lepo igrala naše poskočne, to sta brata Valenčič. Udeležba je bila krasna. Lepo je, da se zberemo iz vseh krajev. Gl. urad drž. predsednice za Penna.— N.Y. in Washington, D.C. je prevzela Mrs. Smith, ker je dosedanja preds., Mrs. Anna Trontel odklonila, da je preveč za njo. Ob zaključku pozdravljam vse v gl. uradu in vse čla. SŽZ„ Ne pozabite, na sejo 20. jun. ob 7 zvečer v Slovenskem Domu v Center, Pa. Hvala! Z Bogom! PAULA KOKAL, preds. KISIK RECORDS v' ^ Ed Kenik, Vocalist 'I My Kind of Music '' More of My Kind of Music Wine and Song Sing With Us jl Do You Remember? Slovenian words available on these LP’S '*• June Price & Dolores Mihelich with Den Slogar Orch. $ Spom;n Jv American-Slovene Xmas (Organ Accompaniment) '' Don Slogar Orch. with Marie Pivik, Vocalist t & Slovenia \ All of the above prices include cost of mailing. LP’S $5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 $6.00 5.50 $4.50 Kenik Records or 2136 Glen,ridge Road Euclid, Ohio 44117 Track £ $6.50 C 6.50 ^ 6.50 '' 6.50 $ 6.50 $7.00 6.50 June Price 3323 West 95th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44102 'FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" HI BOYS AND GIRLS What has green, red, blue, orange or purple feathers, a short, square, long or pointed tail and belongs to the parrot family? With all these clues I’m sure you’ve guessed correctly. It’s a parakeet. Parakeets are found in mil'icms of homes throughout the world. And in the United States they are becoming one of the most popular of all household pets. There are hundreds of varieties ranging in size from a canary to a parrot. First recorded history of talking parakeets goes back to the days of the Early Roman and Greek Empires with the first species of parakeets of a larger variety “not the Australian shell parakeet or budgerigar type of bird known to us today”. A small, dark green parakeet was one of the species of Australia. Its plains-people gave the little green bird the name “Betcherrygah” meaning beautiful bird. In the middle of the 19th Century the first parakeets were brought to Europe from Australia, and gradually the birds popularity spread. They soon came to be called “parakeet” which comes from the French perroquette, together meaning parrot and small. While the first imports from Australia were green in color, the European breeders developed other beautiful and exotic colors. The late 20’s found the green parakeet in the United States. Eight years ago last month a parakeet was promised our littlest daughter in lieu of a new-born puppy from her next-door aunty’s litter. And as with anything new, much attention was given this new member of the family. It was christened Sky-blue due to its beautiful sky blue feathers. Our three-year old son had difficulty pronouncing the letter S and thus the parakeet was renamed KyBlue. All the directions for training him were read and practiced. KyBlue learned by himself and through others finger taming, talking and doing tricks. It loved to knock pencils off the table and then carry them around the room. He flew around the living room and sat on the fireplace mantle, looking at himself in the mirror the entire length of the mantle. This same mantle was used to display birthday cards, which the parakeet enjoyed knocking down to the floor one at a time. KyBlue bothered us at mealtime and enjoyed himself splashing around in the dishwater. Should one of the children’s aunts happen to come into the dining room, he would swoop around her head in a mock attack causing her to scream. He would cause our quiet, peace 'loving dog Pixie to move out of the room by his threatening approach. Head sitting was one of his favorite occupations. KyBlue sat on wire-rimmed frames and looked at himself in the lens. He loved to tug at our eldest daughter’s pierced earrings and peck at our silver anniversary telephone handle. Papers and pictures, important or not, were good “food”, giving all a scalloped edge. An unusual trick of his was sitting cn the spool of thread on the sewing mach-ing and letting himself ride for a while in circles until our eldest daughter got the machine going too fast and then he flew off. KyBlue pulled pins out of patterns and attacked scissors. Whenever the children came home from school, he was especially loud. Visiting friends and children were entertained by his antics. His three favorite expressions were: Pretty Boy, Com'ere Pixie and What do you think you’re doing? He imitated the birds outside and the tooky bird from the George of the J'ung'e cartoon. Cjranclma is f-^roud! Grandmother, Mrs. Vi Zak, a member of Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio was mistakenly referred to as Ann Zak’s mother in last month’s story about the Science Fair Winner. Our apologies! This parakeet letter is a tribute to our fun-loving, tricky feathered family pet, and sometimes a pest, for whom taps was played as he was carefully laid to rest in our garden in early April. Our darling KyBlue will be long remembered. To graduates everywhere go many wishes, among which are these from Charles Dickens: May the blessing of Life await you . . . may the sun of glory shine around you and may the gates of plenty, honor and happiness be ever open to you. May no sorrow distress your days . . . may no grief disturb your nights . . . may the pillow of peace kiss your cheek and the pleasures of imagination attend your dreams. This month all our fathers are especially honored. May our Heavenly King bless the king of our home! REGINA. Your friend, V **«* Color “Budgie” and make him happy. franc corse % STUDIA SLOVENICA ‘ •r • BOX 232 'ion*, M.Y. 10032 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ZEFRAIM FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Emibaimers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST . ; 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDIi A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN. WISCONSIN 53081 LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN HOUR W.O.P.A. 1490 Kc — FRIDAYS 10:30 P.M. LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Reef Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St Clair Ave. Offict 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin I i I Fr. Frank Perkovich Presents... H I SONGS & HYMNS FROM THE POLKA MASS: | | ■ H s Celebrated at Resurrection Church, Eveleth, Minnesota With .TOE CVEK and the VARIABLES ORCHESTRA AND CHORALEERS. Stereo record: $5.00 8—Track. $6.00 Cassette: J6.00 Add 0.50 for postage and handling. For orders: Write to: I POLKA MASS I i BOX 586 * 1 Eve lath, Minnesota 55734 0 | I TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL. 459 North Ottawa Street Phone: 722-0524 "First in service since 1908" Save with ST. CLAIR CLEVELAND, OHIO 813 EAST 185th ST. 26000 LAKE SHORE BLVD. c 6235 ST. CLAIR AVE. 29001 CEDAR ROAD 25000 EUCLID AVE. 27801 EUCLID AVE. 6135 WILSON MILLS RD. 7481 CENTER ST., MENTOR "at St. Clair... we care"