¥U ISSN 0351 — 0077 PRIRODOSLOVNl MUZEJ SLOVENIJE MUSEUM HISTORIAE NATURALIS SLOVENIAE SCOPOLIA Eotanica Geologica Palaeontologica Museologica 3 Zoolog ica Ignac SIVEC: Study of Genus Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Philippines Študija genusa Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) s Filipinov SCOPOLIA No 7 pp. 1—44 Ljubljana July 1984 SCOPOLIA Glasilo Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije, Izdaja Prärodoslovni muzej Slovenije, sofinancirali so: Raziskovalna skjupdost Slovenije, Kultirrna sltuipinoet Sktveniije, Znanstveno-raziskovalnl center SA2U, VTOZD za biologijo in GeoLo^ zavod Ljubljana. Urednižim odibor: Jože BOLE, Emest FAHiNGER, Janee GHEGORl (wednik), Ignac SI VEG, Kazimir TA RMAN, Ljerka TRAMPTJ2 Ju Tone WHABER, Laittorja: Oe'tana TAVZSS (za slovanÄfiiino) in Helena SMOLE J (za angleSčino), Naalov uredu^tva. ta uprave: Prirodosloviifl muzej Slovenije filOOO LJubljana, Pre-žemictva izide^a d^-e Številki ieti», naklada 500 Lsvodov. Cena Številke za usiaiMwe in poidjet^a 70 dlti, za rpaeameznifee 30 dJn. Tekoči raöuit pri LB ät. 50100-603-40115. Ti^ tiskarna Tone Tomšič, Ljubljana. SCOPOLIA Journal of the Museum of Natural History of Slovenia, Ljubljana. Edited by the Museum of Natural History of Slovenia, subsidized by Reseamctl Coanimuiity of Slovenia, OulturaJ CQmmup!j.t}f of Slowenda, Centre of SoieJitific Research oJ the SASA, E. B. O- A. U tar Blcvlosy amd Geologic Survey Ljubljaina. Editorial Staff: Joäe BOLE, Ernest FANINGER. Jaiiea GREGORl (Editor), Ignac SIVEC, Kaaimir T ARM AN, Ljerka TRAMPU2 and TVme WRABER, Reaidears: Cvetana TAVZES (for Slovene) aiTid Helena SMOLE J (For English). Axidreas of the EditorJal Office and Aidmii-nistraitlon: PrirodoslovTli muzej Slovenije, YU 61000 Lj'Ujbiljana, Prefienweva 39. Tha J-cyurnal sipipears twice a year, 500 ooples per issue. Issue .piice for limfaLbutions and establishment 70 dim, for individiuals 30 din. Oua-iTenl account at LB No 50100-603-40115. Pninted by ti^aima Tone ToinSič, Lj ubija na. SCOFOLIA No T pp. LJubljana July STUDY OF GENUS NEOPERLA (PLECOPTERÄ: PERLIDAE) FROM THE PHILIPPINES SIVEC Ignac Yu 61000 Ljubljana, Prežemova 20 t^rirodoalovnl tnuzej Slovenije Sprejeto: 9. 1.1084 Natisnjeno: 26, 1. 1984 , ___ _ UDK 595.735(529X045) "=20 Neoperia , ABSTRACT — The Philipipiines liave a distinct fauna of shared or doseiy related species of Neoperla. Some d(pecies firotn the saroe locality and not only ftrom different islands reveal great variability. Based on the study of typea of all previously named tax a (several lectotypes designated) the lowing specfes are recognized, described, illustrated and identified in the key (adults only): JV. recta BANKS f= N. incerto KLAPALEK; mew synonymy; = JV. utscayrtHfl BANKS- new symonymy); N. pseudorecto spec., nov.-; N. zviicki spec, nov.; N. Titshidai spec, nov.', N. hermosa BANKS; N, pallescens BANKS; N, o&Jiqtio BANKS; JV. apoann BANKS, new synonymy); N, jeieetti srpec. nov.; iV. patiicomis BANKS; N, otrippwma BAUKS; JV. oculata BANKS; N. wagneH sipec. nov,; JV. nipra spec, nov.; JV. phiiipptnn spec, nov,; N. gpec. ZWICK; JV. fünti spec, növ.; N. dentata spec, nov.; IV, spec, nov, Unassociaited females of 9 species are given pro- visionad letter designatioins. -jk« IZVLEČEK — ŠTUDIJA GERIÜSA NEOPERLA {PLECOPTERÄ: PERLIDAE) S FIIJPINOV — J^ilipinskio olofije naseljuje svojska favna dolt a j sorotlnih vret rodu JViOJJCrla. Neka-tere viate 'precej vardrajo tudl ns isti lokaUteti in ne samo na ra^Mfnlh otokih. Ka osnovi študija tipov vaeh predhodrw imenovanih taksonov, isino opisali, ilustrirali in gener irali kljuC [le ^a adultne Stadije) za nasledil je .vršite: N. recta BANKS N. incerta KLAPALEK, n. syn; — N. viscayana BANKS, n. syn,); N. pSfUdOr«cta spec, njov.; N, zuricfci sipac, nov,; N. spec, nov,; JV. hermosu BANKS; JV. pallescens BANKS; N, obli^3!MI BANKS; (= N. (tpooTW BANKS. n. syn.); N. jeivetti spec, noor.; JV. paJlicorBiis BANKS; atripenniä BANKS; N. ocu!a(a BANKS; N. tuaffnert spec, noiv.; JV, tiigra spec, nov.; N. philfppitm spec, rniv.; IV. spec. ZWICK; JV. filwti sipec. nov,; JV. deniata spec, nw.; JV. cpiisawi spec, nov. Samite 3 vrst za katere ne poznamo odgovarjajočih sanncew emo aaüasno osmflöili Je s triom i. Ftg. I, Approximate location of several collecting sites of reference on the PhiUppines (scale leneth is 100 km) I. Sivec: Stud)' of genius JVeoperld (Plecoprtera: Perljidse) Introduction Several intensive studies of the large genus Neo-perla from the Oriental region were done in recent years by ZWICK (1983, 1983 a, b) and STAFIK (1983). The study of a fairly large material collection frqm different museums based on detailed penis armature, vaginal sclerites and egg chorion, as well as that of types of all described species from the Philippines has enabled me to present a reasonably complete synopsis. However, some species, especially the extremely polymorphic ones, are insufficiently known as yet (conspecifieity of males and females) and remain unnamed, additional and better material □f several others that have been named would be desirable. Progressing habitat destruction could be a reason, for old records only of 3om& species. As shown for Jawa, Sumatra and Borneo, many more species actually exist then have been named so far and expected in this region fILLlES, 1966). In lack of sufficient material, additional and detailed ecological data in most cases conspecificity of se^tes is still a matter of more or less circumstantial evidence. In this respect I follow Zweck's policy (ZWICK, J9B3 a) in not naming species in the female sex only. The fact that on the Philippines only the montivaga group occurs with relatively polymorphic species belonging to fewer subgroups than the Bomean ones suggests that the NeoTperla species spread from Borneo to the Philippines and not in the opposite way (ZWICK, 1983 ab), Faunal connections with the neighbouring Borneo are minimal and only one species occurs in both regions. So far there have been established no faunal connections with Sumatra, Java and the Malay Pan insula. Extreme poorness or an almost complete lack of Oriental Perlidae in New Guinea is not greatly in support of Gressitt's idea of a closer entomofaunistical connection between New Guinea and the Philippines (GRESSTTT, 1982) in an enlarged Wail ace a. Further studies of Taiwan and especially Chinese Neoperlini will show eventual similarities to northern East Asian mainland fauna. As in ZWICK (1983 a) a preliminar arrangement of species into groups and even more provisional subgroups with species complexes has also been adopted in the present study. Within the montivaga group of the genus Neopcj-io in the Philippines, all species but one are representatives of the recta subgroup comprising recta, ocu-lata and variegata species complexes. The position of N, agusoTit spec. nov. within the montivaga group remains uncertain. Material and Methods Specimens of all primary types and several additional ones were borrowed from the museums listed below. Most specimens were collected at light. There is, however, very little ddditional label information about the circumstances under which specimens were collected, especially in old material. This enables a proper association of males and females. Most specimens were pinned and had to be relaxed in ä moist chamber for about an hour. Abdomens of males were detached and treated with a cold maceration technique recommended by Z WICK (1983 a), which gives the best results in aversion of inner penial sac desirable fpr identjific&tion of males. Females were first soaked in water so that eggs CDuld be removed; they were usually cleared in hot KOH afterwards. Genitalia have been stored in glycerol in micro vials or mounted in Canada balsam on transparent cellulose foil. As a rule, the genitalia preparations have been attached to the specimen pin. The complete label information is contained in the lists of the material below. Characters typical of the group to vifhich a given species belongs are not repeated in the descriptions of individual species unless requiring some comment or specifications. Abbreviations used in descriptions are: HT — hemitergite(5) 10; S — sternite(sj; T — tergiteCs). For easier orienitation the mote frequently listed localities and pointsi of reference are shown on the map Ln Fig, 1. fn the listÄ of material examined, the following abbreviations have been used to identify depositories: BPBM: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; LPS; Limnologische Flussstation Schlitz des Max-Planck-Instituts für Lamno-Jogie, Schlitz; MC Z: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.; NMW; Naturhistorisches "Museum, Wien; USNM: United States National Museum, Washington, D. C.; ZMH: Zoologisches Institut und Museum der Universität, Hamburg, UBt d[ collcctingr sit^s: LUZON island 1 Ifu^ao province: Jacmal Bunhian, 24 km E Mayoyao, 800—1000 m /16.49 K/121.13 E/ 2 Bertguet: Baguio /10.125 N/120.30 B/ 3 Nueva Vlicaya: Imu^in 4 Zamtaales ft 5.30 N/120,30 E/ 5 Rizal: Mt. Montaltaan, Wa-wa Dam, 150—SOOm 6 Laguna: Mt. Mag uili ng (Makil I n g) /14.08 N/121.11 E/ Los Baßos 7 Camarines Sur: Mt, Isarog, Piu, eoo m /13,33 N/123.Ift E/ 8 SAMAR 9 BILIRAN LEYTE 10 Burauen /10,N/124. S3 E/ 11 Tigbao CEBU 12 Camp 1, 25 km W Cebu City /10.00 N/123.00E/ NEG ROS 13 Dumaguet& /9.18 N/123,18 E/ 14 Cuernos Mfs. 15 L Balinsasayao I. Sivec: Study of genus NzoptfUi {Pleccuptera: Perlida«) 5 IG BUSUANGA PALAWAN 17 Mainit, U km NW Brooke's Point /a. 46 N/117.50 E/ 18 Macagua, 12 km SW Brooke's Pt. 19 Utso, Amoyan ck., 57 km N Puerto Princessa, 10 m /10.00 N/118,45 E/ MINDANAO 20 Surigao del Norte: Stirlgao /&.4a N/12S.30 E/ 21 Aeusanr Esperanza, Bagugan, Matibog Creek /0.42 N/125.3a E/ 22 Agus an: S. Francisco, 10 km SE /8. a» N/12 5.55 E/ 23 Agusan: Los Arcos 24 Misamis Oriental: ML Balatukan, 15km SW of Gingoog, 1000—2000m /8 SON/ 125.07 E/ 25 Misamis Oriental: Mt. Pomalihi, 21 km "W Gingoog City, 600—1000 m 26 Mlsamfs Oriental: Mt, 5:mpagatao, 1050—1200 m 27 Misamis Oriental: Minatwang, 1050 m EB M isamis Ori en tal: Mi nu banan, 1050—1300 m 29 Misamis Oriental: Dinawihan Gingoog, 26 km E bf Gingoog City, 1Ö0—300 m 30 Misamis Oriental: Balason 31 Misamis Oriental: Mt, Kibungd, 10 km SE Gingoog, 700—800 m 32 B ukid non: Mt. Ka tan gl ad, 1480 m /S. 15 N/12 4.45 E/ 33 BukidnonlMai aybal ay Alan ib. 910 m /8.09 N/125.05 E/ 34 Buk i dnon: Tangcol an' 35 Lanao del Norte; Kolambungan /8.07 N/123.54 E/ 36 Lanao del Sur: Butlg Mts. 4—6 km NE of Butlg, 900 m /7,30 N/1244S E/ 37 Da vao del Norte: Davao /7.04 N/ia5.30 E/ S8 Davao del Norte: M t. Apo, Galog Ri v. /6.57 N/I25.ie E/ 39 MisamisOccidental:Mt. MalJ ndang /0,15 N/123,40 E/ 40 Zamboanga del Norte: Manucan, 25 km S, 500 m /8,31 N/123.0fl E/ 41 Zamboanga del Norte: Gundawan, 1260—1350 tn 42 Zam boan ga del Su r: Z am boanga /6.54 N/idb 05 E/ 43 Zamboanga del Sur: 24 km NW of Milbuk, nr. Lebak, 450—900 m 44 Dansplan Checklist of Neoi^erla specie!) I, The montivaga group 1,1. The recta subgroup 1.1.1. The recta species complex Neapertd recta BANKS = Weopcrtn incerta KLAPALEK = WeopcT-in viscayana BANKS Neoperio vseudorecta spec. nov. JVeoperlo iiuicfci spec. nov. Wecfperfa niiJiidat spec, nov, JVeoperlo spec, PH A Neoperla ipec. PH B Neoperla spec. PH( C JVeoperin ^pec. PH D 1.1.2. 'The oculaita speoie^s complex Neoperlct abJiqua BANKS — Weoperla apoarta BANKS Neoperla jewstti spec. nov. Neoperla i^>ec. PH E Neoperla hermosa BANKS Neoperla paltescens BANKS Neoperlm pallicornis BANKS Neoperla spec. PH F Neoperla e-pec, PH G JVeoperia utripe tmis BANKS Neoperla ocuWa BANKS iVeoperlm trapTtert ispec, tiöv. Neoperla niflra spec. nov. JVeoperla spec. ZWICK JVeoperla pftilippifwt apec. ncFv. Neoperla /Hiifi spec. iw>v, Neoperla spec, PH H 1.1,3. The variegata species complex Neoperla deniata ispec. tiov. 1.2. Species ineertae sedls Neoperla agujani spec. nou. Key to the species of Neoperla known fioni the Philippines For successful identification comparisons to figures and original descriptions should be used together with this key. HT; male hemitergite 10; S! stern its; T: tergite. (Key to fie^neca oi oriental PerJinae see in ZWICK, 1983 a) 1 Males............................1 Females...........................IS 2 Two pointed processes on TT and Tfl...............3 — Only one process, on T7....................6 3 T7 with large naediaji humip an its anterior part. Penis bubular, sijigle suta-itetiminaJ ivejitral outgrowth and two rpaira of spiny protaisions .near the middle....................... N. zu-icfct — Anterior part o(t T7 normal................... 4 4 Everted penis strongly bent ventrally, only one pair of lateral outgrowth .....................N, Rtshidai — Everted penis with several v antral and latwal oufgrowtii........6 5 Everted penis with distinct subtenminal dorsa,! spiny outBrowth (of a different length)......................N. recta — Donsal outerowth of ev«ried sac no^ ipresent.......N. pseudorecta fi Process on tt forked, slightly bilobed.........at. pfttiipptna —' Process on T7 painted, not bilobed........ . . . ......7 7 Everted penis without distinct or long outgrowth. Subterminal strong hooKs in the form of rosette with a row of spines In front and behind . ti, d&ntata — EVerted penis at least with a single longer outgrowth, usually more .... Ö I. Sivec: Study of genus Neopirlo, [PJecaptera: Perliidae) 7 a Everted sac With simple outgrowth only sub terminally.........9 — Everted sac with several outgrowths also In the middle and at the base . . 12 9 Single subterminal ventral process more or less covered with spines ... 10 — Short paired subterminal ventral outgrowths covered with spines. Dorsal side with a blunt hump below apex covered with strong hooks . . . N. ■ujogneri 10 Everted penis tubular, a single subterminal ventral outgrowth only .... 11 — A pair of subterminal small ventral outgrowths, apex of sac plump covered with strong spines, tapper in g to tip....................N. spec. 11 Single ventral process only, middle size dark brown coloured species ......................W. ttfripennis — Strong spines ait a-pex lang and slender, not itri angular, a dorsal band «( strongeir sjnines near the middle . ............N. asitstmi 12 Penlis with a long finger shaped ventral procesa üutsiide inverted panis ... 13 " Inverted, penia tube wiithout ptocsss.................14 13 Middle size species, distinct ovai pale spot on fore wings, two pairs of outgrowths at the base of everted sac............JV. kermosa — Large sipeciea. Three ipalrs of smaMer dorsolateral outgrowths . IV. jewetti 14 Everted sac of penis with at least one ventral outgrowth 15 — Ventral side of sac without outgrowth, two pairs of dorsolateral outgrowths and one pair of lateral outgrowths at base ........!V. oblifjuo 15 Single ventral outgrowth.....................16 — Two ventral outgrowths, a pair of subterminal iateroventral outgrowths, and a pair of dorsolateral outgrowths . ................IV. oculata 16 More thajn one rpalr of dorsolateral outgrowths 17 — One pajif of bare docisolaterai outgrowthe. Apex plump with a short ventral process (parallel to base. Larger dark brown to blaok. species . . W. nigra 17 Three pairs of dorsolateral processes. Rronotum with distinct ,pale lateral marglTis .....................N. pall e seejis ^ Two pairs of dorsolateral processes . , .......... IV. fH«ii 18* Vagina sac shaped, strongly folded, receiptacle with a central attachment. Egg without collair and anchor..........................19 — Attachment of receptacle anteriorly in front of sclerites, collar present . , . 23 19 SB forms a strong projecting parabolic lobe, chorion With finer punctation in the middle than at polar aides...... ........JV. recta — S S normal, or with a projecting lobe, punctation uniform........20 20 Eggs more or leas oval, fine punctaite...............21 — Eggs nearly spherical with very rough punctation arranged in poly-gones.......................N, nishidai 21 S 8 wtth a (projecting parabolic ctioi-ion unlfiarmjy fine punotate. Punctation grouped in polygenes separated by narrow bare :fib3 . . N. spec. PH B — SB rtormail oir onJy slightly projecting...............22 22 Chorion fine punctate, lid with reticular structure formed by narrow bare ribs.......................N. spec. PH A ■ For N. spec. PH D, ega is not known, there »re this sPOCi« Is not InclUWl^d In the key. .... 26 N. tlirtti apec. PH H .... 27 atripennis . , . . 29 .... 28 — CharSon much wilder at equatoff, fine pumctate. mo reticular s-tructure .....................«pec. PH C 2a No external modification of genitalia................24 — Bilobed strongly sclerotized subgen^tal plate, vagina with a strong sclerotized central part.....................N. dentata. 24 Eggs striated.........................25 — Eggs not striated ................... 25 Sulci of chociim narrow with it wo row« of punctatiosis only . . — Sulci of chorion Wider, more than two rows (4—5) of punctations . .........................AT. 26 Apical iplate of eg^ normal, mOTä or less flat........ — Apical plate of egg deeply In vagin ated......... 27 Chorißn fine punctate either with or without reticular struoture — Chorion rough punctate................ 2a Uniform, strong punctation In more or less regular lines . , . JV, oblUjiut — Strong ipunotatlon im ipoly^onas sepairated by narrow bare ribs, more Jirregu lajat collar ..................... JV. spec PH G 29 Single or double row of bare polygons at lead............30 — ChorJjon fine punctate WiithfJüt bare polygones............31 30 Single row of ibare (poJygones, btrth poles with reticular tstrucbure formed by naiiTow bare mb3................N, paUicarwfs — Double row of hare polygon es, lid without ^e^lcula^ structure . N. Bpec, PH F 31 Chorion uniformly fine punctate without any reticular structure .....................N. apec. PH E — Chorion uniformly fine punttate, reticular structure at tooth poles .... 32 32 Fare wings with ■distinct .pale spot, retioular structure at lid not very strong ............. . , , . ....... , . AT. hermosa — No spot at £aire wings, lateral sides of prOnotum distinctly ipaJe, ireticulair structure ait lid stronger* than in AT, hermosa . ......N, pnUescens Taxonomy I. The montivaga — group The short parallel ventrobasal and the longer triangular dorsal sclerite of the otherwise soft penis are diagnostic (for details see original group definition, ZWICK, 1983a). I.l. The recta — subgroup The subgroups and species complexes subdivisions as proposed by ZWICK (1983b) is adopted, ■ Separation by egj! structure «nd vagina only very dlfllcult or nearly Imposaible, ccymparUon ot males neccesaary. I. SfVec: Study iCrf genuB Weoperln (PJeCOptera: Perlidae) 9 1,1.1. The recta species complex Males have a pointed processes on tergites 7 and 8, Various lobes of everted sac and armature, Vagina sac- shaped, very extensible, strongly folded around and in front of the central attachment of receptacle. Eggs without collar and anchor, differently punctate. NcAperla recta BANKS (Figs. 2a-g). 1913 Neoperla recta BANKS, Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, IS: ITS; fig. 10. 192Q Neoperla viscayana BANKS, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 64: 321; new synonymy. 1921 Neoperla incerto KLAPALEK, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg,, 61: 321; new synonymy. 1923 Neoperla incerta — KLAPALEK, Coll. Zool. Selys Longchamps, 42; 158; fig. 34. 1958 Neoperla recta — JEWETT, Fieldiana Zoology, 42 (S): 85. Material atiudjed:9 lectotype, LUZON: Los Banos (BAKER; MCZ type 11887; lectotyipe here designated); ? hoLotype of iV, incerta KLAPALEK, MINDANAO (SEMPER; NMTV); S holotype of N. viscayatw BANltS, LUZON: N. Viecaya, Imueln {■BAKER; MCZ). Additional mater.lai: LUZON: 9 (?(5i 19, Ij« Bark» (varjoua dates aind coilectorc; MCZ, USNM; 1 ,5, no. 425 BANKS det. Ochthopstina lutecla BUR.J; 12 6 6, 9 99, Mt. Makiling (BAKER; MCZ, USNM}; 1 6. Mt. Maikilüig. 22. YlIL 1SZ5 (M. PnOTAClA; MCZ); 3??, N. Viscaya, Imugin (BAKER; USNM, MCZ); 2 6S, Benguet, BagULO (BAKER; MCZ); 5 fl 5?, Camarines Sur, Mt. Isarog, Pili (different dates and elevations) (H. M. TORREVILLAS; BPBM); 1 S, Zambales, XII. 1917 EfiOETTGER; coU. Utoier, ZMH); 3 ,5 M,t. Moffitalban, Rizaii, Wa-wa Dam, 150— 200 m, 3. nr., e. in., la. iil igas (L.m.&h.m. torrevillas; bpbm); negros: 1 d, 3 99, Dumagueite (C. T. BRUES; MCZ); 4 5 3, Negros Or., L. Balinasasayao. 1,—7. X. 1959, light trap [L. QUATE&C. YOSHIMOTO; BPBM). Middle-sized ochre to brownish coloured species. Wings of males 12,5 to 14,S mm, of females 16—17 mm long. Fairly large ocelli with dark rings one diameter apart in males and 1,5 in females. Area between ocelli and in front of these (except M-line) may be brownish (specimens from Negros, both males and females with a distinct head pattern). Antennae dark brown to black except the scape, Cf: T7 with a large median triangulär sclerite ending in ä knob like the spiny process on its prosterior end, T like median sclerite of T& strongly raised as a little hook covered with spines on its upper concave side. Usual paramedian swellings of T9 weakly expressed with only a tew spines in. some specimens. HeJnitergites normal, anterior processes short and pdump bent near the middle. Everted sac in general shape with three ventral and two dorsal single outgrowths and a pair of subterminal lateral protrusions. However, shape, length and armature can vary greatly in different specimens either from a different or even the same locality. Three more distinct types of this variation are recognised as seen in Pig. 2. Fig. 2. Neoperla rjcta BANKS: Atadominail tip Of <3 (a, b), ivagina (c), egg (d), everted penis iTom Imi^iii {e), Mt. Makiling (f>. Negras (g). r. Sivec: Study of genus Neop&tla (PlecCiptera; Perlidae) 11 5: S8 forms & strongly projecting parabolic lobe. Vagina sac-shaped with few wide concentric folds around and in front of the attachment of the receptacle. These central folds are slightly sclerotized and anteriorly narrower (degree of sclerotization is variable at different specimens — stronger in specimens from Negros). Marginal parts of the vagina soft, irregularly folded and wrinkled, evidently very extensible. Posterior margin of the large central fold straight and flat with median invagination. Irregular sclerotized spots occur usually on the upper part amidst the central folds. Egg regularly oval, size 0.33 X 0.25 mm. Collar and anchor absent. Chorion with very fine punctation in the median third and rougher punctation on the polar sides (slightly variable in different specimens). Lid with a clearly visible smooth narrow suture, Micropyles along sharp upper lines of different punctations. Notes: In his original description of N. recto BANKS mentions also a male, however, only a type of females was available. N. viscayana was described from female and this type of specimen, too, was not available. Male specimen of the same species (7) (from the same locality, not specifically mentioned in the original description) is labeled as a type of N. üiscayofm, v/hich could not toe excluded according to original description. The amazing variability of closely similar male specimens makes the distinction of taxa in this complex quite difficult, further and more detailed study might prove either extreme polymorphism or presence of several very closely related species. From material presently available sexes appear to be conspecific because they frequently occur together; general shape, pattern and colouration are similar, Neopcrla pseudorecla spec, nov. (Figs. 3a-c). Mslerial studied: (J hoJotype, CEBl): Cami) 7, 25km W Cebu City, 40Djn, 2].—2'J. IX. I96& (D. 13AVIS; TJSNM), Additional iparatyrpes: NEGBOS: 2 Cuernoe Mt'^. {BAKER; USNM); 1 S, Ouemos Mte. (BAKER; MCZ; labeled us recto); 1 <3, Duma-guete (C. T. BRUEÄ; MCZl; LUZON: 1 (5, Mt. MafciliTig (BAKER; USNM, 34207); 1 Ml. Ma-klll'dg (BAKER; MC2, 3J307, JabeJed as recta); 1 <5, Los Bafios. 15. XI. J93t (ISASELA MONGE; MCZ); Addititrtlal Tnaterial: BUSUAWGA: 4 km N oi San Nicolas, 1 . 1937 Neoperla apoana BANKS, PhUipp. J. Sei., 63 (2) : (part.). MMeriaJ studied: MINDANAO; 19, Mt, Apo, Maimit rlv., 0500ft., Oct. 10. (C. F, CLAGG; MCZ paraitjrpe o! opMTMi no. 22102, -deposiited im USNM paratype of of apM-TM 22102). Very similar to W. oE)iiqua except vagina and eggs. Wings 18—19 mm long. Inconspicuous, slightly convex subgenital plate. Inner genitalia of the t;ame general type as in If. ob Et qua. Differ in smaller size with only a few parallel folds. Posterior sclerites indistinct, separated by a narrow slit with only small fields of papillae and clearly visible smooth anterior inner angles. Eggs plump oval, size 0.35 X 0.26 mm. Collar wide and narrow with a slightly flanged margin. Chorion uniformly fine punctate. Micropyles normal. Notes: C on specificity with JV. jewetti cannot be excluded, the species is therefore not formally named. Neoperla bemiosa BANKS (Figs. 6 a-d). 1924 Neoperla hermasa BANKS, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65 ; 427. Material studied: 1 <3 lectotype, 1 5 paralectatype, MINDANAO: Sufiigao; 1 ? paraJeOtotype, MINDANAO: Davao (BAKER; MCZ, all labeled ajs Ty,pe 14810, ^ also with number 10321; iectat^es here designated); Addiitiomal material: 1 MINDANAO: SiÄägao (BAKER; USNM, no. 16321). Middle-sized brownish coloured species. Wings of males 11 mm, of females 13 mm long. Fore wings faintly infuscated, the veins slightly brown, but In the middle area beyond the anastomosis there is a fairly large pale spot, where the veins are also yellowish. Head wider than pronotum, occelli of moderate size, about two diameters apart in female, closer in male, with a curved drop-sbaped dark spot on the inner side and in front of ocelli. Cf: Similar to N. obligua, except penis. TS medially with a broad group of granules. Penis recogmsable also in uneverted position because of its ventrobasal long and slender outgrowth with stronger spinules on its distal part. Everted sac rectangularly bent, directed ventrally with a single long and slender ventrobasal outgrowth and two pairs of lateral spiny protrusions of a different size near the curving of penial tube. Distal half of everted sac long and straight with minute spinules and strong spines around the tip. 9: No extemal modifications. Inner geniitalia typical of oculata species complex, very similar to N. abliqua. Slightly differ only in the shape of smooth rounded pocket-shaped inner angles of central sclerites. 1. Sivec: Study of genus Weaperla (Blecaptera; Petlidae) 23 S: JVcoperta hermosfl BANKS: Abdoaiinal tijp of (5 ta), everted petiia (b), vagina (c), egg (d). Eggs oval, size 0,40 X 0.27 ram. Collar nariow and incoospicuoua with a slightly flanged margin. Anchor pole with a fairly large central knob on the apical plate. Indistinct reticulation expressed on both poles. Chorion of uniform thickness with fine punctation. Micropyles normal. Notes: In the original description Zamboanga is a type locality as well. Type specimens as available to me are from Surigao and Davao, all in a very poor condition. Neopeila pallcscens BANKS (Figs. £ta-d), 1937 Neoperia paUescens BANKS, Philipp. J. Sei., 63 (2); 135. 1934 NeopsTJa bermosa BANKS, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65 :427 [part). 1924 JVeopeWn ocitnota BANKS, Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, 65 ; 428, pi. 2, fig, 16 (part). 19B2 JVeoperio pallescfivi^ ^ Z WICK, Aquatic Insects, 4 (1): 20, Material studied: MINDANAO: I 5 holo+yipe. Xolambugatl (BAKER; MCZ Ty^ie 22101, no. 1369+); AfMiWonaJ material: 1 same locaiiity as holotjipe (BAKER; USNM, fio. 13094; det. by BANKS as N. obHqua on rod label); 1 same locality as hololype (BAKER; USNM, no. 163201; 1 [5 paradectaty^e of W. ocutato, Davao (BAKER; MCZ Tyipa 14B0a); 1 Š paraleototype of IV. hermosa, Zamboainga (BAKER; MCZ Type 14810); (Leototyipes here deisgnated); 1 ZamtBsn^ del Nörie. Manucan, 25 km S, 500 Jti, 18. X. 1959 (light traip) [L. W. QUATE; ÖPBM). Yellowish to pale ochre coloured species. Wings of males 11 mm, of females 14 mm long. Ocelli moderately large, about one diameter apart in males (slightly more in females), no distinct ocellar rings. Pronotum widely rounded behind, broadly pale yellow on the sides, more than one half of middle brownish. Cf' Process of T7 triangular with a rounded spinose tip. T8 with a small patch of spinusles in its anterior half. T9 with usual paramedian swellings a"nd a median depression- HT normal, anterior processes slender, bent near the middle. Everted sac of penis rectangularly bent to the ventral side. Conical ventral hump with a few very tine spinulets at the tip. Three pairs of smaller spiny dorsolateral outgrowths. Apical armature with strong hooks, smaller at tip. 9: Subgenital plate indistinct, evenly and slightly convex. Internal genitalia and eggs very similar to N. fiermosa. Minute difference is only in the shape of anterior inner angles of central sderites. Eggs regularly oval, extremely similar to N, hcrmo^a. Differ in a slightly more expressed reticulation on both poles, especially at the lid, Notes: Conspecificity of series is indicated by general shape and colouration, especially pale lateral sides of pronotum. It seems impossible to successfully distinguish N, padescetis from iV, Fiermosa by the vaginal and egg structures, hov/ever, pale sides of pronotum in N. pallescejis and a pale spot on the fore wings of as well as structures of extended penises separate them distinctly, Neaperia paliicarnis BANKS (^gs. IO3, b). 1937 Neoperta pallicornis BANKS, Philipp. J. Scj., 63 (2): 137, 1982 JVcoperIa palljcorais — ZWJCK, Aquatic Insects, 4 (1) : 20. r. 3vec; Stitdy o( genus NsoperUi {Pleooptoa; Perlidae) 23 Fig. D: «eoperla pailescena BANKS: Abdonvinai tip of tyipas, same locality {BAKER; MCZ Type MflOT); paraJectötype, MINDANAO; Bukkinoo, Tangooian (BAKER; MCZ Tyrpe 14B07} (lect»-types here designated); Additional material: MINDANAO: 3,3(3, 1 Sudgao (BAKER; USNM); 2 TomJfuIan, 15, and IB. VI. 1915 (BOETTGER; OoU. Ubner, ZMH); 1 S, Misamis Or., Balason, 4,-5. IV. I960 (W. TOHREVILlaS; Bp^) J 1 9. Aguaan, Esiparanza Ba^^ueai:, Martiibog Creek, 7, XI. 1959, Hebt trap (C. M. YOSHIMOTO; BPBM); 1 5, Miaaimis Occ., Mt. MaliintJang, 19. X. 1950 .(C. M. YOSHIMOTO; BPBM); 1 9, Zam-boanga del Norte, Manucam, lltam SSE, 250m, 13. X. 1959 (L. W. QUATE; BPBM); LEYTE: 1 S, Tigbao, 1ft. VIII. 1957 (BPBM). Middie-sized darker brown coloured species. Wings of males 11 nun, of females 13 mm long. Antennae, palpi and pronotum dark brown. Head paler more laterally. Ocelli small, about two diameters apart, slightly more in females. Ocellar rings indistinct. Pronotum wider than long, strongly narrowed behind. Legs dark brown, bases of femora pale. Wings brown, venation dark brown. r. Sivec: Study ot geima «eoperla (PJecopfera; Perlidae) 29 Fl£, 11: Nectria atripeTmiS BANKS: Abdomiinal tip of (aj, evertad penis {b), vagiiia (c), #gg (d). Cf: External genitalia and general shape i>f penis typical of the species complex. Everted sac simple, tubular bent ventfaUy. Kngle ventral subter-mlnal finger-shaped spiny process of a variable length in different specimens. Stronger spines are to be observed also around the tip. The base of the sac bare, except the dorsal hump near the middle, covered with spinulets. No external modifications, Vagina membranous, sac-shaped with few-short parallel and bare anterior folds- Central part slightly raised in a cone, densely covered with small papillae less apparent at margins. Eggs regulaiily oval, size 0,32 X 0 22 mm. Collar as a narrow bare ring. Apparently normal anchor attached in a deep depression of the chorion. Chorion uniformly very fine punctate, Micropyles normal. Notes: In the original description probably misprint in the spelling of N. dtropeiinis. In the legend of figures in the same paper, as well as type labels, N. otTtpenms. Neoperla oculata BANKS {Figs. 12a-c). 1924 Neoperla oculata BANKS, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., G5 ; 428, PI. 2, fig. 16. 1937 Neoperla pallicornis BANKS, Philipp. J. Sei., 63 (2); 137 {part). 195B ffeoperla oculata — JEWETT, Fieldiana, Zoology, 42(6) : 84 (part). Material studded: 6 lectotype. paralecUrtyipes, MINDANAO: Surigao (BA- KER; MC2 Typ« 14800) (iectotypes hare designated). Additional material: LUZON: 1 3 paratype of W. paJlicomis, Mt, Maliilin« (BAKER; MC2 paratjrpe 22104); 1 Mt. Montalban, Rizail, Wa-wa Dam, 150—200 m, 57. II. 1965 (L. TORREVILLAS; BPBM); LEYTE: 1 S, Eurauen, 3. V. 1915 (BOETTGER; coll, UlmcT, ZMH}; 1 BILIHAN? (Bilaran on label), 21. X. 1915 (BOETTGER; coll. Ulmer, ZMH); MIK: D AM AO; 1 Mlsamis Or.. Balason, 7.^. IV. 1960 (H. TORREVILLAS; BPBM); 3 [5, Surigao (BAKER; USNM); 1 Misamis Or., Mi. KiJbnmgd, 10ton SE Giingoog, 700—BOOm, 9,—18. IV. 1960 {H. M. TORBE VILLAS; BPBM); 1 6, MisaixviB Or., Mi. BalaitiUitain, 15 km SW of Gineoog, lOOfr—2000 m, 27,-30. IV. 1960, at light (H. TORRE-VILLAS; BPBM); 1 , Zamboanga del NtJrte, Manucam, 15 km S, 680 m, 14.^15. X. 1059, ait kenoeene light tL. W, QUATE; BPBM); 1 Buikidnan, Malaybaiay Alanib, 910m, 25. X. 1959 {L. W. QUATE; BPBM); 1 (J, Mis. Or.. Mt. Fomaiihi ilitm W Giingoog City, 300—1000m, 17, X. 1965 (B. M. TORREVILLAS; BPBM), Smaller ochre to brownish coloured species. Wdngs 10—12 mm long. Eyes and ocelli large. Ocelli close together, usually les than one diameter apart, distinctly dark ringed. Specimens from Mt. MontaLtaan slighüy smaller, with a wider pronotum and a greater distance between ocelli. CT; External genitalia and general shape of penis typical of the species complex, not distinctive. Everted sac about as long as the outer tube, bent ventrally. Two single ventral outgrowtihs, one pair of subterminal ventrolateral and one pair of dorsolateral outgrowths covered with strong hooks. The rest of the sac covered with very fine spicules. Specimens from Luzon slightly differ in the size and armature of ventral outgrowths, the presence of a subterminal small dorsoventral field of stronger spines and in the lack of paired lateral humps near the middle (see Fig. 12c). 9; Not known. Notes: An apparently quite variable species. Type series of JV. oculata include also misidentified male specimen of N. pallcscens from Davao. The paratype male of N, poiEtcorTXM is misidentified and belongs to N. oculata. I. Siiveci stvidy of fienus Weoperia (Wecoptera; PerLi'dae) 31 Fig. 12: Nsop^rla oCUEata BANKS: Abdotnimal 1i)p ol (J (a), everted penis: tj^cal form (b), variation from Rizal (c); Weoperio wagneri spec, nov.: Abdominal tip of i I'd), everted penis (e). JEWETT's characters of N. oculata females (JEWETT, ] 958) are very dubious and not sufficient for the purposes of separating his females of N, oc^latu from other -uruiained female species of this group. N. pallicorrats is quite probably conspecific with N. oeulota, however, for the present association with several other unnamed females cannot be completely excluded. In Fig, 9 KAWAI (1968) presents an abdominal tip and penis of iV. ocuEata from Mindanao. According to the figure the penis characterized by two distinct internal fields of strong spines (I did not see material) probably belongs to N. fltripennis and not to N. oculata. Neoperia wagncri spec. nov. (Figs. 12d, e). Material atJiidied: 3 holotype. MINDANAO: Biriii^inon, Malaytoalay Alanib, 910 m, 25, X. ;959 (C. M. YOSHIMOTO; BPBM). Smaller ochre coloured species. Wings 11 mm long. Head much wider than pronotum, eyes large and prominent. Ocelli large, close together, less than one diameter apart, dark ringed. Cf: External genitalia typical of the oculata species complex, not distinctive. Everted sac of penis simple, tubular strongly bent ventrally, A pair of subterminal ventrolateral protrusions and a dorsal hump below the membranous cone with the distal opening are covered with strong hooks, the rest of the everted sac with fine spicules. Not known. Notes: No close relatives among other species known from the Philippines, Neoperla nigra spec nov. (Figs. 13a, b). Material studied: 3 hyolotyipe, LUZOK: Caimairine? Sur, Mt, Isamfi, Pilf, 600— flOOm, 11. IV. 1BB5 (H. M. TORHEVILLAS; BPBM), Large dark brown to nearly black coloured species. Wings 17 mm long. Head brown, except a distinct anchor-like paJe area from ocelli and tentorial calluses to the front end of clypeus. Occelti fairly large, dark ringed, about 1.5 diameter apart, Pronotum longer than wide, strongly narrowed behind, CT; External genitalia in general shape as in other species of the oculata species complex, except unsclerotized posterior parts of T7 and T8 and circular unsclerotiaed upper and median part of T9. HT normal, except anterior processes which are very short and plump, club-shaped in the dorsal view. Posterior end of T6 medially slightly stronger, sclerotized, with few spines. Median part of T8 covered with short papiQlae on a slightly raised cone. Penis small. Everted sac short and plump, with a pair of bare dorsolateral Urge protrusions and a single dorsal outgrowth near the end of the dorsal sclerite, covered with fine spicules. Most of the plump and slightly conical 1. Snviec: Study of genus Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) 33 ^M^f^f'^^i^^p^ -I Fie- Neoperla nigra spec, iwv.: Abdominal tip of 5 (a), everted, penis (b); N«o-perla spec. ZWICK: Abdominal tip of <5 everted penis (d). anterior part of the sac covered with strong hooks, vcntrally projecting backwards, paralelly to the base of the penis. 9: Not known. Notes: Exceptionally dark coloured among the usually pale Neopcrii species. No close relatives of this distinct species are presently known. Neoperla spec, ZWICK (Figs. 13c, d). 1983 Neoperla e^jec. ZW! CK [in preiparation) Matertah 1 S parat>'Tpe, MINDANAO: M^ä. Or., Mt. fVimalfhi, 21km W Gingooß Ciity, 000—1000 m, ie.~l8. X, lOflS (H. M. TOHEEVILLAS; BPBM), Notes: Middle-sized ochre to brownish species. Presently known as the only representative of the group (species complex) from Western Borneo. Presently constitutes the only ejtample of a shared Neopsrla species between the Philippines and the surrounding areas. Detailed descriptions will be published else were {ZWlCK, in preparation). Neoperla philippina spec. nov. (Figs. Ha, b). Ma.terial studied: ^ holotype, BUSUANGA Ts.: 4 km N San Nicolas, 23,—24. V. 1ÜÖ2 (H. HOLTMANN; BPBlW}. Middle-sized reddish dark brown species. Wings 15 mm long. Head, pronotum, palpi and antennae uniformly dark, except paler tentorial calluses, M line and bases of femora. Cf: Genital segments of a general type, except extension of T7, which is small and narrow, symmetrically bilobed. Everted sac of the penis nearly rectangularly bent to the ventral side, plump, larger than the basal part. Sac with a single spiny outgrowth on the ventral side and two pairs of spiny protrusions dorsolatcraUy, Anterior part of the sac covered with strong hooks, rest of the sac with small spicules. Not known. Notes: The bilobed process of T7 is not known in any other male presently known from the Philippines. A similar structure ts known in some species from Borneo and even in some species in the clymene group from Java and Sumatra, therefore, this character does not seem to be a group characteristic. Due to its dark colour, size and general pattern in all probability n.ot conspecific with any of the presently known unnamed females. Keoperla flinti spec. nov. (Figs. 15a-f). 1937 Neaperla apoana BANKS, Philipp. J. Sd,, 63 (2) : 136 (part). 1958 Neoperin oculoto — JEWETT, Fieldiana, Zoology, 42 (6): 84 (part). I. Sivec: Study Of genus Neoperla (Pleccipiteca: Perlidae) 35 Fig. 14: Neoperla pfiiHppina speč, tjow.; AbdotniiinBrl ■Uji of 3 everted penria (b). MatePiai studied: <5 hctotype- MlKDAFfAO: Baclayan, ML Aj», 1650m, XI, 1305 (D. DAVIS; USNM); 2?$ ,paratopes, MINDANAO: Mt. Apo, Gaiog Riv., eodoft., IB, X. and 23. X, (C. F. CLAGG; MCZ paratyipe of N. opoana, no 22102, miiS(id«rtifi«J); I ? paratype^ MINDANAO: Lanao, Buti^ Mts. 4—G Jon NE of Butig, 900 m, 19.—21. VI. 1&58, In junele (H. E MILURON; BPEM); 2 59 paratyipes, MINDANAO: Bukidtoon, Mt. Kataaglad, 14E0m, 27.—31. X. 1959 [L. W. QU ATE; BPBM)i 399 paratyipes, MINDANAO: Misamie Ol., MinaJwang, 1050m, 24, III.— IV. 1961, aA ligM (H. TORREVILLAS; BPBM); 1 ? .paratype. LUZON: Mt Makiling BAKER; USNM, JEWETT det. 1958; N. obHqaa BANKS). Large ochre brownish coloured species. Wings of males 18 mm, of female 19—22 nun long. Fore wings infuscatte along venation, more distinct at anastomosis. Ocelli large, dark ringed, about one diameter apart. Pronotum slightly sculptured, narrowed behind. Tibiae darker at the base. Cf: Generally similar to other males of the oculata species complex, except the peiüs. Eveited sac long atid tubular, with two pairs of dorsolateral spiny outgrowths and a single ventral protrusion covered with stronger spines. Subterminal ring of strong hooks is ventrally Gxtetided to the s^iny process in a single line of strong hooks. The rest of the sac covered with minute spicules. No CKtemal modifications. Vagina sac-shaped, membranous, with many periferal folds, most of them transparent and hard to see. Central part as a slightly raised cone, densely covered with scaly sclerotizations ending in fine spicules. Irregular sclerotized spots occur around the central part amidst the soft folds. Pig. 15: JVeoperto fHntt spec, nov.i AljdomiinaJ tip of 5 (a), everted penii {b, c), vašima (d), egg (e, f); JV, si)ec, PH H: Vaefna (e), egg pcr!ft paliicornis BANKS, Philipp. J. Sei., 63 (2) : 137 (part). Material Jtiudied: i 9, luzon; mt Mafciling {BAker; mcz paratype 32104 of N. paliicornis misidentified by 0ANKSJ; 1 same data (BAKER; MCZ) I?, LUZON: |Los BaPlofi, 19,—20. IX. 1059, li^ht ,trarp (L. QUATE & C. YOSHIMOTO; BPEM); 1 MIT^DANAO: Agusan, S. lYanoiSCio 10.km SE, 13. XI. 1959 (I- W. QUATE; BPBM>. Middle-sized ochre coloured species. Wings 13—14 mm long. Ocelli of moderate size, dark ringed, about two diameters apart. Distal part of femora and proximal part of tibiae slightly darkened. 9: No external modifications. Vagina and egg very similar to N. JUnti. A slight difference is in a more elongate and less regular oval egg with a flat lid, a wider collar and wider sulci with several lines of punctation and not only two as in JV. flirt t i. Notes: The present species is very closely related to N. /Einti, however, much smaller size, different general shape and colouration, especially the lack pf wing pattern, as well as different eggs distinctly separate these two species. 1.1.3. The variegata species complex* Neoperia dentata spec, nov, (Figs. 16a-h), Material studied: ^ holotype, BUSUANGA Is,: 4 km N San Ndoolas, 28. V. 1962 {M. THOMPSON; BPBM); I ? paratype, same locaJlty, 24, V. 1962 (H. HOLTMANN; ßPBM); PALAWAN: 2 $ S, l9 paratypes, Litso, Amoyan Ck 57 km N Puerto Pfinccäsa, 10. XII. 1065, 1Ü m (D. DAVIS; USNM); 1 1 ? pafatypes, Macagua R. laicm SW Brooke's Pt.. 20. XII. 19^5 {D. R. DAVIS; USNM). Small pale ochre coloured species. Wiings of males 10 mm, of females II—13 mm long, Ocelli fairly large, slightly more than one diameter apart, * See detail description of the variegata species oonruplex in ZWICK, 1963 0. nearly two diameters apart in specimens from Palawan, Wings pale with darker venation. CT: External genitalia and general shape of penis not different from other representatives of the oculata species complex. Everted sac long, tubular and straight except the apical part which is bent dors ally and tapering. A pair of dorsolateral humps are covered with stronger spinules. The subtertninal ventral hump bears a large hooks arranged in a rosette continuing in a single ventral Line of strong hooks decreasing toward the middle of the everted penis. Ventral side of tapering apex with a line of smaller long and säender spines in front of the rosette. The rest of the everted sac covered w.ith minute spicules. S3 projecting in a short, shghtly sclerotized bilobed subgenital plate. Vagina soft and membranous with a large and strong sclerotized c&ntral part of complicated structure as seen in Fig. I6f. Eggs regularly oval, size 0.35 X 0.22 mm. Well developed collar with re-bent fine screen covering the base of the egg. Sclerotized central knob on the apical plate is inside the collar. Chorion covered with narrow straight ribs forming a reticular structure at the lid. Regular lines of fine punctation are observed laterally, and a more or less irregular stonger punctation in the middle of wide sulci separated by smaller ribs. Micropyles simple in the middle of sulci, Notes; Association of sexes initially relied on repeated common occurrence, identical general shape and colouration. General shape of penis and arrangement of major spines somewhat resemble the species of the variegata species complex from Borneo {ZWICK, 1983b). Similarity can also be established in the shape of the vagina, but eggs are completely different and do not fit into the general description of the variegata speoies complex proposed by ZWICK. Presently the only representative of this speeies complex in the Philippines. L2. Species incertae sedis Ncopetia agusani spec, nov, (Figa. 16i, j). Material ebudied: 5 holotype, MINDANAO: Agusan, Los Aor-oe, 20.—21, X, 1959, lifihit trap (U QUATE&c. YOSHIMOTO; BPBM); 1 (J paratype, MINDANAO: SurigEio (BAKER; ino, 10320; USNM). Middle-sized brownish coloured species. Wings 11—11,5 mm long. Eyes and ocelli large, Ocelli distinctly dark ringed, more than one diameter apart. Pronotum wider than long, slightly narrowed behind. <3: T 7 with triangular sclerite ending in a biuret lappet beset with spicules. Circular patch of spicules on a slightly raised cone in the middle of a distinct median sclerite of T8. T9 with usual paramedian swellings. HT noiinal, anterior processes long, bent near middle, distally parallel. Everted I. Sivec: Study of geniE Neoperla (Pleoaptea-a; PerlidaeJ 39 Fig. 15: iVeoperlfl dentata spec, nov.: Abdominal tip of 3 (a), everted penis (b, c, d), {«male subgenital .plate (e), vagLna {f), ^g (g, h); iVcoperla a^usani spec, nov,; Abdo-iminaJ tiip of S 'iK efverted pende (j). penis large, about 3 mm long, simple, tubular and slender, vrith a single subtermmal ventral process covered with strong triangular hooks on its anterior side. Strong and long spines on the dorsal and the ventral side of the apex, shorter spines in between, the rest of the sac covered -with, minute asperities and scales, A band of stronger hooka also on the dorsal and the lateral side near the middle. Ven t ro basal part of the penis with a larger triangular field of short spicules. 5: Not known. Notes: No close relativas of this isolated specics are presently known from the Philippines. A cfcn pw Icdgetn en ta I would wish to express my sincere thanks to Doc. Dr, P. Z wick for his help in permitting me to finish the present study at the Limnologische Flussstation Schlitz, 1 also thank him for his critical comments, preputalication information and encouragement during this study. The material used therein was kindly made available to me by Dr. R. Abraham (Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Muaeum der Universität, Hamburg), Or, O. S. Flint, Jr. (United States National Museum, Washington), Dr. A. F, Newton and Mrs. M, K. Thayer (Museum ol Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.), Mr. G. N, Nishida (Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu), Dr. A, Kaltenbach (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien), Dr. B. P. Stark (Clinton, Mass, sent Specimens from the Bishop Museum that he had initially received). My Warmest thanks are extended to all of them. Povzetek Rod Wcoperla je med Perlidami OrLentalne regije še posebej številen, kljub intenzivnim Študijam v zadnjem času, ki temelje predvsem na podrobnem opLsu zgradbe penisa, vagine in horiona jajc, je poznavanje rodu tudi zaradi velike podobnosti v zunanji morfologiji pa tudi zaradi precejSnje poli-mortnosti nekaterih vrst že vedno zelo nepopolno. Največje težave pa nastopijo pri ugotavljanju odgovarjajočih samcev in samic iste vrste. Ob včasih preskromnem materialu in pc manj kan ju podrobnejših ekoloäkih podatkov je ugotavljanje identičnosti samcev in samic pogosto zgolj naključno in to na osnovi izrazitejših podrobnosti zunanjih morioloških makov ali podatkov o skupnem naliajalilcu. Prav zaradi tega nismo formalno poimenovali ve£ vrst samic, za katere nismo mogli ugotoviti odgovarjajočega samca, temveC smio jih označili le s črkami. V tej študiji podajamo, na osnovi materiala iz raznih muzejev ter Študij vseh do sedaj imenovanih in opisanih vrst, pregled vrst, ki žive na Filipinih, ECIjub relativno zaključenemu prikazu je favna tega rodu Se vedno nepopolna in ostaja le več nereženih vprašanj. Da bi določili nekatere med njimi, bi potrebovali obsežnejši in bolje ohranjen material. Zaradi vse obsežnejše polucije in poseganja v naravno okolje so nekatere vrste mogoče že celo izumrle, če lahko to sklepamo na osnovi podatkov in muzejskega materiala. I, Sveč: Study of genus Neoperla (Plecopitera: P&rlidae) 41 Eod Neoperia je prav tako kot na Javi, Sumatri in Borneu tudi na Filipinih številčnejši kot so prvotno pričakovali za to področje (ILLIES, 1966). Čeprav so nekatere vrste zelo polimorfne, je raznolikost vrst precej skromnejša, iz česar lahko sklepamo, da je naselitvena pot tekla iz Bornea na Filipine in. ne v obratni smeri. Pri iüstematskem razvrščanju izredno obsežnega rodu iVeoperla smo uporabili začasno klasifikacijo v grupe, podgrupe in komplekse vrst (ZWrcK, IseSa. b). Skoraj vea material, ki smo si ga izposodili v različnih muzejih, je bil suh, sprepariran na entomoloäkih iglah. Delo s tak&nim materialom je dosti bolj zamudno in zapleteno kot s svežim in v alkoholu fiksiranim materialom, saj je determinacija po suhem materialu nemogoča. Pri študiju moških spolnih organov in predvsem penisa smo uporabili hladno maceracijsko tehniko po ZWICK-u, 1983a, ki daje najboljše rezultate, saj je za natančno deter mina cijo potrebno popolno izviihanje membranskega dela penisa, ki ima značilno nameščene močnejše hitinaste kavi je in zobce. Samice smo najprej navlažili, da smo odstranili jajca in šele potem tretirali Hen i talne segmente z vročim KOH. GenitaUje in jajca smp shraiuili v glicen-nu v miniaturnih mikroepruvet-kab i gumijastim zamaškom ali pa smo jih vklopili v Kanada balzam na ce-luloidnih ploščicah, oboje pa smo praviloma pritrdili na iglo skupaj z osebkom. Za boljše razumevanje razprostranjenosti vrst podajamo orientacijski zemljevid Filipinskega otočja (Slika 1.) z označenimi najpomembnejšimi nahajališči. Do ločevalni ključ zajema tako imenovane vrste kot tudi neimenovane samico, začasno označene le s črkami {le za adultne Stadije). Najpomembnejši znaki so na osnovi zgradbe genitalnega aparata in le izjemoma so kot dopolnilo upoštevani tudi zunanji morfološki znaki, na osnovi katerih so narejeni nekateri stari ključi, čeprav je zunanja podobnost v celotnem rodu ^'et>pcrla izredno velika in povsem neustrezna za uspešno ločevanje na nivoju vrste. Vsi predstavniki filipinskega rodu Neopcrla spadajo v grupo montivaga. Le položaj vrste Neoperla agusani spec. nov. je v okviru montivaga grupe trenutno nejasen. Vse ostale vrste spadajo v podgrupo recta s tremi kompleksi vrst: recta kompleks vrst, oculata kompleks vrst in variegata kompleks vrst. Neoperla dentata spec. nov. je edini predstavnik variegata kompleksa vrat, ki ima več predstavnikov na Borneu. Vrsta s Filipinov ima 2elo podobno zgradbo penisa kot vrsta z Bornea, ne ustreza pa povsem opisu kompleksa vrat (ZWICK, 1983b), zlasti pri strukturi jajc. Predstavnikov recta kompleksa vrst ni n.a Borneu, Javi in Sumatri, nastopajo pa na Formozi, Japonski in južni Kitajski. Neoperla recta BANKS je ena najpogostejših in najbolj variabilnih vrst (zlasti samci), mogoče predstavlja celo kompleks več zelo sorodnih vrst, JVeo-perla viscayana BANKS in iVeoperla incerta KLAPALEK sta nova sinonima vrste N. recto BANKS. JVcoperIfl pseudorecta spec, nov., JVeoperla ziuicfci spec. nov. in Neoperla Tiishidai spec. nov. so novo opisane vrste in do sedaj za to območje niso bile poznane. Z Weoperia spec. PH A, W. spec. PH B. N. spec. PH C m N. spec. PH D smo označili razliCne vrste samic, za katere ne vemo, če spadajo h kateremu od že imenovanih vrst, pri katerih poznamo le samca, ali pa so Se dodatne novG vrste, za katere samcev še ne poznamo. Oculata kompleks vrst je naj Številu eje zastopan na Filipinih, več ozko sorodnih vrst pa najdemo tudi na Bomeu, medtem ko je Ne oper la spec. ZWICK edina vrsta, ki poleg Filipinov naseljuje tudii Borneo. rfeoperla oblique BANKS je tudi ena pogostejših vrst. Pri Študiju tipske serije smo ugotovili prisotnost vet različnih vrst. JlfeopeTla apoano BANKS j® nov sinonim za vrste N. obliqua BANKS. Neoperla jewetti spec. nov. je ozko sorodna vrsta, ki se od prejänje jasno loči po zgradbi genitalnih orgai^ov, Neo-perla spec. PH E je mogote samica vrste JV. jewetti, vendar to trenutno ni mogoče ugotoviti. iVeoperla fiermoso BANKS in Nea-perla pallescens BANKS sta prav tako zelo sorodni vrsti, pri katerih do sedaj ni bil poznan samec vrste N. pallescens BANKS. Neoperla polltcomis BANKS je opisana po samici,, vendar skoraj gotovo spada k eni od že imenovanih vrst, znanih le po samcu, čeprav lega trenutno ne moremo točno ugotoviti. Po vsej verjetnosti je samica vrste N, cculata BANKS. JVfioperlo spec. PH F in Neoperla spec, PH G sta neimenovani samici. Za vrsti Neoperla atripennis BANKS in JVcoperla oculata BANKS podajamo prav tako podrobnejše opise, Neoperla ujcigiieri spec, nov., Ncoperlu nigra spec, nov., Neoperla philippina Spec. nov. in Neoperla /lifitt spec, nov, so novo opisane vrste, Nekatere med njimi so temno obravnane, kar je razmeroma neobičajno za sicer svetlo rumenkasto okrasto obarvane vrste rodu Neaperla. Neoperla spec. PH H je zelo sorodna vrsti Neoperla fünf i spec, nov., saj so lotita le v podrobnostih strukture horiona jajc. Beferences AUBERT, J., 1956; Plecopteres dčrits par le R, P, L. NA VAS S. J. 4. Liste des types actuellment connus. Mitt. Schweiz, ent. Ges., 29: 4.37—445. BANKS, N., 1913; On a collection of neuropteroid insects from the Philippine Islands. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 15: 170—180, pis. 8-9 (Perlidae, pp. 171—172). BANKS, N., 1920: New neuropteroid insects. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 64; 297 to 362, 7 pis. tPerlidae, pp. 314—325). BANKS, N., 1924: DescriptioTis of new neuropteroid insects. Bull. 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ABECEDNO STVARNO KAZALO - SUBJECT INDEX Neoperla agusani 38, 39 Neopenla atripenni^ 28, 29 Neoperia dentata 37, 39 Npoperla fiintL 34, 36 Nsoperl^ heimoss, 22, 23 Neoperia jewetti 20, 21 Neoperia nigra 32, 33 Neoperia nishidai 13, 14 Neoperia obliqua 18, 19 Neoperia oculata 30, 31 Neoperia pailescens 34, 25 Neoperia pallicomis 24, 26 Neoperia philippina 34, 35 Neopefla pseudo recta 11, 12 Neoperia recta 10 Neoperia spec, 15, 16, 17, 31, 22, 26, 27, 38, 33, 34, 36, 37 Neoperia wagneri 31, 32 Neoperia 2wLcki 12, IS