SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 16/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16.4. 2023 2. VELIKONOČNA BELA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER DIVINE MERCY Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Besedila današnjega bogoslužja razodevajo, da nam vstali Kristus prinaša mir, veselje, ljubezen. Ko se Jezus prikaže učencem, zbranim v dvorani zadnje večerje pri zaprtih vratih zaradi strahu pred Judi, je njegova prva beseda: »Mir vam bodi!« Vstali Jezus prestrašenim učencem prinaša mir. Mir je Jezus pridobil s svojo zmago nad smrtjo. Ta zmaga, ki se razodeva v vstajenju, rojeva mir in spravo. Vstali Jezus pa ne prinaša samo miru, ampak tudi veselje: »Učenci so se razveselili, ko so videli Gospoda.« Prvi kristjani so »uživali hrano z veselim in preprostim srcem«, pravi Luka v Apostolskih delih in Peter pa v drugem berilu dodaja: »Bodite veseli ... veselite se v neizrekljivem in poveličanem veselju.« Jezusovo vstajenje je tudi vir bratskega občestva in ljubezni. Prvi kristjani so »vztrajali v nauku apostolov in bratski skupnosti«. Ta skupnost se je kazala v najpopolnejši delitvi dobrin: »Vsi verniki so se družili med seboj in imeli vse skupno: prodajali so premoženje in imetje ter od tega delili vsem, kolikor je kdo potreboval.« Kristusovo vstajenje osvobodi srca vseh sebičnih teženj, ko vanje položi velikodušno ljubezen, ki je vir miru in veselja. Jezusovo vstajenje nam prinaša vero v njegovo zmago, vero v njegovo slavo. V evangeliju vidimo, da vera za apostole ni nekaj samoumevnega in spontanega. Zlasti Tomaž, ki ni bil z drugimi apostoli, ko je vstali Jezus prišel prvič v dvorano zadnje večerje, noče verovati. Za vero postavlja pogoje, ki se mu zdijo nemogoči. Pravi namreč: »Če ne vidim na njegovih rokah rane od žebljev in ne vtaknem prsta v rane od žebljev in ne položim roke v njegovo stran, nikakor ne bom veroval.« Tomaž zahteva, da bi Gospoda mogel spoznati po znamenjih trpljenja. V tem je naravnost navdihnjen: vstalega Jezusa je moč prepoznati prav iz znamenj njegovega trpljenja. Vstajenje namreč ni odpravilo trpljenja. Vstajenje ni poveličanje, ki bi odpravilo vse, kar je Jezus prej trpel. Nasprotno, VESTNIK 2023 | vstajenje osvetli trpljenje, ko pokaže vso njegovo učinkovitost in vrednost. Da nam razumeti, da je tisto, ker je bilo videti kot poraz, v resnici čudovita zmaga velikodušne ljubezni. Jezus se je za nas z brezmejno ljubeznijo izročil v smrt in tako dosegel zmago vstajenja. Jezus je premagal smrt in spremenil njen pomen. Namesto da bi bila dogodek preloma, je dogodek zaveze. Pri zadnji večerji je dejal: »To je moja kri zaveze« (Mt 26,28). Njegova smrt je torej zmaga nad smrtjo, zmaga nad vsemi silami, ki delijo, njegovo vstajenje pa razodeva prav ta vidik zmage. Vstali Jezus gre naproti Tomaževim zahtevam. Osem dni pozneje se vrne v dvorano zadnje večerje, stopi med učence in jim že v tretje reče: »Mir vam bodi!» Potem reče Tomažu: »Položi svoj prst sem in poglej moje roke! Daj svojo roko in jo položi v mojo stran in ne bodi neveren, ampak veren!« V tem trenutku Tomaž sprejme v svoje srce v resnici celotno, popolno vero in reče Jezusu: »Moj Gospod in moj Bogi« V celotnem evangeliju ni izraza vere, ki bi bil močnejši od tega. Tomaž ne prizna Jezusa le za svojega Gospoda, ampak tudi za svojega Boga. Peter je spoznal Jezusa kot Sina živega Boga; Tomaž spozna, da Jezusovo sinovsko dostojanstvo pomeni njegovo pravo božanstvo. Jezus zato doda: »Ker si me videl, veruješ? Blagor tistim, ki niso videli, pa so verovali!« Evangelij je bil napisan - pravi Janez - »da bi verovali, da je Jezus Kristus, Božji Sin, in da bi po veri vanj imeli življenje v njegovem imenu.« Peter ima v drugem berilu pravi, da »nas je po vstajenju Jezusa Kristusa od mrtvih prerodil za živo upanje, za nepropadljivo, neomadeževano in nevenečo dediščino, ki je v nebesih shranjena za vas, katere božja moč po veri varuje, da boste dosegli odrešitev«. Vera v Kristusa je vir miru, veselja, ljubezni in novega življenja. Pravzaprav vir tega je sama oseba Jezusa Kristusa. Vse gmotne dobrine so nič, če jih primerjamo z veliko vrednoto vere. Peter pojasnjuje, da mora biti vera poglobljena s preizkušnjami, ki so potrebne. Te so gotovo boleče, vendar gre za trpljenje, ki nikakor ni razdiralno, ampak je do skrajnosti pozitivno. Preizkušnje očiščujejo in poglabljajo vero, ta pa se bo spremenila v našo »hvalo, slavo in čast, ko se bo razodel Jezus Kristus«. Na današnjo nedeljo odločno potrdimo svojo vero, priznajmo njeno veliko vrednost. Ona je izvir miru, veselja in ljubezni. - (Prim.: Oznanjevalec 2, 2008) 158 | VESTNIK 2023 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER Response: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever. First Reading Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47 The whole community remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles. Second Reading 1 Peter 1:3-9 God the Father, in his great mercy, has given us a new birth as his sons and daughters, by raising Jesus Christ from the dead. Gospel John 20:19-31 Jesus said to the disciples, “Peace be with you,” and showed them his hands and his side. “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.” Illustration “The quality of mercy is not strained. / It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven / upon the place beneath.” Thus begins the famous speech by Portia in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. She continues: “It is twice blessed: / it blesseth him that gives and him that takes.” In these few words Portia sums up the far-reaching power of mercy, which, as she will later say, is “an attribute to God himself”. Just as repentance and forgiveness run through our Christian belief and practice, so they are dependent for their effectiveness upon the God who is merciful to all. It takes a long time for feelings to mellow after human feuds or disagreements, whether we are talking about personal differences or wars between nations. There are perhaps fewer examples of us getting it right than getting Gospel Teaching it wrong. An example of getting it right would be the way in which South Africa transformed itself from an apartheid country into a democratic one. The way this was achieved was through the divergent groups getting together beforehand to discuss how they might move forward. To begin with, these meetings were unofficial, but then the State became involved. At an early stage they had to find a scenario that would allow them to raise difficult issues without immediately polarising into prejudice. They came up with four light-hearted descriptions. The “Ostrich” involved the present government putting its head in the sand; the “Lame Duck” meant the new government would be severely limited in its freedom to act by the constitutional settlement; “Icarus” would see a new government instituting radical economic reforms, which ultimately would bring the government down through doing too much too quickly; and finally the “Flamingo”, which no one originally liked because flamingos take off very slowly, but was eventually chosen as the only viable way forward because flamingos may take off slowly but they take off together. In the scriptural accounts of the risen Lord appearing to his disciples, the disciples do not at first recognise him. It is only when he calls them by their name, as with Mary Magdalene, or breaks the bread, as with his disciples on the road to Emmaus, that the penny drops and they realise who is speaking to them. Most commonly he appears among them and offers them his peace, using words that would become part of every Mass: “Peace be with you.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus repeats these words, as though he needs to hammer home the foundation of our belief. If we do not receive his peace and share it among us, we cannot even begin our Christian journey. With that peace alive within us, we are sent out to forgive and retain sins, for Jesus also gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is John’s version of the Pentecost story. If in Luke’s account, in the Acts of the Apostles, the disciples then go out and speak in tongues in a way that everyone listening to them understands, in John’s account the emphasis is on forgiveness and reconciliation. How do we heal and restore what is broken and lost? The story of Thomas’ doubt helps us with this. Thomas is absent from the first resurrection appearance of Jesus among his disciples, and demands evidence if he is to cast off his doubt. Jesus himself provides that evidence, while noting that such visual proof is not going to be available to many. The Gospel stories are precisely what is offered to stimulate our belief and so have life through his name. Application The majority of the risen appearances of Jesus occur when his disciples are gathered together. Even before he appears, they find a sense of safety in their companionship; and after the Lord ascends to his Father, as today’s first reading relates, they even go so far as to live together and own all things in common. Their two practices of going to the Temple for prayer and then meeting in their own homes for the breaking of bread would become fused in time into what we now do in the Mass together. The Liturgy of the Word is followed by the Liturgy of the Eucharist, but they are both acts we share together, and it is out of that sharing – just as with the evolution of the “flamingo” – that we are empowered to bring the peace and mercy of Christ into our troubled world. VESTNIK 2023 | 159 POLETNA ŠOLA SLOVENŠČINE From 30 July to 6 August 2023, the Center for School and Extracurricular Activities and the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia will organize a Slovenian summer school in the Soča home in Tolmin, which is intended for children and young people of Slovenian origin from abroad (age 10-14 ). In the mornings, young people learn Slovenian in different groups, and in the afternoons they take part in creative, sports and social activities, connect with each other and get to know the characteristics of Slovenia and its regions. The sponsor and financier of the summer school is the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Slovenia. The application deadline is May 10, 2023. The application documentation is available on the Stičšče website, at the link: mednarodno-sodelovanje/slovenci-izven-meja/slovenci -po-svetu-sticisce/ With kind regards, Mag. Primož Ilešič, sekretar T: 011-386-1-230-8006; E: Urad vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu 160 | VESTNIK 2023 Don Bosco’s Ways to Help Us Grow in Holiness By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB We’ve all heard it said again and again that holiness is our baptismal call. We know it, but let’s be honest – we fade out on it. It seems too tall of an order. Yet, St. John Bosco believed that holiness is attainable and that we can stick with God’s call for our destiny, to be holy in this world and saints in the next. It’s not too hard! What advice can he give us? From Don Bosco: 1) Don’t procrastinate your conversion from a sinful habit or a recurring vice. Go to confession and make a firm commitment to stop doing the sin that you’ve fallen into. Don Bosco was honest with young people – give sin an inch and it takes a yard. You’ve got to get away from it. When greed, pride, anger, lust and unforgiveness gives you a dull conscience and a hardened heart – KNOCK IT OFF. Sin is ugly and you become ugly. In contrast, living in God’s grace and growing in virtue is beautiful and you become more beautiful. Make the change. Go to confession. Stay away from sin. 2) Hang out with good friends and get involved with good activities that keep you busy doing the right thing. St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.” Don Bosco knew this well. He often encouraged the boys at the oratory to make sure they found a group of solid friends. He told them to play lots of sports, get involved in an activity that they enjoyed and become good at it. Young people today who spend an excessive amount of time alone perusing social media could benefit from this advice. 3) Serve others – Get yourself an apostolate. Don Bosco made it known that everyone should get involved in the building up of God’s Kingdom through the practice of works of mercy. Each one of us could have one particular ministry that we do on a regular basis in order to serve others intentionally. It’s our responsibility to do something for evangelization and the building up of others. 4) Stay close to the Eucharist – Go to mass, receive communion and spend time with the Blessed Sacrament. St. John Bosco knew and believed in the power of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He placed the chapel in an area where the kids had to pass it when walking around the oratory. They could go into the chapel and make a quick visit to say hello to Jesus. Mass was available every day. Adoration with benediction were frequent. What a gift we have in Christ’s presence in the Eucharist! We should not take it for granted but rely on the power and healing of His person in the Eucharist. Being in the presence of God and receiving Him in Holy Communion gives us grace beyond our imagination. ) Mary is your Mother and Helper - stay close to her. Don Bosco had a great devotion to the Blessed Mother under the title: Mary, Help of Christians. He said in his life that “she did it all”. Truth be told, she’s still doing it. Marian devotion is a key to holiness. Draw close to Mary and she will draw you to Jesus. It really is that simple. St. John Bosco never overcomplicated holiness. His approach was simple, direct and for everyone, especially the young. He lived this and he fostered it in everyone he met. St. John Bosco, pray for us! VESTNIK 2023 | 161 Veliko soboto smo začeli z blagoslovom Velikonočnih jedi pri slovenski skupnosti v Londonu. Zbrali smo se v cerkvi ob 10h dopoldne. V župniji smo nadaljevali z blagoslovi popoldne ob običajnih urah. Največ se nas je zbralo ob 3h, skoraj polna cerkev; veliko tudi mladih. Malo manj pa potem ob 4h in ob 5h popoldne. Lepo je, da se nadaljuje ta lepa navada tudi pri mladih. 162 | VESTNIK 2023 Praznovanje Velike sobote smo nadaljevali zvečer z Velikonočno Vigilijo ob 8h zvečer. Zunaj sta Alojz in Joe pripravila ogenj. Po blagoslovu smo prižgali velikonočno svečo in jo ponesli v cerkev. Vsi so si od velikonočne sveče prižgali svoje svečke in prisluhnili hvalnici na to božji besedi. Tri berila iz Stare zaveze, eno iz nove. Potem imamo navado, da se po velikonočni aleluji podamo v kratko procesijo po cerkvi in nato nadaljujemo s sveto mašo. Hvala vsem sodelavcem pri bogoslužju in Olgi Glavač za lepo okrasitev. VESTNIK 2023 | 163 Na samo Veliko noč smo začeli prvo - slovensko - mašo z vstajenjsko alelujo in procesijo po cerkvi in nato nadaljevali s sveto mašo. Pri vseh mašah je bila zelo lepa udeležba že pri Vigiliji, prav tako pa tudi pri jutranji in pozneje pri angleški maši. Pri slovenski maši smo prepevali ljudsko, pri enajsti pa je pel angleški zbor pod vodstvom Ivana Mertuka. 164 | VESTNIK 2023 Morda ste opazili, da je pred našo cerkvijo precej bolj svetlo. Po 40. tih letih som odstranili okrasne grme, ki so se precej razrasli, nekateri na pol posušili. Eden od razlogov je bil tudi, da se je v zadnjem času povečalo število brezdomcev, ki so se skrivali za grmovjem, kadili - in zadnjič zažgali tudi smreko ob cerkvi. Zato smo se odločili da vse pospravimo, uredimo čisto okolico in zasadimo gredico cvetja pred samo cerkvijo, tako, da se nihče ne more skrivat. Delo so opravili Novak Landscaping. VESTNIK 2023 | 165 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - April 23, 2023 - St. Gregory - Spring Banquet - Mass 10:00 a.m. - April 26, 2023 - CWL-KŽZ - Mass at 7:00 p.m. - April 29, 2023 - Slovenski park - Banquet - April 30, 2023 - St Gregory - Občni zbor Annual General Meeting: Mass 10:00 a.m. - May 7, 2023 - Bled - Mother’s Day - Mass 10:00 a.m. - May 14, 2023 - Slovenska Šola - Mother’s Day - Mass 10:00 a.m. READERS - BRALCI BERIL: Slovenian Mass - Frank Novak English Mass - Nadia Miklavčič GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS April 16th - Aranka Dundek & Danny Fujs April 23rd - Parish Council members April 30th - Sue Augustin & Zdravko CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE April 15th - Groznik, Erzar, Lukežič. April 29th - Gosgnach team FIRST COMMUNION - PRVO OBHAJILO Our date for First Communion is the last Sunday of May, this year it is May 28, 2023. There will be only one Mass at 10:00 a.m. Parents, please register your children by calling office (905-561-5971, ext. 1), or by email: DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad ali OHOS (One Heart One Soul) so darovali: - $100 - N.N. 166 | VESTNIK 2023 - $100 Drago in Marianne Horvat z družino v spomin na + Jožo Šušteršič - $100 Drago in Marianne Horvat z družino v spomin na + Cecilijo Sobočan - $100 Drago in Marianne Horvat z družino v spomin na + Jožeta Gačnik - $100 Štefka Eržen (za misijone) - $150 Rose Žižek z družino v spomin na + Rozino Doma - $50 Agnes in Mate Sutlič v spomin na pok. Rozino Doma - $100 Olga Hanc z družino v spomin na pok. Rozino Doma - $5000 CWL-KŽZ za cerkev (OHOS) - Hvala vsem za vaš velikodušni dar. SPOMLADANSKI BANKET V nedelja, 23. aprila 2023, imamo v dvorani SPOMLADANSKI BANKET. Sveta masa bo samo ob 10:00 a.m. in po maši se zberemo za kosilo v dvorani. Kuverte za banket-donation si vzemite pri vhodu v cerkev, poleg Vestnikov (zelene barve). Med kosilom si boste lahko na platnu pogledali slike od zadnjih dogodkov v naši župniji. Prijave sprejema Terezija Sarjaš na telefonski številki: 905-930-7990. CWL - KŽZ Our CWL invites you to attend Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass on April 26th. We will recognize some of our members for their years of service. A small reception will take place after this Mass. Small pecivo donations are welcome. OBČNI ZBOR - AGM V nedeljo, 30. aprila 2023, bomo imeli po maši v zgornji dvorani letni občni zbor. Sveta maša bo ob 10:00 a.m. Občni zbor je vedno priložnost, da pogledamo kako smo finančno šli skozi preteklo leto. Malo se osvežimo, kaj vse se je storilo, tako po društvih kot tudi v župniji. Poleg tega pa je vedno potrebno pogledat tudi naprej. Stvari se v zadnjih letiš, še posebej po kovidu, precej hitro spreminjajo in bo potrebno marsikaj na novo načrtovat. Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 14. aprila 2023: - $152,270. - Obljubili / Pledged - $147,290. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- Svet e maše - Masses Za žive in rajne župljane 2. VELIKONOČNA †† Ivan in Barbara Tompa BELA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 16. APRIL Božje usmiljenje DON BOSCO † † † † † † †† † †† Cecilija Sobočan Cvetka Bedernjak Martin Zadravec Cecilija Sobočan Marta Raščan Milka Ferko Pok. iz družine Zelko Ivan Žižek, obl. Franc in Ana Ferenčak V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Šlebič Hozjan Vajdetič Slobodnik Nedelko Sajder Marija Štefan Marko Justin Peter Steve, Jr Vida April 17, 1997 April 17, 2006 April 22, 1970 April 23, 2008 April 23, 2019 April 23, 2022 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Hči Marija z družino Štefan in Terezija Vinčec Stanko in Elizabeth Petek Jože in Albina Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin Bernarda Milosavljevič Mož Karel 11:00 A.M. Matilda Bratuš Žena z družino Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 167 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 17. 4. 2023 - 23. 4. 2023 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 17. APRIL † Eileen MacKenzie † Jože Bajec 7:00 P.M. N.N. Mia Goodfellow in družin TOREK - TUESDAY 18. APRIL Po namenu † Elizabeth Farkaš 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadić Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 19. APRIL † Jože Gačnik † Aldo Česen 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 20. APRIL † Marija Berden 7:00 P.M. Jože in Marija Magdič z družino † Ignac Korošec, obl. 7:00 P.M. Bernardina & Martin Mujdrica Rudolf, mučenec Evzebij, škof Leon IX., papež Teotim, škof PETEK - FRIDAY 21. APRIL Anzelm, škof-uč. SOBOTA - SATURDAY 22. APRIL Aleksandra, mučenka Hugo, opat † † † † † †† †† †† †† †† † †† † † 3. VELIKONOČNA † NEDELJA † † 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER † † 23. APRIL † Jurij, mučenec † † † † 168 | VESTNIK 2023 Rozina Doma 5:30 P.M. Matija Vlašič Branko Ježovnik Zoltan Gergyek Marija Bukvič Pok. starši Malevič in Oberman Pok. bratje in sestri Malevič Pok. bratje Oberman Mihaela in Megan Mes Marija in Franc Marič Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 A.M. Štefan Gabor Pok. Bratanič in Vogrinc Ana Zorčič, obl. Cvetka Bedernjak August Berkovič, obl. Barbara Car Jože Gačnik Vida Sajder, obl. Milka Ferko Ivan Glavač Bronco Balažic Barry Simon Marija Glavač Lojze Lesica Mary Hanc z družino Žena in otroci Jožica Vlašič z družino Žena Ana in družina Sestra Elizabeth Martin in Stanka Malevič z druž. Martin in Stanka Malevič z druž. Stanka in Martin Malevič z druž. Družina Mes Družina Mes ------Družina Volčanšek Družina Volčanšek Hči Jožica Vegelj z družino Regina Halas Družina Berkovič Družina Berkovič Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Family Irena z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Terezija Donko Družina Sampl