SCOPOLIA Suppl. 5 - 2010 ro Zgornjeladinijske plasti in fosili v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah Jure Žalohar, Bogomir Celarc in Tomaž Hitij Upper Ladinian beds and fossils of the Kamniško-Savinjske Alps More than 600 m of massive limestones of the Schlern Formation (Ladinian) were deposited above the Pontebba limestones or Buchenstein Formation. In some areas, shallow water carbonate sedimentation was not interrupted by the break-up of the platform and Contrin Formation passes into the Schlern Formation continuously. The upper part the Schlern Formation is interrupted by deposition of the Langobardian Korošica Formation. The Korošica Formation is represented by a tuff horizon and vertebrate-bearing bituminous platy limestones with chert and calcarenites. Locally, the Korošica Formation was not deposited at all. In such localities, breccias indicate discordance between carbonate rock of the Schlern Formation and younger Carnian limestones (Celarc, 2004). The end of the deposition of Korošica Formation is characterized by progradation of the Upper Ladinian to Carnian carbonate platform. The macrofossil content of the Korošica Formation on the classical fossil site on Korošica comprises bivalves Daonella lommeli, Posidonia wengensis, and P. pannonica, several ammonites with leading Langobardian substage species Trachyceras (Protrachyceras) archelaus and Monophyllites wengensis, and plant remains belonging to Volzia foetterlei (Teller, 1885; Seidl, 1907/1908; Jurkovšek, 1984; Schatz, 2004). Furthermore, during our later research a fish scale belonging to the family Coelacanthidea was found among a number of coprolites and isolated fish remains on Korošica, as well as a fish of the genus Saurichthys on the outcrop of Korošica Formation in the Kamniška Bela Valley. Plasti Korošiške formacije predstavljajo zadnji ladinijski anoksični dogodek na ozemlju današnjih Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. Najdemo jih na širšem prostoru Korošice (pod Dedcem), Dleskovške planote, med Lučami in dolino Kamniške Bele (pritok Kamniške Bistrice). Profil Korošiške formacije na Korošici je znan zaradi bogastva fosilov že več kot stoletje, saj ga je v drugi polovici 19. stoletja odkril Teller (1898b). Kasneje so ga podrobno obdelali Jurkovšek (1984) ter Goričanova & Buser (1990). Langobarske plasti nastopajo kot tankopla-stnat, ploščast apnenec temnosive barve s tankimi vzporedno usmerjenimi silificiranimi laminami, konkrecijami ali gomolji. Ponekod so vmes plasti debelozrnatega apnenca in laminiranega do tankoplastnatega temnega (skoraj črnega) bituminoznega apnenca. Skladovnica je debela približno 50 m. Navzgor prehaja zaporedje v rjavkastosivi apnenčev dolomit, ki mu je Jurkovšek (1984) pripisal cor-devolsko starost. Meja je rahlo tektonizirana, vendar gre tu le za manjše horizontalne premike. Medtem ko je zgornja meja profila jasna, pa spodnja zaradi pretežno pokritega terena ni tako očitna. Od koče na Korošici vzdolž planinske poti proti Robanovem kotu se v bazi plošča-stih apnencev pojavljajo zeleni tufi tipa »pietra verde«, ki imajo masiven izgled brez izrazite plastnatosti, le ponekod je vidna laminaci-ja. Verjetno h Korošiški formaciji spadajo tudi ploščasti apnenci z redkimi gomolji rožencev 172 SCOPOLIA Suppl. 5 - 2010 Školjke Daonella lommeli (T-895) so najpogostejši fosil na klasičnem nahajališču na Korošici, Korošiška formacija, velikost 60 mm. The bivalves Daonella lommeli (T-895) are the commonest fossils on the classical fossil site on Mt Korošica, Korošica Formation, size 60 mm. Amonit Protrachyceras sp. (T-888) s klasičnega nahajališča langobardske favne na Korošici, Korošiška formacija, velikost 23 mm. Ammonite Protrachyceras sp. (T-888) from the classical fossil site with Langobardian fauna on Mt Korošica, Korošica Formation, size 23 mm. u (O £ J2 >