158 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. 32_ TREBJESA, NIKŠIĆ, 1987 Ljubomir Ljubo Vojvodić MNE Spomenik borcem, padlim v drugi svetovni vojni • Nikšić, Črna gora • Arhitekt: Ljubomir Ljubo Vojvodić • Material: beton, kamen • Status: zaščiteno spominsko obeležje • Fotografije: Lazar Pejović • Besedilo: Slavica Stamatović Memorial to World War 2 fighters killed in action • Nikšić, Montenegro • Architect: Ljubomir Ljubo Vojvodić • Material: concrete, black granite panels • Status: protected memorial site • Photographs: Lazar Pejović • Text: Slavica Stamatović 159arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Spomenik pod Trebjeso je bil postavljen v spomin na več kot 1500 padlih parti- zanskih borcev z območja občine Nikšić (od 11.000, kolikor jih je sodelovalo v tamkajšnjih partizanskih enotah). Stoji v neposredni bližini kraja, kjer so 9. maja 1942 italijanski vojaki ubili 32 borcev za svobodo. Izdelan je bil po načrtu arhitek- ta Ljubomirja Ljuba Vojvodića. Odprt je bil leta 1987, ob 44. obletnici osvobodi- tve Nikšića (18. septembra 1943). Je eden najbolj impresivnih in prepoznavnih spomenikov druge svetovne vojne na območju Črne gore. Dominantna ekspre- sivna skulpturalna plastika iz vidnega betona, visoka okoli 12 m, stoji v središču krožnega podstavka iz črnega granita, v katerega so vklesane letnice in imena ubitih. Podstavek je z nekaj stopnicami dvignjen nad nivo terena. Osnovni estet- sko-simbolični oblikovni motiv je »petkotnik v krogu«, ornamentalno stilizirana peterokraka zvezda, ki se pojavi tako v najznačilnejšem detajlu spomenika – be- tonskem disku premera 3 m – kot v podnožju. Poševni elementi, ki nosijo prepo- znavni betonski disk, in vertikalne kanelure v betonu ustvarjajo dinamiko. Celo- tna kompozicija ima večplastno simboliko: asociira na ptico z zvezanimi krili, ki ji ni uspelo poleteti, oziroma na ugasla življenja ubitih. Spomenik je še danes sim- bol protifašističnega boja mesta Nikšić in njegove novejše zgodovine. Umeščen je v športno-rekreacijski park in obiskujejo ga večinoma lokalni prebivalci. Ob pomembnejših zgodovinskih obletnicah mesta in države pa se spominu na do- godke poklonijo uradni obiskovalci, predvsem člani zveze borcev NOB in protifa- šisti Nikšića. Parkovni gozd Trebjesa velikosti 156 hektarjev je od leta 2000 zašči- ten kot posebno naravno območje. The monument under Trebjesa was erected in memory of more than 1,500 Partisan fighters from the Nikšić area killed in action in World War 2, out of 11,000 members of the Partisan units. It stands immediately adjacent to the site where on 9th May 1942, Fascist soldiers executed 32 freedom fighters. The mon- ument was produced after the design by architect Ljubomir Ljubo Vojvodić and was unveiled in 1987, on the 43rd anniversary of the liberation of Nikšič on 18th September 1943. It ranks as one of the most impressive and recognisable World War 2 monuments in the territory of Montenegro. The dominant expressive sculpture made from visible concrete, approximately 12 m in height, stands in the centre of a circular black granite base engraved with the names and dates of those killed. The base is elevated above the terrain level by means of several steps. The principal aesthetic and symbolic visual motif is a “pentangle in a cir- cle”, an ornamentally stylised five-pointed star, which appears both in the monu- ment’s most characteristic detail, the concrete disc with a diameter of 3 m, and in the base. The slanting elements which bear the distinctive concrete disc, and the vertical flutes in the concrete generate the dynamics. The composition as a whole features complex symbolism - it evokes an image of a bird with bound wings which couldn’t take off, or the extinguished lives of those killed. To this day, the monument represents a symbol of antifascist struggle of the city of Nikšić and its latter-day history. Sited in a sports and recreation park, it is visited daily, predominantly by the local population. On the occasions of important city and state anniversaries, it receives official visitors commemorating the events, especially the members of the Union of Veterans of the National Liberation Struggle, and Nikšić’s antifascists. From the year 2000, the park forest Trebjesa, measuring 156 ha, is under protection as a special nature area.