AKADEMIJA |MM i Akademija MM gre s polno paro naprej! Nov gostujoči urednik, nova 16. številka, nov pester nabor tematik. Osrednji vodili 16. številke sta metodološka odprtost in tehtnost prispevka. Avtorji, ki tokrat delijo svoje raziskovalne dosežke z vami, uporabljajo precej različne pristope, vsi pa pokušajo na svoj način prispevati k napredku trženjske znanosti in stroke. Tehtnost njihovih prispevkov je v veliki meri odvisna tudi od vas, naših cenjenih bralcev. Proces ustvarjalnega in kritičnega razmišljanja, ki se začne pri raziskovalcih, svoj vrhunec doživi v trenutku, ko v dialog s predstavljenimi idejami vstopite vi. Tekst, ki je pred vami ni zaklenjen, temveč vas vabi, da ga pišete naprej s svojimi komentarji, idejami in prelivanjem v prostor, v katerem delujete. Preden začnete s svojim 'pisanjem' pa se udobno namestite in prepustite vsebini, ki vam jo ponujajo naši tokratni avtorji. 16. številko odpira Mateja Bodlaj s tematiko, ki je bila v preteklih letih pri slovenskih trženjskih raziskovalcih deležna precejšnje pozornosti. Prav zato je njen celosten in konstruktivno kritičen pregled preteklih raziskav tržne naravnanosti v slovenskem prostoru več kot dobrodošel. V svojem pregledu avtorica izpostavi potrebo po raziskovanju do sedaj prezrtih dejavnikov tržne naravnanosti ter vabilo k razširitvi preučevanja posledic tržne naravnanosti v smeri upoštevanja njenih posrednih vplivov na trženjske vire in inovacije. Prav inovacije in razvoj novih izdelkov so tematika, o kateri razmišljata Nuša Fain in Mihael Kline. Njun prispevek teoretsko in empirično potrdi pozitivne učinke razvijanja izdelkov v virtualnih timih na kreativnost sodelujočih in nadalje na uspešnost procesa razvoja izdelkov. Predstavljena raziskava med študenti mednarodne šole EGPR pokaže, da razvijanje novih izdelkov v virtualnih timih ponuja EDITORIAL UVODNIK Akademija MM runs full steam ahead with a new guest editor, new 16th issue, and with a new colourful range of topics. The basic mottoes of the 16th issue are methodological variety and meaningfulness of contributions. The authors, who share their research achievements with you this time, have employed considerably different approaches in their research activities, yet they try, in their own way, to contribute towards the progress of marketing as science and profession. The meaningfulness of their contributions depends to a large extent on you, our valued readers. The process of creative and critical thinking that began with the researchers, reaches its peak when you engage in a dialogue with the authors' ideas. The texts you are reading are not hermetically sealed, but rather invite you to continue the 'writing' by adding your comments, ideas and by transferring them into your working environment. But before you begin writing, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the content, discussed by our authors. The 16th issue starts with Mateja Bodlaj who discusses a topic frequently dealt with in empirical studies by Slovenian researchers. Her integrated and constructively critical review of past research of market orientation in Slovenia is more than welcome. In her review, she stresses the need to pay attention to overlooked factors of market orientation and to widen the future research to studying the consequences of market orientation by taking into account its indirect impact on marketing resources and innovation. Innovation and the development of new products are the topic of Nusa Fain and Mihael Kline. Their contribution theoretically and empirically confirms positive effects of developing products in virtual teams, both for the creativity of participants and for the success of the process of product 7 kil kil akademija pomembne prednosti tako za člane tima, kot tudi za podjetja, ki virtualnim ekipam zaupajo razvoj izdelkov. Prispevek Barbare Culiberg nas opozarja na rastočo vlogo etike ne samo na področju poslovnega odločanja, temveč tudi na področju vedenja porabnikov. V svojem prispevku avtorica ponuja pregled obstoječih raziskav etičnega odločanja porabnikov ter opozori na nekatere pomembne pomanjkljivosti in priložnosti izbranega raziskovalnega področja. Srce prispevka predstavlja konceptualni model etičnega odločanja porabnikov, ki ga avtorica oblikuje na podlagi temeljitega pregleda literature in sinteze do sedaj slabše povezanih smeri raziskovanja etičnega odločanja. Urša Golob in Mihael Kline preučujeta etiki sorodno tematiko družbene odgovornosti. Zanima ju predvsem povezava med družbeno odgovornostjo in ugledom podjetja. S pomočjo podatkov raziskave Ugled preiskujeta pomen družbene odgovornosti kot komponente ugleda podjetij v slovenski splošni javnosti. Prispevek dodatno obogatita z analizo spreminjanja vloge družbene odgovornosti v zadnjih štirih letih ter pregledom podatkov o ugledu in družbeni odgovornosti najuglednejših slovenskih podjetij. Aleksandra Pisnik Korda, Damijan Mumel in Borut Milfelner predstavijo v prostoru 'tranzicijskih' držav edinstveno raziskavo zaznave vrednosti, zadovoljstva in zvestobe z bančnimi storitvami. Na podlagi vzorca 700 slovenskih odjemalcev bančnih storitev s pomočjo strukturnega modela preučujejo povezave med zaznano ceno, kakovostjo in vrednostjo bančne storitve ter zadovoljstvom in zvestobo odjemalcev. Njihovi rezultati potrjujejo osrednjo vlogo zaznane vrednosti, ki je odraz tako zaznav kakovosti kot tudi zaznav denarne in nedenarne 'cene' s strani odjemalcev. Vesna Žabkar in Zlatko Jančič razmišljata o vrednotenju oglaševalske učinkovitosti in uspešnosti, ki v negotovih in zaostrenih pogojih poslovanja predstavlja še posebej aktualno temo. Na podlagi raziskave med 235 slovenskimi podjetji zaskrbljujoče zaključita, da je merjenje učinkovitosti in uspešnosti pretežno omejeno na kratkoročno naravnano spremljanje finančnih kazalnikov, predvsem prodaje. Nekoliko bolj celovito spremljanje uspešnosti in učinkovitosti oglaševanje opazita pri podjetjih, ki poslujejo v bolj negotovih razmerah. development. The research carried out among the students of the international school EGPR showed significant positive effects of working in virtual environments on creativity, design process and indirectly on the final NPD effectiveness. In addition, companies may also profit from the activities carried out by virtual teams. Barbara Culiberg's article alerts us to the growing role of ethics not only in the field of business decision-making, but also in the field of consumer behaviour. In her contribution she outlines a review of existing research dealing with consumer ethical decision-making and points to some important weaknesses and opportunities in the chosen research field. She developed a conceptual model of consumer ethical decision-making based on a thorough review of literature and a synthesis of disconnected research approaches in the area of ethical decision-making. Urša Golob and Mihael Kline study a topic related to ethics, namely, social responsibility. They are mainly interested in the connection between social responsibility and company reputation. By using data derived from Ugled research study, they explore corporate social responsibility as a dimension of reputation and its importance for Slovenian general public. They enrich their contribution with the analysis of the changing role of social responsibility during the last four years and with a review of data regarding reputation and social responsibility of the most reputable Slovenian companies. Aleksandra Pisnik Korda, Damijan Mumel and Borut Milfelner discuss a study of perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty with banking services that is unique in the context of 'transitional' countries. By employing a structural model based on a sample of 700 Slovenian bank customers they study the relationships between perceived value, quality and value of banking services on one side and customer satisfaction and loyalty on the other side. Their results confirm the important role of perceived value, which mediates perceived quality and customer perceived price, composed of monetary and non-monetary components. Vesna Žabkar and Zlatko Jančič discuss advertising effectiveness evaluation in light of market turbulence, a topic carrying considerable appeal in today's turbulent times. Their study carried out among 235 Slovenian enterprises, brings us to the worrying conclusion that the advertising effectiveness evaluation is most 8 AKADEMIJA |MM Tokratno številko Akademije MM zaključuje Aleksandra Brezovec z oceno knjige Maje Konečnik Ruzzier Trženje v Turizmu. Recenzentka izpostavi odličen pregled znanstvenega ozadja, ki ga avtorica knjige uspešno dopolni s številnim aktualnimi primeri iz tuje in domače prakse. Knjiga je vsekakor dobrodošla obogatitev študijske literature na področju trženja v turizmu ter koristno branje za strokovno javnost. Naj uvodnik končam z zahvalo vsem avtorjem, ki so s svojim trudom in idejami ne le zapolnili strani 16. številke Akademije MM, temveč predvsem zaposlili možgane vseh, ki smo in bomo njihove prispevke prebirali. Iskrena zahvala tudi recenzentom, ki so poskrbeli, da so ideje avtorjev pred vami v bolj izbrušeni obliki, ter vsem ostalim, ki so in bodo na različne načine prispevali k temu, da ne ostanemo zgolj pri idejah. Doc. dr. Domen Bajde often limited to short-term financial indicators, usually to sales evaluation. They have noticed a slightly higher level of monitoring of advertising effectiveness in companies operating in more turbulent market conditions. This issue of Akademija MM ends with a book review written by Aleksandra Brezovec about Maja Konečnik Ruzzier's book Trženje v Turizmu (Marketing in Tourism). The reviewer emphasises the author's excellent review of the scientific background, successfully accompanied by numerous case studies from Slovenia and abroad. The book will enrich the study literature in the field of marketing in tourism and is also a good read for the professional public. Let me finish this preface by expressing my deepest gratitude to the authors who have filled these pages with their ideas and have, above all, stimulated the thinking of all who had read or will read the articles in this issue. Many thanks to the reviewers who ensured that the ideas expressed in the articles are methodical and refined and to all who have or will yet - in whatever form -contribute towards bringing the author's ideas to life. Ass. prof. dr. Domen Bajde 9