Acta agriculturae slovenica, 83 - 2, november 2004 str. 393-395 University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty Agronomy Department; Slovenian National AGRIS Centre CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE PAPERS IN THE RESEARCH REPORTS vol. 83, no. 2 VSEBINSKA OBDELAVA PRISPEVKOV V ZBORNIKU let. 83, št. 2 Tomaž BARTOL a , Karmen STOPAR b , SUBJECT INDEX BY AGROVOC DESCRIPTORS PREDMETNO KAZALO PO DESKRIPTORJIH AGROVOC a Ph. D., M. Sc.., B. Sc., Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, P. O. Box 95 b B.Sc., M.Sc., ibid. adaptation 233-242 aesculus 297-300 agriculture 261-272, 341-352 agronomists 387-392 agronomy 261-272 air temperature 273-287 analytical methods 221-231 aphididae 379-385 apples 353-363 application methods 353-363 arachnida 301-311 ascomycotina 251-260 auchenorrhyncha 301-311 bacteria 313-332 behaviour 221-231 bignoniaceae 297-300 biographies 387-392 biological properties 331-339 biology 341-352 bolting 251-260 byproducts 331-339 calcium 353-363 catalpa 297-300 cell structure 323-329 cereal byproducts 331-339 cereals 331-339 chaff 331-339 chemicophysical properties 221-231 chicory 251-260 chocolate 221-231 chromosomes 323-329 cicadellidae 301-311 cichorium intybus 251-260 climatic change 273-287 climatic factors 273-287 clones 301-311 confectionery 221-231 consumer behaviour 221-231 copper 365-378 crop yield 243-249, 251-260 culture media 233-242 curriculum 261-272 damage 301-311 data collection 297-300, 313-332 design 341-352 developmental stages 251-260, 331-339 diagnosis 313-332 disease control 313-332, 387-392 disease resistance 251-260 disease surveillance 297-300, 379-385 disease surveys 313-332, 379-385 disease transmission 379-385 dna 323-329 ecology 261-272 education 341-352 educational institutions 261-272 elements 353-363, 365-378 environmental factors 261-272, 273-287 environmental temperature 273-287 epidemiology 297-300, 379-385 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 83 - 2, november 2004 394 equipment 243-249 erysiphe cichoracearum 251-260 experimentation 341-352 fertilizer application 353-363 fertilizers 353-363 flavour 221-231 foliar application 353-363 fruit 353-363 fruits 323-329, 365-378 fungi 251-260 genetic markers 323-329 genotypes 323-329 germinability 331-339 germination 331-339 graft compatibility 243-249 grafting 243-249 gramineae 331-339 grapes 365-378 grapevines 365-378 greenhouses 243-249 growing media 233-242 heavy metals 365-378 hippocastanaceae 297-300 histocompatibility 243-249 history 261-272, 289-296, 387-392 human behaviour 221-231 in vitro regeneration 233-242 indicator organisms 301-311 indicator plants 301-311 information processing 297-300, 313-332 information science 297-300, 313-332 insecta 301-311 inulin 221-231 laboratory diagnosis 313-332 law 289-296 legislation 289-296 leguminosae 301-311 licences 289-296 loci 323-329 lycopersicon esculentum 243-249 malus pumila 353-363 metallic elements 353-363, 365-378 metalloproteins 365-378 meteorological elements 273-287 meteorology 261-272, 273-287 methods 341-352 micropropagation 233-242 microsatellites 323-329 milling 331-339 milling byproducts 331-339 models 273-287 monitoring 297-300, 379-385 mycoplasmatales 313-332 myzus persicae 379-385 nitrogen content 233-242 noxious animals 301-311 noxious plants 289-296 nucleic acids 323-329 nucleic compounds 323-329 nucleus 323-329 olea europaea 323-329 oleaceae 323-329 olives 323-329 orchidaceae 233-242 organic acids 323-329 organoleptic analysis 221-231 organoleptic properties 221-231 oxidants 301-311 ozone 301-311 pathogenesis 379-385 pcr 323-329 pest insects 301-311 pest surveys 297-300 pests 297-300, 301-311 phalaenopsis 233-242 pharmaceutical industry 289-296 phenology 261-272 phytoplasmas 313-332 planning 273-287 plant propagation 233-242 plant developmental stages 251-260, 331- 339 plant diseases 297-300 plant production 261-272 plant propagation 233-242, 243-249 plant protection 387-392 plant vegetative organs 233-242 platanaceae 297-300 platanus 297-300 poisoning 289-296 poisonous plants 289-296 polysaccharides 221-231 pome fruits 353-363 potatoes 379-385 precipitation 273-287 processing 331-339 production 261-272 progeny 301-311 propagation materials 243-249 protective structures 243-249 proteins 365-378 proximate composition 233-242 pure lines 301-311 quality 221-231, 353-363 regeneration 233-242 regional planning 273-287 regulations 289-296 resistance to injurious factors 251-260 rootstocks 243-249 rosaceae 353-363 BARTOL, T., STOPAR, K.: Content analysis of the papers ... 395 scientists 387-392 scions 243-249 seed 331-339 soil 353-363 solanaceae 243-249 solanum tuberosum 243-249, 379-385 solubility 221-231 statistical methods 341-352 stems 233-242 surveys 297-300, 313-332, 379-385 sustainability 243-249 sweetness 221-231 teaching 261-272 temperature 273-287 temperature resistance 251-260 testing 341-352 tetranychidae 301-311 tetranychus urticae 301-311 thrips tabaci 301-311 thysanoptera 301-311 tomatoes 243-249 toxic substances 289-296 trifolium repens 301-311 triticum aestivum 331-339 triticum spelta 331-339 vectors 379-385 vegetables 243-249, 251-260, 379-385 vegetative propagation 233-242, 243-249 vitidaceae 365-378 vitis vinifera 365-378 weather forecasting 273-287 wheats 331-339 yields 243-249, 251-260 SUBJECT INDEX BY AGRIS CATEGORY CODES VSEBINSKO KAZALO PO SKUPINAH ZNANJA (PREDMETNIH KATEGORIJAH) A01 Agriculture - General aspects 341-352 B50 History 261-272, 289-296, 387-392 F01 Crop husbandry 243-249, 251-260, 353-363 F02 Plant propagation 233-242, 243-249 F04 Fertilizing 353-363 F30 Plant genetics and breeding 323-329 F40 Plant ecology 251-260 F60 Plant physiology and biochemistry 365-378 F62 Plant physiology - Growth and development 233-242, 331-339 F63 Plant physiology - Reproduction 331-339 H01 Protection of plants - General aspects 387-392 H10 Pests of plants 297-300, 301-311 H20 Plant diseases 297-300, 313-332, 379-385 H50 Miscellaneous plant disorders 301-311 P35 Soil fertility 353-363 P40 Meteorology and climatology 261-272, 273-287 Q04 Food composition 221-231 T01 Pollution 289-296 T10 Occupational diseases and hazards 289-296 U10 Mathematical and statistical methods 341-352