V olume 23 Issue 2 Ar ticle 6 A ugust 2021 International Reflections on the Challenges of Entr epr eneurial International Reflections on the Challenges of Entr epr eneurial E ducation W orking with Small and Medium-Siz ed Enterprises E ducation W orking with Small and Medium-Siz ed Enterprises Aldo V alencia Ma ynooth Univ ersity , Milab, Design Inno v ation Depar tment, Kildar e, Ir eland , aldo.v alencia@mu.ie Darr yl Humble Nor thumbria Univ ersity , Depar tment of Social Sciences, Newcastle, UK P aul Do yle T echnological Univ ersity Dublin, ASCNet Resear ch Gr oup, Dublin, Ir eland Dimitr a Skoumpopoulou Nor thumbria Univ ersity , Newcastle Business School, Newcastle, UK F ollow this and additional works at: https:/ /www .ebrjournal.net/home P ar t of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Recommended Citation V alencia, A., Humble, D ., Do yle, P ., & Skoumpopoulou, D . (2021). International Reflections on the Challenges of Entr epr eneurial E ducation W orking with Small and Medium-Siz ed Enterprises. E conomic and Business Re view , 23 (2). https:/ /doi.or g/10.15458/2335-4216.1011 This Original Ar ticle is br ought t o y ou for fr ee and open access b y E conomic and Business Re view . It has been accepted for inclusion in E conomic and Business Re view b y an authoriz ed edit or of E conomic and Business Re view . ORIGINAL ARTICLE International Reflections on the Challenges of Entrepreneurial Education Working with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Aldo Valencia a, *, Darryl Humble b , Paul Doyle c , Dimitra Skoumpopoulou d a Maynooth University, Milab, Design Innovation Department, Kildare, Ireland b Northumbria University, Department of Social Sciences, Newcastle, UK c Technological University Dublin, ASCNet Research Group, Dublin, Ireland d Northumbria University, Newcastle Business School, Newcastle, UK Abstract With the European Council looking to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to help support the strategic goal of increasingsmallandmedium-sizedenterprise(SME)activitythroughincreasedentrepreneurialeducation,wereflecton the challenges facing both HEIs and SMEs through the lens of the European Commission's Horizon 2020 funded research and innovation staff exchange project ‘Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3’ (GETM3). This research generated data during the three-year duration of the project and through a mixed-methods approach. The effectiveness ofentrepreneurialeducationagainstthisstrategicrequirement andthebarriers whichneedtobeovercometoachieveit are considered. We observed that common ground between academia and SMEs is favoured where partnerships are interactive, agile and flexible. We finalise this paper by offering a series of recommendations and guidelines to help HEIs work more closely together to fuel further entrepreneurial activity. Keywords: Higher education, Small and medium-sized enterprise, Entrepreneurship, Multidisciplinary research, Entrepreneurial education JEL classification: I23 Introduction I n March 2000, the European Council met in Lisbon to agree on a new strategic goal: “to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- based economy in the world capable of sustainable economicgrowthwithmoreandbetterjobsandgreater social cohesion.” (European Council, 2000) Central to this goal was the creation of a small and me- dium-sized enterprise (SME) friendly environ- ment to support innovative business practices, and the promotion of an entrepreneurial culture, as mechanisms to help facilitate this trans- formation. In 2010, the European Commission (EC) published a 10-year strategic plan for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (European Commission, 2010), which identified entrepre- neurship as an essential focus for educational curricula within the EU member states. In the report, SMEs were identified as being battered due to globalisation and a growing economic crisis, requiring support from both the commis- sion and educational institutes to help rejuvenate themthroughthedevelopmentofentrepreneurial culture. To consider the effectiveness of entrepreneurial education within the context of the SME, and to extract recommendations for future activity, we devised a series of key research questions. Using a qualitative methodology, we worked within the EU Received 30 January 2020; accepted 2 April 2021. Available online 19 August 2021. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: aldo.valencia@mu.ie (A. Valencia). https://doi.org/10.15458/85451.1011 2335-4216/© 2021 School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). funded Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management (GETM3) project. This is a multi-cultural, multidis- ciplinary project drawing on expertise in academia and SMEs across Europe and South Korea. “GETM3isaEuropeanUnionResearchInnovation,and Staff Exchange (RISE) project investigating the HRD im- plications of the way existing and future talent can be managedatwork,harnessingtheentrepreneurialattitudes and skills of young people” (Pearce et al., 2019) The projectisaV1millionEurosmultidisciplinaryproject thatbringstogetheracademicandSMEinsightsfrom participants in five countries (Ireland, UK, Slovenia, Poland, South Korea), with eight academic institutes andeightSMEs(includingtheIrishSMEAssociation (ISME). The project co-ordinates over 100 members fromvariousdisciplinesthroughatotalof270month- long international secondments, organising ‘sand- pits’ quarterly in each participant country to review entrepreneurship within each national context. GETM3asaprojectprovidesauniqueopportunityto exam the critical focus of this paper, to review the state of multidisciplinary entrepreneurial education, and to discuss the requirements of SMEs, their experience, expectations and requirements of entre- preneurship, all within a diverse cultural environ- ment.TheinclusionofSouthKoreawithintheproject offered an additional cultural dimension potentially quitedistinctfromaEuropeancontext. The GETM3 sandpit model uniquely brings togetheracademicsandSMEsfromacrosstheproject to meet in one of five partner countries for about a week on a rotating basis every three months. These ‘sandpit’ events are a series of discussions, in- terviews, meetings and visits with other academics and local SMEs to discuss entrepreneurship and talent management. Taking advantage of these collaborative sessions in each of the ten sandpits 2017e2020, the authors conducted participatory workshops,focusgroups,semi-structuredinterviews, informal discussions and meetings with the GETM3 stakeholders(academicinstitutes,students,SMEs)to addressthefollowingkeyresearchquestions: 1. Does an agreed understanding of entrepre- neurship within academia and SMEs exist? 2. Does the SME community have a shared expectation of entrepreneurship education? 3. What are the characteristics of successful HEI/ SME partnerships? 4. What factors support successful entrepreneur- ship education? Using each sandpit location as a specific cultural reference point, we aimed to explore the national perspective on each of these themes, seeking commonality of understanding, approach and requirement across the GETM3 stakeholders. As members of the GETM3 project, the authors’ own expertise covers a diverse range of academic disci- plines such as computer science, social science, design entrepreneurship and information systems. Their academic experience and responsibilities include curriculum development and innovation within SME and non-governmental organisation (NGO) industry contexts, as well as management and leadership experience in international partner- ships in Asia and Europe (Lillis& Doyle, 2017). The authors also have over 40 years combined industry experience working with SME and NGO organisa- tions, providing both industry and academic per- spectives on entrepreneurship. In this paper, we use sandpit discussions to exploreentrepreneurshipfrommultiplestakeholder perspectives and consider how well academic in- stitutes are performing in servicing the SME requirement. We begin by reviewing the state of entrepreneurship education within the context of HEIs and SMEs, exploring the academic challenge in supporting the goals of the EU in creating entrepreneurial cultures within curricula, and matching the expectations of the SME as significant stakeholders in this relationship. We present rec- ommendations for HEIs which can fuel SMEs engagement in the future. In section two, we briefly review the literature on entrepreneurship, entre- preneurial intention, value models and culturalism to understand existing theory. In section three, we describe the methodology employed, section four is a report of our findings and results, followed by section five, where we discuss these findings in more detail and make recommendations, and sec- tion six provides a summary conclusion and sug- gests areas for further research. 1 Literature review Considering the importance of creating an entre- preneurialculturewithintheECstrategy,itisworth considering how entrepreneurship emerges. While much of the early literature has focused on entre- preneurial intention (Bird, 1988), seeking to under- stand the decision process that leads people from intention to action, more recent literature looks at valuesandmotivationsinentrepreneurship(Fayolle et al., 2014). When it comes to culture, the idea of cognitivemodelshasbeendiscussed as afactorthat significantly impacts intention to start new busi- nesses (Busenitz & Lau, 1996), and that venture creation decision making may include cognitive scripts that are cross-cultural (Mitchell et al., 2000). 132 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 With entrepreneurship seen as a strategic imper- ative for increased economic activity within the EC, the focus has been to look to Higher Education In- stitutions (HEIs) to become a significant source of entrepreneurial development in Europe. But with many definitions to choose from, entrepreneurship as a term may have subtle or substantial differences in meaning to different groups: “entrepreneurship is about taking risk” (Knight, 1921), “someone who dem- onstrates initiative and creative thinking, is able to organise social and economic mechanisms to turn re- sources and situations to practical account and accepts risk and failure” (Hisrich, 1990), and “is the practice of starting new organisations or revitalising mature orga- nisations, particularly new businesses generally in response to identified opportunities.” (Onuoha, 2007). Given the proliferation of definitions, we propose that for this paper that “entrepreneurship eor entre- preneurial behaviour-could be defined as the discovery, evaluationandexploitationofanopportunity”(Shane& Venkataraman, 2000), which articulates a definition which canapply tothe creation ofanewventure,or activity within an SME. In addition to the vast array of definitions, multi- ple models exist which describe the process and conditions under which entrepreneurship intention turns to action. For example, historical research has focusedonthetraitsoftheindividual(McClelland& MacClelland,1961),demographicvariables,suchas age/gender/education(Reynoldsetal.,1994)andthe useofsocialcognitiveapproaches(Bandura,2001)to explain entrepreneurship (Hmieleski & Baron, 2009). With multiple models to choose from, educational approaches to entrepreneurship also differ based on the model to which they align. There are numerous case-studies demonstrating varying pedagogies, including action-based entre- preneurship education in Sweden (Rasmussen & Sørheim,2006),theapplicationofdesignthinkingas a means for promoting entrepreneurial skills (Valet al., 2017) and the proposal that a perspective of “entrepreneurship as an everyday practice” should be adopted (Blenker et al., 2012). Blenker et al. suggest that an individualistic teaching approach should be adopted rather than considering entrepreneurial education as universalistic. Jones and English (2004) describe a student-centric learning approach arguing that a different learning environment is required to support the study of entrepreneurship withinanHEIsetting.Thereisagrowingcallfornot only a new approach to entrepreneurial education, but also a new paradigm (Gibb, 2002). Attempts to measure entrepreneurial education's effectiveness suffer from a lack of definition of a criterion against which to measure. Using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) evaluation, Vesper and Gartner (1997) conclude that additional criteria are required against which we want to evaluate. A more recent study (Liu et al., 2020) draws on the Triangulation model, looking at measuring improvements in competencies and reducing barriers to entrepre- neurial intention as measures of effectiveness. In this paper's context, the important criterion for entrepreneurial education is the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in support of SMEs. This aligns with the objective of the “promote entrepreneurship” EC policy, which requires that those pre-disposed to create new ventures are supported and encouraged to do so, and that increasing numbers of students should start considering this option (Li~ nan et al., 2011). Much of the focus on entrepreneurial education and discussion is focused on stimulating entrepre- neurial behaviour in the context of new venture creation (Raposo & Pac ̧o, 2011). However, existing SMEs can also benefit from HEI entrepreneurial education with enterprise education centred on developing enterprising people with an attitude of self-reliance. Kompf (2012) and Shockley (2009) further suggest that entrepreneurship and enter- prise education should be separated, with the former being taught to individuals seeking to create a business and the latter being delivered across HEIs. It has also been proposed that learning for entrepreneurship within HEIs must take place outside of the classroom environment in a more experiential setting, challenging many of the peda- gogical approaches currently in use (Rae, 2010). SMEs are uniquely positioned to provide experi- ential environments to facilitate learning, allowing thestudenttoworkonreal-world,tangibleproblems withinanentrepreneurialenvironment.Higginsand Elliott (2011) suggest that the learning should be ac- tion-oriented, thus helping students become practi- tioners,andaddthat “reallife”cannotbeadequately taught using formal modes of passive education, whichareunlikelytohaveasignificantimpactonthe developmentofpotentialentrepreneurs.WithSMEs withintheEuropean economic zone makingup 99% of the 16 million companies in existence and ac- counting for more than two thirds of the total work- force, there are significant opportunities for HEIs to engage with meaningful experiential learning activ- itiesaspartofentrepreneurialeducation. 2 Methodology This research is based on qualitative data gener- ated through a mixed methods approach (Hesse- ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 133 Biber, 2010) in which academics and SME stake- holdersworkedtogether,overthe3-yeardurationof the GETM3 project, to develop an understanding of entrepreneurial education and the role of HEIs in talent development. From the outset, the core approach of the GETM3 project was a commitment toparticipatoryworkshops,referredtoas ‘sandpits’, and the importance of capturing rich, detailed qualitative data (Geertz, 1973) that would support the development of new knowledge, shared under- standing and innovative approaches to entrepre- neurial education. Participatory workshops, of the kind used here, draw on methods developed in participatory rural appraisal (PRA) approaches in the 1970s (Chambers, 1994; Mukherjee, 1993) in which groups of stake- holders are supported to work together to develop solutions to problems and issues at a local level. Reflecting on the initial PRA approach in the global South, Chambers (2015) captures the main thrust of the approach:“In PRA, outsiders convene and facili- tate.Localpeoplearethemainactors.Itisthey,typi- cally in small groups, who map, diagram, observe, analyse and act” in relation to “natural resource management, agriculture, programmes for equity, empowerment, rights and security, community-level planningandactionandparticipatorystatistics”(p.31). Such an approach provided a platform and inspi- rationfortheparticipatorysandpitsusedinGETM3. However, instead of ‘outsiders’ facilitating group activities,sandpitsweredevelopedandfacilitatedby the GETM3 team as inclusive multi-stakeholder events. In most cases, sandpits lasted for five days and involved a range of participatory activities, including: project planning, concept development, visual mapping, visualehaptic activities, scenario building, interactive exercises, best practice model- ling and case study capture. In addition, more con- ventionalqualitativemethodsofdatacollectionwere employed, including semi-structured interviews (Kvale, 1996) and digital qualitative surveys (Braun et al., 2020; de Vaus, 2002). Whilst participatory workshops were constructed as ways to engage often vulnerable or excluded stakeholders in project development and delivery, there has been a shift in recent years to recognising the potential role of participatory workshops as a source of data collection in their own right (Ørngreen & Levinsen, 2017) and in a variety of contexts. Ahmed and Asraf (2018), for example, recognises the ability of such an approach to pro- vide (a) spaces for facilitated engagement, (b) space to work with multiple stakeholders, (c) support for sustained researcher observation as well as (d) op- portunities for participant observation. As a result, each sandpit generated tangible out- puts, including sandpit reports as well as notes and reflections, audio-video materials, visual maps and diagrams and interactive resources. Furthermore, those participating in sandpits were involved in one-to-one qualitative interviews in which they were asked to reflect on the themes of the project, theirlearninganddevelopmentandallparticipants. As a condition of involvement in the project, they were asked to complete semi-structured online surveys to capture in detail their own learning and capacity building as a result of involvement in the project. In total, there were ten sandpits (two in the UK, three in Ireland, one in Poland, three in Slovenia andthreeinSouthKorea)eachwithbetween25and 60 participants with academic and SMEs present in allsandpits.Eachsandpitadoptedaspecificproject- relatedthemerelatedtotalentmanagementandthe roleofSMEs.Toparticipateinsandpits,prospective participants were provided with project information sheets and were asked to complete data consent forms relating to all sandpit activities. All partici- pants were given the right to withdraw from the project at any point. In keeping with the European Commission's expectations, all project data are, where possible, anonymised and stored electroni- cally and accessible only by the project team. The GETM3 project has received ethical clearance from all HEIs involved in the project and meets the stringentEUethicsanddatagovernanceprocedures set out in the funding terms. The outcome of this project is a wealth of quali- tative material that captures not only the experi- ences of workshop participation, but of the challenges academic and SME staff see concerning entrepreneurial education. In keeping with the qualitative nature of this project, the findings and reflections included in this paper emerge from the extensive data set generated through this project as well as the reflection of the authors,all of whom are coremembersoftheGETM3projectteamwhohave participated in sandpits. 3 Results The following section outlines the results for each of the key research questions identified in the introduction. These emerged from three years of qualitative data collection and analysis. All data were collated and, if necessary, translated into En- glish. An iterative thematic analysis approach was employed to reveal the emerging themes (Miles & Huberman, 1994), patterns and deviations (Braun& Clarke, 2006). The initial coding and thematic 134 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 mapping were developed by two researchers in tandem and then reviewed by the other two. The analysis comprised close review of the various ma- terials, coding meaningful fragments and framing codes into themes and subthemes. Indicative quo- tations from the data were assigned to each sub- theme. These were then discussed to identify experiences and reflections in the context of these researchquestions.It isimportantto notethatthese results are interrelated and overlapping (Yin, 2011), as is often the case with qualitative data. The key findings are summarised in Table 1. 3.1 There is No common language, No common understanding “The problem with the term entrepreneurship is that I don't know any two people who would agree with its definition. Is there a difference between entrepre- neurial behaviour, entrepreneurialism, entrepreneur- ship or is it all the same thing? … it's all too vague” (Polish academic interviewee, 2017) A central finding that emerges in all the discus- sions is the challenge of language and etymology; whatdowemeanbytheconceptsweusetodescribe this kind of education and how are different con- cepts understood by different participants. Ulti- mately,wefindthatentrepreneurialeducationisnot a single unified, homogenous activity as there is no agreement on what it is trying to achieve. The terms are many and the understanding is diverse. Our results demonstrate that there is a need for a com- mon agreed language for this area of activity. 3.2 There is No common requirement from SMEs “We just need people who can do the job and grow with us!” (Korean SME focus group participant, 2019) Here we find that there are many assumptions made by HEIs on what SMEs want, what they need and, as a result, what HEIs should deliver. Through further interrogation, however, we ascertain that SMEs either want very different things or, as was the case with several GETM3 partners, what they want is particularly vague. The above quote dem- onstrates, with some frustration, what a particular SMEleaderreallywantedfromaHEIgraduateafter muchdiscussionaboutentrepreneurattitudes,skills anddispositions.AnimplicationofthisisthatSMEs are often unable to articulate their needs in a way that HEIs can understand and support. 3.3 Common ground emerges where partnerships are interactive “Where it works, it really works. But that requires us [SMEs] to work with you [HEIs] properly, over a long period of time to establish a real understanding and then we can get them [students]into the right frame of mind … to make a difference.” (Slovenian SME interviewee, 2018) Here it is clear that success in entrepreneurial education emerges through effective partnerships between HEIs and SMEs and, as a result, between the SME and the student. An effective, open and interactive three-way partnership of this kind overcomes the challenges of language to create op- portunities for genuine SME requirements to emerge in real time, rather than in a preconceived vacuum. At its core, what we find here is that we need to move from an abstract discussion or un- derstanding of entrepreneurial education to a practical engagement between the education and the real-world. 3.4 Agility and flexibility in education supports effective partnerships “If we weren't so hamstrung by module descriptors, learning outcomes and one size fits all approaches to education then we'd be able to be more responsive in how we support our students and, ultimately, the businesses that they work with.” (Irish academic interviewee, 2019) Table 1. Key research questions and results. Research Question Result Does an agreed understanding of entrepreneurship within academia and SMEs exist? 3.1 There is no common language, no common understanding. Does the SME community have a shared expectation of entrepreneurship education? 3.2 There is no common requirement from SMEs. What are the characteristics of successful HEI/SME partnerships? 3.3 Common ground emerges where partnerships are interactive. What factors support successful entrepreneurship education? 3.4 Agility and flexibility in education support effective partnerships. ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 135 To make entrepreneurial education work effec- tively we need agile systems and processes within HEIs. A single module, one-size-fits-all approach to the uniform construction of modules/units, pro- grammes, assessments and timetables, all moni- tored through key performance indicators (KPIs), limits the amount of what one of our members of theacademicteamdescribedas, ‘educationalwiggle room’. Our contention here is that we need agile education, not a single model, which can match the changing requirements across disciplines, cultures, SME requirements and domains. There has to be flexibility and contextual education which may mean there is no one solution, but rather a broader educational approach that permeates HEI ap- proaches to developing and delivering entrepre- neurial education. Whilst this section has outlined four key interre- lated findings that have emerged from GETM3 sandpits, formal interviews and informal conversa- tionsthatarecriticalofcurrentpractice,thereisalso awealthoffindingsthatcapturewhatworksandthe positive work that is happening within between HEIs and SMEs. The GETM3 project is an example of a successful initiative that brings together aca- demics and SMEs to discuss best practices and to share experiences. The diversity of approaches and varying levels of success underpin the findings presented. 4 Discussion As demonstrated in the previous section, the key findings from the GETM3 project have all demon- strated a disconnect at the heart of entrepreneurial education,irrespectiveoflocationandcontext.What emerges from these findings, however, are the im- plications for practice and how HEIs move forward in the construction of entrepreneurial education. Therefore,thefollowingdiscussionpicksuponeach point, exploring these challenges in more detail and exploring how, through an evidence-based rethinking of the processes and practices of entre- preneurial education, we can respond to these challenges. In doing so, we support the work of SMEsmoreholistically.Eachofthefollowingpoints offers reflections on the way forward and presents a contention or proposal for further development. 4.1 The need for a common language We have shown in the literature that there are multipledefinitionsforentrepreneurship.There are even different variations of the term, which may have subtle differences when used. With the litera- ture trying repeatedly to define this term, we sense we are working with a shifting understanding of something with no definitive definition within academia If so, how can we assume there is con- sistency within SMEs, government or even the general population of what these terms mean in practice. As discussed throughout the project, it is important to recognise that entrepreneurship has long been the preserve of business and manage- ment studies and that this is something that has potentially shaped the way we define it. The implications of this, however, is how we turn a loosely defined concept into a module, pro- gramme or, more broadly, a set of pedagogical practices. If we allow multiple definitions, then how can we agree what we are trying to achieve within an educational context? It is this challenge that scholars such as Val (2017), Blenker et al. (2012) and Rasmussen (2006), amongst others, are seeking to address. A core reflection of the GETM3 project is that if we have multiple goals based on our under- standing of what this isallabout, it stands to reason that we will attempt to achieve that goal using different means and different pedagogical ap- proaches.Thereisclearevidencefromtheliterature that we are doing exactly that - trying to achieve a goal which is unclear, diverse and shifting. So how can we possibly succeed? A common language provides a common basis of communicating requirements. Terms without com- mon understanding which are open to interpreta- tion provide false states of comfort which when actualised can result in outcomes vastly different from one party's expectations. If entrepreneurial educationisto delivery on its full potential, then we need to be clear what the educations requirements areandarenot.Todothiswe,asamultidisciplinary sector, require more clarity in terminology. 4.2 The need for nuanced understanding of what SMEs are looking for Even if the academic community within business management, and outside of business management agreeswiththeseterms,thenextthingtoconsideris if this has anything to do with supporting the SME. As stated already, SMEs need also to agree on what they need, which in many cases may not be entre- preneurial traits of talents, but possibly skills that can be honed like teamwork, initiative, communi- cation, ingenuity, cultural awareness and problem- solving. Some SMEs, however, may need more specific behaviours to reinvent their business 136 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 model, seeking new opportunities in the market- place and creating new value for customers. It is more likely that an SME will define their re- quirementsbasedonspecificcompetencies,traitsor behaviours, rather than using terms like entrepreneurship. If the goal is to support the SME through entre- preneurial education, then the variability in the definition of terms, the variability in the needs of SMEs and a lack of a common language to describe all of this must be resolved. We need to be much more precise in our education goals or we will continue to observe a mismatch between educa- tional activity and SME requirements. It is also worth considering that entrepreneurial education does not have to be a single course or programme.The skills requiredto support the SME may be already built within many courses and modules. Suppose the aims of the EU are solely for business creation. In that case, there are already existing courses that focus on this as a specific outcome, which some might describe as enterprise education rather than entrepreneurial education. It couldeven be arguedthat entrepreneurial intention converted to entrepreneurial action in the form of innovative business creation is, in fact, the correct articulation of the EU requirement. With an agreed objective, we could then begin creating fit-for-pur- pose education programmes that have measurable key performance indicators. What this reflects is a broader challenge facing HEI academics involved in real-world link up edu- cation. As educators and GETM3 project members, much of our planning for employer-focused edu- cation is based on assumptions about the market, the requirements of future employers and, in the case of entrepreneurial education, the expectations of SMEs who, we all believe, have specificaimsand needs. Yet these needs and expectations are elusive and difficult to pin down. Whilst this reflects the broaderchallengesoftheHEIindustrypartnerships (see Dada& Fogg, 2016; Decter et al., 2011; Huggins et al., 2008 for examples) are a specific challenge in working with SMEs. A potential reason for this over-complication lies in the tendency to conflate entrepreneurship and enterprise education (Kompf, 2012; Shockley, 2009) and, as was discussed throughout the project, the drive to create business construction and product development initiatives (approaches prominent in design, engineering and business programmes). What such an approach does is drive entrepre- neurship through a specific disciplinary context ratherthanthroughabroadersetofentrepreneurial traits or competencies. 4.3 Dynamic partnerships are key Whenwedonothavecommonterms,orwhenwe are not sure of the requirements, then when it comes to working with SMEs, we need to get stu- dents into the SME workplace. Here they can start to experience a sample of a real-world environment and we can begin to build, in real-time, our own knowledge and understanding of settings, expecta- tions, needs and requirements, essentially adopt an action learning approach (Revans, 1982) to place- ments and other forms of experiential learning. What GETM3 stakeholders have demonstrated is that placement programmes as work-based activ- ities are excellent for demonstrating requirements which are often poorly articulated. Notions such as ‘company fit’, for example, are frequently used phrasesbutbecomeobviouswhenworkingwithina company. By having the academic team involved in a review of placement with the company and the student, relevant feedback can be obtained on how wellsuitedthestudentsaretothenextstepsintheir career. Industry mentoring is also another way of bridging the gap between the student and their ca- reers. The SAER (old Gaelic for craftsman) industry mentorship program at the Technological Univer- sityDublinisanexemplarofearlycareermentoring for students.120 students are being mentored by 60 industry managers who are being trained by the HEI to help students understand the work envi- ronments ahead of them and to help them focus on how to be successful in the future. This is an example of a non-practice-based dynamic partner- ship where students, HEIs and industry can work together to create dynamic relationships. Because industries and companies can have different needs, successful partnerships are those thatbringmultipleSMEsintotheacademicworldto see how students are educated. But they also bring academics into industry to see what the students will doonce theygraduate, what skills they need, in what areas they are strong, and what areas need additional focus. We must blur the lines and create value-added partnerships where students are better prepared for their future careers, institutes have a better understandingof the SME requirements, and SMEs provide feedback on their needs. 4.4 Towards agile education and flexible HEIs Looking for ways for academic teams to interact with SMEs and with students is a very effective way toobtainreal-timefeedbackinto courses,whichcan then be brought to programme committees to ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 137 review.However,feedbackandchangearedifferent things. HEIs should seek ways to embedtransversal skills e.g. innovating thinking, critical thinking and reasoning into all aspects of their programmes as a matter of course. Reinforcing learning outcomes (LOs) across modules to support higher level LOs which include synthesis and analysis is just good practice. Often, quality assurance procedures within the HEIs, which are there to support and ensure aca- demicintegrityofprogrammes,mayalsobebarriers toagileandrapidchangingofmodules,coursesand LOs. It may be that we do not need to change a module, we just need to introduce core LOs which are ‘entrepreneurial’ in nature throughout our courses. The challenge, however, is that an HEI sector which is being shaped towards a consumer model has developed systems, processes and structures that limit agile/flexible approaches to the construction of learning. This, in turn, limits the reflexivity of practice. In the case of English HEIs, the move to higher tuitionfees(insomecasestripling)andenforcement of consumer rights has cemented the notion that students are consumers. As a result, power has shif- ted away from HEIs as providers of education to students as consumers of education (Tomlinson, 2014).TheimpactnotedbyGETM3participantswas a shift towards quality education in which central- isedKPI-drivenprocessesresultinslowchangeand development. This is out of step with the needs of SMEs and other industry partners. 5 Conclusion In summary, this paper captures the central challenges that lie at the heart of entrepreneurial education in its conceptual construction and how this shapes subsequent practices. In drawing on the experiences within the GETM3 project, this paper demonstrates a clear need for a more holistic un- derstanding of entrepreneurial education. It should, we argue, draw on a language and approach that is cognisant of the challenges and structures of HEIs and the needs of SMEs. To do this a further multi- disciplinary dialogue is required, seeking to push entrepreneurial education outside of traditional disciplinary silos and to respond to the following challenges. A) A need for a typology of practices in support of the multitude of entrepreneurial behaviours and traits which make up the spectrum of entrepreneurial ed- ucation. Such an approach would recognise that one size does not fit all and that perhaps we need formally to recognise the multiplicity of approaches and understandings of entrepre- neurship. This is, after all, in keeping with the diverse body of literature outlined in this paper that captures the diversity of practice. A map- ping of behaviours, traits, competencies and transversal skills to education practices could help HEIs in the creation of more flexible and dynamic education which can react to changing requirements. B) A need for dialogue between SMEs and HEIs to innovate beyond the transactional placement provi- sion approach. It is important to acknowledge that there are extensive examples of dynamic and innovative partnerships but that these ap- proaches need to become the norm at an insti- tutional level and beyond specific disciplinary borders.Dynamicpartnershipsthatcreatespace for dialogue with SMEs and industry partners are essential, we believe, to capturing the role of the contemporary HEI and the importance of both local and global connections. C) Theneedforresponsive,flexibleandagileeducational approaches within HEIs which can be both innova- tive and creative in support of educational develop- ment. At the heart of this recommendation is recognising that HEI leaders can, and in some cases already do, trust programme teams to generate opportunities that meet programme aims/learning outcomes whilst also giving space for new ways of working. There is, of course, a risk to this and ultimately quality assurance and KPIs shouldbeusedtomonitortheeffectiveness and success of such changes. From the discussions and reviews within the GETM3 project sandpit environments, it was evident that there is significant activity ongoing in support of the EC strategy to grow SME capability within Europe. This activity is highly varied in na- ture,reflectingthebroadlyvaryingapproachesseen within the literature. Further research is required to providegreateralignmentbetweentheeffortsofthe HEIs in the development of entrepreneurial educa- tion and SME and EU expectations. With articulate, commonly agreed definitions, the match of re- quirements and expectations can be achieved but only if the relationships between HEI and SME remain innovative, flexible and agile in nature. 5.1 Limitations and future directions for research This paper sets out to respond to the challenges identified by the European Council in 2000, using new data, ideas and recommendations around 138 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2021;23:131e140 entrepreneurship education. The generalisability of these findings is limited, however, by the pre- defined project population within the context of the GETM3 project, so further research beyond this project network would enhance the overall under- standing of the effectiveness of entrepreneurial ed- ucation across different countries, HEI groupings and SME sectors. More specifically, further research could address the need for clearer common agreement on termi- nology tofacilitate discussionofsharedgoalsetting. This could start to bridge the gap between SMEs' and HEIs’ expectations. Further investigation into each of our key findings would enable a more nuanced understanding of how to develop better practice in the construction of more productive partnerships between SMEs and HEIs. Further mapping of the behaviours, traits and competencies within both local and national contexts would allow HEIs to service better the needs of SMEs through more targeted entrepreneurial education. 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