GDK: 686.3+ 911 :(497.12):(063) Povzetek pomembnejših poudarkov iz referatov in razprav Boštjan ANKO*, Janez POGAČNIK** 1. Veliki posegi v ekološke sisteme, kot je krajina, zahtevajo prostorsko in časovno vzeto zelo obsežne obravnave njihovih po- sledic. Ne obravnavamo več le posameznih vrst niti ne posameznih ekosistemov, am- pak procese. 2. Fragmentacijo (pra)gozdne matice gledamo kot proces in kot spreminjanje vzorca prostorskega razporeda gozdov hkrati. 3. Ne izginja pod novogradnjami le gozd, ki ga ne bo več - tudi tisti, ki ostaja, se včasih močno nepovratna spreminja zaradi takih posegov. 4. Varovanje in razvoj funkcij gozdov lahko dosežemo le s celovitim urejanjem prostora, pri katerem bomo upoštevali ne- posredno stopnjo pomembnosti posame- zne funkcije v določenem prostoru. 5. V desetletju 1981 -1990 smo evidenti- rali 6.088 ha krčitev zaradi različnih pose- gov v gozd. Prostorska dokumentacija na- kazuje, da je predviden še večji obseg posegov v gozd in gozdni prostor. 6. Na zakonodajnem področju je treba sprejeti normativno ureditev, pod kakšnimi pogoji je mogoče posegati v gozdni prostor, zlasti na območjih, kjer je ena al i več funkcij gozdov izjemno poudarjenih. 7. Nujno je treba normativno urediti zmanjšanje emisij vseh škodljivih snovi v skladu z mednarodno dogovorjeni mi merili. 8. Vnaprejšnja stališča o možnih reši- tvah v prostoru so v osnovi napačna. Odgo- vor na vprašanje o sprejemljivosti ali ne- sprejemljivosti posega v prostor, je v vsa- kem konkretnem primeru lahko različen. Tudi v odnosu do posameznih sestavin okolja. Za presojo sprejemljivosti posega v * Prof. dr. B. A., dipl. inž. gozd., Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo, Večna pot 83, Ljubljana, SLO ** Mag. J. P., dipl. inž. gozd. , Splošno združe- nje gozdarstva Slovenije, Miklošičeva 381111, Ljub- ljana, SLO 444 Gozd V 52, 1994 prostor v pogledu varovalnih zahtev se je razvil instrument "Presoja vplivov na oko- lje". 9. Presoja vplivov na okolje ima neka- tere značilnosti varstvenih zahtev: - smiselna je šele tedaj, ko je razvojni predlog, načrt, projekt ipd. pripravljen v alternativah; - izmika se ekonomski racionalnosti, saj je osnovna mera vrednosti stopnja sprejem- ljivosti oziroma nesprejemljivosti procesa v določeno okolje; - vse varstvene zahteve je potrebno na splošni ravni obravnavati enakopravno, v skladu z zahtevo "če je le mogoče, varuj- mo!". 1 O. Okolje varujemo pred vplivi, zato v presojo vplivov vnašamo opis vplivov in ne zgolj opis sestavin okolja. Temeljna zahte- va, ki naj omogoči premagati subjektivnost presoje, je jasnost postopka izvedbe pre- soje in jasnost vrednostnih opredelitev. 11. Za presojo vplivov na gozd je treba jasno opredeliti: - gozd kot naravno sestavino, katere. kakovost določajo stopnja njegove regene- racijske sposobnosti za različne oblike emi- sij ali posege vanj; - gozd kot naravni proizvodni vir in pro- stor, v katerem se lahko uveljavlja vrsta dejavnosti; - gozd kot izraz prvobitnosti. 12. Sprejeta sta Zakon o varstvu okolja in Zakon o gozdovih, ki določata presojo vplivov na okolje, vendar sta oba še brez nekaterih podzakonskih predpisov in nista še usklajena z drugimi zakoni, ki pokrivajo področja, ki tudi zadevajo okolje. 13. Nedorečenost zakonodaje povzroča organizacijsko, vsebinsko in izvedbeno zmedo pri tekoči obravnavi prostorske pro- blematike, saj se vsi prizadeti ne vključujejo pravočasno. Premalo pa je tudi vključenih ustreznih kadrov in usposobljenih organiza- cij, kvalitetnih podatkov znanj in izkušenj. 14. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije ni bil ne- posredno in tudi ne pravočasno uradno vključen v načrtovanje izgradnje avtocest v RS, čeprav je to gozdarstvo zahtevsllo, pač pa se je lahko vključil le posredno, prek posameznih subakordantov. Kljub izredno kratkim rokom in skromnim sredstvom, je Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije sprejel ponudbe in uspel izdelati relativno dobre študije za domžalsko-trojanski, ra- dovljiški in sežanski odsek. 15. Razpad primarnih velikopovršinskih tipov habitatov v manjše izolirana frag- mente ter onesnaženost okolja spadata med najpogostejše funkcionalne motnje, ki so jim izpostavljene populacije divjih živali pri posegih v krajino. 16. Med pritiske na populacijo prosto živečih živali zaradi prometno obremenje~ nih cest, je treba posebej šteti: - zmanjšane uporabne površine habita- tov; - nastajanje žarišč lokalne polucije in degradacijo kakovosti habitatov; - neposredno mortaliteto živali. 17. Za prostoživeče živali je potrebno zagotoviti funkcionalne (ustrezne) prehode predvsem na območjih presečišč med mi- gracijskimi koridorji živali in traso avtoceste. 18. Z načrti za gospodarjenje z gozdovi se določijo pogoji za usklajeno rabo gozdov in poseganje v gozdove ter gozdni prostor. 19. Z vsako krčitvijo gozda povzročimo rano v krajini in nedvomno tudi motnjo gozdnemu ekosistemu. Z vsako krčitvijo gozda za vedno izgubimo del varovalnih, ekoloških in socialnih funkcij, ki jih gozd nezamenljiva opravlja v prostoru. 20. Ob načrtovanju avtomobilskih cest moramo v zvezi z gozdom posvetiti največ pozornosti zagotavljanju nematerialnih vlog gozda, torej njegovi ohranitvi. 21. V ravninskem svetu, gričevju in pri- mestni krajini, kjer je gozda malo (za 1/5 SLO), obremenitev s koridorji in drugimi tujki pa je že zdaj veliko, je po prostorskih pianih predvideno največ posegov v pro- stor. 22. Načeloma se je mogoče vključiti v procese načrtovanja avtocest na šestih rav- neh, in to: - v procesu prostorskega planiranja, - pri odločanju o izgradnji, - pri postavljanju pogojev pri pripravi lokacijskega načrta, - s sodelovanjem pri proučevanju va- riant tras avtocest, - v postopku javne razgrnitve in ob izdaji soglasja za poseg v prostor. Vse te možnosti moramo izkoristiti, zato pa mora biti stroka dobro pripravljena s strokovnimi podlagami. 23. Pri načrtovanju in odločanju o pose- gih v gozd bo morala gozdarska stroka odigrati svojo vlogo: - strokovno pri načrtovanju in presoji vplivov na okolje, - upravno pri dajanju soglasij. 24. Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor se odloča v procesu načrtovanja avtocest in dajanju dovoljenj takole: - avtoceste morajo predvsem služiti do- mačemu prometu in prevz~mati prometno breme z regionalne in magistralne mreže cest; - celotna površina posegov v prostor mora biti minimalna; - potrebno je omogočiti renaturalizacijo obcestnih površin; - avtoceste služijo ljudem, zato naj bodo blizu naselij, s tehničnimi rešitvami proti hrupu; - kmetijska zemlja v primerjavi z narav- nimi ekosistemi, predvsem habitati ogrože- nih vrst, ne more biti absolutna vrednota; - zagotoviti je potrebno preživetje in nor- malno delovanje živalskih populacij. 25. Le počasi spoznavamo pomen var- stva okolja. Omejevati moramo vse vrste škodljivih vplivov. 26. Potrebno je urediti pravni sistem na področju urejanja prostora in čim prej vzpo- staviti ustrezne mehanizme za uveljavljanje javnega interesa. Konflikte rešuje politika, ·zato mora ta urejati javni interes na osnovi zakonodaje in objektivnih, strokovnih pre- soj, da bi dobili racionalne rešitve. 27. V Sloveniji je okoli 30.000 km cest, med katerimi je 42% gozdnih cest. Zaradi cest je oblikovano 30.000 km novih gozdnih robov. Pri tem pomenijo avtoceste močno spremembo v prostoru, saj opažamo, da razrezani segmenti gozda ob pomembnih prometnicah po 1 OO letih izginjajo, medtem ko se pri manjših koridorjih (do 20m) robovi po nekaj desetletjih utrdijo. GozdV 52, 1994 445 28. V zvezi s posegi v gozd in izdajo soglasja, kar je določeno v 21. čl. Zakona o gozdovih, je treba pripraviti posebna na- vodila. Gozdarska stroka mora pridobiti us- trezna dopolnila glede znanja in vključiti sodelavce za interdisciplinarno obravnavo gozdnega prostora ter se pripraviti, da bi bila usposobljena prevzemati tudi naloge v zvezi s presojo vplivov na okolje (gozdar naj bo nosilec timskega dela ali učinkoviti sodelavec v timu). 29. Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor pri- pravlja med drugimi predpisi tudi predpis, ki bo določal , pod kakšnimi pogoji in kdo bo lahko izdelal presojo vplivov na okolje ter natečajno obliko pridobivanja strokovnih podlag oziroma študij. Kvaliteta strokovnih izdelkov se bo morala upoštevati in uvelja- viti. 30. Pri posegih v prostor bodo poleg presoje vplivov in soglasij, ki jih zahteva zakonodaja, še vedno potrebna določena navodila, priporočila, mnenja ipd. A SUMMARY OF SOME IMPORTANT EMPHASES IN THE PAPERS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. Great interventions into ecologic systems, such as landscape, require extensive dealing with their effects from the aspect of space and time. Processes and not only individual specles or individual ecosystems are dealt with any longer. 2. The lragmentation of (virgin) forest paren! tree area has been looked upon as a process and the alteralion of the sample of spatial distribu- tion of forests at the same time. 3. Not only the disappearing of forests can be established due to new constructions. The forest which remains sometimes strongly irreversibly changes because of such interventions. 4. The protection and development of forest functions can only be achieved by means of integral environmental architecture, when a di reci significance stage of an individual function in individual environment is going to be taken into consideralion. 5. ln the decade between 1981 and 1990 6088 ha of forest cuttings were registered due to different interventions in forests. Spatial docu- mentation indicates that even a greater extent of interventions into forests and forest space have been foreseen for the future. 6. As to the l e~islation , statutory standards have to be adopted, defining the cond1tions under which interventions into forest space can be performed, which specially holds true of the regions where one or more forest functions are extremely stressed. 7. Statutory regulations have to be set regar- 446 GozdV 52, 1994 ding the reduction of emissions of harmful sub- stances, in accordance with international stan- dards. 8. The standpoints as to possible solutions in the space formed in advanced are wrong in principle. Answers regarding the appropriateness or inappropriateness of an intervention in forest vary from case to case. This also holds good in the relation towards individual component parts of the environment. ln order to judge the appro- priateness of an intervention into space regarding protection requirements an instrument called "The Estimalion of the Effects on the Environment" has been developed. 9. The estimation of the effects on the environ- ment has some of the characteristics of protection requirements: - it is sensible only then when there are alternative solutions of a developmental sugge- stion, plan or project ; - it is economically irrational because the basic value standard is the acceptability or unaccepta- bility degree of an alteration process into a ce rta in environment; - all protection requirements have to be dealt with equally on a general level, in accordance with the demand "Let us protect, il only possible !". 10. Environment is being protected against effects, because of which the estimation of effects includes the description of effects and not only that of environmental component paris. Clarity of estimation procedure and value definitions is a basic precondition for the conquering of subjec- tive element. 11 . The estimation of the effects on forest requires the defining of: - forest as a natural component part, the quality of which is defined by the regeneration ability degree of the environment for different emission types or interventions; - orest as a natural production source and a space where a series of activities can be perfor- med; - forest as the expression of the primeval character. 12. The Act on Environmental Protection and Forestry Act have been adopted, defining the estimation of the effects on the environment. However, other subacts stili lack and they have not been brought into line with other acts dealing with environment. 13. Lacking legislation is the reason for confu- sed situation from the aspect of organization, contents and execution when dealing with current problems regarding environment because all su- bjects concerned are not involved into discussion on time. Additionally, too few experts and expert organizations, high quality data, know-how and experiences are introduced therein. 14. The Institute of Forest and Wood Economy of Slovenia has not been direclly, timely and officially consulted in the planning of highways in the Republic of Slovenia despite the demand of forestry. lts participation was only indirect, through individual subaccorders. ln spite of extremely short terms and small funds, The Institute for Forest and Wood Eco· nomy succeeded in keeping the tender and elabo· rating relatively good studies for the Domžale-Tro· jane, Radovljica and Sežana highway sections. 15. The disintegration of primary habitat types of great areas into smaller isolated fragments as well as environmental pollution are the two most frequent fl.mctional disturbances which the popu· lations of wild animals are exposed to when intervefltions into landscape take place. 16. The following are the most important stres· ses on the population of free-living animals, which is endangered by roads with busy traffic: - smaller useful areas of habitats; - the emergence of local population centers and the degradation of habitats' quality; - direct mortality of animals. , 17. Functional (suitable) passages have to be secured for free-living animals, first of all in the areas where migration corridors of animals and highway laying out overlap. 18. Forest management plans define the terms of coordinated use of forests and the interventions in forests and forest space. 19. Each cutting of forest causes a wound in forest landscape and undoubtedly a commotion in a forest system. Each cutting of forest is a final loss of a part of protection, ecologic and social functions, which are unsubstitutedly performed by the forest. 20. ln the planning of highways most attention concerning forest has to be paid to the securing of unmaterial forest functions, i.e. its preservation. 21. ln flat and hilly regions, in the vicinity of towns, where there is not much forest (1/5 of Slovenia), and the stresses caused by corridors and other unnatural factors are great enough, most of the interventions into space have been foreseen for the future. 22. Gene rally, it is possible to participate in the process of highway planning on six levels, i.e.: - in the process of spatial planning, - in the deciding as to the construction, - in the setting of the terms with the prepara· tion of a location plan, - in the collaboration in the studying of various variants of the cut required by a highway, - in the procedure of a layout's public presen- tation and at the issuing of a permission for an intervention in the space. All these possibilities have to be made good use of, because of which forestry profession has to be professionally well prepared. 23. ln the planning and decision making as to the interventions in forests, forestry will have to do its part: - from the professional point of view, in the planning and estimating of the effects on the environment, - from the administrative point of view, in issuing permissions and consensuses. 24. Ministry for Environment and Space makes decisions in the process of the planning of hig- hways and the issuing of permissions in the fol!owing way: - highways must first of all serve home traffic and take over the traffic burden of regional and main road network;· - the entire area of interventions into space has to be minimal; - the renaturalization of roadside areas has to be enabled; - due to their role - serving the mankind • highways have to be laid in the vicinity of settlements, including techni- cal solutions against noise; - agricultural !and in comparison with natural ecosystems - first of all the habitats of endangered species - can·not represent an absolute value; - the survival and normal functioning of animal populations have to be secured. 25. Only gradually we become aware of the significance of the environmental protection. ln Slovenia, all types of harmful effects have to be limited. 26. Legal system in the sphere of landscape architecture has to be regulated and appropriate mechanisms concerning the assertion of public interest have to be set as soon as possible. The conflict is being solved by the politics, therefore the latter must regulate the public interest on the basis of legislation and objective, professional judgments, taking into consideration severa! va- riants in order to get suitable solutions. 27. There are around 30 000 km of roads in Slovenia, 42% of which are forest roads. Due to roads 30 OOOkm of new forest edges have been formed. With all that, highways represent a severe change in the space. It can be established that fragmented forest segments along important tho· roughfares disappear after hundred years, white with smaller corridors (up to 20 m) edges get consolidated after a few decades. 28. As to the interventions in forest and the issuing of permissions, which is being regulated by Article 21 of Forestry Act, special instructions have to be prepared. Forestry profession has to supplement appropriate amendments regarding the know·how and introduce collaborators for interdisciplinary dealing with forest space. It also has to prepare itself to be able to take over the tasks regarding the estimation of the effects on the environment ( a forester ·the bearer of team work or an efficient cooperator in a team). 29. Among other regulations, the following are being prepared by the Ministry for Environment and Space is also the regulation that determines under which conditions and who is going to be able to work out the estimation of the effects on the environment, tender-like acquiring of profes- sional bases or studies. The quality of professio· nal works will have to be taken into consideration and become valued. 30. Apart from the estimation of the effects and permissions required by the legislation, certain instructions, recommenda tions and opinions, etc. are stili going to be necessary with the interven~ tions into forest space. GozdV 52, 1994 447 Vetrolom pod Voglom ob smučarski vlečnici Žagarjev graben Sečnje brez sodelovanja gozdarjev so v letih sprejem.anja novega gozdarskega zakona zajele povečan obseg. Foto: V. Seška. Vse druge slike: foto: Ivan Zonta. 448 GozdV 52, 1994