Izhaja nik dan razen sobot nedelj In praznikov * Issued daily except Saturday«. Sundays and Holidays PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uradniški iu upravniškl prualori: iiu ù7 bou Ut Law iidaie Ave. Office of Publication: 2(157 South Lawndala Ave. Telephone, Hoi k wr 11 4WH LETO—YEAH XL Si^O matter Juu«n 1«. 1su. at Um do«-«met »eter Um Act ol Cmitmi of Mareta S. 1ST* CHICAGO 23. ILU SREDA. 14. MARCA (MARCH t4). 1948 Jugoslavija za razgovore in pogajanja z Italijo Odpovedala te bo Trstu, ako bo dobila Gorico. Zunanji minister Simič obdolžil zapadne države igranja politike. Ameriške in britske vojaške posadke ob jugoslovanski meji ojačane Bolflrad. 23. marca.-Zunanji sto. ako bi dobila Gorico, pod minister Stanoje Simič je-na pogojem zaščite pravic Jugoslo konferenci s časnikarji dejal, da je Jugoslavija pripravljena za razgovore in pogajanja z Italijo glede rešitve tržaškega vprašanja. Vršili naj bi se v duhu razgovorov, katere sta ' imela maršal Tito in Palmiro Togli-atti, vodja Italijanske komunistične stranke, pred podpisom italijanske mirovne pogodbe. Simič je dejal, da se bo Jugoslavija odpovedala Trstu v zameno za Gorico, mesto v Italiji ob jugoslovanski meji.. Simič se je sestal s časnikarji nekaj ur potem, ko je jugoslovanska vlada poslala note Ameriki, Veliki Britaniji in Franciji z os-j trim protest6m proti izročitvi Trsta Italiji. Te države so prej predlagale izročitev Trsta in o-kolice Italiji in revizijo italijanske mirovne pogodbe, če bodo Italijani pri volitvah 18. aprila oddali svoje glasove kandidatom stranke krščanskih demo kratov, katere vodja je premier Alcide de Gasperi. Simič je obdolžil zapadne države igranja politike s Svobodnim tržaškim ozemljem. Belgradska vlada pravi v protestu, "da so Amerika, Velika Britanija in Francija popolnoma prezrle Jugoslavijo, ki je direktno prizadeta, ko so predlagale izročitev Trsta Italiji. Ta poteza je bila izvršena v teku volilne kampanje v Italiji z namenom, da razpali šovinistično sovraštvo proti Jugoslaviji in poostri notranje politične odnošaje v Italiji. Poteza je propagandi-stičnega značaja in ne prispeva k stabilizaciji in utrditvi svetovnega miru." Jugoslovanski premier Tito je, ko je imel razgovore s Togliat-tijem, dejal, da bi Jugoslavija priznala Trst za italijansko me- Truman naj se umakne iz tekme Odpove naj se kandidaturi Waah|noton. D. CM 23. marca. — Dva senatorja, ki sta bila vedno lojalna Trumanovi administraciji in jo podpirala v vseh ozirih, sta zdaj zadala klofut? Trumanu. Pozvala sta ga, naj se umakne iz tekme in odpove kandidaturi za predsednika prod konvencijo demokratske stranke. Senatorja sta Sparkman iz Alabame in Russell iz Georgije. Oba sta demokrata. Russell je dOJal, da bi bil zelo vesel, če bi se Truman umaknil iz tekme in dal zagotovilo, da ne bo kandidat za predsednika. Sparkman je na sestanku a časnikarji izjavil: "Demokratska stranka bo raz-cefrana na koee, ako bo na svoji konvenciji imenovala Tru mana za predsedniškega kandidata. Edino upanje stranke je v Trumanovi odpovedi. Ako bo nnminiran, Je njegov poraz prt volitvah gotova atvar." Sparkman je dalje rekel, da bi demokrataka stranka storila dobro potezo, ako bi na svoji konvenciji nomlnirala generala Fiaenhowerja za predsedniškega kandidata. Truman si je nakopal jezo kongreahikov in sena torjev iz južnih držav, ker "Je predložil kongresu program civilnih pravic. Za pretili so od prto, da ga ne bodo podpirali, če bo imenovan za predaedniške ga kandidata na konvenciji demokratske stranke vanov v Trstu. Italijanska vla da je zavrnila Titov predlog 7. novembra lanskega leta. Simič je pred časnikarji na glasil, da so razgovori med Titom in Togliattijem demonstri rali, da obstoja podlaga dosegi sporazuma, ki bi bil sprejemljiv za Italijo in Jugoslavijo, glede rešitve tržaškega vprašanja. Obdolžil je zapadne države, da vodijo zlobno obrekovalno kampanjo v tisku in po radiu proti Jugoslaviji in zanikal poročila, da ima Jugoslavija raketne postaje, naperjene proti Italiji, da so njene čete zbrane ob meji in pripravljene za napad na Italijo. Rim. 23. marca.—Rimska ra-diopostaja pod kontrolo De Ga-sperijeve vlade je naznanila o-jačanje ameriških in britskih vojaških posadk ob meji med Svobodnim tržaškim ozemljem in Jugoslavijo. Nove ameriške in britske čete so dospele v obmejne kraje. Vojaški atašeji ameriškega poslaništva v Rimu niso potrdili in ne zanikali poročil o ojačanju vojaških posadk. Ameriška vojaška vlada v Trstu je sinoči naznanila, da je jugoslovanska policija streljala na civilno policijo v ameriško-britski coni. Eden civilni policaj je bil ranjen. Civilna policija je tudi streljala, toda znano ni, ali je bil kateri jugoslovanski policaj ranjen ali ne. Italijanski zunanji minister Carlo Sforza je dejal v Turinu, da je njegova vlada poslala note Ameriki, Veliki Britaniji in Franciji z naznanilom, da je sprejela predlog, da se Trst izroči Italiji. On je izrazil glo-bokdHivaležnost tem državam v imenu italijanskega ljudstva in označil predlog za velik korak naprej v prizadevanjih za rekonstrukcijo Italije. Anglija pripravlje na tvegati vojno Poplava komunizma mora biti ujtisnt Lak» Succeaa. N. Y.. 23. mar-ca.—Velika Britanija je izjavila na seji varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov, da je pripravljena tvegati vojno kot korak za zajezitev poplave komunizma. Njen delegat Alexander Ca-dogan, ki je bil glavni pomoč nik bivšega premierja Churchil la v vojnem času, je obdolžil Sovjetsko unijo odgovornosti za preobrat v Cehoslovakiji, v katerem so komunisti dobili vso oblast. Dejal je, da je bil preobrat izvršen po istem vzorcu kot v Rumunijl, Bolgariji, Al baniji, na Ogrskem in Poljskem. Te države so prišle v sfero sovjetskega vpliva. "Meje so, preko katerih komunizem ne sme iti," je rekel Cadogan. "Skoro vsi želimo in upamo, da se to lahko sgodi na miren način, toda v obratnem slučsju moramo tvegati tudi vojno za zajezitev komunistične poplave." Cadogan je govoril na seji varnostnega sveta j>o apelu Jana Papaneka, ki je bil odstavljen kot načelnik čehoslovaške delegacije, na Zdrulene narode za akcijo proti Rusiji, Papanek jt trdil, da ima direktne dokaze, da je Moskva organizirala preobrat v Cehoslovakiji. Andrej A. Gromiko, ruski zunanji podminister in delogat, se ni niti ganil, ko sta govorila Cadogan in Papanek in udrihala po Sovjetski uniji Gromiko je ■•del poleg Papaneka, toda nista gledala drug na drugoga. Gromiko Je prej proglasil Papaneka za izdajalca. Papanek je Izjavil pred člani varnostnega sveta, da je direktni Stalinov pritisk na Čehoslo-vakijo izsilil^revizijo njene od ločitve, da bo poslala delegate na konferenco v Parizu, na kateri so bile razprave o Marshal-lovem načrtu. Cehoslovaklja je sprejela povabilo, naj se udeleži konference, potem pa je za radi Stalinovega pritiska zavrgla odločitev. Domače vesti 0 Nov grob v Kanaasu Fleming, Kani.—Dne 14. mar ca je naglo umrl Frank Stum-foll, star 71 lot, rojen v Avstriji, v Ameriki S6 let, ves čas v Chlkoppeju, Kana., član društva 30 SNPJ od IMS. Zapušča ženo, pet sinov, dva hčeri, devet vnukov, tri pravnuke, brata In ses tro. Atomske bombe na ameriških lad jah m Padale bodo na Jugoslavijo, pravi kongresnik Lincoln. Neb» 23. marca.—Republikanski kongreenik Miller je dejal, "da so na skoro vseh ladjah ameriške bojne mornarice na Sredozemskem morju atom ske bombe." On je govoril na banketu republikanske stranke. "Moje mnenje Je, da bodo a-tomske bombe padale na Jugoslavijo, ako bo ,Titova armada začela prodirati pr&ti Trstu, ali pa na Rusijo, ako nas bo skušala pognati lz NtmčiJe," je rekel Miller. "Bombe bodo pričele padati v 48 urah Jaz sem za tako akcijo. Večina naàih letalonoscev je na Sredozemskem morju. Tri bojne ladjo so zasidrane v bil žlni Trsta ln dominirajo položaj tamkaj." Washington. D. C.. 23. marca. —Mornarični department jo izjavil, da kontteanlk Miller ni točno informirati. Ameriška boj Finska delegacija dospela v Moskvo Moskva, 23. marca. — Finska delegacija, katere načelnik je zunanji minister Svento, je dospela v rusko prestolnico. Svento in Cay Sundstrom, finski poslanik v Moskvi, sta sinoči obiskala ruskega zunitojega ministra Molotova. «i——T- Tiskarji zastavkali v New Yorku New York, 23. marca.—Tiskar-ji, uposltnf v komercialnih tiskarnah, so zastavkali v znak protesta proti podaljšanju delovnega tod na. Tiskarji so člani unije Amoriške delavske federacijo. V stavki je udeleženih 4,300 tiskarjev. pogodbo prijate';Htva in vza-Danes se bodo jemne pomoči med Finsko in pričeli razgovori glede sklenitve Sovjetsko jjnijo. vladna akcua proti rudarski unui napovedana Waohlngton. D. C.. 23. marca —Napoved je, da bo vlada pod-vzela drastično akcijo proti rudarski uniji UMWA. ako se ne bodo rudarji, ki so odložili orodje pred enim tednom, vrnili na delo. Akcija bo podvzeta na podlagi Taft HartleVevega pro-tidelavskega zakona. Cyrua S. Ching, direktor federalne poa(edovalne službe, je posegel v konflikt med unijo in operatorji na polju mehkega premoga. Sklical je konferenco representan tov unije in operatorjev v Waahingtonu, Povabilu se je odzval John L. Lewls predsednik un'je. On Je izrazil dvom v uspeh konference Organizacija operatorjev "Je naznanila, da je produkcija premoga podla na dva milijona ton zadnji teden Teden prej je znašala 13,314.000 ton Lowis je Obdolžil operatorje da ae ne držijo provizije pogodbe. ki je bila sklenjena v juniju lanskega leta, glede olačevanja pokojnine sto dolarjev mesečno -udarjem, ki so stari 60 in več let in delajo 20 In več let v premogovnikih V«sok vladni u-radnlk Je dejal, da bo Truman in na nobeni nI atomskih bomb. I Revolta med demo-krati v Oregonu Lista kandidatov sestavljena Portland. Ore. — (FP) — Re-volta med demokrati, ki se je pričela pred enim letom z odstranitvijo maši ne stare garde v centralnem odboru demokratske stranke, je zavzela velik obseg. Sestavljena je bila lista kandU dato v za državne in federalne urade» zu primarne volitve v maju. Glavna kandidata sta Cliffdrd Howlett in Byron G. Carnev Prvi je kandidat za kongresni ka, diugl pa za državnega tajnika. Oba ata naklonjena Henry-ju A. Wallaceu, kandidatu za predsednika Združenih držav, t Med drugimi kandidati so trije uradniki unij Kongresa industrijskih organizacij, eden u-radnik unije Ameriške delavske federacije in <|va uradnika že fcznlike bratovščine. Howlett je na |x>litičncm shodu v Port-landu dejal: "Mi, ki verujemo človečanstva, se moramo dvigniti. Čepeti ne smemo na plotu. Zunanja politika prederdniku Socialistična konferenca zaključena Stranke podprle Marshallov načrt London. 23. marca. — Konferenca reprezentantov Štirlnaj stih socialističnih strank je bila včeraj zaključena. Ti so podprli Marshallov načrt, ki predvideva ameriško pomoč šestnajstim dr žavam v zapadni Evropi, toda i prekrižanimi rokami. Izražena je bila bojazen pred ameriško ln tervencijo v evropski evoluciji v smeri socializma. Konferenca je trajala dva dni. Delegati no naglaslli, da mora imeti program za ekonomsko okrevanje in rehabilitacijo zapadne Evrope močan socialistični namen. Izdan je bil manifest s priznanjem, da se zgpadna Evropa ne m6re izogniti ekonomski mizeriji in političnim nemirom, ki bi ogrožali mir in demokracijo. ' Manifest priznava, da je ameriško ljudstvo upravičeno do garancij, da pomoč, katero bo zapadna Evropa dobila, ne bo zapravljena. Manifest tudi naglaša, d« se morata obe politični ameriški stranki, demokratska in republikanska, Idi podpirata Marshallov načrt, obvezati, da se nt bosta vmešavali v demokratično pravice evropskih ljudstev v do-Utvl pomoči. Ta morajo sama odločevati o socialnih ;in ekonomskih smernicah, ki morajo biti v soglasju a načeli demokratičnega socializma. Druga značilnost manifesta je zahteva, da mora biti Španija pod fašlatično diktaturo Franca Zapad vidi možnost ruskega sunka v Berlinu Ultimat baje dostavljen državnemu depart« mentu. Zapadna Nemčija v bloku demokratičnih" držav na mornarica ng Sredozemskem morju uključuj£l4*bojnlh lafllj Sključena Jn da ne sme dobiti pomoči na podlagi Msrshillove-ga načrta. Dalje naglafta, da uspeh Marshallovcga načrta del* no zavisi od povečanja trgovine med zapadno in vzhodno Evropo. Razkol v evropskem socialističnem gibanju je bil demons-triran z odsotnostjo delegatov socialiatičnih strank iz Italije, Cehoslovakije, Poljske, Ogrske, Rumunije, Bolgarije in Albanije. Vodja nemških socialistov zbolel v Londonu London, 23, marca.—'br. Kurt Schuinacher, vodja stranke nemških socialnih demokratov, ki Je prišel v London zadnjo soboto, je zbolel, On s« je udeležil kon ference štirinajstih evropskih socialističnih strank, na kateri je bila razprava o Marahallovem načrtu. Schumacher je bil odpeljan v i bolnišnico. h Waahlngion. D. C.. 23. marca. —Mnenje prevladuje, da bo Sovjetska unija skušala izgnati ameriške, britske in francoske uradnike is Berlina. Bela hiša, državni in obrambni department ne bodo držali križem rok, ako bodo Rusi skušpli izgnati urud nike /apudnih držav ic bivšemu glavnega mesta Nemčije. Kakšna akcija bo podvzeta, je zdaj še predmet ugibanja. Trdi se, da se bodo Amerika, Velika Britanija in Francija upi-rale ruskemu poskusu. Sovjetski korak bi bil odgovor skleni< tvl pakta med zapadnimi državami na londonski konferenci, katerega je podprla Amerika. Pakt določa internacionalizacijo Porurja in eventualno ustanovitev federativne Nemčije. Po-rurje je industrijska nemška provinca. Pakt glede bodočnosti zapad ne Nemčije so sklenile Velika Britanija, Amerika, Francija, Belgija, Holandija in Luksein-buršku Sklenitev je pospešil preobrat v Cehoslovakiji, kjer so komunisti dobili vso oblast, Zapadna Nemčija je prišla v blok zapadnlh demokratičnih držav ln bo deleftna pomoči na podlagi Marshallovoga načrtu ki predvideva potrošnjo sedem, najat milijard dolarjev za ekonomsko okrevanje in rehabiiita cijo zapadne Evrope v štirih letih. Poročilo pruvi, du je sovjetska vladu pred nekaj meseci naslovila ultimat državnemu depart* mentu. Vseboval je zahtevo, naj ameriški uradniki zapuate Berlin. Depurtmeut je zunikul poročilo o ultimatu, priznal pa je, da so se pojavila znamenja, du bodo sovjeti skušali izgnati uradnike zapudnih držav iz Berlina. Moskva trdi, da je Berlin v sovjetski okupacijski coni, do čim /apadne države naglašajo, da je mesto separatna enotu |>od administracijo bivših štirih vodilnih vojnih zaveznikov. t Poučeni krogi v NVaaliinglonu so izjavili, da Amerika ne bo odpokliiala svojih uradnikov iz Berlina na ukaz iz Moskve Ameriška vlada je dala zagotovilo Veliki Britaniji in Franciji, du ju bo podpirula v opoziciji proti Rusiji. General Lucius D. Clay, ameriški vojaški governor v Nemčiji, in general Brian Robertson, brlfgM vojaški governor, sta baje informirala Washington in London o možnosti sovjetskega sunka v Berlinu. Ruski načrt predvideva proglasitev Berlina «a glavno mesto vzhodne Nemčije. Bil naj bi sedež nemške komunistične vlade. Moskva trdi, da je sklenitev pakta na Ion donski konferenci spremenila okupacijski status Berlina. Sovjeti so obdolžili zapadne države kršenja v Potsdamu sklenjenega dogovora, da mora biti Nemčija ekonomska enota. Amerika ln Velika Britanija trdita, da Je Rusija prva kršila dogovor, ko je ustavila pošiljanje poljedelskih pridelkov U vzhod ne Nemčije v zapadno Nemčijo. Izboljšanje situacije v Rusiji Ministrstvo za gradnjo in stanovanja dobilo ukor uute bitke divjajo v dveh palestinskih mestih Jerusalem. Paloatlna. 23 mar* J I ca,- Ljute bitke med židl in v pravice Arabci so v teku v Haifi in Har-tuvu. Poročilo pravi, da je bilo ubitih 140 Židov in Arabcev Briteke topniške enote mi v ak- Heifi. Eden britskl policaj je bil ubit, eden pa ranjen, ko je šrapnel eksplodiral v bližini policijske postaje Bi Itake čete ao streljale na Žide in Arabco v Haifi. Vest pre- pozval federalnega juatičnoge Trumana nas i^itiaka v vojno v «meje tok vi, da ao v akciji enote židovske tajnika Clarka, naj izpoaluje pri j-z nr fnoi<,m .„«jplrati te poli krvav,r civilne v^ne, ki je Iz- milne Brltako vojaška posadke sodišču injunkcljo za' končanje ukl. ki p^ij* topove in streli- b,uhnl1" P" *pre)*t)u načrta na stavko. vo lačnim ljudem v Evropi, ki apelirajo samo za kruh." Rudarji ao odložili orodje 15 marca, ko le Lewis obdolžil o j__ per a tor Je da se ne drže provi- zije pogodbe operatorji so od- pr0greeivna stranka govorili, da ni dovolj denarja v ... - blaglnjskem skladu za plačeva lP°nuaiia pomoč nje pokojnine rudarjem \*w\a\etavkarjem je javno obsodil Taft Hartleyev protldelavski zakon in naznanil, da se bo boril proti zakonu pred sod išči. Chicago, 23 marca.—Progresivne stianka je ponudila brez- zborovanju generalne skupščine Združenih narodov 2U novem-bi a glede razdelitve Palestine na dve državi. Bilko v IUifi je sprožila eks-olozija atreliva v aiabskem pre d lu meat a. Policija Je obdolžila Žide odgovornosti Strelivo, je bilo na tovornem avtu, katerega sta vozila dva čana Slernove gange Obe ata pobegnile pred Več Industrij je prizadetih zaradi ustavitve produkcije^ premoga, tlaeti Jeklarska Nekatere kompanije so ofnejlle obrat ker ae zaloge premoga naglo čr- pajo. Vlada je znižala promet potniških in tovornih vlakov is buje zagotovila, da etranka pod 23 odstotkov in uetavtla izvoz pira sta v kar Je v borbi za dostoj premoga v druge države t no življenako plačo. plačno legalno ln zdravniško po- eksplozijo streliva fcidje so ae moč članom unije klavnišklh s tem maščevali nad Arabci, ki delavcev CIO. ki ao zastavkali ao nedavno razdejali z bombami za zvišanje plače Ponudba Je. židovske hišo v središču Jeruza v piamu, katero je Zalmon Gar lema. fleld. eksekutivni direktor stran- Policija poroča, da je bilo pet ke, naslovil Ralphu Heiateinu. Arabcev ubitih In 37 ranjenih v predsedniku linije. Piamo vea- eksploziji atreliva v Haifi Oaem hiš je bilo razdejanih. Arabeke topniške enote ao bombardirale židovako trgovako - aredišče v ao bile ojačane v Hailuvu, ži-dovakem rneetu, ob progi žeje/-nu e Jeruzalem Lvdda. Arabci napadajo to piogo že štiri dni. Arabaka poročilo trdi, da ao britskl šrapnel I in krogle ubile 00 in ranile čez ato Arabcev v toku bitke v Haifi. ¿idovake oborožene alle so bile ojačane v židovskih naaeibinah Bitke se nadaljujejo v Neeve Yaa< ovu ob coeti Jeru/.alem Ha j mol lah Polletja poroča, da ata bila dva Arabce in dva Grka ubita v napadu na avtobua na tej res 11 ftoat Židov je bilo ubl- Moskva. 23. macca.-Finančni minister A. M. Safonov Je v svojem govoru na sasodanju vrhovnega aovjeta naglašal potrebo Izboljšanja llvllake situacijo v Rusiji, največji republiki Sov-jetake unije, in zvišanja produk cijo živil in drugih potrebščin. Pokaral Je ministrstvo ta stanovanju in gradnjo, ker ni Icpol-nilo pričakovanj, čeprav je bilo zgrajenih HHA.000 hiš v pokrajinah, ki ao bile razdejane in opu* stošene v času nemške okupacije V te hiše ae je vselilo 4,-(M)o ooo brezdomakih kolektivnih kmetov. Safonov Je dejal» da kvaliteta, kvantitetu in distribucija Živil In drugih potrebščin sa mora izboljšati v tem letu. Kot zgled hib distribucije je omenil piovinco Ivanovo, kjer ao bila akladišča natrpana i blagom vaeli vrst v Januarju In februarju, prišlo pa ni na tržišča. Admlniatracije tekstilne, mas ne in tobačne Industrije ao bile tudi kiittzirane, ker niso dosegle določene kvote. Safonov je naznanil podvzetje korakov, da sa j situacija isboljša. Truman upa, da §e bo Mihael vrnil na prestol Waehington, D. C., 23. marca. —Bivši rumunski kralj Mihael se je oglaall v Bell hlii in imel razgovor s predsednikom Tru* manom Po konferehe! sa je Mihael sestal a čaanikarji, pred kateiiml je izjavil, da je Tru* man i/razil upanja, da se bo vr i nil v Romunijo ln ponovno t»-sedel prestol. Dalje Je rekel, da ni ra/piavljal s Trumanorn o ustanovitvi rumunske vlade v ' izgnanstvu. Mthael je doapel v Belo hišo v spremstvu Stanlev-ja Woodwerda, uradnika v državnem departmontiA V Beli hiši ae je bivši kial) sestal i dr žavrilm tajnikom Marshallom. Senat glasoval za znitanje davkov Waalungton. D C., 23 marca. —, I Nečit ki določa snižanje do- tih, ko je avtobus zadel ob mino hodninakih davkov «a M.SOO,- na reetl Koah-Pina 000 000 je bil »prejet v senatu S Neuradno poročilo pruvi, da je 7« proti 11 glasovom. Gotovo bilo ubitih v bitkah, ki so se je, da bo |*»novno sprejet, ako pilčele po ■prejetju načrta gle- p« bo Truman vetlral Po spre- de te/delitve Palestine 2 OHO ži- jetju v senatu Je bil načrt po dov rn Arabcev slan nižji kongreenl zbornici. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT OLASILO IN LASTMINA SLOVENS ICE MARODNE PODPORME JEDNOTE Organ of and published by Slovene National Benefit Society . Naročnine se Zdrutene driave (isven Chica«a) in Kenado M 00 na leto. $440 ss pol leU. $2.00 ss četrt lete; ss Chicago in okolico Ceek Co.. 9949 se celo leto. S4.7S te pel lotsi ss Inesemstvo 111 JO. Subecription retesi for the United Stole« (eacepl Chicsgo) snd Canada M.00 por year. Chicsgo and Ceok County ft.&O por yeer. foreign countries 111.00 per year. Cene oglasov po dogovoru. -Rokopisi dopisov in nensročenlh «lankov m ne vračajo. Rokopisi literarne vsebine (črtice, povesti, o rame, pesi« Itd.) se vrnejo poMlJstolJu le v slučaju. če Je prllošil Advertising retes en agreement.—Manuscripts of communications and unsolicited srtides will not be returned. Other manuscripts, such ss stories, plsys. poems, etc.. will be returned to sender only whan accompanied by self addressed snd stsmped envelope. Nstlov na vse, kar ima stik s listom: PROSVETA 2657-59 So. Lswndsle Ave.. Chicago 23. Illinois Komentar o kritiki Glasovi iz naših naselbin Na dragem mestu današnje P ros vete prinašamo kritiko društva 344 SNPJ Iz Sheboygana, Wis., kjer so člani prišli do zaključka, da Prosveta (dnevnik) prinaša preveč gradiva iz starega kraja. Njih kritika je subjektivno morda stvarna in ji s tega vidika ne bomo ugovarjali. Izvira gotovo iz tega, ker jim niso znani objektivni pbgoji, pod katerimi delamo ne samo pri Prosveti, marveč pri vjeh slovenskih listih v tej deželi, posebno pa še pri dnevnikih •rt pogoji so v resnici znani le onim, ki si slutijo ali so si is kduj služili kruh za uredniško mizo. Za boljše razumevanje teh pogo jev tudi pišemo te vrstice. Tudi vaš urednik bi rad priobčil več raznovrstnega gradiva — ako bi ga Imel ali mogel priti do nJega! "Ja, saj ste štirje v ured ntštvu ... kaj pa delate?!" slišimo od časa do časa. Res smo štir je. Toda kadar ališimcf te besede, naa ta očitek obenem zaboli In raz.tzi, kajti s tem Je rečeno, da postavamo ali lenuharimo. Le oni, ki je že kdaj delal pri kakem slovenskem listu v tej dežel' ve. kako se "postava"! Ako bi vsi štirje uredniki delali na dnevniku — ne imeli nič drugega ko dnevnik, bi se tudi na gradivu pregij poznalo. V tem primeru bi» lahko pripravil vsaj šest kolon več izvirnega gradi va na dan — tudi takega, kakršnega žele člani društva 344. Toda poleg dnevnika imamo tudi tedtjik in mesečno revijo The Voice of Youth. Kdor misli, da se kolone gradiva, posebno izvirnega gradivi kar stresajo iz rokava, naj poskusi! Pri nas dela eden uiednik na novicah (prva stran), drugi urejuje slovenske dopise za dnevnik in tilnik in čita odtise (razen prve strani); tretji urejuje angleško sekcijo in mladinsko revijo, napiše par kolon novic na teder in kadar je kdo na počitnicah, pomaga ostalima dvema In počitnice zdaj vzamejo toliko, da smo v uredništvu skozi tri mesece na leto le trije. Tudi delovhtk je danes krajši kakor Je Ul pred teti, sploh do lani Odgovorni urednik pa ima svoje de lo, ki ga opravlja ne samo v uradu, murveč marsikak večer ali neddjO tudi doma. Pretežno večino materiala za ponatis dnevniku ali na zadnji strani angleške sekcije je treba poiskati ali pripraviti doma. In kdor hoče dan «za dnom pisati uvodnike, tu di ne more prazen prihajati v uredništvo. * To so naše objektivne težkoče, v katerih se nahajajo vsi slovenski uredniki v tej deželi, zlasti pa pri dnevnikih, ko mora biti list vsak dan ob določenem času izgotovljen. Pri nas, to je ameriških Slovencih ena oseba urejuje tednik (povrhu pa še Družinski koledar, Majski glas, etc. etc., ali pa glasilo podpyrne organizacije), po ena in pol, dve ali dve in pol osebi dnevnik. Ker smo pri Prosveti štirje, se od nas pričakuje, da napišemo vsaki dan vsaj tri, "če mogoč«" tudi štiri strani izvirnega gradiva, poleg pa še uredimo angleško sekcijo in mesečno revijo! Nekako tako kakor bi obračali seno ali stresali pleve Iz vreče .. . Res čudni pojmi o uredniškem delu. Resnica je, ako bi naši uredniki ne rabili škarlj, bi v Ameriki ne imeli nobenega slovenskega Usta, sigurno pa ne dnevnika, Ne danes ne v preteklosti. To vam bo potrdil vsakdo, ki se količkaj razume na žurnalizem S sllčnlmi težavami se skoraj gotovo bore tudi uredniki drugih tujejczičnlh listov z majhno naklado; iz jama je le tam, kjer ima Ust veliko cirkulacijo ali dosti oglasov m si lahko privošči dovolj velik uredniški štab. Te naše težave razumejo tudi v starem kraju Zato tudi ne protestirajo, če po natiskujemo iz njih tisku Tam ne dobi o zavedajo, ako bi tega nt delali, bi v Ameriki ne bilo nobenega sluha o kakem sloven sfcim listu — z možno Izlemo gla*»l podpornih organizacij. Toda če bi ne imeli dnevnega tiska (v našem primeru tudi Proletarca), bi ne Imeli niti po krivici napaden v Ameriški domovini. V ozadju Gabrovškove tožbe se nahaja vsa slovenska reakcija, ki jt že dolgo iskala prilike, da uniči naše napredno časopisje, ki zavira pot klerikalni propagandi in navaja naše ljudstvo k razumevanju resničnega stanja svetovne politike. Najbolj jih boli, ker ne morejo več vladati našemu ljudstvu. Boli jih dejstvo, da naši časopisi pišejo simpatično o novi Jugoslaviji, katere voditelji se trudijo, da potom pridnih rok ondotne mladine zgradijo moderno industrijsko državo,- v kateri bodo imeli ljudje dostojno življenje. Bolijo jih ogromne tovarne, rudniki in železnice, ki bodo zrastle v jugoslovanski petletki. Končno kar, Cleveland, O., prebitek od!}ih boli šolska in kulturna vzgo-igre "Zadrega nad zadrego." J» nekdaj zaostalih Jugoslovan Skupna društva SNPJ na zapad ni strani Clevelanda preostanek od piknika. Društva in posamezniki so do-sedaj darovali okoli $12,000, kar je še daleč od cilja $50,000. To-Tudi zlobna propaganda, ki da sodeč, po navdušenih dopisih prihaja z desne in leve proti Slovanom, je dosegla svoj višek, ta ko, da se nekateri že odtujujejo raznim nedolžnim zborovanjam. Tudi takim in sličnim problemom Je potrebno posvetiti primerno pozornost s strani našega naprednega časopisja.—Za društvo 344 SNPJ: Fred Toman. predsednik, L. MUostnlk. tajnik, John Spendal. blagajnik. Komentar ie v uredniški ko-loni.—Ured. JANKOVICH V MILWAUKEEJU Mllwaukee. Wis. — V torek zvečer, 30. marca, bo igral Frank Jankovich in njegov orkester v modernem pleeišču v hotelu An-tlerju, 624 No. Second st. Poleg Jankovichevega orkestra bo igral tudi znani Roland Russ ln njegova godba, ki igra moderne komade. * Kogar veseli plesanje, se bo lahko obračal po zvokih staro-krajskih polk in valčkov. Dvo- iM1|M, rana je velika, zato bo za vse dovolj 0roatora. Kdor pa ne pleše, bo lahko poslušal tO popularno godbo, kajti v dvorani je tudi dovolj mehkih sedežev. Vabimo vse Jugoslovane iz in društvenih izjavah iz raznih naselbin, bo ta cilj sigurno dosežen. Prisf>evki prihajajo iz vseh krajev Združenih držav. Nekateri so manjši, drugi večji, toda vsi se hvaležno sprejmejo. Vsi nabiralci hočejo biti "udarniki", kar je znak, da je napred- VESELICA VODNIKOVEGA VENCA Cleveland. O.—V soboto 24. aprila bo v avditoriju SND veselica društva Vodnikov venec št. 147 SNPJ. To bo povojna društvena prva prireditev, zato se pričakuje od članstva vse stranskega odziva. Predpriprave za ta društveni dan so v pol nem teku in med članstvom vlada velike zanimanje. V nedeljo do|x)ldne, 4. aprila, bo redna društvena seja, kjer se še pripravimo, kar nam še manjka. .. , članstvo je vabljeno na to sejo! Lao. Poljšak, tajnik. Pronteaac. Kana.—V mojem dopiau zadnjo sredo o smrti Antona \ Lesiaka je bila pomota. Glasiti bi se moralo, da je umrl 26. febr.. ne 26. marca in da mu Milvvaukecja in okolice, da se je žena umrla lani, ne pred tre-udeleže tc veselice. Na avide- mi leti. Toliko v popravek, nje! • John Marnn. 1 Rok Firm. Silks Is slovenakik Alp: Skuls a Dolgih sten. skih narodov, ki so se uprli brezmejnemu izkoriščanju domačih in tujih kapitalistov. Ker ta reakcija ni mogla tam nadaljevati svojega dela. je prišla v Ameriko, kjer je vsled predsodkov proti Jugoslaviji našimi ugodna tla za borbo proti režimu in ameriško-slovenskim naprednim ustanovam. Večina ameriškega ljudstva je potom časopisja, radia, kina in cerkve prežeta s predsodki do vzhodnoevropskih držav. Zato tudi rev. GabrovŠek računa na te predsodke. Mogoče ima prav? Ampak eno je gotovo: če tožbo dobi ali izgubi, na sebi bo imel črni madež vse življenje. Pred očmi naj ima dejstvo, da v tej tožbi niso prizadeti samo časopisi, temveč vsa napredna javnost. Narodni pregovor pravi: "Kdor toži, dobi sam po koži." In to se bo najbrže uresničilo tudi v Gabrovškovi tožbi. Nasprotniki pravijo, zakaj tar-namb nad svobodo tiska, ker po ustavi vendar lahko pišemo, kar hočemo, toda v isti sapi nam hočejo s tožbami uničiti časo pisje. To je čudna logika, kajti svoboda tiska brez naprednega časopisja ni vredna, da "bi jo pes povohal. Brez naprednega tiska bi postal naš narod mrtev za vsako pošteno gibanje. Brez njega ne bi imeli krasnih narodnih domov, čitalnic, dramskih in pevskih zborov. Brez tega močnega orožja ne bi bili naši rojaki politično in unijsko zavedni. Brez njega ne bi imeli ponosne SNPJ s 70,000 člani in članicami. Brtz našega tiska bi imeli še več Gabrovškov in duševno temo. Zato je Jasno, da moramo ohraniti naše časofritje za vsako ceno Obrambni sklad $50.000 bo najbolj učinkovit odgovor voditeljem rimskih "beguncev", katerim |e pritljikavi naslednik velikega Rooaevelta na široko odprl vrata, da nadaljujejo s svo jim razdiralnim delom. Če bi bili ti "voditelji" iskreni, ne bi V uri preizkušnje pustili svojega nsrods v rokah usode in pobegnili v varno zavetje v i nožem-stvh Ako bi bili iskreni, bi danes pomagali graditi porušeno domovino, kot jo gradijo milijo nt puštmih Jugoslovanov Če bi bili iskreni, ne bi skušali uničiti nsših časopisov, katerih edina krivda je ta. da ptšejo resnico in vzgajajo ljudstvo v duhu ča*a Frank Česen. Federacije S. N. P. J. PROS VET A III I J ■ ——— ZAPISNIK CLEVELAND-SKE FEDERACIJE Cloveland, O. — Zadnja seja clevelandske federacije društev SNPJ ae je vršila 28 iebr. pod vodstvom predsednika Matta Petrovicha. Zapisnik januarske seje čitan in sprejet s temi popravki: Pri društvu 142 so trije ¿lani prestopili iz mladinskega v odraali oddelek. Nova zastopnika federacije pri farmskem odboru sta Frank Zorman in Jennie Grch-man. Soglasno je sprejet predlog, da ae daruje $12 čitalnici SND. Odbor farme je odobril drugo nedeljo v avgustu za piknik cle-velandske federacije. Za isti datum v bodočnosti pa se bo morala federacija zopet obrniti na odbor. Zastopniki so z 21 proti 5 glasovi sprejeli predlog, da federacija ne bo podpirala nobenega političnega kandidata. Predsednik Petrovich poroca; da je poslal ¡časopisom protestno izjavo clevelandske federacije proti A. D. Izjava je bila pri-občena. Člani odbora Atletične lige poročajo, da je bila Eastern In-vitational kegljarska tekma najuspešnejša, odkar se prireja te tekme. Udeležilo se je je 86 skupin. Priporočajo, da bi se starejša društva v večji meri so delovala pri atletičnih aktivnostih in da bi pomagala pri priredbah, ki so vključene v teh tekmah. Za farmski odbor poroča sestra Jennie Grchman, da so kupili peč na plin in vsako društvo ali član, ki hoče peci hrenovke na farmi, to lahko stori zastonj, o Zastopniki za, podružnico 39 SANSa poročajo, da so razpravljali glede predsedniškega kandidata Wallacea. V državi Ohiu potrebujejo 100,000 podpisov. Peticije bodo v kratkem razposlane. Za podružnico 48 SANSa poročajo, da bodo priredili veselico t. marca. Tudi pri njih so diskuzirali o tretji stranki in VVallaceu. Sestra Tratnik poroča, da je koncert pevskega krožka preklican; dne 10. oktobra pa ta zbor praznuje petletnico s koncertom. 12. dec. pa ae bo vršila božični ca, v nedeljo po veliki noči prihodnje leto pa se bo vršil pomladanski koncert. Datumi so sprejeti. _ . Sestra Alma Žagar je postala nova nadzornica krožka št. 2. Poročila društvenih zastopnikov: Zastopniki društa 5 nimajo posebnega poročila. Društvo 86: Spremenili so sejo z nedelje na soboto večer in imeli zelo lepo udeležbo; pridobili enega člana v odrasli oddelek. Društvo 28: Praznovali bodo 30-letnico; imajo kampanjo za nove člane; umrla sU dva člana. Dru štvo 53: Pridobili tri člane v mladinski oddelek; umrl je en član; kupili deset vstopnic sa priredbo podružnic 48 SANSa; po slali protest proti A. D.; imeli bodo skupno sejo s sosednjimi društvi v svrho božičnice; skušali bodo tudi organizirati mla dinski krožek. Društvo 135: Darovali $10 za obrambo našega naprednega tiska. Društvo M7: Darovale so $25 za SANS ln $25 za obrambo tiska; kupile vse poslane vstopnice; pridobile dve članici v odrasli oddelek ln dve v mladin ski; pripravljajo se za skupno božlčnico; pridobile prvenstvo v kegtjaški tekmi. Društvo 13» Umrla je članica Anna Požar Društvo 147: 20 aprlls bodo pracnovali 35-letnico. umrl en Društvo )•*£ Umrla dva dana Društvo 164 Pridobili dva nova člana. Društvo 312: Umrla ena članica Društvo.450 So na dehi za organiziranje mladinskega kmžka Društvo 477 Pri dobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek. Imajo denarne nagrade za redne udeležence sej. Društvo M6: So za skupne božič, niče po naselbinah, pridobili dva člana v odraali in tri v mladinski oddelek . Društvo 57«; Pi k lebdi dva Člana V odrasli <»d dt-lek enega pa s prestopnim listom Drultvo 804 V zadnjih dveh letih pridobili §0 novih članov; so aa ^božične priredbe po okroifth; njih molka skupina si je priborila prvenstvo, ženske pa drugo mesto Društvo 614: Pridobili nekaj članov; so za bo-židhioe po okrožjih. Društvo 742: Vabijo na 15-letnico, ki se be vršila 6. marca v SND; pridobili enega novega člana. Društvo 74«: Sodelovale bodo pri božičnid v njih okrožju. Zastopniki ostalih društev nimajo nič posebnega poročati. Preide se na priprave za fe-deracijsko priredbo, ki se bo vr Raclonalisator Lobnlk Ivan la Marlbora. štva 456 Matt Peklaj; od dru- ge (North (Chicago District of štva 535 Frank Anderluh. Dru- Co op Trading Inc.J. Poleg tega štva 170, 481, 516 in 626 niso bila bo nominiranih na tej seji šest zastopana. ! članov, izmed katerih bodo trije Tajnik-blagaji\ik ie podal fi »«voljeni na glavni seji dne 17. nančno poročilo, ki je bilo spre- «P»1« 1948 v d»rektorij združe-jeto. Zastopniki pa so poročali ne organizacije, o stanju svojih društev, o bolni-' Pred seJ° bodo P^vajane šila 20 marca v SND. Za ples kih in podobno. Pri vprašanju Premične slike pros ave zadruž- bo igral Vadnalov orkester. o Prosvetni matici je sklenjeno, "**» «druženja ali zadružne Razmotriva se glede javnega da federacija ostane še v bodoče in oddane bodo navzočim predavanj, znane pisateljice Ma- članica. Tajnik poroča, d. ima rie Seton in Donalda Hessona, mo zopet na razpolago brez- K«* katera sta se zadnje poletje mu- plačno dvorano za seje v Sloven-, «J ^di zabavna pripo- dila v Jugoslaviji in se na last- skem klubu v Kenmoru, kakor^'^.^^tZ^JSS: ne oči prepričala o tamkajšnjih tudi v dvorani društva Domovi- ^no ln polnoltivilno udeleže. razmerah. Podružnica 39 SANSa ne, kar je z zadovoljstvom .vze j _ je že sklenila, da se ju povabi to na znanje. Pri razpravi o pn- rffMfMrA nMeiravA v Cleveland. Federacija se stri ' dobivanju novih članov, je skle- rnian nja s tem sklepom in bo po njeno, da federacija plača dolar I v waurwasu možnosti skušala zainteresirati za vsakega člana, ki pristopi v| W«uk«gan. III.—V VVaukega-tukaj rojene člane, da pridejo odrasli oddelek in 50c, ako pri- f nu bcmo imeli priliko videti dne na to predavanje. I stopi v mladinski oddelek. Za 3. aprila najnovejše zvočne fil» Navzoči so sledeči zastopniki člane, ki prestopijo iz mladin j me, s katerimi so bili povsod za-društev: št. 5, 26, 28, 53, 126, 129, »kega v odrasli oddelek, se na- dovoljni, kjer koli so bili pre-135, 137, 139, 142, 147, 158, 264/ «rada ne plača. 312, 442, 450, 477, 544, 566, 576,1 Plača uraanikov ostane po 604, 614, 742 in 748. Zaključek starem: predsednik dolar od se- seje ob 10:15 zvečer. Carl bamanich, zapisnikar. S SEJE BARBERTON8KE FEDERACIJE je, tajnik-blagajnik dolar na me sec, zapisnikar $1.25 od zapisnika, nadzorni odbor za pregled knjig enkrat na leto pa tudi po dolarju. Za leto 1948 so bili soglasno izvoljeni sledeči uradni Barbertoa. 0.—Letna seja „ krožne federacije društev SNPJ ki: Predsednik Leo Bregar, podse je vršila 28. dec. dopoldne v Prednik Frank Markovich, dvorani Domovina. Zapisnik tajnik-blagajnik Lovrenc prejšnje seje sprejet kot čitan. zapisnikarica Mary Sušt, Seje so se udeležili sledeči za- stopniki: Od društva 48 Anton Jakich, Lovrenc Frank, Leo Bregar in br. Slanovec; od društva 73 Mary Suštaršič in Frank Markovich; od društva 178 Albin Osretkar; od društva 315 Peter Chufar in Frank Guna; od dru dvajani. Društvi 14 in 119 SNPJ sta povabili glavnega odbornika SNPJ Michaela Vrhovnika, da bo predvajal te filme. Med nami bo tudi naš gl. blagajnik SNPJ in tajnik SANSa Mirko G. Kuhel. On bo nam povedal marsikaj zanimivega. Filmska predstava se bo vršila v ^gornji dvorani Slovenske-Frank, ga narodnega doma, nato pa bo Suštaršič. v sledila plesna zabava v spodnjih nadzorni odbor pa: Poter Chu-far, predsednik, Albin Osretkar in Matt Peklaj. Prihodnja seja federacije se vrši 28 marca v klubovlh pro štorih v Kenmoru, pričetek objVABILp MA . 10. dopoldne. * Mary Suštaršič, zapisnikarica. prostorih. Začetek točno ob pol osmih zvečer. Vstopnina öftc. Za odbor: Frances Zskovsek. Glasovi iz naselbin SLIKE IZ STAREGA KRAJA V LA SALLU Oglcsbf. UL—Podružnica 49 SANS v La Sallu se pripravlja na spomladansko veselico, ki bo 18. aprila v SND. Ta dan boste videli važne dokumentarne filme, ki so bili sneti v Ljubljani ob času nemške okupacije. Videli boste, kako se je škof Rož-man poklanjal Nemcem in Itali janom in blagoslavljal domobrance, ki so prisegali zvestobo Hitlerju in se borili proti ljyd-' skim boriteljem partizanom. Videli boste največjo slovensko izdajico—generala Rupnika Vi deli boste tudi veliko manifestacijo mlade generacije ob prazno- i vanju fizkulturnega praznika v Ljubljani. Prav tako zanimive prizore z Bleda, Ljubljane, Štajerske, Dolenjske, Gorenjske In Primorske. Neka Srbkinja, ki dobro razu me slovensko, mi je dejala: "Ako i boste kazali tako žalostne slike kakor ste jih zadnjič, jih nečem videti." Ne, to pot bodo vse drugačne in za nas nove. Torej vabimo vse tukajšnje občinstvo, da si rezervira ta dan in udeleži te naše priredbe. Vstopnice, ki so po 50c, dobite pri društvenih ' zastopnikih in v SND. Prihodnja seja naše podružnice bo 28. marca. Ne pozabite se udeležiti. Chrlsilna Nadvesnlk. SEJA ZADRUGE Waukegan. 111.—Letna članska seja North Chicago konzum-ne zadružne inkoiporacije se bo vršila v dvorani Slovenskega nar. doma v soboto, 27. marca, začetek točno ob 7:30 url zvečer. Ta seja bo važna za vse člane zadruge, ker zaključene bodo vse zadeve, tikajoče se zgoraj omenjene organizacije. Poslovodja in direktorji vam bodo po dali račune za 1. 1947 in pojasnili o bodočih smernicah Zadružne trgovinske inkoiporacije (Cooperative Trading Inc.). Vršile »e bodo na tej seji tudi volitve predsednika in tajnika za North-čikaško okrožje zadru- DOMAČO ZABAVO Mtlwaukea. —- Društvo Urato-Ijub 234 SNPJ ima navado, da priredi vsako leto enkrat doma čo zabavo. Letos se ta zabava vrši 3. aprila v Rebernikovi dvorani, 539 So. 6th st. Zato ste vabljeni vsi člani in članice, prav tako prijatelji in sosedna društva na to zabavo. Naše dani-ce so pridno na delu, da oodo vsem postregle čim bolje, tudi z domačo potico. Razgovarjajo se, katera bo bolj dobro napra vila. Torej bo že nekaj! Apeliram fudi na vse člane Bratoljuba, da se udeležujete sej, ker so na dnevnem redu vedno važne stvari. Dogaja pu se, da smo vedno eni in isti ns seji. Na zadnji seji smo sklenili, da mora vsak član plačati vstopnico, ako se zabave udeleži ali ne, Zato vas prosim, da pridete vsi, da potem ne bo kdo ugovarjal. Zato imamo tudi mesečne seje. Joe Bochun. tajnik. Veže me tudi dolžnost, da se iskreno zahvalim vsem onim, ki pridno obiskujejo mojega muža v njegovi dolgi bolezni. To je njemu in meni v veliko tolažbo. Se enkrat iskrena hvala. Frances KralnIV. zapisnikarica. 8EJA PODRUŽNICE 1 SANSa Datrolt. Mlch.—Seja podružnice 1 SANSa se bo vi šila v petek zvečer, začetek ob pol osmih v Slovenskem narodnem domu na John R., in sicer Iz razloga, ker se bo prvo nedeljo v mesecu vršila konferenca Michlgan skega slovanskega kongresa. Ta konferenca se bo torej vršila v nedeljo, 4. aprila, v Slovaškem domu. 7151 Strong, začetek ob desetih dopoldne. Naj ne zaostane noben delegat. Na konferenco ste vabljeni tudi drugi, čeravno niste delegati. (Ostalo bo piiobčeno v dnevniku.— Op. ured.) Kathrine Kralna. taj. VABILO NA PLESNO VESELICO Forest City, Pa. — Odbor za dvorano društva 124 SNPJ je na svoji zadnji seji sklenil, da priredimo vstopnine prosto plesno veselico v društveni dvorani. Ta veselica se bo vršila 29. marca v korist dvorane. Začetek ob osmih zvečer, Vsi dobrodošli, posebno pa še člani društva. Več kot nas bo, več bo veselja. Odbor bo preskrbel vse potrebno. Udeležite se in se bomo zabavali v veseli druščini, nazadnje pa tudi kakšno "zaži gali". Torej na veselo svidenje v pondeljek, 29. marca! Za odbor: John Murnlch. PLESNA VESELICA DRUŠTVA 21« SNPJ Frederlcktown. Pa.—Društvo št. 288 SNPJ bo priredilo plesno veselicp v nedeljo, 28. marca, začetek ob osmih zvečer v dvo rani Owls v Fredericktownu. Za ples bo igral Johnny Pe-troskv in njegov orkester. Vsi člani SNPJ in drugi rojaki v tej okolici so vljudno vabljeni, da se udeleže veselice v velikem številu. Na gotovo svidenje! Anten Skvarch, tajnik. Prispevajte v obrambni sklad! Vsi darovi sa obrambo Enako-prsvnosll. Proavela ln Prolelar* ca naj sa pollllajo na naslovi John Pollock. 244W Lakeland Blvd.. Euclid 29. Oklo. Br, Pollock fe blagajnik obrambna-9a aklsda. KOLAR FLORAL CO. Slovene Floriati CVETLIČARNA •111 W. Cemek Rd. CICERO M. ILL. Telegraph ev Pheaet OLYMPIC IM0 • •*• del to Chioace, Borwyn, Oak Park, Lyons. ■rTaaii r uiffl mrr^nni----1 NA NOVO SO SE NAftOClLI NA PROSVETO: Milt Kotur, Sesser. III. Frank Mahnich. Si. Louis. Mo. Ivsnka 8 h Hirer. Cleveland. Ohio Anion Blaiich. Geneva. Ohio Josephine Bails. Johnstown. Pa. Edward Sodmock, Thomas. W. Va. Frank Trader, Milwaukee, Wis. Tred Btokalbush. Sheboygan. W»s. Amalla Chetik. Hock Springs. Wyo. Jakob Makuc. Jugoslavija. Evropa .•.».•««•m---—-----rtrniiu»,,. SVOJEGA OČETA IŠČEJO Pred kratkim so pilili is starega kraja trije odralien», v Dearooln«*, Inwa, rojeni otroci Helen, Lotil» 111 Joseph Cucullch in bi radi Is ved vi I »a njih očeta STANKO 1'UCULl CM A. rodom in Mrkopolja, Gorski Kotsr hliso Delnic na Hrvatskem, kateri menda iivi nekje v Chlcafu, III., in mu niso videli nad IS It t, od kar jih je moti vrela sehoj v staro domovino. Uljudno prosijo rojake, če kilo ve kje se nahaja njih oče, d» Jim to sporoče, nil ako ho on sam to čital, naj se javi na naslov: Louis Cucullch, Ml43 Baltimore Ave, Chi cmbo. Ill—(Adv.) POSILJATVE V STARI KRAJ Denarna darila sa Veliko noč Ako ste namenjeni poslati denarno darilo svojcem v starem kraju sa VclikoncKv a» marca), jc sedaj čas, da to storite,— Vse nale denarne po-šiljatve so iiurantirane |n mi vam pošljemo potrdilo podpisano od prejemnika. < Stroški sa pošiljke od $10 do |S0 tnala jo: sa navadno polto $1.10, sa sramno polto $1 ftO, a sa brzojavno nakasilo $3.75— Pri pošiliksh nad $50 se strošek poviša v vsakem HluOaju xa 25 rentov sa vsakih nadaljnjih DO dolarjev. Blagovna pošlljatve Zadnje »vnse dohlvamo selo veliko vpraAanJ Klede pošiljanja vsako-vratnega hluuu kot jestvin (slasti moke), idravil, orodja, strojev Itd. —Ker Jc tam potreba velika in nujna, smo pripravljeni pomagati rojakom tudi v tem uslru.—Pišlte In pojasnite, kaj hoftde poslati, pa vam bomo poslali potrebna pojasnila in nuvodila. LEO ZAKRAJSEK OonarsI Travel Service. In«. 302 E. 72nd St., New York II, IV. Y. ............ ■ f 1 1 f'frrtoiiiiKj Povrsiek stoeenaklk hrlfeolascev s vela. GLAS IZ CMISHOLMA Chisholm. Mlnn.—1/ naše naselbine se le malokdaj kdo ogla si. Z delom gre tukaj še dokaj dobro. Nekateri delajo po pet diugl 1 jo šest dni v tednu Dra Klnja je velika kakor povsod C> več zaslužiš, več ti vzamejo. Tudi zima se nss je precej držala. Od 9. do 12. marca smo imeli 15 do 25 pod ničlo, Tods prišla bo zopet vesela pomlad Smit tudi nič ne izbira. Naše društvo 322 SNPJ je leto izgubilo že dve članici. Prva je umrla Josrphlne Arko, kakor jt bilo že poročeno, druga pu An gela Krže v star« sli 59 let. V bolnišnici je bila dva meseca 2. marca pa je zaprla svoje trud-ne fc «»kirVuliH' flfttiM-e na 1 1 tli obišeajo kadsr in>«.jo priliko vloge e tel poeolllnlri •avarovane Sa NJIMI pa Padera. Baviafs k Laaa lasnfeaot Cor pava Ilea. Weshtagtea. O. C. Sprejemamo osebna In društvene vloge LIBERALNI OBRESTI St. Clair Sa vlaga a Lue» Ca. IUI St. Clair Avaeoa • Head. M?0 . CLEVELAND. OHIO — »ni i »i»»^—«^ Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON 3724 W. 2!lh S""« PIMM CwaM Mil »r MO AMSWca CALL AUSTIN ITN orrira hoi ma IN l<* « f M IM lu IS C M Lm**i W«dMMl«)ri. ItoluKtti wi< fteaBars Rosidenca! 221« S. Ridgeway Ave ^ kssa ciivlsfé 9449 Ustavile Ušlo srbečico SRAKO* PAST* ie koristno rdrsvik ra stMIfn» «'HI* l/fivno irts^iti ti ša)e in drug» manj ša kol na St bo' IM Ds takojšnjo pomot ca srbelo k nt» H'««» duha. tMrrmadefno ifiiba hirnfikdrtna in n» cahiavs 00 u en dolar ali $1 71 m dvojno vali-Ust. ns SRASON CO. Oea«. S. Iti Sa. Clark «t. Cturg«« fll. In ml /srrt pfdljamo (o p»»#tnlr»# proclo Povrnitev denarja limfni V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti nsšaga Ijubljonoga soproga in otela MARTINA K0SSA Sr. kateri je preminul 2», marca 114«. Dragi mo« ln o£e. dve leH sil še minuli, odkar Ttbo veš med nami nI. s nI g« na dneva, na uro. ds b\ nsm no bil v mislih nsšlh n isko nam estsnoi do kpnes naših dni. Potiva« v miru. -tatu-Jo« oslalii Mary Kosi. sonrog«. dva sinova, ans hči In ItlrU vnuki, ter »na sestra v Jugoslaviji. Sridgoport. Ohio. V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti ' n nsšegs ljubega soproga in ošola MIHAEL BAL0HA kateri je preminul dne 22 marca 1147, Eno loto dni I» le minulo, odkar si Tt nas sspuslil In odšel od AU ml bomo »pomlnjall do konca naših dal. Počivaj v mtrul—Salujoti ostalli John. Mihaal JrM Peler. Prank In Ksrl. sinovli Julija J*, in rannie hšeri in Julija Šalah, soproga v Clarldgo, Penna. V blagi spomin di^ige obletnice smrti naše ljubljena in nepesabl|one soproge in mater« MARIJE IND0F katera ja preminula dna 24. marca I$41. Dv® Isti )• ta minulo, odkar Taka, draga Iona in mati nala. ni vet mad nami. Toda nal spomin na Tabo ni prenehal In a« bo. dokior narava tudi na» na »oklite -a Teboj. Ni ga dneva no ur«, da SI nam ns bila pr«d naitmi o4mi in tako nam bol ostal« de koac« nalih dni. Počivaj v mirut—t*ljijo4i ostalli Josoph Indot Sr.. soprog; Joseph Jr., John, Crnosl, Louis. Blanlay In Hanry. sinovli Albin«. Mary in Josaphino, hl«r«, vnuki In vnukinj«. Bell« V«r-non, R.r.D. No. 2, P«nn«. Naznanilo in zahval* žaloslnoga srca ns*nanj«mo vsom sorodnikom, snancom In pri-)al«l)«m tulno v«st. da |« sa vodno prftminul nal prijatelj in sv«k JOHN K0§AK Umrl j« IS. februarja IS4S In ob smrti j« bil slar «0 lat. Doma |« is Kostanjevi«« na Krki, Do|«njsko v Jugosiavill. Sil i« vdov«« in tu n« sapulta drugih sorodnikov Isvon •«•kini« sestro njegove pokojne lene, v stari domovini oe ve« oljih sorodnikov. Pogreb se je vrlil dne II. februarja t. I. na Čelko nerodno pokopelllš« v Chieagu, III. Pokojni j« bil o« poklicu misar precej prijesan in vesele, milne nareve. Pred leti je bil tudi tl«n pevskega sbers rrenee Prešeren, Na tem mestu se lepmo nsjprisrlnej« ■•hvaliti nos. Vinceni Cetnkarju -a ginljiv poslovilni govor, kaker tudi Žefranevemu pogrebnemu sevodu sa lak« lepo urejeni pogreb. Brina hvala vtem ki ste aokejnlks obiskali ob njegovem mrtva-Ikem odru, vsem. ki ste dali n« resoolego avtomobile in vosllt bres platno v sprevodu ne njegovi sednjl poti k mirnemu počitka na mirodvor. Iskrene hv«la vsem se podarjene mu kresne venee in cvelUee v ssdfiji po-drev. Tebi pe. drogi svak in prijatelj nei. lelime, pollvsj v miru in lehke ne| Ti bode ameriške semlj«.— £«luje*i ostalli Antoni« Ivsniek svskinle ln »oprog. ter Darly Ivansek Hsrris, ae«ebin|«, Downers Orov«, Illinois. Naznanilo in zahvala Pn,9h smo brsojavno poročile Is daljeve dne 7, januarja 1941 rb It. uri dopoldne, keterl nem je nasnanU lalosfno vest, de j« dne I, januarja 1141 preminul nel ljubljeni sin in bret Sgt. LUDVIK R. LENICH Ze nes je to bile nepopisno laiotlne vest o »rnrtl neleg« ljubega rine dele' tem v Avstriji, Rojen |e bil II evgust« 1927 v Nillsbore. III. Nese) domov so ga pripeljali v »obolo. 20. februar!« I Ml in pogr«b »e ja pa vrti! 23. februerja t. I ob 2. uri popoldne n« Oek Orove pokopeittču v Hltlsboro. lil, Nejprlsrčasje se s«bv«limo vsem. bi so nem sleli «b strani In nas lolellli g uri ftalaati. nam pomegelt tn I rešiti solel|e. Leoe hvele društvu It 20« SNPJ, ka tarege lian je bil od sgodne mladoaii pa do konca svojege livl|en|a. ■e po« ion j en 1 kreani venec, ki le bil reanicno lep spleten Is belih In rudetih nogelnov. Hvele leoa predsedniku ln tajnici društva sa ginljiv nagrobni govor In vsem Itanom v Nokomiau. ki so se ud«t«-I1I1 pogrebe, kakor tudi članom »s Wuia. lil. Srtn« hvala vsem. ki ste se poaiovlli od nelega «nledoainega sine Iskren« bv«le vsem se dere vene kresne vence tn cvetlice, vaem. ki sle se udeiollli pogrebe in ge »premilt k mirnemu potllbu ne mirodvor TI p«, drogi sin In bret na» ««tone! nam v 1 rajnem spominu d« konce livtjanja neiege. Pociv«) v miru In lehke ne| TI bode domače a mer like semlj«. Žalujoči eslell. Martin In Ane Leni« h. starHii Martin Jr.. brati Clera Ann. s«etre ter mnoge drugih sorodnikov, stricev In let. V stekam kraju sepwl«e staro mater, tako tudi sorodnike v Pereat rily. Pa. Stri#e Malavl« ln leno Prenret la de« brstrem«. Ri*dya ln Otlo v Orieniu. III. Mlllebere. Illinois. 4 P R O S V ET A SREDA, 24. MARCA 1648 Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jed nota 2657-59 So. Lawndale Ava. Chicago 23. Illinoie GLAVNI ODBOR h vrtni «4mIi VINCENT CAIWKAR, e> prrdM-dnik SS97 So r. A VIOKM. (I tajnik M51 Mu ANTON TROJAR. (I pomo J m tajnik *87 So MIRKO O KUH EL. gl blagajni* • 1887 Ro LAWRENCE GRADISEK, tajnik bol -xW M7 Mo MICIIARI. VRHOVNIH, dlreSl mlad <»ddel 8S87 Ko PHILIP GOOINA, upravitelj Pr««vele M*7 So ANTON GARDEN, urednik PioavrU- M67 Mo Ijiwndale Avr., U»t>d«lr Lawndale Ave.. I.vndtk A v« .. Lawndale Avr . U»nd«k A ve. I.awndair A v«. Lawndale Aw. ("hira*« 23 III ( DIC4MIO IS. III. Chiraco 23. Ill Chicago 23. Ill Chicago S3. III. Chira*« 23. Ill Chicago 23. III. Chiras« 23. Ill PodpradMdaifca RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podprtdordnik 7«9 Middlrpolnt«. Dearborn. Mich JOSEPH CUI.KAH, drugI »*«lpr. d« dm* 417 Wr««Jland Avr. Johnnlown. Pa DnirlSIni podpredsedniki 2IM Mhallcrc Hl . Philadelphia $4. Pa Bon SS. Harmlni». Pa 1237 E SOUi St . Cleveland 3. Ohio JSTJt Randall Sl. Ml Loula IS. Mo 4IS Pkrrc* St . Evelath. Minn 242S Carmuna Ava. Iam Angeles IS. Call! SOS 3rd Sl W . Roundup. Munt JOHN V CEtiUl.AR. prvo rdtrrOje FRANK GRADISEK. drugo «krotlr jo.HEPH riroi.T. t*nio okiotje JOHN SPILLAR. pelo okrolj» l'RSWLA AMHKOZK H. 8eaUi okrotle JOHN PETRIT*. »edmo okrotj« FRANK POUIAK. o ...........Box 27, Arma, Kaosae ......... . 319 Tamar St., Lu/«rae, Pa, 70S forest Ave.. Johrutown, Pa. SOS So. «2nd Ave. W . Duluth 7, Minn, 3804 W. S7th St. Cleveland 2. Ohio Msdaaral »Saab ..... 2301 So. Lawndal« Ava . Chicago a. III. Box 04. Universal. Pa, 3848 S. Lawndal« Ava., Chicago 23 III. 1S30I East Park Driv«, Cleveland. Ohio I7IS2 Mnowden, Detroit 21. Mich. ANTON SHULAR. predaednlk Fit Art K VRATA RICH ....... ANDREW VIDRICH JOHN KOBI. MR CAMILOS ZARNICK FRANK Z4ITZ. predaednlk MICHAEL R KUMER MATTHEW J TURK LOUIS KA FERLE ANDREW GRUM Zapisniki sej gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJ Seja 10 febr. IU4K Predsednik odpre sejo ob eni uri popoldne. NavzoCi so bratje Cain-kar. Vider, Trojsr, Kuhel, Gradišck, Vrhovnih, Godina in Garden. Predložen In sprejet je zapisnik Izvršne seje z dne 28. janusrja t. I. Nsto gl. tajnik predloži sledeče zadeve v razpravo in rešitev: Od centralne organizacije podiuft-nic SANS v Chicagu je pismo, v katerem poročajo, da imajo v načrtu predavanje o Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji, ki se ho vrlilo IS. febr. t. 1. ter zeeno prosijo, da bf jim izvršni odsek doyolil v to svrho dvor rano brezplačno, kur je adobreno. Društvo it. 18». Cleveland. O., poroča o operacijaki zadevi članice Rose Hanko. Na podlagi pojasnilu je sklenjeno, du se operacijska podpora izplača, r Tajnik bolnilkega oddelku predloži zadevo umrlega članu Gen, Ra-kerja od druživa žt. ft, Cleveland, O. Pojasni, da je omenjenegu bol-nega članu imel 1111 na »krni tet pri- Biroča, du sv sinu i/plača ostuli det eUiVe Imlniške podpore. -Odobreno. Nudulje priiPiroču. du s«* Izoluču ostuli d. I bolnižkc podpore hčei i umrlegu člana M. Kopuču ihJ drui tva št 73, llarherlon. O., kur je nu podlagi podatkov odobreno. Ravnatelj mladine nato nredložl končno listo zu nugrude voditeljem mladinskih krotkov /u leto 1H47 ter priporoču. du se odobri kol predloženo. Sklep je, du se laiobrl. Nadalje porota, da Je pripravil načrt za kampanjo /a nove člune, ki naj bi se vržila to Mu v spomin 35-letnice mladintkega oddelka m 10-letnicr mladinskih krožkov. Sle dl daljša razprava, v kuteri so otn«' njene ratne druge aktivnosti, ki so tudi važne ler Jim bo treba pokvetiti potrebni čaa in dovolj cnergtčnosti od naš«« vtrani, nukai Je sklenjeno, da sr nučit odnlm it«r predloži glav« nemu odlunu «tli priliki letnegu cImi> rovanja s pi iporof ilont, da kumpu nja pučtii- s poe« ikoni meveca uvgu ata ter traja do :t(i novembra 1 t, in da ob priliki teh obletnic enkrat v sredi le I a lEtde mladinakl list Tin» Voice «»f Youth v poat^bni rluvnostni 1 vdaji K Nato »o predlolene I«* razne pml nje tu pomijilo /u asesmenl in za t/ir-dno podfHtro Odohn ne mi danem in ia vsote krti sledi Prošnje s« posojilo as«smenta Applicationa Jo» ¡a*mi of A'seiiruiftil I)i užtvn St I A nt gt' Nil 8? Joarph Tuik ml. *u tn mraecv S7 Peter 7.akiajar k in mesece 220 Fiank m Maiy Tiatnik vnak /u fceat tm-sreev " ProAnle sa Isredno podporo DruAtvo At l^rdg«' N'I 3 Anna Vurnuh II&ISI ft Flunk K Rayet Wftoo 24 Angela K lint in Kruuk Skraha n|a \ liak 1 h 1 $ Ml (Ml 4ft Kineat m Johanna Kiall viuik tm A»*al bii micv um «meni »I Joseph Fit/ t2!WWl MS Stella Svir|wMlrin»k\ |3S0o Lift John Aamantch l.tiiiKi Cr<«iigt Hunter f.'tft (Si 2S1 Joa«*ph Ivan« « at» Mm nt tn A*-ht meseci v ft70 Fiank Hirjak tSftOtl 82V Moitin Pt isin aw-isir nt /.1 p. | rnearerv 71ft Frank Piulai 12(1 (Mi 7M John l^rgai aae»itp ni /» ti me M-eev ft" JiMM ph 7.<« ket UOOO K« 1 je ■ um trAi-nn \m kar j* hilo pi iptavlji no /,1 danaAnJn aept. podM-dmk lato /.kljuki uit Milih popoldni*. •S>»«i IS jrhtuatpn I'UK I'r r-rlm dmk odpre jr» y nMVfkgf no«ti vsrli čiatuiv gluviM ga MViAr»« aa ods<-ka Pr«dlo>in in apr< )« I j« /apitoik lžvr*n<- nejr t dnr 1 CI (r bi t I Nalrr f.n dv dmk du p prejel pismo d unije, h kuteri pripadajo naAi pomožni uredniki, prejel zahtevo ta revizijo pogodbe, ki Jo imajo z jed« Vito. Predložili so listo novih pogojev. med katerimi je zuhtivu zu zvijanje pluče, več odpustne pluče in se več 'drugih zahte v.— Poročilo se vrume nu znunje in «klenjcno je, du ožji odbor, v kute-rem no gl, piedsednik. gl, urednik in upravitelj puhlikucij, urunžiru se-* piihodnjlh Ireh let, kar se vzame na znanje. /.aeno >r lt, da irvrAni e«taek rat-loči. da li naj »r naioči ravaiovanje tudi tu »lučaj Litvinr ali ropatake. ga napada na uradnike, ki imajo opiavka z jt-rloutinmt denar |rm S li m Jf rallalal ki r je premija ne« ptičakovano v»»nka - (Mark »malta, du ji .kljub ir mu |mii«*hnt». «la imamo tako zavarovanje m »klenjen« jr da se naroči Ta|nik iM.Irokk« gw oddi tis potuča • «r vade v i omtlrga člana A Dtagar-' ja, iMi diuAtva It S4 za katerega prioMaln 'nrlniAko |Mxlputo ae poganja njegova hčn I« ptiloženih po-I, Out kov jr razvidno da »r akrbrl« za mr la in itdi tega pti|Mir«iča da Si IMS m izplača, kat j« lalohteno It-s natrij mladine pomča. da fe- derail ja društev v Kunso^u želi jed-notine premične slike -za predvaja-nje na prireditvi 1. meja t. !.. kar je odobreno. * Nudelje je odobrena proAnja druAtvu At. ftft®, Chicago, III., tit jedmrli-rie premične «like, katere bpdo predvajali 20. februarja t. I., kar Je tudi odobreno. Ruvnatelj mladine nadalje pred-loJb pioAnjo utletične lige cleveland-skih družtev za denarno podporo v znesku $430. kakor je priporočil narodni odbor za atletiko.--Odobreno. Nsto je razprava o raznih opera-gijskih zadevah, ki so bile predložene vrhovnemu zdravniku v pregled. Na njegovo priporočilo so udobrene članom in za vsote kot sledi: ftt. druž. Imi- Vsoto 10 Valentine Yugovich .........$160.00 89 Joseph Kttstelich .............. 80.00 105 Boris Demanchek ........... 25.00 I^ouis Dragan .................. 25.00 128 Tony Sumsa .................... 25.00 130 Christina Jerom e............ 25.00 292 Frunk Casermun ........ ... 100.00 Zaključek seje ob 3:40 Seja dne 23. februarja 1948 Predsednik odpre sejo ob eni uri popoldne. Razen ravnatelju mladine so navzoči vsi člani gl. izvrAnega odseka. Br. tajnik nato prečita pismo od druAtva At. 86, Chicago, 111., v katerem poročajo, da bodo 10. aprila imeli slsvnost 40-letnice svojega obstanka ter prosijo, ds bi se all gl. predsednik ali gl. tajnik udeležil kot govornih za Jednoto,—-Se vzame na znanje in proAnji ugodi. Od sestre Mergarete Colarich, članice druAtva At. 108. Ely. Minn., je proAnja za odAkodnino. Omenjena trpi za paralizo že nad dve leti. Odsek smatra, da je v smislu pravil upravičena do odAkodnine ter sklene, da se ji izplača vsota $300. Tajnik bolniAkega oddelka poroča o zadevi umrlega br. S. Tratnika od druAtva At. 105, Indianapolis, Ind. Kakor Je iz poslanih poročil razvidno, je omenjenega za časa bolezni imel na skrbi njegov bratranec, ki prosi, da se njemu izplača ostali del bolniAkc podpore umrlega. Priporoča, da se mu ugodi, kar je odobreno. Nudulje priporoča tajnik bolni-Akih podpor, da se za umrlo sestro julijo Christopher od druAtva At. 215, Virginia. Minn., nakaže ostala podpora njenemu očetu, ki je za njo skrbel.—Priporočilo te odobri. Nsto gl. predsednik In gl. tajnik poročata, da sta se udeležila letnegu zborovanja organizacije Illinois Fraternal Congressa, ki se je vržllo v Chicagu 20. in 21, februurja t. t. Radi nujnega dela se jima ni bilo mogoče udeležiti več ko en dan.— Se vzame na znanj e Sledi ruzpravu o raznih operacijskih zadevah, ki jih je vrhovni zdravnik pregledal in jih priporoču gl. IzvrAnemu «nlseku v končno reAitev, Odobrene so članom in zu vsoU* kol sledi: ftt. druž. Ime Vsotu 8 Mary ZutkoVich ........ $35.00 31 I^juis Godina ........... i 25.00 35 William Golobich 25.00 53 Christ Mandel ........... 25 00 61 Louis Bozich ......25.00 64 Jakob I.ikar ...................... 25.00 91 August Kortylak ........ 75.00 145 Frank Drobiž .. 35.00 155 Albin Možina ....... ... 25.00 386 Angeline Zupančič ..,. .:, 25 00 544 Winnihuld Wiesnewsky 25.00 (134 George Lukich . 25 00 750 Helen L Orgovich..... 25.00 S tem Je končan dnevni red in predsednik zuključi sejo ob 2:30 pop. V. CAINKAR, gl piedsednik. F A VIDF.R. gl. tajnik. ,Dr. it. Lodge No. 56 Odstopila: Louise Galicic, c. SPREMEMBE PRI DRUftTVIH me**cn februarja 194H CHANOES IK MEMBERSHIP for th§ month of Febrw.ry, 1948 Dr. At. Lodge No. ' 2 Umrl: Anton Kopuc, e, 28601. 3 črtani zopet sprrjeti: Bozice Napijalo, c. 118719. George Pe« rich. r. 118958, Edward G. Bar« dar, c. 108192. John J. Bardar, c. 104651, Mildred Bunda. c. 104838, Dewev Paulovich, c. 97410, Suvu Per ich, c. 104082 Črtani George Bunda. c. 26731, Nikola Bondy. c. 106242, Helen M Sabo, c. 117870, Stella Sabo. c 117537, 5 črtan Tony Tuikovich. c. 53884 6 črtani Emil B u s h m i r e, c. 121097 Dorothy Croato, c 1046ft* Blanche J Gonze. c. 9tMM»o Walter L e s n e s k l, c I04Ü.V» lUtty Jean Miele, c. I103A3 8 črtana Z< rka Mutirh. c. 118132 10 Umi I John Krza. r. 112877, 14 Umi I l.oui» Knzay, c 85741. 16 črtan Frank Mraz. c. 103875 19 črtan Roheit Henry Zalokar. C 109474 21 Umi I Primož Knafele. r. ftS444 24 Umrli Albin A Grilc. e. 89371« lllOSft Ftank Grbe. c. 33207-112091 > 27 Umrl Anton Letjak. c. 3227 28 Umrli: John Kaidell, e 113271, l^nii» Ko»much c. 111028 29 či lana »op« t sprejela Gloria Du« B PalBU I « 121131 «"»I ni Rr tty Flota» Bray, e 106206 Wealthy F. Comb» r 101100. Th« Ima l^«ui*e Davi», e 119627 34 čitani Cvetko Sknrjanc. r 116743. Sli ve Skotjane Jr., r 116750 j 36 Čtlan Carl Marek, e 101479 41 čttan Paul Ki Itn. c 76489 53 Umrl John Hat hI» e. 35946 Cr tanj Rachel Httainie. c 74356. Fteanol Oginv r 91176 Frank iVtrtr, r 9I07I-III636 57 Umrl: Joseph Jezltec, c. 37350-I10234. 02 Umrl: Anton Geshet, c. 113360 64 Umrli: Julia Dermota. c. 92397 Anton Dragur. c. 8670. 84 č c t a n a: Ros«' Henderson, c. 84196. r 85 Črtan: Steve Krcelich. c. 99440. 86 Črtana: Mary Andrews, c. 83717. 89 Črtani: Predfrtck P. Campbell, c. 120613, Thomas L. Kelly, c. 121101. 100 Črtana: Carolina Romugnolo, c. 115655. 105 Umrl: Stefan Tratnik, c. 11282. 109 Umrla: Johena Turk, c. 9278. 110 Umrl: Ferdinand Susnik, c. 26147. 111 črtan: Lawrence W. Sernak, c. 105880. 118 Umrli: Joaeph Pividorl, c 59516, Louis Iskra. c. 42866. Črtani. Lucille R. Pugel. e. 100899, Carl F. Seljak, c. 108793, Murie Tre« bec, c. 99459. 119 Črtan: Cari A Celui ic. c. 102723. 120 Odstopila: Mildred Pardich, c. 106269. 126 črtani zopet sprejeti: Anne Hu-doklin, c. 06340, Mary Babic, c. 98004, Frank Suhadolnik, c. 109705. 134 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Vincent A. Pozun, c, 94986, Jennie M. Pozun, c. 99424. 139 Umrla: Anna Požar. C- 43717. 142 Umrla: Eva Marquette, c. 66095. Črtani: Sylvia Kusunic, c. 91350, Martin Krass, c. 93577, Alice May Kushan, c. 108613, John Kushsn, c. 97672. Jack J. Lend, c. 121200, Mildred Malovasic, c. 41630, Elizabeth Markovich, c. 118759, Anthony Maurich, c. 117723. 145 Umrl: John Susa, c. 62746. 158 Umrl: Roheit A. Ivancic, c. 94536. Črtan: William Kozar. c. 118210. 163 Črtana: Wilma Grace Edging- ton, c. 105078. 166 Črtan: Stanley Skvarca, c. 108425. 178 Odstopil: Joseph Urbas, c. 114927. 182 Črtani: Emily J. Tomsich. c. 108823, Marjorie M. Zganjar. c. 102145. 186 Črtan: Martin Oven, c. 54629. 207 Črtani: Anna Simonlch, c. 22699, Louis Simonich, c. 93088, William F. Simonich, c. 109153. 218 Črtan: Frank Zado, c. 118232, 235 Umrl: Frank Plstotnik. c. 19756. 236 Črtan: Peler Vestlch, c. 102155. 241 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Philip No-kovlch, c. 117281, Rudolph No-kovich, c. 117283, Nick Noko-vich, c. 117282, Mildred Noko-vich, c. 117280. Črtani: Caroline Ptak, c. 109391, John Ptak. c. 104934. i 242 Črtan: Emjl Celostin, c. 108643. 245 črtan: Seeondo, J. Brlselli, c. 122447. 250 Črtan: Joseph Trosley, c. 111805. 251 Črtan: John J. Puccl. c. 112439. 208 Črtan: Murtin Zuzek, c. 82979. 271 Umrl: Frank Puvlenc. c. 45953. 277 črtano: Katherine G e r a k. c. 120913. 280 Odstopila: Albertu Helen Britt, c. 108128 285 črtan: John Kross, c. 55691. 287 Črtani: John Latzo, c. 101757, Frank A. Nemeth, c. 106357. 289 Črtan: Pete Seganos, c. 97298. 292 Umrl: Joseph' H. Batove, c. 115347. Črtani: Gino Mucci, c. 118266. Michael Pribish, c. 120932. 295 Umrl: Josip Damej. c. 8877. 299 Črtani: Eda P. Golli, c. 104006. Mock Walters, c. 100240. 318 Umrla: Mary Skoda. c. 64667. črtana: Frances Leonard, c. 80568 322 črtani zopet sprejeti: ' Helen Jonce, c. 120945, Joseph J. Junce. c. 120946. črtana: May Gra-disher, c 107067 337 Umrls: Rozaliju Gregor ic, c. 42489 344 Umrl: John Simone, c. 29764, črtani zopet sprejeti: Ralph Be. niger, C. 90644, Adolph Fale, cj 112772 ^ 358 črtan: Sam Steponovich, c. 98754 365 Črtana: Stella Squire, c. 99015. 372 Umrl: Louis Kres. c. 39906 380 črtani: Frances Kavolczyek, c. 40045, Anna Miller, c. 40035, George Spengler, c. 72458, Frank Vichuiski. c. 58196 381 tJmrl: George Preskar. c. 32255. 383 Črten Dan Sabun. c. 109856 389 Črtan Pete Strako, c. 90221. 395 Umrlg: Anna Zubjek. c. 7511,_ 400 črtan Ludwig B o g a t y. c. 100087-114871. 407 črtan Edward Luku»ick. c. 108466 450 črtat* ropet sprejeta: Louiae A Pengal. e. 104978. 464 črten. Joaeph Chavka Jr.. e 109652 490 Umrla Thervea France» Crist, c. 106149, 503 črtana Ji-nnie Novak. c. 100992 558 črtana zopet sprejeta Gertrude Watzak. c 96402 ft59 Umrla: Mary Bocln4hky. c. 91068 črtgni ZopetJ soiejeti Ututsc G.«te, c. 103464. Edward MijeUki. r. 119697 črtani Helen Brtiwnell. c. 85859 Ann Frnltck. r. 108706, Margaret Krontz. c. 914(14 Anno Loker. r. B9091, Marion Murrey. C. 109972 Edward Srhaachl, r I03R95. Mary Pudolmk. e. 85611 564 črtaQI Viola Albert r 121376. Stev Fabvanle c 101211. Leslie H Flieget «Id, e. 121360. Louiae A Fitzgerald e. 121381, Geoige kalte h e 117504 ft*l črtan Jo«rpB J Leben, r 96143 570 črten wpet «prelet: Joaeph Atvvandet c 101740 561 či tan Emil R«dltrk. e 61756 564 čilem Matgatrt Koarog. c. Dr. M. Lodge Nu. 91640, Albert I^mcharich. c. 86522 ^ 586 Umrl: Ivun Jurete, C. 65032. 589 Umrl: Nicholas Klim. c. 91262. črtani: Lee E. Boyle, c. 121412, Mary Hochkraut, c. 108648. - Ethel L. Rush, c. 120748. William C. Rush, c. 120749. 4 591 črtana: Anna Mary Long. c. 101018. 594 Umrl; Anton Gersich. c. 65699 600 Umrla: Mary Zabrtc. c. 39568. 606 Črtana: Pouline Filakr c. 103015. 609 Odstopil: Frank L. Godina, c. 96745 611 Črtan: Matthew Wekell. e. 61235. 618 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Anna Bocko, c. 87750. 629 črtan zopet sprejet: Steve La- povich, c. 105457. 665 Črtani: John G. Adlesic, c. 121061, Patricia A. Podvasnik. c. 121493, William J. Podvasnik. c. 121494, Mary Lee Walsh c. 121506. 680 črtan: Victor R. Wycich, c. 119865. 699 Črtan: Louis Vukovcan. c. 88862. 700 Črtana: Mildred Carlson, c. 119968. 715 Črtana: Mary Martha Berg, c. 109084. 721 Umrl: Anton Zogar, c. 19451. Črtani: Mary Cerjeck, c. 86189, Mary Ann Cholak. c. 120339, Bernice M. Golixer, c. 121700, Agnes Michcic, c. 92724, Rose Plodinec, c. 78571, Geroldine Ann Weber, c. 121955 728 Črtana: Rose Zrlmsek. c. 92225, 739 Črtan: Florian Flglel. c. 97606. 749 Črtani: Cari H. Respit, c. 121533, Martha Agatha Servinsky, c. 108505. 753 Črtani: Florence Martinac, c. 96782, Peter Martinac, c.. 95451). 759 Črtano: Jennie Bogo roe, c. 120803. F. A. VIDER, Sec'y—gl. tojnik. Slika kaio Benjamina Falr-loeea. predaednika U. S. Steel Corp.. ki jo prod kongresnim odsekom dejal, da jo bilo sadnjo svišanjo con j oklu sa $5 do $7 od tono "v inioroau Javnosti in noinflacijako." Jeklarski truat Jo od lanakoga februarja io trikrat svlšal cono. v coloti sa S 15.50 od tono. kar sneeo &es milijardo dolar Jov letno. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI Nakacana dna U. marea 1S4S < REPORT Or SICK BENEFIT PAYMENT Payment of March II, IMI 1 Mary Pewkaa ISO. Frank Struna t». Frank Mali! $18. Theresa Mahnte $33. Mary Kramaratch W0, Urh Janodlch $17, Anton Mahnich $ftS.M, Prsncea K lanar?k $12. S Mary Lunder $36. John Tomaich $14. Alolala Kerzisnik . $39. Anna Kua $1390. Malt Snyder $41. Philip Viti-goj $30, Frank Poz*relli $31. Frank Race $43.50. Matt Zullch $M. AntoS Pucell $00. John Lazar $M. John Za-veri $30. Lukas Jsinnik »3G, Joseph Susterslr $17.90. «^Victoria Marie Zeman $30. Mildred Vtablch $17, Margaret Usnik $7. Frank Drobne $39. Andrew Klsnenlk $16, Andrew KUncnA $32, Richard Pinter $37. Rudolph K ram rar $17 90. Rudolph Kramcar $39. Joaeph Matulowicz $28 7 Ida Pusnik $38, Caroline Gregory $18. Valentin Rednak $1$. Frank Zurman $37. John Ocepek $29, Mary Sturm $33. Prancis Ranlerl $2 10 Kathryn Noble $30. Pred Bersnock $28. Lo/renc Demahar $38. Peter Mi# sich M. Thomas Puchoskt $34 13 Mary Burlenakl $20, Frank Doirnc $39. Frank Dolenc $39, Josepn Olivar $98. Anton Marina $33. John Grill $17 21 Joarph Pecek $31. Prank Stark Jr. $40. Agata Solu $30. Anna Kern $S0. Nick Radakovlch $14 90, Mohär Strum-bel $30. Mohär StrumbOl $30. Nick Chuich $90. Primor. Knafelc $«. John Patur $34 ' 47 Norm« Gnrsek $9 48 George Hanzel $22. Joseph Valcnclc $11. Joaeph Valenclc $11 48 Frank Kleanlk $1$. Joaephlne Zttntk $17. Clara Pajnlch $1». Anton Yelenc SIS. Joalp Umek $80. Anton Lapainr $06 $3 Ooaephlne Glbba $30 88 Mary Leonard! $1$ 90. George Hrva. tin $38. Elizabeth Angelo $21. Anton Turkn $58 M Mary Prah $30 $ft Jenny Rupnik $20 02 Anton Štrukelj $37 I05«ylvta Naumsek $10. Anton SchuiigoJ $39, Steve Qualiza $28. Albert Albin $31, Roae Banlch $33 Mary Roba» $37 107 Roer Wrlachnlk $18. 114 Jennie Nelson $1!. John Wlditz $18 118 Joseph Jurlrvlc $32 134 Josephine Tsucher $8 Pearl Storkich $38. Anton Dolenc $27, Anton Dolenc Ml Matt Offtajc $39 137 De lores Bas» $30. Mary BeUJ $33 An-gel« Sever $22. Cstherfit? Jevec $4 France« De Vito $1$. Amella KoH«| $97. Antonia Cvpek $1330. Veronika ftedmafc $28 M*ry Blzjak $30. Prant, 462 Mary Thomas $S0. 477 Olga Zadnlk $30. Frank Jakulln $19. I John Znebelj $74. Antoni« Sila $40 483 Hermina Barach $33 48» Agnes Pranko $37. 994 Anna Dcus $41. i 904 Mary Robinson $5. 566 Otilla Juby $15 570 John Braniael $17.50. Frank Kaatelic $35. 581 Mary Folllck $20. 5M Mary Neumueller $20. Laura Jereb WO. Henry Strukel S3 580 Joaeph Mrny Jr. $6. Jennie Tomaic $»7 500 Marie Bratuah $5 600 Mary Kinney W. 804 Katherine Amacher $20 605 Antonia Blazina $32, Peier Wllfan $14.50. Marko Jurclc $18. 608 Henrietta Lovahin $20 612 Anton Strm«IJ $22 614 Mary ToUr 832 50, Mary Krnel $28 Loula Marolt $31. Franc*» Ponlkvar W3.50, Mary Dolaak $14. Stanley V«-raj Wl, Vinko Znidaraic $24 SZ6 Jennie Lukezic $20 628 Ferdinand Zorko $50. Joaeph Katlch $6 «31 Dorothy Hofeld $30. Lillian Kaltinger $20, Loietta Pugl $1$. Joarph Abram $14. 633 Pauline Zalokar W4. Loula Hkubic $39. Kather'nr Pouhr $14.50. «40 Mary Marn $28 645 Stefie Gobara W. Matilda Garbarl, no W «55 Frank Marcun $66. «6 Prancea Geratel $9, Frank Cestnik W5. John Kolar $38, Rudolph Kamin $30 657 John Skantel $4. «88 Frank Kodra Jr. $50 721 Anton Zsgar $23. 741 Joan Lonik $30 745 Peter Chrlstman $10. Annle Capuder $39. Martin Moneta $03. 799 Rone Faulk $30, Ann Gorlck W. George Bane $10. SKUPAJ—TOTAL $0.497 90 LAWRENCE GRADISEK. laj. bot. odd -Sec'y S. B. Depl. Društvene vesti Trinidad. Colo.—Na zadnji seji društva 66 SNPJ se je br. Anton Udovich odpovedal pred-sedriištvu. Vzrok je, ker je kupil hišo v AKuillarju in se bo tja preselil. Torej pozivam vse člane, da se udeležite prihodnje seje 4. aprila v navadnih prostorih, da si izvolimo novega predsednika. Br. Udovich je bil dober predsednik. Pridite vsi na sejo, da si izvolimo še boljšega. Potrebno je tudi, da na tej seji nekaj ukrenemo za svobodni tisk—za obrambo Prosvete, Enakopravnosti in Proletarca. Tukaj imamo zelo hudo zimo. Je veliko snega in tudi tak rnraz, da ljudje še ne jsomnijo. 5. marca smo imeli 20 jxxi ničlo. Tudi bo dosti vode, ko se bo snega začel tajati. Polona Marinac. tajnica. Aurora. Minn. — Društvo 43 SNPJ jx>ziva svoje člane, da se jkilnoštevilno udeleže izredne seje, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo, 4. aprila ob 2. popoldne v mestni dvorani. Sklep zadnje seje je, da se združimo z društvom 111, kar bo po naših mislih v korist obeh društev. V naselbini kot je naša je dovolj samo eno društvo, ne pa tri, kakor jih imamo danes. Časi so minuli, da bi bil za vsakim vogalom nov član in kolikor nas je, smo že vsi zreli! Na mladino se ne moremo zanašati, ker ni zainteresirana v društveno življenje kakor smo bili mi. Ker ga še na sejo ne moreš dobiti, kako naj se potem uživi v društveno življenje. Žalostno, ampak resnično. Torej bratje in sestre, pridite vsi na to sejo in povejte svoje misli, da bomo prišli do zaključka, ali se združimo ali še naprej životarimo. Zapomnite si, da. v združenju je moč! In to je, kar mi potrebujemo in kar nam bo zopet prineslo novo življenje pri skupnem društvu. Joeopfe Omersa, tajnik. Glasovi iz naselbin IZ MANSFIELDA Mansfield. O.—iz naše naselbine se nihče ne oglasi v Prosveti, zato hočem napisati nekaj vrstic o tukajšnjih razmerah, da bodo rojaki vedeli, da smo še pri življenju. fia društvenem polju še nekako obstojamo, a o kakem napredku ni govora. Na dan 21. marca smo imeli sejo društva 238 SNPJ. Razpravljali smo, kako podvigniti društveno blagajno, končno pa zaključili, da vsak član jn članica plača $1.50 izrednega društvenega asesmen-ta za kritje društvenih stroškov. Ta asesment članstvo lahko plača tajnici kadar hoče, toda ne kasneje kot do decembrske seje, drugače tajnica ne bo sprejela rednega asesmenta. Na seji smo tudi zaključili, da prispevamo iz društvene blagajne $10 za obrambo našega naprednega tiska. Tu prilagamo poštno nakaznico za omenjeno vsoto, katero izročite obrambnemu odboru. Tu v Mansfieldu se dela še dosti dobro, toda plače so majhne v primeri z današnjo draginjo, tako da velike družine si ne morejo kupiti potrebnih sredstev za vsakdanje življenje. Naj še omenim, da se tudi članstvo našega društva navdušuje za Wallaces, a kaj pomaga, ko propaganda proti njemu narašča dnevno. Časopisje in radio kriči na vse grlo, da je on komunistični sopotnik. Bojim se, da bo reakcija zopet usjrela, kajti ima vse propagandno orodje pod kontrolo. Kljub temu pa bi bilo zelo dobro, da bi Wallace dobil mnogo glasov, kateri bi vsaj nekoliko prestrašili Belo hišo. Leo Turk, zapisnikar. Spuičanje * Duller) sklepu Pošiljanje moke, velikih in malih paketov preko Reke v Jugoslavijo A) KOT DO SEDAJ NADALJUJEMO Z POŠILJANJEM STANDARD GOTOVIH PAKETOV At. 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. in 6-vsak zase v lesenem zaboju in naslovljeno na prejemnike. Od lah it. 5 segteji Is 100 funtov najfinejia MOKE sa cano 818.00 —e itav. 6 vsebuje: 40 funtov špagetov, 30 funtov rlfta. 36 funtov sladkorja In 30 funtov šolana kava . . . sa samih 636.50. S temi vsotami Je v naprej plačan prevo* do Reke in zavarovalnina proti ixgubitvi zaboja pošiljke do prejemnika. Pakete lt. 5 in 6 ae lahko pošlje skupaj, drugače pa samo en paket na vsako osebo z enim pomikom Danar Ja poalati g naročilom R) Ako gornje ne odgovarja za vas. tedaj lahko poljubno naročite veCje poiiljkr ii noiega cenika, ali za poslati vaio hrano, obleko obuvalo, stroja, orodje, barvo, itd. C) SIGURNEJ.AE POŠILJANJE MANJŠIH PAKETOV Pri nos lahko naročite sedaj mnogo različnih manjših paketov, (do 44 funtov), kateri bodo sami zase zapakirani v kartonu, vezani' z železnimi obrobi so veije varnosti. Cena je nitja od pošte, paketi so zevarovani. Vprašajte za nodaljne pojasnila Voled novih predpisov sakljutujomo prajamanja m rotil 16 dni r--y mMy ^ „i,^ lo M,ve them the New York Central for the trip u i)9it0r economic system with bet. to Detroit, the last weekend in April, ,|v|nj| „nrt wfHking condllloiv» for the national SNPJ bowling tour- j Nnd l)w|ll,r ptty| und lhus a better nsrnent Those wanting to travel nfr u B^ol(|V the Lily t-odgr on A owl II Tukrt* are now avail able Don't miaa it becauae this will be the beat ever sponsored by the lodge BUTCH. 7*4 with the Pioneers should notify Frank Groaer, Paul Chapman Jr., Frank Kulhanek, Joseph Mersol or the Pioneer secretary. Bee suae "of the reatrictibns which are being im posed on the rsilrosds to cut Iheir traffic by 25%, it will lie well to get the information together a. to how many will make the trip, »o that w.r can be asauiad of the special coaches. --Matt Brinovec, who won the dou bles in Hhtrbyogan with U»uis Zef. ran, bowled with his company team in the ABCs last Friday night,— Larry Gradtsak rang up s .tring of strike, in a beautiful 925 aerie, in 4 game, at the Hyde Park Recreation lisnduap tournament laat week A« a result he la leading the tournament and stands to win $1,500 if his score is not surpassed —Char le. Car-roll was Cheered for his fine game of 245 in the Pioneer league last Tuesday n»ght, For sis yers Charles has been bowling with the Pioneers and contributing his dimes to the dime pot It waan't until last TllOS nti' that when the Walt Street Journal knocks the Socialists, It does it for only one reason: to retain the eon trol for themselves and keep the little fellow from getting a blggi share of the good things It's high time that the young people In the SNPJ realise this and that they study and learn the Ideals and the pin poses of a colleCtlvist ■ystem, such as Is lielng uiged on the people in many quarters of the earth, today Frank Yankovic Plays in Milwaukee Mar. 30 MILWAUKEE, Wls.-Just a final reminder, thst the Yankovic liooatrr Club, comprised of the Fun-O-Leers' Club and associates, are sponsoring a lug gala dancq, held at the beautiful and spacious Hotel Antlers' RalliiMun, 624 N 2nd st„ Tuesday, night, March 30, featuring Frankle Yankovic and his popular Columbia Recording llutid. co-starring Milwaukee's own Rhus Roland and his or chest i a Don't fall to attend JOHN MAREN Happiness can only Virtue.4'oleridge, In* built on Young Americans DETROIT Spring has arrived and that mean, one thing for MNI'J bowlers to think about That Is the National SNPJ Rowling Tournament which will Im held here in Detroit, April 23, 24 and 25 The Detroit tournament committee is ax pectin* a record-breaking entry for Their experta- ...... „ ............... _ this annua) event day "that he waa able to annex the | lions should be fulfilled as reading dimrg | all articles In the Prosveta, the bowling - minded SNI'J members an heading to Detroit for the big af fair. For information on hotej reservations and for the convenience of the housing committee pleum send your reaetvatlon in. at least three weeks before the tourney Don't foiget iMiwIlug entiy dead-line March 26 Attention all Young AmerUan howlers Any bowler wishing to participate in our nalionel tournament contact either Joaephlne Sp* tidal, TW 0174, c»» Charlea Hefty. UN 4-5202 The Slovene National Home ate sponsoring a drawing to inc rea« their buiudmg fund The fust pn/e will lie a l we-door Chevrolet sedan obtained from Dirk Connell I'ehvrn let lnr„ In llatnttatnck (through the help of Joe Sonn; second pure. Philco refrigerator and third pti/e, combination radio The dt awing will take place at the SNPJ P«d. ration pimic, July 28 at Welcome Park You can obtain tlrkela from practically any SNPJ memlar Also available ate SND .haiaa which ran be had try contacting tin wilier or I He club manager Urban Katun Renewal of youi club membership will tie accepted by the SND man-•fet also When you ar* deckling For the Howlers' Dance of Hatur-day. April 10. the committee will need a lot of worker. Eddie Hudele is setting a good »sample, however, in volunteer Ing to take < ate of one of the aervice poaia, Others are requested to do likewise A meeting of the bowlers la called for Friday, March 2«, at the Center at 8 p m , in order to iron out some wiin kle. pertaining to the Pioneer league and in order to org*me the acmsds for the Pioneer tournament and the national SNPJ tournament, accord ing to a statement laaued by Frank Groaer Thia la a laat call for Pio nee«« to enter thaae two tourna mente Our support of the national tournament ha. elway. Iwn com-meneurate with the aise of the lodge We have always done out .hate end we anticipate that the responee of our members for the national tournament thia year will lie equally as good—Joeepti Zoubi, II« N I Itli ave , Melroee Park, haa been added to the aick hat So ha« Antonia Bibel who reside, in Tucson. Arlro-na and William Petec-be who is at the Evanaton hospital—A raid ftom I y zoia Zorko toll, ua that he la en-prying the warm rlimate of Florida, __The Iitlir* of treasurer the Stale I of Illinois wa. established in 1818 for a weekend of enjoyment have in mlnd the old SND on John lt. where Ihne la dum ing every Set-urday With mu.te hy Stan Krainx and Sunday evenlng, tnu.lc by Rudy Messer. We ha>t tiie pleaeure of having Frank Porovne and hla Muaical Nlyllsta fiom Verona, Pa, foi out 1 e Cent annlversary da nee Thta waa ihelr f|gat appearance her»- Ttieir mimic wa. really enjoyrd by the laige.t altfüdenre ever hud at the Hlovene Wotkers Home, Included in the tiugi' turnout, we had the pleaaure of having Vitictnl Cainkar and Fred A Videi and alao a outn-Im-i of Veriiniaha l«d Ity our old Iitend l.any Caaaol The SNPJ rnendrei. had the pleaauie of Hio. Ceinkai saying a few word. and also pullmg the winning .tubs fot the Yourig Arnetlcaii buwler. draw-ing Ist ptlie, comhinatlon radio, Ed Pestovnlk; 2nd ptue, mis mästet, D«'ta Jutiko, 3td ptise, elec-tuc chef M Kaminski; 4th prise, Im.willig ball, I«ooi. Delatlre, 5th prl/e, toaat matter, F.thel DnlettU; nIii prise, waffle-iron, Leo Flac-k, an additmnel prise donated by Stimar Hardware, fout lecords, won by Rotiert Krumm. All bowlt-r* who still have danre t u k eis out ph aae turn thrm in to the rommlttee )ust aa sc am Sa poa-»Ible The Juvenile Telegraph« bowling lootuey will take place at the l'almer Park Ketreation Single» and double« Set urday. April I, at 2 p m and team Sundy April 4, at II a m Come out ano encourage our future SNPJ bowling stars. JOSEPH (»OI.IA, M4. S. N. P. J. SPORTS Tourney Time . NilitMl Tournament CHICAGO.—The deadline for entries to the SNPJ National Bowling Tournament is midnight .Fridky, March tS So aU Pioneers who hove not as yet pet tn their entries have until Thursday night, March 35. Entries will be taken in St the Savings Sf Loan office, 3810 S. Lawn-dale ave. up to 8 p. m. Thursday night , For more information call Lawndale 2344. The tournament is divided into two classes, A and B. For men in class A they must average over 800 in the team event. 330 and over In the doubles and 110 and over in the singles «vent, and for women in class A It's SSO pins and better for the team event, 360 and over in doubles and 130 and ever for the singles. In class B for men the team ave rase must be 790 pins and lower, 310 and lower in the doubles end 180 and lower for the smgles. For woman In elms B it's 040 and loss in the team event. 3M and less in the doubles and 130 and lees in the singles. MeAel and Traini A majority of the Pioneers plan to go by train leaving Friday night. April 31, either et 11:90 or 11:00 We will h^re our own coach or coaches dt» I pending upon the number of people who plan to make the trip There wilt be plenty of refresh-mcnts and entertainment en the trains Other lodges Interested tn making the trip on the same train with us should contact O. J. Lot-rich st 3010 B Lawndale ave.. Chi cago 33. 111. The round trip coach fare is 114.15. Us included. The) Detr oiler Hotel quarters for the so all who want should contact D. Frank Oroeer. ¡»tensor Tourney and D The deadline for entries to the Pioneer Handicap tournament is Tuesday, March 30. so all of you who hove not as yet signed up do so st once. The Pioneers at the present time have lined up 10 man looms end 7 women teams, and Integrity haa turned in entries for 3 teams The entry fee is $10 per team and since it is s handicap tournoir.cnt sll teems have an oaagl chance at the prise money. On Sot. night. April 10, we will hove our tou moment donee et the Lowndoie Maoonic Temple. 3300 I Millard ave. We ore inviting sll bowlers end friends to attend this offolr Fiank Debevec s orchestra , will ploy for doneing end the boot of tefieohmenls will be oerved in the kitchen end bar. i On Friday night. March 30. there will be a meeting tor all Pioneer bowlers who plan to bowl next year. We will decide wether to change our bowling night from Tuesday to Wednesday nest year and also where we will bowl. So it is very important that you attend. We will alao make final plana for our tournament and dance. The meeting will start at 1:30 and will be held at the Slovene Center. 3301 S Lawndale ave. Shortsi Larry OfSdisek. shooting in the Hyde Park under IBS tournament. compiled games of (unofficial) ISO 171 340 288 plus o 30 pin hodi cop for 031 which at the preoent time leads the tournament; we're keeping our fingers crossed for Lorry because 1st prise is worth 81.600. I tionol Bowling Tournament April 30-94-30. It was decided that the lodge will pay the entry fees for the team event for all the bowlers. Also it would be a great help to the ones in charge of the bowling tournament in our lodge that ail bowlers be present at the next regular monthly meeting. Cards will be sent to all member! before the meeting. Transportation and hotel reservations will be planned. Also it would be a good Idea if the other members of the lodge would make an oppeorahce at the meetings. It seems as though we see the same faces at every meeting. Don't forget the annual Easter dance to be held on Easter Sunday at Holmes Slovene Hall. Music by Pete Sokaeh and his orchestra. Let's make this dance the success that our previouo dances were. Vice Pres. Bill Stermsn. would like s few liilrli i h to veluteer to work at this affair so let's cooperate SOPHIE PAJK. Secy. Sheboygan News the tour- SHBBOYOAN, Wis.—With IM0 Midwest SNPJ Bowling nsmetit now but s matter of icserd, many Interesting sidelines and optn-tens can be written. The tournament MM si Sheboygan March 0-7 turned out to be s sport and social ■access. A Lodge *4 hots-off to the eut-et-tewners, traveling 80 to 330 miles, many by automobile on high* I made hazardous by previous day snow and stoat Truly deserving of commendation are each and every visiter from Lodges 14-110-800 of Waukegan. 873 of U Salle, will be sleeping 1 »-WM«MI 1-083 of Chicago, visiting bowlers.) todge 804 of Milwaukee and 000 of rooms reserved West AIBo. Another 034 hots-off J. Lotrich or,the large oltondonee st the ' Bowlers' Donee by the visitors. Wo ore sll more or less acquainted wHh the hsbits of s Badger It seems they come out from their holes st the opportune time. There were no less than 40 Badgers rolling themselves Into dough. They ran off with 8383.80 In prize money and the man's championship. Runner-up to the champs were two other Badger teams. In the women's division, Little Fort No. 1 team of Waukegan took the championship, second were the Oodgviettes, followed by our local Snappy J Brownies. Olga Jasovic of Waukegan did herself right well in this tournament. She bowled with Little Port No. 1 for the championship, took first tn doubles with Christine Stritor, first in all evenU with 1800 and high individual game of 384. That Is really slamming pins , In the men's singles there werv eight counts of 800 or more, four of which were rolled by Moderns. Ed Bvanlch (Badgers) took number one rwith 081, followed clooely by rge Lukich's 040. Stan Loncar 080. Marty Kovaeich 08B, all Sheboygan men. Albert Maren (Badger) placed fifth with 038. followed by Matt Stefandch (Modern) 018. Badger L. Olavan 003 and Integrity Fred Import 801. If you Intend participating in the Twelfth National SNPJ Bowling tournament which la to be held on April 33 34 3ft at Detroit, you had better get started. Deadline for en-tries into the Pioneer Invitational Bowling tournament is fast approaching, also. Oct those entries One of the Pioneer teams'* ** *ou * b«wl ln *llh#r oi Report from Waukegan finished 4th In the Mtdweat tournament but weo omitted from the pi ice list in last week's Prasveta. They were Tony Firman s boys. Harry Andreas, Tvk. Larry Grodl* sek and Louts Pitman. If the song I m*haves In Del no it so they did la Kheboysan we can expect all night • nt< rtalnment at the Hotel Detroiter. The midwest tournament woo one of the best run tournaments we've participated m Constats to the Shvbovgan Modems Don't forget the Juvenile Circle Tournament« and dance April 3 4 PIONEER BOWLING COMM. Loyalite Mixed Loagui CLEVELAND. O-After* looking over Utr score shoe's today I think our after the meeting social had II* effect* on some of the bowlers Teem I heeded by Shorty Zo dell had quite a drop with 1003 aftet last week's 3437 when Zadell hit 333 and Gummy 7.upon 330 In one game and a 024 total pins for the «me game In the teem lineup Zodell's I and Red Za man's 3 ate still in first 7.u •SB'S 3 ore in Ind Kartell« 4 and Tibyosh 0 oie Mill battling fot last plate, no one really «eems to want It Mortie Debcoak's S are in 3rd but top the list with then 2M3 for total ptna 030 lot game and Captalfl Dehenak'o 040 250 280 Nice go ing Debs He also has a I S3 svg Vltglnia Braddo lieith that you and t told f i high game she hH a mere I Si and 41 Ann a bo hit her first 300 gain* 'est Friday *»n the Woman's Is-ot Teams 0—1 must hove thought they were still at the mvetmg teat ntle Or woo It Not son* thtns in tviver up the silent bolls they nrere throwing lleerd that our fellow member Trunk Yonkoete will be pod rat one oi Arthur Oogfreft r •hews ia the noer future Frank will also play in Detroit for the No J those tournaments Juvenile activities have begun for our junior members. In charge aru John Resnick Jr. as director and Dolores Supanchlck, assistant. March 13 several reels of movies Were shown, followed by refreshment« John snd Dolores have no easy task in getting these young stOrs together. Parents of Juvenile members can sid In their program by getting their children to these affairs Get well wishes to John Jakovee who is on the sick list FRANK RESNICK. Secy 4lk ASC Convention In Chicago in Sept. NEW YORK —Following the re cent nsttonol committee meeting of the American Slav Congress in De trott Leo Krryckl. president, and Oeorge Ptrinsky. executive senre tsnr. met with leaders of Chicago Slav otgonitollana on arrangements for the 4th American Slav Cnngree*. to ba held in that city ftept 84-8ft 30 iu«t five weeks before the crucial 104« elrrttcm» Chicago ttlovtr lend et* accepted the committee's recommendation aftet teeming thot the Hotel Ste-vena largest hotel in the world, could accommodate the convention with its excellent fsrilttieo. Thooe attending the meeting welcomed WAUKEGAN, IB.—Nr th Chicago co-op members will hoM their first meeting as S district l! Cooperative Trading of Wsukegan this Saturday evening. Itarch 27, at the Slovene Hall. Items on th; agenda include the election of a district president and secretary and the election of three members to the Membership Activities committee {previously called the Bdueation committee). We shall also nominate six of our members for Cooperative Trading's Board of Directors. Three of the six csndidstes we nominate Will be elected to thq board at the fanerai mcirberahlp meeting of Cooperative Tre< ng on Saturday April 17. Other matters on the sgenJa sre: (1) presentation by Moth On in of financial reports showing the . eoults of 1007 operations: (3) action on s resolution to dissolve the North Chicago Consumers Cooperative; (0) report by Jseob Llukku, general manager of Cooperative Trading, on developments In. our cooperative since January 1, the dste of the merger. We'd tike to see s good attendance As In the past the meat-ing will be conducted In both Slovene and Engliah languages. ' • 1 • Bowline Jfewai With three members of their sausd scoring 800 séries, Pinky's Tavern bowlers defeated the « Gentar Brothers Shoe Stqre team, league leaders for a week, two games out of three last Sunday (March 31) to go into a first place tie with their opponents. In achieving the victory, Pinky's fashioned games of 735, 810, and 708, for s 3850 series, high team soore for the day. High individual score for the dsy wsa Stan Gregorln's 571 scries (203. 181, 207). Other 800 bowlew: V. Be lee, 533: Frsnk Korenchsh, 522: Christine Stritar, 510; Jake Strazer, 800; Eddie Zeleznlk, 501. Team Reoulisi Pinky's Tavern beet Gontor Brothers 2 gomes; Slovene Hall best North Chicago Coop 2 games; Nbrth Chicago Dai^y boot Nemonich Funeral Hbme 3 games; Co-op Appliances beat Dr. Fur Ion 3 games. Mtseellanyi Its still snybody's race. With Just five weeks to go, only six gomes seporate the first five teams in the league ... A new high team series mark was set last week (March 14) by the Gantar Brothers Shoe Store bowlers: 3418 (825. 818, 775) . . . Five 500 serteo were bowled In the match between Gantais and Nemanlchs, a week ago Sunday. The scores ' and bowlers were Herman Mivshek, 551; Jake Kovach, 537; Fraftk Jereb, 535; Frank Novak. 510; Ed Laben. 501. Then only 500 score among the other six teams was Math Ogrin'a 530 . . . Jake Kovach's 234 gave him second high single game for the season .. . The- various committees making arrangements for our mixed doubles tournament snd dance are beginning to set Into action. The bowling committee (Vic Belec, Edith Strsrer, Christine Strltsr. Adolph Fierce) hss formulated the rules which will govern the tourney, Members of SNPJ lodges In Chicago, Milwaukee, and other nearby cities, as well as our own lodges, Will be tnvtted to psrtl clpate. Vic Belec witl handle this part of the tournament publicity, . . The following persons have volunteered to serve on our annual bowling league banquet committee: Frances Dobnikar, Andy Fuflsn, Mary Eager. Ann Ganior, Frank Korenchan. Louis Jenlch. Maymc Laben. Dick Peklay, Vic Belec. Frank Jereb, John Istenlc. A very welcome response, we'd ssy. Maymc Laben has consented to act Ss chair-man snd will notify the group when snd where the first meeting will be held . . , Those of you who didnl see the movies of the co-op "wedding" when they were shown last week Will gel another chance Dr. FurlSh will show them again Saturday at the co op meeting . . Rill Jereb's excellent pieces which hove been appearing in the Prneve-la were tommented on tn the local press recently, Keep up the good worti, WHllam' Then when you get to he our age and find meandering through mueettms tiring (but not ttrreome. mind vouK we'll let you h<< the bowling reporter T. P SNPJ Trojans9 News JOHlflrroWN, Po.-Alter several weeks of oboe nee from the news, I ftnd myself quite eager to get the Trojan lodge bock In print. First of all I wish to give my readers a calendar of the social gatherings here in Johnstown and its vicinities. March 24—Movies sponsored by, the Juvenile Circle starting at 7 p WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 194« = national bowling tournament news National Athletic Board to Meet; Bids Open for 1949 Tourney _ This Friday. March 20. is the official deadline for all entries intended T*£L5Et ir lKe ^Jt'^^rl:^ wU1 * turmoN and everyone wondering and every Wednesday thereafter Detroit Michigan, en April 23, 24 and 35 uitder the joint auspices of the All of the Youth of America Circle young Americans, Lodge 904 and Wolverines, Lodge 077. The Tourna- STRUGGLERS' STAR-GA2ETTE CLEVELAND.—With the world the honor of having the fourth no t tonal ABC convention in their city Convention artangemenla will be dtecuaoed In detoil on April IT-IS at the Mtdweat Stov Congress conference with Elotkn Helokovtc oo the principal speaker _ ASC COMMITTEE S. N.P.J. BOWLING TOURNAMENTS Pit, « Deadline NATIONAL JUVENILE TOURNEY Ape 1-8-4 Vor PIONEER HANDICAP TOURNE T Apr. NATIONAL TEW PI« TOURNEY Ape. 88-149» Detroit Met. ANNUAL DUCK PI W TOURNEY - firend« ore welcome March 23—A Cancer Society meeting was held st the M o x h a m Slovens Hall with s representative from the cancer society being present to help start a unit, which will meet in the above mentioned hall once a week, to roll bandages, make bed clothes, etc., for cancer victlihs. This unit will be sponsored by the teen-age girls of the Juvenile Circle April 3—A dance will be sponsored by the women's lodge Nafta Slog a, and will be held in the Mox ham Slovene Hall, with music by the Airliners, featuring Stan Kobal and Hank Rocich and their accord ions. Dont miss dancing to the smooth rhythms of their grand orchestra. April 10—'Thfe Tenpin bowling league will sponsor a dance in the Moxham Hall and the muoic will be furnished by the popular local group headed by Rudy Granda, and thoy ore one of the biggest little bands in our locality. Rudy recently won a radio contest for amateurs over our local station WARD. - Thie league is oomposed of bowlers from the ledges Triglov. Trojans, Kelso and Bon Air. They plan to send seven men's teems and two women's teams to the bowling tournament to be held in Detroit April 23, 24 and 25. Good luck, boys, I'm sere that at least one teem will be tqps. Plsn to support these boys and attend their dance. April 33—This day will see the bowling /teams on their wo" to the bowltng tournament. A bus. will be chartered, and their welcome is out to snyone that wishes to mske the trip with them It will coot 811.40 round trip, and anyone interacted get in touch with our athletic director, James Trofino, either^ in person or by phone, 333-755. May—A danoo will be sponsored by the Triglov lodgo. I'm sorry, but at this timo I don't know exoctly what the dato is. but it will be published s little later: thio dance will be held at the Moxham hall and music will again be furnished by the very popular Airliners from Gi-rard, Ohio. June 3—It gives me s great deal of pleasure to announce that on this dato we will have Frankic JonkoVic and his Yanks, sponsored by the Trejans. It has been my desire to hsve Frsnkle here in our Slovene hall for quite sorrle time, but because of inadequate dancing space, it was out of the question, and now since the hall has been enlarged, my fcmbltiono hove been realised. Tick-eta will be on sale soon, and a limit of 000 will be set. Get your tickets from lodge members ss soon as you con, and be sure of being omong the group welcoming Frank Yonkovlc to the Moxham Slovene Hall. Keep this date In mind. Our last lodge mooting was well attended. I am very glad to report. We have on the sick list Frank Jan-car, who recently hod an appendectomy. We all wish you a speedy recovery. One of the highlights of the meeting was the receiving of the certificate of merit issued our lodge for ircuring 48 new members during our lasV membership campaign Congratulations, members, and I'm sure that during the next campaign we will do even better. We had one new adult applicant accepted at this meeting, namely. Jane Karwooki. She promises to be an active member, and she's proving so by howling with us every Tueo day evening and I must oay she Is a very neat bowler, even If she Isn't on my team. Congratulations. Jane we're glad to have you with us. Congratulations are in order to Verne and Charley Allendorfer who recently welcomed Into their family a new baby boy. and he was named for hlo two grandfathers, both of wkom they sre luc%> enough to still have with them I'm hoping he will be o Trojan soon. 1 was very glad to heor that Margaret Saksek Is w*11 on the road to reedVery We hope to see you around again soon. Mat got et We are very sorry to heo. that Pauline end Larry Longerhoic hove their verv voung daughter in the huopital. I'm sure thot all of the member« wish her a very speedy recovery which will in tnrn relieve the anxiety of two swell people Lorry and Pauline. Th«- dance held by the Moxham Slovene llall. «elebrating the re modeling of the hall, was a huge Bueceao. and the committee wishes to thenk the many people who attended end helped make the affair so successful , In the near future the club will be ta the pool Hon to serve the members on the second floor, and music will be furniohod for doneina. Thie Will be a privilege le be enioved only by reembero in good standing of the flub, oo if your membership cord has not been renewed a* yet see the secretray. Louts Nozoak and do. so that you » ill br entitled to Hie club . prlvt-leges Our duck-pin bowling league coming along in t«*p fotm The Bum« ore «till in the lead by « moi gin of 33 wins Whs« f" N"* •till think you'll win? Win wfeg ment Committee, composed of active members of both lodges, has been working diligently for many weeks making all arrangements possible for the convenience and enjoymeht of out-of-town bowlers and visitors who are expected to gather there in large numbers. It promises to be one Of the biggest and most successful indoor sport and social affairs staged anywhere in the jurisdiction of the SNPJ in years. a a a • a a According to a report received o few doyo ago from Brother Rudy Grum. Secretary of the National Bowling tournament, entries have finally begun to arrive, but still much too slowly. It seems that no amount of writing or talking convinces our bowlres to be more prompt. The old habit of waiting until the last few days before the deadline prevails as rtrongty, today, as in the years past with the result that the secretary is almost certain to be swamped with a flood of entries during the next tew days. By the first of next week, if everything goes well, Brother Orum will be able to report how many teams, doubles end singles have been entered in thio year's national bowling claaaic, and whether or not the old record of 125 teams, established at Chicago ln 1047, has been broken. a a a a a a Cleveland lodges are expected to send very close to fifty teams to Detroit. In the neighborhood of forty teams will converge there from the midwest centers of Chicago, Milwaukee. Waukegan, Sheboygan, La Salic and St. Louis. With the three Indianapolis lodges working together in their plans for the trip to the national tournament, an unusually large entry Is expected from there. Western Pennsylvania lodges, particularly In Strobane, Johnstown artd Am bridge, are completing preparations to invade Detroit with the biggest delegation of bdwlcrs and spectators ever to attend a national bowling event from that section. The Barber-ton "Buckeyes," who sre celebrating thefr 20th anniversary on April 17-18, ar< arranging to send s bus-load of members there, while our Detroit lodges, and possibly a few others in Michigan, Ore certain to be represented by more bowlers than ever before participated in an SNPJ sport event. AU indications, therefore, point to a record-breaking entry that will easily feurpaotf lost year's total and assure a prire list that will top the previous high of 83,000 by a wide margin. Everyone, who is planning to be in Detroit on April 38, 24 and 28, Is looking forward to a weekend of happy reunion« and a wonderful time a a a a a * A meeting of the National Athletic Board of the SNPJ wiU be held on Friday, April 23, in the 81ovene National Home, 17140 John R., Detroit. Michigan. Lodges, Federations and athletic leagues or committees arc tnvjted to send in any suggestions or recommendations they may have pertaining to sport activities supported by the Society. We also wish to remind you that this meeting will decide where the 1040 National SNPJ Bowling tournament will be held. Bids received from midwest lodges (Districts 5, 8 and 7—Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota and Missouri) will be given priority since the tournament this year'is being staged in the eastern section. Tournament bids and any recommendations you have should be submitted in writing over the signatures of responsible officers. Mail them to Michael Vrhovnlk, Director of Athletics. SNPJ, in time to reach him at least five days before the meeting. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR. Lincolnites Lodge SPRINGFIELD. Ill.-Just a reminder that the Lincolnites have a meeting Sunday, March 28. At this time final plan« for our card and bunco party to be held on April 3rd must be made. Have you notified the secretary what you can donate in the way of a door prize? We will need quite a few, worth about 81 more or less. Anyone who feels able to help out on this, and ha^ not contacted the secretary yet, can still do so. or notify Freda Klaslnz, Lois Volk. Lucille Cunningham, or Mary Aidich. We are also going to have a sale of homemade candy. Mary Ann Fel-ber volunteered to take care of same, and will be glad to receive any that the members feel able to donate. We have several members who excel In this line, and we are looking forward to seeing a lot of It on hand. This is our first social affair in several months, and we will hope to see a good crowd at the Dom on Saturday night, April 3. We have several members on the sick list, and this past week wc finally got around to see some of them. Grace Davenport, who has been very ill. is «till at Memorial Hoapttal. Like ourselves. Grace Is very thankful for penicillin, and some of the other miracle drugs of modern medldnc. We found Jack Cunningham much Improved, up and around and making good progress In recovering from a very serious illness of several montha. Mi John Dollar of Lodge 47 la alao in $25 loot month to the Free Press Fund, and we hope they will be completely successful in their fight against reaction and intolerance. Comments: The story in this week's Prosveto about the Third Party convention in Pennsylvania Is really thrilling. As the months roll along we feel sut-e that before November a lot of people will realize that supporting Henry Wallace is the best way we con register our opposition to the policy of reaction and miltariom of both the old parties. MARY BRINOCAR, 507. Attention, Members SNPJ Lodge No. 13 BIRDGEPORT, O — Because there has been some misunderstanding about drawing your sick benefit, 1 would like to remind all of our members that in eaae of ony sick-iicso or injury in order to drow sick benefit a member must be under doctor's core. Also be sure to notify your lodge secretary immediately because your claim is baaed on the date you report to the secretary and the doctor as provided in sections 07 and 71 of the by-laws. After you report sick you must see your doctor at least once a week. As soon as you recover you must report such recovery to the lodge secretary so he or she is taken off sick benefit. Because omc members did not follow the by-laws they did not receive full benefits. Anyone wishing to have a copy of the by-laws can get it from the secrete-ry. Please read the by-laws and I Memorial'HoopHoI to T won'X * have a little vialt from my husband We ore sorry to report that the Klaslnz family has had another great sadness to hear recently. Just a few weeks after the mother, Mr«. Louise Klaslnz. passed oway. Mr. Klaslnz tfas struck by o ear on IVo-ria Road, juot o short distenee from his home, and died a few hours lot« t. He was a charter member of Lodgo 47, orgontred in 1000. end was alao one of the first Slovenes to tn Springfield. At that time the City'« population was made up rmntly of Germans and Irish. sH according to »ome of the oldrt folks there wsi not much hsrtronv between them. Both Mr. and ttr* Klatdn: wer«» burled by the le*|ge with civil services which. «3 think, was a fine tribute ae they srefe in real life, non-religie iri mm-church-going Their chik^rrn deserve a lot of credit In adhering to the hrtiehi of their parents Hi tMa fee pert It is hi ¡d enough w give up o u parent et a lime, losing both moot be indeed hard In beer, We extend not StNttt aympethy to all the children end grandchildren derstanding See you all at the next meeting. MARY POTNICK, Secy. Spartan News CLEVELAND—Where ore all you writers on whet's going on in th«» Mpatton I^tdge4 Noven't aeen r"" article for quite some time, so Snoopy" will give you all some news As in previous years Spartan» hold their annual Easter Dance March 20. at SND on St Clair, the muoic furnnthed by the welt known Chuck Smith and his orcheotro There len t o better place to end up an Eaoter Sunday, and also renew eld time« So come one come oil "ye SperUna." old and new, Bowling« It seems to me from the results of the Eastern invitational bowling tournament, the girla «nit shifted the boyo a wee hit. Corre on boys, where'a all that male superiority. show us whet can be done at the National in Detroit Two Remember our meeting date, mem-1 women's end three men a team are there art alwavo important J04"« U) Le . matter« to be taken rote oTVe are | Zupanck - el«4e«r to Jake over glad lo oav that the lodc donated/he )ob" »«* * I reoentotive« lo the Cleveland Ath. "" ""'"" I letic League Vol Debelak has been may, there's otill loot of fun and the other. Ohnl etet) Toeod*) t .emng a) the I Sideline Ilanli The tort hart nolle« «llev» In Coftr" sugh (been pretty buoy these dkyt bring EU..E CTTLftAR , 'ing "him«f1es of to Titlie Kel- if we ore not . Those of you who haven't ctarted, stert now. Here's luck to you. Our next meeting will br held April 6 at 7 p. m. at the Slovene Hall. All members are urged to come for the annual group pictures will be tuken, so come in your best. I MILLIE GREGORIN, ( - Assistant Director. New Circle Formed In St. Louis, Mo. ST. LOUIS. Mo.—Last Friday evening. March 19. the Spirit of St. Louis Lodge 659 held a special nftet ing at which they organized an SNPJ Circle. This writer, having been expected in St. Louis for a social visit for more than a Year, was happy to have chosen thia particular time for said visit, as it gave us the opportunity to be present on this occasion. I It was onfc of the niceet affairs I've attended in a long time. Parents were cooperative in bringing their offspring, and one never saw so many toddlers going along minding their own business, and everyone too' Tlu Sprnts have .,oven,h.H m t.njoyahI|. (i(tv Wr Si T y m V Journeyed to Braddock, where the L ZrV\Z\,*Hy*1 uk"«'-, »wins played on the Slovene radio blc for the Circle, they do make s p We dun-, k hf)W sweU reserve group. ihsik Mr, and Mrs. Tony liedn.k The mooting was opened by John i Afu.,. lhe progr»n>, Tyny JJ lo h 6 "ni H ' and his home where ft« wife served us had all lodge officers and many members in attendance. The busi- cover pace art contest of the Vkt»M Htm voice of youth ■¡■i Open to SNPJ Maftibert; $60 in Prîtes for Winners; Contest Closes May 15, 1M8 CHICAGO -First of stl I wsnt to thank each and everyone that helped make our sp'rihf dance a Sue-cess. From thv look a of thing* icvtrybody had a wbntferful time. ' Of cpuiso, that's the Victorians' I aim. Also want to thank the Oopi-THE RULES GOVERNING the COVtn PAGE ART CO It TEST, spon-' niitWCi and Joieph Ko*ich and Ms sored by the Society and effective from Marc* 17. 104«. rre once (»rchirtra They lure can play thOOc mere printed bslow. The object of th«e contest "» to encourage member« ffftod old polkas and waits*« Again o< the SNPJ. adult« a« well as luvenlte«.v to put their best arthih teHnta I want to thank sR of you who at- recond Sunday fa.Is too early in the to work designing appropriate drawing for ths covet p»y« of TRË VOICE tended m nffOlr men h. Therefore, the next Veron-itn meeting w.ll bt- Sunday, April 25, beginning at, 2 So p. m Since Johnny t-na^kv rctlgned as treasurer of the. Club, we had lo e'ect a new one, und want to wish Ada ph Graysen. uUr new treasurer, the best of luck rnd We kd6w fie will do a fine k»l> or ut. E*Shd »en ratuktiohS to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Soetot (Helen Kocar) w;. • r.re the | mud p.*rents of a boy. The VcroMr.n bowlirtl banquet WU be held Saiuriav, Amjl 24 Any-ohe yPi-hliti i) i.t*end should get in ci. h \n iih Mike Lipetky at once o that reservation* can be made fc>r you. Also remember the V. ronian Softball dance. Saturday, April 17. They ask for your cooperation fcr funds are needed in older to conduct the team and cover the dlffereht 1 expenses that will arise. Have vou members who intend to participate in the bowling tourna ment on Msv 2nd at the Auditorium Alleys in East Liberty, n ade ar rangcmcnts'ur notified Elmer Eiffler that you plan to do so? Suggest you get started now for thia is a large task to perhirm; the committee needs as much time ht |H*slble to mske arrangements in scheduling the teams, etc. Also remember to at tend the dance preceding the tournament Saturday, May 1, at 57th and Butler at»., Pgh., when Frank Porovne and Musical Stylists will entertain. Rerrember the Veronians have dancing every other Saturday beginning at 10 and tht Musioal Stylists entertain for your dancing pleasure. The next scheduled dance wiD be April 3. CORNELIA GORUN, 880. OF YOUTH mafsilne in July. the trtp to Sheboygan Was a voi* THAT PARTICULAR ISSUE of our Juvenil« magasins, a«« Department and th« 10th A«nie«r»ary of Jnv» nile Circle, rot that roamn we ar« «specialty lnter««tod In obtslnlnq a drawing (or Us cover ps«e which will «ymballs« and IHuttrsts ths mean in« of those two snnivorsartea. «mphaatalny th« Importance of juvenile« to lh« Socio y. Thai, briofly. |« th« purpose of the COVER PAGE ART CONTEST, fh uRtir ft Sttepherd dog who #as tied Or |0t tangled On th« track». It may leem fwntiy, but It Is tru«. Tire lK»wlmg m Sheboygan wa« v«ry wdl handled. Their dance was very good, too. Only one thing wroni— ton flnuch «now up th«re. Trips na« thia are very good for any on« r Next toxpnamefit wtll he Pioneers', an don't for|et it, and their danee A Visit at Braddock JOHNSTOWN, Pa,-On March H, the Kanahep twins and myaclf ness of getting the Circle organised a wonderful dinner. She also took the program doWn -on the wire . . , . recbrder and we h«-ard it aguln, wtis carried out in excellent fashion,; which was wonderful. Thanks « P^-^V-^Mot. Tony and Ann. Some day we FJ!fei_WhLT.f.,lied u* hope we ran entertain both of you in Johnstown. very successful party. MARY AIDICH. Perfect Circle Pin News and Views CHICAGO—Plan« for the Juvenile Bowling tournament sre being made as rapidly as possible. We are still lacking some informaWon necessary for their completion. As a part of the tourney, the Perfect Or-tie is sponsoring a sectional tournament at the Lawndalc Lanes. Wc have been assured of enough alley« to accommodate all the teams. Unless the out-of-town bowlers ar rive early Saturday morning, the singles and doubles events (six games! will be bowled in the afW*r- Krajicek, Henry Tomaic and Robert Miller; «econd team. Tony Kern. John Cheanic, James Kern, Donald Smerdel and Robert Sheet«. On the grila' team are Lillian Kocian, acp-tain, Gcrgldtnc Vercek. H« len Ve-hat, Rose Kocian. Jane Vchpr, and Jane Lewi«. The highlight of the tournament will be the boya' match game with Circle 27. We would also like to compete with r»»me other Circle'« team. Mr. Jacob Paveie, m cr< tarv of Ixidge 138. donated the sum of S25 from the campaign award to the juvenile treasury. Also our director. Francos Petro. donated the same amount. A motion was passed to send Mr. Pavctc a letter of thanks An Easter party will follow our next meeting. March 28. This wtll noon After thé¡¡¿ games the hall be to celebrate the 10th anniversary will be open for those bowlers (from South Side and Pioneer«) who wish to «lay in this vicinity for the dance that evening. Those from Milwsu- of the Juvenile Circle«. JANE VKHAR LILLIAN KOCIAN kec (and Waukegan?) will go to the1^. . r»i Circle member'« home assigned to V,rC,C « them. Joe Kovich'« orche«trs, very popular here in Chicago, will play for dancing in the upper hall. Hi« com- Easter Egg Hunt WAUKEGAN 111—On March 10. the "youngsUTi" of the Jolly Juve- »(nation of Slovene waltacs arH mlc« held their monthly meeting at and polkas and modern selections is the Slovene National Home. At this sure to please everyone Playing on meeting plans wire diacusaed for the hi« new electric-accordion, Jo«- Easter party, Mother's Day program. I sounds better than ever. | Voter» nf Youth contest, and «uitimer I Sunday morning, the team event:- activities. # will hr> howled, follnwed by dinn i | At the Januifhy ouUng we hi Id ( which we will eat (»»fethi r fcirt on« nut eferfion of officers; elect< «: dancing me will take advantage ol Rodo Shirley Schotter afld Atb» tt| our juke box Koncilija. Our nwetlngx sre hi Id ; A bun" of the hnh*ight~ of th»«* af fair »an the sluiw n« of SNPJ Circle arttvity m«iviet s«nt Irv th«i Main Offin>i and un«- cannot Mtim*V the«r «aloe «mle* | on«- hems the i*»n men's that -Inflow |helr ahiwinv im*- f.*>n talk «r»d write «d and atpm* Cin k-i. hut H <«n t unwurd Ihe trip to Detroit lu thi bowling Uiurnsment. lad's help out boya slong. und watch them brins Ihe price« home, April 3rd is another dute lo remember. the Women's l^odge 000 1« holding s danee and Stan Kobsl and his Airliners will furnish the mu«lc. Everybody is invited, and asatJred a wonderful evening of fun and dancing ANN HRICELY (Ed note; Letti is pi int« d in Pro-sveta are not repi inted in the V. of Y, and vice versa; exceptions lo this rule «re made on tare occasions ) A Transient Houut Calvin Coolidg* was once taking an evening walk, *reorii|.urp<*d by th« late S-inator Spencer of Mis« sourl, Passing tin Whit« IT »us«», Spa neet joki «1 wonder who livo« there?" "No!*>dy," repted thtf unsmiling Co«drdg4 "Ttiey )oht e«om- arid go." THE RUL^S PROVIDE cash swsrd« totaHn« 2S0.00 for Ihe thr«e best drawing«. Pint priae ol 115.00 «rill ' 0 awarded to file m«tnb«r whose drawing will be chosen for th« eov«r pay«, 115.00 to th« winner of s^rtd place, and 110.00 to third pla««. Prla« «rinnitrv «nttles and poaaibty g few others, will b« reproduced for publics lion in July* l««u« of Th« Vote« 61, A-uil 10. Youth. « t Those of you who hav« pot paid ALL MEM&ERS. who are ial«nied In lh«« particular Hold of srt. in ^r your dance tlcRets, plfast do so invlt«d to enter the COVER PAGE ART CONTEST. Read fh« rat* ovst1 IS older that our t«M Will be taken first and ih«n «tart Ihinkin« «1 idea« end ways of pufttn? them together! care uf. You can a«rid the money to fsr « symbolic drowtng which will bttml lrtbute 10 th« Javontl« sua*-1 Andrew Oboala, 1800 S Stat Av«„ v«r«srl«a of ths SNPJ. You may oat«v si many drtwing« as you Hk«. butiCllff0' °r vou can send it to me •end I hem In by May 15. INI, th« closing dat« of th« contest. with your dues. Conteit Rule* ,hM " * ^ 1) The COVER PAGE ART GOUTEST of Th« Vote« «f Youth J. In-, tended as a spad.l oompotitien for m«mb«r«. who hav« «TlUtio ability, to d«slVn drawings aymbolMn« the spirit and profr«« of tlie IHPJ in con-«- u k . .. nocilon with the 35th Anniver«ary of the JueoaUf DapsiWni and the im"? which mean« that eighteen 1 f ,|y7t oiwrvin, ihl. ^ ,me Um* ft 1 •ry ob..rvine ihl. ^ ^ f ^ ^ f ^ don't forgrt ihe Sloven« Labor C#n-ter, 220! S Uwndsle av«., and join la a gam« of tmitna with soma of your ftrends They hav« Ihr»« 10th Anniversary of Juvenile Clrelos which lh« Society y«ar. 2) ' The drawing, which will bo thoaon a« most symbolic of the dédier lorlal purpose of the apodal anniveraary iaaua of Th« Voloo of Youth pub-Uah«d for Ihe month of July, will bo ua«d at lh« daaign for Its oov«r page. sunshine. Don't forget our m«etlrtg nlte April lat. It's April tool'i day, but 2) tills contmiis'oponU sny iU i" our ,nprtlni n,tl « Mav IS. 1142. j mind I) There Is no limit «• to the numbsr of drawing« one may onlor. All' N*™1*"' if of « prl'e-winning drawing«, however, wtll b«eoi*« ihe properly of Ihe Sud.ty, • nfw Let • and will be reproduced in July'« U.ua of Ths Vole? of Yiulh. °,n U« i Jt*hn Sc^lej of l^«dge 703 and J«»'<-|.h Yambiovieh of L*mJh»' 250 out' down with Mi Gufhloff ftorn Granite City, III bringrne with th« m the projrttoi that Im long» to «t. Kluiic gine s psri, «««naider •ng tlie itiiUtK« trm«i and effott •|*nt and I know it w i p"t«i iate«l. All in all, I/»Jr< '"»a hod a veiy lritp*o*«ive inauMuidl <•( thtu l'rrd«, ''"'I' and wtth tlie kind of spirit thai is j Am»« behind thia new veMuie, I mat la* Wmm how the Spirit» uf St ' |«gk e»n I Oui iitsaa« 'lb* boat of n's Bowl« ri llao«|u< t helng held St John H Hall -in May 15 For more in. formation eontoct Al Ms« < ant, ynji bowling aectetary, Mretlnp No tea. Maybe the had «rather kept you rrumlieta away from the meeting last Friday, so let rm rentind you once Mpain that Wolveimv me* tings aie In Id thi third F'lduy of e,»ch month I(»mu. Cunico has l*etn rtU(1 auk tind Agoea J 1 lat'k thv lielliMty plwylng F #.hi« Varik'ivirh's m udn ovi i tht» inde»v If re.I iM' n any aft* i no«*, to WJIIK nflii 3 They .tie really giving him a bin liulldup. Oil' ' < hitd'x i gang" III« Itidilir' tin PlClo!o Five and Un o bithi |iM|v«a liavi their ii'nk fu«a i«i any kind of wiuth'r. Tli'ii last J "OC was In an I' vaUrm. I,at< at rr poyts have it that at eki ait* v« ry ¡rwre wh n eoatej with Ik. March ia th«- month of wirvia hut | to thi Wolvirtn«^ it elivo blilh- I «'ayy onth. (V »1 wishes go m Fie«l , i fi'l F»«n<« 'rnMk J.. tonl l^ihp , very much IC*tt* , C'h^rlia«e and Patt^ H>n» I |Sk IVIsl'-d wfldinat Miriiv« irai y j • IoIhI" a«» (t, J>4 I .,1,11 1 JuklMh fUi Ci. a t »rwl F.lw | MILDRED UFRNIC'K. 077 Family Helpmate By Durol/ty .Vodrnk Raised dough liakinC To continue from laat week, use the same liuai i raiaa d dough recipe ss for tn« doughnuts, roll the dough into a itt(tangle hImiuI one foutth inch Ihitk, melt uhoul 3 tahleapoon« hutter O) shortening spread on dough. Mis one fourth cup of augst1 (While or brown j, one hsif lesapoon cinnamon and una fourth cup fine ly (hopped oi ground nut«. Sprinkle Una mixture over the bulleted dough and toll up, Shspe the roll into « ring in a giesaed baking pan With sharp at'iaeota make cuta thioogh the dough fiom Uie outaide to almoat Uie eenUr, Turn eadt cut section wnh Ihe cut aide up uiiaind the img l^aat rise until light and iieke in s hot oven 426 foi about 40 rt lootea If yrm like you can uae « |Miwdered augar thin Kins »» g—ai ■■■ member« ere abo in the trav« ling mood a litlh eaily this yeer, Artend Marl* Reriadat afiriit s few d«ya in ColurnUoa. Ohio ||<«a« NOTICE TO ALL SHAREHOLERS AND MEMBERS The Annual Membership Meeting ef tke North Chicago Con-aumere Cooperefive will I»« held Saturday. March 27 in file fl'even'c Hall, elarllng -I 7:30 P. M. AGENDA FOR THE MEETING The 1947 Optrellng Hoporl. el0« lion of a president, and age-retery for the North Ch'^egc District, nomhastion of • mom bam lo fli* Board of Dire'lore of the CooperaHve Trading, la«.. | of wh« m «vril bo elected, a presentation o* the report on Ike pref re»r of the Cooperative sln'O Ihe merfer. PLEASE BE SURE TO ATTEND THI« IMPORT Alt? MEETING. HOARD Of DIRKCTOHft. , veeeeeeeeeeeeeN'eeeeeeoeaeaifa e quest for aid to Greece, the President referred.to the "totalitarian" threat to the democratic way of life. In the February 10 report h* describes the guerilla forces in Greece, not as totalitarian*. but as communists: "ever-increasing pressure by the communist minority"; "s healthy Greece on the road to fconomic recovery would not be receptive to communist ideology"; "owing to communist obstruction it is increasingly clear that economic recovery« xrum„n Doctrine which in Greece must await the establish ment of internal security". President Truman's letter to Congress makes it evident that the enemy against which he is fighting is not the Greek guerillas, but communism. Turkey is not at v^r^yet the Stste WORLD EVENTS By Scott NeaHng GFNKRAL KIbF.NIIOWF.lt gave a lalk befoie the National Press Club in Washington on February 5, 1848. In this talk he is reported u> have said that the Soviet Union does nut want global war and will avoid war if possible. 'Off-the-record" speeches cannot be quoted directly in the press. I was in Washington the day after Eisenhower addressed the Press Club and made an effort to find out exactly what he had said. The Washington Post vef-sion is typicsl: "In his vsledictory Ike repested whst he had ssid before—that no greet power, Russia included, would 'deliberately provoke a war at this time' He warned, however, that a war could start stupidly." I fere is the New York Times version from its Washington correspondent: "General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, retiring Chief of Staff, today absolved the Soviet Union of any intention of deliberately provoking war. . . . " 'We sre' sfraid of stupid things starting a stupid war.' Genersl Eisenhower went on. 'Little sparks start big flames.' 'The Soviet Union is in no position to support s globsl war, he sdded, snd no other netion in the world is in s position to support one, either." ' Eisenhower evidently believes: (I) that war is possible in the near fu< lure, but (2) that it is unlikely, snd (2) that the Soviet Union will not begin or provoke the «war. There are inaistent but unconfirmed rumors thst Genersl Msrshsl agrees with Genersl Elsenhower's estimste of Soviet intentions. I am inclined to accept the Eisenhower conclusion, psrtly because General Eisenhower has a reputation for good judgment, partly lie-cause equally competent observers sbrosd support it. snd psrtly be-csuse it corresponds closely with the course of events since genersl shooting stopped in the spring snd surmeer of IMA The no-mans land wfcich stretches from Korea on the Pacific to Finland snd Polsnd st the other side of the Eurasian land-mass has broken out in a rssh of hot-spots during these psst two snd a half years—(Cores, Chins, Persis. Turkey, Greece, Trieste. Poland. In China, Turkey snd Greece Anglo-Americsns sre training, orgsnising, srming snd directing militsry forces In every instance where it seemed likely that further controversy might iesd into s shooting wsr, Soviet military forces hsve been withdrswn, Soviet sld hss been withheld from those who sre psrtissn to Its point of view, end armed hoetihties have been avoided. I believe that in sny episode short of invasion Moscow will go far out of its way to avoid s war. Soviet pronouncements snd Soviet actions during the peat three yesrs support this view, General Eisenhower's conclusion is empty born out by recent history- Protest Truman's Saber-Rattling NKW YORK —The American Slsv Congi ess sent the following message td President Harry Truman on his recommendation to Congress for Universsl Military Trsining: Your recommendstion to Congress this afternoon for the institution of Univrissl Military Trsining and re-enactment of selective service legislation is^sn act of ssber-tattling in the midst of sn srtificially created wsr hysteris. completely repugnant to the democratic traditions of our country as well as the spirit and the Chartei of the United Nations.* These recommendations, coming a year after the proclamation 'of the is chiefly responsible for undermining the United Nations snd' the present world tension, sre the firtfcl. proof that the Chief Executive and his advisers are bent on war. For saber-rattling leads to war, not peace. They are the most brszen expres- ^ Ta^ ^^ ü \ L1 lion of the present csmpsign in Con- of the 847 Turkish budget was de-1 d J Admini.fratlon to use voted to military purpc*es. The« Sharply' contrssted with these judgments concerning Soviet non-aggiessive attitudes and intentions are the military preparations now going forwsrd hotfoot in the United States. | President's Februsry 14 letter noted thst "the Turkish sid prog rain is proceeding in an orderly fsshion." He sdded: 'The Europesn Recovery Program will not' provide for any additional military assistance required for Greece and Turkey, which will, at the appropriate time, be sought frpm CoSgress." Thus the srmed • force« of Greece snd Turkey hsve become s regular burden on the United States Treasury. ' 2. The latest episode'is developing in Iran. On Februsry 2, dispatches from Moscow reported s Soviet protest to the Irsnisn government against the conversion of Irsn into sn snti-Soviet military bese., Moscow contended thst (1) "Under the leadership of American militsry advisers, the Irsnisn Army is being re-equipped with American srms of the same type as those being used to re-equip the Turkish Army." (S) "Beginning in I»47 the American military adviser, Brigadier Robert W. Grow, worked out a plan for the reorganization of the Iranian Army." (3) "At the request and under the direction of American militsry advisers, a large sirfleld has been built In the City of Qum." (4) "There has been a mass inundation of Iran in recent months by Americsn adviser* snd other represented ves who sre settling down not only in the Armv but siso in other organiza-tions and institutions, psrticulsrly civilian sir trsnsport" Although these sllegstions were contained In a note sent by Moscow to the Irsnisn government. Michsel McDermott, speakingtur Jhe Stste Department st s Wsshington press conference, declsred thst the Rus-•isn charges were "untrue", "fslse" Snd "distortions". "Mr. McDermott ssid there sre two Americsn militsry missions in Iran. . . . One mission . . . advises the Iranian gendarmerie. The other , . . advises the Iranian Army on 'problems of organization snd principles of trsining,' but is specificslly barred from sdvising on plans or operations sgainst a 'foreign enemy', General Eisenhower in his Press ¡trMU World Airline, he ssid, hss Club speech commended the unifl ed i forwsrd step snd repeated his insistent demand for universal military training in the United States. The navy announnces plsns for sn 80.000 ton csrrier from which hesvy bomb ers c an br Isunched snd a 60,000 ton rarrier for Jet plane* Committee on Atomic ported, January SO, 11148. thst the pioduction of atomic wrspons rather than development of peacetime uses of atomic energy must lie the "vital business of the Atomic Eneigy Commission in the near future. Pres ident Truman's Air Pulley Commission in its report of January IS outlined two phases in the development of military alt power During Phase I. Iskting from I84S to Id&S. the probabilities of atomic war were relatively »light Ph*»e II 'The conclusions of the Commission . > • fis the target date by which we should have an sit aim capable ot dealing with a possible atomic at tack on this country at January 1. 1883 For convenience we will refer to this date as A-day " My that date, the Commission feels thst the United State» should have 20,000 war planes in service In other wotds, thst the country nhould be ready to go to war. United States policy u following a course that IS diiected toward war 1 The AdminiMiathm has an> nounced its intention of securing another half billion dollars for Na-txmslist China, wheie s full-scale civil war is in progress The United States has been supplying money material» arms training and guld anre to the Nationalists ever sinee VJ dav The same ptactlt-e» will Im followed in 1848 if rcmgtecMtonal ap-piopt islions can b* seemed 2 The State Departnent ha» an metric ed that it will **k additional appropriations foi the aiming of Greece and Turkey This time their Is not even a pretense that Greece and Tut key are in need of tellef The announcement merely note» what the prees repeats daily, that the guerilla forces in («tee?«- are still strong and on the offensive President Truman's second quai tarty report on aid tu Greece end Tuikev, submitted to Congress on Felmiety If ts s strident declaration «If wsr on communism. In his original re s »mull interest' in the Irsnisn airline lrsntur, but he did not know how much assistance this line was getting from American civilians", (New York Herald Tribune, Feb ruary 3, 184A ) On February 17 the Pstliament of Iran, after a lively dehulr, accepted a U.S.A. credit of The Joint 110,000,000, which will be used for Energy re- pUrchsse of wsr msterials, including tanks and planes. The Soviet allegations about U.S.A, plans to arm Iraq may have been distorted. as Mi McDermott insisted, but If the United States la maintaining two mihtaiy missions in the country and lending Itsq ten million dollars worth of Americsn militsry equipment, the Soviet Foreign Office, Ui put it very mildly, hss good gmunds for supposing that U.S.A. intentions in Iraq sre not of a wholly pacific chaiacter. politics, a means of utilizing Uie economic distress of the European countries for the purpose of dictating their forms of government This Is shown by the State Department declsrstion that if the people of Italy do not vote the wsy we want them to, our economic aid to them will be cancelled Immediately. The contention thst by these sets we sre helping to preserve the pivili-zstion and liberty of free nations is a mockery of the idesls in the nam? of which our boy« fought in thé war and the very trsd Slops pf'Sur own struggle for national? inrfepf^device snd freedom. The Americsn people csnnot be united on the bssis of s policy of the militarization of our country for the preservation of the decadent Greek monarchy or the rotten rule of Chisng Kai-Shek. The Americsn Slsv Congress, voicing the grave concern of all for-ward-looking Americans, is opposed to your recommendations snd will fight under th^ leadership of Henry Wsllsce for the restoration of America to Roesevslt's psth of friendship snd coopération with sll of our wsr-tlme allies through the United Nations. LEO KRZYCKI, President. ZLATKO BALOKOVlC, Chm. GEORGE PIRINSKY, Secy. the upper crust "And remember those awful daya when NLRB wea an partial body." Oil Price Increases Seven Times Total Wage Bill FORT WORTH. Texas.—(FP)— Price increases imposed by the oil industry since the death of OPA are takin $7 million a day from America! consumers. Pres. O. A. Knight of the Oil Workers Intl. Union (CIO) told a labor conference here. That amount is seven times the total dally wage bill of all refineries, he ssid. ambassador kosanovic's criticism of u. s. nuernberg judgment ignored by press WASHINGTON.—T h e following ststement criticizing the recent judgment of sn Americun militsry tribpnal in Nuernberg wss issued on Feb. 20 by Ambassador Suva N. Ko-sanovic of Jugoslavia. With almost nO exceptions, the press ignored it. Mr. Kosanovic's statement: Monstrous is the only word I can find to describe sections of the judgment of the American military tribunal which yesterday passed sentence on Field Marshall Wilhelm List and seven other Nazi generals in Nuernberg. I do not wonder that these parts were omitted from today's news reports in the New York Times snd New York Herald Tribune. The full tefct of the Judgment read by Judge Oharles F. Wenner-strum of Iowa Mteuld surely shock large sections of (he American pub accorded the rights of a lawful belligerent. "Captured members of these unlawful groups were nrft entitled to be treated as prisoners of war. No crime can be charged properly against the defendants for killing such captured members of resistance forces." Can narrow legalistic thinking achieve a more grotesque distortion of history and justice? In what manner were men to fight who saw their wives and sisters, and sometimes mothers, raped before their eyes? Who saw the elck and aged tortured to death? Whose own children were starved to desth, or hideously tormented, or driven off to slave labor, or herded by world-wise By ISRAEL EPCITIN—Allied Labor News The drums of World War 151 have jceldooi sounded louder than in the U. H. ot this moment. In China und Greece local wurs which date liack to 1845 ure reaching llu ir high point. Nonetheless a new worldwide shooting conflict is still far av y. It takes at least two great peters to make a world war. Today only two really great powlrs exi.t. American arms, dollars and advisers form the chief mainstay of the Greek-and Chinese governments which would not ask for such aid if they coald'rule without it. No one has yet seen a Russian officer, i ifle or ruble on the other side of the war in these countries. No Russian has spoken of military attack on the U. S. What b culled "Soviet aggression" is really the growth of revolutionary movement. Communists are multiplying because many peoples who saw World War II on their own soil find it impossible to continue living the old way and no other group has been able to win their allegiance with u more hopeful solution. Since Russia is Communist too. more and more countries are said ttf) have entered her "sphere of. influence." The U. S. is still the strongest nation on earth. It is the richest, as a comparison of living standards here and elsewhere proves. America can produce 100 million tons of steel annually while Russian capacity :s scarcely 23 million. The U. S. alone has atom bomb stockpiles. It has more planes, more tanks, more navy ships, more of everything you cun think of except people and soldiers in uniform than all other countries combined. K , Yet the American government is the most panicky of all In its statements. New "defeats" are recorded in the press daily, though if the question were allowed it would be hard to explain just where snd how the American people have auffered. Last yelr Sec. of State George C. Marshall announced that his plan was aimed at "nb country or ideology" but against the hunger and misery born of the last war. Some countries refused to participate in the Marshall plan, preferring to tackle their hunger and misery their own way. That was chalked up as a "defeat" although it should have pleased Marshall that fewer people wanted America's money. On Alarch 15, the U. S. government, apparently anticipating another "defeat," announced to Italians preparing a democratic election that they will'get no food if they vote the Communist-Socialist slate. Marshall said the same day that "the Greek situation is serious but is not without hope"—after funds suppoeed to feed hungry Greeks had been diverted to military needs to the extent of over $10.000 to kill each of 20,000 or so ragged but apparently still unstopable guerrillas. Marshall alss said: "The Greek government has commendably resisted temptations to meet the crisis by departure from democratic principles and resort to totalitarian measures." Each day's news from Athens tells of scores of executions. U. S. unions have protested against suppression of labor there,, including the death penalty for strike leaders. Democratic principles? Former Pres. Herbert Hoover complains that, should war come, America will have no allies. Some nations don't like the leaders Pres. Truman likes. Some are just scared to get into a U. S.-Russian war and be blasted into eternity. In a search for,allies, U. S. occupation authorities have halted decar-telization in Germany and Japan. This gives the green light to industrialists in those countries, who started the last war for their own profit, to enlist in World War III for the same purpose. -U. S. bankers and corporation executives may see those industrialists as "just plain businessmen" like themselves. But the rest of the world is full of just plain people who don't resemble bankers or industrialists and would rather see them go than fight a war for them. . Since bankers don't shoulder rifles and don't dominate too many countries these days. World War is still unlikely. U. S. policy in picking them alone for friends is antagonizing more and more plain folk who would also like America for a friend. Since even atonr bombs can't kill everyone, this can't be remedied by rattling weapons or moneybags—only bv learning to live in the same world with others, even if their flag is red. hundreds into buildings which were then sealed and bUrned to the senator tafts great victory lie as profoundly as it shocked me. ¡ ground? FRANKFORT, Ky,—(FP)—T h e Kentucky general assembly created a full-fledged state police force despite bitter opposition by orgsnized labor snd its sympathizer?. The new force was deacribed a sa potential "Gestapo" by Sen. Rodes K. Myers, former Democratic lieutenant governor, The defendants were charged with murdering hostages in Albania, Greece and Jugpsluvla—100 Serbs or Greeks for each Nazi soldier killed by Partisans, and at least 50 for each Nazi soldier wounded, according to the Associated Press dispatch of Feb. 18. This dispatch quoted the judgment: "German soldiers were victims of surprise attacks by an enemy which they could not engage in open combat. "Certain units of bands in Jugoslavia and Greece complied with the requirements of international law, but the -greater «nprtion of partisan bands failed t* pomply with the rules of wnr entitling them to be Do Americans know what war is like? "The' court brushed aside any contention that the German Army'» presence in the Balkans was illegitimate," said the Associated Press. Is all this not an admission of report that this law is worse than we feared. Not one single provision is working to benefit labor. As Senator BalH-eports. the law is working better than either he or Senator Taft expected—in help it gives to employers. One of the greatest victories of the Taft-Hartley Act has been the, unexpected action of some unions in llt - , volutarily striking out by refusing the superiority of the German race? | ^ f|,e non.Communist affidavits A Justification of genocide and_ the and fin,ncial ltatemenU. mass cremation of millions of Jews in German cnocentration camps? A white-washing of the evil traitors and collaborators who, likewise admitting the legitimacy of the pres Now, after six months experience peacefully with tough employers under the Taft Hartley Act, we can that much harder. Unions whose officers can and will sign these affidavits and file the required financial statements are not afraid to stand up and fight for better contracts. They are not afraid that an employer will withdraw recognition in the middle of negotiation for higher wages. The situation is so bad in some of these non-complying unions that their leaders consider it big, page-one news when an employer agrees not to cancel a contract or to withdraw recognition for another year. —From The Machinist, I.A.M. too much war talk By ELEANOR RÔqftrfELT ' United States procedures in China. Greece, Tuikey and ban can he de»c t ilted in only cine fashion they aie u drive to war. If the Soviet Union had military missions in four countnr« cif the Western Hemisphere adjacent to United States frontiers, and if the Soviet Union were supplying and training the aymed forces of these countries, the USA press snd radio would call it aggression snd a drive to wai Since the United Sutes ha« mllitarv mission« in four countries adpicent to the Soviet frontiers, and since United States military missions aie supplying and training tiie stmed forces In these four countile* the action can bj de»c tilted in no othn way than as aggression .»ml a drive to vfat Why should the United States drive towatd war* There ale four important reason» 1 Mihtaiy ptepatatlons and war postpone «nd relieve economic depression Tin« as fully proved by Japanese, Italian Herman Htitlsh, Flench and IJSA experience he I ween 1831 «nd ItMI. The United Slates is no« floundering into economic depression 2 United State» aimed forces got eleven billion dollars to »pend la»t year and aie pioimsed a like amount for this yeat Thev ate playing a mane to'e in »hantng na iHHial |*»lu \ If there 1» tw «n m right, thev «»III have less money and conteqt.entlv le»» power 3 'Armed forces ate aM dies»ed up Walter Winchell made a very solemn, serious tslk over the sir recently. To the people who listened I think he gave the impression thst the time had come actually to prepare ourselves for s return to wsr conditions. Mr Winchell rrsches a wide sudienec People in such clr-cumstsnces should use great care. I lay swsae that night thinking whst s return to war would mesn, and there must have been msny oth-eis, young and old. who did the seme thing. Mote pioduction for destruction, less foi building up s better economy st home and abroad, restrictions of everv kind Here at home we would have, at the least, great discomforts; ahtt»ad there would be and reedy to go There is only one place thst sm ed forces are trsined and prepared to go- to war Armed fore« are always potential pro war pleasure group» At the moment, the srmed forces sre the l*e»t f| n a need and best organized pressure group in the United Stales 4. Communism has been spread«! ing with bfeath-taking rapidity sine»* think starvation and death. Our men mobilized again. The United State» this time would be the first and main target, and a vulnerable pne. Desperate preparation, lieaVy hearts* divided families, A yountf |gnefstion wiped out. snd the knowledge in the older generstion of whst thst would mesn to the country In the next 25 years. The same thing going on in other countries sll ever the world. No, Mr Winchell. this is no light matter that you talked of on thst night. This is life or death to the nations of tl)e wdrjd • • • After every wsr, the representatives of the countries which survive sit around a table and try to come to tnntr agreement« Before we contemplate war agsm. let us mske every possible effort to sit down around a table new and come to a«nne agreements. Why must men destroy then-selves? 1 sm no advocste of Henry WaL lace's mushy i»otlcy. I think thu world needs sliong men with spiritual and mmal convictions Rut I II also r.-eds friendly men-. * After six months, it is clesr that the only result of this boycott is to weaken the bargaining position of some of the boycotting unions. The refussl to file under the law ence of Nazi troops, cost not only|does no| protect the union against the lives of their Europesn countrymen, but the lives of Americsns ss weW? In Jugoslavia, 1,700,000 men. women and children died for the Allied cauao in the recent war. Ac- the anti-labor provisions of this law. Not at all. Every single anti-labor provision can be used against any labor organization whether it has filed its affidavits and its financial state cording tu1 this Judgment, they died |ments 6r whether it has refused to in vain; it was legitimate for the tne Nazis to overrun their cpuptry and i /{ union can be sued under the pillage and murder. I Taft-Hartley Act whether or not Franklin D. Roosevelt and Win- leaders have signed non-Com-ston Churchill appealed to the peo- munist affidavits. An injunction pies of Nazi-occupied Eurcpe to re- ran be issued to stop s union from sist in the common csuse. They did pressing its demands whether or not specify that they should refrain not that union has filed its financial from "surprise sttscks" snd observe ,utement with the Labor Depsrt- "the requirements ol internstionsl Jaw.H> Instead they smuggled in srms to the Partisans and instruments for sabotage Under the terms of sentences imposed in Huernberg vesterday, they too are eulpable. They encouraged "surprise attacks" and provided the very means for They forgot "the re-' ment. A union may claim to be defying the Taft-Hartley Act, but that doesn't stop the Labor Board from hauling it up on charges of unfair labor practices whenever an employer make* such charges. But. the last six months have some of them "lg».."' — ,hown. unions refusing to file hsve qulrements of »^'^ettenal l.vr h m to a,d >n<| Of what is sn monstre Judg- t^^ ^ membrrf7 Thpy h-ve . msde their jobs ôf negostiating ment a symptom? In Loving Memory of our dear brother PFC. Frank Joseph Seibert who was killed in action in North African area five yesrs sgo, on Msrch 28th. 1843. , . You hsd a smile for everyone, A heart as pure as gold. To those who knew and loved you Your memory will never grow old. Although your soul is st rest And free from csre snd pain, The world would seem like heaven. If we had you back again. Sadly misssd by sisters and brother. Frances of Tire Hill. Pa.. Josephine and Michael of Cleveland. Ohio, and Alice of Frederiektown. Pa.—Tire Hill, Pa. the summer ot IP45 At the seme men who can trv to understand the time, the rspitalt«t structure totters and crumbles USA policy makers either believe m metend to believe IhSt the weaknesse« of capitalism Sie due to the »presd of convt un ism (actually, of (mime, the ieve'»>* ti true). Thcefnre s preventive wsr. directed sgsinst the communist are men who |Mit business «ttonffcnid, would save rapitaleim above human gain* or, SS It IS more frequi nt'y phrased save Western Ctvillrstion Here ere four maim factors, all pushing the United States forward i lie fourth arfe'ne from the spread of < ommuntsm Is the nne mead con »lenity itrasM-il in puhiiriljr and i caq obtein the i iopegands. I we thought were New Oil Reserves in Turkey WASHINGTON—(FP)—New oil fields have be«-n found in the Di-yarbarkir region of Turkey, the Na* tlonal Geographic Society announced Mar 19 ' The entire Middle East, including Turkey. Iran. Iraq, snd Arabls is slresdy one of the world's trouble spots becsuse of hi« power rivalry • . ... .. é _ i for oil resources there. In addition need, of peoples Without question ^ ^ Dty,rhmkn ^ Brr (To he continued) there are ruthless men In the Krem| lin. snd if we tcre honest w.th our-»elves, we'll admit there sre ruth-le«« men right here st home Without arv question. tRe e sre ruthless men sll over the world And there fsins This nation of ours ha* been aet. ing primarily 'rem Its fear* We have for gotten that there Is nothing to fear eseept fear itself Rut we had better learn that truth again, and act with Hm- confidence that we ieee which once worthwhile fn* I ourselves and the rest of the world prospects of new oil f<.-tdt mar the Turkish city of Adana. Until modem oil polltii came to Diyarhakir, the arva was a high mountain plateau «-here life had changed little since Bihlteai times. Now 85 million of American sld to Turkey under the Truman doctrine is being used to build roads there. Clear Treck Girl: "Do you have any green Upat rek*" Drugs I* t "Oreen lipstick*" Girl "Yes. s radioed man is railing on me tonight?" In Memoriam In loving memory of our beloved husband, son and brother who waa killed In Oermany March 23. 1843. while servtn« in the infantry of the UA. Third Army, fifth division PRIVATE CARL PERIC Deep la our hearts A memory || ktp! Of one we loved And will never forget Sadly missed by: Mrs. Motile a Porte, wife. Detroit. Mich.: Mr. ft Mrs. Andrew Perk, mother and father. Orand Ha Frank. Ferdt