Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3, 1–11, Ljubljana 2021 doi:10.14720/aas.2021.117.3.1883 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Sustainable effective use of brackish and canal water for rice-wheat crop production and soil health Khalil AHMED 1, 2 , Amar Iqbal SAQIB 1 , Ghulam QADIR 1 , Muhammad Qaisar NAWAZ 1 , Muhammad RIZW AN 1 , Syed Saqlain HUSSAIN 1 , Muhammad IRFAN 1 , Muhammad Mohsin ALI 3 Received September 20, 2020; accepted June 22, 2021. Delo je prispelo 20. Septembra 2020, sprejeto 22. junija 2021 1 Soil Salinity Research Institute (SSRI), Pindi Bhattian, Pakistan 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: 3 Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad Sustainable effective use of brackish and canal water for rice- wheat crop production and soil health Abstract: A pot study was conducted to develop reason- able irrigation scheduling methods for rice-wheat crop ro- tation by conjunctive use of low-quality brackish water and good quality canal water. Treatments tested were; T 1 (canal water), T 2 (brackish water), T 3 (brackish water for rice and ca- nal water for wheat), T 4 (last two irrigations to rice, and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water), T 5 (last two irriga- tions to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water). Results revealed that irrigation with canal water resulted in the maximum mean biomass and grain yield of rice and wheat crops followed by cyclic use of brackish and canal water. While continuous irrigation with brackish water resulted the lowest mean biomass and grain yield. The differ - ent modes of irrigations also influenced chemical properties of soil, brackish water adversely affected the soil properties, and maximum pH of soil saturated paste (pH s ), electrical conductivity of soil extract (EC e ) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) were recorded where brackish water was used continuously. Therefore, it was concluded that when water is valuable and freshwater resources are limited, cyclic use of the canal and brackish water is also profitable with marginal effect on biomass and grain yield and proves least detrimental for soil health. Key words: canal water; brackish water; rice; wheat; soil health Trajnostna in učinkovita raba brakične in vodovodne vode za pridelavo riža in pšenice in ohranjanje zdravja tal Izvleček: Izveden je bil lončni poskus za razvoj načrta smiselnega namakanja v kolobarju riža in pšenice s hkratno uporabo brakične vode slabe kakovosti in kakovostno vodo iz vodovoda. Obravnavanja so obsegala: T 1 (voda iz vodovoda), T 2 (brakična voda), T 3 (brakična voda za riž in voda iz vodo- voda za pšenico), T 4 (dve zadnji namakanji riža in začetno namakanjem pšenice z vodo iz vodovoda), T 5 (dve zadnji na- makanji riža, dve začetni in zadnje namakanje pšenice z vodo iz vodovoda). Rezultati so pokazali, da je namakanje z vodo iz vodovoda dalo največjo poprečno biomaso in največji pride- lek zrnja riža in enake rezultate pri pšenici pri izmenični rabi brakične in vodovodne vode. Stalno namakanje z brakično vodo je dalo najmanjšo poprečno biomaso in najmanjši pri- delek zrnja. Različni načini namakanja so vplivali tudi na ke- mijske lastnosti tal. Brakična voda je nanje vplivala negativno. Pri njeni stalni uporabi je bil zabeležen najvišji pH tal (pH s ), največja električna prevodnost izvlečka tal (EC e ) in največja adsorpcija natrija (SAR). Na osnovi tega lahko zaključimo, da je tam, kjer so viri sladke vode omejeni, izmenična uporaba brakične in vodovodne vode donosna saj ima majhen učinek na biomaso in pridelek zrnja in se izkaže manj škodljiva za zdravje tal. Ključne besede: vodovodna voda; brakična voda; riž; pšenica; zdravje tal Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 2 K. AHMED et al. 1 INTRODUCTION Due to Pakistan’s arid and semi-arid climate, the agriculture sector of the country is heavily dependent on irrigated farming. However, a considerable gap ex- ists between increasing demand and water supply and farmers are forced to pump the groundwater, which is about 70-80 % brackish (Latif and Beg 2004). Drought prevailing conditions and decreased the surface water supply may intensify the practice of irrigation with brackish water that may results in problem of salinity in irrigated lands (Qadir et al., 2007). Hence, farmers’ poor knowledge to manage the brackish water for irrigation is one of the major reasons for the land deterioration. Soil sodicity is generally described as presence of relative amounts of sodium in the soil solution or on the cation exchange sites. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) represents the soluble Na + concentration rela- tive to the soluble divalent cation concentrations in the soil solution (Qadir et al., 2008). Soils with SAR more than13 are dispersive and suffer from serious physical problems e.g. permeability to water and air is restricted (Biswas et al., 2014). Further, water with high sodium content results in dispersion of clay particles and clog- ging of soil pores (Levy et al., 2003); Na-saturation of clay complex (Minhas et al., 2019); impedes aeration and loss in soil permeability (Choudhary et al., 2011); thereby negatively impacting crop productivity through toxicity of Na + , nutritional imbalances and adverse os- motic effect (Sharma et al., 2016; Murtaza et al., 2017). Several researchers decided to designate the strat- egies for optimal use of different quality waters to at- tain secure and predictable yields on a long-term sus- tainable basis. Nevertheless, safe and successful use of poor-quality water will require careful planning, stringent monitoring procedures, and efficient manage- ment practices to avoid further land degradation (FAO, 2011). Two different strategies can be employed to use the fresh water and poor-quality groundwater, i.e., I) a cyclic mode, in which subsurface poor-quality water and canal water are used separately, and II) a blending model, in which good and poor-quality water are used simultaneously (Qureshi et al., 2004). The cyclic mode involves brackish and good qual- ity water in different crop rotations comprising salt-tol- erant and salt-sensitive crops. In general, canal water or good quality water is used before planting and at early growth stages, while brackish water is used after seed- ling establishment (Latteef, 2010). In Pakistan, the rice- wheat cropping pattern covers 2.3 X 10 -6 ha (Qureshi and Barrett-Lennard, 1998). Rice is relatively tolerant to sodicity, while wheat is tolerant to salinity (Qadir et al. 2001). It is a very well-established fact that germi- nation and seedling stages are categorized as the most sensitive growth stages in most crops. Subsequently, ir- rigation with good quality water has been advocated at early growth stages and then switching over to brackish water at later growth stages when the plant can tolerate high salt stress (Minhas and Gupta, 1993). Efforts have been made to counteract brackish water’s detrimental effects through blended and cyclic approaches (Rhoad- es, 1998). Furthermore, conjunctive use of brackish wa- ter with surface water can generate double agricultural revenues, and that profits may be more during drought periods (Bredehoeft and Young, 1983). In a pot experiment, Gandahi et al. (2017) studied the response of different cotton varieties against con- junctive use of non-saline and saline water. They con- cluded that cotton genotypes performed better when six irrigations were provided with fresh water and six irrigations with salty water in a conjunctive manner. Similarly, in a field experiment, Chen et al. (2018) ob- served that shoot dry mass and cotton yield decreased significantly when irrigated with brackish water than freshwater. They stated that an optimal mix of alter- nating non-saline and saline water may be an effective strategy for cotton production and avoiding second- ary salinization when using saline water. Minhas et al. (2007) evaluated the effect of fresh water and alkali wa- ter on rice-wheat crop rotation. The yield of rice and wheat crops, was affected negatively when irrigated with alkali water; however, rice was more sensitive to alkali water irrigation. They concluded that cyclic use of alkali and good quality water could be a preferable irrigation mode to avoid the build up of salts in soils. In a field experiment, Murad et al. (2018) applied the fresh water and brackish water at different maize crop growth stages. They stated that freshwater applica- tion yielded the highest grain and straw yield of maize. They concluded that freshwater irrigation at an early sensitive stage while conjunctive use of saline water with fresh water at later growth stages may minimize the yield losses. Therefore, the present research work was carried out to develop reasonable irrigation sched- uling methods for rice-wheat crop rotation by conjunc- tive use of the low-quality brackish water and limited freshwater resources. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP A pot study was conducted in the wirehouse of Soil Salinity Research Institute Pindi Bhattian, Hafiz- abad. A normal soil {pH s = 7.98, EC e = 2.22 (dS m -1 ), Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 3 Sustainable effective use of brackish and canal water for rice-wheat crop production and soil health SAR = 36.50 and texture = sandy clay loam} was filled in glazed pots at the rate of 16 kg/pot. Pots were arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications to give a total of 15 pots. During the ex- periment, the average weather conditions were: 13.2 ± 2.8 °C minimum temperature, 41.4 ± 3.8 °C maximum temperature, 35.6 ± 3.4 % minimum relative humid- ity, 72.6 ± 4.6 % maximum relative humidity, maximum sunshine hours, 14 h and 8 min and minimum sunshine hours, 7 h and 36 min. 2.2 TREATMENTS DETAILS AND CROP ROTA- TION Treatments tested were comprised of T 1 (canal wa- ter), T 2 (consistence use of brackish water), T 3 (brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat, seasonal cyclic use), T 4 (last two irrigations to rice, and initial two ir- rigations to wheat with canal water, supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages), T 5 (last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water). Rice-wheat crop rotation was used for three years (2013 to 2016). Thirty days old seedlings of rice (‘Shaheen Basmati’) were transplanted in the 2 nd week of July 2013, 2014, 2015 at the rate of three seed- lings per pot. Fertilizers dose viz. 110-90-60 NPK kg ha -1 was used for rice crop. Half of the recommended nitrogen (urea) and full dose of P (single super phos- phate) and K (sulphate of potash) were applied at trans- planting while the remaining half dose of nitrogen was applied thirty days after transplanting. The pots were irrigated as per crop requirement and approximately 2 liters pot -1 irrigation -1 were given, a total of 20 irriga- tions were applied in each season for rice crop. All the plant protection and agronomical practices were car- ried out uniformly. Rice crop was harvested in the 2 nd week of November, and data about biomass and grain yield was documented. After the harvest of rice crop, in the same layout, fertilizers dose viz. 120-110-70 NPK kg ha -1 was applied. Half of the recommended nitrogen (urea) and full dose of P (single super phosphate) and K (sulphate of potash) were applied at sowing while the remaining half dose of nitrogen was applied thirty days after sowing. Ten seeds of wheat (‘Inqlab-91’) were sown in each pot in the 3 rd week of November 2013, 2014 and 2015. Thirty days after the germination, plants were thinned, and three seedlings/pot were maintained. The pots were irrigated as per crop requirement and ap- proximately 2 liters pot -1 irrigation -1 were given, a total of 6 irrigations were applied in each season for wheat crop. The crop was raised to maturity and harvested in the 2 nd week of April, and data about biomass and grain yield were recorded. 2.3 SOIL AND W ATER ANALYSIS Before the start of study and after the harvest of 3 rd wheat crop soil samples were air dried, passed through 2 mm sieve and analyzed for pH s , EC e and SAR (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954). Soil pH of the saturated paste was measured by using pH meter (Microcomput- er pH-vision cole parmer model 05669-20). Electrical conductivity of the irrigation water and soil saturated paste extract was measured with the help of conduc- tivity meter (WTW conduktometer LF 191). The Na + contents were determined by flame photometer (digi- flame code DV 710) while Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ were deter- mined titrimetrically. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was calculated as follows where ionic concentration of the saturation extracts is given in mmol e l -1 . SAR = Na + / [(Ca 2+ + Mg 2+ )/2] 1/2 . Soil texture was determined by hy- drometer method (Bedaiwy, 2012). Carbonate contents (CO 3 2- and HCO 3 - ) was determined via titration with standard H 2 SO 4 . Residual sodium carbonate (RSC) was calculated by (Eaton, 1950) as follows: RSC = (CO 3 2- and HCO 3 - ) - [( Ca 2+ + Mg 2+ ) 2.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSES The collected crop data were subjected to analy- sis of variance. The treatment means comparison was made using the Least Significant Difference Test at 5 % probability level (Steel et al., 1997) using STATISTIX 8.1 package software. Parameters Units Brackish water Canal water Electrical conductivity of irrigation water (EC iw ) (dS m -1 ) 3.29 0.32 Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) (mmol e l -1 ) 1/2 25.52 0.53 Residual sodium carbonate (RSC) (me l -1 ) 2.54 Nil Table 1: Analysis of irrigation waters used in study Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 4 K. AHMED et al. 3 RESULTS 3.1 RICE CROP Data in Table 2 showed that different irrigation modes had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on rice bio- mass yield. Irrigation with canal water produced the maximum biomass yield during all three seasons, while continuous irrigation with brackish water negatively affected rice crop biomass yield. Based on the mean value of three seasons, irrigation with canal water (T 1 ) produced the maximum biomass yield of 254.53 g/pot followed by (T 3 ) (214.54 g/pot), where canal water and brackish water was used in a cyclic mode. Whereas continuous irrigation with brackish water produced the minimum biomass yield of 180.63 g/pot. A similar trend was also observed in the case of grain yield, based on average data of three seasons, maximum grain yield (55.40 g/pot) was documented where canal water was used for irrigation followed by cyclic mode of irriga- tion (brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat) which yielded the grain yield of 42.81 g/pot (Table 3). However, it was statistically (p < 0.05) similar to all the other treatments. Continuous irrigation with brackish water negatively impacted grain yield, and the lowest mean grain yield (36.64 g/pot) was divulged with this mode of irrigation. 3.2 WHEAT CROP Growth characteristics like biomass and grain yield of the wheat crop were also significantly influenced by different irrigation modes. Data presented in Table 4 showed that the highest mean value for biomass yield (84.35 g/pot) was documented in T 1 (canal water irri- gation) followed by T 3 with biomass yield of (78.55 g/ pot), and both the treatments were significant (p < 0.05) from each other. On average, the minimum biomass yield of 69.02 g/pot was recorded in T 2 , indicating that continuous irrigation with brackish water significantly reduced the biomass yield. Grain yield also responded significantly to different treatments of irrigation dur- ing all three seasons. Data in Table 5 illustrated that the maximum grain yield (35.92 g/pot) was observed with canal irrigation followed by cyclic mode of irrigation (32.09 g/pot). On the other hand, the lowest grain yield (27.25) was observed in T 2 , a treatment where brackish irrigation water was used continuously to irrigate the pots. 3.3 SOIL PROPERTIES Chemical properties of surface soil were also in- fluenced by the different modes of irrigations and pH s , EC e and SAR gradually increased during the three years of experimentation. Soil pH s steadily increased by con- tinuous irrigation with brackish water as compared to other modes of irrigation. At the end of the study maxi- mum increase of 11.52 % over its initial value in soil, pH s was recorded with brackish water irrigation (Table 6). On the contrary, a minimum increase in soil pH s (1.12 %) was recorded in canal water irrigation, while in the cyclic mode of irrigation, this increase was (4.38 %) over its initial value. A similar tendency was ob- served in soil EC e ; different modes of irrigation resulted in the buildup of salts in the soil; however, accumula- tion of salts was more with brackish water. At the end of the study, a maximum increase in EC e (234.23 %) was observed in T 2 (brackish water), whereas, minimum in- crease (5.85 %) was observed in T 1 (canal water) (Table 7). Soil sodicity was also increased remarkably by vari- ous modes of irrigation. Maximum sodicity was devel- oped where brackish water was used continuously for three years, and an increase of 648.90 % in SAR over its Treatments 1 st crop 2 nd crop 3 rd crop Mean T 1 Canal water 256.98 A 263.38 A 243.22 A 254.53 A T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 236.14 B 164.80 A 140.96 D 180.63 C T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 234.88 B 216.55 B 192.20 B 214.54 B T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 240.13 B 190.11 C 162.78 C 197.67 BC T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 237.86 B 194.36 170.28 C 200.83 BC Table 2: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on rice biomass yield (g/pot) Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences by LSD at p ≤ 0.05 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 5 Sustainable effective use of brackish and canal water for rice-wheat crop production and soil health initial value was observed (Table 8). In contrast, a mini- mum increase (27.39 %) in SAR over its initial value was recorded, canal water was used for irrigation. 4 DISCUSSION Due to Pakistan’s arid to semi-arid climate, about 70-75 % of the country’s tube wells withdraw the brack- ish groundwater (Ghafoor et al., 1991). Furthermore, many areas of the country with freshwater resources are endangered with contamination due to this exces- sive withdrawal of brackish groundwater. Under most situations, subsurface brackish water and canal water can be applied in different modes of irrigations (cyclic, blending) to meet the crop water demands. Allocation of these two different quality waters can be done de- pending upon season, type of crop, and crop growth stage so that salt stress is minimized. For this purpose, we designed an irrigation schedule for rice wheat-crop rotation, where both waters were used in seasonal cy- clic mode, and canal (non-saline) water was used at the salt-sensitive stage of crop growth, switching over to brackish water at the tolerant stage. Results of the study showed that pH s , EC e, and SAR of soil increased gradu- ally during three years; however, the rate of increase was more where brackish water alone with {EC iw = 3.29 (dS m -1 ), SAR = 25.52, and RSC = 2.54 (me l -1 )} was used continuously for three years. This high pH s , EC e, and SAR due to brackish water may be explained that salt solution concentrated when water loss through evapo- transpiration and induces the salinity/sodicity (Minhas et al., 2007). Different researchers reported similar find- ings that irrigation with brackish water resulted the re- sidual in salinity and sodicity build up in soils (Avais et al., 2018; Zaka et al., 2018; Qadir et al., 2019). Con- tinuous irrigation with brackish water having SAR 10.4 (mmol l −1 ) 1/2 may reduced rice and wheat productivity by 16 and 14 %, respectively and resulted in buildup of exchangeable sodium (Sheoran et al., 2021). Similarly in a pot study, Hussain et al. (2016) reported that saline irrigation (5.7 dS m -1 ) impaired growth of wheat plants and adversely affected the grain and dry matter yield. Therefore, it emerges that high water demanding rota- tions like rice-wheat are even more prone to sodicity problem when irrigated with sodic waters (Minhas et Treatments 1 st crop 2 nd crop 3 rd crop Mean T 1 Canal water 55.23 A 57.48 A 53.50 A 55.40 A T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 48.13 B 32.18 D 29.62 D 36.64 B T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 46.64 B 41.91 B 39.88 B 42.81 B T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 47.89 B 36.04 C 33.41 C 39.11 B T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 50.09 B 36.76 C 32.98 C 39.94 B Table 3: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on rice grain yield (g/pot) Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences by LSD at p ≤ 0.05 Treatments 1 st crop 2 nd crop 3 rd crop Mean T 1 Canal water 90.31 A 78.40 A 84.36 A 84.35 A T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 73.22 C 67.92 D 65.94 D 69.02 D T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 84.86 AB 74.18 B 76.62 B 78.55 B T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 80.17 BC 71.41 C 72.78 C 74.78 C T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 81.60 AB 71.98 BC 73.24 C 75.60 BC Table 4: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on wheat biomass yield (g/pot) Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences by LSD at p ≤ 0.05 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 6 K. AHMED et al. al., 2019). This development of sodicity and salinity was also correlated to proportions of brackish water used in different irrigation modes. At the end of the study, EC e value was 4.17, where brackish and canal waters were used in cyclic mode (T 3 ) while a little variation was observed between T 4 (6.08) and T 5 (5.98) where canal water was supplied at the sensitive stages of crop growth. Similarly, at the end of the study, correspond- ing final values of SAR were 18.64 with cyclic mode (T 3 ) and 35.15 and 35.14 in (T 4 ) and (T 5 ), respectively, where canal water was used at salt-sensitive stages. In contrast, brackish water was used at tolerant stages of crop growth. Our results are supported by earlier find- ings of (Minhas et al., 2007) that cyclic use or mixing of good quality water with higher alkaline water resulted in lower exchangeable sodiu percentage (ESP) value (sodicity). Salinity induced reduction in biomass and grain yield of rice and wheat crop was observed, and maxi- mum reduction was documented in treatment where brackish water alone was used for irrigation, whereas, application of canal water alone or at sensitive growth stages and cyclic mode of irrigation showed less reduc- tion in these attributes. This reduced biomass and grain yield of rice and wheat with brackish water were due to sodicity/salinity in the soil as we discussed earlier that pH s , EC e, and SAR of soil increased gradually with brackish water. This accumulation of toxic salts in root zone asserted physiological stress and negatively affect- ed the physical and morphological characters of plants and consequently, crop growth is reduced (De Oliveira et al., 2013; Pessarakli, 2016). Under salt stress, the plant experiences osmotic and ionic stresses, leading to leaf senescence, reduced water uptake, photosynthetic ac- tivity, transpiration rate, and promoted metabolic al- terations (Munns, 2002; Amirjani, 2011). According to Zeng and Shannon (2003), salt stress in rice crop before the heading reduces the number and mass of panicles during the three-leaf stages until boot- ing. Further, at the flowering stage, salt stress adversely affected photosynthesis, which resulted in unfilled spikelet formation and ultimately the number of filled grains in the panicle decreased (Moradi, 2002; Zhang et al., 2015). Brackish water salinity resulted in the reduce biomass, leaf area, number of tillers, delay in flowering Treatments 1 st crop 2 nd crop 3 rd crop Mean T 1 Canal water 38.63 A 32.96 A 36.18 A 35.92 A T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 30.76 C 26.47 D 24.52 D 27.25 D T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 35.77 AB 29.65 B 30.86 B 32.09 B T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 33.80 BC 27.65 CD 27.92 C 29.79 C T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 34.30 BC 28.14 BC 28.56 C 30.33 BC Table 5: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on wheat grain yield (g/pot) Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences by LSD at p ≤ 0.05 Treatments 1 st year 2 nd year 3 rd year % increase over initial the value T 1 Canal water 8.00 8.05 8.07 1.12 T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 8.41 8.59 8.90 11.52 T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 8.17 8.25 8.33 4.38 T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 8.35 8.45 8.65 8.39 T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 8.30 8.42 8.63 8.14 Table 6: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on soil pH s Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 7 Sustainable effective use of brackish and canal water for rice-wheat crop production and soil health and ripening in rice crop (Kavosi, 1995; Castillo et al., 2007). The basic principle of sustainable irrigation using brackish water is that the concentration of toxic salts in the rhizosphere must be below a specific crop thresh- old (Maas and Hoffman, 1977; Munns and Tester, 2008). Some reports showed that rice is tolerant to salinity at germination and sensitive during reproductive stages (Lafitte et al., 2004; Rad et al., 2011). The current study also indicated that application of canal water at the sen- sitive (reproductive) stages of rice and wheat growth was also more effective than consistent use of brackish water, and biomass and grain yield were significantly higher in T 4 and T 5 than T 2 . Comparatively higher val- ues of growth attributes in T 4 and T 5 demonstrated that farmers can wisely manage the brackish water for ir- rigation when fresh water resources are limited. The sensitivity of any crop to salt stress often changes from one growth stage to the other growth stage (Mojid et al., 2014) therefore brackish water can be used for irriga- tion at growth stage where crops have better resistance ability (Munns and Tester, 2008). Our results are sup- ported by previous studies that brackish water could be used for irrigation without significant crop yield loss if managed intelligently (Al Khamisi et al., 2013; Singh, 2014; Murad et al., 2018). If properly managed, alternate irrigation with brackish and freshwater, minimize the negative impacts on plant growth and displays better soil salt control (Huang et al., 2019). Similarly, Xue and Ren (2017) re- ported that conjunctive use of fresh and brackish water significantly increased the yield of sunflower, maize, and wheat crop compared with brackish water irrigation. Our results are also in harmony with Minhas (1996), who stated that the conjunctive use of non-saline and saline water improved maize crop yield. Similarly, Gan- dahi et al. )2017) stated that cotton growth and yield at- tributes were significantly reduced with brackish water. The maximum values of these attributes were recorded where non-saline water was used to irrigate the crop. 5 CONCLUSION Based on the current study results, it was conclud- ed that: Treatments 1 st year 2 nd year 3 rd year % increase over the initial value T 1 Canal water 2.27 2.32 2.35 5.85 T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 3.30 5.08 7.42 234.23 T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 2.58 3.72 4.17 87.83 T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 2.92 4.46 6.08 173.87 T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 2.86 4.36 5.98 169.36 Table 7: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on soil EC e Treatments 1 st year 2 nd year 3 rd year % increase over initial the value T 1 Canal water 5.96 7.50 7.58 27.39 T 2 Consistence use of brackish water 19.72 29.37 44.56 648.90 T 3 Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use 12.16 15.02 18.64 213.27 T 4 Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water (supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages) 17.29 25.72 35.15 490.75 T 5 Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water 15.82 22.68 35.14 490.58 Table 8: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on soil SAR Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 8 K. AHMED et al. - Continuous use of brackish water caused the salt accumulation in soil and induced severe salt stress on crop growth and yield. Whereas, supplementation of a canal or non-saline water at sensitive growth stages can improve the rice-wheat yield significantly rather than using brackish water alone during all growth stages. Further, the cyclic mode of irrigation can be applied successfully with negligible or no negative impacts on both crop yield and soil health. - When freshwater resources are finite and the use of brackish water is inevitable, cyclic use of brackish and canal water can ensure the reasonable and sustain- able use of brackish water in agricultural production. - Farmers in Pakistan mostly rely on tube wells that are pumping poor quality water. Alternate irriga- tion with brackish and canal water for major crops, like rice and wheat is an effective practice for alleviating the shortage of freshwater in agricultural production. Fig.1: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on biomass and grain yield of rice-wheat (average of three sea- sons). T 1 (Canal water), T 2 (Consistence use of brackish water), T 3 (Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use), T 4 (Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water, supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages), T 5 (Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water) Fig.2: Effect of conjunctive use of brackish and canal water on soil pH s , EC e and SAR at the end of study. T 1 (Canal water), T 2 (Consistence use of brackish water), T 3 (Brackish water for rice and canal water for wheat seasonal cyclic use), T 4 (Last two irrigations to rice and initial two irrigations to wheat with canal water, supplementation of canal water at sensitive stages), T 5 (Last two irrigations to rice but two initial and one last irrigation to wheat with canal water) Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 9 Sustainable effective use of brackish and canal water for rice-wheat crop production and soil health Therefore, societal awareness among farming commu- nity to wisely use groundwater and canal water in cyclic mode for high-valued crops can potentially be helpful to avoid soil salinization and production losses. - Current study was a pot experiment conducted in a wire house. Therefore, an additional field studies are recommended to gain a better understanding of long-term effects of brackish water and cyclic use of brackish and canal water on production of major crops and soil health. 6 REFERENCES Al Khamisi, S.A., Prathapar, S.A., Ahmed, M. (2013). Con- junctive use of reclaimed water and groundwater in crop rotations. Agricultural Water Management, 116, 228-234. Amirjani, M.R. (2011). Effect of salinity stress on growth, sug- ar content, pigments and enzyme activity of rice. Interna- tional Journal of Botany, 7, 73-81. ijb.2011.73.81 Avais, M.A., Ghulam, Q., Khalil, A., Muhammad, I., Amar, I.S., Imtiaz, A.W ., Muhammad, Q.N., Muhammad, S., Muham- mad, A. (2018). Role of inorganic and organic amend- ments in ameliorating the effects of brackish water for raya-sunflower production. International Journal of Bio- sciences, 12, 117-122. Bedaiwy, M.N.A. (2012). 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