18 KINESIOLOGIASLOVENICA3 (1997)1: 18-23 Frane Erčuli * EVALU4llON OF THE EXPERT SYSTEM »KISS 1.2 KOSZ1 EKSPERT« ON PLAYERS OF THE SLOVENIAN CADET NATIONAL FEMALE BASKETBAll TEAM PREVERJANJE VELJAVtJOSTI EKSPERTNEGA SISTEMA »KISS 1.2 KOSZ1 EKSPERT« NA VZORCU ŽENSKE KADETSKE KOŠARKARSKE REPREZENTANCE SLOVENIJE ABSTRACT The model of the expert system of potential perfor- mance was evaluated ona sample of twelve female basketba ll players of the Slovene National Cadet Team. A battery of twentyfive morphological and fourteen motor tests was carried out immediately before the players' departure far the European Championships w hich enabled us to establish the ef- fect of the present moment sta te of preparedness on the playing performance and efficiency of the play- ers. In order to establ ish the relationship between man- ifest (predictive) variables and the criterion (playing performancev~nd efficiency), the expert system »KISS 1.2 KOSZ1 EKSPERT«was used . The estimate (assessment) of playing performance is in statistically sign ificant correlation with the expert evaluation of potential performance on the highest (ultimate) level of performance tree (O.S 7), and with expert evaluation of potential performance on the level of morphological dimensions (0.59). The cor- relation between playing efficiency and expert esti- mate of potential performance is just under the lim- it of statistical significance. With guards and forwards the amount of correlation between different criteria of success and expert eval- uation of potential performance does not differ sig- nificantly. The values range from 0.43 to 0.69, but due to the very small number of subjects, are not sta- tistically significant. Key words: basketba/1, women, cadets, motorics, morphology, expert system, validation IZVLEČEK Na vzorcu dvanajstih košarkaric slovenske kadetske reprezentance, smo ovrednotili model ekspertnega sistema potencia lne uspešnosti. Igralke smo, neposredno pred odhodom na evropsko prvenstvo, izmerili z baterijo petindvajsetih morfoloških in štiri- najstih motoričnih testov. Na ta način smo ugotavljali kako trenutna pripravljenost igralk vpliva na nj ihovo igralno uspešnost in učinkovitost. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti sistema manifestnih (pred iktorskih) spremenljivk s kriterijem (igralno uspešnostjo in učinkoviS<2stjo) smo uporabili ekspert- ni sistem »KISS 1.2 KOSZ1 EKSPERT«. Ocena uspešnosti igranja je v statisti čno značiln i povezavi z ekspertno oceno potencialne uspešnosti na najvišjem (končnem) nivoju drevesa uspešnosti (0,57) in z ekspertno oceno potencialne uspešnosti na nivoju morfoloških razsežnosti (0,59). Povezanost med igralno učinkovitostjo in ekspertno oceno po- tencialne uspešnosti je malo pod mejo statistične · značiln osti. Pri branilkah in krilnih igralkah so rezultati po- vezanosti med različnim i kriteriji uspešnosti in ekspertno oceno potencialne uspešnosti dokaj izenačeni. Vrednosti se gibljejo med 0,43 in 0,69, vendar zaradi zelo majhnega števi la merjenk niso statistično značilne. Povezanost spremenljivk mor- fološkega in motoričnega prostora s kriteriji upešnos- ti je pri branilkah dokaj uravnotežena, pri krilnih igralkah pa so morfološke razsežnosti v večji povezanosti s kriteriji igralne uspešnosti in učinkovi­ tosti. Ključne besede: košarka, kadetinje, reprezentanca, morfologija, motorika, ekspertni sistem, veljavnost Frane Erčulj EVALUATION OF THE EXPERT SYSTEM »KISS 1 .2 KOŠŽ1 EKSPERT« ON PLA YERS OF THE SLOVENIAN CADET .. . 19 INTRODUCTION Basketball is a polystructural complex sport (13). It is a rather complicated and complex team bali game of which cyclic and acyclic movingstructures as well as contrary i nterests of the opponent teams are char- acteristic. The performance of a basketball team or individual male or female players depends ona great number of factors having different effects on playing perfor- mance. Most of the factors that have effect on the achievement i. e. performance in play (game) are more or less related to each other, they can comple- ment, compensate orexclude each other. lndividual contribution is not directly measurable, the result (achievement) does not depend solely on the per- formance of individual players but also on the co- operation of the players which can be direct or indi- rect (playingtactics in offense and in defense) as well as on the play of opponent players. Players create and adapt their movements with regard to the play- ing situation, thus also intuition plays an important role. Owing to unpredictability, great possibility of com- pensation and multidimensionality, research work in basketball is very complicated and also less reli- able. Because of the above, investigating the theory of per- formance in basketball demands a systematic ap- proach. The system of p laying performance of a player (basketball team) can only function if it com- prises al l the essential elements of the system and their relationships (15). Theoretical knowledge of the factors on which play- ing performance is dependent is one of the basic conditions necessary for a proper and successfu l training process in basketbal l. In this way only a coach-kinesiologist is able to conduct and control training process and to achieve rationality so indis- pensable for top performance in modem sport. Playing performance isto a high degree affected by motor and morphological dimensions (2, 3, 9) there- fore in this study major emphasis will be la id upon the investigation of this segment of the psychoso- matic status. The use of artificial intelligence in research has in- creased recently. Also kinesiological science has en- riched its methodology by usi ng the methods, tech- n irn 1P~ ;:mrl tnnk nf r1rtifir ir1 I intPlliPPnrP (17) Expert systems also belong to computer programs of artificia l intelligence. Expert systems behave similar- ly to an expert in a particular field, their basic char- acteristic being the ability to explain the solution. A computer helps to collect and arrange a segment of our knowledge and to employ this knowledge in a consequent, systematic and transparent way (16). Expert systems are being more and more and with increasing success used in the investigation of the theory of sport performa nce. The method applied to research complex systems combines computer capacities with the experts' knowledge in the field of sport. A basketball player or a basketball team can also be defined asa (very) complex system (14). Expert systems asa rule consist of three modu les (11 , 16, 17): 1.Knowledge base It is based on the sports science findings on the preparation of athletes. In it the knowledge consists of generally approved facts and heuristics (expert rules of inference and decision making). The perfor- mance model must be designed so that it can give answers to the fol lowing questions: - on which factors, abilities and characteristics the result (achievement) depends - how significant each of the factors is and what its relative share in the result is - whatthe relationships between single factors are. The quality of the expert system isto the highest de- gree dependent on the amount and quality of the knowledge base. 2. Mechan isms of lnference It enables active application of the knowledge from the knowledge base for problem solving. It gives answers to the user's questions and explains them. It determines the sequence of steps for the problem sol uti on. 3. User's (communication) lnterface It takes ca re of comfortable commun ication be- tween the user and the system and allons the user the insight into the process of problem solving di- rected by the mechanism of inference. The first to begin the investigation of potential and competitive (playing) performance in basketbal l (by means of different models of expert sytems), was Dežman (4, 5, 6, 7). He also composed a simplified and generalized model of the tree of potential per- fnrm;,nr,=, n f;, h;,d,,:,th;, II nl::1\/Pr 17\ 20 Frane Erčulj EVALUATION OF THE EXPERT SYSTEM »KISS 1.2 KOŠŽ1 EKSPERT« ON PLAYERS OFTHE SLOVENIAN CADET .. lndividual factors (d imensions) have different effects on the playing performance, therefore their contri- bution i. e. weights are determined by decision mak- ing rules. Decision making rules are of qualitative character and are determined by an expert. They il- lustrate the relationship between the elements of the performance model. The experts expresses the equation of specification according to his own con- ception and arbitrary judgement (17). By determin ing normalizers the level of single di- mensions is evaluated on the tree of performance with values 1 to 5. Normal izers are of quantitative character and are used to set limits to the resu lts in single variables. Decision making rules and normal- izers can be determined for ali types of basketball players. On the basis of information obtained from literature and so far existing studies in th is field (4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 17) and of expert knowledge, decisional making rules (weight) were determined in motor and mor- phological space of the psychosomatic status of the young female basketball players (9). Decision mak- ing rules were made for each playing posit ion. The reduced model ofthe expertsystem of potE;_n_tial per- formance was named »KISS 1.2 KOSZMOT1 EKSPERT«. Potential performance in the motor abi lity space was defined by 14 tests, by means of which condit ional abilities, technical knowledge and coordination abil- ities were measured. Amongconditional abilities are included power, velocity and endurance, technical knowledge and coordination abili ties are deter- mined with movements without and w ith a bali. Morphological space was defined by tests measur- ing external geometrical dimensions (longitudinal, transversal and voluminosity dimensions) and inter- na! geometrical d imensions (fat tissue). The purpose of the evaluation of the model of ex- pert system described isto obtain as objective infor- mation as possible on the state of preparedness of the young female basketball players and thus as ob- jective as possible prognostic assessment of their competitive performance. This is also one of basic issues in the training process in basketball and in sport in general. METHODS The sample was comprised of 12 players of the Slovene National Cadet Female Basketball Team preparing for the participation at the European Championship, 1995. In further analysis 11 players w ith sufficient playing t irne during the competition were included if they met the follow ing criteria: - that they were bom in t he years 1978, 1979 or 1980 - that they were measured with all tests - thatthey were in good health and free of injures of locomotion apparatus during measurement and competition. With regard to thei r playing positions and roles in play, the selected sample was d ivided into two sub- samples: outside p layers or guards (n=5) were sep- arated from the players whose p laying position is nearer to the basket i. e. inside players or forwards (n = 6). Th is division was done by the coaches of the team. The sample of (independent) variables of potential performance comprised the tests applied in the model of tree of expert system of prognostic perfor- mance, i. e. the tests measuring those motor and morphological dimensions with the highest degree of impact on playing performance of young basket- ball players (see Tables 2 and 3). Very good measur- ing characteristics of t hese tests have al lready been proven severa! t imes (1, 2, 9). Detailed description of the tests was given by Erčulj (9). The sample of dependant variables was comprised of variables estimating playing (competitive) perfor- mance and efficiency: - Playing performance of the young players was as- sessed subjectively: the coach and his assistant evaluated the player's performance w ith the val- ues from 1 to 5. Globa! playing performance, i. e. total performance of the player in offense and de- fense was assessed accord ing to the cri teria by Erčulj (9). - The efficiency of the individual player in the game was stated objectively by the calculation of effi- ciency indexes (5). The parameters necessary for the calculation of indexes (conclud ing offensive and defensive actions) were obtained from offi- cial game statistics. The measurements were carried outat the premises of the Faculty of Sport immed iately before the de- parture to the European Cadet Championship which ena bled us to establ ish the effect of the state of pre- paredness on the players' competitive performance. Competitive performance was assessed at the European Cadet Championship held in August 1995 at Cetniewo (Polanci). The data was processed at the Institute of Kinesiology at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana, on Frane Erčulj EVALUATI0N 0 F THE EXPERT SYSTEM »KISS 1.2 K0ŠŽ1 EKSPERT« ON PLAYERS 0FTHE SL0VENIAN CADET .. 21 the VAX/VMS computer of the University Com- puting Center in Ljubljana. Statistical program pack- age SPSS was used. The expertsystem was made by the help of computer program KISS (version 1 .2 E) which was made for the needs of Basketball lnformation System by Leskošek B. (12). The model of the expert system (KISS 1.2 KOŠŽ1 EKSPERT) and descriptive statistics procedures were used for data processing. The correlation between final estimates of potential and competitive model of performance were obta ined by means of Pearson correlation coefficients. RESULTS The procedures described were primarily used to measure playing performance and efficiency for the players with a sufficient amount of playing t irne at the championship. Table 1 shows the results of play- ing performance and efficiency for above men- t ioned players. Table 1 : Playing performance and efficiency of the players at the European Cadet Cham- pionship 1995. Pt pp CEPP AIPE RIPEN GAMfS ,PTIME 1 G 3 7.75 0.88 4 12.9 2 F 2 3.00 0 .69 3 4.0 3 G 2 9.86 0.94 7 26.9 4 F 3 5.60 0.98 s 13.8 s F 4 16.71 1.1 3 7 38.1 6 F 2 3.86 0.73 7 13.1 7 F 3 3.20 0.81 5 9.8 8 G 3 18.86 1 .18 7 34.6 9 G 2 14.71 1.05 7 26.1 10 F 1 8.1 4 0.92 7 16.8 11 G 1 o o 2 3.4 Legend: PL - player PP - playing position CEPP - coach's evaluation of playing performance A IPE - absolute index of playingefficiency at the competition RI PE - re lative i ndex of playing efficiency at the competition GAM ES - number of played games at the tournament PTIME - average p laying tirne on the game (minutes) With the use of the expert system »KISS 1.2 KOŠŽ1 EKSPERT« and by means of a computer program me (KISS 1.2) the potential performance was computed for each of the players. Decision making rules and normalizers were used to evaluate the level of indi- v idual d imensions of potential performance. Table 2 shows expert evaluations of potential performance on the three highest levels of the performance deci- sion tree. Table 2: Expertevaluations of potential performance of the cadet national team players on the three highest levels of the performance tree. J;, Pl,ifuqi; 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 Legend: FINAL MORPH MOTOR ChtiiL. PP, FINAL MORPH MOTOR G 2.7 1.8 3.3 F 2.7 2.6 2.8 G 3.8 3.9 3.7 F 3.3 2.5 4.1 F 3.1 4.0 2.2 F 3.0 2.2 3.8 F 2.7 3.2 2.2 G 3.3 3.6 3.1 G 2.8 2.8 2.8 F 3.2 3.3 3 .1 G 2.6 2.6 2.6 expert evaluatio ns of potential performance on the h ighest level (final leve! o f the performance tree) expert evaluations of potential performance on the highest level of morphological d imensions expert evaluations of potential performance on the h ighest level of motor dimensions The validity of the results of the used expert system was established with the amount of correlation be- tween criteria variables (variables of playing perfor- mance and effi ciency- CEPP, AIPE, RIPE) and the variables of potential performance on the three high- est levels of the performance tree (FINAL, MORPH, MOTOR). Tables 4 show the results of val idity of the used ex- pert system also for the sub-samples of guards and forwards. DISCUSSION lf the sample of players is regarded asa whole, the correlation between potential estimate of perfor- mance on the highest level (FINAL) and the playing performance (CEPP) is statistically significa nt. The criteria of objectively established playing efficiency (A IPE, RI PE) are in relatively high correlation with the final estimate of potential performance (FINAL) but the val ues of correlation coefficients are not statisti- 22 Frane Erčulj EVALUATION OF THE EXPERT SYSTEM uKISS 1.2 KOŠŽ1 EKSPERT« ON PLAYERS OF THE SLOVENIAN CADET ... Table 3: Correlation between the criteria variables and the variables of potential performance on the three highest levels of the performance tree. 0.81 1.00 0.83 0.79 1.,00 0.67 0. 70 0.77 1.00 0.87 0.95 0.76 0 .78 1.00 0.57 0.43 0.52 0 .64 0.58 1.00 0.59 0.58 0.41 0.54 0.70 0.60 1.00 0.04 -0.11 0.1 5 0.20 -0.07 0.55 -0.33 1.00 *statisticaly significant (P<0.05) are values, higher than O.S 7 (marked with emphasised print) Table 4: Correlation between the criteria variables and the variables of potential performance on the three highest levels of the performance tree for guards (G) and forwards (F) separately. 0.89(G) 1.00 0.86(F) 0.93(G) 0.92(G) 1.00 0.88(F) 0.88(F) 0.99(G) 0.89(G) 0.89(G) 1.00 0.29(F) 0 .56(F) O.SO(F) 0.96(G) 0.95(G) 0.89(G) 0.96(G) 1.00 0.86(F) 0.97(F) 0.87(F) 0.67(F) 068(G) 0.43(G) 0.SO(G) 0.69(G) 0.69(G) 1.00 0.47(F) 0.47(F) 0.67(F) 0.58(F) 0.48(F) 0.6l(G) 0.46(G) 0.34(G) 0.66(G) 0.70(G) 0.88(G) 1.00 0.58(F) 0.81 (F) 0.72(F) 0.36(F) 0.76(F) O 08(F) 0.52(G) 0.25(G) 0.53(G) 0.48(G) 0.43(G) 0.79(G) 0.39(Gl 1.00 -0.18(F) -0.38(F) -0.17(F) 0.07(F) -0.32(F) 0.57(F) -0. 77(F) • statisticaly significant (P<0.05): guards - 0.81, forwards - O. 75. cally significant. Rather interesting is the fact that the correlation between mean playingtime (PTIME) and expert estimate of potential performance is signifi- cant (0.64). It can thus be concluded thatthe players with higher estimates of potential performance have a higher amount of playing tirne compared w ith those with lower estimates of potential performance. Playingtime is thus a kind of criterion of playing per- formance since better players asa rule have a high- er amount of playing tirne than less successfu l play- ers, and vice versa. Among dimensions on the highest level only the cor- relation between playing performance and mor- phological characteristics is statistically significant, the correlation between motor dimensions and play- ing performance of the National Team players is, due to extremely low values of correlation coefficients, practically negl igible. This probably does not mean t hat morphological dimensions could have greater influence on players' performance than motor di- mensions. It can neither be concluded that the play- ers' motor dimensions are less developed. It is pos- sible thatthe players do not differ significantly in mo- tor dimensions and that morphological dimensions are responsible for differentiation. These relation- ships undoubtedly demand further investigation. These findings are on ly valid for the selected sample of players, as the sample, although of high quality, is too small and does not perm it generalization. Frane Erčulj EVALUATION OF THE EXPERT SYSTEM »KISS 1 .2 KOŠŽ1 EKSPERT« ON PLA YERS OF THE SLOVENIAN CADET .. 23 Coefficients of correlation between d ifferent crite- ria of performance and the fina l estimate of potential performance are rather the same with both sub-sam- ples and range from 0.43 to 0.69. As the sample of five (5) and six (6) players is too small, they are not significant. The correlation between potential performance of guards and forwards and the amount of playing tirne is relatively high (0.69 and 0.48) and is a good indi- cator of playing performance, i. e. of the rank of a player, but not statistical ly significant. lf the correlation between morphological and mo- tor dimensions and playing performance is consid- ered separately it is found to be rather similar w ith guards. With forwards the correlation between mor- phological dimensions and performance criteria is much higher. 1 n spite of th is a relatively h igh degree of correlation between the model of potential performance of the players and their playing performance and efficien- cy can be established. With regard to the fact that in th is investigation a reduced model of expert system was applied and only a part of psychosomatic status of the players was involved, a relatively high level of predictive value of expertsystem was established on the sample of the National Female Cadet Basketball Team. REFERENCES 1. Dežman B. Zanesljivost in faktorska veljavnost testov os- novne in košarkarske motorike (Reliability and factor validi- ty of basic and basketball motor tests). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za telesno ku lturo, Inštitut za šport, 1983. 2. Dežman B. Določanje homogenih skupin na osnovi neka- terih antropometričnih in motoričnih razsežnosti pri mladih košarkarjih (Determining homogeneous groups of young basketbal I players on the basi s of some anthropometric and motor dimensions (doctoral dissertation)). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za telesno kulturo, 1988. 3. Dežman B. 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