Slov Vet Res 2017: 54 (3): 101 -7 UDC 636.2.09:616.2-002:616.214-076:577.21 Original Research Article THE PREVALENCE OF TEN PATHOGENS DETECTED BY A REAL-TIME PCR METHOD IN NASAL SWAB SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM LIVE CATTLE WITH RESPIRATORY DISEASE Tomislav Paller, Peter Hostnik, Milan Pogačnik, Ivan Toplak* National Veterinary Institute, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Gerbičeva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Corresponding author, E-mail: Summary: Respiratory diseases often correspond to primary infections with different pathogens of cattle, causing heavy economic losses in young stock and breeding herds. Between 2012 and 2014, nasal swab samples were collected from twenty-eight herds from 133 affected live cattle that were clinically suffering from symptoms of respiratory disease, pyrexia, cough, serous nasal and lacrimal discharge, increased respiratory rate, and breath sounds. Individual swab samples were tested in the laboratory using three commercial and one in-house real-time PCR methods, to detect nucleic acids of a total of ten different respiratory pathogens. Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida) was detected in 58.65% of samples, Mannheimia haemolytica (M. haemolytica) in 15.04%, while Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) and Histophilus somni(H. somni) were positive in 9.77% of nasal swab samples. Among viral pathogens, the highest prevalence (40.60%) was observed for bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), followed by bovine coronavirus (BCV) 12.03%, bovine para-influenza 3 (PI-3) 3.01%, and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) with 1.50% of positive samples. The less frequently detected viral pathogens were bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine adenovirus (BAdV) with 0.75% positive samples each. The new implemented molecular methods can be an important diagnostic tool for laboratories and farmers to improve the therapy, control, and prevention of respiratory disease in cattle herds. Key words: bovine respiratory disease; nasal swab samples; diagnostics; real-time PCR detection; cattle Introduction Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the major cause of serious respiratory tract infections worldwide, often leading to high morbidity and mortality rates in cattle. The disease is considered to be a multifactorial disorder, produced with either stress or reduced immunity, allowing several pathogens to emerge. It inflicts considerable mortality and financial losses mainly in calves in dairy and beef herds. Viral and bacterial pathogens Received: 5 April 2016 Accepted for publication: 7 October 2016 together with mycoplasma and environmental risk factors are the most common cause of diseases, ranging from common colds to life-threatening pneumonia (1). A large number of both RNA and DNA viruses uses the respiratory tract to initiate host infection. Infection may be restricted to certain sections of the airway system such as the trachea, bronchi, or alveoli. For some viruses, the respiratory tract may merely serve as a primary entry site from where infection spreads to other organs or tissues. An important defense strategy is the mucociliary clearance system. While some epithelial cells are specialized to produce and release mucins, other cells are equipped with cilia 102 T. Palier, P. Hostnik, M. Pogacnik, I. Toplak that enable them to contribute to the transport of the mucus with pathogens out of the respiratory tract. The most important viral pathogens associated with BRD are bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PI-3), bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), bovine adenovirus (BAdV), bovine coronavirus (BCV) and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (2, 3). While BHV-1 and BVDV have already been eradicated in some European countries, infections with BRSV and BCV are endemic in the cattle population globally (4, 5). The infection of cattle with BAdV usually results in disease of the gastrointestinal or respiratory tract. Different serotypes of BAdV are divided into two subgroups. BAdV type 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 comprise Group A, BAdV type 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 comprise Group B (6). Only a few publications on the simultaneous detection of more than three different pathogens in case of respiratory or enteric diseases are available (7, 8, 9). Several studies present antibodies against etiologic agents of BRD, but these only indirectly confirm the previous infections with specific viral and bacterial agents in animals or herds (45, 10-12). Newly developed molecular methods significantly improved the diagnosis of respiratory tract infections, providing a fast and cost-effective tool for different pathogens, to determine the prevalence of respiratory viruses, bacteria, and mycoplasma in clinically affected cattle (13). Few reports about the prevalence on the respiratory disease of cattle in Slovenia exist, mainly obtained several years ago with conventional methods of bacteria or virus isolation (14-18). However, the traditional farming system in Slovenia with small isolated cattle herds is disappearing; herds are enlarging gradually and, in several cases, animals of different herds and ages are kept in a pen. In the new rearing system, young calves at the age of 1-3 weeks originating from several herds, are transported to beef units and grouping together, frequently with a combination ofimported beef cattle. Sometimes, vaccines against respiratory disease are used, but almost no data about effectiveness is available. Antimicrobials are generally not used for disease prevention; sick animals are mostly treated individually with antibiotics. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of ten respiratory pathogens detected by new implemented real-time PCR methods using nasal swab samples collected from affected cattle with respiratory disease. Materials and methods Sampling was conducted mostly in winter and spring periods from 2012 to 2014. All swab samples were collected into sterile swabs (Sigma Virocult®, MW 951S, UK) and were immediately sent to a laboratory. Nasal swab samples were collected from 133 live affected animals, originating from twenty-eight different Slovenian cattle herds identified with bovine respiratory disease. Five of them are feedlot cattle herds, four are dairy herds, and nineteen are traditional, combined herds, with milk and meat production. All of the sampled animals had abnormal sound on auscultation of the respiratory tract and most had either one or several of the following symptoms: fever >39 °C, elevated respiratory rate (> 40/min), cough or nasal and/or lacrimal discharge. In the case of an acute outbreak on a farm, 1 to 18 samples were collected from the same herd, only from clinically affected animals. As a control group of the study, ten animals from three farms without clinical signs of respiratory disease in the previous two months were selected, and nasal swab samples were collected from healthy animals and screened for ten pathogens. After arrival at the laboratory, samples were homogenized and stored in a freezer at < -15 °C until testing. Total nucleic acids were extracted from 140 ^l of homogenate using a commercial kit for RNA extraction (QIAamp® Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany)) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Individual swab samples were tested by one in-house and three commercial real-time PCR methods, detecting specific nucleic acids of a total of ten different respiratory pathogens, including detection of endogenous internal positive control (IPC) for controlling the efficiency of extraction and the absence of inhibitors in individual samples. Samples were tested on a 96-tube microplate. On each microplate, the positive controls for all tested pathogens were included. A commercial TaqMan® real-time PCR kit for the detection of seven major ruminant pathogens (LSI VetMAX™ Screening Pack - Ruminants Respiratory Pathogens, LSI, France) allows the simultaneous detection of the M. bovis, H. somni, P. multocida, M. haemolytica, BCV, BRSV, and PI-3. For the detection of BVDV and BHV-1, another two commercial real-time kits (Kit TaqVet® BVDV "Screening" and LSI VetMAX™ IBR gB, both produced by LSI, France) were used The prevalence of ten pathogens detected by a real-time pcR method in nasal swab samples collected from live cattle 103 according to the producer's instructions. For the detection of BAdV, an in-house protocol was implemented with previously designed primers detecting BAdV, serotypes 4-8 (19). Real-time PCR was performed using the forward primer BAV4-8F 5'-CRA GGG AAT AYY TGT CTG AAA ATC-3', the reverse primer BAV4-8R 5'-AAG GAT CTC TAA ATT TYT CTC CAA GA-3' and the probe FAM-TTC ATC WCT GCC ACW CAA AGC TTT TTT-BHQ-1 targeting the hexon gene of BAdV (9). The reaction was performed in a total volume of 15 ^l, using QuanTitec® Virus Kit (Qiagen, Germany) as follows: 8 ^l of nuclease free water, 3 ^l of 5x PCR Master Mix, 0,5 ^l of the stock solution with 20 ^M of BAV4-8F primer, 0,5 M of the 20 mM of BAV4-8R primer, 0,5 ^l of the stock solution with 10 MM of probe and 2,5 M of the RNA/DNA template. The real-time PCR running program for BAdV was 95 °C for 15 min; followed by 45 cycles of 95 °C for 10 s, 54 °C for 30 s and 60 °C for 30 s. All real-time cyclings were performed on an Mx3005P thermocycler (Stratagene, USA) using protocol according to the manufacturer's instructions for commercial kits and the above-described protocol for BAdV detection. The fluorescent signal was detected after each annealing, and the results were presented as a cycle threshold value for individual samples. Analysis of real-time amplification curves was performed using commercial thermal cycler Table 1: The results of the detection of ten different pathogens in 133 nasal swabs samples, collected from live cattle suffering from respiratory disease together with a control group are presented. The ranges of cycle threshold values obtained by specific real-time PCR methods are presented for individual pathogens Name of pathogen Cattle with respiratory disease Control group (healthy animals) Number of tested samples Number of positive samples % of positive samples Cycle threshold (Ct) range (mean) Number of tested samples Number of positive samples Cycle threshold (Ct) M. bovis 133 13 9.77% 20.88-37.81 (29.60) 10 0 - H. somni 133 13 9.77% 26.63-41.97 (35.35) 10 1 35.35 P. multocida 133 78 58.64% 19.76-43.04 (30.41) 10 1 32.99 M. haemolytica 133 20 15.04% 27.12-43.54 (34.05) 10 0 - BCV 133 16 12.03% 25.16-38.82 (31.61) 10 0 - BRSV 133 54 40.60% 20.48-39.89 (29.53) 10 0 - BPI-3 133 4 3.01% 20.81-42.05 (34.05) 10 0 - BVDV 133 2 1.50% 28.73-35.34 (32,03) 10 0 - BHV-1 133 1 0.75% 29.91 (29.91) 10 0 - BAdV 133 1 0.75% 29.43 (29.43) 10 0 - system software, and an "auto baseline" was used to determine fluorescence baselines. Results A total of 133 swab samples from live cattle with symptoms of respiratory disease and 10 swab samples from healthy cattle (control group) were successfully screened for 10 pathogens with the real-time PCRs method. In cattle with respiratory disease, P. multocida was detected in 78/133 (58.65%) of samples, M. haemolytica in 20/133 (15.04%), while M. bovis and H. somni were positive in 13/133 (9.77%) of nasal swab samples. The highest prevalence of viral pathogens was observed for BRSV 54/133 (40.60%), following BCV 16/133 (12.03%), PI-3 with 4/133 (3.01%) and BVDV with 2/133 (1.50%) of positive samples. The less frequently detected viral pathogens were BHV-1 and BAdV with 1/133 (0.75%) positive samples (Table 1). At least one pathogen was detected in 110/133 (82.70%) of clinically affected cattle (Figure 1). In 43 samples (32.33%), only one pathogen was detected; P. multocida in 17 samples and BRSV in 16 samples, and M. haemolytica in five samples. The simultaneous detection of two different pathogens was observed in 46 samples (34.59%); 104 T. Palier, P. Hostnik, M. Pogacnik, I. Toplak 40 % of samples 35 1/ ■ 14 c c c c c c 00 ™ ™ / # / / / / / / / / xr jf gf? gOv «p* J* ¡¿F ¿>v / y / /