VLOGA KNJIŽNICE V OSNOVNI ŠOLI. A naliza stanja osnovnošolskih knjižnic na o b m o č ju Ljubljana Šiška in Moste-Polje N a ta š a Žnideršič, O s n o v n a šola Šentvid, Ljubljana-Šentvid UDK 027.8(497.4 Ljubljana) P o v z e te k Članek prikazuje stanje osnovnošolskih knjižnic na območju Ljubljana Šiška in Moste-Polje. Temelji na primerjavi dejanskega stanja šolskih knjižnic s standardi in norm ativi. A nketiranih je bilo vseh 28 šol s tega področja, jedro članka pa predstavlja analiza ankete in ugotavljanje doseganja standardov. Največji prob­ lem predstavlja pomanjkanje sredstev za šolsko knjižnico, zaradi česar knjižnice praktično nikjer ne dosegajo standardov. UDC 027.8(497.4 Ljubljana) Su m m ary State-of-the-art survey of elem entary school libraries in Šiška and Moste-Polje areas of Ljubljana is presented in the article. It is based on com parison between actual perform ance of school libraries and standard norms. All 28 schools from these areas w ere sent questionnaires and consequently the article concentrates on questionnaire analysis and evaluation of com pliance w ith standards. The most serious problem is the lack of financial sources for the needs of school libraries because of w hich hardly any one am ong them is able to achieve the norm s presented in the standards. ŽNIDERŠIČ, Nataša: The Role of the Library in the Elem entary School. State-of- the-art A nalysis of School Libraries in šiška and Moste-Polje Areas of Ljubljana. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 40(1996)2, 79-87