C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES 11–16 MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES VPLIV VE^STENSKIH OGLJIKOVIH NANOCEVK V NANOKOMPOZITIH IZ POLIPROPILENA Cristina-Elisabeta Ban1,2, Adriana Stefan1, Ion Dinca1, George Pelin1,2, Anton Ficai2, Ecaterina Andronescu2, Ovidiu Oprea2, Georgeta Voicu2 1National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" Bucharest, Materials Unit, 220 Iuliu Maniu Blvd, 061126 Bucharest, Romania 2University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, 1-7 Polizu St., 011061 Bucharest, Romania ban.cristina@incas.ro Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-07-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.142 The paper presents a study concerning thermoplastic nanocomposites having polypropylene as the matrix and different contents of carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the nanofiller. The materials are obtained by melt compounding the nanofiller powder and polymer pellets through the extrusion process followed by injection molding into specific-shape specimens. The materials are evaluated in terms of mechanical properties such as the tensile and flexural strengths and moduli, the thermal stability under load (the heat deflection temperature) and the thermal-behavior properties using a TG-DSC analysis. The fracture cross-section is analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy and SEM microscopy to evaluate the bulk characteristics of the materials. The results show positive effects of the nanofiller addition to the thermoplastic polymer on the mechanical strength and modulus of the materials during flexural and tensile tests, while in the case of the thermal stability under load, the nanofiller addition has a minor influence on the heat-deflection-temperature values. Keywords: polypropylene, melt mixing, carbon nanotubes, mechanical properties, thermal resistance ^lanek predstavlja {tudijo termoplasti~nih nanokompozitov s polipropilensko osnovo in razli~no vsebnostjo s karboksilom obdelanih, ve~stenskih ogljikovih nanocevk kot nanopolnilom. Materiali so bili dobljeni iz taline, sestavljene iz prahu nanopolnila in peletov polimerov, s postopkom ekstruzije, ki mu je sledilo tla~no litje vzorcev. Materiali so ocenjeni glede mehanskih lastnosti, kot so natezna in upogibna trdnost in moduli, toplotne stabilnosti pri obremenitvi (deformacijska toplota) in toplotne zna~ilnosti z uporabo TG-DSC analize. Za oceno zna~ilnosti osnovnega materiala je bil analiziran prelom s pomo~jo FTIR spektroskopije in SEM mikroskopije. Rezultati ka`ejo pozitivne u~inke vpliva dodatka nanopolnila termoplasti~nemu polimeru na mehansko trdnost in module materiala pri upogibnem in nateznem preizkusu, medtem ko ima dodatek nanopolnila manj{i vpliv na vrednosti deformacijske toplote pri obremenitvi. Klju~ne besede: polipropilen, me{anje taline, ogljikove nanocevke, mehanske lastnosti, toplotna obstojnost 1 INTRODUCTION Polymer nanocomposites found applications in a wide variety of fields, from microelectronics to aero- space.1 Carbon nanotube-based polymer composites combine the good processability of the matrix with the remarkable functional properties of these nanofillers. Multi-walled-carbon-nanotube (MWCNT) filled isotactic polypropylene (PP) nanocomposites can be obtained through several processing methods, such as melt mix- ing, solution casting and in-situ polymerization, among them, melt mixing having some major advantages as it combines high speed and simplicity with the absence of solvents and contaminants.2 For the production of these nanocomposites, a double-screw extruder is a more appropriate device than a single-screw extruder.3 The formation of a filler network structure (Figure 1) depends on several parameters, e.g., the concentration or dispersion states of the nanotubes in the matrix. Carbon nanotubes have a tendency to form agglomerates that lead to a decrease in the surface area, consequently hindering the structure formation.4 The screw speed is a strong factor that influences the dispersion of the carbon nanotubes in polypropylene; too high a speed rate can generate a mechanical degradation of the final nanocom- posite as a high shear stress can affect the nanotubes structure, while too low a speed rate may be insufficient for an aggregate disentanglement.4 Achieving a good dispersion is influenced also by the surface optimization between the two phases. The MWCNT-matrix interfacial-adhesion enhancement can be obtained by modifying the MWCNT surface through the non-covalent functionalization that maintains the nanotube structure or the covalent functionalization, such as acid treatment creating carboxyl and hydroxyl groups on the surface, that enhances the load transfer to the matrix.5 There are studies showing that properties enhancements are achieved for smaller nanotubes con- tents and moderate acid-treatment times.5,6 The study presents the characterization of isotactic polypropylene filled with carboxyl-functionalized MWCNT obtained through the simple melt-extrusion technique. The results show an improvement in the tensile and flexural strengths and moduli when adding Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 11 UDK 678.7:620.3:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)11(2016) the nanofiller. In the case of a higher MWCNT loading (w(MWCNT) = 4 %), the nanocomposites present a higher stiffness, decomposition temperature and thermal stability under load, while at a lower loading (w(MWCNT) = 2 %) they exhibit a better mechanical strength. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1 Materials The matrix was an isotactic polypropylene (TIPP- LEN H 949 purchased from Basplast SRL) of the homo- polymer type with a flow index of 45. The nanofiller was carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes of a 95 % purity (Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co. Ltd, outer diameter: 10–20 nm, COOH content: w = 2.56 %, length: 10–30 μm, specific surface area: 233 m2/g, density: ~2.1 g/cm3). 2.2 Nanocomposites synthesis The nanocomposite samples were obtained by direct melt compounding using a twin-screw extruder (Leistritz LSM 3034 with a 34 mm screw diameter). The poly- propylene (PP) pellets and nanofiller powder were mixed at a gradual temperature increase on the ten heating areas of the extruder, with a temperature profile between 150–170 °C and at a screw speed rate of 220 min–1. The filaments were cooled in water, chopped, dried and injected at 165–185 °C into the specimens with a spe- cific shape. Samples of pure PP, 2 and 4 % of mass frac- tions of MWCNT (relative to the matrix) were obtained, as higher contents favor agglomeration and lead to economically non-viable materials. 2.3 Testing and characterization The nanocomposites were subjected to a spectro- scopy analysis (Thermo iN10 MX, mid-infrared FTIR microscope/ATR mode) and scanning electron micro- scopy (SEM – HITACHI S2600N microscope), in the fracture cross-section to highlight the nanofiller pre- sence. Tensile and flexural tests were performed using an INSTRON 5982 machine, on a minimum of 5 specimens per test, according to SR EN ISO 527-27 at a tensile rate of 50 mm/min, on 1A-type specimens and SR EN ISO 1788 at a test speed of 2 mm/min, for conventional deflection on rectangular specimens. The thermal-degra- dation behavior was followed by TG-DSC (Netzsch TG 449C STA Jupiter) heating at 10 K/min, from 25–900 °C, under a dried-air flow of 10 mL/min. The HDT thermal stability under load was evaluated using Qualitest HDT1 according to SR EN ISO 75, using a 2 °C/min heating rate and the standard deflection of 0.34 mm at a flexural stress of 1.8 MPa. The density was calculated as the ratio between mass and volume; the volume was measured using the displacement method. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 FTIR spectroscopy Figure 2 presents the spectra of the isotactic PP in comparison with the samples nanofilled with 2 and 4 % of mass fractions of MWCNT. All the spectra present the characteristic peaks of PP: –CH2 and –CH3 stretching vibra- tions (2800–2950 cm–1) 9, –CH3 and –CH2 bending (1376, 1456 cm–1) 10,11, and C–CH3 stretching (841 cm–1) 10. Calculating the ratio of the absorption bands at 998 and 973 cm–1 (A998/A973) 12 characteristic for the pure isotactic PP, the isotacticity index for the PP used in this study was 77.8 %. There are some differences between the MWCNT samples due to the matrix-nanofiller interaction.13 Between 1000-1100 cm–1 the signals are more intense, probably due to the C=O bonding from the COOH C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES 12 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 Figure 2: FTIR spectra of the polypropylene-based nanocomposites Slika 2: FTIR-spektri nanokompozitov na osnovi polipropilena Figure 1: Exfoliated nanocomposite formation during the polymer-melt mixing Slika 1: Nastanek ekspandiranega nanokompozita med me{anjem taline polimera functionalization.14 The increase in the signal intensity at 1078 cm–1 can be due to the stretching vibration of C-O.15 Minor differences appear at 1500–1750 cm–1, more visible in the 4 % of mass fractions of MWCNT- COOH samples; the weak peak at approximately 1738 cm–1 can be due to the C=O stretching vibration from the COOH group15 and the modifications at 1550 cm–1 to the OH groups in C-OH from the nanotubes treatment.16 Minor differences between the FTIR spectra can be due to the low MWCNT content or a weak connection with the polymer, probably because of the non-polar nature of the polypropylene. 3.2 SEM electronic microscopy SEM highlights the sample morphology at different magnifications. The cross-section is strongly influenced by the nanofiller, presenting visible edges and cracks prior to the tensile-test fracture. The fracture area of the samples with w(MWCNT) = 2 % is rougher, more like the simple PP than the ones with w(MWCNT) = 4 %, due to the lower nanofiller content. At a 500× magni- fication, a good dispersion of MWCNT can be noticed (Figure 3). In PP/2 % MWCNT there are some pores, probably as impurities from the carbon nanotubes. In the case of PP/4 % MWCNT there are no visible pores, but there are some non-uniform areas, most likely due to the higher nanofiller content that increases the agglomera- tion tendencies. In the case of PP/4 % MWCNT, frac- ture-initiation sites can be observed (Figure 4). 3.3 Mechanical testing Figure 5 presents the stress-strain curves of the replicas of the mediated specimens corresponding to the samples. Figure 6 presents the load-extension evolution, illustrating that during the flexural test the materials mainly exhibit the same behavior; in the first stage, PP/2 % MWCNT followed the PP trend, then its line was the same as the one for PP/4 % MWCNT. Table 1 presents the summary of the mechanical and heat-deflection results. The nanocomposites exhibit C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 13 Figure 3: SEM images of PP-based nanocomposites compared to simple PP, at 500× magnification Slika 3: SEM-posnetki nanokompozitov na osnovi PP v primerjavi z enostavnim PP, pov. 500× Figure 5: Stress-strain curves corresponding to PP-based nanocom- posites Slika 5: Krivulje napetost – raztezek nanokompozitov na osnovi PP Figure 4: SEM images of PP-based nanocomposites at 1500× mag- nification Slika 4: SEM-posnetka nanokompozitov na osnovi PP, pov. 1500× superior characteristics compared to the bare PP; the increase is more significant for the Young’s modulus, while the density remains low. Table 1: Results for mechanical and thermal stability under load tests Tabela 1: Rezultati mehanske in toplotne stabilnosti pri obremenitvi Sample PP PP/MWCNT-COOH (2 %) PP/MWCNT- COOH (4 %) Density, g/cm3 0.87 0.91 0.93 Tensile stress at tensile strength, MPa 35.34 37.56 37.38 Young’s modulus, MPa 2026.1 2307 2413.71 Flexure stress at tensile strength, MPa 32.51 35.42 33.59 Young’s flexure strain, MPa 1439 1547.66 1575.19 HDT, °C 66.9 69.2 70.3 Adding 2 % of mass fractions of MWCNT-COOH generated an increase in the tensile modulus of about 15 % while 4 % of mass fractions of led to a 20 % increase compared to the bare PP. The flexural modulus of the w = 4 % sample presented an increase by 10 %, proving that adding MWCNT-COOH leads to stiffer materials. For the tensile and flexural strengths, the increase values are in the range of 5–9 % for both the 2 and 4 % samples, with slightly higher values for the 2 % sample. This fact can be due to the higher content of the nanofiller, which favors agglomerations, an issue that was probably not overcome with the mechanical disper- sion using the extrusion. At the 2 % loading, there is a significant increase in the elongation at break, while at the 4 % loading, both the strength and the elongation at break decrease compared to the 2 % loading, indicating a decrease in the ductility.17 At the higher MWCNT con- tent filler-filler agglomerates are likely to act as stress- concentrating sites17 as observed in the SEM images, resulting in lower strength values. The number of the stress-concentration sites increases with the nanotubes content, leading to a decrease in the elongation.18 The mechanical properties show that the composite failure is dependent on the nanofiller content. 3.4 HDT thermal stability under load The thermal stability under load is in concordance with the other test results. There is a minor increase in HDT for the MWCNT sample, from 66.9 to 69.2 °C for the 2 % loading and 70.3 °C for the 4 % loading, which is confirmed by the DSC curves of the PP-based mate- rials that present no change in the thermal behavior up to 200 °C. 3.5 Thermal degradation behavior The TG curves from Figure 7a indicate that the ma- terials are thermally stable up to approximately 200–220 °C; after this temperature they undergo thermal-degra- dation processes. Table 2 summarizes the TG-DSC results, showing that a MWCNT-COOH addition leads to an increase in the initial temperature of the degradation process (Tonset) on the TG curve of approximately 65 °C. The 50 % weight loss is generally considered to be an indicator of the structural destabilization19, which occurs up to C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES 14 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 Figure 7: a) TG and b) DSC curves for PP/MWCNT nanocomposites compared to simple PP Slika 7: a) TG- in b) DSC-krivulje za PP/MWCNT kompozite v pri- merjavi z enostavnim PP Figure 6: Load-extension evolution during the flexural testing of PP-based nanocomposites Slika 6: Obna{anje obremenitev – raztezek med upogibnim preizku- som nanokompozitov na osnovi PP approximately 330 °C for PP, up to 370 °C for PP/2 % MWCNT and 390 °C for PP/4 % MWCNT. The end of the degradation process (Tendset) is shifted towards higher values as the MWCNT content increases. Table 2: TG-DSC analysis results Tabela 2: Rezultati TG-DSC analiz Sample Tonset,°C Tendset, °C Tmelting, °C Tdecomp1, °C Tdecomp2, °C PP 263.3 390 167.9 279.2 410/461.5/496.7 PP/2 % MWCNT 326.5 408.7 166.8 362.6 441.4/487.4/ 546.4 PP/4 % MWCNT 327.2 441.2 167.3 365.2 471.4/500.9/ 561.4 In the 25–200 °C region, an endothermic effect is registered on the DSC curve (Figure 7b), associated with the polymer melting process. As melting is a physical process, the effect is not accompanied by the weight loss. The maximum rate of the endothermic effect is reached at approximately the same temperature (167 °C) for all the samples, showing that the MWCNT addition does not induce changes in the melting tempe- rature, but the intensities of the corresponding peaks are lower for the MWCNT samples. In the regions above 200 °C, exothermic effects appear, associated with the decomposition processes that occur in two main stages, mainly between 200–400 °C and 400–600 °C, divided into several secondary exother- mic effects, accompanied by the weight loss. The re- corded effects for the PP-based materials are similar, but because of their different compositions, the peak inten- sities differ. In the 200–400 °C region, the maximum weight loss occurs for all the samples, being approximately 94 %. On the DSC curve, the peaks corresponding to the exo- thermic effects are shifted towards higher values; the peak for PP appears at 279 °C, for PP/2 % MWCNT it appears at 363 °C and for PP/4 % MWCNT it appears at 365 °C, but with a lower intensity for the MWCNT samples. The increase in the decomposition temperature of the MWCNT nanocomposites could be due to the barrier effect generated by the nanotubes, when they are well dispersed into the matrix, hindering oxygen diffusion and retarding the thermo-oxidative degradation of polypropylene.20,21 MWCNT acts as the protective agent against a thermal degradation of polypropylene. Between 400–600 °C, the exothermic effects are accompanied by a weight change of approximately 6 % for all the samples. Also, in this region, the exothermic effects recorded on the DSC curves of PP/MWCNT appear at higher temperatures and with higher intensities, with the difference increasing with the MWCNT content. This shows that the protective effect is more pronounced at higher temperatures and higher MWCNT contents. The residual mass is extremely low (up to w = 0.5 % for all the samples), proving that although the PP/MWCNT nanocomposites burn slower than the bare PP, they burn nearly completely, indicating that the eventual flame-retardancy properties of these materials are probably due to the chemical and physical processes in the condensed phase rather than the gas phase.22 The TG-DSC analysis results prove that the addition of MWCNT improves the decomposition temperature of the polypropylene nanocomposites and, consequently, the thermal-degradation resistance. 4 CONCLUSIONS The study presents a characterization of an isotactic polypropylene filled with carboxyl-functionalized MWCNT prepared through the simple and quick way of the melt-extrusion technique. The results show an improvement in the mechanical strength and modulus, thermal stability under load as well as decomposition temperature when adding the nanofiller. In the case of the higher MWCNT loading (w(MWCNT) = 4 %), the nanocomposites exhibited higher stiffness, decompo- sition temperature and thermal stability under load, while in the case of the lower loading (w(MWCNT) = 2 %) the nanocomposites exhibited better mechanical strengths. The nanocomposites maintained their low-density advantages showing a minor increase when adding the nanofiller. The results prove that the thermoplastic polymers loaded with carbon nanotubes might be a new class of light and strong composites that could find applications in a large variety of fields. Further compatibilization of the polypropylene ma- trix by grafting it with different agents such as maleic anhydride, methylstyrene23 and copolymers based on maleic anhydride24 can lead to nanocomposites with even higher mechanical and thermal properties, due to an increased matrix-filler adhesion. Acknowledgments This work was funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education through the PN-II-PT-PCCA-168/2012 project "Hybrid composite materials with thermoplastic matrices doped with fibres and disperse nano-fillings for materials with special purposes" and by the Sectoral Operational Programme "Human Resources Development 2007– 2013" of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132397. 5 REFERENCES 1 F. Hussain, M. Hojjati, M. Okamoto, R. E. Gorga, J. Compos. Mater., 40 (2006) 17, 1511–1565, doi:10.1177/0021998306067321 2 E. Logakis, E. Pollatos, Ch. Pandis, V. Peoglos, I. Zuburtikudis, C. G. Delides, A. Vatalis, M. Gjoka, E. Syskakis, K. Viras, P. Pissis, Compos. Sci. Technol., 70 (2010) 2, 328–335, doi:10.1016/ j.compscitech.2009.10.023 3 A. Szentes, G. Horvath, Cs. Varga, Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 38 (2010) 1, 67–70 C. E. 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