Iitoift ■■Iii irf-M MlS». PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE l]r*daliki te apravallkJ pvMtarti MIT S. LevedaW Am Off Im of Pubttsetleei MOT «Mik Uwatete Am I MMM»M«»»mw * Mink ft. Wk CHICAGO, ILL. SHE DA, 23. DKCKMHKA (DEC. 23), 1936. Bufceeription |6.00 Y«erlj $TKV.—NUMBER 211 Sovjeti zahtevajo kolektivno akcijo zoper Fran-cove bojne ladje, ki so potopile ruski parnik. Anglija preiskuje zadevo. Fašistična tovarna z* strojnice razstreljena — 1 —-— t~ t Prosperiteta dosegla korporacije Nevtralnostni za-kon je ustaven >rtig¡ "newdealski" zakoni pred vrhovnim sodiščem London, 22. dec. — Nevarnost da se španska civilna vojna razvije v mednarodni konflikt, je dane» znova oživela, ko je Sovjetska unija energično nastopila proti španekim fašistom, ki »o 14. decembra potopili rusko motorno ladjo Komaomol. Sovjetska vlada ae je obrnila na Anglijo, naj ji preakrbi vse podatke o tej zadevi in angleška vlada se je odzvala. Ako podatki ugotovijo, da »o bojne ladje — nemške, italijanske ali španske — v službi španskih fašistov namenoma potopile ruako tovorno ladjo, tedaj bo Rusija zahtevala od nevtralnostnega odbora v Londonu, naj razglaai, da so vse fašistične ladje v Španskih vodah piratske (roparske), ki imajo biti potopljene čim so o-pažene; če bi ae odbor obtotav-Ijal, tedaj Rusija morda aama razglasi piratstvo fašističnih ladij in v bodoče pošlje vsak svoj parnik na Sredozemsko morje v spremstvu bojnih ladij. Ruska ladja Komsomol, 4600 ton, je odplula iz Odese 5. decembra s tovorom manganeza v Belgijo. Dne 16. decembra je imela doapeti v Gibraltar, toda dospela ni nikdar. Neka angleška ladja je 14. decembra ¿poročila v London, da je videla neznan parnik V plamenu kakih 300 milj vzhodno od Gi-| braltarja in grupo španskih fašističnih bojnih ladij v bližini. Kaj se je zgodilo z ruskimi mornarji na tej ladji, ni znano. Madrid, 22. dec. —- Španske ljudske čete so včeraj odbile nadaljnja dva fašstična napada severnozapadno od Madrida in utrdile svoje postojanke na fronti med Madridom in gorovjem Guardarramo na severu. Po deželi je bilo več zračnih napadov z obeh strani in vladni letalci so uničili drugi vlak, naložen h premogom, v okolici Leona. Iz Ovieda je prišlo poroči-1 lo, da «o vladni topničarji razstrelili v La Vegi tovarno, v kateri ho fašisti izdela vali pu-in strojnice od začetka civilne vojne. V madridski okolici ho fašisti izgubili šest italijanskih tankov. Angličanzka cerkev predmet oetre kritike London, 22. dec. — Nekateri listi na Angleškem odprto obsojajo nadškofa iz Canterburyja, pri mana angličanske državne cerkve, zaradi njegovega kritiziranja bivšega kralja Edvarda ili ameriški državi Paragvaj n Bolivija zapleteni v vojni zaradi pokrajine Chaco. Preklicana je bila v novembru preteklega leta, toda načela te zakonodaje je sedaj vzdržalo vrhovno sodišče. Rooseveltova administracija, d je izvojevala zmago na vrhovnem sodišču, bo nedvomno zahtevala od kongresa nadaljnjo oblast v zvezi v nevtralnoat-no zakonodajo. Višja kongrea-na zbornica je v zadnjem zasedanju odklonila izredno oblast predsedniku glede oklica emerge. Zadevo uatavnosti nevtralnostnega zakona je potisnila v ospredje obtožnica, v kateri je bilo rečeno, da ao Curtiaa-Wright Export Corp., Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Co. in Barr Shipping Corp.' skovale zaroto n akušale prodajati strojnice Boliviji. Te ao se potem pritožile pri nižjem sodišču, ki je od-očilo, da je nevtralnostni zakon konfliktu s federalno ustavo, ker daje izredno oblast predsedniku Združenih držav. ^ Ta "newdeslski" zakon je bil prvi, ki ga je vrhovno sodišče vzdržalo v sedanjem zasedanju, drugi pa bodo sedaj < prišli na vrsto. Med temi sta Wagnerjev delavski zakon, ki daje delavcem pravico kolektivnega pogajanja z delodajalci in zakon brezposelnostnega zavarovanja. Ustavnost alednjega js že podprlo federalno distriktno aodl-£« v Bostonu, toda George B. Davis, delničar Boston k Maine železnice, se je potem obrnil na vrhovno sodišče z apelom, naj odloči, ali je zakon ustaven ali ne. Odločitev o ustavnosti tega zakona bo padla, ko ae bodo čla-federalnega vrhovnega eodl-iča, ki so zdaj na počitnicah, ponovno sestali 4. januarja. NEMŠKI NACIJI OSVAJAJO JUGOVZHODNO EVROPO Kontrola vojaikih potrebščin in orožja TUDI \TjUGOSLA-VIJI Pariz. — (t?) — Imperiali-atični pohod nacijake Nemčije je zavzel velik obseg v južno-vzhodni Evropi. Poleg Španije je ta pohod glavni faktor v ae-i danji evropski krizi. V vsaki državi zasleduje Nemčija dva cilja — kontrolo orožne industrije in virov surovega materiala. Avstrija je| odpravila tanke, ker so oklopni avtomobili bolj učinkovito orožje v goratih pokrajinah. Avstrijo sdaj zalaga s temi avtomobili in pritlklina-mi Nemčija, v zameno pa je dobila delno kontrolo nad avstrijskimi premogovniki in orožnim trustom. Na Ogrskem lastuje nemški kemikalni trum, največji izdelovalec strupenih plinov na svetu, tisoče akrov zemlje, na kateri prideluje kitajski fižol, ki ga potrebuje pri izdelovanju strupenih plinov. Nova voj ška cesta, ki jo je zgradila Nemčija, je zvezala obe drŽavi. Kruppov koncem dominira orožno trgovino v Jugoslaviji, Nemčija gradi v blišini Belgra-da tunel, varea pred sovražnim napadom iz zraka in zalaga vojaško avtno tovarno z opremo, obratno pa Ji*<»lavlja pošilja Medameriski mirovni načrti sprejeti Slavospevi politiki "dobrega sosedstva" Buenos Atres, Argentina, 22. dec. —■ Zastopniki ameriških republik, zbrani na panameriški konferenci, ao včeraj odobrili 87 načrtov, ki naj bi utrdili mir in ojačili ekonomske vezi med * meriškimi državami. 8 tem je bilo glavno delo končano in konferenca, ki traja še tri tedne, bo jutri najbrže zaključena. Na konferenci js bilo sprejetih 69 mirovnih načrtov, ki krijejo široko polje odnošajsv med ameriškimi državami. Tullo M. Cestsro, delegat dominikanske republike, j« včeraj v svojem govoru Izreksl upanje, da bo politika "dobrega sosedstva", katero je naglasil predsednik Roosevelt ob otvoritvi panamerlške konference, trajna politika bodočih vlad v Združenih državah. Poleg Ceeter» ao tudi delegatje drugih drftav sla vili predsednika Roosevelta, ker se Je izrekel za sodelovanje med državami na amerišksm kontinentu in skupni nastop proti vsaki zunanji drŽavi, ki bi ogra-žala mir na tem kontinentu. 8prejete resolucije poudarjajo potrebo solidarnosti med a-meriškimi republikami, medsebojno posvetovsnjc v vseh slučajih, ki bi ograšali pravioe a-meriških držav, odpor proti zunanji intervencij} in osvajanju ameriških teritorijev in mirno poravnavo vseh medsebojnih konfliktov. Včerajšnja seja J« bila zaključene z sprejetjem resohici- Avtomobilska unija zahteva konferenco Predsednik mlade unije, Homer Martin, formalno vprašal «a konferenco • korporacijo General Motors radi primnanja in kolektivnega pogajanja. Opozarja predsednika korporacije na krivice, ki se gode delavcem. — Gibanje sa kompromis v mornarski stavki Nov proces pomladitve v preizkušnji Nič ve« opičjih ilex in takih reči ———• Nsw York, 28. dec.—Nov proces pomlajevanja in okrepljenja moških, ki so vsled poškodbe, o-persclje aH prezgodnje starosti izgubili moško moč, je zdaj v teku preizkušnje v nswyorškem zdravniškem zavodu Buchanan Brady Foundation. Proces, ki sta ga razvila dva ameriška zdravnika, je v tehniki in metodah popolnoma drugačen od onih i Evropi kot 4 Stelnachove opera olje na Dunaju ali vcepiJevanje opičje Mete po metodi ruakegz špeeializta Voronova v Franciji Preizkušnja ameriškega procesa traja še eno leto In ianajdlte-Ija tega prooesa, dr. Oswald Uwalejr in dr. J^mes L. Brady, poročata, da sta dosegla lepe u-spehe. Ameriški proces pomladitve se radikalno razlikuje od evropskih v tem, da povrnjena moAka moč obeta biti trajna, d* i— kijuctnim s sprejevjum rvauiuvi- »w—mm—m*- ».». -- Nemčiji baksa,' krem, baker, j«, ifcf 'ppvrtttuje \n ml—ftliTks ^Im-evropske operacije pomenijo ______ - ' —»- hm m _ . a». • .. JUaI l kki.l« !.. U »An*«* Domače vesti Nov grob v »Urem kraju Springfield, IU. — Mary Lazar Je prejela žalostno vest, ds e v Breznici pri Zlreh nad ftkof-o Loko umrls njens mstl Ne*s Demšsr v starosti 86 let. V Ameriki zapušča hčer, v stari domovini ps dvs sinovs In dve hčeri. Stavka oljnih delavcev v Mehiki končana Mexico City. — Trimesečne stavka pri Americsn Oil Co. j« bila končana, ko Je družba prl- mangan, cink in aefalt — material; ki ga potrebuje nemška orožna industrija. Dvajset odstotkov olja, ki ga producira Rumunija, gre Nemčijo. Nemški kemikalni truet je dobil monopol nad izvozom kitajskega lišoia, Jeklar ski truat, ki ga predstavlja fir ma Thysaen, je pa dal Rumu ni j i dolgoročno posojilo v za meno za monopol nad orožno trgovino. V Bolgariji je Nemčija edina zunanja aila, ki nekaj štejs. Nemška trgovina z Bolgarijo predstavlja polovico vse njene zunanje trgovine. V Bolgariji Je bila odkrita železna in zlata ruds in Nemčija Je dobila koncesije. Ta dsl Evrope bo salagsl Nemčijo z živili, kovinami, o-I jem in drugim materialom, kadar ae bo zapletla v vojno. Ns-cijski armadni štab, kemikalni trust in Jeklsrski truat že dolgo vodijo ksmpsnjo, kstere cilj je kolonizacija Jut no vzhod ne E-vrope. stals ns zvišsnjs mezde deset odstotkov. Poleg tegs Je kompe-nija obljubila, da bo plačais stav kar Jem 1100,000 kot od-ikodnino zs izgubo zaslužka v času stavke, uniji ps 910,600, vsoto, ki Jo Js potrošlls s vod-atvom stavke. Roosevelta in čestita mestu Phl ladelphiji. ki ho v prihodnjem letu proslavilo 150-letnico obstoja ameriške ustave, ki je bi la sprejeta v tem mestu. Rseo-lucija pravi, da je Roosevelt e svojo politiko "dobrega sosed stva" največ pomagal, da je bila ta konferenca uspešna. Delegatje so naglašali, da so se Združene države pred Roosevel-tovo administracijo držale proč od panamerlšklh konfersne in celo vodile opozicijo, toda ta konferenca je dokaz novih prijateljskih vezi med Zdrušenimi državami in ostalimi republike-ml na ameriškem kontinsntu. v najboljšem slučaju le začasno liboljšanjs. Doslej sta zdrsvnl ka operirsls 20 moških v starosti 68 do M let In samo v štirih slučajih se operacija nI posrečila. Volilni izid Mahteva ' ^ socialne reforme New York. — "Dobro bi bilo-sko bi predsedniki univerz kakor tudi člani federalnega vrhovne-gs sodišča sledili ljudski volji, ki Je bila izražena pri zadnjih predsedniških volitvah." Tako je Izjavil James R. Angeli, predsednik univerze Yale, na konvenciji Zveze ameriških inšenlr-jev. "Vodici so pri novembrskih volitvah Jasno povedali, da mora vlada posvečati veČ^> pozor- _ nost ljudem in manj material-1 nlm stvarsm. Cas Je prišel, ko Mirovna pogajanja družba ne bo hotela sprejeti i m,d rudarji V lllinoišU Nove homatije izbruhnile na Kul Zbornica obtožila pred sednika mmmmmmmmm, llsvsns. Kuba, 22. dec. — Ns Kubi Js izbruhnil konflikt msd predsednikom Miguslom Msrls nom Gomesom in vojaškim dik tatorjem Fulgsnclom Batlsto Ratlsto. Ratlata kontrolira zbor nlco In pod njegovim pritiskom je zbornica sprejela nov davel na sladkor z namenom, da dob armada noVe dohodka, toda pred •ednlk Gomez je U davek veti ral z motivacijo, da je protlu-ataven. Neto'Je zbornica obtoži, la Gomeza, da deluje proti kor stim republike in mords gs bo odstavila, če prej sam ne od stopi. stroje samo zaradi tega, ker pri naša velik dobiček lastniku." Hprlngfield, III., 22. dec. — Dvajset deiegstov. ki zastopajo I "rank snd file" unije progreslv »ilh rudarjev, as Je včersj sešlo tu s predstavniki unije United Mine Workers. Namen te kon («•renče Je. ds «e konča štiriletni konflikt med obenis unljsma In ds se orgsnlzirsni rudarji v llllnoisu apet združijo v eno or-ganizarijo. «vtai tovarni Penge* C* » l^«- Ali je Santa Clau§7 Učitelji prišli v kašo Mlchigan Clty, Ind . 22 dec,— Srka učiteljice v tukajšnji Javni ioli-j*. zadnje dni pov»dsia otrokom, da Je "ttsnts Cleua" bejks In-stsrši otrok ao takoj dvignili veliko rabuko ftolskl vodja M. C. Murray Je Izjavil, da nobrn uči-teU javnih šol ne bi »mel gov<* riti o "Centi Clsu.u", ker ta •ploh ne «p«da v Javne tole. Zadeve še ni končana. Detroit, Mich* 28. dec. — Uni-.a Združenih avtnih delavosv je naelovila poziv General Motors korporaci j i, naj pošlje avoje re-prezentante na konferenco a voditelji unije, na kateri naj bi rešili pritožbe delavoev, ki so upoaleni v tovarnah te korporacije. Homer Martin, predsednik avtne unije, katarz podpira stavke v tovarnah avtnih irltiklln, je pripravljen na pre-zkušnjo moči z General Motor« korporacijo, najmogočnejšo noto v avtni industriji. V telegramu, ki g« je poidal A. P. Moanu, predsedniku korporacije n W. 8. Knudsenu. podpredsedniku, je pojasnil zahteve avtne unije. "Z ozirom na obstoječo resno situacijo v avtni industriji, slasti v tovarnah General Motors, vas prosim, da pošljete svoje r* prezentante na konfurenep, ki Jo je sklicala naša unija,'' pravi Martin v svojem poalvu, "O» meniti hočem, da se uradniki mednarodne unije kakor tudi representsntjs delavcev, ki se sastavkali v tovarnah vaše kor-poracijs, trudijo poravnati po-koče, a so neuspešni, ker ao upravitelji tovarn trmoglavi. Opozorit! vas moram, da se etavke v tovarnah Oenersl Motors Izzvale dlakrimlnacljs proti delavcem, ki ao aktivni v linijskem gibanju. Atotlne delavcev je bilo vrženih na festo samo zaradi tega, ker ao člani linije In zahtevajo pravioo kolektivnega pogsjanja, kar je njihove ustavna pravica. VI ef mords ns zavedate resne situacije, ki Jo je ustvarilo priganja-štvo Meg sistema akordnega dela. Delavci so nezadovoljni s obstoječimi razmerami In zahtevajo apremembe. Poleg teh pritožb imamo mnogo drugih. Zahtevamo kolektivno pogajanje, ki Je edina zadovoljiva rešitev težkih problemov. Unija sdruženih avtnih delavcev Jt pripravljena aestatl ss s vami, da na akupnl konferenci najdemo rešitev perečih problemov." Hen Francisco, Cel., 22. dee. — Mornsrskl delavci ao alnoči razpravljali o predloženih načrtih glede končanja atavke, toda pod vzel i niso nobene formalne akcije. Harry Undenberg, predsednik unije, ki Je prejšnji dan izjavil, ds bo stavka kmalu koočana, Je dejal, da bo obiskal drugs pristanišča ob zapadli! obeli in pojaanll stavkar-jem detajle doaeženega kompromisa med unijo In delodajalci, nakar bo vprašanje preklica stavke dano atavksrjem ns glasovanje. Kffkel js, ds js kompromis ugoden In ds ups. da gs bodo «tsvksrjl odobrili. Dogfr; vor, to bo ratificiran, bo v veljavi do HO. septembra prihodnjega lets, potem pa bo avtomatično obnovljen, če ne bo u-govora s katerekoli strsnl. Dogovor vsebuje provizijo, ds mors ens strsnks obvestiti drugo, ds želi «premembe, nsjmsnj tri-de«et dni jM * start k«,. KADAB Mite k«» U «ten*, kraj*. KARTE a v te izlete Potniki g Mila pogredovinjen potujejo najceneje hi ggdovoljvo. Otnnrno pošiljke iivrftnjemo lotto Hi ghaaalflto p« kur«« ▼ JtrOOtLiVIJO V ITALIJO Ca 9 Ml... IHMi l.ll.,. IM Ur latnanfain Slovencem in Hrvatom, I« vedno popravljam veoh itdalkov ..... HARMONIKE in ^B^HBL . KOM-C KRTINE, »MMM itdelujem fine HM'Bith^e, ^f^HM^^H Obrnite h pia-meno na naslov: FRANK DRAZUMERICH K0. Etni; ffc Telefon Sterling MU t ' A1I> O.ebn« na 355 Chtrry City, Pa. SLOVENIC PUBLISHING CQ. (Olaa Naroda—Travel Bum®) tit Weed It at New Yark. * Dr. 1?. PAULICH ZOBOZDRAVNIK Mm»« C(wo «10 2125 So. 62nd Are. )ouglai Elevated), Cicero, III. >1 Vsaki data tevtaomli «dl» » NA NOVO SO 8K NAROČILI NA DNEVNIK PROSVETO SLEDBCli Joeeph Tamatin , New Smyrna, lla. Jacob Brljavac S. Chicago, III. Jahn Kataler Buhl Mian. Joe Kiev or a Waahoe, Mont. John Bedaitlc Akron, Ohio Anton DoHnar Cleveland, Ohio Vlneent Oorcar . John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN * SURGEON »^StStifi.** at lttt W. Cermak Rd. 4tt»~tfM p. m. Dally T.I. Caaal DM »w«wAtaad*,9ya»no|ntme«u only |taW*M V«. i CfavMM 1MB »o a*»w»»-^l.awtiw $im Mediana, lil. Drufttvo 309 potiva vae ilenatvo na letno sejo, ki ee vrftl «T. dar v Cristal Bali roornu na 1MK) Madiaon ave. Doltnoat je vaeh tlanov, da eto navsoti na letni aeji, da laije ukrepamo r korist drufttva in jedno-U. Udaleftite ae vil, da itvolimo dobre uradnike ig prihodnje leto, take, ki bodo i veeeljem vrllli avoje doll-noall. Polivam tudi vea, ki ao taoala 11 i aieamentom, da poravnajo ta me-acc, da mi bo mogoče knjige urediti do konca leta. Milka r«H»a*cr, tajnica. ¿iideajo (perilo) lioitn-lo aH akt ie nerad ne ali balade. (.recnabergh. Pa. žalim livadoli kaj o Kranku Ruiu. I «vedeli amo, da je umrl v CallfomiJI in da ae Ittejo eotodnikl radi eapufttine. Ta ee nahajamo tri aeatre In bral Louia. Kdor ve kaj n tem, proaim, na) mi aporodi. Pripravljeni amo mu povrniti itroftke. N poro* it e na "moj naalov: Franc** Blatnik. R I). 2, Bo« lt. Nanticoke, Pa. Joaeph Pncelj Wentland. Pa. Geo. Beline rara, w. va. ZALS ZDRAVILO za želodčna uljesa Weat l*ark, O. Drufttvo Delavte It 267 priredi veotlicn na starega leta veter v domu na Mriiuaran ave. in U . 120 at. Pritetek totno aedmih Vstopnine Je 26 centov, otroci pod dvanajatim lalom proatl. Proaim oh ttnatva -«d blltu in dale*. da naa po »•tile kar Je vam mogote in da nam pripomoreta do vatiaga uapeha, la kar ae vam lahtaljujem te vnaprej. Poaabno pa apeliram na flane toga drufttva, da w odsevajo val na ta veter, da bomo akupaj obhajali lad-nji dan t*ge lata in tudi pripomogli na*i blagajni malo navtgor. Krenil Knefelc. tajnik. Kri onveiujočl in kri gatltai Planintki čaj I aavitko. tlJtt Podtalna proata Bkb g» I iigfcbil mm ledna» —»v ia DOMACm 1DHAVIL mm prlpar.4. taajg * gag«! !>•«••/ edrael^i MATH PEZDIR Bo« 7T1 CHt RnB »ta. Ho# Toeh, R. f. malno dksUtaaco Ita drugo safcavo! tAL'g IMA VILO j» lah ožinah o snaaatvOT» * get-pravljvno sdravllo. ki gaje pomni pr..tl «U» •on. plina«, kUllnam la dregt« llj«ISIS V BLAGI SPOMIN. „b prrt oblrt.lH «««'; « » nlptvljtfiJt vbiMIi ta if^l©^, pt^Mi ko ae odpravijo trm Macatalnaati Is nji* NaJkujtl slada jI aa podaja «mm pn«ttlvaa«a iipli^tl tHhltftft iMmm lefipl )e Poffitt peajftnje matoda v* lad aagedMatl akaae «a* «»jftaa |mmm«|. ZALI IDRAVILO a« a*. Sia»a atradalaa dtjala. In na voalMja mrr+r •Ik aH pelvadNlk aaavl. Cmm h NJ* aa II It sa pMliiaii vi#ft#< laja aa ia gelt ZAl.tSmS LABORATORIES Tim 8. nj^^a^ in. g, ia apaval «ladk« TOM&lC. vdo»e ia < •aemaagh. Pa. —Miklavl nam Je iporntll, da bo naa abiagal oiimmo Jtafa» mladino na 24, dee. ob g. uri ■veter v dvorani dratUB gf Alo|g|Jn »e hvali, da Je prav lm-gat, vVa bolJ ke druge leta Ja» mu tudi ver Jamam, kajti Miktavt ae ne lata Oiaenje tudi, da be proakrWI doe ti labave hi v^alja i« atar* in mlade Bogato bo obkHUI mlaa a ra> lltniml dobrotami ia p*mI iob in auhe grla Pftneael be tudi veliko lapth pe ami In ta plaaaMJne najlioljia man ko, ki Jo Je mogot* tukaj dobiti, t drugo beaad« hofe on tadovoljitj ve« gtopraeentn» tato. ker amo v Johne lovna in okolici dobro orgamriran in tninteroairanl v nafta »lovrnak» pod gara i orgaaitarlje. prrdvaam « tlfPJ. Ta nam p pava4el Miklavl Ni gpah#hJ na fee «Wvenehe oKrie in ma REVMATIZEM < Hff Mine, Pa.~ Orufttvo »levček • ¡i', piiifii n« bolitni veder vear-lico v Sar<«dnem domu ob f, tvvter Vabljeni at» val od blitu in dalo*, da pridete in da aa «nidemo okrog boli*, trga diavraa. Z« 4obrw poairelbo bo 'krhal odhor. Mtlt \ Id «ar. U). Jobalaoa. Pa. hruftivo Adrtia *l. \ BNPJ opotarja ve» avaj» «lana in tanie», da bi ta meaec pravotaano ■letali avaj aar«mant. Jai n» bom •lotil m r i kogar la meaec Kdor i» bo platal, ia» *be adapendiral. Ra jn m- mora na kancu leta oddati 6ill ral i f«tali. ker vam katg i HOD IL1KO BOCIALI tnrotnlna mala M.M iHo, 91.71 M M M SPITE TRDNO, VHVAJTE VASQHPaN() OF B1TTBR W®H® g Mnogokrat T^^TV^ win» Co. ! odpravi f CT ^ «icr. nt f TRPEČI NA MSQITRilJ IN OIUSTIH „mi 2». DECEMBRA. HinneMotska federacija Ckishob», Mlnn. - Zapisnik -ie odbora za Povila minnc- ^ federacije SNPJ z dne 29. £2bra 1986, Eveleth, Minn. Predsednik br. Marta odpre J, ob pol enajstih dopokine in Sive odbornike k delu. Br. taj-fftfta imena odbornikov. Na-so Ambrozich, Tomsich, pTko sestra Ozanich, Petrich, Lesar, Kasun in Klun. «Motih 9 odbornikov. Pričako-Zimo Kunstlja in| Terana¡iz glvja, ker je Ambrozich poročal, d» mu je telefoniral br. Teran, bt bo ki dovrši 70 let svoje starosti in je le nepretrgoma v jednoti 20 let, lahko zmore, da jednota sanj plačuje asesment. Br. Per-ko: Jednota lahko plačuje za takega člana aaesment in denar naj se vzame la Njegove smrt-nine. Br. Lesar: Sem proti vsakemu zvišanju asesmenta v tem slučaju, sem pa za1 to, da se zviša asesment za par centov, ne pa da bi se članu jemalo od njegove smrtnine. * Ambrozich pravi, da je dobil vabilo, da gremo h kosilu. Predsednik sejo prekine ob 12. uri. Po kosilu ob eni uri se seja na- -----«,, ___daljuje. Potem govorijo še o- Tajnik Klun ¿^^J* gtftH odborniki o tem. Klun pra-ve seje, ki se sprejme z malimi ***** „opravki. Predsednik Martz vpraša, kje hočemo sedaj začeti. Tajnik priporoča, da je najbolj umestno, če gremo po zapisniku zadnje seje, ker to je bilo tudi mišljenje odbora zadnje seje. Br. Tomsich pravi, da je to najbolj pripravno. Zadovoljijo se vsi. Tajnik čita točko za točko. Prva je na dnevnem redu mladinski oddelek, ki se glasi, da se napravita za mladinski oddelek dve lestvici za vplačitev asesmenta. Prva ostane kakor sedaj, druga je pa, da se zvifia asesment za 10 centov na člana, in to pro-itovoljno, kdor hoče imeti več kredita kadar izpolne 16. ali 18. leto, to je kakor gl. odbor odloči. Zvišani asesment naj jednota nalaga na obresti, če mogoče na 4 ali 5 obresti, in kadar član do-polne svojo starost za pristop V odrasli oddelek, se mu ves povišani asesment z obrestmi vred izplača kot njegov kredit. Regularni kredit, kakor je sedaj v veljavi, se pa plačuje asesment zanj, kadar prestopi v oddelek odraslih. Br. Tomsich pravi, če naša jednota upostavi tako lestvico, bi s tem pridobili mnogo novih članov v mladinski oddelek, ker to bi bila velika reklama za jednoto. Br. Ambrozich pravi, Ud se skrajfca debata in da se kolikor mogoče pravilno sestavi. Br. Ko lestvico kot jo imajo Insuran-ci; kdor bo hotel več dobiti, bo več plačal. Br. Petrich: To še ♦ h vi: Nemogoče je, da M se dalo nekaj zastonj. Ce bi naša jednota sprejela kaj takega, bi bila v nevarnosti njena solvent-nost, ali pa zvišati asesment, druge poti ni. Ambrozich pravi: Predlagam, da jednota zni-ža lestvico s 70 na 60 let, ali če je mogoče, da se napravi še ena lestvica za 60 let starosti. Klun podpira predlog. Br. Tomsich se strinja s tem predlogom in misli, da vae pokriva. Klun: Glasujmo o predlogu br. Am-brozicha, potem bomo šli naprej. Br. Petrich: To ne bo nič pokrilo. Vztrajam pri svoji zahtevi in se držim svojega načrta. Navzoči zahtevajo, da predsednik da predlog na glasovanje. Perko: Meni se vidi, da je pravilno, da to sprejmemo. Klun: Predlog br. Ambrozicha je na mestu in kot takega sprejmimo, gl. odbor bo pa iz naših priporočil napravil boljše, dobili bomo vsaj 65 let, če ne bo 60 let. Predsednik da na glasovanje. Sprejeto. Preide se na točko bolniška podpora. Tajnik prečita točko iz zapisnika prejšnje seje, ki se glasi, da se odobri lestvica iz leta 1929. Spremeni se, da bolnikom, ki se zdravijo v bolnišnici, se da bolniška podpora s prvim dnem, drugim, ki so doma, pa s 4. dnem. Spremenijo se tudi nekoliko omenjene podpore. Petrich: Nikafror se ne strinjam, da he bi bile omejene podpore. Omejene podpore morajo ostati. Perko: Morajo biti, ampak ne pokriva vsega. Kadar član ne tako drastično kakor sedaj, doseže zadostno starost, mora; Lesar: Sprejmimo v smislu zad-dobiti izplačilo z obrestimi vred,' nje seje, pa bomo gotovo nekaj in član, ko dobi svoj denar, ga lahko porabi kakor on hoče. Br. Lesar pravi, da je bistveno vse eno. Priporoča Klunu, da on omeni na kratko smisel tega predloga in stvar bo končana. Br. Martz pravi: Tomich in Petrich imata oba eno misel in je dobro, da skupaj zložita. Klun pravi: Smisel tega predloga je bil že na zadnji seji na razpravi, da se ustanovi poleg te lestvice, ki je sedaj v veljavi, še ena lestvica za zvišanje ases-menta za vse Člane mladinskega oddelka enako, in to prostovoljna. kdor zmore plačevati v ta jednoti n varčni zavod, kar član dobi potem, ko doseže svojo starost Smrtnina takih članov o-«tane neizpremenjena. Regularni jednotin kredit, če ga je ne pa izplačuje za njegov koristnega napravili. Govorijo še Ambrovich, Kasun, Tomsich, sestra Ozanich, in vsi so enakega mnenja. Klun pravi: Mi se lahko nekaj naučimo iz naših napak v prošlosti. Je resnica, da so bolniški skladi sedaj še precej v dobrem stanju, kakor čitamo v našem glasilu, ni pa vse tako gladko za članstvo, katero je tako nesrečno, da mora vprašati za bolniško podporo pri društvu. Za člane, kateri zbolijo za kratke bolezni, je še kako, ampak Člani, ki so bolni dolgo dobo, je pa U bolniška lestvica veliko prenizka. Velikokrat bi radi glavni uradniki kaj pomagali, p« jim ni mogoče, kar pravila ne dovoljujejo, in popuščanje asesmenta ni nobena korist članstvu, ker človek na drugi stra- aspsment, kadar član prestopi v ni vidi pomankanje pri bolnem oddelek odraslih. Klun prosi Ambrozicha, da stavi predlog v t*m smislu, pa bo to takoj kon-(*n<>. Ambrozich predlaga v 'em smislu in predsednik da na glasovanje. Sprejeto. ^r. Perko pravi: Nekaj smo opustili, kar se tiče mladinskega oddelka, namreč otroci bi se morali sprejemati po 30 dneh v J« d noto. Br. Tomsich pravi, da ^ morali • prvim dnem. Br. Petrich: Bolj umestno je, da se J'h «prejema s 30 dni, ker po-t*ni ni tolike rizike. Predlaga, d* ^e sprejemajo otroci v jedno-to J«) 30 dneh. Sprejeto. Druga točka je amrtninsko "•Mirovanje. Priporočilo br. Petricha je. da se zniža lestvi-<.'« na 50 ali «O let, ker 70 let članu. Ambrozich: Mi moramo nekaj tukaj skleniti. 8 tem še ni rečeno, da bo sprejeto, kar bomo mi tukaj sklenili. Tomsich: Seveda ne, ampak se bo treba boriti tudi na prihodnji konvenciji. Br. Martz da na glasovanje. Glasovalo se je, da se bolniška lestvica iz leta 1929 osvoji v smislu današnje debat«. Sprejeto z 8 glasovi, eden proti. Na vrsti je točka operacije. Le»ar: Tukaj moramo nekaj u-kreniti. Prečita pismo, katerega je prejel iz gl. urada, v katerem se glasi, da po pravilih ee ne more drugače pomagati, o-brne se pa lahko na izredno podporo. Denar se bo izplačal nekje. zakaj se ne bi Um, od kjer P108T1TI Tako nas izkušnje učijo. Perko poslal v priobčitev Prosveti, da i*redlaga, da se zvišajo operacl-' ne bo neprilik. Določiti mora-je za 25 odstotkov, izvzemši v mo dan. Marti: Prej se ne mo-točki prvi pod črkama J in K. (remo sestati kakor drugi teden, Kasun pravi: To »ni prevelika ker tajnik ima veliko dela pre-vsota. Mislim, da noben član dem zapisnik uredi. Tomsich i ne gre rad pod nož, samo da bo Mi se lahko sestanemo prihod-podporo dobil. Petrich: Pri nji teden. Ambrozich predlaga, tem morajo biti omejene podpore. Ambrozich: Podpora bo o-mej ena tudi pri operacijah, ampak bolj sorazmerno kakor sedaj. Govorijo še o tem Martz, Tomsich in sestra Ozanich. Predsednik da predlog na glasovanje. Sprejeto. Točka smrtninsko zavarovanje B in C 20 letno zavarovanje. V zapisniku zadnje seje se glasi, da se znižajd obresti članom, kateri si izposodijo denar. Petrich: Obresti naj se znižajo 4 odstotke. V debato posežejo vsi odborniki. Končno Ambrozich predlaga, da a* znižajo obresti vsem takim Članom s 6 na 4 odstotke. Ses. Ozanich podpira. Predsednik da na glasovanje. Sprejeto. Točka pasivni člani. Tomsich pravi, da pasiviii člani bi morali dobiti $250 za pogrebne stroške v slučaju smrti. Sedaj na lestvica ni zanič. Perko predloži tudi svojo lestvico, ki se sajenja s $50 in konča s $400. Vsem se vidi ta lestvica previsoka. ' Tomsich': « Predlaga, da jednota plača v .se m enako $250 pogrebnih strošaov.» Član od enega do petega leta je pasiven ne več kakor 7 mesecev, od petega do desetega leta ne več kakor 14 msecev, in Člani od deset let naprej ne več ko 24 mesecev. Kasun podpira. Klun: Glejmo, da bomo sorazmerno napravili izplačila, tako da bomo pravilno vzdržali. Članom, ki so že pasivnj čez dve leti, je da se sestanemo v pondeljek r. Meserko. Skupaj $9. — Po- (81. dac.). Priporočljivo je, da'lit» no la št. 27, po 50c: J. l.usteg, L., tukajšnja federacija vodi agi- "1 ulolol V« C ft •lit« Erste. J. Usenicnik in J. Stri-tof; po 25c: F. Vandal, A. Far-sanel, Amalia Intihar in Anton Meznarsič. Skupaj $3. Nabral na pole JSZ Tony Logar, član društva 147 SNPJ, prispevali po $1: M. Plut; po dne 7. decembra. Sprejeto. Per- 50c: J. Makovec in A. Novak; ko: imam še nekaj priporočati, |h> 25c: Neimenovani: K. Vlah, namreč če se bi dalo kaj izpre-* T. Mevlja, F, Cimperman, F. meniti glede točke isobčenje, kar Truden, J. Tomšič, D. Basich, se tiče osebnih zadev članov. Klun: Za pametne in poštene člano ni ta točka v pravilih. Am-brosich: Nekaj mora biti v pravilih, kar se te stvari tiče, če je pa kateri član slučajno obsojen, se pa lahko pritoži in zadeva se izravna. Perko: Je res, ampak velikokrat to član opusti. Martz: Caa je, da sejo zaključimo, ker je že pozno, l^asar predlaga, da ae seja zaključi. tacijsko kampanjo za pridobivanje novih članov v tem o-krožju za mladinski oddelek in oddelek odraslih. Bratje in sestre, pridi«» na sejo, če ste zastopniki ali ne t Federacijska veselica 28. nov. ja bila dobro obiskana kljub slabemu, vremenu. Posebno mladina se je" zainteresirala v to zabavo. Oddaljena društva odbor«, upamo, Jok» Nagola. tajnik; C. Dekleva, J. Kocjan, Hesky se niso mogla udeležiti (Salem, in žena, J. Sajovec, J. Virant, Power Point in East Palestine) F. Kupnik, F. Homovec, J. Gru- valed slabega vremena. Vstop-den, P. Polincich, J. Pire; po nice so prodali vse, zakar jim 20c: J. Mahnič; po 15c: F. I pa-1 gre vae priznanje, tako ao tudi vec in Tony Logar ; po 10c : T. | druga društva storila svojo Oreskovich, J. Turk, S. Sobljah, J. Komar, Anton D., M. Vlah, Neimenovani, V. Gasparac In L. Krasna. Skupaj $8, Nabiralna pola št 5, nabral Mike Lud »talna dela. Tomsich podpira. Sprejeto. Predsednik vpraša tajnika, «e imamo ša kaj za današnjo seja Klun pravi i {!! še vse. am pak glavne točke, o katerih smo mislili razmotrivatl, smo rešili Ker je še poano. je čas za za ključek. Omeniti moram še samo to, da se bomo bližnji odbor niki neatali, da ne prečita zapis-alfc sejo ob 4.80 popoldne. JFrank Klun, tajnlk-zapisnikar. j Zapisnik wyominike federacije Rock Bpringa, Wyo. — Zadnja seja wyominške federacije SNPJ se je vršila 25. okt. v Superior ju. Predsednik jo otvori ob 10. dopoldne. Zapisnik prejšnje seje sprejet. Zastopana so bila društva 10, 134, 177, 858, »67, 680 in 555 po sledečih zastopnikih: John Kržišnik, John Omejc, Frank Werhunc, Val. Yugovich, Tony Iskra, John Ruby, Jack Zaje, Anton Kužnar, Tony Tratnik, Tony Kushek, John Petek, Math Vehar, Fred Vahar. Navzočih je bilo tudi nekaj drugih Članov SNPJ. Društvo 16 iz Hanna, Wyo. poroča pismeno, da ja pripravljeno pridružiti se federaciji. Prečitano je |>!lo tudi pismo glede jesenskih volitev. Slede poročila zastopnikov. Od št. 10 in 184 nimajo posebnega poročila. Zastopnik društva 177 poroča, da se njih članstvo ne strinja, da bi se dajala izredna podpora nečlanom jod note. Zastopnik društva 858 poroča, da se dmštvp 268 za enkrat še ,pridni federaciji. Pri društvu 867 ni nič novega, slično tudi pri društvu 555, Društvo 630 ponovno apelira, da se bivšemu članu SNPJ Johnu Parkeljnu pomaga iz državne ječe kolikor ja mogoča. Infor macije naj se dobe iz gl. urada Sledi poročilo, o finančnem stanju fedesacljp,. kli ja sprejeto. Prav tako tudi poročilo nadzornega odbora, ki poroča, da so knjige v lepem radu. Na prošnjo društva 267 ae br. Fr Kladniku darujs $5 iz blagajna, oziroma plača asesment za tri mesece in preostanek nJemu is-roči. Isto društvo tudi priporoča, da se čim bolj deluje v kampanji za mladinski oddelek. | Bilo je tudi sklenjeno, naj vsak zastopnik poroča na pri hodnji seji federacija o priporočilih svojega društva glede spremembe pravil. Dalje Ja bilo sklenjeno, da se vrši veselica federacije zadnjo soboto v Januarju 1937, to je 80. Jan. Slovenskem domu v Rock Springsu, naslednji dan pa se vrši glavna seja federacije. Delavcev naj preskrbi vsako dru štvo nekaj, kuharice pa naj preskrblta društvi 10 In 555 Tem se naj tudi plača za delo Druge stvari v zvezi z veselico preekrtii odbor, v katerem so Tony Iskra, J. Ruby, Tony Kushek in Anton KuŽmar. Prihodnja redna In letna m ja ne torej vrši 31. Jan. v Rock flpringisu v Hlovennkem domu pričetek ob 10. dopoldne. Seja zaključena ob 11:56, Frank Werhuar, zaplsnfknr 25c: A. Bubnich, A. Matko, F. Bubnich, M rs. Požar, A. Traven, J. Bartel, P. Segulin, J. Krabas, A. Zahtllla, T. T. Zeh-tlllce, J. Zahello, J. Hrvatln,! M rs. Smrdela in K. Trina-stte; po lOc: F. Koneetabo, JJ Grli, G» Sagulin, J. Justrinčič.l M. Fabjančič, - L. Kočevar, J. udvik in J. Gralnclc; po 16e:| Udovlch. Skupaj $5. I Pola št. 188, nabral Mik« U. Med tami jt bil Tony Zupan-Ludvig. Prispevali po $lt J. člč Is Maaingtona, kl Ja s sabo Banlger; po 50c: P. Benčlna In pripeljal ša okrog osem prljata-Roele Muhčlč; po S6e: L. Mo- |jtv, katerih imena aem pozabil, har, F. Cimparman, J. Maru- DrugI so prišli 1T0 milj daleč, sich, F. Zupančič, S. Gamhac, menda od KaneJa, In to še dru-M. Kneh in Neimenovani; po gfe, prvlč ao bili prišli po po-5c: A. Lucio, F. Smrdel in F. moti 83. nov. Lahko sa reče, da Penko; po lOc: A. Drenlck, L. m ti ljudje rta zainteresirani v Frank, T. Mrak, J. Raasaj R. | organizacijo. Bola, J. Ujčič, A. Surlna, R. Krn in h. Mlač; po 80c: F. Bi-skovic; po 55c: M. Paliska. Skupaj $6,80. Matt Turk, St. Marys, Pa. prispeval 91. John BogaUy, predsednik. Weeimerelandska federacija Hermtnte, Ha. — Zadnja priredba weetmortlandske federacije SNPJ aa ja «opat končala i uspahom, čeprav aa je vršila v zimskem vremenu. Vsem poset-nlkom ln posebno ša onim, ki ao prišli lt oddaljanlh krajev, hva Pursglov». W. Vn. — OposnrJesi vm #lnn« in tlnnU» drultva IN, ka- Uri m niso udvlsftill Ivin« m Je, dn i>i i«i*»o nn «njo S. Jnn. in nnvtdsjn vsrok snknj jih nn Ittns »nji ni btln. Kdor n« prid» in n« nnvod» vtrokn, •« poatopn s njim p« druAtv«n«m •klnpu iiovvmbrak« Nadalje nn- innnjnm, da nnia druilvo prtrad) do« mata ssbnvo na SI,- dne. ¥ a*U>*lk» ▼i dvorani. VahlJ'nl »to vft, dn »• udaiaAUa. Ob pniiki vrnemo. Jaka tiaUan. tajnik. Conamanfk, Pa.—Clnnom drultva 1SS nnsnnnjnm, da bo nai« druitvo s drugimi bratskimi društvi priredila botiAnleo v ¿atrtnk na S4. dacambre svntar v dvorani druktva sv. AloJ«lja». Kakor aa nam poroča, aa bo Miklavš oglasil okoli 0. avatar. Zato ao prekani atarii, da pripaljsjo avoja otroki , v dvorano ob pravom 4aau. DoaU aa. , bnvs bo tudi sa odraala. Na avidanje na 14. ivsčsr! Blaa Hrta«v ■•k. tajnik. Tkoaaaa, W. Ve.—Druitvo Domovina It t» SNPJ jo na daeambrakl asji aklsnilo, da as ¿lani in ilanlca a pat po ao vajo na asjo, kntarn a« bo vriUa 10. januarja 1117, kar nn da-ctmbraki asji Ja bila tako majhna udslelke, dn nismo mogli voliti odbornikov aa lato 1MT. Valad taga ae opesarjata val ¿lani In tlantaa, da aa aaia gotovo udalolltat l mati so lo bolniki In oni, kt morajo dalati. Bros toktnsfa vtroka ao bodo odaot* nI ilant tn llanloa knsnovnll, L W«rdtnek, tajnik. Ifralcl In pevci so tudi dobro iivrilll svoje vloga, prav tako tudi fovornlkl, predvsem Ml-chael Kumer, ki Ja nadomestil Jana Pradal. Par drultev Ja obljubilo, da fe pridrulijo fede- Druitvo It. 5 SNPJ Je prispe-1 Novemu anfleftko po- valo vsoto 910. slujo6amu drultvu, ki ja bilo u- Skupna vsota v tam izkazu I stanovljeno v Manorju • 87 «la-znaia 968.80, ki je bila o^po-Ul, ae obeta lepa bodoftnost. slana Vlrcentu Cainkarju, pred- Tbpej leto 1M7 ta ja izvršilo sedniku SNPJ, .»Mft^ za nafto federacijo. Da-da jo polije Davidu Dublnsky- lujmo ^ ^ v pr,hodnjim V, International |ftu ftl| ^ ^ bo|jt ^^ u Udlas' Oarment Workers uni- ^„^ ^ (k1 dtU, Apt„. ja,kalaH Jana Čehi odbora 4»a j, Uem ponovno, da sa društveni ki so se »avzele, da se «Mirajo ^^^, udf|#4a po|no|tevllno prispevke v pomoč brambov- ftdfr|wtjilk6 Mjf ¿9trto ^jjo cem španske demokracije. v janiuPju - 84, jan. - v Her- ■Vaem prispevaUUam ae vi- m,nlijUf prie#t#k ^ l0 d To menu svobodoljubnega španske- ^ fUvni seja, nt kj|Up| M ^ «a ljudstva, kl^ bije boj aa de- vo,m uradniki federacije sa mokracljo proti svetovnemu fa- bodoče leto šizmu, iskreno zahvaljujemo in pozablU priti na vnaellen telimo, da bi dobili še mnogo dru|tvt 87 v Hermlnlcju nn posnemale«v. Obenem ponov- ^ vififP. 8fPr0VA g0# no apeliramo na vsa naprsdna ^ ,K) ignUL domMU kofnidi< drultva In posameanlkt, da prispevate kolikor pa* morete po svoji montostl, Kajti boj, ki ga bijajo Španski delavel in kmetje, Je boj zavednega delavstva vsega svaut Ako bo v ftpanlji zmagala demokracija, aa bo fa-| šizem začel rušiti po vaah fašl- Anton Zornlk, organizator. Društvene vesti Portlsol. Qrag.—Druitvo latrija ♦70 gNPJ nsannnja Isloatno vaat, da je dna H. novambra 1(NM vaala na-uamlljana amrt naloga liana In brate stičnih državah. V —• — a^s«. slučaju pa se bo ojačal In raz- ^ IitHjl( lu,uf ^ prt4#( širil svojo brutalnost po vsem l.u lili Pokojni aapuKa aopmgo gyetU. i" blar, v atarl domovini dva •••tri Prispevke je pošiljati na na- h" v Amariki. Pokojnik Ci,nkrrJ*' ,prédi v süjaTkL»rrx sednika SNPJ, na Jugoslovan- „m i«p« vanao, uao tudi nnia dmitvo sko socialistično zvezo ali pa na ito knpj in druitvo st7 hni»j tar odlK»r elevelandske federacije klub "latrs," PoKlsnd, Oro«. Po. HNPJ. Nam ja vseeno, kaj« M«* J« denar bo lUk šel po Istih potih ¡Z^^'Z^T^J .. in v Isti namen. Glavno Je, dajj« ^ ^k.jnikn pri odprum Prispevki v pomoč de lavskim irtvam španskega fašizma deveta*«, O. — Tu je izkaz prispevkov v pomoč delavskim trt vem španskega fašizma, so Mil poslani odboru devetand nke federacij« drultev SNPJ. Prispevati so: društvo 147 SNPJ 910. na seji taga drultva se je nabralo z nabiralno polo M. 67 kot sledi: po 91 so prispe-vali Andrew Poklar, J. Oodnja-vec. A. Heear In i. Filipi«; po 60c: L. Rebol. i Orlic. IU»zl Po-fon. Andy Sila in M. Kolml; \*> Uri K Kobal. Krank M. (I72nd _ st ), f. flavlč, Cilka Jankovlč. denelt'ije^seje. ¡¡reden « ¿L Ve^. J. Komotor, T «ogar, ja poa grobu brwt tejnlli l'okojnamu aekm ta nnj bo lab ka aomlja, n jago vi ao* progi ls blarkl nal* lakrono •oinl)«' Kraak Jarada, tajaik f. •.«— PodpUani aa askvaljsjava vaam, ki ao ñama blli v pomol v énao Andy IMU, prednednlk, Umrtl nmémg» noposabljanaga »oprog* Antoa Crtalll, blagajnlk, «»» oé#ta, lUn.t^u drultva latría «70 UU^o, tejnjk Ht. «,uir ave., (Jtvaiana,| ^^^ Uval» aorodm kum, kl ao prüli ls Cnlir«rntÍo in Tn roma, Wa«h , Ur prijaUljom In awan f - - -i- »«m aa vana* In vaom, kl ao daii avo Letna seta teaeract/• l ñ¥UmoMU M r.i|wbfM Mvaia 27. deC» v««m, ki «o nam lakainli avaja mU /.i iiot—talnjola aoproga Coralina Z»r («Irard, <*K>. - (ilavna seja |f| JTS.^T vxhodrxjohljske In Penn. fede- raclje drultev KNPJ se >10 vrll-l ^^ wa.a n. p«.»ou»u, d» bo le 87, dac. ob 1. popoldne v Lrustvo * m »*I>J prir^iu» pUy»« ()., v (> nlkom an «af»aiak, |a bolf »!si»nt. itr narava, a turn #* ja rmotllo. Sat ali «o aa gliiljivi nemlsat'U«M go on, Ks« j« ein»t«tvo >• aolvnin»l «»••m» potlulalo, doklor ga ni sbudil vonj kuhsjollh ao prlatnlh domsdlh klobas. Nominacija ja bila hitro aakljulana and lat tka baat man wln.H To jo bil pre! in ssdnjl peakus. DrugI uredniki ao bili isvoijani aoglsano. Mi novoisvoljmil uredniki amo a. potem prtmorniml govori sshvsllll llanatvu M njih ssupsnja Ur priaafli, da bo. mo dolal! na vaa krlpijo, da Uko de-aalomo kar do aedaj nlamo mogli, člnnatvo jo odobrevnlo, Da pa nlamo aamo "apiia" imall in vetlll, vam nasnanim, da ja druitvo nn predlog aobreU Ooorgo lioniln dolivalo $10 borelim a« Ipanakim da* le vaam. VaoU aa p«»ltja pradaadnlku Cainkarju. Hklanjanlb jo bilo tudi vai dobrih aakljMlkov, na primar, da ao snila drultvani aaaamant aa I ran-tov. clnni, kauri nlao bili no aojl, bodo mogola tamu ugovarjal». •varilo a. Jih ja prevolnano Ako ni-•o prllll na aajo, aa bodo morali po-kodti, kar brst Hrnprotnik ja auvll p rad tog, ds jo aaja ln vol nj.nl akiopl prevomolns, aklopln. In imovrgljlvn. Kronk K, Jaaik»», nnmaotnl aspUnlkar. Glasovi iz naselbin Puadravl Iz bolnlšalr. Ka wick lay, l»a. — Na prtjaz-nem hrlWku stoji d«»kaj lepo po-slopje, v njem p* mnogo siromakov bolnih lefti, med katerimi aem tudi Jaz. Ko to pišem, sem tukaj okrog dva tedna. Podvrgle aem se operaciji in zdravje se mi povoljno vra*a ter ml-«Um, de v kratkem sapuatlm bolnišnico In se podam med svflja drage, kar tetko pričakujem. Ne amem pozabit! mojih številnih obiskovalcev, kl so me pri-lir oblakat «hI blizu in Qale*. K temu Je brez dvome pri|*om<>glo dejstvo, ker nem ¿lanica HNPJ In MPZ. pa ao ae apomnlll svo- »«HMMtiro in ms prllll obiskat, sekar se Jim iskreno zahvaljujem I »krona hvala tudi vneal onim. kl so ml poslali ali mi prt-neell nveftega cvetja. Taki iareai sočutja dobro vplivajo na bolnika. Vesele praznike la «rečne novo leto vnem akupajl (tert rede l bernlk, S3. SEEPA. 28. DECEMKpa - PIOITBTA > Prt— » «hI ■p«Ju. M prim fmmt. 4» H to i• IWMlM. m (M«r. N. m t» » IM«), «M» m m Razvoj praznika "miru" Prazniki, pa naj so cerkveni, državni ali ljuc ski, so navadno simbol nekih neizpolnjenih in pretiranih želja. To velja tudi o božičnem prazniku, ki Je simbol "miru in dobre volje". Božič Je eden najstarejših praznikov človeštva. Tisočletja pred krščanstvom so razni narodi v zmernem pasu sveta poznali dva glavna praznika v letu: v decembru, ko atoji solnce najnižje In o kresu, ko stoji solnce najvišje na nebu. To sta bili dve kretni točki v natumem življenju primitivnega človeka, ki sta mu naznanjali vsakoletno izpremembo v prirodl. Simboli so se menjali, toda natural vzrok je ostal. Encyclopedia Britannica* nam pripoveduje, da so poganski Anglosaksi davno pred krščansko dobo prasnovali 26. decembra začetek ali rojstvo leta in ta svoj božič so imenovali "modra-neht" ali "materina noč". Ceremonije, ki so jih imeli tega dne, ao.se ohranile, pomešane s krščanskimi obredi, daleč v srednji vek. Rimljani so imeli svoje "saturnallje", pri katerih so se gostili in okrasili svoje hiše. Poganski božič Je bil oficielno pokristjanjen leta 440 po Kr., ko so se cerkveni očaki v Bimu, Jeruzalemu, Afriki in na Grškem po tristolet-nem prepiru zedinill, da Je bil Krist rojen 2K. decembra in božli naj bo praznik Krlstovega rojstva. <* < z tristo 1st je bilo krščanstvo brez tega praznika! In še takrat ga niso kristjani hoteli v splošnem priznati. Stari spisi pravijo, da so morale cerkvene oblasti v več krajih s silo in krvjo uveljaviti ivoj sklep, ko so razne atran-ke vztrajale, da to nI pravi rojstni datum Kri-sta. Krščanski božič, praznik "miru in dobre volje", Je star okrog 1600 let in njegov krščanski simbol že obledeva. Saj je že davno očitno, da sta resnični mir in dobra volja ljudi le želja— tesna in pristranska želja. Ameriški božič je tudi državni praznik in za milijone Američanov ne pomeni nič drugega kot dan izmenjavanja voščil In daril. Vea ameriški buaineaa ae meaeca decembra auče le okrog in v znamenju božiča v razpečevanju blaga. Merilo uapešnega ameriškega božiča ni v tem, kpliko ljudi napolni cerkve, marveč v tem, koliko milijonov dolarjev izkupijo trgovci za razprodana darila .. . Profitni aiatem prej ali alej izgine in Človeštvu nekoč zaalje tudi mir, to se pravi, da izginejo vojne in človeška naailja a sveta, toda decembrski praznik ostane, kajti prvotni vzrok— zimska kretns točka solnca—ontane. Božič dobi nov simbol—kakšen, mi ne vemo. Simbol neke lepe neutešene želje, veliko lepši in pomembnejši simbol kot pa no atari aimboli rojstva leta, rojatva Boga, rojstva miru . . . Grupno zavarovanje V letaku, ki sta ga poslala uredništvu Pro-avete brata Anton Harilar in Anton Horvst, za-; atopnika federacije 8NIU zaoadne Penne v odboru podpornih organizacij, Ki skuša sodelovati s CIO pri unijski kampanji jeklarskih delavcev, Je tudi rečeno, da se bo ta odbor pečal s preiskavo manih "group Insurancev" pri Jeklarskih družbah in svoja dognanja o slabih posledicah teh "insurancev" za jeklarske delavce bo objavil v glanllih podpornih organizacij. Ta korak omenjenega odbora je vsega odobravanj« vreden in če ta odbor osredotoči svoje aktivnosti na to vprašanje ter donele vsaj delni uspeh, bo tel priznanje vseh podpornih organizacij. Kajti to vprašanje ae živo tiče vseh naših |M*d|xirtiih jednot in zvez. Prosxeta Je ie pisala o tej formi raketirstva, "grupnem zavarovanju", ki se «a poslužujejo jeklarski in tudi drugi industrijski magnatje pod zakonito zaščito, da dobro prlveftejo delavce za r.»ke in noge nase. Magnatom niti malo ne gre za to, da bi zavarovali delavce proti teles-ntm poškodbam prt delu r« industrijskim holez-nim, temveč Jim gre le za to. da privedejo delavce v svoje koniiMiiiljske "unije", da Jih odvr-nejo od pravih delavskih unij in stavk in končno. da Jih odvrnejo od bratskih Mpornih «,rga* nizacij. Grupna (masna) zavarovanj* dslawev ao humbug za dclavce—ao \m dobro sredstvo dvoj. neg« izkoriščanja: prvič Jih izkoriščajo «Irloda-jaici in drugič Jih izkoriščajo zavarovalno dru** be. katerim ao delavci izrečen« *Vn mas»" * o-gnwnni večini proti njih volji z ustrahovanjem m ».aar.arm Vprašanje o zavetišč Loe Angelca, CaL,— Kaj Je z zavetiščem? To vprašanje, ki je v najkritičnejših časih preizkušenj in potreb naših ostarelih članov izginilo z dnevnega reda, je treba obnoviti. Moj namen sedaj ni raziskavatl vzroke, zakaj 00. To dvoje zavodov, zlaeti prvi, nam služi lahko za podlago slike, ki jo želimo imeti z ozirom na vprašanje zavetišča. Na prvi mah nam je lahko razvidno, da zavetišče v mestu ni zaželjeno in se ga poslužujejo, ni važno aa nas; važni pa so podatki o upravi in organiziranju tega zavoda. Ti so: Posestvo je na 640 akrib. Povprečnih stanovnikov je 2800. Poslopij je 60; ena večja, druga manjša. Bolnišnica ima 200 postelj- ' Sobe so moderno opremljene, elektrika in vodovod. Poslopje za razne izurjena delavce za farmo ali za zavod okraja, za kar dobi vsak Po mojem mnenju moramo misliti vsaj na 150-200 akrov zemlje, na kateri se lahko pridelujejo poljski pridelki, je pri-mirna za pašo in dobra za aadje-rejot Da spada eefh nekaj živinoreje, kokošjereje itd-, ee razume. Naši ljudje ao bili najpreje poljedelci in živinorejci, zato se bodo «a stare dni dobro počutili, Če ee napotijo na farmo in dom, "ki so ga poznali v mladih letih/seveda v drugih razmerah. dr«f jfe smemo pozabiti, da začetek zavetišča ne bi smel preae- če, kokoši in nekaj ovac. r Staje za avtomobile, traktorje in drugo poljsko orodje. Farma lastuje 127 Hojstein molznih krav in 258 telet. Ki* ve dajejo 700 gal. mleka na dan. Tet sto gal. ga porabi zavod. 100 akrov je odrejenih za vrt kjer se prideluje skazi vse leto zelenjava. Na teh akrih pridelajo za 20,000 dol. vrednosti zelen-njave na leto. Za vae delo je upoalenih 586 ljudi, med njimi sedem zdravnikov in 48 postrežnic- Uveden je "Hollerith mecha-nicaJ book keeping", tabularna oprema, oddelek za atatiatične Pred desetim! leti na primer PdnosU. le da ima cstalem pa nosi vse znake vel*, država Michigan cenejšo lemljo, meatnega življenja, ki mora biti o kateri pa pravijo, da koncem »tare ljudi res trpko in otožno, konca ni poceni. i Zavod sestoji is petih poalopij, Država Californija ima pred- vaa moderno urejena, s 170 ata- SUveetrova zabava SND Indlanapolie, Ind.—Naznanjam vaem Slovencem v Indianapolisu, da prjredi. Slovenski narodni dom zabavo na Silvestrov večer, kakor vsako leto, in vsakokrat smo imeli dosti zabave, tako bo tudi letos. Pijača in jedila — vse je preskrbljeno, tudi muzi-ka, da bomo novo leto bolj z veseljem sprejeli, ker upamo, da bo boljše kot staro. Naš SND se ne more pohvaliti z napredkom, ker Imamo take postave v Indiani, da je vae prepovedo. Zato so morala vsa društva odnehati z veselicami in plesom, ker je prepovedano imeti opojno pijačo, kjer je ples, ml Slovenci pa ne plešemo, ako ni pijače. Tako naš Dom priti in vam ne ho «ali Vesele praznike in srečno novo leto! Peter Cerar, predsednik. Chicac* — Nedeljska božična prireditev čikaške federacije SNPJ je doživela rekordno udeležbo, večjo ko kdaj prej. Spored je bil pester in izvajal se je precizno. Brezmala vse točke so podali člani Rdečih sokoličev, odsek kluba št. 1 JSZ, ki so obenčm tudi člani društev 8NPJ. Program je otvoril D. J. Lot-rich, predsednik federacije, ki je iznanjal glavne točke in v drugem delu govoril o* pomenu federacije z ozirom na splošne razmer». V prvi točki je nastopil naraščaj Rdečih sokoličev ter u-brano odpel žalno pesem, posvečeno španskim otrokom, Ki so bi-i ubiti v civilni vojni. Kot uvod k temu je Anton Podbevšek po-ial kratko recitacijo, nakar je lastopila Marya Omahen in zelo ooerečeno interpretirala Ane Krasne pesem "Po zračnih valovih". Drug! del, vsebujoč. 14 kratkih ačk, je bil prizor v radio-studi- u> dečki in deklice markirali odia j no radijsko postajo in pred Tjimi je stal* oddajna antena. Sestope je napovedoval Boyan Mesh, triletni Jackie Kopach, najmlajši član Rdečih sokoličev, ie občinstvo prijazno pozdravil s poklonom, Helen Pavlin in Conrad Ladstatter pa sta v dialogu recitirala "My Pa Saya". Ro-'wt Ska v ich ae je korenjaški postavil s Katke Zupančičeve "Oč-'cotn Miklavžem" in v duetu na a-cordino sta nastopili Elsie Krek n Josephine Pluth. Angeline °luth je plesala tap dance in Tennie Šimenc je recitirala Čebu-arjevo "Tfga pa ne". Elsie Krek (e igrala na akordino "Beautiful Days" in njen bratec Bobby Krek 'e občinstvo veselo presenečil z 10V0 pesmico "The Worried "Swain", ki jo je pel 'po napevu sezonske "Jingle Bells." Dekli-ki zbor (Helen Dreeher, Elsie trek, Sophie Smagaj, Josephine °hith, Frances Saitz, Alvira Skavich, Irene Bvetlik, Elaine Turpin), ki je zapel "Zimo" in 'Lahko no¿," je spremljala Ma-TT Ovenr PftfftodMt Lustspiel" 'ta podali Frances Saitz in Mi-'zi Oven, Irene Svetilk pa je za-•>ela "Ciribiribin." Tap dance je plesala Dorothy Homlan in Ce-bularjevo "Slišite" so deklami--ali Johnny Bacek, Le Roy La-flamme, Frank Oblak in Adeline Fiater. * V zboru so Sokoliči zapeli "Deck the Hall" in za njimi ie v akrobatnem plesu nastopila Mary Ivančič iz So. Chicaga, članica društva št 8 SNPJ. Vae vokalne točke, razen ene, je na piano spremljala Mitzi Oven. Zaključna točka Je bila miar dinska božična enodejanka "Bratje Miklavži", delo Katke Zupančičeve. Vloge so imeli Sophie Smagaj, Elaine. Turpin, Elsie Krek, Angeline Pluth, Anton Podbevšek, Ernest Dresher, Ivan Ladstatter in Charles Pogorele. Maskiral je Philip Godina. Po i-gri ao bili vai otroci obdärjeni, zakar je poskrbel Miklavž lokalne federacije SNPJ. Spored je trajal jedva dve uri, že pred šeeto pa so bila oddana tudi vsa darila in otroci so bili deležni o-kusnega prigrizka, nakar je sledilo rajaaje in ples pri božičnem drevesu. Ves program nedeljske božič-nlce sta vodili Frances Rak in Anne Beniger. Uspel je izredno dobro, nastop Sokoličev, ki so obenem člani SNPJ, je občinstvo navdušeno sprejelo. Nič ni bolj prijetnega, oevežilnejšega, kakor nastop dečkov in deklic na odru. Slične mladinske prireditve. primerne sezonam, se bi moréis prirejati večkrat, ker so našemu splošnemu gibanju neobhodno potrebne. Louts Beniger. noet podnebja, in kar Je glavno:; "ovniki. Mal zdravniški odnoano nima zadosti dohodkov, zraven Mam* demonstrant nizke račune za kurjavo in i bolniški oddelek z enim ali dve- imamo pa več Slovencev, ki se> dj- ^ miunnonl*, » SND « »nimajo, .ko nim.- Nfw Yo/k ^J^Zo' "kozi vse leto pridelsvsnje ene zdravniki In nekoliko strež- ga ali drugega aadj* zelenjave; nk. V srednjem poslopju se na Jo kaj dobička od nJega, kar H ■l^Tfi, *^*'—» indruglh poljekih pridelkov. | haja velika jedilna, na strani p« nas dobro želečih za Dom. nas* «m>t^tl in »rsadvomno Imajo tudi neka moderno opremljena kuhinja na Je pa premalo, da bi mogli na-tere druge driav« kako pred. par». To upravljata dva kuha aH predovati kakor bi radi. Tudi ,,OHt i kuharici in dve alužklnjl kot po» ae nekateri Slovenci, ki ne vedo kam spadajo. V kakšnem obsegu „aj ai za-1 moči v kuhinji.® miši Jamo zavetišče? , Sobe ao 12*15 z dobro vsntlla- I »a nam bo mogoče lažje «odV cijo, vodovodom, lavatorijem. ti o trm, kar naj sluti našim hu- drugi del tega predelka služi za imram. )r dohro, da imamo za .hrifnbo Vseh uposlencev je 80. Miago imr primer. Iz teh vtor-fUtni obrat zavoda stane «V70 cev ssokralenlh na naše raime- tiaoč dolarjev. Edini dohodek, ki jre in potrebe, Uhko prersčuns- ¡ ga ims zavod. Je auditorinm. ka-mi(. kar ai zamišljamo in ielimo.1 terega jiajejo od čaaa do časa v!nam bo v stavke eo prisilile relifne avtoritete na preklic odloka o znižanju podpore in odalovitvi delavcev. ki so uposleni pri gradnji UpTiT da se bo spremenilo « -o na boljše. Zberimo ae skupaj rfk °dak>v,jw,i J?il?bJ*vI od,i>" omenjeni večer In pokažimo kdo ?m?Tno ^^ t****™ 1« je aa SND! S tem ga Ilifc SaP!? P^t.ranje u-mo In napredoval bo. Ako sel TTx. PA v Ntw Yorku * Wl- raamere le kaj zboljlajo. bomo I _ imeli tudi kmalu nov dom, ki Naša književnost AMEMßRI DRUŽINSKI KOLEDAR svojega za Ameriški Slovenci smo spet dobili UR starega znanca Ameriški družinski koU>H*i leto m 2S. letnik, ki ga je ■ ska delavska tiakovna družba (Proleta Ji v Sokuirca! ^ ^ Fnink ^ Tehnični strani knjige ne more biti prim^ v*Wna,?trdl1 VeXb<1' ^ ti8k ln S Ta je raznovrstna: običajna koledarska vse biha, mnogo podatkov, informacij, člankov oni-sov, črtic, povesti, pesmi in fotografskih no snetkov ter alegoričnih slik poleg oglasov. Poezijo zastopajo Katka Zupančič iz Ameri ke, iz starega kraja pa Mile Klopčič z origina lom in prevodi, Tone Seliškar, Ivan Vuk Jelka Vuk in Tone Maček. Pesem Katke Zupančičeve "Kdaj V na čelu knjige je globoko zamišljena in delavcem resno namenjena budnica, prihaja joča iz srca. Na čelu povestnega dela je naš star delavski literat Etbin Kristan s povestjo "Ženin se je vrnil". Nato se vrste ostali ameriško-alovenski literarni delavci: Milan Medvešek, najmlajši med nami, s socialno črtico "Hunky Bill garal Turocy" (Medvešek, Clevelandčan, se rapidno raavija v dobrega socialnega pisatelja), Louis Beniger a "Petrom Ponikvarjem", Anton Slabe s Črtico "Na fronti", Ivan Jontez s "Polnočno dogodivščino", Frank Česen s "Tremi brati", Fr. S. Tauchar z "Značilnim pogrebom", Katka Zupančičeva z "Eno aamo črko" in Ivan Molek % "Lumberjackom"; iz atarega kraja sta prispevala Angelo Cerkvenik črtico "Stari grehi" in Vladimir Rijavec "Sest bajonetov". In sploh to le niso vsi. Med člankarji je na prvem mestu Zaiti z obširnim letnim pregledom in ostale Članke imajo E. Kristan, Fr. Česen in A. Garden. — Najboljši opis zgodovinskega pomena v tem Amer. dr. koledarju je prispeval Anton Šular z naslovom "Dežela solnčnih rož", v katerem opisuje naseljevanje in življenje naših rudarjev in farmarjev v Kansaau. V tem hvalevrednem spisu je obilica slik, ki ponazorujejo čtivo. Sploh so ti opisi naših naselbin in njih razvoja po Ameriki najhvaležnejše gradivo, ki ga prinaša Ameriški družinski koledar že nekaj let sem. Mnogo, premnogo važnih zgodovinakih podatkov o naših atarih naselbinah v Ameriki je ie izgubljenih, ker se ni nihče pobrigal, da bi jih ohranil in objavil—ampak vse še ni izgubljeno in letniki našega Ameriškega družinskega koledarja s svojimi spisi, kakršen je Sularjev, bodo nekoč dragocen priročnik zgodovinarju, ki bo sestavljal detajlirano zgodovino slovenskih naseljencev v Združenih državah. Risbe so večinoma posnete, je pa nekaj nota-bilnih originalov. Mislim na produkcije Stanka 2eleta, čigar risbe so Že znane. V letošnjem koledarju jih je objavil več in med temi sta "Tiha laza" in "Poem" izredno lepi deli. Stanko Žele, nameščenec v gl. uradu SNPJ ie dolgo iet in držeč se v ozadju, zatišju, je že objavil mnogo svojih risb v raznih naših publikacijah v Ameriki — vzlic temu še ni dobil priznanja kot umetnik. Zakaj ne? Morda zato ne, ker ne razbija po velikem bobnu, "because he does not belong?" . .. Kdaj bo konec zapostavljsnju naših kulturnih delavcev? Kdaj izgine naš prekleti "inferiority complex"? Upajmo, da bodo naši delavci pridno segli po tej knjigi, kakor so vsa prejšnja leta. Vredna je, da ai jo vaakdo kupi, dobro prečita in pregleda, in ne aamo enkrat, in akrbno shrani. Ima 224 atrarti in atane 75c. Dobi se pri Proletarcu, 2901 So. Lawndale ave.—I. M. Angina peetoris je ozdravljiva Na zadnji seji dunajske Zdravniške druibe so poročali razni referenti o novem načinu tdrav-ljenja srčnih in žilnih bolezni z odstranitvijo ščitnih žlez. To metodo so poskusili naj pn o v Ameriki in ae je obnesla v primerih težjih »rč-nih napak, a tudi v primerih visokega krvnega pritiski} in angine peetoris. Po operativnem poeeiku so si bolniki opomogli ie v kratkem času. Ts poseiek pa prihaja v poštev seveda aamo v primerih, da so vse druge metode odpovedale. Pacienti, ki so ležali t* dolgo zavoljo vodenice in dihalnih težav v po-a tel j i, ao se moglj dvigniti že dvs tedna po ep* raciji. , «Ljudje, ki Jih Je angina pactoris napravila » vsako delo nesposobne, so se mogli po novem načinu adravljenja vrniti spet k svojemu A tudi pri arteriosklerozi na nogah, in sicer » najhujših primerih, ki bi jih mogli drugače rešiti le z odrezom nog, je operativna odstranil ščitnic pokazala nepričakovane uspehe iczm bolniki so že peti dsn po operscijl pokszali znake povratka k zdravju, po štirih tednih so bili že popolnoma zdravi. j „■< Pred dvajtetimi leti ----- ... Ali ele Mmpn mm eaevnia ponos. I Ne pozabite Preaveto'? Pefr bajte tvoj IM t (Is Prosvete z dne 23. decembra Domoče res* Iz Biwsbika, Minn.. F. 4- da Je katoliški iupnik rojaka Matha Videna, ker se ni hotel -prs s Bogom." D*av.k, resfi. Dva rudarja sta biliM^u in 15 ranjenih pri ckapMli P»*"' v govniku v Vinceneau, Ind. . r ___ Svetoma vojna. Iz Evrope še n odziva na Wileonovo mirovno noto kus so ee umaknile iz Dobrudše. todsv Kerp. še odbijajo napade. Z ostalih bojišč n. novega. - 23. DECEMBRA^ Plimo od Van 8weringen Companjr, k! «t nanala i-, no bonde. katerih nekaj lastuje jodnoU in ki m vtama na «nanje. Prodajo društva It. 740, da ea dovoli vetop novim kandidatom, ki nieo slivenske narodnoetl. In katere ea toplo priporoča.—Dovoljeno. Nadalje prolnjo društva št. «80, da «a dovoli vetop kandidatu «a iprejem v Jednoto, ki je italijanske na« rodnoitl. kar je dovoljeno. Plimo br. J. Kobita it New Dulutha, Mlnn., ki aa nanaša na poiojilo It. 188 ter podvaetlh korakov ta •odno poatopanje.—Se vtame na inanje In postopanje odobri. Plimo čikalke federacije drultev SNPJ. v keterem poročajo o prireditvi boličnire ta otroke ter proeijo, da te Jim da jednotino dvorano v to ivrho bmaplačna. Sklenjeno, da ie Jim pojaml, da imo imeli to leto veliko itrolkov i poilopjem, ukljuilvšl dvorano, in da ae Jim bo računalo polovično ceno. ProlnJo drultva It. IMA ta oglas ob priliki proelave deietletnice obitanka. — Dovoljeno |10. Porodilo br. A. Kikelna o njegovem delu, ki ga Ja imel v t veti t popravili In oddajo v najem Jednotinetn poieetva v Youngitownu, O., na katerem je bilo poao> JIlo M. 18J. teli, da ae mu plača ta tamndo čaia.—Se-vtame na tnanjo In določi primerna plala. Poročilo br. J. Terbllana o njegovih doeedanjlh uspehih kot organitator ta nneelhino Cleveland.—Se vtame na tntnje. Nato poroča br. gl. blagajnik, da Je prejel pismo od br. A. Cvetkovicha, člana goap. odseka, v katerem poroča, da se atrinja t priporočilom ostalih dveh članov gosp. odseka In Moodys Rervice glede prodaje gotovih boiidov, In navaja vtroke radi takatnitve t glasova« nJem.—Se vtame na «nanje. Nato to predlolane In odobrene sledeče prošnje i Applleatloaa far Laana af Aaaeaameat ftt. 1«—John Androjna, tri meaaoe, Rt. 80— Loule Grebene, tri meeeee. At. M8~-Julia Malovec In Anna Bernadlč, tri meaeee. At. 1 «S- -Charles Bratshun, tri maaaee. ftt. m Kla Kajeevich, tri meaaoe. Prodaje aa Itredno pedpaee Applleatloaa far Speclal Beneflt Bt. 84—Albin Klin«, «15.00. ftt. M—Anton Homar, $10.00. At. <71—Wm. Mualk, 911.00. Ai 818—Louli Ukek, $1.78. At. 408—John Kaleieb, $11.00. S tem ja dnevni red lačrpan, nnkar predsednik ta ključi aejo ob 4i80 pop. VINOBNT CAINKAR, t. A. VIDBR, gl, predaednlk _gl. tajnik POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNlAKI podpori Iti MU ielaa ,,, .,,00000 Voafcev lat 01*10 IN Uimdn W»a* ■..., .«Ml |x,ro«hr OeUM* J. 000TI lit Frank naei-l •ae Jaka Aaalovav lit t*etla fee»W ... •IS AMlM» , SOS A»« ,, HI Proak MM Praak S $41 J t* v«kw*la* l'rei*a|i iskail I črtna so pet Mteefc. ». «723 Rlsik, «. ti Mrak, t. 87*1 SNPJ32 Y*an Young (MW Safe, Sound Protection Society and American Slovenes WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23. Timely Comments Eight More Day* The 1966 juvenile membership campaign of the Slovene National Benefit Society is coming to a close. Only eight more days from this writing are left within which to complete the drive. The last few weeks have been a considerable speeding up of enrollment, and the splendid response of some locals will bring the campaign to a final success. A number of eastern locals, notably those in Pennsylvania, have done their full share of the campaign work by enlisting a good many new juveniles into their fold. Lodge 716 at Universal, according to available figures, leads all others in the securing of new junior members this year. There are other English speaking locals with remarkable campaign results, while there is a number of locals, working under identical conditions, which have not aspired to that position, assumming. rather, an indifferent, dormant attitude, The Utter need some sort of stimulant which would wake them up and spur them on to increase their membership, especially during ft campaign such as this with ft string of award« offered for their efforts. The object of every similar campaign Is to increase the membership. If little or no gain has been made, your lodge has not been keeping up with the rest of the lodges which have been active in adding new blood to their numbers. Another Jubilee Campaign? Speaking of membership campaigns, their successee and limltationa, we luggsst that the Supreme Board st its annual session In February formulate plans for another big membership campaign—a Juvenile membership canv-paign, conducted on a larger scale offering the most favorably worksble conditions possible— to fittingly commemorftte the. 25th anniversary of the founding of the Juvenile Department of the 81ovene National Benefit Society. Our junior order was established in 1912, at the Milwaukee convention, which fact puta It In the forefront of the Juvenile Movement in America. It haa been reliable stated on various occasions that ours waa the first fraternal organisation entering this new field by launching S juvenile department. If this' worthy suggestion is accepted and officially endorsed, which to a very large extend depends upon your local lodges, we feel, confident that the proposed juvenile campaign fbr 1907 would surpass the gains of this year's campaign by Inconceivable margins. Such a campaign, receiving the united backing it de-' serves and offering special opportunities and privileges, would set a new reoord In the securing of new juvenile members, becsuse it would be given an impetus such se we have never witnessed before. Remember that the growth of our Juvenile Department is a source of utrength for the Slovene National Benefit Society, one of the major facts which we, Its members, cannot afford to neglect I Our Convention Year Already lodges and members are getting prepared for the eleventh quadrennial convention of the Slovene National Benefit Society which will be held in Cleveland in May, 1937. They are making the required preliminary preparations tor the election of their delegates by striving to msintain the prescribed number of members in their lodges and. where neceasary, by merging with sister lodges in their jurisdiction. There sre at present sbout Sfi thousand adult members in the 0NPJ, and of this total the English speaking lodges number sbout 4 thou-; ssnd members. The eleventh convention, therefore. by s great margin will be represented |»re-dominantly by the older generation. This fact reveals nothing new. yet it preaenta a pictun which perhaps some of us are prone to overlook One thing is certain: the old generation will march hand in hand with the new generation and work unitedly for our common good, for thla has always been our purpose, and always shall be! SNPJ Tournament January 1, 19*7, is scheduled to lie s signifi-cant date for our locals in the Pittsburgh see* tor. Thst date marks the Fourth Annus' Bowling Toumsment sponsored by the F.. 8. L. Federation. It will be held In Ambridge. and It is the duty of every true 8NPJer in Western Pennsylvania to rally to ita call. Season's Greetings We cordially extend to you one and all the season's greetings, with the sincere hope thst the new year will bring forth at least some of the things that you could wish for in health, happiness, social and economic Justice I Mohawks News LA SALLE, ILL.—Let at sit back In our chairs tkis fine evening and review our past year. It has been a hard and trying oos for many etf as, and it spelled aoeeea fer seme; In the school of experience it is laid thst one eoceeeda by the mistakes be haa mads. This is very true although many times a mistake may cause mia-fortune and ruin. Is this great fraternal organization of ours I feel very presd indeed whan I hear one say thst be has Joined the SNPJ. Tberf weren't very many insurances which would give you sick benefit a few years ago and even today one must psy s very high rste to obtsin it. No one realises what this means to them until the time comes whan they need it, The younger feneration of today always bad as ides that their parents or someoee else would take cere of them is case of sickness or any other such catastrophe. It probably never dawns on thsir mind thst their pareata fssl thst whan they reach s certain age thst thag should be sble to take care of themsflvss. To parents' love fbr their children should tesch them to seek for their children an organisation Ilka this one. Many of the younger set do not realise what their folka went through when they organised this Soeiety, what bsttles hsd to be fought to win for themfelves an organisation which they can call their own, one where they do not have to psy any capitalists s fat, Juicy salary to head the organisation. Also sa organisation which allows you to think freely and, above gjl. the laboring classes' own organisation. How often does one hear of ^ome of these large Insurance coigpenles offering sid to certain segtjpns of the country where natural catastrophes occur? Even if one-fourtii of their policyholders resided these they would offer no assistance but thoss which they are obliged tu pay on their policies. How many of them back labor T How many of them care whether you work tomorrow or not? All they want is the "dousbt th*y can fatten their own wallets with the interests puid on the money yoti psy for youf insurance policy. j The Mohawks feel quite proud of the fact that one year ago today the membership consisted of only 76 adult members. TODAY WE HAVE NEARLY HIT THE HUNDRED MARX. I BELIEVE IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF THREE MORE MEMBERS. I HOPES* THAT BEFORE JAN. 1 ROLLS AROUND WE WILL BE ABLE TO HIT THE MARK. When we celebrated our tenth an-nivereary it seemed that the members tamed a new leaf. There was a record crowd on hand to help us rJebrate, the meetings were attended with more enthusiasm and tfiey even started to hunt upv; new members. Whenever you think you aren't treated right, tell sa about it, and well iron out your difficulty. Noted in the last issue of the Pro-sveta an article written by Bro. F. J. Progar of the Ramblers on the meetings held on the outside. I realise that there sre very many people and members not only in our organisation but also in msny others with this very same bad hahit. H seems that the only remedy fer this is to By IVAN MOLEK, Editor Holidays of all kinds, whether they art religious, state, or national, are mostly symbols of some unfulfilled desire. We celebrate some natural or historical event and to that event we attach some noble purpose. Christmas, a holiday of "peace and good will to men", is no exception. Christmas is one of the oldest holidays of mankind. Thousands of years before Christianity, men living in the temperate zones of the world knew two outstanding festivals of the year; one in have the president call on thm. mem- "inter when the sun is at ^lowest point and anotherin summer bers St the meeting to voice their when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. The two solstices were the pivotal points in the life of primitive man. To him they were a natural symbol; they heralded the change in season.4 , , j- Through thousands of years the symbol lost its original meaning, biit the festivals remained in their proper season. The winter celebration, as we see in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, meant the beginning of a new year for the ancestors of the English peo- opinion on the subject when he beam sbout it being diseuses« "out of class." The members should be drilled into the fsct that an organisation esa only he hurt by the members, in it and not ao easily by the outside factions. In some uniSns S stiff fine is imposed en members talking or discussing union trouble« in shop. This wouldn't be s bsd idea in our ergwi- pis and 1t was called "Modranecht" (Mother's Night), which fell sstios se it ni' s union, 'cause own benefit. eaps I ! they as much to us se are both for our At this time I wish to congratulate the officers of the Mohawka for tkeir faithful endeavors in the past year. Their work was hard and trying. There isn't much leisure time for these fine fellows st meetings or year the membership thought the same when they were sll re-elected into dido not realise what work there is connected with these offices until they fsceive one. The committees functioned very Well this year; they attended sll committee meetings snd were very active In promoting good will. which Sisters Dular, Vogrich and Predovic sre giving. They havt promised us plenty of "golden ale" and eats, and it's sll on them. Sister Dulsr msy even have a eaat ready to stage a one-act play. (How about it, Agnes ?) When are the boys going to give a party? Want a suggestion? If we hit the one hundred mark in membership before January 1, we'll throw a party at our February meeting. Is it a go? Now I wish to send the season's greetings to all of the SNPJ English speaking lodges and friends which through our wanderings we have met. It is s slmpto greeting and a solemn one. May our friendship never cease. JOHN KLANSEK, Lodge 573. SCREENINGS Comments on This and That Evolntion of Chrietmaa^Groop Insurance: Another Racket en December 26th. Some of the ancient ceremonies in connection with this festival, mixed with Christian services, survived among the British far into the middle ages. In the Roman world this winter festival was called the "Saturnalia" observed with much feasting and festive decorations with evergreens. I The pagan Christraases were officially christianized between the years 860 and 440 A. D., when the church fathers finally agreed—after 300 years of fierce strife—that Christ was born on otherwise. They are sltsys kept on December 25th. For more than three hundred years Christianity the go. Their work was done well had no Christmas! And even then, according to the old scripts, it this last year and I am quite ^^^ for the church to use stern means in order to en- force its holiday because the Christians in some places still dis-flce. Msny members do not resllse puted Christ's birthdate. For some 1500 years Christmas is celebrated every year throughout the Christian world as a holiday of "peace and good will to men", but this symbol is fast disappearing. It is a bitter truth that in all these 1500 years there was no sign of real peace ktyd 9tm less of good will among Christian or non-Christian men. Peace remained a mere desire—and a very narrow and Strictly partisan desire at that—throughout the ages. I American Christmas is also a national holiday, and for millions of Americans this holiday means nothing more than an exchange Of gifts Snd well-wishes; it is the biggest business holiday of the Do not forget our next meeting will be held January 14 of the new year. There is much business to go over. The installation of officers, appointment of committees, discussion on the coming convention, last . . , __. . patently. We want te bold one af fair before the very peasihle national coal miners' strike. April (Continued ea Page •) The Revellers' Column AMBRIDGE. PA—All forecasts point ta another successful Western Penna. E. 8. Federation affair. The 4th Annual Duck-pin Bowling Tournament, Luncheon and Dance at Ambridge on New Year's day is receiving encouraging responses from many tges. The final two weeks will bring in a greater list of tournament entrants. A key activity, combining sporta and a social, will usher the SNPJ lodges Into a new year of progress and action. Tournament rules, prises and other details have been given space before. This column will mention a few of the Ambridge details. The bowling events will be held st Ambridge's Club alleys on Fourth st. and Ma-plewood ave. Competition events will start nt IS o'clock noon. (Due to the large turnout expected the early start la neceasary.) Bowling is the only Item on the afternoon's program. Major tntereet will be centered in the games For those others who may want to leave the alleys for visits or other errands of interest, the matter rests with the individuals. The Slovene Home's club rooms at 1M Merchant street (7 minute walk from the alleys) will be open all day. The luncheon program this year wUl be somewhat different than past » ear«. Immediately after the ma)er bowing events, after ft p. m, dinners will be ready to eetve to all visitors at the City Restaurant (center of the block between 4th and 6th streets on Merchant st., a S minute walk from the alleys). Dinner service will be continued until 8 p. m. All members having a luncheon and dance tickets will exchange same in Ambridge as directed. This information is given to avoid last minute difficulties. Restaurant facilities have been contacted to assure a more filling meal and to offset the lack of preparations at the hall itself. There is no additional cost for those hsving luncheon snd dance tickets. The dance will be held at the Croatian hall (4th and Merchant sta.). Phil Lewis and his orchestra will begin playing at 8 p. m., continuing until midnight. If occasion requires, music will be supplied before 8 p. m. Any sdditional information on Jan. I can be secured at the bowling alleys. The committee will be stationed at the Club Alleys throughout the afternoon nnd early evening. The Committee in chnrge of the Jan. 1 Bowling Tournament includes Chairman Frank Kress, vtee-ehair. Frank Am broth-, »ec'y Michael Earner. chairman of the Luncheon and Dance Loots Koeela. Elisabeth Am-broeic. Art Dermottn, Rudy Koeela, Aegvet Mam rack. Frank Progar. Tseasurer Thomas Center will be unable to attend because of illneae. Member« of the Revellers ledge will (Continued on Page 1) SNPJ Bowling Tournament Jan. 1.1937 PITTSBURGH, PA.—The English Speak-ing Federation of StfPJ Lodges of Western Pennsylvania plans to sponsor its FOURTH ANNUAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT on January 1, 1B87, at the CLUB ALLEYS FOURTH and MAPLEWOOD AVENUES AMBRIDGE, PENNSYLVANIA. Members and friends reading the Prosveta the past few weeks are aware of the fact that this Bowling Tournament is the biggest sporting event ever staged by a Jugoslav Fraternal Organization. The Federation in making plans for this Tournament have realized the fact that it would be impossible for the Athletic Committee to work alone and have therefore elected a Bowling Tournament Committee namely: Betty Ambrozic, Mike Kumer, Louis* Kosela, Tommy Ganter and F. J. Kress. Members of this committee have been hard at work preparing forms, mailing them and giving publicty. The Secretary of the Committee, Mike Kumer, has published in last week's issue of the Prosveta a detailed account concerning this Bowling Tournament. I doubt that there is anything that I can add to it. Therefore as Chairman of the Fourth Annual Bowling Tournament Committee, I strongly urge that each and every member affiliated with an SNPJ Lodge, be it Slovene or English Speaking, make it his or her business as well as duty to take and play a part in this Great SNPJ affair. The Bowling Tournament is wide open to. all. We do hope that our Slovene members, whether you have ever Bowled or not will take advantage of this Open Invitation. Members from out-of-town living in the four corners of these United States are urged to attend. Immediately following the Bowling Tournar ment, a very delicious hot luncheon will be served to those members who so request for a nominal fee. Wp have been assured that on-... ' ly the best of foods will be served. We feel satisfied that the members will tell us that this was the best place ta eat after all. Now then to top the Tournament off successfully. A Tournament Dance will be held in the evening at the Croatian hail. Dancing 8.30 p. m. until you decide to leave. Music to be furnished by a very popular dance band. My appeal to you members of the SNPJ, connected with the Slovene and English speaking lodges, is to get behind this first great SNPJ event of the NEW YEAR, and help make it a success. Last but not least, LET'S PUT TT OVER. On behalf of the Committee, I wish to extend to all SNPJ members, the season's greetings. We trust that as prosperity returns it will be more than generous to you and that your Christmas and New Year are one of happiness. Bowling Tournament Committee. F. J. KRESS, Chairman, Flood City JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Our yearly meeting had s tr»«** attendanceHnd, as all yearly meetings, it took Ion*" to get over with. Our officers for 1U37 are: hrsol J. Perchin Jr., Pres.; John Jernejcic Jr., Vice Pre*. John Langerholc Jr., Sec'y; Msry K. Eorosheti Trrs ., Ann Hocevsr, Rec. Sec'y. Auditors: John Volk ^r man; Frank J. jfilavach (Russel *>"l>h ^J? Jr. Sergeant-at-Arms, Lawrence Uag^^ M^ ing. will be held every second Sunday °' thc month -2:80 p. m. in the Moxham Slovene hsll. Members fW. these officers all your co-operation. They need Will appreciate it. . . . were Here's a special notice to you mcmber^ th-t unable to attend our meeting. Any Flood C ty mem bar not attending the New Year's 0 contribute 25c into the lodge treasury ™en *rr esceptions. The musk w^l be wonderful, the f appetising and the drinks ref«.btag-^o wj* doVou want? Come up and enioy yourse wit> f « City. We hope our out-of-town friends will not fo * us this time. transfer af A new member was proposed and a ^ Lawrence Terrhek. Bro. J^ph Olausd» ^ < proud daddy of a baby girl. ^ ,t member (and a future one. I hopeM• H„ the meeting for a little while. We ho us soon. Louis Dnnielli has .11 if If Fred Zacker will be at our dance TW this week, but don't forget to come to our ds JOHN LANCERHOLC JR. Wr A Good Sign The liberal movement in Minne^ta r^ apace. Evidence, of ite ^^^ hand. A group of young arti«ti. h^e the Minneapolis Theater Union for ^ p^ duction of socially eigJ^, svenue. eral movement of the Northwest ne« for the expression of its opinio« and gress Sessions 1« a report eo»erine |v \ |lBllta Fraternal Coaarea» mm H ittnbanHi, Sa.. Dm. S—t) AMBRIDOB. PA—The SNPJ i* numbered among the 41 fraternal, that are affiliated with the Penna. fraternal Congrese. The Congress exist» for organisation purpoaea. It U »elf foveming, by and with the cooperation of each of ita acaociatc member fraternal*. Ite purpose is to „„it« bona fide fraternal» into a cen, Ira! organisation to obtain the creator mutual benefits had in a large union, ,0 adris* »nd f|v* »Pinions in th® better adoption of improved business method», to consolidate Into concerted action where the interests of all fra-ternal» are concerned. Ita work and worth is the more appreciated by the immediate principal officers of all member fraternel. The Penna. Fraternal Congress played an important role in the enactment of the model Penna. Fraternal Code. (Bros. John Tercelj and Louis ««mU were SNPJ representatives at the recent Dec. S— < of the Oenffress held at the WU- H«« Pen* hotel In *it»ekurtfc. TSe report o( th* letter to here submitted. It will mot to too thorough. M m», copie» of p^per» reed wen distributed uaonl delegate». Much ... r«ad and +«ium. liowkvar, «he follow. m p.rur»»to eonUân some of the thought» i»d work» of the two days' meetings.) The Morning Seaaion, after its opening, singing of America, a few welcome addresses and their responses, really got down to listening u reports. Thé Past President, the Hon. Fred A. Servira, in his lengthy report had much to say. Briefly a few fit his statements were: Fra-lernalism has a greater future; court» are friendly in deciaions concerning societies; Penna. has no atete tax on lodges; the future bears watching as state legislatures may want to gain additional revenue Jt>y taxing fraternala; the practice of fraternal field agents in misrtpré-lentliig other fraternala should be watched and corrected; as new state legiilative bodiea meet and may demand frsterns! taxation, some societies would not oppose s minor tax; Texas taxes fraternal*; reference was made that fritefrnals are "sleeping sisnts" capable of much activity when aroused; a new Fraternal Code ii being considered in IHInola snd that code will be studied by the Con-grefs; ' it is advisable to cooperate with' state insurance commissions; s few remarks wet's given about the open and closed contracts; these lstter provide s point of diferencs between Missouri's state Insurance commissioner O'Malley and fraternels; there ■re 332 course» in insursnce offered to ntuâcm in Amer^Hn -dnlvt-i-BTfleS; internals mu»t offset the influx that old line Insurance companies will re-celrc in their better selection of salesmen who have studied these courses; frstemals feed a national need and are necessary in our national life; » publication of an erroneous statement damaging to fraternels was ex-plained and prevented in due timo; the Penna. Insursnce Commission was reported friendly and coopérât Ing with fraternels; complimenta were paid to the aid rendered by all officers; the closing words gskei that each fraternal build up its mem bership and increaae ita activitiea. (It should Ss stated that these report» do not eoataln rerfeat-'on statements. All no were written In a manner heet suite* to the writer and are submitted aeeordlnrly. ) P. O. Powers, Pres. Indiana Fraternal Congress: The Hoosier state Congress organised in 1897, oldest in the U. S.; 48 fraternels operate in his state, of which 88 belong to the Congress; they are in polities to get things legislated in favor of fraternala; the Indiana legislature approved (irst a uniform law for the United States as concerns fraternels; as knowledge of fraternels is meager among the general public, a program of education should be had; advises fraternels to organise oolitically. Walter Basye, Editor of The Fra- Then games were played followed by • a a - It was 8NPJ Juvenile Day. Needless to say all had a good time and general satisfaction prevailed. The program was carried oat as follows: SNPJ March by the orcheatra; Memorial Song by the Red Falcons with piano accompaniment by Mitai Oven and recitation by Tony Podbevaekt "Po srainih valovlh," recitation by Marya Omahen. Then followed the Red Falcons on the air from radio station SNPJ with Boyan Aleeh announcing. First was little Jackie Kcpach with a greeting followed by a vocal duet "My Pa Saya," by Helen Pavlin and C. Ladatatter. "Oik* Miklavi" was recited by Robert Ska-vlck Blair Krek and Joeephin* Pluth reeled off a duet on the accordions. Angeline Pluth illuatrated a tap dance with Mltsi Oven accompanying and Jennie Slmenc recited "Tega pa ne." Elaie Krek soloed "Beautiful Days" on her accordion after which Bobblt Krek came thru with his specialty, an unaccompanied vocal solo. The girls' chorus sang two songs, Dorothy Hs« malan tap danced and Mitai Qyen ani Frances Haiti played the "Lustsplel" comedy overture on the piano. Irene FjOSVlfl \ ternal Age: Spoke on the open and gvetlik'a aolo, a recitation by four closed contracts; the former is fol lowed by fraternals as it allows assessment to be levied against reserve or members to keep the organisations liquid in> times. of financial difficulty; fin7«hed"in quick'iucceliTqn aTd gave « brief history of fraterna ism; pIeled the broadcast of its early "pass the hat" basis to young SNPJ members, John Macek, Freak Oblak. Adeline Plater. and Leroy La Flamme. and "Deck the Hall" by the entire ensemble were corn- raise funds; then the gradusl Assessment basis, dues collected 4, 8 or IB times a year—as necessity demanded; the present system brought fraternals to a legal reserve basis; societies practically all weatherod th* depression and are in better financial position than ever before, The Hon. E. 8. Joseph, Deputy Commissioner of Insurance in Penna.: 123 fraternals operate in Penna, 85 are native organisations within the state, 68 are of national character; explains briefly the social security program; states fraternals have yët ample space to continue of aid where state and national security program -leave off. 8. H Hadley, Pres. National Fra-ternal Congress of America: 42 states have enacted that fraternals are charitable in character and are not taxable, except as to real estate and office property possessions; attempt* have been made to reach an understanding with the National Social Security board as to place fraternals hold in that act, particularly in the act's taxing features; the social security program csnnot tske the place of fratera*is; the more members being enrolled the greater will be fraternal progress. R, t. Mahoney: Fraternals need not feefctfaJtalHl Security program, but should cooperate with it; a history of fraternal progress read. (Ceatiaae* nest week» ' LOUIS KOSELA. Lodge 699. "Daddy, teacher asked me to find the greatest common divisor." "Great Scot, is that thing still lost? The teacher had me hunting for it when I was at school." FLASHES e ann meeting of i Johaatown nnur 1 A.lJiKC/i Oltnt 1__1-1 1__L I ...til 1 -__1. Pioneer Lodge #556 SNPJ held last Friday night waa probably the best meeting of the year in point of liiter-••t. A grant amount of important »nd official buaineaa waa transacted btweea the hours of 8 and 11 p. m. The selection of officer* was disposad •f in record time. Those who will Pilot the Pioneer ship for 1987 are: Oscar B. (iodine, pros.: Frank Grocer, pr*«.j Donald J. Lotrlch, aec»yj I'uisc Karun, rec. aec'y» Krnertine J«KS. treaa.; Ukaa Groeer Jr., agt.; ■••fk Groeer. proa, suditora; John "imon and Kddle Hudale, auditor*; will gain what Chicago will loae in hia departure, our anxiety is relieved considerably. Thewtwo hard workers are yours, Johnstown. We are poeitive that they will be a credit to you as they have been a credit to ua. a a e Then, on Sunday, Dec. 20, we had our annual XmaH Party for our young SNPJ at the SNPJ hall. With a packed hall, as seldom before, we were ready to roll up the curtain at 8 p. m. sharp if It weren't for the orcheatra'a pianist who came trotting in a dosen minutes late. But we did After a little intermission , the writer spoke briefly on the meaning and purpose of our Christmas, Mary Ivancleh of South Chicago gave an acrobatic dance and the playle: "Brothers Santa Clauses" was rendered. Those in the play wore: Elale Krek, Elaine Turpi«. Ivan LadetaUer, Angeline Pluth. Eraeat Dresher. Sophie SmegaJ, Tony Podbcveek and Charieo Pegorelec. The program was rendered almost exclusively by th« Red Falcons, the only organised group of young people for this purport among us. They were tutored by Franees Rak and Anne Beniger. Louis Beeiger and John Rak assisted. sea From the program we concluded that there are great possibilities among our young people. Our desire in training them is to help them to a better underatanding of the why'» and wherefore'a of life and to assist them to develope their mental, spirit-usl snd specific tslents. In this we are succeeding more and more. And why not? » a ' a Listen to this! One of our brigh' young membera onlv 4 years snd 9 mos. old who was attentive snd took in every bit of the program Sundaj inquired of his mother Monday noon what Don meant when he said that the boy» and girl» in Spain aren't having any Christmas. That they were to be pitied and that we should rejoice over our happiness, but not to forget them for a moment. Of course the mother happily explained that innoeent boys and girls were being killed by mean people, etc.— Young people do remember. They need but to be told snd trained. It It our Job to trala them right. e a a Jt hn Gratcheer ia »till in the ho spital as is Fraacee Stark. The othei sick members are: Ralph Tewnsley. Mary Dlvjek and newly reported Fraak Medveeek. 552 B. Msryland ave. Please, visit them. a a » In bowling the first plsce Iteule vard Florist* copped three from Pat racola* Beveragee while Stele's SNPJ Office team gave Fred Imperl'e squad of Medico's plenty of trouble. —When Bill Zupan acquired a wife recently the Pioneer* acquired anothei new member, Mrs. Betty Zupan. who operates a beauty shop st M22 W ¡Wth st. You Pioneer girls ought to make It a regular hangout or do you already? If wish«* mean anything you al! will have the merrl«»t time on Dec. _____ ________________________________________________86. Help spread the gospel of cheer v"s Uvee, custodian; Oeorge Curde, get under way at 8:15 with a variety |n,M by promoting Socialism to Proavtte agent, and l>r. J. J. Zavert-1 program rendered exclusively by VVery day a cheery, merry, and physlelan. An important addl- young boya and girls of the SNPJ d.y, for, that's'Meetly what It tlon the lodge executive is the and the Red Falcons. From the com-' Ww mean to you ~ l|,k supervising committee consisting! ments heard It was a good program,! .....* ' * John Jackanles, Paul Yldegar, short and concise. After the program fine gifts and a supper were given to over 850 young boys and girls. r Bovdlk, Tlllle Vidmar and Stefi Mern. Fire dollar« waa contributed te the '•una of the Hpanish werker« defease t» an appeal sent out by the Jugo-J[av Social lat Federation. A map of . M< u prepared by the And don't forget New Year's Eve at the 8NPJ hall. Good time and everything. D. J. IXJTRirH. l>odg* 6ÖV. ★ Morning Stars * "'"centrotten camps, penitentiaries F*ar which is coming to a close, I fouod conference in Chicago. jalla, was explained and vlewe* *e it end with it many exciting days ^ d.. - ur MUU^ln( . . w ^ il te* il members and 2 visitors a. well a. a wonderful enlightenme. t r.gs The fsarty fl*«- » -e» fri-»«lit. -Throe new juvenile mem-bm wert initiated and one trans-«"H member was received. We M«'ka of bowling and basketball, the deration, lodge ruloa, etc. And the ' mihutes were appropriately con-* -med to bid Jok« Rak. Who Is leav. ss for Johnstown. Po, adieu. '»* Saturday. Dec 19, friends of snd Fran««« Rak assemble! at siorone Ubor po«ur In a lore VI ■Hort notice Mary M«rea. ChrUdna Torpia and Aege hurriedly arranged and in many fhend» to a good party y>d I resents the couple with an ap ^'"Priate gift. Many Ulk. were *«de snd the gang stayed up till »"y morning |n JdhMv'« decor- ----- r* Branch No I. Jur, and ^e Pio ®«r Wmdor, »111 te. . o • Kreaa it - and 0 big booster It ran be I *M ( tket In view Although Morning Stars wa»n*t a very active lodge, yet It took an e-tlv».............. ...... _ part In *ech national affair» a* »NPJ , prt§ AhlWy Carilar; Day on June 44. 8NPJ Day on Ubw,^ Krank Ulklavcl«; Tr»e»er*r Ijng fros n^HN Other nrwly-eleried «ffi<-c!\ aré day and Its own anniversary. It will also have a bowling team to represent Morning Star» at the fowling Tournament on New Year's day. Il had the honor to entertain neighbor ing lodges on it« Eighth Anniversary dance. Morning Stars we*e also seen at different picnics and danees. We feel that this is only the be-ginning When Morning Stars turn over to the year of 1W? with our new |y elected President Frank Kress as «ur leader, we will march ahead. Ut's all do our port and h*fb blm pet Morning Star tedr* beck on the top With your help end cooperation with can roach the top. Br» 'broil keewn far his greet _ only if the Mamlng Star the but for the English Bpeekiag William Kr«**j Rcordln* Secretary Julia Bogatay; Thistees. Helen Beri lar. Adolph MlWevcic. Vrmé Kros» Hersent at araw. Catherine Maeich Physicien. I»r. Reteh Feblan. Meet ing* every second Sunday of th* month et 10:10 a. ip Af^r Morning Star meeting, tha i ».durational Comm. presented o^ of peppier Goldea Eagles GIRARD, OHIO.- A» the old proverbial adage goes, "AU thing* must come to an end,* #0 we conclude another fiacal year—m«. And what a year it has proved to be! While 1 ait back and reminisoe in memorioe thai It still holds, It spells Success financially and otherwise. Again we may advance a few more paces toward the goal of achievement. Our yedrly meeting waa very well attended aad much important bua|* you< ness was transacted at thia assembly, | such as the approval of sick benefit for certain member« who carried none, and also the proposal of several new Juvenile and Adult appllcanta. The election of offlcera also took pl*ce and far the benefit of the membera who were absent from this session I give the following report: The officials elected to serve the membership for the year 1987—President, Henry Clgolle; Vice President, Joseph Cherne; Secretary, Jennie Verbic; Treasurer, Mark Matekovleh; Rec. Secretary; Rose Umek. Auditing Committee: Joseph Chorns, Pres.; Herman Luka, and Carl Swabok. I alao wish to announce that all future lodge meetings will be held In Nagoda's Stora-room at Avon Park, every second Monday of the month at 7:80 o'clock sharp. Vincent» College in Latrobe, la jvylng the Christmas holiday* hörne. Ed helps put the St. Vincent Journal togetlfr. Martla giro's Orcheatra The lover* of lloveos music may tune la tvery tun. and Wsd. at 4:46 p. m. to Rtarioft WllJH. OreeQsburgh, and hear the orchestra that Will play at the big danc* In Latrobe on Feb. 87. Key atoa laas! The Torches will attend your dance smJSf^ Natives Return n n rçr serious ybm »ras from letters which I hays received and from people with whom By LUDV1CK IUHHCIC . ? the horn that he "honked the damn thing" a thouaand times la th« space of a few milaa. Hi» biggest ambition. I have talked that the older Sloranos are decidedly more Interested In what I write about than are the younger on Christmas eight and until then—¡ones. That, of sours«, 1* logical, and Merry Christmas. We'll be seeing It is for thAt reason all the mare un- ' fortunate fat I csnnot write In th* Greetings! Merry Chrlstmss snd Uappy New Year to all the lodges from the Torches of Latrobe. Buckeye Bid Sloven* tongue as fluently as I wou|d Ilk*. I wish someone amongat my real-era would take ths Intereet to hot* these writings translated Into Slovene for the older people's sak* or to teks some of th* suggestions embodied herein snd write them In Slovene. I realise, too, that when I attempt a. aTRPHlE and MARY t0 Wr4l# *bout By STErlilK and MAHY »specially ose Invslving such a dlf« HARBERTON, 0.—After «limbing ftiwct of oplnlon ,nd on# |mport. three flights of stairs, arms filled (o our giovone people, that I am with bundl«*, we glance groand the | iUbjoeting myself to criticism which roetn for a suitable place te sot the j aro t0 assume. Consequent. packages, when our eyea fall on a iy j aarnestly hope that theee ar- copy of th« Prosveta, reminding us tlclfB art yaeoivod In the spirit In we must jot busy and write another | whlch lh,y fcre written, a eplrlt of article. This will be the last e^—,porf«ot honesty and frankneaa with this year. n0 ulterior motive of eelf interest. We are certainly glaj te aay we've ^Inasmuch as everyone was eagerly awaiting tne social period that wa> to follow the session we did not take time to hear speeches, words of thanks, etc* Therefore 1 take th* opportunity thru this medium to express my thanks to each and overy member of the Gdlden Eagles Lodgo for the confidence placed In me and support given in electing me secretary. I will always strive to serve you in the future as I did in the past, that Is—te the bast of my ability. Just now, while pondering ovsr en-other paragraph, a little feathered lriend whispered something in my ear. I pass the good news on to you —How many persos» attending our social had a good time? I . . .Ill How many would iiko to attend another similar affair? 1 • • Well, listen, there ia s big surpris* In store for you, so be sure to sttsni mr next meeting Jsn. 11 snd share he surprise with youi fellow mom->ers. i Side Glaacej-'to L. Z. of Pitts-burgh. What ha? happened to your artlclss? Have luVe missed them as I enjoyed them to the fullest extent. Would like to bo .present when you five your verbal description of your picturesque trip to Jugoslavia at the Pioneers' program, , Barberton — Another article wai missed. What hawnfd to Buckeye Bite this, past emfkt—To Tomml* Gantor—Sorry tn.hpv of your con. tinued illness. The' Golden Esgles hope for your speedy recovery and extend the Season'* Greetings.—To Bro. snd Si*. A. Y*kl*vleh-Our *ln-:«rs thsnk* for yosr hospitality and privileged us* of your home during the recent *oclal held th*re following our meeting. We *ura hsd s good tim*. Wheoplel ,0. To SNPJer*—April 10 Golden Esgles' ninth snnlv«rssry dsnee. For further detsils rasd your official organ. In conciualon let me say to Su preme Officials, friends, and all SNPJ members, A Merry Chrlstmes and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. JENNIE VERBIC, Hec'y, Lodge 448. had « Meat year. Each affair held ^^ „ h#tng moll algnlfleant wa. Äft ! sajsess la U, v|olm*^t difference between ear every *hy». Our thsnh« to *U fteHEhadard of living aad Uielra. a # bora who cooperated with h« and did tholr share to mak« those orante see-ccssful. The «la «ffleers deoorve a pat ori the back for guiding a* throMgh this successful RM Ths new officers have already promised to start right in where the other* loft off and make 1987 an oven treat-er year. . The first svsnt of ths ysaf will be fsranee which a mere casual discos slon ean In no *mS* convey adequate- a, For IlisUn««, «luring my stay la è lower part of Slovenia In the vicin-Ity 6f Novo másto I had a few busl* nass transactions te negotlsts In th« course of our dealing« 1 was In «IM tact with two attorneys of lhat tlon, both prominent members of the B«r there and both Iii the prautii* of 9th anniversary dance Jaauery law for over fifteen years. While dig-SO. Committees ar* |Maania« to cussing conditions with one of them make it a gala affair. This dance after 1 had related that I had heart will afford us an opportunity to n*mploy*d families and th* lads we reeliy can sell. After indivlduslt lh amount* «coding 910 all, Leap Tear will be over with, ee'gnd that e*r her* common w^lte« wa* te *em* day be able te owa a motor bike. Of course, there are verlee* things which ar* obtaia-able there al «hosklngly low prlee*. For la*taaee, yoa g«\ a shsve, a heb cat and a shampoo for about 14*. Th*ir cigarettes cost about 80* or 40* a p*«k, that 18. th* better grade*, which are "loueff. Jie American cigarette* «est about 9> a pack there. I dont want M gira th* Imprécalos that everybody there Is deatltute, but the well to do person there Is the rare exception. The merchante, government off leíais and a few farmers, ' I understand, are wail off, but the American traveller erar there will *eo very little of them. Although at ao tlm* ware we Insulted or offended by the Jugoslavs, neither did wo receive any courtesy at their hands. The people showed no enthusiasm whatsoever, A* a matter èf feet moat of thorn showed a slight fseling of antegonlsm end jeelousy. That w* expected. Nobody, needless to say, Waa averse to aeooptlng American money aor wa* anybody bach ward «beul overcharging u« when th* opor-tunity presented Itself. , Ths Slovenes te whom l talked w^rs rary hitter sgslnat ths Italians snd th* Serbians, but th*y snoks In a bushed voie«, anxious to 8Hp their fooliats serrei he Serbian language Is slofcly but surely supplanting the Btovoae. My mother felt quite leet When «he spok* te any ef the yeungor llsvenee. When we arrived In Ljvoijatta and Mastered et the hotel, wo wore ssfted sur aamee. addresses, oecupstlon, K* ee ef birth, destination, proaped-tour aad reasene far travailing. Ono of the member* ef our w* mey a* well let the Captain* of the teams ara Nsfits Vi-l about en* In five had an automeblle a a a * áiM_ I _ •» __A S.___ t__m JU mmA LaIIau« U pay. J receive 94 and 96 « day, and that just lonchock and MBagls" Oospak. Any one wsnting tickets may obtain them Horn the captain» er the eacratary.| Bide Glances 1 Only eight more| days befera the Juvenile Campaign trieal ende. There's still time new member. First gles club will be held Msry Pietner, 1896 Wooster rd here, be aRgtn did net bellsra It. The most «ernmon laborer her* has Crty __ ______ ____ lw aa attorney, evidently aretssed their su*pl*lon and «bum 6 o'clock In the morning I was rudslv awakened and ashed all hinds bf questions. That wa« Um only Um« thai w« w*r* set-uslly questioned wit any of th« gov-•rnmsnt official». Whether ar net we w*re watched during aur stay ! do net kne#, bul I wouldn't be suprlsed If we were. Although It may raund ar though the** thing* were Import-ant to us, let me •«tats thet et ne Latrobe Newi . ¿Eh hÛLTr btanda dTíleSTlhal4 91 lh,n«« 1 í-ías Hi» B lu mb n « f » tu r es ÏÏÏ'P*»**^ »fco, Ws were out for s fteÏT n?d heaUne ISmL and 53 «»«»s te sos whst ws could eoe. raw ^amp*,«n tries! and heating fa*ll tie* aad JJJ- W| dld„.t ^ * me to get that «h workmsn' In om fought about It. I was ... ..........booster rd. W., r*pra»*ntlng Mie , da eubjected te th*U »WTO JIMI«v.. f January 7 at 7:80. All Interested orar ten ml.. o ItefleeewheN WJ ^^ mffm ri¡m w|| ^ pleas* attend t*m m**tlng. Ann* has ^^"Ü'^TÜ.-uuu ! mentioned. An iaterraMng thing to takln* lossons In mu*lcal di eonvent a* anelent as th* very hills, ractlngand if you ssk ft SÎ pretty with th* mo*t primitiv* fscllltler All good at wielding the baton. EagN our dsallngs, how«v«r, srors1 un never had such a hssrty laugh until ho started giving us bowling Instructions. loader If hs prefer» wrestling? t ?—We're eerry the Musk*te*rs misinterpreted our write-up about the Clairtonlans being in a blue aad oen-siv* mood at their done«. We didn't state the reason for th*lr being In such a mood and it ««rtalnly wasn't becau** they w*r*n't having * good tlm*. A* member* of the SNPJ, our Idhst Intention I* te hurt the reputation ef any lodg«.—Wh*re wera Ann* and Mary the sight of December II? Seem* straag* tbay can't recall what th*y did. Th* song "Wh*ra Thar«'* You There'* M*" applle* to Bertha and Rose they're always togother. Uul* A. should talk "big brother" into becoming a member. This Is all •seept—boat wish*» for a happy holiday »e*son to all! NRW kb A LODGB CLEVEUNf), 0, - The year 191» will pass out of the picture, but will not be forgotten by this l*dge aa a vary successful and prosperous year W* heps the ysar of 1987 will be Ry JANE FRA DEL* LATROBE, PA.—The Westmore land Federation dsnce went over th« top. The Slovene Home was filled to capacity by a very congenial *nd merry crowd. Th* friendly and fra-ternal spirit reigned supreme In I he ballroom and In the besement where the old folks sang tho*e old fsmlllsi _ _ oik *ongs while they drank vino to ^^ mnd mo„ members added heir hrart's content, as In the days ^ o||f ,U| u ^^ a hanaor yeer. $f yore fi^ltm gostilne v staram kfS» lu. 'Twae a ples»ure to »•* In th« frowd aWPJers from Clarldg«. Fs port, White Valley, Point Marlon, M s nor, Penn, Hermlnle, Jsanetto, affeW! Dnrregh, Rlllton, West Newton, Oreensburgb. Verona, Oakm«st. Pltte-burgh, •roughton, Yukon. Belle Ver-nos, Flu Henry and Uelv»r*al In a jolly mood and .lancing together, we 1 found th« Veronian*, Comet*, Key n ton lens, ria ridge Beam«'». T*r*h** RamMorr and Morning IMer». Yeu^i Valley Knigbts. The rary peMHr «roup of iflrls front Ksp»h ; Volley snd Point Merlon raid, "w-Haven't enjoyed eeriolve» Ilk« Shis To start It off lor 1987 4nn't for. get our Big Date, J«e. f« Dear*. Ufa »II com* opt end make it a big New Era Udge wiche« ell a merry Yuletlde and a prosperous New Yeer, el. A mi. unsuc- cessfull, mainly boeeuse It was lm-possible te tek* money out of Jugo, slavia. Take a Slovenia roung man's eltuetlon In he ha* n* profraslea and obtains a job in a mill, en the high-way* or on th* railroad or if h* work* on a farm th*ra, he ran't earn mar* than Th* I* not proportlenallyP i« her*. Fer Instaura. ga**lln* tans ovsr 60c s galloni oil orar 10* a quart 1 the price of motor v*hl*les is seo was th* praparalien* of the yeeng men rlghl b«fore they left heme ta ge te the arfnt. On a wagón »everad wlth straw, with 6 few litro* of wln* and en a*eerdien thsy serenada the whole nlght. They gather la tsvera* snd «Ing ihelr atlrrlng song*. Th* v«ry firat nlght that w* *p*nt in Je ge* lev la we m*t a groep ef young col lego bey» the re, ene of whem askad US tf w* should llke «éem te ÊÛ0 * dav and that Is "teas", IiM-n u" ,T w• w»Qmi" imm V? „I ífat w. dLl ñaeeVakrt 55 0f — ^^ U' 11 bmmm rt lena iT» s^Tlorthlní » Î .t proportionally smaller «non 11 ^ # . ..iuar«<4 around more then twice as h h ss It is hsr«i than hers I Igh s loss o'clock, nine ef them gsthered around the table at oar gostiln« (Ina) and after asking «s sndlras question« about Amerteee youth and mod* of H ring, they seng their songs The thrill which *eers«d through m« I shall never h« able te esplaln. Cen those boys sing! One of thsm quoted « poem te me which went something like this i ;. - •...... Kd** Jffeeesee pee*ik, »tiru thv*I -e**fre<6, , ed*« Dim /jileeeara ™f»raem clothing just g little food enly obout helf a* *ap*n*lv«| building and living facilities no sla* niflcant differeneei all Itlgurle* *sor4». ttently prlrad. Any loos* mon*y which th* peaoants and w*rkm*n ean ae. cumulate I* tek*n by th* gov*rn-meni In ene form of tes or anoU»». From my limited observation it se*m*d sny jo»«s whl*h. would erdl-narlly go to th* Sloranra era tek*.« U/ th* Serbians. Th* terrific lekk of men** makes it imporalbi* to áe any trav*íln». Th* railroads and oS*r means of trsn<- t Th* Slovenes on the whole are h-portellen are racondary st hast Me bspple.t *nd ¡^Jmrljlng of the vie houses though greatly Improved »hrae e*peclally th* Dolenj*i. Krary ^¿teTrára Wk!h J ours, prarant has his own "nagrad" (eft* J ^ or Vlnvyard), and In our section on th* Terebe gore eoeh one has his little plot and hta common share In the wine meklng preeeeeec end *e*h IdMÑÜiti ha» his own llttl* Htm Ureals dim Brim d rim In raine, My uncle, who'Is fifty-eight, en or-dlnsry pesssnt there, hsd his first rM* ie an automobile He acted like a child when we offered him a ride home. A roung university graduels riding with ea one dey was ra de-lighted when ws allowed him to blow Badgerland Newt MILWAUKEE, WIS the Bofe*** ta* u over wttb Mm of lb* year I8Ü. meeting* l»t M» W eae»e er be'V New thet of the goat sMcndai,- » Ret» oil the yea» 6fe tee polka dap<-*i« w* saw Joe llati* and his bettor half iranie Sarro. Jobo Bes le from Menor aad th* esOmeSf "More Nativos B*»ern" Ledeik tu paaeét UUeba tMo-e Fch ti W« s ra hsppy te sa»H»unse th*t th^ Torches will rpor,so; e done* ee fm. P a r.stel iaiireon. In ft* ------- ^.tinted S. Wttl w fuinl^Hed Steers, Th» leet ysaf __ ■ucceefet on* w tae Weeger» womhersj ip bao tehee e ate* Increase, •ape*!* Il y wit hip lh» '"«f WIU. Kir TUM I I üf" now J*»epU** er d Five a««»u this i»»««lb'» 01. hem » In th* Krap F*b Utrobt and T*er TomaSKb W*t~0**f» Uage, iirw Broth*»» end sisters! No» members, let's keeg up the geod wart fer th* yrar 1881 We wUh to tobe tW opportesity their serlos ef loreBig. Bes Mtehe- | Mar* d.telM l*«£ K ume. *nd Leéis Kosalo were thr^n fer th* T«e»|e pi ncipol speekem. With sock tei*i l^aar Fsmli> llgent »prskera, k Wo» * «beme the. (||9 Hkveoe fem. lodges were no^ better repreaentod.i Rf#ftmorel«nd œenty are tee . ^ ,»«S wh* ra Wstch fer th. dot* of »m a-1 n .nr,,ltM 4 tato w 4l .^ÜT^JÜ. f., h* th*r* t> snppert tb* Bd -r«tto»,sl ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ foe»rat Beehy Ce^mitto*. end ye& no Mlary. g.cretary the regu-all roads to Coverdale on this date ^ 10c „^„^t ,Mr ^„th troM and make tWs affair a success. Meh member; Treasurer. 84 per year; By reading the Pro-veto we see Wording secretary, 82 per year; that the Pioneers ofStrabane are Unpui^Mnm, fl p.r y9mr. Au. going to have their 10th annua Xma. djtt| Committee: Chairman, 81 Dance and we do hope it will be a * great success. The Colonials are planning to attend this dance, and we do hope that it will not be as cold as it was the last Xmaa dance held in Strabane. PETEB BAIT Jr., Secretary. KKYHTONIANH HERMINIE, PA<-Well, it looks like, the Keystonian scribes have awakened up a little by the looks of, the Prosveta. Keep It up, beys, you're doing fine. We Just want to rfmind all you guys and gala that Xmas day is the big day at Herminie. The Keyston-ians are aponsoring a dance at the Slovene hell on Dec. 28, The music 1« being furnished by Martin Serro and his trio who Is heard regularly on Monday and Wednerday over WHJB, Greensburg. We guarantee everyone that attends a good time. Bo be sure to come and dance to the good old Slovene polkas and waltzes as well as the popular fox-trots, What do you soy there, Flood City 7 Sure we know youll be there, Silver Stars of Yukon, you never missed yet, sd ws will be looking for you. How about you, Exoelsiors and Revellers T Oh yes, Joe Ceissar and the per year; Assistants 80c each per year; Sick Committee, no salary; Sport Treasurer, no salary. This is what the Integrity Lodge members get for what service they give toward the Lodge and the 8N-PJ. They work for the Lodge and the SNPJ and do not get paid for It, as many members think that the officers receive big salary. More about this In the future. MICHAEL FLEIBHHACKER, Secretory, 881, Integrity Sporte Watch the Integrity Lodge Sports! ú have several surprises for the coming year. Bro. Leo Morella and I were elected as delegates to the Midwest League. After reading Bro. Molek's article set»« The Upper ing and any one who fa in of a ay lodge property which fa «et i« use by any member, to pfaaee re* tura it to the Board of Trustees, as they want to complete their inventory. Recently e number of Spirits had t* pleasure of masti eg a grasp of Lincolnitos from Springfield. What a happy time they had. Well remember that day, and im the near futur« hope to have a reunion with the Lincolnitos. The members have storied a "Buddy Club" among themselves. which will keep a little of that merry spirit in the ganjr. Who is your Buddy? No one knows, and will not know until the end of the year. Wishing you all a merry Christ- Mori Nttifts Istem "God! i What table manners!' Luke at the Pioneers and Mamie of the Little Forts, "Tex" of the Badgers and Ann of the Pioneers. ré- As we haven't the particulars as l»it"wl«k»«"ÍÍIÜJt-"t"wZ on Lefty's, Emil's, and Ed's favor-last week in regard to sports I be- ^ wü, ^ ^ WJ||t J^ auch time as we find more evidence as lleve ws need more money appropriat-1 lt#>' w# wU1 10 w,llt untU BUCh ad for our Sports Fund fa our great * A . .. organlttoion the SNPJ. Without t0^V . - .., ... .nnrt. HWPJ wmiiii ku.l rumored that Emil's ear will ZEL memhS^TiSii ^ J2 trav.rse the highway, with any younger members. Just look at some . .. . . ww-»»- *kl of the other fraternal societies which ™ n n a have stor%, represent them at differ- r,Mon; ««^-Cfaorge Curda suye ent .port meets, etc. And Just look "J" ^fZEZti at the advertising thsy receive from at i ®°#w frs 181 a port». I myself didn't Join the SNPJ f,on ** w" hour, of tha morn Oh yes, Joe leaaar ana tne,sports. I myself didn't join the SNPJ T----rr . —" " — — gang from Universal; Morning Stars; Juat for inatirsnee. I Joined because of 1th hU f'mT°"' J. I. Jrs,} Clalrtonisns; Ramblers, sports and good fellowship among thit fBm®' IHC BLOUfll,K8' and the Veronlans. Yes, you too, members. , Yough Valley Knights, and the Fra-i When I appeared at the fast Su-1 VBRONIAN VIEWS dels from Latrobe. All the neighbor-1 preme board meeting I promised the VERONA, PA.—The custom this ing Individusls snd lodges thst I have members of ths boded thst if they week is to celebrate with merriment not mentioned, don't forget Dec. 261 would help t he Sporto Department and greetings. For ths Veronlans (XMAS DAY) at Ihe Slovene hall, with more money for our funda, that'on Xmas day, arrangements have Herminie, a keystoni an. irrnority broadcast By Whoexit ST. LOU 18, MO.—The Spirits held their annual ipeeting lest Thurs., Dec. 17, The attendance was very good. The officers for the coming year were elected, and also a review of the local rule» was had. Each rule was discussed and some small changes were made on some of them. The offioers elected are as follows: Bro. John Splllpr, President; Frank Kokal, Vice-presidenti Ida Maurich, Fin. Sec'y; Jake Kacin, Trees,; Al. Kacin, Rec. Sec'y, Board of trustees: Chairman, Frank Mahnieh, members, Ben Ducota and Sophie Vertovsek. Serg-at-arms, Julia Kerbovac. Pub. committee—-chairman, Ann Spiller, members, Sophie Vertovsek, John Spiller, and Ida Bsumgarth. We know tha$( these officers will I would prove to them that sports been made to greet members of both would get us more members and would Adult and Juvenile dep'ts with. nice do us a big help In the wiy of adver-' presents, followed by refreshments.1 (j0 their duty sa*well as ihe previous CHICAGO,—The Integrity Lodge, tWng. I securedI so iar 28 or 24 Juve-1There w.ll Slso be dancing, for which officers, snd W*Mthai# tbe retiring wishes a Merry Xmas to all -Its Md ] " 8 -dolts, through our t imgn eharge is to be made. The officers for theif gopd work they friends in the SNPJ. , spurts, and before the end of the year members, their friends (girl and boy have done in the past year. Bie., Edward Medved Is very 111, \ 1 •JJ,Mf1 m0? Juveniles and friends), wives snd husband«, ars all and all members that are able to pay,4 •du,ta' How * that for »Porta T I urged to see each other at this affair, him a visit should do so. He is at Wo». 1 think I said snough for home, 2188 N. Narragansett Ave. We,0"«*- you who will repre- wish him a speedy recovery. ' | sent your lodges at the coming con- Integrity officer, for 1987: Pres. ¡^t|?n'II,h''P ^ * » Ident, Joseph Bsumbkh; Vice-Pres., I Wi»hl"« •« ■ Agn^ Mejassh j S^retary, Michael ^ ^^ A BAFFETTI, Preaident Midwest Sport League. Fleischhackeri Trees., Lao Mor reliai Ree. Secretary, Edith Podlesnik; Hergeant-st-Arma, John Morolt. Auditing Committee) Chairman, Julius Abram, assistants, Emma Zager, Josephine Kaltlnger. Entertainment Committee: Ray Vopatek, Martin Abram. Louis Bsf-fetti, Andy Podleenlk, Knill Heinden-riech, Jenny Abram, Mollie Znrdoni, Angel I ne Stern. Pederstion Committee: Mollie Zar-donl, Agnes Mejasch, Joe Baumbich, Uuis Bsffetti, Michael Pleischhacker. Midwest Leagus Committee I Leo Morrella, Louis Bsffetti. Sport <'ommlttee: I^eo. Morrella, Ixtuia Bsffetti, Joseph Jereb, Michael Fleischhacker, Emil Hslndenrlech, Martin Abram, Charles Janulewlch, Joe Baumblch, l^iula Morrella, Julius Abrsm, Andy Podleanik, Rsy Vopatek, Agnes Mejasch, Kmma Zagar, Edith Podlesnik. Hport Trsaaurvr, l^eo Morrella; irged Neighboring Lodges also invited. For an enjoyable evening see yon at the newly remodeled hall—our own —Nations! Home—Verona, Pa., on Fri., Dec, 26—commencing at 7:80 p. m. J. STEFANCIC, Sec'y. THE REV ELI EH»' COLUMN (Continued from page 8) Excelsiors, like- PIONEER SCOOPS CHICAGO^—It was reported that' assist at the dance. Joe H. had some trouble in breaking wise, are expected to aid at the dance. In hia pipe on the way to La Balfa. It I The above items, largsly of Am-aeeraa as If the pipe got the best of ¡bridge detail information, should be him.—Gus K. sure had troubls atari- read by all planning to attend the ing his car Isst Sunday afternoon at tournament, lunchcon and dance. In Piernat's in La Salle. After running conclusion, reservations for luncheons his battery down he found that some- must be made in advance (by Dec. one appropriated ths rotor from the 28) in writing to either sec'y Michael diatrlbutor of the car.—The trip to Kumer or Uuis Kossia. Also, the La Salle aeemed to have given time to atart the tournament must "Lefty'' a terrible jolt, as hs was be obesrved—, no practice games and atlll recuperating from the sfter-ef- *so on csn be aaaured after 12 o'clock fecta at the weekly session of ths noon. Midnight Bowlers League". Here are soms of ths persons who srs seen at almost all the social gatherings In the Midwest: Millie of the IMoneers and Tony of ths Little Ports, Sylvia of the Little Ports and Jos of the Pioneers, Joe of the Mohawks snd Msry of the Pioneers, As another year completes its circle of days and nights, this column extonda the aeason*s greetings to all msmbera, and hope, that 1097 i. a happier year for all. So long, until again . . . LOU IB KOSELA, Lodge 690. e past year Our Lodge Physician remains Dr. Hamtil. Our meeting will still be held every second Friday of the month, at the Jugoslav Sokol hall, 1480 Chouteau Ave. - At our annual meftiag, two new members were initiated. They are Joseph Ranker and Ann Kerbovac. We welcome theih to our Lodge and hope they become as active as the rest of the members. We hesr there are some more members to Join at the next meeting. Well, that's put-ing soms new spirit into the Lodge. Let's see if we can't aH help in increasing our membership. The Spirits are very sorry to hear that Mr. Peter Kokalj of Witt, III., and father of Bro. Peter and Frank and Sis. Minnie Kokalj, was hurt in a mine accident and was taken to a hospital. We hope he was not seriously injured and ¿hat he will soon recover from his Injuries. We are very glad to hear that Sis. Boronich of Collinsville is again off the sick list. Now that the books for this year ore being closed, the officers appeal to all the members who have any outstanding tickets or any other ac-l counts to please try and settle for; them before the next regular mset- ' (Continued frem page 7) it is unprevontable that we banish from our thoughts those "over there", but on the contrary in Slovenia our loved ones' affection for ns only deepens as time goes by. There in those beautiful green valleys, man Hied and unacarred by the ravages of our so cslled civilization, on the slopea of those sunny snow capped mountains they seem to dream leisurely of the freedom and pleasure that we here In America enjoy. To those who for any reason, no matter how urgent, have left their wives and children behind I cannot use words strong enough to express my deep feeling of shaasa end resentment. Many, many times we met children along our travels who asked u. whether or not we ¿new of their father or uncle or brother who bad gone to America and new never even writes to them. Though I have no bu.ine.s taking it «pen myself to censure thoae responsible I. as a Slovene, feel sad that this condition exists. The Slovene people, I observed particularly, are most humble in their manner. They are emotional and highly religiour. They cry easily. Everybody we met cried when «re met them and cried when we left them. I realise now only partially the agony which must have torn our parents' hearts when they first left their homes in Europe—the sorrow and anxiety which those behind must have felt— hpw strange that we here could so easily forget them. In closing, I repeat, that though circumstances make it impossible to return again while those back there still live, I do hope that my IRtle reminder at least suggest to some neglectful one that he owes possibly s letter or some slight token of gratitude which, small as it is to him, would mean so much to thep* back home, f ' 1 Vetele boiiint praznik« in tre&no Ur vuelo novo itiol SCREENINGS (Continued from Page 8) Oh yesl We also decided at our meeting that we affiliate with local Lodge 184 and the lodge in Lincoln, Illinois, to get the required quota of 100 members in the matter of electing a delegate to the coming SNPJ convention in May, 1987. These are the lodges we affiliated with in 1988. Should this affiliation yet leave us short of the required 100, it wis decided we then also try to get the Calumet English Lodge to affiliate with the three lodges. JOE G. BRINOCAR, Lodge 847. Take That! "I shall never marry,'' declared Mike, "until I find a girl who is my exact mental opposite." "Well," observed Cora, "there are a lot of intelligent girls in the area." • Commenting on the Faacfats' use of Moors to bring "Christianity and civilisation" to the people of Spain, Pather Luis Saresola, member of the 8panish dslegation to the U. 8., said: "Since when has the crescent become i the champion of the cross?" WEDNESDAY. nBrrvrprr, a - Won ten's Round Table! By Mary Jugg Cooperative nurseries have been the only cost added to the * , under discussion a number of times of food material* was thLt I a. one of the boons to mother! ood. management. Thia by the But somewhat Ies. attention ha. been ! of the best. Mesla'were or given to another benefit to women dieticians. Only the best ?„!• , ^L". IWe™. c'«*nl'ne,H wsTííSí the question of cooperative dining sized, rooms. This should but open the discussion to a large topic. —Projette« far Uw- —VrmémetUm Ur In spite of the low coat of me,i, to students, it waa found st the ^ All of you housewives are aware of of the year that after al! t-xptr three things in regard to preparing wages, etc. were paid, there wa!"?;,,' meals: (1) that shopping for food- money left. With this they u stuffs consumes a lot of time, (2) chased new equipment for the cmf' that the actual preparation of meals teria. Besides actusl profit from tL again takes much of your time, and students' meal., left-overs had bee (8) that buying or cooking in large given to a couple of pig* which bT quantities is mpre economical and [ came good-sised hogs, and slso sold bettor than on a small scale. at a price which was clear ,nnB„. ■HjM for the cafeteria. "ey • —Pr*4Mti*n f#r I»»— * *____ — Such example, are not few p« ture if you can, this exsmple spplied to meal preparation in general, and think what it would mean. The time saved for individual hows-wives would be inestimable The quality 6f meala in most csmi «would be greatly improved. The cost of meals would be morv than reduced in half. The materials saved through uie. lea. experimentation and failures that go on every day in private kitchens would amount to a great deal. Housewives would be emsncipated from being kitchen drudges. All expenditures for equipping kitchens and buying new devices and far Ui Perhaps this day is yet far off. Who knows? One thing we do knowv however, and that is: that it is as far off as our cooperative society. It is up to us to hasten the approach of that day. —FnAmétUm for All of these fsctors would come into cnosideration in a cooperative Let us look at one specific example (although there are scores like it) where such a system was highly satisfactory and successful. A school cafeteria was operated at cost. Students could buy the best meals in town at the cheapest price. Foodstuffs were bought In lots and | utensils would be eliminated. ANN BENIGER popular East Helena (Mont.) girl, daughter of Bro. Frank Beniger, member of Lodge 148, SNPJ, who was the winner of the popularity contest sponaored by the American legion and who received as her award the coveted trip ts Hollywood, where she was the guest of Myrna Loy and Gary Cooper, Helena's famous movie stars. Ann possesses a rare, beautiful soprano voice snd vocal interpretation. She ira gradoate of Helena academy, where ahe obtained her voice culture and training. Recently she has been hesrd over KFBB, CBS, and to her is given credit as "Helena's radio personsUtjr singer' About THÏS and That The John Smiths By Harold Magin BfHl NIRT AAOMNIN9 FlfYK FOLCrR «e AOMAST WMCN Ht ese« TMi *«iNeo*ceo / THEY'VE ' BESlCGeO(a THE PUANT !! {luniNft TMI NtftMT THl Uf»»T*MT vN*j«w»e lUSOOSTtO • v TMl UN"ON V.OCAL« O* Th| City, »OHM am aim TtfeHT S»«cv«« r it**« AMOtiNO TM( e -a o»»«TAsrr AAP«. COMPANV- SNOOP «AtO TH«Y thmatinio to »««««cm tms ptant—olom't think TMtV HAD tm« mcmv«! f we've ocr* auisry OP A*TIIA.«»V- eo \J% TO V Toav /VtOWtNQ % I ' t AA t »cm t**« ti sa«"" ««ln<* w« aao«t ntPOAiN rnoM/ FOUctf^.îou VtflVX MArvt TO f i m.ay low v/ UNTit V» tminckf flCOW oven t r YOü'M I ¥ IN A fcí>crr ? r CAN'T stay htad it inttntlt yol» to h ^■ïhCkïAZZL 55WVl ALL ove« TM« COUNTS vidOftOUfLV P^OTléTtNt ' VOL) TO KIMOW SrtfiWwa TMi ÍHOOTIlCi rf or < BARNEY S jcn€Cn!1 , do vovj a»c*ltM NUTTIN'I Ml JOLLY ALLIS LODGE Me WEST ALLISrWIS.—Ha-do folks! Well, and what's new on the RlaltoT The year Is almost over, and what's in store for all of you at Xmas? I hope that all of you get what you wish for Xmas. Nevertheless, don't ask for too much, for as you probably know that San(a can't carry too much with him to satisfy all of you. Well, it's bowling in the air again. Once again the Jolly Allis boys shined. Yes sir, it was poultry night. Six of the boys carrying home poultry. Anderson o( the second teeun by bowling a 81« series Just missed out by one pin for 1st prise of a turkey. However he did get a 14 lb goose. The other boys that won for our teams are: F. Medio, Joe Bohte, GoronJ*, who all won ducks. The Terskan boys again took home chickens (and they weren't springers). Speaking of bowling, the 2nd team again flashed their superiority with the pins, snd won 8 from their opponents, thus gaining a full game on the leaders who in tarn lost 1 to the 1st team. The card party was a autoess. The prises were very setisfactory. The lodge wants to thsnk Eddie and George CorOnjs for the donationa to the card paHy. After Jhe card party there whs dancing. Moat of the ' attraction was at the bar. A peanut «at.ng contest wss held, snd it was a close fight between the Terskan brethera and myrelf. Being butchers, I found out their capacity was bigger than mine. Therefore I loet. i However, it was ne honor to win. Before I forget it, I want to thank 8. Sedmsk for never falling a Jolly Allia affair. We appreciate it very much, Stanley, and also your followers. We also want to thank the gang from North Milweuke. for coming to our card pert v. We Wipe to repey you heck some day. la fact. I want to theek everyone that etunded. Just to remind you members. Goo. Garoaja *old the moet tickets, e total ef 20. That's about all on that. You members, who hsvent done so, are asked to pay your duee, for a report has to be in a little serlier this year. Do so snd hsve s class slate for the new year. Well, folks, until next week, I wM again say, "Tha' all thsr' am'