Informática 31 (2007) 357-365 357 eGovernment in Slovenia Aleš Dobnikar and Alenka Žužek Nemec Ministry of Public Administration Republic of Slovenia Keywords: eGovernment, Slovenia Received: June 12, 2007 In Slovenia, like elsewhere in the European Union, the eGovernment is one of the features of the modern face of the public administration. The other features at the forefront of the makeover are the reduction of administrative barriers, the improvement of services offered by the public administration (and subsequently the satisfaction of its users), the introduction of quality management and business excellence tools, and human resource management. What we are doing in Slovenia is by no means a reform of the public administration, as there are no revolutionary changes. Instead, we prefer to speak of a process of perpetual improvement, as that applied in successful businesses, with the aim of constantly improving operations. The eGovernment project in Slovenia represents the use of information and communication technologies as a tool to making the public administration better. Technology can help the public administration function more transparent and make it easier to manage, reducing its operating costs and improving the quality and accessibility of its services. Povzetek: Podan je pregled e-uprave v Sloveniji. 1 Introduction: eGovernment as a tool for public administration modernization The modernization of public administration is not the primarily issue and political priority just in Slovenian government, who for this task established the new Ministry of Public Administration [1], but is very important issue also in all other national and common EU levels. The modern technologies, with all today's available electronic means, is very important mechanism to provide modern public administration, however definitely not sufficient. We strongly believe that only conjunction of simplification of processes, reducing administrative burdens and in-advance impact assessment, strongly connected and supported with information and communication technologies give the appropriate synergy to develop modern public administration. The modern and democratic public administrations have all the time maintain the trust of its citizens through the following visions: • orientation of public administration towards users, what puts the user in the centre of the process and the provision of an efficient and competitive servicing of individuals, civil society and, in particular, of the Slovenian economy. • a high-quality and efficient functioning of the public administration, which includes the establishment of a quality system in the public administration, permanent tendency to increase efficiency and quality at all levels of the governmental and administrative decision-making with minimum backlogs, and based on a pragmatic and a rational functioning. • openness and transparency which covers an easy, comprehensive and free access to information of public nature and the provision of the co-operation of the general public in decision-making. 1.1 eGovernment for better public administration eGovernment tries to fulfil all these elements that define modern public administration. The use of information and communication technologies should provide kind, simple, accessible and safe electronic administrative services and information which shall be all the time available via internet to individuals and companies in all life situations as well as for internal government administration. Slovenia is putting special emphasis on ensuring that state institutions do not demand from clients information that is available in public registers. This principle is written down in the Act on administration procedures and Slovenians are increasingly aware of their rights in this respect. Of course, this principle makes life harder for the state institutions, extending procedures when the information is not available online. Well-maintained, up-to-date and fully integrated databases that can be easily accessed by all state institutions are essential for the good functioning of the public administration in offering fast, simple and efficient services. A suitable system of interoperability ensures that the data is collected only 358 Informática 31 (2007) 357-365 A. Dobnikar et al. once and is made available to those who need it. It also enables the integration of data services for online public services for individuals and companies. Today's technologies enable us to put into practice in public administration virtually all ideas, documents or forms, we can have free access to the governmental services, we could participate in decision-making procedures, technology can fulfil highly demanded security for privacy and for identification. Definitely, today's information and communication technologies and eGovernment services are indispensable elements on the path for achieving better public administration. 1.2 Importance of ICT in EU Information and communication technologies are a powerful driver of growth and employment. A quarter of EU GDP growth and 40% of productivity growth are due to ICT. Differences in economic performances between industrialised countries are largely explained by the level of ICT investment, research, and use, and by the competitiveness of information society and media industries. Electronic invoicing in Denmark for example saves taxpayers €150 million and businesses €50 million. If introduced all over the EU, annual savings can amount to over €50 billion. In the next sections the eGovernment in Slovenia will be presented in more details. First, the main strategic documents, coordination and regulatory framework will be provided. Next, the overview of the main developments will be presented. 2 eGovernment profile in Slovenia In Slovenia the Ministry of Public Administration is responsible also for eGovernment [1]. The ministry was set up in 2004, incorporating all offices whose common goal is to improve the public administration. This step means efforts to improve and simplify public administration procedures and to develop eGovernment under one roof and one leadership. The ministry firmly believes in the success of eGovernment and is confident that online will become the preferred way of doing business with state institutions in the coming years. In the past years several eGovernment applications have been developed and integrated within the own area of competences, for example taxes. Nevertheless, steps are being taken towards horizontal integration covering several departments and institutions. The current strategic framework for the development of eGovernment in Slovenia is comprised of four key documents: • Slovenia's Development Strategy, adopted by the Government in June 2005; • The eGovernment Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia for the Period 2006 to 2010 (SEP- 2010 "eGovernment for effective public administration"), adopted by the Government in April 2006; • The Action Plan for eGovernment for the period 2006 to 2010, adopted in February 2007; • Strategy for the development of the Information Society in the Republic of Slovenia until year 2010 (SI2010), adopted in February 2007. In 2006, Slovene eGovernment entered a new period of development with effective and visible new results from the period of the first eGovernment strategy in public administration and other influential strategies and programmes up to 2006. According to various criteria it has achieved a level of development comparable to, or higher than that in other EU states. It has established an efficient and reliable information and telecommunications infrastructure for electronic services for citizens, other natural persons, businesses, other legal persons and public employees. The eGovernment portal (»eUprava«) and others offer information and electronic services; the results of their use are visible, which encourages further work in this area. The numerous measurements, comparisons and results are at this moment entirely encouraging, but are not the most important factor. The most important factor or global objective, and one which will be the primary driving force behind the further development of eGovernment, are satisfied users. Their satisfaction can be achieved through friendly, accessible, simple to use and affordable electronic services In April 2006 the Slovenian government adopted an eGovernment strategy for the period from 2006 to 2010 [2]. The purpose of this new strategy is to lay down a framework and goals for further realization of new and existing eGovernment activities, especially regarding user satisfaction, rationalization of administration, and modern e-services, which will raise the quality of life and make contact with the administration more user-friendly. The strategy takes into account modern guidelines and initiatives which have been passed at EU level and which lead to success throughout the EU. It also takes into account the initiative "i2010 - A European Information Society for Growth and Employment" and the Ministerial Declaration and guidelines from the ministerial conference "Transforming Public Services, 24 November 2005, Manchester, UK". The strategy sets out the following eGovernment targets to 2010: • focus the operations of public administration on user needs; • increase the quality and efficiency of the functioning of public administration; • increase user satisfaction; • reduce administrative burdens; • increase the transparency of operations of public administration; • achieve synergetic effects at all levels of public administration through the use of eGovernment; • include the widest circle of users in the decision-making process (e-Democracy); • reduce the burden on human resources in administrative procedures. Numerous projects and activities have been started and will be carried out in order to implement the above EGOVERNMENT IN SLOVENIA Informatica 31 (2007) 357-365 359 targets through different periods. The most significant actions foreseen include, per period: • In 2007 and 2008 major progress will be made towards more efficient internal administration operations with support of eGovernment. The emphasis will be on upgrading and integration of internal administration processes, introducing standardised horizontal and vertical solutions, implementation of standardised information technology platforms, development of interoperable eGovernment solutions and services, new operational models, user training and establishment of uniform eGovernment architecture. The revision of business processes and linking of administration databases are especially important to the success of eGovernment. Business processes must be efficient, transparent, interconnected and oriented towards the needs of users of eGovernment. Revised business processes form the basis for achieving the objectives of eGovernment. • In 2009 and 2010 all three branches will be better connected. Efforts in this period will be directed towards complete integration of the information and telecommunications infrastructure, revision of business processes at the level of the entire eGovernment and the integration of various e-services into a unified system for complete processing of life events of citizens and businesses. A central element of the eGovernment strategy is the Action Plan for eGovernment for the period 2006 to 2010, adopted in February 2007 [3]. The primary aim of the Action Plan is to give concrete form to the implementation and monitoring of the eGovernment strategy in Slovenia. It describes in a more detailed manner the actions announced in the strategy for reaching the targets set for 2010. The Action Plan also provides detailed updates on the progress made so far. It also includes examples of good practice and a general overview of the advancement of eGovernment in Slovenia, comparing it with progress in other parts of the European Union. To ensure transparency, particular care was taken in selecting the most appropriate processes, organisational solutions, tools, IT solutions and methodologies to be used throughout the plan. These are essential for the successful development of eGovernment in the future. A secondary goal of the Action Plan is to give new impetus to the development of e-Services that are considered necessary but that have so far been delayed. In particular, those based on joint EU projects, using a shared architecture and common European standards, as well as those necessary for the internal functioning of the Slovenian Government. With regard to the eGovernment strategy's objective of user-oriented public administration, the Slovenian Government has started implementing a set of reforms under the slogan "friendly and effective public administration". Among planned measures and objectives are the creation of a business-friendly public administration by consolidating services in line with the one-stop-shop principle, the elimination of unnecessary red tape to public procurement and the streamlining of the public sector. Furthermore, the government has adopted a 'Programme of Measures for the Reduction of Administrative Burdens' (November 2005) which contains over thirty concrete measures aimed at simplifying procedures and raising the quality of public services (see section »eGovernment and reduction of administrative burdens" for more details). 2.1 eGovernment regulatory framework In Slovenia currently there is no overall eGovernment legislation. Special arrangements can be still provided by jurisdictional field regulation; however, the mainstream legislative approach is that only few differences to the general provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act are regulated by jurisdiction field specific legislation, none of those derogating from the concept of electronic commerce in administrative proceedings. However, an Act on Interconnection of Public Registers is in preparation, which will set a framework for the development and implementation of e-Public services. Moreover, in 2006, the Slovene government adopted the General Administrative Procedure Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 105/2006-ZUS-1) which provides the general legal basis for all administrative proceedings; i.e. all A2C and A2B and a major part of A2A relations. Among the main provisions of the new Act is one allowing for two-ways and full electronic communications between administration and citizens. Before the entry into force of this text, citizens could post their e-Documents though the e-Services on the eGovernment state portal by using the web application and digital signature, but the answer from the administration could be expressed by classical mail only. This Act thus legalised what is qualified as "e-Serving". Other important legislations have to be considered for the use of electronic documents and electronic services: • Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 86/2004, 113/2005-ZInfP). The main goal of the Act is to prevent any illegal and unwarranted violations of personal privacy in the course of data-processing, and to ensure the security of personal databases and of their use. • Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signature Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 57/2000), as a horizontal bill regulating e-commerce in a broad sense applies also to administrative, judicial and other similar procedures unless otherwise provided by another law. It provides the legal basis for using e-signatures. • Decree on Conditions for Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signing (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 77/2000 and 2/2001) defining in detail individual conditions from the act, prescribing special, rigorous conditions regarding Certification 360 Informática 31 (2007) 357-365 A. Dobnikar et al. Authorities, who issue qualified certificates (compulsory liability insurance, special requirements regarding equipment and employees, exacting procedures, internal regulations, etc.). • Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 43/2004, 86/2004-ZVOP-1, 129/2006, 102/2007) Its aim is to establish effective competition in the electronic communications market, to maintain effective use of the radio frequency spectrum and of the number space, to ensure universal services and to protect user's rights. • Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 30/2006). It regulates electronic content management. All electronic records (including electronic documents) shall have full legal effects under some technical consideration. The act also regulates registration and accreditation of equipment and service providers. 3 Main developments and key milestones Over the period 2001 to 2006 the Slovene public administration underwent several organisational changes. EGovernment developed in parallel and in accordance with them and with the existing possibilities, and was marked in that period by strategy and programme documents such as eGovernment strategy until 2004, eGovernment Strategy for Local Self-Government, the Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia in the Information Society and others. Numerous successes were achieved up to 2006, while at the same time all participants faced new challenges and failures within eGovernment projects. A critical assessment, the sum of all of our experiences and acquired knowledge, represents the driving force for the new era of the development until 2010. In the following the main developments are presented. 3.1 State Portal for entrepreneurs (One stop shop) or e-VEM The e-VEM project follows the strategic goals of the Ministry for Public Administration and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. The project follows those public administration's goals that are focused on users and creation of a friendly environment for the development of entrepreneurship. The project has started on 1st July 2005 and the product of the project is a State Portal for Legal persons, e-VEM, (see Figure 1). The project is covering two scopes of activities and relationships: government - legal persons (G2B) and government - government (G2G). The project is based on a one stop shop concept, because procedures can be electronically done at one spot, we also call it e-one stop shop. The basic purpose of the e-VEM project is to provide ä e-VEM - Državni portal za poslovne subjekte - Microsoft Internet Explorer Y ISO Datoteka Urejanje Pogled Prijubjene Orodja Pomoč ts\ Q Nazaj " © " 0 ® (¡j) ,P Iskanje Priljubljene 0 - ; 0 - o © Naslov |g) 1 Links ¡§?]24ur =lù e-uprava ¡|{]Google ¿jlnfbklip @ SiOL Telefonsk imenik 3] Zakonodaja in dokumenti » vse na enem mestu VSTOPNA STRAN ► O PORTALU ► PRIJAVA všKf 25 0r2aflj3re ■/stop s TISKANI OBRAZCI ► VSTOPNE TOČKE ► NOVICE ► POMOČ ► KONTAKT Vatbluna vprašanja: ■B0 langfapLa 3 01/S®-18-93 (v&št Ostani Can od 9. do 13. ure: TenntEna vprašanja: ^B&ii& 3 C1H7M5-9C (v&St dan -tjdl 06 sobOtai h nedelja"! od S do 22 UR fëVB Zbžamiporta! JtepaHike Slovenije J se Na nem «tu. DRŽAVNI PORTAL ZA POSLOVHE SUBJEKTE Pozdravljeni na portalu e-VEM! Vstop v storitveni del portal a Storitve portala e-VEM so brezplačne in jih lahko uporabljajo vsi posamezniki, ki imajo v spletnem brskalniku nameščeno eno izmed kvalificiranih digitalnih potrdil za preverjanje identitete in elektronsko podpisovanje dokumentov overiteljev SI GOV-CA ali SIGEN-CA {za fizične osebe ali za zaposlene pri pravnih osebah}, POŠTASCA AC-NLB, HALCOM CA FO ali HALCOM CA PO 2. Več o digitalnih potrdilih. Če digitalnega potrdila posameznik nima, lahko storitve, ki jih nudili portal e-VEM, za bodočega ali registriranega podjetnika opravi referent na vstopni teče: VEM. Vstopne točke VEM storitev ne zaračunavajo. CBEBSXâ BBS Vstop za državljane je namenjen bodočim in registriranim samostojnim podjetnikom. Vstop za referente je namenjen referentom, ki nudijo storitve na vstopnih točkah VEM. Storitve, ki Jih nudi portal e-VEM Pomembno: Podjetnik lahko začne opravljati dejavnost, ko je vpisan v register. Če drug zakon določa še posebne pogoje za opravljanje dejavnosti, lahko podjetnik začne opravljati to dejavnost, ko izpolni posebne pogoje. Če drug zakon določa, da sme podjetnik začeti z opravljanjem dejavnosti, ko pristojni dižavni organ oziroma organizacija z javnimi pooblastili izda odločbo, s katero ugotovi, da podjetnik izpolnjuje pogoje za opravljanje te dejavnosti, lahko podjetnik začne opravljati to dejavnost, ko pristojni organ izda tako odločbo. To pomeni, da lahko podjetnik začne opravljati obrtne dejavnosti po pridobitvi obrtnega dovoljenja. Izjema je prevoznik, ki mora pridobiti licenco pri Obrtni zbori c Slovenije. Prevaran ia firme samostojnega podjetnika - vpogled v PRS. Portal e-VEM bodočim in obstoječim samostojnim podjetnikom nudi: ^ vpis samostojnega podjetnika v Poslovni register Sbvenije ^ vpis v davčni register ^ prijava akontacije dohodnine od dohodka, doseženega z opravljanjem dejavnosti ^ prijava priprave na obračun prispevkov za socialno varnost ^ prijava podatkov samostojnega podjetnika v obvezno pokojninsko in invalidsko ter zdravstveno zavarovanje, zavarovanje za starševsko varstvo, zavarovanje za primer brezposelnosti in o sklenitvi delovnega razmerja ^ prijava podatkov otrok samostojnega podjetnika do 18. leta starosti v obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje Republika Slovenija Jjlt 13.12.2007 - Sistem e-VEM v dneh od 1.1.2008 do 4.1.2008 ne bo deloval Zaradi nedelovanja Poslovnega registra Slovenije v dneh od 1.1.2008 do 4.1.23)8 ne bo mogoče opravljati postopkov preko sistema e-VEM. Zato vas prosimo, da se v primeru, ko bi želeli opraviti vpis v PRS in opraviti prijavo davčnih podatkov, prijavo v obvezno socialno zavarovanje in oddati vlogo za pridobitev obrtnega dovoljenja, obrnete neposredno na pristojne ustanove v dneh 3. 1.2038 in 4.1.2008. Več informacij je dostopnih na tej 06.12.2007 - Spremenjeni pogoji registracije samostojnih podjetnikov tujcev Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o zaposlovanju in delu tujcev, ki se začne uporabljati s 3. 12. 2007 v lO.a členu določa, da se bo lahko tujec, ne glede na določbe Zakona o gospodarskih druzhah, registriral kot samostojni podjetnik, če bo imel veljavno osebno delovno dovoljenje z veljavnostjo enega leta, treh let ali osebno delovno dovoljenje za nedoločen čas T Jd j Dokončano tf Internet Á Figure 1: State Portal for entrepreneurs. EGOVERNMENT IN SLOVENIA Informatica 31 (2007) 357-365 361 a suitable information support for the future entrepreneur and enable him/her to start with business operations in the shortest time possible. The information support provides a unified support regardless of the type of entrance into the system. The support is the same for the submission of electronic application for registration of a future entrepreneur via internet as well as for the submission of application, which has been made for the entrepreneur by an advisor (person) that is offering support and help to the entrepreneur on one of the local entry points. The e-VEM Project offers information support to all enumerated entry points. This way the unification of the procedures is achieved and all information is gathered at one spot. All of these services can be accessed from home by using digital certificates provided by one of the certification authorities in the Republic of Slovenia, or in person at any of the more than 200 VEM access points in the country. The aim is to enable future entrepreneurs to complete all formalities required for establishing a company in one place [6]. The Ministry of Public Administration is planning to expand the e-VEM system to facilitate registration of other types of companies (ltd.,...) from the beginning of the 2008. The e-VEM portal brings considerable savings for entrepreneurs registering for the national register of independent entrepreneurs due to its "one-stop-shop" nature and the cancellation of registration and other fees. The statistics shows that the number of new registered natural person has increased for 21,7 % since the project started in July 2005. We have abolished paying tax for registration; a natural person pays nothing to open a business, to make changes in the register of companies, to close the business. We have reached higher interest among citizens to start running a business. The numbers show 21,7% higher number of registration from the time of the production of the system and 54,4% more sole traders operating in comparison with the year before the introduction of the system e-VEM. We have estimated savings of citizens. Sources of savings are: elimination of paying fee for registration, closure and changes, elimination of fee for forms, reduced costs of transport and time due to one stop shop concept. Estimated savings at the beginning of the project amounted 766.667,00 EURO per a year. 3.2 e-Tax System Slovenian e-Tax system is a complete business solution combining a web portal with back office integration and the highest level of security based on a PKI infrastructure. It connects also other governmental institutions and includes information exchange as required by EU regulations, in particular the ECommerce Directive [7]. The case provides an example of how a transactional eGovernment service can provide fast, accurate and secure tax reporting for citizens and companies. It also shows how new efficiencies were created for the Tax Administration by speeding up the processing of tax returns, cutting down on paper, reducing errors due to data re-entry and improving employee productivity. The system allows individuals and companies to file taxes online using a qualified certificate issued by any registered certification authority in the country. In this way, the solution helps to increase the take-up and use of digital certificates for not only tax filing but for other public and private purposes as well. 3.3 Land register The land register is a public register kept by courts and containing data on real property rights. Its basic function is to make public the information on rights and legal facts relevant to legal relations regarding real estate. To access it, users must first register. 3.4 e-Cadastre Through the web, users can access data from the land and property register, kept by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. This register dates back to the days of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria-Hungary. 3.5 Data exchange within public administration Some of the central registers: • Permanent population register, • Central population, • Register of birth, marriages and deaths, • Tax register, • Business register, • Court register. Allow for quick and efficient exchange of data between state bodies. Citizens are thus relieved from having to provide certificates, copies and other documents. 3.6 Online car registration This service enables to extend the validity of your vehicle registration certificate, which simultaneously extends the registration of your vehicle. This service takes advantage of e-business and uses e-applications, e-payments and e-signatures. To extend the validity of a vehicle registration certificate through the web, you only need the vehicle registration certificate number, the valid mandatory insurance policy number and a method of payment. You will receive the new certificate to your mailing address. To register a car, individuals must insure it and pay road tax. Both can now be done online, while the individual receives the documents (unfortunately hard copies of documents are still in use in Europe) through the post. 3.7 Notification of official documents expiry The eGovernment portal gives individuals the option of being notified when their documents expire. Using a digital certificate, they can access a list of all their 362 Informática 31 (2007) 357-365 A. Dobnikar et al. documents (passport, ID card, driving license, gun permit, etc.) and select for which they want to receive notification through the post of impending expiry. Individuals can also change their place of residence and name and access also other services online. 3.8 Court register This is a public register containing information on companies (amount of capital, representatives, etc.), which is relevant to legal relations. A digital certificate is not necessary to access this register. 3.9 ISPO public administration data The ISPO system allows viewing of public economic data (imports, exports, price indexes) and administrative data (workforce, wages) and displays them dynamically. 3.10 View your own personal data This feature provides citizens with secure and traceable access to their own personal data in the Central population register. A governmental digital certificate is mandatory. 3.11 e-Democracy The essence of e-Democracy is in the use of new technologies to enhance and encourage democracy and politics as part of people's lifestyle. Citizens are thus involved in the process of forming government politics, decision-making processes and legislative procedures (Figure 2: the example of published legislation on the National Assembly web-site). 3.12 Public information catalogue Represents a collection of public information data, classified by topic, and available to the competent authorities. The user can access public information all in one place - the procedure is fast, transparent and simple. 4 Main eGovernment infrastructure components 4.1 The State Portal of the Republic of Slovenia The eGovernment portal "e-uprava" was launched in March 2001 and re-launched in December 2003 and modernised in May 2006. The enhanced portal supports Državni zbor - Zakoni in akti - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Ministrstvo za javno upravo Datoteka Urejanje Pogled Priljubljene Orodja Pomoč 1 - Q - g] [g /fripai. ^ FTtlubllene 0 | g ■ ^ tf] - J gj Nas[ov http : I ¡www, dz-rs. si/index. php?id= 1C H Pojdi I Links : Domov j Kazalo | Kontakt | English | REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DRŽAVNI ZBOR Mednarodna dejavnost Državni zbor in EU O demokraciji Za medije Publikacije Poročevalec na spletnih straneh. Več informacij O ; Informacije javnega i značaja ; ■ Katalog informacij ! Javna naročila I ■ Aktualni razpisi Domov > Zakonodaja > Zakoni in akti Zakoni in akti Napreden pregled Enostaven pregled |_ Iskanje V enostavnem pregledu lahko iščete po vseh uradnih prečiščenih besedilih, vseh sprejetih zakonih in aktih ter aktualnih predlogih zakonov in aktov. Za iskanje predlogov zakonov in aktov iz prejšnjih mandatov ter podrobnejših informacij o sprejetih zadevah (npr. glasovanje - tretja obravnava) uporabite napredni pregled (Obravnave zakonovlaktov - konec postopka). Po naslovu, vsebini Prikaži _| 1T31 0 Uradna prečiščena besedila zakonov 0 Sprejete zakone in akte 1 I Predloge zakonov in aktov C* Išči po naslovu S ključnih besedah C Išči po vsebini dokumentov Opozorilo! Iskanje po vsebini lahko traja dlje časa. ABCČDEFGHUKLMNOPRSSIUVZZ Zakoni in akti Št. zakonov in aktov: 1-11 od 5694 ar Kratica ti Naziv Ti Faza postopka ti M ti Tip ti Datum ti MSMQM Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Mednarodno organizacijo za migracije sprejet predlog 4 Sprejet zakon 23. 01.2007 S ZP-1-UPB4 Zakon o prekrških objavljeno 1 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 12.01.2007 S ZIZ-UPB4 Zakon o izvršbi in zavarovanju objavljeno 1 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 12.01.2007 ZUOPP-UPB1 Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 12.01.2007 ZVPOZ-UPB1 Zakon o varstvu pred požarom objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 12.01.2007 ZSV-UPB2 Zakon o socialnem varstvu objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 12.01.2007 ZPOP-UPB1 Zakon o podpornem okolju za podjetništvo objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 09.01.2007 S ZN-UPB3 Zakon o notariatu objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 09.01.2007 E3 ZT-ÜPB4 Zakon o trgovini objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno besedilo zakona 09.01.2007 ZTro-UPB3 Zakon o trošarinah objavljeno 4 Uradno prečiščeno 09.01.2007 Javni poziv za predlaganje kandidatk in kandidatov za Programski svet RTV Slovenija I Koledar dogodkov p T s č p s H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 gj 27 28 29 30 31 | Pomembne povezave Predsednik RS Predsednik Vlade RS Vlada RS Državni svet RS Ministrstva RS Ustavno sodišče RS Vrhovno sodišče RS E-uprava Register predpisov Slovenije EU na spletu Eurovoc Več B I Internet d Figure 2: All the legislation (including the proposals) is published on the website of the National Assembly ( EGOVERNMENT IN SLOVENIA Informatica 31 (2007) 357-365 365 Government to Citizen (G2C), Government to Business (G2B) and Government to Government (G2G) interactions and offers various services to citizens, legal persons and public employees. The portal provides access to the Electronic Administrative Affairs application, which supports full electronic handling of administrative forms registered in a centrally maintained registry of procedures. The application could be used by all residents equipped with qualified digital certificates valid in Slovenia. 4.2 e-SJU portal "e-SJU" portal stands for "electronic services of public administration" portal. The e-SJU portal represents a new part of the renewed state portal eGovernment. The portal e-SJU offers a single access point for all forms that can be published on the web by any public administration institution. The forms are published in different formats, which can be filled in by citizens and sent by them to the selected institution. The system includes the description of over 400 different services and 350 forms, but not all public administration institutions are included in the system yet. The goal is to have all public administration institutions in Slovenia participating in the system in the future. 4.3 Network HKOM (Fast Communications Network) represents internal governmental communication network. Most government bodies have internet/intranet facilities and are linked to a government-wide network HKOM, connecting more than 1.600 local computer networks. E-Identification and e-Authentication infrastructure (Public Key Infrastructure - PKI) has been deployed in Slovenia and four certification authorities (Certificate Services Providers - CSPs) have been accredited: the Ministry of Public Administration (SIGOV-CA for government communications and SIGEN-CA for the general public), HALCOM-CA, AC NLB, and POŠTA CA. Slovenia adopted the EU Directive on electronic signatures by the Act on Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signatures (ZEPEP) in the year 2000. In 2004, a further act amending the Act on Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signature entered into force in order to create a legal basis for an upcoming e-Identity Card project. 5 eGovernment and reduction of administrative burdens The eGovernment project in Slovenia represents the use of information and communication technologies as a tool to making the public administration better. '5 Državni portal e-uprava - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Ministrstvo za javno upravo Datoteka Urejanje Pogled Priljubljene Orodja Pomoč Q Nazaj - Q . g] g] ¿fr iPl^nje ^Priljubljene Çj> | 0 » ijg ' □ j ~ž} H Po»di 111 Naslov http://e-uprava,gov,si/e-uprava/ W @ uprava Prva prijava? > Podatki javne uprave (I5PO) > Ustanove javne uprave iMliLkilnil^E > Register predpisov Slovenije > Sodni register > Kataster > Zemljiška knjiga > Vpogled v lastne osebne podatke > Portal EU > Doma v Evropi mmammi wgp wap slepi in slabovidni a-a - A Izbira velikosti besedila Vsebinska vprašanja: e-pošta: e-uprava@gov,si Tehnična vprašanja: e-pošta:, telefon: 01/478-85-90 (vsak dan - tudi ob sobotah in nedeljah od 8, do 22, ure) O Sloveniji - Dobro ie vedeti - Obvestila i Porti! Republike SloïMlie a državljane so opisi storitev javne uprave in povezave na vloge _vstopi la podportalu za pravne osebe je v podatkov za podjetnike in podjetja, | _vstopi m Javna uprava Na podportalu javne uprave so na voljo podatki z, zaposlene v javni upravi, _vstopi I Preko spleta do prometnega dovoljenja >> Preko spleta lahko podaljšate veljavnost prometnega dovoljenja za vozila, ki imajo opravljen tehnični pregled in za vozila, ki tehničnega pregleda ne potrebujejo, Vse, kar potrebuje za izvedbo spletnega podaljšanja, je: številka prometnega dovoljenja, številka veljavne police obveznega zavarovanja ter plačilno sredstvo (Eurocard, Activa, Moneta, Abanet, Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro). Postopek izvedete z oddajo elektronske vloge za podaljšanje veljavnega prometnega dovoljenja in plačila povračila za uporabo cest. Storitve javne uprave za državljane Povezave do življenjskih dogodkov, to so pomembni dogodki v vašem življenju, kot so npr. rojstvo otroka, selitev, zaposlitev, , Iskanje po storitvah javne uprave za državljane: družina in otroci osebna stanja in dokumenti šola, izobraževanje, mladi "j delo in zaposlitev PODJETNIŠTVO j OSEBNE FINANCE IN DAVKI , ZDRAVJE IN NEGA ¡j SOCIALNO VARSTVO, INVALIDI, VOJNE PRAVICE I STAREJŠI, POKOJNINE, UPOKOJITEV Z O Ï PROMET, VOZNIKI, VOZILA OKOLJE IN PROSTOR KMETIJSTVO, GOZDARSTVO, PREHRANA KULTURA IN ŠPORT VARNOST, REŠEVANJE, VOJSKA, OROŽJE DRŽAVA IN DRUŽBA " SMRT IN ŽALOVANJE TUJINA, POTOVANJA, VIZUMI AKTUALNE STORITVE Zadnje dodane storitve Najbolj obiskane storitve * Pravica do očetovskega dopusta v Pridobitev potrdila iz uradne evidence upravne enote * Opravljanje del ob državni cesti v Obveščanje in oglaševanje ob državnih cestah > Prirlnhitev stati rca ctarnrlnhnona * Prijava stalnega prebivališča v Prodaja kmetijskega zemljišča, kmetije ali gozda > Tprlaia n nt ne na liita Novice • e-uprava Nove ankete i januarja 12.01.2007 Objavljene so na vseh portalih E-uprave Novosti v spletnem plačevanju na portalu E-uprava 10.01.2007 Z januarjem smo dodali nova plačilna ^edstva_ ISPO novice Registrirana brezposelnost, december 2006 22.01.2007 Po podatkih Zavoda R5 za zaposlovanje je bilo decembra 2006 v evidenco registrirano brezposelnih vpisanih 78.303 oseb._ Anketo ■ e-uprava Katera od predlaganih storitev je za vas najbolj uporabna? C elektronski dostop do sodnega registra C možnost oddaje vlog po telefonu elektronska pomoč pri izpolnjevanju vlog C registracija gospodarske družbe preko C o tem nimam mnenja I Glasuj Figure 3: The State public sector d | Local intranet Portal of the Republic of Slovenia: eGovernment for all in one point - citizens, businesses and 8 Informática 31 (2007) 357-365 A. Dobnikar et al. Technology can help the public administration function more transparently and make it easier to manage, reducing its operating costs and improving the quality and accessibility of its services. The eGovernment project is closely linked to the overhaul of administrative procedures. Digitalisation of services and processes breeds rationalisation by prompting you to analyse the process and make it better by eliminating the excess, valueless elements. If nothing else, the process must be standardised prior to taking digital form so as to ensure uniformity at all levels. A service must be fully standardised once it is placed on a portal. One must keep in mind the fact that the eGovernment is by no means purely a technological matter, but rather a makeover of the organisation and processes involved. For this reason the eGovernment is closely associated with a project on the mind of virtually every government in the European Union - that to reduce administrative barriers. In recent decades, a mountain of irrational and valueless procedures has piled up around Europe, wasting citizens' time and money. This bureaucratic load was a side effect of public policies, which failed to pay any attention to the issue. The people making the regulations were given a free reign - the outcome was felt most by businesses, which lost their competitive edge. It is therefore not surprising that one of the fundamental elements of the Lisbon Strategy involves the simplification of procedures and improvements of legislation. Slovenia launched a systematic effort to reduce administrative barriers in 2005. For this undertaking the Ministry of Public Administration put together a team of dedicated and experienced professionals. The government made a commitment to require of all proponents of regulations (ministers) efforts to ensure that new rules do not cause new administrative hurdles. A report on alleviating administrative barriers is now a mandatory part of every new law and implementing regulations. This report is not merely another form, but a commitment to a new way of thinking for the makers of new regulations. In drawing up new regulations, state institutions must pay attention to alleviating existing administrative barriers and ensuring that no new ones are created. A team at the Ministry of Public Administration has the task of reviewing all regulations put up for government debate and if need be, rid it of unnecessary bureaucracy. The team also ensures that legislation in the making is brought to the attention of public stakeholders in cases where the proponent has not done so. This process has helped prevent the creation of at least ten new administrative barriers and has allowed stakeholders to participate in the making of laws even if the proponent had "forgotten" to include them. In addition to the preventive measures, efforts to remove administrative barriers include the constant collection of proposals for simplifications. The have been were sent by public stakeholders, including various organisations (such as business chambers), as well as companies, citizens, public servants and their managers. Theirs and other proposals form the basis for an annual action plan for reducing administrative barriers that the ministry puts to the government [8]. The action plan is adopted early in the autumn for the coming year and commits all ministries to tangible changes in regulations. Nearly 100 simplifications have so far been carried out on the basis of such an action plan. One of the most prominent solutions is the "one-stop shops" for small companies. Instead of being given the run-around, an entrepreneur can now sort everything needed to set up a business in one spot, also via the Internet, in as little as two hours, without the costs and the complicated paperwork. A similar approach was introduced in November of this year for large corporations. The action plan has also led to the abolishment of many reports and forms, the lowering of the criteria for opening a business, simplification of spatial planning procedures and elimination of some permits. Another feature means that Slovenian citizens no longer have to fill out personal income tax forms - as of next year, the Tax Administration will carry out all the work for them. 6 Summary conclusion and future trends A relatively small public administration is Slovenia's main competitive advantage. Its small size allows for single solutions and facilitates coordination. We are committed to the principle of one-stop shops: all the information and public administration services are assembled in a single eGovernment portal. The portal was set-up as an online shop window, where all state institutions can showcase their services. Any portal should be more of an organisational achievement than a technological one, with the aim being to organise the content in a suitable and user-friendly way. The essence of every portal, of course, is the services it offers to citizens and companies. The electronic services must pursue two general principles: the principle of high value added and the principle of user-friendliness. It is important to note that the eGovernment is closely linked to the optimisation of processes. EGovernment is by no means just a "fancy dress" wrapped in an appealing portal offering services. A key factor in achieving its success is the functioning of backoffice systems. Take the one-stop-shop, for example -here the great majority of entrepreneurs are not opting for online services (electronic transactions make up only about 6 per cent of total transactions), but sort out their business at the offices of one-stop-shops. In either form, the quick and easy service is offered to the entrepreneur with the help of an information system running in the background. All the information related to the client is collected in one place and electronically distributed to the relevant institutions (Business register, Tax Administration, Pension Insurance Institute, Health Insurance Institute and so on). The information held by the state institutions is stored in databases. Broad information allows for quick decisions. All the required procedures are usually completed in the same day, allowing the company to begin operating virtually immediately. EGOVERNMENT IN SLOVENIA Informatica 31 (2007) 357-365 9 Slovenian suggestion for good practice development of eGovernment is based on the following principles: • one-stop access to services • life situations approach • focus on high impact services • simplicity and user-friendliness • mutual recognition of all digital certificates • back-office is at least as important as frontoffice • raising the importance of e-Participation and e-Democracy The latest results of the survey of the European Commission on the development of e-services in across 31 countries (the 27 EU Member States, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey (EU27+)), which is done annually by an independent organization CapGemini, by measuring 20 services for citizens and 12 services for companies show Slovenia's progress from 7th place in 2006 to the excellent 2nd place in 2007, which we share with Malta [9]. This achievement is a big acknowledgement for Slovenia and its continuous efforts to achieve a more effective public administration. Regarding the future developments the focus in Slovenia like other EU countries is oriented in eGovernment contributing to political priorities of the European Union [10]: • the reduction plan of European Commission -25% set burden reducing targets, • eGovernment services supporting climate protection, • solutions for Inclusive eGovernment/e-participation with taking into account same commercial standards to reach the same quality as online business services, • multi-channel approach, • taking on-board new trends and new technology. References [1] Ministry of Public Administration Republic of Slovenia, [2] eGovernment strategy for the period from 2006 to 2010, [3] Action plan for eGovernment in Slovenia, [4] eGovernment Strategy for Local Self-Government, (in Slovene only) formatizacija_obcin/ [5] Information Society Strategy (in Slovene only) uploads/pdf/informacijska_druzba/si2010 .pdf [6] State Portal for entrepreneurs, [7] E-taxes Portal: [8] Reduction of administrative burdens; Programme of Measures for Reduction of Administrative Burdens, n_of_administrative_burdens/ [9] The User Challenge Benchmarking The Supply Of Online Public Services, ing/egov_benchmark_2007.pdf [10] Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council (8/9 March 2007), docs/pressData/en/ec/93135.pdf