Anali za istrske in mediteranske študijeAnnali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 28, 2018, 1 UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 28, 2018, 1, pp. 1-92, Koper 2018 ISSN1408-533X UDK 5 ISSN 1408-533X Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series historia naturalis, 28, 2018, 1 KOPER 2018 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies ISSN 1408-533X UDK 5 Letnik 28, leto 2018, številka 1 UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ Nicola Bettoso (IT), Christian Capapé (FR), Darko Darovec, Dušan COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/ Devetak, Jakov Dulcic (HR), Serena Fonda Umani (IT), Andrej BOARD OF EDITORS: Gogala, Daniel Golani (IL), Danijel Ivajnšic, Mitja Kaligaric, Marcelo Kovacic (HR), Andrej Kranjc, Lovrenc Lipej, Vesna Macic (ME), Alenka Malej, Patricija Mozetic, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Michael Stachowitsch (AT), Tom Turk, Al Vrezec Glavni urednik/Redattore capo/ Darko Darovec Editor in chief: Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/ Lovrenc Lipej Redattore responsabile per le scienze naturali/Natural Science Editor: Urednica/Redattrice/Editor: Martina Orlando-Bonaca Lektor/Supervisione/Language editor: Polona Šergon (sl.), Petra Berlot (angl.) Prevajalci/Traduttori/Translators: Martina Orlando-Bonaca (sl./it.) Oblikovalec/Progetto grafico/ Dušan Podgornik, Lovrenc Lipej Graphic design: Prelom/Composizione/Typesetting: Grafis trade d.o.o. Tisk/Stampa/Print: Grafis trade d.o.o. Izdajatelj/Editore/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper / Societŕ storica del Litorale - Capodistria© Za izdajatelja/Per Editore/ Salvator Žitko Publisher represented by: Sedež uredništva/Sede della redazione/ Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja Piran / Address of Editorial Board: Istituto nazionale di biologia, Stazione di biologia marina di Pirano / National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran SI-6330 Piran /Pirano, Fornace/Fornace 41, tel.: +386 5 671 2900, fax 671 2901; e-mail:, internet: Redakcija te številke je bila zakljucena 15. 6. 2018. Sofinancirajo/Supporto finanziario/ Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije Financially supported by: (ARRS), Luka Koper in Mestna obcina Koper Annales - series historia naturalis izhaja dvakrat letno. Naklada/Tiratura/Circulation: 300 izvodov/copie/copies Revija Annales series historia naturalis je vkljucena v naslednje podatkovne baze / La rivista Annales series historia naturalis č inserita nei seguenti data base / Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in: BIOSIS-Zoological Record (UK); Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA); Elsevier B.V.: SCOPUS (NL). Vsi clanki so v barvni verziji prosto dostopni na spletni strani: All articles are freely available in color via website: Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 28, Koper 2018, številka 1 ISSN 1408-533X VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA First record of alien seaslug Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the eastern Adriatic Sea Prvi zapis o pojavljanju tujerodnega polža zaškrgarja vrste Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) v vzhodnem Jadranu ............................................. 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER, Dilek TÜRKER & Ali ALAS First record of Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from Turkish marine waters Prvi zapis o pojavljanju zajedalskega raka enakonožca vrste Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) v turških vodah .............. 7 Nicola BETTOSO, Marin KIRINCIC, Borut MAVRIC & Lovrenc LIPEJ On the rare and less known shamefaced crab Calappa granulata (Brachyura, Calappidae) in the northern Adriatic Sea O redki in manj znani vrsti rakovice Calappa granulata (Brachyura, Calappidae) v severnem Jadranu .............................................. 15 SREDOZEMSKI MORSKI PSI SQUALI MEDITERRANEI MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU, Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR, Jamila BEN SOUISSI, Mohamed Mourad BEN AMOR & Christian CAPAPÉ The capture of a large predatory shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae), off the Tunisian coast (central Mediterranean) Ulov velikega primerka sivega morskega psa Carcharhinus plumbeus (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae) v tunizijskih vodah (osrednje Sredozemsko morje) ............................. 23 IHTIOLOGIJA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Francesco TIRALONGO, Giuseppina MESSINA, Salvatore COCO & Bianca Maria LOMBARDO On the presence of a well-established population of Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) in the central Mediterranean Sea O naturalizirani populaciji triplavutnice Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) v osrednjem Sredozemskem morju ....................... 31 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU, Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR, Jamila BEN SOUISSI, Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA & Christian CAPAPÉ Additional record of tripletail Lobotes surinamensis (Osteichthyes: Lobotidae) in Tunisian waters (central Mediterranean Sea) Novi zapis o pojavljanju triplavutarice Lobotes surinamensis (Osteichthyes: Lobotidae) v tunizijskih vodah (osrednje Sredozemsko morje) ............................................. 37 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC First record of the meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801), in Slovenian coastal waters with additional records from the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea Prvi primer pojavljanja hame, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801),v slovenskem obalnem morju z dodatnimi zapisi pojavljanja iz hrvaškega dela Jadrana ..................................... 43 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA, Jamila BEN SOUISSI & Christian CAPAPÉ About teleost species from deep marine Tunisian waters: with additional records of Sloane’s viperfish Chauliodus sloani and confirmed occurrence of blackfin sorcerer Nettastoma melanurum O ribah kostnicah iz globokomorskega okolja ob Tuniziji: novi podatki o vrsti Chauliodus sloani in potrjen zapis o vrsti Nettastoma melanurum ........................................ 51 FLORA FLORA FLORA Amelio PEZZETTA Le Orchidaceae del Comune cittŕ di Capodistria (Slovenia) Kukavicevke koprske obcine ................................. 61 OCENE IN POROCILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Petar KRUŽIC Book review: Polži zaškrgarji slovenskega morja ... 75 Lovrenc LIPEJ Book review: Atlas ptica Istre ................................ 76 OBLETNICE ANNIVERSARI ANNIVERSARIES Jadran FAGANELI Sedemdeset let profesorice Alenke Malej .............. 81 Navodila avtorjem ................................................ 83 Istruzioni per gli autori .......................................... 85 Instruction to authors ............................................ 87 Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ..................................... 90 Index to images on the cover ................................ 90 FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.01 received: 2018-04-12 FIRST RECORD OF ALIEN SEASLUG GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN THE EASTERN ADRIATIC SEA Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA Mirta Kucic, Vresikovo 4, Mali Lošinj 51550, Croatia e-mail: ABSTRACT A specimen of the alien sea slug Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) was recorded in Rovinj (Croatia,Adriatic Sea) in February 2017.It was found on a rope at 0.5 m depth in the ACI marina.This is the first record of this sea slug species in the north-eastern Adriatic Sea. Key words: alien sea slug, Godiva quadricolor, first record, north-eastern Adriatic Sea PRIMO RITROVAMENTO DEL NUDIBRANCO ALIENO GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) NELL’ADRIATICO ORIENTALE SINTESI Un esemplare del nudibranco alieno Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) č stato ritrovato a Rovigno (Croazia, mare Adriatico a febbraio del 2017. Il mollusco č stato trovato su una corda, a 0,5 m di profonditŕ nella marina ACI. Questa č il prima segnalazione di questa specie di nudibranchi nell’Adriatico nord-orientale. Parole chiave: nudibranco alieno, Godiva quadricolor, primo ritrovamento, Adriatico nord-orientale 1 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA: FIRST RECORD OF ALIEN SEASLUG GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN ..., 1–6 INTRODUCTION Recently, the nudibranchs and other sea slugs started to deserve increasing attention by malacologists. According to the last published survey of the opisthobranch fauna of the Adriatic Sea at least 223 species of seaslugs were up to date recorded, with some 163 species reported for the Croatian part (Zenetos et al., 2016). In the same survey authors reported 7 seaslugs as non indigenous species (NIS), one as a probably NIS and 3 cryptogenic species. However, the number of sea slug species is probably much higher (J. Prkic, pers. comm., unpublished data) in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea 265 species were up to date recorded, while in the Slovenian part 141 species were recently reported by Lipej et al. (2018). MATERIAL AND METHODS A specimen of a sea slug Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) (Fig. 2) was found on a rope at 0.5 m depth recorded on 16th February 2017 at Rovinj (Croatia, northern Adriatic) (Fig. 1). The specimen was delivered to lab aquarium and photographed with the camera Nikon D600. It was identified using the guide for identification of opisthobranch of Trainito & Doneddu (2014) and specialized web sites such as OPK-Opisthobranchs (Ballesteros et al., 2013) and Sea Slug Forum (Australian Museum, 2010). The taxonomic nomenclature follows the nomenclature according to WoRMS (2018). The specimen was preserved in 70% alcohol solution and housed in the private malacolog- ical collection of the authors. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This is the first record of G. quadricolor in the east- ern Adriatic S ea. This is a small nudibranch species, generally 30 mm to 50 mm in total length, occasionally 70 mm. The body is slender with a long tail with the typical white band with bluish line. Oral tentacles are smooth, long and slender, whereas rhinophores are much shorter and annulated. Five groups of cerata are located on flanks, with the highest number in the first group (row). The foot is semitransparent with two parapodial tentacles in front. The head is orange. Two white bands are laterally extending from oral tentacles to rhinophores. Oral tentacles could be coloured with white, orange or blue pigments. Rhinophores are brown in the lower part and yellowish at the top. Cer- ata are brown at the base, while in the upper part are coloured with yellow, orange, brown or blue pigments (Barnard, 1927; Australian Museum, 2010; Ballesteros et al., 2012-2018). The specimen of G. quadricolor was found on a fouling community on a rope at 0.5 m depth in the ACI marina in Rovinj. It was found creeping on a bryozoan Schizobrachiella sanguinea (Norman, 1868). The spec- imen measured approximately 75 mm which is a little bit longer than the reported maximum length of 70 mm. In the aquarium the specimen laid the yellow orange spawn. It was also observed while preying on the eggs of the nudibranch Doto cf. coronata. G. quadricolor was originally described from South Africa in the Cape Province where it is widespread. It was recorded along the eastern side of the African Fig. 1: Map of the studied area where the investigated specimen of Godiva quadricolor was collected. Sl. 1: Zemljevid obravnavanega obmocja z lokacijo, kjer je bil najden primerek vrste Godiva quadricolor. 2 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA: FIRST RECORD OF ALIEN SEASLUG GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN ..., 1–6 Fig. 2: Photographs of the studied specimen of Godiva quadricolor (Photo: L. Lanca). Sl. 2.: Fotografski posnetki primerka vrste Godiva quadricolor (Photo: L. Lanca). 3 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA: FIRST RECORD OF ALIEN SEASLUG GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN ..., 1–6 continent, north western Africa and in western Austalia (Willan, 1987, 2004). It has also been recorded in Japan, the Mariana Islands, Singapore, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, northern and western Australia and other areas (Willan, 2004). In the Mediterranean it was firstly reported in Lake Fusaro near Napoli (Cervera, 2002). Subsequently, the species was found in the lagoon Pialassa della Baiona close to Ravenna (Ioni, Rimini). Another record originated from the Fondali Noli -Bergeggi SCI in the Ligurian Sea which represented the northernmost record of the species in the Mediterranean Sea (Betti et al., 2015). Recently it was reported also from the lake Faro in Sici- ly (Furfaro et al., 2018). In other Mediterranean areas it was discovered in the bay of Algeciras (Cervera et al., 2010) and off the coast of France and Spain (Ballesteros et al., 2012-2018). Generally, it was found intertidally or in shallow ar- eas. In many cases it was found in coastal lagoons due to its ability to withstand oscillations in salinity (Cervera et al., 2010). Furfaro et al. (2018) pointed out the predation on alien bryozoans such as Amathia verticillata (delle Chiaje, 1822) and Bugula neritina (Linnaeus, 1758) According to Zenetos et al. (2012) in the Mediter- ranean the majority of alien species are mollusks (215 species), whereas in the Adriatic Sea up to date 27 species were reported. More than half of them arrived through Suez channel from Indian Ocean. The arrival of alien species is however different since maritime traffic and mariculture are considered as the main factors (Zenetos et al., 2016). In the Croatian part of the Adri- atic Sea up to date 265 species of opisthobranchs were reported with 10 of them being aliens and additional 5 of them with doubtful zoogeographical identity (J. Prkic, pers. comm.). Most of the aliens were recorded also in other Adriatic countries (Zenetos et al., 2016). To our knowledge at least 70 species of opisthobranchs were up to date recorded from the area of Rovinj and some of them are aliens. Due to the ongoing trend of increased scientific interest for the nudibranchs and rapid increase of alien species in the Mediterranean sea a similar trend could be expected also for the Adriatic Sea. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express our gratitude to our colleague Ja- kov Prkic for sharing with us his data, and to our friend, prof. dr. Lovrenc Lipej for his support. 4 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA: FIRST RECORD OF ALIEN SEASLUG GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN ..., 1–6 PRVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU TUJERODNEGA POLŽA ZAŠKRGARJA VRSTE GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) V VZHODNEM JADRANU Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA Mirta Kucic, Vresikovo 4, Mali Lošinj 51550, Croatia e-mail: POVZETEK Primerek tujerodnega polža zaškrgarja vrste Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) je bil februarja 2017 najden v Rovinju (Hrvaška, Jadransko morje). Našli so ga na vrveh na globini 0,5 m v ACI marini. Gre za prvi zapis o pojavljanju te vrste polža zaškrgarja v severovzhodnem Jadranu. Kljucne besede: tujerodni zaškrgar, Godiva quadricolor, prvi zapis, severovzhodni Jadran 5 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Mirta KUCIC & Leo LANCA: FIRST RECORD OF ALIEN SEASLUG GODIVA QUADRICOLOR (BARNARD, 1927) (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA) IN ..., 1–6 REFERENCES Australian Museum (2010): Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927). In: Sea Slug Forum. http://www.seaslug- forum (accessed 15/9/2017). Ballesteros, M., E. Madrenas & M. Pontes (2013): Godiva quadricolor. In: OPK-Opisthobranquis, https:// (accessed 12/4/2018). Barnard, K.H. (1927): South African nudibranch mollusca, with descriptions of new species, and a note on some specimens from Tristan d’ Acunha. Annals of the South African Museum, 25(1), 171-215. Betti, F., R. Cattaneo-Vietti & S. Bava (2015): North- ernmost record of Godiva quadricolor (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the SCI “Fondali Noli – Bergeggi” (Ligurian Sea). Marine Biodiversity Records, 8, 1-4. Cervera, J.L. (2002): Godiva quadricolor from Medi- terranean. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Mu- seum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum. net/find/7657. Cervera, J.L., N. Tamsouri, A. Moukrim & G. Villani (2010): New records of two alien opisthobranch mol- luscs from the north-eastern Atlantic: Polycera hedgpethi and Godiva quadricolor. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3(1), 1-4. Crocetta, F. (2012): Marine alien Mollusca in Italy: a critical review and state of the knowledge. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92, 1357–1365. Coll, M., C. Piroddi, J. Steenbeek, K. Kaschner, F. Ben Rais Lasram, J. Aguzzi, E. Ballesteros, C.N. Bianchi, J. Corbera, T. Dailianis, R. Danovaro, M. Estrada, C. Froglia, B.S. Galil, J.M. Gasol, R. Gertwagen, J Gil, F. Guilhaumon, K. Kesner-Reyes, M.S. Kitsos, A. Kouk- ouras, N. Lampadariou, E. Laxamana, C.L. López-Fé de la Cuadra, H.K. Lotze, D. Martin, D. Mouillot, D. Oro, S. Raicevich, J. Rius-Barile, J.I. Saiz-Salinas, C. San Vicente, S. Somot, J. Templado, X. Turon, D. Vafidis, R. Villanueva & E. Voultsiadou (2010): The biodiversity of the Mediterranean sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8): e11842. pone.0011842. Furfaro, G., S. de Matteo, P. Mariottini & S. Giacob- be (2018): Ecological notes of the alien species Godiva quadri color (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) occurring in Faro Lake (Italy). J. Nat. History, 52, 11-12., doi: 10.1080/00222933.2018.1445788. Lipej, L., D. Trkov & B. Mavric (2018): Polži zaškrgar- ji slovenskega morja (Opisthobranchs of the Slovenian sea), 290 pp., IOC Unesco, Piran. Munaretto, M. (2012): Nudibranco Godiva. http:// searchsubmit= (accessed 1/10/2017) Trainito, E. & M. Doneddu (2014): Nudibranchi del Mediterraneo, 2a edizione, riveduta e ampliata. Il Castello, Natura, EAN 9788865204801, Milano 192 pp. Zenetos, A., S. Gofas, C. Morri, A. Rosso, D. Violan- ti, D. Garcia, J.E. Raso, M.E. Cinar, A. Almogi- Labin, A.S., Ates, E. Azzurro, E. Ballesteros, C.N. Bianchi, M. Bilecenoglu, M.C. Gambi, A. Giangrande, C. Gravili, O. Hyams-Kaphzan, P.K. Karachle, S. Katsanevakis, L. Lipej, F. Mastrototaro, F. Mineur, M.A. Pancucci-Papa- dopoulou, A. Ramos Esplá, C. Salas, G. San Martín, A. Sfriso, N. Streftaris & M. Verlaque, (2012): Alien spe- cies in the Mediterranean Sea by 2012. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part 2. Introduction trends and pathways. Mediterranean Marine Science, 13/2, 328-352. Zenetos, A., V. Macic, A. Jaklin, L. Lipej, D. Poursani- dis, R. Cattaneo-Vietti, S. Beqiraj, F. Betti, D.Poloniato, L. Kashta, S. Katsanevakis & F. Crocetta (2016): Adri- atic 'opisthobranchs' (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia): shedding light on biodiversity issues. Marine ecology, Marine Ecology, 37(6), 1239-1255. Willan, R.C. (1987): Phylogenetic systematics and zoogeography of Australian nudibranchs. 1. Presence of the aeolid Godiva quadricolor (Barnard) in Western Aus- tralia. Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 8, 71-85. Willan, R.C. (2004): Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) (Nudibranchia: Facelinidae) spreads into southern Queensland. The Beagle, Records of the Museums & Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, 20, 31-36. World Register of Marine Species (2018): Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927). http://www.marinespecies. org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=225518 (accessed 15/09/2017). 6 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 original scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.02 received: 2018-01-22 FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM TURKISH MARINE WATERS Ahmet ÖKTENER Deparment of Fisheries, Sheep Research Institute, Çanakkale Street 7km., Bandirma, 10200, Balikesir, Turkey e-mail: Dilek TÜRKER Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Balikesir University, Cagis Campus, 10300, Balikesir, Turkey Ali ALAS Department of Biology, Education Faculty, Necmettin Erbakan University, 42090 Meram, Konya, Turkey ABSTRACT Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena Koelbel, 1878, an ectoparasitic isopod (Cymothoidae), has been recorded for the first time in Turkish waters. The samples of Lithognathus mormyrus that hosted the isopod were collected with local fishing gears in the port of Babakale in the Turkish part of the Aegean Sea in 2014. The paper aims to present the morphological characters of C. oxyrrhynchaena with photos and drawings of the Turkish samples. These parasites are also frequently reported in aquaculture, where they can cause serious damage. Although the occurrence of C. oxyrrhynchaena in the Mediterranean Sea is well known,it had not been reported from Turkey previously.The present paper aims to inspire more detailed taxonomic studies about and comparisons with the cymothoid faunas of the neighbouring Mediterranean countries. Key words: Turkey, Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena, Isopoda, Cymothoidae PRIMA SEGNALAZIONE DI CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) IN ACQUE MARINE DELLA TURCHIA SINTESI Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena Koelbel, 1878, un isopode ectoparassitico (Cymothoidae), č stato trovato per la prima volta nelle acque marine della Turchia. Gli esemplari di Lithognathus mormyrus infestati dall’isopode sono stati raccolti con attrezzi da pesca locali nel porto di Babakale, nella parte turca del mar Egeo, nel 2014.L’articolo si propone di presentare i caratteri morfologici di C. oxyrrhynchaena con foto e disegni dei campioni turchi. Questi parassiti sono frequentemente riportati anche in acquacoltura,dove possono causare gravi danni. Sebbene l’occor- renza di C. oxyrrhynchaena nel mare Mediterraneo sia ben nota,la specie non era stata segnalata in precedenza per la Turchia.Il lavoro si propone di ispirare studi tassonomici piů dettagliati e confronti con le faune di Cimotoidi dei paesi mediterranei confinanti. Parole chiave: Turchia, Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena, Isopoda, Cymothoidae 7 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 INTRODUCTION Cymothoids are a family of ectoparasitic isopods found on the body, fins, or inside the buccal or bran- chial cavities of numerous freshwater and marine fish. They are protandrous hermaphrodites (Bariche & Trilles, 2005). Several studies have been carried out to determine the effects of cymothoids on host fish (Fogelman et al., 2009; Rameshkumar & Ravichandran, 2013; Elgendy et al., 2018). Fogelman et al. (2009) investigated the effects of Anilocra apogonae on the five-lined cardi- nalfish, Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus. They found that the gonads of fish infested with cymothoids were smaller than those of non-infested fish, and that infested fish were inferior in weight and length to non-infested fish of the same age. Elgendy et al. (2018) examined the haematological and histopathological effects of Nerocila bivittata on Tilapia zillii. They determined that infested fish had lower erythrocyte, haemoglobin and haematocrit values than non-infested fish, and recorded serious histopathological damage in different sites of the body. Rameshkumar & Ravichandran (2013) discovered small pinholes in the tongues of Carangoides malabari- cus infested by Catoessa boscii, and established that the increase in growth in non-infested fish was higher than in infested fish. The World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS Editorial Board., 2018) lists thirty species within the genus Ceratothoa. Five of them (Ceratothoa oestroides, Ceratothoa parallela, Ceratothoa italica, Ceratothoa steindachneri, Ceratothoa capri) have also been report- ed from Turkish waters, but these studies include limited descriptions (Öktener & Trilles, 2004). The present paper is the first report of Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena in Turkish waters with a description of the species’ morphological characters. With the new record, the number of Ceratothoa species known in Turkey increases to six. MATERIAL AND METHODS Twelve samples of Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnae- us, 1758) (Sparidae) were collected using local fishing gears in the Turkish part of the Aegean Sea in 2014. The identification of parasites was performed mainly fol- lowing Schioedte & Meinert (1883), Montalenti (1948), Trilles (1972), Horton (2000), Yamauchi (2009), Martin et al. (2013), and Hadfield et al. (2016). The parasites collected were fixed in 70% ethanol. The mouthparts and pleopods were dissected using Wild M5 stereo mi- croscope. The dissected parts were mounted on slides in glycerine-gelatine mounting medium. The pleopods of the isopods were stained with methylene blue. The drawings of the appendages were carried out with the aid of a camera lucida (Olympus BH-DA). The photo- graphs were taken with a Canon EOS 1100D camera attached to a microscope. The measurements were taken in millimetres (mm), using a micrometric pro- gramme (Pro-way). The scientific names of the different host species were checked with the WoRMS Editorial Board (2018). The information on the feeding habits of the specific hosts were provided according to Froese & Pauly (2017). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS This parasitological study identifies the Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena from Turkish waters. Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaenaKoelbel, 1878 (Isopoda; Cymothoidae) (Figs. 1–5) Host: Lithognathus mormyrus; Infestation site: mouth cavity; Locality: Babakale Port; Prevalence: 16.6% on L. mormyrus; Total parasites: 2; Dissected material: 2. Fig. 1: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena(.) (Scale: 12.5 mm). Sl. 1: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.) (Merilo: 12,5 mm). 8 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 Fig. 2: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.): (a) antennule (0.38 mm); (b) antenna (0.48 mm); (c) maxilla (0.25 mm); (d) maxillula (0.14 mm); (e) maxilliped (0.34 mm); (f) distal of maxilliped (0.19 mm); (g) mandible (0.44 mm); (h) distal of mandible (0.30 mm); (i) 1. pereopod (1.21 mm); (j) 7. pereopod. Sl. 2: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.): (a) antenula (0,38 mm); (b) antena (0,48 mm); (c) maksila (0,25 mm); (d) maksilula (0,14 mm); (e) maksiliped (0,34 mm); (f) distalni del maksilipeda (0,19 mm); (g) mandibula (0,44 mm); (h) distalni del mandibule (0,30 mm); (i) 1. pereopod (1,21 mm); (j) 7. pereopod. 9 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 Fig. 3: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.); (a) antennule (0.77 mm); (b) antenna (0.48 mm); (c) mandible (0.44 mm); (d) maxilliped (0.53 mm); (e) maxilla (0.20 mm); (f) maxillula (0.15 mm). Sl. 3: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena(.); (a) antenula (0,77 mm); (b) antena (0,48 mm); (c) mandibula (0,44 mm); (d) maksiliped (0,53 mm); (e) maksila (0,20 mm); (f) maksilula (0,15 mm). Female: Body length from 22 to 25 mm. Body stout, gradual anterior-to-posterior expansion. Body about 3.5–4 times as long as wide. Eyes distinct but often hidden by antennules and antennae. Coxal plates of pereonites 1–3 inconspicuous, those of 4–7 visible in dorsal view. Pereonites 5-7 shortest, pereonites 1–4 subequal in length. Pereons 1–5 gradually increasing in width, widest at pereonite 5, narrowest at pereonite 1. All pleonites visible, first pleonite distinctly narrow, pleonites 3–5 slightly wider. Seventh pereonite curved medially, especially at its distal edge, and almost en- tirely covering pleonite 1 and a large part of pleonite 2, whereas the last three pleonites are completely visible. Pleotelson wider than longer, posterior margin slightly concave, its width about 2.8–3 times the length. Antennule (Figs. 2a, 3a) composed of seven articles. Antenna (Figs. 2b, 3b) composed of eight articles, distal article very small. Antennule and antenna extending to posterior margin of eye. Mandibular palp (2g, h, 3c) with the third article distinctly shorter than others and setae on apex. Maxillula (Figs. 2d, 3f) with four terminal spines, one long and three short ones. Maxilla (Figs. 2c, 3e) with two rows of spines. Maxilla medial lobe with 4–6 spines, lateral lobe with 10–12 spines. Maxilliped (Figs. 2e, f, 3d) of ovigerous female with oostegial lobe and distal palp with 3 apically recurved spines on article 3. Pereopods (Figs. 4a–g) gradually increasing in length, all without spines; pereopods 1–4 slightly smaller than 5–7. Expansion of merus and basis on the upper edges of the seventh pereopod distinct from that of 1–6. Pleopods gradually decreasing in length. Peduncles of pleopods 1-4 (Figs. 5a-e) bear a number of hooks ranging from 2 to 4. Uropods extending to the margin of pleotelson. Exopod (Fig. 4h) slightly longer than endopod. 10 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 Fig. 4: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.): (a–g) Pereopod I–VII (0.78 mm); (h) uropod (1.66 mm). Sl. 4: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.): (a–g) Pereopodi I–VII (0,78 mm); (h) uropod (1,66 mm). Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Medi- terranean (Trilles et al. (1989); Yamauchi (2009); Had- field et al. (2016); Martin et al. (2013, 2015). Hosts: Boops boops (Montalenti, 1948; Euzet & Trilles, 1961; Ramdane et al., 2007; Ramdane & Trilles, 2008); Spicara maena (Quintard-Dorques, 1966); Spicara smaris (Ramdane et al., 2007; Ramdane & Trilles, 2008); Spicara sp (Montalenti, 1948), Raja asterias, Raja clava- ta, Scyliorhinus stellaris, Torpedo marmorata(Capape & Pantoustier, 1976); Zeus faber, Dentex macrophthalmus (Trilles, 1972; Rokicki, 1985); Dentex spariformis (Martin et al., 2013); Doederleinia berycoides (Yamauchi, 2009; Yamauchi & Nunomura, 2010); Lithognathus mormyrus (Bariche & Trilles, 2005). The hosts parasitized by Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena were classified by family characteristics: 31% of the 13 host species belonged to Sparidae; 23% to Centracan- thidae; 15% to Rajidae; 31% to other families. The hosts parasitized by Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena were classified by type of habitat: 39% of the 13 host fish species were demersal; 15% were reef-associated; 23% benthopelagic; 23% pelagic-neritic. Fig. 5: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.): (a–e) PleopodI–V (1.69 mm). Sl. 5: Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (.): (a–e) PleopodiI–V (1,69 mm). The hosts parasitized by Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena were classified by feeding habits: 69% of the 13 host fish species were carnivorous, 31% omnivorous. Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time in Turkish waters. An antennule with 7 articles and an antenna with 9 articles were found in this study, as opposed to an antennule with 7 articles and an anten- na with 7 articles found by Montalenti (1948), Trilles (1972), Yamauchi (2009); and an antennule with 7 articles and an antenna with 9 articles by Schioedte & Meinert (1883), Martin et al. (2013). The maxillula with four terminals found in this study is compatible with Trilles (1972), Montalenti (1948), Yamauchi (2009), Martin et al. (2013). This study shows a maxilla me- dial lobe with 4–6 spines and lateral lobe with 10–12 spines, as opposed to the maxilla medial lobe with 6 spines and lateral lobe with 15 spines in Montalenti, (1948); the maxilla medial lobe with 1 spine and lateral lobe with 9 spines in Trilles, (1972); the maxilla medial lobe with 8 spines and lateral lobe with 15 spines in 11 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 Yamauchi (2009); the maxilla medial lobe with 3 spines and lateral lobe with 10 spines in Martin et al. (2013). The third article with setae on the lateral margin of the mandible palp found in this study is compatible with Trilles (1972) and Montalenti (1948), but different from the mandible palp without spines found by Montalenti (1948), Yamauchi (2009), Martin et al. (2013). Three spines on article 3 of the maxilliped were found in an ovigerous female in this study, as opposed to article 3 of the maxilliped with 2 spines in a non-ovigerous female and 3 spines found in an ovigerous female by Montal- enti (1948); 8 spines on article 3 of the maxilliped of a female found by Trilles (1972); 9 spines on article 3 of maxilliped of a female found by Yamauchi (2009); and 5 spines on article 3 of maxilliped in a female found by Martin et al. (2013). The morphological characters of Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena followed the key to the Ceratothoa as prepared by Horton (2000): “Cephalon not curved towards rostrum. Prominent merus expan- sion on all pereopods, most noted on pereopod VII. Very prominent expansions of the basis on pereopod VII reaching the level of propodus. Pleotelson not wider than pereonite VII, body almost triangular in shape. Cephalon deeply immersed, shoulders of pereonite I level with anterior margin of eyes.” The morphological characters are compatible with Horton (2000) and other literature. Hooks were discovered on the medial part of the pleopod peduncle. This important finding distin- guishes this study from other research papers. Therefore, the Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaenapresented herein, together with the previously reported five spe- cies, brings the total number of species of Ceratothoa in Turkey to six. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for technical and facility support: Dr. Jean Paul Trilles verified Ceratothoa genus; Dr. Alessandro Ceragato providing literature. 12 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 PRVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU ZAJEDALSKEGA RAKA ENAKONOŽCA VRSTE CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) V TURŠKIH VODAH Ahmet ÖKTENER Deparment of Fisheries, Sheep Research Institute, Çanakkale Street 7km., Bandirma, 10200, Balikesir, Turkey e-mail: Dilek TÜRKER Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Balikesir University, Cagis Campus, 10300, Balikesir, Turkey Ali ALAS Department of Biology, Education Faculty, Necmettin Erbakan University, 42090 Meram, Konya, Turkey POVZETEK Ektoparazitski rak enakonožec Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena Koelbel, 1878, (družina Cymothoidae) je bil prvic potrjen za turške vode. Vzorce ovcice Lithognathus mormyrus, na katerih je bil najden enakonožec, so lokalni ribici ulovili v pristanišcu Babakale v turškem delu Egejskega morja.Avtorji predstavljajo morfološke znake vrste C. oxyrrhynchaena skupaj s fotografskim gradivom in risbami. O zajedavcih te vrste pogosto porocajo iz marikultur, kjer lahko povzrocijo resno škodo.Ceprav je pojavljanje vrste C. oxyrrhynchaena v Sredozemskem morju dobro po- znano, doslej te vrste v Turciji še niso zabeležili.S pricujocim delom želijo avtorji vzbuditi potrebo po bolj natancnih taksonomskih raziskavah in po primerjalni analizi favne zajedavcev v sosednjih sredozemskih državah. Kljucne besede: Turcija, Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena, Isopoda, Cymothoidae 13 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Ahmet ÖKTENER et al.: FIRST RECORD OF CERATOTHOA OXYRRHYNCHAENA (ISOPODA: CYMOTHOIDAE) FROM ..., 7–14 REFERENCES Bariche, M. &J.P. 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Mus., 33, 71-76. 14 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.03 received: 2018-03-05 ON THE RARE AND LESS KNOWN SHAMEFACED CRAB CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, CALAPPIDAE) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA Nicola BETTOSO ARPA FVG, via A. La Marmora 13, 34139 Trieste, Italy e-mail: Marin KIRINCIC Natural History Museum, Lorenzov prolaz 1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Borut MAVRIC & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Fornace 41, SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia ABSTRACT On 1st August 2016 and 23th July 2017 two specimens of the shamefaced crab Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758) were caught in the northernmost area of the Adriatic Sea and represent the second and third official record, respectively.More recently the records of this commercial species start to be no more unusual in this northern region. It is too early to express any reliable comment regarding whether or not this species established a breeding popu- lation in this area, however we could consider its northward extension as another consequence of global warming. Key words:shamefaced crab, Calappa granulata, northern Adriatic, global warming IL RARO E POCO CONOSCIUTO GRANCHIO MELOGRANO CALAPPA GRANULATA (BRACHYURA, CALAPPIDAE) NELL’ADRIATICO SETTENTRIONALE SINTESI Il primo agosto 2016 e il 23 luglio 2017 sono stati catturati due esemplari di granchio melograno Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758) nell’area piů settentrionale del mare Adriatico e ne rappresentano rispettivamente la seconda e la terza segnalazione ufficiale. Attualmente le catture di questa specie commerciale non sembrano piů inconsuete come nel passato. Čancora troppo presto per avanzare ipotesi riguardo al suo insediamento in pianta stabile su quest’area, tuttavia l’espansione verso nord di questa specie puň costituire un ulteriore conseguenza del riscaldamento globale dei mari. Parole chiave:granchio melograno, Calappa granulata, Adriatico settentrionale, riscaldamento globale 15 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Nicola BETTOSO et al.: ON THE RARE AND LESS KNOWN SHAMEFACED CRAB CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, ..., 15–22 INTRODUCTION The shamefaced crab Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758) is a sublittoral species known from the Mediter- ranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic Ocean from Portugal to Mauritania, including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and the Cape Verde Islands (Manning & Holthuis, 1981; Števcic, 1990). More recent records in the Mediterranean Sea are the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) (Pastore, 1995), the Strait of Sicily (Spanň et al., 2004), the coastal waters of the Sea of Marmara (Artuz, 2006) and Edremit Bay (Aegean Sea) (Balkis & Kurun, 2008). In the Adriatic Sea, Stossich (1880) mentioned this species as rare in Split, Hvar, Vis and Korcula. After 110 years Števcic (1990) confirmed the rarity of this crab in the Middle and South Adriatic where it was recorded in waters off Šibenik, Split, Dubrovnik, Sestrunje, Hvar, Korcula and Vis. The last records from the southern Adriatic arises to Ungaro et al. (2005) who found some Fig. 1: Records of Calappa granulata in the Adriatic Sea: Piran 2016 and Funtana 2017 (the present work), Umag 2010 (Dulcic & Tutman, 2012), Cres 1996 and Dubrovnik 2012 are referred to specimens deposited in the Natural History Museum of Rijeka; the circle shows the geographic area indicated by Stossich (1880) and Števcic(1990). Sl. 1: Podatki o pojavljanju vrste Calappa granulata v Jadranskem morju: Piran 2016 in Funtana 2017 (pricujoce delo), Umag 2010 (Dulcic & Tutman, 2012), Cres 1996 in Dubrovnik 2012 pa se nanašajo na primerke v zbirki Prirodoslovnega muzeja na Reki; krogec oznacuje obmocje, ki ga navajata Stossich (1880) in Števcic (1990). individuals during trawling operations in the framework of the E.U. Project MEDITS, moreover Markovic et al. (2017) recorded this species also in Montenegron waters in Kotor Bay and Herceg Novi Bay. On December 2010, a specimen was caught in the northern Adriatic Sea northwest off Umag, on the western coast of the Istrian Peninsula, a region substantially further North than any previous records in the Adriatic (Dulcic & Tutman, 2012). In 2016 and 2017 another two specimens were collected off Istrian Peninsula and more recently the records of this commercial species start to be no more unusual in this northern region. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 23th July 2017, a specimen of Calappa granulata was caught 4 Nm [nautical miles: approx. 7.4 Km] off Funtana by a trammel net at about 20 m depth on a muddy sand bottom. Previously another specimen was 1st caught on August 2016 in bottom-set gillnet 2 Nm [nautical miles: approx. 3.7 Km] off Piran (Fig. 1). Specimens were identifi ed following Holthuis (1987) and compared to the two other deposited in the Natural History Museum of Rijeka (Catalogue numbers: C195 and C1540). C195 was deposited on January 1996 and col- lected in the waters near Cres Island, whereas C1540 was sampled in July 2012 from Dubrovnik; the latter caught by trawling at 200 m depth (Fig. 1). Four investigated specimens were sexed and the following morphometric measurements were performed: Rostrum Width (RW), Carapace Width (CW), Carapace Length (CL), Posterior Margin Width (PMW), Abdomen Length (AL), Abdomen Width (AW), Dactilo-claws Length (DL), Propodium Length (PL), Cheliped Length (ChL), Cheliped Height (ChH), Cheliped Width (ChW) and 1st male Gonopod Length (G1L). Isomorphism between specimens was tested by Pearson linear correlation coeffi cient (PCC). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Morphometric measurements of Calappa granulata are showed in Tab. 1 and Pearson linear correlation coefficient revealed a complete isomorphism between specimens (Tab. 2). All specimens were adult males, as well as that recorded by Dulcic & Tutman (2012). The species can reach 8 cm CL and 11 cm CW (Coudre et al., 2013). In the Mediterranean, it lives on sandy mud and muddy detritus at depths between 13 and 400-700 m (Manning & Holthuis, 1981; Abelló et al., 1988). The specimens from Piran and Funtana (Fig. 2) represent the second and third official records respectively in the northernmost area of the Adriatic Sea. Among oldest fishermen in the Istrian peninsula, they do not remem- ber any such crabs in the past. Until now the species was not recorded in the checklists of decapod fauna in Gulf of Trieste (sensu Manning & Števcic, 1982) and in the Rijeka Bay (sensu Zavodnik & Kovacic, 2000). 16 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Nicola BETTOSO et al.: ON THE RARE AND LESS KNOWN SHAMEFACED CRAB CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, ..., 15–22 Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements of Calappa granu-Tab. 2: Pearson linear correlation coefficient (PCC). lata (in mm). Tab. 2: Primerjava primerkov s Pearsonovim koeficien- Tab. 1: Morfometricne meritve primerkov vrste Calappa tom korelacije (PCC). granulata (v mm). Specimen C 195 C 1540 Piran Funtana SEX M M M M RW 10.6 10.1 10.6 9.9 CW 104.5 80.3 97.7 103.5 CL 77.7 59.8 73.7 77.5 PMW 33.9 28.4 28.5 34.4 AL 55.7 41.9 46.1 48.3 AW 21.3 15.3 19.9 20.4 DL 38.9 28.6 35.9 36.4 PL 69.9 54.1 60.8 67.2 CIL 58.1 45.4 53 58.8 CIH 59.1 43.2 54.8 54.9 CIW 18.1 13.2 17 17.9 G1L 27.3 20.6 25.7 25.9 It is too early to express any reliable comment regard- ing whether or not this species established a breeding population in the area as suggested by Dulcic & Tutman (2012). The same authors hypothesized that pelagic larvae of the shamefaced crab could be transported by currents, since the hydrodynamic characteristics of the Adriatic Sea support a hypothesis of passive transport. These records could be also explained by the effect of the Ionian water ingressions in the Adriatic (Dulcic & Grbec, 2000) and further support the decadal variability of water mass properties of the basin (Civitarese et al., 2010). Nevertheless C. granulata shows a preference for tropical waters (Spanň et al., 2004) and its northward extension could be another consequence of global warming. Thanks to palaeontological records, we know that C. granulata populated the Pliocene sea in corre- spondence to the present Po Plain (Garassino & Pasini, 2013; Pasini & Garassino, 2013), which was a wide and deep gulf much warmer than today (Marchetti et al., 2017). Climate change and the impacts of commercial fishing are shifting the benthic community structure, in particular bottom trawling has caused a widespread decline of traditional exploited stocks (Bastari et al., 2017) being replaced by newcomer, although shipping as a potential vector of arrival cannot be excluded (Dulcic & Tutman, 2012). In the trawling ground of the meso-Adriatic depression (Pomo pit), in fact, the previously dominant squat lobster Munida intermedia has been totally replaced by the newcomer M. rutllanti, the latter being first recorded in 2003 for Italian seas. In the same period the shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris became an important fisheries resource, while the PCC C 195 C 1540 Piran C 1540 1.00 Piran 1.00 0.99 Funtana 1.00 1.00 1.00 traditional Norway lobster stock (Nephrops norvegicus) dramatically decreased, partly due to a long-lasting over-fishing (Froglia, 2017). Fig. 2: Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758): A specimen from Piran (CL. = 73.7 mm, CW. = 97.7 mm, Wt = 186 g). B specimen from Funtana (CL. = 77.5 mm, CW. = 103.5 mm, Wt = 195.7 g). Sl. 2: Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758): A - Primerek iz Pirana (CL. = 73,7 mm, CW. = 97,7 mm, Wt = 186 g). B – primerek iz Funtane (CL. = 77,5 mm, CW. = 103,5 mm, Wt = 195,7 g). 17 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Nicola BETTOSO et al.: ON THE RARE AND LESS KNOWN SHAMEFACED CRAB CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, ..., 15–22 The decapod fauna of the northernmost part of the Adriatic was not given any particular scientific attention in the past in comparison with other Adriatic areas (Lipej et al., 2010). Only few works have been published such as the paper published by Manning & Števcic (1982) on the decapod fauna of Piran. Additional records of deca- pods from the Piran area were given in older works by Stossich (1880), Graeffe (1902) and Pesta (1918). Most of the time, in fact, we get rare and/or alien fish and crabs thanks to the precious collaboration with fisher- men, who experience daily work at sea. In the future C. granulata could become a new resource, a new stable component of the northern Adriatic fauna and/or a new competitor for other decapods species. For these rea- sons an establishment of a network of different groups who are somehow dealing with the biodiversity of the marine environment such as scientists, conservators, fishermen, divers, underwater photographers and oth- ers should be an important step towards the assessment of populations of C. granulata and other interesting and commercial newcomer species in the area (sensu Lipej et al., 2010). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Mario Ipsa, the oldest fisherman in Funtana, for providing us a specimen of shamefaced crab and the precious information about frequent captures of this species in the area. Thanks are due also to Alfio Perissinotti for providing photo of Funtana specimen. 18 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Nicola BETTOSO et al.: ON THE RARE AND LESS KNOWN SHAMEFACED CRAB CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, ..., 15–22 O REDKI IN MANJ ZNANI VRSTI RAKOVICE CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, CALAPPIDAE) V SEVERNEM JADRANU Nicola BETTOSO ARPA FVG, via A. La Marmora 13, 34139 Trieste, Italy e-mail: Marin KIRINCIC Natural History Museum, Lorenzov prolaz 1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Borut MAVRIC & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Fornace 41, SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia POVZETEK Dva primerka kalape Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1758) sta bila ujeta 1. avgusta 2016 in 23. julija 2017 na skrajnem severu Jadrana in predstavljata drugi in tretji podatek o pojavljanju te vrste v severnem Jadranu. V zadnjih letih so podatki o pojavljanju te komercialno pomembne rakovice v Jadranu pogostejši. Za zdaj je še prezgodaj ugotavljati, ali se vrsta na tem obmocju že razmnožuje, vsekakor pa gre za še en primer širjenja vrst proti severu zaradi globalnega segrevanja. Kljucne besede: kalapa, Calappa granulata, severni Jadran, globalno segrevanje 19 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Nicola BETTOSO et al.: ON THE RARE AND LESS KNOWN SHAMEFACED CRAB CALAPPA GRANULATA(BRACHYURA, ..., 15–22 REFERENCES Abelló, P., F.J. 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Ragonese (2004): On the occurrence of the shamefaced crabs Calappa granulata and C. rissoana (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea). Vie Milieu, 54(4), 249-250. Stossich, M. (1880): Prospetto della fauna del mare Adriatico, III. Boll. Soc. adriat. sci. nat. Trieste, 6(1): 178-271. Števcic, Z. (1990): Check-list of the Adriatic decapod Crustacea. Acta Adriatica, 31, 183-274. Ungaro, N., C.A. Marano, L. Ceriola & M. Martino (2005): Distribution of demersal crustaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica, 46(1), 27-40. Zavodnik, D. & M. Kovacic (2000): Index of marine fauna in Rijeka Bay (Adriatic Sea, Croatia). Nat. Croat., 9(4), 297–379. 20 SREDOZEMSKI MORSKI PSI SQUALI MEDITERRANEI MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.04 received: 2018-01-25 THE CAPTURE OF A LARGE PREDATORY SHARK, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS (CHONDRICHTHYES: CARCHARHINIDAE), OFF THE TUNISIAN COAST (CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN) Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR & Jamila BEN SOUISSI Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia ,Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changement Climatique, LR11ES09, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia Mohamed Mourad BEN AMOR Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, port de pęche, 2025 La Goulette, Tunisia Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: ABSTRACT A large female sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827), measuring 3 m in total length and weighing 70 kg, was caught in the waters surrounding La Galite Island and the Cani Rocks located 100 km off Tabarka, a city in northern Tunisia. The specimen of C. plumbeus presented in this article is probably the largest and heaviest recorded to date, on a worldwide scale. Additionally, this record constitutes the northernmost extension of the species in Tunisian waters.The specimen could have migrated from western areas, such as the Algerian coast,where the species is still commonly captured,however, migration from Tunisian southern areas, mainly the Gulf of Gabčs, which is considered a nursery area for sharks, cannot be totally ruled out either. Key words:Carcharhinus plumbeus, description, distribution, expansion range, central Mediterranean CATTURA DI UN GRANDE SQUALO PREDATORE, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS (CHONDRICHTHYES: CARCHARHINIDAE), AL LARGO DELLA COSTA TUNISINA (MEDITERRANEO CENTRALE) SINTESI Una grande femmina di squalo grigio, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827), di 3 m di lunghezza e 70 kg di peso,č stata catturata nelle acque circostanti l’isola La Galita e i galitoni dell’est,100 km al largo di Tabarca,una cittŕ della Tunisia settentrionale.L’esemplare di C. plumbeus presentato nell’articolo č probabilmente il piů grande e il piů pesante mai incontrato su scala mondiale. Questo ritrovamento costituisce l’estensione piů settentrionale della specie nelle acque tunisine.L’esemplare potrebbe essere migrato dalle aree occidentali, come la costa algerina,dove la specie č ancora comunemente catturata.Tuttavia, la migrazione dalle aree meridionali tunisine, principalmente dal golfo di Gabčs, che č considerata un’area di nursery per gli squali, non puň venir completamente esclusa. Parole chiave: Carcharhinus plumbeus, descrizione, distribuzione, espansione, Mediterraneo centrale 23 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: THE CAPTURE OF A LARGE PREDATORY SHARK, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS(CHONDRICHTHYES: ..., 23–28 INTRODUCTION The sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) is a migratory species distributed throughout the world. It is known in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, where it is especially targeted (McAuley et al., 2007). Off the coasts of western Africa, landings of C. plumbeus are frequently observed in fishing sites along the coast of Senegal, intended for human consumption as fresh or dried meat (Diatta et al., 2008). C. plumbeus used to be reported throughout the Mediterranean, but it disappeared from the northern areas of the western Basin, most notably from the French coast (Capapé et al., 2000). Conversely, the species is commonly caught in southern regions, such as the coasts of Algeria (Hemida et al., 2002) and Tunisia (Saďdi et al., 2005), and nursery grounds were observed in the Fig. 1: Map of the central Mediterranean indicating two recent capture sites of Carcharhinus plumbeus off the northern Tunisian shores. 1. In the waters surrounding the Cani Rocks off Ras Jebel (Rafrafi et al., 2015). 2. In the waters surrounding La Galite Island and the Cani Rocks off Tabarka (the present study). GT: Gulf of Tunis; GH: Gulf of Hammamet; GG: Gulf of Gabčs. Sl. 1: Zemljevid osrednjega Sredozemskega morja z oznacenimi lokalitetami, kjer je bil ujet sivi morski pes ob severni tunizijski obali: 1. V vodah, ki obdajajo Cani Rocks blizu Ras Jebel (Rafrafi et al., 2015). 2. V vodah, ki obdajajo otok La Galite in Cani Rocks blizu Tabarke (pricujoce delo). GT: Tuniški zaliv; GH: Zaliv Hammamet; GG: Gabeški zaliv. 24 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: THE CAPTURE OF A LARGE PREDATORY SHARK, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS(CHONDRICHTHYES: ..., 23–28 Fig. 2: The specimen of Carcharhinus plumbeus caught in the waters surrounding La Galite Island and the Cani Rocks off Tabarka. Sl. 2: Primerek sivega morskega psa, ujetega v vodah, ki obdajajo otok La Galite in Cani Rocks blizu Tabarke. latter area (Bradaď et al., 2005; Saďdi et al., 2005). Similar patterns were reported from the Adriatic Sea (Costantini & Affronte, 2003; Lipej et al., 2008; Dragicevic et al., 2010) and the southern Aegean Sea, off southwestern Turkey (Bilecenoglu et al., 2014). Quignard and Capapé (1971) noted that C. plumbeus was abundantly caught in southern Tunisian areas, such as the Gulf of Gabčs, but rather rarely in northern areas, the boundary of its range being the Gulf of Tunis. How- ever, Rafrafi-Nouira et al. (2015) reported the capture of 3 specimens in the waters surrounding the Cani Rocks, off the city of Ras Jebel, indicating possible migration of C. plumbeus towards northern areas. Through routine monitoring of Tunisian waters, which was established several decades ago, and, con- comitantly, through a collaboration with experienced fishermen knowledgeable about the fishing grounds, we were informed that during a trawling survey carried out off the northern Tunisian coast in March 2015, a large female of C. plumbeus had been captured. The speci- men is described in the present paper, with comments regarding the real status of the species in the area. MATERIAL AND METHODS The large female C. plumbeus was captured on 15 March 2015 in the waters surrounding La Galite Island and the Cani Rocks, located 100 km off the city of Tabarka, northern Tunisia, at 37°41’729’’ N and 8°91’815’’ E (Fig. 1). The specimen was caught by trawl on a rocky bottom, at an approximate depth of 200 m, together with teleost species belonging to the families Sparidae and Mullidae, crustacean species, such as the striped prawn Melicertus kerathurus (Forskĺll, 1775), and cephalopod, including the common octopus Octo- pus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, the musky octopus Eledone moschata Cuvier, 1797 and the common squid Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798. The specimen was delivered to the fishery of Ezzahra, located in the Gulf of Tunis, where it was photographed, cut into pieces by retailers and rapidly sold out, making it impossible for us to collect any of its parts. Our obser- vations were therefore made based on the information provided by the fishermen who caught the specimen and the available photograph (see Fig. 2). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimen was identified as C.plumbeus based on some morphological traits cited by Capapé et al. (1979), Cadenat & Blache (1981), Garrick (1982), Branstetter (1984) and Compagno (1984), as follows: body stout, snout broadly rounded and short; first dorsal fin high, triangular, its origin over pectoral bases; pectoral fins broadly triangular, relatively long; interdorsal ridge present; colour grey to bronze on the upper surface, belly whitish. The specimen of C. plumbeus presented in Figure 1 appears as a large female, and measurements carried out by fishermen confirm this impression: the specimen reached 3 m in total length (TL) and weighed 70 kg. Compagno (1984) speculated that the maximum TL for the species could be 3 m, but with no specimens available for confirmation he subsequently stated that 2,390 mm or less could be more suitable. Branstetter (1984) reported that C. plumbeus could reach 2,500 mm 25 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: THE CAPTURE OF A LARGE PREDATORY SHARK, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS(CHONDRICHTHYES: ..., 23–28 in TL, but more commonly up to 2,200 mm. The largest specimen previously found in Tunisian waters measured 2,480 mm in TL (Capapé, 1984). Diatta et al. (2008) reported a capture of a female measuring 2,250 mm TL and weighing 64 kg from the coast of Senegal. Cadenat and Blache (1981) observed a female of 2,295 mm in TL, weighing 57 kg, and a pregnant female carrying near- term embryos weighing 70 kg and reaching 2,100 mm in TL. Therefore, the specimen of C. plumbeus presented in this article it is, to our best knowledge, the largest and heaviest ever recorded on a worldwide scale. Capapé (1989) observed the occurrence of several species belonging to the genus Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816, in southern Tunisian areas and suggested that an inter- and intraspecific competition for food between the two species could not be ruled out completely. Therefore, migrations towards northern areas remain a viable hypothesis, as also corroborated by the records reported by Rafrafi-Nouira et al. (2015). However, these migrations cannot be explained exclusively by the pres- sure of interspecific competition, they are also a result of the climate change in Mediterranean waters (Francour et al., 1994; Ben Raďs Lasram & Mouillot, 2009). Ouni- fi-Ben Amor et al. (2016) showed that animal species previously unknown in the area and originating from distant regions, such as the Indo-Pacific and the eastern tropical Atlantic, have been recorded in Tunisian waters for several decades. The present specimen represents the northernmost extension of C. plumbeus in Tunisian waters, and this finding could also be a result of migration from eastern areas, such as the Algerian coast, where the species is still commonly captured (Hemida et al., 2002). Con- sequently, a sustainable population of C. plumbeus that has successfully established along the Maghreb coast remains a viable hypothesis due to the richness and availability of prey off the northern Tunisian coast (Azouz, 1974). These patterns were confirmed by the fauna associated with the capture of this specimen. Molecular tools will have to be used to delineate the origin of this species, as in the case of the milk shark Rhizoprionodon acutus (Rüppell, 1837) caught in the central Mediterranean (Ben Amor et al., 2016). How- ever, a strict monitoring of C. plumbeus is necessary to avoid a depletion of this species in the Mediterranean, although nursery areas have been found in Tunisian waters (Bradaď et al., 2005), and appear to have been discovered in the Adriatic Sea (Costantini & Affronte, 2003; Lipej et al., 2008; Dragicevic et al., 2010) and Turkish waters (Bilecenoglu et al., 2014), as well. Carcharhinus plumbeus is considered an endan- gered species (Musick et al., 2009), but the captures of specimens of different sizes in northern Tunisian areas indicate that the species has met conditions favourable enough to reproduce and develop, and can grow to a large size. Migrations from nearby areas, from the eastern tropical Atlantic, where the species is caught abundantly (Diatta et al., 2008), and through the Strait of Gibraltar, enhance the recruitment of the species, which appears to be locally well established. The absence of similar patterns in other large Mediterranean shark spe- cies explains why these register a drastic decline, with some of them approaching risk of extinction in this sea (Ferretti et al., 2008). 26 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: THE CAPTURE OF A LARGE PREDATORY SHARK, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS(CHONDRICHTHYES: ..., 23–28 ULOV VELIKEGA PRIMERKA SIVEGA MORSKEGA PSA CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS (CHONDRICHTHYES: CARCHARHINIDAE) V TUNIZIJSKIH VODAH (OSREDNJE SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR & Jamila BEN SOUISSI Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia ,Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changement Climatique, LR11ES09, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia Mohamed Mourad BEN AMOR Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, port de pęche, 2025 La Goulette, Tunisia Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: POVZETEK V vodah blizu otoka La Galite in Cani Rocks približno 100 km oddaljenih od Tabarke v severni Tuniziji je bila ujeta velika samica sivega morskega psa Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827), ki je merila 3 m v dolžino in tehtala 70 kg.Avtorji domnevajo,da gre verjetno za enega najvecjih in najtežjih primerkov sivega morskega psa doslej ujetih na svetu.Poleg tega gre za najsevernejšo ugotovljeno lokaliteto za to vrsto v tunizijskih vodah.Primerek je lahko priplaval iz zahodnih predelov kot je npr. alžirska obala,kjer to vrsto še vedno pogosto ulovijo.Poleg tega avtorji ponujajo hipotezo,da primerek morda izvira iz južno-tunizijskih predelov,predvsem iz Gabeškega zaliva,ki je znan kot razmnoževalno okolje za sivega morskega psa. Kljucne besede: Carcharhinus plumbeus,opis, razširjenost, širjenje areala, osrednje Sredozemsko morje 27 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: THE CAPTURE OF A LARGE PREDATORY SHARK, CARCHARHINUS PLUMBEUS(CHONDRICHTHYES: ..., 23–28 REFERENCES Azouz, A. (1974): Les fonds chalutables de la région nord de la Tunisie. 2. Potentialités de la pęche, écologie et répartition bathymétrique des poissons. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Pęche, Salammbô, 3 (1-4), 29-94. Ben Amor, M. M., Y. Diatta, M. Diop, M. Ben Salem & C. Capapé (2016): Confirmed occurrence in the Mediterranean Sea of milk shark Rhizoprionodon acutus (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae) and first record off the Tunisian coast. Cah. Biol. Mar., 57(2), 145-149. Ben Raďs Lasram, F. & D. Mouillot (2009): Increasing southern invasion enhances congruence between en- demic and exotic Mediterranean fish fauna. Biol. Inv., 11 (3), 697-711. Bilecenoglu, M., M. Kaya, B. Cihangir & E. 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Adriat., 46 (1), 47-62. 28 IHTIOLOGIJA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.05 received: 2017-12-11 ON THE PRESENCE OF A WELL-ESTABLISHED POPULATION OF LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS (BLOCH, 1790) IN THE CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA Francesco TIRALONGO Ente Fauna Marina Mediterranea, Via M. Rapisardi trav.VIII 2, 96012 Avola, Italy Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy e-mail: Giuseppina MESSINA Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy Salvatore COCO Ente Fauna Marina Mediterranea, Via M. Rapisardi trav.VIII 2, 96012 Avola, Italy Bianca Maria LOMBARDO Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy ABSTRACT In the Mediterranean Sea, Lotobes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) is considered a rare species. Although recent records from the Mediterranean Sea showed a range expansion of this thermophilic species, these only refer to one or two specimens. During the months of September to November 2017, we recorded a considerable increase in catches of specimens from the central Mediterranean Sea. Here, we report the presence of a well-established population of L. surinamensis from the southern Tyrrhenian Sea with considerations about its habits, presence and the role of fishermen in monitoring the species.An additional record (10thJuly 2016) from the Ionian Sea (first record for the area) is also reported. Key words: Lobotidae, new records, Mediterranean Sea, purse seine, FADs SULLA PRESENZA DI UNA POPOLAZIONE STABILE DI LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS (BLOCH, 1790) NEL MAR MEDITERRANEO CENTRALE SINTESI Nel mar Mediterraneo, Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) č considerato una specie rara. Sebbene recenti segnalazioni di questa specie nel Mediterraneo abbiano evidenziato un’espansione di questa specie termofila, que- ste segnalazioni si riferiscono solamente a uno o due esemplari.Tra settembre e novembre 2017 si č registrato un considerevole aumento nelle catture di esemplari nel Mediterraneo centrale. Gli autori riportano la presenza di una popolazione stabile di L. surinamensis nel Tirreno meridionale, con considerazioni sulle abitudini,presenza e ruolo dei pescatori nel monitoraggio della specie. Viene anche riportata un’altra segnalazione (10 luglio 2016) proveniente dallo Ionio (prima segnalazione per l’area) . Parole chiave: Lobotidae, nuove segnalazioni, mar Mediterraneo, rete a circuizione, FADs 31 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Francesco TIRALONGO et al.: ON THE PRESENCE OF A WELL-ESTABLISHED POPULATION OF LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(BLOCH, 1790) IN THE ..., 31–36 INTRODUCTION In the Mediterranean Sea, the family Lobotidae, which comprises only 2 recognized species (Froese & Pauly, 2017), is represented by Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790), commonly known as the Atlantic tri- pletail. It is a marine fish of worldwide distribution in tropical and subtropical waters (although records from central and eastern Pacific need confirmation). It is a medium-sized fish, with a maximum reported standard length (SL) of 1 meter and common lengths between 40 and 80 cm. The body is laterally compressed and deep. The subtriangular head shows a concave profile in the upper part that is more pronounced in adults. The preoperculum is strongly serrated in juveniles and finely serrated in adults. The soft parts of dorsal and anal fins are large and rounded and match, in size, the caudal fin which is also rounded, giving the species the common name “tripletail”. It can be found in estuaries, coastal and open waters, often floating on its side near the surface, below or in the vicinity of floating objects. While juveniles are considered epipelagic and found among floating Sargassum weed or artificial objects, mimicking a floating leaf to camouflage against preda- tors, adults are bentho-pelagic and feed on small fishes and benthic crustaceans (Franks et al., 2003). In adults, where floating on the side has also been recorded, this behavior seems to be used to ambush prey (Massuti & Renones, 1994). Juveniles are mottled with yellowish, brownish and black blotches, while adults can show a more uniform color, dark brown, greyish or blackish. Fig. 1: New records of Lobotes surinamensis from the central Mediterranean Sea; small red circles indicate single records; the big red circle indicates multiple records. Sl. 1: Novi podatki o razširjenosti vrste Lobotes suri- namensis v Sredozemskem morju; mali rdeci krogci oznacujejo posamezne podatke; veliki rdeci krogec pa lokaliteto z vecjim številom podatkov. In the Mediterranean Sea, where the L. surinamensis was recorded for the first time in 1875 (Doderlein, 1875), the species is considered rare. However, especially in past few years, several records from the eastern and cen- tral part of the Basin showed a range expansion of this thermophilic species (Hemida et al., 2003; Camilleri et al., 2005; Zava et al., 2007; Deidun et al., 2010; Dulcic & Dragicevic, 2011; Akyol & Kara, 2012; Dulcic et al., 2014a; Dulcic et al., 2014b; Kavadas & Bekas, 2014; Bettoso et al., 2016; Bilge et al., 2016; Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., 2016; Tiralongo, 2016; Tunçer & Önal, 2016). These records, however, refer only to one or two specimens. Here, instead, we report a considerable number of records from the central Mediterranean Sea (Tyrrhenian Sea) and a first record from the Ionian Sea (coast of Sicily). In the Tyrrhenian area concerned by this report, the species has not been recorded since 2007 (Bilge et al., 2016). MATERIAL AND METHODS All specimens of L. surinamensis, with the exception of the Ionian Sea specimen (caught with purse seine targeting Engraulis encrasicolus), were caught with purse seine or hand net around FADs, during the fishing sea- son of the common dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus (from mid-August to mid-December), in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Fig. 1). Data were collected through direct observation at landings and through e-mail (or Facebook Messenger) from fishermen and fishmonger involved in the project “AlienFish” of Ente Fauna Marina Mediterranea con- cerning alien and rare species in the Mediterranean Sea. The information collected for each record included: date, locality (GPS coordinate), photo and/or video, fishing gear, estimated (or measured) weight and/or total length (TL) of the specimen caught and notes. A total of 26 fishermen who operate purse seines around FADs for the fishing of C. hippurus were inter- viewed in order to obtain additional data on the histor- ical presence, abundance and habit of L. surinamensis along the Ionian and Tyrrhenian coasts of Sicily. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 22 specimens of L. surinamensis were re- corded during this study: 21 were caught and recorded during the period between September and November 2017 in the Tyrrhenian Sea and a specimen on 10th July 2016 in the Ionian Sea. Eight of these specimens (2 adults and 6 juveniles) were recorded in the short period between the 7th and the 24th September 2017, 24-30 miles off the coast of Stromboli Island (area centered at 38.75°N, 15.56°E), in the area between Stromboli (Aeolian Islands) and Calabria (Vibo Valentia). Adult specimens (Fig. 2A, 2C), about 5 kg in weight, were consumed by fishermen. In the stomach of one of 32 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Francesco TIRALONGO et al.: ON THE PRESENCE OF A WELL-ESTABLISHED POPULATION OF LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(BLOCH, 1790) IN THE ..., 31–36 Fig. 2: Specimens of Lobotes surinamensis caught in Tyrrhenian (A-C-D-E) and Ionian Sea (F); adult specimen of L. surinamensis caught on 7th September 2017 in the area between Stromboli Island (Aeolian Islands) and Vibo Valentia (Calabria) (A) and its stomach content (Caranx crysos) (B); adult specimen of L. surinamensis caught on 24th September 2017 in the same area of the specimen as in A (C); adult specimen of Lobotes surinamensis caught on 26th September 2017, 3 miles off the north-west coast of Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands) (D); adult specimen of L. surinamensis caught on 3rd October 2017, in the area between Capo Gallo and Ustica Island (E); small specimen of L. surinamensis caught on 10th July 2016 at Aci Trezza (F). Sl. 2: Primerki triplavutarice, ujeti v Tirenskem (A-C-D-E) in Jonskem morju (F); odrasel primerek, ujet 7 septembra 2017 na obmocju med otokom Stromboli (Eolsko otocje) in Vibo Valentio (Kalabrija) in vsebina njegovega želodca (Caranx crysos) (B); odrasel primerek triplavutarice ujet 24 septembra 2017 na isti lokaciji kot primerek pod A; (C) odrasel primerek, ujet 26 septembra 2017 tri milje izven severozahodne obale otoka Vulcano (Eolsko otocje)(D); odrasel primerek ujet 3 oktobra 2017 med obmocjem Capo Gallo in otokom Ustica (E); manjši primerek, ujet 10 julija 2016 blizu lokalitete Aci Trezza (F). these specimens (a mature female with eggs), a small blue runner (Caranx crysos) was present (Fig. 2B). Fishermen describe L. surinamensis as a slow-swimming fish. Indeed, in some cases fish are caught with hand nets, near or below FADs, even for a large specimen (8-9 kg), filmed and caught on 2nd October 2017. Ten other specimens were caught in the same area as late as the end of November. On 26th September 2017, one adult specimen of L. surinamensis (Fig. 2D) was caught by purse seine, 3 miles off the north-west coast of Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands) (38.42°N, 14.83°E), around FADs targeting C. hippurus. The fish was 55 cm 33 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Francesco TIRALONGO et al.: ON THE PRESENCE OF A WELL-ESTABLISHED POPULATION OF LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(BLOCH, 1790) IN THE ..., 31–36 in total length, with a weight of about 3.5 kg, and also consumed by the fishermen. Another specimen (Fig. 2E) was caught on 3rd October 2017, in the area between Capo Gallo and Ustica Island (38.38°N, 13.37°E). The specimen was 3.2 kg in weight and was sold at the fish market. Asmall specimen (20-25 cm in total length) (Fig. 2F) was caught at Aci Trezza, close to the coast (37.55°N, 15.17°E), and represents the first record of this species in the Ionian Sea. The interviewed fishermen from the Ionian coast of Sicily did not report the presence of the species around FADs. This suggests that, unlike off the southern Tyr- rhenian Sea, L. surinamensis appears to be rare off the Ionian coast of Sicily. Considering the particular behavior of floating just below the surface, near or below floating objects, L. surinamensis is particularly easy to detect and/or catch with purse seine (or with hand net) used for the fishing of C. hippurus around FADs. Indeed, in this study, all the specimens from the Tyrrhenian Sea were caught around FADs. Hence the importance of this fishing method in monitoring the presence and abundance of L. surinamensis, although limited to the fishing period of C. hippurus. Results from the current study suggest that L. suri- namensis is currently markedly more common in the Mediterranean Sea than it has ever been. Indeed, past published records refer to, at most, two specimens in this area. In conclusion, on the basis of the several documented records of the species, we can hypothesize the existence of a well-established population of L. surinamensis in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. Most fishermen who operate in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea queried about the presence of L. surinamensis in the area, answered that, although they sporadically have been catching the species for the past 10 years with purse seines around FADs, the 2017 fishing season of C. hippurus, starting from September, saw a marked increase in catches and observations of adults and juveniles of the species. In the same area, a study on fish assemblages associated with FADs con- ducted between January 2000 and January 2001 failed to demonstrate the presence of L. surinamensis (Andaloro et al., 2007) and therefore support the relatively recent colonization of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. On the ba- sis of these findings, we suggest the recent establishment of a self-sustaining population in the area. Because the catches of the species are connected to the seasonal fishing of C. hippurus, L. surinamensis is probably quite common in the area all year long (or at least for several months). Furthermore, the species finds a suitable hab- itat around FADs, in which it seems to feed mainly on pelagic fishes such as Carangidae, aggregating around FADs. Potential common preys could be Naucrates ductor, as reported by Zava et al. (2007), Caranx crysos, as reported in this study, and other carangid species such as juveniles of Seriola spp. The actual increase in abundance of the species showed in this study is probably mainly due to global warming and changes in hydrological conditions. Following the current trend, we may expect to find this species to become increas- ingly more common in the whole Mediterranean Sea, and could become locally commercialized in the next years. Indeed, the meat of this species is considered of high quality, and this was also confirmed by Sicilian and Calabrian fishermen who ate it and are also trying, due to the increase in catches, to persuade local fishmonger to buy and sell the fish. Further study could confirm this. A similar trend in increasing abundance of the species seems also to be present in Maltese waters, in which small shoals of juveniles were reported by fishermen to be present around FADs and other floating objects (Deidun et al., 2010). The role of citizen scientists, fish- ermen in particular, in the monitoring of species such as L. surinamensis, is of great importance. Indeed, as in our case, all the records come from professional fishermen (or fishmonger). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the several Sicilian and Calabrian fi shermen and fi shmonger for providing information and pictures on Lobotes surinamensis, with particular grati- tude to Gabriele De Leonardo, Franco Campiti, Giovanni Lo Coco, Carmelo Maggiorino and Enzo Di Salvo. 34 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Francesco TIRALONGO et al.: ON THE PRESENCE OF A WELL-ESTABLISHED POPULATION OF LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(BLOCH, 1790) IN THE ..., 31–36 O NATURALIZIRANI POPULACIJI TRIPLAVUTARICE LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(BLOCH, 1790) V OSREDNJEM SREDOZEMSKEM MORJU Francesco TIRALONGO Ente Fauna Marina Mediterranea, Via M. Rapisardi trav.VIII 2, 96012 Avola, Italy Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy e-mail: Giuseppina MESSINA Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy Salvatore COCO Ente Fauna Marina Mediterranea, Via M. Rapisardi trav.VIII 2, 96012 Avola, Italy Bianca Maria LOMBARDO Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Via Androne 81, 95124 Catania, Italy POVZETEK TriplavutaricaLotobes surinamensis (Bloch,1790) je redka vrsta v Sredozemskem morju.Ceprav novejši podatki o tej toploljubni vrsti kažejo, da se njeno obmocje razširjenosti širi, se to navadno nanaša na posamicne ali kvecjemu par primerkov. Med septembrom in novembrom 2017 smo zabeležili obcuten porast primerkov te vrste v ulovih v osrednjem Sredozemskem morju.V pricujocem delu porocamo o naturalizirani populaciji te vrste v južnem Tiren- skem morju, o njenih navadah, prisotnosti in vlogi ribicev pri spremljanju vrste.Porocamo tudi o pojavljanju te vrste (10 julij 2016) iz Jonskega morja, kar je sploh prvi zapis za ta del Sredozemskega morja. Kljucne besede: Lobotidae, novi podatki, Sredozemsko morje, zaporna plavarica 35 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Francesco TIRALONGO et al.: ON THE PRESENCE OF A WELL-ESTABLISHED POPULATION OF LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(BLOCH, 1790) IN THE ..., 31–36 REFERENCES Akyol, O. & A. Kara (2012): Record of the Atlantic tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) in the Bay of Izmir, northern Aegean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28 (4), 645–646. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439- 0426.2012.01939.x. Andaloro, F., D. Campo, L. Castriota & M. 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Ben Amor (2016): Unusual records of tripletail Lobotes surinamensis (Os- teichthyes: Lobotidae) from the Tunis Southern Lagoon (north-eastern Tunisia, Central Mediterranean Sea). Annales, ser. Hist. Nat., 26 (1), 13–18. Tiralongo, F. (2016): New record of Lobotes su- rinamensis from Italian waters (Adriatic Sea). In: New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records. Mediterranean Marine Science, 17 (2), 608–626. DOI: 10.12681/ mms.1734. Tunçer, S. & U. Önal (2016): The occurrence of the Atlantic Tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790), in the Çanakkale Strait. In: New Mediterranean biodi- versity records. Mediterranean Marine Science, 17 (1), 230–252. DOI: 10.12681/mms.1684. Zava, B., P. Giannuzza & S. Riggio (2007): Nuova cattura di Lobotes surinamensis(Bloch, 1790) in Tirreno medidionale (Osteichthyes: Lobotidae). Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 14 (2), 370–371. 36 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.06 received: 2018-01-26 ADDITIONAL RECORD OF TRIPLETAIL LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS (OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) IN TUNISIAN WATERS (CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA) Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR, Jamila BEN SOUISSI Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia ,Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changement Climatique, LR11ES09, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA Université de Carthage, Laboratoire de Bio-Surveillance de l’Environnement, Unité d’Hydrobiologie Littorale et Limnique, Faculté des Sciences, Zarzouna, 7021 Bizerte, Tunisia Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: ABSTRACT The authors report an additional record of tripletail Lobotes surinamensis off Ras Jebel in northern Tunisia. The specimen was caught with a trammel net at a depth of 6 m, measuring 430 mm in total length and weighing 1206 g.To date,9 specimens of this species have been recorded in Tunisian waters, with 35 records documented in the entire Mediterranean. The article comments on and discusses the distribution of the species in Tunisian waters. Key words:Lobotidae, Lobotes surinamensis, total length, population, distribution, Tunisian waters, Mediterranean Sea NUOVO RITROVAMENTO DI LOBOTE, LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE), IN ACQUE DELLA TUNISIA (MEDITERRANEO CENTRALE) SINTESI Gli autori riportano una nuova segnalazione del lobote, Lobotes surinamensis, al largo di Ras Jebel nella Tunisia settentrionale.L’esemplare, catturato con un tramaglio a una profonditŕ di 6 m, pesava 1206 grammi per una lunghezza di 430 mm.Fino ad oggi, nove esemplari di questa specie sono stati registrati nelle acque tunisine, con 35 ritrovamenti documentati in tutto il Mediterraneo. Nell’articolo viene discussa la distribuzione della specie nelle acque tunisine. Parole chiave: Lobotidae, Lobotes surinamensis, lunghezza totale, popolazione, distribuzione, acque tunisine, mare Mediterraneo 37 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: ADDITIONAL RECORD OF TRIPLETAIL LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) IN TUNISIAN ..., 37–42 INTRODUCTION Tripletail Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) is a benthopelagic species widely distributed in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans (Carpenter & Robertson, 2015). In the eastern Atlantic, it is distributed from southern Portugal to Angola, including the Canary and Cape Verde Islands (Roux, 1986; Carpenter & Robert- son, 2015). In the Mediterranean Sea, L. surinamensis occurs as a rather rare and sporadically captured species, with Fig. 1: Map of the central Mediterranean indicating the capture sites of Lobotes surinamensis off the Tunisian coast: 1. Off Sfax (Bradaď 2000), 2. Off Zarzis (Bradaď 2000), 3 Off Gabčs (Bradaď et al., 2004), 4. Tunis Southern Lagoon (Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., 2016), 5. Off Ras Jebel (the present paper). GG: Gulf of Gabčs, GH: Gulf of Hammamet, GT: Gulf of Tunis, TSL: Tunis Southern Lagoon. Sl. 1: Zemljevid osrednjega Sredozemskega morja z oznacenimi lokalitetami, kjer so bili ujeti primerki triplavutarice ob tunizijski obali: 1. Sfax (Bradaď 2000), 2. Zarzis (Bradaď 2000), 3. Gabčs (Bradaď et al., 2004), 4. Tuniška južna laguna (Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., 2016), 5. Ras Jebel (pricujoce delo). GG: Gabeški zaliv, GH: zaliv Hammamet, GT: Tuniški zaliv, TSL: Tuniška južna laguna. only 32 reliable records reported from 1875 to 2015, following Bilge et al. (2017). Two additional specimens were recently captured, one in the Ligurian Sea (De Carlo et al., 2017) and another one off Agnone Bagni, a seaside station located in the eastern coast of Sicily. This second specimen, weighing 4 kg, was captured on 2 April 2017 (Sortino, pers. comm., 2017). L. suri- namensis is a sluggish fish that lives alone or in pairs, floating on its side and carried by the water currents; the currents are also one of the main causes of this species’ presence in the Mediterranean Sea, where 35 specimens have been reported to date, and its occurrence in the Tunis Southern Lagoon (Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., 2016) is probably a good instance. In this paper, we present a third recent record re- ported off the northern Tunisian coast. This specimen is herein described and the capture is discussed and com- mented in relation with previous records of the species in Tunisian waters. MATERIAL AND METHODS The specimen was caught on 10 April 2017 off Ras Jebel (Fig. 1), a city located in northern Tunisia (37°15’12.38” N and 10°07’05.34” E), by a trammel net at a depth of 6 m, on rocky-sandy bottom partially cov- ered by algae, together with labrid and sparid species, and cuttlefish Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758. The total length (TL) and other measurements were performed following Hemida et al. (2003) and Ounifi-Ben Amor et al. (2016). The specimen was fixed in 10% buffered formalin, preserved in 75% ethanol and deposited in the Ichthyological Collection of the Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte (Tunisia), catalogued under number FSB-Lob- sur-01 (Fig. 2). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimen was identified as Lobotes surinamensis based on a suite of characteristics, such as: body deep, compressed; head small; dorsal and anal fins long, rounded and symmetrical; pectoral fin short, rounded; mouth large; body colour grey to yellow, with dark lines radiating from the eye; posterior margin of anal fin yellow. Additionally, the morphometric measure- ments and meristic counts summarized in Table 1 are in complete accordance with those previously reported by Roux (1986), Hemida et al. (2003) and Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., (2016). In southern Tunisian waters (see Fig. 1), 3 specimens were recorded off Sfax, one off Zarzis (see Fig. 1, Bradaď, 2000), and two other specimens off Gabčs (Bradaď et al., 2004) -six specimens in all. The two specimens found in the Tunis Southern Lagoon (Ounifi-Ben Amor et al., 2016) and the one captured off Ras Jebel (present study) suggest that the species has migrated towards northern areas. The number of L. surinamensis captured in Tunisian waters -a total of 9 - 38 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: ADDITIONAL RECORD OF TRIPLETAIL LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) IN TUNISIAN ..., 37–42 Tab. 1: The morphometric measurements in mm and as percentages of total length (%TL) and standard length (%SL), and meristics of the specimen of Lobotes surinamensis captured off Ras Jebel (Ref. FSB-Lob-sur-01). Tab. 1: Morfometricne meritve, izražene v mm in kot delež celotne dolžine (%TL) in standardne dolžine (%SL), in meristika primerka vrste Lobotes surinamensis, ujetega blizu lokalitete Ras Jebel (Ref. FSB-Lob-sur-01). Reference FSB-Lob-sur-01 Morphometric measurements mm %SL %TL Total length (TL) 430 117.8 100.0 Standard length (SL) 365 100.0 84.9 Space between tip of snout to caudal fi n origin 330 90.4 76.7 Head length 120 32.9 27.9 Interorbital space 35 9.6 8.1 Space between tip of snout to dorsal fi n origin 130 35.6 30.2 Space between tip of snout to pelvic fi n origin 125 34.2 29.1 Space between tip of snout to anal fi n origin 240 65.8 55.8 Space between snout and vent 210 57.5 48.8 Dorsal fi n length 205 56.2 47.7 Pectoral fi n length 18 4.9 4.2 Pelvic fi n length 19 5.2 4.4 Anal fi n length 80 21.9 18.6 Caudal fi n length 80 21.9 18.6 Caudal fi n width 55 15.1 12.8 Meristic counts Pelvic fi n rays I+5 Dorsal fi n rays XII+16 Anal fi n rays III+12 Pectoral fi n rays 13 Caudal fi n rays 18 Total body weight (gram) 1206 appears somewhat more important than those reported from other Mediterranean regions following Bilge et al. (2017). The total lengths of the specimens ranged from 162 to 550 mm, their total weights from 91.3 to 3,827 g. The presence of both small and large specimens in the area suggests that a sustainable population is probably established in Tunisian waters. Similar patterns have been reported throughout the Mediterranean, in total agreement with Bilge et al. (2017), who noted that an increase in recent findings of Lobotes surinamensisis a consequence of the global warming of this sea (Francour et al., 1994, Ben Raďs Lasram & Mouillot, 2009). Conversely, L. surinamensis is also reported in colder regions from the northern 39 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: ADDITIONAL RECORD OF TRIPLETAIL LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) IN TUNISIAN ..., 37–42 Fig. 2: Specimen of Lobotes surinamensiscaptured off Ras Jebel (Ref. FSB-Lob-sur-01), scale bar = 80 mm. Sl. 2: Primerek vrste Lobotes surinamensis,ujet blizu lokalitete Ras Jebel (Ref. FSB-Lob sur-01), merilo = 80 mm. Atlantic (Robins & Ray 1968), the Adriatic Sea (Dulcic et al., 2014) and the Ligurian Sea (De Rosa et al., in press). The captures of L. surinamensis appear to be more frequent in the central Mediterranean Sea (Bilge et al., 2017), and the abundance of the species is corroborated by the Tunisian records reported in this paper. This suggests that the central Mediterranean is the core of L. surinamensis in this sea, but while such hypothesis is viable, it would require further investigation to be confirmed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr Al Arbi Ibn Habib Nouira and his wife, Mrs Asyia Ibnat Marhaz Nouira, fishermen from Ras Jebel, who kindly provided us the present specimen of Lobotes surinamensis. 40 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: ADDITIONAL RECORD OF TRIPLETAIL LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) IN TUNISIAN ..., 37–42 NOVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU TRIPLAVUTARICE LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS (OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) V TUNIZIJSKIH VODAH (OSREDNJE SREDOZEMSKO MORJE) Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia Khadija OUNIFI-BEN AMOR, Jamila BEN SOUISSI Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia,Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changement Climatique, LR11ES09, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA Université de Carthage, Laboratoire de Bio-Surveillance de l’Environnement, Unité d’Hydrobiologie Littorale et Limnique, Faculté des Sciences, Zarzouna, 7021 Bizerte, Tunisia Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d'Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: POVZETEK Avtorji porocajo o novem primeru pojavljanja triplavutarice Lobotes surinamensis v vodah blizu lokalitete Ras Jebel v severni Tuniziji.Primerek, ki je bil ujet v stojeco mrežo na globini 6 m, je meril 430 mm v dolžino in tehtal 1206 g. Do danes je znanih 9 dokumentiranih primerov pojavljanja te vrste v tunizijskih vodah in 35 v celotnem Sredozemskem morju.Avtorji nadalje razpravljajo o razširjenosti vrste v tunizijskih vodah. Kljucne besede: Lobotidae, Lobotes surinamensis, celotna dolžina, populacija, razširjenost, tunizijske vode, Sredozemsko morje 41 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Emna SOUFI-KECHAOU et al.: ADDITIONAL RECORD OF TRIPLETAIL LOBOTES SURINAMENSIS(OSTEICHTHYES: LOBOTIDAE) IN TUNISIAN ..., 37–42 REFERENCES Ben Raďs Lasram, F. & D. Mouillot (2009): Increasing southern invasion enhances congruence between en- demic and exotic Mediterranean fish fauna. Biol. Inv., 11(3), 697-711. Bilge, G., H. Filiz & A. Gülsahin, (2017): Occurrence of Lobotes surinamensis(Osteichthyes: Lobotidae) in the Mediterranean: Historical and recent data. Zool. Mid. East, 63(1), 43.47. Bradaď, M. N. (2000): Diversité du peuplement ichtyque et contribution ŕ la connaissance des sparidés du golfe de Gabčs. PhD Thesis, University of Sfax, Tu- nisia, 600 pp. Bradaď, M.N., B. Saďdi, A. Bouaďn, O. Guélorget & C. Capapé (2004): The Gulf of Gabčs (southern Tunisia, central Mediterranean): nursery area for sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae). Ann., Ser. Hist. Nat., 15(2), 187-194. Carpenter, K.E. & R. Robertson (2015): Lobotes suri- namensis. The IUCN Red List of threatened species 2015: e.T198670A16644032. Downloaded on 17 April 2017. De Carlo, F., A. Massaro, C. Musumeci, I. Rossetti, P. Sartor & A. Ligas (2017): A new record of Atlantic tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790), in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 33(3), 539-541. Dulcic, J., B. Dragicevic, L. Lipej & M. Štifanic (2014): Range extension of tripletail, Lobotes suri- namensis (Lobotidae) in the Adriatic Sea. Anorthernmost record in the Mediterranean. Cybium, 58 (2), 153-154. Francour, P., C. F. Boudouresque, J.G. Harmelin., M.L Harmelin-Vivien. & J.-P. Quignard (1994): Are the Mediterranean waters becoming warmer? Mar. Poll. Bull., 28(9), 523-526. Hemida, F., D. Golani, Y. Diatta & C. Capapé (2003): On the occurrence of the tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) (Osteichthyes: Lobotidae) off the coast of Algeria (southern Mediterranean). Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 13(2), 131-135. Ounifi-Ben Amor, K., M.M. Ben Amor, J. Ben Souissi & C. Capapé (2016): Unusual records of tripletail Lo- botes surinamensis (Osteichthyes: Lobotidae) from the Tunis Southern Lagoon (north-eastern Tunisia, central Mediterranean). Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 26(1), 13-18. Roux, C. (1986): Lobotidae. In: Whitehead, P.J.P., M.L. Bauchot, J.-C., Hureau, J. Nielsen & E. Torton- ese(eds.): Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 2. Unesco, Paris, pp. 854-855. 42 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 original scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.07 received: 2018-05-03 FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL WATERS WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS FROM THE CROATIAN PART OF THE ADRIATIC SEA Borut MAVRIC National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran, Fornace 41, SI-6330 Piran e-mail: Branko DRAGICEVIC Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, I. Meštrovica 63, 21000 Split, Croatia ABSTRACT One specimen of meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801),was caught by trawling in the waters off Slovenia on 24th November 2016 at the depth of cca. 20 m above sandy-muddy bottom. This is the first record of this species for the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea. Due to the fact that there are no wild populations in the Middle and North Adriatic and that remaining wild populations in the Southern Adriatic are scarce and small, the specimen is supposed to be an escapee from one of the mariculture facilities.Additional occurrences of this species from the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea are reported. Key words:meagre, Argyrosomus regius, Adriatic Sea, farm escapee, aquaculture PRIMA SEGNALAZIONE DI OMBRINA BOCCADORO, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN ACQUE COSTIERE SLOVENE CON ULTERIORI RITROVAMENTI NELLA PARTE CROATA DELL‘ADRIATICO SINTESI Un esemplare di ombrina boccadoro, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801), č stato catturato con la rete a strascico nelle acque al largo della Slovenia, il 24 novembre 2016, ad una profonditŕ di cca. 20 m, sopra il fondale sabbio- so-fangoso. Si tratta del primo ritrovamento di questa specie per la parte slovena dell’Adriatico.Poiché non ci sono popolazioni allo stato selvatico nell’Adriatico centrale e settentrionale, e visto che le restanti popolazioni selvatiche nell’Adriatico meridionale sono scarse e limitate, gli autori ipotizzano che l’esemplare sia scappato da uno degli impianti di maricoltura.Vengono inoltre segnalati altri ritrovamenti di questa specie nella parte croata dell’Adriatico. Parole chiave:ombrina boccadoro, Argyrosomus regius, mare Adriatico, fuggitivo, acquacoltura 43 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC: FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL ..., 43–50 INTRODUCTION The meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801), is a demersal, oceanodromus, ray-finned fish of the family Sciaenidae. It is a large top-predator, with a high tro- phic level (4.3) that consumes large sized and heavy preys. It feeds on a wide range of crustaceans and fish (Valero-Rodriguez et al., 2015). Adults inhabit inshore and shelf waters while juveniles and subadults prefer estuaries and coastal lagoons. It mostly occurs over sandy bottoms, close to rocks, at depths from 1 - 200 m (Louisy, 2002). Original distribution of the meagre is the eastern Atlantic, from Norway to Gibraltar and Congo, including the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Griffiths & Heemstra, 1995). It also migrated via Suez Canal to the Red Sea as an anti-Lessepian migrant (Chao & Trewavas 1990). Fig. 1: Map of the Adriatic Sea with localities where meagre specimens were caught (black dots; numbers represent the following localities: 1- Piran, 2 – Brist, 3 – Pelješac, 4 – Zadar, 5 – Rab), with localities (Apuglia, Monfalcone, Hvar, Zadar) where the meagre is cultivated (squares) and the area (Bojana river mouth) where the last known natural population still occurs (circle). Sl. 1: Zemljevid Jadranskega morja z obmocji, kjer so bili ujeti obravnavani primerki hame (crne pike; številke predstavljajo naslednja obmocja najdb: 1 – Piran, 2 – Brist, 3 – Pelješac, 4 – Zadar, 5 – Rab), z obmocji (Apulija, Monfalcone, Hvar, Zadar), kjer hame vzgajajo v marikulturah (kvadrati) in z obmocjem (ustje reke Bojane), kjer obstaja še zadnja znana naravna populacija te vrste (krog). In the Adriatic Sea, the meagre was historically wide- spread along the eastern coast, especially in sandy and muddy shallows with turbid and fresh water influence although it was considered rare or very rare (Šoljan, 1975; Jardas 1985). Grubišic (1967) considered areas of Ulcinj (Bojana rivermouth), Omiš (Cetina rivermouth) and Neretva rivermouth as the only areas with locally abundant populations. However, at the end of 20th century the fisheries reports about the species became very scarce, with the Bojana rivermouth (Montenegro) being one of the last locations in the Adriatic Sea hosting natural/wild populations (Joksimovic, 2007). Jardas et al. (2008) have declared it as a regionally extinct species in the Red Book of Sea Fishes of Croatia. For the Slo- venian sea there are no records for this species in the available literature, such as Matjašic & Štirn (1975) and Kryštufek & Janžekovic (1999). The meagre has suffered alarming declines in other parts of the Mediterranean as well (Quéro & Vayne, 1987; Quéro, 1989; Wolff, 2000), mostly due to overexploitation and habitat degradation. On the other hand, it is considered as an emerging spe- cies in the Mediterranean aquaculture (Monfort, 2010), with the main production reported in Egypt (brackish ponds) and in Spain, France, Italy and Turkey (off-shore mariculture). MATERIAL AND METHODS The meagre specimen was caught by trawling in the waters off Slovenian coast on 24th November 2016 at the depth of cca. 20 m above sandy-muddy bottoms (Fig. 1). The specimen was sold at the local market, but was pho- tographed by the fisherman previously since it was not identified (Fig. 2a). The researchers from Marine Biology Station of the National Institute of Biology were informed about the catch and were given the photographs to identify the specimen. Using the photographs, the total length of the specimen was estimated. Additionally, we managed to locate 3 records of this species caught in the wild from Croatia whose identification was also based solely on photographs of the specimens (Fig. 1). On 26th July 2011, a specimen was caught near vil- lage of Brist (middle Adriatic, Croatia) (Fig. 2b). In sum- mer of 2012 another specimen of meagre was collected by sportive fisherman from area of Pelješac peninsula (southern Adriatic; Croatia) (Fig. 2c) and in December 2017 one specimen was caught in waters off Zadar (middle Adriatic, Croatia). Photos of all the mentioned specimens were sent to the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split (Croatia). Beside photos, data on weight were provided directly by the fishermen for individuals from Brist and Pelješac while we estimated length of the specimen from Zadar in relation to the size of the fish container. Since we did not get the permission for publication of the photo of the Zadar specimen, this one is not shown in the paper, but is available on request. 44 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC: FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL ..., 43–50 Fig. 2: Photographs of the caught meagre specimens from: a – Piran (photo: M. Buh), b – Brist (photo: Željko and Ernesto Trampa), c – Pelješac (photo: Pero Ugarkovic), d – Rab (photo: Šime Sušic). Sl. 2: Fotografije ujetih primerkov hame iz: a – Pirana (foto: M. Buh), b – Brista (foto: Željko in Ernesto Trampa), c – Pelješca (foto: Pero Ugarkovic), d – Raba (foto: Šime Sušic). 45 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC: FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL ..., 43–50 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION All specimens were identified as Argyrosomus regius based on distinctive features that could be clearly seen from the photographs provided (Fig. 2). All specimens had elongated body pearly-silver in colour with bronze hints on the dorsal part and fins of reddish colour; the second dorsal fin much longer than the first; ventral fins posi- tioned directly below relatively short pectoral fins. Head is rather large in respect to the body with a large terminally positioned mouth of yellowish colour. The estimated total length (TL) of the specimen from Slovenia was 650 mm (Fig. 2a) while the Croatian specimen from Brist measured 740 mm TL and weighed 4.5 kg (Fig. 2b) and the specimen from Pelješac weighed 2.2 kg (Fig 2c, no data on TL). For the specimen from Zadar area, we estimated the TL rang- ing between 750-800 mm. According to the previously documented length-at first maturity (Gonzalez-Quiros et al., 2011; Abou Shabana et al., 2012) all specimens were either mature or close to its matureness. Prior to these records, the last documented record of a wild specimen in the Adriatic Sea dates from August 2008, from the area near Neretva river mouth in Croatia (Dulcic et al., 2009). This specimen was considered as an escapee from the mariculture. In Croatian waters the meagre was declared as regionally extinct species (Jardas et al., 2008), although there is a small possibility that some specimens can fi nd their way into Croatian waters from the area of Bojana river mouth (Montenegro), hosting one of the last wild populations of this species (Joksimovic, 2007) in the Adriatic Sea. Since there are no wild populations in the Middle and North Adriatic and due to the fact that the only remaining wild populations in the southern Adriatic are scarce (Joksimovic, 2007; Jardas et al., 2008; Dulcic et al., 2009), we presume that the specimen collected near Brist (Croatia) probably originated from the mariculture facilities from Mljet island which was active during 2011 when the specimen was collected. The same is probably true for the specimen from Pelješac where, beside one specimen reported herein, several other specimens were caught in summer 2012 by various fi shermen (P. Ugar- kovic, pers. comm). We are also aware of a specimen caught near Ulcinj (Montenegro) in May 2016 which appeared on social network (Facebook group »More i Ribolov«) as a curiosity. Presence of farmed meagre escapees have been reported from many areas in the Mediterranean, even in areas far from meagres natural distribution, or in areas where it is considered locally absent or extinct (Mayol et al., 2000; Dulcic et al., 2009; Sanchez-Jerez et al., 2011; Arechavala-Lopez et al., 2015). There are several places in the Adriatic where the meagre is still farmed, although the production is relatively small in comparison to overall marine fish production (Kružic et al., 2016; Cataudella & Spagnolo, 2011). In Croatia there are two areas where meagre is still cultured in the floating cages, the first on island Hvar and the second on islands off Zadar (Pašman, Ugljan, Dugi otok) (Kružic et al., 2016). Farms from Zadar area were probably the source of meagre escapees encountered in the area. Indeed, in 2012 there were media reports of significant quantities of smaller specimens (300-700 g) of meagre being caught near Lošinj Island by the local fishermen which probably originated from fish farms in vicinity (Šuljic, 2012). In Italian part of the Adriatic Sea two ar- eas host the meagre production, Adriatic part of Apulia and the Gulf of Trieste (Cataudella & Spagnolo, 2011). According to geographic position, the Cŕ Zuliani mariculture at Monfalcone in the Gulf of Trieste seems to be the appropriate site where the Slovenian specimen originated from. In that farm, placed in the East-West canal of Monfalcone, two small cages were, at the time, devoted to the production of the meagre. The sea water in this canal is heated by the discharge water of electric plant helping to a better production of the species, known not to be prone to the temperatures below 11°C, which are common for the area during winter periods. Without the heated water discharges the production of the meagre would not be possible, as was observed in the beginning of 2017 when all specimens from the cages died due to water temperature drop, which was a direct consequence of the disrupted water discharge from the power plant (biologist and mariculture oper- ator Walter de Walderstein, pers. comm.). The water temperature drops during winter time, from the site of production through the canals to the waters of the Gulf of Trieste, which would most probably prevent any possible escapees to reach the open sea. According to the interview held with Walter de Walderstein there were also no damages observed to the cages in the ca- nal and therefore no fish are presumed to have escaped from there. According to these statements it cannot be excluded that the Slovenian specimen could originate from the distant maricultures from the Middle Adriatic, which are several hundred kilometres away from the place of capture. Meagre have a low degree of site fidelity (Toledo-Guedes et al., 2009; Arechavala-Lopez et al., 2016) and regularly perform seasonal migrations. Moreover, they are capable of swimming over long distances (Gonzalez-Quiros et al., 2011; Morales-Nin et al., 2012). Distance from Middle Adriatic mariculture facilities to the Gulf of Trieste could still be within its range and possible to overcome. According to Grubišic (1967), this species has been occurring in the northern Adriatic until the middle of the 20th century, although it was very rare. Despite this fact the meagre has so far never been recorded for the area of the Slovenian Sea according to available literature (Matjašic & Štirn, 1975; Kryštufek & Janžekovic, 1999), making the specimen reported here-in the first record for the Slovenian Sea. Finally, although rare, occurrences of meagre in the Adriatic Sea seem to be occasional in the recent years. During the final preparation of this manuscript, we got informed about the catch of meagre from in waters off 46 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC: FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL ..., 43–50 Lopar on Rab island (10th April 2018; Croatian coast; Željko Trampa, Mr Šime Sušic and Mrs. Franka Jovic for W=1.75 kg) (Fig. 1) accompanied with a photo of the providing photos of the caught meagre specimens. Ad- specimen (Fig. 2d) (Šime Sušic, pers. comm.). ditionally, we would like to thank prof. dr. Lovrenc Lipej for his help with determining the Slovenian specimen ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and his encouragement with preparing the manuscript. Our gratitude goes also to a colleague Nicola Bettoso Authors would like to thank a fisherman Mr. Mar-for providing us information regarding the mariculture jan Buh, Mr. Pero Ugarkovic, Mr. Ernesto Trampa, Mr. in Monfalcone. 47 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC: FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL ..., 43–50 PRVI PRIMER POJAVLJANJA HAME, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), V SLOVENSKEM OBALNEM MORJU Z DODATNIMI ZAPISI POJAVLJANJA IZ HRVAŠKEGA DELA JADRANA Borut MAVRIC National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran, Fornace 41, SI-6330 Piran Branko DRAGICEVIC Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, I. Meštrovica 63, 21000 Split, Croatia POVZETEK Primerek hame, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801) so 24. novembra 2016 ujeli v pridneno vlecno mrežo na pešceno muljastem delu slovenskega morja, na globini okoli 20 m.To je prvi zapis za to vrsto v slovenskem morju. Ker v srednjem in severnem delu Jadrana ni divjih populacij hame, gre verjetno za primerek, ki je ušel iz marikulture. Avtorja v clanku podajata tudi dodatna pojavljanja iz hrvaškega dela Jadrana. Kljucne besede: hama, Argyrosomus regius, Jadransko morje, ubežnik, akvakultura 48 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Borut MAVRIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC: FIRST RECORD OF THE MEAGRE, ARGYROSOMUS REGIUS (ASSO, 1801), IN SLOVENIAN COASTAL ..., 43–50 REFERENCES Abou Shabana, N.M., S.H., Abd El Rahman, M.A., Al Absawy & S.S. Assem (2012): Reproductive biology of Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801) inhabiting the south eastern Mediterranean Sea, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 38, 2, 147-156. Arechavala-Lopez, P., J.M. Valero-Rodriguez, J.M., J. Peńalver-García, D. Izquierdo-Gomez & P. Sanchez-Jer- ez (2015): Linking coastal aquaculture of meagre (Ar- gyrosomus regius) and Western Mediterranean coastal fisheries through escapes incidents. 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(2015): The use of trophic resources by Argyrosomus Biological Conservation, 95, 209-217. regius (Asso, 1801) escaped from coastal Mediterranean fish farms. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31, 10-15. 50 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.08 received: 2018-05-02 ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S VIPERFISH CHAULIODUS SLOANI AND CONFIRMED OCCURRENCE OF BLACKFIN SORCERER NETTASTOMA MELANURUM Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA Université de Carthage, Laboratoire de Bio-Surveillance de l’Environnement, Unité d’Hydrobiologie Littorale et Limnique, Faculté des Sciences, Zarzouna, 7021 Bizerte, Tunisia Jamila BEN SOUISSI Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia ,Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changement Climatique, LR11ES09, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: ABSTRACT This paper reports additional records of Sloane’s viperfish Chauliodus sloani Bloch & Schneider, 1801, and the first substantiated record of blackfin sorcerer Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810, from the Tunisian coast. All specimens were collected by trawl during a commercial survey carried out in the northern area of the country. Both species were caught in deep waters, at depths between 600 and 1200 m. These captures suggest that viable populations of both species have successfully established in this region. Key words:Stomiatidae, Nettastomatidae, description, morphometric measurements, meristic counts, occurrence, deep waters SPECIE DI TELEOSTEI IN ACQUE MARINE PROFONDE TUNISINE: NUOVI RITROVAMENTI DEL PESCE VIPERA CHAULIODUS SLOANI E PRESENZA CONFERMATA DEL PESCE SERPE CODANERA NETTASTOMA MELANURUM SINTESI L’articolo riporta nuovi ritrovamenti del pesce vipera Chauliodus sloani Bloch & Schneider, 1801, e il primo ritrovamento documentato del pesce serpe codanera Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810, al largo della costa tunisina.Tutti gli esemplari sono stati pescati con una rete a strascico, durante un’uscita a fini commerciali effettuata nell’area settentrionale del paese. Entrambe le specie sono state catturate in acque profonde, tra i 600 e i 1200 m. A seguito di queste catture gli autori ipotizzano che popolazioni vitali di entrambe le specie si sono stabilite con successo in questa regione. Parole chiave: Stomiatidae, Nettastomatidae, descrizione, misurazioni morfometriche, conte meristiche, ritrovamento, acque profonde 51 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 INTRODUCTION Investigations regularly and frequently conducted in shallow coastal waters of the northern Tunisian coast and observations carried out at the fishing sites of Tabarka, Bizerte and Ras Jebel offered the opportunity to show that some changes occurred in the ichthyofauna biodiversity throughout the study area (Rafrafi-Nouira, 2016). These changes were displayed by the presence of species previously unknown in the area, conse- quences of internal migrations from southern Tunisian areas such as the Gulf of Gabčs (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2105a, 2015b) or incoming from the eastern tropical Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar (Azzouz et al., 2010, 2011; Mansour et al., 2011; Rafrafi-Nouira, 2016) and the Red Sea through the Suez Canal (Rafrafi-Nouira et al., 2012). Other investigations were concomitantly carried out focusing on the deep-sea areas of the same Tunisian Fig. 1: Map of the Mediterranean Sea showing Tunisia and indicating the capture site [black star] of the specimens of Chauliodus sloani and Nettastoma melanurum in the northern region. Sl. 1: Zemljevid Sredozemskega morja z oznaceno lokaliteto ob severnem predelu Tunizije [crna zvezda], kjer so bili ujeti primerki vrst Chauliodus sloani in Nettastoma melanurum. region. Preliminary data allowed collecting species rarely observed in local fish markets, among them Sloane’s viperfish Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 and the blackfin sorcerer Nettastoma melanurum Raf- inesque, 1810. The occurrence of C. sloani in Tunisian waters was confirmed by Ben Amor et al. (2017), and in the present paper, we provide additional records of the species. N. melanurum was reported in the area by Bradaď et al. (2004), however no specimen was available for confirmation; the present capture of the specimens allowed us to give a short description of the species and comment on the distribution of the species in the region and in the Mediterranean Sea in general. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 4 December 2017, 3 specimens of Chauliodus sloani and 8 specimens of Nettastoma melanurum were captured by benthic trawl, off Bizerte, in northern Tuni- sia, at depths between 600 and 1200 m, on soft bottom, at 37°43’33.92” N and 8°45’06.32” E (Fig. 1). They were collected together with other species inhabiting deep marine waters, such as the rabbitfish Chimera monstrosa Linnaeus, 1758, the blackspot grenadier Coelorhynchus caelorhynchus (Risso, 1810), the hake Merluccius mer- luccius (Linnaeus, 1758), Hoplostethus mediterraneus Cuvier, 1829 and the Atlantic horse-mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758), as well as two unidentified cephalopod species. Fresh specimens were measured for total length (TL), standard length (SL) and all morphometric characters to the nearest millimetre, and weighed to the nearest gram. Two specimens of C. sloani and 3 specimens of N. melanurum were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde, preserved in 75% ethanol, and deposited in the Ichthy- ological Collection of Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte (Tunisia) under catalogue numbers FSB-Chau-slo-01and FSB-Chau-slo-02, for C. sloani, respectively, and FSB- Net-mel-01, FSB-Net-mel-02 and FSB-Net-mel-03, for N. melanurum, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chauliodus sloani is considered a rare species in the Mediterranean Sea, probably because it lives in deep areas, poorly exploited by fishing gears, has no com- mercial value, and is generally captured as by-catch and then discarded at sea (Tortonese, 1970). The occurrence of C. sloani in Tunisian marine waters was reported by Ben Amor et al. (2017) based on specimens caught in the northern region. The three collected specimens measured 168, 117 and 100 mm in TL, respectively, and weighed 5.9, 1.9 and 1.6 g, respectively (Fig. 2). They were identified as C. sloani based on a combination of general morphological features, morphometric measurements, meristic counts (see Tab. 1), and colour, which are in total agreement 52 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements in mm and as percentages of total length (TL %), meristic counts and weights recorded in the specimens of Chauliodus sloani from the northern Tunisian region. Tab. 1: Morfometricne meritve, izražene v milimetrih in kot delež celotne dolžine (TL %), meristika ter teže primerkov morskega gada Chauliodus sloani iz severnega dela Tunizije. References FSB-Chau-slo-01 FSB-Chau-slo-02 Morphometric measurements mm % TL mm % TL Total length (TL) 168 100.0 108.7 100.0 Standard length (SL) 160 95.2 100.6 92.5 Head length 24 14.3 22 20.2 Eye diameter 4.3 2.6 3 2.8 Preorbital length 6.8 4.0 3.5 3.2 Predorsal length 36 21.4 25 23.0 Preanal length 133 79.2 71.4 65.7 Dorsal fi n base 10 6.0 6 5.5 Anal fi n base 15 8.9 12.6 11.6 Meristic counts Dorsal fi n rays 6 6 Anal fi n rays 10 10 Pectoral fi n rays 12 12 Pelvic fi n rays 7 7 Caudal fi n rays 11 11 Number of teeth in upper jaw 8 8 Number of teeth in lower jaw 14 14 Total body weight (g) 5.9 1.6 Fig. 2: Specimens of Chauliodus sloani from the northern Tunisian region; scale bar = 40 mm. Sl. 2: Primerki vrste Chauliodus sloani iz severnega predela Tunizije; merilo = 40 mm. 53 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 Fig. 3: Specimen of Chauliodus sloani from the northern Tunisian region, captured [white arrow] by a squid belonging to the genus Histiotheutis Orbigny, 1841; scale bar = 100 mm. Sl. 3: Primerek vrste Chauliodus sloani iz severnega predela Tunizije, ki ga je ujel ligenj iz rodu Histiotheutis Orbigny, 1841; merilo = 100 mm. with Tortonese (1970), Gibbs (1984), Dalyan & Eryilmaz (2008) and Ben Amor et al. (2017). These 3 specimens constitute additional records of the species that confirm its occurrence in local marine waters, where it does not appear as rare as it was previously stated (Bradaď, 2000; Bradaď et al., 2004). They probably were juvenile specimens, the species reaching more than 300 mm in standard length (Gibbs, 1984). C. sloani is a top predator feeding on teleost species exclusively (Battaglia et al., 2018). Conversely, it could constitute prey for cephalo- pod, as in Fig. 3, which shows a specimen captured by a squid probably belonging to the genus Histiotheutis, Orbigny, 1841. Nettastoma melanurum is known as a bathypelagic species widely distributed on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. Off the eastern Atlantic coast, N. melanurum occurs from Portugal to the Gulf of Guinea, and off the western Atlantic coast from the northern Gulf of Mexico and east Florida through the Caribbean to the Guianas (Saldanha, 1986). The species is also reported in the western Mediterranean, as a deep-sea species distribut- ed between 415 and 1598 m (Porcu et al., 2013). It is also known in the eastern Mediterranean, off the coast of Egypt (Farrag, 2016), and in the Levant Basin (Basusta et al., 2002). The reproductive biology of the species is well known from the specimens collected off the south- ern coast of Sardinia, in the central Mediterranean Sea (Porcu et al., 2013). Bradaď (2000) and Bradaď et al. (2004) reported the occurrence of N. melanurum in Tunisian waters, howev- er, no description was provided of the species nor details on its capture. Therefore, in this note, we present the first substantiated records of N. melanurum in the area. A total of 8 specimens were studied, ranging between 460 and 630 mm in TL, and between 46.6 g and 142 g in total body weight. Following Porcu et al. (2013) for the specimens from the Sardinian coast, the size at sexual maturity is 535 mm in females and 505 mm TL in males, while the maximum TL in the specimens under study was 753 mm for females and 668 mm TL for males. Additionally, Porcu et al. (2013) noted that the smallest mature female and mature male were 420 mm and 446 mm long, respectively. Such patterns suggest that the sampled specimens were probably adults (Tab. 2). The specimens were identified via the combination of following characters (Fig. 4): body very elongate, scaleless, and compressed posteriorly. Head long, anterior nostril tubular, jaws elongate, teeth in bands on jaws and vomer (Fig. 5). Dorsal anal and caudal fins confluent, well developed, dorsal fin origin over gill opening (Fig. 6). Brownish dorsally, belly pale whitish brown; posterior part of dorsal and anal fins with a 54 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 Tab. 2: Morphometric measurements in mm and as percentages of total length (TL %), meristic counts and weights recorded in the specimens of Nettastoma melanurum from the northern Tunisian region. Tab. 2: Morfometricne meritve, izražene v milimetrih in kot delež celotne dolžine (TL %), meristika ter teže primerkov vrste Nettastoma melanurum iz severnega dela Tunizije. References FSB-Net-mel-01 FSB-Net-mel-02 FSB-Net-mel-03 Measurements mm % TL mm % TL mm % TL Total length 570 100.0 585 100.0 623 100.0 Preanal length 240 42.1 230 39.3 250 40.1 Predorsal length 85 14.9 78 13.3 83 13.3 Dorsal fi n length 485 85.1 510 87.2 545 87.5 Anal fi n length 327 57.4 350 59.8 375 60.2 Body depth 30 5.3 26 4.4 26 4.2 Head length 85 14.9 78 13.3 81 13.0 Eye diameter 10 1.8 6 1.0 9 1.4 Preorbital length 33 5.8 31 5.3 32 5.1 Interorbital length 3 0.5 4 0.7 4.5 0.7 Length of upper jaw 46 8.1 43 7.4 47 7.5 Length of lower jaw 44 7.7 41 7.0 43 6.9 Counts Number of pores in linea lateralis 48 48 48 Number of pre-branchial pores 9 9 9 Number of temporal pores 3 3 3 Total body weight in gram 129.1 91.3 116.6 Fig. 4: Specimen of Nettastoma melanurum from the northern Tunisian region (ref. FSB-Net-mel 01); scale bar = 50 mm. Sl. 4: Primerek vrste Nettastoma melanurum iz severnega predela Tunizije (ref. FSB-Net-mel 01); merilo = 50 mm. 55 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 Fig 5: Head of a specimen of Nettastoma melanurum from the northern Tunisian region (ref. FSB-Net-mel 01); scale bar = 20 mm. Sl. 5: Glava primerka vrste Nettastoma melanurum iz severnega predela Tunizije (ref. FSB-Net-mel 01); merilo = 20 mm. Fig. 6: Specimen of Nettastoma melanurum with indicated gill opening (1) and the beginning of dorsal fin (2) (ref. FSB-Net-mel 01); scale bar = 20 mm. Sl. 6: Primerek vrste Nettastoma melanurum z oznacenimi škržnimi režami (1) in zacetkom hrbtne plavuti (2) (ref. FSB-Net-mel 01); merilo = 20 mm. 56 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 black margin. It appears that description, measruments and percentage of TL (% TL) are in total agreement with Saldanha (1986) and Basusta et al. (2002), who provided morphological characters allowing to distin- guish N. melanurum from other species occurring in the Mediterranean., among them the main character being the position of the gill opening over the beginning of the first dorsal fin. Since the findings of C. sloani and N. melanurum confirm the occurrence of the two species in Tunisian marine waters, these should be included in the local ichthyofauna. C. sloani and N. melanurum inhabit deep- sea areas poorly exploited by commercial vessels and fishing gears. Additionally, they are of low economic interest and generally discarded at sea after capture; such patterns explain their relative rarity in the area. However, the number of specimens collected for both species suggests that viable populations have established in the area, but further records are needed to confirm this well-reasoned hypothesis. O RIBAH KOSTNICAH IZ GLOBOMORSKEGA OKOLJA OB TUNIZIJI: NOVI PODATKI O VRSTI CHAULIODUS SLOANI IN POTRJEN ZAPIS O VRSTI NETTASTOMA MELANURUM Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA Université de Carthage, Laboratoire de Bio-Surveillance de l’Environnement, Unité d’Hydrobiologie Littorale et Limnique, Faculté des Sciences, Zarzouna, 7021 Bizerte, Tunisia Jamila BEN SOUISSI Université de Carthage, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle, 1082-Tunis-Mahrajčne,Tunisia ,Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changement Climatique, LR11ES09, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie, case 104, Université de Montpellier, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France e-mail: POVZETEK Avtorji porocajo o novih podatkih o pojavljanju morskega gada Chauliodus sloani Bloch & Schneider, 1801, in prvem zapisu o pojavljanju vrste Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810, iz voda ob tunizijski obali. Vsi primerki so bili ujeti v povlecno mrežo pri komercialnem ribolovu v severnem delu države. Obe vrsti sta bili ujeti v velikih globinah med 600 in 1200 m.Ti podatki kažejo, da sta se v regiji ustalili viabilni populaciji obeh vrst. Kljucne besede: Stomiatidae, Nettastomatidae, opis, morfometricne meritve, meristika, pojavljanje, globokomorsko okolje 57 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA et al.: ABOUT TELEOST SPECIES FROM DEEP MARINE TUNISIAN WATERS: WITH ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF SLOANE’S ..., 51–58 REFERENCES Azzouz, K., S. Mansour, M. Boumaďza & C. Capapé (2010): Occurrence of the Por’s goatfish Upeneus pori (Osteichthyes: Mullidae) in the Lagoon of Bizerte (north- ern Tunisia, central Mediterranean). Annales, Ser. Hist. nat., 20(1), 29-32. Azzouz, K., Y. Diatta, S. Mansour, M. Boumaďza, M.M. Ben Amor & C. Capapé (2011): First record of the West African goatfish Pseudupeneus prayensis (Osteichthyes: Mullidae) off the Tunisian coast (central Mediterranean). 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[In Italian.] 58 FLORA FLORA FLORA ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 saggio scientifico di rassegna critica di letteratura DOIDOI 10.19233/ASHN.2018.09 ricevuto: 2018-01-26 LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA) Amelio PEZZETTA Via Monte Peralba 34 - 34149 Trieste e-mail: SINTESI Il territorio del Comune cittŕ di Capodistria (Koper, Slovenia) copre una superfice di 311 Kmq e va dal mare Adriatico sino ai Monti della Vena in cui raggiunge la quota di 1028 metri s.l.m. (monte Taiano). Nel complesso esso č caratterizzato da una grande eterogeneitŕ ambientale che consente lo sviluppo di associazioni vegetali molto diverse tra loro. Nel presente lavoro, tenendo conto di ricerche dirette, fonti bibliografiche e segnalazioni inedite č riportata e discussa una check-list aggiornata di tutte le Orchidaceae comprendente 54 taxa, di cui 5 ibridi. Inoltre č stata fatta anche l’analisi corologica che evidenzia la prevalenza dell’elemento eurasiatico seguito da quello mediterraneo. Nel complesso l’insieme dei taxa presenti sono tipici di un ambito fitogeografico di transizione. Parole chiave: Capodistria,Orchidaceae, check-list, contingenti floristici THE ORCHIDACEAE OF THE CITY MUNICIPALITY OF KOPER (SLOVENIA) ABSTRACT The territory of the City Municipality of Koper covers the surface of 311 sq km and goes from the Adriatic Sea to the Cicarija mountainous region, where it reaches the altitude of 1028 meters on Mount Slavnik. Overall, it is characterized by a great environmental heterogeneity that allows the development of very different plant associa- tions. In the present work, we reported an updated check-list of Orchidaceae recorded in the area, comprising 54 taxa,of which 5 are hybrids.The check-list includes unpublished field observations and literature records taking into account direct research, bibliographic sources and unpublished reports.Furthermore, a chorological spectrum was built which highlights the prevalence of the Eurasian elements followed by the Mediterranean.Overall, the set of taxa present are typical of a transitional phytogeographical area. Key words: Koper,Orchidaceae, check-list, floristic composition 61 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 INTRODUZIONE La famiglia delle Orchidaceae Juss. č la piů ricca del mondo vegetale dopo le Asteraceae, essendo costituita da circa 27.800 specie ripartite in 880 generi (Givnish et al., 2016). Essa ha colonizzato con successo quasi ogni bioma terrestre, ma raggiunge la maggiore abbon- danza e diversificazione nelle zone tropicali. In Europa e nel bacino mediterraneo sono segnalati oltre 600 taxa (Delforge, 2016). Nella Repubblica di Slovenia sono se- gnalati 79 taxa ripartiti tra specie e sottospecie (Dolinar, 2015a). Tali piante incontrano molti appassionati e stu- diosi poichč generalmente per la loro varietŕ e bellezza suscitano immagini esotiche, sono caratterizzte da una biologia complessa e assumono forme tipiche. La finalitŕ del presente saggio č di compilare una checklist comprendente le specie, le sottospecie e gli ibridi della famiglia delle Orchidaceae presenti nell’area d’indagine, attraverso l’esame degli studi noti in lettera- tura, le ricerche sul campo dell’autore e le informazioni fornite da appassionati e studiosi. Allo stato attuale non č stato pubblicato nessun lavoro monografico specifico sulle orchidee spontanee dell’area di studio, nonostante i numerosi studi. Le ricerche floristiche di una certa importanza nell’ambito in considerazione e nei comuni adiacenti dell’Istria slovena iniziarono con il farmacista veneziano J.H. Zanichelli (1662-1729) che vi erborizzň nel 1722 e nel 1725. Nella prima metŕ del XIX secolo gli studi botanici proseguirono soprattutto con F. G. Bartling, B. Biasoletto e M. de Tommasini. Nella seconda metŕ del secolo continuň a operarvi Tommasini cui si affianca- rono: A. Loser, C. Marchesetti ed E. Pospichal. Verso la fine del secolo Stefani pubblicň uno studio riguardante la flora del Comune di Pirano. Dopo questo periodo inziale di ricerche, gli studi botanici subirono un rallentamento, riprendendo vigore nella seconda metŕ del XX secolo con T. Wraber cui in seguito si affi ancarono altri studiosi tra i quali M. Kaliga- ric e N. Jogan. AKaligaric (1991a), in particolare si deve il merito di aver pubblicato il primo importante studio monografi co sulle orchidee dell’Istria slovena che ov- viamente comprende numerose segnalazioni riguardanti il capodistriano. Poi sono seguite altre pubblicazioni e gli studi monografi ci riportati in bibliografi a che hanno incrementato le conoscenze orchidologiche esistenti. Inquadramento dell’area di studio Capodistria (in sloveno Koper) č uno dei quattro comuni del litorale sloveno situato nell’Istria nord-oc- cidentale i cui confini amministrativi sono costituiti dal mare Adriatico, l’Italia, la Croazia e i comuni di Erpelle-Cosina (Hrpelje-Kozina), Ancarano (Ankaran), Isola d’Istria (Izola) e Pirano (Piran). La superfice di tutto il territorio comunale copre circa 311 Kmq mentre la popolazione residente č di oltre 54000 abitanti. Di questi, circa 25000 abitanti vivono nella cittŕ di Capodistria che č posta su un’antica isola costiera congiunta alla terraferma con due dighe e territori in passato appartenenti a saline ora bonificate. Il resto della popolazione č ripartita negli insediamenti circostanti. La densitŕ media č di circa 173 abitanti per Kmq. Se si considera che circa il 46% della popolazione č concentrato nel capoluogo, la densitŕ media nel resto del Comune č inferiore a 100 abitanti per Kmq, un valo- re numerico basso che nel complesso č molto vicino a quello della Repubblica di Slovenia e di tutta la penisola istriana. Da diversi decenni il Comune di Koper-Capo- distria č interessato da una dinamica migratoria che sta portando allo spopolamento delle aree interne e all’espansione della fascia costiera. Le principali alture dell’ambito d’indagine sono i seguenti: Golich (Golic), 890 m; Monte Caucizze (Kavcic), 882 m; Lipenico (Lip- nik), 804 m; Coinico (Kojnik), 802 m; Monte dei Carpini (Gaber); Monte dei Tigli (Lime); Colle (Breg), 595 m. I piů importanti corsi d’acqua che l’attraversano sono: il Dragogna (Dragonja), il Rio Ospo (Osp), il Risano (Rižana) e il Torrente Cornalunga (Badaševica). La geologia Il territorio comunale di Capodistria occupa circa 1/10 della penisola istriana che č consuetudine ripartirla nelle seguenti tre subregioni: Istria bianca, Istria grigia e Istria rossa (Sacco, 1924; Alberi, 1997; Pericin, 2001; Pezzeta, 2013). Esso si puň collocare nell’ambito dell’I- stria bianca e dell’Istria grigia. L’Istria bianca, occupa la porzione settentrionale della penisola ed č formata da un altopiano carsico e da vari rilievi che si susseguono da San Servolo (Socerb) al Monte Maggiore (M. Ucka). Atale ambito appartengono l’Istria montana (Cumin 1927) e la Cicceria (Cicarija). L’Istria grigia si estende dal Golfo di Trieste alla Valle dell’Arsa ed č costituita da colline composte da rocce e terreni marnoso-arenacei d’origine eocenica che non superano l’altitudine di 600 metri. Il paesaggio capodistriano č in genere collinare con brevi zone pianeggianti o leggermente ondulate e nei suoi confi ni settentrionali č costituito da ambiti montuosi in cui si raggiungono le maggiori altitudini. La parte sud-occidentale collinare č composta da terreni marno- so-arenacei (fl ysch) che si estendono dal mare al ciglione carsico mentre quelle settentrionale e orientale da rocce calcaree. Nelle valli del Risano e dell’Ospo, nei pressi di altri torrenti e lungo la fascia costiera si osservano sedimenti fi ni e terreni alluvionali di origine recente. Il clima Le condizioni climatiche dell’area nel complesso abbastanza variabili, sono condizionate dalla posizione geografica, dalle differenze di altitudine, dall’esposizio- ne ai venti dominanti e dalla distanza dal mare. L’Istria 62 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 per la sua particolare posizione geografica funge da ponte di collegamento naturale tra le penisole italiana e balcanica e, tra gli ambiti continentale centro-europeo e mediterraneo. Acausa di ciň dal punto di vista climatico puň essere definita come un’area di transizione con valori dei parametri termopluviometrici nel complesso molto variabili. I venti dominanti che interessano l’intera penisola e le sue propaggini settentrionali sono la bora, lo sciroc- co, il libeccio, il levante, il ponente e il maestrale. Altri meno frequenti giungono da diversi quadranti mentre alcuni locali tra cui le brezze, sono causati dalle escur- sioni termiche diurne e da fattori topografici di dettaglio. Il territorio capodistriano, come visto si estende dal livello del mare sino alla vetta del Monte Taiano (Slavnik) e di conseguenza a causa delle differenze d’altitudine, dalla distanza dal mare e da altri fattori, l’andamento dei parametri climatici cambia da localitŕ a localitŕ come dimostrano i dati ricavati dalle pubblicazioni consultate e da un sito internet (Gams, 1990; Ogrin, 1995; Gorlato, 1997; Globevnik et al., 2001, Kaligaric et al., 2006; Nella cittŕ di Capodistria la temperatura media annua č di 14,4 °C, mentre le precipitazioni oscillano attorno a 1056 mm ( Le temperature medie piů alte si registrano a luglio e si aggirano attorno a 23,5 °C. A loro volta le temperature piů basse si osservano a gennaio con 5,6 °C. Allontanan- dosi dalla costa verso l’entroterra la temperatura media diminuisce sino a un massimo di circa 3 °C (Simic & Pu- cer, 2001). In particolare a Kubed, la temperatura media annua č di circa 11,7 °C, quella del mese piů freddo (gen- naio) di circa 2,9 °C e quella del mese piů caldo (luglio) č di 20,8 °C. Nella Cicceria, la temperatura media annua č di 11,6 °C, quella del mese piů freddo (gennaio) 3,2 °C e quella del mese piů caldo (luglio) 20,1 °C (Globevnik et al., 2001). Lungo le valli fl uviali, invece, si registrano forti inversioni termiche rispetto alle adiacenti aree collinari con frequenti gelate e brine notturne (Ogrin, 1995). A loro volta le precipitazioni oscillano da oltre 1000 mm nella cittŕ di Capodistria a circa 2200 mm sul Monte Taiano (Globevnik et al., 2001). La stagione piů piovosa č l’autunno, mentre nel periodo estivo si registrano i valori minimi. Le precipitazioni mensili rag- giungono il valore massimo nel mese di novembre con 117 mm e quello minimo a luglio con 69 mm (https:// La vasta gamma di valori che temperature e precipitazioni assumono nell’ambito di studio ha portato all’individuazione di varie tipologie climatiche. Infatti, Ogrin (1995) tenendo conto dell’altitudine e di altri fattori individua nell’Istria slovena cinque diversi tipi di clima. Aspetti botanici vegetazionali e fitogeografici L’influsso combinato degli elementi del paesaggio, le sue vicende storico-geologiche, l’andamento climatico e la pressione antropica attuale e del passato si riflettono sulla flora, la vegetazione e le sue particolaritŕ fitoge- ografiche. A causa delle dinamiche migratorie, delle diverse destinazioni d’uso del suolo e dell’abbandono delle pratiche agro-pastorali tradizionali, l’aspetto del paesaggio capodistriano si sta trasformando. La fascia costiera sino a circa 40-50 anni fa, era una zona d’intensa produzione orto-viti-frutticola; nelle zone di flysch piů alte prevalevano l’agricoltura e l’allevamento mentre nelle aree carsiche ci si dedicava soprattutto all’allevamento (Ogrin, 1991). Molte aree interne furono disboscate per ottenere terreni agricoli e prati-pascolo. L’espansione delle infrastrutture stradali e delle aree urbanizzate lungo la fascia costiera ha portato alla riduzione degli spazi naturali e dei terreni agricoli. Gran parte del territorio locale che in un recente passato era utilizzato per pratiche agro-pastorali č stato completa- mente abbandonato. Su tali ambiti ora incolti si osserva la ripresa dei processi di riforestazione, l’espansione di formazioni vegetali arboreo-arbustive e la riduzione dei terreni un tempo destinati a pascoli e praterie (Ogrin, 1991; Kaligaric & Carni, 1991; Kaligaric et al., 2006; Ivajnšic et al., 2013). Dal XIX secolo, diverse aree carsiche furono interessate da opere di rimboschimento artificiale a pino nero austriaco (Pinus nigra Arnold) che in seguito, con un processo che continua tuttora, iniziň ad espandersi spontaneamente anche nei territori conti- gui. Eseguendo un transetto che va dalla costa sino alle vette della Cicceria, nel complesso si osservano: varie tipologie forestali disposte a mosaico tra i centri abitati, le case sparse, i terreni coltivati e i prati da sfalcio; pra- ti-pascolo secondari; formazioni arboreo-arbustive che lentamente si diffondono sui prati-pascolo abbandonati; associazioni tipiche di ambienti glaericoli e rupestri; pinete artificiali di rimboschimento a pino nero; forma- zioni vegetali pioniere di rupi e pietraie; associazioni vegetali sinantropiche rinvenibili presso i centri abitati, le abitazioni sparse, i campi coltivati, i terreni incolti e i bordi stradali. Nelle zone litoranee non intaccate dalle infrastrut- ture portuali, stradali, turistiche e urbanistiche tra cui le foci del Risano e degli altri corsi d’acqua attecchiscono formazioni vegetali tipiche di ambienti salmastri. La loro composizione floristica č in relazione con il tipo di substrato, l’influenza delle maree e il grado di salinitŕ delle acque. In tali ambiti č presente la riserva naturale di Val Stagnon (Škocjanski zatok), caratterizzata da un ecomosaico complesso formato da secche, barene, canneti, paludi, prati umidi, cespuglieti e terreni agricoli abbandonati. Sulle rupi soleggiate esposte a sud e riparate dalla bora situate presso Osp, Crni Kal e Podpec sono presenti esemplari di leccio ed altre entitŕ inquadrabili nell’asso- ciazione Orno-Quercetum-ilicis Horvatic (Wraber, 1968; Kaligaric, 1991a). Essa č diffusa lungo le coste orientali adriatico-ioniche dalla Grecia sino al Golfo di Trieste 63 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 ove raggiunge il limite settentrionale di distribuzione geografica (Poldini et al., 1980). Il corteggio floristico delle stazioni dell’area comprende: Acer monspessu- lanus L., Fraxinus ornus L., Laurus nobilis L., Lonicera etrusca Santi, Phyllirea latifolia L., Pistacia terebinthus L., Quercus ilex L., etc. Nelle aree carsiche disboscate č largamente diffusa un’associazione zoogena conseguente alla lunga attivitŕ di pascolo esercitata nei secoli passati: Carici-humilis-Centauretum rupestris Horvatic 31. Alla sua composizione concorrono: Bromus erectus Huds., Carex humilis Leys, C. caryophyllea Latourr. Centaurea rupestris L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adam, Fritillaria oreintalis Adam. Gentiana tergestina (Beck) Fritsch, Iris Illyrica Tomm., Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill., Potentilla tommasiniana F. W. Schultz, Pulsatilla montana(Hoppe) Rchb., etc (Poldini et al., 1980, Kaligaric 1991a). Su piccole superfici di suoli situate ai margini dei ciglioni carsici e dei monti della Cicceria, a elevata pendenza, esposte alla bora e povere di nutrienti si sviluppa l’associazione Genisto sericae-Seslerietum juncifoliae Poldini 80 formata da: Allium ochroleucum W. K., Amelanchier ovalis Med., Artemisia alba Turra, Athamantha turbith (L.) Brot., Daphne alpina L., Genista sericea Wulf., Ruta divaricata Ten. Satureja montana L. subsp. variegata (Host) P. W. Ball, Scorzonera austriaca Willd., Seseli gouanii Koch, Sesleria juncifolia Suffr., Trinia glauca (L.) Dum, ecc. (Poldini, 1989; Kaligaric, 1997). Negli ambiti piů soleggiati e termofili delle aree carsiche disboscate č diffusa l’associazione Chrysopo- gono-Centaureetum cristatae Ferlan et Giacomini 1955 em. Poldini 1988 alla cui composizione concorrono: Alyssum montanum L., Botryochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng, Bromus squarrosus L., Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E. Hubb, Centaurea cristata Bartl., Chrysopogon grillus (L.) Trin., Cleistogenes serotina (L.) Keng, Lactuca viminea (L.) J. & K. Presl, Sedum. album L., S. sexangula- re L., etc. (Kaligaric, 1997). Sui suoli piů evoluti si rinvengono altre associazioni tipiche dei prati-pascolo tra cui il Danthonio-Scorzo- neretum villosae Horvat & Horvatic (56) 58 alla cui composizione essenzialmente concorrono: Agrostis te- nuis Sibth., Betonica officinalis L. subsp. serotina (Host) Murb., Centaurea weldeniana Rchb, Danthonia alpina Vest, Festuca rupicola Heuff., Knautia illyrica Beck, Leucanthemum liburnicum (Horvatic) Horvatic, Plan- tago media L., Salvia bertoloni Vis., Scorzonera villosa Scop., etc. (Poldini, 1989; Kaligaric, 1991a, 1997). In accordo con Kaligaric (1997) si č posta in sinonimia con il Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villosae l’associazione Bro- mo-Chrysopogonetum-Grylli Horvat 1960 segnalata sui terreni marnoso-arenacei disboscati non utilizzati per le attivitŕ agricole che sono presenti nell’area (Kaligaric, 1991a). Sui pascoli abbandonati si nota un progressivo in- cespugliamento che lentamente porterŕ alla diffusione del bosco misto carsico submediterraneo che con la sua principale associazione: l’Ostryo-Quercetum pubescentis (Ht.) Trinajstic 74, riacquisisce gli antichi terreni perduti con la deforestazione. Esso ora si rinvie- ne in diverse parti, sia sui terreni calcarei sia su quelli marnoso-arenacei delle quote piů basse. Gli alberi e gli arbusti dominanti che lo costituiscono sono: Acer mon- spessulanum L., Cornus sanguineaL., C. mas L., Cotinus coggygria Scop., Fraxinus ornusL., Ligustrum vulgare L., Ostrya carpinifolia Scop., Prunus mahalebL., P. spinosa L. e Quercus pubescens Willd. Un’altra associazione boschiva tipica dei terreni fli- schoidi e calcarei piů profondi č il Seslerio-Quercetum petraeae (Poldini 64 n.n.) Poldini 82 caratterizzato da varie specie quercine con prevalenza della roverella nelle aree piů calde e soleggiate e dal rovere in quelle piů ombrose (Kaligaric, 1991; Ogrin, 1991). Sui pendii soleggiati della Cicceria posti circa tra 600 e 900 m d’altitudine si trova il Seslerio-Ostryetum Ht. et Horvatic 50 (Kaligaric, 1991a), un’associazione che Pol- dini (1989) pone in sinonimia con l’Ostryo-Quercetum pubescentis. In realtŕ il Seslerio-Ostrieto rappresenta una forma dell’Ostrio-Querceto degradato dall’attivitŕ umana, che assume l’aspetto di una boscaglia in cui nello strato arboreo domina Ostrya carpinifolia e in quell’erbaceo Sesleria juncifolia Suffr. Alle altitudini maggiori, in particolare sui pendii ombrosi della Cicceria, le pendici del Monte Taiano e del Kojnik si sviluppa il bosco climax caratterizzato dall’associazione Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum M.Wra- ber ex Borhidi 1963 che Poldini (1989) considera una variante litoranea della faggeta termofila a Ostrya carpi- nifolia Scop. Alla sua composizione concorrono: Allium ursinum L., Aquilegia nigricans Baumg, Fagus sylvatica L., Ilex aquifolium L., Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf., Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All., Primula vulgaris Huds., Sesleria autumnalis (Scop.) F. W. Schultz, etc. Nelle doline con una certa profonditŕ si svilup- pano formazioni vegetali azonali tipiche di ambienti continentali freschi con Galanthus nivalis L., Carpinus betulus L., Corylus avellana L., Primula vulgaris Huds., Anemone nemorosa L., Anemone ranunculoides L., Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg & Koerte, Helleborus mul- tifidus Vis. subsp. istriacus (Schiffn.) Merxm. & Podl. e altri taxa. Alla composizione vegetale delle associazioni presenti sul territorio in esame concorre un elevato numero di taxa di cui l’ammontare esatto non č del tutto conosciuto. Per avere un’idea abbastanza vicina alla realtŕ si farŕ riferimento all’atlante di Jogan et al. (2001) che ripartiscono la Repubblica di Slovenia in 176 aree di base o quadranti definiti da una rete a gradini con la superfice di circa 140 Kmq ciascuno. Il territorio capodistriano (in certi casi, insieme a parte di altri co- muni confinanti) č compreso nei quadranti indicati con le seguenti sigle: 0348, 0349, 0447, 0448 e 0449. Dala consultazione dell’Atlante lo scrivente ha rilevato che nei quadranti sopra considerati sono presenti circa 1578 64 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 taxa, un valore numerico che potrebbe essere molto vicino al corteggio floristico dell’area d’indagine. Tale dato dimostra che il capodistriano č caratterizzato da un’elevata biodiversitŕ vegetale. Per quanto riguarda le considerazioni fitogeografi- che, innanzitutto va fatto presente che allo stato attuale esiste lo spettro corologico circostanziato della flora lo- cale solo per i quadranti 0448/1 e 0448/2 che compren- dono il Comune di Ankaran-Ancarano e parte di quello di Koper-Capodistria (Glasnovic & Jogan 2009). Esso ripartisce l’insieme di 874 taxa presenti in 18 corotipi ed evidenzia la prevalenza di quello Mediterraneo con 204 taxa che č seguito dall’Europeo con 106, Eurasiatico con 96, Avventizio con 73, Paleotemperato con 66 e poi tutti gli altri con valori inferiori. Riferendosi a una realtŕ territoriale che non comprende aree interne con altre tipologie floro-vegetazionali, i dati e le considerazioni di cui sopra non possono essere estesi a tutto il capodi- striano. Di conseguenza considerazioni fitogeografiche piů attendibili si possono ottenere tenendo conto di altri studi di carattere generale riguardanti la flora istriana e il litorale sloveno. Secondo Pezzetta (2013), la flora istriana č costituita da 2910 taxa appartenenti a 43 diversi tipi corologici. Il corotipo piů rappresentato č l’Eurimediterraneo con 412 taxa ed č seguito dai corotipi Eurasiatico con 261 taxa, Stenomediterraneo con 224, Europeo con 185, Eurosiberiano con 150, etc. Tale configurazione area- lica affonda le radici nelle vicende geologiche passate e nella posizione geografica dell’Istria di regione ponte tra le penisole italiana e balcanica e l’ambito continen- tale centro-europeo. Altri studiosi evidenziano come l’Istria dal punto di vista fitogeografico č un ambito di transizione. Tra essi Šugar (1984) che considera l’Istria, un ambito di transizione tra le regioni eumediterranea e submediterranea. Poldini (1997) a sua volta fa presente che il Carso e l’Istria: “costituiscono un raccordo fra il settore alpico e quello dinarico della provincia illirica e un’interfaccia fra la regione mediterránea (provincia adriatica) e la regione eurosibirica-nordamericana (provincia illirica).L’intreccio fra i gradienti floristico ed ecologico spiega l’elevata biodiversitŕ di questi ter- ritori”. Wraber (1969) e Kaligaric (1991a) considerano l’Istria slovena appartenente alla regione fitogeografica submediterranea. MATERIALI E METODI L’elenco floristico comprende le specie, le sot- tospecie e gli ibridi mentre non sono state prese in considerazione le varietŕ cromatiche e morfologiche. Esso č stato realizzato tenendo conto delle ricerche sul campo dell’autore, dei dati ricavati dalle consultazioni bibliografiche e delle segnalazioni riguardanti i seguenti quadranti dell’atlante della flora slovena: 0348, 0349, 0447, 0448 e 0449 (Jogan, 2001; Ravnik, 2002). Nell’e- lenco non sono riportate le antiche segnalazioni storiche di specie non ritrovate recentemente. In tale sede sono state inserite in bibliografia le pubblicazioni che vanno dal saggio di Kaligaric (1991a) all’attualitŕ. Le prime osservazioni dello scrivente iniziarono circa trenta anni fa attorno a Popecchio (Podpec) e poi furono estese ad altre localitŕ del capodistriano. Le stazioni in cui lo stesso ha fatto dei ritrovamenti sono contrassegna- te dai loro nomi con l’aggiunta del punto esclamativo. Accanto ad ogni taxon sono riportati: il tipo corologico, gli autori che l’hanno segnalato, le localitŕ di presenza ed eventuali osservazioni sul rango tassonomico. Per la nomenclatura si č seguita quella adottata nel recente volume del GIROS (2016) mentre per le specie non riportate in tale testo Delforge (2016). Per l’asse- gnazione dei tipi corologici si č tenuto conto di quanto riportato in Pignatti (1982), Pezzetta (2011) e Delforge (2016). RISULTATI E DISCUSSIONE Elenco floristico Nell’elenco al fine di evitare troppe ripetizioni, sono state utilizzare delle sigle costituite da lettere maiuscole che si riferiscono agli autori delle segnalazioni. Esse hanno il seguente significato: AX: Kaligaric 1991a; AY: Kaligaric 1991b; BX: Kaligaric 1997; BX: Liverani 1997; BY: Starmühler 1998; CY, Jogan 2001; DX: Pericin 2001; DY: Ravnik 2002; EX: Romolini 2002; EY: Starmühler 2003; EY: Lipovšek et al. 2006; FY: Starmühler 2007; GX: Glasnovic & Jogan 2009; GY: Kaligaric & Otopal 2012; HX: Rottensteiner 2013; HY: Dolinar & Jogan 2014; IX: Pezzetta 2014; IY: Dolinar 2015a; LX: Dolinar 2015b; LY: Kocjan et al. 2015; MX: Cenc & Paušic 2016; MY: Paušic et al. 2016; NX: Dolinar & Dal Col 2017; NY: Rottensteiner 2017; OX: Paušic informazione personale; OY: Vidmar informazione personale. 1. Anacamptis coriophora (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase subsp. fragrans (Pollini) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase – Euri- mediterraneo. (AX, BY, CY, DY, GX, IX, NY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Belvedur!, Brezovica!, Butari!, Koper (Capodistria), Galantici!, Gracišce, Gradin!, Hrvatini!, Hrvoji!, Koštabona!, Marezi- ge!, Merišce, Pisari, Podpec!, Rakitovec, Risano (Rižana), Sv. Anton!, Socverb, Socerga!, Škofije, Topolovec!, Truške!. 2. Anacamptis laxiflora (Lam.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, CY, DY, HY, IX, IY, NY, OX, OY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Brezovica, Butari!, Koper (Ca- podistria), Dekani, Gracišce, Hrastovlje!, Kubed, Lukini, Maršici, Movraž, Osp, Podpec!, Pregara, Semic, Sirci!, Socerga!, Župancici. 3. Anacamptis morio subsp.(morio L.) R.M. Bate- man, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase – Europeo-Cau- 65 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 casico. (AX, BY, CY, DY, EX, EY, FY GY, IX, IY, LY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Bezovica!, Butari!, Brezovica, Koper (Capodistria), Crn- otice, Cicarija (Cicceria), Crni Kal!, Dekani, Galantici!, Gracišce!, Gradin!, Hrastovlje!, Ka- stelec, Koštabona !, Krkavce!, Kubed!, Maršici, Merišce, Movraž!, Ocizla!, Osp, Podgorje!, Poletici!, Pomjan!, Podpec!, Predloka!, Pregara!, Rakitovec!, Rižana!, Sirci, Smokvica, Škofije, Socerb, Socerga!, Sv. Anton!, Šmarje!, Tinjan!, Topolovec!, Zazid!, Župancici. 4. Anacamptis papilionacea (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pri- dgeon & M.W. Chase – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, CY, IX, IY, MX, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Podpec!, Sv. Anton. 5. Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich. subsp. pyrami- dalis – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, BY, CY; DY, EX, GX, IX, IY, NY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Belvedur!, Bezovica!, Butari!, Koper (Capodistria)!, Crnotice, Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Dekani, Galantici!, Gracišce!, Hrastovlje!, Hrvoji!, Koštabona!, Krkavce!, Kubed!, Mare- zige!, Pican!, Pisari!, Podpec!, Pregara!, Puce!, Rakitovec!, Sirci!, Socerb, Socerga!, Sv. Anton!, Škofije, Šmarje, Tinjan, Topolovec!, Truške!, Tuljaki!, Zazid! 6. Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce – Eu- rimediterraneo. (AX, CY, DY, IX, IY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Butari!, Koper (Capo- distria), Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Gradin!, Gracišce!, Monte Taiano, Pican, Podpec!, Praproce, Prega- ra!, Rakitovec, Socerb, Truške. 7. Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch – Eurasiati- co. (AX, CY, DY, FY GX, HX, IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Butari!, Koper (Ca- podistria), Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Gracišce, Kavcic, Kubed!, Monte Taiano, Osp, Poletici!, Podpec!, Škofije, Sirci!, Socerb, Socerga! 8. Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. – Eurasiatico (AX, CY; IX, IY). Stazione di rinvenimento: Podpec! 9. Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. – Circumbore- ale. (AX, CY, IX, IY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Monte Taiano, Podpec! 10. Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó subsp. fuchsii (Druce) Hyl. – Eurasiatico. (CY, IX, IY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Slavnik (M. Taiano)!, Podpec!, Socerb, Socerga. 11. Dactylorhiza sambucina (L.) Soó – Europeo. (AX, CY, DY, FY IX, IYQQH). Stazioni di rinvenimen- to: Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Kavcice, Lipnik, Monte Taiano, Podgorje. 12. Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser – Europeo. (BX, CY, IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Hrastovlje!, Monte Taiano!, Podpec!, Rakitovec, Socerb, Zazid! 13. Epipactis exilis P. Delforge (sin. E. persica subsp. gracilis (B. Baumann & H. Baumann) W. Rossi – Sud-Est-Europeo. (PY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Podpec! 14. Epipactis helleborine subsp. helleborine (L.) Crantz – Paleotemperato. (AX, CY, DY, EY, IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Brezovica!, Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Crni Kal!, Gracišce!, Ka- stelec , Monte Taiano, Osp, Podpec!, Rakitovec, Zazid!. Sono state ricondotte al taxon tutte le segnalazioni di E. helleborine subsp. latina W. Rossi & E. Klein. 15. Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw. – Europeo-Cau- casico (AX, CY; IX, IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rin- venimento: Brezovica, Krkavce, Monte Taiano, Podpec!, Puce, Socerb, Socerga, Zazid! 16. Epipactis muelleri Godfery – Centro-Europeo. (CY; EY, IX, IY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimen- to: Brezovica, Jelarji, Podpec! 17. Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz – Circumboreale. (CY; DY, IX, IY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Po- dpec!, Socerga. 18. Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. – Circumboreale. (AX, CY; QH). Stazione di rinvenimento: Cicarija (Cicceria). 19. Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. in W.T. Aiton susbp. conopsea – Eurasiatico. (AX, BY, CY; IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Brezo- vica!, Capodistria, Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Galantici!, Golic, Gracišce, Gradin!, Hrvoji!, Kavcice, Koj- nik, Koštabona!, Merišce, Monte Taiano, Pisari!, Pomjan!, Podpec!, Pregara!, Rakitovec!, Socerb, Škofi je, Šmarje!, Topolovec!, Tuljaki!, Zazid. 20. Gymnadenia odoratissima (L.) Rich. – Europeo. (AX, CY; QH). Stazioni di rinvenimento:, Brezo- vica, Gradin!, Osp, Pomjan, Topolovec!, Truške. 21. Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann – Eu- rimediterraneo. (AX, CY; DY, FY GX, IX, IY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento:, Belvedur!, Bezo- vica!, Brezovica!, Koper (Capodistria), Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Crnotice, Galantici!, Gracišce!, Gra- din!, Hrastovlje!, Hrvoji!, Kastelec, Krkavce!, Kubed!, Merišce, Movraž!, Podgorje, Podpec!, Predloka!, Pregara!, Puce!, Rižana, Socerb, Socerga!, Škofije, Šmarje!, Tinjan, Topolovec!, Tuljaki!, Vanganel!, Zazid! 22. Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw. – Eurimediterra- neo. (AX, CY; DY, EX, EY,, FY IX, IY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti, Brezovica!, Butari!, Koper (Capodistria), Galantici, Gracišce, Kojnik, Kubed, Merišce, Movraž, Osp, Podgorje, Pomjan, Podpec!, Praproce, Socerga!, Škofije, Truške, Vanganel!, Zazid! 23. Listera cordata (L.) R. Br. – Circumboreale. (CY; OX). Stazione di rinvenimento: Praproce. 24. Listera ovata (L.) R. Br. – Eurasiatico. (AX, CY; DY, IX, IY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Brezovica!, Bric, Koper (Capodistria), Cicarija 66 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 (Cicceria)!, Galantici, Gracišce, Gradin!, Mo- vraž, Podpec, Socerb, Zazid! 25. Neotinea tridentata (Scop.) R.M. Bateman, Pri- dgeon & M.W. Chase – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, CY; DY, EX, EY,, FYIX, IY, LY,, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Belvedur!, Bezovica!, Brezovica!, Butari!, Koper (Capodistria), Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Crnotice, Crni Kal!, Galantici!, Gracišce!, Gradin!, Hrastovlje!, Hrvoji!, Koštab- ona!, Kubed!, Ocizla, Osp, Pomjan!, Podgorje, Podpec!, Predloka!, Pregara, Rakitovec!, Sirci!, Socerb, Socerga!, Sv. Anton!, Škofije, Šmarje!, Topolovec!, Zazid! Župancici. 26. Neotinea ustulata (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M. W. Chase – Europeo-Caucasico. (AX, BY, CY; DY, EX, IX, IY, LY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimen- to: Bezovica, Brezovica, Cicceria!, Crnotice, Hrastovlje!, Hrvoji!, Krkavce, Slavnik (Monte Taiano)!, Podpec!, Praproce, Rakitovec!, Škofije, Socerb, Socerga, Zazid. 27. Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. – Eurasiatico. (AX, CY; IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Cicari- ja (Cicceria)!, Slavnik (Monte Taiano), Podpec!, Rakitovec, Socerb, Socerga. 28. Ophrys apifera Huds. – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, CY; DY, FY GX, IX, IY, NX, NY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Bezovica!, Butari!, Koper (Capodistria), Crni Kal!, Dekani! Galan- tici!, Gracišce!, Hrastovlje!, Hrvatini, Jelarji, Koštabona!, Krkavce!, Kojnik, Kubed!, Merišce, Movraž!, Pisari!, Podgorje, Podpec!, Praproce, Pregara Puce!, Rakitovec!, Rižana!, Socerb, Socerga!, Sv. Anton, Škofije, Tuljaki, Truške! 29. Ophrys bertolonii subsp. bertolonii Moretti – Appennino-Balcanico. (GY, OX). Stazione di rinvenimento: Podpec! 30. Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter subsp. holosericea. – Eurimediterraneo. (DY, GX, IY, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Plavje, Pregara, Škofije, Truške. 31. Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter subsp. serotina (Rolli ex H. F. Paulus) Kreutz .– Suben- demico. (OX). Stazione di rinvenimento: Kubed, Socerga, Sv. Anton, Zazid. 32. Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter subsp. tetraloniae (W.P. Teschner) Kreutz – Appenni- no-Balcanico (DY, IX, IY, LX, OX). Stazioni di rin- venimento: Belvedur!, Brežec, Gracišce, Gradin!, Hrastovlje!, Koštabona!, Maršici, Pisari, Podpec!, Pregara, Rižana, Socerga!, Truške, Tuljaki!, Za- zid!. Il taxon ha in Istria il suo locus classicus. 33. Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter subsp. untchjii (M. Schulze) Kreutz – Subendemico. (IX, IY, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Butari!, Gracišce, Gradin!, Koštabona!, Krka- vce!, Maršici, Pisari, Plavje, Podpec!, Pregara!, Škofije, Zazid!, Župancici. 34. Ophrys illyrica S. Hertel & K. Hertel – Appen- nino-Balcanico. (MY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Pregara!, Socerga. L’osservazione del taxon a Pregara fatta il 24 maggio 2017 č la seconda segnalazione per la Slovenia. 35. Ophrys incubacea Bianca subsp. incubacea – Stenomediterraneo. (CY, DY, IY, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Koper (Capodistria), Gracišce, Gradin, Krkavce, Merišce, Socerga. 36. Ophrys insectifera L. – Europeo. (AX, CY, DY, EX, IX, IY, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abi- tanti, Belvedur!, Gradin!, Podpec!, Topolovec!, Truške, Tuljaki! 37. Ophrys sphegodes subsp. sphegodes Mill. – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, CY, DY, EX, IX, IY, LX, NY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Bezovica!, Brežec, Koper (Capodistria), Dekani, Galantici!, Golaš, Gologorica!, Gracišce!, Gra- din!, Hrastovlje!, Koštabona!, Krkavce, Marezi- ge!, Pisari!, Podpec!, Pregara, Puce, Socerga!, Šmarje!, Tinjan, Zazid!. 38. Ophrys sphegodes subsp. tommasinii (Vis.) Soó – Appennino-Balcanico. (AX, DY, IY, LX,). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti, Koper (Capodistria), Gradin, Krkavce, Marezige. 39. Ophrys sulcata. Devillers-Tersch. & P. Devillers – Mediterraneo-Occidentale. (AX, AY, CY, DY, EX, IX, IY, OX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Po- dpec!, Zazid!. Segnalata da Kaligaric (1991b), Jogan (2001) e Ravnik (2002) come O. fusca Link. Secondo Romolini (2002) la specie va assegnata a O. funerea Viv. Il taxon in Istria raggiunge il limite orientale di distribuzione geografica. 40. Orchis mascula L. subsp. speciosa (Mutel) – Centro-Europeo. (CY, DY, IX, IY, LY,). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Brezovica, Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Gracišce, Slavnik (Monte Taiano), Pomjan!, Podpec!, Pregara!, Sirci!, Socerga, Topolovec! 41. Orchis militaris L. – Eurasiatico. (AX, CY, DY, EX, IX, IY, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Brezovica!, Koper (Capodistria), Gracišce, Gradin!, Podpec!, Pregara, Socerb, Tinjan, Topolovec! 42. Orchis pallens L. – Europeo-Caucasico. Stazioni di rinvenimento: Brezovica. 43. Orchis purpurea Huds. – Eurasiatico. (AX, BY, CY, DX, DY, EX, EY,, GX, HX, IX, IY, LY,). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Belvedur, Bezovica!, Butari!, Koper (Capodistria), Cicarija (Cicce- ria)!, Crnotice, Crni Kal!, Dekani!, Galantici!, Gracišce!, Gradin!, Hrastovlje!, Koštabona!, Krkavce!, Kubed!, Marezige, Merišce, Poletici!, Pomjan, Podpec!, Praproce!, Predloka!, Pregara, Puce!, Rakitovec!, Rižana!, Socerb, Socerga!, Sv. Anton!, Škofije, Šmarje!, Tinjan!, Tuljaki!, Vanganel, Zazid!, Župancici. 67 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 44. Orchis simia Lam. – Eurimediterraneo. (AX, CY, EY,, GX, IX, IY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Brezo- vica, Capodistria, Osp, Podpec!, Škofije. 45. Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rchb. subsp. bifolia – Paleotemperato. (AX, CY, DY, IX, IY, OX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Abitanti!, Butari!, Bric, Koper (Capodistria), Cicarija (Cicceria)!, Gracišce, Gradin!, Hrastovlje!, Koštabona!, Ku- bed, Pisari!, Pomjan!, Podpec!, Puce!, Škofije, Socerb, Socerga, Sv. Anton, Tuljaki!. 46. Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. – Euro- siberiano. (AX, CY, DY, IX, IY, UX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Capodistria, Cicceria!, Dekani, Podpec!, Rakitovec, Zazid. 47. Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.) Briq. subsp. vome- racea – Eurimediterraneo. (CY, DY, GX, IX, IY, NY, UX, QY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Belve- dur!, Butari!, Capodistria, Galantici!, Gracišce, Hrvatini, Hrvoji!, Krkavce, Koštabona!, Podpec!, Socerga!, Topolovec!, Truške!. 48. Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. – Europeo-Cau- casico. (AX, CY, DY, IX, IY, NY. OY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Gracišce, Plavje, Podpec!, Pregara. 49. Traunsteinera globosa(L.) Rchb. – Orof. Sud-Eu- ropeo. (AX, CY, DY, IX, IY, UX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Kavcice, Lipnik, Monte Taiano!, Rakitovec. Ibridi 1. Anacamptis x alata (Fleury) H. Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H. Dietr. (A. laxiflora x A. morio). (IX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Podpec!. 2. Anacamptis x laniccae H. Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H. Dietr. (A. morio x A. pyramidalis). (IX). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Podpec!. 3. Epipactis x capellonensis B. Baumann & H. Baumann (E. atrorubens x E. helleborine). (IX). Stazione di rinvenimento: Podpec!. 4. Neotinea x dietrichiana (Bogenh.) H. Kretzsch- mar, Eccarius & H. Dietr. (N. tridentata x N. ustulata). (AX, IX, IY). Stazioni di rinvenimento: Monte Taiano, Podpec!. 5. Orchis x hybrida (Lindl.) Boenn. ex Rchb. (O. militaris x O. purpurea).(IX). Stazione di rinveni- mento: Podpec!. Nell’elenco floristico sono riportati 49 taxa infrage- nerici. Al loro insieme si aggiungono 5 ibridi e pertanto il numero complessivo dei taxa presenti č di 54 a dimo- strazione dell’importanza del patrimonio orchidologico dell’ambito di studio. Infatti non considerando gli ibridi, nel Comune cittŕ di Capodistria: -sono segnalate oltre il 59 % delle Orchidaceae del- la penisola istriana che ammonta a 82 taxa ripartiti tra specie e sottospecie (Pezzetta, in attesa di pubblicazio- ne) e il 62% di quelle di tutta la Repubblica di Slovenia; -si registra la maggior presenza di Orchidaceae tra tutti i Comuni della penisola istriana. L’elenco non riporta entitŕ nuove mentre comprende molte segnalazioni e stazioni inedite che contribuisco- no ad allargare l’areale di diffusione dei singoli taxa. In particolare le stazioni inedite sono le seguenti: Bezovi- ca, Hrvoji e Predloka. Le ricerche sul campo dello scrivente non hanno portato al ritrovamento di Ophrys incubacea e O. tom- masinii la cui presenza nel territorio in esame, nonostan- te le segnalazioni bibliografiche, č ritenuta dubbia da vari ricercatori sloveni (Kosec & Paušic, in verbis). Le varie entitŕ si ripartiscono in 16 generi tra cui il piů rappresentato č il genere Ophrys con 12 taxa. Seguono i generi: Epipactis con 6 taxa, Orchis e Ana- camptis con 5, Cephalanthera con 3 e poi gli altri con valori inferiori. Le specie segnalate in piů localitŕ e quindi piů diffu- se sono: Anacamptis morio (40), Orchis purpurea (36), Anacamptis pyramidalis (33), Neotinea tridentata (33), Ophrys apifera (31), Himanthoglossum adriaticum (31), Gymnadenia conopsea (25), Anacamptis coriophora subsp. fragrans (22), Ophrys sphegodes (22), Limodo- rum abortivum (20), Platanthera bifolia (19), Anacamptis laxiflora (17), Cephalanthera longifolia (15), Neotinea ustulata (15), Ophrys holosericea subsp. tetraloniae (15), Op. untchjii (14), Cephalanthera damasonium (13), Serapias vomeracea (13), Listera ovata (11), Epipactis helleborine subsp. helleborine (10), Orchis mascula sub- sp. speciosa (10), O. militaris (10), Epipactis microphylla (8), E. atrorubens (7), Ophrys insectifera (7), Platanthera chlorantha (6) e Orchis simia (5).1 Aloro volta le specie che nel capodistriano sono da considerarsi rare poiché segnalate in poche localitŕ e di conseguenza anche piů vulnerabili (Swartz et al., 2009; Fantinato et al., 2017), sono le seguenti: Anacamptis papilionacea, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipactis exilis, E. palustris Goodyera repens, Listera cordata, Ophrys bertolonii, O. illyrica e Orchis pallens. Un taxon non riportato nell’elenco floristico, in precedenza segnalato da vari studiosi č Epipactis hel- leborine subsp. latina W. Rossi & E. Klein. Ad avviso di Rossi (2002) esso appartiene a un gruppo di sottospecie di E. helleborine tipico di ambienti aridi e soleggiati. Secondo Bongiorni et al. (2014) deve considerarsi a tutti gli effetti Epipactis helleborine subsp. helleborine con caratteri morfologici mutati a causa di una maggiore esposizione alla luce solare. Delforge (2016) a sua volta lo pone in sinonimia con E. tremolsi. Come visto, un taxon dal rango tassonomico discus- so riportato nell’elenco floristico č Ophrys sulcata che in passato č stato segnalato come Ophrys fusca e O. funerea. Delforge (2016) considera O. fusca presente Tra parentesi č riportato il numero di localitŕ in cui sono presenti i vari taxa. 68 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 solo in alcuni ambiti del Mediterraneo occidentale: il Un gruppo molto controverso č quello di Ophrys Maghreb, penisola iberica e la costa mediterranea della holosericea che nel territorio in esame č rappresentato Francia sino al dipartimento del Var. Le denominazioni da quattro taxa: Ophrys holosericea subps. holosericea, di Ophrys funerea e O. sulcata, a loro volta sono la con-O. holosericea subsp. serotina, O. holosericea subsp. seguenza di opinioni diverse tra l’altro molto comuni tra tetraloniae, e O. holosericea subsp. untchjii. gli esperti di Orchidaceae. In tale sede, tenendo conto In generale ad avviso di Del Prete (1982) O. holosedelle descrizioni dei vari taxa fatte da Delforge (2016), ricea ha subito uno smembramento in entitŕ di dubbio di quanto riportato in Dolinar (2015a) e di altre segnala-valore tassonomico, un processo che dall’epoca in cui zioni riguardanti la parte croata della penisola istriana, furono fatte tali considerazioni, si č ulteriormente incresi č deciso di adottare il binomio Ophrys sulcata. mentato. Secondo Rossi (2001) il taxon dal punto di vista Tab. 1: Localitŕ dove sono segnalate le Orchidaceae nel Comune cittŕ di Capodistria. Tab. 1: Lokalitete, na katerih so bile ugotovljene vrste kukavicevk na obmocju obcine Koper. Localitŕ Taxa totali N° ibridi Localitŕ Taxa Totali N° ibridi Abitanti 12 Slavnik/M. Taiano 14 1 Belvedur 8 Movraž 6 Bezovica 8 Ocizla 2 Brežec 2 Osp 8 Brezovica 17 Pisari 8 Bric 2 Plavje 3 Butari 13 Podgorje 6 Koper/Capodistria 21 Poletici 3 Cicarija/Cicceria 20 Pomjan 8 Crnotice 6 Podpec/Popecchio 43 5 Crni Kal 5 Praproce 6 Dekani 7 Predloka 4 Galantici 12 Pregara 17 Golic 1 Puce 7 Gracišce 23 Rakitovec 14 Gradin 17 Rižana 4 Hrastovlje 12 Sirci 6 Hrvatini 3 Smokvica 1 Hrvoji 7 Socerb 18 Jelarji 2 Socerga 23 Kastelec 3 Sv. Anton 9 Kavcic 1 Škofi je 15 Kavcice 3 Šmarje 7 Kojnik 3 Tinjan 6 Koštabona 12 Topolovec 11 Krkavce 12 Truške 10 Kubed 11 Tuljaki 8 Lipnik 2 Vanganel 3 Lukini 1 Zazid 18 Maršici 4 Župancici 5 Merišce 6 69 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 Tab. 2: Corotipi delle Orchidaceae capodistriane. Ophrys untchjii che potrebbe rappresentare una varietŕ Tab. 2: Horotipi kukavicevk na ozemlju koprske obcine. locale caratterizzata da piante con un’alta percentuale di sepali di colore verde. Alla luce di tali tesi, tutte le Elementi geografici Numero taxa % Endemico e Subendemico 2 Subendemico 2 Mediterraneo 15 30,61 Eurimediterraneo 13 Stenomediterraneo 1 Mediterraneo-Occidentale 1 Eurasiatico 16 32,65 Eurasiatico s.s. 8 Europeo-Caucasico 5 Eurosiberiano 1 Paleotemperato 2 Nordico 4 8,16 Circumboreale 4 Europeo 12 24,5 Europeo s.s. 4 Centro-Europeo 2 Orofi ta Sud-Europeo 1 Appennino-Balcanico 4 Sud-Est-Europeo 1 Totale 49 100 sistematico e geografi co č di diffi cile delimitazione. Hertel & Hertel (2002), considerano presenti in tutto il territorio della penisola istriana quattro varietŕ di O. holosericea: le prime tre indicate genericamente come Tipo1, Tipo 2 e Tipo 3 e la quarta come Ophrys tetraloniae. Perazza & Lorenz (2013) nell’ambito dell’Italia Nord-Orientale attribuiscono alla specie nominale gli individui a fi ori grandi, alla subsp. untchjii quelli a fi ori medi con diverse colorature del perigonio e alla subsp. tetraloniae quelli con fi ori piccoli e a fi oritura piů tardiva (giugno inoltrato). All’interno del gruppo č molto discusso il rango tassonomico di Ophrys serotina. Romolini & Souche (2012) considerano sinonimi O. serotina e O. tetralo- niae. Secondo Delforge (2016) essi costituiscono due taxa diversi che sostanzialmente differiscono per il colo- re e grandezza della cavitŕ stigmatica e, la lunghezza e larghezza dei petali. Inoltre a suo avviso: 1) O. serotina č endemica dell›Italia Centrale, principalmente Abruzzo e Lazio Meridionale; 2) O. tetraloniae č presente in Istria, Dalmazia Centrale e Veneto. Paulus (2014) sostiene che Ophrys serotina č presente anche nell’Italia meri- dionale. Inoltre aggiunge che in Istria il taxon include segnalazioni di Ophrys serotina, O. tetraloniae e O. untchjii andrebbero riviste e approfondite. I vari taxa sono segnalati in 61 localitŕ diverse del Comune cittŕ di Capodistria (Tab. 1). Questi dati dimo- strano che le orchidacee sono ampiamente diffuse in tutto il capodistriano. L’area piů ricca č costituita dai dintorni di Popecchio (Podpec) con 43 taxa. La Tabella 2 evidenzia che le Orchidaceae presenti nel capodi- striano si ripartiscono in 14 tipi corologici raggruppati in 5 elementi geografici tra cui il dominante č l›elemento eurasiatico con 16 taxa. Esso č seguito dagli elementi: mediterraneo con 15 taxa, europeo con 12, nordico con 4 ed endemico con 2 taxa. I corotipi in cui si registra la maggior presenza di specie sono: l’Eurimediterraneo (13), l’Eurasiatico (8) e l’Europeo-Caucasico (5). Nel complesso dominano i taxa appartenenti a corotipi caratteristici di aree geo- grafiche temperate e temperato-fresche a conferma che il territorio capodistriano č un ambito di transizione climatica e fitogeografica. Nel territorio in esame Ophrys bertolonii raggiunge il limite settentrionale di distribuzione geografica un importante dato che accresce la sua importanza fitogeo- grafica. Tale specie insieme con altre del genere Ohprys si rinviene in un prato da sfalcio e potrŕ persistervi sino a quando le attivitŕ umane manterranno un moderato disturbo che assicurerŕ la conservazione dell’habitat (Kaligaric & Otopal, 2012; Slaviero et al., 2016). CONCLUSIONI L’alto numero di Orchidacee presenti nel capodi- striano č un indicatore della grande qualitŕ e integritŕ ambientale dell’ambito di studio. Tuttavia lo sviluppo dell’edilizia residenziale lungo la fascia costiera, dell’agricoltura intensiva e delle infrastrutture stradali, industriali, turistiche e commerciali tende a ridurre gli spazi idonei per la sopravvivenza. Anche le trasforma- zioni territoriali che seguono l’abbandono delle forme tradizionali di attivitŕ agro-pastorali incidono sul patri- monio orchidologico poiché portano a trasformazioni floro-vegetazionali cui possono seguire: la scomparsa delle orchidacee tipiche dei prati-pascolo e la maggiore diffusione di quelle di ambiti boschivi e cespugliosi. RINGRAZIAMENTI Per le informazioni fornite si ringraziano: Mitja Kaligaric, Igor Paušic e Barbara Vidmar. Un particolare ringraziamento va a mia moglie Ludmilla che mi ha accompagnato in tante escursioni. 70 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 Amelio PEZZETTA: LE ORCHIDACEAE DEL COMUNE CITTŔ DI CAPODISTRIA (SLOVENIA), 61–72 KUKAVICEVKE KOPRSKE OBCINE Amelio PEZZETTA Via Monte Peralba 34 - 34149 Trieste e-mail: POVZETEK Obmocje obcine Koper pokriva površino 311 km2 in se razteza od Jadranskega morja do Cicarije, kjer na Slavniku doseže nadmorsko višino 1028 m. Zanj je znacilna velika okoljska raznolikost, ki omogoca razvoj zelo razlicnih tipov vegetacije.Avtor je na podlagi terenskih vzorcenj, pregleda strokovne literature in neobjavljenih podatkov izdelal dopolnjen seznam vrst kukavicevk, ki šteje 55 vrst in 5 križancev, in razpravljal o ugotovitvah.Poleg tega je pripravil horološko analizo, ki je pokazala, da prevladujejo evrazijski elementi, ki jim sledijo sredozemski. Floro kukavicevk v koprski obcini bi lahko oznacili s fitogeografskega vidika kot prehodno. 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Proteus, 30, 182-188. Wraber, M. (1969): Pfl anzengeographische Stellung und Gliederung Sloweniens. Vegetatio, 17(1-6), 176-199. 72 OCENE IN POROCILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 OCENE IN POROCILA, 75-77 Book review: POLŽI ZAŠKRGARJI SLOVENSKEGA MORJA authors: Lovrenc Lipej, Domen Trkov, Borut Mavric National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran, 2018, 299 pp. ISBN 978-961-93486-7-3. Paperback: 25 € (orders: Well, at the beginning I can just say: “Wow, they did it again. Another one...”. There is a lot to like about this book. As a teacher in marine science at the university I always try to find a good scientific (and popular) book with lot of nice photos of Adriatic (or Mediterranean) species that will be useful for my students. Now I find another one. The significance of biological stations (like Marine Biology Station Piran) is perhaps best appreciated when you have worked and researched at the seaside. The authors of this book emphasise the role of Piran Biological Station in this respect, which opens up a full range of possibilities for research and also teaching. I have to admit that I envy them. Quite a lot. The sea slugs (Opisthobranchia) have shifted from mechanical to chemical defence; some are herbivores, some use their food to harness solar energy, others are predators that gain stinging cells and poisonous compo- unds from their food. This book records and illustrates over 140 species of the opisthobranch fauna of Slove- nian Sea. The majority of the species in the book are nudibranchs, but there is also a good coverage of the other major orders (like Anaspidea). The book contains 5 main chapters about Opisthobranchia, including a small chapter about Marine Biology Station Piran. Following the introduction, the chapters are grouped into sections, first few about taxonomy, morphology and ecology of Opisthobranchia, than with the chapter on biodiversity of Opisthobranchia in Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea, following the overview of opisthobranch species from Slovenian Sea. The book ends with a Literature and extensive Index sections. The Introduction sets a nice framework with some necessary definitions about these marine animals. First come general characteristics of the Opisthobranchia and next, characteristics by which sea slugs differ from other similar marine organisms. Then a broad, panoramic view of sea slugs orders from Slo- venian Sea, from the primitive to the more advanced, is presented, including both the more abundant and some remote ones of special interest. The authors wrote about marine animals they knew well, and, in most chapters, provided a excellent reference list of previous work and studies in that field. This richly illustrated book presents the diversity of opisthobranch sea slugs. By integrating aspects of morphology, ecology and behaviour, it describes how each group copes with problems of defence, locomotion, nutrition and reproduction. The text, in which scientific terms are accompanied by parallel common ones, is accompanied by 51 illustrations, about 480 illustrations and photos in colour and more than 150 maps of species findings. Finally, the illustrations and colour photos are stunning and beautiful. The book covers another aspect, namely that marine biology is necessarily international. Accordingly, the authors perfectly describe the possible new species, inva- sive ones, touching the intrinsic relationships of a global research community, yielding a plethora of questions on marine ecosystems. People interested in the fi eld of marine invertebrate research can easily identify with the stories told here. This book is not only directed towards marine scientists, but also targets the general public, particularly those readers with interests in the marine life and marine ecology. Detailed references and an extensive index immensely expand the horizon of the book. I highly recommend this book. This excellent book is not only full of beautiful photographs, but full of information as well. It covers basic classification of sea slugs and then goes on to discuss many areas of biology and natural history, including how and what they eat, defence, reproduction, colour etc. This is a valuable addition to your ‘sea slug library’ filling in the many areas of opisthobranch biology which are missing, or tantalisingly brief, in most nudibranch colour faunal gu- ides. This comprehensive, insightful portrait of sea slugs will appeal to marine biologists, zoology lecturers and 75 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 OCENE IN POROCILA, 75-77 students, biology teachers, field-school instructors, na- ture reserve wardens and especially amateur naturalists. Outing yourself as a marine biologist almost invariably elicits a lament about the state of the world’s oceans (or seas) from those around you. This book provides the foundation for any more insightful response about the beauty of marine life. It will inject a fresh breeze into my course on marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Petar Kružic Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Book review: ATLAS PTICA ISTRE avtorja: Gordan Lukac & Roberto Stelko Natura histrica, 2016, 167 str. Pred kratkim mi je v roke prišla licno izdelana mo- nografija o pticah Istre. Knjige sem se zelo razveselil, saj ne poznam veliko monografskih del o naravni dedišcini istrskega polotoka, še posebej pa ne o pticah. Po mojem mnenju je namrec polotok Istra obljubljena dežela za ornitologe. Gre za prehodni pas med celinskim, sub- mediteranskim in mediteranskim okoljem, poleg tega pa se nadmorska višina od morske obale na zahodu do kraškega roba proti vzhodu postopno zvišuje. Še posebej markantna je planota Cicarija, ki v sebi skriva še mnoga neodkrita cudesa narave, in masiv Ucke s pla- ninskimi vrhovi krepko nad 1000 m nadmorske višine. Pestra množica razlicnih habitatnih tipov, ki se pojavlja v pretežno naravnem in deloma ruralnem okolju, nudi gnezditvene niše za mnoge vrste ptic. Ne nazadnje da- jejo pecat polotoku tudi reke kot so Dragonja, Mirna in Raša, ki so si urezale strugo v flišnato zaledje in ustvarile posebna življenjska okolja. V uvodnem delu avtorja razlagata, kako je do na- stanka atlasa prišlo, podajata zgodovinski pregled razi- skovanja ptic na istrskem polotoku in opisujeta ekološke danosti. Sledi poglavje o metodologiji, kjer izvemo kate- re kriterije za opredelitev razširjenosti vrst, sezonskega statusa in statusa gnezdilk sta uporabljala. V najvecji meri se avtorja naslanjata na obdobje rednega popiso- vanja ptic med leti 1985 do 2005, kjer sta popisovala vrste na kvadrantih 10 x 10 km. Opravila sta skoraj 3000 terenskih popisov ptic na obravnavanem obmocju na 52 kvadrantih. Na podlagi lastnih opazovanj in objavljenih literaturnih podatkov sta zabeležila 325 pticjih vrst, od katerih jih za 300 prikazujeta zemljevide razširjenosti. Osrednji in najvecji del ornitološkega atlasa predsta- vljajo podatki o vrstah, ugotovljenih na hrvaškem delu istrskega polotoka. Velika vecina vrst je predstavljena z licno fotografijo in zemljevidom razširjenosti z oznace- 76 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 OCENE IN POROCILA, 75-77 nimi kvadranti, kjer vrsta prezimuje, gnezdi ali pa se pojavlja na preletu. V pripadajocem popisu avtorja raz- pravljata o statusu vrste v Istri in podajata natancnejše podatke, kjer je bila vrsta ugotovljena. Sledi poglavje, ki obravnava bogastvo in raznolikost istrske ornitofavne, kjer avtorja razpravljata o redkih in ogroženih pticah, »vrocih tockah« istrske ornitofavne in še o marsicem. Tako izvemo, da je bila leta 2014 na ustju reke Mirne opažena bengalska cigra (Thalasseus bengalensis), na masivu Ucke pa so recimo obrockali vrste kot sta npr. mušja listnica (Phylloscopus inornatus) in konopeljšcica (Carduelis citrinella). Sicer pa je med 325 ugotovljenimi vrstami 142 gnezdilk, 51 je preletnikov, 57 je prezimovalk, 58 pa je vrst, ki so bile doslej ugotovljene le v enem ali najvec treh primerih. Najvecje število vrst so popisali v mocvir- ju Palud, kjer so popisali 213 vrst, in v Nacionalnem parku Brijuni, kjer je bilo ugotovljeno 162 vrst ptic. Tudi planinsko okolje Ucke je s 111 ugotovljenimi vrstami bogato okolje. Za primerjavo naj recimo citiram poda- tek iz omenjenega atlasa, da je bilo v porecju Mirne, ki pokriva razmeroma veliko površino (vec kvadrantov), doslej ugotovljenih 252 vrst ptic. In kaj pomenijo te številke, ce jih recimo primerjamo s Krajinskim parkom Secoveljske soline, ki dejansko meji na Hrvaško? Doslej je bilo v Secoveljskih solinah ugotovljeno 303 vrst ptic (Iztok Škornik, osebno sporoci- lo), v kvadrantu, ki meji na soline pa sta avtorja popisala »le« 99 vrst ptic. Preprican sem, da bi vsaj v mejnem obmocju s solinami gotovo lahko potrdili navzocnost vecjega števila ptic. Ornitološki atlas ptic Istre je pomembno ornitološko delo, ki bo zapolnilo vrzel o celovitem pregledu ptic Istre. Obenem atlas dokazuje, da je polotok Istra (v tem primeru se to sicer nanaša na hrvaški del) sredozemski biser, ki ga krasi izjemno biodiverziteta in v veliki meri še vedno dobro ohranjeno naravno okolje. Ce bi že moral poiskati kakšno pomanjkljivost, bi v tem oziru omenil ravno Secoveljske soline, kjer se mi zdi, da bi s sodelovanjem s slovenskimi ornitologi avtorja gotovo pridobila še vec podatkov o pojavljanju ptic. Atlas istrskih ptic je torej pomembno delo, ki je postavilo temeljni kamen k popisovanju istrske ornito- favne za naprej, ki ga bodo hrvaški ornitologi (gotovo pa tudi slovenski, italijanski in drugi) odslej lahko redno dopolnjevali s svojimi podatki. Zato si po mojem mne- nju lahko obetamo, da bo druga, izpopolnjena izdaja ugledala luc sveta že v kratkem. Avtorjema glede tega iskreno cestitam, saj sta opravila izjemno delo, cestitke pa si za voljo in pripravljenost k nastanku tega dela zasluži tudi javna ustanova Natura histrica, v kateri so ocitno prepoznali pomen natisa publikacije te vrste. Lovrenc Lipej Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo 77 OBLETNICE ANNIVERSARI ANNIVERSARIES ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 OBLETNICE, 81-82 SEDEMDESET LET PROFESORICE ALENKE MALEJ Sl. 1: Prof. dr. Alenka Malej predava leta 2012 na mediteranski poletni šoli v Atenah (financna podpora fundacije Latsakis). Prof. dr. Alenka Malej, vodilna slovenska morska ekologinja, praznuje sedemdeset let ustvarjalnega življenja. Rodila se je v Ljubljani, šolala pa vecinoma v Kopru. Že v osnovni šoli in gimnaziji jo je navduševalo naravoslovje in seveda morje, zato tudi študij biologije ni bilo nakljucje. Po diplomi na Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani se je leta 1972 kot mlada raziskovalka zaposlila na Morski bio- loški postaji takratnega Inštituta za biologijo Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer se je posvetila raziskavam mrežnega zooplanktona Tržaškega zaliva v povezavi z onesnaže- vanjem. Iz te tematike je leta 1977 tudi magistrirala pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Jožeta Štirna na Biotehniški fakul- teti Univerze v Ljubljani. Kmalu jo je pritegnil množicni pojav mesecinke (Pelagia noctiluca) in ji odprl vstop v podrocje raziskav meduz, ki so še danes njeno najbolj priljubljeno in glavno raziskovalno podrocje. Jubilant- ka se je vseskozi zavedala, da je uspeh na podrocju ekologije morja povezan z udeležbo na raziskovalnih ekspedicijah. Že zelo zgodaj se je pricela udeleževati transjadranskih ekspedicij z raziskovalno ladjo Andrija Mohorovicic Hidrografskega inštituta jugoslovanske vojne mornarice od Jonskega morja do Tržaškega zaliva. Tu se je stkalo strokovno in osebno prijateljstvo med mnogimi morskimi raziskovalci razlicnih profilov, ki se je odražalo v publikaciji skupnih znanstvenih del. Tak je primer njene strokovne povezave z dr. Adamom Beno- vicem, takratnim direktorjem Biološkega inštituta JAZU v Dubrovniku. Leta 1984 je doktorirala na Univerzi v Zagrebu z disertacijo o produkcijskih in biokemijskih znacilnostih zooplanktona v severnem Jadranu pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Adama Benovica z Biološkega Inštituta v Dubrovniku, s katerim je nato uspešno sode- lovala do njegove prerane smrti. Na žalost so tovrstna obsežna raziskovanja Jadrana, prva po avstrijsko-itali- janskih ekspedicijah pred prvo svetovno vojno, po letu 1990 zamrla. Jubilantka je sodeloval tudi v britanski ekspediciji v vzhodnem Atlantiku, argentinski v Guelfu Nuevu, izraelski v Akabskem zalivu (Rdece morje), turški v vzhodnem Sredozemlju in francoski v ustju reke Rhone. Še danes se redno udeležuje terenskih raziskav na Mljetu. Po opravljenem doktoratu je s financno podporo Evropske skupnosti (EEC grant) odšla v mednarodno znani Laboratorij za morsko biologijo Združenega kra- ljestva v Plymouthu (Anglija), kjer je, pod vodstvom prof. P. Harrisa, raziskovala ekskrecijo amonija pri plankton- skem rakcu Calanus helgolandicus in rezultat je bil, po vsej verjetnosti, prvi visoko citirani clanek raziskovalcev piranske Morske biološke postaje. Drugi njen, skupaj z A. Benovicem, M. Specchijem in S. Fondo-Umani, zgo- dnji pomemben dosežek v znanosti o morju predstavlja clanek o biomasi jadranskega mrežnega zooplanktona v reviji Marine Biology leta 1984. Leta 1995 je orga- nizirala, skupaj z T.C. Maloneom, L.W. Hardingom in R. Turnerjem z Univerze v Marylandu in N. Smodlako s Centra za raziskovanje morja Inštituta Rudjer Bo- škovic v Rovinju, odmevno mednarodno znanstveno posvetovanje o Obalnih ekosistemih s primerjavo med ameriškim Zalivom Chesapeake in severnim Jadranom, kar je nato leta 1999 vodilo k izdaji knjige pri uglednem Ameriškem geofizikalnem združenju (AGU) z naslovom Ecosytems at the land-sea margin Drainage basin to coastal sea. Njena ljubezen do raziskovanja meduz je v zadnjem obdobju prispevala k publikaciji vec odlicnih znanstvenih clankov objavljenih v mednarodno zelo od- mevnih revijah: Bioscience, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America in Frontiers of Ecology and Environment. Veliko je tudi predavala na tujih univerzah in inštitutih. Profesorica A. Malej je za svoje uspešno raziskovalno delo že leta 1989 prejela nagrado Sklada Borisa Kidrica, leta 2000 priznanje ambasador Republike Slovenije v znanosti, 2012 pa veliko nagrado Miroslava Zeia. Profesorica A. Malej se je v svojem raziskovalnem delu vseskozi zavedala pomena mednarodnega sodelovanja. Tako je že v osemdesetih letih vodila projekte pretežno v okviru UNEP in IAEA, po osamosvojitvi pa je sodelovala in vodila vec uspešnih evropskih projektov, med katerimi izstopajo predvsem “Produkcija in akumulacija labilne organske snovi v Jadranskem morju” -PALOMA (1995- 98), “Biofi ltracija v akvakulturi: evaluacija trne podlage v razvoju marikulture” -BIOFAQs (2000-2003), “Morska biodiverziteta in delovanje ekosistema” -MarBEF (2004- 9), Ekosistemski pristop k trajnostni akvakulturi” -ECASA (2005-9), “Južna evropska morja: dolocitev in modeli- ranje ekosistemskih sprememb” -SESAME (2009-13) in “Raziskovanje morskega okolja v južnih evropskih morjih s poudarkom na pravnih vidikih” -PERSEUS (2012-16). 81 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 28 · 2018 · 1 OBLETNICE, 81-82 Odlocilno je prispevala k podpisu sporazuma o sodelo- vanju med Univerzo Pierre et Marie Curie iz Pariza in Nacionalnim inštitutom za biologijo, za kar je prejela castno medaljo te univerze. Vseskozi je vodila razne nacionalne (ARRS) raziskovalne projekte oz. programe, med katerimi izstopa dolgoletno vodenje programa ARRS »Raziskave obalnega morja«. Kot predstavnica podrocja biologije je bila vec let clanica znanstvene komisije za naravoslovje in matematiko (NAMA) v ARRS. Sl. 2: Leta 2012 ob potomcu drevesa, ki je preživelo atomsko eksplozijo v Hirošimi (v okviru dvostranskega znanstvenega sodelovanja z Japonsko). S podporo Slovenske nacionalne komisije za UNESCO, Univerze v Ljubljani in Botanicnega vrta Univerze v Ljubljani so leta 2014 potomce teh dreves posadili tudi v Ljubljani. Seznam njenih ekspertnih dejavnosti je obsežen. Aktivno je sodelovala kot ekspert v najrazlicnejših med- narodnih komisijah, med katerimi izstopa delovanje na podrocju morskih raziskav in prenosu tega znanja v prakso: Agencija za okolje ZN (UNEP), Regional Seas Programme (MAP), Ministrska konferenca o trajnostnem razvoju v sredozemskem prostoru (MED 21), Italijansko- -jugoslovanska komisija za zašcito Jadrana (1985-91), Observatorija severnega Jadrana (1986-95). V obdobju po osamosvojitvi Slovenije (1991-95) je pomembno pri- spevala k vclanjenju novonastale države v mednarodne organizacije: Medvladno oceanografsko komisijo (IOC), Sredozemski akcijski nacrt UNEP (MAP), Mednarodno komisijo za znanstveno raziskovanje Sredozemskega morja (CIESM). Doma je v povezavi z mednarodnim delovanjem prevzela vrsto funkcij: predsednica nacio- nalnega odbora IOC, nacionalna koordinatorka progra- ma MED POL UNEP, zastopnica Slovenije v Evropski mreži morskih raziskovalnih postaj (MARS), clanica Nacionalne komisije UNESCO in predsednica njenega Naravoslovnega odbora, direktorica Operativnega cen- tra Slovenija Mednarodnega inštituta za oceane na MBP NIB. Danes je clanica slovenske komisije korporacije L'Oreal za ženske v znanosti in pa mednarodna sodnica in ocenjevalka projektov v multidisciplinarnem progra- mu FIRST®LEGO®League, ki mladim omogoca, da se vsako leto posvetijo raziskovanju v okviru dolocene teme (letošnja Živa voda – kroženje vode). V devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja je prevzela vodenje Morske biološke postaje Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo in jo uspešno vodila do 2009. S tem je tudi neposredno sodelovala v mukotrpni izgradnji nove stavbe postaje v letih 2001-2006, ko so bile razmere za delo težavne. Dr. Alenka Malej je bila leta 2003 izvoljena v naziv redne profesorice za podrocje Ekologije na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Kot uspešna raziskovalka je prenašala svoje znanje iz morskih ved na študente univerz v Ljubljani, Kopru in Novi Gorici. Danes predava Ekologijo morja na Fakulteti za pomorstvo in promet Univerze v Ljublja- ni in Morske ekološke procese na medfakultetnem dok- torskem študiju Varstva okolja na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Bila je mentorica in somentorica 14 diplomantom, 14 magistrantom in 8 doktorantom. Njen zadnji, Martin Vo- dopivec, je prav lani doktoriral s podrocja modeliranja populacijske dinamike uhatega klobucnjaka. Vec kot štirideset let znanstvenega in visokošolskega pedagoškega dela je dolga doba, ki je v tem kratkem zapisu ne morem zajeti v celoti. Njeno znanstveno in pedagoško delo pušca trajno sled v slovenski znanosti o morju, saj ni bilo skoraj nobenega dogodka, kjer ni sodelovala ali bila vsaj omenjena. Tako je lani po- membno prispevala k realizaciji odmevnega Evropskega morskega biološkega simpozija v Piranu. Profesorica Alenka Malej je kljub upokojitvi še vedno znanstveno dejavna, trenutno v obsežnem projektu COST »Ocean governance for sustainability«. Zato ji v imenu vse »slovenske morske srenje« želim trdnega zdravja in še mnogo znanstvenih uspehov. Jadran Faganeli Dolgoletni sodelavec in kolega Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo 82 NAVODILA AVTORJEM 1. Revija ANNALES (Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Series historia naturalis) objavlja izvirne znanstvene in pregledne clanke z naravoslovnimi vsebinami, ki obravnavajo posebnosti razlicnih podpodrocij sredozemskega naravoslovja: morska biologija in ekologija, ihtiologija, geologija s paleontologijo, krasoslovje, oljkarstvo, biodiverziteta Slovenije, varstvo narave, onesnaževanje in varstvo okolja, fizicna geografija Istre in Mediterana idr. Vkljucujejo pa tudi krajše znanstvene prispevke o zakljucenih raziskovanjih., ki se nanašajo na omenjeno podrocje. 2. Sprejemamo clanke v angleškem, slovenskem in italijanskem jeziku. Avtorji morajo zagotoviti jezikovno neoporecnost besedil, uredništvo pa ima pravico clanke dodatno jezikovno lektorirati. 3. Clanki naj obsegajo do 48.000 znakov brez presledkov oz. 2 avtorski poli besedila. Clanek je mogoce oddati na e-naslov (zaželjeno) ali na elektronskem nosilcu (CD) po pošti na naslov uredništva. Avtor ob oddaji clanka zagotavlja, da clanek še ni bil objavljen in se obvezuje, da ga ne bo objavil drugje. 4. Naslovna stran clanka naj vsebuje naslov clanka, ime in priimek avtorja (avtorjev), ime in naslov inštitucije, kjer je (so) avtor(ji) zaposlen(i) oz. domaci naslov in naslovom elektronske pošte (samo prvi oz. korespondencni avtor). 5. Clanek mora vsebovati povzetek in izvlecek. Izvlecek je krajši (cca. 10 vrstic) od povzetka (cca. 30 vrstic). V izvlecku na kratko opišemo namen, metode dela in rezultate. Izvlecek naj ne vsebuje komentarjev in priporocil. Povzetek vsebuje opis namena in metod dela ter povzame analizo oziroma interpretacijo rezultatov. V povzetku ne sme biti nicesar, cesar glavno besedilo ne vsebuje. V povzetku se avtor ne sklicuje na slike, tabele in reference, ki so v clanku. 6. Avtorji naj pod izvlecek clanka pripišejo ustrezne kljucne besede (najvec 6). Zaželjeni so tudi angleški (ali slovenski) prevodi izvlecka, povzetka, kljucnih besed, podnapisov k slikovnemu in tabelarnemu gradivu. V nasprotnem primeru bo za prevode poskrbelo uredništvo. 7. Glavni del besedila naj vkljucuje sledeca poglavja: Uvod, Material in metode, Rezultati, Razprava ali Rezultati in razprava, Zakljucki (ali Sklepi), Zahvala (ce avtor želi), Literatura. Dele besedila je možno oblikovati v podpoglavja (npr. Pregled dosedanjih objav v Uvodu, Opis obmocja raziskav v Material in metode). Podpisi k slikam so priloženi posebej za poglavjem Literatura. 8. Tabele avtor priravi posebej na locenih straneh v programu Word, tako kot rokopis, jih zaporedno oštevilci in opremi z naslovom – kratkim opisom. V glavnem delu besedila se sklicuje na tabele tako, da jih na ustreznem mestu oznaci z npr. “(Tab. 1)”. 9. Slikovno gradivo (grafi, zemljevidi, fotografije, table) avtor posreduje v locenih datotekah (jpeg, tiff) z najmanj 300 dpi resolucije pri želeni velikosti. Najvecja velikost slikovnega gradiva je 17x20 cm. Vsa potrebna dovoljenja za objavo slikovnega gradiva (v skladu z Zakonom o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah) priskrbi avtor sam in jih predloži uredništvu pred objavo clanka. Slike je potrebno tudi podnasloviti in zaporedno oštevilciti (glej tocko 7). V glavnem delu besedila se avtor sklicuje na slike tako, da jih na ustreznem mestu oznaci z npr. “(Sl. 1)”. 10. Bibliografske opombe, s cimer mislimo na citat – torej sklicevanje na druge publikacije, sestavljajo naslednji podatki v oklepaju: avtor in leto izida; npr. (Novak, 2007). Ce sta dva avtorja, se izpišeta oba (Novak & Kranjc, 2001), ce so trije ali vec pa se izpiše samo prvi, ki mu sledi okrajšava et al. (Novak et al., 1999). Vec citatov je med seboj locenih s podpicjem in si sledijo kronološko -z narašcajoco letnico izdaje, npr. (Novak et al., 1999; Adamic, 2001; Kranjc & Zupan, 2007). Osebno informacijo (ustno, pisno) izpišemo prav tako v oklepaju z navedbo kratice imena in priimka posredovalca informacije, za vejico pa dodamo “osebno sporocilo”, npr. (J. Novak, osebno sporocilo). 11. Celotni bibliografski podatki so navedeni v poglavju Literatura v abecednem vrstnem redu. Pri tem avtor navede izkljucno dela, ki jih je v clanku citiral. Ce ima isti avtor vec bibliografskih podatkov, se najprej kronološko izpišejo tisti, kjer je edini avtor, sledijo dela v soavtorstavu še z enim avtorjem in dela v soavtorstvu z vec avtorji. Imena revij, v katerih so izšla citirana dela, se izpišejo okrajašano (splošno priznane okrajšave revij). Clanki, ki še niso bili publicirani, se lahko citirajo le, ce so bili dokoncno sprejeti v tisk, pri cemer se na koncu bibliografskega podatka doda beseda “v tisku”. Clankov, ki so šele bili poslani v recenzijo, se ne sme citirati. Primeri navajanje razlicnih tipov bibliografskih podatkov: clanki v revijah: Klock, J.-H., A. Wieland, R. Seifert & W. Michaelis (2007): Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from cyanobacterial mats: characterisation and isolation method optimisation. Mar. Biol., 152, 1077-1085. Knjige in druge neserijske publikacije (porocila, diplomska dela, doktorske disertacije): Wheeler, A. (1969): The fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. McMillan, London, 613 p. 83 Poglavje v knjigi: McEachran, J. D. & C. Capapé (1984): Myliobatidae. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., M. L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds.): Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 1. Unesco, Paris, pp. 205 209. 12. Drugo: latinski izrazi kot npr. in vivo, in situ, e.g., i.e., ter rodovna (Myliobatis sp.) in vrstna (Myliobatis aquila) imena se izpišejo v fontu italic. Kadarkoli je možno, se uporabljajo enote iz sistema SI (Systčme international d'unités). 13. Prvi odtis clankov uredništvo pošlje avtorjem v korekturo. Avtorji so dolžni popravljeno gradivo vrniti v enem tednu. Besedilo popravljamo s korekturnimi znamenji, ki jih najdemo na koncu Slovenskega pravopisa (2001), Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, 24–25. Širjenje obsega besedila ob korekturah ni dovoljeno. Druge korekture opravi uredništvo. 14. Za dodatna pojasnila v zvezi z objavo clankov je uredništvo na voljo. UREDNIŠTVO 84 ISTRUZIONI PER GLI AUTORI 1. La rivista ANNALES (Annali per gli studi istriani e mediterranei, Series historia naturalis) pubblica articoli scientifici originali e compendii dai contenuti scientifici relativi ai vari settori della storia naturale e pertinenti l’area geografica del Mediterraneo: biologia marina, ecologia, ittiologia, geologia, paleontologia, carsologia, olivicoltura, biodiversitŕ della Slovenia, tutela della natura, inquinamento e tutela dell’ambiente, geografia fisica dell’Istria e del Mediterraneo ecc. La rivista pubblica anche articoli scientifici brevi relativi a ricerche concluse pertinenti a tali settori. 2. La Redazione accetta articoli in lingua inglese, slovena e italiana. Gli autori devono garantire l’ineccepibilitŕ linguistica dei testi, la Redazione si riserva il diritto di una revisione linguistica. 3. Gli articoli devono essere di lunghezza non superiore alle 48.000 battute senza spazi, ovvero 2 fogli d’autore. Possono venir recapitati all’indirizzo di posta elettronica (preferibilmente) oppure su supporto elettronico (CD) per posta ordinaria all’indirizzo della Redazione. L’autore garantirŕ l’originalitŕ dell’articolo e si impegnerŕ a non pubblicarlo altrove. 4. Ogni articolo deve essere corredato da: titolo, nome e cognome dell’autore (autori), denominazione ed indirizzo dell’ente di appartenenza o, in alternativa, l’indirizzo di casa, nonché l’indirizzo di posta elettronica (solo del primo autore o dell’autore di corrispondenza). 5. I contributi devono essere corredati da un riassunto e da una sintesi. Quest’ultima sarŕ piů breve (cca. 10 righe) del riassunto (cca 30 righe). Nella sintesi si descriveranno brevemente lo scopo, i metodi e i risultati delle ricerche. La sintesi non deve contenere commenti e segnalazioni. Il riassunto riporterŕ in maniera sintetica lo scopo, i metodi delle ricerche e l’analisi ossia l’interpretazione dei risultati. Il riassunto non deve riferirsi alle tabelle, figure e alla bibliografia contenuta nell’articolo. 6. Gli autori sono tenuti ad indicare le parole chiave adeguate (massimo 6). Sono auspicabili anche le traduzioni in inglese (o sloveno) della sintesi, del riassunto, delle parole chiave, delle didascalie e delle tabelle. In caso contrario, vi provvederŕ la Redazione. 7. Il testo principale deve essere strutturato nei seguenti capitoli: Introduzione, Materiali e metodi, Risultati, Discussione o Risultati e discussione, Conclusioni, Ringraziamenti (se necessari), Bibliografia. Il testo puň essere strutturato in sottocapitoli (ad es. sottocapitolo Rassegna delle pubblicazioni nell’Introduzione; sottocapitolo Descrizione dell’area di ricerca nel capitolo Materiali e metodi). Le didascalie devono essere presentate separatamente, a seguito del capitolo Bibliografia. 8. Le tabelle saranno preparate in forma elettronica come il manoscritto (formato Word) e allegate in fogli separati alla fine del testo. Gli autori sono pregati di contrassegnare ogni tabella con un numero e il titolo ossia una breve descrizione. Nel testo la tabella viene richiamata come segue: (Tab. 1). 9. Il materiale grafico (grafici, carte geografiche, fotografie, tavole) va preparato in formato elettronico (jpeg o tiff) e consegnato in file separati, con una definizione di 300 dpi alla grandezza desiderata, purché non ecceda i 17x20 cm. Prima della pubblicazione, l’autore provvederŕ a fornire alla Redazione tutte le autorizzazioni richieste per la riproduzione del materiale grafico (in virtů della Legge sui diritti d’autore). Tutto il materiale grafico deve essere accompagnato da didascalie (vedi punto 7) e numerato.. Nel testo i grafici vengono richiamati come segue: (ad es. Fig. 1). 10. I riferimenti bibliografici (citazioni) richiamano un’altra pubblicazione (articolo). La nota bibliografica, riportata nel testo, deve contenere i seguenti dati tra parentesi: cognome dell’autore, anno di pubblicazione, ad es. (Novak, 2007). Se gli autori sono due, verranno indicati entrambi (Novak & Kranjc, 2001), nel caso di tre o piů autori verrŕ indicato soltanto il primo, seguito dall’abbreviazione et al. (Novak et al., 1999). Vari riferimenti bibliografici in una stessa nota vanno divisi dal punto e virgola e segnalati in ordine cronologico, ad. es. (Novak et al., 1999; Adamic, 2001; Kranjc & Zupan, 2007). La testimonianza (orale, scritta) verrŕ indicata tra parentesi con l’abbreviazione del nome e con il cognome di chi l’ha trasmessa, seguiti dalla virgola e la dicitura “informazione personale”, ad es. (J. Novak, informazione personale). 11. La bibliografia completa va inserita in ordine alfabetico nel capitolo Bibliografia. L’autore indicherŕ esclusivamente i lavori e le edizioni citati nell’articolo. Se si citano piů lavori dello stesso autore, verranno indicati prima in ordine cronologico i lavori in cui l’autore appare solo, poi quelli in cui l’autore compare assieme ad un secondo coautore, seguiti infine da quelli in cui egli compare tra piů coautori. I nomi delle riviste in cui sono pubblicati i lavori citati saranno indicati nella forma abbreviata (abbreviazioni ufficialmente riconosciute). Gli articoli inediti si possono citare soltanto se sono in corso di pubblicazione, facendo loro seguire la dicitura “in corso di pubblicazione”. Gli articoli, non ancora recensiti non possono essere citati. 85 Esempio di lavoro bibliografico: Articoli in riviste: Klock, J.-H., A. Wieland, R. Seifert & W. Michaelis (2007): Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from cyanobacterial mats: characterisation and isolation method optimisation. Mar. Biol., 152, 1077-1085. Libri ed altre pubblicazioni non periodiche (relazioni, tesi di laurea, dissertazioni di dottorato): Wheeler, A. (1969): The fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. McMillan, London, 613 p. Capitoli di libro: McEachran, J. D. & C. Capapé (1984): Myliobatidae. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., M. L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds.): Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 1. Unesco, Paris, pp. 205-209. 12. Altro: Le espressioni latine come ad es. in vivo, in situ, e.g., i.e., i nomi dei generi famiglie (Myliobatis sp.) e delle specie (Myliobatis aquila) si scrivono con il carattere italic. Quando possibile saranno utilizzate le unitŕ del sistema SI (Systčme international d’unités). 13. Gli autori ricevono le prime bozze di stampa per la revisione. Le bozze corrette vanno quindi rispedite entro una settimana alla Redazione. In questa fase, i testi corretti con segni adeguati (indicazioni in merito si trovano alla fine della pubblicazione “Slovenski pravopis” (2001), Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, 24-25, non possono essere piů ampliati. La revisione delle bozze č svolta dalla Redazione. 14. La Redazione rimane a disposizione per eventuali chiarimenti. LA REDAZIONE 86 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS 1. The journal ANNALES (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, Series historia naturalis) publishes original scientific and review articles in the field of natural studies related to the specifics of various subfields of Mediterranean natural studies: marine biology and ecology, ichthyology, geology with paleontology, karst studies, olive growing, biodiversity of Slovenia, nature protection, pollution and environmental protection, physical geography of Istria and the Mediterranean, etc. It also publishes short scientific papers on completed research projects related to the above-mentioned sub- fields. 2. The articles submitted can be written in the English, Slovene or Italian language. The authors should ensure that their contributions meet acceptable standards of language, while the editorial board has the right to have them language edited. 3. The articles should be no longer than 48,000 characters (spaces excluded) or 32 typewritten double- spaced pages. They can be submitted via e-mail (preferably) or regular mail, with the electronic data carrier (CD) sent to the address of the editorial board. Submission of the article implies that it reports original unpublished work and that it will not be published elsewhere. 4. The title page should include the title of the article, the name and surname of the author(s), their affiliation (institutional name and address) or home address, and e-mail address (of the first author or the corresponding author only). 5. The article should contain the summary and the abstract, with the former (c. 30 lines) being longer than the latter (c. 10 lines). The abstract contains a brief description of the aim of the article, methods of work and results. It should contain no comments and recommendations. The summary contains the description of the aim of the article and methods of work and a brief analysis or interpretation of results. It can contain only the information that appears in the text as well. It should contain no reference to figures, table and citations published in the main text. 6. Beneath the abstract, the author(s) should supply appropriate keywords (max 6) and, if possible, the English (or Slovene) translation of the abstract, summary, keywords, and captions to figures and tables. If unprovided, the translation will be provided by the editorial board. 7. The main text should include the following chapters: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion or Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (not obligatory), References. Individual parts of the text can form a sub-chapter (e.g. Survey of Previous Studies under Introduction; Description of Research Area under Material and Methods). Captions to figures should appear on a separate page beneath References. 8. Each table should be submitted on a separate page in Word programme (just like the main text). It should be numbered consecutively and supplied with the title – brief description. When referring to the tables in the main text, use the following style: (Tab. 1). 9. Illustrative matter (diagrams, maps, photographs, plates) should be submitted as separate files (in jpeg or tiff format) and saved at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi per size preferred, with the maximum possible publication size being 17x20 cm. Prior to publication, the author(s) should obtain all necessary authorizations (as stipulated by the Copyright and Related Rights Act) for the publication of the illustrative matter and submit them to the editorial board. All figures should be captioned and numbered consecutively (cf. Item 7). When referring to the figures in the main text, use the following style: (Fig. 1). 10. Bibliographic notes or citations – i.e. references to other articles or publications – should contain the following data: author and year of publication, e.g. (Novak, 2007). If there are two authors, include both surnames (Novak & Kranjc, 2001); if there are more than two authors, include the surname of the first author followed by a comma and the abbreviation et al. (Novak et al., 1999). If there is more than one reference, separate them by a semicolon and list them in ascending chronological order, e.g. (Novak et al., 1999; Adamic, 2001; Kranjc & Zupan, 2007). When citing information obtained through personal communication (oral, written), provide the initial letter of the name and full surname of the informant followed by a comma and the phrase personal communication, e.g. (J. Novak, personal communication). 11. The entire list of bibliographic data should be published under References in alphabetical order. The author(s) should list only the works cited in the article. If you are listing several works by the same author with some of them written in co-authorship, first list those written by the author him/herself, then those written in co-authorship with another author, and finally those written in co-authorship with more than one author, with the entries listed in chronological order. The names of journals in which the works cited were published should be abbreviated (cf. list of official journal abbreviations). Unpublished articles can be cited only if they have been 87 approved for publication, which should be indicated by adding the phrase in press to the end of the relevant bibliography entry. Some examples of how to cite different types of bibliographical data: Articles published in serial publications: Klock, J.-H., A. Wieland, R. Seifert & W. Michaelis (2007): Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from cyanobacterial mats: characterisation and isolation method optimisation. Mar. Biol., 152, 1077-1085. Books and other non-serial publications (reports, diploma theses, doctoral dissertation): Wheeler, A. (1969): The fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. McMillan, London, 613 p. Chapters published in a book: McEachran, J. D. & C. Capapé (1984): Myliobatidae. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., M. L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds.): Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Vol. 1. Unesco, Paris, pp. 205-209. 12. Miscellaneous: Latin phrases such as in vivo, in situ, e.g., i.e., and names of genera (Myliobatis sp.) and species (Myliobatis aquila) should be written in italics. Whenever possible, use the SI units (Systčme international d’unités). 13. The authors are sent the first page proofs. They should be returned to the editorial board within a week. When reading the proofs, the authors should use the correction signs listed at the end of the book Slovenski pravopis (2001), Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, 24–25. It is not allowed to lengthen the text during proofreading. Second proof-reading is done by the editorial board. 14. For additional information regarding article publication contact the editorial board. EDITORIAL BOARD 88 KAZALO K SLIKAM NA OVITKU SLIKA NA NASLOVNICI: Znani raziskovalec polžev zaškrgarjev T. E. Thompson je zapisal, da so »zaškrgarji med mehkužci to, kar so orhideje med semenkami in metulji med clenonožci«. Pisani barvni vzorci teh morskih polžev pritegnejo številne podvodne fotografe. Na sliki je vrsta Godiva quadricolor. (Foto: L. Lanca) Sl. 1: V zadnjih desetletjih smo prica vse pogostejšemu pojavljanju tujerodnih vrst v severnem Jadranu. Tokrat raziskovalci porocajo o najdbi izjemno barvitega gološkrgarja v rovinjski marini. (Foto: L. Lanca) Sl. 2: Eden izmed najpogostejših polžev gološkrgarjev (Nudibranchia) v Jadranskem morju je vrsta Thuridilla hopei. Ceprav gre za zelo majhen primerek, ga brez težav prepoznamo zaradi kombinacije crne, modre in rumene barve. (Foto: B. Mavric) Sl. 3: Med 141 vrstami polžev zaškrgarjev, ki se pojavljajo v slovenskem delu Jadrana, je tudi manj znana vrsta Catriona maua. Doslej je bila v Sredozemskem morju najdena le na nekaj lokalitetah. (Foto: D. Trkov) Sl. 4: Med polže zaškrgarje prištevamo tudi morske zajcke. Pikasti morski zajcek (Aplysia punctata) je pogosta vrsta, še posebej na morskih travnikih. (Foto: B. Mavric) Sl. 5: Nekateri polži zaškrgarji se v svojem okolju zelo dobro prikrivajo. To velja tudi za tilodino Tylodina perversa, ki s svojim živo rumenim barvnim vzorcem zelo dobro posnema spužvo žveplenjaco (Aplysina aerophoba), s katero se prehranjuje. (Foto: B. Mavric) Sl. 6: Oranžno-beli barvni vzorec je med polži gološkrgarji razmeroma pogost. Znacilen je tudi za vrsto Berghia verrucicornis, ki je plenilec morskih vetrnic. (Foto: B. Mavric) Sl. 7: Za vecino polžev zaškrgarjev je znacilna izredna barvitost in nenavadne oblike, kar privablja podvodne fotografe. Pestrost barvnih vzorcev in kombinacij je tako raznolika, da bi zagotovo lahko bila navdih za oblikovalce tekstilnih izdelkov. Na sliki vrsta Diaphorodoris papillata. (Foto: B. Mavric) Sl. 8: Med tujerodnimi vrstami je veliko polžev zaškrgarjev. Pojavljajo se predvsem v pristanišcih, najdemo pa jih tudi v obrežnih mokrišcih, še posebej lagunah. Na sliki je tujerodna vrsta Cuthona perca iz Škocjanskega zatoka (Koper). (Foto: B. Mavric) INDEX TO IMAGES ON THE COVER FRONT COVER: The famous malacologist T. E. Thompson once said that “the opisthobranchs are to Mollusca what the orchids are to the angiosperms or the butterflies to arthropods.” The colourful patterns of these snails attract many underwater photographers. Depicted here is the alien sea slug species Godiva quadricolor. (Photo: L. Lanca) Fig. 1: Over the last decades, we have witnessed frequent occurrences of non-indigenous species in the northern Adriatic Sea. The latest report is of a finding of the vividly coloured nudibranch Godiva quadricolor in Rovinj. (Photo: L. Lanca) Fig. 2: One of the commonest nudibranchs in the Adriatic Sea is certainly Thuridilla hopei. Although the depicted specimen is a rather small one, it can easily be recognized by its black, yellow and blue colour pattern. (Photo: B. Mavric) Fig. 3: Among the 141 species of opisthobranchs recorded to date in Slovene waters there is also a lesser-known species, Catriona maua, so far reported in only a few localities in the Mediterranean Sea. (Photo: D. Trkov) Fig. 4: The opisthobranchs also include sea hares. The spotted sea hare (Aplysia punctata) is a common species, inhabiting seagrass meadows. (Photo: B. Mavric) Fig. 5: Some opisthobranchs are masters of camouflage. The vivid yellow pigmentation of Tylodina perversa perfectly matches the colour of the sponge Aplysina aerophoba, its favourite prey. (Photo: B. Mavric) Fig. 6: The orange-white colour pattern is rather common among nudibranchs. It is also typical of Berghia verrucicornis, a sea slug preying on sea anemones. (Photo: B. Mavric) Fig. 7: The great majority of opisthobranchs are characterized by bright colouration and peculiar shapes, which attract underwater photographers. The range of colour patterns and combinations is so diverse that it could certainly inspire textile designers. Depicted here is the nudibranch Diaphorodoris papillata. (Photo: B. Mavric) Fig. 8: Alien species in the Adriatic Sea include many opisthobranchs, which are mainly found in harbours, but occurring in coastal wetlands, too, especially lagoons. This is a picture of the alien nudibranch Cuthona perca from the coastal lagoon of Škocjanski zatok (Koper, Slovenia). (Photo: B. Mavric) 90