M. MANJAIAH, R. F. LAUBSCHER: A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS ... 181–193 A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS PREGLED MODIFIKACIJ POVR[INE TITANOVIH ZLITIN ZA BIOMEDICINSKO UPORABO Mallaiah Manjaiah, Rudolph Frans Laubscher University of Johannesburg, Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, Kingsway Campus, Auckland Park, 2006 Johannesburg, South Africa manjaiahgalpuji@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-12-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-03-02 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.348 Dental implants are mechanical components that are used to restore the mastication (chewing) function and/or aesthetic appeal because of tooth loss or degradation. They are affixed (screwed) into the upper or lower jaw and act as a base for single or bridge-type tooth replacements. They are mostly manufactured from titanium alloys. The surface integrity of the manufactured implant may have a significant effect on the functioning and success of the implant. A systematic review is described on the effect of engineered surface integrity on the performance of titanium dental implants as regards the implant fixation, mechanical performance, bone growth and cell response. The need for surface engineering of the implant is introduced first. This includes the mechanical, surface-integrity and biocompatibility-required properties. This is followed by introducing and discussing the dedicated surface-modification processes currently employed. These include: abrasive blasting, electrochemical processes, hybrid processes and laser modification. The mechanical and biocompatible properties of an implant are the most crucial factor for their application in biomedical use. Hence, the present review article focused on the latest improvements to dental implant design based on the mechanical and biocompatible properties. The physical contact of an implant with respect to its surface roughness is an important factor in dental implant design. The surface roughness of an implant on the macro, micro and nano scales have specific effects on the implant’s contact with the surrounding tissue of the bone. In addition, the biocompitability of titanium material is very important to develop a sustainable dental implant. Looking into the importance of the above mechanical and biocompatible properties of bone implants, the authors review elaborately the development of titanium-based implants with reference to the above properties. Keywords: implants, titanium, surface roughness, systematic review, surface engineering process, hybrid process, mechanical machining, chemical treatment Zobni vsadki so mehanske komponente, ki se jih uporablja za obnovo funkcije `ve~enja in/ali iz estetskih razlogov zaradi izgube ali poslab{anja zoba. Pritrjeni (privija~eni) so v zgornjo ali v spodnjo ~eljust in slu`ijo kot osnova za nadomestni zob ali za mosti~ek. Ve~inoma so izdelani iz titanovih zlitin. Integriteta povr{ine izdelanih vsadkov lahko pomembno vpliva na delovanje in uspe{nost vsadka. Opisan je sistemati~en pregled o vplivu in`enirske celovitosti povr{ine na zmogljivost titanovega dentalnega vsadka glede na pritrditev vsadka, mehanske zmogljivosti, vra{~anja kosti in odziva celic. Najprej je predstavljena potreba po obdelavi povr{ine vsadka. To vklju~uje zahtevane mehanske lastnosti, celovitost povr{ine in biokompatibilnost. Temu sledi predstavitev in razlaga trenutno uporabljanih postopkov za namensko spremembo povr{ine. To vklju~uje: abrazivno peskanje, elektrokemijske procese, hibridne procese in modifikacijo z laserjem. Mehanske in biokompatibilne lastnosti vsadka so najbolj pomemben faktor pri njihovi uporabi v biomedicini. Zato ta ~lanek predstavlja najnovej{i razvoj za izbolj{anje na~rtovanja dentalnega vsadka na podlagi mehanskih in biokompatibilnih lastnostih. Fizi~ni stik vsadka, glede na hrapavost povr{ine, je pomemben faktor pri na~rtovanju vsadka. Hrapavost povr{ine vsadka ima na makro-, mikro- in nanonivoju specifi~en vpliv na stik vsadka z obkro`ujo~im tkivom kosti. Poleg tega je biokompatibilnost titanovega materiala pomembna za razvoj trajnostnih dentalnih vsadkov. Zaradi pomembnosti mehanskih in biokompatibilnih lastnosti kostnih vsadkov avtorji prikazujejo, glede na te lastnosti, razvoj vsadkov na osnovi titana. Klju~ne besede: vsadki, titan, hrapavost povr{ine, sistemati~en pregled, postopki spreminjanja povr{ine, hibridni proces, mehanska, kemijska obdelava 1 INTRODUCTION A significant portion of the population may have a need for implant dentistry to restore the mastication (chewing) function or aesthetic appeal after losing teeth because of disease or mechanical trauma. Dental im- plants are mechanical components that are affixed (screwed) into the jawbone and act as the base for single or bridge-type tooth replacement. They are mostly manufactured from titanium alloys. Dentists and dental specialists encounter various challenges regarding the placement of implants into the jawbone structure. They are continuously seeking new methods and alternative materials to solve the many challenges at hand while reducing the risks involved. Dental implants are the nearest equivalent replacement to a natural tooth that may be compromised by disease or trauma. A dental implant is a metal part and therefore a foreign body as far as the physiology of the patient is concerned. This may lead to several difficulties such as compatibility with the rest of the body. Successful application implies that the dental specialist industry considers all the rele- vant factors as related to dental reconstruction and resto- ration. These factors may include the implant geometric Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 181–193 181 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 621.9.015:669.295:606:61 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(2)181(2017) design, mechanical performance, aesthetic appeal, biocompatibility and osseointegration of the implant with the bone and surrounding tissues. Dental implants can be categorized into three widely used designs. These are subperoisteal, transosteal and the more recent and most popular of the three the endosseous implants. The endosseous types are placed deep within the mandible or maxilla, the lower and upper jawbone, respectively. Once the implant is placed (usually screwed) within the jaw and left to heal, the jawbone osseointegrates with the implant to create a secure interface between jaw and implant. Successful osseointegration, as far as mechani- cal performance is concerned, is assessed by the implant withstanding a certain minimum loosening torque, usually applied with a torque wrench. Prosthetic and implant manufacture include various different types of designs, shapes and surface-engineered components made from various materials. Biocompatible materials that have been and are used include stainless steel, carbon, platinum, titanium, silver, cobalt chrome alloys, alumina, magnesium, sapphire, acrylic, porcelain, calcium phosphate compounds and zirconia. Dental and orthopedic practitioners have previously used stainless steel and cobalt-chrome alloys for their implants. These materials have good mechanical proper- ties such as high strength and good corrosion resistance. Furthermore, they have proven to be compatible with the human body. They demonstrated clinical success in many implant cases.1 However, titanium and its alloys have largely superseded them because of similar and enhanced properties. Titanium is inert and has good biocompatibility. It resists a wide range of corrosive agents and has a superior strength-to-weight ratio when compared to that of steel. Today, dental practitioners mainly use commercially pure titanium as their material of choice. The clinical success of any biomedical ortho- pedic/dental implant depends on the surface interaction between the bone tissue and the implant (osseointe- gration). Hence, the dentists/orthopaedists must make use of an implant manufactured from a suitable material that also has a suitable surface integrity. In general, Ti alloys are more corrosion resistant and less toxic when used in the human body compared to steel, Co-Cr and tantalum.2 The fact that titanium alloys also have a lower elastic modulus, more comparable with that of bone, helps with the load transfer and subsequent stress profile at the interface. Titanium-based alloys have therefore become the material of choice for many implant applications because of their outstanding characteristics, such as high tensile strength, corrosion resistance, lower modulus of elasticity, lower density and enhanced bio- compatibility (osseointegration ability). Apart from these applications, titanium alloys have a wide range of appli- cations in other commercial and aerospace industries. 1.1 Required mechanical and biocompatible properties of implant materials The selection of a biomaterial for the intended application of bio parts is important. The material should have high durability without immunological rejection in the human body’s environment and a good response with tissue cells. The mechanical properties of the materials should concurrently match with human bone properties like density, tensile strength, fatigue resistance, hardness, and a low modulus of elasticity, elongation wear resis- tance and corrosion resistance. It is difficult to get all the feasible properties in one material. Corrosion is the disintegration of an implant alloy that will spoil the im- plant material and surrounding tissues. For this reason, a material with a greater corrosion resistance and high strength for biomedical applications is preferred. These materials have replaced some of the parts of the human body, shoulders, knee, hips, elbows, and oro-dental structure.3 Few materials are used in a very active role, like actuators, vascular stents, heart vertebras, ortho- dontic arch wires, etc. The authors reported that expedient materials for biomedical implants such as stainless steel AISI 316L, cobalt-based alloys, CoCrMo alloys, titanium alloys, TiNi shape-memory alloys and special alloys.2 The materials that are used for surgical implants in biomedical are listed in Table 1. In addition, all these biomaterials posses a higher modulus of elasticity than the bone. Among these materials, the titanium-based ma- terial is feasible and most appropriate for implantation. Due to the combination of outstanding characteristics compared to other materials such as enhanced biocom- patibility, low modulus, high strength and good osseo- integration. These materials are highly non-toxic and do not cause any allergic reaction with the human body. Ti6Al4V is the long-term main medical alloy for implan- tation. However, these alloys have a possible toxic effect on the body, caused by the vanadium and aluminium. Due to this reason, vanadium- and aluminium-free tita- nium alloys are preferred for implant applications.4 The surface properties of a metallic material play a role in the spontaneous build up of a stable and inert oxide layer to make it highly biocompatible. The responses induced by the material in the human body and degradation of the material are the two main factors in biocompatibility. Commercially pure Ti materials are preferred as they give bio-integration with the surrounding tissues, cells of the bone and healing, bone growth, etc. Material with a highly appropriate surface is required for the implant to assimilate with adjacent bone. Hence, surface engineer- ing plays a major role in the development of good osseointegration. The success of a dental implant is highly dependent on the chemical, physical, mechanical and surface topography characteristics of the implants. Surface topography plays a vital role in osseointegration M. MANJAIAH, R. F. LAUBSCHER: A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS ... 182 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 181–193 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS and shorter healing time from implant placement to restoration.2 1.2 The reason for surface modification The biomedical applications of titanium alloys in- clude replacement parts such as hip, knee, shoulder, screws, nuts, plates, nails, housing devises for pace- makers and artificial heart valves, surgical instruments and so on.5–7 The goal of dentistry is to restore the normal function of a patient’s speech, oral health and aesthetics, regardless of a weakened, diseased, or other- wise injured oral system. Although titanium alloys are extensively used in dental-implant manufacture, failure of the fixation may still occur because of insufficient early osseointegration, infection, surgical trauma, or pre- mature overloading, improper surgical placement, fatigue and inadequate quality of the bone surrounding the implants.8 Successful dental implantation is highly dependent on the biochemical, physical, mechanical and surface topography characteristics of the implant surface. The biocompatibility of the material is important and needless to say it must be non-toxic and should not cause any allergic reaction with the human body. Ti6Al4V has been extensively used for implant manufacture, but concerns have been raised about their long-term effects because of their vanadium and aluminium content. Due to this reason, commercially pure titanium alloys are pre- ferred for implant applications.4 The surface properties of metallic materials play a significant role in the spontaneous build up of a stable and inert oxide layer, which is usually highly biocompatible. The response induced by the implant material on the human body and the degradation thereof are the two main factors that contribute to biocompatibility. These commercially pure titanium alloys are preferred as they are bio-compatible with the surrounding tissue and bone cells and do not inhibit healing and bone growth. It does, however, also imply that a material with an appropriate surface is required for effective osseointegration with adjacent bone. Hence, surface engineering plays a significant role in the improvement of the implantation process. Surface topography has a significant effect on osseointegration and a shorter healing time from implant placement to restoration.2 Hence, many studies tried to optimize dental and orthopedic implants by the modification of surface chemistry and surface topography by using many me- thods such as sandblasting, acid etching, electrochemical machining and anodizing to improve the aesthetic appearance.9 However, the surface engineering of tita- nium improves the aesthetic appearance of the implant, the biocompatibility of the implant, the corrosion resis- tance, the fatigue life of the implant and to reduce the friction between the implant and abutments. The surface modification is also used to help osseointegration, a faster healing time, improved bone implantation contact and the life expectancy of titanium implants. Titanium dentures become dimmer, weakening its aesthetic aspect when being used for a long time in the oral environment. With the higher demand of dental implants not only for the restoration of oral function, such as chewing, pronunciation and durability, but also dental aesthetics, it is necessary to improve the titanium dental aesthetic for practical clinical uses. The self-colouring of the anodisation of titanium has been patented1 and the anodisation improves the aesthe- M. MANJAIAH, R. F. LAUBSCHER: A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 181–193 183 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 1: Bio-material and their mechanical properties1,4 Tabela 1: Biomateriali in njihove mehanske lastnosti1,4 Material Yield strength(Mpa) Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) Modulus (GPa) Elongation (%) Density (g/cc) 316L steel 290 580 210 50 7.99 CoCrMo 275-1585 600-1795 200-230 8 8.3 CoCrNiMo 241 793 232 50 8.43 TiNi 195-690 895 80 25-50 6.45 CP Ti grade I 170 240 102 24 4.5 CP Ti grade II 275 345 102 20 4.5 CP Ti grade III 380 450 102 18 4.5 CP Ti grade IV 483 550 104 15 4.5 Ti-6Al-4V-ELI 795 860 113 10 4.4 Ti-6Al-4V 860 930 113 10 4.4 Ti-6Al-7Nb 880-950 900-1050 114 8-15 4.4 Ti-5Al-2.5Fe 895 1020 112 15 4.4 Ti-15Zr-4Nb-2Ta-0.2Pd 693-806 715-919 94-99 18-28 4.4 Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr 864 911 80 13.2 4.4 Ti-13Nb-13Zr 900 973-1037 19-84 15 4.99 Ti-12Mo-6Zr-2Fe 1000-1060 1060-1100 74-85 18-22 5.0 Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta 742-806 596 55 11-22 5.0 Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr 715 911 65 22 5.0 Ti-35Nb-5Ta-7Zr-0.4O 590-1074 1010 66 21-27 5.0 Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al 1475 724-900 82 14 4.95 tic appearance. The uniform colours of the interference pattern can be obtained for any large surface area. From the practical point of view the surface treatment leads to producing uniform colours. This surface treatment improves the aesthetic appearance in dental implant application and other industrial uses such as jewellery and architectural purposes.1 The surface treatment of titanium also improves the corrosion behaviour of the alloy. A. Karambakhsh et al.10 have studied the effect of anodisation on the corrosion behaviour of a commer- cially pure (CP) titanium alloy. Anodising in sulphuric acid greatly reduced the corrosion resistance of the samples, which is due to the formation of a resistant anodic film. The greater film thickness increased the corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of the implant needs to be good because specific metal ions released from the implant can induce inflammation reaction with the surrounding tissues. Moreover, in the long term, it may be harmful to the human body. The porous oxide films formed by the anodic spark depo- sition, the porous oxide, predominantly consist of the TiO2 phase. The crystalline structure of the film consists of anatase and rutile. The anodic oxidation improves the corrosion resistance of the CP titanium alloy.11 Titanium has excellent corrosion resistance, good fatigue strength and acceptable fracture toughness, but it has poor sliding characteristics. These alloys fail by galling and often exhibit high and unstable friction coefficients. To improve these properties, surface engi- neering techniques are required, such as hard coating, soft coating, diffusion treatment, and shot-peening. Diffusion treatments include oxygen diffusion, nitriding and carburizing.12 The surface modification of titanium is also necessary to prevent the release of toxic elements from titanium such as aluminium and vanadium, which are known to cause toxicity.13 Porous implants have an effect on the fatigue strength in a highly loaded appli- cation, such as the hip joint. These alloys experienced a drastic reduction in strength due to the porosity, and due to the stress intensity the pores are the major sources of weakness in the fatigue strength. To achieve a func- tionally strong implant, a porous implant design needs to account for these losses in metal strength. Hence, the surface engineering of these alloys is essential. The bulk properties of biomaterials, such as non-toxi- city, corrosion resistance or controlled degradability, modulus of elasticity, and fatigue strength have long been recognized as being highly relevant in terms of the selection of the right biomaterials for a specific biome- dical application. The events after implantation include interactions between the biological environment and artificial material surfaces, the onset of biological reactions, as well as the particular response paths chosen by the body. The material surface plays an extremely important role in the response of the biological environment to artificial medical devices. In implants made of titanium, the normal manufacturing steps usually lead to an oxidized, contaminated surface layer that is often stressed and plastically deformed, non-uni- form and rather poorly defined. Such native surfaces are clearly not appropriate for biomedical applications and some surface treatment must be performed. Another important reason for conducting surface a modification of titanium medical devices is that specific surface properties that are different from those in the bulk are often required. For example, in order to accomplish biological integration, it is necessary to have good bone formability. In blood-contacting devices, such as artificial heart valves, blood compatibility is crucial. In other applications, good wear and corrosion resistance are also required. The proper surface modification tech- niques not only retain the excellent bulk attributes of titanium and its alloys, such as a relatively low modulus, good fatigue strength, formability and machinability, but also improve specific surface properties required by different clinical applications. According to the different clinical needs, various surface modification schemes have been proposed and are shown in Table 2. In the following sections, the surface modification of titanium implants to improve the bioactivity, biocom- M. MANJAIAH, R. F. LAUBSCHER: A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS ... 184 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 181–193 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 2: Summary of surface-modification methods for titanium implants15 Tabela 2: Pregled metod za modifikacijo povr{ine titanovih vsadkov15 Surface modification methods Modified layer Objectives Mechanical methods: machining, grinding, polishing, blasting Rough or smooth surface formed by subtraction process Produce specific surface topographies; clean and roughen surface; improve adhesive in bonding Chemical methods acid treatment <10 nm of surface oxide layer Remove oxide scales and contamination Alkaline treatment ~1μm sodium titanate gel Improve biocompatibility, bioactivity or bone conductivity Hydrogen peroxide treatment ~5 nm of dense inner oxide and porous outer layer Improve biocompatibility, bioactivity or bone conductivity Sol-gel ~10 nm of thin film, such as calcium phosphate, TiO2 and silica Improve biocompatibility, bioactivity or bone conductivity Anodic oxidation ~10 nm to 40 μm of TiO2 adsorption and incorporation of electrolyte anions Produce specific surface topographies; improved corrosion resistance; improve biocompatibility, bioactivity or bone conductivity patibility, wear and corrosion resistance by the various surface modification technologies are discussed. These methods are classified into mechanical, electrochemical and hybrid processes according to the formation mechanism of the modified layer on the material surface. 2 ABRASIVE BLASTING Abrasive blasting is one of the mechanical surface modification methods involving plastic treatment, shaping or the removal of materials from the surface. The objective of this mechanical modification process is to obtain a surface roughness, topography, removal of surface contamination and improve its surface-adhesion properties. The surface of titanium is abrasively sand blasted with hard ceramic particles to increase the sur- face roughness. Depending on the particle size to which the surface roughness can be produced, the surface roughness depends on the bulk material properties, ceramic particle material, particle size, particle shape, particle impact speed and the density of the particles. The surface may consist of craters, ridges and particles embedded on the surface. The surface roughness increases with an increase in ceramic particles of size 25 μm to 250 μm of TiO2 or Al2O3. The blasted surface with a particle size of 25 μm has a higher surface roughness compared to machined surfaces, but smoother than 75 μm and 250 μm particles on blasted surfaces.14 The authors also made comparisons between different particle sizes (25μm and 75μm) of Al2O3 blasted on the surface of titanium implants on the torque and surface topography. They concluded that more torque is required to remove an implant with the surface blasted with 75μm Al2O3 particles compared to 25μm particles. It is ob- served that the surface was blasted by different particle sizes, such as 25 μm and 75μm of Al2O3. It was charac- terized that two surfaces having different irregularities and different degrees of surface roughness have a greater surface roughness when blasted with a particle size of 75 μm (Sa-1.45 μm) compared to a surface blasted with 25 μm (Sa-1.11 μm), as shown in Figure 1. Titanium oxide particles can be used for the grit blasting of dental implants, which produces an average surface roughness of 1 μm to 2 μm. Many researchers reported that the torque force increases with surface roughness.14,15 This indicates an improvement in the biocompatibility, cell activity and osseointegration of the titanium implant using the sandblasting method. The roughening of implants by titanium plasma spraying used to produce a rough surface of the implant can be obtained by a process known as grit blasting, which makes use of hard ceramic particles. The hard particle collides with the surface of the implant at a high velocity using com- pressed air. Different surface roughness can be obtained from the size of the ceramic particle and the type of particle. After blasting with a ceramic particle, cleaning the surface of the titanium is very important due to some of the residues of the alumina being embedded on the surface of the implant. The alumina ceramic particle is insoluble in acid. This does not, however, completely remove the osseointegration difficulties of the implant. A residue of particles may react with the surrounding tissue cells and cause failure in the implant fixation. The blasted surface has greater bone implant contact (BIC) compared to a machined implant. Titanium oxide particles can also be used for blasting the implant, which shows an improvement in the BIC compared to a machined surface.16 The experimental demonstration of A. Abron et al.17, shows a higher bone implant contact in the blasted surface implants compared to machined surface implants. These studies confirm that roughening of the titanium dental implants increases their mechanical fixation to the bone, but not their biological fixation.18–20 A. Karacs et al.21 investigated the morphology of machined, blasted and laser-treated surfaces of titanium. The Al2O3 blasted surface has a unique surface morphological characteristic that enhances the osseointegration process. Research conducted on animals indicates a 50 % improvement in the removal torque of an implant can be expected. The aforementioned indicates that the sand-blasting M. MANJAIAH, R. F. LAUBSCHER: A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 181–193 185 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Sand-blasted titanium surface with different particle sizes: a) 25 μm and b) 75 μm16 Slika 1: Povr{ina titana, obdelana s peskanjem z delci razli~ne veli- kosti: a) 25 μm in b) 75 μm16 preparation method is a promising technique for preparing titanium dental implant surfaces. 3 ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESS An electrochemical process of surface modification includes electro polishing, anodic oxidation, acid etching and electrochemical machining. Electro polishing is a controlled electrochemical dissolution of the surface. The process was carried out to obtain a mirror-like smooth surface finish that removes plastically deformed amorphous surface layer residues due to machining.22 3.1 Anodizing Anodizing is an electrolytic chemical oxidation process whereby the oxide layer thickness is engineered to the aesthetic appearance (colour) of the titanium. A thin passive oxide layer is formed, which is usually more stable and thicker than the natural oxide layer that is formed when it first made contact with the air. Anodic titanium oxide has been used in various fields of advanced technologies and industries, e.g., an electrical component, resistive material for friction and wear, decorative coating, resistance to corrosion, as a reflective material and recently as photo electrode material and as well as to improve the aesthetic appearance of im- plants.17,23 The anodic oxidation of the titanium surface for implant applications is relatively inexpensive and may produce a uniform thickness throughout the surface area.24 The anodic oxidation is a simple and novel method for colouring titanium to improve the aesthetic appeal due to the high reactivity of titanium with oxy- gen. The anodization of titanium has been patented.1 Anodization is a surface-modification technique that has been proposed to minimize the rate of ion release from titanium alloys. There is an alternative method to produce surface modification that includes ion implan- tation, chemical passivation, and plasma spraying. All the common methods used to perform surface modifi- cations lack the required layer thickness. However, the plasma spraying method can produce a thick coating of oxide layer. but is a difficult method for generating a uniform layer on the surface when applied to porous and non-regular substrates.25 Anodizing is an electrochemical oxidation process of thickening the oxide layer on the surface of titanium metals. Electrochemical anodizing is the most common method to control the colouring of titanium.26 This process is a surface-modification process that is efficient in forming an uniform and stable oxide layer on the implant surface compared to other surface-modification processes. e.g., electrochemical, ion implantation and heat treatment, etc.27 Titanium anodizing improves the surface properties which increases the lubricity, anti-galling and fatigue properties of the alloy. Because of the aforementioned properties, anodizing is becoming rapidly popular in treating components used in the medical industry, especially on orthopaedic implants. This process endows with an extensive formation of oxide coating under controlled conditions to offer the desired result. Due to this, it is biocompatible and non- toxic, resulting in a drastic improvement in performance purposes used for biomedical dental implants. The anodizing process will be carried out with either constant current (Galvonostat) or constant voltage (Potentiostat). Among the other surface-modification processes, the anodic oxidation process is easy to deposit the oxide film on the titanium surface by means of an electrochemical process. This process has various controlled variables such as the type of electrolyte used, the voltage applied across the electrodes and the current used for the pro- cess. A change in any of these variables can affect the surface morphology, chemical composition and film thickness of the titanium implant.28 The thick oxide film formed during anodic oxidation at higher applied volt- ages leads to a high surface roughness, which provides a high bonding strength between the oxide and the tita- nium substrate. Moreover, the surface hardness is improved near the oxide layer due to anodic oxidation, which is caused by the incorporation of the oxide into the titanium alloy.29,30 It is reported that the bioactivity of titanium can be improved by oxide film formation on the titanium surface by anodic oxidation. This oxide layer is either anatase or a mixture of anatase and the rutile crystal structure. Many researchers have reported that the bioactivity of titanium can be improved by varying the thickness of the oxide layer and the crystal structure. The anodization takes place in either galvanostatic or poten- tiostatic conditions with an increase in the voltage or current density leading to an increase in the oxide layer thickness. The manipulation of the oxide layer also affects the crystalline structure surface of the implant. The anodic oxidation process creates a porous surface structure on the titanium surface as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 shows how the oxidized dental implant mor- phology has volcano-shaped saliencies as the oxide form on the surface as a function of the anodic voltage, M. MANJAIAH, R. F. LAUBSCHER: A REVIEW OF THE SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF TITANIUM ALLOYS ... 186 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 181–193 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Anodized dental implant surface, resembling small volcanoes34 Slika 2: Anodizirana povr{ina vsadka, podobna majhnim vulkanom34 current, concentration of electrolyte and a change in the temperature. The titanium oxide (TiOX), where (13.0.CO;2-P 15 G. Peto, A. Karacs, Z. Pászti, L. Guczi, T. Divinyi, A. Joób, Surface treatment of screw shaped titanium dental implants by high intensity laser pulses, Appl. Surf. Sci., 186 (2002), 7–13, doi:10.1016/S0169- 4332(01)00769-3 16 L. Le Guéhennec, A. Soueidan, P. Layrolle, Y. Amouriq, Surface treatments of titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration, Dent. Mater., 23 (2007), 844–854, doi:10.1016/j.dental.2006.06.025 17 A. Abron, M. Hopfensperger, J. Thompson, L. F. 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