298 Documenta Praehistorica XLVIII (2021) Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave (Southern Iberian Peninsula) Daniel García Rivero1,2,3, Ruth Taylor 1,2,3, Cláudia Umbelino3,2, Miriam Cubas 4, María Barrera Cruz5,1, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez1 1 Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Seville, Seville, ES garciarivero@us.es< ruth.taylor@hotmail.com< mdrodriguez@us.es 2 Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behavior, University of Algarve, Faro, PT 3 Research Centre for Anthropology and Health, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PT umbelino@antrop.uc.pt 4 Department of History, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, ES< mcubas.morera@gmail.com 5 Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Valencia, Valencia, ES bacruzma@uv.es ABSTRACT – An intact archaeological context named Locus 1 has recently been discovered at Dehesilla Cave (southern Spain). The ritual funerary deposition consists of a complete pottery jar with part of a human calvarium over the mouth, and was occulted by large stone blocks. This paper offers a presentation of the new data provided mainly by the stratigraphic, osteological, pot- tery, lithic and radiocarbon analyses. A systematic review of the relevant evidence in the Iberian Peninsula during the Early Neolithic (c. 5600–4800 cal BC) provides a context for this finding and supports its interpretation with reference to several possible anthropological scenarios. IZVLE∞EK – Nedavno so v jami Dehesilla (ju∫na πpanija) odkrili nepo∏kodovan pogrebni kontekst Locus 1. Gre za v celoti ohranjen kerami≠en lonec z delom ≠love∏kega lobanjskega svoda nad usti, ki je bil prekrit z ve≠jimi kamnitimi bloki. V prispevku predstavljamo nove podatke, ki smo jih pri- dobili na podlagi stratigrafske in osteolo∏ke analize, analize keramike in kamnitih orodij ter z radiokarbonskim datiranjem. Najdbo postavljamo v kontekst s pomo≠jo sistemati≠nega pregleda relevantnih podatkov iz zgodnjega neolitika (ok. 5600-4800 pr. n. ∏t.) na Iberskem polotoku in pod- premo interpretacijo s sklicevanjem na razli≠ne mo∫ne antropolo∏ke scenarije. KEY WORDS – Neolithic; ritual; human skull; pottery jar; residue analysis KLJU∞NE BESEDE – neolitik; obred; ≠love∏ka lobanja; kerami≠ni lonec; analiza ostankov hrane Zgodnje neolitski pogrebni obredi v najbolj zahodnih regijah Sredozemlja> nova spoznanja iz jame Dehesilla (ju/ni Iberski polotok) DOI> 10.4312\dp.48.8 Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 299 Another ritual funerary context named Locus 2 has been published recently, but belongs to a later ar- chaeological period, namely the Middle Neolithic (García-Rivero et al. 2020). During the archaeological excavation of Area C006 in 2017, a depositional context was discovered lo- cated in one of the innermost chambers of the cave, identified as Unit 10-Locus 1 (hereafter, Locus 1). This find takes on particular interest and impor- tance, not only because of its singularity but also be- cause it offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the ritual and funerary behaviours of the com- munities of the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in the Iberian Peninsula. The aim of this paper is thus twofold: first, to pre- sent the new finding documented at Dehesilla Cave, supported by a wide range of data provided by the technical means available today in archaeology; and second, to place this ritual funerary deposition with- in the broader context of the contemporaneous and comparable data known at present in the Iberian Peninsula. This comparative approach enables not Introduction Neolithic funerary practices in the Iberian Peninsula have caught the attention and interest of many ar- chaeologists (e.g., Bernabeu et al. 2001; Rubio 2001; Pascual 2002; Gibaja 2004; Chambon 2008; Jiménez-Brobeil 2009; Bernabeu 2010; Carrasco et al. 2010; Pérez-Fernández, Soler 2010; Garrido- Pena et al. 2012; Alonso, Jiménez-Echevarría 2015; Rojo et al. 2016) as an empirical record of particular importance, as a direct means of approach to the po- pulations of the past and, especially, to their sym- bolic and ritual behaviours. In recent years, an increase can be observed in the archaeological evidence related to funerary practi- ces during the Early Neolithic, c. 5600–4800 cal BC, in the Iberian Peninsula. A major body of informa- tion comes from cave sites in which disarticulated or isolated human bones are commonly found along- side other artefactual and faunal remains, admitted- ly as the probable result of complex cultural and post-depositional processes. When present, inhuma- tions are usually individual, although several buri- als may be placed in the same area. There are also some unusual cases of secondary burials and rare multiple graves. For the same period, a smaller number of burials are known at open-air sites, where they tend to belong to individual and very rarely mul- tiple inhumations inside pits within the liv- ing areas. The articulated bodies are gener- ally placed in a flexed lateral decubitus po- sition, with variable assemblages of grave goods or accompaniments, essentially of pottery, stone tools, worked bone, shell ele- ments, and faunal remains (Garrido-Pena et al. 2012.145–147). Dehesilla Cave (Cueva de la Dehesilla), lo- cated in the foothills of the Sub-Baetic Sys- tem in southwestern Spain (Fig. 1), holds one of the oldest and richest Neolithic fune- rary records known in the Iberian Penin- sula, although apparently unevenly distri- buted within the cave. The excavations car- ried out in 1977 and 1981 documented a series of burials (c. 8) attributed to the Early Neolithic (Acosta, Pellicer 1990) (extended information is provided in the Discussion), while the excavation of Area C003 during the 2016 field season (García-Rivero et al. 2018a) documented only a few isolated hu- man bones in the Early Neolithic levels. Fig. 1. Location of Dehesilla Cave (Theme map: https://www. naturalearthdata.com/ and http://www.juntadeandalucia. es/insti tutodeestadisticaycartografia). Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 300 only a systematic review of the current evidence, but also supports the formulation of a likely inter- pretation for the new archaeological context pre- sented here. Moreover, it will enable us to highlight the singular characteristics of the Dehesilla Cave, Lo- cus 1 deposition, and to shed new light on the rit- ual funerary behaviours during the Early Neolithic period in the Iberian Peninsula. Materials and methods Archaeological excavation The unpublished context and data presented here are provided by the recent excavations carried out at Dehesilla Cave, and more specifically by the sec- ond excavation season, in 2017, and the work car- ried out in Area C006 located in Room 4, one of the innermost chambers of the cave (Fig. 2). The loca- tion of C006 coincides with an area in which the surface sheet of flowstone was broken and absent (Unit 0) and the irregular shape of the trench cor- responds exactly with its limit. The excavated area is approx. 5m2, with a length of 5m running paral- lel to the west wall of the cave and a width of 1m. The excavation confirmed that only the upper lev- els immediately beneath the flowstone sheet were affected by recent human and animal activities. The excavation proceeded with great care, paying particular attention to the de- finition of the contacts between stra- tigraphic units (Harris 1991). The elements associated with the deposi- tion were clearly identified and do- cumented, and all of the archaeolo- gical materials and samples were re- corded accordingly. The location of the archaeological features and finds was recorded in the field using total stations and laptops with EDM Mobile software (Dibble, McPherron 2010). The sediment was screened and a stable proportion was processed by flotation. Unprocessed samples were set aside for further analyses. Human remains The human remains were analysed with the naked eye, with a magnify- ing glass (10x) and a Dino-Lite Edge Digital Microscope with a 30x to 70x magnification range. The state of pre- servation was assessed according to Jane E. Buikstra and Douglas H. Ube- laker (1994). Sex diagnosis, in one case, was based on the maximum length of the ta- lus, following Silva (1995). The estimation of age at death considered the traits recommended by Louise Scheuer and Sue Black (2000) for the non-adult in- dividual, while the closure of the cranial suture of the adult individual was assessed according to Cla- ude Masset (1989). Dental wear was described fol- lowing Holly B. Smith (1984). Pottery analysis The methods applied in the pottery analysis (She- pard 1956; Sinopoli 1991; Orton, Hughes 2014; Rice 2015; Hunt 2016) aimed to assess and recon- struct the probable nature of the depositional and ta- phonomic processes behind the creation of the as- semblage under study, and to enable the typological (formal and decorative) characterisation of the cera- mic materials. The quantification of the number of pottery fragments and the individual measurement of their size and weight helped to establish a series of reference values for the fragmentation of the de- posit. After initial descriptive statistics, size was final- ly retained as the most appropriate proxy variable for the state of fragmentation. An exercise in cross- fitting was also completed, with the specific purpose of identifying sherds belonging to the same pots, with or without a direct physical connection. Fig. 2. Location of excavation area C006 on the 3D model of the cave. Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 301 Organic residue analysis was carried out on four pottery samples. The method applied focused on the organic residues absorbed by the clay matrix. Lipids were extracted following established protocols of one-step extraction and methylation with acidified methanol (Craig et al. 2011; Correa-Ascencio, Ever- shed 2014). Gas Chromatography-Flame Ion Detec- tion (GC-FID) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spec- trometry (GC-MS) were used for all samples (Appen- dix 1). High Temperature Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HTGC-MS) and Gas Chromatography- Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C- IRMS) were applied on the single successful sample after the previous methods (Appendix 1). Stable car- bon isotope values of methyl palmitate (C16:0) and methyl stearate (C18:0), as derived from precursor fatty acids, were measured by GC-C-IRMS, following existing procedures (Craig et al. 2012). The isoto- pic values of the main fatty acids (palmitic and stea- ric) were compared with compiled data from rumi- nant and non-ruminant adipose, and dairy and ma- rine derived fatty acid resources throughout Europe (Appendix 2). Lithics The stone tools were counted and analysed in two main groups: knapped and ground stone. The study of the knapped materials followed the Georges La- place’s (1966) analytical typology for retouch and extraction techniques, while the characterisation of particular technical attributes was complemented by the classification put forward by Bernaldo-Quirós et al. (1981). The metric description of the material was based on Bernardino Bagolini (1968). Backing, patina and macroscopic use-wear was determined by observation with a 20x magnifying glass. The typo- technological analysis followed the main syntheses and terminological proposals for the western (Car- valho 1998; Carvalho, Gibaja 2005), southern (Mar- tínez-Fernández, Afonso 2008) and eastern (Juan- Cabanilles 2008) regions of the Iberian Peninsula. The archaeological deposit Locus 1 Archaeological context Area C006 provides valuable information on the depositional processes of Room 4 (Fig. 3), the inner- most and furthest chamber from the present-day mouth of the cave. The excavation documented a complete stratigraphic sequence and has made pos- sible a number of observations regarding the nature and use of this part of the cave. The surface level is constituted by a sheet of flow- stone (Unit 0) with microgours and a thickness be- tween 5 and 20cm. Underneath the flowstone the sequence includes several thick layers, which appear to correspond to natural depositional events in which rocks, sediments and water may have been carried down from Room 2 or, possibly, through cracks and chimneys in the roof of the cave. These levels dis- play a descending south to north slope, i.e. from the hillside to the interior of the cave, and form a wedge-shaped accumulation in the southern half of the room. The anthropic sequence is formed by a number of levels defined on the basis of their stra- tigraphic characteristics and archaeological materi- als, belonging to different Neolithic periods (Fig. 4). This sequence spans (from top to bottom) from Late Neolithic (units 0, 1 and 4), Middle Neolithic B (units 5, 6 and 6b), Middle Neolithic A (units 7, 9, Structure 1 and Locus 2), to Early Neolithic (Locus 1 and units 8, 11, 12 and 13). The upper level (Unit 8) of the Early Neolithic sequence displays a marked south to north descending slope, and contains numerous medium to large limestone blocks, some up to 70cm, possibly linked to rock fall and/or tor- rential events, and abundant archaeo- logical materials. During the formation of Unit 8, or soon after, an anthropic depositional event took place (Figs. 5 and 6.a). Lo- cus 1 is therefore partially encased within Unit 8, although in proximity to its upper contact. The archaeologi- cal materials documented in Unit 8 are dated to the Early Neolithic, as are those of the depositional event. The deposition consists of a pottery vesselFig. 3. Panoramic view from the centre to the South of Room 4. Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 302 (No. C006-244) (Fig. 6.b) placed upright, surround- ed by small stones, devoid of sediment but conta- ining a light-coloured crust (Fig. 6.c). The mouth of the jar was covered by part of a human calvarium, and other isolated human remains were found among the packing stones. Finally, it was covered by a num- ber of larger blocks, resting on a ring of medium- sized stones placed for this purpose around the mouth of the jar and supporting a final limestone capstone. This deposition may have involved the excavation of a small negative feature, not detected between the packing materials and the surrounding sediment. The human remains The human cranium covering the mouth of the pot- tery vessel is represented by the posterior portion of the frontal bone and the anterior portion of the right and left parietal bones (Fig. 7.a), with an antero- posterior measurement of 180mm and medio-late- ral of 130mm. The endocranial surface was facing down, and the frontal bone was oriented to the north. This calvarium belonged to an adult, most probably of more than 45 years of age, based on the Stage 3 closure of the observed portions of coronal and sagittal sutures. Sex could not be determined since cranial thickness, which is average, was the only trait that could be assessed, therefore not permitting a reliable diagnosis. The ectocranial surface displays two linear marks on the right side of the frontal bone (Fig. 7.b), both run- ning perpendicular to the sagittal line, approx. 45 and 47mm from the coronal suture. With a length of 20 and at least 30mm, these marks are 2 to 3mm apart, almost parallel to each other. They are nar- row and shallow, and display smooth (not jagged) sharp (well-defined) edges, a V-shaped cross-section and micro-striations (Fig. 7.c). The absence of bone remodelling indicates their peri- or post-mortem timing. Several traits support the peri-mortem and anthro- pogenic nature of these marks. The colouration of the incisions, similar to the rest of the bone surface, points to marks made only a short time after death, while the bone still preserved all of its biomecha- nical properties. In contrast, post-mortem marks with a recent origin would be light in colour and have jagged edges (Buikstra, Ubelaker 1994; White et al. 2012; Gresky et al. 2017). Vascular impres- sions and markings from plant roots can be exclud- ed due to the straight, linear and parallel aspect of the marks, and the presence of micro-striations. Trampling may also produce shallow striations but is expected to create marks with a random orienta- tion (White et al. 2012). The tooth marks made by carnivores are known to display a typical pattern of pitting, scoring and puncturing, particularly on the trabecular extremities of long bones (Buikstra, Ube- laker 1994; White et al. 2012). However, they may also produce parallel grooves with different cross- sections depending on the tooth cusp (Shipman 1981), which are more difficult to distinguish from intentional marks. Rodent gnawing may also result in shallow, parallel or sub-parallel grooves, usually on bony prominences (Buikstra, Ubelaker 1994; White et al. 2012). Yet, the marks produced by car- nivores and rodents are square bottomed in section (Shipman 1981; Buikstra, Ubelaker 1994; White et Fig. 4. East section of C006 (the white asterisk indicates the location on the section nearest to Locus 1). Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 303 al. 2012), a trait that is not observed in this case. The linear and parallel placement, the smooth edges and V-shaped cross-section, and the presence of micro-striations on the Locus 1 cranium are, there- fore, strong evidence of the peri-mortem anthropo- genic origin of the marks and are indicative of the use of a stone tool (Shipman 1981; Bello et al. 2016; Santana et al. 2019). In addition to the cranium, another seven human bones and one tooth were recovered from Locus 1 (Tab. 1, Figs. 8 and 9). Sex determination and esti- mation of age at death were only possible in two cases. The complete talus (DH17-6-Locus 1–3), with a maximum length of 47.28mm, is consistent with a female individual. The thoracic vertebral neural arch (DH17-6-Locus 1–2) does not display the neuro- central fusion that usually takes place by the age of 6 (Scheuer, Black 2000), thus providing an upper age limit, while the lower age limit is provided by the fusion of the posterior synchondrosis that usu- ally occurs by the age of 2 years (Scheuer, Black 2000). The thoracic vertebral neural arch may there- fore be attributed to a child between the age of 2 and 6 years. The poor preservation of the rest of the osteological material, characterised by small bone fragments re- presenting less than 25% of the skeletal element, does not provide any further reliable information pertaining to sex and age at death, other than their belonging to adult individuals. The small size of the medial condyle of the femur may indicate a female or an adolescent individual. The same observation is valid for the scapula fragment from the region of the right glenoid cavity which, although incom- plete, points most probably to a female. The only tooth recovered, a left mandibular first premolar, displays Grade 4 occlusal dental wear, according to Smith’s (1984) classification. With the exception of the thoracic vertebra from a non-adult individual, all of the other bones and the tooth could eventually belong to the same adult in- dividual. The minimum number of individuals rep- resented in Locus 1 would therefore be two and the maximum number eight, in the case that all of the elements belonged to different individuals. Only DNA analysis may, in time, shed light on this ques- tion. In any case, it is not clear beyond doubt that the fragmentary human remains, with the exception of the calvarium, were introduced intentionally in the deposition. Pottery The complete pottery jar (C006-244) deposited in Locus 1 is an ovoid form with a restricted neck and a simple rim, belonging to the type known as ampho- Fig. 5. Plan of the stratigraphic phase corresponding to Locus 1. Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 304 roid or botella in common typo- logies (Llobregat 1973; Bernabeu 1989). Its surfaces are smooth, undecorated, with three approxi- mately equidistant handles locat- ed on the gentle shoulder. It is slightly asymmetrical in the areas of the rim, neck and height of the handles (Fig. 10). The preserva- tion of the base was compromised and could not be physically recon- structed, thus the curvature of the base and height of the vessel are estimated on the basis of the known parameters. In addition to this complete jar, there is an assemblage of 50 pot- tery fragments with a total weight of 560g (Fig. 9). No sherds belong- ing to the same pots, with or with- out a direct physical refit, were identified. This is, therefore, a very strong suggestion that each pottery record of the Locus 1 fragmentary assemblage be- longs to a different vessel, thus indicating a large number of pots although represented only by single and small fragments (T/ =3.7cm maximum axis). This pattern of fragmentation and representation is in complete contrast to the physical integrity of the jar included as a central element of the deposition, thus supporting the reconstruction of a deposition- al event in which a single and complete pottery ves- sel was carefully placed. On the grounds of these observations, it is probable that the fragmentary pottery assemblage associat- ed with Locus 1 may form part of the context merely as a component of the fill of the negative feature surrounding the deposited jar, that is as an incidental inclusion in the packing material. The characteristics of the frag- mentary pottery assemblage display strong affinities with the pottery record of Unit 8 in which the deposition was made. The formal and techno- logical traits and the presence of characteristic decorative techniques place the context in an advanced Early Neoli- thic horizon, with a particularly noteworthy pres- ence of impressed and ‘almagra’ wares (Fig. 11) (Na- varrete 1976; Navarrete, Capel 1980; Bernabeu 1989; Acosta, Pellicer 1990; Capel et al. 2006; Par- do-Gordó et al. 2021). Applied decoration is docu- mented in a single case in the form of a finger-im- pressed cordon. Incised decoration is also present, and is exclusively linked to slipped wares, mainly to the bright red ‘almagra’ pottery and secondarily to those of dull brownish hue. There are eight fragments (all undecorated) with physical evidence of alteration from direct contact with heat sources, during long periods of time and/ Fig. 6. a Locus 1 after removing the large limestone cover stone; b sec- tion of the deposition after the excavation of its northern half; c re- mains of a white crust inside the jar. a b c Fig. 7. a Superior view of the human cranial vault; b the two cut marks of the ectocranial surface; c detail of the cut marks (70x) with a V-shaped cross- section and, on one of the marks, par- allel micro-striations. Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 305 or with low oxygen levels. Fragment ID-10 (C006- 188) also preserves a carbonized residue and has been sampled for organic residue analysis (see be- low). The observed effect is the reduction-carboni- zation of the wall of these fragments from the in- ternal surface of the vessel. This may indicate their use as fire holders or lamps, although not necessa- rily linked to the ritual deposition but explained more broadly by the location and conditions of the inaccessible chamber. Organic residue analysis Three samples from the pottery jar with visible re- mains of a white crust, and one sample from the above-mentioned fragment with carbonized residue, were analysed. Interpretable amounts of lipids (>5μg/g) were obtained from two samples (Tab. 2). However, in one of these cases the value is very close to the threshold. Low lipid preservation in the analysed samples is in accordance with other stud- ies undertaken in the Mediterranean and southeast- ern Europe (Evershed et al. 2008; Spiteri et al. 2016). Just one sample LD-10 (the pottery sherd with carbonized residue, not the amphoroid jar) met the criteria in order to carry out further analysis by GC-MS and GC-C-IRMS. The molecular composition is formed by a distrib- ution of saturated fatty acids (C14:0 and C26:0), unsa- turated fatty acids (C16:1, C18:1, C22:1) and C23 alkane (Fig. 12). However, this molecular composition is limited due to the absence of specific sterols or mo- lecular biomarkers. For that reason, we carried out the isotopic analysis (d13C) of the two main saturat- ed fatty acids (C16:0 and C18:0) to distinguish the re- source type in comparison with modern authentic fats. As well as absolute ranges, ruminant adipose, ruminant dairy and porcine fats are distinguished according to differences in the carbon isotope values between the two main fatty acids (D13C = d13C18:0 –d13C16:0) (Copley et al. 2002). Comparison of isotopic values (d13C C16:0: –30.45 and d13C C18:0: –30.94; D13C: 0.49) with modern Eu- ropean reference fats and oils (Appendix 2) suggests that the pottery vessel was probably used in the processing of mixed ruminant and non-ruminant animal resources. However, due to the low specifi- city of the chromatogram and the absence of any molecular biomarkers, this interpretation is based only on the isotopic signal of the palmitic and stea- ric acids. The result from sample LD-10, belonging to an indeterminate pottery form, is in accord with the pattern observed recurrently in the use of the Fig. 8. Assemblage of human remains from Locus 1. Tab. 1. Human remains recovered from Locus 1. Specimen numbers Skeletal elements Side Completeness Age Sex DH17-6-Locus 1-2 Vertebral arch of a thoracic vertebra – 100% Non-adult – DH17-6-Locus 1-3 (C006-228) Talus Left 100% Adult Female DH17-6-Locus 1-4 (C006-197) Femur medial condyle | ∏ 25% Adult Unknown DH17-6- Locus 1-5 (C006-218) Femur fragment from the anterior region | ∏ 25% Adult Unknown DH17-6- Locus 1-6 (C006-217) Parietal bone (from the region of the | ∏ 25% Adult Unknown sagittal suture) DH17-6- 8-8 (C006-249) Tibia (proximal half of the anterior and Left 25–75% Adult Unknown posterior region of the shaft) DH17-6-8-10 (C006-251) Lower first premolar tooth Left 100% Adult Unknown DH17-6-10-1 Scapula fragment from the region of Right ∏ 25% Adult Female| the glenoid cavity Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 306 earliest pottery of the Atlantic facade of the Iberian Peninsula (Cubas et al. 2020). Lithics Locus 1 yielded a total of eight lithic elements, se- ven knapped and one ground (Tab. 3 and Fig. 9). The first group includes tools – blades and flakes with and without retouch – and reduction products. The second group contains only one element, identi- fied as a fragment of a pebble used as a hammer stone as indicated by the surface scars (Fig. 13.L1-7). The knapped lithic elements are made out of grey (3), beige (3) or brown (1) flint, and correspond to four blades, two flakes and one undiagnostic reduction flake. In addition to the traits described below, flat (2) and pointed (1) platforms and proximal truncation (2) are also documented. There is one case of a third extraction cortex and two cases of heat treatment, with and without the creation of thermal domes. Among the tools, a sickle blade with a faceted prox- imal platform and abrupt, deep, and partially con- tinuous distal retouch (Fig. 13.L1-4) and a meso- proximal blade fragment with a dihedral platform (Fig. 13.L1-1) are noteworthy, as they also display use-wear patina. The traceological analysis currently in progress on part of the Dehesilla Cave lithic as- semblage confirms that the wear on the sickle blade is consistent with the cutting of cereals, with stria- tions and abrasions in the form of pecking due to the cutting of stalks close to the ground. This type of element is similar to those documented in other An- dalusian Neolithic caves, such as El Toro, Nerja, Mur- ciélagos de Zuheros or the sites of Bajondillo and Los Castillejos (Ibáñez, González 1996; Rodríguez 2004; Carvalho et al. 2012; Perales et al. 2015). The second element with use-wear is a fragment of a blade with a very sharp edge without retouch that, according to the traceological analysis, seems to have Fig. 9. Plan and section of the location of the archaeological materials documented in Locus 1. Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 307 been used to cut an indeterminate soft material. In the context of Locus 1, it is perhaps possible to re- late this instrument to the cut marks on the human calvarium and to the removal of flesh. However, as noted above regarding the accidental presence of pottery sherds, we cannot securely discard the same depositional nature of the elements of the lithic as- semblage of Locus 1. Indeed, the types of elements found here are common throughout the entire stra- tigraphical sequence. Heat treatment, along with the presence of the sickle blade, are traits identified par- ticularly in other Andalusian Neolithic sites (cf. Ibá- ñez, González 1996; Vera 1997; Rodríguez 2004; Carvalho et al. 2012; Morgado, Pelegrin 2013; Pe- rales et al. 2015; Gibaja et al. 2017; Ibáñez et al. 2017). Faunal and botanical remains Small faunal remains were recovered from the sed- iment surrounding the pottery jar. Sheep or goat, suid, bovine, deer and rabbit are present, as well as some rare invertebrates. A Unionida valve, identified as Potomida littoralis (C006-202), was identified near the pottery vessel. The faunal assemblage of Locus 1 is identical in both taxonomical and tapho- nomic terms to Unit 8, surrounding the deposition, as well as to the contents of most of the levels of the same excavation area. It is therefore likely that these elements were included indirectly in the deposition. The only exception may be the freshwater mussel shell, since this kind of specimen is very unusual throughout the entire sequence. Despite having processed a stable proportion of se- diment by flotation, barely any botanical remains were recovered, with the exception of a fragment of taxonomically indeterminate carbonized seed and a few, very rare, wood charcoal fragments, including wild olive and an unidentified angiosperm. The re- lationship of these botanical remains with the Locus 1 depositional event cannot be safely assumed, as has been suggested with regard to other materials discussed above. Fig. 10. Reconstruction of pottery vessel C006-244. Fig. 11. Selection of the fragmentary pottery assemblage recovered from Locus 1. Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 308 Radiocarbon dating Two samples were selected from Locus 1 for radio- carbon dating: one from the human cranium itself, and the other from the white crust from inside the pottery vessel. The latter unfortunately did not work, while the sample from the skull bone dated to 5222–5036 cal BC (calibrated to two sigmas) (Tab. 4). This date is consistent with the characteristics of the pottery assemblage. This new date is also coherent within the current body of radiocarbon dates in the Iberian Peninsula. Recent reviews of these dates have established a fundamental chronological span for the Early Neoli- thic between c. 5600–4800 cal BC, which, in addi- tion, supports the first Neolithic arrivals to the Ibe- rian Peninsula by way of the Mediterranean coast (Rojo et al. 2012; García-Puchol et al. 2017; Ber- nabeu et al. 2018). The available radiocarbon dates for the Andalusian Early Neolithic indicate a maximum range c. 5500– 4700 cal BC, but there is generally a greater densi- ty of dates in the last centuries of the 6th millennium cal BC (Martín-Socas et al. 2018), as is the case here. The oldest dates come from Dehesilla Cave itself, where excavations in Area C003 documented at the very base of the sequence a stratigraphical level in- cluding impressa pottery of Mediterranean influ- ence, followed by other levels characterized by ‘al- magra’ wares (García-Rivero et al. 2018a; Taylor, García-Rivero 2021). Other archaeological sites with similarly very old dates in Andalusia are the caves of Nerja (Jordá, Aura 2008) and Esqueleto (Carrasco, Martínez 2014). This suggests that the arrival of the first Neolithic populations took place on the coastal line. The accumulation of radiocarbon dates between c. 5300–5000 cal BC indicates a period of notable re- plication and consolidation of these populations throughout the south of the Iberian Peninsula. In contrast, a drop in radiocarbon dates can be observ- ed around 4700 cal BC, suggesting a decrease in the human populations during most of the second half of 5th millennia cal BC (Molina et al. 2017; García- Rivero et al. 2018a). Ritual funerary contexts in the Iberian Early Neolithic The funerary practices of the Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula have been considered previously in sev- eral specific works of synthe- sis (e.g., Rubio 2001; 2004; Garrido-Pena et al. 2012). The general overview out- lined in these works can be updated with some recently discovered contexts and new data (Oms et al. 2017; Giba- ja et al. 2018; Alt et al. 2020). Broadly, the fundamental be- haviours of the Early Neoli- thic funerary record of the Iberian Peninsula are essen- tially embodied in the con- cept of individual burial in a flexed lateral position, with relatively few elements of ma- terial accompaniment. Burials are more abundant in caves, but also exist in open-air set- tlements where they may of- Tab. 2. Summary of the analysed samples and their lipid concentrations. Sample Sample Lipid concentration Id. mass (mg) (mg\g) LD_1 1010 5.11 LD_2 1090 4.88 LD_3 1260 4.01 LD_10 1120 13.60* * Sample selected for GC-MS and GC-C-IRMS analyses. Fig. 12. Partial gas chromatogram showing the distribution of the mole- cular composition in sample LD-10. Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 309 ten share domestic contexts or, occasionally, be plac- ed in distinct spaces, in some cases considered as de- signated burial grounds. As well as the normative and formal primary buri- als, another recurring pattern is the identification of more or less isolated remains, which usually appear mixed together with pottery fragments and fauna, as well as with lithic elements and shells, in areas and levels of presumably ordinary activities. This type of finding actually constitutes the majority of the fune- rary record, and has generally been interpreted as evidence of secondary burials, involving ritual prac- tices in which bones were moved and recategorized, or as a result of the common post-depositional pro- cesses that shape the stratigraphic palimpsests of caves. Even at present, it is not easy to discriminate between the two processes, and there is some uncer- tainty about the precise meaning of this fragmentary record and its possible cultu- ral background. In a separate and concise group, there is evidence of in- tentional depositional events of a special nature, which re- main rare and incompletely understood. In order to shed light on the new discovery at Dehesilla Cave, we will focus here on the Early Neolithic ritual funerary con- texts in the Iberian Peninsula that include either or both of the two main elements of the depositional context Locus 1, that is, the differential treatment of crania and/or the specific use of pottery jars. The comparative contexts have been characterized on the basis of their structural features and material markers of ritual behaviours. These archaeological contexts and traits are summarized in Table 5, and their locations in the Iberian Peninsula are shown in Fig. 14. This overview provides a broader context for the Locus 1 deposition, and aims to lay the ground for its interpretative discussion. At Dehesilla Cave, several Early Neolithic burials were documented during the 1981 excavations (Aco- sta, Pellicer 1990.57–58): seven inhumations (four children, one juvenile and two adults, both female) and two cases of isolated skeletal ele- ments – a cranium and a mandible – belonging to two different adult in- dividuals were identified in Levels VI and V. These two levels contain- ed ceramic and lithic materials con- sistent with the Early Neolithic peri- od (Acosta, Pellicer 1990). The ra- diocarbon date from a charcoal frag- ment at the base of the burials (La- yer 13 of Level VI), acting as a post quem reference, is 5468–4992 cal BC (cf. Acosta, Pellicer 1990.87; García-Rivero et al. 2018a.126). The majority of the remains belong to formal burials, mostly flexed and placed on one side. The human re- mains were later studied from an anthropological and paleopatholog- ical perspective, and the existence of cribra orbitalia was noted in two of the children (Robledo, Jiménez-Bro- beil 1994). The cranium showed signs of cremation, and was found next to a hearth with numerous Ibe- rus alonensis snail shells (Acosta, Typology f Retouched % Use- % Total tool wear Knapped Blades 57% 4 2 50% 2 50% (87.5%) Flakes 28.6% 2 0 – 0 – 7 Indeterminate 14.3% 1 0 – 0 – Ground (12.5%) Hammer 100% 1 – – 1 100% 1 Tab. 3. Lithic assemblage. Fig. 13. Lithic assemblage documented in Locus 1: L1-1 meso-proxi- mal blade fragment; L1-4 sickle blade (C006-247); L1-5 mesial blade fragment with partial retouch on the proximal break (C006-252); L1-7 hammer stone fragment (C006-231). Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 310 Pellicer 1990.58). The mandible appeared to be an isolated element. The presence of disarticulated and isolated jaw bones or other post-cranial remains is common and well- documented, not only in all of the prehistoric con- texts known to date at Dehesilla Cave, but also in many other Neolithic caves throughout the south of the Iberian Peninsula, probably in part caused by post-depositional processes. In contrast, the case of the isolated adult cranium is relevant here, not be- cause skulls are unusual in the archaeological re- cord, but because their specific deposition and con- texts often have an intentional dimension that must have been guided by a particular pattern of ritual behaviour. In this case, it may also be significant that the cranium was found in association with a hearth and terrestrial snail shells. In Andalusia, the funerary record of this Early Neo- lithic period is characterised mainly by scattered re- mains, more or less isolated, and some burials, main- ly documented in caves. This is the case, for exam- ple, at one of the most emblematic Andalusian sites that was discovered in the 19th century, Cueva de los Murciélagos de Albuñol, which has a substantial funerary record, including both formal burials and remains dispersed over the floor of different areas of the cave, and among which there are numerous isolated crania (Góngora 1868; Molina et al. 2012). Unfortunately, the funerary record cannot be secure- ly attributed to the different Neolithic periods, de- spite a radiocarbon date for the famous weaved bas- kets that would place at least some of the remains in the advanced Early Neolithic (Castro et al. 1996). Cueva de la Carihuela (Carigüela) also contains nu- merous human remains throughout its sequence (Pellicer 1964; Navarrete 1976; Arribas, Molina 1979), most of which are not anatomically connect- ed, in addition to certain stratigraphic problems pro- bably caused by the funerary use of the cave itself (Carrasco et al. 2010). However, more than twenty burials have been attributed to the Early Neolithic, occasionally with signs of treatment, including defle- shing, suggestive to some authors of cannibalistic practices (Botella et al. 2000; Carrasco et al. 2012; Molina et al. 2012.436). On the coast of Málaga, Cueva de Nerja has provid- ed many remains of Early Neolithic burials (Fernán- dez et al. 2005). Of particular interest here are two burials from the base of the Neolithic sequence in the Sala Torca, one adult and one child, with evi- dence of cremation (Pellicer, Acosta 1986.446); and, perhaps more notably, the remains from level V of area NM-84 in the room known as Sala de la Mina, in which a juvenile cranium was found in association with typical pottery of the period, knapped lithics and stone hand-grinders, bone awls, charred acorns and fish remains (Pellicer, Acosta 1986.368). In one of the innermost and inaccessible areas of Cueva de El Toro, there are several human remains lacking any anatomical connection. These include part of the calvarium of an adult male, with part of the frontal and both parietal bones, dated to the ad- vanced Early Neolithic (Martín-Socas et al. 2004; Santana et al. 2019). It bears a series of up to 59 cut marks on the external surface made with a sharp lithic tool and by a process of defleshing, also dis- playing a V-shaped mark and remains of ochre (Gui- jo 2004). This particular calvarium has been inter- preted recently as a skull cup linked to ritualistic cannibalism (Santana et al. 2019). On the coast of Cádiz, at the open-air site of El Reta- mar, there is a double burial of a woman and a man, whose bodies were dusted with ochre (Bueno 2002; Ramos, Lazarich 2002). The male skull was inten- tionally displaced from the rest of the body, and a specimen of Cardium edule was located at his feet, while the mandible of the female individual was placed between the long bones of her lower extre- mities. In the coastal area of central and southern Portugal, apart from Neolithic burials on some of the Mesoli- thic shell middens (e.g., Bicho et al. 2013; 2017), bu- rials in caves are predominant and especially abun- Tab. 4. Radiocarbon date. The calibration is made with IntCal13.14c Northern Hemisphere atmospheric radiocarbon calibration curve in the software Calib 7.0 (Reimer et al. 2013). Lab. code Sample Context Sample % %C %N C>N Date BP pM d13C Cal BC p*= Id. Extract. ‰ 2s CNA4493 DH17-21 Locus 1 Homo – 3.91 31.9 11.6 3.2 6180±30 46.31±0.18 –18.17±1.50 5222–5036 1.00 Skull 1 Method> Collagen extraction and purification. Ultrafiltration. Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 311 dant in the Portuguese Estremadura and Alentejo- Ribatejo regions. As for evidence of rituals, the trepa- nation (without survival) of a skull from Casa da Moura (Cardoso 2007.241; Carreira, Cardoso 2002) belonging to a young adult male could be of interest (Antunes et al. 2009). However, only one (carried out on an ulna) of the 12 radiocarbon dates provid- ed for the level containing the human remains fits the advanced Early Neolithic period, in accordance with the characteristics of the pottery assemblage (Carreira, Cardoso 2002), while the remaining dates are more recent (Carvalho, Cardoso 2011.396). In the Meseta region, individual burials in pits and isolated remains in secondary contexts are both do- cumented. The cranium of an adult male between 20 and 30 years of age is noteworthy, with a slight depression of the nasal bone, documented at Cueva de la Vaquera in Segovia, in association with sever- al ribs and the tooth of a sheep or goat (Estremera, Valle 1999). Interpreted as a relic (Delibes et al. 1999), it has recently been dated to the transition between the sixth and fifth millennia cal BC (Gar- rido-Pena et al. 2012.148). On the Valencian coast, the predominant funerary evidence is provided by dispersed human remains, especially from caves (Bernabeu et al. 2001). Of particular interest to us here is the well-known case of the ritual funerary deposition of Cova de la Sar- sa. It is formed by two crania, one male and one Fig. 14. Location map of the archaeologi- cal sites mentioned in the text (see Appen- dix 3), numbered as follows: 1 Cueva de la Dehesilla, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz (García Rivero et al. 2018); 2 Cueva de los Murciélagos, Albuñol, Granada (Góngora 1868); 3 Cueva de la Carihuela or Cari- güela, Los Montes, Granada (Carrión et al. 2019); 4 Cueva de Nerja, Nerja, Má- laga (Jordá et al. 2003); 5 Cueva del To- ro, El Torcal de Antequera, Málaga (Mar- tín Socas et al. 2004); 6 El Retamar, Puer- to Real, Cádiz (Ramos, Lazarich 2002); 7 Casa da Moura, Óbidos, Portugal (Cardo- so et al. 2018a); 8 Cueva de la Vaquera, Torreiglesias, Segovia (Estremera 2003); 9 Cova de la Sarsa, Bocairent, Valencia (Asquerino 1978); 10 Cova dels Lladres, Vacarisses, Barcelona (Ten 1980); 11 Los Cascajos, Navarra (Iriarte et al. 2019); 12 Cova de les Cendres, Moraira-Teulada, Ali- cante (García-Puchol 2005; Bernabeu, Mo- lina 2009); 13 Antigos armazéns Sommer, Lisboa, Portugal (Rebelo et al. 2017; Car- doso et al. 2018a); 14 Pálacio Ludovice, Lisboa, Portugal (Duarte et al. 2020); 15 Cueva del Picado, Cá- diz (Mora 1970) (Theme map: https://www.naturalearthd ata.com/). female, the latter with trauma to the left parietal, and various post-cranial elements. They were depo- sited in a crevice in the cave wall, delimited by a stone structure, and located in an area difficult to access. In the same area there are cave paintings, and the human remains were accompanied by an as- semblage of cardial pottery with the remains of pig- ment, worked bone and lithic elements, and shells (Miguel 2008; García Borja et al. 2011). At the Catalan Cova dels Lladres, a cranium and other human remains were found on the floor of the cave alongside a globular pottery container with two handles and a band of incised decoration (Pla, Junyent 1970). In stratigraphy, several burials are also known to be associated with two globular jars, with a high neck, lug handles and incised decora- tion. One of them was placed on the neck of anoth- er fragmented jar of the same type, and contained a substantial assemblage of perforated shell beads, many on Cardium edule, as well as numerous vari- scite pendants (Ten 1980). The type of pottery jar, usually referred to as ampho- roid or botella (Llobregat 1973; Bernabeu 1989; Fábregas et al. 2019), was very common during the Early Neolithic, and continued in later periods. The shape, with a cylindrical neck, globular body and semi-spherical or often cone-shaped base, may re- flect their use as containers for liquids or substances with a similar behaviour. This form is frequently Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 312 Ta b. 5 . A rc ha eo lo gi ca l c ha ra ct er is ti cs o f th e Ea rl y N eo li th ic r it ua l d ep os it s of t he I be ri an P en in su la . T he d at e ra n ge g iv en f or e ac h co n te xt c or re sp on ds t o th e m ax im um c hr on ol og ic al r an g (c al B C – 2ss ) ba se d on t he a va il ab le d at a se t (L ab C od es ) ca li br at ed t o tw o si gm a ac co rd in g to t he o ri gi n al p ub li ca ti on s (R e- fe re n ce s) . Si te D iff er en tia l Lo ca tio n Tr au m a - M ar ks Po tt er y G ra ve g oo ds C al B C – 2 ss La b C od e R ef er en ce s tr ea tm en t St ru ct ur es M an ip ul at io n ja r A cc om pa ni m en ts of s ku lls C ue va d e la V ( m al e, In ne rm os t ar ea , Tw o in ci si on s V Li th ic s, 52 22 –5 0 36 a C N A -4 49 3 Th is p ap er D eh es ill a π4 5 yr s) st on e co ve r Po to m id a lit to ra lis C ue va d e la V ( ad ul t) Fi rs t ro om C re m at io n| N on e Ib er us a lo ne ns is – – A co st a, P el lic er 1 99 0 D eh es ill a C ue va d e lo s V D ee pe st a re a – – Es pa rt o gr as s fib re s 52 10 -4 84 0 b C SI C -1 13 3 G ón go ra 1 86 8< C ac ho e t al . 1 99 6< M ur ci él ag os M ol in a et a l 2 01 2 C ue va d e la V | – D ef le sh in g – Fa un a 55 17 -5 0 60 b C ol -1 56 6- 7 Pe lli ce r 19 64 < N av ar re te 1 97 6< A rr ib as , C ar ih ue la o r C an ni ba lis m | 15 60 , 1 56 4 M ol in a 19 79 < B ot el la 2 00 0< F er ná nd ez e t C ar ig üe la Pt a- 91 63 al . 2 00 7< C ar ra sc o et a l. 20 12 < M ol in a et C ol -1 56 7 al .2 01 2; M ar tín e t al .2 01 8 C ue va d e V N M -8 4 – – Po tt er y, k na pp ed N er ja (j uv en ile ) Sa la d e la M in a lit hi cs , h an d gr in de rs 54 84 -4 79 8 b O xA -2 60 77 -8 6 A co st a, P el lic er 1 98 6< F er ná nd ez e t al . an d qu er ns , a w ls , a co rn s 20 05 < M ar tin s et a l. 20 15 an d fis h re m ai ns C ue va d e V In ne rm os t ar ea D ef le sh in g N on e U nd ec or at ed p ot te ry 50 40 -4 85 0 a B et a- 36 52 88 El T or o (m al e, 59 in ci si on s ap ro x. 3 0 y rs ) V -s ha pe d m ar k 54 72 -4 46 3 b G rN -1 54 40 G ui jo 2 00 4< M ar tín S oc as e t al .2 00 4< O ch re 15 44 3- 4 Sa nt an a et a l. 20 19 C an ni ba lis m | B et a- 17 43 0 8 Sk ul l-c up | B et a- 34 11 31 -2 B et a- 36 52 87 -8 36 52 90 36 52 92 -4 B et a- 49 84 12 El R et am ar V H ab ita t (h ea rt hs , O ch re p ow de r N on e C ar di um e du le 54 97 -5 20 2 b, c B et a- 90 12 2 R am os , L az ar ic h 20 02 < B ue no 2 00 2< (m al e, a pp ro x. st on e st ru ct ur es R am os e t al . 2 01 0 25 y rs ) an d sh el lm id de ns ) O pe n ai r C as a da V – Tr ep an at io n – – 50 20 -3 0 0 0 b TO -9 53 , 2 0 92 -4 C ar re ira , C ar do so 2 00 2< C ar do so 2 00 7< M ou ra (m al e) W k- 28 0 0 4- 5 C ar va lh o, C ar do so 2 01 1 28 0 0 7, 2 80 0 9- 10 O xA -5 50 6 Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 313 Si te D iff er en tia l Lo ca tio n Tr au m a - M ar ks Po tt er y G ra ve g oo ds C al B C – 2 ss La b C od e R ef er en ce s tr ea tm en t St ru ct ur es M an ip ul at io n ja r A cc om pa ni m en ts of s ku lls C ue va d e la V H ab ita t D ep re ss io n of N on e R ib s, s he ep o r go at t oo th 60 52 -4 69 5 b G rN -1 73 86 Es tr em er a, V al le 1 99 9< E st re m er a 20 03 < V aq ue ra (m al e, a pp ro x. th e na sa l b on e 22 93 0 -3 , 8 24 1 D el ib es e t al .1 99 9< G ar rid o Pe na e t al . 25 y rs ) 92 26 , 9 22 8 20 12 C ov a de la V W al l c ra ck a nd Fe m al e> – N ea r co m pl et e ca rd ia l j ar , 54 70 -5 22 0 b O xA -V -2 39 2- 26 M ig ue l I bá ñe z 20 08 < G ar cí a- B or ja 2 01 2 Sa rs a (m al e an d st on e w al l pa ri et al in ju ry pi gm en t, bo ne a nd s to ne fe m al e) O cc ul te d to ol s, s he lls ( C ol um be lla , R oc k ar t C ar di um ) C ov a de ls V Fo rm al b ur ia l – V C ar di um e du le , – – Te n 19 80 Ll ad re s 3 gl ob ul ar ja rs sh el ls , v ar is ci te Lo s N on e Pi t N on e V N ec kl ac e 55 0 0 -3 75 0 b U a- 16 0 24 -5 G ar cí a- G az ól az , S es m a 20 07 < C as ca jo s (E st ru ct ur a 47 5) 16 20 3, 1 77 93 G ar cí a- G az ól az e t al .2 01 1< G ar cí a- C en ot ap h| 17 79 5, 2 44 23 -8 M ar tín ez 2 01 2 G rA -1 62 0 4 16 20 8- 11 , 1 69 42 C ov a de le s N on e Pi t N on e V – 53 10 -4 90 0 a B et a- 75 21 7 B er na be u, M ol in a 20 09 C en dr es A nt ig os N on e B ur ia l p it N on e V Po tt er y sh er ds , l ith ic s 52 0 0 -4 89 0 a W k- 45 57 3 C ar do so e t al .2 01 8 ar m az én s O pe n ai r ha bi ta t an d fa un a (c as ua l| ) So m m er Pá la ci o N on e B ur ia l p it – V Po tt er y sh er ds – – Si m õe s et a l. 20 20 Lu do vi ce O pe n ai r ha bi ta t (u nd ec or at ed , i m pr es se d, in ci se d an d bo qu iq ue ), lit hi cs C ue va d el N on e In di vi du al b ur ia l N on e V – – – M or a 19 70 Pi ca do a D ir ec t da te fr om t he a rc ha eo lo gi ca l m at er ia ls in cl ud ed in t hi s ta bl e. b In di re ct d at e fr om o th er m at er ia ls o f t he b ro ad er a rc ha eo lo gi ca l c on te xt . c C al ib ra tio n w ith t he M ar in e1 3 cu rv e. Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 314 found in domestic contexts, as well as in funerary depositions. We will, therefore, only mention here some cases that, like Locus 1, illustrate the funerary and/or ritual use of this type of jar throughout the Iberian Peninsula. The open-air settlement of Los Cascajos in Navarra had a specific area, a designated burial ground, with over thirty individual burials, and several ritual graves or pits containing material remains. Structure 475 is of special interest here, holding a complete jar, placed on top of a necklace of discoidal beads (García-Gazólaz, Sesma 2007; García-Gazólaz et al. 2011; Rojo et al. 2016). At Cova de les Cendres, on the coast of Alicante, a jar was found intact inside a pit, covered by a large flat stone (Bernabeu et al. 2001). On the opposite side of the Iberian Peninsula, two such pottery containers have recently been do- cumented in association with two separate individual burials in Lisbon. Both jars are decorated: one with boquique or stab-and-drag technique, at the Antigos armazéns Sommer (Cardoso et al. 2018b); and the other with incisions and impressions, at Palácio Lu- dovice (Simões et al. 2020). Returning to the south, amphoroid jars are documented at various sites vi- cinity of Dehesilla Cave, including an individual bur- ial context at Cueva del Picado (Mora 1970.283). This overview allows for a number of inferences to be made. A striking initial observation is that there is no identical context to the one presented here, in such a way that Locus 1 constitutes a certainly sin- gular case. Some of the individual ritual traits are, however, common to several sites. Based on the pre- sent state of the available data, which is of course influenced by the relative qualities of the archaeolo- gical records, we may reflect on the degree of simi- larity or affinity between Locus 1 at Dehesilla Cave and the contexts documented at other sites. The depositions documented at Cova de la Sarsa, Cueva de El Toro and in the old excavations at De- hesilla Cave itself are apparently among the closest to Locus 1, at least in terms of their clearly ritual na- ture provided by the particular use of crania (not pottery jars). At these three cave sites, skulls (some with trauma and/or markings) are located in the deepest and most inaccessible areas, as far as possi- ble from the areas of daily activities, a pattern that may reflect ritual behaviours and beliefs shared be- tween these populations. A similar situation is found at Cova dels Lladres, with particular regard to the finding of a human cranium in association with a decorated pottery jar. The finds analysed from Cova de les Cendres and the open-air site of Los Cascajos are clear examples of closed and well-preserved contexts with pottery jars deposited inside pits created for this purpose within specific ritual areas. Structure 475 of Los Ca- scajos is located within a funerary area, yet appears to be of a different functional nature to the rest of the pits at the site. In the case of Cova de les Cen- dres, the deposition was made in a crevice next to the location of rock art. Pottery jars are also docu- mented at the Antigos armazéns Sommer, Pálacio Ludovice and Cueva del Picado, although in these cases they are associated with inhumations, the most common and widespread formal treatment of Neo- lithic human remains. The other sites mentioned are perhaps a little fur- ther from the ritual characteristics of the previous cases, and are more in line with the usual findings of disarticulated or isolated remains that predomi- nate in the Neolithic record. It is worth noting, how- ever, the case of the Sala de la Mina at Nerja, due to the peculiarity of some of the materials documented in the close proximity of the human cranium. Like- wise, the double burial at El Retamar, although quite a different type of context, corroborates the well- known differential treatment, probably symbolic, given to skulls. Discussion of the possible interpretative scena- rios for the Locus 1 deposit Cut marks on human skulls are often attributed to processes of defleshing and/or scalping, and their distribution on the cranial bones makes it possible to distinguish between these two types of intentio- nal treatments. In the removal of soft tissues, cut marks are observed on bone surfaces at the sites of tendon and ligament insertions (Buikstra, Ubelaker 1994). In the removal of the scalp, the marks typi- cally form small clusters on the frontal, parietal and occipital bones, in a kind of circle around the calva- rium (White et al. 2012; Gresky et al. 2017). The in- completeness of the Locus 1 cranium does not enable a clear interpretation of the observed marks, other than their anthropogenic nature. Indeed, they indi- cate the use of a lithic tool for periosteum removal, although it is impossible to infer the precise purpose of the gestures involved. The (negative) results of the organic residue analy- ses on the pottery jar are conducive to the observa- tion that the samples do not contain absorbed fats, and that the white crust found inside the pot is not Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 315 an organic substance. Despite the frequency of this pottery form in the Neolithic record of the Iberian Peninsula, only the results of residue analysis car- ried out on the cardial jar from Cova Eirós in Lugo are currently known (Fábregas et al. 2019). This analysis indicated that the vessel had been used in the processing of ruminant animal meat and vegetal resources. These results contrast with those obtained from the Locus 1 jar, in which the lipid concentra- tion obtained from the analysed samples was below the minimum threshold, and evidence of alteration from heat/fire was absent. These observations may be related to the low intensity or null use of the ves- sel for storage, food preparation or cooking before its deposition. Deciphering the meaning of Locus 1 is, therefore, not an easy task, considering a number of additio- nal factors. There are not many depositions of this type dating to the Early Neolithic in the Iberian Pen- insula, and this finding at Dehesilla Cave is also quite different from other known contexts. There is also a certain scarcity of studies that attempt to specifi- cally address the interpretation of such depositions (e.g., Jiménez-Brobeil 1990; Rubio 2001; Jiménez- Brobeil et al. 2009), beyond their simple descrip- tion, and such studies are more common for later periods, from the Late Neolithic onwards, and are particularly concerned with megalithic activities. However, there is a wealth of general knowledge provided by other geographic and chronological contexts, both from ethnography and archaeology, including the Central European Neolithic and the LBK culture, and especially the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B of the Near East, that provides rich and diverse data regarding the differential funerary and rituali- stic treatment of human skulls. The reference to these analogies here, of course, does not imply any assumption of a relationship of ancestry nor of a hi- storical link between these and our case study, al- though they may provisionally constitute a frame of reference that will serve as a guide in our interpre- tative exploration. Reference to the main interpreta- tions developed in these comparative archaeologi- cal contexts may, indeed, enable us to narrow down the number of interpretative scenarios that may be aligned with the Locus 1 deposition. The recurrence of isolated human remains, and of skulls in particular, some displaying marks from in- juries, has led some authors to interpret them, both in the European framework and Near East, as war trophies or evidence of cannibalistic practices (Villa et al. 1986; Villa 1992; Courtim 2000; Testar 2008; Le Bras-Goude et al. 2010; Marginedas et al. 2020). In the specific context of the Neolithic period in the Iberian Peninsula, anthropological studies have drawn attention for over thirty years to practices such as the defleshing of the dead and the possible existence of ritualistic cannibalism (Botella 1973; Jiménez-Brobeil 1990; Jiménez-Brobeil et al. 1986; 1996; 2009; Botella et al. 2000; Santana et al. 2019). Moreover, possible evidence of Neolithic cannibal- ism has been noted at several cave sites in southern Spain, such as Tontas, Carigüela, Malalmuerzo, Ma- yólicas, Honda and de las Azuelas (province of Gra- nada) and El Toro (province of Málaga) (Botella 1973; Botella et al. 2000; Jiménez-Brobeil et al. 1986; Solari et al. 2012; Santana et al. 2019). However, many of these human remains, unfortuna- tely, do not have a precise chronological identifica- tion, beyond their general Neolithic attribution, and there is very scarce evidence of this type dated se- curely to the Early Neolithic (e.g., Jiménez-Brobeil 1990.125), perhaps with the exceptions of Cueva de la Carigüela and Cueva de El Toro. An aggressive type of cannibalism has also been proposed based on evidence at Carigüela and Malalmuerzo (Jimé- nez-Brobeil et al. 2009), due to the lack of care in the treatment of the remains and the high frequen- cy of head injuries as an indicator of interpersonal violence. Recently this possible interpretation has also been put forward at El Toro (Santana et al. 2019). Several features of Locus 1 do not seem to fit with its interpretation as a war trophy, as we would ex- pect this type of deposition to be socially visible to the general population, rather than being carried out in a hidden, secretive place and a remote part of a cave. It also does not align, at least in exclusive terms, with a cannibalistic interpretation, especially in its belligerent form. Indeed, for this interpreta- tion to stand, the Early Neolithic human remains of Dehesilla Cave would need to display more common evidence of this kind (cut marks from the removal of the scalp and flesh, from percussion for the crea- tion of calottes, etc.), which in fact is not present (Robledo, Jiménez-Brobeil 1994). Ritualistic cannibalism of a funerary (and perhaps exceptional) nature cannot be ruled out, nor can the identification of the calvarium as a skull cup, a type of object that is quite widespread in the ethnogra- phic and archaeological literature (e.g., Botella et al. 2000; Bouslestin 2012; Boulestin, Copey 2015; San- Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 316 tana et al. 2019; Marginedas et al. 2020). Moreover, the association of a possible skull cup next to a pot- tery vessel, identified typologically as a jar or bottle, is suggestive. In any case, a scenario of ritualistic fu- nerary cannibalism would necessarily imply other behavioural models, not necessarily alternative but at least complementary, and particular symbolic components, which appear to be present in the Lo- cus 1 depositional context. There are several other diverse interpretations of the symbolic dimension of the differential treatment of skulls: foundational rites (Contenson 1992); rit- ual celebrations through sacrifice and consumption (Goring-Morris, Horwitz 2007); expressions of so- cial identities (individual and collective) (Kuijt 2008; Croucher 2006); worship of ancestors (Kenyon 1953; Bienert 1991) or elders (Cauvin 2000), if not of deities and spirits, related to wisdom, virility and fertility (Freeman 1979) or to supernatural powers or vital forces (Deleonardis 2000; Verhoeven 2002; Jammo 2014). Emic interpretations have usually explored the basis and social or systemic (etic) consequences of ritual, in the sense of behaviours with beneficial or adap- tive effects for the community, and often understood in terms of social organization, that is, hierarchy, kin- ship relations, cohesion and social memory (Cauvin 2000; Verhoeven 2002; Testart 2008; Bocquentin et al. 2016; Hacdow, Knüsel 2017). The reasons be- hind past rituals are now far from our current pos- sibilities of corroboration, since they require a cer- tain knowledge of the structure and the cultural di- versity of the population under study, which is be- yond the scope of present research. Some of the theoretical behavioural models mentioned above are simply impossible to consider here, because they re- quire a more substantial record and a more detailed knowledge than that provided by the archaeological record. Perhaps the most obvious aspect is that which envisages the expression of social identities. In the specific case of Locus 1, the scenario of a rit- ual celebration may be ruled out, since there is no direct evidence of sacrifice or consumption. Inter- pretation as a foundational rite related to the occu- pation and establishment of populations at the site is also unlikely, given that the radiocarbon date from the cranium itself is notably later than the first Neolithic evidence at the cave, dated to the middle of the sixth millennium BC (cf. García Rivero et al. 2018a). However, a foundational event related to the arrival of a different population after the early pioneer group(s) cannot be discarded, within the framework of complex dynamics of mobility with a degree of nomadic behaviour. The peri mortem marks increase the probability that the death of the individual may have been linked directly to the timing of the ritual deposition itself, although a cranium recovered from an earlier primary burial, in line with an ancestor cult scena- rio, is not impossible. A heterogeneous and inclusive view of this hypothesis would, in fact, be viable, taking into account the relatively advanced age of the Locus 1 individual (>45 years) and the conside- ration of mature individuals as social guides or lea- ders. The individual whose cranium was included in the Locus 1 deposition has the highest age of the en- tire sample considered in this study, and it can also be noted that six of the seven sexually identified cra- nia from the analysed sites belong to male individu- als. Another interesting observation is that, among the eight or nine individuals previously documented at Dehesilla Cave, there are currently no secure for- mal male burials. Future research into this line of interpretation in relation to Locus 1 will require, among other things, a DNA analysis to confirm the alleged affiliation of this individual to the same po- pulation group as the other burials at the site. The interpretative model of the cult of supernatural entities or powers, whether deities or spirits, can- not easily be corroborated. In the Iberian reference literature on the Early Neolithic period, the identi- fication of anthropomorphic figures in a posture of prayer in both pottery decoration and rock art de- pictions is relatively widespread (e.g., Hernández 2000; Escacena 2018). If such figures are related to religious or supernatural cults, and given that they mostly share the feature of arms outstretched above the head, it is likely that the entities or powers in- voked must be located in the heights, in the sky or on the tops of mountains, a belief in fact widespread in many ancient cultures of the Mediterranean. Most of the supposedly contemporaneous rock art is lo- cated in open-air panels, and thus in shelters and in the external and accessible areas (near the entrance) of caves. The magical-religious rituals known from ethnographic, archaeological and textual records usually include many meanings: propitiatory and supplicatory rites, augury or premonitory rites, pro- phylactic and purification rites, as well as apotro- paic rites of protection and dissuasion. The specific finding that brings us here, a pottery jar partially buried in the ground and sealed symboli- Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 317 cally and physically with a human calvarium and a large and heavy limestone block, not only occupies a hidden location in the depths of the cave, but also demonstrates, by its own structural features, a deli- berate occultation. On the basis of these character- istics, and in contrast to the above, it is possible to suggest a tentative association between the deposi- tion and the chthonic or telluric entities or forces, whether they were deities or even malign powers or spirits. It is worth recalling that the jar buried in a pit inside the cave of Cova de les Cendres was also covered by a large stone. The sealed, hidden and in- violable deposition of Locus 1 could have had a dis- suasive or apotropaic character, perhaps as a contai- ner of properties, forces or spirits, although not ne- cessarily incompatible with other functions (to pre- dict, propitiate, purify or pray). The known cases of superstitious beliefs and religious rites of this nature, in addition to the differential use of skulls, are rela- tively numerous in the ethnographic record (Yakar, Hershkovitz 1988), but are also common in the Pre- historic European and Near Eastern archaeological records (Bonogosfsky 2001; 2006; Bori≤ 2003; Ru- bio 2004; Slon et al. 2014; Maier 2017), as well as in the Semitic texts (e.g., Schmandt-Besserat 2013; Del Olmo 2015). Conclusions This article has focused particularly on the compa- rative data for the isolated finding of human crania. Of the available sample, fortunately, many of the contexts are relatively well preserved, or sufficient- ly so, at least enough to corroborate the particular or differential use of these skeletal elements through- out much of the geography of the Iberian Peninsula. The analysis of the data has enabled some recurrent patterns to be observed. Practically all of the known cases are located inside caves, most of them in rel- atively deep and remote chambers or crevices, and therefore display a tangible degree of differential treatment compared to the overall funerary record. There is also a bias in the demographic profile of the subjects, since most of the remains belong to adult males. Many cases show evidence of anthropogenic lesions, including incisions and cut marks, trepana- tion or trauma. They are usually accompanied by as- semblages of materials, which include, in order of their relative frequency, shells, pottery, lithic and bone instruments or faunal remains. The known contexts probably reflect a diversity of specific acti- vities and, therefore, of interpretive scenarios, but clearly share some behavioural traits and patterns of a ritual nature. It can therefore be put forward that these depositions probably took place within a relatively common framework of cultural behaviours and traditions of a highly symbolic nature. The specific case of Locus 1 is singular because it provides a depositional context with an unusually good state of preservation, only paralleled at a few other Iberian sites. At least two factors contributed to this: the location in a deep and inaccessible area of the cave, without evidence of occupation and ba- rely any sign of disturbance, and the distinctive struc- tural characteristics of the deposition, including a heavy stone cover. It is the only discovery to date in the Iberian Peninsula of a complete pottery jar co- vered by a human cranium, which also makes it an extraordinary archaeological context for the Prehis- tory of Western Europe. Locus 1 materializes a ritual funerary event and ex- tends the possibilities of knowledge about the sym- bolic behaviour of the first Neolithic populations of the Peninsula and the Western Mediterranean. This study has allowed us to explore the theoretical inter- pretative models currently available for the differen- tial treatment of human skulls in this area, and has enabled us to narrow down the range of interpreta- tive possibilities for this particular depositional con- text. However, it is impossible at present to offer a single firm reconstruction, and several anthropologi- cal scenarios that could explain this finding more precisely must be left open, including ritualistic can- nibalism, rites related to the elders or leaders, and/ or cults to the supernatural entities or forces. This research has been carried out within the pro- ject “High-resolution chronology and cultural evolu- tion in the South of the Iberian Peninsula (c. 7000– 4000 cal BC): a multiscalar approach” (PGC2018- 096943-A-C22), funded by: FEDER/Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation – State Research Agency. The data presented here are provided by the project “Cueva de la Dehesilla: Estudio arqueológico y paleo- ambiental para el conocimiento de la ocupación hu- mana prehistórica de la Sierra de Cádiz”. The 2017 archaeological field season received financial sup- port from several funding programs from the Univer- sity of Seville (VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia, III Plan Propio de Docencia, Facultad de Geografía e Historia and Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología), as well as from the Research Centre for Anthropology and Health, University of Coimbra (UIDB/00283/2020). FUNDING Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 318 A number of people and entities have collaborated with logistic support and diverse resources for the tasks devel- oped by the Dehesilla Project during the 2017 season: Algar Local Council, Jerez de la Frontera Archaeological Museum, EvoCultura-Association for the study of human behaviour and cultural diversity, as well as the Díaz Romero family. Drs João Cascalheira and Célia Gonçalves from the Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behavior (ICArEHB), Universidade do Algarve, helped setting up the georeferencing system implemented in the field. Juan Carlos Vera, of the University of Huelva, assisted in the typological identification of the lithic assemblage, while the traceological analysis is being carried out by Juan Francisco Gibaja, of the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma, CSIC. Eloísa Bernáldez and Esteban García Viñas, of the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, Seville, provided the taxonomical identifications of the fauna and Patricia Monteiro, of the ICArEHB, Universidade do Algarve, the anthracological determinations. Drs Miguel Bo- tella and Sylvia Jiménez showed a generous disposition on our visit to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Granada, when we recently reviewed the human osteological remains from the early excavations of Dehesilla Cave. David López, Patricia Virino, Pablo Gutiérrez, Jericó Mancera, Elena Trujillo and Araceli Barrera partici- pated in the archaeological excavation and the processing of the finds during 2017. Finally, we would like to thank the Editors of Documenta Praehistorica for their interest in our work. The comments from the two anony- mous reviewers assigned by the journal helped to improve the structure and clarity of the initial version of the paper. 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Internal standard (10μl of hexantriacon- tane C36:0) was added to all the samples to quantify the relative abundance of lipids. One sample (LD-10, 1g) was also extracted using 2:1 DCM:MeOH (3x2mL) to produce a total lipid extract (TLE) following established protocols (66). The extracts were then dried under N2 and derivatized with N-O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) heated at 70°C for 1 hour. Analytical protocol Gas Chromatography-Flame Ion Detector (GC-FID) GC-FID was carried out in all samples (n=4) using an Agilent 7890S gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Cheadle, Cheshire, UK). A splitless injector was used to inject the sample (1μL) at 300°C into the GC. The column used was a polymidecoated fused silica DB-1 (15m x 320μm x 0.1μm; J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA). The carrier gas was heli- um with pressure set at 3.3 psi and with a flow rate of 2ml/min and velocity of 46.57cm/s. The temperature program Daniel García Rivero, Ruth Taylor, Cláudia Umbelino, Miriam Cubas, María Barrera Cruz, and Manuel J. Díaz Rodríguez 326 was set at 100°C for 2 minutes, raised by 20°C/min until 325°C for 3 minutes. Quantification of lipid preservation was calculated according to (Area(Sample)/Area(IS)) * (Weight(IS)/Weight (Ceramic sample)), omitting contaminant peaks such as plasticisers. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) GC-MS analysis was undertaken on 4 acidified lipid extracts to identify the main molecular components. An Agilent 7890A series chromatograph was used, attached to an Agilent 5975 Inert XL mass detector (Agilent technologies, Cheadle, Cheshire, UK). A splitless injector was used to keep the sample at 300°C (1μL). Helium was used as carrier gas with a constant flow of 3mL/min. The ionisation energy of the MS was 70eV and spectra were obtained by scan- ning between 3 and 44. A DB-23 (50%-Cyanopropyl)-methylpolysiloxane column (60m 0.250mm 0.25mm; J & Scienti- fic, Folsom, CA, USA) was used. The temperature was set at 50°C for 2 minutes, then raised by 10°C/min until it reached 100°C, then raised by 4°C/min to 140°C, then by 0.5°C/min to 160°C, then by 20°C/min to 250°C where it was main- tained for 10 minutes. Peak integration and quantification was carried out using ChemStation Rev. B.04.02 SP1. Auto- mated integration was selected over manual integration to avoid inconsistencies. The analytical protocol was oriented to the identification of main molecular components (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, branched fatty acids, dicar- boxylic fatty acids, alkanes and isoprenoid fatty acids, u-(o-alkylphenyl) alkanoic and phytanic acids). High Temperature Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HTGC-MS) HTGC-MS was performed on the TLE extracts (n=1) using a 7890A Series chromatograph attached to a 5975C Inert XL mass-selective detector with a quadrupole mass analyser (Agilent Technologies, Cheadle, UK). The carrier gas was helium, and the inlet/column head-pressure was constant. The GC column was inserted directly into the ion source of the mass spectrometer. The ionisation energy of the mass spectrometer was 70eV and spectra were obtained by scan- ning between m/z 50 and 1000. General screening of the TLE was performed using a DB-5 MS (5%-phenyl)-methylpoly- siloxane column (30m x 0.250mm x 0.25μm; J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA). The temperature for this column was set at 50°C for 2 minutes, then raised by 10°C/min to 325°C, where it was held for 15 minutes. A second analysis was performed with a HT-DB1 100% Dimethylpolysiloxane (15m x 0.320mm x 0.1μm) (J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA) column. The injector was maintained at 350°C. The temperature of the oven was set at 50°C for 2 minutes, and then raised by 10°C/min to 350°C, where it was held for 15 minutes. Gas Chromatography-Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) GC-C-IRMS analysis was undertaken on 1 sample because it was the only extract which preserved the enough amount of C16:0 and C18:0 to be analysed. Stable carbon isotope values of methyl palmitate (C16:0) and methyl stearate (C18:0), derived from precursor fatty acids were measured by GC-C-IRMS, following existing procedure (Craig et al. 2012). An Isoprime 100 (Isoprime, Cheadle, UK) linked to a Hewlett Packard 7890B series GC (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) with an Isoprime GC5 interface (Isoprime Cheadle, UK) was used for the analysis. One μL of each sample was injected into DB-5MS ultra-inert fused-silica column. The temperature was set at 50°C for 0.5 minutes, then raised by 10°C/min to 300°C where it was held for 10 minutes. The carrier gas used was ultra-high purity grade helium with a flow rate of 3mL/min. The gas flow eluting from the column was split into two streams. One was directed into an Agilent 5975C inert mass spectrometer detector (MSD), for the sake of sample identification and quantification, while the other was directed through the GC5 furnace tube (CuO) kept at 850°C to oxidise all the carbon species to CO2. A clear reso- lution and baseline separation of the analysed peaks were achieved. Eluted products were ionized in the mass spectro- meter by electron impact and ion intensities of m/z 44, 45 and 46 were recorded for automatic computing of the 13C/ 12C ratio of each peak in the extracts. Data analysis was carried out with IonVantage and IonOS softwares (Isoprime, Cheadle, UK) and was based on comparisons with standard reference gas (CO2) of known isotopic composition that was repeatedly measured. The results of the analysis were expressed in per mill (‰) relative to an international standard, VPDB. The accuracy and precision of the instrument was determined on n-alkanoic acid ester standards of known iso- topic composition (Indiana standard F8-3). The mean ±S.D. values of these were 29.82 ± 0.16‰ and 23.28 ± 0.19‰ for the methyl ester of C16:0 (reported mean value vs. VPDB –29.90 ± 0.03‰) and C18:0 (reported mean value vs. VPDB –23.24 ± 0.01‰) respectively. Each sample was measured in replicate (mean of S.D. 0.11‰ for C16:0 and 0.10‰ for C18:0). Values were also corrected subsequent to analysis to account for the methylation of the carboxyl group that occurs during acid extraction. Corrections were based on comparisons with a standard mixture of C16:0 and C18:0 fatty acids of known isotopic composition processed in each batch under identical conditions. To compare the isotopic val- ues of the main fatty acids (palmitic and stearic), data obtained on ruminant, and non-ruminant adipose fat, dairy and marine derived fatty acids resources throughout Europe have been compiled (Appendix 2). Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean> new insights from Dehesilla Cave ... 327 ∴ Appendix 2 Resource Values (‰) d13C16>0 d13C18>0 D13C(C18>0–C16>0) Porcine adipose fats Mean –25.2 –24.4 0.8 Standard deviation 0.8 0.9 0.6 N 66 66 66 Ruminant adipose fats Mean –29.1 –30.7 –1.6 Standard deviation 1.3 1.9 1.0 N 32 32 66 Ruminant dairy fats Mean –28.7 –33.6 –4.8 Standard deviation 1.7 2.4 1.4 N 36 36 66 Marine oils Mean –22.8 –22.3 0.5 Standard deviation 2.6 2.6 1.2 N 100 100 66 Data obtained on ruminant and non-ruminant adipose fat, dairy and marine derived fatty acids throughout Europe Summary of d13C values of C16:0 and C18:0 n-alkanoic acids obtained from modern European reference fats and oils (ruminant, non-ruminant, dairy and marine) (Craig et al. 2013; Cramp et al. 2014; Dudd 1999; Spangenberg et al. 2006; Bell et al. 2007; Spiteri 2012; Recio et al. 2013). Appendix 3 Geographic coordinates for the archaeological sites mentioned in the text No. Site X Y Latitude Longitude UTM Zone 1 Cueva de la Dehesilla 264554.81 4061867.432 36°40’21.7862” N 5°38’4.2919” W 30 2 Cueva de los Murciélagos 483892.52 4075115.45 36°49’16.1954” N 3°10’50.165” W 30 3 Cueva de la Carigüela 461989.158 4144825.745 37°26’56” N 3°25’47” W 30 4 Cueva de Nerja 424695.324 4069025.891 36°45’48.271” N 3°50’37.3128” W 30 5 Cueva del Toro 363234.189 4091203.509 36°57’23” N 4°32’10” W 30 6 El Retamar 753619.904 4046164.546 36°31’35” N 6°9’59” W 29 7 Casa da Moura 478091.82 4353132.739 39°19’36” N 9°15’15” W 29 8 Cueva de la Vaquera 411222.3 4549088 41°5’15” N 4°3’25” W 30 9 Cova de la Sarsa 712672.739 4292999.192 38°45’34”N 0°33’09”W 30 10 Cova dels Lladres 409242.963 4603718.884 41°34’45.4” N 1°54’40.8” E 31 11 Los Cascajos 564468.418 4709469.643 42°32’03” N 2°12’54” W 30 12 Cova de les Cendres 252261.347 4285836.315 38°41’09” N 0°09’07” E 31 13 Antigos armazéns Sommer 488672.516 4284614.07 38°42’34” N 9°07’49” W 29 14 Pálacio Ludovice 487465.719 4285139.897 38°42’51” N 9°08’39” W 29 15 Cueva del Picado 262198.62 4054892.33 36°36’33.5715” N 5°39’31.3417” W 30