Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 407–414 STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY IN DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF NaCl [TUDIJ PROCESA KOROZIJE S PEO OBDELANE ALUMINIJEVE ZLITINE Z RAZLI^NO KONCENTRACIJO NaCl Yuanji Shi 1,2* , Yunzhong Dai 1,4 , Guoqiang Gao 2 , Cheng Cheng 3 , Yunyun Song 1 1 Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China 2 Industrial Perception and Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Engineering Research Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Vocational University of Industry Technology, Nanjing, China 3 College of Material Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China 4 Department of Modern Manufacturing Engineering, Yibin Vocational and Technical College, Yibin, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-03-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2022-06-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.452 Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) treated ceramic coatings were formed in silicate-based electrolytes without and with the ad- dition of Al2O3, on an aluminum alloy. It was found that the coating produced in an electrolyte containing 7 g/L of Al2O3 exhib- ited the most superior corrosion properties. The corrosion properties of the coatings in 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solutions were stud- ied by means of potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results proved that the coating can protect the substrate from the corrosion due to aggressive Cl – in 0.5 M NaCl after 384-h immersion. However, it cannot protect the substrate after 384-h immersion in 1 M NaCl solution. The potentiodynamic polarization results matched well with the EIS test results. Keywords: aluminum alloy, plasma electrolytic oxidation, ceramic coatings, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, corrosion Avtorji v prispevku opisujejo kerami~ne prevleke izdelane s plazemsko elektrolitsko oksidacijo (PEO). Te so nastale na izbrani aluminijevi (ZL101A) zlitini v silikatnem elektrolitu brez in z dodatkom Al2O3. Avtorji so ugotovili, da je prevleka z najbolj{o odpornostjo proti koroziji nastala v elektrolitu, ki je vseboval 7 g/l Al2O3. Nadalje so {tudirali korozijske lastnosti izdelanih prevlek s potencio-dinami~no polarizacijo in elektrokemijsko impedan~no spektroskopijo (EIS) v 0,5 molarni (M) in 1 M raztopini NaCl. Rezultati testov so pokazali, da prevleka lahko za{~iti substrat (Al zlitino) pred korozijsko zelo agresivnimi ioni klora (Cl – ), ~e je le ta potopljen v 0,5 M raztopino NaCl tudi do 384 ur. Vendar pa ga ne {~iti pred korozijo, ~e je le-ta potopljen 384urv1Mraztopini NaCl. Rezultati potencio-dinami~ne polarizacije so se dobro ujemali z rezultati EIS testov. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeva zlitina, plazemska elektrolitska oksidacija, kerami~ne prevleke, elektrokemijska impedan~na spektroskopija, korozija 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminum and its alloys are widely used in industrial engineering due to their superior properties, that is, low density, great specific strength and good ductility. Never- theless, their shortcomings, i.e., low surface hardness and poor corrosion resistance, have extremely limited their wide applications in many industrial fields. 1,2 In recent years, various surface-modification methods have been proposed to prevent aluminum alloys from corrosion in a severe industrial environment. Among these great techniques, plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) seems to be the most favorable surface-treatment method since the year 2000. 3,4 It is a technique used at high voltages to grow an oxide coating on an aluminum alloy surface. During a PEO process, the substrate alloy is the anode, while the gas layer enshrouding the surface of the alloy consists of oxygen. Specifically, when the di- electric gas layer completely covers the anode surface, numerous sparks appear, accompanied by the gas bubbles of the PEO treatment, provided that the applied voltage is constantly higher than the breakdown voltage. Then, a ceramic coating can be formed on the metal sur- face during the chemical reactions in a plasma environ- ment. The coatings produced with the PEO treatment are of good corrosion resistance. 5–8 Therefore, the PEO method has been popularly used in these years to pro- duce coatings with superior corrosion properties on alu- minum alloys. According to previous researches, it is acknowledged that the PEO treatment is a multifactor-controlled pro- cess. 9 The properties of PEO coatings are determined by many influencing factors, such as the substrate mate- rial, 10 electrical parameters, 10–13 oxidation time, 14,15 additives 8,16–18 and the main electrolyte composition. 19 Generally, silicate-based electrolytes are the most widely employed electrolytes. However, there are only a few studies of the corrosion of the coatings formed on alumi- num alloys with the PEO method. Thus, in this study, we want to comprehensively study the corrosion properties Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 407–414 407 UDK 669.715.018.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 56(4)407(2022) *Corresponding author's e-mail: yuanji_shi@hotmail.com (Y. J. Shi) of PEO coatings formed on ZL101A aluminum alloy in silicate-based electrolytes. In this work, PEO coatings were formed on ZL101A aluminum alloy in silicate-based electrolytes with the ad- dition of Al 2 O 3 . Then, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were car- ried out to study the long-term immersion corrosion pro- cess of the coatings in both 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solu- tions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to study the corrosion products of the coatings after im- mersion in the NaCl solution. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The material was ZL101A aluminum alloy cut form an Al sheet. Its nominal composition is as follows: Mg (0.45–0.7 w/%), Si (6.5–7.5 w/%), Zn (0.07 w/%), Fe (0.19 w/%), Cu (0.05 w/%) and balance Al. Cylinder specimens (with a thickness of 3 mm and diameter of 40 mm) were used as the substrate in this study. To en- sure their smoothness, the raw specimens were ground with 200, 500, 800, 1200 grit alumina waterproof abra- sive paper. After that, they were ultrasonically degreased in ethanol for 20 min, rinsed in distilled water and dried in ambient air. For the PEO process, a specimen was registered as the anode and a stainless-steel barrel measuring 200 mm in diameter and 400 mm in length was used as the cath- ode. The specimen was set at the center of the circle in the barrel with the electrolyte. A silicate-based aqueous solution (Na 2 SiO 3 (18 g/L) + KOH (3 g/L) + NaF (4 g/L)) was used as the electrolyte. The concentration of additive Al 2 O 3 particles (< 20 nm) in the electrolyte solu- tion was varied from 3 g/L to 9 g/L with +2 g/L inter- vals. PEO coatings were formed under a constant current density of 150 mA/cm 2 over 40 min. Next, the barrel was placed in cold water with a water-cooled system to keep the temperature below 35 °C all the time during the PEO treatment. After this treatment, the PEO-treated samples were rinsed in deionized water and dried in hot air. Electrochemical experiments were performed in the NaCl aqueous solution (pH of app. 7.0) at room tempera- ture (app. 25 °C) using an electrochemical system (CS350, Wuhan Corrtest, China). Along with the system, a three-electrode cell was used, composed of a weight- saving platinum electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) and the uncoated or coated specimens. They were used as the auxiliary electrode, reference electrode and working electrode, respectively. The working electrode was made by inlaying pieces of uncoated and coated square samples (about 1 cm 2 ) into an in-house-made Tef- lon plate, full of resin. The testing electrolyte used was 0.5 M or 1 M NaCl aqueous solution. Prior to the elec- trochemical test, the testing specimens were immersed in the NaCl solution for about 30 min to get a stabilized open circuit potential. The potentiodynamic polarization curves of the samples were obtained using an applied scanning rate of 1.0 mV/s and a scanning region of –1.0 V to 0 V with respect to the open circuit potential. CorShow was used to deal with the data of the potentiodynamic polarization test. Electrochemical im- pedance spectroscopy (EIS) was applied in the potentiostatic mode within a frequency range of 10 5 Hz to 10 –1 Hz with a perturbation amplitude signal of 10 mV. The specimens were exposed to the NaCl solu- tion for different durations, i.e., (0.5, 24, 48, 96, 192 and 384) h. The EIS plots obtained were analyzed using ZSimpWin3.10. All the tests were repeated at least three times to ensure reproducibility and reliability. The surface and cross-sectional morphology of the coatings were observed using scanning electron micros- copy (SEM, ISM-6510). The thicknesses of the coatings were determined by measuring the cross-sections of the coatings. In addition, X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) were obtained with a Thermo Escalab 250Xi photoelec- tron spectrometer using an AlK source with energy of 1486.6 eV. The surfaces of the coatings were etched for 1 min with an argon-ion beam before the XPS analysis to reduce the carbon contamination. Binding energies were corrected relative to the C 1s signal at 284.6 eV. The analysis of the obtained data was processed by the Xpspeak 4.1 software. To evaluate the effect of the Al 2 O 3 concentration on the corrosion resistance of the PEO coatings formed in silicate-based electrolytes, potentiodynamic polarization tests were carried out, identifying the optimum Al 2 O 3 concentration for the PEO process. The obtained polar- ization curves of the PEO coatings are depicted in Fig- ure 1. This figure shows that the coating fabricated in the electrolyte with 7 g/L of Al 2 O 3 had the lowest corrosion current density (i corr ) and highest corrosion potential (E corr ) among the five examined Al 2 O 3 concentrations. Therefore, further investigations were focused on this concentration. Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 408 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 407–414 Figure 1: Potentiodynamic polarization curves of the aluminum alloy with PEO coatings formed in electrolytes containing (0, 3, 5, 7 and 9) g/L Al 2 O 3 and immersed in 0.5 M NaCl for 0.5 h 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Morphology of PEO coatings Figure 2 shows the surface and cross-sectional mor- phologies of the PEO coatings formed in the sili- cate-based electrolyte under the current density of 150 mA/cm 2 for 40 min. The surface morphology of the PEO coating formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electro- lyte is shown in Figure 2a. Numerous discharge chan- nels and regions resulting from the rapid cooling of mol- ten materials are presented on the surface (see Figure 2a). At the discharge channel sites, the tempera- ture could suddenly increase to approximately 10 4 K, 20 which was high enough for the coating to melt. The mol- ten alumina flowed out of the channels and the anionic components such as SiO 3 2 − enter the channels making sharp and distinctly visible boundaries at the same time. And due to the rapidly cooling system, the molten alu- mina solidified immediately. The above process resulted in a coating with numerous micropores on its surface. The pore size ranged from 1–6 μm. The surface view ob- tained in this study shows that the coating has a rela- tively dense structure without considerable cracking. The presence of some pores is expected because of the nature of the PEO process. The cross-sectional morphologies of the PEO coat- ings produced in the silicate-based electrolyte with (0, 5 and 9) g/L of Al 2 O 3 are shown in Figures 2b, 2c and 2d. The thickness of the coatings formed in (0, 3, 5, 7 and 9) g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolytes is approximately (26, 32, 35, 39 and 38) μm, respectively. The link be- tween the coating and the substrate is without any crack- ing, which indicates good adhesion of the coating to the substrate. 3.2 XPS analysis before corrosion The effects of additive Al 2 O 3 on PEO coatings was estimated on the basis of the chemical state of the sur- face of the coating. The XPS analysis of the PEO coat- ings formed in the silicate-based electrolyte without and with the addition of 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 is shown in Figure 3. This figure presents the Al 2p core level spectra of the PEO coatings formed in the Al 2 O 3 free and 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolytes. The binding energy of Al 2p of the PEO coatings formed in these two electrolytes is 74.28 eV and 74.36 eV, respectively. The difference in the binding energy of the coatings may be owing to the incorperation of additive Al 2 O 3 . The fact that the Al 2p spin-orbit components of the coating produced in 7 g/L Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 407–414 409 Figure 2: PEO coating morphology: a) surface (7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte), b) cross-section (without Al 2 O 3 ), c) cross-section (5 g/L Al 2 O 3 ), d) cross-section (9 g/L Al 2 O 3 ) Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte are shifted towards higher binding energy than the coating produced in the Al 2 O 3 free electrolyte suggests that some of the additive Al 2 O 3 was incorporated into the coating. Figure 3b shows the high-resolution spectrum of Al 2p. It is presented that the single Al 2p peak at 74.36 eV, typical for -Al 2 O 3 and -Al 2 O 3 , can be decomposed into two peaks at 74.70 eV and 74.20 eV. 3.3 Corrosion behavior of PEO coatings 3.3.1 Potentiodynamic polarization The potentiodynamic polarization curves of the PEO-coated specimen formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte after the immersion times of (0.5, 24, 48, 96, 192 and 384) h in 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl aqueous solu- tions are shown in Figure 4. In general, a more noble corrosion potential (E corr ) and lower corrosion current density (i corr ) represented a lower corrosion rate and good corrosion properties. Figure 4 shows that the corrosion potential (E corr ) first decreased before the immersion for 48 h, then increased after 48 h and decreased again after the immersion for 96 h. Nevertheless, the corresponding corrosion current density (i corr ) first increased, then de- creased and increased in 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution. Meanwhile, the same changes occurred to the coating, i m m e r s e di n1MN a C la q u e o u ssolution during the potentiodynamic polarization test. This indicated that the corrosion resistance of the PEO-coated specimen first decreased, then increased and finally decreased in both 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solutions. Furthermore, in both 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solutions, the corrosion current density of the PEO coating formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 con- taining electrolyte was lower by about 30 orders than the Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 410 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 407–414 Figure 4: Potentiodynamic polarization curves of PEO-coated alumi- num alloy formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte after different immersion times of 0.5–384 h in the solutions: a) 0.5 M NaCl, b) 1 M NaCl Figure 3: XPS analysis of PEO coatings formed in silicate-based elec- trolyte without and with the addition of 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 : a) Al 2p core level, b) high-resolution spectrum of Al 2p corresponding to the PEO coating formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte PEO coating formed in 0 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electro- lyte. 3.3.2 EIS study EIS spectra To obtain additional information on the properties of the coating as well as on the corrosion process at the metal/electrolyte interface, EIS spectra were recorded during the immersion in 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl aqueous solutions at room temperature for a prolonged duration of up to 384 h. The corrosion behavior of the PEO coat- ing produced in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte and immersed in the above solutions for (0.5, 24, 48, 96, 192 and 384) h was studied with EIS tests. The EIS spectra (Nyquist plots) for the immersed coating are shown in Figures 5a and 5b. In 0.5 M aqueous NaCl, the radius of the capacitive loop decreased in 0.5–384 h immersion process (see Figure 5a). After 384-h immersion, the ra- dius of the loop only became smaller. However, in the 1M NaCl solution, the radius of the loop greatly de- creased after 24-h immersion (see Figure 5b). After 384 h, an inductive loop appeared. In both 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl aqueous solution, the radius of the loop changed homogeneously. That is, in 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution, the radius of the loop decreased before the im- mersion time of 48 h, then increased after 48 h and again decreased after 96 h; in 1 M NaCl, the radius of the ca- pacitive loop decreased before the immersion time of 24 h, then increased after 24 h and again decreased after 48 h. EIS analysis To quantitatively analyze the EIS spectra of the coat- ings in the NaCl aqueous solution, two equivalent cir- cuits were proposed as shown in Figure 6. To improve the accuracy of the simulation, the surface inhomo- geneity factor and possible diffusional factor were in- cluded. A more general constant phase element (CPE) 21 , annotated by symbol Q, was used instead of a rigid ca- pacitive element. The capacity element is expressed with the following Equation (1): 22 Z Y j n Q = − 1 0 () (1) In the Equation (1), j is the imaginary unit (j 2 = –1) and is the angular frequency ( =2 f). Coefficient Y 0 or n (–1 n 1) is the parameter of the CPE. In the equivalent circuits presented in Figure 6, R s is the solution resistance between the specimen and refer- ence electrode, R p is the resistance of the porous layer/coating, paralleled with Q p (the constant phase ele- ment indicating dispersion of the porous coating/layer capacitance) and R b is the resistance of the inner compact layer paralleled with Q b . L in Figure 6b is the induc- tance, which is paralleled with R L . Figure 6a was used to fit the EIS data of the coating in diluted 0.5 M NaCl so- lution up to 384 h and in concentrated 1 M NaCl solution Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 407–414 411 Figure 6: Equivalent circuits for fitting the impedance data for PEO-coated aluminum alloy: a) without inductance, b) with induc- tance models Figure 5: Nyquist plots of PEO-coated aluminum alloy formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte and immersed in solutions for differ- ent immersion times: a) 0.5 M NaCl, b) 1M NaCl up to 192 h. Figure 6b was used to fit the EIS data of the coating immersed in 1 M NaCl solution for 384 h. Tables 1 and 2 clearly show that high resistance val- ues of R p and R b were registered, i.e., 27.89 k ·cm 2 and 259.87 k ·cm 2 , at the immersion time of 0.5 h in 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution. Then, with the immersion time increased, the R p and R b gradually decreased. Neverthe- less, the values of R p and R b increased at the immersion time of 96 h, being 17.54 k ·cm 2 and 165.3 k ·cm 2 . Af- ter that, R p and R b decreased eventually. After 384 h of immersion, R b dropped to a relatively higher value of 53.24 k ·cm 2 compared to the R p value of 7.51 k ·cm 2 . Simulation results exhibited a similar trend in 1 M NaCl aqueous solution. After 384 h of immersion, due to the adsorbed Al 3+ ions on the surface, inductance oc- curred. The simulated circuit is changed in Figure 6b. The L and R L are 2.5 × 10 3 H·cm –2 and 310.4 k ·cm 2 ,re- spectively. These results demonstrate that the coating could not protect the aluminum alloy substrate in 1 M NaCl aqueous solution after 384 h of immersion. The Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 412 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 407–414 Table 1: EIS simulated data of PEO-coated specimen formed in silicate-based electrolytes with 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 in 0.5 M NaCl solution after differ- ent times of immersion Immersion time (h) R s/( ·cm 2 ) R p/(k ·cm 2 ) Qp/(F·cm –2 ) np R b/(k ·cm 2 ) Qb/(F·cm –2 ) nb 0.5 14 27.89 6.82 × 10 –6 0.58 259.87 7.24 × 10 –7 0.74 24 19 19.36 4.52 × 10 –6 0.67 184.52 6.27 × 10 –7 0.85 48 21 12.46 5.68 × 10 –5 0.45 118.64 6.69 × 10 –6 0.81 96 15 17.54 3.57 × 10 –5 0.51 165.3 4.58 × 10 –6 0.92 192 16 9.460 5.39 × 10 –5 0.61 72.16 5.79 × 10 –6 0.70 384 18 7.51 8.64 × 10 –5 0.72 53.24 7.25 × 10 –6 0.69 Table 2: EIS simulated data of PEO-coated specimen formed in silicate-based electrolytes with 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 in 1 M NaCl solution after different times of immersion Immersion time (h) R s/( ·cm 2 ) R p/(k ·cm 2 ) Qp/(F·cm –2 ) np R b/(k ·cm 2 ) Qb/(F·cm –2 ) nb 0.5 11 26.16 6.46 × 10 –6 0.61 252.17 7.18 × 10 –7 0.83 24 21 14.34 2.86 × 10 –6 0.60 138.92 5.71 × 10 –7 0.79 48 17 15.48 5.67 × 10 –5 0.69 158.96 7.22 × 10 –6 0.84 96 22 10.45 4.29 × 10 –5 0.52 98.76 5.64 × 10 –6 0.69 192 23 5.49 6.52 × 10 –5 0.78 34.78 2.29 × 10 –6 0.88 384 15 2.64 9.74 ×1 0 –4 0.66 9.21 6.69 × 10 –5 0.71 NaCl concentration 0.5 M 1 M Immersion time (h) Macro Micro Macro Micro 24 96 384 Figure 7: Macroscopic and SEM morphology of corroded surfaces after 24, 96, 384 h of exposure/EIS testing in 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solution variation trend of the EIS results match well with the potentiodynamic polarization results. 3.4 Corrosion morphology of PEO coatings Macroscopic and SEM morphologies of corroded surfaces after (24, 96 and 384) h exposure/EIS testing in 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solutions are shown in Figure 7. The aqua dash circles marked in macro-morphology show the exposure area (1 cm 2 ) during the test. In 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution, there was no evidence of any corrosion damage across the surface of the coating after 384-h EIS testing. However, in 1 M NaCl aqueous solu- tion, the coating was corroded by a gradual Cl - infiltra- tion. After 384 h of immersion in 1 M NaCl aqueous so- lution, a large pit (of about 30 μm in diameter) appeared on the surface of the coating. This evidently proved that the aluminum alloy substrate was corroded by the ag- gressive Cl – at that time. The corrosion morphology of the coating matches well with the corrosion study above covering the whole immersion process. 3.5 XPS analysis after corrosion Figure 8 shows the XPS analysis of the high-resolu- tion Al 2p spectrum of the coating formed in 7 g/L Al 2 O 3 containing electrolyte after the immersion time of 384 h in 1 M NaCl solution. The purple square in Figure 7 in- dicates the analyzed area. From Figure 8, it can be seen that the single Al 2p peak at 74.32 eV, typical for Al 2 O 3 , and unstable corrosion products Al(OH) 3 can be decom- posed into two peaks at 74.40 eV and 74.20 eV. 3.6. Corrosion mechanism At the early stage, chloride ion easily penetrates into the pores of the porous layer through discharge channels. Therefore, the corrosion resistance of the coating de- creases. Then, with the immersion time prolonged, un- stable corrosion products Al(OH) 3 can be generated in the pores as shown below: NaCl Na + +Cl – (2) H2O H + +OH – (3) Al 2 O 3 + 6Cl 2AlCl 3 +3O 2– (4) H + +O 2– OH – (5) AlCl 3 + 3(OH) – Al(OH) 3 + 3Cl – (6) Then, with the corrosion continued, corrosion prod- ucts are easily attached to the surface of the coating. To some extent, Cl – is hard to infiltrate into the coating at this time due to the prevention of corrosion products. So, the corrosion resistance of the coating increases. How- ever, some of the Cl – can go through the porous layer and react with the barrier layer. Meanwhile, the reaction con- tinues as follows: Al 3+ +3H 2 O Al(OH) 3 +3H + (7) H + +Cl HCl (8) Finally, some of the barrier layer is completely cor- roded. The aggressive Cl – is in direct contact with the aluminum alloy substrate. The hydrogen evolution reac- tion occurs as follows: 2Al+6H + 2Al 3+ +3H 2 (9) The coating can no longer provide protection to the aluminum alloy substrate. Thus, the corrosion mecha- nism discussed above is completely in accord with the corrosion test results. 4 CONCLUSIONS The objective of this study was to investigate the cor- rosion of a PEO coating, formed in an electrolyte con- taining 7 g/L of Al 2 O 3, in 0.5 M and 1 M NaCl solutions through electrochemical methods. The summary can be drawn as follows: 1) Long-term potentiodynamic polarization and EIS tests showed that the corrosion resistance of the coating first decreased, then increased and finally decreased. 2) The coating can protect the substrate in 0.5 M NaCl solution after 384-h immersion, but it cannot pro- tect the substrate after 384-h immersion in 1 M NaCl so- lution. 3) The potentiodynamic polarization results match well with the EIS test results. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the open project founda- tion of High-Tech Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equip- ment and Intelligence of Jiangsu Province (No. MAET202104), the open foundation of Industrial Per- ception and Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Engi- neering Research Center of Jiangsu Province (No. ZK22-05-07) and the open project foundation of Intelli- Y. SHI et al.: STUDY OF THE CORROSION PROCESS OF A PEO-TREATED ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 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