The Impact of Demographic Characteristics on the Relationship Between Trust, Individuals' Attitudes Towards Social Media and Intention to Use Social Media in an I 3 | NERGiS AZiZ, Istanbul, Turkey This research investigates the role of demographics such as age, gender, education, and marital status on the relationship between trust towards social media, individuals' attitudes towards and intention to use social media. A face-to-face questionnaire was conducted to a convenience sample of 706 participants in different districts in Istanbul (Turkey). Study results showed that there was positive relationship between trust towards social media and attitudes towards social media use and age was only variable among control variables influencing this relationship. Attitudes towards social media use were positively related to behavioral intention to use social media and control variables such as age and education influenced this relationship. However, gender and marital status had no significant impact neither on attitudes nor on behavioral intention. Study findings can be used as a basis for developing different strategies that cultivate positive attitudes for different demographic segments. Key words: Social media, demographics, trust, the theory of planned behavior (TPB), Turkey, the Euro-Mediterrenian region Emerging Economy INTRODUCTION The popularity of social network services (SNS) have increased over the past years. According to information on the most popular networks worldwide as of January 2016 provided by Statista fr. m \ 0.07), education (B = 0.08; t = 1.81; p > 0.70), marital status (B = -0.01; t = -0.26; p > 0.79) did not explain the variance the relationship between trust and attitude. Hence, only age explained a significant amount of the variance in the value of DV. TABLE 2: Multiple Regression Analysis: Results of testing the relationship between attitude and behavioral intention with control variables (gender, age, education, and marital status) Model Standardized Coefficients E-1 m Collinearity Statistics Pi R square Beta Tolerance VIF 1 (Constant) 0.25a 0.06 10.672 .000 Attds .258 6.346 .000 1.000 1.000 2 (Constant) 0.39b 0.15 8.148 .000 Attds .216 5.442 .000 .965 1.036 Age -.203 -4.279 .000 .674 1.483 Gender .043 1.073 .284 .942 1.062 Education .154 3.534 .000 .800 1.249 Maritalstatus .023 .493 .622 .692 1.445 a. Predictors: (Constant), ATTDS b. Predictors: (Constant), ATTDS, Age, Education, Gender, Marital status c. Dependent Variable: BI2 Volume 9 | 2016 | Number 1 t?, m The Impact of Demographic Characteristics on the Relationship Between Trust, ... A multiple regression was conducted to examine if IV1 predicted DV while controlling for the effects of the aforementioned demographic variables . Using the 2-step enter method it was found that IV1 explain a significant amount of the variance in the value of DV (p = .000, R2 = .15). Attitude towards social media use predicted behavioral intention to use social media. Gender at p < 0.05 (B = 0.04; t = 1.07; p > 0.28) and marital status (B = 0.23; t = 0.49; p > 0.62) effect on the attitude - behavioral relationship was non-significant. In contrast, age negatively influenced the relationship between attitude and behavioral intention (B = - 0.20; t = - 4.27; p < 0.000). As age increases, the relationship between attitude and behavioral intention gets weaker. Education (B = 0.15; t = 3.53; p <0.000) explained the variance of the relationship between attitude towards social media use and behavioral intention to use social media. As education level increases, the relationship between attitude and behavioral intention gets stronger. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Social media provide individuals an opportunity to communicate with high number of individuals simultaneously. They share their opinions, thoughts, experiences related to events, products and services. Therefore, social media companies, advertisers, and marketers should understand factors influencing consumers' attitudes and behavioral intentions towards social media use in order to design effective marketing communication strategies. The main objective of this study was to investigate the role of demographics such as age, gender, education, and marital status on the relationship between trust, individuals' attitudes towards and intention to use social media. The effect of age on the trust-attitude relationship and the effect of age and edcuation on the attitude-behavioral intention relationship is significant, whereas gender and marital status effect relationship was proved to be non-significant. Trust towards social media is positively related to attitudes towards social media use and age was only variable among control variables influencing this relationship. As age increases, /zm Volume 9 | 2016 | Number 1 Nergis Aziz the relationship between trust and attitude gets weaker. One possible explanation may be that as age increases, other factors alongside with trust (f.e. purpose of use, cost of use, time and energy constraints) can be related to attitude. This finding is consistent with previous research which highlights the fact that age plays a large role in determining the likelihood of Facebook use, and that the lack of access, perceived security and privacy issues, cost and perceived complexity of the technology each contribute to why some seniors do not use social media applications (Hutto and Bell 2014; Porter and Donthu 2006). The intensity of the relationship between trust and attitudes was higher for younger individuals. This finding is consistent with previous research that states that youngsters are likely to disclose more information on social networks than adults and use the networks' privacy protection tools less than older people (Christofides et al. 2012). In addition, Turkish high school students were found to know how to control their privacy settings, be conscious about their privacy, and do not make public shares in order to receive more likes (Kaya and Bicen 2016). Basically, seniors do not trust social media. Older individuals can be educated regarding the usefulness of social media, which in turn may lead to the formation of positive attitudes towards social media. For example, Profilo, one of Turkish companies producing household appliances, produced advertising campaigns for mothers that explain "TBT", "mention" and "retweet" concepts in a very simple manner. Such a strategy may reduce concerns of older people regarding the hardness of using social media and by doing so, lead to trust formation which can lead to positive attitudes towards social media use. Attitudes towards social media use were positively related to behavioral intention to use social media and control variables such as age and education influenced this relationship which is in accordance with the previous research findings (Barker 2012; Correa et al. 2010). The intensity of the relationship between attitudes and behavioral intention is higher for both young and educated customers. This finding in congruence with the information provided by TurkStat, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Survey in Households and Individuals Volume 9 | 2016 | Number 1 fc m The Impact of Demographic Characteristics on the Relationship Between Trust, (2015), according to which 75% of the frequent users were aged less than 34, only less than 10% of the higher age group indicated that they use the Internet communication frequently. Finally, almost 94% of the highly educated individuals but less than 50% less educated individuals reported to use frequent Internet communication. These statistics presented in this report show a clear pattern of heavy Internet communication usage by the younger and highly educated consumer groups in Turkey. Previous research highlights that positive influence of usefulness on continued intention to use social media indicates that users' continued intention to use social media increases when the user believes that social media improves the efficiency of their information sharing, connecting with others, or provides them an opportunity to know more people (Kwon and Wen 2010). As age increases, social network size decreases (Brandtzaeg 2012; Pfeil et al. 2009). That is, younger individuals use many different types of social media rather than older ones. Positive attitudes towards social media use increases the likelihood of individuals' intentions to use social media. Social media marketers should take into consideration demographic factors to form positive attitudes towards social media and stimulate behavioral intention to use social media in order to succeed in the market. Social media reshaped the way how businesses communicate with their customers. Consumers are becoming more pover-ful in social media and more demanding, therefore, companies should be agile enough to adopt new strategies in responding to customer preferences (Kohli et al. 2015) and design strategic plans and implement tools to improve the performance of social media. Social media can provide great opportunity to companies to build strong relationships with their customers. Research demonstrates that the social media represent a potential vehicle to help small companies create better brand awareness, better relationships with customers, and increase sales via these mechanisms (Jones et al. 2015). Especially, micro and small enterp-rizes which are lack of abundant financial resources can use social networking tools to promote their products and services and interact with their customers. The results of the study show that Volume 9 | 2016 | Number 1 Nergis Aziz different demographic segments have different effects on social media use. Companies can develop different strategies that will led to the formation of positive attitudes towards social media and reinforce behavioral intention to use social media for different demographic segments. For example, companies should spend more efforts toward females and older individuals that have less intention to use social media. Social media companies, advertisers or marketers may convince older ones regarding the ease of use and usefulness of social media channels and foster positive word-of mouth communication among them by encouraging to share their experiences. Also, Facebook was the most used channel to participate at events organized by others, share comments on brands, products and services and to organize an event, therefore, companies can focus on this social media channel in order to stay connected to their customers by interacting with them , listening to them, and solving their problems as soon as they evolve. Social media can be used as one of the important customer touchpoints which will help companies to contact the complaining customer as quickly as possible and resolve the complaint. Such a quick respond will maximize customer satisfaction and lead to customer loyalty. Overall, social media provides multiple benefits to companies; besides nourishing brand building and company image, social media can support collaborative communication between current and potential customers, acquiring their feedback, and delivering customer service and support (Basu 2015). Not only large companies can get the benefits of incorporating of social media in their marketing activities, but at the same time entrepreneurs and small and medium sized enterprizes can benefit as a result of low cost. Small and medium sized companies significantly contribute to the economy of Turkey and social media use may help those companies to prosper by effectively reaching their customers. Moreover, social media can contribute to the socio-economic empowerment of women and enhance employment opportunities which are among priorities of Turkey and other emerging economies in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Volume 9 | 2016 | Number 1 fc m The Impact of Demographic Characteristics on the Relationship Between Trust, ... I 23 | TABLE 3: Results Summary H There is a difference in relationship between trust towards and individuals' attitudes towards social media when age is held constant. Confirmed H2 There is a difference in relationship between trust towards and individuals' attitudes towards social media when gender is held constant. Declined H3 There is a difference in relationship between trust towards and individuals' attitudes towards social media when education is held constant. Declined H4 There is a difference in relationship between trust towards and individuals' attitudes towards social media when marital status is held constant. Declined H5 There is a difference in relationship between individuals' attitudes towards social media and behavioral intention to use social media when age is held constant. Confirmed H6 There is a difference in relationship between individuals' attitudes towards social media and behavioral intention to use social media when gender is held constant. Declined H7 There is a difference in relationship between individuals' attitudes towards social media and behavioral intention to use social media when education is held constant. Confirmed H8 There is a difference in relationship between individuals' attitudes towards social media and behavioral intention to use social media when marital status is held constant. Declined Future research may consider conducting a longitudinal study that will deal with revealing additional factors that might have influenced attitudes and behavioral intentions of individuals. 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