NO. 91 Ameriška I —aaiiTi i *1 *i retiik AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100' Friday, December 5, 1986 VOL. LXXXVIII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Dva posebna kongresna odbora bosla preiskala iransko-conlras zadevo — Irank Carlncci naslednik John Poindexferja WASHINGTON, D.C. — Včeraj so vodilni demokrati in republikanci v zveznem senatu in predstavniškem domu soglašali, da bo vsak dom Kongresa ustanovil poseben odbor, ki bosta ločeno preiskovala vse okoliščine Reaganove iranske pobude in še posebej, kako je šel denar, pridobljen od prodaje orožja Iranu za precejšen dobiček, v pomoč Protisandinističnim gverilcem in morda tudi upornikom v Afganistanu in Angoli. Odbora bosta začela delovati z začetkom novega 100. Kongresa januarja 1987. Senatni odbor za inteligenčne zadeve, ki je pod vodstvom sen. Davida Durrenberger-ia (R.-Minn.), že zaslišuje nekatere visoke osebnosti v Reaganovi administraciji, med ojimi tudi glavna znana igralca v iranski zadevi, odstavljeni uslužbenec Sveta za nacio-nalno varnost podpolkovnik Oliver North ter viceadmiral John Poindexter, ki je bil Prisiljen podati ostavko kot načelnik Sveta za nacionalno varnost pretekli teden. Ta dva Pa nista hotela odgovoriti na vprašanja, čeprav sta oba obljubila, da pozneje bosta vse Povedala. Durrenberger pravi, da so druge Priče, nekatere iz CIA, marsikaj povedale o zadevi, da pa so bila zasliševanja tajna in radi tega ne more v podrobnosti za javnost. Pravosodni sekretar Edwin Meese je Predlagal, naj bi iransko-contras zadevo Proučeval posebej za to opolnomočen prei-skovalec. Predsednik Reagan soglaša in vse kaže, da bo nastala preiskava tudi iz tega kota. Predsednik Reagan poudarja v raznih krajših izjavah, da želi obelodaniti vse Podatke glede prodaje orožja Iranu in dru-8ih s to akcijo povezanih akcij. Vztraja pa, da sam ni bil nič obveščen in tudi ni nikoli °dredil, naj gre prebitek prodaje orožja Ira-"u v pomoč contras in drugim protikomuni-stičnim uporniškim silam. O Oliver Northu, k' ga je bil sam odstavil, je Reagan celo rekel, da je »ameriški junak«. Podpredsednik George Bush je prvič pregovoril o iranski zadevi in dejal, da pod-Pira Reaganovo pobudo, priznal pa je, da je bilo v izvrševanju te politike nekaj napak. Reagan je imenoval 56-letnega izkuše-nega vladnega uslužbenca Franka Carlucci-ia, ki je dobro znan kongresnikom in pri njih 'udi precej spoštovan, za njegovega novega Svetovalca za nacionalno varnost. Carlucci Je povedal novinarjem, da bo imel prost do-S'°P do Reagana in da namerava temeljito ^organizirati Svet za nacionalno varnost. ^ Egiptu odkrili zaroto zoper predsednika Hosnija Mubaraka — Zapleteni islamski skrajneži - 33 zarotnikov obloženih Včeraj je egiptski vrhovni državni toži-ec obtožil 4 vojaške častnike in 29 civilistov, so sodelovali v zaroti, katere namen je bil ^,rmoglaviti vlado predsednika Hosnija Mu-araka preko muslimanske »svete vojne« ter Ps'anoviti nekakšno teokratično državo, ki .1 bila podobna režimu v Iranu. Menda ima-j0 nekateri obtoženci zveze s skrajno Džihad Or8anizaeijo, ki je 1. 1981 izvedla atentat na hkratnega predsednika Anvara Sadata. Mubarakova vlada je pod pritiskom ra-*n'J' domačih in tujih arabskih nezadovolj-^žev zaradi njenih tesnih stikov z ZDA in ^aelom, predvsem pa zaradi gospodarskih e?av, ki so, kot kaže, ne le precejšnje, am-Pak nerešljive. Izraelski vojaki ubili dva palestinska študenta, izraelske bojne ladje pa napadle oporišča PLO v južnem Libanonu JERUZALEM, Iz. — Včeraj so bile demonstracije palestinskih študentov na univerzi Bir Zeit severno od tega mesta. Študentje so demonstrirali zoper izraelske napade na PLO oporišča v južnem Libanonu. Ko so študentje napadli vojake, trdi izraelsko vojaško poročilo, so bili vojaki prisiljeni streljali. Poleg dveh ubitih študentov, je bilo do 25 ranjenih, od teh sta dva v kritičnem stanju. Demonstracije so bile največje te vrste v zadnjih dveh letih. Predstavnik izraelskega obrambnega ministrstva je potrdil, da so tri izraelske bojne čolne obstreljevale palestinska oporišča v bližini mesta Sidona v južnem Libanonu. Kar je pri tem zanimivo, je, da so Izraelci s svojim napadom pomagali silam muslimanskega Amal gibanja, ki močno nasprotuje Izraelu. Kar imata Amal in Izrael skupnega je želja, da bi onemogočala delovanje PLO organizacije v tem delu Libanona. Pomanjkanje električne energije povzroča težave za ZSSR in nekatere države Vzhodne Evrope — Poleg Černobila tudi suša WASHINGTON, D.C. — Wall Street Journal poroča, da se spopadajo Sovjetska zveza, Bolgarija, Rumunija in Madžarska z resnimi gospodarskimi težavami zaradi pomanjkanja električne energije. AkO bo zima letos huda, bodo te težave resno ogrožale industrijsko proizvodnjo, trpelo bo tudi prebivalstvo. Nesreča v černobilski jedrski elektrarni še vedno povzroča preglavice Sovjetiji kljub temu, da že proizvajala elektriko dva bloka černobilske elektrarne. En reaktor je povsem uničen, drugi pa menda tako poškodovan, da ne more obratovati. Dalje, prišlo je do požara v veliki hidroelektrarni v Azerbajdžanu pretekli mesec. V držvah vzhodnega evro-pa pa je bila letos suša, katere posledice omejujejo količine elektrike, ki jih lahko proizvajajo hidroelektrarne v prizadetih deželah. — Kratke vesti — St. George’s, Gre. — Včeraj je sodišče obsodilo na smrt 14 od 18 oseb, obtoženih sodelovanja v umoru grenadskega predsednika vlade Maurica Bishopa 19. oktobra 1983. Takrat je šlo za državni udar in poleg Bishopa so zarotniki ubili tri člane vlade sedem drugih oseb. Državni udar je sicer uspel, vendar v šestih dneh so ameriški vojaki Grenado zasedli in odstranili zarotnike. Sedaj ima Grenada demokratičen političen sistem. Bogota, Kol. — Včeraj je bivši vojak, ki je služil z ameriškimi silami v Vietnamu, ubil 22 ljudi, predno so ga ubili policisti. Washington, D.C. — Včeraj je predsednik Reagan sprejel v Beli hiši predsednika Coste Rice Oscarja Ariasa. Costa Rica je demokratična dežela in v zunanji politiki neopredeljena. Washington, D.C. — P<> enoletni preiskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da je led na krilih povzročil nesrečo letala v Ganderju, Kanada 10. decembra lani. V nesreči je bilo ubitih 248 ameriških vojakov. Washington, D.C. — Larry Speakes, tiskovni predstavnik Bele hiše od 1. 1981, je tekel, da bo zapustil vladno službo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Nocoj s škofom Pevcem— Nocoj ob 7h bo škof Pevec daroval sv. mašo v semenišču Borromeo, 27800 Euclid Ave. Ob 6.30 bo krajši koncert slovenskih nabožnih pesmi, po maši bo pa sprejem. Vabljeni ste vsi, vstopnine ni. Pridite! Miklavževanji— To nedeljo pop. ob 3. uri bo miklavževanje Slov. šole pri Sv. Vidu in sicer v avditoriju. Starši se lahko pogovorijo s sv. Miklavžem od 12h dalje v društveni sobi. Od 12h naprej bodo prodajali tudi domače krofe. To nedeljo pop. ob 3h bo tudi miklavževanje Slov. šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Otroci bodo uprizorili igrico »Pismo sv. Miklavžu«. Starši se lahko pogovorijo s svetnikom od 2. ure naprej pod staro cerkvijo. Pridite na eno ali drugo miklavževanje! Posebna priloga— Današnja A.D. obsega 24 strani, ker vključujemo posebno prilogo ob 75-letnici ADZ društva Slovenski dom. Društvo obhaja svojo 75-letnico z banketom v SDD na Recher Ave. jutri zvečer. Navzočih bo več kot 400 gostov. Čestitamo! Bazar in večerja— Krožek št. 2 PSA prireja jutri od 5. ure pop. dalje bazar in večerjo v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave. Cena večerji je $6.- na osebo, za vstopnice pokličite tajnico Margaret Kaus na 585-2603. Korotanovo silvestrovanje— Vstopnice za silvestrovanje pevskega zbora Korotan, ki bo v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave., so v predprodaji. Vstopnice za silvestrovanje z večerjo so po $20, samo za silvestrovanje pa po $10. Večerjo bodo začeli servirati ob 7h zvečer. Za vstopnice in podrobnosti, pokličite Marijo Nemec na tel. 541-7243. Lepa podpora— American Slovene Club je daroval $100 v tiskovni sklad našega lista. Za velikodušno podporo se vsem članicam iskreno zahvaljujemo! Seja preložena— Društvo Ribnica št. 12 ADZ obvešča članstvo, da bo letna seja 21. decembra in ne 14. decembra. Seja je bila preložena, ker predsednik in tajnica ne bi mogla biti prisotna 14. dec. Seja 21. decembra bo ob 2. uri pop. na domu predsednika Louisa Šilca, 30417 Oakdale, Willowick, Ohio. Ob tej priliki voščijo odborniki vesele praznike vsemu članstvu in vsem bralcem A.D. Grdino vi koledarji tu— V naši pisarni imamo več Grdinovih stenskih koledarjev za 1. 1987. Božični bazar— To nedeljo od 12. do 4. pop. prireja dobrodelna ustanova Goodi ich-Bannett Neighborhood Center na 1368 E. 55. St. svoj letni božični bazar. Na razpolago bodo jedača, ročna de'a, raznovrstne igre itd. Vstopnine ni, javnost vabljena. Za več podrobnosti, lahko pokličete to ustanovo na tel. 432-1717. Zadušnica— V sredo, 10. decembra, ob 6.30 zj. bo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca sv. maša za Josepha J. Mi-klaucica ob 15. obletnici njegove smrti. Dar Slov. šoli pri Sv. Vidu— V spomin pokojnega Franceta Zupana sta darovala g. Jernej in ga. Minka Slak $20 Slovenski šoli pri Sv. Vidu. Odbor staršev se za naklonjenost iskreno zahvaljuje. Upravni odbor Slov. pristave— Na zadnjem občnem zbor je bil izvoljen sledeč upravni odbor Slovenske pristave za L 1987: Duhovni vodja: č.g. Viktor Tomc; predsednik: dr. Mate Roesmann; L podpreds.: Frank Lovšin; II. podpreds.: Lojze Mohar; tajnik: Stane Mrva, 3014 Rockefeller Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 (943-1442); blagajničarka: Marija Leben; zapisnikar: Vitko Sleme; nadzorni odbor: inž. Franček Gorenšek, John Hočevar, Peter Osenar; razsodišče: inž. Ivan Berlec, Frank Kovačič, Frank Urankar; za Slov. šolo pri Sv. Vidu: Ivan Zakrajšek; za Slov. šolo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti: Valentin Ribič, Gabriel Mazi. Popravek— V osmrtnici za Rosalijo Cendol, objavljeni pretekli torek, smo pomotoma objavili, da je pokojna živela na E. 61 St., ko pa je res živela na E. 63 St. Dalje, rokopis ni omenil, da so že pokojni njeni bratje Ricardo, Valentino in Francesco ter sestra Antonia Buchin, vsi v Italiji. Za njo žaluje brat Giovanni (Italija). Za našo napako se prizadetim obžalujemo. Lep spominski dar— Marge Maslar je darovala $50 v naš tiskovni sklad v spomin 20. obletnice moževe smrti. Hvala lepa! VREME Spremenljivo oblačno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 32° F. Vetrovno in deloma sončno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 40° F. V nedeljo pretežno oblačno z možnostjo naletavanja snega. Najvišja temperatura okoli 32° F. Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! /mmKLSKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and IrmaTelich, Frank J. Lausche NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 18 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $ 18.00 - 6 mos.; $ 1 5.00 — 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00 - year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 91 Friday, December 5, 1986 Ponovno izigran predsednik ZDA Prvič se je zgodila, da so Izraelci (bolj prav bi bilo reči Judje širom sveta) potegnili ameriškega predsednika pred dobrimi tremi leti v libanonsko afero. Ko je I. 1 983 član izraelske vlade v Tel Avivu, takratni vojni minister Šaron brez ameriškega uradnega pristanka z vso vojaško močjo vdrl v Libanon in z ognjem in mečem zasedal tuje, suvereno ozemlje ter prodiral do glavnega mesta dežele Bejruta, ga začel razbijati in groziti, da ga okupira, je bil ameriški predsednik prisiljen ob sodelovanju zaveznikov izraelsko invazijo tuje dežele in očitno agresijo ustaviti. To pa je bilo mogoče praktično izvesti samo z lokalizacijo zavezniških vojaških enot na bojno črto, med njimi oddelek ameriških marinov. Bojevanje je bilo sicer ustavljeno, a praktične rešitve nastalega položaja ni bilo mogoče doseči in še do današnjega dne ni rešeno. Je kakor velika gnojna rana na važnem prostoru Srednjega vzhoda, ki ji ni mogoče najti zdravila. Dobronamerne poslane čete so pozneje zavezniki umaknili iz Libanona, kaj pa se je zgodilo z ameriškimi marini, mora biti nam vsem v žalostnem spominu. In kaj so Izraelci dosegli z vsemi ogromnimi človeškimi žrtvami? Izigrali so ameriškega predsednika za neuspešno vojaško avanturo. Šaron pa še vedno sedi v izraelski vladi! Sedaj je na vrsti Iran. Iz analize poročil v zvezi z iransko afero (ta članek sicer pišem zadnji dan novembra, op. L.P.) je razvidno, da je izraelska vlada z gotovimi iranskimi krogi imela stike že zdavnaj pred sedanjo miškulanco in da je pošiljala v Iran tudi orožje, oz. nadomestne dele gotovega orožja. Te vrste politika je v eminentnem interesu izraelskega odpora proti Arabstvu, ki mu pomeni naravnega sovražnika. Kajti tak sovražnik Arabcev je tudi sedanji teokratični Iran. In če je mogoče v tej situaciji izkoristiti tudi Ameriko — kako dobrodošla prilika! Nikjer nisem še naletel na trditev, da je Belo hišo potegnila v iransko afero izraelska želja po okrepitvi Irana, a logika nesporno vodi v tak zaključek. Oni elementi ameriške diplomacije, ki so nagnili predsednika ZDA, ki je posebno zaskrbljen za življenja ameriških talcev, so prav gotovo vedeli za izraelsko mešetarijo z Iranom, da je pristal na avanturo. Ali je bila njegova odločitev pravilna ali ne, ni moja naloga, da bi raziskoval. Izvedba celotne akcije je po mojih mislil i obsodba vredna in to iz več ozirov. Predvsem v prikrivanju postopka pred zakonitimi forumi v deželi, še bolj pa v odtoku denarja, dobljenega za orožje, v pomoč »pro-tivnikom« v Nikaragvi. Pa naj bo rezulta; celotne afere tak ali tak, resnica je, da je Izrael spet izigral predsednika ZDA v svojo korist pod pretvezo, da dela v korist Amerike. Ali se ‘a nečedna igra s suverenim predstavnikom Združenih držav Amerike ne bo nehala? Naš pregovor pravi, da v tretje gre rado. Kaj naj se še enkrat pripeti, da bi Judovstvo izigralo v svojo korist največjega in skoraj edinega zaveznika in prijatelja? Bog ne daj! Kar bo v naslednjem povedano, piše v ta list človek, ki K SV. VIDU PRIDE SV. MIKLAVŽ CLEVELAND, O. — Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu pripravlja tudi letos sprejem sv. Miklavžu, ki bo v farni dvorani to nedeljo 7. decembra. Običaj, da pride sv. Miklavž obdarovat otroke za svoj god, kar je bila v Sloveniji zelo stara tradicija, se je tudi med nami globoko ukoreninil. Seveda je ohranjevanje tega običaja povezano z delovanjem slovenskih šol, ki jim je ta tudi lepa prilika za oblikovanje in usmerjanji mladih src. S tem dogodkom, ki razgiba v otroških dušah najlepše sanje, pa se tudi otroci bolj navežejo na delo v slovenski šoli. Za prihod sv. Miklavža so v teku velike priprave. Otroci se pridno pripravljajo na nastop. Preden se bo sv. Miklavž prikazal v vsem svojem sijaju, bodo angelci veselo zarajali, parkeljni pa bodo pokazali svoje vragolije. Pa ne samo otroci, ker je to lepi slovenski običaj in ima že sam kot tak svojo vrednost, vabimo tudi tiste, ki sicer nimajo zvez s Slovensko šolo, da pridejo na Miklavževanje. Ne pustimo, da bi ostali otroci s svojimi starši osamljeni brez naše podpore! Starši se bodo lahko pogovorili s svetnikom to nedeljo od 12h naprej. Nasvidenje! ODBOR STARŠEV: Maruša Pogačnik, tajnica 70-letnica Frede Michelitch WASHINGTON, D.C. - Predsednica podružnice Slovenske ženske zveze v Washingtonu in okolici Freda Michelitch je praznovala 7. septembra svoj 70. rojstni dan. Ob tej priložnosti smo se zbrali številni slovenski in ameriški prijatelji te vedno vesele in čile slavljenke. Njeni bratje in sestre so z odlično organizacijo in prav takim kosilom pripravili vsem nam prijetno popoldne. Naš slovenski pevski zbor ji je zapel nekaj lepih pesmi. Freda je že 15 let predsednica SŽZ tu. Podružnico vodi z izrednim čutom za pravičnost in spoštovanje nasprotujočih se mnenj. Vedno je uslužna, prijazna in ljubezniva. Ni je situacije, ki bi jo iztirila — to je žena močnega značaja in izredne samozavesti. Freda je trden vzgled vsem mlajšim članicam te slovenske organizacije. Slavljenka izhaja iz družine 12 otrok. Njeni starši, oče Janez in mati Marija, roj. Žnidaršič, oba iz Cerknice na Notranjskem, sta se najprej naselila v West Virginiji. Oče je delal v rudniku. Težko in nezdravo delo je pustilo posledice na njegovem zdravju. Med rudarji se je začela širiti bezpo- „ selnost. Oče je zbral svojo družino in se preselil v lastno hišo, . v predmestje Washingtona, v McLean, Va., ki je tekom let postalo najlepši predel glavnega mesta. Kmalu po preselitvi v Mc-lena, pa je družina izgubila očeta. Mati je ostala sama z veliko družino. Najstarejša hčerka Freda ji je postala glavna opora v listih težkih časih. Mati je vzgajala otroke v vzornem slovenskem duhu, otroci pa so ji odraščali v ponos in veselje. Ko se je brat od- v ločil, da postane zdravnik, tudi Freda ni hotela zaostajati. Vpisala se je na univerzo in končala 1. 1947 »School of Miklavževa Ob dveh ponoč, potrkal je sv. Miklavž na okence. En kos daril prinese! je, za me, za sestrice. Od zadaj žvenketaje, peklenšček čaka! je na hudobneže poredne, jih v peke! odvedel je. Oj ljubi, ljubi sv. Miklavž! Zahvalim se za vse, za darila, ki si da! za me, za otroke vse. Molili Tebi bomo še, od danes v naprej, da sv. Miklavž prihajal bo, med nas in verne vse. Jana Bevec Nursing«. V tistih časih se je malo deklet odločalo za višjo izobrazbo. Freda s ponosom pove, da je odraščala v veliki in ljubeči družini. Ne da se pozabiti, k0 je Freda vzorno in z ljubeznijo skrbela do zadnjega dne za svojo omagajočo mamo — >n ob neki priliki jo je mati pokli' cala s šibkim glasom: »Freda!« Nemudoma je hčerka odgovorila z vso pozornostjo in ljubeznijo: »Yes, mother«. Dolg materini pogled seje ustavil na hčerki, poln ponosa in zaupanja — in takrat sem videla pravo, ljubečo, slovensko družino na ameriški zemlji! Freda, še enkrat ti želim0 vse, vse najboljše in da bi tv0-! rojstni dan prav tako slavili v novem tisočletju! Jana Bevec Avstrijski parlament dobil predstavnika slovenske manjšine Iz goriškega Katoliškega g!a' su z dne 27. novembra našim bralcem posreduje^0 sledečo poročilo: Kar 70 let je moralo preteč'-da bomo imeli Slovenci spel poslanca v avstrijskem pari3' mentu. Je to Karel Smol!6, 42-letni pravnik iz Bistrice v Rožu, ki je bil 23. noveinbf3 1986 na splošnih avstrijski*1 parlamentarnih volitvah izv®' Ijen na listi: »Zelena altcrnai'" va«. Ta je osvojila osem tnes1' Smolle bo v parlamentu zasl0' pal Koroško enotno lisl° (KEL), ki jo podpirajo koroŠk’ Slovenci, pa tudi ostale ma11-)' šine v Avstriji: Hrvatje, Mad' žari in Čehi. Zadnji Slovenec v dunaj' skem parlamentu je bil FraUc Grafenauer, doma iz Most Pr (Dalje na str. 4) z vsem svojim srcem in voljo želi in dela na to, da bi Združene države, njegova druga domovina, kjer bodo počivali tudi njegovi zemeljski ostanki, ostajala in rastla v svoji vsestranski moči, ugledu in zgledni demokratični mogočnosti vse-vdilj v prihodnih generacijah. Kako bi moglo biti drugače, ko mu pa spomin vedno znova predočuje, kako so mu ob prejemu državljanstva v ZDA osebno s pismi izrekli dobrodošlico in mu čestitali predsednik ZDA Richard Nixon, guverner države New York Nelson Rockefeller in tedanji new-yorski senator James Buckley? In kako bi moglo biti drugače ob misli, da so Združene države edini dovolj močni jez, ki je sposoben ustaviti svetovno poplavo marksistične strahovlade? t. Če sem kdaj kritičen o razmerah v Ameriki, je kritika vedno izrečena s pozitivnim namenom opozarjati bravstvo AD na večno veljavne naravne in božje zakone, ki niso zmotljivi, kot so človeški. Tudi na tem mestu bom spet kritičen nad dogodki, ki se razvijajo okrog suverene osebnosti predsednika ZDA v zvezi z iransko afero. (Brez ozira na to, kdo je ta predsednik). Marsikaj ni bilo prav, marsikaj pa je tudi pretirano in izkrivljeno s političnimi kleščami. Kakršni koli so bili nagibi prebivalca v Beli hiši za nesrečno iransko potezo, zlih namenov prav gotovo ni imel. Pa so planili po njem kot na ukaz: časnikarji in vsa javna občila od časopisja, prek radia do televizije in razburkala javno mnenje skoraj do histerije. Potem pa na brzo roko izvedla javna povpraševanja (public opinion polls) na tendenčno stavljena vprašanja glede presednikovega postopanja. V takem vzdušju so bili visoko negativni odgovori na dlani, občila so jih na široko objavljala in podčrtavala, kako je podpora javnega mnenja o predsedniku globoko padla. Hajki so se postopno pridruževali tudi kongresniki in drugi javni funkcionarji tako, da bi predsednik skoro mejil na kriminalca. Jaz tega enostavno ne morem razumeti in ravnanje odgovornih faktorjev za formiranje javnega mnenja globoko obsojam. Bolj kot vrhovnemu predstavniku dežele, ki je bil svobodno izvoljen, nepopravljivo škodujejo ugledu in vplivnosti dežele same. In to je obžalovanje vredno, ker se kritična poplava razliva po vsej zemeljski obli. To ni demokracija, to je sadistična maščevalnost. Nisem zasledik obrambnih sil, ki bi povodenj zajezile. Bral pa sem esej Williama Safire-ja v The New York Times-u, ki tudi obsoja hajko in pravi, da je tega dovolj. A je bela vrana. L. P. VPLIV BARAGOVE DUHOVNOSTI (Referat, ki sledi, je poda! P- Fortuna! Zorman na študijskem tečaju, ki je bil v Romarskem domu v Lemontu preteklo soboto. Referat objavljamo v celoti. Ur.) Naloga mojega referata je, prikazati vpliv Baragovega dela na slovenske misijonarje v ZDA. O tem je mogoče govoriti, a to bi vzelo veliko časa, ki ga je nemogoče dobiti v današnjem kratkem programu. Pri razmišljanju kako naj bi ostal zvest temi tega predavanja, sem prišel do zaključka, da grem k viru, iz katerega so Baraga in za njim slovenski niisijonarji na njegovem obširnem misijonskem področju zajemali moč in navdihnjenje za vztrajnost in edinstvenost misijonskega delovanja. Pri tem sem sprejel ugotovitev, ki je bila objavljena v zgodovinski reviji Acta in Dieta, ki jo je izdajala Catholic Historical Society v St. Paulu, Minn. (Vil, 106-107): »Ti misijonarji so bili skrbni delavci in realistični. Pridobili so si obvladanje rodnega jezika. Poznali so Indijanca kot Indijanca in človeško bitje. Bili so Slovenci in presojanje stvarnosti in sredstev ni bilo zaoblačeno z naklonjenostjo do ameriških in francoskih oblik civilizacije. Niso imeli namena poamerikaniti ali po-francoziti Indijanca. Njihov cilj je bil vtisniti vanj krščanskega duha in krščanski značaj...« To pomeni, da so katoliški zgodovinarji v začetku tega stoletja poznali načine misijo-narjenja slovenskih duhovnikov, kar pa ni preprečilo poznejšega splošnega očitka, da so katoliški misijonarji uničevali indijansko kulturo in duhovnost. Vsaj za slovenske misijonarje to ne velja, saj niso bili pod vplivom nobene kolonialne države. K temu je treba dodali še drugo ugotovitev, ki jo je najbolj točno izrazil škof Rausch pred desetimi leti: Baragovo »življenje je življenje čudovite žrtve, življenje neutrudljivih sil, ki so ga nosile peš in v kanuju med indijanska ljudstva; življenje nadarjenosti genija, ki je lahko dal indijanski jezik v slovar, v katekizem in v molitveno knjigo; in končno življenje duhovne veličine, ki je prižgala temne gozdove Michigana z razširjajočim ognjem ljubezni, z razširjajočim ognjem vere... On je na edinstven način prinesel v Ameriko dragocene slovenske tradicije iz rodne Kranjske.« Kaj so »dragocene slovenske tradicije«, ki jih je Baraga prinesel iz rodne Kranjske? Gotovo so verskega značaja in imajo značilnosti slovenske vernosti in duhovnosti. Kje in kako jih je Baraga spoznal in se jih osvojil? Najprej po svoji materi, ki je bila njegova prva vzgojiteljica in učiteljica. Dom, ki ga je Baraga užival v detinskih in otroških letih, je bil pod vplivom verne matere. Sedaj je znano, da Baraga v svoji zgodnji mladosti ni kazal kake izredne vernosti. Po pričevanju sestrične Antonije je Baraga ostal otročji do 17. leta, ko se je zresnil zaradi sporov med oskrbniki očetove lastnine. V BLAG SPOMIN PETNAJSTE OBLETNICE, ODKAR NAS JE ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBLJENI STRIC IN BRAT Joseph J. Miklaučič (IZ NEWBURGHA) ki je umrl 10. decembra 1971. Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večna luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: ANN SNYDER - roj. Miklaučič -nečakinja nečaki in nečakinje tu in v Sloveniji. Cleveland, O., 5. dec. 1986. Po zresnitvi je začel Baraga resno študirati in dobro uporabljati čas, ker je čutil odgovornost kot vsesplošni dedič očetove lastnine. Zaročen je bi z Dolinarjevo hčerko Anico. Do zaroke je prišlo verjetno pod vplivom Dolinarja, pri katerem je Baraga stanoval. Dolinar je imel nekak vzgojni zavod za mlade študente. Čeprav je bil Baraga zaročen z Dolinarjevo Anico, je bil čustveno še bolj navezan na sestro Amalijo. Na Dunaju je bil pod močnim vplivom sv. Klemena Dvoržaka, ki je zbiral okoli sebe mlade fante, študente, obrniške vajence in trgovske pomočnike. Na Baraga so močno vplivali redemptori-sti in posebno sv. Klemen Dvoržak. Še kot študent na Dunaju je Baraga mislil resno na zakon. Sv. Klemen je bil dober vzgojitelj. Ničesar ni delal s silo, vse je prepustil naravnemu in nadnaravnemu razvoju. Baraga je od njega prevzel presojanje duhovniškega in misijonskega dela in ga razumeval pod vplivom božjega razodetja. Čeprav je še vedno mislil na zakon, je začel poglabljati svoje versko in duhovno življenje. Pod Dvoržakovim vplivom se je odločil za obiskovanje Sv. Rešnjega Telesa. Po Evharistiji je spoznaval božjo bližino in navzočnost. A še vedno se je oglašal v njem star način življenja: ljubezen do narave, ki jo je občudoval na izletih in jo upodabljal v slikah. Včasih se je tudi še predal veseljaškemu načinu življenja. Po poročilu sestrične Antonije je na svatbi sestre Amalije plesal tri dni, da je zbrabil čevlje. Baraga je še mislil, da bo postal gospodar v Trebnjem in se poročil in je o tem tudi večkrat pisal svojemu stricu. A že v avgustu 1819 je zasledili v pismu sestri Amaliji znake po-globljenja verskega življenja pod vplivom pridig, ki jih je verjetno poslušal pri redem-ptoristih. Dne 1. decembra 1820 pa je zapisal v svoj dnevnik, da je začutil močno nagnjenje po duhovniškem stanu in da bo po končanem pravu začel študirati teologijo, če bo božja volja. V semenišču je Baraga preživel tri leta (1821 - 1824). Med bogoslovci se je v Baragovem času začela prebujati nova smer. V semeniških letih je Baraga navdajala misel na dobrega pastirja. Baraga je želel čim prej končati teološke študije, da bi lahko začel delovati kot duhovnik. Zaprosil je vlado, da bi bi smel končati bogoslovne študije v treh namesto v štirih letih. Oproščen je bil samo cerkvenega prava. Po dveh letih je bil že posvečen v duhovnika. Prvo mašo je imel zgodaj zjutraj pri oltarju Sv. Rešnjega Telesa v stolnici 22. septembra 1823. Povabil je strica Ignacija, dve sestrični in dve sestri. Vsem je naročil, da so pred mašo opravili spoved. (Konec prihodnji petek) Novi grobovi Dorothy Avsec Umrla je 58 let stara Dorothy Avsec, rojena Gerbec, žena Josepha, mati Kathleen Dickinson, Dianne, Denise, Jima in Toma, sestra Katie Verderber, Sophie Novak, Paule Tiedman, Vide Neagle, Donalda ter že pok. Mary Wright, Edwarda, Johna in Adolpha, 2-krat stara mati, tašča Williama Dickinsona. Pogreb je bil iz Zak pogrebnega zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., v četrtek, 4. dec., v cerkev sv. Vida in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Anna Krajc Umrla je 79 let stara Anna Krajc, rojena Hrastar, hčerka že pok. Matije in Mary (r. Golob), sestra Josephine Novak, Elsie Mesarchik in Maric Brunswick (pok.). Pogreb je bil iz Zak zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., 29. novembra, s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Pokopana je na pokopališču Whitehaven Memorial Park. Iskrica Ne bom srečen takrat, če se je sreča porodila iz stiske bližnjega; tudi ne maram bogastva, ki bi bližnjega oropalo. Če hočem biti resnično srečen, mi je potrebna sreča vseh. Andre Gide Prijat el's Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS_______ V Zahvalo in Ljubeč Spomin 1924 1986 Globoko potrti, a vdani v voljo Vsemogočnega, naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da je po mučni bolezni za vedno zaspala naša nadvse ljubljena žena, mati, stara mati, tašča, sestra in teta MARIJA STROPNIK ROJENA RUS Naša draga je umrla 24. oktobra 1986. Rojena je bila v Podtaboru, Struge na Dolenjskem, 3. decembra 1924. V Ameriko je prišla 25. marca 1960. Pogreb je bil 27. oktobra 1986 iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. cesti, v cerkev sv. Kristine, od tam pa na pokopališče Vernih duš (All Souls), Chardon, Ohio. Globoko zahvalo naj prejme č.g. Francis Pajk, za darovano sv. mašo, vodenje rožnega venca v pogrebni kapeli ter *a njegove molitve na pokopališču. Najlepša hvala č.g. Josephu Čelesniku za obisk in njegove molitve v pogrebnem zavodu. Naj Bog stotero povrne vsem, ki so poklonili prekrasne vence in cvetlice, darovali za sv. maše, v dobrodelne namene v njen spomin, ter za številne izraze sožalja. Iz dna srca se zahvalimo vsem, ki so našo ljubljeno prišli kropit, molili za njeno dušo, se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše, dali na razpolago svoja vozila, in jo spremili prav do groba. Prisrčno zahvalo naj prejme g. Tom Weiss, organist, za lepo orglanje pri pogrebni sv. maši. Toplo zahvalo naj prejmejo sledeči pogrebci: France Boh, Jože Boh, Al Jančigar, Jack Zaper, Tone ml. in Tone Božič st. Najlepša hvala ge. Julki Zalarjevi in njenim pomočnicam za izvrstno pripravljeno kosilo po pogrebu v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Eepa hvala osebju Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda za vso Postrežbo in skrbno vodstvo pogrebnega sprevoda. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so se nas in naše ljubljene spomnili, in za katere smo imeli naslove. Ako kdo lake kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to javno zah-valo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. o Jezus, naš premili, V miru božjem Ti počivaj, z,‘j na dušo Rešnjo Kri; draga, nepozabna nam; L' dobrotno se jo usmili, v nebesih večno srečo uživaj, raj nebeški ji odpri. do snidenja na vekomaj! Žalujoči ostali: Prank Stropnik, mož Branko, sin, in Tammy Stropnik, snaha, Savannah, Ga. Brendon in Samantha, vnuk in vnukinja Zalka Boh in Ivana Božič, sestri nečak in nečakinja (er ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji •belili, Ohio, 7. decembra 1986. ZAHVALA Po tragični prometni nesreči nas je v 95. letu starosti zapustila naša mama, stara in prastara mama KAROLINA RAK rojena HUJAN 13. oktobra 1891 v Zgornjem Kašlju pri Ljubljani. Umrla je 9. septembra 1986. Zahvalimo se č.g. Jožetu Časlu za duhovniške obiske, in slednjič za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, v cerkvi in na pokopališču; družinskemu prijatelju, č.g. Tonetu Zrnecu za razumevanje božje besede in molitve; č.g. Antonu Vukšiniču za darovanje sv. maše; »Fantom na vasi« za petje pri pogrebni maši in na pokopališču; (er prof. Jožetu Osanu za spremlja-nej na orglah v cerkvi. Hvaležni smo nosilcem krste in vsem, ki so darovali za vence, DOM LIPA, in za sv. maše. Lepa hvala gospem, ki so pripravile pogrebščino. Počivaj v Gospodovem miru, draga mama! Žalujoče družine ŽUMER IN RAK Toronto in Cleveland, 7. decembra 1986. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 707. MZA POMOČ bo v kratkem razposlana našim misijonskim garačem na terenu. Pričakujemo tudi več poročil misijonskih škofov, katerih bogoslovce naši dobrotniki vzdržujejo. Pri razdelitvi je upoštevan vsak dar od misijonskih prireditev odsekov MZA. Prav tako vsi darovi posameznikov in dobrotnic v tekočem letu 1986. Bogoslov-ske vzdrževalnine gredo škofom vzdrževanih domačih bogoslovcev v razne afriške države. Zadnje čase so darovali: Ga. Mary Štrancar, Cleveland, O., za vse $200; MZA Cleveland za vzdrževanega novomašnika v Afriki kot božični dar $30; ge. Agnes Leskovec in Victoria Pianecki, obe iz Euclida, vsaka po $5 za vzdrževanega domačega bogoslovca za božič. Iz Barbertona, Ohio, je ga. Frances Ošaben prevzela vzdrževanje novega bogoslovca, čim je bil njen prejšnji posvečen v mašnika. Poslala je za 4 leta vzdrževanja ček za $1000, novomašniku pa za božični dar $50. Iz Chicaga je nanovo prevzela vzdrževanje domačega kandidata M.P. in darovala za prvo leto $250. Za vse je darovala iz Ontaria Neimenovana kan. $230. Ga. Mary Kebe je v Thorn-hillu, Ont. obnovila za eno leto vzdrževalnino domačega bogoslovca z zneskem U$S 250. C.W.L. (Katoliška ženska liga) v naši fari Brezmadežnega Srca Marijinega je obnovila vzdrževalnino v kanadski valuti z zneskom $352.13. Stanley in Barbara Mrak iz Gary, Indiana, sta poslala $100 za vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke. Družina Slavota in Stane Oven iz Montereya, Kalif., $140 za vse, namesto božičnih darov otrokom. G. Oven vsako leto razpošlje pisma rojakom po zahodnem delu ZD, s prošnjo za misijonsko pomoč. Lani je obrnil lahko več vsot za misijonarja Slabeta na Madagaskarju. Letos se je skoraj-žil in dal pobudo za nabirko za avto za o. Podgrajška, ki je kot jezuit iz Zambije do drugega poletja v Kaliforniji na duhovni obnovi, ki je v njegovi družbi za vsakega obvezna. Ga. Ivanka Puc, Westmont, 111., je ponovno poslala $20 za lačne otroke v Afriki. Neimenovana iz Euclida je poslala $300; 150 za vzdrževanje domačega bogoslovca, 135 za vse na terenu, 15 pa za sv. maše. Iz San Francisca, Kalif., sta poslali gdč. Angela Gospoda-rič $80 in gdč. Fani Kranjc $40. Naj vsem dobrotnikom božji Misijonar vsako žrtev povrne z obrestmi! Papež Janez Pavel II. je ravno poletel za 14 dni v vrsto držav, kjer še nikdar popreje ni bil. Začel je v Bangladešu iri odletel v Avstralijo, Novo Zelandijo in na otočje Fidži. Molimo za uspeh njegovih srečanj z milijoni duš. O. Kos pošilja pozdrave iz zahodne Japonske, kjer pomoč zbira za jezuitsko socialno postojanko v Tokiu. Brat Jožko Kramar, S.D.B., piše 12. oktobra iz Nove Gvineje: »Pozdravljeni Vi in vsi sodelavci pri MZA! Precej dolgo se Vam nisem oglasil, ker v moji dejavnosti ni nič posebnega. Obenem pa me fantje v sirotišnici drže na vajetih od sedmih zjutraj pa do devetih zvečer, ko končamo dan z večerno molitvijo rožnega venca. Prvo uro zjutraj imam vsak dan za"eno od dveh skupin, po eno uro verouka, eno uro teh- nologije, potem pa dve uri in pol pouka v delavnici. Po kosilu pa za drugo skupino dve uri in pol delavnice, eno uro rekreacije in uro in pol učilnice po rožnem vencu; pre-dno gredo spat pa pa minut za spodbudno misel, ki naj bi spremljala pred spanjem. Tako mi vse preveč hitro minevajo tedni in meseci. Za novo misijonsko postajo nam še vedno niso zvrtali vodnjaka, ker bo moral biti nad 200 m globok in ga sami brez aparature ne moremo vrtati. Od začetka so nam obljubili v dveh mesecih, potem pa v treh. Mislim, da potrebujemo milost, da pridemo do vode. Mislil sem že na kapnico. Pa se zgodi včasih, da po pol leta ne pade kaplja dežja in ni varno riskirati, ker voda ni 100% gotova. Z druge strani pa se med tem časom polagoma nabira denar za plačilo vrtanja. Saj z denarjem je tudi tako kot z dežjem. Pride le včasih in največkrat od kake strani, odkoder ga najmanj pričakuješ. Priporočam se Vam za kak memento pri sv. daritvi, da bi mogel vedno vršiti božjo voljo. Lep misijonski pozdrav Vam in vsem sodelavcem v MZA. Vaš v Jezusu in Mariji, Jožko Kramar.« Brat Jožko Kramar vse svoje misijonsko delovanje krepko nadaljuje že mnogo let. Vsak dar, ki ga dobi, koristno izrabi za gradnjo boljše bodočnosti mnogih fantov iz revnih okoliščin, ki se zatekajo pod varstvo sinov Sv. Janeza Boška. V tem nam mora bili vsem v vzpodbudo zgled Kere-cov, Majcenov, Bernikov, Mrzelov, Pavlinov in Kramarjev, V BLAG SPOMIN OB 17. OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU ZASPAL NAŠ LJUBLJENI SIN, BRAT IN STRIC MILAN ZRIM Svojo plemenito dušo je izdihnil 5. decembra 1969 Preteklo sedemnajst let je te, ko hladna zemlja krije Te, Zelo vsi smo te ljubili, in prezgodaj izgubili. Oh, grenko je spoznanje to, da Te med nami več ne bo; čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v srcih naših še živiš. Žalujoči: MARIJA - mati; ERNEST - oče 2 sestri in brat z družinami 6 vnukov, 5 nečakov, 1 nečakinja. V starem kraju žalujejo za njim številni sorodniki. Cleveland, O., 5. dec. 1986. ki so in nekateri še postavljajo temelje mladi misijonski Cerkvi na raznih koncih misijonskega sveta kot duhovniki ali bratje. Nedavno sem na duhovnih vajah srečal mladega vietnamskega duhovnika, ki deluje sedaj med rojaki v Torontu. Govoril mi je o g. Majcenu, ki da mu je pomagal do mašništva, ko je v Južnem Vietnamu prišel z njim v stike. V vietnam-ščini je zanj pripravil pismo in me je prosil, naj še sam kaj pripišem. Tisti večer sem se zelo zamislil in hvalil Boga, da je svet tako majhen postal, ko tisti, ki smo jim leta pomagali, med nas prihajajo Kristusa oznanjat temu kontinentu. Iz Čileja sla se oglasila sestra Andreja Šubelj, ki mirno dela v Domu za ostarele in jih je 11 ravno šlo k sv. birmi. Pomlad je v Čileju in narava je polna življenja. G. Andrej Prebil pa je vodil v Čileju velik misijon in veliko spovedoval. Pripravlja novo knjigo »Aravkanije«. Rad bi jo objavil v poglavjih najprej v Družini. Provincialno blagajno lazaristov je sedaj oddal sobratu Nizozemcu, ki seje vrnil iz trimesečnih počitnic. Lepe pozdrave pošilja vsem s. Cecilija Prebil iz Pariza, g. Franc Šeškar iz Monakovega, s. A. Miklavčič iz Hong Konga, s. Elizabeth Pogorelc iz Južne Afrike, g. Jože Ferkulj s Floride, s. Conradine Resnik iz Bombaya, s. Ivana Cvijin iz Subotice, s. Goretti Pavlišič iz Beograda. O Tinjah bomo objavili še marsikako podrobnost iz srečanja na Koroškem in debat ter posegov po referatih in poročilih. Lepo poročilo je poslala s. Mojca Karničnik in bo objav- V BLAG SPOMIN TRETJE OBLETNICE SMRTI PREDRAGEGA OČETA, STAREGA OČETA, MOŽA in TASTA Wm. J. Kennick-a Sr. ki je preminul 4. decembra 1983. Zelo si pogrešan, a v duhu si vedno med nami. Antonia — žena Olga in Victoria — hčerki William J. ml. — sin Paul — vnuk Tammy — vnukinja Paul in David — zeta Cleveland, Ohio 5. dec. 1986 Ijeno kmalu v celoti. Vrnila se je iz Belgije, kjer je nekaj let študirala, nazaj v Zaire, kjer je preje delovala. Dr. Janež zvesto pošilja F.D.C. s Tajvana. Živi ves za bolnike in iz dneva v dan operira vse mogoče slučaje. Nam vsem mora biti zgled misijonske ljubezni, ki se vsa razdaja. Župnik Janez Grilc iz Venezuele je tudi znamke poslal. Prav tako tudi uršulinka s. Leopoldina Podgornik iz Rima. Nekaj rabljenih znamk je poslal g. Janez Marentič in Jakob ter Marjeta Kvaa iz Toronta so svoje dodali ob zadnjem obisku v Scarboroughju. Prihodnjič pa kaj več o MZA prireditvah v Gilbertu, New Yorku, Chicagu in Jolie-tu, kjer so pripravili razne stvari v misijonsko pomoč zadnji mesec. Upajmo, da je bil uspeh povsod zadovoljiv. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Smolle v parlamentu (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) Brdu v Ziljski dolini. Za državnega poslanca je bil prvič izvoljen leta 1907, ponovno pa leia 1914. Grafenauerja so l^13 1916 aretirali, obtožili veleiZ' daje, mu odvzeli poslanski mandat, in obsodili na pet *et strogega zapora. Na Južnem Koroškem, kjer živi večina slovenskega prebi' valstva v Avstriji, je prejela i>' sla Zelene alternative 4.3$ glasov, tj. tisoč več kot na voli' tvah leta 1983. Dober je bi tudi odziv v Celovcu: 2600 gla' sov. Skupno je bilo na KofO' škem za listo oddanih 11.0$ glasov. Socialisti, ki jih vod> deželni glavar Wagner, so f3 I Koroškem prvič ob absoluti10 večino in so prejeli 47,7% g*3’ sov, njihovi tekmeci, AvstfiJ' ska ljudska stranka pa 21^’ Stranka svobode je porasla f3 21%, zeleni pa so obstali 113 ( 3,3%. 1 Slovenska skupnost, zag°' vornica samostojnega pob1'' f čnega nastopanja med Slovd1 s ci v Italiji, je izrazila izred$ veselje in zadoščenje, da je b' v dunajski parlament izvoljetl predsednik Koroške enot^ liste in član predsedstva Nar° dnega sveta koroških Slov^3 cev. Katoliški glas piše: »P0 1 gumna odločitev KoroŠkc enotne liste, da se kot sanios'0 j jen subjekt poveže v koalicij0 »zelenimi«, se je izkazala ? pravilno. To je doslej najusPe šnejša politična akcija Slovel1 cev na Koroškem, odkar se ° leta 1955 zaman borijo za P° no izpolnitev avstrijske cl^3!, ne pogodbe. To je dokaz voU do življenja in politične zrel0"; sti.« _______________________ Anion M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-ATLAVV (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Service5 Income Tax-Notary Publ'c 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 J V BLAG SPOMIN OB 29. OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE UMRL NAŠ LJUBLJENI OČE IN STARI OČE Anton Grdina ki je zaspal v Gospodu 1. decembra 1957. Leto za letom se v večnost izliva, tetke ločitve spomin se budi; ljubezen do Tebe pa vedno je tiva, v vsem našem tivljenju kot lučka gori. Žalujoči ostali: SINOVJE IN HČERE, SNAHE, ZET, VNUKI, VNUKINJE Cleveland, Ohio, 5. decembra 1 986. Vaclav Hyvnar, svetovalec za etnične zadeve pri županu Georgeu Voinovichu, odhaja v pokoj CLEVELAND, O. - Mnogi Slovenci poznamo prijaznega češkega rojaka Vaclava Hyv-naria, ki zadnja leta služi v mesini upravi Clevelanda kot ^etovalec za etnične zadeve županu George Voinovichu. Hyvnar se bo te dni upoko-jil. Njegovi številni prijatelji v sodelovanju z Ameriškim na-r°dnostnim gibanjem mu bodo priredili na cast in prizade večerjo v Hofbrau Hausu na 1400 E. 55. cesti in sicer v sredo, 17. decembra. Večerja b° ob 6.30, vendar so gostje Vabljeni že od 5.30, da se z Vaclavom osebno srečajo. Vsto-Poice so po $20 (nekaj tega de-llarja je namenjen k primerne-lllu darilu Vaclavu) in jih je ,reba rezervirati do prihodnje srede, 10. decembra, pri Irene ^orrow na tel. 664-2470 ali 961-93i8. Vaclav Hyvnar je bil rojen aa Češkem, v vasi Zavisice, od p0der je prišel v Cleveland, ostal je zelo aktiven v češki s uPnosti, v kateri je kmalu d0segel precejšen ugled. Poza-Ottnal se je kot novi ameriški Pavijan za tukajšnje Petično življenje. Zelo je bil lzu med drugimi političnimi °sobnostmi v mestu s češkim Rojakom Ralphom Perkom, 1 ie bil nekaj let župan Cleve-atlda. Hyvnar je postal akti-n Še v Ameriškem narod-P°slnim gibanju in v republiški stranki. Hpamo, da upokojitev ne ° oddaljila Vaclava od njego-^ slovenskih prijateljev, 'mo, da bo še dolgo ostal rav in čil in da bo še rad r'bajal na naše prireditve. AH bo imel Hyvnar "Slednika v mestni upravi? (Uredniški komentar) ^eveland je izrazito etnično noesi°i zato je bil in je še ved-Potreben na najvišji mestni lt'čno-upravni ravni tak et°valec. Evropske narod- ^•angle cleaners Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 t- 1136 E. 71 St. JAKLIČ, lastnica Cars! Memorials >ška kamneseška obrt 5d2S Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 lna Slovenska izdelovalnica ^ r>agrobnih spominikov Joseph L. Fortuna ^srebni zavod 53,6 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Am^erni P09rebn' zavod oblanca na razpolago Podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE pO VAŠ/ ŽELJ// (risba: August II. Pust) Mesto oskrbnika Slovenska pristava ima odprto mesto za oskrbnika prostorov Slov. pristave v Har-persfieldu, O. Kdor se zanima, naj pokliče 216-486-8862. (90-94) KITCHEN CABINETS BEAUTIFUL RE-COVER Call Rich Jaklič at American Cabinet, Inc. if you’re thinking of a great-looking kitchen for half the price of new cabinets. We have been re-cover specialists for the past 15 years and, unlike some other re-cover companies, we cover all existing exterior cabinet surfaces, then install new doors and drawer fronts with your choice of colors and many designs. Call Rich Jaklič at 781-3533 for a free home estimate. FOR RENT 4 rms. (up) between E. 185 & E. 200 Sts. Slovenian or Croatian couple preferred. 461-2262 CUSTODIAN COUPLE for 17 suite apt. bldg, in Rocky River (live-in), must know plumbing, maintenance. Position available on Dec. 20. Call 731-3837. (90-91) FOR RENT ’/2 of a duplex — 6 rms., garage and yard. Available by Dec. 20. $370 per month 731-3837 Odda se stanovanje. Hiša ima pet lepih, čistih sob in kopalnico. Severno od St. Clairja na Quinn Ct. Nič živali. Kličite 361-3716. (90-93) Stanovanje Oddajo se tri neopremljene sobe na prvem nadstropju, blizu sv. Vida. Kličite 881-5679 ali 942-6750 ned 6. in 7. uro zvečer. (90-93) nostne skupine namreč izgubljajo svoj vpliv v političnih krogih, ki jih smairajo za precej amerikanizirane, medtem ko črnci, špansko-govoreči in, zadnji čas, azijske narodnostne skupine pridobivajo na politično moč v očeh poklicnih politikov. Kot primer, menda ni še znano, ali bo župan Voi-novich imenoval naslednika Hyvnarju. Težava je v tem, da predlagajo razne etnične skupine svoje kandidate ter nasprotujejo drugim možnim kandidatom, kar baje slabo učinkuje na župana in njegove ožje — in ne-etnične — svetovalce. Enostavno najboljše bi bilo, menim, če bi koga imenoval ravno iz slovenske skupnosti, če že samo radi tega, ker bi lahko bil naš rojak kompromisno sprejemljiv večjim narodnostnim skupinam, kot so npr. Poljaki, Nemci, Madžari, Ukrajinci itd. itd. Zadnjo besedo bo pa imel Voinovich sam. Kakor mnoga druga mesta v politični strukturi, je lahko naslov »svetovalec za etnične za- MALI OGLASI Full Time Receptionist Responsibilities include light bookkeeping and typing. Previous experience required. Please call Anne Marie - 692-2225. (90-91) FOR RENT 4 room apt., up. Glass Ave. Call evenings and weekends: 481-0812. (90-93) OPEN SUN. 1 — 4 19115 Muskoka off E. 185 St. Alum, sided 3 bedrm. Bungalow. Owner - broker. Central air, Washer, Dryer, Range & Pool Table. All for $49,900. EUCLID BRICK DOUBLE 3 bedrms. Excellent condition. Call for details! Geo. Knaus Real Estate 819 E. 185 St. 481-9300 deve« v administraciji župana Voinovicha nekakšna sineku-ra, ki služi imenovanemu kot ugodna priložnost za dokaj lep zaslužek in udeleževanje neštetih banketov in slovesnosti, lahko pa je tudi veliko več. To je v precejšnji meri odvisno od samega imenovanega in njegovih sposobnosti. Delokrog ti-siih, ki služijo v pisarnah ali štabah višjih politikov, je redko strogo določen in omejen. Vloga in vpliv rasteta ali upadala na podlagi osebnih kapacitet. Menda tega ne razumejo marsikateri, ki bi lahko drugače bili kandidati za Hyv-narjevo mesto. Rudolph M. Susel PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning and repairs. Albert Koporc Jr. Call 481-4319 or 481-8648. (91-94) Cleaner needed to do light household cleaning in St. Vitus area. Speaking Slovenian a plus. Insurance and bonded a must. Inquire: 390 C.R. 108, Fremont, Ohio 43240 or call 419-332-9038. 191,93,95) FOR RENT 2 apts., up. 4 rms & bath each. Newly decorated. St. Vitus area. 431-8998. (x) Ugodno prodam obnovljeno, nedokončano hišo, na Willoughby Hills z akri (ali 6, če želite). Za ogled pišite na: Mr. Babuder, 2275 River Rd., Wlby. Hills OH 44094, tel. 266-7378 od 8. do 5. pop. (90-96) FOR SALE 1985 VW GTI, 2 door, sunroof, foglights, AM-FM cassette. Still under warranty. 1 7,500 mil. $7,800 or best offer. Call 881-5777. (90-92) For Sale by Owner Mod. 3 bdrm Euclid Col. Form. Din. rm. Lge family rm. Great family home. Good cond. — 692-0633. (x) 1 J if Natural Hickory Smoked Kielbassi f if The Unique Gift Everyone Will Enjoy if f Just Call... We’ll Do The Rest 11 Christmas Kronski 5 Ib. Kronski -| q Gift Box..............lO.VD 10 Ib. Kronski /54- Qr| 20 Ib. Kronski Gift Box..............Oy.oU Prices Include Shipping We Can Ship Anywhere In the U.S.A. — Call Nowl Toll Free 1-800-443-3833 P.O.BOX 1539 ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING 82902-1539 Cio-c . 1 do cva.o>.f s>. IŠKA DOMOVINA. DECEMBER 5, 1986 Matters of Health 6 Exactly what is a cataract? If I have one, must I have surgery right away? Cataracts, commonly assoicated with aging, are a clouding of the eyes lens caused by physical or chemical changes in the lens. The clouding blocks the passage of light and may eventually distort or obstruct vision. “Senile” cataracts occur the most frequently and are found in older patients, but cataracts can develop at any age. Although cataract removal < used to be a dangerous and difficult procedure, it is now a much safer operation. Of the approximately 700,000 cataract removal operations performed each year in the United States, most are conducted as ambulatory or same-day procedures, often with local anesthesia. The soft cataracts of children and young adults may either be cut and drained or broken up by use of high pitched sound waves (ultrasound). The eye is then flushed and the fragments are removed through a small incision. There are two ways to remove “senile” cataracts: Intracap-sular extraction involves removing the opaque natural lens along with its enveloping capsule. More common today is extracapsular extraction—the removal of only the cloudy natural lens, leaving the back part of its clear enveloping capsule intact. Surgery usually takes about 20 minutes, with recovery and adjustment time running from six to eight weeks. You may be told to wear an eye patch and to avoid straining activities such as lifting heavy objects. There are several types of replacement lenses available today. In the past, cataract glasses were the only choice. Glasses are still an option, but they are very thick and can cause distortion and loss of peripheral vision. Contact lenses are a possible choice, but they can cause discomfort in some patients, and may be too difficult to handle for some elderly patients. Many patients choose intraocular lens implants, or IOLs. They are made of a clear polymer material, and placed in the eye during cataract surgery. They are permanent—never need to be changed or removed—and generally cannot be felt. IOLs do increase slightly the risks of complications during and after surgery, but the risks are quite low. Just because you’ve been told you have a cataract, does not mean it is necessary to have surgery immediately, unless you have an acute case requiring urgent treatment. Some people wait 10 years or more before having cataracts removed. Your quality of life should be your guide in making this decision. If you rely on driving to maintain your independence, and your vision has been impaired to the point that driving is difficult, then you will probably opt for surgery. Also, if reading or other favorite hobbies are becoming difficult, you may want to consider removal of the cataract. If you have two cataracts, its generally not considered a good idea to remove both at once. You’ll need one eye to function normally while the other is healing and adjusting. After cataract surgery, its very important to see your doctor regularly so your eye condition can be monitored to prevent complications. 1 would like to lose some weight. Are over-the-counter diet aids safe? Will they really help me lose weight? Over-the-counter diet aids are available as powders, liquids, capsules, tablets, cookies, chocolates and even chewing gum. None of them, however, should be used on a long-term basis. In fact, studies are inconclusive as to whether most of them are of any long-term value in weight reduction. Basically, these diet aids tend to provide a psychological rather than a physical boost. Some products even provide a sample balanced low-calorie diet to follow while using their drug. Two of the major ingredients in many of them are anti-depressants—caffeine and phenylpropanolamine or PPA, a chemical relative of amphetamine. PPA also is commonly found in decongestants. PPA can be dangerous for some users. It can cause nervousness, insomnia, restlessness, headaches, and elevation of blood pressure, which makes PPA especially dangerous for people with hypertension (high blood pressure). It also can elevate glucose or blood sugar levels and possibly cause cardiac stimulation or rapid heartbeat. In 1978 the Federal Drug Administration called PPA “generally safe and effective for short-term use.” But the American Medical Association says that weight control products containing PPA are “only minimally effective.” Currently the FDA is reviewing these drugs again and should be releasing their findings soon. Anyone with diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension or thyroid disease should consult his or her physician before taking products containing PPA. Some diet aids contain benzo-caine, which can cause such side effects as numbing of the nerves in the mouth and stomach. It is important that before you take any over-the-counter diet aid you read the label cafefully for contents and warnings. Bulk-producers like cellulose produce a sense of fullness and are found in some diet aids. But they probably are no more effective than a low-calorie, high-bulk weight reduction program. In addition, the laxative effect of these diet aids containing bulk producers may block absorption of certain nutrients through the intestines into the bloodstream. Low-calorie liquids can cause a person to lose reasonably large amounts of weight, sometimes 20 pounds a month. This can be dangerous. The usual recommended weight loss for good health is one to two pounds a week. Side effects of low-calorie liquid aids may include nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, constipation and a faint feeling. If you are on a low calorie diet of less than 1,200 calories daily it may be a good idea to supplement it with a multivitamin and mineral pill. (Megadose vitamin/mineral pills are usually not necessary.) Because overeating seems to be controlled primarily by psychologicl behavior factors, overeating will occur as soon as the effects of the diet aids have worn off. For this reason, the best way to lose weight is through a combination of good eating habits and exercise. Choking: One step to Saving a Life It is estimated that some 4,000 Americans choke to death each year. Choking ranks sixth in accidental fatalities among adults; it’s the leading cause of accidental death in the home among children under six. Adults dining out are frequent vicitms of the “cafe coronary”, choking accidents often mistaken for heart attacks. There would be more victims of choking if not for a fairly recent technique developed by a Cincinnati surgeon. Dr-Henry Heimlich came up with the new approach—which now bears his name—to prevent death by choking in response to the myriad of past unsuc-cessful treatments. Since 1974, the Heimlich maneuver has saved many lives. It’s easy to learn and it truly is one easy step to saving lives. Anyone can learn the technique. Reports show that nonmedical people of all ages have successfully performed the Heimlich maneuver. When applied properly, it is a safe and highly useful way to dislodge food and objects from the throat of a choking person. ; The Heimlich maneuver can also be applied by the victim and it can by used to push water from the lungs drowning victims. The technique is simple-From around the back ot the victim, close one hand in a fist ^ with the thumb against the abdomen. The hand should be just above the navel but belo'*' the rib cage. With your other hand, grasp your fist and press the abdomen with a quick, up' ward thrust. This action forces a great dea of air up out of the lungs and into the airway. The obstructing object is expelled in fro11* of this outrush of air and pressure. Several attempts can be tried if it doesn’t work at first. The < victim need not be standing t0 achieve the benefit of lhe Heimlich maneuver. The technique can be used on 3 person sitting down. If t*ie person has fallen onto the floor, a slightly different for111 of the maneuver should be attempted. Place the heel of on6 hand on the abdomen just below the rib cage, and covef it with the other hand. The viC' tim’s face should be turne is upward while the technique applied, which should be dob6 straddling the victim. An infant must be given special care. Use a forefinS6* and middle finger, instead of3 fist, to apply the abdontiu3 thrust. If you are rescuih® yourself, use the same techP1' que described earlier t0 dislodge the obstruct!1^ material. Before performing ^ Heimlich maneuver, ntia^6 sure the person is indeed cho^' ing. The throat is often grabb ed by the victim in what is con' sidered the universal sign 0 choking. The victim will n° ' be able to talk or breath6' Some medical personnel sUž gest that the victim’s back n° be slapped. However, oth6*8 believe the upper back b®* ween the shoulder blad6 should be slapped sever3 times before the Heimh6 maneuver is applied. In Memory Mary Turk of E. 61 St-donated $25 to the AmericP Home in memory of hef brother Louis V. Kovacic. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. ROY G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. & Lake Shore) 531-3600 Funeral: to meet the financial status of all families. ROY G. SANKOVIČ, DIRECTOR ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor Affiliations p Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. ROSALIA CEN DOL, After a long illness, Rosalia Cendol (nee Cocianig) of 1131 East 63rd Street passed away °n Friday, Nov. 28th. Rosaha was born in Cepletischis-Udine, Yugoslavia. She came to Cleveland in 1956. She was a former resident of East 68th Street and lived at her present address for 24 years. She was a member of St. Clair Pensioners. Rosalia was the dear wife of Ivan (dec.), mother of John, •loe, Marie lellina (Italy), Ann Golop, Vera Ivancic (Toronto), Frank and Albina. She was the grandmother of (3, and the great-grandmother of two. She was the sister of Ciovanni and the following deceased: Ricardo, Valentino, and Francesco and Antonia Buchin, all of Italy. Yisitation was at Zele Funeral Home, 6502 St. Clair Ave., w>th Mass at St. Vitus Church °n Monday at 10 a.m. Intercom at All Souls Cemetery. Herman l. habat Herman L. Habat, 64, died Tuesday, Nov. 25 at his Cleveland home. He was the father of Gary (Calif.), John L., Sharon tois, Mrs. John (TerryAnne) Stayer, Mrs. Michael (Denise) Catarski, Dennis, Michael (Calif.), Mrs. Nolan (Michelle) Zietner (Calif.), oseph LaTour, Mrs. Phillip (Lorraine) Paulson (Calif.), ®nd Mrs. David (Deborah) Hsik; the grandfather of 18; co son of Mary, the late John, j|nd Anna (dec.); and the rother of John E., Mrs. fanley (Beatrice) Kozar, Ann r°st, and Edward J. He had worked as a self- [ s 1 In Loving Memory Of Our Husband, Father and Grandfather Frank Kosmerl Dec. 7, 1977 °ften sit and think of h p. when we are all alone. °r Memory is the only fru p .'hat grief can can jts owi ivy on the withered oc q en other things decay; Ur fovefor him will still k< kfeen and never fade awt Sadly missed by: Loving wife -g Prances Kosmerl Hi°kS ' ^rank & wHe> Joan q ard and wife, Maureen auQhter - Agnes Terček ar,d husband, Albin and 16 grandchildren Recent Deaths employed painter until his retirement. He had been a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters (St. Mary’s Court) and was a veteran of World War II, having served in the Navy. The Funeral Mass was Saturday, Nov. 29 at St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9 a.m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. Friends called at the Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. LOUIS V. KOVACIC On Oct. 16 Louis V. Kovacic of W. 147 St., died in Fairview Hospital. Louis was born in Cleveland on July 3, 1915. He was in the 101st Airborne Division for 3 1/2 years. Upon returning home from the service he went to work for Ford Motor Co., and retired 10 years ago as a General Foreman. Louis was the husband of Elizabeth (Rolitzky), father of Charles, Gail and Bettylou Turacy. He leaves a sister Mary Turk and five grandchildren. His parents Louis.and Mary Kovacic are both deceased. Funeral services were held in Ascension Church, W. 140 St. on Oct. 20th and burial was at Holy Cross Cemetery. JOHN L. TATARKO John L. Tatarko, 60, a resident of Arrowhead Ave. for 32 years died suddenly at his home on Sunday, Nov. 23. Mr. Tatarko was born in Ralph, Pennsylvania. He came to Cleveland in 1940, and was a former resident of East 168 St. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army where he served in an Artillery Battalion as a T/5. A machinist by trade, he bagan his own company, the Ko-Gar Machine Co. in 1970. He was president of the company. He was also past president of the Father’s Club at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Mr. Tatarko was the husband of the late Dorothy (nee Luzar), father of John Jr., Frances Gluss, Mary and Anthony, grandfather of 6, son-in-law of Frances Luzar, and brother of Ann Benes, Frank, William and Theresa Frank. Services were Wed., Nov. 26 at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. and at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church at 10:30 a.m. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. LOTTIE M. SKOK Lottie M. Skok, 76, passed away in Euclid General Hospital on Saturday, Nov. 22 after a long illness. Born in Cleveland, the daughter of Stanley and Michalina Kobuszewski, Lottie was a resident of Ball Ave., Euclid for 33 years. She was employed for several years as a secretary at Clevite. She was the wife of the late Edward, mother of Janice Yanchar, grandmother of three, and the sister of Sophie Grabinski (dec.) and Stanley Koby. Visitation was at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Services were also at St. Christine Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Lillian Goryance of Euclid donated $20.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of her husband, Stanley L. Goryance. In Loving Memory OF OUR PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS AND GREAT-GRANDPARENTS Josephine Trcek John Trcek October 25, 1985 June 24,1976 Dear parents, so gentle and kind, Look down from heaven above and Know that the care you gave is Returned in our love forever more. Sadly missed by: Son — Albin & wife Agnes Daughter — Josephine Zaman and 9 Grandchildren 2 Great-grandchildren EMIL BERCHAK Emil Berchak, 70, a resident of E. 65 St. for 45 years, passed away in University Hospitals recently. He was born on a farm on Moore Road in Avon Lake, Ohio. He was a self-employed building contractor and worked on several churches and shopping centers in the Cleveland area. He was a veteran of WW1I where he served in the U.S. Navy. Mr. Berchak was the husband of the late Marie (nee Strnad), brother of Louis (Avon), Arthur (Seven Hills), James, (N. Ridgeville), Lillian Wetland (Calif.), John (Avon Lake), Mary Frank (Calif,.), and the following deceased: William and Anastasia Vogias. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 6502 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Mass was at St. Vitus church. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. Meeting Lodge Ribnica will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, Dec. 21, at 2:00 p.m., at the home of President Louis Silc, 30417 Oakdale Road (off E. 305 St.), Willowick, Ohio. Election of officers and lodge representatives will take place in addition to other important business matters to be voted upon by the membership. A Christmas Social will follow the meeting; the usual ethnic food and refreshments will be provided. To all our ailing and disabled brothers and sisters, we send lots of get well wishes. We particularly want to wish a speedy and complete recovery to our recording secretary, Frances Tavzel. We hope to see many of our members present and extend to all the joys of the holiday season. Carole Czeck Secretary Thanks for 7 Donations Deep thanks to the following fj» their donations to the American Home newspaper: Victoria H. Svete, Euclid, in memory of husband, Victor Svete — $25.00 Rose Bavec, Cleveland, in memory of John Sušnik — $10.00 John Kramar, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada — $10.00 Frank Kralj, Milwaukee — $7.00 Mrs. Mary Stražišar, Cleveland, in memory of her husband, Joseph Strazisar’s 14th anniversary — $10.00 Josephine Juhant, Cleveland — $7.00 Anton Petkovšek Sr., Cleveland, in memory of Frank Sterle — $10.00 Anonymous, Cleveland — $5.00 Pauline Lunder, Wickliffe, Ohio, in memory of her husband, Joseph Lunder — $12.00 Laura Ann Puleo, Wickliffe, Ohio, in memory of Anton and Louise Koshel, her parents — $15.00 Joseph Sojer, Euclid — $7.00 Maria Ribic, Cleveland — $7.00 John Meglen, Cleveland — $67.00 Ivanka Kraljic, Elk River, Minn. — $7.00 Frank and Helen Vodopivec, Willoughby Hills, Ohio, in memory of Frank Sterle — $20.00 Dr. Anthony S. Ravnik, Piedmont, Calif. — $50.00 Ann Brinovec, Cleveland — $5.00 Ann F. Kristoff, Euclid — $5.00 Elmer Perme, Euclid — $5.00 Jernej Slak, Cleveland — $7.00 Sylvester Lango, M.D., New Rochelle, NY — $17.00 Frances Stariha, Euclid — $5.00 In Memory Seventh Anniversary of the death of MARY DEBEVEC Who died Dec. 8, 1979 Your memory to us is a keepsake, With which we will never part. Though God has you in His keeping, We always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by: James V. — son Madeline D. — daughter-in-law James V. II — grandson and family Richmond Hts., Ohio, Dec. 5, 1986. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 5. 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 5, 1986 8 ***:£***************** **i*c*^ ************* ******* Slovenian St. Nicholas Ready to Make His Rounds Tonight Feast Day Is Saturday According to the Roman Catholic calendar, St. Nicholas Day comes on December the 6th. That is the start of the Christmas season and the Feast of St. Nicholas. This is celebrated on the first Sunday of Advent by all Catholic Middle European cultures. Historically, St. Nicholas was a Bishop in the City of Smyrna in Asia Minor in the Fourth Century. Legend tells how he helped three young maidens, whose poor father could not afford doweries, by throwing money through the window into the house during the night. He was especially good to the youngsters and known for his gifts to the children. Naturally, this legend was adopted and combined with local flavor of folklore in other nations. . Slovenians have a special admiration for good old St. Nicholas or i,ve“ Miklavž1,' and so he became one of the most popular saints. He is traditionally pictured dressed as a Bishop. In one hand is a Bishop's Cane, in the other the Golden Apples. This symbolized the book of all the names of children, who ave been good throughout the whole year, and eligible for gifts. On St. Nicholas Eve, children placed containers such as straw baskets, plates and even boots to hold the gifts he brought. But, before his arrival, Lucifer and his company of devils would go from house to house rattling chains and making other horrible sounds scaring the children who were bad for the year. Parents told the children for days before St. Nicholas' arrival to be good or else the devils would take them away. To equalize the effect of their medieval develish appearance, there are always angels with St. Nicholas. They are his helpers and reassure the children that everything is alright. Meanwhile, the tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day is also popular with the Greater Cleveland Slovenian Community. The pupils of both the Slovenian parish schools - - St. Vitus and St. Mary's - - usually present a short play with dancing and music in Slovenian preceding his arrival. And so, this centuries-old tradition, with its origin in medieval passion plays, is still alive here, among children of the Slovenian community. August B. Pust ChrisOmas of Many Nations exhibit Cleveland State University, 1979 Slovenian-Aaerican Heritage Foundation Dorroneo College; 1983,1984 Slovenian National Art Guild Annual Ats L Crafts Show : 11/80 Euclid, Ohio Illustrations of St. Nicholas and the devil are used to decorate Christinas gingerbread cookies. SPECIAL OFFER The American Home ethnic newspaper is continuing a special promotion seeking new subscribers to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper. It will last until Dec. 31,1986. Between now and then, persons wishing to subscribe to the Ameriška Domovina tor the first time (or have not been a subscriber for the last five years) can receive the paper at a ridiculously low price — just $15.00 a year for the twice weekly or $10.00 a year for the Friday (half English) edition. IN ADDITION, any college student or person in the military service may receive the twice weekly edition for — get this — just $10 a year, or the Frfday (half or more English) for — $5.00 a year. REMEMBER: This is for FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY and does not apply to renewals or anyone who has dropped their subscription in the last five years. Winter Outdoor Action This is too good an offer to be passed up. Please send Omy own subscription □a gift subscription Udaily at $15.00 DFridays at $10.00 Ocollege or military daily at $10 Ucollege or military Friday at $5.00 for one year to: w H""« send t° . ^ve. 61VJ St- 44103 Cleveland, un Name, Street. City, State, Zip MY Name__________ MY Address. MY City, State, Zip. □ Please send a------ . card indicating my gift. What do you have to watch out for when exercising outdoors during the winter months? The main things to be aware of when exercising during the winter months are exposure to cold, and exhaustion, which can lead to slips and sprains. Exposure to cold affects us in two ways. One is direct exposure, which may involve frostbite or freezing. You need to be especially careful if you have peripheral vascular disease. For example, you may experience pains or cramps in your legs at times, and your doctor may have told you that you have poor circulation. Another warning sign is unusual sensations in your fingers, toes, or legs, or blanching, the turning white of toes or fingers. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should be extra careful when exercisng in cold weather because cold further reduces circulation in toes and fingers. Such circulatory problems as peripheral vascular disease generally bother people in their 50s or older. Affects a Healthy Body People who have diabetes are also at more risk when exercising in winter because they suffer not only from poor circulation but also from a reduced sensation of cold. Other people who may not feel the cold as much are those who suffer from neuropathy, a disorder affecting the nervous system’s function. The danger of not feeling the cold is that you may get frostbite without even knowing it. The blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow, which could ultimately result in death of the tissue. If you do get frostbite, hold the affected area under running water that has been gradually heated to lukewarm. There will be redness and pain at first as the area thaws, but it’s only temporary. Another factor affecting winter exercise is the extra energy required for the same kind of activity you may have done during warmer months. Your body spends more energy to keep itself warm, so you may find the same walk. nor’s Heritage Affairs Ad- Vladimir M. Rus Attorney • Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX> Slovenian VHIa)>e Kestaura',l Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m-Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m-Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 6415 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland Anna Ojerek, manager jog, or bicycle activity more difficult in the winter than it is in the summer. Exercises may feel harder to do. You may have to slow down and y°u may be more tired afterward-You should take this energy factor into account, whether Ethnic Christmas in PA Museum Twenty-seven trees are beihS decorated at the State Museuh1 of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg for an exhibitioU, “Christmas... An Ethnic Ex perience.” This event, in its sevent*1 year, is open to the publ' beginning Sunday, Dec. 7 at, p.m. in Memorial Hall. H lS co-sponsorcd by the Cover visory Commission and The State Museum. . Each tree will represent ad' ferent ethnic community aI the culture and tradition that group. Included Par ticipating groups are Slove nian, Serbian, Slovak, <'r°a tian, and Ukrainian and ma*1 others. — _i— _ii 0 1 Christmas: A Sesquicentennial Celebration by C. Joanne Sloan When George Washington crossed the Delaware River the night of December 25, 1776, he could count on catching the Hessian soldiers drunk and sound asleep after a day of carousing. For Washington’s men, Christmas was just another day. It wasn’t until 1836 that the first state — Alabama — declared Christmas a holiday. Other states slowly followed. During the Civil War when soldiers were separated from their families, thirteen states ndopted Christmas as an of- ficial holiday. By 1890 Christmas was a legal holiday in all forty-eight states. Americans like to think that the modern Christmas celebration has deep roots, but in fact many traditions in America are no older than the nineteenth century. The distinctive national Christmas that developed in the last century was influenced by European religious and folk customs as well as by the writing of popular authors of the day. Some Americans had large Christmas celebrations before 1836; others did not believe in Slovenian Heritage Books | are among the most meaningful and least expensive | Christmas gifts of lasting value for your children and \ relatives, as well as for friends, lodge honorees, libraries f and schools. The following very popular books are cur- fr rently available: % Edward Gobetz (ed.), SLOVENIAN HERITAGE, Vol 1, 642 pages, hardcover, with wealth of information on Slovenians, Slovenian Americans, and Slovenian accomplishments, acclaimed by critics as “a monumental work,” “a goldmine of information,” “a treasure,” and “the most important publication on Slovenians in English.” Only $16, while the limited supply lasts. | Milena Gobetz and Breda Lončar, SLOVENIAN f LANGUAGE MANUAL, Vol. 1, 333 pages, paperback, ( the most popular and least expensive textbook for English-speaking students learning Slovenian, easy-to-understand, and used by thousands of self-taught students and by scores of Slovenian languages courses in America, Canada and Australia. Only $9. •van Cankar, DREAM VISIONS, the gems of Slove-cian literature by Slovenia’s greatest writer, master-g fully translated into English by Anton Družina and beautifully illustrated by Lillian Brule, hardcover, 203 Pages, hailed as “thought-provoking,” “a gem,” “a Profound work,” “an excellent edition.” Only $10. Edward Gobetz (ed.), OHIO’S LINCOLN, FRANK J. LAUSCHE, 366 pages, hardcover, a biographical study of the most prominent living Slovenian American, former mayor of Cleveland, 5-term gover-hor of Ohio, 2-term U.S. senator, the son of Slovenian •mmigrants whom President Eisenhower described as “a natural” for U.S. presidency and national media and President Reagan called “the Lincoln of Ohio.” Contributors include Slovenian fraternal leaders, several outstanding scholars, three university Presidents (a former Harvard University dean), and many other Slovenians and Americans. Only $12. Edward Gobetz and Adele Donchenko (eds.), AN-. THOLOGY OF SLOVENIAN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 236 pages, paperback, the first anthology of writings by Slovenian American writers in English language, describing Slovenian immigrant 1 'fie in the New World and the thoughts and feelings 1 °f such writers as Etbin Kristan, Louis Adamic, Karel ■ Mauser, Stanley Zupan, Frank Bukvic, Ted Kramolc, i Anna Krasna, Ivan Jontez, Frank Mlakar, John P. i ^ielsen, Marie Prisland, Kazimir Zakrajšek, Frank i perze, Zdravko Novak and many others, beautifully il-, 'ustratd with sixty reproductions of Slovenian ethnic , art. Only $7. ; please add $1.50 FOR POSTAGE AND MAILER FOR ; fElE FIRST BOOK AND $1 or each additional copy i ar,d — to get in time for Christmas — order as soon f as Possible from: i Slovenian Research Center of America Inc. 29227 Eddy Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 (Tel. 216 - 944-7237) . continue to collect relevant information and \ E ot°graphs for our future publications. On behalf of the | Cnter, we wish all subscribers, associates and other \ /'ends a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY § W YEAR — VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN p KEČNO NOVO LETO! Prof. Edward Gobetz, Director 0 any observances. The celebration of Christmas had been a matter of controversy in England in the seventeenth century. The Church of England believed the Feast of the Nativity was one of the most important of the year, but the English Puritans condemned it as “popish.” In 1620, the first Christmas in New England, colonists did not celebrate; instead, they built their first homes. In 1621 Governor Bradford commanded the people to work on Christmas Day even though some wanted to play. The Puritans thought Christmas had grown so secular that people had forgotten the religious meaning. They enacted a law in 1659 that stated that anyone observing Christmas would be fined five shillings. Although the law was repealed in 1681, Masschusetts did not legally recognize Christmas as a holiday until 1855. In contrast to parts of New England, settlers in New Yo.K, Pennsylvania, and the Southern colonies had festive events. Many of these colonists from England, Holland, and Germany brought their folk customs with them. Descendants of the Cavaliers in the South continued the holiday traditions of dancing, ringing bells, burning a Yule log, playing games, and singing carols. They also decorated their homes with evergreens and candles. French settlers in Louisiana followed their custom of firing guns on Christmas morning. Setting off firecrackers was another popular tradition started in the South. George Washington was well known for his Christmas celebrations at Mount Vernon, each year ordering fancy toys from England for his stepchildren. He was famous for his eggnog and Martha for her cake made of forty eggs. When Washington became President, he gave big public receptions during the Christmas holidays. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, denominations such as the Baptists, Presbyterians, and Quakers joined the Puritans in opposing the observance of Christmas. Other churches — Lutheran, Dutch Reformed, Church of England, and Roman Catholic — followed their traditional celebrations. In the first half of the nineteenth century there was still denominational opposition to the observance of Christmas. On December 26, 1855, the (Continued on page 10) “IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” (L -P NDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK • 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ’Balances $1,000.00 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook Srnddr,y;, $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. MEMBER wnc Federal Savings * loan Insuranca Corp j! Your Saving« Intufd to »100,000 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. Josefs Hair Design Richmond Heights, Ohio 461-8544 or 461-5538 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 5, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 5, 1986 10 5,000 attend ‘polka weekend’ in area Happy Birthday to these residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged in Cleveland who were born in the month of December: Olga Champa, 78 Mary Cimperman, 84 Mary Latkovich, 89 Mary Gierzak, 81 Mary Grill, 81 Mary Pugel, 78 Jennie Stopar, 82 Altie Sweeny, 90 John Štritof, 77 Amelia Krall, 83 Anna Lewicki, 95 Ivanna Dolenc, 85 Richahj Medveš, 59 Chrisse Barker, 83 Jennie Mezgec, 98 Annual Dinner The Progressive Slovene Women Circle 2 are having their Annual Bazaar and dinner on Saturday, Dec. 6 in the lower hall of the Slovenian Home on St. Clair. Serving will be from 5 p.m. on. Cost is $6.00. We will serve our usual chicken, pork and dumplings with all the trimmings. We will have our drawing and music for your dancing and listening pleasure. For tickets call 585-2603. Margaret Kaus, Sec’y- Look Out for Con Artists Con artists and swindlers are at work in the St. Clair neighborhood. Their victims are usually elderly people. They are after people’s money. Several residents have fallen for the swindler’s tricks. If a stranger (whether or not in uniform) wants to use your money for something, or if they claim to have found some money and ask you to hold it, — call the police. You think you’re going to get something for nothing — and you usually get nothing. And lose your money in the process. by Tony Petkovšek Over 20 states and Canada plus all of Greater Cleveland and Ohio were represented at the 25th anniversary Thanksgiving weekend festivities and especially at the three major Slovenian Radio Club sponsored events at St. Joseph High, St. Clair Slovenian Home and the Euclid Civic Center for a total of over 5.000 admissions. In addition other related activities included the East 185th Street Holiday parade which alone attracted thousands more and several hundred were also in attendance at the Polka Mass plus the famous jam sessions in the Holiday Inn Holidome in Wickliffe, one of three area hotels occupied by polka patrons who came individually and on a dozen buses for the weekend. The Collinwood Slovenian Home was also in their celebration with a Pol-Kats Jam Session on Friday afternoon and a Dinner-Dance in the evening. Area ethnic taverns and restaurants also reported record crowds over the weenend. High points came when upwards of 100 polka musicians jammed the final hour at the Polka Party on Thursday which was attended by over 3.000 persons. At the Button Box event on Friday, Lojze Slak, the most prominent button accordionist from Slovenia, brought the crowd to a standing ovation for several minutes with his solo performance. There were young and old in attendance in what was described as the biggest indoor ethnic festival in Cleveland. Best of all the event showcased the greatest Slovenian music extravaganza of all time with a total of 60 different groups performing in the three Radio Club sponsored activities and attracted people of many nationality backgrounds. The 40 page silver souvenir program book listing all of the performing groups in the centerfold, dubbed this great weekend gathering with a theme “1986-Year of Polka Stars,” and that’s just what it was in Cleveland, proclaimed by Mayor Voinovich on stage as the “Polka Capital.” The book also contained many editorials, pictures, greetings, sponsor ads, and a list of proclamations, awards and gifts received in this 25th year of broadcasting. The holiday weekend brought in almost twice as many presentations as was listed, truly overwhelming! We sincerely salute the hard working volunteer committee headed by John Pestotnik, the numerous entertainers of the cultural, button box, and professional stature including the cooperation of the Musicians Union Local 4, and of course, the many in attendance from near and far. It’s now history! In Memory Mrs. Andrew Kovach of Euclid, Ohio renewed her subscription and enclosed an additional amount in memory of her husband, Andrew Kovach. Vitamins & You A recent warning that too many Americans are taking huge doses of a single vitamin, thinking it will prevent disease, should not mislead readers. The great majority of doctors, scientists and nutritionists agree that a vitamin supplement daily, the amounts needed by the body, does no harm. Nick’s Barber Shop (Formerly Petrie’s) 783 E. 185 St. 481-3465 Nick Francetič, owner New Book: Pipe Organs in Slovenia. Also available in Slovenian. We also have the record. New records & cassettes: Avsenik, Slak, Miha Dovžan, New Publication: Lepote Slovenskih Cerkva Maps of Slovenia and dictionaries Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-5296 W,, ■ ■ ■ - FORMER JUDGE EDMUND J. TURK Attorney-at-Law (ODVETNIK) Total Legal Services Slovenian National H^me E. 65th & St. Clair - 391-4000 f SALAMflNDE R The name of quality! The perfect gift for the coming holidays \ I o $ i Salamander Shoe Store 4164 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, O. 44113 £ Phone: 281-7003 Business Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9-4 S Friday: 8-6; Saturday: 8-5 ^ , * f St. Nicholas Visits St. Vitus Auditorium St. Michael the Archangel today confirmed this year’s itinerary of St. Nicholas and his entourage. The celestial spokesman states St. Nicholas will be at St. Vitus Auditorium in Cleveland on Sunday, December 7, at 3:00 p.m. Archangel Michael reported via our special, exclusive terrestrial-celestial hookup, that the heavenly warehouses are filled with gifts prepared round-the-clock by angels and saints. The Archangel also reported that he was assured by the parent-teacher committee of St. Vitus Slovenian School, tri-headed by Zalka Likozar, Bernarda Ovsenik and Zdenka Zakrajšek, that preparations are well underway for a befitting reception for the Saint and accompanying angelic hosts. They assured him that hundreds of children and adults from the Cleveland area eagerly await his coming. St. Michael did not, however, want to give any information regarding Lucifer and other devils. He preferred to speak only of his domain. The wire service heard rumors from reliable sources that satans were already at work in various hot spots o the world. We were unable to confirm the presence Lucifer or his underlings at the numerous trouble spots we checked. All people question-ed denied a satanic influence, although there was convincing ; evidence of its presence. I Checking our files, we found a : quote from Lucifer, uttered at St. Vitus in 1985, “We have a , lot of friends in Cleveland an i we shall return in 1986!” St. Nicholas has been making the annual trip to earth aroun i the 6th of December since t e j fourth century. He began his , generosity as a Bishop | Myra. When he called to his , celestial abode, he continue j giving gifts to deserving children. His generosity is t10^ ^ recognized far and wide. Circle 77 Youth Christmas Concert SNPJ Circle 77 Mladi Slovenci presents their 16th annual Christmas Concert on Saturday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at West Park Slovene National Home, 4583 W. 130th St., Cleveland. These children are the only ones who carry on the Slove- accompanied by Joe Lach otj accordion. After the concer there will be dancing to Nor them Ohio Button B° Group. , .. For tickets, call Marie PivlK’ 433- 1941, or Albina Cape 888-1454. Children under 12 are adm1 nian Christmas tradition in the city of Cleveland and in the U.S.A. At this time MPZ Circle 3 will join our group. Together we will put on a fine concert ted free. . We need your support« please reserve Dec. 13 for J18' Happy Holidays from a* 0 us to all of you. Marie Pivik EUCLID CULTURAL COUNCIL PRESENTS IN CONCERT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7,1986 7:30 P.M. SHORE CIVIC CENTRE Benefit: Shore Civic riti/prK Phrmp Tickets: *4.00 ‘3.SO students 18 & under & senior citizens Tickets at the Door ttention Recipe Readers! 5 s 1 1 > ) : S i i As we are approaching the holid^ season, the American Home newspaP6 s would like to publish your favorite holid3^ « recipes and share them with all of °u ) readers. ^ j Our Slovenian gals are known throUQ > out the world for their fine culinary talahj ’ i Please send us your holiday recipes '0 ; day and mail them to: American Home Holiday Recipes 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 mmMnwMmnmmMsmsoK&fi __t .miM_______ Belokranjski Club guests came from near and far to be where the action is. Mr. and Mrs. Lado Višček and daughter Kathy traveled from St. Catharine, Ontario. 200 At Holmes Pensioners Meeting The Slovenian Pensioners Club of the Collinwood Slove-nian Home met on Nov. 12. Two hundred members were in attendance as election of officers took place. Outgoing president Joseph Fcrra retired after serving the club diligently for 18 years. He received a standing ovation. He was unanimously elected Honorary President. Gus Petelinkar is the new President, John Habat vice President, Louise Kupetz recording secretary, Mary avrich is financial secretary, and Alice Struna is sergeant at arnis. Auditors are Christine olden, Mary Gornik, and ^nn Grzybowski. Elected ederation Representatives are us Petelinkar, Frank Fabec, P ae Fabec, Henry Kersman, niily Kersman, and Frank rankar alternate. Congratulations to members Edward and Mary Krann wno celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married Nov. 26, 1936. A delicious cake and coffee were served to all members. Music was by Dan and Chuck Krivec. On Nov. 17 a busload of our members enjoyed a day long tour visiting the Sohio Bldg., Old Arcade, Soldiers and Sailors Monument, all in downtown Cleveland. Circling around Public Square, we returned to Holmes Hall where we were served a delicious dinner. All arrangements were by our capable Tour Director, John Habat assisted by Frank Zgonc. Another tour is in the offing for December. Our Christmas Dinner is set lor Dec. 10, following a short meeting. It is for members only. a» Steve V Shimits I O'- Ponderings l o Thought for Today g Much has been spoken and < written on the subject of p Education and Literacy. Literacy is more than the ability to read; it is the foundation Tor learning to read critically; the ability to discern truth by comparing freshly written words with previously written words. This is something impossible when someone else reads their news to you, as on TV. Literacy makes possible aesthetic appreciation — the love of beauty is a part of literacy. Attributed to distinguished educator Albert Wiggam is the quotation, “I marvel at the infinite capacity of some human minds to resist knowledge!” Make the library your second home. — On the Lighter Side — Bank songs consist of nothing but promissory notes. My neighbor’s apartment is so small, his dog has to wag his tail up and down. Anyone who enjoys jig-saw puzzles has his work cut out for him. Whoever invented the eraser knew human nature. The price of Kleenex is nothing to sneeze at. Ideal couple: Dentist and manicurist — they can work together, tooth und'nail. Dictionaries are meaningful books. First rule in handling dynamite: wear earmuffs. Donates $50 Marge Maslat donated $50.00 to the American Home in memory of her husband, Steve Maslar’s, 20th anniversary of death. Thank you. Marge for your generous donation. Sesquicentennial (Continued from page 9) New York Times reported that the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches were not open on. Christmas Day, but the Episcopal, Catholic, and German churches were open and festively decorated. As the nineteenth century advanced, traditional opposition to Christmas slowly disappeared, and by 1880 the religious significance of Christmas grew quickly in all evangelical churches. Reprinted from Catholic Forester by permisson of author and editor. fKTTH CLEANING, CHECK-UP l X-RAYS j >1*i „ . , Reg. $35 1 crnnJlSaon' Exp- date Dec. 31? COMPLETE DENTISTRY • "A Frivol* rroOHm nr/m ffcownoM* fm, - | I DR ROBERT J PRIJATEL D D S SS4S W.Uon Mul* 3d H.qMen.j Hli Oh o (1.5 m| W. Ol I 2M) with thi your meal will be a banquet of delightful taste and aromas of home cooking. Cocktails and hor d’oeuvres presented by Karen Alich. Music by Joe Fedorchek’s Orchestra will delight those dancing feet of yours till the stroke of twelve. There are so many who have helped us, that in following articles our appreciation will be expressed to all. Let it be known that we have repeated history fifty years later. On December 6, 1936 the twenty-fifty anniversary was observed here on Recher Ave., and on that program as well as the one today the same quarted “Slovan” is featured. The following is the Slovenian context of the program booklet’s short history of the lodge... Jil: Hi: 3«: i; OB PRILIKI SLOVESNE PROSLAVE 25. LETNICE društva Slovenski Dom ŠT. 6 S. D. Z. V NEDELJO, 6. DECEMBRA, 1936 TV /I INULO je 25 let. Na prvi pogled ni to dolga doba, ampak na IVI društveneih polju pa mnogo pomeni. Ravno pred 25 leti so naši pionirji zasadili prvo lopato na društveni celini. In delo ni bilo lahko, če pomislimo, v kakšni •pokrajini” smo tedaj živeli, ko ni bilo ne tlakanih cest. ne avtomobilov in ne dvoran. Ustanovitelji pa. 18 po številu, se niso ustrašili težkega dela, pač pa so šli in ustanovili društvo, kateremu so dali ime “Slovenski Dom." Pridružili so se Slovenski Dobrodelni Zvezi, kjer so dobili številko 6. Ustanovni uradniki so bili: predsednik Andrew Oerl st., tajnik John Korenčič. blagajnik John Prijatelj Prvi odbor Je bil oa sledeč: predsednik Joseph Drugovič, podpredsednik Frank žagar, tajnik John Kerenčič, blagajnik John Fabec, zapisnikar Joseph Kapudija. Nadzorniki: Lucas Bojc. Frank Slajpah in Andrew Gerl V začetku Je društvo poslovalo samo z#. moškimi člani. 2. marca, 1916, se Je pa pridružilo še društvo "Dobrodelne Slovenke" št 13 S. D. Z. Lepo je društvo napredovalo, tako, da se Je že 2. Julija. 1916, razvila prva društvena zastava. Boter je bil pokojni Louis Recher, botra pa Angela Ivančič. Te naše slovenske korenine pa niso bile zndovolnje samo z društvom, pač pa so začeli delovati tudi za postavitev Doma. Naše društvo je mnogo žrtvovalo, kar po $100 00 ali $200.00 hkrati, želja se Je uresničila 13. junija, 1919. ko so skupno z društvom “Zavedni Sosedje" št. 158 SNPJ in "Jutama Zora,” HBZ . kupili takratni Jugoslovanski narodni dom. Prvotni ustanovitelji se niso nikdar nadejali, da bo njih delo obrodilo tako obilen sad. Društvo Je pridobilo toliko novih članov, da Je v času kampanje leta 1935 dobilo častno kupo od Zveze. Letos Je pa društvo zopet pridobilo največ članstva v tajniški kampanji in si pri tem pridržalo pravico, da obdrži kupo Društvo šteje danes 315 članov v odraslem in 201 članov v mladinskem oddelku, skupaj 516 članov in članic, kar je v ponos naselbini in naši Slovenski Dobrodelni Zvezi. Odbor za leto 1936 Je: predsednik Louis Godec, podpredsednik Frank Žagar, tajnica Marie Seme. 19601 Cherokee Ave.. Mn-' čajnik Joseph Goleb. zapisnikar John Korošec. Nadzorniki: Anton Vehovec. Louis Wess. Frank Kosten. Seje se vršijo vsak tretji petek v mesecu v Slovenskem društvenem domu v Euclidu. i +++++++++•++++•f++++++++'W-+++++': ,CA ■uhj ui m 1. —Pozdravni govor predsedniku Louis Godec. 2. —Nastop godbe “Bled." 3—-Društvena deklamacija, deklamira Lucia Terškan. 4. —Nastop Mladinskega pevskega zbora “Skrjančki” pod vodstvom L. Seme. 5. -r-Poje solo Richard Lauretič. 6. —Nastop pevskega zbora “Adrija" pod vodstvom F. Wauter. 7. —Govor tajnice društva Marie Seme. 8. —Govor blagajnika Joseph Golob. 9. —Predstavljanje ustanoviteljev društva. 10.—Deklamacija v počast ustanovnikom, deklamira Helen Kosten. H.—Govor glavnega predsednika Joseph Ponikvar. 12. —Govor glavnega tajnika, John Gornik. 13. —Govor v angleščini, predsednik finančnega odbora Frank Surtz. 14. —Solo, poje Richard Lauretič. 15. —Ponovno sprejetje častne srebrne kupe z nastopom Častne straže SDZ. 16—Nastop pevskega zbora “Slovan” pod vodstvom Jack Nagel, Jr. 17.—Dramatično društvo “Naša zvezda" priredi komični prizor "Krančičev Jurij pred sodnikom.” Po programu se vrši prosta zabava in ples. Igra Sesek orkester. | | hm | H | M I I II I M 11 I : Our Most Outstanding Sisters — Mother Albina Vesel & Daughter Sylvia Banko Albina Vesel Sylvia Banko This writer’s research will show you how the impact of these two individuals’ contributions to Lodge No. 6 forged this great lodge and that of A.M.L.A. A personal portrait of Albina Vesel is not written in any accounts I have found, but from a picture of a pretty and shy young woman lead me to wonder how such a person developed into such a dynamic sales woman. There are very few words written except for the laurels of victory after each campaign from 1940 to her death in 1962. Lodge No. 6 Secretary Vesel Tops the Campaign, Close Second Runner-Up, then First, and so on. My figures based on her years as lodge secretary and saleswoman topped $735,000 worth of insurance. Who said women were not in the working places during those years. Her determination and charm brought many new faces to the S.D.Z. scene. Once insurance was sold and membership made in Lodge No. 6 Albina cultivated the members and drew them into the lodge activities especially as one representative to the First Juvenile Convention where her mothering traits helped those first young delegates. As you see from her later picture it focuses on a woman of gentle character and yet that forward thrust of ambition. Her daughter Sylvia was beginning to develop into participation in various lodge duties when in 1962 an illness befell Albina and called her to eternal rest. Again history repeated itself and Sylvia was also quiet and unwritten about in the history of Lodge No. 6. Her various campaigns till the spring or summer of 1986 yielded a spectacular $1,770,000 worth of insurance, not accounting for the later part of 1985 and the beginning of 1986 which may have put her over the two million dollar mark. This is truly an accomplishment for two women in a lifetime. They reached their goals and purpose. As for the writer, I must say I have attributed and make my tribute to Sylvia. Her insight was total. If she was anything like her mother, Albina, Lean understand the total commitment and loyalty which I feel this entire celebration is focused around. Like two diamonds, they are like exquisite polished gems set solid in the foundations they built in “Slovenski Dorn” No. 6. As Max F. Traven, Assistant Supreme Secretary, stated in an article ... “Brothers and sisters, the time will come when you and I will write no more, will talk no more, and will assemble no more. But it will please those who remain and follow us to know that during our stay upon this earth we have done something for their betterment.’’ —- Sylvia, the light that you are now part of with your mother will shine brighter in the dark skies of December, which will again guide the wise men to find yet another child wrapped in swaddling clothes, to lead all men to peace and good will... —Joseph F. Petrie Jr. Congratulations and Best Wishes on Your 75th Anniversary Stanley G. Ziherl, Supreme President Anna Mae Mannion, 1st Vice President Albert Amigoni, 2nd Vice President Louis F. Boldin, Supreme Secretary Mary L. Sinkovič, Supreme Treasurer Lillian B. Novak, Chairman Auditing Committee Josephine Ambrosic, 1st Auditor Alice Arko, 2nd Auditor Eleanore Simcic, 3rd Auditor Louis Zigmund, 4th Auditor Joe L. Zab, Chairman Finance Committee Albin Shine, 1st Member Frank Koncilja, 2nd Member Albert Meglich, Chairman Fraternal Affairs Comm. Mary Blatnik, 1st Member Jane Novak, 2nd Member Vida Zak, 3rd Member Joseph Petrie, 4th Member John Vicic, 5th Member CONGRA TULA TIONS On Your 75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary FROM Lodge Svobodomiselne Slovenke No. 2 A.M.L.A. ■ t DANICA Lodge No. 11 Congratulations On Your Diamond Jubilee From Lodge Bratska Sloga No. 32 WARREN, OHIO Our Sincere Congratulations to Slovenski Dorn’s 75th Celebration Pres. Julia Shine V.P. Norma Slyk Financial Sec’y. Albin Shine Treas. Virginia Shine Rec’d. Sec’y. Patty Shine CONGRA TULA TIONS ON YOUR 75th ANNIVERSARY — Officers and Members — ST. ANNE NO. 4 A.M.L.A. Congratulations Anton Martin Slomšek Lodge No. 16 A.M.L.A. CONGRA TULA TIONS SL O VENSKI DOM NO. 6 — Officers & Members — AMLA Lodge Naš Dom No. 50 Garfield Hts., Ohio 44125 K DIAMANTNEMU JUBILEJU DRUŠTVA SLOVENSKI DOM AM LA ŠT. 6 iskreno čestitajo ODBORNIKI IN ČLANI DRUŠTVA KRAS AMLA ŠTEV. 8 Bled No. 20 Congratulations On Your 75th Anniversary Anton Pelko and Anna Mae Mannion Families FROM THE Eastern Stars No. 51 CONGRA TULA TIONS ON YOUR Seventy-Fifty Year Congratulations on your 75th AMLA Lodge Soča No. 26 Congratulations on your 75th Martha Washington A.M.L.A. No. 38 Congratulations and Best Wishes on your 75th Anniversary from Officers and Members of Lodge Lucky Stars No., 61 - AMLA HISTORY AND EVENTS OF LODGE NO. 6 AMLA The following are accounts of the growth and events compiled from articles found in the anniversary books of S.D.Z., Lodge No. 6, and the newspaper morgues of the American Home Publishing Co., from 1935 to 1986, collected by Joseph F. Petrie Jr., President of Lodge No. 6. If names or events have not been recorded in this special edition, it was due to their omissions in those articles or because of the space available. We would appreciate additional information, if it is available and submitted to us for future publications. Thank you. -1911- ; . Organized by President Joseph Drugovic, Vice Presi-dent Frank Zagar, Secretary John Korencic, Treasurer John Fabec, Recording Secretary Joseph Kadudija, Auditors Lucas Bojc, Frank Slajpah, and Andrew Gerl — First lodge organized in Not-tiugham/Euclid area. -1928- No minutes available. Was successful lodge due to officers: President Anton Vehovec, Vice President Frank Zagar, Secretary Frank Smajdek, Treasurer John korencic, Recording Secretary Lourenc Seme, Auditors Joseph Golob, Frank Blatnik, John Bolden. Representatives ,0 Slovenian Society Home (SSH): Dragotiny Masokato, Anton Vehovec, John Korenče; Sergeant at arms, Mike čolnar. Lodge worked hard ^0r SSH and fargest shareholder. -1935- Officers: President Louis Oodec, Vice President Anton ^ehovec. Secretary Marie Seme (Hosta), Treasurer Joseph Golob, Recording Secretary John Korošec, ^uditors Frank Kosten, Eva erskan, Angela Derganc. 391 Ambers strong. -1939- Officers: President Joseph ersek, Vice President John etina, Secretary Agnes °dec, Recording Secretary °Phie Kordish, Auditors °hn Tanko, Joseph Seme, Yerak; Cecelic Seme, ecretary of Youth Group, 0°yal Comrades. April 20, rganized softball league. ^Pfil 21, Card party. April ’ Royal Comrades Dance, ^ 1 Vouth 20 Recording Secretary Frank Kosten, Treasurer Stephen Vogrin, Auditors Louis Wess, John Ivancic, Ivaniča Hrvatin; Physicians Doctors Skur, Perme, Rotter. Frank Jelenič appeals to No, 6 youth for more sports activity. Secretary Albina Vesel wins a bicycle for prize in SDZ campaign. May 9, Caroline Seme and Stanley Troha marry. May 17, Card party. Elsie M. Desmond, Lodge news reporter, asks for help as a candidate for Miss Ljubljana in Euclid. May 16, Senior soft-ball league comprised of: Cleveland Slovenes No. 14, Cleveland Workers No. 40, SS. Cyril and Methodius No. 18, Ambassadors No. 62, Slovenski Dom No. 6, Modern Crusaders No. 45. June 27, Royal Comrades receive baseball trophy. Supreme Board officers Gornik, Ponikvar, Rozman present $50 campaign prize for the most juveniles. Carole Schmuck and Max Traven marry. Elsie Desmond wins Miss Ljubljana July 25, 1940. July 20, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vogrin have a baby boy; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hosta Jr. celebrate first wedding anniversary. Albina Vesel organizes a Blanket and Sheet Club with 25C weekly dues. Aug. 31, Josephine Cimperman and Andrew Gerl marry. Oct. 17, Sylvia Poljanec birthday after announcing Sept. 28 engagement to Jack Banko. Oct. 31, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vogrin celebrate fifth anniversary. Albina Vesel goals $33,000 on campaign for members. Sept. 28 weekly winners of Blanket Club, Mrs. Bradach, Miss E. Cerne, Mrs. Kovack, Mrs. Novince. -1941- Variety program Jan. 12 for presentation of campaign trophy. Louis Wess conducts | program. Richard Lauretic and Irene Jazbec sing duet. Sally Hrvatin does tap dance. Speakers: Mayor Sims, Francis Surtz, Ponikvar, Golob, Gornik and Albina Vesel. Mickey Ryance’s Orchestra plays. Officer: President Joseph Golob, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Joseph Mah. Sally Hrvatin, No. 6 member, appears in Danny Gilio dance recital, Sunday, Feb. 16, at the Little Theater of Public Auditorium, 8 p.m., admission 60C. Elsie Desmond has second fight with “grippe.” Jan. 30, Announcement of No. 6’s 30th anniversary on Feb. 27. March 13, Sixth child born to Mr. and Mrs. Cecelic of North Vine Street, a boy, all 100 percent SDZ. No. 6 finishes first in campaign, $38,700, 51 adults, 20 juveniles. -1942- Officers: President Joseph Golob, Vice President Frank Jelenič, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Joseph Mah, Recording Secretary Frank Kosten, Auditors John Barkovic, John Ivancic, Joseph Stupica. No. 6 donates $25 to Red Cross for national defense. Jan. 25, Albina Vesel and John Barkovich attend “Little Convention”at Slovenian Home Newburgh for organization improvements of SDZ, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jerse’s daughter, Mrs. Arthur Lynn, has baby girl in Hollywood, Calif. Baby boy boom to Mary Oberstar, Marie Seme Hosta, Hed-vimoyer Skok and Anna Petrich Cercek. March 19, Albina Vesel donates $25 to Red Cross. Motto in newspaper says “Do your share now by helping in any way possible. A stamp a day will keep the darn Japs away. Buy now.” July 16, No. 6 second place in campaign with $222,500, thanks to Albina Vesel. July 23, First juvenile convention. Representatives are 15-year-old Elizabeth Troha, 16-year-old Ray Kosten, 14-year-old Olga Mah. Convention at SSH on Sept. 12. July 30, Elise Desmond’s newsbox states, “Mrs. Vesel not only got new members, but also assisted the young delegates. Yet she is always looking toward the advancing of a bigger and better lodge. So all our heartiest congrats, Mrs. Vesel.” Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lopatich Jr. have baby boy. Frank Kosten Jr., Joe Kikol, John Jakse, Frank and Ed Sesek, James and Joe Koljat, Ed Cecelic, Bruno Robert are leaving for the Army. Henry Medved stationed in Iceland. John Setina in Navy. Aug. 6, Anton Vehovec of No. 6 serves as first finance committee member on Supreme Board at 10th regular convention. Convention delegates are Albina Vesel, Frances Medved, John Ivancic, Louis Godec, Frank Jelenič. Frank Seme, Mickey Ryance in Army. Noted most male members in service. Lodge will be conducted by all female membership. -1943- Officers: President Louis Godec. The rest the same. Eleanor Ster, daughter of Peter and Mary Ster, marries Raymond Stupica, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stupica, well-known lodge members, in Boston, Mass. Groom stationed there in Army. Miss Josephine Baitt marries Tony Tiadiello at St. Christine Church May I. Elsie M. Desmond to wed William G. Ryan Jr. on May 23. CouncHman Anton Vehovec seeks reelection to Ward 32 in Euclid. Oct. 21, No. 6 decides to organize an SDZ youth lodge under Louis Godec, President. Called themselves the Euclid SDZ Juvenile Club No. 6. First meeting Nov. 5. Officers: President Robert Arko, Vice President Gloria Knific, Secretary Olga Mah, Treasurer Robert Bolden. They were also known as the “Tophatters.” Lodge No. 6 men and women who were serving their country: A vein, Lawrence Benda, Frank Bergant, Andrew Bergant, John Bergant, Stephen Bolden, John Bruno, Robert L. Burjar, John Calta, Lawrence A. Cecelic, Edward Cecelic, Frank Cercek, Jacob Derganc, Stanley Gerl, Avcin, Lawrence Benda, Frank Bergant, Andrew Bergant, John Bergant, Stephen Bolden, John Bruno, Robert L. Burjar, John Calta, Lawrence A. Cecelic, Edward Cecelic, Frank Cercek, Jacob Derganc, Stanley Gerl, Michael Gerl, William Gom-bach, Joseph Gombach, Rudolph Jaksa, John Jelnic, Frank Jerman, Joseph Kikol, Joseph Kinkopf, Anthony Klein, Joseph Kog, Rudy Koljat, James Koljat, Joeph Kosten, Frank Kotorac, Peter Krashog, William KrasoVec, Thomas Mah, William Medved, Henry Mersek, Joseph Mlach, Anthony Peklay, William Perme, Raymond Perme, Elmer Pertekel, Albin Pezdir, Andrew Popek, Frank Seme, Edward Seme, Frank Sentina, John Škrjance, Mike Skrpan, Joseph E. Stopar, Frank Strekal, Stanley Stupica, Frank Stupica, Raymond Tanko, John Tanko, Frank Troha, Rudy Troha, Stan Ulle, Joseph Vene, Al Vene, Thomas Vene, Otto Vene, Victor Wess, Edward Yerak, Ray Zurman — Amelia Cerin, Mary Turl. -1944- Officers: President Louis Godec, Vice President Andrew Pezdir, Secretary Albjna Vesel, Treasurer Joseph Mah, Recording Secretary Mary Coprich, Auditors John Barkovich, John Ivancic, Angela Sajovic, Vratar Frank Škufca. Jan. 20. Tophatters hold indoor track and fjeld meet after meeting, using toothpicks for javelins and rubber rings from canning jars for horsesbors, etc. First place — 25 points, Bob Bolden, second place — 23 points, Ed Kinkopf, and third place — 20 points, Connie Starman. Feb. 3, Sgt. Joseph A. Gombach No. 6 engaged to Marie Penko. April 6, On Honor Roll for SDZ servicemen, Frank Komočar and Al Peterca.^ Oct. 5, Vesel tops in (Continued on page 7) CONGRA TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES ON YOUR 75th ANNIVERSARY from Lodge Slovenec No. 1 A.M.L.A. Organized November 15, 1910 CONGRATULATIONS! Modern Crusaders No. 45 AML A Pres. John Vicic VP Frank Minello Fin. Sec’y. Millie Bradač Treas. Tony Sturm Rec. Sec’y. Josephine Minello Auditors: Josephine Minello Rudolph Krall Mildred Richards Steffie Segulin Youth Co-Ordinator Elsie Ohara Annual Anniversary Dinner/Dance Jan. 31,1987 Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Rd Congratulations to Lodge No. 6 from Lodge No. 42 “Slovenska” Bistrica Girard, O. 44420 Pres. Frank Kregar Sec’y. Stanley Selak — CONGRA TULA TIONS — COLLINWOODSKE SLOVENKE Lodge No. 22 President: Stefi Koncilja Secretary: Frank Koncilja — BEST WISHES AL WA YS — A. POTOKAR REALTY 563-3324 ANTON POTOKAR JR. — Broker 4 Sale 5 Acre Parcels in Harpersfield, near Geneva Business Phone 692-2099 fijuumki, (jamotfo 475 EAST 200th STREET EUCLID, OHIO 44119 FRANK AND ANGIE FUJS Congratulations On Your 75th Anniversary Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 14 President Martha Koren CONGRA TULA TIONS Slovenski Dom No. 6 A.M.L.A. ON YOUR DIAMOND JUBILEE! Vineyards Quality Ohio Table Wines • WINE CELLAR TOURS « 1 1 - 6:30 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday Serving our wines, accompanied by Ohio cheese, sausage, p&tč and hot homemade breads. Tuesday thru Saturday 1-8 p.m. Wednesday thru Friday 1-11 p.m. proper dress after 8:00 p.m. Catered luncheons for groups by reservation only. Located at 7743 Doty Rd., South Madison, Ohio (216) 466-3485 1-90 to Rt. 528 EXIT, South to Griswold Road — follow signs — Congratulations on Your 75th Anniversary DENNIS SUSNIK —Tax and Auditing— 6202 St. Clair Ave. 361-3635 Congratulations Lodge No. 6 From Friendly Neighbors Lodge No. 65 AMLA Our Warmest Wishes Norwood Drug Inc. 808 East 185 St. Cleveland — Phone 531-9188 R. A. Kozan F. C. Krašovec & R. Kozan, Pharmacists Best Wishes Lodge No. Six |3AFOo!> STAU^^ 817 High Street Fairport Harbor, Ohio 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sun. - Thurs. • Fri. & Sat. (Till Midnight) RED WATKINS 352-7797 TOM WOODLEY Our Families Serving Your Families Reservations Taken For Sun-Thun & Fri & Sat Before 5 jxm. If you think over 3,000 people a week atop by because of Red’s pretty face & magnanimous personality, take this tip from his wife — It is the food! < Old time wooden floors - salt soled shoes suggested. ► -1944 (cont.)- juvenile campaign with 177 points. -1945- Same officers. Gold Star Honor Roll, John Bergant, Joseph Vihtelic, Ed Cecelic. Lodge participates in SDZ 35th anniversary celebration. -1946- Officers: President Henry Medved, Vice President Frank, Cecelic, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Joseph Mah, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors John Barkovich,. John Ivancic, Angela Sajovic, Zastopniki Frank Žagar, Al Sinkovič, SSH representative Leo Boštjančič. April 18, Youth convention representatives, Mary Jane Milavec, Joseph Cecelic. May 9, SDZ Convention representatives, Albina Vesel, Angela Sajovic, Louis Godec, Joseph Mah. Sept. 26, Due to inactivity of Lodge during the war with many serving, the Lodge begins a rebirth with a carnival dance on Nov. 16 at SSH. Music by Frank Zaja and his Polkateers. Admission 60c. News reported by Dorothy Cecelic — Oct. 10, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have baby boy. Her maiden name Angela Slajpah. Note: Mrs,. Angela Pierce passed away five years ago and her son is a Professor at Notre Dame. Oct. F7, John Tanker marries Sylvia Lenasse. John Kausek Jr. Joins the Marines. Elizabeth Troha enters the Ursuline Order of Nuns at Villa Angela Academy. Nov. 7, Frances Seme marries Martin Hosta Nov. 9 at St. Paul’s Church. Anthony Potokar becomes Proprietor of Electrical Appliance and Sewing Machine 0n E. 185th Street. Joan and Angela Barkovic celebrate 40th anniversary. Nov. 14, Membership of No.6 nears 1.000 members. Albina and Stanley Ulle have first baby 8irl. Nov. 28, Carnival dance rePorts: Gayle Sajovic sold tefreshment tickets; Golob, ®°stjancic, Sajovic, Poljance, Koncelja worked at the bar; Mrs. Barkovich, Sokach, Koncelja worked in the kitten. Sesek, Medved, Cecelic ^id hall decorations. -1947- Officers: President Joseph C°lob, Vice President Frank ^ek, Secretary Albina Vesel, Wording Secretary Anna *“ecelic, Treasurer Mr. Gerl, Editors John Barkovich, Mr'. Virant, Angela Sajovic, Reporter Dorothy Cecelic. Jan. 23, Marian Godec engaged to Anthony Erjavec. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Troha (Cecelia Seme), second baby, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hosta celebrate 40th anniversary. Feb. 6, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Slavica (Mlach) Jagodnik, second son. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Drganc, second son. Feb. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Intihar celebrate 25th anniversary. March 20, Mr. and Mrs. John Ropret celebrate 25th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John and Christine Kos, baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Mrzlikar, baby girl. Miss Frances Kinkopf marries Stan Mahorcic on March 15. April 3, Molly Kag and Amos Hanson marry. Mr. and Mrs. Budan become new members. June 26, Joseph Cecelic and Joseph Murphy delegate to third SDZ Junior Convention. Sept. 4, No. 6 to receive trophy for membership campaign at Sept. 19 meeting. Oct. 9, Victor Vene and Anna FCovach marry Oct. 4. Father Operated Collinwood Dry Cleaning on Saranac. Dec. 11, Frances Bergant and James McGlynn marry on Saturday, Nov. 290. Dec. 18, Connie Starman marrying Robert Robert. She’s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Star-man. -1948- Officers: President Joseph Golob, Vice President Joseph Stupica, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer John Gerl, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors John Barkovich, John Virant, Tony Hodanovic, Sergeant at arms George Boštjančič, Reporter Mary Golob. Jan. 19, Spring Dance. April 10, Christine Fabec marries Louis Vech on Jan. 10 at St. Mary’s. Halfmillion dollar campaign No. 6 enrolls its First set of twins, Joel and Joann Stavanja. Feb. 12, Antoinette Kinkopf marries Jim Kepic. Frank Sesek marries Mary Jo Kuch of Lorain. April 29, Albina Vesel places fourth in campaign with $45,000, due to sudden illness during campaign. May 13, Lillian Tanko marries Charles Delsantor on May 15 at St. Christine’s. Rich Dergance and Ida Mae Matthews wed May 1 at Christ the King. July 29, Alice Snyder and John Birro wed at St. Christine’s. Slovenski Dom Juveniles have picnic at Conneaut Lake Park. Eddie Habat and Orchestra played. Nov. 4, Mrs. Mary Gerl, No. 6, member, directs Singing Club “Euclid” at SSH concert. Jim Kozel and Chuck Smith Orchestra played. -1949- Officers: Same with exception of Mrs. Srvzan, Sergeant at arms, and George Bost-janich, Auditor. Feb. 10, Ncr. 6 has July 3 picnic at George Kalliop’s Farm on Eddy Road in Chardon. March 31, Preconvention campaign, Albina Vesel $25,750. July 14, Loretta Baitt becomes Mrs. Frank. July 21, No. 6 still on top in pre-convention with $54,000. Oct. 13, Robert Kozan and Lillian Ulle wed at St. Paul’s Church on Oct. 1. -1950- Officers: Same. No. 6 Lodge first place with $103,500. Albina Vesel has a $101,500 campaign with 105 juveniles, 37 adults. Aug. 31, Campaign begins for SDZ 40th Anniversary. Oct. 7, 39th anniversary celebrated at SSH with Pecon Orchestra playing. Dec. 6, Ed and Anna Zimper-man celebrate 25th anniversary. -1951- Officers:; President Frank Jelenič Jr., Vice President Joseph Shipica, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Frances Julajilia, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors Leo Boštjančič, Amalia Legat, Mary Godec, Frances Srpan. Representatives to Club Društev: Leo Bostjance, Frank Jelencic Jr. Representative to SSH Frank Jelencic Jr., Frances Julajilia. Jan. 18, Caroline Elsie Zigman and Walter Frank Murphy marry. Feb. 14, A1 Ulle and Vince Golobkar go into Army. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reider have fifth son. Mr. and Mrs. John Robert have second son. 40th anniversary campaign reaches $45,250 by Vesel. Lodge in second place. March 15, Joe Cecelic and Joe Bergant go into service. Don Mah joins Air Corps. May 10, Kinkopf boys, Tony, Rudy and Eddie, operate Kinkopf Brothers Furniture Store on E. 200th Street. Sept. 20, Engagement of Peter Kotorac and Bernadette Jackomin. Nov. 15, Engagement of Ray Perme and Rose Marie Koller, Marie Gerl and Stan Kebe. Dec. 13, John Gornik Memorial campaign totaled $452,000. Albina Vesel grossed $45,500. -1952- Officers: President Joseph Stupica, Vice President Mary Zele, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Frances Julajilia, Auditors Leo Bostjance, Mary Sodec, John Zigman. Jan. 17, Betty Bolden crowned Queen of the Snow Ball at Euclid Central Junior High School. Membership in the service, Joseph Cecelic, William J. Skebe, Robert Baitt, Joseph Bergant, Robert Bolden, Vincent Golobkar, Joseph Gom-bach, John Kausek Jr., John Koss, Donald Mah, Henry Marcisiah, Raymond Mersek, Tony Nosse, Henry Poznik, Everett Thompson, Albert Ulle, Rich Zimperman, A1 Žnidaršič, Stan Žnidaršič. Sept. 18, Albert and Violet Sinkovič have a baby girl. Nov. 13, Vesel grosses $45,500 in campaign No. 1. Nov. 20, Engagement of Olga Zakrajšek and Robert Klancer. -1953- Officers: President Joseph Golob, Vice President John \ Barkovich, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Frances Julajilia, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors Leo Bostanjance, John Zigman, Mary Zele. Aug. 13, Eugene Charles Best ordained in Rome on July 20. First Mass at St. Paul’s on July 26. Sept. 17, Joan Grze and Rudy Ivancic marry Oct. 3 at St. Christine’s and will reside at 20270 Tracy Ave. -1954- Officers: Same except for Auditors Frank Sesek, Jean Marie Cecelic and Reporter Mary Golob. Jan. 28, Representatives to 13 regular convention are: Mary Golob, Anna Cecelic, Leo Bostjance, John Zigman, Louise Godec. March 25, Noted adult attendance on increase. Lodge purchased 200 shares in SSPl. May 27, “A pat on the back for the fine way that the convention was conducted and held in order by our wonderful supreme chairman, Mr. Sušnik. A job well done by a very fine fellow. So, Mr. Sušnik, keep up the good work and hold tight to the reins.” Footnote: Mr. Sušnik was laid to rest on Monday, Nov. 3, 1986. Lodge No. 6 sent a floral memorial and members paid their final tributes. June 10, Violet Vogrin and Ed Rupena wed. Lodge 6 receives the Loving Cup at its June 18 meeting. Dec. 9, Lodge 29 merges with No. 6. -1955- 7 President Joseph Ciolob retires as president. Officers: President Anton Potokar Jr., Vice President Joseph Stupica, Secretary Albina Vesel, Treasurer Frances Julalilia, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors Mary Ruper, Jean Cecelic, John Barkovich; Youth Director Anton Potokar Jr., Representatives to Club Društev Frances Julalilia, Anna Cecelic, Angela Barkovich. Representatives to Hall Anton Potokar Jr., John Barkovich, Leo Bostjance. May 19. Albina Vesel, second place campaign with $42,000. despite illness during first half of campaign. July 127, John Barkovich, chairman of picnic on Kalliope’s Farm. Huge success. Oct. 20, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zagar celebrate 50th anniversary. Note: Was President and Honorary President of SSH. -1956- Officers: The same except for Auditor Amelia Legat, Reporter Sylvia Banko, Representatives to Club Društev John Barkovich, Frank Zagar and John Zigman, and Representatives to SSH Albina Vesel, Frances Medved and Andrew Pezdir. April 12, John Kausek Jr. takes over photo studio on E. 185th Street from John Bukovnik. June 21, Vesel, second place in SDZ campaign youth with $36,500. Oct. 25, Plans for 45th anniversary of No. 6 scheduled for Nov. 10. Noted Frank Zagar and Frank Zulich first organizers of Lodge and two charter members left — Tony Fabec and John Korencic. -1957- Officers the same. Jan. 24, Noted Lodge No. 6 had 1,203 members. June 27, Vesel in first place in campaign with $46,875. Dec. 14, No. 6 has more than 500 juvenile members. -1958- Officers: President Molly Legat, Vice President Frances Medved, Secretary Albina Vesel, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors Frank Lopatic, Rose Ulle, Louise Cecelic. Delegates to 14th regular convention are: John Gerl, Molly Legat, Frances Arko, Anna Cecelic, Mary Golob. Pre-convention campaign Lodge No. 6 in second place with $48,500 by Mrs. Vesel. (Continued on page 9) Congratulations on your 75th Anniversary Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. Licensed Funeral Directors 452 East 152 Street 481-3118 6502 St. Clair Aye. 361-0583 Best Wishes from the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Society Home EUCLID, OHIO 44119 CONGRA TULA TIONS • Klub Društev • Euclid Slovenian Home — Officers — Pres. Al Novinc — V.P. Rose Intihar Sec’y. Mary Gentile - - Treas. Jan Clinton — Representatives — Josephine Kosteinshek Ray and Edith Bradač Al and Rose Intihar Marty and Donna Zadorozny Al and Fran Novinc Tim and Susi Mathis Janet L. Clinton Ed Anderson Mary M. Gentill John and Marian Bozich Hank Kersman Frank Dremel Josie Arko Bill Kovach Bill Jansa Frank and Mae Fabec Steffie and Frank Jamnik SWU Twirlettes Max Kobal — President George Carson — Vice President Elmer Nachtigal — Secretary William Frank — Treasurer Rose Mary Toth — Recording Secretary Al Novinc — Audit Committee, Chrm. Walter Frank — Audit Committee Joe Petrie — House Committee, Chrm. Ed Koren — House Committee Ed Novak — House Committee Josephine Trunk — Membership William Jansa — Membership William Kovach — Membership Harry Yanchar — Sgt. At Arms tn ■■ ■>& '$ * WKSTSE • SSfc. x Best Wishes on Your 75th Anniversary and Continued Success! Slovenian Womens Union Branch No. 32 Euclid, Ohio Dorothy Lamm Ceal Žnidar Josephine Comenshek Johanna Weglaez Anna Godlar Ann Urban Thelma Lischling Agnes Ward Josephine Koss MEMBERS — Veronica Dalton Mary Zifko Rose Brancely Caroline Lokar Phyliss D’Amico Jean McNulty Margaret Sas Helen Kovačevič Vicki Holny Mary Zakrajšek Ann Chinchar Alma Eppick Margaret Milavec Polly Pike Vida Cinco Frances Ogorevc (Continued from page 7) -1959- Officers the same except for Treasurer Jennie Hrvatin. Mrs. Vesel in third place with $30,250 >n campaign. Winners in SDZ Day Picnic No. 6 Juveniles are Larry Singer, egg toss; Molly Nagode, ball toss in hoop, and Paul Nagode, •noney tissue wrap. -1960- Officers the same ex-CePt for Auditors Martin ^ogrin, Eva Trshan and kJary Koljat and Reporter Mrs. Vesel. ^rs. Vesel begins ^illion-Dollar Campaign with opener of ^8„OOO.May 12, Lodge h*s 45 70-year-olds and Several who are 80 years or more. June 23, ^r- and Mrs Anton Gainer celebrate 50th an-n'versary. July 14, VP ^°seule passes away. Was officer and member 'ngood standing. Sept. 8, ^r- and Mrs. William ^anko of Shawnee ^venue named “Tourists the Month” while hosing through Claxton, Ga‘ on vacation. Oct. 13, ^ugene and Virginia ^stler have baby girl, ^Usan Lynn. Nov. 10, I ^th anniversary cam-^ai8n closes with Mrs. esel in second place ^hh $90,445. Noted Mrs. esel has made No. 6 odge largest in °rSanization. Dec. 8, ^evin Mark Vovk chosen dinner of title of SDZ Jubilee Baby Boy. K °n of Mr. and Mrs. enneth and Patricia /ovk, No. 6 members. -1961- .Officers: President ^hialia Legat, Vice Presi-John Gerl, Secretary j ’na Vesel, Treasure ^ 11 Barkovich, Recor-Secretary Anna Auditors Mary ecelic. Martin Vogrin, v*a Banko. Club •j, hstev Representatives ^ ^ Vrh, Louis Godec, Barkovich. s0i . 8el; atch 9 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edward Sadar, J. Sadar was notified by Senator Frank J. Lausche that he was appointd to the U.S. Military Academy. Family belongs to Lodge No. 6. May 11, Doug and Betty Jean Mattung have a son, Michael Scott.Aug. 10, Alice Kausek and Robert Slokar engagement announced for May 1962 wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Špehar blessed with second son, Martin Edward. Nov. 8, No. 6 celebrates 50th anniversary. Pete Kotorac sings, Mrs. Vrk and Mrs. Slapnik cook. Molly Legat sold most tickets. Supreme Board and Lodges attend. Lodge No. 6 is 1,275 members strong. Mrs. Vesel in third place in campaign with $20,250. -1962- Same officers. Delegates to 15th regular convention: Albina Vesel, John Gerl, Anna Cecelic, Molly Legat, John Barkovich. Campaign ends with Mrs. Vesel in fourth place with $7,500. May 10, Albina Vesel, Secretary of Lodge 6, passes away at her home on May 2. June 14, Sylvia Banko takes the reins for her mother. In first campaign, finishes third with $35,500. -1963- Same officers except for Secretary Sylvia Banko. Jan. 10, Jack Banko becomes councilman of Ward 32 in Cleveland. Sylvia Banko elected fourth member of audit committee on Supreme Board. March 14, Finishes second in campaign with $35,750. -1964- Same officers. April 9, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vudrich’s son presented Army Commendation Medal. Capt. Robert L. Vidrich did an outstanding performance in helping to arrange the funeral of the late President John F. Kennedy. Sylvia Banko in second place in campaign with $79,250. Nov. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Potokar of Renwood Avenue celebrate 50th anniversary. So do Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stupica. -1965- Same officers. 55th anniversary campaign. Banko in first place with $50,500. Oct. 14, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Golob celebrate 55th anniversary. Nov. 11, 50-year members are: Jacob Novosel, Frances Lopatich, Tomaz Krašovec, Anton Lopatic, Frank Lopatic, Frank Zagar, John Ivančič, Anton Potokar, Ina Zagar, Ivana Jagodnik. -1966- Same officers except for Treasurer Mary Koljat. Feb. 24, Frank Koster grabs 5,000 volts and lives. July 14, Carole R. Rogelj receives Ph.D of Philosophy at Columbia University. June 16, Campaign ends with Banko in second place with $22,500. 10 new members. -1967- Same officers. Sept. 14, Albin M. Banko home on leave from Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rožnik celebrate 40th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Podobnikar celebrate 25th. Banko tops in first place campaign with $75,710. Oct. 26, Members from Slovan No. 3, which split due to migration of members to suburbs, are: (4)the Joseph L. Petrie family, May and Myra Medvešek, (3)Frank Brinšek Family, Josephine and Frank Mezget. Student of the week from Villa Angela Academy was Debbie Sesek. -1968- Same officers. Special convention March a. Representatives: Amelia Legat, Mary Koljat, Jennie Gerl, Anna Cecelic, Frances Medved, Martin Vogrin. Campaign finishes with first place Sylvia Banko at $89,000. May 9, Kathleen Tanko initiated into Kappa Eta Chapter of Alpha loio International Business Society from Dyke Col-lege. May 23, June Hodanovac, a No. 6 member from Eastlake North High School, crowned Miss Lake County and eligible for Miss Ohio Pageant. June la, Michael J. Gerl marries Linda Hatfield on June 1. Betty Frances and Ronald Fowler marry on May 11. Nov. 14, James A. Rieder and Kathleen Janice Marcus engagement announced. -1969- Same officers. March 7, Campaign results — Banko in second place, $888,000. Aug. 14, Nan- cy Elizabeth Hosta wins 9 scholarship from AMLA. -1970- Same officers. Campaign results of $93,000 and second place for Sylvia Banko. 17th regular convention hosted by Lodge No. 6 at SSH. Representatives are Henry Medved, Amalia Legat, John Gerl, John Berjah, Paul Bostjance, Mary Koljat. Aug. 13, Margaret Louise Fender wins AMLA scholarship. -1971- Officers: President Henry Cecelic, Secretary Sylvia Banko, Treasurer Vivianne Cecelic, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic. Campaign results show Banko in second place with $53,500.March 11, Noted that Amalia Legat was president for 17 years. April 11, No. 6 celebrates 60th anniversary with picnic at AMLA. Big Success. May 27, John Francis Fink, No. 6 Member, ordained as priest. -1972- Officers: President Henry Medved, Secretary Sylvia Banko, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Treasurer Catherine Medved. Campaign results — third place with C51,500 by Sylvia. Aug. 10, Ronald Zele receives his Doctorate of Juris from John Marshall Law School of Cleveland State. -1973- Same officers. March 8, No. 6 enters 27th annual handicap bowling tournament. Campaign ends with second place of C52,500 for Sylvia. -1974- Same officers. Delegates to 18th regular convention: Sylvia Banko, John Gerl, Anna Cecelic, Catherine Medved, Paul Bostjance, Mary Golob. Campaign results — third place for Sylvia with $69,000. Feb. 26, 28th handicap bowling tourney at Shoregate. Captain: Elsie Rock. (Continued on page 12) Best Wishes from American Home Publishing Co. Inc. We Specialize in Printing Tabloid Newspapers for ANY Occasion 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 44103 Call 431-0628 ask for Jim « Progressive Slovene Women of America - Circle 3 — Euclid, Ohio Congratulations on Your 75th Diamond Jubilee John Milner Joanna M. Jadrich Francine Weatherly Marica Lokar Mary Sterling Anna Rossman Justine Zakrajšek Mr., Mrs. Joe Peterlin M/M Herman Sluga Eleanore Rudman Louise Hrovat Dorothy Lamm Anna Čebulj Anna Adams Mickey Frank Rose Brancely Mary Zifko Mary Floria Veronica Dalton Toni Kausek Jean M. Patrick Polly Pike Mary F. Petrie Frances Ogorevc Josie Valencie Stella Kostick Sophia Skopitz John Skopitz Johanna Weglarz Helen Vukčevič Fran Marn Vida Cinco Danica Hrvatin Jo Škabar Mary Kobal Congratulations on Your 75th Anniversary OFFICERS AND MEMBERSHIP FROM LODGE NAPREDEK NO. 132 A.F.U. PATRONS Josephine Trunk Marie J. Mandel Jennie Fitzthum Albert Intihar Rose Intihar Best Wishes To All The Members of Lodge No. 6 Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Congratulations — Klub Ljubljana1 Mary Ster — Frank Debevec — Steffie Koncilja Stephanie Segulin — Charlie and Ann Terček £ a, / Matthew John Bischof Laurel E. Bischof LaVerne M. Chesnik Lisa Marie Chesnik Denise Chesn'k M/M Cy Rovanšek M/M Jerry Rovanšek Gilbert Lyon Dolores Lyon Laurence F. Seme Rose Seme Congratulations E REALTOR ® GEORGE KNAUS REAL ESTATE, INC. 819 E. 185th STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 COMPUTER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ‘JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER’ 481-9300 (216) 232-4747 JOSEPH P. SEME INC. 25641 Solon Road. P.O. Box 46406 Bedford, Ohio 44146 Ferrari ie WINE FARM WINERY "Makers of Fine Ohio Wines" State Rt. 307, Geneva, Ohio 216-466-6046 Mon. 11-5 p.m. Tues. WW. Thun. 11-8 p.m. Fri. and Sat. 11-Midnight Sunday 1-7 p.m. — PATRONS — Angeline Kozjan Bruce Kotnik Dave Schiltz Gayle Schiltz Amber Schiltz Casey Schiltz Matthew Schiltz Carol Sadar Doris Sadar Tom Rock Slovenian American National Art Guild Elsie Rock Jean Fabian Warren Fabian Sutton, Josephine Girod Anna Kristoff Pete, Josephine Tomsic Victoria Lindič M/M Henry Strekal Christine Verch Tony Mahne Bob Juzna Charles Kapel Herman Kapel Sophie Melle Josephine Melle Vic Melle Bob Kravas Jr. Dottie Cross Bill Snyder Bob Ulle Harry Peters Arlene Peters Harry Peters Don Peters Angeline Kozjan Lloyd Cross Joseph Seme Eunice Seme Christine Seme Joseph Seme Eric Seme Jenna Seme Don Mcclug Celeste McClug / I A, / Dr. Timothy Ford Candressa Ford Marie Seme Hosta A. Charles Hosta Barbara Hosta Becky Hosta Martin J. Hosta Sr. Frances M. Hosta Martin J. Hosta Jr. John J. Bischof Nancy E. Bischof PATRONS Mary Zadeli Mary Drobnick Delsanter Family Bradoch Family Mrs. Joseph Nemanich Congratulations to All Our 50 Year Members from Lodge No. 6 Slovenski Dom Congratulations Slovenski Dom No. 6 on Your Diamond Jubilee Tim Grzely Orches. Tim Grzely — Tom Grzely Lou Grzely — Warren Fabian BENEDICT J. ZACCARO ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE 771-8400 HOME 953-9533 330 ENGINEERS BUILDING CLEVELAND, O. 44114 Compliments of Fanny’s Restaurant 353 East 156 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Telephone 531-1231 “Home Style Cooking" Serving You for the last 39 years Best Wishes GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 17010 Lake Shore 1053 E. 62 St. “Family Owned and Operated Since 1903’ Success & Congratulations On Your Diamond Jubilee FROM Globokar’s Service 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland 4411^ Phone 531-0066 Air-Conditioning — Tune-up Brakes — Alignment Tires — Batteries BEST WISHES On Your Seventy-Fifth Big Bouquet Flower & Gift Shoppe 480 East 200th St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 486-4343 “Pleasing You Is Our Pleasure” From Your “Holiday Florist” “Happy Anniversary” Nosan Bakery 6413 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 361-1863 Watch For Our Opening On East 200th Street The Best To All Lodge No. 6 Membership MODEL MEAT MARKET 610 East 200th St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 Phone Orders Gladly Accepted (216) 531-7447 Florian & Marie Končar EUCLID'S FINEST SLOVENIAN MEAT MARKET Best Wishes R D Sausage Co. Homemade Smoked Sausage 15714 Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44110 fius. 692-1832 Home 944-8655 ANGELA RATAJC-MOSER Best Wishes from Cleveland's Famous Slovenian Meat Market AZMAN and SONS MARKET 6501 St. Clair Ave. ’361-0347 Bill Jr. — Lou Jr. Frank Jr. ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY SAUSAGES ___IODAY!____ Congratulations! TIVOLI Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Aye. Cleveland, OH 44103 431-5296 Imports from Yugoslavia JENNIE ZAMAN Best Wishes Lodge No. 12 Ribnica A.M.L.A. Officers and Members Quality & Service Go Hand in Hand Many Years of Continued Growth in Fraternalism — God Bless — from Shirley Lapuh and Staff of Shirley’s Place East 200th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 “New Proprietor” of the old Cvetek’s Cafe With Good Old Slovenian Home Hospitality Congratulations FROM LODGE NO. 35 Valentin Vodnik AMLA IN MEMORY OF ALL ■ DECEASED MEMBERS OF LODGE NO. 6 “SLOVENSKI DOM” Best Wishes^ from Singing^ Society^ ZARJA Order your Holiday Gift Today — make it a treasured family heirloom enjoyed by all — the traditional Slovenian Unveiling and the Traditional Grape Festival — All in one book — Detailed Procedures with music, words - PLUS Cassette. ^es. I wish to order ^ ORDER BLANK ^ » book(s) complete with tape cassette of two traditional Slovenian customs by "Zarja Singing Society." Send bank check or money order for immediate delivery (3 weeks). Other checks require clearance and delivery will follow in (6 weeks). Sorry, no C'*edit cards of any kind are accepted. *take your check payable to "Zarja Project" and send to: v 2aria Project c/o Jennie Mramor, bereta ry 266 East 20« Street fcUcNd, OH 44123 Thank you for Vour order, you "Jdde a good invest-ent in Slovenian tradition & culture 'hat will last for y®ars to come. Quantity Two Traditional Slovenian Customs 24.95 ea. Packaging, insurance, postage Ada In the continential U.S.A. t”50 Packaging and postage non-insured Add outside the continential U.S.A. 2.00 Total Amount Due • (Continued from page 9) -1975- Same officers. Campaign standings show second place and $63,000 for Sylvia. Scholarship winners from No. 6 include Joseph Bergant, Linda Frances Drobnick, Edward John Sesek and Jo-Ann Sraj. -1976- Same officers. Campaign results of second place with $106,000 for Banko. May 13, Jean Cecelic Fabian takes third place in bowling tourney. -1977- Same officers. Campaign results of $139,000 for Banko. April 14, Henry Cecelic and John Znoc winners in doubles and singles. April 13, Ron and Maryann Intihar first born, Brian. Charles and Lillian Delsanter become grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drotleff, baby boy, Eric. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bergant. Mr. and Mrs. John Bischof have first boy. Grandmother is Marie Hosta. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Guarino, first born. Grandparents are John and Mary Jackson. -1978- Same officers, except for new Treasurer Virgina Kotnik. New campaign results in second place and $119,500 for Sylvia. Scholarship winner: Roy Kenneth Streetz. Sept. 14, Carol Golobokar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Golobokar, becomes programmer of ADC Computers. She’s a ’77 Villa Angela grad. -1979- Same officers except for new President Vi-vianne Cecelic. Campaign results show first place for Sylvia Banko with $107,000. -1980- Same officers. Campaign results with first place of $134,000 for Sylvia Banko. April 24, Vivianne Cecelic becomes fourth member of Supreme Youth Board. -1981- Same officers. Campaign results of first place and $62,000. The AMLA recreation site is named “Slovenski Vrt.” Suggestion by No. 6 member Victor Krantz, No. 9 member John Pestotnik, No. 45 member Wallie Luhone. Jack Banko plays in Ninth Golf Open of AMLA. Scholarship winners are Anna Marie Dovic, Laura Ann Streetz. -1982- Same officers. Campaign closes with second place of $104,000 for Banko. 20th regular convention delegates: Marie Hosta, Anne Cecelic, Virginia Kotnik, Jean Fabian, Caroline Lokar, Sylvia Banko. Scholarship winner is John F. Potokar. -1983 Officers: President Vivianne Cecelic, Vice President Marie Hosta, Secretary Sylvia Banko, Treasurer Virginia Kotnik, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors Jean Fabian, Louis Fabec, Caroline Lokar. Scholarship winners are Suzanne Mioshaben and Richard H. Pugel. Campaign results show second place and $79,000 for Banko. -1984 - Same officers. Campaign results of $57,500 and second place for Banko. Scholarship winners: Dennis J. Peterlin, Phillip D. Shaw. Nov. 15, Dwayne Wilson Meadows majors in marine science at University of California, Berkley Campus. -1985- Officers: President Joseph F. Petrie Jr., Vice President Marie Hosta, Secretary Sylvia Banko, Treasurer Virginia Kotnik, Recording Secretary Anna Cecelic, Auditors Louis Fabec, Caroline Lokar, Jean Fabian. -1986- Same officers. Delegates to 21st regular convention: Joseph F. Petrie Jr., Marie Hosta, Sylvia Banko, Virginia Kotnik, Anna Cecelic, Caroline Lokar, Jean Fabian. Plans formulated for 75th anniversary on Dec. 6. Secretary Sylvia Banko passes away in September after long illness. Joseph F. Petrie Jr. becomes fifth member of fraternal affairs committee. Scholarship winners: Dennis J. Peterlin, Phillip D. Shaw Jr. Matt and Jean Intihar celebrated 50 years on July 27. November, Albin P. Banko, son of Sylvia Banko, is voted in as Secretary of Lodge No. 6. Plans for anniversary celebration going well. Sent floral arrangement to John Sušnik, deceased past Supreme Board President. Committee pictures take for special edition: Joseph F. Petrie Jr., Marie Hosta, Virginia Kotnik, Anna Cecelic, Albin Banko, Jean Fabian, Louis Fabec, Caroline Lokar, Karen Alich, Christine Verch. To be continued. CONGRA TULA TIONS On Your DIAMOND JUBILEE from Bischof Hardware 4686 W. 130th Street Phone 251-0200 JOHN J. BISCHOF Cleveland, Ohio 44135 ACE HARDWARE Seme & Son Automotive "Cleveland’s Most Versatile Auto Facility’’ Auto Repair and Rebuilding Tune-Ups to Complete Engines Brake Jobs to Complete Chassis Overhauls Domestic and Imports Machine Shop Service Heads, Short Blocks, Engine Kits Dealers and Service Stations Call us for details on our wholesale machine shop service and parts line — pick-up and delivery — 24 hour service “Serving the Cleveland area for 16 Years” 944-1102 28921 Anderson Rd. (Off Lloyd Rd.) Wickliffe, Ohio FRANK J. SEME NDEPENDENT »AV1NGS • Savings Passbooks & Certificates of Deposit • N.O.W. Interest-Checking Accounts • Individual Retirement Accounts • Home Mortgage & Equity Loans • Automobile & Boat Loans CALL FOR CURRENT RATES It Pays To Be Independent! Fsnc fouu Houtmfi LENDER 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 SOM Center Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200