Peter Grzybek (November 22, 1957 - May 29, 2019) IN MEMORIAM International paremiology has lost one of its stellar scholars who had a tremendous influence on the multifaceted study of proverbs. In fact, were it not for Peter Grzybek, proverb scholarship would not have made the impressive theoretical progress that has taken place during the merely thirty-five years that he has tilled this rich field. Unfortunately and sadly he did not reach the old age that some of the other famous paremiologists like Archer Taylor (1890-1973), Bartlett Jere Whiting (1904-1995), Demetrios Loukatos (1908-2003), Matti Kuusi (1914-1998), Lutz Röhrich (1922-2006), Arvo Krikmann (1939-2017), and others obtained. Instead his life ended prematurely at the age of not even sixty-two years after having suffered with various illnesses that necessitated prolonged stays in hospitals. This parallels to a certain degree the life of his mentor and friend Grigorii L'vovich Permiakov (1919-1983) who died after a long illness at Moscow at only sixty-four years of age. Like Permiakov, Peter Grzybek was taken from us way too early, and the scholarly world of such disciplines as cultural studies, folklore, linguistics, literature, paremiology, phraseology, semantics, and semiotics mourn this incredibly productive colleague and friend whose intellectual prowess is evident in his complex publications and which could be observed during discussions at various international conferences. The written and spoken word of Peter Grzybek made people think outside the box resulting in new insights and unexpected discoveries. Peter was born in the small city of Herne close to Bochum in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. From 1978-1984, he studied Slavic Philology, English, and Language Pedagogy at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum with various stays in the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, the United States, and the Soviet Union. All of this made him a true polyglot person that can be seen in all of his publications. He finished his M. A. Thesis in 1984 with distinction and was able to publish it as Lechts und Rinks kann man nicht velwechsern?!? Zur Neurosemiotik sprachlicher Kommunikation (Trier: Linguistic Agency, University of Trier, 1984). Staying at Bochum, he worked at the Institute of Slavic Studies, continued his studies in 1986/87 at Moscow and Leningrad, and finished his dissertation in 1988 that appeared as a book one year later with which he made Russian scholarship accessible to semioticians everywhere: Studien zum Zeichenbegriff der sowjetischen Semiotik (Moskauer und Tartuer Schule) (Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1989). In 1992 he secured a position at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz in Austria. Continuing his interest in semiotics and broadening his work to include folklore, he presented his cumulative "Habilitationsschrift" with the title — 121 — In Memoriam Slawistische Studien zur Semiotik der Folklore at Graz that was based on some of his important work during the decade from 1984 to 1994. It was his good fortune to remain permanently employed as a professor at the Universität Graz to the end of his life, with guest professorships at the Universität Wien (1993/94) and the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (1999) as well as teaching assignments at the Universität Salzburg (2000/01) and the Kyrill-und-Method-Universität in Trnava, Slovakia (2001/04). He also was the head of the Institute of Slavic Studies at Graz between 2004 and 2011. Throughout his career, he proved himself to be a demanding, engaging, and inspiring instructor who cared deeply for his students and helped them as a mentor to succeed with their studies. Peter Grzybek's scholarly work can be divided into three main parts. There is first of all his expertise in semiotics. In fact, from 1989 to 1997 he was one of the editors of Znakolog. An International Yearbook of Slavic Semiotics, and from 1985 to 1999 he was on the editorial board of Bochumer Beiträge zur Semiotik. In addition to his own semiotic articles he also edited several books, among them Cultural Semiotics - Facts and Facets / Fakten und Facetten der Kultursemiotik (Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1991), Psychosemiotik - Neurosemiotik / Psycho-semiotics - Neurosemiotics (Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1993), and Synergetic Linguistics. Text and Language as Dynamic Systems (Wien: Praesens, 2012, with Sven Naumann, Relja Vulanovic, and Gabriel Altmann). There is no doubt that Peter had a lasting influence on semiotics with a special comparative emphasis on culture, folklore, and language. The second area of Peter's expertise is quantitative linguistics and literature. He was an active member of the International Quantitative Linguistics Association for many years and served as its vice president from 2009 to 2012. He was one of the editors of the book series Quantitative Linguistics and he also was an active member of the editorial boards of the journals Glottometrics (2004-) and Glot-totheory (2008-). Many of his own articles are informed by detailed mathematical analyses of word and sentence lengths, and he also edited several volumes in this fascinating approach to language and literature, among them Contributions to the Science of Text and Language. Word Length Studies and Related Issues (Dordrecht: Springer, 2006), Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text (Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2007, with Reinhard Köhler), and Text and Language. Structures, Functions, Interrelations. Quantitative Perspectives (Wien: Praesens, 2010, with Kelih Emmerich and Ján Macutek). It is, of course, the third area of Peter Grzybek's scholarly work that is of immense significance to paremiologists and phraseologists throughout the world. Since this obituary is addressing primarily scholars and students occupied with proverbial matters, the following comments will go into considerable more detail. He was one of the founders of the Westfälischer Arbeitskreis Phraseologie/ Parömiologie (1991-2002), a founding member of the European Society of Phraseology (1999-) and board member between 1999-2006, and a board member of the International Association of Paremiology at Tavira, Portugal (2007-). At the international meetings of these organizations Peter's voice could be heard as he argued for equitable rules and regulations, presented innovative ideas, and at times was more than willing to engage in rhetorical polemics. To be sure, his enthusiastic, - 122 --Slavia Centralis 2/2019 In Memoriam engaged, and at times a bit aggressive comments and arguments were always meant in a constructive way with a bit of good humor mixed in as well. His heart was definitely in the right place, and at the bottom of his involvement was always the idea of fostering a meaningful scholarly exchange. This (com)passionate approach to scholarship was always also evident in his work as one of the editors (with Wolfgang Eismann and Wolfgang Mieder) of the two book series Studien zur Phraseologie und Parömiologie (1994-1998) and Phraseologie und Parömiologie (1998-). The books that have appeared in these series are clearly the better due to Peter's careful editorial work. His editorial commitment can also be seen from his work on such volumes as Sprachbilder zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Akten des Westfälischen Arbeitskreises Phraseologie/Parömiologie (1991/1992) (Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994, with Christoph Chlosta and Elisabeth Piirainen), Kritik und Phrase. Festschrift für Wolfgang Eismann zum 65. Geburtstag (Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2007, with Peter Deutschmann, Ludvik Karnicar, and Heinrich Pfandl), and Phraseologie im Wörterbuch und Korpus / Phraseology in Dictionaries and Corpora (Maribor: Zora, 2014, with Vida Jesensek). This is also true of his role as a member of the editorial board of Proverbium. Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship (2004-). I still remember how glad I was that he joined me in my efforts as the editor of this publication that I started in 1984. Of course, I regret that I did not ask my dear friend Peter to join the editorial board much earlier. This reminds me that he was a most welcome contributor to the first volume of this publication with his short article on Grigorij L'vovich Permjakov [Permia-kov] (1919-1983), Proverbium 1 (1984), 175-182. This was the beginning of our friendship that lasted for thirty-five years with a rich correspondence and the delight of meeting at international paremiological and phraseological conferences from time to time. But this paper on the greatest Russian paremiologists of the previous generation also marks the start of Peter Grzybek's sincere commitment to paremiological matters. Knowing that we all stand on the shoulders of those scholarly giants who influence us, Peter took it upon himself as a Slavist with an expertise in the Russian language to make Permiakov's theoretical work accessible worldwide (for an annotated bibliography of Permiakov's pioneering pare-miological publications see Wolfgang Mieder, International Proverb Scholarship. An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1982, pp. 339-343; II [1990], pp. 235-236; III [1993], pp. 551-559). Permiakov's groundbreaking scholarship that combined semantic, semiotic, and structural approaches with folkloric aspects in turn had a lasting influence on Peter Grzybek, as can be seen from his very first book that he edited together with our mutual friend Wolfgang Eismann from the Universität Graz: Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms Reconsidered I (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984). The book includes articles by Peter on the semiotic approach to proverbs and the paremiological minimum that continued to occupy him in numerous publications during the years to come. Following Permiakov's insistence that proverbs are part of the so-called folkloric simple forms (fables, fairy tales, legends, riddles, jokes, etc.), he immersed himself into folk narrative scholarship and again together with Wolfgang Eismann edited a related second volume with the title Semiotische Studien zum Rätsel. Simple — 123 — In Memoriam Forms Reconsidered II (Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1987) that includes several contributions by himself as well. Several decades earlier the German scholar André Jolles had published his influential book Einfache Formen (Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1930; rpt. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1958 and 1965) that has finally been translated into English by Peter J. Schwartz as Simple Forms (New York: Verso, 2017). The renowned German folklorist Hermann Bausinger took the matter up again with his book on Formen der "Volkspoesie" (Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1968, 2nd ed. 1980), but what unfortunately is little known is that Walter A. Koch, one of Gryzbek's professors at the Universität Bochum, edited a seminal volume about twenty-five years later with the title Simple Forms. An Encyclopaedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature (Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994). It will surprise no one that he solicited the help of his former star-student who contributed superb articles on the "Märchen" (pp. 144-157) and the "Riddle" (pp. 242-254). I don't know why this book has remained so unknown, but I recall the excitement of my famous folkloric and paremiological friend Alan Dundes (1934-2005) when I drew his attention to it. But be that as it may, Peter Grzybek also contributed absolutely enlightening entries on "Adage" (p. 1), "Apoththegm" (pp. 13-14), "Blason Populaire" (pp. 19-25), "[Proverbial] Comparison" (pp. 68-74), "Proverb" pp. 227-241), "Weller-ism" (pp. 286-292), and "Winged Word" (pp. 293-298). Anybody who has written encyclopedia articles knows how challenging such entries are to compose, but Peter accomplished his task in typical magisterial fashion with his treatment of the proverb being of special value. At this point it would be tempting to review each and every one of the paremio-logical articles listed in the hopefully complete bibliography below (all items are in my International Proverb Archives here at the University of Vermont). That is, of course, not possible and also not necessary, since many of them will be known as seminal contributions to paremiologists. I do, however, want to single out yet another edited book by Peter Grzybek, namely Die Grammatik der sprichwörtlichen Weisheit von G. L. Permjakov. Mit einer Analyse allgemein bekannter deutscher Sprichwörter (Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2000). The book represents another attempt to get the work of Permiakov better known among those not able to read his Russian publications. It contains five of Permiakov's articles translated by Peter as well as a detailed analysis of their significance. But at the end there is also a major contribution by Peter and his long-time friend Christoph Chlosta about the logico-semiotic classification of well-known German proverbs along Permiakov's model. It should be pointed out here, as is indicated in the attached bibliography, that Peter Grzybek obviously enjoyed working together with good colleagues and friends, notably Rupprecht S. Baur, Christoph Chlosta, Wolfgang Eismann, Rüdiger Grotjahn, Anna Tothné Litovkina, and Undine Roos. We had started to discuss the possibility of working on a joint project, but this is now no longer feasible. I am certain that we would have enjoyed working together. Peter Grzybek's articles written in German have definitely had and will continue to have great influence on German paremiology. If I had to single out a few of Peter Grzybek's most influential paremiological articles worldwide (written in English), I would pick the following: Foundations of Semiotic Proverb Study, Proverbium 4 - 124 --Slavia Centralis 2/2019 In Memoriam (1987), 39-85; also in Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb, ed. Wolfgang Mieder (New York: Garland Publishing, 1994), 31-71; and also slightly revised in De Proverbio. An Electronic Journal of International Paremiology 1/1 (1995), 206-229; Empirical and Folkloristic Paremiology: Two to Quarrel or to Tango? Proverbium 12 (1995), 67-85 (with Christoph Chlosta); and Semiotic and Semantic Aspects of the Proverb, Introduction to Paremiology. A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies, eds. Hrisztalina Hrisztova-Gotthardt and Melita Aleksa Varga (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), 68-111. But be that as it may, here is a list of key terms that indicate Peter Grzybek's multifaceted comparative and polyglot approach to proverb studies: comparison, computation, culture, empiricism, experiment, familiarity, folklore, frequency, genre, knowledge, length, lexicography, linguistics, literature, mass media, mathematics, meteorology, obsoleteness, paremiological minimum, popularity, semantics, semiotics, simple forms, statistics, stereotype, structure, variant, and variation. With such scholarly breadth and width, how could Peter Grzybek's scholarly accomplishments not continue to influence future paremiology! But how does one say good-bye to such an internationally renowned scholar and dear friend? As I have gotten older, I have so very much become aware what losing such compatriots as the above-mentioned deceased friends means. And now Peter is gone as well, leaving a void, sadness, and a feeling of loneliness. Should we despair? That would not be in Peter's spirit. I am certain that he would want us to carry the torch of paremiology forward by honoring his work and by keeping his memory in our minds and hearts. Farewell, Peter Grzybek, you did your work well - "Finis coronat opus." PETER GRZYBEK'S PAREMIOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS 1984 (Ed.). Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms Reconsidered I. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 259 pp. (= Kodikas Code - Ars Semeiotica: An International Journal of Semiotics 7/3-4 (1984), 197-456). With Wolfgang Eismann. Bibliographie der Arbeiten G. L. Permjakovs. Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms Reconsidered I. Eds. P. Grzybek and W. Eismann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 203-214. Grigorij L'vovich Permjakov (1919-1983). Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms Reconsidered I. Eds. P. Grzybek and W. Eismann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 199-201. Grigorij L'vovich Permjakov (1919-1983). Proverbium 1 (1984), 175-182. How to Do Things with Some Proverbs: Zur Frage eines parömischen Minimums. Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms ReconsideredI. Eds. P. Grzybek and W. Eismann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 351-358. Überlegungen zur semiotischen Sprichwortforschung. Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms Reconsidered I. Eds. P. Grzybek and W. Eismann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 215-249. — 125 — - In Memoriam - Zur lexikographischen Erfassung von Sprichwörtern. Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms Reconsidered I. Eds. P. Grzybek and W. Eismann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 345-350. Zur Psychosemiotik des Sprichworts. Semiotische Studien zum Sprichwort. Simple Forms ReconsideredI. Eds. P. Grzybek and W. Eismann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1984. 409-432. 1985 G. L. Permyakov 1919-1983. Scottish Slavonic Review 5 (1985), 170-171. Review of Paremiologicheskie issledovaniya. Sbornik statei. Sostavlenie i redaksiya G. L. Permyakova. Predislovie Y. V. Civ'yan. Moskva: Nauka, 1984. Proverbium 2 (1985), 339-351. 1986 Review of Neal R. Norrick. How Proverbs Mean. Semantic Studies in English Proverbs. Amsterdam: Mouton, 1985. Proverbium 3 (1986), 373-380. Review of G. L. Permjakov. 300 allgemeingebräuchliche russische Sprichwörter und sprichwörtliche Redensarten. Ein illustriertes Nachschlagewerk für Deutschsprechende. Moskva: Russkij jazyk, 1985. Leipzig: VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1985. Zielsprache Russisch 7/2 (1986), 61-63. Zur Entwicklung semiotischer Sprichwortforschung in der UdSSR. Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung der Semiotik - Fallstudien. Eds. Klaus D. Dutz and Peter Schmitter. Münster: Münsteraner Arbeitskreis für Semiotik Publikationen, 1986. 383-409. 1987 Foundations of Semiotic Proverb Study. Proverbium 4 (1987), 39-85. (Also in: Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb. Ed. Wolfgang Mieder. New York: Garland Publishing, 1994. 31-71; also slightly revised in: De Proverbio. An Electronic Journal of International Paremiology 1/1 (1995), 206-229.) 1988 Sprichwort und Fabel: Überlegungen zur Beschreibung von Sinnstrukturen in Texten. Proverbium 5 (1988), 39-67. 1989 Invariant Meaning Structures in Texts: Proverb and Fable. Issues in Slavic Literary and Cultural Theory. Eds. K. Eimermacher, P. Grzybek, and G. Witte. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1989. 349-389. Review of Elza Kokare. Lettische und deutsche Sprichwortparallelen. Riga: Zinatne, 1988. Fabula 30 (1989), 331-333. Two Recent Publications in Soviet Structural Paremiology. Proverbium 6 (1989), 181-186. 1990 Kulturelle Stereotype und stereotype Texte. Natürlichkeit der Sprache und Kultur. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1990. 300-327. Review of Heinz Rölleke (ed.) Redensarten des Volks, auf die ich immer horche. Das Sprichwort in den Kinder- und Hausmärchen Brüder Grimm. Bern: Peter Lang, 1988. Fabula 31 (1990), 174-175. - 126 --Slavia Centralis 2/2019 In Memoriam Untersuchungen zu einem parömischen Minimum im Deutschen. Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Kongreßbeiträge zur 20. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik. Ed. Bernd Spillner. Bern: Peter Lang, 1990. 220-223. With Rupprecht S. Baur. 1991 Das Sprichwort im literarischen Text. Sprichwörter und Redensarten im interkulturellen Vergleich. Eds. Annette Sabban and Jan Wirrer. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1991. 187-205. Einfache Formen der Literatur als Paradigma der Kultursemiotik. Cultural Semiotics: Facts and Facets / Fakten und Facetten der Kultursemiotik. Ed. Peter Grzybek. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1991. 45-61 (esp. pp. 52-58). Sinkendes Kulturgut? Eine empirische Pilotstudie zur Bekanntheit deutscher Sprichwörter. Wirkendes Wort 41/2 (1991), 239-264. Zur semantischen Funktion der sprichwörtlichen Wendungen in Bozena Nemcovas Babichka. Zur Poetik und Rezeption von Bozena Nemcovas "Babichka". Ed. Andreas Guski. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991. 81-126. 1992 Probleme der Sprichwort-Lexikographie (Parömiographie): Definition, Klassifikation, Selektion. Worte, Wörter, Wörterbücher. Lexikographische Beiträge zum Essener Linguistischen Kolloquium. Eds. Gregor Meder and Andreas Dörner. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1992. 195-223. 1993 Das Sprichwort in der überregionalen Tagespresse: Eine systematische Analyse zum Vorkommen von Sprichwörtern in den Tageszeitungen Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und Süddeutsche Zeitung. Wirkendes Wort 43/3 (1993), 671-695. With Christoph Chlosta, Zorica Stankovic-Arnold, and Andreas Steczka. Der Weisheit der Gasse auf der Spur: Eine empirische Pilotstudie zur Bekanntheit kroatischer Sprichwörter. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 29/2 (1993), 85-98. With Danica Skara and Zdenka Heyken. Grundlagen der empirischen Sprichwortforschung. Proverbium 10 (1993), 89-128. With Christoph Chlosta. Statistical Methods in the Study of Proverb Knowledge: An Analysis of the Knowledge of Proverbs in Contemporary Hungarian Culture (Tolna County). Semiotische Berichte 17/3-4 (1993), 275-308. With Rüdiger Grotjahn, Anna Tothne Litovkina, Christoph Chlosta, and Undine Roos. 1994 Adage. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 1. Apophthegm [Apothegm]. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 13-14. Blason Populaire. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 19-25. Comparison. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 68-74. — 127 — In Memoriam Ein Vorschlag zur Klassifikation von Sprichwortvarianten bei der empirischen Sprichwortforschung. Europhras 92: Tendenzen der Phraseologieforschung. Ed. Barbara Sandig. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 221-256. With Christoph Chlosta and Undine Roos. Empiricheskaia semiotika kul'tury na primere issledovaniia poslovits s ispol'zovaniem rezul'tatov probnogo opytnogo izucheniia izvestnosti khorvatskikh poslovits. Znaki Balkan 2 (1994), 312-338. Perspektiven einer empirischen Parömiologie (Sprichwortforschung). Zeitschrift für Empirische Textforschung 1 (1994), 94-98. With Rupprecht S. Baur and Christoph Chlosta. Proverb. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 227-241. (Eds.). Sprachbilder zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Akten des Westfälischen Arbeitskreises Phraseologie/Parömiologie (1991/1992). Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 305 pp. With Christoph Chlosta and Elisabeth Piirainen. Sprichwort, sprichwörtliche Redensart und Phraseologismus: Vom Mythos der NichtTrennbarkeit. Sprachbilder zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Eds. Christoph Chlosta, Peter Grzybek, and Elisabeth Piirainen. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 89-132. With Wolfgang Eismann. Wellerism. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 286-292. Wer kennt denn heute noch den Simrock? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung zur Bekanntheit deutscher Sprichwörter in traditionellen Sammlungen. Sprachbilder zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Eds. Christoph Chlosta, Peter Grzybek, and Elisabeth Piirainen. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 31-60. With Christoph Chlosta und Undine Roos. Winged Word. Simple Forms: An Encyclopedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literature. Ed. Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1994. 293-298. 1995 Empirical and Folkloristic Paremiology: Two to Quarrel or to Tango? Proverbium 12 (1995), 67-85. With Christoph Chlosta. Verbale und nonverbale Phraseologie. Niederdeutsches Wort 35 (1995), 3-29. With 12 illustrations. With Rupprecht S. Baur and Christoph Chlosta. Zur Frage der Satzlänge von Sprichwörtern (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung deutscher Sprichwörter). Von der Einwortmetapher zur Satzmetapher. Eds. Rupprecht S. Baur and Christoph Chlosta. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1995. 203-217. 1996 Anmerkungen zu Obsoletheit und Bekanntheit traditioneller kroatischer Sprichwörter. II: Die Hrvatske narodne poslovice von Juraj Vicko Skarpa (1909). Suvremena lingvistika 22/1-2 (1996), 183-198. Das Projekt 'Sprichwörter-Minima im Deutschen und Kroatischen': What is worth doing - do it well! Muttersprache 106 (1996), 162-179. With Rupprecht S. Baur and Christoph Chlosta. 1997 Anmerkungen zu Obsoletheit und Bekanntheit traditioneller kroatischer Sprichwörter. I: Die Poslovice von Gjuro Danicic (1871). Prvi hrvatski slavisticki kongres. Zbornik radova. Ed. Josip Bratulic and Stjepan Damjanovic. Zagreb: Hrvatsko filolosko drustvo, 1997. 149-163. Published after II. - 128 --Slavia Centralis 2/2019 In Memoriam Remarks on Obsoleteness and Familiarity with Traditional Croatian Proverbs. III: Mijat Stojanovic's Sbirka narodnih poslovicah, riecih i izrazah (1866). Narodna umjetnost 34/1 (1997), 201-223. Sprichwortkenntnis in Deutschland und Österreich: Empirische Ergebnisse zu einigen mehr oder weniger gewagten Hypothesen. Österreichisches Deutsch und andere nationale Varietäten plurizentrischer Sprachen in Europa. Eds. Rudolf Muhr and Richard Schrodt. Wien: Verlag Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1997. 243-260. With Christoph Chlosta. 1998 Explorative Untersuchungen zur Wort- und Satzlänge kroatischer Sprichwörter (Am Beispiel der Poslovice von Buro Danicic [1871]). Politropon. K 70-letiiu Vladimira Nikolaevicha Toporova. Ed. T. M. Nikolaeva. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Indrik, 1998. 447-465. Komparative und interkulturelle Parömiologie: Methodologische Bemerkungen und empirische Befunde. Europhras 95: Europäische Phraseologie im Vergleich: Gemeinsames Erbe und kulturelle Vielfalt. Ed. Wolfgang Eismann. Bochum: Norbert Brockmeyer, 1998. 263-282. Paroemiology [sic]. Encyclopedia of Semiotics. Ed. Paul Bouissac. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 470-474. Prolegomena zur Bildhaftigkeit von Sprichwörtern. Im Zeichen-Raum: Festschrift für Karl Eimermacher. Eds. Anne Hartmann and Christoph Veldhues. Dortmund: Projekt Verlag, 1998. 133-152. Sprichwort - Wahrwort? Die 'Weisheit auf der Gasse' zwischen Norm und Denkmodell. Kultur undLebenswelt als Zeichenphänomene. Eds. Jeff Bernard and Gloria Withalm. Wien: ÖGS/ISSS, 1998. 127-148 1999 Empirische Befunde zur Theorie stereotyper Vergleiche. Bosnische Vergleiche auf dem Prüfstand. Wörter in Bildern - Bilder in Wörtern: Beiträge zur Phraseologie und Sprichwortforschung aus dem Westfälischen Arbeitskreis. Eds. Rupprecht S. Baur, Christoph Chlosta, and Elisabeth Piirainen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 1999. 177-198. South Slavic Erotic Folklore: Remarks on Traditional Erotic Phraseology from Dalmatia. Semiotische Berichte 23/1-4 (1999), 131-154. (Also in Serbian translation as: Juznoslovenski erotski folklor: Zapazanja o narodnoj erotskoj frazeologiji iz Dalmacije. Erotsko u folkloru Slovena. Zbornik radova. Ed. Dejan Ajdacic. Beograd: Stubovi kulture, 2000. 295-325.) Wie lang sind slowenische Sprichwörter? Zur Häufigkeitsverteilung von (in Worten berechneten) Satzlängen slowenischer Sprichwörter. Anzeiger für Slavische Philologie 27 (1999), 87-108. 2000 (Ed.). Die Grammatik der .sprichwörtlichen Weisheit von G. L. Permjakov. Mit einer Analyse allgemein bekannter deutscher Sprichwörter. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2000. 199 pp. Methodological Remarks on Statistical Analyses in Empirical Paremiology. Proverbium 17 (2000), 121-132. With Rüdiger Grotjahn. Review of Peter Durco. Europhras 97. Phraseology and Paremiology. Bratislava: Akademia PZ, 1998. Anzeiger für Slavische Philologie 27 (2000), 219-222. — 129 — In Memoriam Versuch macht klug! Logisch-semiotische Klassifikation allgemein bekannter Sprichwörter. Die Grammatik der sprichwörtlichen Weisheit von G. L. Permjakov. Mit einer Analyse allgemein bekannter deutscher Sprichwörter. Ed. Peter Grzybek. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2000. 169-199. With Christoph Chlosta. Zum Status der Untersuchung von Satzlängen in der Sprichwortforschung: Methodologische Vor-Bemerkungen. Slovo vo vremeni i prostranstve. K 60-letiiu professora V. M. Mokienko. Eds. G. A. Lilich, A. K. Birikh, and E. K. Nikolaeva. Sankt-Peterburg: Folio-Press, 2000. 430-457. 2001 Zur Satz- und Teilsatzlänge formelhafter zweigliedriger Sprichwörter. Text as a Linguistic Paradigm: Levels, Constituents, Constructs. Festschrift für LudekHrebicek. Eds. Ludmila Uhlirova, Gejza Wimmer, Gabriel Altmann, and Reinhard Köhler. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2001. 64-75. 2002 Zur Satzlänge deutscher Sprichwörter. Ein Neuansatz. Phraseologie in Raum und Zeit: Akten der 10. Tagung des Westfälischen Arbeitskreises Phraseologie/Parömiologie (Münster 2001). Eds. Elisabeth and Ilpo Tapani Piirainen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2002. 287-305. With Rudolf Schlatte. 2003 Zur lexikalischen Struktur von Sprichwörtern. Flut von Texten - Vielfalt der Kulturen: Ascona 2001 zur Methodologie und Kulturspezifik der Phraseologie. Eds. Harald Burger, Annelies Häcki Buhofer, and Gertrud Greciano. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2003. 97-116. (Also in English: A Quantitative Approach to Lexical Structure of Proverbs. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 11/1-2 (2004), 79-92.) 2004 Was heißt eigentlich 'Bekanntheit' von Sprichwörtern? Methodologische Bemerkungen anhand einer Fallstudie zur Bekanntheit anglo-amerikanischer Sprichwörter in Kanada und in den USA. Res humanae proverbiorum et sententiarum. Ad honorem Wolfgangi Mieder. Ed. Csaba Földes. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2004. 37-57. With Christoph Chlosta. Worthäufigkeit und Wortlänge in Sprichwörtern (am Beispiel slowenischer Sprichwörter). Phraseologismen als Gegenstand sprach- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Akten der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Phraseologie (Europhras) und des Westfälischen Arbeitskreises Phraseologie/Parömiologie (Loccum 2002). Eds. Csaba Földes and Jan Wirrer. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2004. 47-58. Zur Wortlänge und ihrer Häufigkeitsverteilung in Sprichwörtern (am Beispiel slowenischer Sprichwörter, mit einer Re-Analyse estnischer Sprichwörter). Europhras 2000. Internationale Tagung zur Phraseologie vom 15.-18. Juni 2000 in Aske / Schweden. Ed. Christine Palm Meister. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2004. 161-171. 2005 Varianten anglo-amerikanischer Sprichwörter: Dokumentation einer empirischen Untersuchung. Essener Linguistische Skripte elektronisch 5/2 (2005), 63-145. 2007 (Ed.). Kritik und Phrase. Festschrift für Wolfgang Eismann zum 65. Geburtstag. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2007. 832 pp. With Peter Deutschmann, Ludvik Karnicar, and Heinrich Pfandl. - 130 --Slavia Centralis 2/2019 In Memoriam Semiotik und Phraseologie. Phraseologie. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. Eds. Harald Burger, Dmitrij Dobrovol'skij, Peter Kühn, and Neal R. Norrick. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. I, 188-208. 2008 Fundamentals of Slovenian Paremiology. Traditiones 37/1 (2008), 23-46. 2009 Poslovitsa i ee situatsii: ot opredeleniia k klassifikatsii. Zhivaia Starina 4 (2009), 51-54. Some Essentials on the Popularity of (American) Proverbs. The Proverbial "PiedPiper". A Festschrift Volume of Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Mieder on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Ed. Kevin J. McKenna. New York: Peter Lang, 2009. 95-110. With Christoph Chlosta. The Popularity of Proverbs. A Case Study of the Frequency-Familiarity Relation for German. Proceedings of the Second Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, 9th to 16th November 2008, at Tavira, Portugal. Eds. Rui J. B. Soares and Outi Lauhakangas. Tavira: Tipografia Tavirense, 2009. 214-229. With 7 diagrams. 2010 Überlegungen zur empirischen Validierung von Sprichwörter-Dummies. Sprachlehrforschung: Theorie und Empirie. Festschrift für Rüdiger Grotjahn. Eds. Annette Berndt and Karin Kleppin. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010. 197-209. With Christoph Chlosta. 2012 Facetten des parömiologischen Rubik-Würfels. Kenntnis=Bekanntheit [^Verwen-dung^Frequenz]?!? Sprichwörter multilingual. Theoretische empirische und angewandte Aspekte der modernen Parömiologie. Ed. Kathrin Steyer. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2012. 99-138. Proverb Variants and Variations: A New Problem? Proceedings of the Fifth Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, 6th to 13th November 2011, at Tavira, Portugal. Eds. Rui J. B. Soares and Outi Lauhakangas. Tavira: Tipografia Tavirense, 2012. 135-152. 2014 In Honorem: Grigorij L'vovic Permjakov (1919-1983). A Biographical Mini-Sketch. 8th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, 2nd to 9th November 2014, at Tavira, Portugal [Program]. Eds. Rui J. B. Soares and Outi Lauhakangas. Tavira: Tipografia Tavirense, 2014. 107-109. With 1 picture. Mosaic or Jigsaw? Publishing an Article from Estonia in the 'West', 30 Years Ago, When Circumstances Were Quite Different from Today. Proverbium 31 (2014), 11-34. (Ed.) Phraseologie im Wörterbuch undKorpus/Phraseology in Dictionaries and Corpora. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, 2014. 287 pp. With Vida Jesensek. Regularities of Estonian Proverb Word Length: Frequencies, Sequences, Dependencies. Scala naturae. Festschrift in Honor of Arvo Krikmann for His 75'h Birthday. Eds. Anneli Baran, Liisi Laineste, and Piret Vooliad. Tartu: Estonian Literary Museum Scholarly Press, 2014. 121-148. Simple Forms. Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Ed. Salvatore Attardo. Los Angeles: Sage, 2014. II, 693-695. — 131 — In Memoriam 2015 Semiotic and Semantic Aspects of the Proverb. Introduction to Paremiology. A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Eds. Hrisztalina Hrisztova-Gotthardt and Melita Aleksa Varga. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015. 68-111. Chlosta, Christoph, and Peter Grzybek. Zum Teufel mit dem ...: Anfang und Ende in der experimentellen Parömiologie. "Bis dat, qui cito dat". "Gegengabe" in Paremiology, Folklore, Language, and Literature. Honoring Wolfgang Mieder on His Seventieth Birthday. Eds. Christian Grandl and Kevin J. McKenna. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015. 109-120. With Christoph Chlosta. 2016 On Whether Weather Proverbs Are Weather Proverbs. Towards a Fresh Look at Weather Lore and Meteo-Prognostic Paroemias. Proceedings of the Ninth Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs, 1st to 8th November 2015, at Tavira, Portugal. Eds. Rui J. B. Soares and Outi Lauhakangas. Tavira: Tipografia Tavirense, 2016. 273-290. With 1 illustration. Wolfgang Mieder Department of German and Russian, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA, - 132 --Slavia Centralis 2/2019