Epidemiological study Syphilis in Latvia Epulemiowgy of syphilis inLatvia A. Rubins, R. Gutmane, S. Rubins, I. Jekabsone and J. Pirsko ------------- ------------ABSTRACT Background: The present paper discusses the epidemiology of syphilis and contains characterization of the increase of cases in Latvia. Materials and methods: Epidemiologic, clinical and diagnostic data on cases of syphilis in Latvia have been summarized. Clinical diagnosis of suspected syphilis was confirmed by positive dark field examination or by positive serologic tests far syphylis. Results: In 1993, there were 830 recorded syphilis cases in Latvia, in 1994 the number of cases amounted to 1521, in 1995 to 2357, in 1996 to 3124, in 1997 to 3008, in 1998 to 2597. An analysis is given of syphilis patients according to the age and stage of the disease, secondary syphilis being prevalent. Conclusions: It has been shown that the increase in syphilis cases is due to lack of prophylactic educational measures among the population. Comparative figures dating from various years are mentioned. Introduction Syphilis has quite often been a problem of great persons), then again in 1973 (82.6 cases per 100,000 concern in Latvia and in a number of other countries persons) and since 1993 a dramatic increase in the (1,3,5). Analyzing the incidence of syphilis in Latvia incidence of syphilis has been noted again (Table 1). since 1920 one can hardly explain its inte1mittent charac- In 1993, there were 830 recorded syphilis cases in ter. Morbiditywas very high in 1922 (310 cases per 100,000 Latvia, in 1994 the number of cases amounted to 1521 , acta dermatovenero/ogica A.P.A. Vol 8, 99, No 2 - ---------------------------- J9 Syphilis in Latvia in 1995 to 2357, in 1996 to 3124, in 1997 to 3008, in 1998 to 2597 (Table 2). Over the period of many years there were only 31 AIDS patients and 260 HIV positive subjects. Out of them 6 and 2 respectively have died. Materials and methods Epidemiologic, clinical and diagnostic data on cases of syphilis in Latvia have been summarized; syphilis was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by finding spirochetes or determining serologic tests for syphilis (STS). Serological methods , used for diagnosis of syphilis in Latvia, are the following: - rapid diagnostic methods - SED, RPR, VDRL; - passive hemaglutination reaction - TPHA; - immunofluorescence reactions - IFR abs, IFR abs IgM - immunoferment (enzyme) analysis - IFA - immobilization test for Treponema pallidum- Nelson test Results Ali results are seen in Tables 1 - 3. As seen in Tables 1 and 2, in 1994 there were 1521, and in 1997 3008 recorded syphilis cases in Latvia. Out of them in 1997, 621 were suffering from primary syphilis, 2362 from secondary syphilis , and the duration of illness was over 3 months in 1950 cases and over 6 months in at least 1353 cases. These data show that the population bas not been sufficiently informed as to the high incidence of syphilis and do not visit a doctor. Most alarming is the fact that the incidence of syphilis is increasing among young people (Table 2). In 1995 in the age group of 13 to 14 years and in the age group 15 to 17 years there were 15 and 156 cases respectively. 11 children acquired the disease from infected parents and 15 cases were congenital.In 1996 the figures were as follows: 10; 184; 7 and 25 respectively, while in 1997, 10; 138; 6 and 22. Table 1. Dynamics of syphilis morbidity in Latvia (Nr. of cases per 100,000 of the population) and two biggest cities - Riga and Daugavpils* Latvia 23.7 59.3 91.9 124.9 121.3 105.6 Riga 34.1 94.6 147.4 183.8 167.4 127.2 Daugavpils 54.2 104.1 125.4 183.9 137.0 133.9 60 Epide m io l og i cal study The number of cases with congenital syphilis is dramatically increasing in children of unemployed women, who are not registered with the obstetrician- gynecologist and see the physician for the first tirne at delivery or shortly before. According to the present regulations ali pregnant women must register and serological analyses for syphilis are to be made during pregnancy, i.e., in the 2nd-3rd month as well as in the 6th-7th month of pregnancy. The distribution of syphilis patients according to their nationality was varied: 33.5 percent were Latvians, 55 percent were Russians, 11.5 of other nationalities reflecting the distribution of na- tionalities in Riga. The recording and registration of syphilis cases in Latvia is carried out by the State centre for Sexually Transmitted and Skin Diseases. The monthly registered morbidity rates are reported to the State Environment and Health Centre that transmits the information on ali infectious diseases to the State Statistics Committee. In recent years , only one case of tertiary syphilis was diagnosed in Latvia (in 1995). Discussion It should be noted that a rapid rise in the incidence of syphilis in USA was observed in the early '90s, when 20 cases per 100.000 persons (1 ,2) were diagnosed. In Eastern European countries the incidence of syphilis in 1995 was tl1e following: in Russia 177, in Moldavia 173, in Belorus 147, in Estonia 69,7, in Lithuania 93, and morbidity was dramatically increasing ( 4). In the United States this was connected with the high leve! of drug addiction - "crack" cocaine use (2). This refers partly to the situation in Latvia, as well as to the above countries ยท where the prostitution leve! is very high. In 1920, registration of syphilis cases began and the high incidence may be explained by the post-war period (World War I) and lack of medications. The years of 1939-1945, were the tirne ofWorld War II and registration of syphilis cases was not taking place. Fluctuations in syphilis morbidity are parallel to changes in the economic and political situation, increa- sed migration of peoples, expanded imports and disse- mination of pornographic literature. Since 1993 the rise in syphilis morbidity has been due to prostitution, adver- tised but medically uncontrolled, and due to the rapid rise in the leve! of unemployment, alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Pornographic and sex literature was brought to Latvia and has acquired a mass character lowering the moral and ethical leve! of the population, particularly that of teenagers. Advertising of prostitution is sprea- acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 8, 99, No 2 Epidemiological s t udy SyphYlis in Latvia Table 2. Syphylis in Latvia in 1993 - 1998. Nuber of cases. 0-4 2 5 26 32 28 20 (1 congenital) (2 congenital) (15 congenital) (25 congenital) (22 congenital) (15 congenital 5-9 2 10-12 1 1 13-14 6 4 15 10 10 5 15-17 77 108 156 184 138 119 18-19 103 153 200 261 185 184 20-29 411 774 1104 1361 1256 1073 30-39 169 347 552 786 799 684 40-and more 61 130 304 499 572 509 cling. About 200 clubs offering services by prostitutes have sprung up in Latvia, though prostitution has not been legalizecl. Ali this contributes to the clramatic rise in the inciclence of syphilis (3) . The above-mentionecl facts have createcl a situation in which prostitutes have become meclically uncon- trollable. Conclusions In the last 5 years syphilis in Latvia has hacl a ten- clency to spreacl. In 1998, however, this process slowecl clown. From 1993 to 1997 seconcla1y syphilis was often cliagnosecl. Increasingly, younger persons are getting infectecl. To reduce the morbidity and spread of venereal diseases the following measures are recommenclecl: l. Education activities - articles in the press, addressing people by radio and on TV; 2. Education at school explaining possibilities of getting infected, syphilis prevention ancl treatment, the nece- ssity of using concloms; 3. Passing a law on prostitution ancl regular medica! check-ups of prostitutes . Table 3. Characterization of syphilis patients in Latvia, 1993-1998 Syphilis primaria 212 395 613 729 621 416 Syphilis secundaria 614 1121 1724 2362 2362 2155 Syphilis congenita 2 15 25 22 15 Syphilis latens tarda 4 3 5 8 3 11 Syphilis tertiaris acta dermatovenero/ogica A.P.A. Vol 8, 99, No 2 ------------------- --- --- ----- 61 Syphilis in Latvia Ep i d e m i o l o g i c a I s t u d y Jl E F :E: R E N C E S l. Goens JL, Janniger CK,Wolf KO. Dermatologic and Systemic Manifestations of Syphilis. American Family Physician 1994; 50 (5):1013-20. AUTHORS' ADDRESSES 62 2. Buntin DM, Rosen T, Lesher JLJr, Platnic KH, Brademas ME, BergerTG. Sexually transmitted diseases: bacterial infections. Committee on Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the American Academy ofDermatology. J Amer Acad Dermatol 1991; 25: 287-99. 3. Rubins S, Janiger CK, Schwartz RA. Congenital and Acquired Early Childhood Syphilis. Cutis 1995; 56: 132-6. 4. Gromiko Al. Epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases in Eastern European states. Journal Sexually Transmitted diseases 1996; 6: 22-5 (in Russia, Moscow ISSN 0136-0048). 5. Edwards S, Carne C. Oral sex and the transmission of non-viral STis. Journal Sexually Transmitted infections 1998; 78 (2): 95-100. An:dris Y. Rubins, MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman, Medical Academy qf Latvia, Department oj Dermatovenereology, Dzirciema street 16, Riga, Latvia, LV-1007 Rita Gutmane, MD, same addres Sylvester Rubins, MD, same address flze Jekabsone, Head oj STD States clinical center, Pernavas street 70, Riga, LatviaLV-1069 Judite Pirsko, same address acta dermatovenero/ogica A.P.A. Vol 8, 99, No 2