FIRST RECORD OF BROWN MARMORATED STINK BUG (HALYOMORPHA HALYS (STÅL, 1855)) (HEMIPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE) IN SLOVENIA Mojca ROT, Marko DEVETAK, Branko CARLEVARIS, Jan ŽEŽLINA, Ivan ŽEŽLINA KGZS, Kmetijsko gozdarski zavod Nova Gorica, Pri hrastu 18, SI-5000 Nova Gorica ( Abstract - The brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) was recorded for the first time in Slovenia in spring 2017. A single specimen was caught on the pheromone trap in Šempeter pri Gorici in mid-April 2017. A week later another specimen was accidentally found on the parking area of a shopping centre in Nova Gorica. During the summer 2017 the brown marmorated stink bug was discovered in some other localities in the area around Nova Gorica. The discovery of this new alien species is the result of methodical monitoring, which has been carried out in Primorska region since 2016. The new pest presents a severe threat for many agricultural impor- tant crops in the area, as well as in other parts of the country. KEY WORDS: Halyomorpha halys, brown marmorated stink bug, Slovenia Izvleček - PRVA NAJDBA MARMORIRANE SMRDLJIVKE (HALYOMORPHA HALYS (STÅL, 1855)) (HEMIPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE) V SLOVENIJI Marmorirana smrdljivka Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) je bila prvič odkrita v Sloveniji spomladi leta 2017. Eno samo odraslo stenico smo ujeli na feromonsko vabo v Šempetru pri Gorici sredi aprila 2017. Teden dni kasneje smo vrsto še enkrat naključno našli na parkirišču trgovskega centra v Novi Gorici. Tekom poletja smo marmorirano smrdljivko odkrili na več lokacijah na Goriškem. Odkritje nove vrste stenice je rezultat sistematičnega spremljanja, ki ga na Primorskem izvajamo od leta 2016. Nov škodljivec lahko povzroči pomembno škodo v pridelavi številnih kmetijskih kultur na območju, kot tudi drugod po državi. KLJUČNE BESEDE: Halyomorpha halys, marmorirana smrdljivka, Slovenija 5 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2018 Vol. 26, øt. 1: 5–12 Introduction Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys Stål, 1855; Hemiptera: Pen- tatomidae) is an East Asian species, native to Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan (Lee at. al 2013). The term 'marmorated' refers to the colour pattern of the insect, which resembles marble. In the mid-1990s it was introduced into the USA, first detected in 1996 in Pennsylvania (Hoebeke & Carter 2003). Within a few years has rapidly spread across the United States and Canada (Fogain & Graff 2011). In Europe, it was first recorded in Lichtenstein in 2004 (Arnold 2009) and in Switzerland in 2007 (Wermelinger et. al. 2008). In the following years it has spread to neighbouring coun- tries; Germany, France and Italy (EPPO, 2013, Maistrello et. al. 2014), Greece (Milonas & Partsinevelos 2014), Hungary (Vétek et. al. 2014), Romania (Macavei et. al. 2015), Serbia (Šeat 2015), Austria (Rabitsch & Friebe 2015) and also in the territory between Black and Caspian seas; in Southern Russia, Abkhazia and Georgia (Gapon 2016). In 2016 was first recorded in Slovakia (Hemala & Kment, 2017) and Spain (Dioli et. al. 2016), in 2017 in Croatia (Šapina et al. 2018) and Slovenia. Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is a highly polyphagous invasive species with more than 100 host plants reported (Bergmann et. al. 2016). Adults and nymphs feed on buds, leaves, stems and fruits of wild and cultivated plant species causing se- vere damage in agricultural production (Hoebeke & Carter 2003, Lee et al. 2013, Bariselli et. al. 2016, Valentin et. al. 2017, Vétek & Korányi 2017, Leskey & Nielsen 2018). The species is also considered as nuisance pest (Lee & Leskey 2015). A large number of adults invade homes and human-made structures in the autumn to overwinter inside protected environments (Inkley 2012). After the emergence from overwintering shelters in early spring, the adults start searching for suitable hosts for feeding (Zobel 2016). It is multivoltine species, with more generations per year in its native range in Asia (Rice et. al. 2014) and it has one to two generations the Mid-Atlantic region of United States  (Nielsen et. al. 2008). The  first observation carried out in central Italy (Emiglia Romagna) shows that in Mediterranean climate 2 generations per year are present (Bariselli et. al. 2016). Materials and methods The monitoring of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug was carried out in the Western part of Slovenia. In 2016 BMSB was monitored by visual observations, based on canopy shake sampling and beat sampling. Monitoring was mainly focused on agri- cultural plants (pome fruit orchards, soybean, tomato and pepper plants) and some ornamental plants. Several visual inspections were made during spring emergence in May, at peak population spikes (July and August) and in autumn (from September to November) in the period when stink bugs seek for overwintering sits. In 2017 the ag- gregation pheromone-baited traps have been used to monitor BMSB in the period from the beginning of April to the end of November. We used Pherocon® BMSB STKY™ Dual Panel Adhesive Traps, which we placed in the hedges around orchards and fields with host plants. The traps were hung in tree canopy at approximately 2 Acta entomologica slovenica, 26 (1), 2018 6 meters height. The lures were changed every 12 weeks, the traps were checked weekly. Basic morphological characteristics of Halyomorpha halys and its similarities to the native species Rhaphigaster nebulosa The adult specimens of H. halys range from 12 to 17 mm in length. It has brownish or greyish, mottled dorsal coloration with dense and dark punctuation, variable in size and colour. Key identifying characteristics of the BMSB include the two light bands on the dark antennae, absence of ventral spine and typical banding pattern of the abdominal margins (connexivum). Detailed descriptions of adults are provided by Hoebeke and Carter (2003) and Wyniger and Kment (2010). Halyomorpha halys can be easily confused or mistaken for Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda, 1761), common European species, which has the same size, similar appearance, habitat preference and behaviour. Key distinguishing characteristics of BMSB and Rhaphigaster nebulosa are listed below for the purpose of quick distinguishing and identifying both species. Results and discussion The brown marmorated stink bug was recorded for the first time in Slovenia in Šempeter pri Gorici in mid-April 2017. A single adult specimen was caught on pheromone trap. A week later another specimen was accidentally found on the parking area of a shopping center in Nova Gorica. During the summer 2017 H. halys was Halyomorpha halys Rhaphigaster nebulosa Ventral spine absent. Long ventral spine, which arises from 2nd abdominal sternite and extending forwards between base of hind and middle legs. Two white bands on antennae; first at the base of the segment IV, second at the apex of segment IV and base of segment V. Three white bands on antennae; at the base of segments III to V. The membrane of fore wing with distinct longitudinal dark marks on the veins. The membrane of fore wing with dark round spots, arranged irregularly. Connexivum with yellow medial spots triangular. Connexivum with yellow medial spots rectangular. Tarsal segments in posterior legs white Tarsal segments in posterior legs black Mojca Rot, Marko Devetak, Branko Carlevaris, Jan Æeælina, Ivan Æeælina: First record of brown marmorated stink bug 7 found on other five localities in the area around Nova Gorica. In July it was caught on pheromone trap placed in soya been in Bilje. In August it was detected by visual observation of olive tree in Podmark. At the same time in August it was caught on pheromone traps in Miren and Kromberk. In the middle of September, it was detected in urban area in the commercial building in Kromberk. Only single specimens of H. Acta entomologica slovenica, 26 (1), 2018 8 Fig. 2: H. halys nymph on Hibiscus syriacus, Šempeter pri Novi Gorici, 2017 Fig. 1: H. halys, Kromberk, 2017 halys were caught in most locations, except in the location Šempeter pri Gorici, where the first spring detection was followed by continuous catches during the summer till the late autumn. The occurrence of H. halys in Western part of Slovenia in 2017 is closely related to presence and expansion of the species in neighbouring Italian regions. Since the first occurrence in Italy in 2012, the pest has spread in the Po Valley causing severe damage in the regions of Emilia-Romagna (Modena, Reggio Emilia and Bologna provinces), Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli (Bariselli et. al. 2016). The region of Friuli Venezia Giulia bordering Slovenia on the east, has been dealing with H. halys since 2014. By the end of 2016 it has spread eastward to the area of Province of Gorizia and reached the Slovenian border. Considering brown marmorated stink bug flight capacity, traffic flow and density in the border area, it was only a matter of time before it would enter Slovenia. Mojca Rot, Marko Devetak, Branko Carlevaris, Jan Æeælina, Ivan Æeælina: First record of brown marmorated stink bug 9 Fig. 3: Population dynamics of Halyomorpha halys on the location Šempeter pri Gorici in the period April- November 2017 Fig. 4: Map of Haly- omorpha halys detections in Western Slovenia Table 1: The results of H. halys monitoring with pheromone traps in 2017 Conclusions The first occurrence of H. halys in Western Slovenia presents a serious risk for agriculture production in the area. According to the damage reported from other coun- tries severe yield losses could be expected on the following crops: peaches, pears, apples, kiwi, corn and soya bean. Considering that the spread of the pest cannot be stopped, its expansion in whole territory of the country is expected in a short period. Establishment and increase in the pest population can cause significant economic losses in Slovenian agriculture and can also create nuisance problems in urban areas. Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (AFSVSPP), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Acta entomologica slovenica, 26 (1), 2018 10 Trap No. Locality name: Coordinates: Type locality/ nearby host plant H. halys status Detection date: Y X 1 Sužid 13.556543 46.246418 apple orchard Absent - 2 Staro selo 13.532095 46.247462 fruit garden absent - 3 Vipolže 13.526675 45.972929 peach orchard. vineyard absent - 4 Kromberk 13.686544 45.962317 sweet cherry /fig orchard present August 31. 2017 5 SC Bilje 13.630261 45.894877 peach / plum orchard absent - 6 Miren 13.602069 45.891144 peach /pear orchard present August 31. 2017 7 Bilje 13.674428 45.895604 soya been present July 24. 2017 8 Postojna 14.221731 45.773098 railway station absent - 9 Vogrsko 13.705111 45.918004 highway cross absent 10 Šempeter 13.645309 45.932240 greenhouse present April 11. 2017 11 Brje pri Komnu 13.717726 45.785155 fruit garden absent - 12 Velika Bukovica 14.220695 45.546326 fruit garden absent - 13 Nasirec 13.910586 45.615188 fruit garden absent - 14 Beka 13.900656 45.597284 apple orchard absent - 15 Strunjan 13.617208 45.527360 fig orchard absent - 16 Bivje (Sp. Škofije) 13.785966 45.561944 pear orchard absent - The data of other detections of Halyomorpha halys by visual observation Nova Gorica 13.653538 45.954686 parking place present April 18. 2017 Podmark 13.643611 45.936580 olive orchard present August 30. 2017 Kromberk 13.658634 45.960896 commercial building present September 9. 2017 References Arnold K., 2009. Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855), eine für die europäische Fauna neu nachgewiesene Wanzenart (Insecta: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Cappaeini). Mitteilungen des Thüringer Entomologenverbandes. 16: 19. Bariselli M., Bugiani R., Maistrello L., 2016. Distribution and damage caused by Haly- omorpha halys in Italy. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 46 (2): 332–334. Bergmann E. J., Venugopal P. D., Martinson H. M., Raupp M. J., Shrewsbury P. M., 2016. Host Plant Use by the Invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) on Woody Ornamental Trees and Shrubs PloS ONE 11 (2): e0149975. pone.014997 Dioli P., Leo P., Maistrello L., 2016. 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