© Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), Ljubljana ISSN 1581–0267 129 UDK/UDC: 504.4:556.53:574.5 Prejeto/Received: 18. 6. 2004 Izvirni znanstveni članek – Original scientific paper Sprejeto/Accepted: 14. 12. 2004 UPORABA PERIFITONA IN VE ČJIH VODNIH NEVRETEN ČARJEV PRI DOLO ČANJU EKOLOŠKO SPREJEMLJIVEGA PRETOKA NA REKI RIŽANI, SLOVENIJA THE USE OF PERIPHYTON AND MACROZOOBENTOS IN DETERMINATION OF ECOLOGICALLY ACCEPTABLE FLOW FOR THE RIŽANA RIVER, SLOVENIA Nataša SMOLAR - ŽVANUT, Ciril KRUŠNIK, Gorazd KOSI, Danijel VRHOVŠEK Edini ve čji izvir v slovenski Istri je kraški izvir reke Rižane, ki predstavlja najpomembnejši vir oskrbe z vodo za slovensko obalno obmo čje. V poletnih mesecih je naravni pretok dokaj nizek, saj voda delno pronica v tla, nekaj pritokov reke Rižane pa se izsuši. Isto časno pa sta v tem letnem času potreba po oskrbi s pitno vodo in namakanje najve čja. V obdobju od 1995 do 1996 je bil izdelan seznam vseh porabnikov vode in popis onesnaževalcev. Izvedene so bile hidrološke analize od izvira do ustja reke Rižane. Z analizami perifitonskih alg in ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev se je ugotavljala kakovost vodnega ekosistema na razli čnih odsekih reke Rižane. Zaradi velikega odvzema vode in onesnaženja je prišlo do sprememb v raznolikosti združb ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev, perifitonskih alg in biomase perifitona (suhe teže brez pepela (AFDW), suhe teže (DW), klorofila-a (chl-a)). Na podlagi saprobioloških analiz je bila reka uvrš čena v I.–II. kakovostni razred. Ocena kakovosti, ki je temeljila na indeksu (ocenjevalnem sistemu) BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party) in indeksu EBI (Extended Biotic Index), je pokazala na poslabšanje kakovosti vodnega okolja v nižjih delih reke. Da bi ohranili ekološko ravnovesje, je bil dolo čen ekološko sprejemljiv pretok za poletne mesece na osnovi ekološke metode. Klju čne besede: perifiton, ve čji vodni nevreten čarji, ekološko sprejemljiv pretok, kakovost vode, kakovost vodnega okolja The only major spring in the Slovenian Istria is the karst spring of the Rižana River, which is the most important source of water supply for the Slovenian coastal area. In summer months the natural flow is very low, whereby part of water drains off into the underground and several tributaries of the Rižana River dry up. At the same time, the need for water supply and irrigation are at their highest. In the period from 1995 to 1996, the list of all water users and the inventory of polluters were made. From source to mouth of the Rižana River, the hydrological analyses were carried out. The river ecosystem was evaluated according to analyses of periphytic algae and macroinvertebrates on different sections of the Rižana River. Because of large water abstraction and pollution of the river, changes in diversity of macroinvertebrates, in diversity of periphytic algae and in periphyton biomass (ash free dry weight (AFDW), dry weight (DW), chlorophyll a (chl a)) were established. Based on saprobiological analyses, the river is classified as quality class I–II. The evaluation of quality based on BMWP score system and EBI, indicated a deterioration of the aquatic environment in lower parts of the river. In order to maintain the ecological balance, the ecologically acceptable flow (EAF) was determined according to the ecological method for summer months. Key words: periphyton, macrozoobenthos, ecologically acceptable flow, water quality, quality of aquatic environment Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 130 1. UVOD Podobno kot drugje v Sredozemlju je na obmo čju slovenske Istre malo vodnih virov. Edini ve čji izvir je kraški izvir reke Rižane, ki predstavlja najbolj pomemben vir oskrbe z vodo za slovensko obalno obmo čje. Dolvodno je opaziti pove čano gostoto prebivalstva z vsemi spremljajo čimi, tudi negativnimi pojavi, kot so poseljevanje, kmetijstvo, industrija, trgovina, promet in odlagališ ča. Potrebe po pitni vodi, vodi za kmetijstvo in industrijo presegajo vodne kapacitete reke Rižane. Za dolo čitev minimalnega sprejemljivega pretoka obstaja nekaj metod (Petts & Maddock, 1995): hidrološke metode (Schälchli, 1991; Mader, 1992), metode za oceno vodotokov (Büttiker, 1982; Bundi & Eichenberger, 1989; Statzner & Müller, 1989; Schälchli, 1991; DVWK, 1995; Bernardo & Alves, 1999) in PHABSIM (Physical HABitat SIMulation) (Institute of Hydrology & Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 1993; Lamb, 1995; Maddock et al., 2001). Ob upoštevanju hidroloških, hidravli čnih, morfoloških in ekoloških kriterijev se v Sloveniji trenutno uporabljata dve metodi: hidrološka in ekološka metoda (Vrhovšek et al., 1994; Vrhovšek & Smolar, 1997; Smolar et al., 1998; Smolar - Žvanut & Vrhovšek, 2002). Zaradi velikega odvzema vode in skoraj popolne odsotnosti vode poleti v spodnjih delih reke Rižane je bila ocenjena vrednost ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka (Qes) z interdisciplinarnim pristopom (ekološka metoda) z namenom, da se zagotovi izboljšanje razmer za vodne organizme (Smolar et al., 1997). V članku se osredotočamo predvsem na uporabo ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev in perifitonskih alg pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka za reko Rižano. 1. INTRODUCTION Like throughout the Mediterranean, the area of Slovenian Istria is very poor in water sources. The only major spring is the karst spring of the Rižana River, which is the most important source of water supply for the Slovenian coastal area. Downstream, the increasing density of population with all relevant, and also negative phenomena, such as settlements, agriculture, industry, trade, traffic and landfill-sites can be observed. The demand for drinking water, as well as the industrial and agricultural exploitation of the Rižana River have exceeded the water capacity of the river. There are some methods available for the estimation of minimum acceptable flows (Petts & Maddock, 1995): hydrological methods (Schälchli, 1991; Mader, 1992) river assessment methods (Büttiker, 1982; Bundi & Eichenberger, 1989; Statzner & Müller, 1989; Schälchli, 1991; DVWK, 1995; Bernardo & Alves, 1999); and PHABSIM (Physical HABitat SIMulation) (Institute of Hydrology & Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 1993; Lamb, 1995; Maddock et al., 2001). Based on the hydrological, hydraulic, morphological and ecological criteria, the hydrological and ecological method is currently being applied in Slovenia (Vrhovšek et al., 1994; Vrhovšek & Smolar, 1997; Smolar et al., 1998; Smolar - Žvanut & Vrhovšek, 2002). Because of major water exploitation and an almost complete absence of water in summer in lower parts of the Rižana River, the relevant ecologically acceptable flow (EAF) value was evaluated by means of the interdisciplinary approach (ecological method) in order to achieve the improvement of conditions for water organisms (Smolar et al., 1997). This paper describes specifically the use of macroinvertebrates and periphytic algae in determining the EAF in the Rižana River. Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 131 2. MESTO RAZISKAV Prispevno območje 14 km dolge reke Rižane (slika 1) obsega 204,5 km 2 . Reka te če po kraškem zaledju s pretežno flišnim obmo čjem, z izlivom v Jadransko morje čez braki čno mokriš če. Za obmo čje je zna čilna blaga submediteranska klima z blagimi zimami in dokaj visokimi poletnimi temperaturami predvsem od za četka maja do konca septembra. Suše so v tem obdobju pogoste. Srednja letna raven padavin je približno 1000 mm v obalnem obmo čju, v višjih legah reke Rižane pa je letna koli čina padavin povpre čno 1150 mm. Letna porazdelitev padavin je neenakomerna, kar pomeni, da je poleti veliko neviht, ko voda hitro odteka in izpareva. Reka Rižana je vir oskrbe s pitno vodo že od leta 1935. Neposredno pod akumulacijo je odvzem vode, namenjen za ribogojnico in za namakanje. Dolvodno je še 15 vodnih zajetij, poleti pa tudi nekaj nenadzorovanih odvzemov vode za namakanje. Posledice so vidne predvsem v poletnih mesecih, ko zaradi poslabšanja vodnega okolja prihaja do poginov rib. V tem obmo čju se je izvedlo tudi ve č hidrotehni čnih posegov. Za strugo vzdolž vodotoka so zna čilni razli čni substrati; gorvodno so to ve čji kamni, dolvodno pa se struktura re čnega dna spreminja od proda do mulja. Reka Rižana ima status športno ribolovne vode, mlinš čice ob reki pa so na seznamu okoljsko zaš čitenih obmo čij za trajnostno gojenje soške postrvi Salmo marmoratus. V bližini reke pogosto najdemo združbe Ostryo - Quercetum pubescentis, Carici humulis - Centaureetum rupestris in Bromo - Chrysopogonetum grylli. Obvodna vegetacija je okrnjena zaradi obdelane zemlje in bližine cest. Na reki Rižani smo izbrali 4 vzor čna mesta: prvo vzor čno mesto (R1) je bilo izbrano poleg izvira, drugo in tretje vzor čno mesto (R2, R3) sta bili izbrani v osrednjem delu reke, zadnje vzor čno mesto (R4) pa je bilo izbrano v bližini 2. STUDY SITES With its 14 km of length, the Rižana River (Fig. 1) drains a watershed area of 204.5 km 2 . The Rižana River features karstic hinterland with predominantly flysch area, with the estuary in the Adriatic over brackish wetland. Typical of the area is a relatively mild submediterranean climate with mild winters and relatively high summer temperatures occurring primarily from the beginning of May until the end of September. During this period droughts are quite frequent. The average levels of annual precipitation amount to approximately 1000 mm in the coastal area, whereas in the upper stream area of the Rižana River they reach approximately 1150 mm. The annual precipitation distribution is uneven, meaning that in summer the precipitation takes the form of heavy showers during which the water drains and evaporates very quickly. The Rižana River has been the source of water supply since 1935. Directly below the accumulation there is a water abstraction for the fish-farm and irrigation requirements. There are further 15 water abstractions downstream, and in summer some uncontrolled water abstractions for irrigation. Consequences can be observed primarily in the summer period when, due to the deterioration of the aquatic environment, there were several cases of fish kill. Downstream, numerous hydrotechnical interventions were carried out, too. Along the watercourse, the riverbed structure is characterised by various substrates which, upstream, are composed of large stones while downstream, the stone structure changes from gravel into silt. As regard the fish management, the Rižana River has a status of a sports and fishing water body, whereas mill- brooks along the river are listed as environmentally protected areas for the sustainable fish-hatching of marble trout Salmo marmoratus. In the vicinity of the river, the communities of Ostryo - Quercetum pubescentis, Carici humulis - Centaureetum rupestris and Bromo - Chrysopogonetum grylli are to be found quite frequently. The riparian vegetation along the watercourse is quite degraded due to land cultivation and vicinity of roads. Four relevant sampling sections of the Rižana River have been selected: the first (R1) was selected near the spring, the second (R2) and third (R3) were selected in the middle part of the Rižana River and the last (R4) was Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 132 izliva v Jadransko morje. Zaledje reke Rižane je pretežno kraško z zna čilnimi hidrogeološkimi pojavi, kar se kaže tudi v letnih hidrogramih. Koli čina vode v Rižani je odvisna od vodostaja podtalnice, padavin in vodnatosti pritokov Rižane. Pritoki, ki se nahajajo na kraškem svetu, so kratki in strmi z zna čilnostmi hudournikov, ki se v poletnem času izsušijo (Peroša et al., 1993). Manjši odvzemi vode ob reki v času visoke vode (tj. spomladi in jeseni) bistveno ne spreminjajo hidrologije reke, medtem ko se v sušnem obdobju koli čina vode zmanjša zaradi prej omenjenih odvzemov vode. Eden od poglavitnih parametrov pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka so vrednosti pretokov vode. Koli čina vode se nanaša na merilno postajo Kubed, ki se nahaja pod odvzemom za sistem oskrbe s pitno vodo, katerega maksimalna koli čina znaša 0,35 m 3 /s. Hidrološke zna čilnosti pretokov reke Rižane na merilni postaji Kubed za obdobje 1966– 1995 so predstavljene v preglednici 1. selected in the very vicinity of its estuary in the Adriatic Sea. The hinterland of the Rižana River is primarily composed of karst characterised by specific hydrogeological features, which is reflected by the annual hydrographs. The quantity of water feeding the Rižana River depends on the water-level of the groundwater, the precipitation and the capacity of the Rižana River tributaries. The tributaries of the river, located in the karst region, are short and steep, having all the characteristics of torrents drying in summer periods (Peroša et al., 1993). Minor water abstractions along the watercourse during the period of high flows (i.e. in spring and autumn) do not essentially change the hydrology of the river, whereas in drought periods the water quantity along the watercourse decreases due to the mentioned abstractions. One of the basic parameters in estimating EAF are the flow values. The water quantity data refer to the Kubed gauge station, which is located below the abstraction for water supply system, whose maximum delivery amounts to 0.35 m 3 /s. The hydrological characteristics of the Rižana River flows at the Kubed gauge station for the thirty year period (1966–1995) are represented in Table 1. Slika 1. Reka Rižana. Figure 1. The Rižana River. Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 133 Preglednica 1. Hidrološki podatki za reko Rižano na merilni postaji Kubed za obdobje 1966–1995. Table 1. Hydrological data for the Rižana River at the gauge station Kubed, for period 1966–1995. Parameter/parameter Vrednost/value prispevno obmo čje/catchment area 204.5 km 2 srednji letni pretok/mean annual flow 4.101 m 3 /s srednji minimalni pretok/mean minimum flow 0.222 m 3 /s minimalni pretok/minimum flow 0.010 m 3 /s Q300d 0.500 m 3 /s Q347d 0.160 m 3 /s 3. MATERIALI IN METODE Na štirih vzor čnih mestih (R1, R2, R3, R4) reke Rižane so bili za kvantitativne in kvalitativne analize odvzeti vzorci (do štirje odvzemi) perifitona in ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev. Vzorci so bili pobrani na 4 to čkah vzor čnega mesta v pre čnem profilu. Ozna čeni so bili kot R1.1–R1.4 od levega proti desnemu bregu. Kvantitativne vzorce vodnih nevreten čarjev smo zbrali z vzorčevalnikom Surber (pravokotnik 21,5 krat 17,5 cm, z velikostjo okenca 0,3 mm). Vzorce perifitona in ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev smo konzervirali na terenu s 36-odstotnim formaldehidom in jih prenesli v laboratorij na sortiranje. Kjer je bilo mogo če, so bili ve čji vodni nevreten čarji dolo čeni do nivoja vrste, medtem ko se je pri ve čini dolo čil le rod, v nekaterih primerih pa le družina. Ve čina perifitonskih alg je bila dolo čena do nivoja vrste. Po pregledu organizmov se je ocenila pogostost posameznih vrst perifitonskih alg in ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev, to pa se je ozna čilo z 1 – redko, posamezno, 3 – srednje pogosto, 5 – pogosto, množi čno. Vzorci perifitona, namenjeni za kvantitativno analizo perifitonske biomase, so bili odvzeti iz re čnih sedimentov, premera 50– 200 mm. Na vsaki to čki vzor čnega mesta smo postrgali 5 plavin, in sicer smo iz vsake postrgali površino 200 mm 2 . V laboratoriju smo ovrednotili suho težo in organsko snov (suha teža brez pepela) po metodiki APHA.AWWA.WPC (1992). Koncentracijo klorofila-a smo dolo čili s filtracijo skozi filtre Watman GF/C in z ekstrakcijo z vro čim 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS In four sampling sections (R1, R2, R3, R4) of the Rižana River, up to four samples of periphyton and macroinvertebrates were taken for quantitative and qualitative analyses. The samples were taken at 4 sampling points in the sampling section in a river cross-section. They were designated f.e. R1.1–R1.4 from the left to the right bank. Quantitative samples of macroinvertebrates were collected with the Surber sampler (square 21.5 by 17.5 cm, mesh size 0.3 mm). The samples of periphyton and macroinvertebrates for qualitative analyses were preserved in the field with 36 % formaldehyde and returned to the laboratory for sorting. Where possible, some macroinvertebrates were identified to species level, whereas the majority was identified to genus level, and in few cases only to family level. The majority of periphytic algae taxa were identified to species level. After surveying the organisms, abundance of individual taxa of algae and macroinvertebrates was assessed, marked by 1 – rare, occasional, 3 – frequent, 5 – dominant. Periphyton samples intended for quantitative analysis of the periphyton biomass were taken from river sediments 50 mm to 200 mm in diameter. At each sampling point in the sampling section, 5 sediment particles were scraped off from the surface 200 mm 2 . Dry weight (DW) and organic matter (ash-free dry weight – AFDW) were assessed in the laboratory using the APHA.AWWA.WPC technique (1992). The chlorophyll-a concentration was determined by the use of filtration through Watman GF/C filters and Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 134 metanolom (Vollenweider, 1974). Vrednosti perifitonske biomase so bile izra čunane za kvadratni meter substrata na re čnem dnu. Vzor čevanje je na vseh odvzemnih mestih potekalo v obdobju nizkega pretoka, tj. poleti 1996 in pozimi 1997. V obdobju vzor čevanja se je na odvzemnih mestih merilo pretoke in maksimalno hitrost pretoka z merilcem pretoka SEBA Mini Current Meter MI. Razlike v povpre čnih vrednostih suhe teže, organske snovi in klorofila-a smo testirali med vzor čnimi mesti. Z izra čunom Bray- Curtisovega koeficienta podobnosti (Clarke & Warwick, 1990) so se ocenile podobnosti med posameznimi mesti s pomo čjo podatkov vrstnega sestava in pogostosti prisotnih vrst. Delež primanjkljaja vrst po Kothéju 1962 (Wegl, 1983) je bil izra čunan iz števila perifitonskih alg in skupin ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev v vzorcih na posameznih mestih reke. Ocena kakovosti vode je bila ovrednotena s Pantle-Buckovim saprobnim indeksom s prilagoditvijo metodi, ki sta jo razvila Zelinka in Marvan (1961). Kakovost vodnega okolja je bila ocenjena z ocenjevalno lestvico BMWP (Armitage et al., 1983) in EBI (spremenjeno po Ghetti, 1986). extraction with hot methanol (Vollenweider, 1974). The values of periphyton biomass were calculated per square metre of river bottom substrata. In all sections, samples were taken in the period of low flow in summer 1996 and in winter 1997. During the sampling period, the flow and the maximum current velocity in the sections were measured by SEBA Mini Current Meter MI. The differences in AFDW averages, DW averages and chl-a averages were tested between sampling sections. By calculating the Bray-Curtis coefficient of similarity (Clarke & Warwick, 1990), the similarities between individual sections were evaluated as far as species diversity and their abundance were concerned. A percentage of species deficit by Kothé, 1962 (Wegl, 1983) was calculated from the number of periphytic algae and macroinvertebrates taxa in samples between individual sampling sections of the river. The quality of water was evaluated using the Pantle-Buck saprobic index with modification to the Zelinka and Marvan method (1961). The quality of aquatic environment was evaluated by BMWP score system (Armitage et al., 1983), and Extended Biotic Index – EBI (modified by Ghetti, 1986). 4. REZULTATI IN RAZPRA V A 4.1 HITROST TOKA IN PRETOK Poleti 1996 se je pretok vzdolž reke zmanjšal zaradi odvzema vode za namakanje in industrijo ter zaradi naravnega pronicanja v podtalje kot posledice intergranularne poroznosti substrata. Podobno tudi rezultati meritev 6. oktobra 1995 (Vrhovšek et al., 1995) kažejo naslednje vrednosti pretokov vode: na vzor čnem mestu R1 smo izmerili pretok 1,036 m 3 /s in na vzorčnem mestu R4 0,836 m 3 /s. Pozimi 1997 se je pretok pove čeval od vzor čnega mesta R1 proti vzor čnemu mestu R4. Maksimalna povpre čna hitrost je bila vedno najvišja v obmo čju R1; najnižja je bila poleti 1996 v obmo čju R4 (slika 2). Rezultat naravnih in antropogenih posegov, ki so povzro čili spremembe pretoka 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 CURRENT VELOCITY AND DISCHARGE The discharge in summer 1996 decreased along the river as a result of water abstraction for irrigation, industry and natural drainage into underground due to intergranular porosity of substrata. Similarly, the results of the measurements carried out on October 6, 1995 (Vrhovšek et al., 1995) indicated the following values of the water flow: R1 section 1.036 m 3 /s and R4 section 0.836 m 3 /s. In winter 1997, the discharge increased from section R1 to section R4. Maximum mean velocity always reached its highest value in the R1 section; the lowest was in summer 1996 in the R4 section (Fig. 2). The result of natural and anthropogenically induced changes in Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 135 poleti, je skoraj popolnoma suha re čna struga. Re čno strugo sestavlja pretežno trden substrat (velike in manjše skale, prodniki) kot posledica nizkega pretoka in hitrosti toka vzdolž reke; dolvodno so predvsem v obmo čju počasnejšega toka pogostejši drobni sedimenti. Pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka mora biti zagotovljena odstotnost ekstremnih nanosov drobnih sedimentov, potrebno pa je periodi čno vzdrževanje visoke vode in raznolikost v hitrostih vodnega toka v vodotoku kot tudi vzdrževanje dolo čenega vodostaja (Bundi & Eichenberger, 1989). Treba je tudi ohraniti pestrost v razli čnih tipih vodnih habitatov na posameznih odsekih rek. discharge in summer is a nearly dry river bed. As a consequence of low discharge and current velocity along the river, the river bed in the R1 and R2 sections is dominated by solid substrates (boulders, rocks and pebbles), whereas downstream soft sediments frequently occur in low current sections. The determination of EAF requires the absence of the extreme accumulation of small sediments and the periodical maintenance of high water flows and the diversity of watercourse velocity, as well as the maintenance of the specific water level (Bundi & Eichenberger, 1989). It is important to ensure the diversity in various types of water habitats within the river sections. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 R1 R2 R3 R4 section discharge (m 3 s -1 ) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 max mean velocity (m s - 1 ) discharge August 1996 discharge February 1997 max mean velocity August 1996 max mean velocity February 199 Slika 2. Pretok in maksimalna hitrost na vzor čnih mestih reke Rižane. Figure 2. Discharge and maximum velocity for the sampling sections in the Rižana River. 4.2 BIOMASA PERIFITONA V primerjavi z dolvodnimi odvzemnimi mesti so bile najvišje vrednosti suhe teže, organske snovi in klorofila-a izmerjene na vzor čnem mestu R1, tj. predvsem poleti 1996 (preglednica 2). 4.2 PERIPHYTON BIOMASS In comparison with downstream sites, the highest values of DW, AFDW and chl-a were measured in the R1 sampling section, notably in summer 1996 (Table 2). Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 136 Preglednica 2. Minimalne (min), maksimalne (max) in povpre čne (ave) vrednosti suhe teže (DW), organske snovi (AFDW) in klorofila-a (Chl-a) na vzor čnih mestih v reki Rižani. Table 2. Minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (ave) values of DW, AFDW and chl-a for the sampling sections in the Rižana River. DW (g/m 2 ) AFDW (g/m 2 ) Chl-a (mg/m 2 ) min max ave min max ave min max ave R1 152 327 237 30 181 86 191 773 374 R2 44 220 139 13 78 44 65 329 200 R3 19 227 140 5 79 42 10 218 113 R4 125 210 172 5 34 19 96 181 146 Predpostavljamo lahko, da je razloge potrebno iskati v negibljivem sedimentu, v morfološki raznolikosti re čne struge in v prevladi zelenih alg. Najnižje vrednosti perifitonske biomase so bile izmerjene na vzor čnem mestu R3 kot posledica drobnega gibljivega substrata, ki onemogo ča razvoj stabilnih perifitonskih združb. Podobni pogoji so bili 10. junija 1995 ugotovljeni na vzor čnem mestu R4 (suha teža = 780 g/m 2 ), kjer je bilo onesnaženje vode še ve čje. Zaradi vpliva drugih okoljskih dejavnikov velike rasti alg ni bilo mogo če pojasniti samo na podlagi pretoka vode, temve č tudi z visoko vrednostjo hranilnih snovi, vplivom svetlobe in ve čjimi sedimentnimi zrni (Smolar – Žvanut, 2001). Vrednosti perifitonske biomase so bile pozimi 1997 nižje kot poleti 1996; podobno je bilo tudi na drugih slovenskih vodotokih: na Tržiški Bistrici, Dravinji in Branici (Smolar et al, 1998), Savi Bohinjki (Kosi, 1988) in So či (Smolar – Žvanut, 2001). Pozimi 1997 so bile izmerjene zelo nizke vrednosti organske snovi na vzor čnih mestih R3 in R4 (5 g/m 2 ), medtem ko je bila najnižja vrednost klorofila-a izmerjena na vzor čnem mestu R3 (10 mg/m 2 ). S 95-odstotno verjetnostjo lahko potrdimo, da so bile povpre čne vrednosti klorofila-a pozimi 1997 statisti čno bistveno druga čne med vzor čnimi mesti R1 in R3 ter med R1 in R4 (p < 0,05). Povpre čne vrednosti organske snovi so se poleti 1996 statisti čno bistveno razlikovale med vzor čnimi mesti R1 in R2 ter med R1 in R3 (95-odstotna verjetnost). Pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka je potrebno poznavanje naravne dinamike pojavljanja biomase perifitona. V obdobju We may assume that the reason for this phenomenon can be found in stable sediments, in the morphological diversity of the river bed and in the predominance of green algae mats. The lowest values of periphyton biomass were measured in the R3 section as the result of small moving substrata, which disable the development of a stable periphyton community. The same conditions were established in the R4 section, where water pollution was higher. The periphyton biomass was very high on river substrata in the R4 section measured on 10 June 1995 (i.e. DW = 780 g/m 2 ). Due to the impact of other environmental factors, it was not possible to explain the massive growth of algae only through the low level of water flow, but also through the high nutrient level, impact of light and large sediment grains (Smolar – Žvanut, 2001). The values of periphyton biomass were lower in winter 1997 than in summer 1996; the same was the case of the Slovenian streams Tržiška Bistrica, Dravinja and Branica (Smolar et al, 1998), Sava Bohinjka (Kosi, 1988) and So ča (Smolar – Žvanut, 2001). Very low values of AFDW (5 g/m 2 ) were measured in winter 1997 in the R3 and R4 sections, while the lowest value of chl-a was measured in the R3 section (10 mg/m 2 ). With 95 % of probability we can affirm that in winter 1997 the average values of chl-a were statistically significantly different between the R1 and R3, and between R1 and R4 sections (p < 0.05). The average values of AFDW in summer 1996 differed statistically significantly between the R1 and R2 sections and between the R1 and R3 sections (95 % of probability). The knowledge of the natural dynamics of periphyton biomass in determining the EAF should be known. In the period of low flow Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 137 nizkih pretokov vode je namre č potrebno zagotavljati koli čino in kakovost vode, da ne pride do prevelikega preraš čanja dna s perifitonskimi algami. 4.3 PERIFITONSKE ALGE IN VE ČJI VODNI NEVRETEN ČARJI V reki Rižani smo poleti 1996 dolo čili 70 taksonov perifitonskih alg, pozimi 1997 pa 58 taksonov. Ve čina taksonov je pripadala skupini diatomej (Bacillariophyta), vrste iz skupin Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Xanthophyta in Rhodophyta pa so se pojavljale redkeje, podobno kot na primer v kraški reki Unici (Vrhovšek et al., 1996). Na vzor čnih mestih so bile prisotne alge, ki so splošno razširjene, medtem ko sta bili na vzor čnem mestu R1 poleti 1996 množi čno prisotni vrsti Tribonema vulgare in Microspora amoena, ki sta zna čilni predstavnici za čiste reke. Rod Batrachospermum je v slovenskih rekah manj pogost in smo ga našli le na vzor čnih mestih R1 in R2. Zaradi sprememb morfologije in pretoka v reki Rižani so bile na vzor čnih mestih R3 in R4 pogostejše epipeli čne in epizamne alge kot v obmo čjih R1 in R2, kjer so prevladovale epilitske alge. Če bi v reki vzdrževali raven ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka, do tako velikih sprememb v perifitonski združbi ne bi prihajalo. Ve čina od 61 skupin ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev je bila prisotna na vzor čnih mestih R1 in R2. V vsakem vzorcu smo dolo čili ve č kot 30 taksonomskih skupin, na obmo čju R3 in R4 pa je bilo število skupin na vzorec nižje (od 10 do 24), z izjemo zime 1997, ko je bilo na vzor čnem mestu R4 v vzorcu najdenih 35 taksonov ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev. Prevladujo če taksonomske skupine ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev na vzor čnih mestih v obeh letnih časih so bile vrste Gammarus fossarum, rod Baetis, družina Elmidae. Rod Baetis je prevladoval na vseh vzor čnih mestih, z izjemo poletja 1996, ko ga na vzor čnem mestu R3 in R4 nismo našli. Dolvodno je števil čnost narasla le pri taksonomskih skupinah Oligochaeta iz družine Lumbriculidae in Tubificidae. such quantity and quality of water should be assured in the river, so that there is no proliferation of periphytic algae on the riverbed. 4.3 PERIPHYTIC ALGAE AND MACROINVERTEBRATES A total of 70 taxa of periphytic algae were recorded in summer 1996, and 58 taxa in winter 1997 in the Rižana River. The majority of them belonged to Bacillariophyta, whereas the species of Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Xanthophyta and Rhodophyta were less pronounced, e.g. in the karst river Unica (Vrhovšek et al., 1996). Periphytic algae found in sections discussed consisted of several frequently occurring species, while in the R1 section, Tribonema vulgare and Microspora amoena were dominant in summer 1996. Both species are representatives for unpolluted rivers. The genus of Batrachospermum is less frequent in the Slovenian rivers and it was found only in the R1 and R2 sections. Because of the morphological and discharge changes in the Rižana River in the R3 and R4 sampling sections, epipelic and epipsamic algae were more frequent compared to the R1 and R2 sections, where epilithic algae were dominant. Had the EAF in the river been maintained, such major changes in periphyton community could not occur. The majority of 61 taxa of macroinvertebrates were present in the R1 and R2 sections. We found more than 30 taxa in each sample in the first two sampling sections, while on other two sites the number of taxa per sample was lower (from 10 to 24), with the exception of R4 featuring 35 taxa of macrozoobenthos in winter 1997. The dominant taxa of macroinvertebrates in the sections in both seasons were species Gammarus fossarum, genus Baetis and family Elmidae. The genus Baetis was dominant in all sections, except in summer 1996 in the R3 and R4 sections when it was not found. The only taxa whose abundance increased downstream were Oligochaetes from families Lumbriculidae and Tubificidae. The average density of Gammarus fossarum increased downstream from 25.4 per Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 138 Povpre čna gostota vrste Gammarus fossarum je poleti 1996 dolvodno narasla s 25,4 na vzorec na vzor čnem mestu R1 na 277 na vzor čnem mestu R3 in se rahlo znižala na vzor čnem mestu R4. Povpre čna gostota taksonov Ephemeroptera se je pozimi 1997 zmanjšala dolvodno (z 99 na vzor čnem mestu R1 na 0 na vzor čnem mestu R3), gostota pa je bila najvišja na vzor čnem mestu R4 (rod Baetis). Gostota Coleoptera je bila najvišja na R2 pozimi 1997 in na R1 poleti 1996; v obeh primerih je bila najnižja gostota na vzor čnem mestu R3. Zaradi zmanjšanja pretoka in nizke kakovosti vodnega okolja vzdolž reke smo poleti 1996 zabeležili velik primanjkljaj skupin ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev (preglednica 3). Tako je imelo poslabšanje kakovosti vodnega okolja velik vpliv na združbo ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev. V istem času vzor čevanja pa primanjkljaj v številu taksonov perifitonskih alg ni bil velik; na vzor čnih mestih R2 in R3 je bilo najdenih ve č vrst kot na referen čnem mestu R1 (preglednica 3). Podobni so bili rezultati raziskav na Tržiški Bistrici (Smolar, 1997), kjer v strugi, ki je bila pod vplivom odvzema vode ni bilo sprememb v številu vrst. Pozimi 1997 smo opazili ve čji primanjkljaj vrst perifitonskih alg na vzor čnih mestih R2 in R3. Kljub zelo nizkemu pretoku vode poleti 1996 na vzor čnem mestu R4 ni bilo primanjkljaja v številu taksonov perifitonskih alg, kar kaže na slabost uporabljenega indeksa, saj ta ne poda evidence o strukturnih spremembah, ki se ne odražajo v zmanjševanju števila taksonov perifitonskih alg. Bray-Curtisov koeficient podobnosti (slika 3) je pokazal veliko podobnost med vzorci, ki so bili pozimi 1997 odvzeti na vzor čnih mestih R1, R2 in R4. Dokaj nizko število vrst in velika podobnost med poletnimi in zimskimi vzorci na vzor čnem mestu R3 je verjetno odraz gibljivega substrata manjše velikosti, ki ne omogo ča naselitve ve čjega števila perifitonskih alg in ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev. Pozimi 1997 je bilo vzor čno mesto R4 bolj podobno vzor čnima mestoma R1 in R2 kot vzor čnemu mestu R4 poleti 1996. sample in the R1 section to 277 in the R3 section in summer 1996. In winter 1997, the difference decreased from 64 in the R1 sampling section to 111 in the R3 section, and was slightly reduced in the R4 section. The average density of Ephemeroptera decreased downstream in winter 1997 (from 99 in the R1 sampling section to 0 in the R3 section), while the density reached its maximum in the R4 section (genus Baetis). The density of Coleoptera was at its highest in the R2 section in winter 1997 and in the R1 section in summer 1996; the lowest density was in both cases in the R3 sampling section. Due to the reduction in discharge and a low quality of aquatic environment along the river in summer 1996, a high deficit of macroinvertebrates taxa was recorded (Table 3). Consequently, a lower quality of aquatic environment had a large effect on the macroinvertebrate community. The deficit in the number of taxa of periphytic algae at the same sampling time was not high; in the R2 and R3 sampling sections more species were determined than in the R1 reference section (Table 3). Similar were the result of the investigations of the river Tržiška Bistrica (Smolar, 1997), where no changes in the number of species were observed in the river section, which was effected by water abstraction. In winter 1997, a higher species deficit of periphytic algae in the R2 and R3 sections was detected. In spite of a very low water flow in the R4 section in summer 1996, there was no deficit of periphytic algae, indicating the deficiency of the applied index, as the latter does not provide for the evidence on the structural changes, including the reduction of the number of taxa of periphytic algae. The Bray-Curtis coefficient of similarity (Fig. 3) showed high similarity between the samples found in sections R1, R2 and R4 in winter 1997. A relatively small number of species and a high similarity between the summer and winter samples of the R3 section is probably the reflection of a small-sized moving substrata, which do not allow for the colonisation of a large number of periphytic algae and macroinvertebrates. In winter 1997, the R4 section was more similar to sections R1 and R2 than to the R4 section in summer 1996. Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 139 Preglednica 3. Kothéjev indeks za primerjavo vzor čnih mest R2, R3 in R4 z referen čnim vzor čnim mestom R1. Table 3. Kothé index for comparison of the sampling sections R2, R3 and R4 with the reference sampling section R1. Datum/ Date Vzor čno mesto/ Sampling section Število vrst perifitonskih alg / Number of periphytic algae species Odstotek primanjkljaja vrste /Percent of species deficit (%) Število skupin vodnih nevreten čarjev /Number of macroinvertebrate taxa Odstotek primanjkljaja taksona /Percent of taxa deficit (%) 26. 8. 1996 R1 43 30 R2 57 –24.6 37 –23.3 R3 37 14.0 10 66.7 R4 45 –4.7 16 46.7 18. 2. 1997 R1 41 37 R2 31 24,4 36 2.7 R3 31 24.4 24 35.1 R4 38 7.3 35 5.4 Slika 3. Bray-Curtisov koeficient podobnosti za vzorce ve čjih vodnih nevreten čarjev in perifitonskih alg v reki Rižani poleti 1996 (S96) in pozimi 1997 (W97). Figure 3. Bray-Curtis coefficient of similarity for samples of macroinvertebrates and periphytic algae in the Rižana River in summer 1996 (S96) and in winter 1997 (W97). Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 140 4.4 KAKOVOST VODE Vrednosti saprobnega indeksa (SI) so vzdolž reke rahlo narasle, kljub temu pa je bila reka na vseh vzor čnih mestih uvrš čena v I.–II. kakovostni razred. Podobni so bili rezultati raziskav na vzor čnem mestu R4 leta 1995 (Vrhovšek et al., 1995). Primerjava rezultatov rednega državnega programa monitoringa na vzor čnem mestu R2 in dolvodno od vzor čnega mesta R4 med letoma 1987 in 1993 (Peroša et al., 1993) je pokazala višje vrednosti saprobnega indeksa pod obmo čjem R4, kar reko pod tem mestom uvrš ča v II.–III. kakovostni razred. Poleti 1996 sta bili vzor čni mesti R3 in R4 na podlagi vrednosti EBI (slika 4) uvrš čeni v IV. kakovostni razred, medtem ko bi obmo čji R3 in R4 na podlagi vrednosti BMWP (slika 5) lahko uvrstili v V. razred. Tako indeks BMWP kot indeks EBI sta pozimi 1997 kazala nižjo kakovost vodnega okolja na vzor čnih mestih R3 in R4. Na podlagi tako dobljenih podatkov lahko sklepamo, da indeksa EBI in BMWP kažeta na poslabšanje kakovosti vodnega okolja, indeks SI pa kaže stopnjo onesnaženosti vode. Podobni so bili tudi rezultati analiz reke Dravinje (Krušnik & Černa č, 1996). 5. ZAKLJU ČKI Z ozirom na odvzeme vode za potrebe oskrbe z vodo so rezultati hidroloških analiz pokazali, da je bil zaradi izjemno velikega odvzema vode vzdolž vodotoka in intergranularne poroznosti substrata v spodnjem delu reke Rižane pretok vode v poletnih mesecih zelo nizek. To se je odražalo v poslabšanju vodnega okolja. Upoštevajo č hidrološke, ekološke, krajinske, morfološke in ihtiološke zna čilnosti in na podlagi ocene habitatov smo predlagali vrednosti ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka za poletno sušno obdobje 0,160 m 3 /s, kar bi – ob zmanjšanju onesnaženja – omogo čilo ohranjanje ekološkega ravnovesja tako v reki kot v obrežnem prostoru. 4.4 WATER QUALITY The values of saprobic index (SI) slightly increased along the river, nevertheless it was classified in all sampling sections as quality class I–II. Similar were the results of the investigations in the R4 section in 1995 (Vrhovšek et al., 1995). The comparison of the results of the regular National Monitoring Programme in the R2 and below R4 section between 1987 and 1993 (Peroša et al., 1993) showed higher values of the saprobic index below R4 section, thus classifying the river below this section into the II–III quality class. In summer 1996, the EBI values (Fig. 4) classified sampling sections R3 and R4 into quality class IV, whereas, based on the BMWP values (Fig. 5) the R3 and R4 sections could be classified as quality class V. Both the BMWP and EBI indices showed in winter 1997 a lower quality of the aquatic environment in the R3 and R4 sections. Based on the results thus obtained we may conclude, that the EBI and BMWP indices indicate the deterioration of the aquatic environment quality, while the SI shows the pollution degree of water. Similar results were obtained in analysing the Dravinja River (Krušnik & Černa č, 1996). 5. CONCLUSIONS With regard to the water abstraction for the water supply purposes, the results of the hydrological analyses showed that due to extremely high water abstractions along the watercourse and the intergranular porosity of substrata in the lower part of the Rižana River, the flows were very low during the summer period. This has been reflected in the deterioration of the aquatic environment. Taking into consideration the hydrological, ecological, landscape, morphological and ichthyological characteristics and habitat evaluation, we proposed the EAF values for the dry summer period amounting to 0.160 m 3 /s, which, by reducing the pollution level, will enable the maintenance of the ecological balance both in the river and in the riparian zone. Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 141 EBI vs SI 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 R1 R2 R3 R4 EBI 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 SI EBI 96 EBI 97 SI 96 SI 97 Slika 4. Vrednosti EBI v primerjavi z vrednostmi SI za reko Rižano. Figure 4. The values of EBI in comparison with the values of SI for the Rižana River. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 R1 R2 R3 R4 BMWP 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 SI BMWP 96 BMWP 97 SI 96 SI 97 Slika 5. Vrednosti BMWP v primerjavi z vrednostmi SI za reko Rižano. Figure 5. The values of BMWP in comparison with the values of SI for the Rižana River. Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 142 Najpomembnejši ukrepi, ki jih predlagamo, so racionalna raba vode, iskanje novih virov pitne vode, čiš čenje voda, nadzorovanje onesnaženja vode, ocena iztoka vode iz na črtovane akumulacije in zagotavljanje ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka. The rational use of water, search for new sources of drinking-water, waste water treatment, control of water pollution, evaluation of outflow from the planned accumulation and preservation of the ecologically acceptable flow are the most important arrangements that we suggested. ZAHVALA Delo je finan čno podprlo Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo. Zahvaljujemo se tudi Petru Mucku in Darku Burji, ki sta priskrbela hidrološke podatke, in Miljanu Šišku za opravljene statisti čne analize. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Physical planning. We thank Peter Muck and Darko Burja who provided hydrological data and Miljan Šiško for statistical analyses. VIRI – REFERENCES APHA.AWWA.WPCF (1992). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 18th edition, New York. Armitage, P. D., Moss, D., Wright, J. F., Furse, M. T. (1983). 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Smolar - Žvanut et al.: Uporaba perfitona in makrozoobentosa pri dolo čanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka na reki Rižani, Slovenija – The Use of Periphyton and Macrozoobentos in Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow for the Rižana River, Slovenia © Acta hydrotechnica 21/35 (2003), 129-144, Ljubljana 144 Naslov avtorjev – Authors’ Addresses dr. Nataša Smolar - Žvanut LIMNOS d.o.o. – LIMNOS Ltd. Podlimbarskega 31, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: natasa@limnos.si & Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije – Institute for Waters of the Republic of Slovenia Hajdrihova 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana E-mail: natasa.smolar@guest.arnes.si dr. Ciril Krušnik Javni zavod za ribištvo Slovenije – Public Fisheries Institute of Slovenia Zupan či čeva 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: ciril.krusnik@zzrs.si dr. Gorazd Kosi Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo – National Institute of Biology Ve čna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: gorazd.kosi@nib.si prof. dr. Danijel Vrhovšek LIMNOS d.o.o. – LIMNOS Ltd. Podlimbarskega 31, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: dani@limnos.si