GAJDOŠ A. SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES VI Vol. 8 Issue 2: 197 - 200 SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES VI Anton Gajdoš, Bratislava, Slovakia Ph.D. Anton Gajdoš born on 1.6.1940 in Dubriniči (today Ukraine) lives most of his life in Bratislava (ex TCH, nowadays SVK). He comes from gymnastics family (his brother Pavel have world championship medals) and he devoted his life to gymnastics. His last achievement is establishment of Narodna encyklopedia športu Slovenska ( Among his passion is collecting photos and signatures of gymnasts. As we tend to forget old champions and important gymnasts, judges and coaches, we decided to publish part of his archive under title Short historical notes. All information on these pages is from Anton's archives and collected through years. MEN TEAM USA 1964 Despite Men team USA 1964 did not took any medals at the World Championship or Olympic Games, it was important moment for USA gymnastics to attend competitions in preparations for ongoing generations. Many members of the team later became coaches, with extraordinary gymnasts and were probably reason of excellent USA gymnasts results 15 years later. It was also in political sense important to have contacts between communist east and democratic west via sport. At Olympic Games in Tokyo 1964 USA team took 7th place and their best gymnast was Makato Sakamoto who was 20th in all around. From left to right are: Tom Maloney (team manager), Makato Sakamoto, Armando Vega, Gregor Weis, Ronald Barack, Rusty Mitchell, Arthur Shurlock, Larry Banner, John Muir (coach). Science of Gymnastics Journal 197 Science of Gymnastics Journal GAJDOŠ A. SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES VI Vol. 8 Issue 2: 197 - 200 LADISLAV VACHA (CZE, ex TCH) Ladislav Vacha (born March 21, 1899 in Brno - died June 28, 1943in Zlin). Ladislav's the first major international competition was 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris. At 1924 OG gymnasts competed for the last time also in rope climbing. Gymnasts have to climb on 8 meters long rope and with diameter of 28 mm and time measured automatically by electric stopwatch. Those who were climbing more than 12 seconds recived 0 points and those who were faster than 9 second received 10 points for all around result. The best in rope climbing was Supcik (TCH) with result of 7 1/5 second, Ladislav was third with result 7 4/5 second. In Paris Ladislav took also bronze medal on rings. At next OG 1928 in Amsterdam received a gold medal in parallel bars, and silver medals in rings and team exercises. At World Championship in Lyon 1926 he was the third in all around and four years later in Luxemburg he was the fifth. On bellow photo is one example of Ladislav vault over long horse. Despite the precise date of photo is not clear (it is from year 1928 in preparation in Praque for Olympic Games in Amsterdam), it is very informative how our sport look like. Performance is outdoor training session with spectators. Instead of mats, landing is on sands. Horse height is at coaches (Miroslav Klinger, also very famous Czech gymnast and coach) height (we can asume it is about 1,6 meter), springboard is much higher than it is nowdays, with leaf steal springs. Hecht vault as Ladislav show on photo is in terms of modern gymnastics historical vault as nobody performs it anymore. Science of Gymnastics Journal 197 Science of Gymnastics Journal GAJDOŠ A. SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES VI Vol. 8 Issue 2: 197 - 200 SERGEJ ANATOLIJEVIC ALEKPEROV Professor Alekperov (born on 6th January, 1925, Baku; died 3rd December, 2011, St. Petersburg) belonged to the top Soviet Union and Russia gymnasts, trainers, judges and gymnastics experts. He was member of Soviet Union Army and in 1948 he won 3rd place in all around at Championships of armed forces of Soviet Union. He was the first that finished composition at parallel bars with a salto backward straight in 1948 at Soviet Union Championships in Moscow. People used to say he is „the teacher from God". He prepared and trained 28 masters of sport (highest level of athletes in Soviet Union) From 1st September, 1975 until 1993 he was the director of Gymnastics department of the Pyotr Leshaft State Order of Lenin and Order of the Red Banner Academy of Physical training St. Petersburg. He wrote more than 110 publications, books, articles where he was engaged about techniques and methodic of gymnastics. His most important book was Parallel bars exercises and had 3 editions, and was translated into Japanese language. His Ph.D. students were among others Eudmila Turisceva, Vladimir Aksenov, Vjaceslav Mironov and me Anton Gajdos. Many years he was devoted to complex research work for preparing soviet gymnasts for Championships, Olympic Games. Together with his leadership many movies were prepared about techniques and methodic of complex exercises, kinograms which helped and still help to Science of Gymnastics Journal 197 Science of Gymnastics Journal GAJDOŠ A. SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES VI Vol. 8 Issue 2: 197 - 200 improve preparation, training of gymnasts not only in Russia but also around the world. Bellow is Professor Alekperov photo, front page of his most important book from 1976 Exercises on parallel bars (Upraznenia na brusjah) and front page of last edition, where it was part of J. Gaverdovskij's book Artistic Gymnastics all around - men disciplines from 1987. Materials were prepared with help of prof. Raisa Terechiny. CD CD O * a a o (DO 12 fcS Ctf 5 My>KCKne BMflbl Science of Gymnastics Journal 197 Science of Gymnastics Journal