UVODNIK Pobudnik mednarodnih krasoslovnih šol ''Klasični Kras': ki jih od leta 1993 pripravlja in vodi Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU iz Postojne, je Slovenska nacionalna komisija za UNESCO. Do sedaj so sodelavci inštituta pripravili štiri mednarodne krasoslovne šole. Četrta je bila junija letos. S pestrim programom šol želijo približati krasoslovje širšemu krogu ljudi, od študentov in strokovnjakov do vseh ljubiteljev krasa. Tema prve krasoslovne šole so bile površinske in podzemeljske značilnosti klasičnega krasa, predvsem Kras, druge kraška polja, tretje vrtače, četrte pa brezna. Dosedanjih krasoslovnih šol so se udeleževali strokovnjaki z vsega sveta: iz Rusije, iz cele Evrope, ZDA in celo iz Japonske. Skupaj se je zbralo prek 150 raziskovalcev iz 12 držav. Na teh krasoslovnih šolah so predstavili preko 70 strokovnih prispevkov. Med predavatelji so bili tudi ugledni akademiki in profesorji krasoslovja. Dopoldanske predstavitve so bile v popoldanskih urah in na celodnevnih ekskurzijah popestrene z bogatim terenskim delom in ogledom značilnosti ter znamenitosti klasičnega slovenskega krasa: Škocjanskih jam z okolico, kontaktnega krasa Brkinov, Cerkniškega, Planinskega in drugih kraških polj, vrtače nad Postojnsko jamo, na Hrušici, Trnovskem gozdu, Snežniku ter na Dolenjskem in pomembnejša brezna na Krasu. Gradivo prve krasoslovne šole "Klasični Kras" je izšlo kot posebni separat inštitutskega zbornika Acta carsologica, letnik XXIII (1994). Gradivo Druge in Tretje krasoslovne šole pa je objavljeno v tej številki. Tisk objave predavanj s krasoslovnih šol finančno podpira tudi Slovenska nacionalna komisija za UNESCO. Četrto, letošnjo, mednarodno krasoslovnno šolo je kot del Slovenskega parka znanosti in tehnologije sofinansirala tudi Slovenska znanstvena fundacija. Veseli nas, da ravno zdaj, ko praznuje UNESCO svojo petdeseto obletnico, velik del tega letnika Acta carsologica predstavlja gradivo z mednarodnih krasoslovnih šol "Klasični Kras". Tako tudi mi prispevamo k seznanjanju z dejavnostjo organizacije UNESCO, z duhom Združenih narodov in s Škocjanskimi jamami. Škocjanske jame namreč tudi praznujejo - letos je ravno deset let, kar so bile vpisane v svetovni seznam naravne dediščine UNESCO. Urednik 13 PREFACE The S/ovene National Commission far UNESCO was the initiator of the Intemational Karstological Schools "Classical Karst", that since 1993 have been organised and conducted by the Karst Research Institute of Postojna. So far the co-workers of the Karst Research Institute have organised four intemational karstological schools. This year in lune the fourth have taken place. By interesting topics they try to represent karstology to a wider circle of people, from students to experts on karst and amateurs of nature. The main topic of the first karstological school was the superficial and underground properties of the Classical Karst, the second dealt with karst poljes, the third with dolines and the fourth with shafts .. Experts from all over the world attended the karstological schools; they came from Russia, the whole of Europe, United States of America, and even from Japan. Altogether more than 150 researchers from about 12 countries have taken part. At the fourth karstological schools more than 70 professional papers were presented. Among the lecturers were distinguished academicians and professors of karstology. The moming presentations were complemented by extensive field work, either in the aftemoon or during the whole day by visiting the sites and famous sights of the Classical Karst such as Škocjanske jame and vicinity, the contact karst of Brkini, the karst poljes of Cerknica, Planina and others, the dolines above Postojnska jama, on Hrušica, Tmovski gozd, Snežnik and Dolenjska, and the important shafts of the Classical Karst. The papers held at the First Karstological School "Classical Karst" were published in a special off-print from the Institute's periodical Acta carsologica, volume XXIII (1994). The material of the Second and the Third one is published in the present Acta carsologica. The printing expenses of the papers from the karstological schools are sponsored by the S/ovene Commission for UNESCO. The fourth intemational karstological school was co-financed by the S/ovene Scientific Foundation within the frame of the Slovene Park of Science and Technology. We are very glad that just now, when the UNESCO is celebrating it's 50th anniversary, the great part of the present volume of Acta carsologica consists of the material of our international karstological schools "Classical Karst". Thus we are contributing to promote UNESCO activities, the spirit of United Nations and Škocjanske jame. Also Škocjanske jame have an anniversary - 1 O years being on the UNESCO list of World's natura! heritage. The editor 14