446 MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 1 Department of Pulmonary diseases and allergies, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Clinic of Infectious Disease and Febrile Conditions, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Matevž Harlander, e: matevz.harlander@gmail. com Key words: macrolide antibiotics; CoPD; asthma; cystic fibrosis; bronchiectasis; exacerbations Ključne besede: makrolidni antibiotiki; KOPB; astma; cistična fibroza; bronhiektazije; poslabšanja Received: 15. 5. 2019 Accepted: 5. 8. 2019 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 doi 15.5.2019 date-received 5.8.2018 date-accepted Microbiology and immunology Mikrobiologija in imunologija discipline Professional article Strokovni članek article-type Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases Vloga makrolidnih antibiotikov pri zdravljenju kroničnih pljučnih bolezni article-title Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases Vloga makrolidnih antibiotikov pri zdravljenju kroničnih pljučnih bolezni alt-title macrolide antibiotics, CoPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, exacerbations makrolidni antibiotiki, KOPB, astma, cistična fibroza, bronhiektazije, poslabšanja kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2020 89 7 8 446 457 name surname aff email Matevž Harlander 1 matevz.harlander@gmail.com name surname aff Maja Badovinac 1 Kristina Nadrah 2 eng slo aff-id Department of Pulmonary diseases and allergies, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Klinični oddelek za pljučne bolezni in alergije, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Clinic of Infectious Disease and Febrile Conditions, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Klinika za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2 Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases Vloga makrolidnih antibiotikov pri zdravljenju kroničnih pljučnih bolezni Maja Badovinac,1 Kristina Nadrah,2 Matevž Harlander1 Abstract Chronic lung diseases are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Despite ade- quate therapy, some patients fail to fully respond to treatment. Macrolide antibiotics are be- coming one of the standard treating options in chronic pulmonary diseases, owing to their an- ti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects. Firstly, they minimise the adherence and mobility of the bacteria and affect biofilm formation. Secondly, they influence the expression of tight junction proteins and change the mucus composition. They increase antimicrobial susceptibility of bac- teria when used in combination with other antibiotics. Beneficial effects on the quality of life and on the number of acute exacerbations in airways diseases have been described. Nonetheless, adverse effects have to be considered. Most importantly, appropriate selection of patients is nec- essary because long-term use of macrolide antibiotics promotes bacterial resistance in general population. Izvleček Kronične bolezni pljuč so eden vodilnih vzrokov obolevnosti in umrljivosti. Pri delu bolnikov kljub priporočeni terapiji ne dosežemo vselej zadovoljivega odgovora. Makrolidni antibiotiki so zaradi protivnetnih in antibiotičnih sposobnosti dobili svoje mesto pri dolgotrajnemu zdravljenju števil- nih kroničnih boleznih pljuč. Makrolidni antibiotiki zmanjšujejo nastanek biofilma, zmanjšujejo adherenco in mobilnost bakterij, vplivajo na izražanje tesnih stikov, spremenijo sestavo izmečka (mukusa) in povečajo občutljivost bakterij za druge antibiotike. Številne klinične raziskave so predvsem pri boleznih dihalnih poti pokazale pozitivne učinke za kakovost življenja in zmanjšale število poslabšanj. Pri uporabi moramo biti pazljivi na stranske učinke, predvsem pa kritični pri izbiri bolnikov za takšno zdravljenje, saj dolgotrajno jemanje makrolidnih antibiotikov vpliva na bakterijsko odpornost v širši populaciji. Cite as/Citirajte kot: Badovinac M, Nadrah K, Harlander M. Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases. Zdrav Vestn. 2020;89(7–8)446–57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 Copyright (c) 2020 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Slovenian Medical Journal 447 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases 1 Introduction Chronic lung diseases are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. With current predictions, we are expect- ing further growth in the numbers of these patients. The clinical picture is most char- acterised by shortness of breath and acute exacerbations. Despite adequate therapy, some patients fail to fully respond to the treatment. An additional option for the treatment of such patients is to prescribe a long-term macrolide antibiotic treatment. Indications for such therapy are grow- ing increasingly broader and have begun to also include frequent diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (1) and asthma (2). They can be potentially useful also for interstitial lung disease therapy (3). Because macrolide antibiotics are one of the basic groups of antibiotics for out-patient therapy of pul- monary infections, this raises the dilemma of the justification of using macrolide anti- biotics for this purpose. This article aims to present to the broader medical public the evidence for long-term use of macrolide antibiotics for lung disease therapy, and related risks. 2 Macrolides Macrolides are a broad group of com- pounds of natural origin. They have a characteristic lactone ring to which sev- eral deoxy sugars are attached. They have an antibacterial, antifungal or immuno- modulatory effect (4). Antibiotic charac- teristics are most recognisable traits of the macrolides. They form a reversible bind to the ribosomal subunit 50S, and have a bacteriostatic effect by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. Their secondary anti- bacterial characteristics are most well re- searched for the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has been established that they inhibit biofilm by reducing interbac- terial communication, and by affecting the genes that contribute to the onset and rip- ening of biofilm. This weakens the adher- ence of the bacteria. They can also reduce the bacteria’s mobility and the excretion of bacterial toxins (4,5). Some macrolide antibiotics also have anti-inflammatory characteristics, affect- ing the immune system. The anti-inflam- matory effect is measurable in concen- tration below their minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) for bacteria (6). They have the biggest effect on neutrophils, in- hibiting the response to cytokines (IL-8 and TNF-α), and encouraging their apop- tosis. They concurrently stimulate neutro- phil degranulation, which should improve their antibacterial action (4). Even though in vitro studies have clearly shown anti- neutrophil action of macrolide antibiotics, clinical studies have yet to confirm this. In COPD patients, for whom azithromycin has reduced the number of exacerbations, there was no statistically significant reduc- tion in the concentration of neutrophils in the sputum (7). Further, they also reduce the generation of pro-inflammatory and increase the generation of anti-inflamma- tory cytokines. In alveolar macrophages, they encourage phagocytosis. They also affect the lymphocyte population; howev- er, the mechanism of this action is not yet fully explained (4). In in vitro studies it has been discov- ered that macrolide antibiotics affect the expression of close contacts in the bron- chial epithelium (8). Through this direct effect on the mucosa cells in airways they reduce the generation, viscosity and secre- tion of mucous (9). It has been established in vitro that clarithromycin increases the effectiveness of amikacin against the bac- teria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This is ap- parently the result of clarithromycin’s ef- fect on the biofilm (5). Macrolide antibiotics are also poten- tially beneficial in disease exacerbations caused by viruses, because they reduce the generation of cytokines in a viral in- fection. In vitro research has proven that using erythromycin reduces the genera- tion of anti-inflammatory cytokines when infected with the human rhinovirus (10), 448 MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 which is one of the most frequent agents of exacerbation for COPD and asthma (11,12). Most information on the action and clinical effectiveness is available on azi- thromycin. It is classified among azalides. In 1980, a group of researchers at the Za- greb-based Pliva synthesised it by includ- ing two nitrogen atoms in a macrocyclic ring of erythromycin (13). The change in the structure increases the lipophilicity and basicity, resulting in a better accumu- lation in different cells and good tissue ab- sorption (14). Especially in macrophages, it achieves a quick and extended cellular accumulation, while – unlike other mac- rolide antibiotics – not inhibiting the cy- tochrome P450 3A4. For this reason, it is metabolically more neutral, with fewer side effects than other macrolides (15). 3 Using macrolides in clinical practice 3.1 Diffuse panbronchiolitis Diffuse panbronchiolitis is an idiopath- ic disease with recurring chronic brochi- ties and sinusitis. As it mainly affects the Asian population, it is not well known in Slovenia. The disease had a poor prog- nosis. Until recently, the 10-year survival rate was only at approximately 20%, as no therapeutic approach managed to bring down the mortality rate (16). The use of macrolides (erythromycin) improved pul- monary function, reduced symptoms, and increased 10-year survival rate to 90%. The successful use of macrolide antibiot- ics in the diffuse panbronchiolitis in the 1970s was the beginning of their use due to anti-inflammatory characteristics (17). 3.2 Cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disor- der with damage of the two genes for the ion channel, which carries chloride ions through the epithelial cellular membrane. This results in thick secretion. It affects lungs the most, as the thick mucus plugs the airways (18), creating the conditions for recurring and chronic infections with numerous bacteria and fungi. Conse- quently, epithelial cells generate more IL- 8, which is a chemotaxin to neutrophils. A neutrophilic inflammation process in the airways is characteristic for CF patients. Among the most important pathogens is the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It changes the constitution of the epithelium with proteases. The presence of the Pseu- domonas aeruginosa bacteria weakens the intercellular close contact, increases vis- cosity and weakens the ciliary function. The final result of the mucous plugs and infections is the onset of bronchiectases and lung failure (4,19). Clinical studies have proven that chil- dren and adult patients with CF, mostly colonised with the Pseudomonas aerugi- nosa bacteria, who were treated with azi- thromycin, had an improved pulmonary function (in two studies from 3.6–6%), lower inflammation indicators, improved quality of life (assessed using the CRQ questionnaire), fewer exacerbations (35– 63%), and less of a need for intravenous antibiotic therapy (20-23). In the latest study on children (OPTIMIZE) who were colonised with the Pseudomonas aerugino- sa bacteria, the number of exacerbations decreased by 44%, along with an increase in body mass (23). For children who were not colonised with the Pseudomonas aeru- ginosa bacteria, azithromycin therapy did not improve their pulmonary function, even though they also had a reduction in the number of exacerbations by 50%. They also had an increase in body mass (24). Since 2007, long-term therapy of CF patients with azithromycin has been in- cluded in various guidelines. The current guidelines prepared by the Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis recommend long-term azithromycin therapy for improving pul- monary function and reducing the num- ber of exacerbations for all patients above 6 years who have a chronic infection with 449 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases Pseudomonas aeruginosa in their airways (25). For patients older than 6 years and with no colonisation with the Pseudomo- nas aeruginosa bacteria, they recommend a consideration of such therapy. In all pa- tients, colonisation with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) should be excluded before beginning azithromycin therapy, and the presence of NTM should be moni- tored at regular 6–12-month intervals. The guidelines do not detail the azithromycin dosage. The studies, on which the guide- lines are based, used 250 mg 3-times per week on patients with a body mass below 40 kg, and 500 mg 3-times per week on pa- tients with a body mass above 40 kg. 3.3 Bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis is a chronic pulmonary disease, related to abnormal and irrepara- ble enlargements and transformations of airways. The disease is characterised by chronic productive cough and increases of inflammation (exacerbations). The cause of bronchiectasis is most often (40–45%) unknown, i.e., idiopathic. The most fre- quent identified aetiology is post-infec- tious (20-30%). Bronchiectasis can also be accompanied by NMT colonisation. Aetiological connections of bronchiec- tasis with the presence of NTM have not been conclusively determined (26,27). The presence of mycobacteria means a con- traindication for introducing long-term monotherapy with macrolide antibiotics (they can, however, be used in combina- tion with other antibiotics). Considering all the evidence gathered so far on long-term macrolide antibiotics therapy, the patients with bronchiectasis have a significant reduction in exacerba- tions. In the randomised and placebo-con- trolled BAT study, it was established that a 12-month azithromycin therapy increased the time until the first exacerbation, and reduced the risk for exacerbation by 33.5% (28). In a similar 6-month study (EM- BRACE, azithromycin 500 mg, 3-times per week), azithromycin reduced the number of exacerbations by 62% (29). In the BAT study, the patients who received azithromycin noted a significant improve- ment in the quality of life (assessed with a SGRQ questionnaire), while in the EM- BRACE study, the improvement in qual- ity of life was not statistically significant. In the BAT study, the pulmonary function had improved; however, the improvement was not statistically significant (26). In the randomised study which compared eryth- romycin with placebo, it was discovered that erythromycin reduces the number of exacerbation by 43% and improves pul- monary function, while there was no not- ed improvement in the quality of life (30). In its guidelines for treating adults with bronchiectasis, the European Respirato- ry Society (ERS) recommends long-term therapy with macrolide antibiotics (azi- thromycin or erythromycin) for patients with three or more exacerbations per year (31). For patients who do not have a chron- ic colonisation with the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, macrolide antibiotics are the therapy of first choice. For patients with a colonisation with the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, the guidelines recom- mend the use of a macrolide antibiotics for those where therapy with inhaled an- tibiotics is not feasible, or for those who still have frequent exacerbations in spite of these drugs. The guidelines do not define the recommended dosage or the duration of therapy. Studies most often used azith- romycin 500 mg, 3-times per week. 3.4 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD is characterised by an irrevers- ible obstruction of airways in exhalation. The clinical picture is most characterised by shortness of breath and acute exacer- bations. The basic COPD therapy includes long-acting bronchodilators, and with fre- quent exacerbations also inhaled cortico- steroids (ICS). Inhaled therapy can achieve a significant reduction in the number of exacerbations. However, in a part of pa- 450 MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 tients, even triple inhalation therapy does not provide a sufficient response. COPD exacerbations cause a faster decline in the pulmonary function, reduce the quality of life and are a risk factor for mortality (1). The airways of COPD patients have a dominating macrophage–neutrophil in- flammation, which has a poor response to ICS therapy (32,33). Macrolide antibiotics have been established as an additional op- tion, under assumption that they reduce the intensity of neutrophil inflammation. The effectiveness of macrolide antibiot- ics for preventing COPD exacerbation has been researched in 11 studies that includ- ed more than 2,500 patients (34). The big- gest among them included 1,142 COPD patients who had an exacerbation in the year before the study, or were prescribed permanent oxygen therapy at home (35). Azithromycin therapy (along with other therapies) extended the duration until the first exacerbation and reduced the number of exacerbations by 19%. The analysis of subgroups from this study has shown the effectiveness of azithromycin in all sub- groups, except for active smokers. Patients who received azithromycin had their qual- ity of life measured (assessed with a SGRQ questionnaire), with the results showing a statistically insignificant improvement. Other studies yielded similar results (34), with the effect of azithromycin on the number of COPD exacerbations the high- est on patients with the highest number of exacerbations in the past years. In the CO- LUMBUS study, which included COPD patients who had 3 or more exacerbations in the past year, azithromycin therapy re- duced the number of exacerbations by 40% (1.94 exacerbations per patient/year in the group with azithromycin, compared to 3.22 exacerbations per patient/year in the placebo group) (36). All these studies researched the effectiveness of azithromy- cin for 6–12 months, putting forward the question of the longevity of the effect. The two recently published retrospective stud- ies show that the effect is also present after 24 or 36 months (37,38). COPD therapy guidelines prepared by the Global initiative for chronic obstruc- tive lung disease, recommend prescribing azithromycin (in a 500-mg dose 3-times per week or 250 mg every day) to patients who still have frequent exacerbations in spite of triple inhaled therapy (and appro- priate nonpharmacological measures) (1). Azithromycin is not recommended for pa- tients who still smoke. The guidelines do not define the duration of the therapy. 3.5 Asthma Asthma is also characterised by a chronic inflammation of the airways. Asthma is a heterogeneous disease (39). It is most often characterised by atopy and eosinophilic airway inflammation. The latter responds well to ICS and which is therefore the basis for treating asthma. We also know forms of the disease not marked by eosinophilic inflammation (non-eosin- ophilic asthma). These are, however, much less responsive to glucocorticoid treat- ment (40). This has also brought about the assumptions that the inflammation in these patients could be treated with mac- rolide antibiotics. In the randomised and placebo-con- trolled study (AZISAST) of patients with a heavy asthma who suffered frequent ex- acerbations, using 250 mg azithromycin 3-times per week did on the whole not reduce the number of exacerbations in 6 months. A significant reduction in the number of exacerbation did come in the group of patients with non-eosinophilic asthma (defined as less than 200 eosin- ophils/µL in the blood) (41). A similar study with more patients was completed in 2017 (AMAZES) (2). In this study, azi- thromycin treatment significantly reduced the total number of exacerbations com- pared to placebo (1.07 versus 1.86 exac- erbations per patient/year). It also led to a reduction of severe exacerbations that authors defined as exacerbation requiring therapy with systemic glucocorticoids or hospitalisation (1.07 versus 0.61 exacer- 451 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases bation per patient/year). Somewhat sur- prisingly, the same effect was noted across all subgroups, regardless of the presence of eosinophilic inflammation or bacterial colonisation. The patients who received azithromycin also had a clinically insig- nificant improvement in the quality of life (assessed with the ACQ6 questionnaire). The guidelines for treating asthma currently do not include using macrolide antibiotics (42). Because of fairly limited data, it is not yet possible to define which asthma patients are most suitable for azi- thromycin therapy. Perhaps it will be pa- tients with non-eosinophilic asthma, for whom there are the fewest alternative therapy options at the moment (43). 3.6 Chronic lung allograft dysfunction after lung transplantation Chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) consists of restrictive and ob- structive failure types (44). The obstruc- tive type is also named the bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS), character- ised by an inflammation, scarring, and fi- nally a complete closure of small airways (bronchioles). BOS responds poorly to immunosuppressive therapy and is one of the main reasons for lung allograft dys- function. It has been proven that in some patients, azithromycin can improve the pulmonary function and stops the ad- vancement of the failure (45). In respon- sive patients bronchoalveolar lavage shows a higher percentage of neutrophils and an increased level of neutrophil inflamma- tion related cytokines, such as IL-8 (46). In the study, conducted patients after lung transplantation, azithromycin treatment (250 mg, 3-times per week for 2 years) has significantly reduced the incidence of the onset of BOS compared to placebo (12% vs. 44% patient). Because of the clear ef- fect of azithromycin on the subgroup of patients with BOS, this syndrome is now divided into the classic type and the neu- trophilic reversible allograft dysfunction (NRAD) (44). 4 Side effects of macrolide antibiotics therapy Using macrolide antibiotics can have a toxic effect on various organ systems. The most frequent side effects of macro- lide antibiotics are on the digestive tract. Diarrhoea has occurred with 72/1,000 patients, and stomach pain with 62/1,000 (47). Cardiotoxicity has been a greater cause for concern. By inhibiting the cal- cium canal on myocytes, all macrolide antibiotics extend the QT period and con- sequently the risk for ventricular arrhyth- Figure 1: Proposed algorithm of using azithromycin on a patient with COPD and/or bronchiectasis. * QTc > 450 ms, concurrent therapy with drugs to extend the QT period, significant comorbidity of the heart (heart failure, coronary disease), resting heart rate > 100/min. **NTM nontuberculous mycobacteria. Taking a sample from the phlegm is recommended before beginning therapy. COPD with ≥ 3 exacerbations in a year Inhaled antibiotic for colonisation with P. aeruginosa Bronchiectasis with ≥ 3 exacerbations in a year Maximum inhaled therapy Smoking cessation Rehabilitation Managed comorbidities Without additional risk factors for cardiovascular complications* Without NMT colonisation Azithromycin 500 mg 3x per week Reassessment of treatment a†er 6-12 months 452 MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 mia. Through cytochrome P450, they af- fect the metabolism of other prescribed antiarrhythmics. Azithromycin has the lowest effect on cardiotoxicity (15). In a major observatory study, the five-day ap- plication of azithromycin was associated with an increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular causes. Risk of mortality was estimated at approximately 1:20,000 (48). Most patients had additional risk factors for cardiovascular events or were receiving additional proarrhythmogenic drugs for regulating heart rate. It should be mentioned that a similar effect has not been detected in a year-long study on the effects of azithromycin on coronary events in patients with a stable angina pectoris nor in other randomised studies conduct- ed so far (49). The effect on the cardio- vascular system was also not confirmed by Cochran’s systematic analysis, which included studies with a total of 252,886 participants (47). Long-term use of mac- rolide antibiotics can be ototoxic; howev- er, most likely the effect is reversible. The frequency and the seriousness of this side effect are not known (15). The probability of these side effects apparently increases with the duration of therapy. The study on children with CF (the OPTIMIZE study) did not note an increased number of side effects after more than 12 months of tak- ing the drug (23). 5 Long-term macrolide antibiotic therapy and bacterial resistance With long-term use of azithromycin a significant risk of generation of macrolide antibiotics-resistant bacteria is expected. All randomised studies that researched the effects of long-term macrolide therapies have found a significant increase in bacte- rial resistance to macrolide antibiotics. The biggest study with COPD patients found that patients who received azithromycin had 81% of resistant bacteria, compared to 41% for patients who received placebo (35). The results for patients with bronchi- ectasis in the BAT study were similar – at the end of the study, the group receiving azithromycin had 88% resistant bacteria, while the placebo group had 26% resistant bacteria. An increase in resistance was also confirmed in the AMAZES study in asthma patients, where they noted an in- creased expression of genes for macrolide antibiotics and tetracyclines resistance (50). The effect of chronic prescriptions of macrolide antibiotics on bacterial resis- tance in the broader community will gen- erally depend on how strict the measures for selecting (and thereby the number of) patients with appropriate indication are. A link between increased use of mac- rolide antibiotics, especially azithromycin, and the development of group A strepto- coccus and Streptococcus pneumoniae re- sistant to macrolide antibiotics has been proven several times (51,52). In Japan in the 1970s, a reduction of use (from 22% to 8% of all antibiotics) managed to bring down the resistance of the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria from 62% to 2% (52). We also have a similar case in Slovenia. For children the resistance of the Strepto- coccus pneumoniae bacteria to macrolides has been increasing persistently, namely from 17.9% in 2005 to 44.3% in 2011. By raising awareness among the physicians, the use of macrolide antibiotics in 2016 declined by more than 60% compared to 1999 (53), and this in turn also brought down the resistance of the Streptococ- cus pneumoniae bacteria, which stood at 29.8% in 2015 (54). In the general popula- tion, resistance declined from 21% in 2011 to 17.6% in 2017 (55,56). A retrospective study on children also proved that resis- tance develops during therapy. One week after beginning the therapy, they noted a high share of macrolide antibiotics-re- sistant mouth flora (90%), which then gradually declined. This was not the case for azithromycin, where the high share of resistance persisted for up to six weeks (85%) (57). This condition is most likely related to the longer half-life and the lon- 453 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Role of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases ger presence (compared to other macro- lides) of low azithromycin concentrations in tissues that promote the development of resistance (52,57). Similarly, the increase in the resistance of the Staphylococcus au- reus bacteria was established in a study in CF patients. With long-term (several year) azithromycin therapy, the share of the re- sistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in- creased from 10% to 100% (83% after the first year of therapy) (58). Authors of the study were then interested whether the resistant strands were transferred into the home environment. They discovered that the share of such transfers is very low (1 in 65 patients) (59). In Slovenia, we have not detected an increase in the resistance of the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to mac- rolide antibiotics in spite of increased use (12% in 2011, and 11.2% in 2017) (55,56). Increased resistance with increased use of macrolide antibiotics was also noted for the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. The effec- tiveness of treating the infection declines with the resistance to macrolides. When the resistance exceeds 15%, it is no longer recommended to be included in the thera- py scheme (60). In Slovenia, in years 2008 and 2009, we noted 20% resistant strands (60); however, according to the latest data, this percentage has almost halved to 10.5% (61). This decrease can be attributed to the rationalisation of the use of macrolide an- tibiotics. Macrolide antibiotics (clarithromy- cin and azithromycin) are used in com- binations for treating NTM infections. Long-term use of macrolide antibiotics in monotherapy could cause the onset of NTM resistance, making therapy signifi- cantly more difficult. It could even obscure the clinical picture and decrease the ability to obtain an adequate sputum sample for microbiological examination, and delay the diagnosis (62,63). The connection be- tween resistance and monotherapy is not completely clear yet. A study on mice has established that resistance to clarithromy- cin only occurs with high inoculums (108 CFU), when resistant clones are generat- ed in the bacterial population. Similarly, resistance occurred with HIV patients who already had a significantly reduced CD4 number (below 25) (64). On the oth- er hand, a smaller retrospective study on patients infected with the Mycobacterium avium bacteria, who received erythromy- cin in monotherapy for 6 months, did not note an increase of resistance to clarithro- mycin (65). It is unclear whether this effect is only related to erythromycin, or wheth- er it could be generalised to all macrolide antibiotics. Perhaps the question of causing bacte- rial resistance will be less important in the future, as macrolides without antibacterial properties that still function anti-inflam- matorily have already been identified (9). 6 Which pulmonary patient to select for long-term azithromycin therapy? Long-term use of azithromycin can be justified for patients with frequent exacer- bations, who have not shown a satisfactory decrease in the number of exacerbations despite appropriately prescribed pharma- cological therapy and non-pharmacolog- ical measures. We also have to take the severity of the exacerbations into account. The effect on the lung function and the quality of life is small, so these are not suit- able therapeutic targets. Before prescribing a macrolide antibi- otic, we have to conduct appropriate diag- nostic examinations to properly define the disease. All comorbidities that could affect the frequency of exacerbations or increase the risk for complications have to be ex- cluded or treated. The presence of NTM in the respiratory system has to be excluded. Figure 1 shows an example of an algorithm for implementing long-term azithromycin therapy for a patient with COPD or bron- chiectasis. When prescribing long-term azith- romycin therapy, we have to be aware of the possibility for increased resistance 454 MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.2955 to macrolide antibiotics, which increas- es proportionally with use, also in the broader community (52). This resistance has the biggest impact on patients allergic to β-lactam antibiotics, for example, and children, as certain antibiotics of second or third choice have contraindications (e.g., tetracycline, fluoroquinolones). Long-term prescribing of macrolide anti- biotics should be in the domain of experts in departments that have experience with treating the most severe pulmonary pa- tients, the ability to perform appropriate diagnostic procedures and directly moni- tor the patient. It is also recommended to collect the data on the number and char- acteristic of patients receiving such thera- py. Serious consideration of such therapy is especially merited in COPD, which is a frequent disease (prevalence in the adult population is estimated at around 10%), with nearly a third of these patients expe- riencing exacerbations (1). 7 Conclusion The use of macrolide antibiotics, es- pecially azithromycin, has its place in the therapy of patients with numerous chron- ic lung diseases with severe exacerbations. We have to, however, take into account the potential risks for the patient, as well as for the onset of antibiotic resistance in the broader community. References 1. 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