ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE •a OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME III No. 19 - 11 July 1950 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriate Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1950 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 130 AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL TREATMENT OF SPIRITS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE DISTILLATION OF WINE AND TO LAW PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE RETAIL SALE OF EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES FOR THE PREPARATION OF LIQUEURS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify the fiscal treatment of spirits for the purpose of facilitating the distillation of wine and to amend the provisions concerning the retail sale of extracts and essences for the preparation of liqueurs in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S., Army Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I RATE OF DUTY The excise duty on spirit (ethyl alcohol) and the corresponding additional frontier duty on the same product imported from abroad are hereby fixed at L. 32.000 per „ettanidro“ at the temperature of 15.56 degrees centigrade. The excise duty and the corresponding additional frontier duty on methyl, propyl and isopropyl alcohol which, for the purposes of this Order, are considered to be 1st category ethyl alcohol are hereby fixed at the same rate. ARTICLE II FISCAL TREATMENT OF WINE SPIRIT In respect of spirit obtained, after the effective date of this Order, from the distillation of genuine wines, recognized as such by the Finance Administration, regardless of their alcoholic strength and including sour or slightly adulterated wines, the allowance referred to in Article II, first paragraph of Order No. 22 dated 29 January 1949, is hereby increased to L. 4,000 per „ettanidro “. No amendment is made as concerns the allowance of L. 500 per „ettanidro“ of wine spirit produced in factories operated by co-operative Societies, to be granted, in conformity with Article II, third paragraph, of Order No. 22 dated 29 January 1949, in addition to the allowance referred to in the first paragraph hereof. The said allowances shall also apply to trine brandy already produced or which will be produced after the effective date of this Order, or to wine brandy which is or will be stored (being still liable to duty) in maturation warehouses. Spirit obtained from the distillation of tained wines other than those specified in the first paragraph hereof shall continue to be liable to the fiscal treatment established for spirit produced from other wine-bearing substances. Spirit obtained from a raw substance presented as genuine wine but not recognized as such by the Finance Administration under the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article, shall be liable to the excise and State duties established for 2nd category alcohol produced from fruits other than dates and raisin. If the analysis made by Customs Chemical Laboratories subsequently prove that fermented raw substances, from the distillation of which first category spirit is produced, have been added to the analysed grape wine, the spirit obtained from such wine shall be classified and taxed as 1st category spirit. The provisions of Article II of Order No. 22 dated 29 January 1949 shall continue to be applicable in respect of other 2nd category spirits. ARTICLE III EXTRAORDINARY TEMPORARY PRIVILEGES FOR SPIRIT AND BRANDY PRODUCED FROM WINE A reduction of 70% on the duty payable after deduction of the manufacture allowance shall be granted in respect of spirit obtained after the effective date of this Order until 30 September 1950, from the distillation of genuii e wi es recognized as such by the Finance Administration, regardless of their alcoholic strength and including sour or slightly adulterated wines, when such spirit is stored in bonded warehouses and is removed from the same after the first year of storage at a rate not exceeding 25% in each of the subsequent four years. The years of compulsory storage shall be counted commencing from the first day of the month following that in which the individual lots of spirit have been stored in the bonded warehouses. The fiscal treatment established by this Article may be applied, at the manufacturer’s request, also to wine brandy produced in the above mentioned period of time in accordance with the provisions of Articles V and VI hereof. In no case - even if the whole duty is paid - may the wine spirit and brandy referred to in this Article be removed from the warehouses for consumption in quantities exceeding 25% per annum. ARTICLE IV STATE DUTIES In addition to the duty and additional frontier duty referred to in Article I hereof, a ,,di-ritto erariale“ (State duty) shall be payable at the rates hereinafter specified on 1st category spirits, or on those considered as 1st category for fiscal purposes, and on spirits derived from the distillation of fruit : 1) on 1st category alcohol produced from raw substances other than sorghum : L. 32,000 per „ettanidro“ 2) on 1st category alcohol produced from, sorghum : L. 28,000 per „ettanidro“ 344 A.M.G. - F.T.T. Gazette Vol. Ill, No. 19 — 11 July 1950 3) on 2nd category alcohol produced from fruit, excluding dates and raisin : L. 15,000 per „ettanidro“ 4) on 2nd category alcohol produced from dates and raisin : L. 32,000 per „ettanidro“. Within an annual quota of 7000 „ettanidri“, the State duty of L. 32.000 per „ettanidro“ applicabile, under (1) of this Article, also in respect of alcohol obtained from the distillation of the sugar cane, is hereby reduced to L. 29,000 per „ettanidro“. The State duties established by this Article shall not apply to storage losses not exceeding one per cent per annum, relating to dutiable alcohol held in bonded warehouses. ARTICLE V ORDINARY FISCAL TREATMENT OF BRANDY PRODUCED FOR MATURATION Brandy produced from wine and destined for storage in maturation premises shall be obtained by fractional distillation or by repeated distillations, never exceeding, however, an alcoholic strenght of 70 degrees. The final product destined for maturation shall have an alcoholic strength between 40 and 70 degrees. Products of same strenght obtained by the dilution of wine spirit of a superior strength shall not be considered to be wine brandy. When -the product is submitted to successive re-distillation operations for refining, the collection of excise duty on the resulting losses may be waived up to 1.50% for each operation. ARTICLE VI Wine brandy may be stored for maturation when it is produced from sound wines of any alcoholic strength or from wines having a volatile acid content hot exceeding twice that permitted for edible wines : it shall taste good and shall have a total coefficient of impurities of not less than 200 miligrams per 100 cubic centimeters of dehydrated alcohol. Such characteristics shall be ascertained by the Chemical Laboratory of the Customs and Indirect Taxfes on the basis of analysis made on appropriate samples taken by the Excise Technical Office. The distilled spirit recognized as fit for maturation shall be kept under custody in the appropriate bonded warehouses („Magazzini assimilati ai doganali“) in oak casks of any size free from internal or external varnishing or coating. Authority to use the above mentioned warehouses shall be subject to payment of a guarantee deposit equivalent to 5% of the duty. ARTICLE VII In respect of brandy recognized as fit and destined for maturation under - observance of the provisions of Articles V and VI hereof, the following reductions on the duty payable after deduction of the manufacture allowance shall be granted : 18% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 1 year of storage ; 32% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 2 years of storage ; 44% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 3 years of storage ’ 55% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 4 years of storage * 66% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 5 years of storage 77% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 6 years of storage ’ 88% on the quantities of brandy removed from maturation warehouses after 7 years of storage. No further reduction shall be granted after the 7th year of storage. For the application of the above reduction percentages only full years of storage shall be considered. ARTICLE VIII No duty shall be payable in respect of deficiencies in pure (dehydrated) alcohol as ascertained on the periodical controls of the maturation Warehouses referred to in Article VII hereof, when such deficiencies do not exceed 6% upon termination of the first year, 5% upon termination of the second and third year, 4% upon termination of the fourth year and 3% for each subsequent year until termination of the seventh year. The full rate of duty shall be payable on the portion of deficiency (as ascertained on the occasion of the above mentioned controls) in excess of 6% upon termination of the first year ; in respect of deficiencies exceeding the percentage exempted from duty upon termination of the subsequent years, the rate of duty shall be reduced by 18% after the second year, by 32% after the third year, by 44% after the 4th year, by 55% after the 5th year, by 66% after the 6th year and by 77% after the 7th year. The percentages established by the first paragraph hereof shall be computed for the first year on the quantities brought into the warehouse and for the subsequent years on the quantities ascertained by inventory at the commencement of each year. ARTICLE IX For each removal of wine-brandy from maturation warehouses, regardless of the relative destination, it is compulsory to compute the portion of loss caused by such removal, taking due account of the storage-period (in full years and months) of the lot in the warehouse. ARTICLE X ' The fiscal treatment provided for by Articles VII and VIII hereof is hereby extended to wine-brandy (ex cognac) held on the effective date of this Order in maturation warehouses equipped in accordance with the legislation previously in force. ARTICLE XI Before being taken out of the manufacturing plant, receptacles of a capacity not exceeding 2 litres containing brandy may be provided, at the request and for the account of the manufacturer, with State labels indicating the maturation period to which the brandy has been subjected. The types, prices and rules for application regarding the State labels referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall be established by the Chief, Department of Finance. ARTICLE XII Matured wine-brandy in respect of which the allowances referred to in Articles VII and VIII hereof have been granted and which for any reason whatever is subjected, even after removal from the warehouses by „bolletta di legittimazione“, to rectification or re- distillation for the purpose of obtaining spirit, shall be liable, for the spirit so obtained, to the normal rate of duty on spirits, subject to deduction of the portion of duty already paid. ARTICLE XIII It is hereby prohibited to use the name „acquavite di vino“ or simply „acquavite“ or „arzente“ or „distillato di vino“ or „brandy“ or any other foreign term equivalent to the Italian „acquavite di vino“ for alcoholic products other than actual „acquavite di vino“ (wine-brandy), even if such products are similar to „acquavite di vino“, so far as taste and flavour are concerned. Notwithstanding the provision of the foregoing paragraph, the Department of Finance may authorize the adoption of names used in Countries to which the wine-brandy is exported. After 1 year from the publication of this Order, any person selling alcoholic products in contrast with the provisions of this Article shall be punishable, apart from any other penalty provided for by standing legislation, with a fine („multa“) from L. 20,000 up to 100,000 L. ARTICLE XIV Retailers holding alcoholic products other than wine-brandy (as specified in the foregoing Article) shall conform to the provisions of Article XIII hereof by 31 December 1951. Any persons who, after the said date, will sell by retail, or will hold in their public shops or in adjoining premises alcoholic products not conforming to the above mentioned provisions shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding L. 50,000. ARTICLE XV In the cases referred to in the third paragraph of Article XIII and in the second paragraph of Article XIV, the products sold or held in contrast with the provisions of the said Articles shall be confiscated. ARTICLE XVI DUTY ON SPIRIT USED FOR THE PRODUCTION OF VINEGAR On spirit employed in the manufacture of vinegar the excise duty shall be as follows : 1) on 1st category spirits ....................... L. 8,000 per „ettanidro“ 2) on 2nd category spirits, excluding wine-spirit...... L. 7,400 per „ettanidro“ 3) on wine-spirit ..................................... L. 2,000 per „ettanidro“ In respect of 1st category spirit and of spirit produced from fruit and used in the manu- facture of vinegar, the current State duty („diritto erariale“) shall be paid in addition to the above rates of excise «duty. OTHER FISCAL PRIVILEGES IN FAVOUR OF WINE-SPIRIT A reduction of 80% on the duty payable after deduction of the manufacture allowance shall be granted in respect of wine-spirit employed under Customs control in the preparation of vermuth and marsala wines destined for inland consumption, subject to observance of the provisions of Article XXIX of Order No. 22 dated 29 January 1949. ARTICLE XVIII The sale of wine for distillation shall be exempt from turnover tax. ARTICLE XIX FISCAL TREATMENT OF PRODUCTS HELD The rates of duty or of additional frontier duty established by Article I hereof, including the relative allowances where the same may be granted, shall also apply-subject to deduction of the duty which may have been already paid at the rate previously in force - to any dutiable alcohol in storage on the effective date of this Order in bonded warehouses belonging to alcohol manufacturing or rectifying firms, as well as to any alcohol imported from abroad and in storage on the above date in any closed areas or premises under permanent Customs’ control or in any other bonded warehouses or in transit to such warehouses. The provision of the foregoing paragraph shall also apply to products manufactured from spirits held under bond on the same date in Customs-controlled warehouses or storing places, or in transit under bond to such warehouses or storing places. In respect of the stocks referred to in the foregoing paragraphs, the increase in State duties shall be applicable at the rate of 50% only if products sold for consumption, with payment of the duty, within the 30tli day of the publication of this Order are involved whereas the full increase shall be applied if the products are sold for consumption, after the said term. ARTICLE XX CIRCULATION AND STORAGE OF EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES FOR LIQUEURS Extracts and essences, including those not containing alcohol, for the preparation of liqueurs destined for the retail sale and held in receptacles in quantity sufficient for the preparation of not more than I litre of liqueur shall be bottled in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of R.D.L. 2 February 1933, No. 23, and, in addition, shall be provided, at the expense of the manufacturer or of the importer, with. an appropriate State label, the characteristics and price of which shall be determined by the Chief, Department of Finance. This provisions shall also establish the effective date of this provision which in any case shall not be beyond the 31st of December 1950. Extracts and essences for the • preparation of liqueurs, bottled and provided with the State label in accordance with the foregoing paragraph, shall not be subject to the provisions (concerning circulation and storage) of article V, 2nd and 3rd paragraph, of R.D.L. 2 February 1933, No. 23, which are applicable to the same products when they are held for sale in receptacles of larger capacity not provided with the appropriate State label.- As from the effective date of the provision of Article XX hereof, extracts and essences for liqueurs, including those without an alcohol content, held by retailers in their own shops and in premises attached thereto, even if the same are used for dwelling purposes, shall only be kept in the appropriate receptacles duly provided with the State label prescribed. The said retailers shall not be permitted to hold open receptacles containing extracts and essences for the preparation of liqueurs. ARTICLE XXII So far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of Articles XX and XXI hereof, the other provisions of R.D.L. 2 February 1933, No. 23, relating to extracts and essences for the preparation of liqueurs, shall remain in force. Any retailer who, after the time-limit which will be established by the Order referred to in Article XX hereof, holds extracts and essences in conditions other than those provided for by this Order, shall be punishable with a fine („ammenda) of L. 100 for each dose held for the preparation of 1 litre of liqueur, with a minimum of 2,000 lire. ARTICLE XXIII The State labels to be affixed on the receptacles shall be delivered to the manufacturer upon written request (in duplicate) of the latter to the Excise Technical Office, or to-the Customs if the products are imported from abroad, such request to be accompanied by the Treasury receipt showing that the relative price has been duly paid. Of the two copies of the request, in both of which the Excise Office shall give particulars of the State labels delivered, one copy, with the notation of receipt of the firm concerned, shall be kept by the Office and the other shall be returned to the firm. The'movemeht of labels shall be recorded by the Excise Office or by the Customs in ap-propriate'books and the relative accounts shall be subject to control by the competent authority („soggetta a conto giudiziale“). The. manufacturer shall be supplied by the Administration with an appropriate stock--book, into the „entry“ side of which he shall enter the labels received, attaching to the book the second copy of the written request made to the Excise Office, whereas the labels affixed shall be entered (wdth reference to the relative „declarations of work“) into the „discharge“ side of the book. The labels resulting as difference between the „entry“ and the „discharge“ sides shall be exhibited to the Finance Administration Officials upon request. The manufacturer shall be punishable with a fine („ammenda“) of L. 100 for each missing label if proof cannot be furnished that the relative loss or destruction was due to reasons beyond the manufacturer’s control. ARTICLE XXIV The following law provisions are hereby repealed : Article XI, XII, XIV, XV, the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of Article XVI, Article XVII and Article XIX of Order No. 22 dated 29 January 1949 ; Article I and Article II of Order No. 215 dated 17 November 1949. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, in accordance with administrative instructions issued, its provisions will be operative as from 18 April 1950. Dated at TRIESTE, this 30th day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDELMAN _ Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref, : LD/A/SO/lll Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 131 FISCAL EXEMPTIONS FOR CERTAIN PUBLIC DEBT OPERATIONS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant fiscal exemptions in respect of certain operations relating to the public debt in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The requests and documents produced to the Public Debt Administration for operations relating to bearer, registered or mixed stocks the face value of which does not exceed L. 50,000 shall be exempt from stamp and Government concession duties. Such operations shall also be exempt from Government concession duty on receipts delivered for the stocks deposited. The said exemptions shall not apply to the splitting of stocks to bearer into others of a smaller value, even if „poliennali“ Treasury bonds are involved and regardless of the respective value. ARTICLE II Requests for joining, whenever possible, bearer registered or mixed stocks of any value into others of a higher value may be drawn up on unstamped paper. The operation shall further be exempt from the Government concession tax on the stocks deposited for joining as well as from stamp-duty on the new stocks. ARTICLE III Acts and documents drawn up abroad and relating to public debt operations shall be exempt from consular duties. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, in accordance with administrative instructions issued, its provisions shall be operative as from 5 May 1950. Dated at TRIESTE, this 30fch day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LD/AI50I118 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 132 INCREASE OF TAXES PAYABLE TO THE NOTARIAL ARCHIVES FOR DEEDS RECEIVED OR AUTHENTICATED BY NOTARIES AND SUBJECT TO REGISTRATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to increase the tax due to the Notarial Archive for deeds received or authenticated by the Notaries and subject to registration in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The rates of the Archive tax as provided for by Article 10 of the D.L.L. 8 December 1944 No. 428 are hereby increased by 150%. The whole tax will be collected by the Registering Office (Ufficio del Registro) at the time of the registration of the deed. ARTICLE 11 This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of July 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LD/AI50I133 Director General, Civil Affairs WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary in connection with the larger needs of service in the judicial offices of that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Zone) to amplify the organic plan of the said offices as established by Order No. 3 dated 17 January 1949, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from 1 July 1950 the organic plan of the judicial offices and secretariats within the Zone shall be as follows : 1) Court of Appeal: a) 1 chief judicial clerk of grade VI or VII who shall also perform the functions of secretary of the First President of the Court ; b) 13 subordinate judicial clerks, 2 of whom of grade VII, 3 of grade VIII and 8 of inferior grade ; 2) Procura Generate : a) 1 chief secretary, of grade VI or VII ; b) 4 subordinate secretaries ; 1 of whom of grade VII, 2 of grade VIII and 1 of inferior grade ; 3) Tribunale : a) 1 chief judicial clerk of grade VII ; b) 30 subordinate judicial clerks, 1 of whom of grade VII, 8 of grade VIII, and 21 of inferior grade ; 4) Procura di Stato : a) 1 chief secretary of grade VTI ; b) 9 subordinate secretaries, 1 of whom of grade VII, 2 of grade VIII and 6 of inferior grade ; 5) Pretura : a) 1 chief judicial clerk of grade VII oi VIII ; b) 25 subordinate judicial clerks, 5 of whom of grade VIII and 20 of inferior grade, included in the total number 4 officials detached to the „Ufficio Tavolare“. ARTICLE II With effect from 1 July 1950 the organic plan of bailiffs within the Zone shall be as follows : a) Court of Appeal: I b) Tribunale : 2 c) Pretura : 4 352 AJVLG. - F.T.T. Gazette, — Vol, III, No. 19 — hi July 1950 With effect from 1 July 1950 the organic plan of judicial ushers within the Zone shall be as follows : a) Court of Appeal: 6 b) Procura Generale : 3 c) Tribunale : 11 d) Procura di Stato : 3 e) Pretura : 8 ARTICLE IV Order No. 3 dated 17 January 1949 is hereby repealed. ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 3rd day of July 1950. Be/. : LD\A\50flU CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 134 AUTHORITY TO THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE COURT OF APPEAL OF TRIESTE TO ENGAGE TEMPORARY PERSONNEL FOR „CANCELLERIE“ AND „SEGRETERIE GIUDIZIARIE“ WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary, in relation to the enlargement of the tables of organization of „cancellerie“ and „segreterie giudiziarie“ in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) as set forth in Order No. 133, dated 3 July 1950, to provide for the engangement of temporary personnel for the judicial offices concerned in default of permanent /„di ruolo“) personnel ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Authority is hereby given to the First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste to engage second category temporary personnel (corresponding to Group B of judicial clerks („cancellieri“) and secretaries („segretari“) for the staff of the judicial „cancellerie“ and „segreterie“ of the District of the Court in order to assign them to the new posts in the dependent judicial offices as provided for by Order No. 33, dated 3 July 1950, which posts are to be considered vacant for all purposes. The First President shall provide for the engagement contemplated in the pieceding Article by decree ■with which he shall appoint the temporary employee and assign him to one of the off’ces concerned. If need be the First President may also, by. deciee of his own, transfer the temporary personnel of „cancellerie“ or „segreterie“ from one judicial office of the District to another. ARTICLE 111 The 1 irst President may dismiss the temporary employees at any moment when, after hearing the Surveillance Commission, he shall consider them not fit to perform the functions to which they had been destined. The dismissal shall be ordered by decree and shall be effective as from the first day of the month following that on which notice has been given to the employee concerned through the office in which he was serving. The dismissal may be ordered in the same form, with immediate effect, for bad conduct, inefficiency or disciplinary reasons. ARTICLE IV The folio-wing requisites shall be necessary to obtain the temporary appointment: 1) to be resident in the Zone ; 2) to be at least 18 years old but not more than 35, except such higher age limits as are contemplated by the existing regulations in favour of certain categories of persons ; 3) to be, in all respects, of uncensurable morality and conduct and of healthy constitution ; 4) to be in possession of the second grade intermediate school degree in terms of art. 10 of R.D.L. 5 November 1931, No. 1444, or of an equivalent degree. ARTICLE V Candidates shall address their applications on stamped paper to the First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste and shall submit them either directly to the „cancelleria“ of the Court of Appeal or through any Judicial Office of the Zone which will forward them to the First President together with a report containing information as to the candidates’ moral qualities and fitness. Applications for appointment submitted up to the date of this Order to the Allied Military Government shall be considered as applications submitted directly to the First President, but the respective candidates shall be obliged to regularize them on stamped paper. The applications shall be accompanied by the documents proving possession of the requisites indicated in the preceding Article and by any other documents, if any, proving the candidates’ aptitude and services, if any, performed by them with other Public Administrations. In any ease every candidate shall produce a statement attesting that he was not „squa-drista“ or „Sciarpa Littorio“ and that he did not partecipate in the „March on Rome“ or hold political offices during the Fascist Regime and that he was not inscribed in the Republican Fascist Party or enlisted in the military units of said party. ARTICLE VI The temporary employees shall perform their service in accordance with the instructions of the Head of the Office and perform such acts as will be entrusted to them by the said Head of Office or his substitute. At the moment of their assumption into service the temporary em-ployess shall be reminded of their duty to fulfil all obligations of theii office with diligence and zeal, observing scrupolously the secrets of the office and conforming their conduct, even privately, to the dignity of their employment. ARTICLE VII The obligation of residence as well as that of observing office hours, the incompatibilities and all other duties prescribed for the personnel of „cancellerie“ and „segreterie giudiziarie“ by the General Judicial Regulations, by the Regulations („ordinamento“) approved by R.D. 8 May 1924, No. 745, and by the other laws, are hereby extended to the temporary personnel engaged pursuant to the present provisions. ARTICLE VIII The temporary personnel shall be given the economic treatment contemplated in the provisions existing in the Zone for category B. ARTICLE IX At the time of dismissal every temporary employee shall receive an indemnity equal to one half of his monthly pay for each year of service or fraction thereof with the exclusion of the family allowance and additional quotas. Nothing shall be due to temporary employees ceasing from service voluntarily or dismissed for any of the reasons contemplated in the last paragraph of Article III. ARTICLE X This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 3rd day of July 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LDjA/501175 ' Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 38 AUTHORIZATION TO „ente FIERA CAMPIONARIA INTERNAZIONALE DI TRIESTE“ TO EXCHANGE CERTAIN PROPERTY WHEREAS the „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Trieste“ has presented a petition asking for authorization to exchange certain property ; and WHEREAS the said petition has been approved by the Zone President ; and' there appears to be no objection to the granting of said petition, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — That the „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Trieste“ be and is hereby- authorized to exchange property owned by it, namely that part of landed property of 52.75 mq. to be cancelled from p.c. 152 of P.T. 1094 of Rozzol and to be inscribed into P.T. 953 of Rozzol ,for that part of landed property owned by Sig. Guglielmo TOMASI, of 34 mq. to be cancelled from p.c. 152 of P.T. 953 of Rozzol and to be inscribed into P.T. 1094 of Rozzol. 2. — As adjustment for the greater value of the property ceded by „Ente Fiera Campio- naria Internazionale di Trieste “with respect to that ceded by Sig. Guglielmo TOMASI, the latter shall pay in cash to the above said Ente the amount of 55,000 Lire. 3. — This. Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1950. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD\Bf50f37 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 39 CONFERRING OF JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS ON JUDICIAL AUDITORS WHEREAS by Administrative Order No. 5 dated 1 February 1950 Dr. Sebastiano COSSU and Dr. Leone AMBROSI were temporarily appointed as Judicial Auditors without indemnity for the purpose of allowing them a period of judicial experience prior to their appointment as Judicial Auditors, and WHEREAS by successive Administrative Order No. 18 dated 25 March 1950 they were appointed Judicial Auditors, with the right to the indemnity established by the law, and WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable in the interests of the service of the Courts to confer on them judicial functions in advance of the prescribed date, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — Dr. Sebastiano COSSU and Dr. Leone AMBROSI are hereby temporarily the charged with judicial functions and assigned the first to the Tribunal and the second to the Pretura. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of July 1950. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDIBf50l38 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 40 APPOINTMENT OF A MAGISTRATE WHEREAS more magistrates are required in the Pretura by reason of the increase of work in the said Court, WHEREAS the magistrate Dr. Velco FABIANICH has been placed at the disposal of the Allied Military Government and may be assigned to the Pretura, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — Dr. Velco FABIANICH charged with judicial functions is hereby appointed as subordinate Pretore to the Pretura of Trieste, with effect from 1st July 1950. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of July 1950. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDfBI50f39 Director General, Civil Affairs Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of manual laborers, casually employed by business firms (excepting forwarding agencies) the following award: LODO ARTICOLO 1 Il salario base giornaliero concernente i braccianti di cui in premessa, già fissato in L. 382, e successivamente portato a L. 420, è stato ulteriormente aumentato a L. 480. Tale maggiorazione decorre dal 1° giugno 1950. ARTICOLO 2 Le rimanenti disposizioni, già prorogate col lodo citato in premessa, rimangono invariate. ARTICOLO 3 Il presente lodo, salvo quanto previsto all’art. 1, decorre dal 1° luglio 1950 e verrà a scadere il 30 giugno 1951. Sarà ammessa una sua revisione anteriore alla scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico dei lavoratori disciplinati dal relativo contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 9 giugno 1950. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti tecnici Approvato : 26 giugno 1950 Sgd. Avv. Walter LEVITUS V/Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 6th day of July 1950. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LDfCf50f40 Chief, Department of Labour Sgd, Walter LEVITUS „ Deodato DECOLLE „ Giovanni POLI „ Livio NOVELLI „ Ferruccio ROBERTI „ Egidio FURLAN „ Ruggero TIRONI The date mentioned in Article XI, Section'2, last line, of Order No. 118 published on page 318 of Gazette No. 18, dated 1 July 1950, should read „31 December 1958“ instead of „31 De- Errata corrigenda The date mentioned in Article XI, Section 2, last line, of Oi 318 of Gazette No. 18, dated 1 July 1950, should read „31 Dece cember 1950“. CONTENTS Order Page No. 130 Amendments to the fiscal treatment of spirits for the purpose of facilitating the distillation of wine and to Law provisions concerning the retail sale of extracts and essences for the preparation of liqueurs......................... 343 No. 131 Fiscal exemptions for certain public debt operations........................... 350 No. 132 Increase of taxes payable to the Notarial Archives for deeds received or authenticated by notaries and subject to registration ............................... 351 No. 133 Organization of the organic plan of judicial offices and secretariats, of bailiffs and of judicial ushers .............................................. 352 No. 134 Authority to the First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste to engage temporary personnel for „Cancellerie“ and „Segreterie Giudiziarie“............ 353 Administrative Order No. 38 Authorization to „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Trieste“ to exchange certain properly ...................................................... 356 No. 39 Conferring of judicial functions on Judicial Auditors ......................... 356 No. 40 Appointment of a Magistrate ................................................... 357 Notice No. 42 Minimum wages for manual laborers, casually employed by business firms (excepting forwarding agencies) ............................................ 358 Errata corrigenda ....................................................................... 359