Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! HOME Servmg in Ohio and nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians Vol. 96_N0 Ig (I SPS <)24]()<>) , l°£l JG NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 ISSN Number- 0164-680X 50C KOVACIC HONORED: Edward P. Kovacic, ®Urth from left, was honored as Man of the ear ^ the Cathedral Latin Alumni on Sun-. ^ April 17 at the Marriott at Society Center ln Downtown Cleveland. Kovacic is the former Cleveland Chief of Police. Pictured from left, are his children Noreen, Jon, Ed’s father John Kovacic (former Chief of U.S. Customs for the 4-state area), Ed, Coleen, and his wife, Barbara. Jadran sets concert, dinner dance °n Saturday, April 23, tl ®dran Singing Society, und e direction of Regina esnik, will present its Annu rir>g Concert / Dinner Wr!1^6 at Sloveniš Women’s Home< 153; .aterloo Road. of p^.'c‘0Us dinner consistii Roast pT DumPlin8 Sou Hon, T,°r^’ dreaded Chicke Desse ries’ Vegetable, Sala PrcPared by Steffie'smoli^ ai her workers will be served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Our skit “Where But in America,” will be presented at 7 and will include songs by the entire chorus, a duet by Florence Unetich and Angela Žabjek as well as our Button Box Ensemble. The Mike Wojtila Orchestra will play for your dancing pleasure immediately following the program. Tickets are $16.00 per person and may be purchased at either the Polka Hall of Fame, the SWH Clubroom Bar, or by calling Dolores Dobida at 951-1694 or Angela Žabjek at 531-3979. In the event you are planning to visit Slovenia this summer, remember that the Jadran Singers will be going on a Concert Tour on June 27th through July 12th. Call Kollander World Travel at 692-1000 for further information. If I was born 10 years early If Vince Gostilna livem,,^ the °PPortun like tcfb^K °Ver again’1' A H0beb°m 10years* UsheS^ S0°ner’ the and m the most dra ever greatest innovatioi CLaffea ,he ^,an existence. what p f°llowing event least a have witnessed, f7^tehrmbem a °«>n .0 Paris, France mU3l«'“-'^Jsdi0 ““ ’ horš„~~ The transition vehlc,'and‘bug8y to mot h,Cles- D would have :^8 to see firerTi putCr ;rne with hors with th • 'V,nter th vapor v!r.Snorting 311 being emitted frigid air. 4. — I would have enjoyed a ride on the interurban cars that ran on Saint Clair and all the way to Ashtabula and by boarding at state line, I would have been able to go as far as Boston, Mass. The red interurban cars would average 68 miles per hour in open country. Fare was only 30 cents to Ashtabula. 5. — I would appreciate seeing the silent movies with musical and sound effects accompaniment by a live pianist or organist. I would also have shared in the First talking movies such as the Jazz Singer. 6. — I’d had the opportunity to talk to the remaining first Slovenian immigrants and also conversed with the German and English people who built their homes in the St. Clair neighborhood around 55th St. to E. 79th St. 7. — I would have collected some of the unusual coins that were in circulation during the 1920s — Indianhead pennies, silver and gold pieces that would be worth much, much more. Also the over-sized dollar bills and gold backed bills. 8. — I would have had a good idea how the old St. Vitus wooden church on Norwood looked especially the interior. I also would have enjoyed seeing the new St. Vitus church being built from the ground up. 9. — I would have shared in the joy of an Indian pennant in 1920 along with the unassisted triple play by infielder Bill Wamby. Also throughout the year, I would have had the chance to see the most famous baseball player, the mighty king of swat, George Herman “Babe’’ Ruth. Leo Košir earns KSU’s Slovenian Studies Award On the occasion of its annual Honors Day on Sunday, April 17th, the Kent State University awarded its 21st consecutive Slovenian Studies Award. The recipient was Leo J. Košir, a KSU senior in graphic design, who has completed, with excellent success and straight A’s, three Slovenian language courses at Kent. Leo is the son of Joseph and Maria, nee Kamin, both of whom are well known and highly respected in the Greater Cleveland Slovenian community and beyond. Leo’s father Joseph, or Jože, himself a graduate of Kent State University, was, in 1982, the recipient of General Electric Managerial Award and has for many years served as manager of computer systems and programming. He has also been a very active participant and leader in several sports-, an organizer of camping for Slovenian children at Slovenska Pristava, past’ president and board member of the Slovenian School at St. Vitus Parish, eucharistic minister at St. Felicitas Church, skiing instructor and bowling league secretary, to mention but some of his many community activities. Thanks to him and to their exemplary mother Maria, their three children — Peter, an electrical engineer in Dayton, Leo, the current KSU honoree, and Kathy, a junior at Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School — all known Slovenians and are, of course, very nice and popular youngsters. Leo, who is a graphics design senior and will graduate in May, had attended the Slovenian Language School at St. Vitus and took three additional Slovenian language courses at KSU, where he was on the Dean’s List and has earned high praise from his examiner Mrs. Milena Gobetz, senior author of Slovenian Language Manuals and an award-winning teacher of Latin and French. Earlier, Leo was a popular dancer with the Slovenian folklore group Kres and, for four years, a lector at St. Vitus Church, as well as an active participant in the Slovenian Sports Club. At Kent, he was such an effective resident advisor that he received two Outstanding Programming Awards and, in 1993, the Outstanding Leadership Award. He also organized the campus Red Cross blood drives in 1992 and 1993, while being very busy with school work and active in his professional field of graphic design. Anyone who knows his parents and other Koširs, including Leo’s uncles, industrialist Paul Kosir and Janez Košir of Baragov Dom on St. Clair, and the Kamins of Cleveland and New York, will happily notice that Leo, too, is doing his best to live up to their very impressive example of service and leadership. We are all very proud of this promising and popular young gentleman and extend our sincere congratulations and very best wishes to him, as well as to his parents and relatives, to Father Joseph Božnar and all his past teachers at St. Vitus Slovenian School. Their example, work and sacrifices are producing so many wonderful results.! Our sincere congratulations and best wishes for continued success also to the past 20 Slovenian Studies Award recipients: Richard Hlabse (1974, now widely known as Dick Russ, TV Channel 8 anchorman in Cleveland); Joseph Valencie (1975, now an active community leader); James Scherback (1976, a talented poet); Catherine Hillinger (1977, architect); Mark Sfiligoj (1978, American jour-, nalist and editor); Anthony Zupančič (1979), college professor); Harry Jaken (1980, engineer and retired industrialist); Jaka Rudolph (1981); Mary Somrak (1982, government administration); Violeta Musolin (1983, teacher); Sylvia Habjanič (1984, nurse); Stephanie Tomažič (1985, linguist and historian); Irena Lesica (1986, physician); Edward Šrok (1987, social worker); Emily Gobetz (1988, school psychologist and Slovenian language teacher); Tone Majc (1989, architect and singer at St. Mary’s); Joseph Košir (1990, industrial designer); Frances Cerček (1991, retired teacher and Peace Corps volunteer); Mark Oblak (1992, marketing); and Klemen Urbančič (1993, corrections). —Prof. Edward Gobetz AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 2 Debevec’s Kučan attitude ‘flippant’ Editor: I am surprised at the flippant attitude and almost unreal insensitivity displayed by you in the March 17 “Jim’s Journal” of AD regarding the feelings that some of us may have toward the former head of the Slovenian communist party, Milan Kucan. Your comments essentially trivialized at least half the readership of AD inasmuch as they imply that anyone who does not support him whole-heartedly is irrelevant. I take strong issue with your comments which I am sure you would not have made were you fully aware of their implications. While it is true that Mr. Kucan came to power in a free election and that we are to respect his office if not the man, it should be our job to also see to it that this office is not abused, and that it re- mains honorable and worthy of its place in the community of free nations. Thus, unquestioning support for a man is not only unwise, it can lead to downright disaster. Remember, Adolph Hitler was also elected in a free election, and when all the dust settled, it was we Americans who hanged his cronies for unquestion-ingly supporting him. Unquestioning support is naive and dangerous. Mr. Kucan has repeatedly shown that he does not understand true Democracy. While he was elected in a free election (by a miraculous over-night conversion to Democracy), he has since been involved in one shady controversy after another. His treatment of dissidents has not changed at all since the heyday of communism. Just recently we have had another Your passport to the world. Group Travel is economical... stimulating... FUN! ARUBA... $1449.00• pp/do Special 7-night package: Airfare, accommodations at the all-inclusive Bushiri Beach Resort, transfers, taxes. 261-1050 • Fax 261-1054 • 1-800-659-2662 300,000 Winners A Dm [oSiol [laffeRy/ Join In ThE Winning. All Ohio Lottery players are suOject to laws and regulations of the Ohio Lottery Commission. For more information, call our Customer Relations Department. (216) 787-3200. during regular business hours BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio demonstration of his version of Democracy when his cronies managed to eliminate Janez Janša, the architect of the Slovenian Spring, from the political scene. Jansa’s crime? He was probably getting too close to accusing Kucan himself of profiting from the Maribor weapons scandal. But the greatest difficulty we have with Mr. Kucan is his willingness to ignore the greatest Holocaust in Slovenian history while continuing to provide the most generous pensions to the perpetrators of the Holocaust. This surely is a sign that he is not interested in the rule of law, but rather in the continuing cover-up of the crime, and disregard for the law. That is after all his communist legacy. So, yes Mr. Debevec, we do respect the office of the Slovenian presidency, but we have the right to expect this office to be honorable and just. The correct response to Kucan’s visit is to politely and quietly greet him, but let him know in no uncertain terms that we respect his office too highly to allow it to be soiled by his reversion to communist tactics. This does not make us irrelevant, but rather concerned, thinking individuals, something sorely lacking in the Slovenian community. Dr. A. J. Arko Fellow of the American Physical Society Los Alamos, NM Enjoys paper Editor: We look forward to receiving the Ameriška Domovina every week and enjoy reading it (both the English and Slovenian sections). We like to read about all the activities that are going on back home. Frank and Anne Doles Lake Havasu City, AZ In Memory Enclosed is a donation in loving memory of my dear friend Vi Sodja who recently passed away in Miami, Florida on March 12 at the home of Rev. Father Max Sodja. Albina M. Zimmerman Eulid, Ohio HOW TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE - SECRET REVEALED !!! v A NUMBER OF WEEKS AGO, YOURS PLACED AN AD IN AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA UNFORTUNATELY, NOT EVEN ONE BEApTn A RESPONDED. ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS TU LIFE OF WEALTH. IT LEADS ME TO BEUEVC THAT ALL SLOVENIANS ARE RICHL KNOW” QUITE WELL THAT THIS IS NOT SO, I AM SHARING WITH ALL THE READERS THE "SECRET" OF PLEASING THE LADIES: THIS IS NOT A GIMMICK . IT CAN ACTUALLY g WORK. THE ONE THING THAT ALL WOMEN Lu IS MORE SHELVING FOR STORAGE PUBg^^^v THE SHELVING THAT YOU CAN BUILD — - A QUITE SIMPLE AND IS BEING BUILT DAILY B FRIEND OF MINE WHO OFTEN TELLS ME TH** THE WOMEN OF THE HOUSE JUST LOVE Hl» SHELVING. I ASKED HIM TO GIVE ME THE DIRECTIONS THAT I CAN SHARE WITH MY READERS AND HE OBLIGED. DIRECTIONS TAKE A 4' X 8’ SHEET OF 1/2 " PLYWOOD ^(yi OSB AND CUT IT IN HALF LENGTHWISE TO TWO PIECES 2’ BY 8*. THIS WILL GIVE Y°^ JorM SHELVES, EACH 1 6 SQ FT IN AREA. FOB A ^ pF OF 32 SQ FT. A TYPICAL BASEMENT WITH ' 12 BLOCKS REQUIRES THREE SHELVES.^^Tof: the. IS MADE Ol SUPPORT FOR THIS SHELVING ----- SXA’S. CUT AS FOLLOWS: TWO |2J 2XA'S. ® u1-LONG PER SHELF WITH THREE SUPPORTS ofjg TO 21 " AND NAILED ONE ON EACH END AW , IN THE MIDDLE BETWEEN THE TWO 2*A s’ LONG. hAT FOR A TYPICAL 8' LONG SHELVING UNIT ' ^ HAS THREE SHELVES, YOU NEED 8- 2XA LONG AND S PIECES OF SXA’S. 21 " «-ONO AS WELL AS 3 UPRIGHT 2X4’S VERTICALLY SUPPORT, WITH THE BACK OF THE SHS^Y-^ SUPPORT NAILED TO THE CONCRETE tJ\0& WITH CONCRETE CUT NAILS. TO ADD EV SHELVING SPACE. EITHER USE 2X4'S IN ' 1 B' LENGTH. WITH 21 ” SUPPORTS EVERY _ EVERY WOMAN THAT SEES THESE OF Ft WILL WANT SAME BUILT FOR HER. OBLIGE^ AND PLEASE THEM. FIGURE YOUR cOST.i aT material and ljvbor and charge a iNq RATE PER SQUARE FOOT. IT IS POSSIBLE MAKE "THOUSANDS" IN THIS MANNER- . “SLOVENIA” RADIO SATURDAYS - 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M- Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania! “WE BRING YOUR HERITAGE HOME” WKTX AM 830 Paul M. LavrisHA Fixed- Rate Home Equity Loans METROPOLITAN Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank • Loans from $5,0001° $100,000 based on tne equity in your home 1 Terms to fit your budge • Fast approval 5-YEAR FIXED BATE o nov 6.99 n atF(Arn) Based on a $5,000loan qg0 monthly payments of$9° a_ 10-YEAR FIXED RATE Bainbridge............543-2336 Euclid................731-8865 Chesterland...........729-0400 Pepper Pike...........831-8800 Cleveland.............486-4100 Shaker Hts............752-4141 Cleveland Hts.........371-2000 South Euclid..........291-2800 Willoughby Hills.....944-3400 7.99§&> Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC 1^^ Based on a $5,000loa" monthly payments of $bu.o _ Rate subect to change without no 3: a: V p( I fr D ^1 The fire and the fury by Stane J. Kuhar (Continued from last week) Chapter XII The Pit Revisited (Part I) Odpri srče, odpri roke, otiraj bratsko ve solze, urotam olajšuj gorje... ” heart and the hand are wide open. And they seek 0 wipe a brother's tear aivay. Seek therefore an orphan’s sorrow to allay...” Life in Cleveland was very Afferent than what I had ex-Penenced in the Dolenjsko rea of Slovenia. Fužin, Žužemberk, na Retja where I had farmed, u never bofore come across 'UCJ a life Where one could be 1 on a weekly basis, save °mLe money from the m C, ^ and quite quickly land 3X6 3 h°USe some ^?r .I16 this was all new. another f8« introduced me to Lad iu e °w‘Slovenian who on earth eSCaPCd fr°m the hel1 Lis y1 * COu^d not 8et over how how Was 80 familiar and Mth ' 6 *CCpt ^ooLing at me to c'atenSe eyes that seemed in a fP Ure everything that was a room Hi LehLname was L>rago. And p|0sj a sPecialty in high ex-l and electrical wiring, i"--' 3 told Cyril about the U _ i i Woru Cynl about the cour^p 6,Jlad done during the u ^e °f the war. tf)a( Tas the tone of his voice c°uidept nagging at me but I had u aot put together where I Over^ard.that voice. °n the00kin8 my sma11 section 'vind0^Pper ^oor was a set °f could | f[0m which a person railroaH°ok 0ut and see the A«0SS lac“ and lakE- section of i tracks was a sma11 ja Vas. 0 and Lnown as Kur- tlle iocal rcfhicken Village as to 1^ °venians referred k than the ?,?es Were no better !f had livenrake” so many of oeparture , m ^hile awaiting 9S d'sPlacpH° an°ther country I Wou,edd Pers°ns. hese po occasionally see ar°und in !0uls wondering destitute these simPle and that house^u den structures a Not fad th;m-t'other .Z0171 'hem was f! Noover T SectIOn known Matetold m °uWn- Cyril and ?ers°ns wh C that here resided h°m the eff neVer recovered Session tu °f thC Great - -they came and stayed at first for one day, then another, and finally it stretched out for a number of years. They stayed mostly to themselves and tended not to bother anyone else, with only an occasional begging for food or clothing to keep the chill at bay during a cold winter’s night. As the next days passed Drago kept sitting by me during the lunch hour. He became even more friendly after Cyril and Mate relayed the stories I had told them about the events that had happened to me and others in Slovenia and Carin-thia. I did not tell either Cyril nor Mate about the book Father Marko and I had brought across the ocean and that was now in the safe-keeping of the parish pastor at St. Nicholas. Finally, Drago came up to me and asked if I minded if he came over for a visit later in the evening. We could go to church for evening services and then catch a dinner at Marie’s Restaurant owned by the Krulcic family for many years. While we were inside the church I noticed the marking on the right arm of Drago as he tried to make the sign of the cross. I had remembered that marking and had embedded it forever in my mind. All at once I knew who Drago really was and why he had become so friendly with me. I told him that I had to see Father Marko and would meet him later at Marie’s. My hands were trembling with fear as 1 kept ringing the rectory doorbell. My whole body was shaking as Father Marko opened the door and I began to cry hysterically. Father Marko tried to calm me, but with no success. “It’s Blatnik! It’s Blatnik!” I kept shouting at him. I finally got hold of myself and relayed my story to Father Marko. Father Marko quickly phoned someone he cryptically referred to as Janez America. It was decided I would go and have dinner with Drago and maintain a calm appearance as if nothing had ever happened. The following morning I went about my work until Drago came up to me and asked if I wanted to have some coffee with him during our break. Grdina — Faulhaber Funeral Homes 10 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 ^neral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County A Td 944-3300 RUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS I agreed. My mind just wandered as Drago kept talking to me. He finally grabbed a hold of my hand and told me that all pigs are eventually slaughtered after a long chase. I shuttered as I remembered what he had done to his brother in front of us refugees. “Your number is 2496,” he said to me. I immediately knew then that Drago must have remembered my face from the events at Kocevški Rog. I knew that my life was in grave danger. I knew that the next morning I would have to report Drago to his supervisors and have him arrested. I looked at the calendar on the wall. Today’s date was October 19, 1944. —End of Part I Chapter XII— (To Be Continued) Mother’s Day Dinner The Ladies Auxiliary of the SNPJ Farm sponsors two picnics a year. The first is the annual Mother’s Day Dinner which will be held on Sunday, May 8th at the SNPJ Farm on Chardon and Heath Road. Our menu will be choice of breaded pork chops, roast beef or roast chicken, which includes soup with dumplings, salad, vegetable and for dessert, potica. Tickets are $10 including the gate fee. Music for your listening and dancing pleasure will be provided by the Ray Polantz Orchestra. You may purchase your tickets by calling Dolores Dobida at 951-1694. Our second picnic will be held on September 11th, with the Sumrada Brothers providing music for dancing. So why don’t you treat “Mom” to a home-cooked meal and bring her to the SNPJ Farm on May 8th. Serving from 1 to 3 p.m. —Dolores Dobida rate APY •Annual Percentage Yields shown for 6-Month, 1-Year, and 36-Month CDs are accurate as of April 5,1994. Minimum deposit to open and earn APY is MOO; substantial penalty for early withdrawal; rates subject to change without notice. THESE RATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR IRA CONTRIBUTIONS. 0?catet ♦ It's a money fund that's FDIC Insured. ♦ It's a great account for short-term funds. ♦ There are no penalties for early withdrawal. UT J.C3 TODAY'S RATE* ANNUAL YIELD** Minimum deposit: $2,300 •Rate is variable and subject to change without notice. **lnterest compounded monthly. Monthly administrative fee and possible withdrawal access fee will affect APY. MADISON S.O.M. 12222 MADISON AVENUE 789 S.O.M. CENTER ROAD LAKEWOOD, OH 44107 MAYFIELD VILLAGE, OH 44143 348-8801 348-8806 METRO BEACHWOOD 7470 BROOKPARK ROAD 3401 RICHMOND ROAD BROOKLYN, OH 44129 BEACHWOOD, OH 44122 348-8802 348-8807 ROCKPORT CEDAR CENTER 19739 CENTER RIDGE ROAD 2175 WARRENSV1LLE CTR ROAD ROCKY RIVER, OH 44116 UNIVERSITY HTS , OH 44118 348-8803 348-8808 WEST BAY E. 185TH STREET 30020 DETROIT ROAD 798 E. 185TH STREET WESTLAKE, OH 44145 CLEVELAND, OH 44119 348-8804 348-8809 LAKEWOOD CENTER WEST PLAZA BOULEVARD 14650 DETROIT AVENUE 7820 PLAZA BOULEVARD LAKEWOOD, OH 44107 MENTOR, OH 44060 348-8805 348-8810/255-1011 (Lake) 1*1 EQUAL MOUSING ™TO T , LENDER FDIC Insured |l 4 (fandituit Euclid Retirement Village SOON TO BE...__________ A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY • Private garden apartments • No endowment or entrance fee • 24 hour security • Planned activities • Free transportation • 24 hour Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals Call Today for a Brief Tour and Free Lunch 25900 Euclid Avenue • Euclid, Ohio 44132 (216) 261-8383 r_______________________________________________________V 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 4 DEATH NOTICES FRANK PERME Services for Frank Perme, 83, of Willoughby Hills, former owner and operator of Perme’s Furniture Store on Waterloo Rd., were on Tuesday, April 19 at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland and at 10 a.m. that day at St. Robert’s Church, 23802 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid. Mr. Perme died April 15 at University Hospitals in Cleveland. Born Aug. 8, 1910 in Cleveland, he lived in Euclid before moving to Willoughby Hills five years ago. He owned and operated Perme’s Furniture Store in Collinwood from 1940 to 1965. He was a member of KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge No. 169, St. Sada 108, Euclid Pensioners, and Knights of Columbus in Euclid. He was a 50-year member of SNPJ No. 158, and helped start the Polka Variety television and radio show, which ran from the late 1940s to the early 1960s. Survivors are his daughters, Patricia Perme of Willoughby, and Marcia (William) Fuchs of Chester Twp.; granddaughter, Krista Fuchs; and sister, Julia Haughtling of Georgia. His wife, Mildred (Mikshe-Dolgan)* died in 1979. His brothers, John and Mike, are deceased. Friends called Monday at Zele Funeral Home. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon Township. The family suggests contribu-tions to Ursuline Nun Development Fund, 2600 Lander Rd., Cleveland, 44124; or to Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland 44119. JOSEPH ZAWACKI Joseph Zawicki was the husband of Josephine (Olesinski); father of Marcia (George) Olesko, and Thomas (dec.); grandfather of four; greatgrandfather of four. Friends were received at Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Mother’s Day Program On Saturday, April 30th St. Vitus Slovenian Language School Mother’s Day Program will be held in the school auditorium at 6:30 p.m. South Florida Slovene Club News Coming Events In Memoriam i ■ -1 ^ John J. Prince (Sr.) who passed away April 26, 1967 Sadly missed by: Son:John Grandchildren: John Jr., Carol and Paul. In Loving Memory of the 2nd Anniversary of the Death of Cyril (Cy) Rovanšek * * : Happy Birthday i 5 * * ro } $ Josephine Stanonik : * * * x X X X X X X X X of Cleveland, on your 80th Birthday April 18, 1994 LOVE, * YOUR FAMILY AND MANY FRIENDS * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A X X- X- X- X- ♦ X- X- X- X- * X- Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 SI. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since b908 Mamie Willis was the only April birthday celebrant at the April meeting of the American Slovenian Club of South Florida. Her response to the Happy Birthday wishes was a beautifully decorated sheet cake for all to share. Margaret and Paul Tucker have an April wedding anniversary. Inspite of his doctor’s orders to do nothing, he and Margie waltzed around the floor while the band played “The Anniversary Waltz.” Jennie Washio read the invocation titled “Atonement,” followed by her personal testimonial that prayers, cards, and calls all have contributed to her healing process. Hermine Race was recognized for her Financial contribution to defray the cost of our 20th anniversary celebration last month. Emily Svigel, our faithful cashier for the social donations, is always ready with a smile. Alice Povich made a welcome appearance. We don’t see her often enough, due to her busy social calendar. Henry Wojtyna was in the kitchen giving a hand by dry- ing the silverware. Help is always needed and appreciated. The members, as usual, provided tasty varied dishes of vegetables and delicious bowls of salad to accompany the savory roast beef. Mamie’s cake was a fitting dessert. Bartenders, Stan Meuser and Joe Urbanic note that people are drinking less alcohol. It is good that we are becoming more health conscious. Dorothy Punchak has been released from the hospital and is continuing to improve. During the months of June, July, and August there are no meetings. See you in May. The final meeting before summer recess. —Paula Beavers Donation A big Thank You to Mrs. Minka Champa, Euclid, Ohio who donated $72.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ambrosic of Euclid, Ohio who donated $30.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Vacation There will be no Ameriška Domovina published the last week in June due to vacation. who died April 23, 1992. Your memory is our keepsake, With that we‘ll never part. God has you in His keeping, We have you in our heart. Sadly missed by — Wife — Anne Son — Jerry Daughter-in-Law Jeannine Michael, Nicholas and Ashley — grandchildren Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law A. M. Pena Building, Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 261-0200 Probate, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A X X X X X X- X X X X X X STOP IN AT X X X- X X X X X- X- X X X X X X X X X BRONKO’S X X X X X X X X X X Drive-In Beverage x X X X X X X X X X- 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski - Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. X X X X X X * X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. J Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. * Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine J X X £ — Owner - David Heuer * Vitus April 22 and 23 Slovenian Days in New York. All proceeds used for renovation of the Church of St. Cyril and for the outreach to Slovenian youth in New York Metropolitan area. Saturday, April 23 “Where But In America” concert by Jadran at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Rd., Dinner by Steffie Smohc. music by Mike Wojtila “ Entertainers. Sunday, April 24 Holmes Avenue Pensioners Club Dinner Dance at Collin-wood Slovenian Home, B Holmes Avenue. Music V Lenny Andexler Orchestra-Donation $12.00. For ticke5 call 943-3784 or 531-2088. Saturday, April 30 Singing Society Zarja ^ Midsummer Night’s Dreanl. concert, dinner and dance wn John Vadnal’s Orc^estraF r Euclid Society Hall- r tickets at $16, call 1-257-254 . or 531-8402, or 531-5542. Sunday, May 8 ^ Sunday Afternoon ^an. from 4 to 8 p.m. at West Pa Slovene Home, 4583 W-St. Music by Eddie RodicK- Sunday, May 15 Fifth Annual St. Alumni Reunion Day. Tuesday, May 24 Annual KSKJ MarO3 Pomagaj Observance at Vitus Church. Blessing Marija Pomagaj ChaPe^ Bishop Edward Pevec^ ^ vices begin at 7:30 P-Security provided. Sunday, June ^ i,a Opening Day of Slovens Pristava in Harpersfield, with Crafts Show. Friday, June 10 ^ Nile at Races at West Slovene Home, 4583 W-St. at 7 p.m. Admission Sunday, June 12 ^ Annual Ohio KSK ^ Picnic at Slovenska Prl^ a with food, beverages, a good time for everyone- Saturday, June 1 or. Spring Dinner DaI)ceRlltton-ing “Holmes Hall g. aires” at Collinwood ^ . nian Home, 15810 a Ave. Music by Tony ^ 7 Orchestra. Dinner serp0[13' p.m. Music at 8 P-01, call tion $13. For tickets ^ 944-3697, 486-7551. 531-6639. Sunday, July 3 pay, Slovenska Pristava Harpersfield, Ohio. Saturday, July 30 .ngal Steak dinner, an evening Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Aug- 2 at Steak dinner, an even Slovenska Pristava- Sunday, Sept- 1 GraPe , TVoateV ( 1, fl Vinska Trgatev Slvoen5 Festival) Pristava. 18 Sunday, Septeml)«r iety St. Vitus Altar Annual Dinner in t-Auditorium. CARST-ivA^ Memorials 15425 Waterloo R ' 481-2237 “Serving the -tv.’ Slovenian Comma— Excitement as Kenik is aturday, April 9th was not could feel the surge of excite-°n V a special day for Eddie ment and emotion as Eddie <-ni but also for everyone and his family entered the o was able to attend this auditorium while the Joe eniorable occasion. You Fedorchak Orchestra played Hoofing • gutters • chimneys > Reliable > MAT'S Home Improvement 4 8 6 *" 8 1 3 O (No subcontractors) Flat Decks and Garages - Porches and Bays All types and styles of roofs We use only the best materials on your house. Bonn w Satisfaction Guaranteed - Deal Direct & Save a®d • Insured For Your Protection • Euclid & Surrounding Vicinity — Turn in this ad for 10% off labor $$ NEED CASH? $$ Sell us your Annuity or Mortgage beneficial funding (800) 220-0906 1994 MERCURY TOPAZ :|p£r"’ BUY IT OR LEASE IT! #9992 ^ur^'4dePosrtj 151 month payment & *1180 cash downer trade equivalent due on delivery. Cuatomer w000*/ deposit, 1st month payment & »2350 cash down or trade equivalent. Due on I ^*^M*yment^app^edvJJar 4hJar mieage^in excess^ 15,000 miles at 11* a mile. Total of | LN CONTINENTAL PER MONTH ;l|Sr ; estete Ro* #9974 •quivj^ clo*ed endteTuT mihiwi^w I MERCURY ”1K* Ids Utfu &.Thurs- Till 9 pm Tu«, Wed, Fri. & Sat. Till 6 pm "»entor Ave., Mentor, Ohio 942-3191 • 357-7533 honored “O Ja, zmiraj vesel, vesel,” a song for which Eddie is well known. A beautiful souvenir program booklet was distributed to the audience which included various pictures of Eddie as well as information on his life and musical career. A short program started off with a Welcome Address by Bob Hopkins, President of the Slovenian Natonal Home. Mr. Tony Petkovšek who acted as Master of Ceremonies, presented a biographical on Eddie and then introduced the Kenik family. A great favorite was Paul Yanchar who sang a medley of Kenik songs accompanied by the Joe Fedorchak Orchestra. A Roast to Eddie was presented by Ed Grum, Lou Champa and Norm Poklar. This was followed with a musical tribute to Eddie by the Glasbena Matica Singing Society. The entertaining Unknowns (Zeke and Charlie) played some lively tunes which were enjoyed by everyone. The highlight of the evening came when Mr. Charles Ipavec bestowed a special honor on Eddie, that being a plaque depicting Eddie. A portion of the plaque states that the Annex of the Slovenian National Home will now be known as the “Eddie Kenik Room” as of April 9. This plaque will be placed in the Eddie Kenik Room shortly. Also appearing on the program were Don and Rose Slogar as well as the Lake Erie and Maple Heights Button Boxers. A free souvenir record featuring Eddie, June Price and Dolores Mihelich was given to all those in attendance. The Board of Directors would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this event such a great success. —Sylvia Plymesser Regular Scheduled Air CLE VET.A ND-LJUBLJA NA HIGH SEASON Starting from $968.00 plus tax Restrictions do apply, please call for information. Subject to availability. Mihelin Travel Bureau 4118 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 4103 Phone: (216) 431-5710 - Fax: (216) 431-5712 (800) 536-6865 ________________ NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED will be held on FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1994 at the SLOVENIAN WORKMEN'S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Registration 7:00 PM - Meeting 7:30 PM All members are invited to attend. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding five (5) years. For the 5/20/94 meeting, this is the period from 4/1/89 through 3/31/94. Visit Us! Under New Management Knowledgeable, Friendly Service 486-0595 Owner Operated EUCLID OHIO BEVERAGE, INC. 635 East 200th St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 Gary lacofano Henry Hausrath Owner Owner MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4 WHEEL & FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT EUCLID SUNOCO SERVICE iH. @481 EAST 200 SUNOCO -5822 APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR .i.tk liulf I 4iir. Ahu Milh.i li < 1. tK«m K ft*! SL«k-'. Ujrhi- kIh,. ill AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 Kenik Room Permanent Tribute by TONY PETKOVŠEK For 40 years Eddie Kenik has given of his time and talent for the Slovenian National Home at 6417 St. Clair Avenue. As it’s 24-year President of the Board he has led the Home on a steady refurbishment project that is noticed both inside and outside this landmark Slovenian structure. In addition, his participation on a cultural level as one outstanding vocalist has made him a leading promoter of the Slovenian Home cause in America since this is the largest such establishment. At a special event on April 9, the Annex-Hall adjoining the main auditorium was permanently named in his honor and a suitable sculpted plaque was placed there. Kenik was named as President Emeritus of the Board as Bob Hopkins now assumes the duties as regular President. Just prior to the event, the sad news of the passing of John Perencevic, who served as Secretary to the Slovenian Home, came. He was 64 and had been ill for several months prior. Memorial services took place at St. Nicholas Church at 36th and Superior on April 7th. Frankie Kramer of Minnesota Passes On Polka promoter and DJ Johnny Snidarich of the Iron Range in Minnesota reported on the passing of polka musician Frankie Kramer recently. He was 56. Kramer had a meteoric rise in fame in the early 60s with his own orchestra that recorded a Delta International album in 1963 - “TV Polka Party.” In addition he hosted his own television program which followed Polka Varieties on Sunday, thanks to the assistance from Frankie Yankovic. His Kramer’s Lounge on E. 200 St. was a major haven for polka enthusiasts from where some of our early remote broadcasts on WXEN emmanated. Kramer also played our very first Thanksgiving party at the Slovenian Home in 1963. Later he moved to Minnesota and began another career involving him in the tavern business and also the polka radio field. He formed a new orchestra which eventually recorded an “Earth Moving Polkas” LP. Prior to his Minnesota move, the late Kenny Bass produced an album featuring Louie Bajc called “Polkas Cabaret Style.” In the style that was Kramer, his remains were cremated and taken to Sabin’s Lounge in Chisholm, Minnesota where a “service” of polka music and good fellowship took place in his memory. He had played the establishment regularly until about a year prior to his death. Snidarich said the family of four children agreed that his accordion should go to the Polka Hall of Fame in Euclid. He is survived also by a sister, June Mlachak. of Lake County. Polka Festivals Roll This Spring Season Just about every weekend you can find a major polka event somewhere in the States and here in Ohio is no exception with two radio-related events taking place. Another first is our own Polka Radio Weekend at the Holiday Inn Wickliffe about 15 miles east of Cleveland on May 13, 14, and 15 with Polka Radio hosts Denny Bucar, Joey Tomsick and myself. Six bands will revolve the weekend and WELW-1330AM will broadcast its polka shows direct from the event. $160 packages with everything included are still available and for those local types not interested in staying at the hotel, admission will be available at the door. Roger Bright, Bob Matasy, Joe Grkman, Al Bat-tistelli, Joey Tomsick, and the Polka Poppers are on the entertainment bill. The infor- mation line is 1-800-800-5981. WELW’s Sports Director, Mark Tromba, is the new Public Address announcer for the Cleveland Indians brand new ballpark, Jacobs Field. The 27-year-old’s excellent sports reporting will continue also on WELW where he has been doing staff announcing and the popular Radio Bingo since 1990. Slovenian Stock Market Report LJUBLJANA, April 19 (Reuter) — Slovenian stocks rose again today in lower turnover, the Ljubljana bourse said. • Ten shares rose, two fell and four were untraded. • Turnover fell to 258 million tolars from 355. • Brokerage Dadas was the day’s strongest gainer. —Robin Verbose Donation A big thank you to Mr. Romano Vitulich of Wickliffe, Ohio who donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Bake Sale St. Mary Altar Society is sponsoring a krofe and bake sale on Saturday, April 23 beginning at 9 a.m. in the school auditorium. Lawn Care • Painting • Rototilling • Odd Jobs General Maintenance Call us... Mike’s Landscaping We Will Do The Best! • No Job Too Small MIKE HI HA 692-1976 Dr. Zenon A. Klos |e. lasih I 531-7700 I^AREAl Emergencies Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpel A Fun Servcies) U.S. Presidents JOHN F. KENNEDY Thirty-Fifth President 1961-1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s ancestors were Irish immigrants who came to Boston in the 1840s. He was the yongest man ever to be elected president and the youngest to die in that office after serving just a little more than 1,000 days. In 1960 he was a first-ballot nominee for president. He was elected after a highly publicized television debate with the Republican nominee, Richard M. Nixon. He was the first Roman Catholic ever elected to the presidency. During his first months in office, the first of two Cuban crises occurred — an unsuccessful invasion by Cuban exiles of their homeland in what became known as the “Bay of Pigs” fiasco. The second crisis came when air reconnaissance revealed in 1962 the Russians were trying to install nuclear missiles in Cuba. The president ordered a blockade of the island and demanded Russia remove the missiles — which they did. Under Kennedy the U.S. entered the Space Age with a long-range program of space exploration. This Historical Series is sponsored by.......... AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION The American Mutual Life Association, A. M. L.. A., invites you and your family to become members of our fraternal society that provides benefits and continuously promotes fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common bonds of heritage and culture. A.M.L.A. has a number of fraternal insurance plans to suit your needs with attractive rates and an Annuity Ri^er provide you with tax-sheltered living benefits for the fdwr Remember, that's A.M.L.A. for your insurance needs and fraternal pleasures. Si m 4m ORGAMZED NOVEMBER 11,1810 AS IRC SLOVENSKA DOBRODELNA ZVE2A A LfcOAL RESERVE FRATERNAL BENEFIT SOCIETY »CORPORATED MARCH U I*1* 19424 So. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH ^ Phone: 1-216-531-1900— Fax: 1-216-531-812 "What makes Frank Gaul run?” While House Comment About Our County: “In Cleveland public officials work together... and red tape is eliminated. That’s what we wan to create at the national level President Clinton . (In Cleveland, September “In Cleveland, taxpayers are treated like customers.” Vice President 00% (in Cleveland, September PMtfS# Roster of Organizations — Imenik društev — SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS — Cirde No. 2 SNPJ President: Ann Dolgan; Vice Pres.: Tony Verch; Secretary: Jennifer Trebeč; Attend, ecy.. Patrick Kelly, Treasurer: Brian Blan-c ard, Historian: Chip Alich; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Meet Thursdays, 7 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. ST. VITUS LADIES AUXILIARY CWV AUX 1655 President: Mary Babic; 1st Vice President: eorgette Paul; 2nd Vice President: Marcie ‘»s; 3rd Vice President: Patty Nousak White; reasurer: Aggie Briscar; Welfare Officer: Bon->e Schropp; Historian: Irene Toth; Ritual Of-Y CrT rene Rieman; 3 Yr. Trustee: Rose Popik; 2 tj' rustee: Linda Rabat; 1 Yr. Trustee: Helen onyder; Secretary: Laura Shantery. ST. Vfrus CHRISTIAN MOTHERS CLUB ciDapritUa* ^'rector: Rev- Joseph Božnar; Prin-Mat ^eanette Polomsky; President: Karen 2nd v'ZeWS^’lst ^'ce President: Judy Manning; Secr *ee Rres't*ent: Gloria Yarmuck; Recording Sec^tary’ Sharon Fakady; Corresponding Steiv„ary' ^oan Payntec; Treasurer: Margaret er> Publicity: Shawn Fakady. Spiritual nST‘ VITUSALUMNI dent- n Ulrector: Rev. Joseph Boznar; Presi-Josenh’ °r0t*ly A- Stanonik; Vice President: Hlad- p16 ^erpar’ Recording Secretary: Vera Trea ’ 0rresPonding Secretary: Daniella Avsec; Blvd Ur^. JosePi’ G. Brodnjk, 344 Claymore S3l-3485RiChm°nd HtS” OH 44143, ph°ne j-, ^ ’ Ass'stant treasurer: F. Raymond Chai^'—--1 at-Arms: Houis Shenk; Publicity Wt?erSA?S Josephe ZeUe Josentfor attll'as Perpar, Albina Pozelnik and eEj ZeUe; Auditors: Jlnua eetmgS are held on 1116 first Thursday of St APr*l. July and October at 7:00 p.m. at Per yaUrS Sch°o1 Social Room. Dues are $5.00 s — Milwaukee Jent: Joyl'v* I'eader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; Presi-chak; secr un°var; Vice President: Frank Men-^arija ary' ^i^3 Docherty; Recording Sec.: ^reas: MichUn^’ "^reasurer: Evelyn Maierle; Asst. n'*t’ Ml.; iMaierle; Park Manager: Joze Or-^-ook: Marij8* ^*n8r-: Janez Mejač; Kitchen Sagadin; as * Runovar; Bar Manager: Leon ^ifector; Ma Bar Mngr': Dan Mejac; Choir ^gadin; [j./3 dolman; Sports Director: Leon ePorter j- ^gate for Uspeh: Helen Frohna; Auditors. Tri meri5ka Domovina: Alojz Galic; . aier>e; 'j„Hny Limoni. Anne Sagadin, Vicki Kathy Kaye 8CS: IV° Kunovar. John Bambič, nici,ic> JVUneeS;QM.em°rial Day> May 30th; First P|Cnic: 4U ' Mlssion Picnic: July 24; Next iCh0las:DecembeMth.HarVeSt: ^ 251 St' SLOVENIAN AMERICAN , Pr«ident: IR1MORSK> CLUB ^ouis Cene' °Septl Jenko, Vice President: Secretary: u C’ ,Treasurer: Stefan Durjava, 'he Board^p03 Ronutt'- Regular Members ^irko Klamie ?ank Cendo1. Sabina Milavec, u ' Susel, ZdenVMv°SlaV GoriuP> Dr- Rudolph ®re,hec. MemK3 Kav£l£' David Družina, Juljan an'lo Manias Tp0* the Review Committee: J ’ Sablna Milavec, David Družina .^Phie^8 UUBUANA ~ 0HI0 V‘Ce PresiHPUZ: President; Frances Nemanich: Secretary Steff-’ eAnn Tercek: Recording ^Treasurer «. e8Ulin: Fina"oial Secretary Caro'ine lT; 68'-5379.- Auditors: Ceil Žnidar, ^eetinas h !!’Josephine Comenshek. ,I'0nth at 7.nn eVery fourth Tuesday of the P m., Recher Hall, Euclid, Ohio. °vLNSKA FOLKLORNA SKUPINA Predsedni •• “KRES” ^LrajJeit- tCK • !VIetka Gobetz in Katja ni£arka: ’su?ajn'Ca: Nadia Domanko; Blagaj-a°sti/KoStum'. Rihtar; Organizacija Družab- Pugel; Odhn.1 -i 3t' Ko5ir; Publiciteta: Diana bonuk: R0I,nie Rus BELOKRANJSKI KLUB Presednik: Milan Smuk; Podpredsed: Matija Hočevar; Tajnica: Vida Rupnik, 1846 Skyline Dr., Richmond Hts„ OH 44143, tel: 289-0843; Blag. Angela Hutar; 2 Zapis: Milena Dovič; Nadzorni odbor: Janež Dejak, Rezka Smuk, Danica Čemas; Gospodar Frank Rupnik. ŠTAJERSKI CLUB, 1993-1994 Predsednik: Martin Walentschak; Pod- predsednik: Edward Srok Jr.; Tajnica: Slavica Turjanski; Blagajnica: Kristina Srok; Gospodar: John Goričan; Pomočnik: Joze Simicak. Odbor: Frank Fujs, Angela Radej, Cazimir Kozinski, Jerica Prelog, Tonica Simcak, Branko Senica. Nadzorni Odbor: Marija Walentschak, Angela Pintar, Angela Moser, Kristina Ferlinc, Elza Zgoznik. Razsodišče: Lojzka Feguš, Marija Goršek, Joze Rajšp. SLOVENIAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti; vice president: Joyce Ann Hribar Esq.; secretary: Dana L. Leonard; treasurer: James E. Logar; at-large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; newsletter editor: Jerry Pockar; past presidents: Hon. August Pryatel, Frederick E. Križman Esq., Edmund J. Turk Esq., Dr. Vladimir J. Rus. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED President: Sutton J. Girod; Vice President: Rudy Kozan; Treasurer: Robert Klancher; Recording Secretary: Agnes Turkovich; Corresponding Secretary: Rosemary Toth; Trustees: Vera Candon, Mary Čermelj, Anthony Hiti, Jean Križman, John Pestotnik, Maria Štepec, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Richard Tomsic, Florence Unetich, Ronald Zele; Alternates: Marian Candon and John Cech; Administrator: Dr. Anthony Rotolo; Assistant Administrator: Jeffrey Sas; Honorary Trustees: James Kozel, Albin Lipoid, Frederick E. Križman, Jean Križman, Agnes Pace, Cecelia Wolf; Statutory Agent and Parliamentarian: Paul J. Hribar, L.P.A. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED AUXILIARY Co-Chairpersons: Genevieve Drobnič, Eleanor Cerne Pavey; Recording Secretary: Helen Levstick, Corresponding Secretary: Bertha Cerne Walden; Treasurer: Emilee Jenko, 331 E. 266 St., Euclid, OH 44132, tel.: 261-3427; Publicity: Madeline Debevec. The Auxiliary meets four times a year at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL ART GUILD John Streck, president; Patricia Habat, vice president; Marge Cegay, secretary: Josephine Turkman, treasurer; Anne and Sophie Opeka, auditors; Patricia Habat: newsletter; Mary Sell and Eleanore Rudman: membership; Emilee Jenko: historian; Sylvia Močnik and Doris Sadar: programs; Mary H. Sell: sunshine committee; Doris Sadar: heritage committee; John Habat: Federation of Slovenian Homes; Justine Skok, Mildren Hoegler: exhibition committee. Monthly meetings every third Monday, 7:30 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB Gene Drobnič, President; Emilee Jenko, Vice-President; Terry Hočevar, Secretary; Bertha Walden, Corres. Secretary, ASC regular monthly meetings are held the first Monday of the month unless otherwise stated, at Euclid Public Library, 231 E. 222 St., at 7:30 p.m. 1991 schedule: NO Jan. or February meeting. Regular 1991 meetings will be March 5, April 2, May 7 and June 4. THE AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CLUB OF SOUTH FLORIDA President: Ellie Meuser; Vice President: Ed Blatnik; Treasurer: Paula Beavers; Recording Secretary: Mamie Willis; Trustees: Bill Zupanc, Paul Tucker, Jennie Washio. Meetings at 2 p.m. first Sunday of the month at Nob Hill Hall, 10400 Sunset Strip, Sunrise, Florida 33322. BALINCARSKI KROŽEK SLOV. PRISTAVA Častni Predsednik: Janez Varsek; Predsednik: Lojze Mohar; Podpredsednik: Janez Švigelj; Tajnica: Vera Žnidaršič; Blagajnik: Tone Škerl; Odborniki: Feliks and Ani Breznikar: Tone & Cilka Švigelj; Lojze and Angela Debeljak: Janez & Rezika Breznikar; Tone Vogelj, Mici Mohar, Angelca Hribar, Joze Marinko. Nadzorni odbor: Joze Sojer, Lojze Hribar, Janez Varsek. St. Clair Rifle & Hunting Club President: Richard Beck; Vice President: Frank Grk Sr.; Financial Sec’y.: Tony Urh; Recording Sec’y.: Gus Babuder. Mailing address is Mr. Tony Urh, 3781 Grant Street, Richfield, OH 44286. DRAMATSKO DRUŠTVO LILIJA Predsednik August Dragar, podpredsednik Matija Grdadolnik, tajnik France Hren, 1822 Sunset Dr., Cleveland 44143, tel. 289-6977, blagajničarka Mari Nemec, zapisnikar Miro Odar. Za program: Matija Grdadolnik, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin, Srečko Gaser, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Janez Tominc, Peter Dragar. Oderski Mojster Slavko Štepec. Arhivar Srečko Gaser. Točilnica Tone Štepec in Rudi Hren. Kuhinja Marija Hočevar, Nežka Golobič, Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar. Športni Referent Frank Zalar st., Frank Zalar ml. Reditelja Matija Hočevar in Jože Tomc. Nadzorni odbor: Viktor Kmetič, Stane Krulc st. in Frank Zalar. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B.) Cleveland, Ohio Predsednik: Victor Tominec; podpredsednik: Lojze Bajc; tajnik: Anton Meglič, tel. 761-1060; blagajnik; France Šega; tiskovni referent: Lojze Drobnič. Nadzorni odbor: Stane Vidmar, Frank Kuhel in Anton Oblak. WEST PARK BUTTON BOX CLUB President: Wm. Ilersich; V.P.: Mimi Stibil; Recording Sec.: Leona Nocifera; Finance: Rudy Pivik. Auditors: Albina Capek, Joe Rudolph; alternate: John Carroll. Music Director Joe Novak; P.R.: Albina Capek 888-1454; Members Ella Samanich, Bill Zmrazek. Practice every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., West Park Slovene National Home, 4583 W. 130th St. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME 4583 West 130th St., Cleveland 44135 President: Rudy Jaksa; 1st Vice President: Ruth Each; 2nd Vice President: Robert Royer; Recording Secretary: Therese Krisby: Financial Secretary: Rudy Pivik; Club Treasurer: Joseph Lach. Auditors: Albina Capek, Joseph Peresutti, Eleanor Cham, and John Szymanski. Rental Agent: Wm. Warmuth, 941-3224. Waterloo Balinca Club President: Don Gorjup; Vice Pres.: Stan Preslan; Rec. Sec’y.: Joan Green; Cor. Sec’y.: Dorothy Gorjup; Treas.: Pat Nevar; Auditors: Dan Pavšek, Bob Brewer, Harold White. Cooks: Ed and Marty Koren, Bar: Matty Zaharija, Hildegard Preslan. Waterloo Balinca Club always welcomes new members; yearly dues are $7.50 — which includes a free dinner at the annual yearly meeting in January. For information, contact any of the above officers or stop in at Slovenian Workmen’s Hall, 15335 Waterloo Rd. Foreign Trade magazine to feature Slovenia “Foreign Trade” magazine is an international trade and finance magazine that targets the decision makers involved in the manufacturing, financing and importing/exporting of goods. In June, Foreign Trade will publish a special editorial section on Slovenia that will explore the major trading deals, construction projects, and financial opportunities taking place in the country. It will be read by 30,000 U.S. businessmen who are importing / exporting into Europe. As Slovenia is now active in the international marketplace, we feel the timing is excellent to cover the country in Foreign Trade. William G. Turner Associate Publisher Yearly Meeting The United Altar Society is inviting all members to attend the yearly meeting on Sunday, April 24 at St. Christine’s. Participating groups are from St. Vitus, St. Mary’s, St. Lawrence, and St. Christine. We will meet in the church at 1:30 p.m. for rosary and benediction. —Marie Amigoni Just Right PAINTING Int/Ext. Painting Plaster • Drywall Power Washing Free Estimates — Insured — Your Slovenian Quality Painter Call Marty — 531-0230 — LOOKING FOR TONY CARUSO? WE FOUND HIM AT HIS TONY'S OLD WORLD PLAZA BARBERSHOP 664 E. 185th HAIRCUTS $3.00 MON.-FRI. 7:3 OAM-5:3 OPM SAT. 7:30AM-5:00PM 531-6517 Joe (Jože) Zevnik Apprentice Funeral Director Finest Funeral Facility in Northeast Ohio OiLC FUNERAL HOME 944-8400 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 1994 In Memory of Senator Frank J. Lausche America’s Greatest Slovenian An inspiration to all. The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina Jil>Ti I n rl retting :t«t.rii4_—— AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, April 21, 1 994 Vesti iz Slovenije Iz Clevelanda in okolice J Pogajanja o novi vladni koaliciji se očitno zavlačujejo — Združena lista je še vedno v vladi — Kučan govoril na seji parlamenta Politično krizo spremljajo tudi v tujini Po telefonskem pogovoru z virom v Ljubljani danes zjutraj, še ni prišlo do odločitve glede ustanovitve nove vladne koalicije, ki bi jo sestavili LDS in SKD. To je sicer že uekaj tednov stara pobuda krščanskih demokratov, a se pogajanja očitno zavlačujejo. V novi (predlagani) koaliciji naj bi dr. Janez Drnovšek ostal predsednik vlade, Lojze Peterle bi bil podpredsednik in seveda obdržal zunanje ministrstvo, SKD bi prišli tudi do več drugih mest v vladi, predvsem na gospodarskem področju. Kljub nekaterim vestem, je vir v Ljub-lani potrdil, da je Združena lista še vedno e sedanje vladne koalicije in ni bila izklju-^ena. Izključena pa bi bila, če bi res prišlo do P°godbe o novi vladi med LDS in SKD, kajti ^6.t®temeljni pogoj SKD, da ostanejo v yla-^ • ekateri komentatorji pa pravijo, da bi ^ vendarle dalo najti kompromis tudi glede ga, a je vprašljivo, če bi moglo strankino o stvo to izpeljati zoper itak že močan pri-znotraj stranke, ki nasprotuje sodelovanju SKD v Drnovškovi vladi, to z ali brez Združene liste. Včeraj je govoril na zasecinju parlamenta predsednik države Milan Kučan. V govoru je poudaril, da ni bil vpleten v nobeni aroti zoper Janeza Janšo. Slovenija mora stati pravna država, je rekel, obžaloval je Of)1' SC naro^ zoPet deli na dva tabora. dmevi na Kučanov govor so različni, odvi-li ° od stališč komentatorjev. Izgleda pa, po Janškem sobesedniku, da je večina prvih uientarjev v današnjem tisku mnenja, da g0vCana nt uspelo odvrniti obtožb glede nje-Sam ^°mnevne vloge v odstranitvi Janše. Polago t Idegove8a govora pa ni še na raz- dnji d& SVetovn‘ dnevni tisk je Slovenija za-Clev ]Ve sorazmerno malo zanimiva. V najn j^d ie Pa dnevnik Plain Dealer v da-beu( številki posredoval dopis iz nemške mer jC e ^>resse Agentur, ki obravnava pri- nj nak^nC^a ^an^e s'cer na način, ki Janši vjSno dnJen- Poročanje je seveda vedno od-govar'0 • te-a’ S katerimi viri se novinar po-Ja m jih upošteva. V dopisu je sicer ne- kaj napačnih podatkov, neimenovani pisec pa meni, da naj pride do spremembe v vladni koaliciji do konca aprila. Izraža tudi mnenje, da v slučaju odhoda krščanskih demokratov iz vlade kaj lahko pride do predčasnih volitev. Notranja politična kriza kaj lahko škoduje imidžu Slovenije kot ena najbolj obetajočih kandidatk za gospodarsko uspešen preobrat od vseh držav nekdanjega komunističnega bloka, pravi v dopisu. Kampanja zoper Janeza Janšo se zaostruje Janez Janša je bil sicer odstranjen kot obrambni minister, s tem pa je postal najbolj izpostavljen voditelj desne opozicije. Na govoru, ki ga je imel na protikorupcijskem zborovanju v Ljubljani 9. aprila, na primer, je zahteval odstop tako predsednika Slovenije Milana Kučana kot predsednika vlade dr. Janeza Drnovška in še predsednika parlamenta Hermana Rigelnika. Razne stranke na desni strani politične lestvice se prizadevajo za čim tesnejše zbliževanje, bodisi preko dejanskega združevanja ali vsaj sodelovanja oz. koordiniranja aktivnosti. Poleg določenih programskih in osebnostnih razlogov, sliko komplicira še vedno nejasna končna opredelitev krščanskih demokratov in njih vodstva. Širše gledano, se res ustanavljata dva temeljna politična tabora v Sloveniji, ni pa jasno, kako enoten bo mogel ali levi ali desni postati (in ostati), tudi ni jasno, s točno kakšnim ideološkim pristopom. Glede Janeza Janše pa njegovi nasprotniki vodijo kampanjo za njegovo diskreditiranje. Pri tem se nanašajo na njegovo vodenje obrambnega ministrstva, trdijo pač, da je ustanovil tajno službo, ki naj bi nadzorovala politike, ki so Janši nasprotovali. V eni taki iniciativi naj bi bil Janša primerjan kot dejanski ali vsaj prihajajoči slovenski »Noriega« (to je nekdanji panamski samodržec, ki je bil z ameriško invazijo Paname aretiran in sedaj sedi v ameriški ječi potem, ko ga je porota v mestu Atlanta obsodila zaradi trgovanja z mamili). Primerjati Janšo s takšno osebo kaže na raven določenega dela politične debate v Sloveniji. Nekaj tega duha je opaziti tudi v zgoraj omenjenem dopisu nemške tiskovne agencije. V njem je poročeno, da nekateri njegovi nasprotniki Janšo smatrajo za »vojaškega Rambo-ja«. aPriia „a rupc'jskem shodu, ki je bil 9. brambni minister Janez Janša, ki na posne- udeležil0 nn0K^reSneni trgU V Ljub,jani _ tku sprejema čestitke od nekega udeleženca. ns»jboli J ' Sega 8’00®,judi ~ j® bil da' Na Janševi levi je Marjan Podobnik, pred-J navdušeno sprejet odstavljeni o- sednik Slovenske ljudske stranke. Koncert Jadrana— V soboto zvečer ima pevski zbor Jadran koncert, večerjo in ples v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Za vstopnice in več informacije, pokličite 531-3979 ali 951-1694. V juniju in juliju gostuje zbor v Sloveniji. Letna seja ZOD— Letna seja Zveze Oltarnih društev je to nedeljo pop. ob 1.30 pri Sv. Kristini na E. 222 St. v Euclidu. Članice sodelujočih oltarnih društev lepo vabljene. »Brunch« ne bo— Organizacija »Prijatelji Slov. narodnega doma na St. Clairju« sporoča, da napovedanega »bruncha« L maja ne bo. »Brunch« bodo imeli v jesenskem času. Lep večer— Preteklo soboto zvečer je bil zelo lep in dobro obiskan Primorski večer v SND na St. Clairju. Čestitamo! Novi grobovi Anthony F. Tomšič Pretekli torek je na svojem domu v Euclidu umrl 85 let stari Anthony F. Tomšič, rojen v Clevelandu, mož Antonije, oče Tonyja, Ginnie Isele in Candy Bennett, 4-krat stari oče, brat Alice Ažman, Willia-ma ter že pok. Anne Mavsar, Franka in Florence, nekaj let laštoval in vodil mesnico v Euclidu, nato nekaj desetletij mesnico na vogalu Hayden Rd. in Holyoke Rd. v East Clevelandu. Pogreb bo iz Brickmano-vega zavoda, 21900 Euclid Ave., v soboto, v cerkev sv. Križa ob 10. dop. in od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo v petek pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Frank Klančar Umrl je 81 let stari Frank Klančar, mož Cecelije, roj. Skalski, oče Anne Kocher, Rosemary in Raymonda, brat Rose Fajdiga, Louisa, Anne Smrke, Antona, Johna in Mary (vsi že pok.), 2-krat stari oče. Pogreb bo iz Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. v soboto dop. ob 10, v cerkev sv. Roberta ob 11., od tam na Kalvarije pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo v petek pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Pauline Sternisa Umrla je Pauline Sternisa, rojena Hvala, vdova po An-thonyju, mati Richarda in An-thonyja, 6-krat stara mati, 8-krat prastara mati, sestra Mary Pike, Ann Zlate, Margaret Zivic in Josepha. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. v soboto zj. ob 8.30, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 9.30 in od tam na Kalvarije pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo jutri pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. (Osmrtnice tudi na str. 13) Za materinski dan— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu vabi na materinski dan prireditev v soboto, 30. aprila, ob 6.30 zv., v šolskem avditoriju. Dopis na str. 11. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima mesečno sejo v sredo, 27. aprila, ob 1.30 pop., na SP. Vsi lepo naproše-ni, da pridejo po možnosti malo prej in pomagajo čistiti pristavske prostore. Seja— Klub upokojencev v Nev-burgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 27. aprila, ob 1. pop. v Slov. domu na Maple Hts. Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete ima prodajo krofov in peciva to soboto, od 9. dop. dalje, v šolski dvorani. Bralcem— Urednik bo odpotoval v Slovenijo 12. maja in se vrnil 23. maja. Slovenska dela AD za 12. maj in 26. maj bosta redno izšla, odpadel bo tisti za 19. maj. Omenjeni dan bo izšla angleška AD. Dopisniki za slovenski del so naprošeni, da to upoštevajo pri njih poročanju. V Sloveniji bo urednik sodeloval pri znanstvenih simpozijih, ki bosta obravnavala izseljence in njih potomce. Današnji Plain Dealer— V rubriki »Vesti iz Slovenije« na tej strani je omenjen dopis v današnjem Plain Dea-lerju, ki se nanaša na Slovenijo. Bralci clevelandskega dnevnika naj dopis ne spregledajo, čeprav je osnovan na virih, ki so Janezu Janši nenaklonjeni. Naročnine podarila— Gdč. Mary Žakelj, Belleville, Michigan, je poslala $75 z željo, da bi bil prispevek uporabljen za tri letne naročnine za osebe, ki tako pomoč potrebujejo. Hvala lepa! Spominski dar— Ga. Bertha Dovgan, Cleveland, O., je darovala $25 v podpori našemu listu, v spomin svojega moža Josepha. Najlepša hvala! V tiskovni sklad— Naš naročnik g. Lojze Bajc nam je posredoval dar $50 s strani prijatelja, ki ne želi biti imenovan, je pa znan uredniku in osebju Ameriške Domovine. Jennie Brumbaugh, Broadview Hts., O., je poklonila $25. Franc Lajner, Midland, Ont., Kanada, je daroval $25. Romano Vitulich z Wick-liffa, O., je prav tako daroval $25. Darovalcem najlepša hvala! Podpirajmo slovensko-ameriško skupnost! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $110 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $ 1 1 0 per year airmail to Slovenia Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 61 17 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday No. 16 Thursday, April 21, 1994 Zmagoslavje in streznitev Pravzaprav je nenavadno, da smo bili šele v soboto (9. aprila, op. ur. AD), prvič po svobodnih volitvah pred štirimi leti, priča organiziranim političnim demonstracijam. Tiste pred tremi tedni in pred parlamentom bi se zgodile, četudi bi ne bilo niti minimalne organizacije. V tem smislu smo postali s sobotnimi demonstracijami normalna država. Nismo pa normalna država, če pogledamo, s kakšnimi travmami so zborovanje sprejeli politiki, proti katerim je bilo naperjeno, ter publicisti in novinarji, ki te politike podpirajo. Tako gladko, se čudijo, smo zrušili obrambnega ministra, zdaj pa te neprijetne demonstracije in še ta televizija, ki jih razkazuje... Za to neprijetnost, kljub močni propagandni ofenzivi Drnovškove LDS — z njo je skušala organizatorje zborovanja prikazati kot politike, ki so v svojem populizmu pozabili na parlamentarno demokracijo — pa je kriva sama. Ko so demokrati in zeleni prešli v LDS in ko so nato vsi skupaj zamenjali Janšo in s tem socialdemokrate poslali v opozicijo, so poenotili opozicijo. Učinkovite demonstracije pa so mogoče šele v ozadju političnega bipolarizma, ki ga je ustvarila nova LDS. Prva zahteva (desne) opozicije — kot vsake opozicije — so predčasne volitve; v tem je bistvo sobotnih političnih demonstracij, in ne toliko v boju proti korupciji. Najbolj otipljiv učinek demonstracij zato ne bo Kučanov odstop, učinkovitejši boj proti korupciji, gospodarskemu kriminalu..., temveč dokončna postavitev Janeza Janše za nespornega voditelja zunajvladne desnice. Zato tudi pričakovani aplavzi zanj in žvižgi za Peterleta, ki jo je glede na vzdušje te dni, resda ob pomoči voditelja zborovanja, še sorazmerno dobro odnesel. Predsednika SKD so zborovalci s tem postavili bolj na vladno stran. V času, ko se gradi močna desna opozicija, je za krščanske demokrate — ti že od volitev naprej razbitost desnice na vlado in opozicijo skušajo reševati s predlogi za združevanje — pomembno, da to napetost med vlado in opozicijo še naprej vzdržujejo; da se torej ne puste izgnati ne iz vlade pa tudi ne iz desnice, kar bi ustrezalo, ne samo Združeni listi, temveč tudi socialdemokratom in ljudski stranki. Kako se bosta Drnovšek in njegova LDS odzvala na ravnanje SKD, ta sicer sodeluje v vladi, obenem pa tudi s svojimi programskimi partnerji, ki so v opoziciji? To je, glede na položaj krščanskih demokratov, cena, ki jo mora Drnovšek plačati, če jih hoče imeti v koaliciji. Več kot očitno je namreč, da LDS računa na SKD kot vladnega partnerja bolj dolgoročno. Enako velja tudi obratno. Desnica, ki je v opoziciji, je resda glasna in medijsko podprta, nekaj drugega pa so volitve. Te lahko marsikoga, ki hoče volitve še to leto, in ki mu množica zborovalcev daje varljiv občutek moči in zmagoslavja, streznijo. Ivan Puc Slovenec, 11.4.1994 »Slovenec«, je poročal o 8000-glavi udeležbi na demonstraciji 9. aprila, drugi viri navajajo od 5 do 13 tisoč. Ur. Biti ameriški kongresnik James Oberstar, član ameriškega kongresa iz Minnesote, potomec slovenskega rudarja, je svoj trdni značaj in življenjske nazore nasledil od svo-ega očeta — Zasluge za Slovenijo Ta članek je izšel v ljubljanskem Delu 6. in 7. aprila, pisal ga je Matjaž Koželj, ki je bil študent štiri leta na univerzi UCLA v Los Angelesu, študij bo nadaljeval na univerzi Georgetown v Washingtonu, D. C. Telefoniral je uredništvo se pogovarjal z urednikom in nam poslal tekst, ki sledi. Za uslugo se mu zahvaljujem. O kong. Oberstarju doslej nismo veliko poročali, zato bo marsikateri bralec presenečen nad kongresnikovo angažiranostjo glede Slovenije. Urednik Kapitol, velika masivna zgradba v ameriški prestolnici, ki stoji v ravni črti z Washingto-novim in Lincolnovim spomenikom, je simbol demokracije za ljudi, ki živijo v Ameriki. Začetki te zgradbe so pisani v leto 1793, ko je George Washington, prvi predsednik ZDA, položil temeljni kamen. Kapitol je sedež ameriškega parlamenta, kjer kongresniki in senatorji snujejo nove zako- ZAHVALA Koroških študentov WICHITA, Kans. - Za leto 1994 so tile koroški študentje dobili podporo od ameriških dobrotnikov: Marko Miki iz župnije Loče, 7.000 šilingov; Marija Mesner iz Doba, župnija Pliberk, 6.000; Sonja Ogris iz župnije Pliberk, 6.000; Jožef Dovjak iz župnije Sele, 6.000; Uršula Sienčnik iz župnije Dobrla vas, 5.000. Celotna podpora amerikan-skih Slovencev je 30 tisoč šilingov. Študentje, kakor tudi njihovi starši, se vsem dobrotnikom prav prisrčno zahvalijo. Tudi v bodoče koroške študente prav prisrčno priporočam našim dobrotnikom. Fr. John Lavrih 6700 E. 45th Street, D-2 Wichita, Kansas 67226 ne in kjer vsaka štiri leta zapri-seže novi predsednik ZDA. Poleg tega pa je zgradba muzej in mesto obiskov najvišjih predstavnikov in delegacij iz Amerike in vsega sveta. Ameriški parlament šteje 435 članov in sto senatorjev, kar pomeni da vsako ameriško državo predstavljata dva senatorja, medtem ko je število kongresnikov vezano na število prebivalstva, ki je v državi. Kongresniki nekako predstavljajo pol milijona ljudi, ki živijo v njihovi regiji. Eden izmed njih je tudi kongresnik James Oberstar, ki je posebej znan tudi našim političnim in diplomatskim krogom. Že njegov priimek pa daje vedeti, da je naše gore list. Oberstarjevo življenje je zelo pestro in to je tudi vidno iz njegove pisarne. Prižgana televizija ga opozarja na čas, ko mora oditi glasovat v Kapitol — njegova 97-odstotna navzočnost pri sprejemanju zakonov je podatek, ki je lahko za vzgled mnogim politikom ne samo v Sloveniji, ampak tudi v Ameriki — in hkrati seznanja z novicami, ki jih je tukaj mnogo, če ne preveč. Pisalna miza je polna papir- Zahvala Ob zaključku svojega obiska v Clevelandu in v San Franciscu bi se rad zahvalil vsem rojakom za topel sprejem, številne pogovore in druge pozornosti, ki ste mi jih izkazali. Zopet odhajam obogaten z mnogimi izkušnjami, ki mi bodo pomagale pri mojem uredniškem delu v našem katoliškem tedniku Družina. Hvala vsem! Posebna zahvala teti in stricu Justini in Franku Pičman v Clevelandu ter gospe Dori in Alešu Šimenc v San Franciscu za gostoljuben dom v dneh obiska. Prav poseben pozdrav vsem rojakom v San Franciscu. Franci Petrič ja in nemogoče je najti še mali prostor za delo. Ljudje priha jajo in odhajajo, zahtevajo njegovo pozornost in mahajo z dokumenti, ki morajo bih podpisani. Njegov delavnik je poln in marsikdaj se zgodi, £ zamudi ne samo enega, ampa tudi več sestankov. Njegov osebni telefon zvoni neprene homa. V Oberstarjevem moštvu Toda kljub vsemu kongresnik mirno sedi v svojem na slonjaču. Je v dobri formi m ža, ki se bliža šestdesetim letom. Njegovi srebrni lasje 1 svetlo modre oči pa dajejo v močne osebnosti. James Oberstar se je ro i severni Minnesoti. Njegov ° je bil sin slovenskega Pr'seje, ca in je delal v rudniku, me tem ko je mati, Italijanka, lala v tovarni oblačil. Življem, družine Oberstar nikakor bilo lahko. • Bilo je pred nekaj mese^ ko ga sem prvič sre^a . em krajšem razgovoru, v ka sem mu povedal o sebi m s ^ jih ciljih, mi je ponudil e svoji ekipi. Sprva presene ^ nato vesel sem sprejel to m nost. Hkrati pa je bila to nost, da koristno zapolni pred začetkom podiplornS študija. ..K0 Vedel sem, da se b0"™ ve L naučil, hkrati pa naredi za Slovenijo, saj je k<^enjjo vseskozi povezan so stvo, da sem ud’*- . cjo- ikih, ki so povezam s ijo ali ex-JugoslavijoP njo an ex-jugy— ' n0 iko. Ne pa tudi vse. y seznanjam z novica^ seznanjam z ■■y-- 0. venije, jih analiziram ^ i o njih svoje mne^e’stav-pomeni, da sem tudi se lan njegovega nl0^tVf.’e ;ovorno za to podro J tazgovor z njim se je azgovor z njim ^ j- 0. ;ovi pisarni, nakar sv Dvi pisarni, n«*'- )u m krenila proti Kap1 jjil vraciji, kjer meje? jen asilo. Prostor je name J ) članom kongresa1 hoVj risotnim osebam v delal ova volja doj oče je 40 let ^ liku ... in je to j ažil. Vsak dan je ^ ^seje zgodaj zjutraj, na ov vračal zelo P0^ e Zaradi hitre ZIlCf ^lo-Minnesote je e b0l« crmrnO SVet videl sončno svet deduje Oberstar. ,e, četudi tisti, ki je ^ (dalje na sir. D) Joseph k* FORTUNA lV0P POGREBNI ZA 641-0046 5316 Fleet Ave. od Moderni P09rebn' 0iag° Ambulanca na raZP *: podnevi in Pon CENE PO VAŠI ŽELJ ■ ga vei mc ko ruc Ce nik pa dol tak P01 ter PO' zgi no M{ tar da um juj nje ča am me zn; j°. ki sv< gle ki Jai P0; Po; ke. je stri gla noi re, sat v SP Pr< V ; Pf( 2 V kat ja] ligi tud citi stal Poi 1 8., ter( Biti ameriški kongresnik (nadaljevanje s str. 10) ga Oberstarja napotil na uni- cev, je Oberstar tudi vidni član verzo. »Dejal mi je, da imam dve možnosti,« se spominja. »Lahko bi začel delati tako kot on v ■mdniku ali bi odšel študirat. Ce bi se odločil za delo v rud-n'ku, bi me ustrelil, je rekel, če Pa imam željo študirati, bi bilo dobro. Odločil sem se za študij takšnega poklica, s katerim bi Pomagal ljudem.« Po prehojenih hodnikih, ka-tere poti vodijo pod zemljo in Povezujejo Kapitel z vsemi zgradbami okoli njega, končno le prispeva do jedilnice, j ed potjo mi z neverjetno na-ančnostjo pripoveduje o zgo-ovini nastajanja zgradbe in umetnin v njej, kar samo potr-njegovo vsesplošno zna-Je ln razgledanost. Za kosilo si naročiva sendvi-a ln.sv0*ato> ki je tudi klasično eri§ko kosilo. Tuda tudi tu zna Preseneti z juho, kar je oženje njeg0ve navade) ki ki iih°bllod Staršev (v Ameri-^ ha ni sestavni del kosila). svoiihrSttar.veliko govori o tedanjam tudi njeg°va ki fia S° pos*e1 Se ze^e* odelež Do .VerJetno vračal dome je P° !!oči- Svoj prosti čas r kor ^ez*v* ^°ma, seveda ko nJ6 t0 Pač mogoče. d',een govornik "»e verstar Je človek, ki verj Pridp; trd° del° in usPehe, Pom x P° tem' VerJame, da dllotaudrU8im največja vr veštv C 0Veka 'n celotnega čli po odličnih govorih, ki jih navadno tudi sam pripravi. Njegov kolega je nekoč dejal, da je edina stvar, ki jo je mogoče kritizirati pri njem, to, da poskuša narediti preveč. Tega se je navadil od staršev. Tako je bilo pri vseh priseljenskih družinah. Počasi zapuščava restavracijo. Na poti nazaj v pisarno srečava njegovega kolego in tesnega sodelavca iz Michigana. Boss me predstavi in mu pove, da delam reportažo o njem za časnik, ki izhaja v domovini njegovih starih staršev, v Sloveniji. »Velikokrat slišiš, da kongresniki živijo veselo življenje,« pravi njegov prijatelj. »Jim trdo dela in preživi veliko časa z družino. Svoje delo odlično opravi in pri tem ne zahteva slavospevov.« Kdaj v Slovenijo? Na koncu Oberstar ne pozabi omeniti, da njegova družina izvira iz Ribnice in da je dedkovo ime zapisano v knjigi, ki je v eni izmed tamkajšnjih cerkev. Pove tudi, da še ni obiskal Slovenije, vendar ima vrsto uradnih povabil s strani slovenske vlade. Potihoma mi še obljubi, da je možno, da obišče Slovenijo še letos, seveda pa bo vse odvisno od natrpanega urnika. Videti je, da bi Slovenijo resnično rad obiskal, vendar za to enostavno nima časa. Seveda pa bi bilo edino pravilno, da po vsem tem, kar je naredil za Slovenijo, končno le spozna malo državico na sončni strani Alp, domovino svojih prednikov. • tein i(U i-6 korno cenjeni ne po kov'h ° lk° nu*cleurnih izstrel-v svrv-0m° naredili in jih imeli nariaJ! 0rozarni. ali koliko de-raČunu0r°Stal0 za nami v Pro’ ^liko ^enJeni bomo po tem, Probien/6511^11^ življenjskih kini ljuH V bomo rešili in koli-*n zaveti6111 bomo dal* hrano večjem ‘ Ko to narediš — v Zalcone in VlrU.~~ ko sPreJemaš IJenje linn^ npm' izboljšaš živ-bje, (ja ^ Je to zame zname-bspel.« em v tem> kar delam, stavkih 'l V odstavkih in ne v noje tudi0tietoTada-Vid' J0 opravi-’ d VSako stvar, ki inbroz 2adar^PraVlja popolno zadržkov. Znan je tudi Dr. France Bučar (nadaljevanje s sir. 12) zeča nevarnost ni pot nazaj i komunizem, temveč to, dt strukture, ki so prej totalitar no vladale, vladajo še napre pod masko novega kapitali zrna. Gre za to, da stare struk ture ostanejo na svojih položa jih in se politična moč spreme ni v gospodarsko. Ta nevar nost je zelo velika. • Ali Drnovškovi razlogi za odstavitev obrambnega ministra ne spominjajo na stalinistične procese, ko so bili obdolženi krivi že pred dokazano krivdo? Kaj bo to pomenilo za slovensko politiko? IS 4 zanesljivost in stvarnost cen P« “kupovanju” ali prodaji ašega rabljenega avtomobila se Vam priporoča slovenski rojak Frank Tominc lastnik s«« ,CITY motors Clair Ave. tel. 881-2388 Saj vendar o tem govorim. Jaz sem že v letih in sam imam izkušnje s temi komunističnimi »štorijami« od leta 1945. Včeraj sem se v parlamentu spet počutil kot pred dvajsetimi leti, ko so me »metali« s fakultete. Približno takšne »tirade« so se zvrstile kot takrat, še celo obrazi poslancev so bili enaki kot pri moji ‘likvidaciji’. Ne dajo mi miru, kajne? Pogovarjal se je Igor Kršinar Novi grobovi Joseph Godesa Dne 18. aprila je na domu svojega sina v Brandenburgu, Ky., na svojem 90. rojstnem dnevu umrl Joseph Godesa, rojen v Sloveniji, v Kanado prišel 1. 1927, v Kapuskasing v severnem Ontariu, se 1. 1969 preselil v Beamsville, Ont., kjer mu je 1. 1988 umrla žena Agnes, zapušča sina Louisa, dva vnuka, sestro Mary Champa v Euclidu, O. in nečaka Stanleyja G. Ziherla v Lynd-hurstu, O. Pogreb bo to soboto v Beamsvillu. Frank C. Perme Dne 15. aprila je v University bolnišnici za rakom umrl 86 let stari Frank C. Perme z Willoughby Hillsa, rojen v Clevelandu, vdovec po 1. 1979 umrli Mildred, oče Patricije in Mar-cie Fuchs, 1-krat stari oče, brat Julie Haughtling ter že pok. Johna in Michaela, lasto-val in vodil Perme Furniture trgovini v collinwoodski naselbini od 1940 od 1965, v teh letih tudi z oglasi podpiral televizijske nastope raznih polka ansamblov, član KSKJ št. 169 in SNPJ št. 158. Pogreb je bil 19. aprila iz Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Roberta in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Ursuline Nuns Development Fund, 2600 Lander Rd., Cleveland, OH 44124 oz. Slovenskemu domu za ostarele, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Victor C. Zehel Dne 12. aprila je v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa v Lorainu umrl 83 let stari Victor C. Zehel, rojen v Little Fallsu, NY, vdovec po 1. 1982 umrli Theresi, oče Ed-warda, 4-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, zapušča tudi tri sestre, zaposlen kot preddelavec pri U.S. Steel Corp. v Lorainu, ob upokojitvi 1. 1975 je bil tam zaposlen 41 let, član KSKJ. Pogreb je bil 15. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Petra v Lorainu. Naša faks številka je: 216/361-4088 in je stalno vključena. MALI OGLASI East Side Travel Agency looking for an administrative assistant/travel agent trainee. Basic word processing, typing and organizational skills required. A good working knowledge of Slovenian and English needed. Excellent working conditions, congenial atmosphere, travel benefits. Please call 692-2225. KOMENTAR iz Katoliškega glasu (7.IV.1994) Kritično tudi do Milana Kučana, spori na desni še globlji Piše JANEZ POVŠE V kolikor bi lahko bil kdo v Sloveniji povsem objektiven, bi najbrž ugotovil, da odstavitev Janeza Janše v bistvu ni koristila nikomur, prej pa je vsem škodovala. Takšno oceno zelo nazorno potrjuje anketa Dela z dne 2. aprila, kjer večji del vprašanih meni, da Državni zbor ni ravnal prav, ko je odstranil Janšo. Med političnimi usmeritvami bi vprašani podprli ideje Janeza Janše (27,5%), potem ideje Janeza Drnovška (24,1%) in šele na tretjem mestu zamisli Milana Kučana (17,5%). Kar 72% vprašanih meni, da t. i. slovenske pomladi še ni konec, 79% je mnenja, da politične kariere bivšega obrambnega ministra sploh ni konec, več kot pol vprašanih pa je prepričanih, da se je po zamenjavi obrambnega ministra politično ravnotežje bistveno spremenilo. Razmeroma presenetljiva je zahteva anketirancev, ki kar s 74,4% podpirajo stališča demonstrantov in nekaterih poslancev, da bi moral predsednik države Milan Kučan javno pojasniti nekatere svoje izjave iz bližnje preteklosti, ko je omenjal nevarnost obračunavanja s političnimi nasprotniki kakor tudi svojo morebitno vpletenost v afero Smolnikar. Dejstvo je, da se je Milan Kučan pojavil v televizijski oddaji Žarišče močno nervozen in napet, kar je lahko vsakega razmišljujočega človeka prepričalo, da prav gotovo ni nad nedavnimi dogodki, pač pa je vanje tako ali drugače vpleten — to je seveda za predsednika države zelo vprašljivo. Temu gre verjetno pripisati dosti bolj kritičen pogled ljudi na svojega predsednika, pogled, ki je sicer slepo zaupljiv in se na primer zadovolji s tem, da Milan Kučan ni doslej niti ene afere v slovenskem političnem prostoru še pojasnil ali odločilno prispeval k pojasnitvi. Tudi Janez Drnovšek je napravil nedopustno napako, ko je Marjana Podobnika pisno opozoril na demonstracije ob odstranjevanju Janeza Janše KOLEDAR MAJ 6. — Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima materinski dan program, zv. ob 7h v šolskem avditoriju. 14. — Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj koncert v farni dvorani sv. Vida. Po koncertu ples. Igra Alpski Sextet. 24. — KSKJ praznovanje Marije Pomagaj pri Sv. Vidu. Blagoslovitev nove kapele Marije Pomagaj. Začetek ob 7.30 zv. 29. — DSPB Cleveland pripravlja spominsko sv. mašo za vse žrtve komunizma, nacizma in fašizma pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd., ob 12. in je shod, ki se je pričel pri Prešernovem spomeniku, o-značil za miting srbskega tipa, značilen za Miloševiča. Drnovšek se je v istem pismu pohvalil s tem, da Parlament ni popustil pritiskom ulice in da je odstranil obrambnega ministra na evropskem nivoju. Poglejmo sedaj vzporednico z dogodki v Franciji, kjer je šla mladina množično na ulice in se uprla diskriminatorskemu zaposlitvenemu zakonu. Ministrski predsednik, ki mu je ulica dokazala, da je napravil veliko napako, je sporen zakon umaknil. Najbrž ni težko ugotoviti, kaj je evropsko in kaj ni. Sporen predlog, ki potisne ljudi na ceste ih ga Vlada oziroma Parlament ne umakneta — to je v bistvu neevropsko. Evropsko je po tem premisleku, da sporno potezo državno vodstvo umakne ali vsaj omili. Drnovška so torej motili ljudje na ulici, vrsta poslancev se je spotikala nad televizijo, k: je vse te protestnike prikazovala vsej slovenski javnosti. Prenovljena levica je torej spet pokazala svoj stari obraz: ljudje naj ne gredo na ulice, televizija in tisk naj ne poročata o neprijetnih stvareh, neprijetnih seveda za ustoličeno oblast. Politična škoda za desnico Odstavitev Janše dela veliko škodo tudi desnici. Slovenski krščanski demokrati še kar naprej silijo v koalicijo z Drnovškom, pri čemer se po poročilih s terena v veliki meri kaže zoper takšno stališče. Stranka SKD (Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov) je nedvomno v izredno težkem položaju in bo seveda vstop v koalicijo — v kolikor je nov slovenski politični prostor še vedno v nastajanju — zelo drago plačala. Nad to koalicijo bo ves čas lebdel odstranjeni Janez Janša, ki ga SKD očitno močno podcenjuje, namreč njegovo podobo v luči celokupnega javnega mnenja. Vprašanje je, kakšna bo končna odločitev SKD. Trenutno se vprašljiva pozicija SKD še bolj zaostruje, saj je v sobotnem Slovencu (op. ur. AD: 2. aprila, kar je bilo pretekli teden objavljeno v našem listu) Lojze Peterle kar ostro napadel Marjana Podobnika in zagovarjal smisel sedanje Velike koalicije tudi v prihodnje. Vsemu temu se lahko levica seveda upravičeno in zadovoljno smeji, ker kljub spornim potezam Drnovška in delno tudi predsednika Kučana se zadeve na desni ne morejo in ne morejo urediti. Izgubili so torej vsi, izgubila je — z odstavitvijo Janeza Janše, predvsem seveda z načinom te odstavitve — mlada država Republike Slovenije. Nad tem dejstvom pa bi se morali vsi politični dejavniki v matični domovini še kako zamisliti. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1030. Kopačev pogreb v torek, 5. aprila, je bil v župniji Brezmadežne s Čudodelno svetinjo ob 10. dop. krasna veroizpoved katoliške vere. Cerkev je bila do zadnjega kotička napolnjena, s korom vred, in vsi prisotni so prišli iz pietete, ker so rajnega župnika Janeza ljubili. Neizpodbitno dejstvo v življenju je, da pogreb veliko pove. Včasih je tako žalostno, ko niti naj ožji sorodniki nanj ne pridejo, zaradi trenj v sorodstvu. Značilno je tudi, da faranov ni, če kdo ni sam v življenju župniji pripadal in z njo čutil ter živel. Upokojenega župnika pogreb pa je pokazal, da več let fizične odsotnosti po upokojitvi ni nič zmanjšal ljubezni mnogih src in duš za dobrega pastirja, ki je poučeval, krščeval, obhajal, spovedoval, poročal in pokopaval tiste, ki so mu bili zaupani v duhovniškem poslanstvu. Nadškof dr. Alojzij Ambrožič je vodil koncelebracijo sv. maše in v uvodnih besedah poudaril modrost rajnega. Pomožni škof Nicola De Angelis je bil v prezbiteriju, z vsemi slovenskimi lazaristi v Kanadi in urednikom Prijatelja, odličnega mesečnika za bolnike iz Ljubljane, ter predstojnikom hiš lazaristov pri Srcu Jezusovem Jožetom Zupančičem. PrijateVs Pharmacy St. Clair Avc. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS ________ Farni cerkveni zbor je čudovito vodil ljudsko petje vseh pri maši, pod vodstvom prof. dr. Jožeta Osane. Kantor obeh župnij je bila s. Miranda Kavčič od Sester Čudodelne svetinje, ki v župniji delujejo že dolga leta. Berilo je brala predsednika Katoliške ženske lige ga. Maksa Žagar. Urednik Božje besede g. Tone Zrnec je čital evangelij, župnik Ivan Plazar slovensko pridigoval in pisec teh člankov, od bogo-slovskih let osebni prijatelj rajnega, je kratko za tiste, ki ne razumejo slovenščine, govoril v angleščini. Mimo jezuita Plevnika in salezijancev iz Hamiltona ter Jožkota Kraglja iz Primorske, je bilo med angleško govorečimi duhovniki več Janezovih znancev in par hrvatskih dušnih pastirjev. Sobratje so spremljali iz cerkve krsto in jo ponesli na avto pred cerkvijo. Kaplan Tomaž Mavrič je bil ‘Master of Ceremonies’ in v vsem poskrbel za lepoto liturgije za vrsto ministrantov, ki so na vse napravili zelo dober vtis. Obhajalo je z nadškofom več duhovnikov. Med vernimi je bilo lepo število rojakov iz fare sv. Vladimirja v Montrealu, ki so prišli na pogreb s svojim župnikom g. Letonjo s posebnim avtobusom. Mnogi so odšli po maši na pokopalilsče Assumption v Mississaugo, nakar so se vrnili v farno dvorano, kjer je bilo Vladimir M. Rus Attorney • Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 300,000 Dobitnikov Dnevno .OHIO IOTT6RY Sodelujte pri dobitkih All Oho Lonery players are suhiect ib laws ana regulations ol the Ono Lottery Commission For more mlormaton call our Customer Relation' Department. (216) 787-3200. during regular business hours poskrbljeno za 500 oseb za po-krepčila pogrebščine. Nadškof dr. Ambrožič je ob tej priliki dejal, kar nesporno drži, da je s Kopačevo smrtjo konec gotovega dela slovenske zgodovine pokomunistične emigracije v Kanadi. Umrl je pionir, zvesti služabnik, ljubitelj Kristusov, Marijin in Ka-oliške cerkve. Bil je na nek način, kar smo že v domovini pri lazaristih občudovali, ko so vodili misijone in duhovne vaje, pravi ‘ljudski misijonar’. Rajni škof dr. Gregorij Rožman mi je v domovini leta 1945 na škofiji dejal, da se je odločil dati in zaupati vse misijone v ljubljanski nadškofiji slovenskim lazaristom. Takrat sem bil katehet na III. Državni moški gimnaziji za Bežigradom in svetni duhovnik ljubljanske nadškofije. Sem pa občutil, da je imel v lazariste veliko zaupanja in da jih je želel uporabiti, kjer bi lahko dolgoročno največ koristili duhovni rasti njegovih vernikov. Moji spomini o rajnem so številni, globoko doživeti in iz mnogih let sodelovanja in medsebojnih stikov. Kopačev stric Luka pri loških ur-šulinkah mi je dejal, da so malega Janeza od Sv. Andreja sprejele kot za svojega in prijelo se ga je ime ‘nunski mucek’. Na Kitajsko je odšel, kot vsi drugi lazaristi in dr. Janež, z namenom, da bi prevzeli v Apostolski Administraturi svoj delokrog in uresničili ‘Baragov misijon’ v Čaotungu. Rajni misijonar Andrej Prebil je šel na oglede k rajnemu mons. Jožefu Kerecu. Vrnil se je ves navdušen v Kunming, na dva tisoč morske višine plato v provinci Yunnan, odkoder smo lahko gledali na visoke planine Tibeta. MALI OGLASI FOR SALE Euclid. Off Chardon Road. Beautiful brick bungalow. Newer kitchen. $105,000. Call 486-1903. (13-16) For Rent Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. (x) For Sale Richmond Hts. 3 bdrms. 1 Vi baths. Full basement. Lge lot. $104,500. Call 298-3035. (14-17) FENCES — OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: Jokic Fence Co. 944-6777 HOME FOR SALE 1767 SKYLINE DRIVE 4 B.R. 2/2 Bath. 27x12 F.R. with W.B.F.P. 2 car attached garage. Large lot. Shed, Balin-ca Court and more. Finished Rec Rm. Call Cold well Banker Hunter Realty — 951-2701 Theresa Manjas — 943-1814 Takrat so začeli prodirati Mao Zedungovi vojaki iz Mančurije proti srednji Kitajski in Vrhovni predstojnik lazaristov je nam dal nalog oditi v škofijo ameriških sobratov v Kanchowu, provincija Kiang-shi. Gospodje Jereb, Časi in Pokorn so prišli tja iz škofije Beijing in Tientsin, g. Kopač iz prestolnice po študiju kitajščine, g. Prebil in jaz iz zahoda, kjer je ostal bogoslovec Jerman v teologiji sulpicijancev. Brat Ciril Verdnik je po morju pripeljal v Šanghaj našo prtljago, ker smo lahko z letalom vzeli s seboj samo 60 kg. Dr. Janež pa je prišel iz Argentine z ladjo. G. Kopač je iz župnije Lo-tung prišel po odhodu g. Časla v Ningtu, odkoder sva bila oba izgnana iz Kitajske v januarju 1951. Tako se je končal za nas vseh sen o Baragovem misijonu. Pri branju nedavno izišle knjige salezijancev o velikem misijonarju Andreju Majcenu, sem se začudil, da avtor ni omenil želje mons. Kereca in g. Majcena za uresničitev Baragovega misijona slovenskih lazaristov. Mehka Janezova duša je bila literarno navdahnjena. Pisal je pa največ članke verske vsebine in tudi knjiga, ki jo je napisal, je utrjevala našo vero v vodstvo sv. očeta, ko rešujemo naše neumrljive duše. Bil je dober pridigar, zelo je rad zahajal v mir narave na letovišče Slovencev v Torontu, pozimi je pa ljubil kanadski hokej. Pred leti je v razgovoru meni zaupal, da ima eno veliko željo: Postaviti na svetu en tabernakelj, kjer se bo Bog častil, ko njega že dolgo več ne bo. Ta želja se mu je uresničila v župnijski cerkvi Čudodelne svetinje. Ob pogrebu je bila zbrana okrog tega tabernaklja vsa slovenska srenja, ki ji je rajni Janez dolga leta služil in pastiroval. Nadškof je pohvalil njegovo pastoralno modrost in vsi vemo, da jo je veliko potreboval za delo med rojaki vsa leta pionirjenja. Počivaj v miru, dragi Janez! Ob Tvojem tabernaklju se srečuje mnoštvo tistih, ki si jim s svojim zgledom svetil na težki poti begunskega življenja. Zasidrani so v Kristusu, ki je Luč, ki sveti v moderni temi; pot, po kateri se polagoma vsi premikamo proti večnemu cilju, in Resnica, ki je nas in bo nje osvobodila za vse čase. Enkrat bomo spet vsi skupaj. Ne samo po loških hribih in taroku; ne le v literarnem ustvarjanju in plavanju v bazenu letovišča; ne le pri hokeju na kanadskem ledu in ob kozarcu piva. Svoj zgled si nam dal in zapustil v reviji Božja beseda, ki si jo dolga leta urejeval in sedaj boš molil za nas vse, da se posvetimo in z dobrimi deli zagotovimo uresničenje Kristusove besede: »Kdor je moje meso in pije mojo kri, ima življenje in jaz ga bom obudil poslednji dan.« V Škofovih zavodih v Šentvidu si se oblikoval in za bogoslovje odločil. Naj mimo ‘Lipe’, ki si jo za starejše rojake zamislil, tudi Škofova gi' mnazija v Šenvidu postane deležna mnogih darov plemenitih rojakov, ki želijo dati danes v domovini mladim možnost slediti Tvojemu zgledu in se formirati v krščanskem duhu sredi mrzlih ostankov komunističnega uničevanja vsega, kar je po veri dišalo-Samo Bog bo enkrat jasno P°' kazal, počemu nas je v svet poslal, da ga, oropani vsega, kat nam je bilo v domovini drag0-v svobodnem svetu poveličuje mo. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 MALI OGLASI V ZAKUP: Dvojna hiša v Em clidu, zgoraj $500, spo <0 $550, dve spalnici v vsakem stanovanju, garaža, soba gospodinjske stroje v vsaked1’ + varnostni depozit, nič živa li. 261-3499. HOUSE FOR RENT GROVEWOOD, /z doubl down, REMODELED 2 bdr w/appl. MINT. Sec., re $400. Call 1-257-2888. Responsible Housekeeper for a Euclid Senior Residenc Building. Call Florence at 38m 1459. W For Sale , Old Grand stove, 2 sing*6^ j frames, Sears dishwasher. 943-1038, evenings. Happy Birthday to JOSEPHINE STANONIK of Cleveland, Ohio on your 80th Birthday, April 18, 1994 Love, from your family and many friends MONITOR — RECEPTIONIST in the City of Euclid Do you need a job? If you do, call Florence at 383-1459 -----------------------"A Roster of Organizations ------------ ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Ameriška Slovenska Katoliška Jednota American Slovenian Catholic Union Društvo SV. VIDA št. 25 vod-'a: Rev- Joseph Božnar; preds oseph Baškovič; podpreds. Joseph Hočevar 48,f‘b!n °rehek> »8144 Lake Shore Blvd„ tel HnH a8' ',otln Nadzorniki: Man Franll'k7JameS Debevec- Stan Martinčič; vrata, aktivn „Upancic; vodja atletike in mladinskih "ovega \LZlZ Sav^"^ 10.l5Drdo‘V° Z^°rUje VSako dru8° oedeljo ob bolezni P' P°d cerkvij° sv- Vida. V slučaju n>ški list hi JaV'tajniku’ da dobi zdrav- S,rTV0 SV- 1 OVRENCE ŠT. 63 KSKJ Josenh°l|ni c°d''a: Rev' Anthony Rebol; pred tai d„, u' Fortuna; podpreds: Isabelle Gode Zapif ?G°deC’ 847 E' Hillsdale, tel. 524-520 nadzorn-u? Ann Sray: bla8-: James T- Wei Virginia'? Amhony B- Lausche, Olga Sra; St. w °”una: zastopnika za SND na E. i zaatleril ■ ortuna 'n Ralph Godec; zastopnik Rainh r °iU1 booster club” Joseph Fortuna i ge- ° ec' »-»octor of your choice. 7.30? m 25' V mesecu v SND "a E. 80 St. o starosti n ? Člani sprejeti od r°jstva d° 70 let in Piax • °tai^k‘ asesmcnt je 65 centov na mese član boi? V b°lni5ke PodPore na teden, če j Ian 5 dni ali več. Spiritual1?8' ST' ANNE No- 150 dent Anv i 'rector Rev- Anthony Rebol; Preši- l«™.. M!™":.."« p'“ ■=«* reas. l, , nlne Winter, 3555 E. 80th ! »’Cresa 7^ berdyckl Auditors: Anna Win ''n8ela Wi'Upancic. Helen Krofi; Rec. Se 80 St, Lanter’ Rep’ for Slov. Nat’!. Home, H°me, \ja?a Berdyck: Rep- for Slov. N cation- An P,e Hts’ Helen Kr°f»; Reps, for Fe cia«s: ai18elaWmter- Josephine Winter. Ph' 4 FMI>' !h' "'t' fi™ Wednesday U*""«Sehdo,„?E'n,0,,"b“h“,ta" °’ olhw Ma8dalene Lod8e 162 KSKJ Preds.: p”* Vodja: Rev. Joseph Božnar; ^apisnikarca-11?8 »^emanich; Podpreds in M011’760E !>i->etty 0rebek: Tajnica: Maryann i'Ca: Rosalia o” Euclid’ OH; B»a8- in Redel-Macerol. j0 aicic; Nadzornice: Frances RSKj pec| , lne Gorencic Zastopnice za Ohio Zdravniki'1? f»rcbek' Trances Nemanich. prv° sredo v m VS' s*ovenski- Seje se vrše vsako SV' Vida avdito'?'11 ^ * 3° P°P v družabno sobi 8ene KogovsptJa Rev' Jobn Rnmse; 'aj- Anton N ; P°dpreds- Anthony °H 441°: rpme5C' 708 E- >59 S,., ^emec; bol ta- 41"7243; pomožna bla8-Jennie t. ° Helena Nemec, tel. niki: Frank 7^'' Zapis- Mary °kicl Rektor za f??/’ John Obat, Cha, r' za ženske ‘1,° J°hn °bat’ tel-Cliff Verderh ktlvnosl' Jennie Tu. dru*inski jer; zdravniki: dr. Maks 2nidan o dvra:nii; POr- v angieSč Scje se v? vSl°?n5eini: Tone Nem. 'V'VS'ov d0laktretjifetrtekvmese Jema {lane od? "3 H°lmes Avc- Dn Od$2’00<»napr?tVado70letzazav’ SAi.SHIartofjesl DuhovniVoH EN°- 172 KSRJ ?hel; Revizorji ? : Zapisnikarica: nikar. ,ZOrJ” Joseph Lach, Au, ^ Seja , ?ara8ovem o« VSak° tretj° sredo v P,