Scientific paper LEL-a Newly Designed Molecular Descriptor Dragan Stevanovi},a'b Aleksandar Ili},a Cristina Onisorc and Mircea V. Diudeac'* a Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Ni{, Vi{egradska 33, 18000 Ni{, Serbia b University of Primorska - FAMNIT, Glagoljaška 8, 6000 Koper, Slovenia c Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Arany Janos Str. 11, 400084, Cluj, Romania * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 28-11-2008 Abstract A correlating study of topological indices TIs provided by TOPOCLUJ software package and LEL, a newly proposed index built up on the eigenvalues of Laplacian matrix, on thirteen properties of octanes, revealed good correlating ability of a dozen selected TIs, all related to the Wiener index, and of LEL as well. LEL describes well the properties which are well accounted by the majority of the selected molecular descriptors: octane number MON, entropy S, volume MV, or refraction MR, particularly the acentric factor AF parameter, but also more difficult properties like boiling point, melting point and logP. LEL is the best correlated with the WK (Wiener-type number, taken the reciprocal of entries in the combinatorial Dp matrix, of higher rank, calculated by TOPOCLUJ software) indices. In a second set of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, LEL was proved to be as good as the Randi} x index (a connectivity index) and better than the Wiener index (a distance based index). In addition, it is well defined mathematically and shows interesting relations in particular classes of graphs, these recommending LEL as a new, powerful topological index. The actual study proved the considered TIs are basic topological descriptors in prediction of various molecular properties, with good perspective in QSPR/QSAR studies. Keywords; Topological indices, QSPR, QSAR, octanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 1. Introduction Elucidation of the relationship between molecular structures and their properties is a challenge to chemists for more than a century. A chemical structure can be quantified in various ways, one of the most popular, in the last decade being that which makes use of Graph Theory, particularly topological indices TIs, which are numerical descriptors encoding topological attributes of a molecular graph. They were used both in graph discriminating analysis as well as in quantitative structure-property relationship QSPR studies for modeling a variety of physico-chemical properties or in quantitative structure-activity relationship QSAR studies to predict biological activities. Nowadays, their number becomes uncountable, as a consequence of the explosive development of computational technology. Randi}1 has outlined some desirable attributes for the topological indices in the view of preventing their hazardous proliferation, among which: direct structural interpretation, good correlation with at least one property, good discrimination of isomers, simplicity, locally defined, and generalized to higher analogues, are the most important. There are several commercial software packages which calculate more than one thousand TIs: POLLY,2 MOLCONN,3 CODESSA,45 DRAGON 6 and TOPOCLUJ.7 Alkanes represent an interesting class of compounds as a starting point for the application of molecular modeling procedures. Many properties of the alkanes vary function of molecular mass or branching, and alkanes can be described by using a single type of (carbon) atom. There are properties well accounted by a single molecular descriptor, e.g., octane number MON, entropy S, volume MV, refraction MR, etc. Other properties, such as, boiling point BP, heat of vaporization HV, total surface area TSA, partition coefficient LogP, density DENS, critical tempe- rature CT, critical pressure CP and heat of formation DHF are notable exceptions, being not well modeled by any of the parameter sets. Among the well modeled parameters, the acentric factor AF appears to be correlated more than 90% by eleven of twelve descriptors herein discussed. Definition of the best scored TIs, e.g., LEL, 2WD, 2WH, 1WK, 2WUCJD and PDS3[Sh[SZ]] will be given in the following section. The purpose of the present report is to evaluate the relative performances of a pool of descriptors in relating the hydrocarbon molecular structures to a set of physical properties. It is of particular usefulness to predict values of some molecular properties, namely those which are difficult to measure or show health risk or for unavailable substances. In this respect, the newly designed index LEL and those provided by the TOPOCLUJ software are of basic importance. The sets of studied molecules were selected among the representative and sufficiently complex structures (octane isomers and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)) and the correlations used were in monovariate regression, in view of a more direct interpretation of the results. 2. Description of Indices In any process of molecular modeling, either quantum or correlating one, the need for a representation of molecular structure is critical and its role is significant to find appropriate predictive models. An information rich representation which is rapidly computed and readily manipulated is essential. This is the case of the topological indices, which are among the most used molecular descriptors. TIs are single number descriptors associated with a molecular graph representing a molecule, which does not depend on the numbering and pictorial representation of that graph. In this section, definitions for LEL and the best scored TIs, among the indices provided by the TOPOCLUJ software, are presented. 2. 1. LEL - an Index Built on the Laplacian Matrix Let G = G(V,E) be a finite, undirected graph with n vertices V = {1,2,...,n} and m = |E| edges. The degree of a vertex u in V is denoted by du. Let G have the adjacency matrix A with eigenvalues X1 > X2 > ... > and Laplacian matrix L = D-A, where D is the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees, with eigenvalues > > ••• > ^n. The Laplacian-like energy, shortly LEL, of G is defined8 as: (1) It has been shown to have a nice mathematical behavior. It is closely related to the coefficients ck of the cha- racteristic polynomial of the Laplacian matrix L: 1=0 (2) In particular,9 for two graphs G and H of order n, if ck(G) < ck(H) for k = 1,...n-1, then LEL(G) < LEL(H). Furthermore, if a strict inequality ck,(G) < ck,(H) holds for at least one value k', then LEL(G) < LEL(H). Using this relation, it has been proved9 that, among trees of order n, the star Sn has the minimum, while the path Pn has the maximum LEL. Similarly, among unicyclic graphs of order n, the star with an edge between two of its leaves has the minimum LEL, and the cycle Cn has the maximum LEL.10 2. 2. Walk Indices or Wiener-type Indices of Higher Rank A walk w(1,n) in a graph G = G(V,E) (with V = V(G) being the set of vertices and E = E(G) the set of edges) is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, w(1,n) = (V1, e1, V2, e2, ..., Vn-1, em, Vn), v, e V(G ), e, e E(G ), m > n - 1,so that any two subsequent edges are adjacent: (v, ^, v,) e E(G). Revisiting vertices and edges is allowed. If V(w(1,n)) = {v1, v2, ..., vn-1, vn} is the set of vertices of the walk w(1,n) and E(w(1,n)) = {e1, e2, ..., em-1, em} the set of its edges, then l(w(1,n)) = |E(w1n)| represents the length of walk w(1,n), which equals the number of traversed edges. If no other condition is imposed, the walk is called a random walk. If the walk starts and ends in the same vertex v^ = v1 it is a closed walk, else it is open.1117 Walks of length e, starting from the vertex i e V (G) can be counted by summing the entries in the row of the e^h power of the adjacency matrix A: JeV(G) (3) is called the walk degree (of rank e) of vertex i (or atomic walk count18,19). Local and global invariants based on walks in graph were considered for correlating with physico-chemical properties.19 Weighted walk degrees can be easily calculated by means of the algorithm proposed by Diudea et al.20 It evaluates a local (topological) property by iterative summation of vertex contributions over all vertices in row i: r^wM],,=rwM],,=[M],, (4) (5) (6) where M is a square matrix and eWM is the diagonal matrix of walk degrees (weighted by the property encoded by the matrix M). The diagonal entries [®WM]ii represent the row sum of entries in the matrix M raised at power e [M^],, or the (weighted by M) walk degrees (7) The half sum of all local invariants eWM,^ in G defines a global invariant called the walk number eW^ : (8) When M = A, then eWA represents the molecular when M = D (distance matrix), then eWD is walk count:18 just the Wiener index,21 of rank e. The extension of this idea resulted in Wiener-type indices of higher rank;19 the info matrix M can be any square topological matrix. Among such matrices, the following ones are discussed in the present paper: D, H (of reciprocal topological distance entries, also called Harary matrix),16,17,22 K (of reciprocal Dp matrix entries)16,17,23 and UCJD (the unsymmetrical Cluj matrix on distances).24-26 For definition of these matrices and derived indices the reader is invited to consult the refs.16,17,27 2. 3. Indices Designed on Layer/shell Matrices Define a layer of vertices located at distance k to the 19,28,29 vertex i as: G(0,={v vgF(G); d:=k] (9) The partition of G with respect to i will be: with ecc^ being the eccentricity of i (i.e., the largest distance from i to the other vertices of G). The entries in the layer matrix (of vertex property) LM, is defined as: (11) with the most used operation being the summation. The zero columns are just the column of vertex properties [LM]i0 = p.. Any atomic/vertex property can be considered as p,. More over, any square matrix M can be taken as info matrix, in supplying local/vertex properties as row sum RS, column sum CS or diagonal entries given by the Walk matrix.16,17 Layer matrix is a collection of the above defined entries: LM = {[LM],;^; i G F(G); k g [0,1,..,^/(G)] } (12) with d(G) being the diameter of the graph (i.e., the largest distance in G). Define the entries in the shell matrix (of pair vertex property) SM as: 29 (13) with the most used operation being the summation. Shell matrix is a collection of the above defined entries: Table 1. Topological indices for octanes Molecule LEL 1WD 2WD 1WW 1WH 2WH 1WK 2WK 1/1WK 1/2WK 2WUCJD PDS3[Sh[Sz]] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9.153 9.120 9.115 9.114 9.108 9.065 9.079 9.082 9.088 9.056 9.074 9.073 9.049 9.023 9.031 9.020 9.044 8.971 84 79 76 75 72 71 70 74 67 68 67 64 63 66 62 65 58 1848 1628 1512 1476 1360 1316 1280 1312 1420 1176 1208 1172 1072 1032 1128 1000 1096 868 84 79 76 75 72 71 70 71 74 67 68 67 64 63 66 62 65 58 13.743 14.100 14.267 14.317 14.483 14.767 14.733 14.650 14.467 15.033 14.867 14.917 15.250 15.417 15.167 15.500 15.167 16.000 48.279 51.050 52.495 52.947 54.377 56.500 56.317 55.560 53.939 58.878 57.482 57.924 60.792 62.042 59.771 62.799 59.889 67.000 10.564 10.862 10.981 11.014 11.133 11.433 11.367 11.300 11.167 11.633 11.467 11.500 11.800 11.967 11.767 12.033 11.733 12.500 29.040 31.153 32.125 32.411 33.373 35.426 35.024 34.454 33.343 37.107 35.847 36.124 38.493 39.621 37.911 40.191 37.791 43.750 0.095 0.092 0.091 0.091 0.090 0.087 0.088 0.088 0.090 0.086 0.087 0.087 0.085 0.084 0.085 0.083 0.085 0.080 0.034 0.032 0.031 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.029 0.029 0.030 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.026 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.026 0.023 1596 1396 1284 1248 1136 1112 1072 1102 1206 978 1004 968 880 850 940 820 906 706 120.000 78.600 94.320 94.320 110.040 78.600 110.040 94.320 78.600 110.040 125.760 141.480 125.760 78.600 141.480 125.760 141.480 125.760 The zero column, [SM]i0 = 1, in case of zero diagonal square info matrix but any other pair vertex property (written as diagonal entries) can be considered. The index PDS3 [Sh[SZ]] in Table 1, is calculated as columns sum up to distance three on the shell matrix of Szeged matrix, taken as info matrix. For Szeged matrices and indices the reader is invited to consult refs.161727 The TOPOCLUJ software package7 is designed to calculate topological descriptors from topological matrices and/or polynomials. Several weighting schemes including group electronegativity, group mass and partial charges are enabled. Topological indices derived from the matrices: adjacency, connectivity, distance, detour, distance- path, detour-path, Cluj, their reciprocal matrices, walk-matrices, walk-operated matrices, layer- and shell-matrices were successfully used in correlating studies and graph discriminating analysis during the last decade.17,30 The values of the best scored TIs for octane isomers are listed in Table 1. Data for the octanes properties and correlation coefficients, in monovariate linear regression, with the best scored topological indices, among those provided by TOPOCLUJ software, are shown in Table 2. The inter-correlation of indices is presented in Table3 while in Table 4 that of the properties of the octane isomers. Table 2. Data for octanes properties: boiling point BP, motor octane number MON, heat of vaporizat-ion HV, molar volume MV, entropy S, total surface area TSA, acentric factor AF, molar refraction MR, partition coefficient n-octanol/water Log P , density D, critical temperature CT, critical pressure CP and heat of formation DHF and their correlation coefficients, in monovariate linear regression, with the selected topological indices Mol. BP MON HV MV S TSA AF MR LogP DENS CT CP DHF 1 9.15 - 34.41 162.61 111.67 415.30 0.40 39.19 3.67 0.70 296.20 24.64 4.14 2 9.12 23.10 33.81 163.65 109.84 407.85 0.38 39.23 3.61 0.70 288.00 24.80 3.06 3 9.11 35.00 33.89 161.85 111.26 397.34 0.37 39.10 3.61 0.71 292.00 25.60 3.29 4 9.11 39.00 33.89 162.12 109.32 396.04 0.37 39.12 3.61 0.70 290.00 25.60 4.00 5 9.11 52.40 33.61 160.08 109.43 379.04 0.36 38.94 3.61 0.71 292.00 25.74 3.59 6 9.06 77.40 32.26 164.29 103.42 405.11 0.34 39.25 3.65 0.70 279.00 25.60 2.56 7 9.08 78.90 33.20 160.41 108.02 384.93 0.35 38.98 3.54 0.71 293.00 26.60 4.23 8 9.08 69.90 32.59 163.09 106.98 388.11 0.34 39.13 3.54 0.70 282.00 25.80 2.80 9 9.09 55.70 32.64 164.72 105.72 395.08 0.36 39.26 3.54 0.69 279.00 25.00 2.50 10 9.06 83.40 32.47 160.89 104.74 389.79 0.32 39.01 3.65 0.71 290.84 27.20 3.17 11 9.07 81.70 33.28 158.65 106.59 376.91 0.34 38.85 3.54 0.72 298.00 27.40 4.97 12 9.07 88.10 - 158.81 106.06 368.10 0.33 38.84 3.54 0.72 295.00 27.40 5.08 13 9.05 88.70 32.79 157.04 101.48 366.99 0.31 38.72 3.65 0.73 305.00 28.90 4.76 14 9.02 99.90 32.01 159.52 101.31 371.75 0.30 38.93 3.58 0.72 294.00 28.20 4.09 15 9.03 100.00 31.01 165.10 104.09 392.19 0.31 39.26 3.58 0.69 271.15 25.50 3.13 16 9.02 99.40 32.34 157.30 102.06 377.40 0.29 38.76 3.58 0.73 303.00 29.00 4.52 17 9.04 95.90 32.73 158.85 102.39 368.93 0.32 38.87 3.48 0.72 295.00 27.60 4.32 18 8.97 - 31.42 138.60 93.06 390.47 0.26 - 3.62 0.82 270.80 24.50 4.88 LEL 0.673 -0.941 0.887 0.647 0.950 0.509 0.991 0.462 0.175 -0.646 0.243 -0.399 -0.319 1WD 0.559 -0.958 0.715 0.627 0.878 0.721 0.966 0.672 0.701 -0.612 0.054 -0.577 -0.459 2WD 0.561 -0.966 0.803 0.595 0.864 0.732 0.956 0.648 0.719 -0.580 0.053 -0.583 -0.424 1WW 0.540 -0.957 0.795 0.628 0.878 0.721 0.966 0.669 0.258 -0.613 0.041 -0.579 -0.453 1WH -0.573 0.953 -0.826 -0.676 -0.929 -0.622 -0.992 -0.616 -0.679 0.666 -0.111 0.505 0.428 2WH -0.557 0.948 -0.816 -0.687 -0.929 -0.625 -0.991 -0.633 -0.173 0.676 -0.098 0.510 0.443 1WK -0.589 0.949 -0.837 -0.682 -0.940 -0.587 -0.995 -0.588 -0.671 0.675 -0.139 0.477 0.410 2WK -0.569 0.945 -0.825 -0.694 -0.939 -0.594 -0.995 -0.610 -0.153 0.685 -0.121 0.486 0.429 1/1WK 0.599 -0.957 0.843 0.653 0.930 0.611 0.992 0.585 0.187 -0.644 0.130 -0.501 -0.398 1/2WK 0.595 -0.963 0.836 0.623 0.910 0.648 0.983 0.599 0.211 -0.612 0.104 -0.537 -0.395 2WUCJD 0.551 -0.963 0.794 0.592 0.855 0.744 0.950 0.658 0.716 -0.576 0.040 -0.592 -0.431 PDS3 [Sh[SZ]] 0.432 0.561 -0.010 -0.984 -0.500 -0.896 -0.600 -0.991 -0.122 0.985 0.894 0.948 0.866 Legend of indices : LEL = Laplacian-like energy 1WD and 2WD = Wiener numbers of higher rank (1 and 2) 1WW = Hyper-Wiener number 1WH and 2WH = Harary numbers of higher rank (1 and 2) 1WK and 2WK = Wiener-type number, taken the reciprocal of entries in the Dp matrix, of higher rank (1 and 2). 1/1WK and 1/2WK = global reciprocal of 1WK and 2WK 2WUCJD = Wiener-type number (of rank 2), calculated on Cluj matrix on distance PDS3 [Sh[SZ]] = Columns sum up to distance 3 on the Shell matrix calculated on SZ matrix Table 3. Intercorrelation matrix for the best scored indices in octanes Variable LEL 1WD 2WD 1WW 1WH 2WH 1WK 2WK 1/1WK 1/2WK 2WUCJD PDS3 [Sh[SZ]] LEL 1.00 0.96 0.95 0.96 -0.99 -0.98 -0.99 -0.99 0.99 0.98 0.94 -0.34 1WD 1.00 1.00 1.00 -0.99 -0.99 -0.98 -0.98 0.99 0.99 1.00 -0.43 2WD 1.00 1.00 -0.98 -0.98 -0.97 -0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00 -0.42 1WW 1.00 -0.99 -0.99 -0.98 -0.98 0.99 0.99 1.00 -0.43 1WH 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -0.98 0.40 2WH 1.00 1.00 1.00 -1.00 -0.99 -0.98 0.41 1WK 1.00 1.00 -1.00 -0.99 -0.97 0.38 2WK 1.00 -1.00 -0.99 -0.97 0.39 1/1WK 1.00 1.00 0.98 -0.38 1/2WK 1.00 0.99 -0.39 2WUCJD 1.00 -0.43 PDS3[Sh[S]] 1.00 Table 4. Intercorrelation matrix for the selected molecular properties of octanes Variable BP MON HV MV S TSA AF MR LogP DENS CT CP DHF BP MON HV MV S TSA AF MR LogP DENS CT CP DHF 1.00 -0.32 1.00 0.11 0.08 1.00 0.12 -0.38 -0.02 1.00 0.62 -0.62 0.09 0.73 1.00 0.06 -0.39 -0.32 0.29 0.41 1.00 0.63 -0.66 0.03 0.68 0.95 0.55 1.00 -0.31 0.24 -0.09 -0.90 -0.68 0.07 -0.56 1.00 0.18 -0.09 -0.25 -0.03 0.07 0.53 0.15 0.15 1.00 -0.15 0.37 0.00 -1.00 -0.74 -0.25 -0.67 0.92 0.05 1.00 0.75 0.05 0.16 0.13 0.30 -0.46 0.19 -0.51 -0.07 -0.18 1.00 0.08 0.43 0.16 -0.04 -0.28 -0.82 -0.44 -0.35 -0.28 -0.01 0.71 1.00 0.33 0.49 0.37 -0.61 -0.32 -0.61 -0.39 0.29 -0.24 0.58 0.50 0.50 1.00 Data for a second set of 82 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are included in Table 5 while the correla- tions are given in Table 6. Table 5. Data for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): melting point MP, boiling point BP, partition coefficient n-octanol/water Log P and the corresponding LEL, Wiener W and Randic X indices No. Molecule MP BP LogP LEL W X 1 naphtalene 81 218 3.35 13.341 109 4.966 2 1-methylnaphthalene -22 245 3.87 14.572 140 5.377 3 2-methylnaphthalene 35 241 4 14.575 144 5.36 4 1-ethylnaphthalene -14 259 4.39 15.837 182 5.915 5 2-ethylnaphthalene -7 258 4.38 15.841 190 5.898 6 2-6-dimethylnaphthalene 110 262 4.31 15.808 186 5.754 7 2-7-dimethylnaphthalene 97 262 - 15.808 185 5.754 8 1-7-dimethylnaphthalene -14 263 4.44 15.805 180 5.771 9 1-5-dimethylnaphthalene 80 269 4.31 15.802 176 5.788 10 1-2-dimethylnaphthalene -4 271 4.31 15.803 178 5.788 11 1-3-7-trimethylnaphthalene 14 280 - 17.037 226 6.165 12 2-3-5-trimethylnaphthalene 25 285 - 17.035 224 6.182 13 2-3-6-trimethylnaphthalene 101 286 4.73 17.038 230 6.165 14 phenalene 85 - - 17.919 210 6.449 15 1-phenylnaphthalene 45 334 - 21.739 412 7.949 16 2-phenylnaphthalene 104 360 - 21.744 436 7.933 17 anthracene 216 340 4.5 19.197 279 6.933 No. Molecule MP BP LogP LEL W X 18 1-methylanthracene 86 363 - 20.426 334 7.343 19 2-methylanthracene 209 - - 20.429 342 7.327 20 2-7-dimethylanthracene 241 370 - 21.66 413 7.72 21 2-6-dimethylanthracene 250 370 - 21.66 414 7.72 22 2-3-dimethylanthracene 252 - - 21.658 408 7.737 23 9-10-dimethylanthracene 183 - 5.69 21.646 378 7.788 24 phenanthrene 101 338 4.52 19.194 271 6.949 25 1-methylphenanthrene 123 359 5.08 20.422 326 7.36 26 2-methylphenanthrene 56 355 5.24 20.425 334 7.343 27 3-methylphenanthrene 65 352 5.15 20.425 330 7.343 28 4-methylphenanthrene 50 - - 20.422 322 7.36 29 9-methylphenanthrene 91 355 - 20.421 322 7.36 30 3-6-dimethylphenanthrene 141 363 - 21.656 396 7.737 31 4-5-methylenephenanthrene 116 359 - 21.195 300 7.433 32 tetracene 257 - 5.76 25.047 569 8.899 33 benzo [ a] anthracene 162 - 5.91 25.043 553 8.916 34 chrysene 256 441 5.86 25.039 545 8.933 35 benzo[c]phenanthrene 68 - - 25.038 529 8.933 36 triphenylene 199 439 5.49 25.032 513 8.949 37 pyrene 156 393 5 22.49 362 7.933 38 1-methylpyrene 70 410 - 23.717 428 8.343 39 2-methylpyrene 144 410 - 23.72 434 8.327 40 4-methylpyrene 148 410 - 23.717 424 8.343 41 2-7-dimethylpyrene - 396 - 24.949 515 8.72 42 pentacene 271 - - 30.894 1011 10.865 43 dibenzo [ai] anthracene 264 - 6.81 30.889 987 10.882 44 dibenzo[ah] anthracene 270 - 5.8 30.885 971 10.899 45 dibenzo[aj]anthracene 198 - - 30.885 955 10.899 46 benzo[b]chrysene 294 - - 30.885 971 10.899 47 dibenzo[ac] anthracene 205 - - 30.877 907 10.916 48 pycene - 519 - 30.881 963 10.916 49 benzo[a]pyrene 177 496 5.97 28.331 680 9.916 50 benzo[e]pyrene 179 493 - 28.325 652 9.933 51 perylene 278 - 6.25 28.326 654 9.933 52 coronene 360 - 6.5 34.906 1002 11.899 53 anthranthrene 261 - - 31.621 839 10.899 54 benzo [ghi]perylene 283 - 6.9 31.617 815 10.916 55 dibenzo[ae]pyrene 234 - - 34.163 1082 11.916 56 1-methylchrysene 161 - - 26.265 620 9.343 57 6-methylchrysene 257 - - 26.267 632 9.343 58 3-methylcholanthrene 180 - 6.75 29.54 804 10.327 59 indeno[1-2-3-cd]pyrene 163 - - 31.599 845 10.916 60 pentaphene 263 - - 30.889 979 10.882 61 hexaphene 308 - - 36.734 1589 12.848 62 indano -51 178 - 12.043 79 4.466 63 indene -2 183 2.92 12.043 79 4.466 64 azulene 100 270 3.22 13.335 107 4.966 65 acenaphthene 96 279 3.92 16.624 166 5.949 66 acenaphthylene 93 270 16.624 166 5.949 67 fluorene 117 294 4.18 17.899 219 6.449 68 1-methylfluorene 87 318 4.97 19.128 267 6.86 69 2-methylfluorene 104 318 - 19.131 274 6.843 70 3-methylfluorene 88 316 - 19.131 272 6.843 71 4-methylfluorene 71 - - 19.128 265 6.86 72 9-methylfluorene 47 - - 19.125 262 6.877 73 1-2-benzofluorene 190 407 5.4 23.746 461 8.433 74 fluoranthene 111 383 5.2 22.466 364 7.949 75 2-3-benzofluorene 209 402 5.75 23.75 471 8.416 76 3-4-benzofluorene 125 406 - 23.745 453 8.433 77 benzo [ghi] fluoranthene 149 432 5.78 25.759 478 8.933 No. Molecule MP BP LogP LEL W x 78 benzo [k] fluoranthene 217 481 - 28.313 698 9.916 79 benzo[b]fluoranthene 168 481 - 28.307 676 9.933 80 benzo [j ] fluoranthene 166 480 - 28.309 678 9.933 81 ovalene 473 - - 47.307 2106 15.865 82 quaterryllene 483 - - 58.242 4544 19.865 Table 6. Correlation of PAH properties with selected topological indices Property LEL W x MP (n = 80) 0.857 0.748 0.855 BP (n = 53) 0.989 0.955 0.988 LogP (n = 37) 0.945 0.905 0.948 3. Results and Discussion Wiener index is perhaps the most studied topological descriptor. It was used to predict the thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons since the pioneering works of Wiener. The pool of Wiener-type descriptors is still in growth. Other indices gained considerable attention, and revisited from time to time, to add new and important results. Among these, the Zagreb indices,31 the Hosoya indices and polynomials32 and the Cluj indices and polyno-mials33 are the best known. In the present work we selected twelve TIs, all but LEL being extensions of the Wiener index. Thirteen pro-perties34,35 were considered for correlating study, their values in octane isomers and the correlation with the best scored TIs (among more than eighth hundred TIs provided by TOPOCLUJ software package) being listed in Table 1. Other results will refer to a set of aromatic hydrocarbons (see below). Table 2 contains properties from the benchmark data sets of Milano Chemometrics & QSAR Research Group34, except HV (Heat of Vaporization) - which is taken from the Korea Thermophysical Properties Data Bank35. Nonanes and decanes data are taken from the Korea Thermophysical Properties Data Bank, while polyaro-matic hydrocarbons (PAH) are taken from the Milano Chemometrics & QSAR Research Group. All correlations were made in monovariate linear regression, to have a more direct interpretation of the results and a good insight on the structure-property relationship. Boiling point BP, one of the difficult to model properties, is the best correlated by the newly proposed descriptor LEL: R = 0.673. In n-alkanes, up to eicosane, the Pearson correlation index is R = 0.978. The index clearly bears size information because in the set of nonanes R = 0.525 while in decane isomers R = 0.265. The second well correlated among the selected indices, in the set of octanes, is 1/1WK, (0.599). Compare with the classical Wiener index for which R = 0.559. Octane number MON, related to the motor combustion, is the best modeled by 2WD, a Wiener-type index of rank 2 (-0.966), LEL being this time second from the bottom but still highly correlated (-0.941). Heat of vaporization HV, is the best modeled by LEL (0.887), next being 1/1WK, (0.843). The three above properties are the worst described by PDS3 [Sh[SZ]] (0.432, 0.561, -0.010, respectively). This index, calculated on a shell-type matrix is practically uncorrelated with all the other indices herein discussed and fit the best in case of "recalcitrant" properties, when the other indices failed (see Table 2, last row, the italicized entries). The matrix of index inter-correlation is given in Table 3. It can be seen that all but the last are related higher than 0.94. LEL is well correlated with the WK indices. Molecular volume MV, molecular refraction MR and density DENS are highly correlated properties (see Table 4). These are modestly described by the all indices except PDS3 [Sh[SZ]], as above mentioned. Acentric function AF, is the property on which we focus the attention in the following. This parameter is a well described one by all indices excepting the last index. The best score was recorded by 1WK (-0.995); the newly introduced index LEL is also highly correlated to this parameter in heptanes (0.987), octanes (0.990), nonanes35 (0.978) and decanes35 (0.975). A second set of aromatic hydrocarbons34 (Table 5) was also investigated: melting point MP, boiling point BP and the partition coefficient n-octanol/water LogP, vs. three TIs, LEL, Wiener W and Randic x index.36 The results show LEL as good as x index and better than Wiener index (Table 6). Within this set of molecules, the degeneracy is comparable for the three indices; LEL is correlated here with the Wiener index W by 0.914 while with the Randic index x by 0.999. 4. Conclusions A correlating study of topological indices provided by TOPOCLUJ software package and LEL, a newly proposed index, on thirteen properties of octanes revealed good correlating ability of a dozen selected TIs, all related to the Wiener index. LEL is the best correlated with the WK indices. It describes well the properties which are well accounted by the majority of the selected molecular descriptors: octane number MON, entropy S, volume MV, or refraction MR, particularly the AF parameter, but also more difficult properties like boiling point, melting point and logP. Among the desirable attributes required by a good TI, LEL fulfils: good correlation with at least one property, good discrimination of isomers and simplicity. In addition, it is well defined mathematically and shows interesting relations in particular classes of graphs. This index and those provided by the TOPOCLUJ software as well, was proved to be of basic importance in QSAR/QSPR studies. 5. Acknowledgement This work is supported in part by the research program P1-0285 of the Slovenian Agency for Research and the grants 144015G and 144007 of the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development and in part by the Romanian GRANT ID_506. 6. References 1. M. Randic, J. Math. Chem. 1991, 7, 155-168. 2. 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Povzetek Deskriptorje dobljene s programskim paketom TOPOCLUJ in indeksom LEL osnovanim na Laplaceovi matriki smo uporabili za izgradnjo korelacijskih modelov, ki služijo za opis trinajstih različnih lastnosti oktanov. Deskriptor LEL zelo dobro opiše večino izbranih lastnosti, kot so: oktansko število, entropija, volumen molekule, indeks refrakcije in parameter AF. Deskriptor LEL je uporaben tudi za opis bolj kompleksnih lastnosti kot sta temperaturi vrelišča in tališča, ter logP. Opazili smo dobro korelacijo indeksa LEL z indeksi WK, izračunanimi s programom TOPOCLUJ. Ob ko-relacijski analizi drugega obravnavanega seta spojin - policiklični aromatski sistemi se je LEL izkazal tako dobro kot Randicev X indeks in bolje kot Wienerjev indeks. Naša študija je pokazala, da je novi topološki indeks LEL uporaben za matematični opis določenih razredov grafov.