Katarina VISNAR Metoda reševanja konfliktov v skupnosti letnik 15, št. 1/04 Reševanje konfliktov skupnosti (REKOS) je ime za metodo, načela ter proces dela določene skupine ljudi, ki se zbere s ciljem angažiranja svojih sposobnosti za reševanje konfliktov. Osnovni pristop in način dela, ki je uporabi v metodi REKOS, se nanaša na nenasilne alternative siceršnjim metodam reševanja konfliktov. \/ prispevku sta predstavljeni metoda dela In opis Izkušnje Izvedbe delavnice po tej metodi domačem okolju. Community-based conflict resolution (CBSR) Is the name of a method, principles and procedures carried out by a group of individuals that gather to put their capabilities to use in conflict resolution. The basic approach and method used in the CBSR method are non-violent alternatives to on-going conflict resolution methods. The article presents the method and description of experiences from an undertaken workshop In our, domestic environment. Skupnost REKOS Reševanje konflil, poglavje »Projekti«. 12] Glej: . i3| Glej: . 1"^! Glej: , poglavje »CBCR FAQs«. Viri in literatura Fedorowicz, Hania M. et al. (2002) The Rocks and Reefs -Navigating Alligator River for Field Process Leaders«: A Training Guide for use with Principles, Process, Techniques and Tools. Salzburg : Central European Summer School for Conflict Resolution, (skripta) Ridgewood Foundation (2001) Foundational Process : Principles, Process, Techniques and Tools (Version 3,0), Ottawa : Ridgewood Foundation, (skripta) Višnar, K, (2003) Report on the Community-based Conflict Resolution Workshop "The Quality of Life in Urban Environment«. Ljubljana.