im Journal of JET v°iume 11 (2018) p.p. 23-34 Issue 1, May 2018 Type of article 1.01 Technology ROOT WELD METAL IMPACT TOUGHNESS OF AN ENERGY COMPONENT UDARNA ŽILAVOST V KORENU ZVARA ENERGETSKE KOMPONENTE Julijan Salamunič* Keywords: steel, root weld metal, impact toughness, welded joints Abstract In energy engineering, high-strength low-alloy steels are used for building high-loaded modern constructions. The weakest link of a welded structure is a welded joint at which cracks appear, which can lead to sudden destruction. Thus, the welded joints are made with a high impact toughness that can prevent unstable crack propagation. This research deals with the experimental determination and analysis of Charpy impact toughness curves at the weld root of an energy component for different additive materials. Povzetek V energetiki uporabljamo visokotrdnostna malolegirana konstrukcijska jekla za gradnjo visoko obremenjenih modernih konstrukcij. Najšibkejši člen varjene konstrukcije je zvarni spoj v katerem se pojavljajo razpoke, ki lahko povzročijo nenadno porušitev. Zaradi navedenega gradimo zvarne spoje tako, da imajo zvari visoko udarno žilavost, ki lahko zadržijo nestabilno širjenje razpok. V raziskavi je predstavljena eksperimentalna določitev in analiza krivulj Charpyjeve udarne žilavosti v korenu zvara energetske komponente za različne dodajne materiale. R Corresponding author: Ph.D. Student, Julijan Salamunič, Faculty of Energy Technology, University of Maribor, Tel.: +386 (0)3-7770-400, Mailing address: Koroška cesta 62a, Velenje, Slovenia, E-mail address: JET 23 Julijan Saiamunic JET Vol. 11 (2018) Issue 1 1 INTRODUCTION A welded joint is a critical part of any welded construction because with the introduction of heat into the base material (BM) during welding the mechanical properties of the base material (the construction steel) can be worsened A welded joint consists of a weld and on both sides the so-called heat affected areas (HAA). There are two types of welded joints: joints where the weld strength is lower than the base material. Such joints are called low-strength welded joints. The so-called high-strength welded joints occur when we build a weld material with a higher yield strength than the base material has. It is known that the high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels are problematic for welding which means that they require a specially prescribed welding technology. Most often such steels are welded by preheating and with smaller energy inputs in a way that we make a multi-welded weld connection with thinner wedges. Moreover, cracks endanger the safety of the entire weld construction because they can cause a collapse due to a sudden overload. That is why a welded joint has to have good mechanical properties, the most important of which is the impact toughness which is determined experimentally with the standard dynamic Charpy test. Most errors, while welding of HSLA steel, occur during and after the welding, namely at the weld root, which is the critical point of a welded joint and must have a high impact toughness. Due to the above, it is extremely important that prior to building a high strength construction, we must test the welded joints that are welded with various additive materials [15]. This article examines HSLA steel of strength class SC 50, of the manufacturer Železarna Jesenice and the additive materials of Elektroda Jesenice. The welded joints are welded with eight different additive materials in such a way that they form a low-strength welded joint. The impact toughness of the weld root is determined with the standard dynamic Charpy test. The analyses of the whole curve of impact toughness are given with the emphasis on the part of the curve that shows the lowest impact toughness: the so-called brittle area of the curve. For the root part of the weld, the microstructures are determined [7-8] 2 MATERIALS AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES We chose the improved HSLA steel Niomol 490K, strength class 50 and 40mm thick, from the Slovene manufacturer Acroni Jesenice, for the welding of the high-strength welded joint. Welding took place at the company Goršek d.o.o., Šentjanž. The steel was not preheated since we decided to weld with low-strength additive materials that have a lower limit of flow than the base material; that is why preheating was not necessary, which also reduces the costs of the production of welded joints. The heat input was 15kJ/cm of the weld; the cooling time was At8/5 = 9s. The X welding form was suitable for welding, and the result of a multi-welded X weld joint can be seen in Figure 1. 24 JET Root weld metal impacttoughness ofan energycomponent Figure 1: Xfnaw nf e walti-ooldod oold joist A lower strength weld was welded with eight various additive materials: - welding wire VAC 60 and VAC 65 - coated basic electrode EVB 50 and EVB 55 - coated basic electrode EVB Ni and EVB S - filled wire Filtub 28B - coated basic electrode EVB NiMo. Mechanical properties of the base material and the additive materials are given in Table 1. JET 25 Julijan Saiamunic JET Vol. 11 (2018) Issue 1 Table 1: Mechanical properties of the base material and the additive materials Welded joint Additive materials/BM Rp [MPa] Rm [MPa] Agt [%] E [GPa] n VAC 60/Niomol 475 564 13.43 210 0.144422 VAC 65/Niomol 488 597 13.54 211 0.140573 EVB 50/Niomol 511 603 12.52 221 0.134246 EVB 55/Niomol 501 578 12.33 205 0.136926 EVB S/Niomol 432 555 15.68 208 0.158796 EVB Ni/Niomol 563 676 11.73 210 0.121847 EVB NiMo/Niomol 535 686 12.86 207 0.128224 Filtub 28 B/Niomol 537 625 11.79 209 0.127746 Base material NIOMOL 490K 606 680 10.03 201 0.113201 Here are the basic characteristics of the additive materials: VAC 60: Coppered welding wire/welding rod according to MAG procedure. It is suitable for welding of non-alloy steels and low-alloy steel up to 530 Mpa. It is used for welding of boiler plates, pipes, steels for shipbuilding, micro-alloy steels and steel castings. VAC 60 was tested according to the CTOD method. VAC 65: Coppered welding wire/welding rod according to MAG procedure. The content of Si and Mn is slightly higher than in VAC 60; therefore, the yield strength and the strength of the solid weld are also higher. The increased level of Si also reduces the sensitivity to surface impurities and provides a smooth weld. It is suitable for the welding of non-alloy steels and low alloy steel up to 640 Mpa. It is used for welding of boiler plates, pipes, steels for shipbuilding, micro-alloy steels, and steel castings. VAC 65 was tested according to the CTOD method. EVB 50: Basic, CTOD-tested electrode for welding of non-alloy and low-alloy steels and steel castings up to 610 Mpa, as well as for welding of fine-grained steels with increased strength. Welds are tough even at low temperatures and resistant to cracks. The content of hydrogen is lower than 5 ml/100g of the weld. The electrode has excellent welding properties and a stable arc. The slag can be easily removed. It has 118% efficiency. The strength of the welding current in different positions does not necessarily need to be changed. EVB 55: Basic, CTOD-tested electrode, especially suitable for welding of low-alloy steels and carbon steels containing up to 0.6% of carbon. The welds are resistant to hot-cracking and have a low content of dissolved hydrogen, as well as high toughness even at low temperatures and aging resistance. The electrode has very good welding properties; slag can be removed easily and with minimal spraying. 26 JET Root weld metal impacttoughness ofan energycomponent EVB S: Double-coated basic, CTOD-tested electrode with very good welding properties in forced positions. The electrode has a very stable arc. It is suitable for the welding of root welds with direct and alternating current. EVB Ni: With Ni alloyed, basic, CTOD-tested electrode for the welding of non-alloy and low alloy steels up to 685 Mpa and fine-grained steel with limits up to 800 Mpa and with guaranteed mechanical properties at low temperatures. The weld toughness at low temperatures is very good. EVB Ni-Mo: With Ni and Mo alloyed, a basic electrode for welding of steels with increased resistance to atmospheric corrosion and for welding of fine-grained steels with limits up to 460 Filtub 28B: High-frequency firing wire, CTOD-tested, alloyed with Mn, Ni, and Mo, suitable for welding fine-grained steels of tensile strength up to 750 Mpa. Welding with this wire shows excellent mechanical properties at low temperatures, minimal spraying at welding, smooth surface of the weld and easy slag removal. 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The Charpy test is thoroughly described in Chapter 3. Charpy samples were taken from the weld root as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Tto aownvel nf Cteagy uewglou fanw tto oold annt; tto gnugiblo aownvel nf uewglou fanw tto ceg nf tto oold eao isdicetod The Charpy experiment was carried out at temperatures of -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, and +20 °C, in which three test samples were prepared for each test temperature. The results of impact toughness in tabular form are shown in Table 2 [8-11]. JET 27 Julijan Saiamunic JET Vol. 11 (2018) Issue 1 I I Figure 3: The appearance of the manufactured and broken Charpy samples Figure 4: The appearance of the groundbreaking surface of the Charpy sample 28 JET Root melt metiï inrnpactnoggpnens nOan cpercpcomponent Table 2: Tho results of impect toughness for edditivo metoriels EVB 55, EVB NiMh, Filtub 28B, EVB Ni, EVB 50, EVB S, VAC 65 end VAC 60 EVB 55 Temp-6o -5o -4o -3o -2o -lo o lo 2o 72 78 86 88 lo8 ll2 l23 l6o l65 8o 88 99 78 78 l28 l4o l5l l4o 64 62 7o llo 99 96 8o 95 l29 ll4.333 l35.333 l44.666 72 76 85 92 95 ll2 3 3 7 FILTUB 28B Temp-6o -5o -4o -3o -2o -lo o lo 2o 5o 64 6l 74 8o 6l 9l ll9 l2l 42 94 5o 59 89 95 58 l42 8l 7l 47 7o 96 4o l22 l2o 79 loo 54.3333 68.3333 6o.3333 76.3333 69.6666 92.6666 89.6666 ll3..333 loo.666 3 3337773 7 EVB Ni Temp-6o -5o -4o -3o -2o -lo o lo 2o 62 76 7l 88 69 79 92 loo llo 48 96 59 78 8l 6l ll5 l38 l29 33 6o 62 9l 88 25 62 l72 l85 47.6666 77.3333 85.6666 79.3333 89.6666 l36.666 l4l.333 7 3 64 7 3 55 7 7 3 EVB 50 Temp-6o -5o -4o -3o -2o -lo o lo 2o 3l 5o 68 8o 94 lo5 ll8 l3l l78 42 62 58 7l 8l l38 l58 l85 l99 47 46 42 65 64 8l 75 l72 lol 52.6666 79.6666 l62.666 l59.333 4o 7 56 72 7 lo8 ll7 7 3 EVB S Temp-6o -5o -4o -3o -2o -lo o lo 2o 25 32 39 46 56 85 82 lo8 l34 38 38 45 58 7l loo ll5 l38 l65 3o l9 3o 35 3l 63 9l 75 95 29.6666 46.3333 52.6666 82.6666 l3l.333 3l 7 38 3 7 7 96 lo7 3 JET 29 Julijan Saiamunic JET Vol. 11 (2018) Issue 1 VAC 65 Temp-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 35 41 49 55 79 84 90 115 121 47 49 53 65 100 110 121 91 143 21 31 29 42 41 61 141 151 181 34,3333 40.3333 43.6666 73.3333 117.333 148.333 3 3 7 54 3 85 3 119 3 VAC 60 Temp-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 32 42 54 62 65 90 110 130 121 38 48 65 85 105 128 141 161 143 30 20 50 31 75 78 61 100 165 33- 36.6666 56.3333 59.3333 81.6666 98.6666 130.333 33333 7 3 3 7 7 104 3 143 EVB Ni-Mo Temp-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 48 61 63 69 83 90 101 125 142 37 55 46 74 61 71 82 93 132 30 50 59 81 75 86 94 110 137 38.3333 55.3333 74.6666 82.3333 92.3333 109.333 3 3 56 7 73 3 3 3 137 At each test, temperature mean values were calculated,through which the polynomial approximation was carried out to obtain a smooth curve of impact toughness. The curves of impact toughness for additive materials EVB 55, EVB NiMo, Filtub 28B, EVB Ni, EVB 50, EVB S, VAC 65, and VAC 60 are shown in Figure 5. 30 JET Root weld metal impacttoughness ofan energycomponent Figure 5: Tto caavou nf imgect tnactoogg et tto wold annt fna edditivo metoaielu EVB 55, EVB NiMn, Filtab 28B, EVB Ni, EVB 50, EVB S, VAC 65, esd VAC 60 4 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS The classification of impact toughness curves in the weld root for additive materials EVB 55, EVB NiMo, Filtub 28B, EVB Ni, EVB 50, EVB S, VAC 65 and VAC 60 is shown in Figure 2. There we can see that the curves are not evenly distributed, but they intersect each other. This finding shows the complexity of the problem of determining impact toughness in welded compounds which are highly heterogeneous microstructures. The highest impact toughness can be seen in the weld that was welded with the EVB 55 electrode, in the temperature range from -60 T to - 5 T, and the lowest impact toughness in the weld that was welded with the EVB S electrode in the temperature range from -60 T to +5 T. All eight curves of impact toughness in the temperature range from -40 T to +20 T exceeded 28 J for fracture, which indicates that the toughness of all eight welds is sufficient for the construction of welded joints with the required welding technology on the field. Only the curve of impact toughness for the weld that was welded with the EVB S electrode for the temperature range from -60 T to -40 T did not exceed the minimum required toughness of 28 J. Good toughness at lowest temperatures is the most important. Thus, as we can see from the distribution of the curves for the impact toughness that in the temperature range from -60 T to -20 T the weld made with the EVB S electrode has the lowest toughness (but still higher than 28 J), Followed by welds made with electrodes VAC 65, VAC 60, EVB 50, and Filtub 28B. The highest impact toughness is with the weld made with the EVB 55 electrode. From the distribution of the curves of impact toughness, we can see that the curve of impact toughness for the weld made with the EVB Ni electrode has strikingly high growth, namely in the JET 31 Julijan Saiamunic JET Vol. 11 (2018) Issue 1 temperature range from -60 °C to -40 °C where it has a higher impact toughness at -60 °C than at -40 °C. We should look for the cause of this anomaly in the actual location of the notch. It is certain that in the case of higher toughness at the lower temperature of -60 °C the notch was placed in the tougher bainite microstructure of the weld, whereas in the case of lower toughness at -40 °C the notch was placed in a more brittle coarse-grained ferrite-bainite microstructure of the weld. Precisely because of the aforementioned problem of notch placement, we did a metallographic survey of microstructures that appeared after welding at the root of the hardened weld and are shown in Figures 3-6. Figure 1 shows the most favourable and toughest microstructure of the base material, Niomol 490-K steel. Fine-grained bainite microstructure at the weld root is the cause for attaining the highest impact toughness of the weld made with the EVB 55 electrode. Moreover, in contrast, the reason for the lowest impact toughness for the weld made with the EVB S electrode was the less tough coarse-grained ferrite microstructure. Due to the anticipated construction of lower strength welds, a micro-hardness test at the weld root of all eight welded joints was performed. The distribution of hardness inequality coefficients at the weld root that was welded with additive materials EVB 55, EVB NiMo, Filtub 28B, EVB Ni, EVB 50, EVB S, VAC 65, and VAC 60 (Figure 1-8) proves that, even after welding, all weld roots showed a factor of hardness inequality M lower than 1, which means that all actual weld roots are in the low-hardness area. With this finding, the prescribed welding technology is confirmed as the correct one. 5 CONCLUSIONS The Charpy impact test is a standardized impact toughness test and is carried out with the Charpy hammer. It is mandatory for the construction of pressure vessels (reactors, pipelines, reservoirs, etc.) and other complex welded constructions in the energy sector. The stiffly lower weld was welded with eight different additive materials: welding wires VAC 60 and VAC 65, coated basic electrodes EVB 50 and EVB 55, coated basic electrodes EVB Ni and EVB S, filled wire Filtub 28B and coated basic electrode EVB NiMo. The highest impact toughness was seen in the weld root made with the EVB 55, in the temperature range from -60 °C to +5 °C. All eight curves of impact toughness, at the temperature range from -40 °C to +20 °C, exceeded the energy of 28 J for fracture, which indicates that the toughness of all eight welds is good enough for making welded joints on an actual construction with the prescribed welding technology. Good toughness at negative/lower temperatures is the most important. Due to the complexity of determining impact toughness in an extremely heterogeneous weld root, an analysis of microstructures in the weld root and base material is necessary. It was carried out with an optical microscope and according to the classification of end microstructures in the hardened weld (International Institute of Welding). Metallographic research showed two key microstructures, the so-called fine-grained bainite microstructure and coarse-grained ferrite microstructure. Some weld roots contained a mixed ferrite-bainite microstructure. The distribution of the hardness inequality coefficients at the weld root welded with additive materials EVB 55, EVB NiMo, Filtub 28B, EVB Ni, EVB 50, EVB S, VAC 65, and VAC 60 (Figure 1-8) proves that, even after welding, all weld roots showed a factor of hardness inequality M lower 32 JET Root weld metal impacttoughness ofan energycomponent than 1, which means that all actual weld roots are in the low-hardness area. With this finding, the prescribed welding technology is confirmed as the correct one. In practice, this means that we can make such welds without using preheating, which strongly reduces the costs of making an welded joint. References [1] Z. Praunseis.: Zapiski predavanjpri predmetu Optimiranje oskrbovalnih sistemov, Fakulteta za Energetiko, 2013 [2] EN-875.: Standard method of Charpy Impact Toughness Test, London,1993 [3] Z. Praunseis, J. Avsec.: Gradniki v energetiki, Fakulteta za energetiko, Univerzitetni učbenik, 2011 [4] Z. Praunseis.: Vpliv znižane trdnosti strjenega zvara z vključenimi heterogenimi področji na lomne lastnosti zvarnega spoja visokotrdnostnega jekla, Univerza v Mariboru, Doktorska disertacija, 1998 [5] N. Gubeljak.: Celovitost konstrukcij, Univerza v Mariboru, Znanstvena monografija, 2006 [7] H. Granjon.: Metalurške osnove varjenja, Zveza društev za varilno tehniko Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1994 [8] [9] [10] K. Easterling.: Introduction to the Physical metallurgy of Welding, Butterworths, London etc., 1983 [11] (2015) JET 33