ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 81-88 Book Review FADILJ EMINOVIC and MILIVOJ DOPSAJ (eds.): PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EFFECTS ON THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATUS OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND ADULTS Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2016, 332 pages The scientific monograph titled "Physical Activity Effects on the Anthropological Status of Children, Youth and Adults" by the editors Fadilj Eminovic and Milivoj Dopsaj represents an important new contribution to interdisciplinary treatment of physical activity and its effects on physical and mental health of an individual in particular. A lack of physical activity and a shift from the physically-active lifestyle are two important risk factors for the occurence of modern diseases and non-contagious chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Regular physical activity and exercise have proven a significant positive impact on physical and mental health as well as on the overall physical performance and motor efficiency of an individual. Therefore, it is extremely important that the interdisciplinary research in the fields of kinesiology, medicine, rehabilitation, anthropology and others highlight both the positive effects of physical activity as well as the negative effects of physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. The present monograph, in its 15 independent scientific articles, addresses the effects of physical activity on the various sub-systems of human organism and its functions. The monograph is particularly significant as it comprises articles written by various authors from around the world. Through the content of articles, the monograph offers many new approaches to the treatment of physical (in)activity regarding various age groups, environments and cultures. The chapters' content is complementary. With the research on physical development, maintenance of health, optimal physical development and ensuring the overall quality of life, the monograph will prove to be an important contribution to the knowledge treasure in the field of physical activitiy tre- 10 Physical Activity Effects on the Anthropological Status of Children Youth and Adults Fadilj Eminovio- Milivoj Dopsaj ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 81-88 atment, particularly since the findings are supported by the latest scientific approaches and findings. The monograph also contains an article entitled "The Effect of Regular Sport Exercise on Muscle Contractile Properties in Children" written by Slovenian authors Tadeja Volmut, Boštjan Šimunič and Rado Pišot, the researchers of the Institute for Kinesiology Research, at the Science and Research Centre of University of Primorska. Matej Plevnik 10 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 81-88 Recenzija knjige FADILJ EMINOVIC in MILIVOJ DOPSAJ (ur.): UČINKI TELESNE AKTIVNOSTI NA ANTROPOLOŠKI STATUS OTROK, MLADINE IN ODRASLIH Hauppauge, NY, USA: Založba Nova Science Publishers, 2016, 332 strani Znanstvena monografija "Učinki telesne aktivnosti na antropološki status otrok, mladine in odraslih", urednikov Fadilja Eminovica in Mi-livoja Dopsaja, predstavlja nov pomemben prispevek na področju interdisciplinarne obravnave telesne aktivnosti in njenih učinkov na predvsem telesno in mentalno zdravje posameznika. Pomanjkanje telesne aktivnosti in odmik od gibalno aktivnega življenjskega sloga je pomemben dejavnik tveganja za prisotnost bolezni .sodobnega življenjskega sloga oziroma nena-lezljivih kroničnih bolezni, kot so med drugimi sladkorna bolezen tipa 2, srčno-žilne bolezni in pojav debelosti. Redna telesna aktivnost in vadba ima dokazano pomemben pozitiven vpliv na telesno in mentalno zdravje, pa tudi na splošno telesno zmogljivost in gibalno učinkovitost človeka. Zato je izredno pomembno, da interdisciplinarne raziskave s področij kineziologije, medicine, rehabilitacije, antropologije in drugih, vedno znova osvetljujejo tako pozitivne učinke telesne aktivnosti kot tudi negativne učinke telesne neaktivnosti in sedentarnosti. Pričujoča monografija v 15 samostojnih znanstvenih sestavkih obravnava učinke gibalne aktivnosti na različne podsisteme človekovega organizma in njegovega delovanja. Posebno težo monografiji daje dejstvo, da so v njej zbrani prispevki različnih avtoijev iz celega sveta. Skozi vsebino prispevkov ponujajo mnoge nove pristope k obravnavi telesne (ne)aktivnosti v različnih starostnih obdobjih, življenjskih okoljih in kulturah. Poglavja se vsebinsko nadgrajujejo. Z vsebinami, ki posegajo na področja razvoja in ohranjanja zdravja, optimalnega telesnega razvoja in zagotavljanja splošne kakovosti življenja, bo pomemben prispevek v zakladnico znanj na področju obravnave telesne aktivnosti, še zlasti, ker so ugotovitve podprte z najnovejšimi znanstvenimi pristopi in rezultati. Physical Activity Effects on the Anthropological Status of Children Youth and Adults Fadilj Eminovio- Mllivoj Dopsaj 10 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 81-88 V monografiji so svoj prispevek z naslovom "Vpliv redne športne vadbe na kontrak-tilne elemente mišice pri otrocih" objavili tudi slovenski avtorji Tadeja Volmut, Boštjan Šimunič in Rado Pišot, raziskovalci Inštituta za kineziološke raziskave, Znanstvenoraziskovalnega središča Univerze na Primorskem. Matej Plevnik 10