© Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), Ljubljana ISSN 1581-0267 65 UDK / UDC: 504.4:510.5:556.53:582.26:627.81 Prejeto / Received : 24.8.2001 Izvirni znanstveni prispevek / Original scientific paper Sprejeto / Accepted : 21.12.2001 VLOGA PERIFITONSKIH ALG PRI DOLOČ ANJU EKOLOŠKO SPREJEMLJIVEGA PRETOKA VODE V TEKOČ IH VODAH THE ROLE OF PERIPHYTIC ALGAE IN THE DETERMINATION OF THE ECOLOGICALLY ACCEPTABLE FLOW IN RUNNING WATERS Nataša SMOLAR-ŽVANUT Pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka (Qes) je treba poznati združbo perifitonskih alg, ker predstavljajo zač etek prehranjevalne verige v tekoč ih vodah, se hitro odzivajo na spremembe v okolju in ponujajo podlago in zatoč išč e številnim vodnim organizmom. Vrednost Qes mora zagotavljati količ ino in kakovost vode, da ne pride do bistvenih sprememb v zgradbi in delovanju združbe perifitonskih alg. V različ nih letnih obdobjih, v č asu nizkih pretokov vode v letih 1 998- 1 999, smo v reki Savi Dolinki na območ ju odvzema vode za HE Moste, in v reki Soč i, na območ ju odvzema vode za HE Doblar in HE Ajba, ocenili vpliv odvzema vode na združbo perifitonskih alg in na hidrološke znač ilnosti obeh rek ter opredelili vlogo perifitonskih alg pri Qes v tekoč ih vodah. Rezultati so pokazali na kakovostne in koloč inske hidrološke, biološke, fizikalne in kemijske spremembe pod pregradami. Rezultati hidroloških analiz so pokazali na bistveno spremenjen hidrološki režim in prevladovanje prodnatih plavin s precejšnim deležem grobih zrn pod pregradami. Posledica odvzema vode je, da fizikalno in kemijsko sestavo vode pod pregradami ne uravnavajo več razmere v zgornjem delu poreč ja, temveč jo določ ajo dotoki pod mesti zajetja. Stalen pretok in redko pojavljanje visokih voda pod pregradami sta vzrok za veliko raznolikost perifitonskih alg in razlike v biomasi perifitonskih alg, v primerjavi s primerjalnimi mesti nad pregradami. Ključ ne besede: perifitonske alge, ekološko sprejemljiv pretok, odvzem vode To determine ecologically acceptable flow (EAF), it is vital to have knowledge of the periphyton community, since the algae represent the initial stage of the food chain in running waters, and respond quickly to environmental changes and act as substrata and refuges for a number of water organisms. The EAF value should assure such quantity and quality of water that substantial changes in the composition and functioning of the periphyton community do not occur. In different seasons of the years 1998-1999, during the period of low flows, the impact of abstractions on the periphyton community and on hydrological characteristics was assessed in the Sava Dolinka River in the abstraction section for the Moste power plant, and in the Soč a River, in the abstraction sections for the Doblar and Ajba power plants. The role of periphytic algae in the determination of EAF in flowing waters was defined. Results of the study show qualitative and quantitative hydrological, biological, and physicochemical changes downstream of the dams. The results of the hydrological analyses show substantial changes in the hydrological regime and a predominance of gravel deposits with a considerable proportion of coarse grains downstream of the dams. Due to abstractions, the physicochemical composition of water downstream of the dams is no longer defined by conditions in the upper reaches of the river, but by tributaries downstream of the catchment area. A constant flow, as well as a rare occurrence of high waters downstream of the dams has given rise to a great diversity of periphyton and to differences in the periphyton biomass here, compared with reference sites upstream of the dams. Key words: periphytic algae, ecologically acceptable flow, water abstraction Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 66 1. UVOD Za ohranjanje dinamike naravnih procesov v vodotokih se je pojavila zahteva po zagotavljanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode (Qes). Definirali smo ga kot količ ino in kakovost vode, ki zagotavlja ohranitev naravnega ravnovesja v in ob vodotoku (Vrhovšek et al.,1 994). Za določ itev ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode (Qes) je, poleg hidroloških, morfoloških in krajinskih komponent vodnega ekosistema, potrebno med ekološkimi parametri tudi poznavanje perifitonskih alg. Perifitonske alge imajo velik pomen pri ekološkem ravnovesju rek, saj tvorijo organsko snov in imajo pomen pri pretoku snovi in energije. Perifitonske alge so najpomembnejši primarni producenti v majhnih vodotokih in so hkrati uporabni ekološki indikatorji stopnje onesnaženosti (Wilhm et al., 1978). Č eprav so v več ini raziskav določ evanja Qes glavno vlogo namenjali ribam in nevretenč arjem, so pri določ anju Qes na potoku Radurlsbach v Avstriji leta 1 985 že upoštevali perifitonske alge (Jäger et al., 1 985). Pri določ itvi Qes za Alpbacher Ache v Avstriji so opravili analizo hidroloških, morfoloških in fizikalnih ter kemijskih parametrov, analizo sedimentov, med biološkimi parametri pa so vzorč evali perifitonske alge in več je vodne nevretenč arje (Pehofer et al., 1988). Rezultate analiz perifitonskih alg so upoštevali pri določ anju Qes na vodotokih Töss, Schächenbach in Niemet v Švici (Bundi & Eichenberger, 1989). Na Hrvaškem pa so pri določ anju Qes na reki Cetini (Mišetić et al., 1 986) in na reki Žrnovici (Bonacci et al., 1998) opravili tudi analize perifitonskih alg. Pri določ anju Qes v Sloveniji smo upoštevali rezultate perifitonskih alg, med drugim tudi na reki Soč i (Vrhovšek et al., 1 996a), Rižani (Smolar et al., 1 997), Selšč ici (Smolar-Žvanut et al., 1 999a), Meži (Smolar- Žvanut et al., 1 999b) in Savi Dolinki (Vrhovšek et al., 1999). 1. INTRODUCTION To maintain the dynamics of natural processes in watercourses, it is vital to ensure that the flow is ecologically acceptable. Ecologically acceptable flow (EAF) may be defined as such quantity and quality of water which preserves the ecological balance in a river and in the riparian zone (Vrhovšek et al., 1994). To determine EAF, not only data on hydrological, morphological, and landscape components of an aquatic ecosystem are needed, but also knowledge of periphyton. The algae play a major role in the maintenance of the ecological balance in rivers, since they produce organic matter and are of importance in the flow of matter and energy. They are the most significant primary producers in streams and can also be used as ecological indicators of pollution (Wilhm et al., 1978). Most research on EAF determination deals mainly with fish and invertebrates. In 1985 a study was carried out to determine the EAF for the Radurlsbach Stream, in Austria, in which periphyton was taken into account (Jäger et al., 1985). The determination of the EAF for the Alpbacher Ache Stream in Austria included an analysis of hydrological, morphological, and physicochemical parameters, a sediment analysis and, among biological parameters, a sampling of periphyton and of macroinvertebrates (Pehofer et al., 1988). The periphyton was analysed when the EAF was determined for the Töss, Schächenbach, and Niemet rivers in Switzerland (Bundi & Eichenberger, 1989). In Croatia, periphyton analyses were carried out for the Cetina (Mišetić et al., 1 986) and Žrnovica (Bonacci et al., 1998) rivers for the same purpose. In Slovenia, periphyton analyses were taken into account to determine the EAF for the Soč a (Vrhovšek et al., 1 996a), Rižana (Smolar et al., 1 997), Selšč ica (Smolar-Žvanut et al., 1 999a), Meža (Smolar-Žvanut et al., 1 999b), and Sava Dolinka (Vrhovšek et al., 1999) rivers. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 67 2. MESTO RAZISKAV Na reki Soč i smo izbrali območ ja odvzema nad pregrado (SO1) in pod pregrado Podsela (SO2, SO3), pod pregrado Ajba (SO4) ter na pritoku Ušnica (USN) (slika 1), na reki Savi Dolinki pa nad (SA1, SA2) in pod pregrado Moste (SA3, SA4, SA5) ter na pritokih Završnica (ZAV) in Radovna (RAD) (slika 2). Na vseh območ jih odvzema smo vzorč evali perifitonske alge v različnih hidroloških okoljih (glede na hitrost in globino vode) ter merili hidrološke in fizikalno kemijske parametre. Na območ ju odvzema smo število odvzemnih mest izbrali glede na širino struge, strukturo habitatov, globino vode in hitrost vodnega toka. Območ je odvzema je obsegalo preč ni prerez od levega do desnega brega struge, v primeru zastajanja vode pa tudi najbližji gorvodni in dolvodni tolmun. 2. STUDY SITE In the Soč a River, sampling sites were selected upstream (SO1) and downstream (SO2, SO3) of the Podsela Dam, downstream of the Ajba Dam (SO4), and in the Ušnica Tributary (USN) (Figure 1). In the Sava Dolinka River, they were selected upstream (SA1, SA2) and downstream (SA3, SA4, SA5) of the Moste Dam, and in the Završnica (ZAV) and Radovna (RAD) (Figure 2) tributaries. At all the sampling sites, the periphyton was sampled in different hydrological environments (according to velocity and water depth), and hydrological and physicochemical parameters were measured. The number of sampling points at a sampling site was determined according to river bed width, habitat structure, water depth, and current velocity. A sampling site comprised a cross- channel transect from the left to the right bank and, in the case of stagnant water, the nearest upstream and downstream pools. Slika 1 . Odvzemna mesta v reki Soč i in v potoku Ušnica. Figure 1 . Sampling points in the river Soč a and in the stream Ušnica. PLAVE ANHOVO AJBA DOBLAR TOLMIN USN SOČ A SOČ A SO 3 SO 4 SO 2 UŠNICA SO 1 Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 68 Slika 2. Odvzemna mesta v reki Savi Dolinki, v reki Radovni in v potoku Završnica. Figure 2. Sampling points in the river Sava Dolinka, in the river Radovna and in the stream Završnica. 2.1 ZNAČ ILNOSTI HE MOSTE, HE ZAVRŠNICA IN HE ZASIP HE Moste obratuje kot prva več ja elektrarna na reki Savi Dolinki. Betonska, loč no-težnostna pregrada je s 60 m višine tudi najvišja pregrada v Sloveniji. HE Moste je akumulacijska elektrarna za proizvodnjo vršne energije. Vtoč ni objekt leži ob levem boku pregrade, od tam je speljan dovodni rov v dolžini 840 m do strojnice. V dovodni rov so speljane tudi zaledne vode iz potoka Završnica. HE Moste sestavlja, skupaj s HE Završnica na potoku Završnica, enoten energetski sistem. V HE Moste so bili prvotno vgrajeni trije agregati, s požiralnostjo 28.5 m 3 /s. Sistem je bil dograjen leta 1977 z vgradnjo č etrtega agregata v strojnici HE Moste, s požiralnostjo 6 m 3 /s in s priključ itvijo dovodnega cevovoda HE Završnica. Č etrti agregat obratuje v pogojih vršnega obratovanja. Obratovanje HE Moste je vezano na količino dotoka vode v akumulacijo in obratuje glede na potrebe energije v državi, obič ajno v dnevnih urah. V primeru, da je dotok vode v akumulacijo 14 m 3 /s, obratuje HE Moste od 6. ure zjutraj do 22. ure zveč er, in sicer z odvzemom vode 20 m 3 /s, razen v 2.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MOSTE, ZAVRŠNICA, AND ZASIP POWER PLANTS The Moste HPP is the first larger power plant which was built on the Sava Dolinka River. The concrete arch-gravity dam, 60 metres high, is the highest in Slovenia. The power plant is a reservoir generating peak energy. The intake structure is located on the left side of the dam, where a 840-metre long power tunnel leads to the power station. The Završnica Stream flows into the power tunnel. Along with the Završnica HPP, located on the Završnica Stream, the Moste HPP constitutes a uniform hydropower system. Initially, the Moste HPP had three generators with a design flow of 28.5 m 3 /s. On completion of the system in 1977, the power station of the Moste plant was fitted with a fourth generator with a design flow of 6 m 3 /s, and was connected with the power channel of the Završnica HPP. The fourth generator operates in peak energy conditions. The operation of the Moste HPP depends on the quantity of the inflow into the reservoir. It is operative according to electricity requirements, usually during the daytime. If inflow into the reservoir is 14 m 3 /s, the plant operates from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., with abstractions of 20 m 3 /s, except from 1 p.m. to SA 3 ZAVRŠNICA SA 2 SA 1 SAVA DOLINKA SA 5 He ZASIP RADOVNA ZAV SAVA BOHINJKA HRUŠICA JESENICE BLED SA 4 RAD Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 69 č asu med 1 3. in 1 8. uro z odvzemom vode od 4 do 10 m 3 /s. Na začetku obratovanja elektrarne se v povpreč ju v č asu dveh minut poveč a količ ina vode iz 0 na 1 0 m 3 /s oz. v petih minutah iz 0 na 20 m 3 /s. HE Moste v glavnem ne obratuje v sobotah in nedeljah, ker se voda nabira v akumulacijo, zato so pretoki na v.p. Blejski most takrat najnižji. Obratovanje HE Moste povzroč a v dolvodni strugi Save Dolinke, na odseku od vtoka vode nazaj v Savo Dolinko do HE Mavč ič e, hitro poveč evanje in zmanjševanje pretokov. Pod pregrado Moste se, zaradi zajezitve, zbira le voda iz drenaž, del vode iz Završnice in nekaj vode, ki se pretaka pod pregrado za HE Zasip na Radovni. V primeru, da HE Moste ne obratuje, doteka v strugo Save Dolinke pred Piškotarjevim mostom le voda, ki se pretaka pod pregrado HE Moste in Radovna iz HE Zasip. Zaradi odvzema vode za HE Moste je Sava Dolinka pod vplivom odvzema vode na dolžini 2470 m. Za HE Zasip na reki Radovni je odvzem vode iz Radovne v višini 7.5 m 3 /s. Zaradi pušč anja jezu in zapornic se v strugi pretaka nekaj deset litrov vode. Dolžina odseka Radovne, ki je pod vplivom odvzema vode za HE Zasip, je 21 75 m, dolžina Save Dolinke, ki je pod vplivom odvzema za HE Zasip pa je 1625 m. 2.2 ZNAČ ILNOSTI HE DOBLAR, HE AJBA, HE PLAVE Soč a je bila energetsko zanimiva že v č asu Avstro-Ogrske, ko so jo pričeli prvič intenzivneje preuč evati, z namenom izrabe njene vodne moč i. Kasneje so tudi Italijani nadaljevali s preuč evanjem Soč e in pritokov ter zgradili tudi prve elektrarne (HE Log, HE Plužna, 1 930-1 932). V letu 1 939 je bila zgrajena HE Doblar in leta 1940 HE Plave. V letih od 1971 do 1975 je bila zgrajena HE Ajba na jezovnih zgradbah HE Plave, od leta 1984 pa je v pogonu tudi HE Solkan. Pod pregrado Podsela do državne meje zaradi energetske izrabe ni več naravnega pretoč nega režima (Vrhovšek et al., 1 996a). 6 p.m. when abstractions amount to from 4 to 10 m 3 /s. When it starts to operate in the morning, the abstraction increases, on an average, from 0 to 10 m 3 /s in two minutes, or from 0 to 20 m 3 /s in five minutes. The Moste HPP is not in operation, as a rule, on Saturdays and Sundays, when water flows into the reservoir. Therefore, flows at the Blejski most Gauging Station (g.s.) are lowest at that time. The operation of the power plant causes a rapid increase and decrease of flows downstream of the Sava Dolinka River, in the section from the inflow of water back into the Sava Dolinka River to the Mavč ič e HPP. Due to damming, downstream of the dam Moste, in the bed of the Sava Dolinka River, water is collected from the draining s ystem, part of the water from the Završnica Stream, and some water flowing downstream of the dam to the Zasip HPP on the Radovna River. If the Moste HPP is not operational, then in the river bed, before the Bridge Piškotarjev most, water flows from downstream of the dam for the Moste HPP and from the Radovna River for the Zasip HPP. Thus, a 2470 m long section of the Sava Dolinka River is adversely affected by abstractions for the Moste HPP. For the Zasip HPP on the Radovna River, there are abstractions of 7.5 m 3 /s. Due to gate and sluice leakage, some tens of litres flow into the river bed. The abstractions for the Zasip HPP exert an effect on a 2175 m long section of the Radovna River and on a 1625 m long section of the Sava Dolinka River. 2.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DOBLAR, AJBA, AND PLAVE HPP The Soč a River as a source of hydropower was already considered interesting at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire when this aspect of its use was more intensely investigated for the first time. Later, the Italians continued to study the Soč a River and its tributaries for this purpose, and thus the first hydropower plants were built (Log, Plužna, 1 930-1 932). The Doblar and Plave power plants were constructed in 1939 and 1940 respectively. In 1971-1975, the Ajba HPP was built by means of the Plave HPP dams. The Solkan HPP has been operational since 1984. As a consequence of power utilisation, there is no natural flow regime downstream of the Podsela Dam to the Italian border (Vrhovšek et al., 1996a). Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 70 Pregrada Podsela za HE Doblar je betonska, loč no težnostna in je s 55 m višine druga najvišja pregrada v Sloveniji. Pregrada Ajba leži 4.5 km dolvodno od elektrarne Doblar. Odvzem vode med pregrado Podsela in HE Doblar je na dolžini 4320 m, med pregrado Ajba in HE Plave pa 7950 m. Največ ji mogoč odvzem vode iz reke Soč e na pregradi Podsela za potrebe HE Doblar je 96 m 3 /s; v primeru, da so pretoki vode višji in se akumulacija ne polni, voda teč e preko pregrade. V letu 1 998 se je prič ela gradnja novih hidroelektraren HE Doblar II in HE Plave II, pri č emer bo skupen inštaliran pretok vode HE Plave I in II 180 m 3 /s, HE Doblar I in II 180 m 3 /s, HE Ajba, ki se nahaja v pregradi Ajba, pa bo ukinjena. V strugi reke Soč e pod pregrado Podsela se pretaka le voda iz potoka Ušnica in majhne količ ine vode, ki se precejajo skozi izpuste zapornic pregrade Podsela. Levi pritok Vogršč ek v sušnem obdobju nima vode, ker je izrazito hudourniškega znač aja s kraškimi znač ilnostmi. Pod pregrado Ajba se skozi zapornico spušč a pretok vode 0.5 m 3 /s, opredeljen v vodnogospodarskem dovoljenju za HE Plave. Na odseku od pregrade Ajba do izpusta vode iz HE Plave so manjši hudourniški pritoki (Vrhovšek et al., 1996a). 3. MATERIAL IN METODE DELA 3.1 Č AS VZORČ EVANJA Vzorč evanje perifitonskih alg, določ anje biomase perifitonskih alg in merjenje hidroloških parametrov je potekalo v letih 1998 in 1999, v obdobju nizkih pretokov vode. Na Soči smo vzorčevali dne 3.2.1 998, 20.5.1998, 25.8.1998 in 30.11.1998, na Savi Dolinki pa 9.2.1998, 3.6.1998, 24.8.1998 in 7.1.1999. Linijski odvzem vzorca plavin smo na Soč i opravili dne 1 9.7.1 999, na Savi Dolinki pa dne 6.7.1999. Meritve na območ ju odvzema SA5 (Blejski most) v Savi Dolinki so bile vedno izvedene v č asu, ko HE Moste ni obratovala, torej ni bilo poveč anega pretoka vode, izmerjenega gorvodno od pregrade Moste. The Podsela Dam for the Doblar HPP is a concrete arch-gravity dam, 55 metres in height, the second highest in Slovenia. The Ajba Dam is situated 4.5 km downstream of the Doblar HPP. The abstraction section from the Podsela Dam to the Doblar HPP is 4320 m long, and that from the Ajba Dam to the Plave HPP is 7950 m long. At the Podsela Dam, the highest possible abstraction amount for the Doblar HPP is 96 m 3 /s. If flows are higher and the reservoir is not being filled, water flows over the dam. In 1998 the construction of the Doblar II and Plave II power plants began. Joint design flow for the Plave I and Plave II power plants will be 180 m 3 /s, the same as the design flow for the Doblar I and Doblar II power plants. The Ajba HPP, situated within the Ajba Dam, will stop operating. In the bed of the Soč a River, downstream of the Podsela Dam, water flows from the Ušnica Stream and small quantities of water trickle through, due to gate leakage at the Podsela Dam. In the dry season, the left Vogršč ek Tributary dries up because of its distinctively torrential character and karst features. Downstream of the Ajba Dam, the flow through the gate is 0.5 m 3 /s, according to the water management operating licence for the Plave HPP. In the section from the Ajba Dam to the discharge from the Plave HPP, there are smaller torrential tributaries (Vrhovšek et al., 1996a). 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 3.1 SAMPLING A sampling of periphyton, determination of periphyton biomass, and measurement of hydrological parameters was carried out in the period of low flows in 1998 and 1999. In the Sava River, the sampling was conducted on February 3, May 20, August 25, and November 30, 1998, and in the Sava Dolinka River, on February 9, June 3, August 24, 1998, and on January 7, 1999. The Wolman Count of sediment samples was performed in the Soč a River on July 19, 1999, and in the Sava Dolinka River on July 6, 1999. Measurements conducted at sampling site SA5 (Blejski most Gauging Station) in the Sava Dolinka River were always carried out when the Moste HPP was not in operation. So there was no increase in flow measured upstream of the Moste Dam. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 71 3.2 HIDROLOŠKI PARAMETRI Hitrost vodnega toka in pretok vode smo merili s hidrometrič nim krilom SEBA Mini Current Meter MI. Na vseh odvzemnih mestih, kjer smo vzorčevali, smo merili hitrost vodnega toka 3 cm nad dnom. Povpreč no hitrost v merskih vertikalah nad odvzemnimi mesti smo izmerili na 0.4 globine vode, merjeno od dna struge. Č as meritve v posamezni toč ki je bil eno minuto. Merjene hidrološke parametre ter podatke o vodostajih, ki smo jih povzeli po MOP - HMZ, smo obdelali z rač unalniškim programom (VGI, 1992) na Vodnogospodarskem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Določ ili smo prispevno področ je (F) za območja odvzema in s pomoč jo računalniškega programa (VGI, 1 992) izrač unali vrednosti sQs (srednji pretok - je povpreč je srednjih dnevnih pretokov v m 3 /s za vsako leto v obravnavanem obdobju), sQn (srednji nizek pretok - je povpreč je najnižjih pretokov v m 3 /s v letu v obravnavanem obdobju), nQn (najmanjši nizek pretok- je najnižji zabeležen pretok v m 3 /s v obravnavanem obdobju), vQv (največ ji pretok - je najvišji zabeležen pretok vode v m 3 /s v obravnavanem obdobju), Q 300d (pretok, ki traja 300 dni na leto) in Q 347d (pretok, ki traja 347 dni na leto). Cilj analize hidroloških podatkov je bila določ itev hidroloških parametrov, ki kažejo reč ni režim na odseku Soč e pod pregrado Podsela in pod pregrado Ajba ter na odseku Save Dolinke od pregrade HE Moste do Blejskega mostu za posamezne hidrološke prereze, za naslednje vodne režime: 1. brez odvzema – pretoki pridobljeni s predpostavko, da na obravnavnem območ ju ni odvzema vode za hidroelektrarno 2. z odvzemom – pretoki, ki so na obravnavanem območju pri sedanjem obratovanju hidroelektraren oziroma odvzemih vode na Savi Dolinki, Završnici, Radovni in Soč i. 3.2 HYDROLOGICAL PARAMETERS Current velocity and flow were measured with a SEBA Mini Current Meter MI. At all the sampling points, the current velocity was measured 3 cm above the bottom. The average velocity was measured in measuring verticals above the sampling points at 0.4 of water depth from the bottom of the river bed. The duration of individual measurements was one minute per sampling point. The results of the measurements of hydrological parameters, and the data on water levels according to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning w e r e processed using a computer programme (VGI, 1992) at the Water Management Institute, Ljubljana. The catchment area (F) of sampling sites was determined and the following values were calculated using a computer programme (VGI, 1992): sQs (mean flow – the average of mean daily flows in m 3 /s for every year in the considered period); sQn (mean minimum flow - the average of minimum flows in m 3 /s for every year in the considered period); nQn (minimum flow - the minimum flow in m 3 /s in the considered period); vQv (maximum flow - the maximum flow in m 3 /s in the considered period); Q 300d (the flow lasting for 300 days a year); and Q 347d (the flow lasting for 347 days a year). The intent of an analysis of the hydrological data was to determine the hydrological parameters characteristic to the Soč a River regime in the section downstream of the Podsela Dam and downstream of the Ajba Dam, and that of the Sava Dolinka River, in the section from the dam of the Moste HPP to the gauging station at Blejski most, for individual hydrological cross-sections under the following water regime: 1. without abstractions – the flows were determined on the supposition that there were no abstractions for the power plant in the sections under consideration, 2. with abstractions – the flows were determined for the present operation of power plants or for abstractions in the Sava Dolinka, Radovna, and Soč a rivers and the Završnica Stream in the sections under consideration. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 72 3.3 ANALIZA PLAVIN Analizo plavin smo opravili z linijskim nač inom odvzema vzorca s programom ZPP, napisanem v programskem okolju EXCEL (Mikoš, 1999). Izdelali smo krivuljo zrnavosti podlage in krovnega sloja s pomoč jo prerač una linijske – številčne analize in togim sestavljanjem s Fullerjevo zrnavostno krivuljo. Iz vsotne zrnavostne krivulje je mogoč e odč itati znač ilna zrna, kot so d 90 , d 84 in d 16 . Konč ni rezultat rač una v obliki preglednice je bila določ itev aritmetič nega srednjega zrna prodnatih plavin d m in 90-odstotnega zrna rinjenih plavin d 90 . 3.4 FIZIKALNI IN KEMIJSKI PARAMETRI Električ no prevodnost in temperaturo smo merili z instrumentom MA 5950 (Iskra), pH z instrumentom MA 5721 (Iskra), vsebnost raztopljenega kisika in nasič enost s kisikom pa z oksimetrom OM 8. 3.5 BIOLOŠKI PARAMETRI 3.5.1 VZORČ EVANJE PERIFITONSKIH ALG IN OBDELAVA VZORCEV Vzorce perifitonskih alg za kvalitativno analizo smo pobirali tako, da smo postrgali površino prodnikov, kamnov, skal, peska, makrofitov in potopljenega lesa na območ ju odvzema. Vzorce perifitonskih alg smo že na terenu fiksirali tako, da je bila konč na koncentracija formalina v vzorcih približno 5 odstotkov. Vzorce za kvantitativno analizo perifitonske združbe smo pobirali samo s plavin premera 50 do 200 mm. V laboratoriju smo ovrednotili suho težo, organsko snov (suha teža brez pepela) po metodiki APHA.AWWA.WPCP (1992) in koncentracijo klorofila-a s filtriranjem skozi Watman GF/C filtre ter z ekstrahiranjem z vročim metanolom (Vollenweider, 1974). Vrednosti biomase perifitonskih alg smo prerač unali na m 2 plavin. 3.3 SEDIMENT ANALYSIS An analysis of the sediments was carried out with the use of the Wolman Count of samples with a ZPP computer programme prepared in the environment of EXCEL (Mikoš, 1999). A grain-sized distribution curve and a cover layer curve were designed by means of the Wolman Count-numerical analysis and a rigid combination with the Fuller grain-sized distribution curve. The cumulative grain-sized distribution curve displays characteristic grains such as d 90 , d 84 , and d 16 . The final result of the calculation, in the form of a table, was the determination of the mean grain of the gravel deposits, d m , and 90% of a bed load grain, d 90 . 3.4 PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS Electrical conductivity and temperature were measured with an MA 5950 (Iskra), and the pH was measured with an MA 5721 (Iskra). The dissolved oxygen content and oxygen saturation were measured using an oxymeter OM 8. 3.5 BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS 3.5.1 PERIPHYTON SAMPLING AND PROCESSING Periphyton samples intended for a qualitative analysis were taken by scraping off the surface area of pebbles, stones, rocks, sand, macrophytes, and sunken wood found at a sampling site. The samples were treated with formaline in the field, so that the concentration of formaline in the samples was around 5%. Samples intended for a quantitative analysis of the periphyton community were taken from deposits 50 mm to 200 mm in diameter. Dry weight and organic matter (ash-free dry weight) were assessed in the laboratory using the APHA.AWWA.WPCP technique (1992). The chlorophyll-a concentration was determined with the use of filtration through Watman GF/C filters and extraction with hot methanol (Vollenweider, 1974). The values of periphyton biomass were calculated per square meter of deposits. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 73 V laboratoriju smo perifitonske alge pregledali pod svetlobnim mikroskopom, s fazno kontrastno optiko pri poveč avah do 1000-krat. Pri pregledu vzorcev smo ocenili pogostost posameznih taksonov (vrst) perifitonskih alg (Grbović , 1 994). 3.6 STATISTIČ NE ANALIZE Za posamezna območ ja odvzema smo izrač unali Pantle - Buckov saprobni indeks. Primerjavo združb perifitonskih alg med odvzemnimi mesti in med območ ji odvzema smo izvršili s pomoč jo podatkov vrstnega sestava in relativne pogostosti prisotnih vrst. Podobnost oziroma različnost združb perifitonskih alg smo vrednotili z multivariantno klastersko analizo (Bray - Curtisov koeficient podobnosti) (Clarke in Warwick, 1 990), s pomoč jo podatkovnega sistema “DABA”. 4. REZULTATI IN DISKUSIJA 4.1 HIDROLOŠKI PARAMETRI Rezultati hidroloških meritev in analiz so pokazali na bistveno spremenjen hidrološki režim na Soč i, pod pregradama Podsela in Ajba, in na Savi Dolinki, pod pregrado Moste, ki se odraža v zmanjšanju pretokov vode, hitrosti vodnega toka in globini vode, nadalje v spremenjeni krivulji trajanja pretokov vode ter predvsem zastajanju in odlaganju plavin nad pregradami ter s tem povzroč eno t.i. dolvodno erozijo (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). Vsi merjeni hidrološki parametri so pokazali, da pod pregradama Podsela in Moste niso bile zagotovljene vrednosti Qes. Do največ jih razlik v Savi Dolinki je prišlo v vrednostih najmanjših nizkih pretokov vode nQn na območ jih odvzema SA3 in SA4, saj je voda tekla preko pregrade le nekaj dni na leto. Manjše razlike v vrednosti sQs so bile izrač unane na območ ju odvzema SA5, ker vrednost ne kaže nihanja v pretoku vode zaradi delovanja HE Moste in HE Završnica. Območje odvzema SA5 je namreč izpostavljeno urnim in dnevnim spremembam v pretoku vode, zaradi obratovanja HE Moste In the laboratory, periphytic algae were examined under a light microscope by means of phase contrast optics for magnifications of x 1000 in order to assess the frequency of individual taxa (species) (Grbović , 1 994). 3.6 STATISTICAL ANALYSES The Pantle-Buck Saprobic Index was calculated for individual sampling sites. A comparison of periphyton communities within individual sampling points and within sampling sites was made with the use of data on species composition and the relative frequency of species found. Similarities and differences among periphyton communities were assessed by means of a multivariate cluster analysis (Bray-Curtis coefficient of similarity) (Clark and Warwick, 1990) and the DABA data system. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 HYDROLOGICAL PARAMETERS Results of the hydrological measurements and analyses show substantial changes in the hydrological regime of the Soča River downstream of the Podsela and Ajba dams, and of the Sava Dolinka River, downstream of the Moste Dam. The changes concerned reduced flows, a decrease in current velocity and, in water depth, an altered flow duration curve, and, particularly, the stagnation and deposition of sediments upstream of the dams, resulting in erosion downstream (Smolar- Žvanut, 2000). All the measurements suggest that downstream of the Podsela and Moste dams, the flow was not ecologically acceptable. In the Sava Dolinka River, the most substantial differences were found in the values of the minimum flow (nQn) at sampling sites SA3 and SA4, since water was flowing over the dam just a few days a year. Less substantial differences in the values of the mean flow (sQs) were calculated at sampling site SA5, since they show no fluctuations in flows due to the operation of the Moste and Završnica power plants. For the latter site is subjected to hourly and daily changes in flow induced by the operation of the power plants. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 74 in HE Završnica. Zaradi odvzema vode za HE Zasip na Radovni se je vrednost srednjega nizkega pretoka (za obdobje od 1961 do 1995) na območ ju odvzema RAD iz 1 .68 m 3 /s zmanjšala na 0, oz. Radovna je zaradi obratovanja HE Zasip obč asno presahnila (preglednica 1). Owing to abstractions for the Zasip HPP on the Radovna River, the values of the mean minimum flow (sQn) for the period 1961-1995 were reduced from 1.68 m 3 /s to 0 at sampling site RAD; that is, the Radovna River periodically dried up due to the operation of the Zasip HPP (Table 1). Preglednica 1. Glavni hidrološki parametri za Savo Dolinko in Radovno za obdobje od 1961 do 1 995 za vodni režim brez odvzema vode oz. z odvzemom vode. Table 1. Hydrological parameters for the Sava Dolinka River and the Radovna River for the period 1961-1995 for water regimes with and without water abstraction . hidrološki prerez Hydrological cross-section območ je odvzema Sampling site F (km 2 ) sQs (m 3 /s) sQn (m 3 /s) nQn (m 3 /s) vQv (m 3 /s) Q300d (m 3 /s) Q347d (m 3 /s) Sava Dolinka v.p. Jesenice Sava Dolinka River at g.s. Jesenice SA1 257.6 10.65 4.12 2.46 261 5.65 4.43 Sava Dolinka pregrada Moste – brez odvzema Sava Dolinka River at the dam Moste - without abstractions / 300.1 13.53 5.97 3.62 310 8.22 6.44 Sava Dolinka pod Završnico – brez odvzema Sava Dolinka River downstream of the confluence with the Završnica Stream - without abstractions SA3 325.9 14.70 6.48 3.93 337 8.94 7.01 Sava Dolinka pod Završnico – z odvzemom Sava Dolinka River downstream of the confluence with the Završnica Stream - with abstractions SA3 325.9 0.63 0.11 0.048 337 0.17 0.13 Radovna izliv – brez odvzema Outfall of the Radovna River - without abstractions RAD 170.4 8.03 1.68 1.02 113 2.77 1.90 Radovna izliv – z odvzemom Outfall of the Radovna River - with abstractions RAD 170.4 3.47 0.00 0.00 113 0.0005 0.00 Sava Dolinka pod Radovno – brez odvzema Sava Dolinka River downstream of the confluence with the Radovna River - without abstractions SA4 496.8 22.74 8.42 5.03 450 12.12 9.09 Sava Dolinka pod Radovno – z odvzemom Sava Dolinka River downstream of the confluence with the Radovna River - with abstractions SA4 496.8 4.11 0.11 0.048 450 0.17 0.13 Sava Dolinka v.p. Blejski most – brez odvzema Sava Dolinka River at g.s. Blejski most - without abstractions SA5 505.4 22.96 8.47 5.06 453 12.20 9.18 Sava Dolinka v.p. Blejski most – z odvzemom Sava Dolinka River at g.s. Blejski most - with abstractions SA5 505.4 22.96 2.87 0.70 453 10.12 6.08 Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 75 Preglednica 2. Glavni hidrološki parametri za Soč o in Ušnico za obdobje od 1 961 do 1 990 za vodni režim, brez odvzema vode oz. z odvzemom vode. Table 2. Hydrological parameters for the Soč a River and the Ušnica Tributary for the period 1 961 - 1995 for water regimes with and without water abstraction. hidrološki prerez Hydrological cross-section območ je odvzema Sampling site F (km 2 ) sQs (m 3 /s) sQn (m 3 /s) nQn (m 3 /s) vQv (m 3 /s) Q 300d (m 3 /s) Q 347d (m 3 /s) Soč a v.p. Kobarid Soč a River at g.s. Kobarid / 434.7 34.1 7.96 4.59 664 12.10 8.96 Soč a pregrada Podsela Soč a River at the Podsela Dam / 1244 80 16 10 2140 27.43 20.04 Ušnica pri pregradi Ušnik Ušnica stream at the Ušnik Dam USN 9.43 0.60 0.03 0.02 2140 / / Soč a pod pregrado Podsela – brez odvzema Soč a River downstream of the Podsela Dam - without abstractions SO2 1254 80.6 16.03 10.0 2140 27.47 20.08 Soč a pod pregrado Podsela – z odvzemom Soč a River downstream of the Podsela Dam - with abstractions SO2 1254 22.5 0.13 0.12 2140 0.64 0.25 Soč a pod pregrado Ajba – brez odvzema Soč a River downstream of the Ajba Dam - without abstractions SO4 1345 86.2 17.8 10.5 > 2140 29.70 21.22 Soč a pod pregrado Ajba – z odvzemom Soč a River downstream of the Ajba Dam -with abstractions SO4 1345 33.1 1.0 1.0 > 2140 1.41 1.12 Primerjava hidroloških parametrov za Soč o za obdobje 1 961 -1 990 na območ jih odvzema je pokazala, da je na območ ju odvzema SO2 in SO4, zaradi odvzema vode za HE Doblar, prišlo do zmanjšanja vrednosti sQn in nQn za več kot 90 odstotkov (preglednica 2). Merjeni pretoki Save Dolinke pod pregrado Moste na območ ju odvzema SA3 in SA4 so v č asu naših meritev zaradi odvzemov vode za HE Moste, HE Završnica in HE Zasip dosegali največ 5.9 % pretoka Save Dolinke, merjenega na primerjalnem območ ju odvzema SA1 , medtem ko so bili pretoki na Soč i pod pregrado Podsela vsaj za 97.6 % in pod pregrado Ajba vsaj za 81 .3 % nižji od pretokov na primerjalnem območ ju SO1 (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). Posledič no so bile na območ jih odvzema pod pregradami izmerjene tudi nižje lokalne hitrosti ob dnu in povpreč ne hitrosti vodnega toka. Zaradi nizkih pretokov vode je voda pod pregradami tudi zastajala. Vsi merjeni hidrološki parametri so pokazali na zmanjšanje raznolikosti vodnih habitatov za vodne organizme. Zaradi odvzema vode je na odseku z zmanjšanim pretokom vode prišlo do opaznega zmanjšanja v velikosti in številu brzic, podobno kot na reki Töss v Švici (Bundi et al., 1990). Vrednotenje pretočnih hitrosti vode je pomembno tudi kot del določ anja Qes (Mikoš, 1996). A comparison of hydrological parameters for the Soč a River for the period 1 961 -1 990 shows a decrease in the values of the mean minimum flow (sQn) and the minimum flow (nQn) at sampling sites SO2 and SO4 by over 90%, which can be attributed to abstractions for the Doblar HPP (Table 2). In the Sava Dolinka River, flows measured downstream of the Moste Dam at sampling sites SA3 and SA4 attained, at the most, 5.9 % of the flows measured at reference site SA1 due to abstractions for the Moste, Završnica, and Zasip power plants. In the Soč a River, on the other hand, flows measured downstream of the Podsela Dam were at least 97.6 %, and those measured downstream of the Ajba Dam were at least 81.3 %, lower than flows measured at reference site SO1 (Smolar- Žvanut, 2000). Hence, lower local current velocities at both the bottom and lower average current velocitities were measured at the above sampling sites downstream of the dams. Owing to low flows, water stagnated downstream of the dams. All the hydrological parameters show a decrease in the diversity of aquatic habitats for water organisms. As a result of the abstractions, a discernible decline in the size and number of rapids occurred in sections with reduced flow, as was also reported for the Töss River, Switzerland (Bundi et al., 1990). Flow velocity assessment is thus of importance to EAF determination (Mikoš, 1996). Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 76 4.2 PLAVINE Zajezitev in odvzem vode iz vodotoka običajno povzroči značilno zmanjšanje pretokov visokih voda dolvodno (Ward in Stanford, 1995, Erskine et al., 1999), kar vodi do zmanjšanega transporta plavin (Ward in Stanford, 1995). Razlog za zmanjšanje transporta plavin na Soč i in Savi Dolinki je predvsem v prekinitvi prodonosnosti, ne pa v spremenjeni krivulji trajanja pretokov voda v tistem delu, ki vpliva na prodni premik. 4.2 SEDIMENTS The damming of watercourses and abstractions usually give rise to a considerable decrease in the flows of high waters downstream (Ward and Stanford, 1995; Erskine et al., 1999), which in turn leads to reduced sediment transport (Ward and Stanford, 1 995). In the case of the Soč a and Sava Dolinka rivers, reduced sediment transport may mainly be attributed to the disruption of sediment transport, rather than to changes in the flow duration curve at the section influencing sediment transport. Preglednica 3. Rezultat linijske-številč ne analize in togega sestavljanja s Fullerjevo zrnavostno krivuljo v prostorninski vzorec za Savo Dolinko. Table 3. Results of the Wolman Count-numerical analysis and rigid combination with the Fuller grain-size distribution curve for a volume pattern of the Sava Dolinka River. odvzemno mesto Sampling point d 16 (mm) d 84 (mm) d 90 (mm) d m (mm) raztros zrnavosti Grain-size distribution SA1P1 5 170 214 81 6 SA1P2 4 100 119 57 5 SA3P1 8 200 226 98 5 SA4P1 10 160 175 86 4 SA4P2 15 377 454 187 5 Preglednica 4. Rezultat linijske-številč ne analize in togega sestavljanja s Fullerjevo zrnavostno krivuljo v prostorninski vzorec za Soč o. Table 4. Results of the Wolman Count-numerical analysis and rigid combination with the Fuller grain-size distribution curve for a volume pattern of the Soč a River. odvzemno mesto Sampling point d 16 (mm) d 84 (mm) d 90 (mm) d m (mm) raztros zrnavosti Grain-size distribution SO1P1 4 125 138 59 5 SO1P2 5 163 183 72 6 SO2P1 7 184 219 92 5 SO2P2 14 324 359 155 5 SO3P1 11 280 301 134 5 SO3P2 6 165 210 84 5 Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 77 Po dolgih letih obratovanja HE se pod pregrado izoblikuje stabilna struga, vendar pride do poveč anja raznolikosti habitatov z narašč anjem pretoka vode (Gore, 1 994). Na Soč i, pod pregrado Podsela in Ajba, ter na Savi Dolinki, pod pregrado Moste, so pregrade prekinile normalen dotok plavin in tako ustvarile nezasič eni vodni tok in tudi bistveno okrnile pretok lebdeč ih plavin. To je tudi razlog, da so pod pregradami Moste, Podsela in Ajba prevladovale prodnate plavine s precejšnjim deležem grobih zrn in določ ili smo več je srednje aritmetič no zrno plavin d m kot nad pregradami (preglednica 3 in preglednica 4). Podobno je pod pregrado na reki Fontauliere v Franciji, zaradi sprememb v režimu premešč anja plavin, v povezavi s spremenjeno hidravliko prišlo do stabilne struge (Sear, 1995). Rezultati so pokazali, da je bilo povprečno zrno rinjenih plavin v Savi Dolinki in Soč i na vseh območ jih odvzema več je od povpreč nega srednjega zrna rinjenih plavin v podobnih prodonosnih vodotokih v Sloveniji, ki je od 35 do 40 mm. Vrednost d m nad 1 00 mm kaže na zelo grobo in zelo sprano dno, kar kažejo rezultati pod pregradami Moste, Podsela in Ajba. 4.3 FIZIKALNI IN KEMIJSKI PARAMETRI Spremenjene vrednosti fizikalnih in kemijskih parametrov pod pregradama Moste in Podsela so odraz prevelikega odvzema vode, ki je v primerjavi s primerjalnim mestom še posebej izraženo v Soč i; merjene vrednosti kažejo, da pod pregradama niso bile zagotovljene ustrezne vrednosti Qes. Poleti, ko je bila temperatura vode na primerjalnem odvzemnem mestu SO1 13.5 ºC, je bila temperatura vode na odseku, kjer je bil odvzem vode, višja za 6.7 ºC (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). Podobno so pokazali rezultati raziskav na reki Schächenbach v Švici (Bundi in Eichenberger, 1989), kjer je na odseku odvzema vode prišlo do povišanja temperature vode za 6 ºC. Do manjših razlik If a hydropower plant has been in operation for a number of years, then a stable river bed is formed downstream of the dam, but there is also an increase in the diversity of habitats, along with an increase in flow (Gore, 1 994). In the Soč a River, downstream of the Podsela and Ajba dams, and in the Sava Dolinka River, downstream of the Moste Dam, the dams interrupted the normal increase in sediments, creating an unsaturated current, and substantially reduced the transport of floating sediments. This is also the reason why gravel deposits with a high percentage of coarse grains prevailed downstream of the Moste, Podsela and Ajba dams, and a larger mean grain, d m , was determined here than upstream of the dams (Tables 3 and 4). Similar findings were reported for the Fontauliere River, France, downstream of the dam, where changes in the regime of sediment transport, combined with altered hidraulics, gave rise to a stable river bed (Sear, 1995). Results of this study show that, at all the sampling sites in the Sava Dolinka and Soč a Rivers, the average bed load grain was larger than the average mean bed load grain in watercourses with a similar sediment transport in Slovenia, that is 35-40 mm. The value d m of over 100 mm suggests a very coarse and highly washed out bottom with no fine grains, as is shown by the results obtained downstream of the Moste, Podsela, and Ajba dams. 4.3 PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS The altered values of the physicochemical parameters downstream of the Moste and Podsela dams are the result of excessive abstractions, which are particularly evident in the case of the Soč a River, compared to the reference site. The obtained values show that downstream of the two dams, appropriate EAF values were not assured. In the summer, when the water temperature at the reference site SO1 was 13.5°C, water temperature in the abstraction section was higher by 6.7°C (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). Similar findings were reported for the Schächenbach River in Switzerland (Bundi and Eichenberger, 1989), where an increase in water temperature of 6°C was found in the abstraction section. Smaller differences in water temperature among individual sampling sites were observed in the Sava Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 78 v temperaturi vode med območ ji odvzema je prihajalo v Savi Dolinki, kjer je temperaturni režim takoj pod pregrado Moste določ al pritok Završnica, nižje pa pritok Radovna. Posledica odvzema vode je, da fizikalno in kemijsko sestavo vode na odseku, ki je pod vplivom odvzema vode, ne določ ajo več razmere v zgornjem delu poreč ja, temveč jo določ ajo dotoki pod mestom zajetja (Bundi in Eichenberger, 1 989), kar kažejo tudi naši rezultati. 4.4 BIOLOŠKI PARAMETRI 4.4.1 VRSTNI SESTAV V Savi Dolinki in Soč i je bila velika raznolikost združbe perifitonskih alg, ki je v primeru Save Dolinke s pritokoma Završnico in Radovno vključ evala 1 28 taksonov, v primeru Soč e in pritoka Ušnice pa 1 27 taksonov. V vseh vzorcih smo določ ili največ je število vrst iz skupine kremenastih alg, podobno kot pri drugih raziskavah alg v slovenskih rekah (Kosi, 1988, Smolar, 1992, 1997, Vrhovšek et al., 1994, 1996a, 1996b). Zaradi stabilnosti ekoloških dejavnikov pod pregradami Moste in Podsela (konstanten pretok in redko pojavljanje visokih voda), nizkih do srednjih hitrosti vodnega toka, ki omogočajo naselitev zelenih alg, katere predstavljajo podlago za naseljevanje kremenastih alg in dobri osvetljenosti, smo določ ili več je število perifitonskih alg kot nad pregradama. Znano je, da je diverziteta perifitonskih alg zelo majhna v vodotokih, kjer se povišani pretoki vode pogosto pojavljajo (Clausen in Biggs, 1997). Hiter vodni tok namreč odtrga perifitonske alge od podlage, mehansko premikanje več jih zrn plavin pa privede do poškodb alg. Rod Oscillatoria predstavlja slab substrat za kremenaste alge zaradi majhne površine in izpostavljenosti vodnemu toku (Koudelkova, 1999). To je tudi eden izmed razlogov za manjšo raznolikost perifitonskih alg v Savi Dolinki nad pregrado Moste in v Soč i nad pregrado Dolinka River, where the temperature regime immediately downstream of the Moste Dam is defined by the Završnica Tributary, and further downstream by the Radovna Tributary. Due to abstractions, the physicochemical composition of water in the section influenced by the abstractions is no longer defined by conditions in the upper reaches, but by inflows downstream of the catchment site (Bundi and Eichenberger, 1989). This statement is supported by the results of the present study. 4.4 BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS 4.4.1 SPECIES COMPOSITION The Sava Dolinka River and the Soč a River are distinguished by a great diversity of periphyton community. So 128 taxa were determined in the Sava Dolinka River and its tributaries, the Završnica and the Radovna, and 1 27 taxa in the Soč a River and its tributary, the Ušnica. In all the samples, the highest number of species were found to belong to Bacillariophyta, as was also reported by other investigations of algae in Slovenian rivers (Kosi, 1988; Smolar, 1992, 1997; Vrhovšek et al., 1994, 1996a, 1996b). The stability of ecological factors downstream of the Moste and Podsela dams (constant flow and rare occurrence of high waters), the low to moderate current velocities which make possible the colonisation of green algae, a substratum of Bacillariophyta, and adequate light, all of these factors result in the fact that a greater number of periphyton was determined here than upstream of the dams. It is known that periphyton diversity is highly limited in watercourses with a frequent increase in flow (Clausen and Biggs, 1997). For periphyton will be torn from substratum by fast flows, and damage to algae will be caused by the transport of larger sediment grains. The genus Oscillatoria is an inadequate substratum for Bacillariophyta due to its small surface area, and hence the exposure to the current (Koudelkova, 1999). This is also one of the reasons for the limited periphyton diversity in the Sava Dolinka River upstream of the Moste Dam, and in the Soč a River, upstream Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 79 Podsela. V obdobju pogostega pojavljanja cianobakterij v poletnem č asu smo v Savi Dolinki in Soč i nad pregradami Moste in Podsela izmerili nižjo temperaturo vode, medtem ko se zelene alge pogosteje pojavljajo pri višjih temperaturah vode, ki so bile izmerjene pod pregradami. Vpliv odvzema vode na pojavljanje vrste Hydrurus foetidus se je pokazal tako v Savi Dolinki kot v Soč i. Množič no se je ta vrsta pojavljala le v zimskem č asu na območ ju odvzema SA1 v Savi Dolinki in območ ju odvzema SO1 v Soč i ter na pritokih Radovna in Završnica. To lahko pripišemo nizkim zimskim temperaturam vode in konstantnemu pretoku vode (Ward, 1974; Valentin s sod., 1995; Smolar, 1997). Traaen in Lindstrøm (1983) sta ugotovila, da se je 90 odstotkov alg Hydrurus foetidus pojavljalo pri hitrostih, več jih od 80 cm/s (hitrost, merjena 1 cm nad dnom), podobno kot so pokazali rezultati naše raziskave. Bray - Curtisov koeficient podobnosti kaže kakovostne spremembe v strukturi združbe in zagotavlja hiter in preprost pregled podobnosti in različnosti med združbami. Več ja podobnost v hidroloških in fizikalno-kemijskih razmerah nad pregrado Podsela in pod pregrado Ajba se je odražala v več ji podobnosti med vzorci teh območ ij odvzema. Torej lahko ugotovimo, da je zaradi odvzema vode pod pregrado Podsela prišlo do spremembe v vrstni sestavi in pogostosti perifitonskih alg. Tudi v Savi Dolinki je bila vidna krajevna odvisnost med območ ji odvzema, in sicer je bila največ ja podobnost v vzorcih med območ ji odvzema, ki so bila pod vplivom odvzema vode za HE Moste, v drugi skupini pa so bili vzorci iz območ ij odvzema nad pregrado Moste (slika 3). Velikost sprememb v združbi perifitonskih alg pod pregrado Podsela in pregrado Moste je dokaz, da pod pregradama ni bil zagotovljen Qes. of the Podsela Dam. At the time of the frequent occurrence of Cyanophyta in the summer, a lower water temperature was measured in the Sava Dolinka River and the Soč a River, upstream of the Moste and Podsela dams, while green algae occured more often at the higher water temperatures which were measured downstream of the dams. The effect of abstractions on the occurrence of the species Hydrurus foetidus was observed in the Sava Dolinka River as well as in the Soč a River. The species proliferated only in winter at sampling site SA1 in the Sava Dolinka River, at sampling site SO1 in the Soč a River, and in the Radovna and Završnica tributiaries. This may be ascribed to low water temperatures in the winter and to constant flow (Ward, 1974; Valentin et al., 1995; Smolar, 1997). Traaen and Lindstrom (1983) reported that 90 % of the algae Hydrurus foetidus occurred at velocities of over 80 cm/s (measured 1 cm above the bottom), which is in agreement with the results of this study. The Bray-Curtis coefficient of similarity shows qualitative changes in the structure of a community, providing a fast and simple survey of similarities and differences among communities. The hydrological and physicochemical parameters measured upstream of the Podsela Dam and downstream of the Ajba Dam show closer similarities among samples taken at these locations. Thus, it can be concluded that abstractions downstream of the Podsela Dam gave rise to changes in species composition and periphyton frequency. In the Sava River, too, a local interdependence of abstraction sections was evident. So the closest similarities were found among samples taken at locations influenced by abstractions for the Moste power plant, while the second group of samples comprised those taken at locations upstream of the Moste Dam (Figure 3). The extent of changes in the periphyton community downstream of the Podsela and Moste dams provides convincing proof that here the EAF was not assured. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 80 Slika 3. Bray-Curtisov koeficient podobnosti za reko Savo Dolinko, reko Radovno in potok Završnico, dne 3.6.1998. Figure 3. Bray-Curtis coefficient of similarity for the river Sava Dolinka, the river Radovna and the stream Završnica, on 3 rd of June 1998. 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 SA41J98 SA45J98 SA42J98 SA43J98 SA44J98 SA31J98 SA32J98 SA33J98 RADJ98 SA52J98 SA53J98 SA51J98 SA54J98 SA22J98 SA23J98 SA21J98 ZAV1J98 ZAV2J98 SA12J98 SA13J98 SA14J98 SA11J98 Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 81 4.4.2 PANTLE-BUCKOV SAPROBNI INDEKS Vrednost Qes mora zagotavljati tako količ ino kot kakovost vode, da se vrednosti Pantle-Buckovih saprobnih indeksov na območju odvzema vode ne poveč ajo (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). Razlog za nekoliko višje vrednosti Pantle - Buckovega saprobnega indeksa na območ ju odvzema pod pregrado Podsela na območ jih odvzema SO2 in SO3 v Soč i (2. kakovostni razred) je verjetno v manjši hitrosti vodnega toka, ki se odraža v spremenjenih fizikalnih in kemijskih razmerah v vodi in v poveč ani onesnaženosti. Območ je odvzema SO1 smo lahko v vseh obdobjih uvrstili v 1. oz. 1.-2. kakovostni razred. Ker razmere v Savi Dolinki pod pregrado Moste določ ajo pritoki kot sta Završnica in Radovna, je bilo onesnaženje pod pregrado manjše in vrednosti Pantle-Buckovih saprobnih indeksov pod pregrado Moste so bile v več ini primerov nižje glede na vrednost indeksov primerjalnega območ ja odvzema SA1 (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). 4.4.3 BIOMASA PERIFITONSKIH ALG Vrednost Qes naj bi zagotavljala tako količ ino kot kakovost vode, pri kateri naj, v primerjavi s primerjalnim mestom ne bi prišlo do bistvenega poveč anja biomase perifitonskih alg, vendar rezultati kažejo ravno to. Vrednosti parametrov suhe teže in organske snovi perifitonskih alg so bile v Savi Dolinki in pritokih Završnica in Radovna najvišje v predelih struge z upoč asnjenim tokom vode. V č asu konstantnega pretoka vode dosegajo perifitonske alge obič ajno visoko biomaso na velikih prodnikih in kamnih, posebej zaradi majhne gibljivosti plavin na dnu vodotoka. Visoka biomasa perifitonskih alg pa se lahko razvije šele, č e je dovolj dolgo obdobje stabilnosti habitata (Biggs, 1996). Nizki pretoki vode, ugodne svetlobne razmere in velikost plavin so bili dejavniki, ki so omogoč ali tako bohotno rast alg v Savi Dolinki in Soč i. 4.4.2 PANTLE-BUCK SAPROBIC INDEX The EAF value should assure such quantity and quality of water that the values of the Pantle-Buck Saprobic Index do not increase in the abstraction section (Smolar- Žvanut, 2000). The reason for the slightly higher values of the Pantle-Buck Saprobic Index determined in the Soč a River downstream of the Podsela Dam, at sampling sites SO2 and SO3 (2nd category of water quality) may probably be lower current velocity, which results in the altered physicochemical conditions of water and in increased pollution. Sampling site SO1 was classified, in the whole investigation period, into the 1st or 1st-2nd category. Since conditions in the Sava Dolinka River, downstream of the Moste Dam, are defined by tributaries such as the Završnica Stream and the Radovna River, the pollution downstream of the dam was less severe and values of the Pantle- Buck Saprobic Index were, in most cases, lower, compared with those at reference site SA1 (Smolar-Žvanut, 2000). 4.4.3 PERIPHYTON BIOMASS In keeping with the EAF value, such quantity and quality of water should be assured that, in comparison with the reference site, the periphyton biomass does not increase considerably. Yet results of this study show that this was what happened. In the Sava Dolinka River and in the Završnica and Radovna tributaries, the values of dry weight and the organic matter of the periphyton were the highest in sections with a slower current. At the time of constant flow, periphyton usually attains a high biomass on large pebbles and stones, particularly due to limited sediment transport at the bottom of the watercourse. High biomass of periphyton can develop only after an extended period of habitat stability (Biggs, 1996). Low flows, favourable light, and appropriate sediment size were factors that made the proliferation of algae possible in the Sava Dolinka and Soč a rivers. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 82 Preglednica 5. Vrednosti suhe teže, organske snovi in klorofila-a v Savi Dolinki, Završnici in Radovni. Table 5. Values of dry weight, organic matter, and chlorophyll-a for the Sava Dolinka and Radovna Rivers, and the Završnica Stream. suha teža (g/m 2 ) Dry weight organska snov (g/m 2 ) Organic matter klorofil-a (mg/m 2 ) Chlorophyll-a območ je odvzema Sampling site min Min. maks Max. povp Average min Min. maks Max. povp Average min Min. maks Max. povp Average SA1 12 139 56 5 37 19 17 398 107 SA2 54 356 139 5 91 34 58 379 179 ZAV 76 218 168 10 161 51 117 373 194 SA3 49 514 219 <1 144 56 21 243 118 RAD 37 388 153 16 71 35 9 166 64 SA4 29 413 208 27 103 48 19 342 121 SA5 38 182 78 13 66 32 45 579 207 Preglednica 6. Vrednosti suhe teže, organske snovi in klorofila-a v Soč i in Ušnici. Table 6. Values of dry weight, organic matter, and chlorophyll-a for the Soč a River and the Ušnica Stream. suha teža (g/m 2 ) Dry weight organska snov (g/m 2 ) Organic matter klorofil-a (mg/m 2 ) Chlorophyll-a območ je odvzema Sampling site min Min. maks Max. povp Average min Min. maks Max. povp Average min Min. maks Max. povp Average SO1 9 324 56 5 67 16 6 153 42 USN 28 45 38 8 22 14 34 147 91 SO2 5 352 85 2 72 24 24 283 89 SO3 14 283 114 4 84 40 25 260 123 SO4 12 76 37 5 21 13 11 130 57 Nizke vrednosti suhe teže in organske snovi nad pregrado Moste na primerjalnem območ ju odvzema SA1 (preglednica 5), a relativno visoke vrednosti klorofila-a lahko pojasnimo s tem, da je bilo zaradi velikih hitrosti vodnega toka, manjše usedanje organskih delcev in da je v združbi, zaradi stalnega odnašanja odmrlih celic, več ji delež živih celic. Zaradi vpliva drugih ekoloških dejavnikov, je bilo veliko rast alg v Savi Dolinki nemogoč e pojasniti le z nizkimi pretoki vode, temveč tudi s količ ino hranilnih snovi, svetlobo in strukturo Low values of dry weight and organic matter, but relatively high values of chlorophyll-a were determined upstream of the Moste Dam at reference site SA1 (Table 5). This may have been caused by the fact that, due to high current velocities, fewer organic particles settled at the bottom of the river bed, and that there was a higher proportion of living cells in the community, since dead cells were constantly swept away. Because of the effect of other ecological factors, the proliferation of algae in the Sava Dolinka River may be attributed, not only to low flows, but also to the quantity of nutrients, light, and sediment structure. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 83 usedlin. Hidrološke razmere vplivajo na spremembe v biomasi perifitona, zato priporoč ajo, da se pri raziskavah upoštevajo prejšnje hidrološke razmere (Biggs in Close, 1989). V poletnem obdobju smo na območ jih odvzema SA3 in SA4 pod pregrado Moste izmerili visoke vrednosti suhe teže in organske snovi, kar lahko zaradi ugodnih svetlobnih in temperaturnih razmer, nizkih hitrosti vodnega toka, nizkih strižnih hitrosti, negibljivosti podlage in redkega pojavljanja povišanih pretokov voda, pripišemo množič nemu pojavljanju alge Spirogyra sp. Na območ ju odvzema SA5 pri Blejskem mostu pa smo, tako v zimskem kot v poletnem obdobju, izmerili nižje vrednosti suhe teže in organske snovi in višje vrednosti klorofila-a. Zaradi urnega spreminjanja v vodostajih se odplavljajo vsi organski delci in odmrle celice. Pri tem moramo upoštevati, da je to območ je odvzema popolnoma zasenč eno, kar ima lahko za posledico več je količ ine klorofila-a v celicah. Na tem območ ju odvzema sta se pogosto pojavljali alga Hydrurus foetidus (zaradi nizkih temperatur vode tudi poleti) in alga Cladophora sp. Z odvzemom vode iz Soč e je pod pregrado Podsela prišlo do hidroloških, fizikalnih in kemijskih sprememb v vodotoku, kar se je odražalo v poveč ani biomasi perifitonskih alg (Preglednica 6). Prerašč anje dna vodotoka z nitastimi algami je najbolj opazen vidni znak bioloških sprememb na odseku odvzema vode in to ima nadaljnje posledice za vodni živalski svet (Bundi in Eichenberger, 1989). Visoka biomasa perifitonskih alg, izražena kot klorofil-a in organska snov, je bila opažena takoj pod pregradami tudi drugje (Lowe, 1979; Bundi in Eichenberger, 1989; Smolar, 1997; Koudelkova, 1999), podobno kot v Soč i. Glavni razlog je lahko v manjših nihanjih temperature vode, pretoku vode brez več jega sezonskega nihanja in v narašč anju koncentracije hranilnih snovi ter njihovega prevzema v alge (Koudelkova, 1999) in v velikih negibljivih plavinah. Poleg hitrosti vodnega toka je pogoj za Hydrological conditions exert an influence on changes in the periphyton biomass. Therefore, it is recommended that former hydrological conditions should be taken into account when such investigations are conducted (Biggs and Close, 1989). In summer, high values of dry weight and organic matter were measured at sampling sites SA3 and SA4, downstream of the Moste Dam. This may be ascribed to the proliferation of the alga Spirogyra sp., as a result of favourable conditions such as light and temperature, low current velocity, low shear velocity, substratum immobility, and the rare occurrence of increased flow. At sampling site SA5, at the gauging station at Blejski most, lower values of dry weight and organic matter, and higher chlorophyll-a values were measured in the summer, similarly as in winter. Due to hourly changes in the water level, all organic particles and dead cells were swept away. But it must be taken into account that this abstraction section is totally shaded, which may give rise to higher quantities of chlorophyll-a in the cells. At this location, Hydrurus foetidus (due to low water temperatures in the summer as well) and Cladophora sp. were often found. Abstractions in the Soča River, downstream of the Podsela Dam, resulted in hydrological, physicochemical changes in the watercourse, which in turn led to an increased periphyton biomass (Table 6). Biological changes were most strikingly evident in the overgrowth of the bottom with green algae at this location, which will have a further impact on the aquatic fauna (Bundi and Eichenberger, 1989). The high periphyton biomass, expressed as chlorophyll-a and organic matter, found immediately downstream of the dams was reported by other studies as well (Lowe, 1979; Bundi and Eichenberger, 1989; Smolar, 1997; Koudelkova, 1999). This may be primarily attributed to minor fluctuations in the water temperature, flows without more distinct seasonal fluctuations, an increase in the concentration of nutrients and their absorption by algae (Koudelkova, 1999), and to large immobile sediments. In addition to current velocity, at locations with low Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 84 veliko biomaso perifitonskih alg na območ ju nizkih hitrosti vodnega toka, pomembna v nezasenč enih vodotokih tudi kakovost vode, ki je bila pod pregrado Podsela slabša. Alge Cladophora glomerata, Mougeotia sp. in Ulotrix zonata so prispevale velik delež k biomasi spomladi in poleti na območ jih odvzema SO2 in SO3 v Soč i pod pregrado Podsela, medtem ko so bile v istem obdobju na območju odvzema SO1 izmerjene najnižje vrednosti biomase perifitonskih alg. To je zaradi velikih hitrosti vodnega toka in velike gibljivosti podlage. Alga Cladophora je sposobna dosegati veliko biomaso pri visokih hitrostih vodnega toka ( v v > 0.7 m/s) (Stevenson, 1996), v Soč i pa je največ prispevala k biomasi perifitonskih alg, pri nizkih hitrostih vodnega toka pod pregrado Podsela ( v v < 0.3 m/s). Nobena izmed zelenih alg pa se ni množič no pojavljala na območ ju odvzema SO1 v Soč i nad pregrado Podsela, kar je rezultat gibljive podlage, velikih hitrosti vodnega toka, v pojavu visokih voda in manjši onesnaženosti. V primerjavi s Soč o je vpliv odvzema vode na zelene alge v Savi Dolinki manjši, kar lahko pripišemo dotoku manj onesnažene vode pod pregrado in nižjim temperaturam vode v poletnem č asu. 5. ZAKLJUČ EK Rezultati vpliva odvzema vode pri že zgrajenih HE Moste, HE Doblar in HE Ajba so pokazali velike spremembe v hidroloških, fizikalno-kemijskih in bioloških parametrih pod pregradami, ki so posledica prenizkih pretokov vode pod pregradami. Z zagotavljanjem Qes do tako velikih sprememb, posebej pod pregrado Podsela, ne bi smelo prihajati. Po svetu uporabljajo različ ne metode določ anja Qes v tekoč ih vodah, vendar jih le malo upošteva združbo perifitonskih alg kot enakovreden parameter. Na podlagi pregleda literature, rezultatov vpliva odvzema vode iz Tržiške Bistrice (Smolar, 1 997), Soč e in Save Dolinke lahko povzamemo, da je pri current velocities in unshaded watercourses, a high periphyton biomass also depends on the water quality, which was of a lower category downstream of the Podsela Dam. The algae Cladophora glomerata, Mougeotia sp. and Ulotrix zonata contributed substantially to the biomass in spring and summer at sampling sites SO2 and SO3 in the Soč a River, downstream of the Podsela Dam, while in the same period, lower values of periphyton biomass were measured at sampling site SO1. This resulted from high current velocities and a mobile substratum. The alga Cladophora can attain a high biomass at high current velocities ( v v > 0.7 m/s) (Stevenson, 1 996). But in the Soč a River, the alga contributed most to the periphyton biomass at low current velocities downstream of the Podsela Dam ( v v < 0.3 m/s). No species of green algae proliferated at sampling site SO1 in the Soč a River, downstream of the Podsela Dam, which is the result of a mobile substratum, high current velocities, the occurrence of high waters, and less severe pollution. Unlike the Soč a River, the abstractions do not have such a noticeable effect on the green algae in the Sava Dolinka River. This may be attributed to less polluted inflowing water downstream of the dam and to lower water temperatures in summer. 5. CONCLUSION The analysis of the effects of the abstractions for the Moste, Doblar, and Ajba hydropower plants shows substantial changes in the hydrological, physicochemical and biological parameters downstream of the dams resulting from the excessively low flows here. Such changes would not have occurred if the EAF had been assured. To determine EAF in flowing waters, different methods have been applied, but only some investigations have taken into account the periphyton community as an equivalent parameter. Based on reports in the literature and on the analysis of the effects of the abstractions for the Tržiška Bistrica (Smolar, 1 997), Soč a, and Sava Dolinka Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 85 določ anju Qes nujno poznavanje združbe perifitonskih alg, ker predstavljajo zač etek prehranjevalne verige v tekoč ih vodah, hitro odgovarjajo na spremembe v okolju ter ponujajo podlago in zatoč išč e številnim vodnim organizmom. Rezultati naših raziskav in pregled literature so pokazali, da so za razumevanje pojavljanja perifitonskih alg med hidrološkimi parametri pomembni: pretok vode in njegova dinamika, nihanje vodne gladine, lokalna hitrost vodnega toka nad odvzemnim mestom, globina vode, velikost in gibljivost plavin, med fizikalno- kemijskimi parametri: temperatura, vsebnost kisika, nasičenost s kisikom, vsebnost hranilnih snovi ter onesnaženje in morfologija vodotoka. Pri določ anju Qes je potrebno poznavanje vrstnega sestava in biomase perifitonskih alg v različ nih tipih habitatov obravnavanega odseka vodotoka v različ nih letnih č asih. Vrednost Qes mora zagotavljati količ ino in kakovost vode, da: − - ne pride do prevelikega prerašč anja dna s perifitonskimi algami in da se ne pojavlja biomasa, neznačilna za tip vodotoka, − ne prevladuje le ena oziroma le nekaj vrst perifitonskih alg, − se vrstni sestav ne spremeni bistveno glede na primerjalno mesto, − ne pride do poslabšanja kakovosti vode, − ohranimo diverziteto različnih tipov habitatov (glede na globino vode, hitrost vodnega toka, osenč enost, strukturo in velikost plavin), − ne pride do zastajanja vode (zagotoviti moramo hitrost vodnega toka v posameznih habitatih nad 30 cm/s), − preprečimo nenehne spremembe v pretoku vode, npr. zaradi vršnega obratovanja vodnih elektrarn, − se obč asno zagotavljajo pretoki visoke vode (dovoljeno le ob naravnem nastopu visokih voda) − ne pride do prevelikih sprememb v fizikalnih in kemijskih lastnostih vode, takih, ki niso znač ilne za odsek vodotoka pod vplivom odvzema vode. rivers, it can be concluded that the knowledge of the periphyton community is vital for the EAF determination, since the algae represent the beginning of the feed chain in running water, respond quickly to environmental changes, and act as substrata and refuges for a number of aquatic organisms. The results of this study and a survey of the literature indicate that the following hydrological parameters, among others, are of importance for an understanding of periphyton occurrence: flow, flow fluctuations, fluctuations in water level, local current velocity above the sampling site, water depth and size and mobility of the sediments, along with the following physicochemical parameters: temperature, oxygen content, oxygen saturation, content of the nutrients, pollution, and the morphology of the watercourse. To determine the EAF, it is vital to have a knowledge of species composition and the periphyton biomass in different types of habitats of the section under consideration in different seasons. The EAF value should ensure such quantity and quality of water that − the excessive overgrowth of the bottom with periphyton and a biomass uncommon for a particular type of watercourse do not occur, − merely one or just a few periphyton species do not predominate, − species composition does not change substantially when compared with the reference site, − the water quality does not deteriorate, − the diversity of different habitat types is preserved (with regard to water depth, current velocity, the extent of the shade and the structure and size of the sediments), − the water does not stagnate (the current velocity in individual habitats should be over 30 cm/s), − constant changes in flow, e.g. owing to the peak operation of a hydropower plant, are prevented, − flows of high waters are occasionally ensured (only if high waters occur naturally), and that − radical changes in the physicochemical properties of the water do not occur; that is, changes that are uncommon for the section of a watercourse influenced by the abstractions. Smolar-Žvanut, S.: Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določ anju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekoč ih vodah - The Role of Periphytic Algae in the Determination of Ecologically Acceptable Flow in Running Waters © Acta hydrotechnica 19/30 (2001), 65-89, Ljubljana 86 Potrebne pa so nadaljnje raziskave, da bomo lahko količinsko bolj podrobno opredelili zgoraj naštete zahteve. Rezultati naših raziskav so pokazali, da v času konstantnega pretoka vode pod pregradami dosegajo perifitonske alge običajno visoko biomaso na velikih prodnikih in kamnih, predvsem zaradi majhne gibljivosti plavin v dnu vodotoka. Zato je treba, poleg zagotavljanja Qes na odseku pod pregrado za odvzem vode, ohranjati naravno dinamiko pretokov visokih voda na tem odseku in zagotavljati pretok plavin v odsek pod pregrado. 6. ZAHVALA Č lanek je povzetek doktorske disertacije. Prof. dr. Danijelu Vrhovšku in izr. prof. dr. Matjažu Mikošu se najlepše zahvaljujem za mentorstvo, številne nasvete in strokovno pomoč pri izdelavi doktorske disertacije. Zahvaljujem se Petru Mucku, dipl. ing. gr. in Darku Burji, univ. dipl. ing. gr. za nasvete in pomoč s področ ja hidrologije, Darku Anzeljcu, univ. dipl. ing. gr. za pomoč pri obdelavi hidroloških podatkov ter vsem, ki so mi pomagali pri izvedbi naloge. Zahvaljujem se tudi Soškim elektrarnam Nova Gorica, d.o.o. in Savskim elektrarnam Ljubljana, d.d. za posredovanje podatkov. Further research is needed to define quantitatively, in more detail, the above statements. Results of the study show that, at the time of the constant flow downstream of a dam, periphytonic algae usually attain a high biomass on large pebbles and stones, primarily owing to the limited mobility of sediments at the bottom of a watercourse. Therefore, it is vital - in addition to ensuring EAF downstream of the dam intended for abstractions - to preserve the natural dynamics of the flows of high waters at this location, and to ensure sediment transport into the section downstream of the dam. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is a summary of a doctoral dissertation. The author is most grateful to Professor Danijel Vrhovšek, Ph.D., and to Associate Professor Matjaž Mikoš, Ph.D., for their supervision, counselling, and professional assistance in the preparation of her thesis. Grateful thanks are due to Mr. Peter Muck, BCE. and Mr. Darko Burja, BCE., for their valuable advice and assistance in the field of hydrology, Mr. Darko Anzeljc, BCE., for his assistance in the processing of hydrological data, and to all who assisted the author in the preparation of her thesis. Thanks are also due to the Soč a Hydropower Stations, Nova Gorica Ltd., and to the Sava Hydropower Stations, Ljubljana Ltd. for imparting the data. 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Hydrobiologia 57, 17 - 23. Naslov avtorja - Author's Address dr. Nataša SMOLAR-ŽVANUT Limnos, Skupina za ekologijo voda - Limnos, Group for water ecology Podlimbarskega 31 SI - 1000 Ljubljana E-mail: natasa@limnos.si