SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 38/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17.9. 2023 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Tema evangelija današnje nedelje je odpuščanje. Peter se je nekega dne približal Jezusu in ga vprašal: »Gospod, kolikokrat naj odpustim svojemu bratu, če greši zoper mene? Do sedemkrat?« - Jezus mu je odgovoril: »Ne pravim ti do sedemkrat, ampak do sedemdesetkrat sedemkrat.« Odpuščanje je nekaj resnega, za človeka zelo težkega, če že ne nemogočega. O njem ne moremo govoriti lahkotno, ne da bi se sploh zavedali tega, kar se zahteva od užaljenega človeka, od katerega pričakujemo, da bo odpustil. Skupaj z zapovedjo odpuščanja je potrebno človeka spodbuditi, zakaj naj to stori. In prav to naredi Jezus v priliki, ki neposredno sledi njegovim besedam. Kralj je imel služabnika, ki mu je bil dolžan deset tisoč talentov. To je astronomska vsota! Na služabnikovo prošnjo mu kralj odpusti ta ogromni dolg. Ko pa je služabnik šel ven, je srečal enega svojih sohlapcev, ki mu je bil dolžan zanemarljivo nizko vsoto, ga ta prosi z besedami, ki jih je prej on izrekel svojemu gospodarju, a ta noče o tem niti slišati in ga vrže v ječo. O dogodku so sporočili kralju, ki je dal poklicati hlapca in mu je rekel: »Kaj je to, jaz sem ti odpustil tvoj ogromni dolg, ti pa nisi bil sposoben odpustiti majhnega dolga tebi enakemu, ki te je prosil?« Vrže ga v ječo, dokler ne bo poplačal dolga. In Jezus sklene z besedami: »Tako bo tudi moj nebeški Oče storil z vami, če vsak iz srca ne odpusti svojemu bratu.« Iz prilike je povsem jasno, zakaj je treba odpuščati: ker je Bog prvi odpustil nam in nam še vedno odpušča! Jezus je sam dal zgled na križu: »Oče, odpústi jim, saj ne vedo, kaj delajo!« Oni so besneli proti njemu on pa: »Oče, odpústi jim.« Ne le, da jim odpušča, ampak jih tudi opravičuje. S tem nam Jezus ni dal le veličastnega zgleda odpuščanja, ampak nam je zaslužil tudi milost odpuščanja. Priskrbel nam je novo moč in sposobnost, ki ne prihaja od narave, ampak iz vere. Prav to razlikuje krščansko vero od vsake druge vere. Tudi Buda je VESTNIK 2023 | zapustil svojim vodilno načelo: »Zamera se ne pomiri z zamero; z odpuščanjem se pomiri zamera.« Toda Kristus se ne omeji le na to, da bi pokazal pot popolnosti; daje tudi moč, da bi jo prehodili. Ne ukazuje nam le, da naj to storimo, ampak to naredi z nami. Zato sv. Pavel lahko reče: »Kakor je Gospod odpustil vam, tako tudi vi odpuščajte« (Kol 3,13). Presežen je zakon povračila: »Oko za oko, zob za zob.« Merilo ni več: »To, kar je drugi tebi storil, tudi ti stori njemu«; marveč je merilo: »To, kar je Bog storil tebi, stori tudi ti drugemu.« Prav v tem krščansko odpuščanje presega načelo nenasilja oz. nezamere. To pomeni, da moramo biti zmerni v zahtevi po odpuščanju tudi pri osebah, ki niso z nami iste vere. Odpuščanje se ne poraja iz naravnega zakona ali iz preprostega človeškega premisleka, ampak iz evangelija. Kristjani bi si morali bolj prizadevati, da sami udejanjamo odpuščanje, kot pa da bi to zahtevali od drugih. Z dejanji bi morali pokazati, da je odpuščanje in sprava najučinkovitejša pot, da končamo različne konflikte. Je veliko učinkovitejša od slehernega maščevanja in povračilnih ukrepov, ker pretrga verigo sovraštva in nasilja, namesto da bi ji dodala še en člen. Morda bo kdo rekel: ali ni odpuščati sedemdesetkrat sedemkrat pravzaprav spodbujanje nepravičnosti? Nikakor, krščansko odpuščanje ne izključuje, da človek v določenih primerih naznani človeka in ga izroči roki pravice. Ne gre le za velika odpuščanja ob ampak za vsakodnevno odpuščanje: v življenju zakoncev, pri delu, med sorodniki, med prijatelji, kolegi, znanci. Mnogi pravijo: rad bi odpustil, pa ne zmorem. Ne zmorem pozabiti; takoj ko vidim tega človeka, mi zavre kri. Tem ljudem pravim: ne vznemirjaj se zaradi tega, kar občutiš. Normalno je, da se narava odziva na svoj način. Ni pomembno to, kar občutiš, ampak to, kar hočeš. Če hočeš odpustiti, če to želiš, si že odpustil. Moči za odpuščanje ne zajemaj v samem sebi, ampak v Kristusu. Jezus je povzel ves svoj nauk o odpuščanju s kratkimi besedami, ki jih je vključil v molitev očenaša, da bi se tega pogosto spominjali: »Odpusti nam naše dolge, kakor tudi mi odpuščamo svojim dolžnikom.« Potrudimo se in odpustimo onemu, ki nas je užalil. Sicer vsakokrat, ko ponavljamo te besede, sami sebi izrekamo lastno obsodbo. (Prim. Cantalamessa) 406 | VESTNIK 2023 24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME R: The Lord is merciful and gracious; slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. First Reading Ecclesiasticus 27:30 – 28:7 Resentment and anger, these are foul things, and both are found with the sinner. Second Reading Romans 14:7-9 The life and death of each of us has its influence on others. Gospel Matthew 18:21-35 Peter asks how many times he must forgive someone who wrongs him. Jesus replies, “Not seven, but … seventy-seven times”. “How often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me?” Illustration “I am in trouble – can you lend me £200 just to get me into next month, when I will be able to repay you?” These words are so common. In families, there may be one brother or sister who always needs that extra bit of money. Someone we know may approach us and ask for some money. It may be to help a business venture. Many of these requests are genuine, the money is repaid, and a friendship is deepened. At other times it might end in anger and frustration because the promises are never kept. Sometimes there is the person who really needs professional help with managing money, perhaps because of outstanding loans, because they are being hounded by a loan shark, or because of a business deal that has gone wrong. Tragically, wills are notorious for causing family arguments and can lead to a conflict that causes bitterness and resentment in a family, which can last for years. Money is both necessary and dangerous. Monetary transactions that go wrong can cause resentment, anger and deep hurt. Sometimes the people who generate such hostile and dangerous feelings about money problems are those closest to us, the very people we love. Such passions can lead to vengeance and even murder. Only forgiveness can prevent such a vicious spiral developing. Gospel Teaching Jesus warns his followers about the power of money to become a master over us. The parable we have just heard is both encouraging and challenging. The king calls a servant to account who owes him an extraordinary amount of money – ten thousand talents. This is the equivalent of sixty million days of work, or sixty million denarii – an impossible amount of money to repay. The king now threatens to reclaim what he can salvage and have the servant and his family thrown into slavery. When the servant pleads for mercy, the king forgives him and releases him from his debt. He retains his dignity and that of his family. He walks away a free man who can hold his head up high. Freed from such a debt, he finds a man who owes him one hundred denarii, only one hundred days of work, something that would be manageable to repay over time. Unable to pay the debt, the servant shows him no mercy and has him thrown into prison, and so destroys his family. We may ask why he was so hard of heart and so merciless. He had received forgiveness and debt-relief but could not forgive his fellow servant the small amount he owed him. Was he a man so corrupted by money that he always counted the last pennies from all who owed him money? Jesus teaches us that God the Father is like the king. He is rich in mercy and forgiveness; he forgives our trespasses and the debt of sin. When we plead for mercy, he is generous, full of compassion and loving. The psalmist sings, “How precious is your mercy, O God!” The embrace of God welcomes us and is offered to all who seek God’s refuge. God welcomes home the sinner and embraces a son or daughter who was lost. Sometimes we can find ourselves like the servant, who is small-minded and exacting of others. It might be concerned with money or failing to overlook minor faults. It is a failure to mirror the mercy shown us by our compassionate and merciful God. Application Whenever we pray the Our Father, Jesus’ prayer for us, we ask God the Father to forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us. We are invited to open our hearts and be ready to forgive others. When we cannot forgive another person, the hurt eats away at us; we are trapped; it affects all our relationships. From forgiveness comes freedom. To be free we have to learn to forgive others as we have been forgiven by God. If we are unable to forgive another person, we can ask for the gift to want to forgive. Confession in the sacrament of reconciliation is the most wonderful gift where we meet the mercy of the Father and begin the hard journey to receive the grace to forgive others. It might be easy to forgive once, but only God’s grace can help us forgive seventy-seven times. Today’s readings also invite us to reflect on our attitude to money and the place it has in our hearts. VESTNIK 2023 | 407 ˇ * At Mass 5:30 pm - Concert following Mass 408 | VESTNIK 2023 Registration OPEN! Have Questions? Contact Sandy Ferletic at or 905-977-8464 Hi Everyone, I hope you all had an enjoyable summer! I can't believe another school year is starting but we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! Online registration has opened. Please use the link and feel free to forward the link to anyone you might think would be interested in Sola. I've also attached our poster with all the information. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks, Sandy Ferletič VESTNIK 2023 | 409 CHURCH CLEANING Calling on all able-bodied parishioners for a helping hand. After last year’s General Meeting, we had many offers from our members to help where they can. If you are one of those people, starting in September, the St. Gregory’s church cleaning group could definitely use your help. Many of the current members are older and need to retire. By taking their place you would help to continue the tradition of keeping our church a welcoming place to practise our faith. You would be asked to work for approximately 2 hours once every two months, on a day that suits you. Training would be provided to show you where to find supplies and what needs to be done. If you feel that you can donate some time to this task, please call or email Pamela at: 905-304-8719 email: 410 | VESTNIK 2023 Labour Day Weekend & Annual Baseball Tournament at Slovenski Park Labour day weekend is traditionally one of the busiest long weekend events in Slovenski Park and this year was no exception. With excellent weather predicted and a record number of 12 teams registered to play baseball, it was shaping up to be yet another busy and memorable event. It indeed turned out to be both busy and memorable but for more reasons than just great weather, great baseball and great food and entertainment. Through a particularly busy and eventful pre-weekend time of preparation, the Executive Committee encountered one obstacle after another, one problem after another and truly felt that our patience was being tested to the limit. By early Friday afternoon it seemed as if we had finally solved the last problem and that weekend was finally beginning with the first campers and ball players already arriving at Slovenski Park. And then we got a call from Public Health. Due to problems beyond our control, Slo Park was put on a ‘boil order’ and the water had to be disconnected in the main hall including the kitchen, all bathrooms and showers. This was a crisis and the Executive Committee was faced with the question of how to solve it on Friday afternoon of the busiest long weekend of the summer season and the Park filling up to capacity! With the guidance and help of Mr. Janko Bubas, who maintains all the water systems at Slo Park, including regular testing and communication with Public Health, everyone sprung into action and came up with alternative plans, redirected water through a by-pass valve and came up with a plan of action to keep the kitchen functioning, provide bathroom and hand-washing facilities and keep everyone in Park safe. Showers were off limits but thanks to our huge, natural spring water swimming facility, everyone could take a swim to freshen up. I would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation to the numerous members and volunteers who sprung into action to do what needed to be done, despite the archaic conditions, to ensure that the kitchen served food all day and evening both Saturday and Sunday, to make sure the bar was fully operational, to clean and sanitize kitchen, hall, bathrooms (only toilets were functional but with limited capacity) and who made sure that the entire weekend filled with events took place without interruption and ran seamlessly. To the men who literally went down to the well and brought buckets of water to the kitchen and outdoor handwashing stations, to the countless kitchen volunteers who had to prepare, cook and clean with no running water but had to make do with huge pots of water boiling on the stove and fresh buckets of cool water from clean water sources, to the pig roasters who had to clean and prep then cook with only buckets of water to help them, to all the members who sprang into action even if they were not scheduled to work, to all of those who did whatever it took to keep the Park functioning at all times, THANK YOU-HVALA is not nearly VESTNIK 2023 | 411 enough for everything that all of you did to pull the Park through one of it’s greatest challenges in it’s almost 60 year history. Despite the overwhelming secondary challenges that arose due to a lack of water, the activities planned for the weekend went ahead as planned without so much as a hint of complaints, on the contrary everyone was in good spirits and enjoyed the weekend immensely. Our great THANKS go to: Frank Gimpelj Jr. for chairing the baseball tournament and with his group of volunteers, for organizing the many details required for a successful tournament and for carrying off a challenging, fun and competitive event; DJ Jason and DJ Joe for providing great musical entertainment late into the night on Saturday for all members, baseball players and guests to dance their cares away and enjoy the beautiful night under the stars; Father Drago Gacnik and special guest Father Roman Travar who was visiting from Slovenija, for an uplifting and inspirational Slovenian Mass on Sunday at our beautiful chapel; Ansambel Sibaj for yet another awesome performance and great traditional Slovenian polkas and waltzes along with all of the most popular dance music for all ages to enjoy from late afternoon into the early morning hours of Monday; And finally to all our members, guests, baseball teams, family and friends that supported Slovenski Park by attending some or all of the weekend activities, for their support through purchasing food and beverages, enjoying our beautiful facility and for all their words of appreciation and encouragement. As with several of this year’s successful events, our young members were once again visible and active in their enthusiasm for Slovenski Park and our beautiful Slovenian heritage. 412 | VESTNIK 2023 I would like to recognize and thank two inspiring young individuals in our organization: Leah Škerl and Lucas Grdadolnik. Leah, through her artistic skills and innate creativity has been painting a beautiful conceptual mural of Ljubljana on our pig shed building as part of our ongoing beautification of Slovenski Park. On Sunday afternoon, Leah invited S.P. members of all ages to meet her at the mural to paint a flower on the mural and leave their lasting impact on Slovenski Park. Lucas Grdadolnik spearheaded a project that started as an idea to ‘clean-up’ the basketball courts which had fallen into disrepair over the years. The project soon grew under Lucas’ inspiration and became a complete replacement of the entire court, from new asphalt to new fencing, new equipment and a state-of-the-art facility. Though the project is not 100% complete, everyone was invited to test out the new courts over the long weekend. The courts will be officially opened next May. Lucas and Leah are only two of the many enthusiastic, caring and hardworking young people we are proud to call members and the future not only of Slovenski Park but of our entire Slovenian community. Though we are living in challenging times, the camaraderie and good will displayed by so many over the Labour Day weekend truly invigorated many people and was a living testament to that old saying that stands true today more than ever: UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL! Let us continue to build our Park and our community in this spirit and know that each and every one of you is a cherished and valuable member and friend. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Magdalena Razpotnik President VESTNIK 2023 | 413 Following is a special note from our Baseball Commissioner Frank Gimpelj: Baseball was back again this past long weekend at Slovenski Park! Twelve teams participated in the return to the diamond, featuring several returning teams and some new recruits who all made for a great tournament! Once again, through some tough competition, the Burger Buddies, led by park member Luke Watson were crowned champions for the 8th consecutive tournament. Tournament MVPs, as voted by the players were male MVP Broady Snider from Scared Hitless and the female MVP Sara T from the Little Leaguers, a new team this year with enormous potential. The Don Snider award for most sportsmanlike player for the tournament was awarded to London team member McKenna Deering. Mckenna is a second-generation player for London following in her parents’ footsteps. She is also the first ever female recipient of the award which was a great honor for her and her family. Finally, I would be remiss not to mention the countless volunteers and members that make this event possible. Everyone from Slovenski Park Councils and Slovenski Park members, from ground crews to kitchen staff, make this weekend one of the best events every year. Their dedication to the continued success of this tournament would not be possible without them. Like all the teams that make this tournament fun and exciting, there would not be any tournament without them. As the “Commissioner” of the Baseball Tournament, I say THANK YOU to all the members, volunteers, participants, and spectators for making this year’s event a great return to the diamond and I look forward to doing it all again next year! Frank Gimpelj - “The Commish” 414 | VESTNIK 2023 London V nedelja, 10. septembra so se Slovenci iz Londona in okolice zbrali pri sv. maši v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Tudi tokrat v lepem številu. Naslednja sv. maša bo 5. novembra, prav tako v cerkvi. Takrat se bomo spomnil vseh, ki so odšli v večnost od lanskega leta. VESTNIK 2023 | 415 Športniki treh generacij, Sport Cluba Slovenia Hamilton, so se v ponedeljek 11. septembra poklonili najbolj zaslužnemu članu tega kluba Jožetu Černeliču ob njegovi 80 letnici. Na njegovo veliko presenečenje so ga pričakali v polni dvorani Bled v Beamsvillu, kjer so predstavili Jožetov neizmeren doprinos skozi desetletja, kot njihov trener in mentor mladink in mladincev. Pod njegovim vodstvom so zmagovali v odbojki in nogometu, na ravni province in celo na državni ravni, kjer si je Sport Club Slovenia Hamilton ustvaril zavidljivo športno višino. Ta večer je to obdobje obiskovalcem duhovito orisal eden prvih Jožetovih varovancem Daren Gričnik. Ob 25 letnici delovanja tega kanadskega kluba, je bila ta izjemna zgodba o uspehu predstavljena tudi ministru za Šport Republike Slovenije, nakar je ministrstvo za šport postalo sponzor njihove nadvse uspešne turneje po Sloveniji leta 1997. Na tem mestu velja dodati nesebičnost s katero sta se Jože in njegova soproga Jožica razdajala za te mlade tekmovalce tudi mimo športa, da so postali vzorni in odgovorni odrasli. To so tudi hvaležno dokazali na tem slavnostnem večeru. Za vso to njihovo pozornost izraža Jože globoko zahvalo vsem, ki so mu pripravili to veliko presenečenje na njegov jubilejni rojstni dan, se zlasti pa pobudnici tega druženja Angie Harrington ter Darenu Gričniku, Franku Pinterju, Johnu Doma in Davidu Kompare. To nepozabno srečanje je potrdilo priznanje legendi športa naše širše slovenske skupnosti, obenem pa je ta njihova gesta dala zadoščenje slavljencu, da bo njegov izjemen trud med mladimi za vedno obeležen. - Frank Novak 416 | VESTNIK 2023 Jože Černelič - 80 letnik Sv. Krst - Baptism - V nedeljo, 10. septembra 2023, je zakrament sv. Krsta prejela Josie Novak Pace. Starša deklice sta oče Jesse Robert-Manning Pace in mati Jessica Novak. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu drugega otroka. Naj družino spremlja priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije in božji blagoslov. V nedeljo, 10. septembra 2023, je zakrament sv. Krsta prejela tudi Emilia Susan Orr. Starša deklice sta oče Eric Orr in mati Alicia Giansante. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu deklice. Naj družino spremlja priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije in božji blagoslov. VESTNIK 2023 | 417 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - Sept. 17 - St. Gregory the Great - Jesenski banket - Fall Banquet; Mass at 10:00 AM. - Sept 30 - Bled - Golf Tournament - Oct. 1 - Lipa Park - Thanksgiving Luncheon - Oct. 7 - St. Gregory the Great - Gostovanje slovenskega okteta iz Mendoze - Argentina - Oct. 10 - St. Gregory the Great - Srečanje bolnikov in starejših - Maša ob 11:00 a.m. - Oct. 14 - Bled - Oktoberfest - Oct. 28 - Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest Band: Golden Keys - Oct. 29 - Cemeteries - Mass 2:00 p.m. at Holy sepulchre and prayers on cemeteries CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Sept. 30th - Štefka Eržen team - Oct. 14th - Lojzka Novak & team BRALEC - READER Mirko Zorko & Mila Ferko GIFT BEARERS AT SLOVENIAN MASS - Sept. 17th- Parish Council members - Sept. 24th - Mary Miketič & Pamela Gosgnach - Oct. 1st - Josephine Hapke & Mary Holder - Oct. 8th - Danny Fujs &Aranka Dundek - Oct.15th - Milena Volčanšek & Majda Lukežič DAROVI - DONATIONS V spomin na pok. Ano Doma so darovali za sklad: - $200 - sestra Vera Gonza z družino - $ 50 - Sonya Rosenwirth - $ 100 - Jožica Hapke v spomin na pok. Miro Zupančič Za gradbeni sklad je daroval $130 - Ludvik Krajnc (Slovenija). 418 | VESTNIK 2023 V spomin na pok. Leopolda Kline so darovali $200 US: - Altschuler Family, - Brereton-Johnson Family, - Flore Family, - Clarke Family, - Langley Family, - Moran Family, - Robertson Family. - Iskrena hvala vsem za vaše darove. MIDLAND Letos je bilo slovensko romanje v Midland v soboto, 16. septembra. Ne sicer v tako velikem številu kot včasih, smo pa imeli krasen dan. Ob 10:30 se je začela komemoracija pri slovenskem križu, nato smo nadaljevali z skupno molitvijo križevega pota ob postajah v parku. Opoldne pa smo se zbrali k slovenski maši. Mašo je vodil nadškof Martin Kmetec. 8. decembra 2020, je papež Frančišek imenoval minorita p. Martina Kmetca za nadškofa in metropolita v Izmirju - Turčija. P. Martin je misijonar že tri desetletja: najprej je približno deset let deloval v Libanonu in nato dvajset let v Turčij. Ob njem smo bili še g. Valentin Batič in g. Leopold Valant. Po maši pa smo se na stopnicah pred cerkvijo tudi poslikali. cussion centred around our history and legacy as a League and how we use our gifts as a council. Going forward we will reflect on how we can continue to grow in faith and witness to the love of God through ministry and service. Sunday Masses From Sept. 24 - 9:30 a.m. - Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. - English At our September 13th general CWL meeting we were fortunate to have Rosanne Sogan, Historian and Mary Helwig-Hall, Diocesan Resolutions Chair present the National Unity and Outreach Project, an initiative designed to support local councils and strengthen connections between three levels of the League. They spearheaded a dis- DON BOSCO Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 30. avgusta 2023 pripevali: $182,052.Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Prebil Peternel Ferk Matkovič Kolenc Horvath Gomboša Zorko Drvarič Grobelnik Annie Olga Karl Marija Marija Meta Anna Slava Edward Franc Viktor September 18, 1999 September 18, 2022 September 21, 1994 September 21, 2019 September 22, 1989 September 22, 2002 September 22, 2020 September 23, 1993 September 23, 2000 September 24, 2018 SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 419 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 17. SEPTEMBER Robert Bellarmino, škof in cerkveni učitelj PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 18. SEPTEMBER Irena, mučenka TOREK - TUESDAY 19. SEPTEMBER Januarij, šk-muč. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 20. SEPTEMBER Andrej Kim in Kor. Muč. † † † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 A.M. Frank Saje Drago Ferk Martina Kolar Leopold Kline Max Pavličič Janez Grebenc, obl. Jože Kobe Jesenski Banket - Fall Banquet NOON † Olga Peternel, obl. † Olga Peternel, obl. † Marija Grebenc 7:00 P.M. Hči Sonja Peternel Družina Peternel Marija Grebenc † Anica doma za duše v vicah † Ivan Doma 7:00 P.M. Majda Lukežič H.K. Društvo sv. Jožefa (5) † Dominik Zorčič, obl. † Mike Daszko † Jožef Kobe 7:00 P.M. Jožica Vegelj z družino Sonja Langenfus Angela Kobe ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 21. SEPTEMBER † Branka Božič Za srečo otrok Matej, apostol-evangelist PETEK - FRIDAY 22. SEPTEMBER Mavricij, mučenec SOBOTA - SATURDAY 23. SEPTEMBER Pij, duhovnik Krištof, mučenec 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24. SEPTEMBER Anton Martin Slomšek, škof 420 | VESTNIK 2023 ------Žena z družino Žena Irena Mož Štefan z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) Hči Marija Grebenc Rozalija Pušič z družino Zgornja dvorana - Upper Hall †† Joe, John in Norma Tompa Za srečno pot Po namenu †† †† †† †† †† 7:00 P.M. Ana Plosinjak Družina Milosavljevič 7:00 P.M. Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš Dragica Đondraš N.N. Franc in Ana Ferenčak 5:30 P.M. Tilka in Anton Vengar Mama Marija in sestra Vida, obl. Barbara, Jože in Marko, obl. Pok. iz družine Hočevar Marija Korošec z družino Jožica Novak z družino Martin Malevič z družino Sestra Stanka Malevič z družino Marija Hočevar Za žive in rajne župljane † Viktor Grobelnik, obl. † Ann Božnar Za bolne in trpeče † Matilda Berkovič † Jože Kobe † Elizabeta Donko 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. John Božnar z družino Slomškovo oltarno društvo Sin Zlatko Berkovič Rozalija Pušič in družina Ignac in Terezija sarjaš z družino † Anica Recek 11:00 A.M. Marija Hočevar