ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2021 Vol. 64, Št. 2: 5–8 The issue of Acta Biologica Slovenica honouring Professor Jože Štirn Številka revije Acta Biologica Slovenica posvečena prof. Jožetu Štirnu Jadran Faganeli Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Fornače 41, 6330 Piran, Slovenia Correspondence: Figure 1: Professor Jože Štirn (1934-2011) Slika 1: Profesor Jože Štirn (1934-2011) This issue of Acta Biologica Slovenica is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jože Štirn, a retired senior scientist at the National Institute of Biology and retired Full Professor at the Univer- sity of Ljubljana, and to honour his contributions to the field of marine phytoplanktology and the broader field of marine ecology. Professor Štirn passed away in August 2021; throughout his career as a researcher, teacher, mentor, colleague, and institute administrator, he greatly influenced the lives of all of those around him. We hope that this volume will serve not only as to honour the memory of Professor Štirn, but also as a way to recognize his major influences and contributions to the fields of coastal marine ecology and related marine pollution. Professor Štirn received his BSc from the University of Ljubljana in 1965, and his Ph.D. from the University of Ljubljana in 1968, both in Biology. Before being awarded his BS, he founded the Centre for Underwater Research and organised in 1960-61 an echoed biological and diving expedition to Ethiopia and Red Sea. Later, he founded the first Slovene Marine Re- 6Acta Biologica Slovenica, 2021, 64 (2), 5–8 search Institution in Portorož. In 1968 he moved to the Department of Benthic Invertebrates at the Smithsonian Institution in Salambo (Tunis) and was an institution-member there until 1970. From that time onward he served as a head of the Marine Biology Station in the frame of the Institute of Biology of the University of Ljubljana. In 1980 he moved to IOC UNESCO as a head/ member of the educational/research missions in Yemen, Cameroun and Aden. Professor Štirn was acting as a professor at the University of Nice in the period from 1988 to 1990 and later as an emeritus at the International University of Marine Studies in Cagne-sur-mer (France). He moved to the University of Sultan Qaboos in Oman in 1990. In Slovenia, he won awards (1972, 2012) for his research prowess and in 1992 he was elected an associate member of the European Academy of Environmental Affairs in Tubingen. Professor Štirn was an internationally recognized scientist in the field of biological oceanography and marine ecology. He published approximately 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. The majority of these papers were published in international journals and proceedings. Professor Štirn was one of the first to extensively study the pelagic system of the northern Adriatic Sea, including basic physical and chemical oceanographic data, markedly influenced by riverine nutrient input, particularly from the Po River. This work later resulted in his Ph.D. thesis published by the Slovene Academy of Science and Arts. Later, he began a complex research project on the biological, physical and chemical aspects of coastal waters in the north- ern Adriatic Sea and particularly in the Gulf of Trieste, including riverine inflows, affected by wastewater pollution. He was one of the Medi- terranean leaders investigating the consequences of anthropogenic eutrophication and chemical pollution of coastal waters, particularly by metals and pesticides. Professor Štirn was interested in just about everything that touched on the impact of marine eutrophication in the Adriatic area. He co-organised and participated in several Trans- Adriatic research expeditions conducted by the Yugoslav RV Andrija Mohorovičić sixty years after the first Austrian-Italian Adriatic expedition. He was known for his innovative experimental approach and design particularly evident in the mesocosmos pollution experiment in the Lagoon of Strunjan. He was not only innovative but also meticulous with regards to his experimental and field endeavour. Due to his relevant scientific publications, UNEP/FAO engaged him to prepare a research project dealing with the ecological consequences of marine pollution in the Medi- terranean Sea. Later, he did similar research in Oman studying biological oceanography and fishery biology of the Arabian Sea mostly in the frame of his Tethys project. A new genus of red algae Stirnia prolifera was dedicated to him. Professor Štirn was not only a good scientist and researcher, but also a teacher and mentor of young scientists. He organised (1971-74) the International Summer School of Marine Ecology in Strunjan sponsored by IOC UNESCO. He taught Ocean- ography, Marine Ecology and Fishery Biology at the University of Ljubljana for many years. His later educational endeavours were in universities in France and Oman. Professor Štirn served on numerous national and international committees, working groups, review panels and workshops over the years. He was a member of the editorial board of the Revue internationale d›océanographie médicale for many years. His passion for science was equal to his enthu- siasm for life. He had a well-known gift for story- telling and his ability to find something humorous in every situation. In describing Professor Štirn, he was a man of many talents: a naturalist, ocean- ographer, limnologist, marine phytoplanktologist and ecologist as well as scuba diver, and he could have been successful in almost any endeavour he undertook. The papers in this special issue were written by his colleagues and former students and cover a wide range of topics, many of which were central to the work he was involved in over his lifetime. The science contained in these papers is a reflection of his scientific legacy especially in the fields of biological oceanography, marine ecology and fishery biology of the northern Adriatic Sea, and in particular related to anthropogenic eutrophication of coastal waters. 7Faganeli: Honouring Professor Štirn Selected bibliography of Professor Štirn Štirn, J., 1961. General report on results of Yugoslav Expedition to Ethiopia and Red Sea. University Haile Selassie Press, Addis Abeba, E2/23, pp. 12-21. Štirn, J., 1968. The pollution of Lake Tunis. Revue internationale d‘océanographie médicale, 19, 99-1056. Štirn, J., 1968. The consequence of increased sea bioproduction caused by organic pollution and the possibilities of the protection. Revue internationale d‘océanographie médicale, 10, 123-129. Štirn, J., Kralj, Z., Richter, M., Valentinčič, T., 1969. Prilog poznavanju jadranskog koraligena. Tha- lassia Jugoslavica, 5, 369-376. Štirn, J., 1969. Pelagial severnega Jadrana: njegove oceanološke razmere, sestav in razpodelitev bio- mase tekom leta 1965 = The north Adriatic pelagial: its oceanological characteristics, structure and distribution of the biomass during the year 1965. Razprave, 12/2, 41-132. Štirn, J., 1969. The distribution of the pelagic organic matter in North Adriatic. Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l›Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 19, 755-758. Štirn, J., 1971. Modifications of some Mediterranean communities due to marine pollution. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 7, 401-413. Štirn, J., 1971. The general planktonological characteristics of the North Adriatic during 1965. Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l›Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 20, 425-426. Štirn, J., 1971. Ecological consequences of marine pollution. Revue internationale d›océanographie médicale, 24, 13-46. Štirn, J., 1972. The general oceanological characteristics of the North Adriatic during 1965. Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l›Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 20, 631-634. Štirn, J., 1973. Plankton biomass of the Mediterranean during late spring 1969. Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l›Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 21, 541-544. Štirn, J., Kubik, L., 1974. Prispevki k poznavanju migracij in obsega populacij sardele in inčuna v Severnem Jadranu = Contributions to the knowledge of migrations and the volume of the pilchard and anchovy populations in the Northern Adriatic. Acta Adriatica, 16, 401-422. Štirn, J., Keržan, I., Kubik, L., 1974. Možnosti za razvoj industrijskih marikultur ob uporabi fertiliza- cije primarnih producentov z organskimi odpadnimi vodami = The possibilities of development of industrial maricultures by using the organic waste waters for the fertilization of primary produ- cers. Acta Adriatica, 16, 423-434. Keržan, I., Lenarčič, M., Štirn, J., 1974. Recycling of organic pollutants in maricultures III : mass- cultures of selected phytoplankters fertilized by sewage and utilization of crops in secondary productivity. Revue internationale d›océanographie médicale, 34, 73-94. Štirn, J., Avčin, A., Ceneclj, J., Dorer, M., Gomišček, S., Kveder, S., Malej, A., 1974. Pollution pro- blems of the Adriatic Sea: an interdisciplinary approach. Revue internationale d›océanographie médicale, 35/36, 21-78. Štirn, J., 1975. Obstacles to adequate treatment due to the presence of biologically active, sewage-borne compounds. In: Pearson, E.A., Frangipane, E.F. (eds.): Marine pollution and marine waste disposal, (Progress in Water Technology). Pergamon, Oxford, New York, pp. 147-153. Štirn, J., 1975. Criteria for marine waste disposal in Yugoslavia. In: Pearson, E.A., Frangipane, E.F. (eds.): Marine pollution and marine waste disposal, (Progress in Water Technology). Pergamon, Oxford, New York, pp. 57-66. Štirn, J., Avčin, A., Keržan, I., Marcotte, B.M., Meith, N., Vrišer, B., Vukovič, A., 1975. Selected biological methods for assessment of marine pollution. In: Pearson, E.A., Frangipane, E.F. (eds.): Marine pollution and marine waste disposal, (Progress in Water Technology). Pergamon, Oxford, New York, pp. 307-327. 8Acta Biologica Slovenica, 2021, 64 (2), 5–8 Matjašič, J., Štirn, J., Avčin, A., Kubik, L., Valentinčič, T., Velkovrh, F., Vukovič, A., 1975. Flora in favna Severnega Jadrana, Prispevek 1 = The flora and fauna of the North Adriatic, Contribution 1. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 54 pp. Kosta, L., Ravnik, V., Byrne, A.R., Štirn, J., Dermelj, M., Stegnar, P., 1978. Some trace elements in the waters, marine organisms and sediments of the Adriatic by neutron activation analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry, 44, 317-332. Malej, A., Avčin, A., Faganeli, J., Fanuko-Kovačić, N., Lenarčič, M., Štirn, J., Vrišer, B., Vukovič, A., 1979. Modifications of an experimentally polluted ecosystem in the Lagoon of Strunjan, North Adriatic. In: 4es journees d’etudes sur les pollutions marines en Mediterranee, Antalya 24-27 Novembre 1978, Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, pp. 423-429. Salihoglu, I., Faganeli, J., Štirn, J., 1980. Chlorinated hydrocarbons (pesticides and PCBs) in some marine organisms and sediments in an experimentally polluted ecosystem in the lagoon of Strunjan (North Adriatic) and its surroundings. Revue internationale d’océanographie médicale, 58, 3-9. Štirn, J., 1981. Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. Part 8: Ecological assessment of pollution effect. FAO Fisheries Technical Reports, 209, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 70 pp. Vučak, Z., Škrivanić, A., Štirn, J., 1982. “Andrija Mohorovičić”: 1974-1976: izvještaj i rezultati ocea- nografskih istraživanja Jadranskog mora = reports and results of the oceanographic investigations in the Adriatic Sea: osnovni fizički, kemijski i biološki podaci = basic physical, chemical and biological data. Hidrografski institut jugoslavenske ratne mornarice, Split, 175 pp. Štirn, J., Edwards, R., Piechura, J., Ghaddaf, M., Mutlaq, F., Sabih, Q., Savich, M., Shaher, S., Zu- bairi, Z., 1985. Oceanographic conditions, pelagic productivity and living resources in the Gulf of Aden. In: IOC/UNESCO workshop on regional co-operation in marine science in the central Indian Ocean and Adjacent Seas and Gulfs, Colombo, 8-13 July 1985, IOC Workshop Report 37 Supplement, Paris, pp. 255-297. Štirn, J., 1988. Eutrophication in the Mediterranen Sea: Scientific background for the Preparation of Guidelines on the Assessment of Receiving Capacity for Eutrophying Substances. UNESCO Report Marine Science, 49, 161-187. Aubert, M., Revillon, P., Štirn, J., Pincemin, J.M., Aubert, J., Fanuko, N., Ogorevc, B., Magazzu, G., Cortese, G., Decembrini, F., Publicano, G., Arena, G., 1989. Mers d›Europe: etudes hydrologiques, chimiques et biologiques. 1er tome, Detroit de Messine. Revue internationale d’océanographie médicale, 95-96, 1-88. Gray, J.S., McIntyre, A.D., Štirn, J., 1992. Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. Part 11, Biological assessment of marine pollution, FAO Fisheries Technical Reports, 324. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 49 pp. Štirn, J., Al-Hashmi, K.A., 1996. Contributions to the knowledge of the biology of the Arabian Abalone Haliotis mariae W. Wood, 1828. Agriculture Science (Oman), 1, 33-40. Štirn, J., Bressan, G., Ghirardelli, L.A., Babbini, L., 2000. Calcareus structures built by the coralline alga Pneophyllum confervicola (Kützing) Chamberlain (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) in a marine cave in the Gulf of Oman. Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia naturalis, 10, 219-226.