Elektrotehniški vestnik 85(5): 248-254, 2018 Original scientific paper On Realization of a New High-Precision and Low-Power CMOS Analog Multiplier Circuit Tohid Aghaei1, Ali Naderi Saatlo*2 1Young researchers and elite club, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran 2Department of Electrical-Electronics EngineeringUrmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran. *corresponding author, E-mail: a.naderi@iaurmia.ac.ir Abstract. This paper proposes a new current-mode four-quadrant analog multiplier in the CMOS technology based on dual translinear loops. Compared with the previous works, this circuit has a simpler structure resulting in a higher frequency response, low-power consumption and low body-effect error. The circuit is thoroughly analyzed in terms of the of body-effect error and its results are presented. In order to verify its performance, the circuit is used in two useful applications: as an amplitude modulator and frequency doubler. The circuit is designed and simulated using HSPICE and 49 parameters (BSIM3v3) inthe 0.18 ^m technology. The simulation results demonstrate the linearity error of 0.76%, THD of 0.92 in 1MHz, -3dB bandwidth of 104MHz and maximum power consumption of 0.18mW. the Monte Carlo analysis is carried out to ensure robustness of the circuit performance against process variations. Keywords: Analog multiplier; current mode; translinear loop; four-quadrant; low power. Zasnova analognega množilnika z visoko natančnostjo in majhno porabo moči v tehnologiji CMOS V članku predstavljamo nov tokovni štirikvadrantni analogni množilnik v tehnologiji CMOS na osnovi dvojnih povratnih vezav. V primerjavi z obstoječimi množilniki ima predlagani množilnik preprostejšo zgradbo, kar ima za posledico višji frekvenčni odziv, majhno porabo moči in manjšo strukturno napako. Delovanje vezja in njegovo zmogljivost smo preverili pri zasnovi amplitudnega modulatorja in frekvenčnega podvajevalnika. Vezje smo zasnovali in simulirali s programskim paketom HSPICE in parametri level 49 (BSIM3v3) v tehnologiji 0.18 ^m. Rezultati simulacij potrjujejo napako linearnosti 0.76 %, 0.92 THD pri 1MHz, pasovno širino 104 MHz in največjo porabo moči 0.18 mW. Z analizo Monte Carlo smo preverili zmogljivost vezja glede na odstopanja v tehnološkem procesu. 1 Introduction The intensive use of analog multipliers as an essential building block of the analog signal system in a multitude of applications, such as modulators, frequency doublers, artificial networks, fuzzy integrated systems, automatic gain controlling [1-4], is the key driving factor for their considerable study and conception. The multiplier provides a product of two continuous signals, such as x and y, yielding an output of z = Kxy, where K is a constant value with a suitable dimension. The linearity, speed, bandwidth and power dissipation are the main goals of the design. At present, the power consumption is a key parameter in designing a high- performance mixed-signal integrated circuit. Some of the multipliers [5-9] are not optimal for the low-voltage and low-power applications. Several techniques for reducing the power consumption in circuits of this type have recently been proposed, they include the floating gate technique [10-12], bulk-driven method [13, 14], subthreshold mode [15, 16], or class-AB mode [17, 18]. However, these analog multiplier circuits have been proposed either in the voltage or current modes. One of the important classes of multipliers which uses current-mode technique is based on the translinear loop (TL) principle [19-21]. TL is a special device arrangement that allows a useful large signal relationship among its currents [19]. Usually, the devices employed in the TL loops can be BJT, MOS transistors or diodes. If diodes are used, usually an extra active circuit is required [21]. The advantage of this circuit is independence of the output current expression on technological parameters and the circuit operation is not affected by temperature variations, ideally. Considering the operation region of the TL transistors, they can be classified in two classes: weak inversion [22-24] and strong inversion [25-29]. For the weak inversion, although it leads to circuits offering a low power dissipation, the bandwidth and dynamic range are limited. For the TL circuits in the strong inversion, the error resulting from the body effect is a serious problem for causing a mismatch in the threshold voltages which in turn, affects the linearity and precision of the circuits. However, in some studies this Received 24 June 2018 Accepted 24 August 2018 ON REALIZATION OF A NEW HIGH-PRECISION AND LOW-POWER CMOS ANALOG MULTIPLIER CIRCUIT 249 effect is properly discussed and a few techniques are proposed [30,31]. Also, some CMOS multiplying circuits are designed using MOS transistors operating in the linear region [31-33]. Several CMOS multiplying circuits are designed using a short-channel MOSFET, but they has not compensate for the error due to the carrier mobility reduction [34-38]. Therefore, the accuracy of these circuits is degraded. In this paper, a new topology of the analog-multiplier circuit based on a translinear loop is presented. Its main advantages are a high-precision performance as well as low power dissipation. In order to verify the efficiency of the performance circuit, the error caused by the body effect is analyzed and then minimized in the simulation results. Moreover, to prove the process and threshold voltage-variation effect on the circuit performance, the Monte-Carlo simulation is adopted. The paper is organized in five sections: The proposed method for implementation of the multiplier circuit as well as the transistor level design are presented in section 2. In section 3, the HSPICE simulation results of the proposed circuit are presented to prove the efficiency of the design. The performance analysis of the circuit is described in section 4. Finally, conclusions are outlined in section 5. 2 CircuitDescription The principle of operation of the proposed multiplier is based on the square-difference algebraic characteristic: transistor.Applying KVL in the first dual translinear loops yields: V +V = V +V r GS i GS 2 r GS 3 GS 4 (4) Assuming that all CMOS transistors operate in the saturation region, using Equation (2) and Equation (3) and considering IDS3 = IDS4= IB , we have: "J1 DS1 ^ V1DS 2 ^DS 3 ^ V1DS 4 "J1 DS1 +*