Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva 70, s. 119 - 148 GDK 304+922.1:(497.12) Prispelo / Received: 18.04.2003 Izvirni strokovni članek Sprejeto / Accepted: 27.05.2003 Original professional paper VARNOST PRI DELU V DRŽAVNIH GOZDOVIH SLOVENIJE LETA 2001 Marjan LIPOGLAVŠEK*, Anton POJE* Izvleček Prispevek obravnava nezgode, ki so se zgodile v letu 2001 v 13 večjih gozdarskih družbah in jih primerja s preteklimi leti. Obravnavane gozdarske družbe opravijo večino dela v državnih gozdovih Slovenije. Ugotovili smo, da se je v letu 2001 ugodno zmanjšalo število nezgod, pogostnost nezgod in število nezgod na obseg proizvodnje. Na žalost pa se je zopet povečala resnost nezgod. Največ nezgod se je zgodilo v ponedeljkih in torkih okoli 9. in 12. ure v mesecih marcu in aprilu, juniju, septembru in oktobru. Večina nezgod se je še vedno zgodila starejšim delavcem. Največja žarišča nezgod še vedno predstavljajo sečnja in spravilo. Med viri nezgod so prevladovali deli dreves in različni predmeti ter tla. Najbolj ogroženi telesni deli so bili: glava, golen, prsti rok, prsi, koleno gleženj in oči. Najpogosteje so se nezgode pojavljale pri redčenju v enoslojnih sestojih debeljaka na terenih z 0-30% naklonom. Do največ nezgod je prihajalo pri izdelavi debla s prostornino 0,3-0,5 m3 iz 0,5-1,5 m3 velikega drevesa po sortimentni metodi. Ključne besede: državni gozd, gozdarska družba, varstvo pri delu, delovna nezgoda, pogostnost, resnost nezgod, žarišča WORK SAFETY IN SLOVENIA'S STATE-OWNED FORESTS IN 2001 Abstract The article discusses the accidents that occurred at workplaces in Slovenia in 13 biggest forestry companies. These companies worked mostly in state-owned forests. Accidents are compared to those from previous years. It was established that in the year 2001 the number of accidents, frequency and the number of accidents per amount of production decreased. On the other hand, an increase of severity was noticed. Most of the accidents happened on Mondays and Tuesdays, around 9 and 12 a.m., in March, April, June, September and October. Mainly elderly workers were involved in the accidents. The focal points of the accidents were still cutting and wood skidding. Main causes for the accidents were parts of trees, some other objects, or the forest ground. Most of the injuries were inflicted to: head, shin, arm fingers, chest, knee, ankle and eyes. The accidents occurred primarily in even-aged (one canopy layers) stands, stands with mature trees, on fields with 0-30% slope by thinning. Handling an assortment method with trunks with volume 0,3-0,5 m3, which are made from trees of 0,5- 1,5 m3 volume, caused most of the accidents. Key words: forestry enterprise, safety at work, work accident, frequency, severity, work conditions * Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire,Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, SVN 120 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 70 VSEBINA CONTENTS 1 UVOD INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 121 2 DOSEDANJE RAZISKAVE PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS.................................................. 121 3 METODA RAZISKAVE RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................ 122 4 REZULTATI RAZISKAVE RESEARCH RESULTS................................................................ 124 5 POVZETEK IN ZAKLJUČEK SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS............................................ 142 6 SUMMARY .................................................................................. 145 7 VIRI REFERENCE ................................................................................ 147