Syphilis and gonorrhoea in Slovenia Epidemiological study THE CURRENT SITUATION_ CONCERNING SYPHILIS AND GONORRHOEA IN SLOVENJA M. Potočnik and M. Barač ABSTRACT The epidemiological situation of syphilis and gonorrhoea in Slovenia in 1994 is the subject-matter of the present paper. During the past twenty years, sypbilis was on a distinctive decline in Slovenia. In 1994, 36 cases of early sypbilis were registered, representing an incidence of 1.82 per 100 000 inbabitants and equaling the situation 12 years ago. A continuous decline in gonorrhoea was also registered, tbe incidence in 1994 being 10.7 per 100 000 inbabitants, but due to known reasons tbis data are not reliable . Since Slovenia borders tbe crisis territories of former Yugoslavia, sexually transmitted diseases demand particular attention of public bealtb autborities and also close cooperation of venereologists from tbe countries of tbe Alps- Danube-Adriatic region. KEY WORDS syphilis, gonorrhoea, epidemiology, Slovenia. INTRODUCTION Slovenia bas very reliable data on formerly venereal and presently termed classic sexually transmitted diseases (STD) (sypbilis, gonorrboea, ulcus molle, lympbogranuloma venereum) since reporting tbem bas been compulsory by law since 1948 (1). Tbe patients are registered and in tbe majority of cases also treated in 9 dermatological outpatient STD clinics tbat cover tbe needs of tbe entire country (population 1 990 623). The data are reported montbly to tbe STD Registry Office at tbe Department of Dermatology of tbe Ljubljana University Medica! Centre wbicb provides a cumulative annual report and analysis. acta de:rriatovenerologica A.P A. Vol 4, 95, No 3 During tbe past 20 years, tbe incidence of classical STD in Slovenia, sypbilis and gonorrhoea, followed tbe trend in western Europe (2). Sypbilis increased in tbe seventies, started to decline toward tbe end of tbe decade and followed sucb a persistent decline tbat in the years 1992 to 1993 only two cases of early sypbilis were registered in tbe entire country, meaning an incidence of 0.10 per 100,000 inbabitants. Surprising were tbe data for 1994 wben 36 cases of early sypbilis were registered in tbe entire country, meaning an incidence of 1.82 per 100 000 inbabitants (1,2,3, 4,5) (Fig. 1). Just like in otber European countries, during tbe second World War and in tbe following peri9d gonorrboea was widely spread in our country. In 141 Syphilis and gono"hoea in S/ovenia the early fifties the disease started to decline. It then began to increase again, reaching its climax in 1975, after that it began to decline steadily (1,2,3,4). Thus the incidence rate in 1994 amounted to 10.7 per 100 000 inhabitants (5) (Fig. 2). ci. o 30 ~--------- ------- - ~ 25 ++---- - -----------------1 ~20 +-+- -- - - --------- - - --< g §15 +-r--- -___,,~--+-',,_,,f---- -- -----< ~ ~10 +--+-----+-+-~---+---------< 1ii C:: Fig. l . Rates of early syphilis in Slovenia, 1951-1994. Both the increase in early syphilis prevalence as well as the decline, in gonorrhoea merit a detailed analysis which will provide the guidelines for an effective repression of these two as well as other STO. 160 ~ --- ----------- ----, 140 +--------+--'c---1---\~-- - --- -i g. 120 +--- ---------------------- - -------< Q. g 100 +------.+-'H------------ -------< o ~ 80 +---- A-+-------------1---------< 8. 60 ++---------- --------- ---------< .!! rl_ 40 +-~-- - ------- ------+--------< 20 +--------------- ---..---i o -4-+++t-+-+++-+-HH-t-++t-+-+++++,H-t-++H-t++++-t-+++t-H-tf 1~1~1m1-1=1_,_,m,=1m1~1=1~1m1m YEARS Fig. 2. Rates of gonorrhoea in Slovenia, 1951-1994. The study includes ali patients with established early syphilis or gonorrhoea who were reported and in most cases also treated at the 9 dermatological outpatient STO clinics in Celje, Nova Gorica, Koper, Kranj, Ljubljana, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Novo mesto and Ravne. Syphilis and gonorrhoea were observed with regard to the stage of disease (syphilis only), geographical region, sex, age, profession and marital status of the patient, whether the patient had recovered from a previous venereal disease, whether the infection occurred under the influence of alcohol, following intercourse with a prostitute, in Slovenia or abroad. 142 RESULTS Early syphilis includes primary, secondary and early Iatent cases. In 1994, 36 cases of early syphilis, which had been on the decline since 1974, were discovered and treated in Slovenia (Tab. 1). Out of the patients with early syphilis, 25 were men (69.4%) and 11 women, (30.6%). 15 patients (41.7%) were married, 19 (52.8%) single and 2 (5.5%) were widowers. Intercourse with a prostitute was the source of infection with syphilis in 3 patients (8.4% ). 2 patients (5,6%) previously had a venereal disease. Under the influence of alcohol, 6 patients (16.7%) had become infected with syphilis. Intercourse with a prostitute was the source of infection in 3 patients (8.4% ). The source of infection was established in 15 patients (41.7%), in 21 (58.3 %) it could not be established. The infection occurred in Slovenia in 25 cases (69.4%) and abroad in 11 cases (30.6%). In 1994, 9 cases of late syphilis (8 cases of latent and 1 case of neurosyphilis) were discovered and treated. Since 1986 no case of juvenile congenital syphilis bas been discovered. The prevalence of gonorrhoea (all forms) is on the decrease since 1975, so that in 1994 only 211 cases were discovered and treated (Tab. 2). 156 of the patients were men (74%) and 55 women (26% ). 59 patients (28%) were married, 122 (57.8%) single, 9 ( 4.3%) divorced and for 21 (9. 9%) no data were available. 29 ( 13. 7%) had previously had a venereal disease. Under the influence of alcohol 21 (9,9) patients had become infected. The intercourse with a prostitute was the source of infection in 8 patients (3.8% ). The source of infection was established in 99 patients ( 46.9% ).The place of infection with gonorrhoea was in Slovenia in 164 cases (77.7% ), in 47 cases (22.3%) the infection occurred abroad. DISCUSSION The highest incidence of syphilis was in the region of Ljubljana, the administrative and industrial centre at international crossroads. It was also high in the industrial region of Celje, whereas in the Koper region with its international seaport, where according to data from literature ( 4) a higher incidence might have been expected, it only amounted to 0.73 per 100,000 inhabitants. The male-female ratio is in accordance with data from literature (5,6,7). No new case of syJ?hilis was registered in the age group up to 15 years, the acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 4, 95; No 3 Syphilis and gonorrhoea in Slovenia Tab. l. Early syphilis - according to geographical regions in 1994 Region Number of cases Celje 8 Nova Gorica o Koper 1 Kranj o Ljubljana 25 Maribor o Murska Sobota o Novo mesto 1 Ravne na Koroškem 1 Slovenia 36 majority of cases were registered in the age group from 30 to 39 years with men prevailing (90% ). 6 patients ( 16.7%) belong to the age group between 15 and 19, and tbis group demands special attention. The majority of early syphilis cases were among industrial workers (39% ). With regard to marital status it was established that most patients with early syphilis were single (52.8% ). The source of infection could only be ascertained · in 41.7%, which is below the percentage quoted by west European authors (7,8). The majority of infections (69.9%) were acquired in Slovenia, similar data are also valid far Switzerland (61 % ) (8,9). Intercourse with a prostitute is presumably the source of infection in 3 patients (8.4%), but these as well as data regarding intoxication with alcohol are unreliable. The number of newly discovered and so far untreated cases of late syphilis is now lower than it used to be in past years. In 1994, 8 cases of latent and one case of neurosyphilis were registered. Most cases were discovered during regular blood donations % 22.2 O.O 2.8 O.O 69.4 o.o o.o 2.8 2.8 100.0 Number of cases/100 000 pop. in the region 3.6 o.o 0.7 o.o 4.2 O.O O.O 0.7 0.7 1.8 and some were revealed during pregnancy screening tests. No case of congenital syphilis was discovered in our country in 1994. The most recent case of juvenile congenital syphilis was discovered in 1986 and a case of late congenital syphilis in 1989. These data are very encouraging since in contrast to the situation in the USA where between 1981 and 1991 congenital syphilis was on the increase ( 10). With regard to the fact that this form of syphilis is often related to drug addiction (2) which is also increasing in our country, serological tests far syphilis should be carried out consequently in pregnant women. Like in Western Europe, the number of gonorrhoea cases, including ali stages and forms of the disease, has been decreasing steadily since 1981 (3,5,6). Thus the incidence in Slovenia decreased from 19.8 per 100.000 inhabitants to 10.7 during the past five years, which means 211 cases. Morbidity was highest in the Ljubljana region (54.4% ). The male female ratio was approximately 3:1, as in ali past years. Tab. 2. Gonorrhoea - according to geographical regions in 1994 Region Number of cases % Number of cases/100 000 pop. in the region Celje 33 15.6 15.0 Nova Gorica 5 2.4 4.8 Koper 4 1.9 2.9 Kranj 7 3.3 3.6 Ljubljana 115 54.4 19.5 Maribor 21 9.9 6.0 Murska Sobota 1 0.5 0.8 Novo mesto 13 6.2 9.8 Ravne na Koroškem 12 5.7 9.8 Slovenia 211 100.0 10.7 acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 4, 95, No 3 143 Syphilis and gonorrhoea in Slovenia The largest number of temale patients was registered and treated in the regions of Celje, Ravne and Ljubljana (34-29% ). The majority of patients were aged between 20 and 29 (50.7%) and between 30 and 39 (27.0% ). 7.6% of patients belong to the age group of 15 to 19, there was no case under the age of 15. Most patients (17.5%) were employed in industry, a relatively high percentage was in transport and catering. '- 57.8% of the patients were single, 13.7% had had a previous venereal disease. 3.8% had become infected during intercourse with a prostitute, but tor one third of all the patients such data are not available. Besides, these data as well as those regarding intoxication are unreliable. The source of infection was established in 46.9% of patients, 22.3% had been infected abroad, mostly in the countries of former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. In Switzerland the percentage of patients who had been infected with gonorrhoea abroad amounts to 37% (9). CONCLUSIONS 1. According to data from our country for the year 1994, syphilis is on the increase again after almost 25 years of decreasing. 2. The higher incidence of infections with syphilis is presumably also the consequence of changed social conditions in the regions of former Yugoslavia and Soviet Union, of poorer living conditions, illegal prostitution and the spread of drug addiction. A possible explanation for the increase of syphilis could be found m Burckhardt's prediction of a higher incidence of this disease around the year 1995 (11). 3. Due to not always exact diagnostic procedures, not strict reporting of cases and the use of antibiotics by population at large, the data regarding the incidence of gonorrhoea are not completely reliable. 4. The present epidemiological situation concerning syphilis and gonorrhoea, as well as the remaining STD, demands the cooperation of all physicians in the country. Since the countries of the Alps-Danube- Adriatic broader area are exposed to the immigration currents from the former Eastern bloc states a close cooperation of corresponding Puhlic Health Authorities should be promoted in order to prevent the spread of STD. REFERENCES l. Pettich J. Spolne bolezni v Sloveniji. Med Razgl 1981; 20: 313-21. 2. Luger A. Epidemiology of bacterial STDs. In: Update in STD. Update Europe, Wien 1994: 8-17. 3. Handsfield HH. 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Schwei. Rundschau Med. (PRAXIS) 1971; 60: 408-11 . AUTHORS' ADDRESSES 144 Marko Potočnik, MD, DMD, dermatovenerologist, Department of dermatology, Clinical Centre 61000 Ljubljana, Zaloška 2, Slovenia Miloš Barač, MD, dermatovenerologist, Department of dermatology, General Hospital 62000 Maribor, Ljubljanska 5, Slovenia acta dermatovenerologica A .P A. Vol 4, 95, No 3