20/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 15. 5. 2011 4.VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA Duhovni poklici 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca http://www.carantha.net/ st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm rrsiMi; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Jezus, dobri pastir Prispodobe nam povedo toliko, kolikor razumemo njihovo sporočilo. Jezus je s primero o dobrem pastirju hotel nakazati svojo skrb in ljubezen do ljudi. Nismo sami in zapuščeni, nismo prepuščeni slepi usodi ali kdo ve čemu. On na nas misli, nas ima rad, nas varuje zla in vodi v življenje. To je mogel povedati tudi drugače. Mogel je suhoparno navesti mnogo učenih besed. Odločil seje za sliko iz življenja. Več pove, vsakomur jej razumljiva in lahko si jo je zapomniti. V zvezi s pastirjem govori Jezus tudi o tatovih in roparjih. Danes bi jih mogli imenovati: nasilje, nesmisel, uničevanje narave, predajanje uživaštvu ... Kjer gospodarijo, puščajo za sabo praznino srca, bivanjski strah in naveličanost. O sebi pravi Jezus, da nam je prinesel življenje, ki naj bi ga imeli v izobilju. Pastir je nekaj drugega, kot so ovce. Niso si ga na nekem sestanku samoupravno izvolile ter si ga postavile za predstavnika in voditelja. Pastir je sicer zaradi ovac, toda svojega poslanstva in oblasti ne prejema od njih. Tako je s pastirji Cerkve. Izbrani so izmed ljudi in za Ljudi, delujejo pa v moči, ki jim je dana od zgoraj, od Kristusa, po tako imenovanem službenem duhovništvu. Nekateri bi ga radi enačili s splošnim duhovni-štvom, ki temelji na krstu. Jezusova prilika o pastirju in ovcah govori drugače. Duhovnik se kot pastir razlikuje od ovac, ne pase jih v svojem imenu, tudi ne v imenu skupnosti, ampak v imenu Dobrega Pastirja. MARINSKI DAN 2011 V nedeljo, 8. maja 2011, smo praznovali dan mater. Slovenska šola, skupaj s plenima skupinama je pripravila bogat kulturni program. 1. Vrtec, prva in druga stopnja slovenske šole: "Moj rdeči avto" - recitacija; Učiteljica: Darlene Kobe 2. Folklorna skupina "SOČA": S plesom nam bo prikazala običaj za "Gregorjevo" iz Poljanske doline v Beli krajini z imenom "Ptičji pir". Voditelji: Mateja Mihelčič, Matej Glavač, David Antolin 3. Vrtec in prva stopnja slovenske šole: »Povej mi pesmico" - recitacija; Učiteljica: Darlene Kobe 4. Druga stopnja slovenske šole: "Mamici" -recitacija; Učiteljica: Darlene Kobe 5. Druga in tretja stopnja slovenske šole: »Hruška debeluška" - recitacija; Učiteljica: Sandy Allen 6. Matjaž Mramor bo zaigral na harmoniko: »Po dekle« - Lojze Slak. Matjaž hodi v tretjo stopnjo slovenske šole. Inštruktor: Vida Godina 7. Četrta, peta, sedma in osma stopnja slovenske šole: "V knjižnici" Učiteljica: Viktorija Andolšek 8. Zbor slovenske šole: Slovenske otroške pesmi. Zborovodja: g. Drago Gačnik 9. Folklorna skupina "VENEC": "Osemca" plesni svatovski prizor iz Sel pri Borovljah na Koroškem. Voditelj: David Antolin V kuhinji in s strežbo so se trudili, da bi čimboljše potešili lakoto navzočih: Ivan Krušič, Milan Ferletič, Anton Marinčič, Joe Andolšek, Mike Allen, Peter Novak, Carl Vegelj In strežniki: Tom in Keven Miklavčič, Erik in Frank Škerl, Frank Mramor, Daniel Miklavčič, so kar najhihtreje vse znesli na mize. Pri baru sta bila Mirko Zorko in Ferenčak Lojze. Tonski mojster in luči: Tony & John Horvat Program je povezovala Mateja Mihelčič. Iskrena zahvala vsem učiteljicam, otrokom, staršem, da so pripravili lepo praznovanje, ostalim pa, da ste se udeležili praznovanja in zopet doživeli nekaj lepega. Še se bo slišala slovenska beseda, pesem in ples to so dokazali mladi, ki so ves program izpeljali v lepi slovenščini. Posebej čestitke plesni skupini Venec, ki je prvič javno nastopila s svojo plesno točko. S- Sunday's Readings y 4th Sunday of Easter First Reading Acts 2:14.36-41 God's promise is offered to all who repent, place their trust in Christ and are baptised. Second Reading 1 Peter 2:20-25 Christ's example of patient suffering gives us the pattern for our own lives. Through his faithfulness, we are healed. Gospel John 10:1-10 Jesus is both the shepherd and the gate - he protects his flock and leads them to life. Illustration In today's parlance, a gatekeeper is not simply a person who tends or guards a gate. The word is also used to refer to someone who controls access to important people or services, gives permissions, or has power over the flow of information. A mother who does not allow her child to go down the chocolate aisle in a supermarket is acting as a gatekeeper. A secretary who decides which calls to put through to the boss is a gatekeeper. In journalism, a gatekeeper is someone who decides which stories will be published, and which ignored. On the internet, search engines such as Google or Yahoo! can be described as gatekeepers - deciding which websites to include or exclude when we seek information. In our own Church, in those countries that have developed effective policies to protect those at risk, every parish has a safeguarding officer to act as a gatekeeper, monitoring who is authorised to work with children and vulnerable adults. So gatekeepers are very influential people or institutions. They affect our lives, make decisions for us; they exercise a role of care, and at times even interfere in our lives and seek to control them. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel, Jesus describes himself in terms of gatekeeping. Firstly he states that he is someone who is known to the gatekeeper, someone who can be trusted. The gatekeeper recognises Jesus and grants him access into the sheepfold -and the sheep recognise his voice, they follow where he leads. Jesus is known and trusted. When this first parable is not understood, Jesus changes tack slightly, this time calling himself the gate, though the description he gives also fits that of a gatekeeper. Jesus acts so as to keep people safe, to give freedom - to allow people to come and go. He enables them to be fed - giving access to pasture - and he gives life to the full. Jesus compares himself to others whose aim is only to exploit and destroy. We are familiar with more popular images associated with Jesus - he is the light, the way, the truth, the good shepherd and so on. But to call him the gate - or the gatekeeper -gives us much to reflect on. This idea powerfully describes Jesus' role of giving access to what nourishes and sustains us, of giving us freedom to explore, and of safeguarding us from all that would exploit or destroy us. He is the gatekeeper who offers us life to the full. Today we are faced with a whole host of people and organisations who would like to be the gatekeepers of our lives - people who want to determine what we should know or not know; who want to decide what we should buy, whom we "I am the gate." should vote for, where we should go on holiday, what values we should live by, what goals we should strive towards. Many competing voices. And, as Jesus warned, there are many who seek entry into our lives who in fact are only in it for themselves, and who, if we follow them, will end up depriving us of life, and peace, and happiness. Jesus invites us to let him be our gatekeeper. He offers us freedom; he offers to nourish, to satisfy our deepest needs, to keep us safe and to give us life to the full. Application Like the sheep in the story, we are called to recognise his voice and to decide to follow where he leads. We learn to recognise his voice through spending time with him - through prayer, through the sacraments, through his word. And we gain the courage and confidence to follow him through our communion with others who also put their trust in him - through our membership of the Church. Jesus warns of the need to be discerning in whom we follow and whom we trust. We can pray to be blessed with good shepherds and trustworthy gatekeepers. But, more than that, Jesus also asks us to follow where he leads. That is, he asks us in turn to be good shepherds who lay our lives down for others, and to be caring gatekeepers - to serve rather than to dominate; to give life, rather than to exploit; to lead others to greater freedom, rather than to diminish them; to give of our time and talents to help people to find genuine fulfilment of their needs, rather than just offer the brush-off of pious platitudes and pat answers. He invites us to be like himself - to be good shepherds and trustworthy gatekeepers to each other. GARAGE SALE - SLOVENSKA ŠOLA ♦ SLOVENSKA ŠOLA bo imela »GARAGE SALE« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate doma kakšne reči (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili vas prosimo, da jih prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom, od 23. do 27. maja od 7:00 do 8:30 zvečer, ko bo ena od učiteljic v šoli, da prevzame vaše prispevke. Hvala za vašo dobro voljo in sodelovanje! ♦ The SLOVENIA SCHOOL will be holding a »GARAGE SALE« on Saturday, May 28 on the church parking lot. Should you have anything that you no longer need and want to get rid of (household items, clothing, books, pictures, chairs, tables, toys, etc.) please do not throw them away. Donate them to our Garage Sale. You can bring your donations to Slovenian School from Monday, May 23rd to Friday, May 27th between 7 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. At least one of the teachers will be in the school each day at that time to accept your donations. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. PRVO OBHAJILO - FIRST COMMUNION V nedeljo, 29. maja, bodo med slovensko sveto mašo otroci prejeli Jezusa pri prvem svetem obhajilu. Če bo vreme lepo, se bomo zbrali, kot vedno, pri kipu Marije pomočnice. Pri maši bo pel župnijski mešani pevski zbor. Naslednjo pripravo bomo imeli v soboto, 21. maja ob 9:30 dopoldne. Otroci se že veselijo tega, za njih, pomembnega življenjskega koraka. Podprimo jih z molitvijo, da bi začetna gorečnost še rasla. VESTNIK 2011 | 161 Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Vaja za zbor bo v četrtek, 19. maja po večerni maši. Pojemo v nedeljo 29. maja, ko bo v župniji slovesnost prvega svetega obhajila. ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation is holding its Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at Rockway Glen Golf Coursewith a shot gun start sharp at 11 AM, followed by the Banquet at Bled, Beamsville. Cost is $125. per person and includes golf, cart, prizes, breakfast: kroffe and coffee and dinner. Applications are in the rack at the back of the Church. Contacts: Karl Ferko: 578-5890 or Teresa Zupancic: 664-6013. Prizes for the prize table are welcomed. We appreciate your support and participation for a good cause! Registration forms at the back of the Church in the rack! DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA_ Lancaster Region of Pennsylvania / Hershey & Bethlehem - Join in the fun with the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph : September 6-9, 2011. Trip highlights include all of the sight seeing attraction, performance of "Joseph"- Millennium Theatre, tours, step on guide & meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, accommodation, motor coach and gratuities. Also one night stay at the new Sands Casino Hotel with $30 free play. Subsidized package per person: $685 (dbl), $655 (tpl). For reservations-minimum deposit of $150. and balance by July 22. Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For further information and reservations contact Jerry Ponik-var @ 333-5813 or Frank Erzar @ 643-0285 . Društvo sv. Jožefa/ Slovenian Society of St. Joseph - vabi vse člane na zaključni družabni večer za to zimsko sezono. Zbrali se bomo v prostorih društva v torek, 17. maja ob sedmih zvečer. Člani odbora bodo poskrbeli, da se bo tudi kaj prigriznilo. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni! KOLEDAR ZA MAJ - JUNIJ 2011_ ❖ 17. maj 2011 - torek: družabni večer v prostorih društva sv. Jožefa - zaključek za člane za leto 2010-11. ❖ 29. maj 2011- Nedelja: Med slovensko sveto mašo bo PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO - FIRST COMMUNION. Poje mešani zbor. ❖ 5. junij 2011 - nedelja: ob 1:00 popoldne bo sv. maša in Telovska procesija na Slovenskem parku. ❖ 11. junij 2011 - sobota ob 11:00 AM maša za vse pokojne na »Gate of Heaven« pokopališču. ❖ 12. junij 2011 - nedelja: Binkošti: ob 1:00 PM bo sv. maša in telovska procesija pri društvu Triglav - London. ❖ 18. junij 2011 - sobota ob 11:00 AM maša za vse pokojne na »Our Lady of the Angels« pokopališču. ❖ 19. junij 2011 - nedelja - Sveta Trojica: ob 9:00 AM bo običajna nedeljska maša in po maši procesija Sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. Ker je to nedeljo tudi »Father's Day« bo sveta maša ob 12:30 PM pri društvu Bled. ❖ 26. junij 2011 - nedelja: SLOVENSKI DAN pri društvu Bled-Beamsville. Ob 11:00 AM bo sv. maša s procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in krvi po maši. Vabljene narodne noše in deklice v belem, da bodo potresale cvetje. Ob 12:30 kosilo in ob 2:00 PM začetek kulturnega programa. V župnijski cerkvi 26. junija NE bo slovenske sv. maše ob 9:30. Sv. maša bo samo ob 11:00 AM v angleškem jeziku. ❖ 3. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 1:00 PM sv. maša v Slovenskem parku. DAROVI_ Za blazine na klopeh so darovali: Jožica Vlašič $50, Jožica Recek $50.Hvala vsem za vaše darove . POKOJNI_ V petek, 13. maja 2011, je v 71. letu starosti nenadoma odšel po večno plačilo naš faran BLAŽ ČULIG. Pokojni bo ležal v Makey Dermody Funeral home v torek popoldne. V torek ob osmih zvečer se bomo v Funeral home zbrali k molitvi za pokoj njegove duše. Pogrebna maša bo v sredo, 18. maja ob 10. dopoldne v naši cerkvi, pogreb pa bo potem na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališču. Iskreno sožalje ženi Olgi in sorodnikom. Pokojnemu Blažu pa večni mir in pokoj in večna luč naj mu sveti. Vsako leto smo v tem času podirali drevesa, letos nismo ničesar našli, pa je mati narava poskrbela in za nas podrla smreko ob cerkvi; in to celo brez večje škode. Toni in Mirko sta tako imela zopet delo pospravljanja in čiščenja. V soboto, 7. maja 2011, je ASIA NEVAEH PRŠA prejela zakrament sv. krsta. Starša deklice sta Steve Dean in Donna Prša. Iskrene čestitke ob krstu otroka. Od 15. 5. 2011 Do 22. 5. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 15. Maj 4.Velikonočna Zofija (Sonja), muč. za žive in rajne župljane f Alex Pučko ff Martin in Terezija Vinčec Maša pri društvu Sava Maša za obletnice porok 9:30 a.m. Družina Pučko 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Olga z družino 12:00 Noon Breslav - Kitchener 2:00 p.m. KATEDRALA HAMILTON Ponedeljek - Monday 16. Maj Janez Nepomuk, du f f f h-m . f Angela Kocmut Steven Booth Marica Krupič Ignac Hozjan 7:00 p.m. Marija in Tone Bukvič Maria Vrbetič Jože Gimpelj z družino Ignac in Marija Korošec Torek - Tuesday 17. Maj Jošt, pušč. f ff f ff Marica Krupič sorodniki Stane Napast Jožica in Jože Gerič 7:00 p.m. Frank in Betty Gimpelj Angela Kobe Tone in Marija Bukvič Sin Joe Gerič Sreda - Wednesday 18. Maj Janez I., papež Blaž Čulig Milan Štefanec Helena Gerič Steve Booth Marija Markeš 10:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša 7:00 p.m. Olga Godina /Montreal/ Hčerka Kathy in Martin Simončič Matilda Bratuž z družino Manja Erzetič z družino četrtek - Thursday 19. Maj Urban I., pp. ff Sidonia in Marija Zrim f Ivan Ray f Jože Kuzmič ff Pokojni farani 7:00 p.m. Mož in družina Marija Glavač Mirko Zorko z družino Toni in Marija Franc Petek - Friday 20. Maj Bernardin, duh. ff Terezija in Ivan Halas ff Stane Kanc in Ivan Mavec f Metod Kuzma ff Jožef in Marija Heric 7:00 p.m. Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Ivan in Mihaela Cimermančič Frank Pavlakovič z družino hčerka Sobota - Saturday 21. Maj Krištof in mehiški mu. ff Francka in Gašper Karlin 8:15 a.m. Jožica Novak z družino f Anna Selšek 5:30 p.m. Mož z družino ff Zofija in Mihael Ferenčak Martin in Regina Nedelko ff Katarina in Martin Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko NEDELJA - SUNDAY 22. Maj 5.Velikonočna Marjeta, redovnica za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Janez in Marija Erzar Družina Erzar f Ivan Dobršek 11:00 a.m.Jože in Marija Magdič Maša pri društvu Triglav 1:00 p.m. Dvorana društva Triglav-London svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.