ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 7 (2014) 141-151 From spanning forests to edge subsets Martin Trinks * Hochschule Mittweida, Faculty Mathematics / Sciences / Computer Science, Technikumplatz 17, 09648 Mittweida, Germany Received 16 September 2011, accepted 13 February 2013, published online 8 April 2013 We give some insight into Tutte's definition of internally and externally active edges for spanning forests. Namely we prove, that every edge subset can be constructed from the edges of exactly one spanning forest by deleting a unique subset of the internally active edges and adding a unique subset of the externally active edges. Keywords: Spanning forests, edge subsets, Tutte polynomial. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C30, 05C31 1 Introduction The Tutte polynomial originally defined by a sum over spanning forests using (the number of) internally and externally active edges [12], can also be given as a sum over edge subsets [14, Equation (9.6.2)]. We show how both representations, as sum over spanning forests and as sum over edge subsets, are directly connected to each other. Namely we prove, that every edge subset can be constructed from the edges of exactly one spanning forest by deleting a unique subset of the internally active edges and adding a unique subset of the externally active edges. While seeking a generalization to matroids we observed that the statement is already given by Bjorner [4, Proposition 7.3.6]. It seems that this result is not well known in graph theory. Hence we state it explicitly in the special case of graphs and verify it graph-theoretically. We apply this in some direct proofs for the equivalence of different representations of the Tutte polynomial, the chromatic polynomial, the reliability polynomial and the weighted graph polynomial. Definition 1.1. A graph G = (V, E) is an ordered pair of a set V, the vertex set, and a multiset E, the edge set, such that the elements of the edge set are one- and two-element subsets of the vertex set, e G (1) U (2) for all e G E. ♦Supported by European Social Fond grant 080940498. E-mail address: (Martin Trinks) Abstract ©® This work is licensed under http://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by/3.0/ 142 ArsMath. Contemp. 7 (2014) 123-140 For a graph G = (V, E), we denote the number of connected components of G by k(G) and refer to G with the edge e e E deleted and with the edge f e (1) U (2) added by G-e and G+f, respectively. Definition 1.2. Let G = (V, E) be a graph and A C E an edge subset of G. A graph G(A) = (V, A) is a spanning subgraph of G. A tree T = (V, A) is a spanning tree of G. A forest F = (V, A) is a spanning forest of G, if k(G) = k(F). The set of spanning trees and the set of spanning forests of the graph G are denoted by T (G) and F (G), respectively. While the term "spanning tree" is unambiguous, the term "spanning forest" is not, because not every spanning subgraph, which is a forest, is a "spanning forest". A spanning forest is the union of spanning trees of each connected component. In the following we consider graphs G = (V, E) with a linear order < on the edge set E. This linear order can be represented by a bijection fi: E ^ {1,..., |E|} for all e, f e E with e < f ^ fi(e) k(F-e+f) = k(F-e) = k(F) - 1. (2.4) Proof. The first part, k(F) = k(F+f) > k(F-e) = k(F) - 1, follows directly from the definition of a spanning forest. The idea to prove the rest, k(F-e+f) = k(F-e), is already used in the case distinction in the proof of Theorem 2.1: The edge f can not reconnect the connected components arising from the deletion of e, because otherwise each of the two edges must be greater than the other. □ 3 Applications of the main theorem As an application of Theorem 2.1 we prove the equivalence of representations using sums over spanning forests/trees (spanning forest/tree representation) and sums over edge subsets (edge subset representation) for the Tutte polynomial, the chromatic polynomial, the reliability polynomial and (a derivation of) the weighted graph polynomial. 3.1 Edge subset representation of the Tutte polynomial The edge subset representation of the Tutte polynomial was first given by Tutte stating the relation to the dichromatic polynomial [13, Equation (21)]. In this article, the dichromatic polynomial is defined by an edge subset representation and it is shown, that it satisfies recurrence relations [13, Equations (18) - (20)] analogous to the recurrence relations satisfied by the Tutte polynomial [12, Equations (18) - (20)]. Theorem 3.1 (Equation (9.6.2) in [14]). Let G = (V, E) be a graph with a linear order < on the edge set E. The Tutte polynomial has the edge subset representation T(G,x,y) = £ (x - l)k(G)(-l)|A' 1 £ (-1)|A= 1 F=(V,AS )eF(G) A'=Af\Ai Ae ÇES(F,G,<) AiÇEi(F,G,<) = £ £ xk(Gl^A">)(-1)|A'|(1 - 1)e(F,G< F=(V,Af )EF(G) A'=Af\Ai AiÇEi(F,G,<) = £ £ xk(GVA', (3.9) ACEi=l where ki(G) denotes the number of connected components including exactly i vertices. Theorem 3.8. Let G = (V, E) be a graph with a linear order < on the edge set E and X = (xi,... ,X'V'). The (derivation of the) weighted graph polynomial U '(a, X, y) has the spanning forest representation U '(a, X, y) = E E n x^(G{A))y' A'(1+ y)e(F'G'<), (3.10) F=(V,Af )£F(G) A=Af\Ai i=l AiCEi(F,G,<) where ki (G) denotes the number of connected components including exactly i vertices. E 150 ArsMath. Contemp. 7 (2014) 123-140 Proof. We start by applying Corollary 2.2 and then sum up the contribution of the externally active edges (as in the proofs above): U '(G,x,y)= £][[ x?(Gva| F =(V,Af )eF(G) A=(Af\Ai)UAe i=1 Ai C Ei(F,G,<) Ae CEe(F,G,<) = E E IIxki(G)y|A|(1+ y)e(F,G,<). □ F=(V,Af )eF(G) A=Af\Ai i= 1 AiCEi(F,G,<) References [1] R. A. Bari, Chromatic polynomials and the internal and external activities of Tutte, in: J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty (eds.), Graph Theory and Related Topics, Academic Press, London, 1979, pp. 41-52, Proceedings of the conference held in honour of Professor W. T. Tutte on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, University of Waterloo, July 5-9, 1977. [2] N. 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