ANNALES 9/'96 original scientific paper UDK 595.384(262 Toskansko otoč.) 595.384(262 otoč. Ronza) DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS AND ECHINODERMS IN INSULAR DETRITIC ENVIRONMENTS: TUSCAN ARCHIPELAGO AND PONTIAN ISLANDS Paola RINELLI B.Sc., marine biologist, Istituto Sperirnentaie Talassografico - CNR , IT-98122 Messina, Spianata S. Rainert 86 dipl. bioi., Istituto Sperimentaie Taiassografico - CNR , ÍT-98122 Messina, Sp!anata S. Raineri 86 Nunziacarla SPANÓ Ph.D., marine biologist, Dipartimento di Biología Animale ecf Ecología Marina, University of Messina, IT-98166 S, Agata, Šalita Sperone 31 dr. biol. znanosti, D !partimento dí Biología Animate ecl Ecología Marina, University of Messina, IT-9816G S. Agata, Salita Sperone 31 ABSTRACT Benthic macrofauna results obtained from soft bottom samplings carried out in the Tuscan Archipelago and at the Pontian Islands, .Mediterranean Sea, during 1988-1991 are reported. A total of 506 detritic stations were sampled, in this paper are reported only the data related to 197 stations, characterized by the presence of decapod crustaceans and echinoderms. 64 are located in the Tuscan Archipelago yielding 20 species of decapod crustaceans and 21 of echinoderms, and 133 in the Pontian, where 32 species for each taxa were collected. The obtained data highlighted, for both faunistic groups, differences in the specific composition of the two archipelagoes. Keywords: detritic environment, decapod crustaceans, Decapoda, echinoderms, Echinoderma.ta KljuLne besede: detritno okolje, raki deseterono2ci, Decapoda, igloko2ci, Echinodermata INTRODUCTION We report on the results obtained from benthic macrofauna, collected in the Tuscan Archipelago and at the Pontian islands, in the years 1988-1991, under the MURST 40% TSM national project: Taphonomy and Sedimentary Processes on the Mediterranean Continen­tal Shelf. The aim of the project is fo study the relation­ships between biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses in biotopes of soft substrata, examined in detail also from the chemical, physical and sedi men to logical point of view (Basso et al, 1990; Corseili & Ciacobbe, 1992; Corselli et al., 1994, 1995; Rinellt & Spano, 1996). The study concerns in particular the detritic biocoe­noses of the circaiittoral zone and the transition areas with adjacent biocoenoses. Given the need to limit as much as possible the number of variables to be consid­ered, these insular environments have been chosen: they are affected by any substantial terrigenous inputs and are characterized by a high hydrodynamism level. This contribution deals only with data relative to de­capod crustaceans and echinoderms: these are generally rarely considered on a bionomic level, but they have al­ready shown to be effective environmental describers in previous studies (Ciacobbe et al., 1996). MATERiALS AN D METHODS Samples of sediment were taken, from on board R/V "Minerva", with a modified Van Veen grab having a sampling capacity of 70 dm3 volume and 0,25 mJ sur­face area. A total of 506 detritic stations, located between the depths of 50 m and 150 m, were sampled during eight océanographie cruises in June and November 1988 and December 1990 in the Tuscan Archipelago (236 sta­tions); June and November 1989, April and November 1991 at the Pontian Islands (270 stations). The sampling areas are shown in figure 1. 73 ANNALES 9/ 96 P. R1NELLI, N. SPANÔ: DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS AND EC H! NO D ER MS IN INSULAR DLTR[T!C . , 73-78 Figure 1: Location of sampling areas. Sl.1: Lokacije vzorčenja. From living macrofauna, obtained by sieving the sediment through a 1 mm mesh screen, the decapod crustaceans (excluding Natantia) and echinoderms were extracted and determined to specific level. RESULTS AN D DISCUSSIO N The results outlined refer altogether to 197 stations. 64 are located in the Tuscan and 133 in the Pontian Ar­chipelago, the only ones characterized by the presence of the two taxa species. With regard to the Tuscan Archipelago (Tab, 1.,) 20 species of decapod crustaceans (11 Brachiura, 8 Anomura, 1 Macrura) and 21 of echinoderms {1 Crinoi- PONTIAN ISLANDS DC-SGCF DC-DE-DL 10% 6% TM, 10% TUSCAN ARCHIPELAGO DC-SGCF DE 19% Figure 2: Percent contribution of the main biocoenotic stocks (DC: Coastal Detritic; DL: Shelf-edge Detritic; DE: Muddy Detritic Bottoms; DC-DL-DE: Mixed biode­tritic bottoms; DC-SCCF: Coastal Detritic-Coarse Sand and Fine Gravel under Bottom Currents transition). SI. 2: Odstotkovni prispevek glavnih biocenotskih pod-lag (DC; obalno peščena; DL: prodnato grebenasta, DE: blatno-peŠčeno dno; DC-DL-DE: mešano biodetritno dno; DC-SGCF: obalno peščeno-grob pesek in fin prod na prehodu pod pridnenimi tokovi). dea, 2 Holothuroidea, 9 Ophiuroidea, 9 Echinoidea) were found, in the Pontian Archipelago (Tab. 2), the number of species was higher: 32 decapod crustaceans (17 Brachiura, 12 Anomura, 3 Macrura) and 32 echino­derms (1 Crinoidea, 2 Holothuroidea, 3 Asteroidea, 12 Ophiuroidea, 14 Echinoidea). The obtained data highlighted, for both faunistic groups, differences in the specific composition of the two archipelagoes. As regards the carcinofauna, the species found in both archipelagoes are only twelve. In particular, 3 species of Ebalia genus (E. cranchi, E. granulosa and E. 74 ANNALES 9/'96 I'.RINBU N. SPANÖ: DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS AND ECHINODERMS IN INSULAR DETRIIIC ..., 73-78 TUSCAN ARCHIPELAGO DC Dt D l OC-DE-DL DC-SGCF CRUSTACEANS smhyncus LSIACH Dorthin us arrosot .HÜKÜST) Aoapa^mts laevts (BELL) Pajjuras prideaw* LEACH Pa^urus enacfior^us RtSSO Pa^urus scuiplimanus LUCAS Gablhea sirigusa (l.) Galathea iquamifwa I EACH Gahilhtia irmmniidia ULLiEBORO Eib»$a mascsrorve (HfRBST) libnNa tulxtrosa {PHNNANTJ Homota barbaU {FAflRlOUS) Uocyrdnus lariquiey (GOR DON• XanJho piiipes A, MtLNE f 0WARQ5 Xaniho sncisus (LEACH) Munndacus couchi (COUCH) Gon^piax rhombmdes (L.) PsHbwQpc (R.OUX] Ewynon«! aspc-ra (PENNANT) Lissa chrrngm EC1 itNODCRMS pbaSanfiwm (), MULLfctfi Mol pädia musculus RISSO Trachylhytfne DU SEN KO REN Ophiamyxa ijenlnßona (LAMARCK} Aniphkrra chiajei FOR&ES Amphiura [iiiformis {O, F, MULlIR] AmphiphpEi* squaroala (DEH.E CHIAjE) Acrocntda brach ia [a MONTAGU Optati * iragiiis {AOlDGAAfiD) Ophiupsila FORßES Ophiocoms fotei {HELLER} Ophigra alb ida TORSES Cid .iris cktoris (U Cetiocidaris macul a A-ACASSiZ EchiiaocyaimispubilktsiO. F-MULlfiR) Spalnngifs purp ureas (O. f. MLH.IHR) SpalAogus !«omits WORTEN St N Echirtoc:ard'ium c:ordalum (PENNANT! Echinocarilium morlenseni THIERV Schizasler ciifkftJfieruü (LAMARCK! ßmsopiis lyrifera (fORßES) Table 1: Faunislic list of collected species: those found only in the Tuscan (not in the Pontian) Archipelago are emphasized in boldface. Tabela l: Favnistični seznam zbranih vrst: (iste, ki so bile najdene samo v Toskanskem otočju; so označene z debelimi črkami. PONTiAN ISLANDS DC DL DC-UE'DL DC-SGCF CRUSTACEANS Axiu« sdrhvncus. LEACH Caifiana^sa suMertanea {MONTAGU) Up«fiebi;i pusiHa (PETAGNA) PaRurísí« eremita (i,} ClibäitaHus erythro pus {lATREill.í;) DmteiWK arrosor (HfjíBSTi Anapagmus fwlilt DECHANCE1 L FOREST Anapa.{L«ru.s fafjvss (BELL) Pafcurus aíatus FA0RÍCIUS PaRLrftfs uricteaux LEACH Paguros bernhardus (i.) Pavuras anachordus R}SSO Pajíuru.! cuanerists BELL Galathea boüvari ZARtOUIEV ALVAREZ Galnt o interim? rlia UKEBORG Ebntia luSjeiosa (PENNANT) Ebalia crancM LEACM EbaUa fcranutosa A. MÜ,NL EDWARDS Ihatta edwardsi COST A Thta scukliata {FAÖKtCäUS) Gathyncctes jonßipcs (RISSO) Liocardmss GORDON Üocatcimjs (Kisillus .siiR0KS üphiopsila annulosa (M. SARS^ Ophioderma lon^icaudufn (RfTZIUS) O«!iiocc?nss l'c>rb«si (HEILER) Onbiurn aibkla f:ÜR8LS Oflarií cidarts {L.) Cwrtcídarís niciodA . AGASSÍZ Spí»3tf0c{i!iUiS ^ranu^aris (LAMARCK) Echinus acutus LAMARCK Psammccbifiiis microbLbcrculaius oLAWvau; Fchinocy<.in-ms pasillo tO. f-MULLKR) jjurpureus (O.F. MULtER) Spaian^i«; inermis MORTENSi^N Hrbinocnfilium cord alum (PENNANT] Echinocardium medilerraneum {FORBES) Schinocar echinofauna, most of the species found in both studied areas are characteristic of biode­tritic bottoms with a rather coarse texture. Differences in the faunistic composition of the two archipelagoes per­tain principally to the classes Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea and Echinoidea. In particular, sea stars were found only in the Pontian Archipelago, where three species were collected: Astropecten avrantiacus, coarse sediment-loving found quite often in the Biocoenosis of Coarse Sand and Fine Gravel under Bottom Currents (SGCF, Péres & Picard, 1964}, but also abundant in North Adriatic mud bottoms, Luidia sarsi, sandy sediment-loving and characteristic species of the Biocoenosis of Shelf-edge Detritic (DL, Péres & Picard, 1964) and fi­nally Echinaster sepositus, which has a wide ecological distribution (Ire), but in any case with affinity to biode­tritic substrates. Among the regular sea urchins, Sphaerechinus granulans and Psammechinus microtu­bercutatus were collected only at the Pontian Islands. The former is coarse sediment-loving and linked to the SGCF biocoenosis, while the latter is characteristic exclusively of the Biocoenosis of Coastal Detritic (DC, Péres & Picard, 1964). Amongst the brittle stars, two species are worth mentioning: Ampbiura securigera, noted only three times in the Mediterranean Sea (Guille, 1972; Zavodnik, 1973; Aibertelit & Cattaneo, 1980) and by at a depth of 70 m at Ventotene and Ophioconis forbesi, present in both archipelagoes, little noted in the Mediterranean and exclusively characteristic of the DC biocoenosis. From a comparison of the detritic biocoenotic stocks of the bottoms examined in the two different archipela­goes (Fig. 2) it is evident that in both cases the highest percentage is made up of DC biocoenosis (45% in the Tuscan and 58% in the Pontian Archipelago). A signifi­cant difference is noted between the two areas studied with regard to biocoenoses of coarser granulometry, principally represented in the Pontian Islands, in particu­lar the DC-SGCF transition shows frequency values of 5% in the Tuscan and of 10% in the Pontian Archipel­ago. On the other hand, biocoenoses characterized by finer texture sediments, Biocoenosis of Shelf-edge Detritic and of the Muddy Detritic Bottoms (DE, Péres & Picard, 1964) are more widespread in the Tuscan Archipelago. Specifically the DE biocoenosis in this area shows percentual values equal to about double those that characterize the Pontian Islands. The DL biocoeno­sis is present in the Tuscan Archipelago with values (19%) which diverge little from those of the Pontian (14%). The percentual incidence of mixed stock DC-DE­DL is comparable in the two archipelagoes. CONCLUSIO N The bionomic analysis of the collected species re­vealed that most of them are consistent with the detritic environments studied, especially with regard to substra­tum affinity. Ultimately the echinoclerms, which are less vagile than decapods, assume a clearer role in terms of bionomic description. In contrast, species from the car­cinofauna supply more detailed information on edaphic factors which characterize various biotopes locally. Based on the critical examination of the collected data, it is worth underlining the necessity to revise some bionomic definitions which to date have been attributed to the echinofauna or carcinofauna. in particular, the rigorous definition of biocoenoses is restricted by inade­quacy of sampling and disperse data, Ceneral conclu­sions have often been wrongly drawn from a few local studies. 76 ANNALES 9/'96 P. RINRI.I, N. SPANÓ; DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS AN D ECHiNODEKMS IN INSULAR DETRITIC ..., 73-?8 " POVZETEK Avtorici poročata o rezultatih vzorčenja bentoške favne na mehkem dnu v Toskanskem in Pontskern otočju v Sredozemskem morju med letoma 1988 in 1991. Vzorčenje je bilo opravljeno na 506 detritnih postajah, v tem delu avtorici navajata podatke le s 197 postaj, značilnih po deseteronožcih in iglokožcih, ki tam živijo. 64 od teh je bilo i/ Toskanskem območju, kjer je bilo zabeleženih 20 vrst deseteronožcev in 21 vrst iglokožcev, 133 pa v Pontskern otočju, kjer je bilo zbranih po 32 vrst za oba taksoria. Zbrani podatki za favnistični skupini kažejo na razlike v specifični sestavi dveh otočij. Kar zadeva rake, je bilo v obeh otočjih najdenih samo 12 vrst. Tri vrste iz rodu Ebaiia (E. cranc R E, granulosa in E. edvvardsi), značilne za peščeno dno, so bile najdene samo v Pontskern otočju, medtem ko je bilo na mešanem dnu DC-DE-DL v Toskanskem otočju najdenih več primerkov vrst Galalhea strigosa in G. squamifera. Kar zadeva iglokožce, je večina vrst, najdenih v obeh preučevanih območjih, značilna za bolj grobo biodetritično dno. 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