85 Hrva{ka / Croatia White Stork Ciconia ciconia Bela {torklja − boj med dvema osebkoma za gnezdi{~e v Osijeku (UTM CR14, V Slavonija, Hrva{ka) na 15 m visokem betonskem dimniku, dne 1.5.2007 On a sunny and warm 1 May 2007 morning, I observed 4 White Storks circling above my backyard in the city of Osijek (UTM CR14, E Slavonia, Croatia). This was not unusual at all, considering that a pair or two of White Storks have for years been regularly nesting in this (western) part of the city (on the chimney of the “Jelenko” Kindergarten and on the platform in the backyard of the house standing in Kolodvorska street No. 16). Sometime later, at around noon, I observed 5 White Storks while circling above my street. I saw them again at 16.00 h and I went with my son to check what was happening. At a distance of about 200 m down the street, there is a chimney approximately 15 meters high on the office building belonging to the Croatian Post. Above this place, a struggle for the potential nesting place was taking place in the air. Of the 6 White Storks, which circled in the air, with their eyes glued on the high concrete chimney as their potential nesting place, 2 landed on the chimney and started a fight that included physical contacts with their beaks and legs. As a result, 1 White Stork was thrown down to the iron ladder, which leads from the ground to the top of the chimney. Apart from the worried partner that landed on the chimney’s margin, all other White Storks watched the struggle from the air, as well as the dark eyes of my son, who was very excited by the closeness of these large beautiful birds. Walking down the street on the following days, I noticed that the chimney was unoccupied. The storks abandoned this place, but were nesting at five other localities in the city of Osijek (a pair in Retfala on the chimney of the kindergarten, a pair on the platform in the backyard of the house in Kolodvorska street, a pair on the inactive industrial chimney in the city centre, a pair on the house chimney in Tvr|a, and one pair on the concrete chimney downtown). Ivan~ica Jur~evi} Agi} & Jakov Agi}, Kozja~ka 88, HR−31000 Osijek, Croatia, e−mail: ivancica.ja@gmail.com Ribji orel Pandion haliaetus Osprey − one individual seen flying on 15 Sep 2003 above the road north of Karin village near Zadar (UTM WJ58, Dalmatia, Croatia) Septembra 2003 sva se avtorja mudila na po~itnicah v naselju Karin pri Zadru. Dne 15.9. sva med vo`njo s severa proti Karinu v zraku opazila ujedo v letu. Bil je ribji orel, ki je v ravni ~rti letel proti jugu in je sicer znan kot redek obiskovalec Dalmacije [Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. − Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministrstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb]. Dejan Bordjan, Notranjski regijski park, Tabor 42, SI−1380 Cerknica, Slovenija, e−mail: dejan.bordjan@notranjski-park.si Ana Vidmar, Polan{kova 8, SI−1000 Ljubljana, ana_vidmar@email.si ^rna ~igra Chidonias niger Black Tern − on 30 Apr 2006, we observed intensely migrating Black Terns in the Neretva delta (UTM YH16, S Dalmatia, Croatia); it was estimated that at least 5,000 of them passed through delta within three hours; among them were also Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava, Sand Martins Riparia riparia, Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica and a few Red-rumped Swallows Hirundo daurica Na poti s {tudentskega biolo{kega tabora Ekosistemi Jadrana 2006 na Pelje{cu smo se 30.4. 2006 Ana Vidmar, Miha Krofel, Nastja Pajk in jaz kljub nenehnemu de`ju odlo~ili za postanek na delti Neretve (UTM YH16, J Dalmacija, Hrva{ka). Na blatnih polojih smo opazovali dva velika {kurha Numenius arquata, pet ~rnih prosenk Pluvialis squatarola, pet spremenljivih prodnikov Calidris alpina, petnajst zelenonogih martincev Tringa nebularia, sedem {koljkaric Haemantopus ostralegus in {tiri polojnike Himantopus himantopus. Med njimi so se sprehajale sive Ardea cinerea in velike bele ~aplje Egretta alba ter {tiri `li~arke Platalea leucorodia. Dvajset kri~avih ~iger Sterna sandvicensis pa je letalo s polojev proti morju lovit hrano. Zanimivo je bilo tudi proti odprtemu morju, kjer smo videli nekaj zimskih zamudnikov: pet belolisk Melanitta fusca, rde~egrlega slapnika Gavia stellata in sedemnajst ~rnovratih ponirkov Podiceps nigricollis. Ves ~as opazovanja smo opazovali ~rne ~igre. [ele ~ez ~as smo opazili, da je ~rnih ~iger zares veliko in da iz megle na morju znova in znova prihajajo nove jate, velike od nekaj deset do nekaj sto osebkov. Jate, ki so bile `e tam, pa so se po~asi odpravljale po toku Neretve navzgor. Ocenjujem, da je v ~asu treh ur delto preletelo vsaj pet tiso~ ~rnih ~iger. Sliko mno`i~ne selitve je dopolnilo ve~ sto rumenih pastiric Motacilla flava in kakih tiso~ lastovk. Med temi so prevladovale kme~ke lastovke Hirundo rustica in breguljke Riparia riparia, mednje se je prime{alo tudi nekaj rde~ih lastovk Hirundo daurica. Dejan Bordjan, Notranjski regijski park, Tabor 42, SI−1380 Cerknica, Slovenija, e−mail: dejan.bordjan@notranjski-park.si Acrocephalus 28 (133): 79−86, 2007