Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? A SYNOPSIS OF STYLOPERLIDAE (INSECTA, PLECOPTERA) WITH DESCRIPTION OF CERCONYCHIA SAPA, A NEW STONEFLY FROM VIETNAM Bill P. Stark 1 and Ignac Sivec 1 Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U.S.A. 39058 E?mail: 2 Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P.O. Box 290, SLO?1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E?mail: isivec@pms? ABSTRACT Cerconychia sapa, spec. nov. is described from adult specimens collected in Vietnam. The species is compared to others in the genus and provisional keys to male Cerconychia Klapαlek and Styloperla Wu are provided. Keywords: Plecoptera, Styloperlidae, Cerconychia, new species INTRODUCTION Styloperlidae, originally proposed as a subfamily of Peltoperlidae (Illies 1966), but later given family status (Uchida & Isobe 1989), currently includes three Cerconychia Klapαlek species and six Styloperla Wu species known from Taiwan, Hainan or mainland China (Uchida & Isobe 1989; Yang & Yang 1990; Yang & Yang 1995). Several species are poorly known, descriptions are generally based on relatively few specimens and several types of Chinese species are lost. A general revision of the family is needed but specimens from the type localities of some Wu (1935; 1962; 1973) species are needed to help resolve questions about their status. METHODS AND MATERIALS The present study is based primarily on a sample of Cerconychia specimens collected in Vietnam by personnel of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto (ROM) and the Museum fόr Naturkunde, Berlin (MNB). Comparative specimens of Styloperla were also examined from material collected in China by the junior author and placed in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana (PMSL), or from specimens made available by the United States National Museum, Washington (USNM). Specimens are deposited in these museums, in the Stark Collection, Clinton (BPS), or in the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi (IEBR) as indicated in the text. Specimens were examined using a Wild M5A stereo microscope equipped with drawing tube. Specimens examined with scanning electron microscopy were dehydrated in ethanol to 100%, placed in hexamethyldisilizane for 1 hour, attached to SEM stubs, coated with gold?palladium and examined with an AMRAY 1800D scanning electron microscope. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cerconychia Klapαlek, 1913 Cerconychia was proposed by Klapαlek (1913) for C. brunnea and C. livida, a closely related pair of Taiwanese species. These remained poorly known until Uchida & Isobe (1989) designated male lectotypes and provided comprehensive redescriptions for both species. Included in the Uchida & Isobe (1989) study was the first nymphal description for a species placed in the Styloperlidae. The genus, as currently defined, is distinguished Illiesia - Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 10 Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? from Styloperla on the basis of a transversely oriented hair brush on male sternum 9, the absence of vaginal sclerites, and a parabolic, lightly sclerotized projection on the apex of male tergum 10. The latter structure is considered a rudimentary epiproct and is flanked basally by a pair of rudimentary hemiterga (Uchida & Isobe 1989). In addition to the Taiwanese species, Yang & Yang (1995) described C. sinensis from a small sample collected at Jianfengling on Hainan Island Cerconychia sapa, sp.n. (Figs. 1-9) Material examined. Holotype S and 15 $, 28 ? paratypes from Vietnam, Loa Cai, Sapa, large waterfall on road from Sapa to Lai Chau, UV light, 8 May 1995, D. Currie, B. Hubley, J. Swann (Royal Ontario Museum 956022), Holotype (ROM), paratypes (BPS, IEBR, PMSL, USNM). Additional paratypes: Vietnam, Loa Cai, ca. 12 km along road from Sapa to Lai Chau, 1950 m, 22° 20' 58.3" N, 103° 46' 15.7" E, Malaise trap, B. Hubley, 1 $ (ROM 992002), (ROM). Vietnam, Cao Bang, Ba Be National Park, jct. road to Ba Be, 19 May 1995, D. Currie, K. Ciruna, J. Whiting, 2 $, 2 ? (ROM 956101), (ROM). Vietnam, Sapa, Fan Si Pang Mt., 1600 m, 22-29 April 1995, light trap, 2 $, 3 ? (MNB). Adult habitus. Biocellate. General color pale yellow brown. Head pale over much of occiput but dusky brown behind eyes and along stem of epicranial suture in fully pigmented individuals; stem and Y-arms of suture dark brown, frons mostly dark brown (Fig. 1). Pronotum dark brown on anterior and posterior margins of disc; disc pale except for dark rugosities which form an irregular mid lateral band (Fig. 1). Legs brown, without banding. Wings transparent, veins brown. Male. Forewing length 12-17 mm. Basal cercal segment swollen in dorsal aspect, terminating in a long, curved, acute process which projects along inner cercal margin (Figs. 2, 6, 7); basal segment and process armed asymmetrically along length with numerous (ca. 15 or more) small spines or enlarged sensilla (Figs. 6-7); second and sometimes third segment armed with an enlarged dorsal spine (Figs. 6-9). Ninth sternum bearing a thick, wide setal brush near anterior margin (Figs. 3-4). Female. Forewing length 20-22 mm. Subgenital plate very slightly produced into a short tab with mesal emargination (Fig. 5). Sternum 9 sparsely setose over Illiesia - central area but with a patch of coarse short setae associated with basomesal fold posterior to gonopore. Intersegmental membrane between sterna 9 and 10 with microtrichia. Vagina a membranous sac, wide at base, narrowly rounded at tip, and lightly coated with pale brown spinulae in the wrinkled chamber. Spermatheca long, slender and bearing several slender accessory glands. Egg. Typical of genus. Ovoid with collar absent and chorion smooth. Nymph. Unknown. Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the type locality near Sapa. Diagnosis. Males of this species are distinct from all known Styloperlidae by virtue of the numerous small spines scattered over the dorsum and margin of the basal cercal segment and process. Females have a slightly produced, emarginate subgenital plate similar to that of other Cerconychia (Uchida & Isobe 1989), but the forewing length is greater than the 9?16 mm composite range given for the Taiwanese species. Cerconychia brunnea Klapαlek and C. livida Klapαlek are known from Taiwan (Uchida & Isobe 1989) and C. sinensis Yang & Yang is known from Hainan (Yang & Yang 1995), thus C. sapa is the first mainland Cerconychia species. The following provisional key, modified from Uchida & Isobe (1989), is offered as an aid for identification of Cerconychia males. Provisional key to Cerconychia males 1. Dorsum of basal cercal segment bearing a patch of at least 10 short thick spines which continue along outer margin of process to apex; known from Vietnam (Fig. 2) …….………………………. C. sapa Dorsum and margin of basal cercal segment and process without clusters of short thick spines ......................................................................... 2 2. Process of basal cercal segment rounded apically and bearing a cluster of terminal spines; known from Hainan .............................................. C. sinensis Process of basal cercal segment acute apically and lacking terminal spine cluster; known from Taiwan ....................................................................... 3 3. Dorsum of basal cercal segment swollen near base of process and with a small constriction at process base ............................................................ C. brunnea Dorsum of basal cercal segment and process without swelling or constriction …… ....... C. livida Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 11 Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? 1 2 3 4 .\;v )7M ¦:k'--: ^.X;1 ¦.' -' }.:-4^--:. -i O1:..¦¦o:>-.;.--^ ¦¦¦:;¦¦¦¦ " ¦'-W-MS Figs. 1?6. Cerconychia sapa structures. 1. Head and pronotum, 2. Male terminalia dorsal, 3. Male terminalia, lateral, 4. Male terminalia, oblique lateral. 5. Female terminalia, ventral. Styloperla Wu, 1935 paratype specimens retained in China were also apparently destroyed, consequently this species is Wu (1935) proposed Styloperla for S. spinicercia but known from the figures and descriptions provided the holotype is missing (Uchida & Isobe 1989) and by Wu (1935, 1938). Chao (1947) added S. inae and S. Illiesia - Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 12 Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? wui from Fujian Province and these were redescribed by Uchida & Isobe (1989). These authors also transferred two species, Cerconychia flectospina (Wu 1962) and Nogiperla obtusispina (Wu 1973) to the genus. Subsequently, Yang & Yang (1990) described S. jiangxiensis. Males of the genus are distinguished from those of Cerconychia by a longitudinally oriented hair brush on sternum 9 and females by the presence of vaginal sclerites. Figs. 6?9. Cerconychia sapa SEM photomicrographs. 6. Male right cercus, dorsobasal aspect, 7. Apex of male cercal process, dorsal (tip broken), 8. Male cercal segments 2?6, dorsal, 9. Male cercal segments 2?3, dorsal. Styloperla jiangxiensis Yang & Yang (Figs. 10?13) Styloperla jiangxiensis Yang & Yang, 1990. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 2:45?46. Material examined. China: Zhejiang, Long Wang Shan, 560 m, 30° 28? N, 119° 22? E, 3 June 1999, I. Sivec, 4 >, 3 + (PMSL). Zhejiang, Long Wang Shan, 600 m, 30° 28? N, 119° 22? E, 3 June 1999, I. Sivec, 2 >, 1 +, 2 exuviae (PMSL). Zhejiang, Long Wang Shan, 700?1000 m, 30° 28? N, 119° 22? E, 4 June 1999, I. Sivec, 3 >, 1 + (PMSL). Adult habitus. Biocellate. General color pale yellow brown. Head pale over much of occiput but stem of epicranial suture dark brown and areas adjacent dusky brown. Dark brown ocellar patch extends to narrow pale M?line and forward of M?line to anterior margins of frons. Pronotum completely margined with an impressed narrow black line and shadowed with dusky brown external to line; median pronotal Illiesia - Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 13 Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? band brown, disk with irregular brown midlateral band and paler rugosities in the anterolateral and posterolateral quadrants. Legs and antennae dark brown. Wings transparent, veins brown. Male. Forewing length 12.5?14 mm. Basal cercal segment swollen and armed near the apical margin with a prominent multispined spur (Figs. 12?13) and a long curved process along the inner cercal margin (Fig. 10); process terminating with a pair of small spines and a pair of ventral, subapical spines (Fig. 11). Cercal segments 2?4 bear small clusters of mid? dorsal spines and long setae (Fig. 12). Aedeagus tongue shaped with a pair of dorsal sclerites bearing irregular striae; venter primarily membranous but with a slender pair of sclerotized bars which connect to the dorsal sclerites and extend from near Figs. 10?13. Styloperla jiangxiensis SEM photomicrographs. 10. Male right cercus, dorsobasal aspect, 11. Apex of male cercal process, dorsal, 12. Male cercal spur and segments 2?4, 13. Male cercal spur and spine of segment 2. midlength to the apex. Apex partially sclerotized and split; each apical flap armed with several rows of minute spines; apex somewhat foot shaped in lateral aspect. Female. Forewing length 16.5?18 mm. Subgenital plate slightly produced into a small mesal tab; vaginal sclerites conspicuous through wall of sternum 8. Sternum 9 bearing weakly sclerotized lateral bars and a membranous mesal area armed with short setae; intersegmental membrane of sterna 9?10 bearing a patch of microtrichia. Egg. Typical of genus. Ovoid with collar absent and chorion smooth. Remarks. Yang & Yang (1990) described this species Illiesia - Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 14 Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? from a single male taken at Jing Gang Shan in Jiangxi near the border with Zhejiang Province. Although the basal cercal spur is shown as somewhat longer in the figure prepared by Yang & Yang (1990) than for our specimens, we are tentatively placing these specimens as S. jiangxiensis on the basis of a similar color pattern, similarly armed apex of the cercal process, similarly shaped aedeagus, and proximity of collection localities. Unfortunately, without access to the holotype we are unable to confirm this placement. The collection made at 600 m on Long Wang Shan includes two exuviae which are similar in size, coloration and body form to the Cerconychia Uvida nymphs described by Uchida & Isobe (1989). However these exuviae have bidentate, carnivorous type laciniae, paraglossae larger than glossae, a much reduced, chloroperlid-like, apical maxillary palpal segment, and spurs rather than trifurcate setae on the tibial apex. The mandibles have four major teeth, a distinct mola, and a ventral row of peg bristles originating near the base of the second tooth and extending almost to the inner margin of the mandible. The mixture of chloroperlid-styloperlid features suggests caution should be used in associating these exuviae with the adult Styloperla specimens collected with them. Styloperla wui Chao Styloperla wui Chao, 1947. Biological Bulletin of Fukien Christian University 5:93-96. Styloperla wui: Uchida & Isobe, 1989 Material examined. China: Fujian Province, Ta Chu Lan, 4500 feet, base of Kuatun Mountain, 16-20 June 1948, J. Fu, 1^, 1? (USNM). Zhejiang Province, Gutien Shan, 400 m, 26° 21' 05" N, 119° 26' 12" E, 7 June 1999, 5 S (PMSL). Remarks. The male of this species was redescribed by Uchida & Isobe (1989) from a pair of specimens collected at Kuatun in Fujian Province. Their description is in agreement with the topotype male in the USNM and with the series of males from Zhejiang Province. Provisional key to Styloperla males 1. Process of basal cercal segment a low rounded knob on inner margin.........................S. obtusispina Illiesia - Inner process of basal cercal segment a long, acute spine ..…………………………………………….. 2 2. Process of basal cercal segment without secondary spines; basal cercal segment without laterally directed spur; known from Hainan ....S. flectospina Process of basal cercal segment with one or more secondary spines; basal cercal segment with a laterally directed spur; known from mainland China .…………………………………………….. 3 3. Apex of cercal process terminating in a pair of small spines giving forked appearance ............... 4 Apex of cercal process terminating in a single spine ....……………………………………… ......... 5 4. Ventrolateral aspect of cercal process with a secondary pair of subapical spines...S. jiangxiensis Ventrolateral aspect of cercal process with a single secondary spine near midlength ................... S. inae 5. Lateral spur of basal cercal segment with two or more teeth ..................... ................................. . S. wui Lateral spur of basal cercal segment a simple, single spine ……………… ................... S. spinicercia ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank B. Hubley of the Royal Ontario Museum, W. Mey of the Museum fόr Naturkunde, and O.S. Flint and N. Adams of the United States National Museum for arranging the loan of material used in this study. REFERENCES Chao, H.F. 1947. Two new species of the genus Styloperla Wu (Perlidae, Plecoptera). Biological Bulletin of Fukien Christian University 5:93?96. Illies, J. 1966. Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera, Tierreich, 82. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin. 632 pp. Klapαlek, F. 1913. Plecoptera II. H. Sauters Formosa? Ausbeute. Supplementa Entomologica 2:112?127. Uchida, S. & Y. Isobe. 1989. Styloperlidae, stat. nov. and Microperlinae, subfam. nov. with a revised system of the family group Systellognatha (Plecoptera). Spixiana 12:145?182. Wu, C.F. 1935. New species of stoneflies from east and south China. Peking Natural History Bulletin 9:227?243. Wu, C.F. 1938. Plecopterorum Sinensium, a monograph of the stoneflies of China (Order Plecoptera). Peking. 210 pp. Wu, C.F. 1962. Results of the zoologico?botanical expedition to southwest China, 1955?1957; Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 15 Stark, B.P. & I. Sivec 2007. A Synopsis of Styloperlidae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with description of Cerconychia sapa, a new stonefly from Vietnam. Illiesia, 3(2):10?16. Available online: http://www2.pms? Plecoptera. Acta Entomologica Sinica Supplement 11:139?153. Wu, C.F. 1973. New species of Chinese stoneflies (order Plecoptera). Acta Entomologica Sinica 16:97?118. Yang, C. & D. Yang. 1990. One new species of the genus Styloperla from Jiangxi (Plecoptera, Styloperlidae). Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 2:45?46. Yang, D. & C. Yang. 1995. Three new species of Plecoptera from Hainan Province. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Pekinensis 21: 223?225. Received 31 May 2007, Accepted 31 May 2007, Published 4 June 2007 Illiesia - Volume 3 – Number 2 – Page 16